#i'm listening to a kaminari playlist while doing this
lovelytarou · 4 years
take my hand — kaminari denki
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— denki takes great pleasure in listening to music on the playlist he made for the two of you. whenever there's music, he doesn't hesitate to ask you for a dance no matter how ridiculous you two looked.
pairing: kaminari denki x reader
tags: friends to lovers, slight soulmates au, just denki and reader goofing off
genre: fluff
word count: 1.0k
a/n: part 4/7 of the event!! i kinda had a hard time thinking abt this, i hope kaminari isn't too ooc here! also not proofread
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being with kaminari denki is electrifying. no pun intended. 
life before you met him was somehow bland, boring and simply lifeless. he's this unstoppable force that burst itself into your life and there was nothing you could do to stop it. it's not like you wanted to, after all everything is fun ever since you met kaminari.
he liked dragging you into his many shenanigans that always gets you two into trouble and always ending up with aizawa glowering down on you two. he even threatened to call your parents at one point but kaminari managed to talk your way out of it. to this day, you still couldn't believe how you both got out of that mess.
he may not be the smartest of the bunch but he sure as hell knew how to make you happy. you swear sometimes you think he's your soulmate. sure, he's probably far from what you imagined what your soulmate would be like but you wouldn't have it any other way. 
he always greets you with a friendly and bright smile when you see each other in public. asks you how you are doing when he notices you alone by yourself and offering you his own company even if it means he's exchanging it for hanging out with his friends. he even introduced you to them and before you knew it, you're part of their rowdy gang that often gets themselves into trouble all the time. 
amidst the craziness and fast paced lifestyle that kaminari is living, sometimes he just likes to chill and hangout. he'd plug in his phone and play the playlist the two of you compiled that is composed of all of the bops that you both loved. most of them were memes but others are just seriously too good not to listen to again. 
“may i have this dance?” he asked in his worst british accent he can muster, hand thrust forward towards you who is currently sitting on the floor as you read a manga. 
“of course, my good sir.” it was like clockwork how you play along with his antics. standing up, you grabbed his hand as he helped you to your feet. 
at first you both swayed side to side softly, hands clasped as you stared at each other with unhidden emotions swirling and encasing both your eyes. then it ended with the two of you just jumping around in your room and singing into your hairbrushes to the top of your lungs. 
“TELL ME WHY!” you sang, hand reaching it to kaminari dramatically.
“AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HEARTACHE!” kaminari supplied, matched with him kneeling on the floor with his other arm clutching his chest as with his eyes closed.
“TELL ME WHY I NEVER WANNA HEAR YOU SAY,” you both looked at each other before singing in unison, “I WANT IT THAT WAAAY”
your jam sessions (as kaminari called it) usually lasts up until midnight and it would end up with the both of you getting noise complaints as many people are already asleep at that time and aren't too happy to hear backstreet boys blasted in the middle of the night. after the loud singing or more like yelling, and jumping around in your room, you'd both pass out asleep and wake up late for your classes. 
this has been a routine for the two of you after a stressful week. he'd visit you at your dorm room, and you'd visit him at his. it's like you can both read each other's thoughts and have telepathic connection. kirishima had called it creepy one day, but you both told him that it's because you're soulmates that's why you understand each other too well. 
it was just a joke to you, but kaminari found himself blushing and stuttering, heart beating wildly whenever he's with you on his end. he liked to believe you are his soulmate, it makes him feel good saying it. 
one hellish week after an exam, kaminari immediately sensed that you'd beaten yourself up with the weeks prior to the dreadful day. he hasn't seen you since and you've been cramming, holing up yourself in your room to study without distractions. that includes him. now that exams are over, he took it upon himself to help his favorite person unwind and make them feel better. 
now here you were, at your favorite restaurant. kaminari can only look at you with a frown as you still haven't touched your food. you stared blankly at your food as you poked it with a fork, seemingly lifeless. you haven't spoken since the two of you got there. 
the restaurant was pretty quiet, save for the music playing in the speakers. that's when kaminari thought of a wicked idea. a mischievous smirk stretched across his face as he looked at you, nudging your foot with his own.
“what?” you mumbled, looking up from your food. 
“may i have the pleasure of dancing with you?” he had a silly smile on his face as he kneeled in front of you. you immediately looked around, afraid that people might took the wrong idea but none of them were looking in your way. 
“come on, i know how much you love this song.” he tempted, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“here? right now?” still unsure, your eyes roamed to and fro around the restaurant. it might be embarrassing but if he's gonna do it with you…
“alright. yes, you may have the honor of dancing with me, mr. kaminari.” you both bowed first before he took you to the center of the restaurant, hand on your waist and the other on your hand. 
you were still a bit hesitant to dance with him in a place like this but soon, you found yourself loosening and swaying along to the beat and before you realized, the two of you are lost in your own world. 
“you are crazy, denki.” you fondly murmured, so only he could hear. 
“for you? yeah, i am.” he coolly retorted, smirking down at you with a smug expression that earned an eye roll from you.
dancing with kaminari in a restaurant full of people ogling the two of you weirdly isn't what you expected you would spend the end of your exams, but then again, with kaminari when did you expect things? he has always proved himself to be full of surprises.
