#i'm makin jadzia STACKS
grumpling · 6 months
jadzia flow
trilithium got me moving transwarp, smoking omega particles, doing donuts in subspace
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
wolf 359 was a deal gone bad, broke bitches tried to fuck with my nanoprobe bricks.
took an experimental long-range transporter to pick up some andorian icecutter kush, and now i'm deaf. i don't give a fuck, didn't need to hear the haters anyway
hotboxed a jefferies tube and o'brien wouldn't calm down until i gave him a hit of the shit that killed kahless
blew so much crystalline entity space sherm out the airlock it formed a new gas giant
i'm them. i've always BEEN them. i will continue to BE them. i'm the klingon thempire. i'm a thempath. i'm the themperial guard. i'm a fuckin slug, gender means nothin' to me. if i had a dollar for every time they said i cared about gender, i'd be broke, because i don't give a fuck
had to talk to the ship’s counselor but i wound up selling her cardassian crystal. broke into the holodeck and fucked everything in fairhaven. snorted self-sealing stembolt stims and jacked a runabout. moved benzite bon-bons across the neutral zone until we couldn’t hold all the latinum bricks
filled the transporter buffers with so much strange i couldn’t answer a distress call. my prime directive is pussy
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
this romulan ale got me seein section 31 everywhere
this saurian brandy making me want to eject the warp core
sabred a bottle of henny with a bat'leth and sliced my dick off. told the holodoc it used to be longer and have klingon ridges. now all of ops wants on my hog
we smokin' on that triple-cured tribble nibble. i'm communing with the wormhole aliens just to see tomorrow's quadrotriticale market. we drinkin' up double-decker kobayashi maru klonopin caipirinhas
went to risa and the haters tried to fuck with the weather but i got turnt on samarian sunsets and fucked a tornado. i will FUCKING tuvix your men's rights advocate asses
i hope the tal shi'ar transports into my quarters one night, imma fuck 'em
i had the atmospheric controls make nitrous and the whole bridge is dissociating, thinking the klingons violated the khitomer accords
i'm snorting up pakled percs and can't figure out how to use LCARS anymore
i let myself get abducted into a menagerie just so i could get a fuckin vacation
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
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