#i'm just thinking about the cliched version of a Strong Female Character and how THAT is not my vibe
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atomiqueen · 10 months ago
whenever i try to narrow down my type of muse i come to 3 things:
actually strong female characters (ie: women who are complex and badass in many diverse ways to show that they are, in fact, just people in the end)
nonbinary chaos demons w/ secret hearts of gold
exactly three (3) very gender nonconforming dudes
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vierss-herondale · 10 months ago
Please tell me your favourite thing(s) about Clace! I'm rereading TMI and I just am falling in love with them all over again. I'm at CoFA, they're FINALLY officially together, and their banter is ON POINT (they come by it honestly. Wessa, yk yk.) But YEAH . And also ramble about Sizzy too if you're into it, they're hitting SO hard this time and I'm in love in love in love with them.
Bestie, I don’t even know where to start 😂
The fact that during TMI most of the people saw Clary as this tiny little girl and they underestimated her but Jace realized very quickly how STRONG she really was! Like, he kicks her ass for real during training! He knows she can take it! And she’s the bravest person he knows!
And how everyone sees Jace as this strong warrior but Clary knows the fragility that lays underneath his tough exterior. Most of the people describes Jace as "hot/sexy" but Clary almost always thinks about him as ✨beautiful✨
Don’t even get me started on how Jace lacked love for so long in his life, even thinking that his heart was broken and he was incapable of falling in love… and then he met Clary, someone with such a big heart and with SO MUCH LOVE to give, and then they fell in love! ♥️
It makes me so sad that during TMI Jace had such a low faith in himself because of the way Valentine raised him. That he thought he had to be perfect or the Lightwoods would kick him out. Can you imagine that? Living with such fear of losing the love of the only family you ever know? 🥺🥺 That's why I love the fact that Clary's faith in Jace is so big and it NEVER lacks! And she makes sure he KNOWS it. That he can always count on her and her love for him.
And the fact that even when Jace was taught that love destroys you, he was never afraid of loving Clary! He said that loving her was the best feeling he ever felt. In many other books you see the male protagonist keep the girl away because they are afraid to fall in love but Jace never did that, quite the contrary actually.
I love how they complete each other, and how they helped each other to be better! Jace learned so much from Clary, and became a better version of himself, but Clary also growth so much after meeting him!
I also love how they pick on each other so much! They know how to have fun!
Listen, I know it's SUCH a big cliche and judge me all you want but I LOOOVE how Jace was mean to everyone but Clary lol In my defense I was a teenager when Wattpad was a hit and the bad boy trope was on every story 😂 So yeah, I like that he’s such a sweetheart with her and ONLY her 🫶🏻
How Jace looks at Clary as if she's his personal miracle 🥹♥️
I love that she NEVER slut shamed Jace! I have seen that some part of the fandom judge Jace for sleeping with other girls BEFORE HE MET CLARY. Like bro? It's his body and he was single, I don't see the problem and I love that Clary never judged him for that. She always knew that what they have is different from anything Jace could have had with other girls. I love a secure female character 🫶🏻
Also girl the way he's SO OBSESSED with her! He worships her so hard! I love those kind of male protagonist!!!
There's LOTS of things I love about Clace but I might never finish listing them so let's just cut it here lol
Now about Sizzy... I love that couple because they always seem like such a REAL LIFE couple to me.
Look I'm such a sucker for love at first sight couples like Clace BUT the reason why I love Simon and Izzy is because they are so real about the way their relationship developed.
In real life most people falls in love more than once in life and that's normal and it's okay. You can go through heart break and be hurt but that doesn't mean that you can't fall in love again and it be even MORE stronger than before! Simon represents that so well. He loved Clary so much for many years but then he realized they didn't work like that, and his love transformed into friendship love.
And then he fell in love with Izzy and it was a stronger feeling! This time he knew he belonged with her. That's just like real life is, you can fall in love more than once but it doesn’t mean that your previous love was less valid.
And Izzy is such an amazing character, she was the one that taught teenage me that you can wear makeup, dresses and high hills AND STILL KICK ASSES while doing so!
