#i'm kidding he truly believes social media is another layer of hell in itself
zestials · 3 months
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half baked early morning thoughts : when i say zestial's not a big fan of technology or certain styles , that's true --- in the modern sense & how quickly it's moving. he's like .. eighty or so years behind the mortal realm & as such most of the new(er) sinners are quite hard for him to relate to. ( save for verses where he has a specific reason to look more into it. ) give him another twenty years & he might have a landline ! his voicemail would be a horrific curse placed upon you though lbr but i think the more time that passes & the more advancements made will only further that gap.
someday i will go into detail about how zee probably helped curate a lot of what information's out & about in hell ( pride ring specifically obv. ) all those accounts digitalized had to come from somewhere & he's not above censoring to fit his needs. partly why i have some of his information redacted ( definitely not because i'm still cooking on it & trying to put ideas into words. )
occasionally he'll incorporate new things or styles into his day to day ( i,e. his personal home being a more 1800s style architecture wise vs the 1600s gothic cathedral of his base for business that's more reminiscent of the time period he was alive in. ) he just needs some time to acclimate. this includes clothing , even his hat will be changed out occasionally but the patched one is undeniably his favorite & is repaired rather than replaced. yes. he wears more than a rag & cape. yes. there are still usually ruffles, he's extra.
BUT i do think up till the 1940s/1950s he was more on-top of things , he rather enjoyed alastor's radio show , has a gramophone / record player , knows swing dance , enjoys jazz & ragtime music ( although he'll still often lean towards classical ) , not even totally opposed to a black & white film occasionally ! he's just a little petty & stubborn about moving on so quickly. there needs to be ample time to appreciate it.
wait i had to edit this. zestial pays in cash, checks, secrets, blood or sacrifices. he's like motherfucking ron swanson. this man does not use a credit card. he's probably got buried treasure.
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