#i'm not Team Paris OR Team Menelaus anymore... i'm Team Hector & Andromache <3
godsofhumanity · 4 years
aight so i just finished watching Netflix’s Troy: Fall of a City. once again, i’m here to give y’all my two cents about this absolutely heart-wrenching show. spoilers under the cut!!
OVERVIEW: Troy: Fall of a City is an adaption of Homer’s Iliad, the Greek epic that explores the Trojan War. The series covers Paris’ journey as he decides who is the most beautiful from the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, and then follows his fate to find the most beautiful woman on Earth- Helen.
RATING: 9.5/10. i don’t cry when i watch shows or films, but holy shit.. i was moved to almost tears. honestly really really liked this show, it was well done. 100% recommend to anyone 18+ yrs, because some themes are extremely graphic.
WARNING: this show contains depictions of animal mutilation, infanticide, and just general violence and gore.
- the way most of the characters were portrayed. although the cast wasn’t greek, i still feel like the actors did a marvellous job. it was easy to feel sorry or to hate certain characters.
- storyline flowed really easily. although there were many stories trying to be covered at the same time- Paris, Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Cassandra, Helen, etc., it didn’t feel forced. even someone who didn’t already know the story could watch this show and be like “oh yeah this makes sense”.
- costuming. i’m not sure how accurate it was, but the sets and the costumes looked amazing. the trojan horse in the last episode in particular was a favourite.
- soundtrack. it matched the show perfectly. it was energetic and then melancholic at all the right times.
- even when characters made really tough and heartbreaking decisions (i’m talking about you @ odysseus), you still felt sorry and sympathetic for them. this might just be me, but as someone who loves both Hector and Achilles, i still couldn’t find it in myself to hate either of them, because both sides of the story were really nicely explained- it didn’t feel biased.
- the heartbreak. the scenes where odysseus kills andromache’s son, when achilles kills hector, hector kills patroclus, and paris kills achilles- these scenes were so moving and sickening at the same time- there were so many emotions at once, it really was insane. few shows portray these scenes as well as they were done in this show.
- cassandra. cassandra didn’t have too much screen time in this show, but i really liked how she was portrayed. they didn’t cover apollo’s involvement with cursing her, but it was so sad to see her warning everyone and everyone (except hector) was like “whateva 4eva”.
- Hector naming his son after a child soldier who died.......... Hector you are so good.. we literally did not deserve you
- i think my favourite characters would have to be: Hector, Andromache, Odysseus, Achilles, Pandarus, Priam & Hecuba. 
- portrayal of the gods. for clarity’s sake, they omitted the fact that it was Eris who had begun the battle of the beauties in the first place, and instead made it out to be that Zeus had somehow pitted them against each other so that fate could be fulfilled?? idk. i didn’t like it, it was a little ambiguous.
- going on from the above point, i don’t think any of the gods looked like gods. they looked like regular mortals?? it was kind of a let down.
- Patroclus begging for mercy when Hector killed him???? hello???? he’s a warrior, he should have gone down with dignity.
- related to Patroclus’ death scene- Achilles’ wrath felt unjustified in a way, because Patroclus wore Achilles’ armour, so Hector thought he was killing Achilles. Hector had NO IDEA that it was actually Patroclus, and even when the armour got pulled off he was like “wait what why did u let him do that achilles?” and then Achilles went off the shits about it?? like maybe you should have listened to Patroclus and fought instead of sulking in your tent and then getting angry that your bf was killed by the enemy!!!!!! GRRR!!!! hector ily <3
- i hate helen. this isn’t really something that the show did, i just never liked her and i wanted to say it >:(
- the introduction of the Amazons was a little rushed. they were introduced in the second last episode, and the justification for the Amazonians’ hatred of the Myrmidons was just that Achilles had killed a few of their gals in battle??? that’s literally what happens in a war! people die! idk, it just felt like a poor excuse. also really disliked the Amazon Queen’s haircut. really bad.
- in the beginning episodes, King Priam and Queen Hecuba seem to be at odds with each other over the return of Paris, and they keep talking about how they were cursed by the gods, and that they should forgive themselves or something, but it’s never gone into detail about what exactly it was that they did to get themselves cursed :/
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