I think she's such a brave character because she carried the pain of her father's betrayal on her mom for so long... But she overcame it and she was brave enough to open up her heart to Simon. This comes from someone who went through something similar at a similar age and believe me, I KNOW by first hand how brave and strong Izzy had to be to let herself trust someone else with her heart. She’s so special to me.
And she opened her heart to Simon TWICE! They are a couple that went through a LOT and it makes me so happy to know that they are engaged now ♥️
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luesmainblog · 1 year ago
What Made Alice in Wonderland 2010 A Bad Movie, And Why That Made Me Love It. "Alice is such a cliche 'not like other girls' minimum effort feminist idea of a Strong Female Lead." yes, and that makes her relatable to me! for reasons i'm about to get to.... "Corsets were just their versions of bras, they weren't tools of opression, i'm so tired of that trope." you know who really hates restrictive clothing like corsets/back braces, squishing clothes like bras, and texture-changing clothes like stockings? AUTISTIC PEOPLE. from the MOMENT she is introduced, Alice is so visibly autistic it makes me Wiggle. while that may not have been the intention, the character becomes infiniately more likable once you assume that. infact, it heightens the message of the movie; "you're mad, but all the best people are." "Alice looks bored the whole time, and there's basically no tone to her voice." that's the autism, babey!! but also, that's not true. Alice's "bored" expression tends to be when she's uncomfortable, upset, or otherwise not overcome with emotion. she spends most of the movie looking like that.... because she spends most of the movie upset, uncomfortable, and in a position where she can't emotionally connect because she's pretty sure this is just a dream. but when she's happy? she's got a smile that absolutely lights up the room. watch her when she's talking about how her father used to believe 6 impossible things before breakfast; she is beaming. and look at her when she's confused: brows furrowed, staring at people, looking around her to understand wtf is going on. how is that "bored"? her physical stiffness is an extension of this; autistic people can often struggle to express themselves in "readable" ways, and when you've been brought up in a very Proper society that demands you think about your every move, you tend to develop a lack of expression whether you want to or not because you get in trouble less when you're not emoting. part of emoting is how you move your body, and so we often end up just. not? not in the smooth, unpuppetted way the rest of you do. autism can also just make it Harder To Move Your Body or feel it as a part of yourself rather than an annoying thing that you're responsible for. "if it's all real, why all the parallels that seem like they'd work their way into her fantasy?" because it is a fictional story and writers enjoy having parallels. "why does everyone just Follow the Prophecy? why don't they change it?" exactly!! why?? paying attention to the Culture of underland and how it's effected by the calender thingy is part of the fun! gaining an understanding that they all fully, TRULY believe in that thing can help to explain some of the seeming madness. "why does the mad hatter keep switching accents?" pay attention to how he acts with those accents. the voice, the disposition, what he focuses on, they ALL change. this man is plural. and he doesn't like it in here; it's awfully crowded. "it's supposed to be a childish fantasy, not a war movie!" the core of Alice in Wonderland is the experience of what it's LIKE to be a child. nothing makes sense, but you have to go along with it anyways. now we're a young adult; very little makes sense, but you have to go along with it, and if you don't then you're not ~meeting your potential~ and bad things will happen Because You Didn't Listen. this is still, at its core, alice's experience in the real world made fantastical and amped up to 11. "how does she STILL think it's a dream?" first of all, she is coping. second of all, because NOTHING THAT'S HAPPENING FITS IN TO HER WORLDVIEW OF HOW ANYTHING WORKS IN REALITY. plus, honestly? i get the feeling she comes to view this experience as a way to work through her personal issues. and it's easier to do that if she can tell herself it's just a dream. "Underland??" yup! makes sense to me; the child didn't quite understand what she was told about this place. it's a place Under the real world. everything checks out!
