#i'm ngl i got emotional writing out the section about guanyu lol. and i will probably remain so until the season is over
roscoehamiltons · 2 days
reverse unpopular opinion: valtteri? (maybe zhou if ur up for it) (( ^∀^)
my beloveds 🫶! i will talk about both bc i love them together, and separately
valtteri has been one of my guys from the beginning and he always will be. maybe it's a little bit of projection on my part lol because my irl temperament is very similar to his i think (for all the yapping and ranting i do on tumblr, i'm very quiet and calm irl lol). but also, i think he's just such a genuinely good, solid man and that's so rare to find. i love that he's become more comfortable and happy with himself and that he's unafraid to be goofy and silly now. i want nothing more than for him to be happy and thriving, no matter if it's in f1 or indycar or cycling or wherever his future lies (although selfishly perhaps, i hope he'll still be in f1)
about guanyu: i think seeing someone of your culture and ethnicity is so important and special for minorities, no matter what industry or medium we are talking about, whether it's in f1 or music or movies or science. but i didn't fully realize how much of an impact it would make on me until guanyu came into the sport, and i'm so glad that it's him representing china. china is not my country in the way it is his, but his culture is my culture. and while my relationship with it has been complicated, seeing it represented by him in such an openly proud (but not obnoxious) way has been so important to me in a way that i can't properly explain in words. guanyu is so important to me. as the end of the season approaches, i keep on thinking about that instagram story that damon hill made: "it's too early to recognize it, but zhou you have left your mark". the one thing i disagree with is that it's too early to recognize it because it has already happened, for me and so many other people. aside from lewis, guanyu's loss from f1 is the one i will feel the most strongly.
send me a topic and i will give my reverse unpopular opinion (aka praise) for it
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