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general taglist: @chibishae34 @heyheysey @bukojuiice
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yourlunarspice · 2 years
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
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ooohhhhhhh, Kiya what have you gotten yourself into? Lolllljkjk 😅. These answers are so long, I'm putting them below the cut. Hopefully you don't mind ^_^!
B. Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
A lot, actually! The most recent one was my story Here For You. The day in question, I'd been feeling really touch-starved and drained and I'm on the other side of the world, so I wasn't with anyone I knew super well. I had a ton of meetings that day and just felt so drained, I ended up having a panic attack completely over text with my boyfriend. A few days later, I wrote that oneshot in only a couple hours. I tweaked some of the dialogue, but all of the texts are directly from our conversation. The only thing I added was the hug at the end because I'd been missing his hugs. It was cathartic, in a way. And people really seem to like it.
I try to take from my personal experiences for scenes for my fics (like the ghost hunting scene in this chapter of Those Damn Flowers), but I think that Quiet Day is the first fic completely, 100% inspired by a personal experience. Every so often, I'll wake up and can't speak. I don't usually want to be around people, I don't even want to listen to music. I'm not energetic like Present Mic usually, but I thought that he was the perfect character to highlight how I was feeling.
D. Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [any fic of your choice]?
I have a lot of albums dedicated to fics, but only two of them are for my own! I made an album for Those Damn Flowers, but I also made one for Tidal Wave! I modified some of the songs by adding voice clips and making them even more true to the story. There was one song where I added one of Kaminari's electricity sound effects at the beginning, then sprinkled in Shinsou saying 'no!' throughout the song, sort of trying to emulate how Shinsou felt at the end of Tidal Wave. I'd share them, but I don't know how to upload .mp3s to Tumblr 😓.
(Because I can't control myself, I took screenshots of the albums I've made inspired by fics. Click for better quality, and I've renamed some of the songs to better fit with the themes)
Violent Delights, Virtuoso, Nyquil™, Those Damn Flowers, and Tidal Wave
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L. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
It really depends. If the fic has a specific day when it needs to be posted, then I'll write it as soon as possible, and reread it almost obsessively until it comes time to post it. If it's something that doesn't have a set posting date, I'll usually just post it as soon as I feel the story is done. I may revise a few things after posting, but not a lot. I do a lot of rereading while I'm writing, so that might play into it as well.
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lukneetoonz · 4 years
From Across The Room
Summary: Shinsou spots you from across the room, and suddenly there’s nothing else he wants more in the world.
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Female Reader
Warnings: Drinking (be responsible pls), mentions of uncomfortable touching situations,
Word Count: 1,698
A/N: This is a special for getting to 100 followers!! Loosely based on the song ‘Dance, Baby!’ By Boy Pablo, ‘Strangers in The Night’ by Frank Sinatra, and ‘Beautiful’ by Bazzi. Tbh at this point I should just make a playlist so you guys could have some bangers. But in all seriousness, thank you all for the love and support lately, it’s meant a lot. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it’s meant. I love you all 🥺👉👈
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Shinsou Hitoshi was not a partier. If it was up to him, he’d be home playing video games, eating chips and drinking a bang energy until he could hear the birds chirp beyond his black out curtains. But here he was, sitting on a couch next to his blonde friend that was practically having sex with a random girl he met with horrible music playing in the background. Drink in hand, Shinsou looked up at the makeshift dance floor only to have his breath taken away by a girl he could swear was an angel on this god forsaken earth. You were dancing with some of your friends, smiling as you tried to sing along to the song the best you could.
As you were blissfully unaware of the lilac colored eyes watching your form in fondness, a man approached you from behind and gripped onto your hips and pulled you into him to dance, the action making Shinsou scowl. What was he thinking? Of course a beautiful girl like you would have many others pining after you, he’s sure you wouldn’t even look in direction. Hell, the only reason people know his name is because he’s friends with Kaminari and Midoryia, and not by choice. Ever since becoming a pro-hero, he decided to take Aizawa’s route and go underground because he could care less about fame and attention, he just cared about helping people.
Shinsou was lost in his thoughts; he didn’t even notice your own look of discomfort as you tried to nudge the guy away unsuccessfully. The indigo haired man only noticed when he heard your soft voice speak up, even if it should have gone unnoticed with the background noise, he noticed. “Let go of me.” Was all you had to say for the young pro hero to stand up and be by your side in an instant. Towering over both you and the Male he raised an eyebrow, “Why are you still here if she said to let go?” His deep voice got your attention and you couldn’t believe your long time crush came to your rescue.
You had gone to UA, but you were in the support course and you still did support hero work, in fact you worked with Kirishima. Kirishima would actually have you help the other pro hero’s a lot too since your quirk came in handy a lot of times; you were able to see anything damaged or weakened just by looking at it. So you could easily tell a person's injuries or see what’s wrong with their costume and fix it faster than anyone. Because of this, you had known Kaminari quite well, since he was a little clumsy sometimes and he needed help to figure out what was wrong with his gadgets and you never hesitated to help, because sometimes shinsou would be there and you’d sneak a peak at him.
That’s why when he was towering over you with such an intimidating look, your whole body froze. Heat rushing to (S/C) cheeks as you couldn’t even force yourself to look away. After years of pining he actually noticed your presence? Shaking your emotions off you focus on the situation before you, subconsciously moving closer to the purple eyed boy. “Man you know how crazy bitches can be! She was grinding on me and then just got all weird, Cmon just walk away and we both avoid trouble” the man's words make you want to vomit as you looked at Shinsou with terrified eyes, which merely confirmed to him what he was already thinking.
Nodding he sighed before grabbing your waist and pulling you away fully from the man and anyone who truly knew Shinsou would say he was practically seething with anger, even if he came off calm and collected. “I’ll only say this one time, ‘man’, so listen good. If I ever catch you touching a woman when she doesn’t want it, I’ll personally break both of your hands in ways you never knew. Now, turn around and go home before I second guess my decision on letting you go.” The man didn’t even reply and just mutely listened to Shinsou so you only assumed there were quirks involved.
Turning, you moved to fully face Shinsou and smiled shyly, avoiding his gaze. “Thank you… Uh for helping me…” A lazy smirk found itself on Shinsou’s face as he shrugged, hand still on your waist. “It was nothing, I see a beautiful woman in danger and I help, it’s what I do.” (E/C) eyes flew up to meet his as your face heated up, “Wh- beautiful? Did you, Shinsou Hitoshi, call me beautiful?” Your knowledge of him seemed to shock him as he raised his eyebrows at you and tilted his head, “You know who I am?” Pulling your lip in between your teeth, you nodded shyly, not even being able to find the right words to answer him.
Shinsou himself gulped as he stared at you, not liking how his eyes drifted to your lips. The beating of his heart was loud in his ears as he thought about how you knew him, yet you still didn’t shy away from his touch. With a quirk that’s been called villainous, Shinsou has been judged most of his life. It didn’t help with his personality being cocky and seemingly self centered, so when you smiled at him while saying his name, it’s like he was housing a butterfly garden in his stomach. “I-I went to UA too… except I was in the support course… but I always admired your determination to be a hero. It’s very reputable.”
Okay now he was just gonna slap himself. You went to UA? How could he have not noticed you!? Yet you noticed him, not only did you notice him but you admired him! A blush spread across his pale skin, as his focus was on you and only you. “What’s your name? I mean, it’s only fair since you know mine” Now your heart beat was rapid as you played with your clothing. “You can call me Y/N…” Y/N… what a beautiful name, and it fit you so well. Replaying it over in his head, he chuckled a little before saying it out loud. “Y/N… I like it.”
If you died in that second, you wouldn’t care. Shinsou Hitoshi, likes your name. Oh god you’re going back to your highschool ways… although highschool you would have probably fainted already or ran away screaming. “I like you too- wait no- I mean I like it too. Not you too!” Shit, you were so weird. He’s gonna hate you and talk about you to Kaminari who’s gonna tell everyone- “Man, and here I wanted to take you out. But I only take out the ones who like me” he smirked smugly, making you choke on air. “Really?” Shinsou chuckled, nodding his head as he traced your jawline with his finger. “Really really.”
“Then boy do I like you , I've liked you since highschool!” Maybe that was too much information, but you wanted- no needed that date. Shinsou smiled softly and blushed, grabbing his phone and opening contacts handing you the device, “Well, I'm gonna need your number then” nodding, you grabbed his phone and put in your information, gulping as you couldn’t believe this was happening. “Y/N C'mon you’re our DD!!” Damn your friends for ruining your moment. Damn them to the seven circles of hell. Honestly, you debated on acting like you didn’t know them but they came and draped themselves onto you, making Shinsou chuckle. “I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
After having to take care of your drunk friends you finally walked into your own place and sighed happily, going and changing into pajamas. As you flopped into your bed, your phone buzzed and you saw an unknown number had texted you and you pulled it up, furrowing your eyebrows as you forgot everything that happened.
Shinsou: ‘Hey, it’s Shinsou :)’
Oh my god. He texted you. He actually wants to know you. Before you could even respond you noticed that he texted you basically right after you left the party, which was hours ago. You ruined everything, he must hate you. How could you have not noticed that he texted? Dragging you out of your thoughts was the buzz of your phone, looking down you saw the miracle of a double text.
Shinsou: ‘I hope this isn’t too weird, but did you get home okay?’
He’s so sweet you might just die. Smiling softly, you let your thumbs move as you typed a response back to the handsome pro hero. You saved his name to a new contact, chuckling at the name as you were unaware of the name he had made yours.
You: ‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t see your text! But yes, I just got home! I had to take care of those toddlers I call friends XD’
On the other side of the phone, the indigo haired boy took a breath of relief seeing you were okay because ‘Angel’ responded to his texts, and didn’t block him for double texting. Shinsou Hitoshi was happy for the first time in a while, hoping that he would be able to keep your presence in his life for a long time to come.
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