I just watched the Alice in Wonderland live action movie (the 2010 one) because I remember watching it when I was younger and it was a very important memory to me, so I looked for it and rewatched it
But apparently it's very hated??? And bad?? Why? I was looking for some reasons in Google and most of the stuff I saw could he easily disproven, at least from this one specific thing I found (I haven't been looking that much but the reasons seem pretty stupid ngl)
Can someone give me good reasons why it's bad?? Without the whole "Alice looks bored the entire time besides the scene where she was falling down a hole" she thought she was dreaming so I can understand that one
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bebx · 4 years ago
The way they were so vague abt Slyvie's background not mentioning Thor, Frigga or even Laufey ((bc we weren't supposed to notice the paper)) says so much that S*lki were meant to be the romantic couple -bc of homophobes- and maybe ep2 lokius flirting wasn't scripted and might've just been Wilson+Hiddles chemistry PLS SAY I'M WRONG T.T
(2/2) ... “P.S. i think Slyvie's background wasn't explored bc then it will be like explicitly saying Slyvie is also Loki -like, PPL WUD ACTUALLY KNOW- and I think they wanted to show them as seperate beings for romance purposes ... hope I'm not confusing”
^^^ I suppose you’re the same anon who sent me this second ask as well? My apologies if I’m wrong. Anyway I’m gonna put these two asks together.
So my answer and my thoughts on the subject: I think there was a severe lack of communication going on in the Loki production as a whole. The director once said Loki and Sylvie’s relationship wasn’t necessary romantic, and the writer said it was a ‘love story’ while the composer who wrote the show’s soundtracks said Loki looked at Sylvie the way he looked at his mother (????)
The entire team, even the characters in the show, kept switching back and forth between saying she’s a Loki and saying she’s not a Loki (????) so it appeared Sylvie is a Loki while it’s convenient for the scene, and is not when it’s not convenient (???) I don’t even know if it makes sense but…. Yeah.
I think the fact they showed Sylvie’s childhood, when she was taken from Asgard, was also enough let the audience know she’s Loki? How Sylvie told Loki they were ‘the same’ and how He Who Remains called them ‘Loki and Loki’
Also how Marvel promoted these ‘self-love’ (?????)
My opinion, I don’t think they were being subtle at all about her being Loki.
People know they’re the same person, and Marvel had no problem letting the audience know, either.
That being said, I don’t ship them. Like. At. All. And it’s not because I ship Lokius but because
1. Sylvie is such a strong, independent character. Making her Loki’s ‘love interest’ kind of took away all of that and it kind of make the majority of the audience see her as just ‘another version of Loki that Loki fell in love with’ I think she deserved better.
2. Falling romantically in love with yourself is not — and will never be — self-love. I don’t want to sound rude, but sometimes I doubt the people behind Loki even know what the meanings of self-love and self-acceptance are, but they definitely aren’t kissing yourself.
3. They said ‘falling for himself is in character for Loki’ I disagree. Loki hates himself. He has so many issues that I believe the person who hates Loki the most, is Loki.
You wanna know which character would fall for themselves without it being out of character at all? DCEU Joker. I know they’re under different studios, but since I’m a fan of both the Joker and Loki, I’d say if I were to see a character make out with themselves, I’d expect that to be the Clown Prince of Crime since he’s already so self-obsessed. But Loki? Nah
4. The way Marvel represented Loki and Sylvie’s relationship are, in my opinion, inaccurate and harmful to genderfluid people. Because one of the stereotypical misconceptions about genderfluid people is that they ‘can only date themselves because they’re freaks’ which is inaccurate and harmful.
I also strongly disagree with Loki’s ‘have you met the female variant of us’ line. Like… tf are you talking about ‘female version’ ????? you’re genderfluid, Sylvie is genderfluid.
5. I strongly believe keeping Loki and Sylvie’s relationship platonic (instead of cliche love story but made it weirder because they’re the same person) would’ve been more meaningful and powerful
However, with the strong backlash they’re getting, about the Loki and Sylvie’s relationship, from the majority of the audience, I don’t think Marvel will still continue with this route in their future projects anymore.
Anyway….. talking about Loki and Mobius’s relationship, be it platonic or romantic, it’s the only thing I truly enjoyed about the show.
Tom recently said in an interview that about 95% of his ideas weren’t in the series at all, and only about 5% made it to the show. I don’t know if those ideas of his that we ended up seeing are the Loki and Mobius’s interactions, but nonetheless, it’s a shame how they barely listened to him at all. I mean he IS Loki. He’s played him for more than a decade. He knows him better than the rest.
I hope they listen — actually listen — to him in the second season. And I hope they fix these whole mess, too.
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luanna801 · 4 years ago
Your favorite story with a full-blown Downer Ending?
This is actually pretty easy for me, because a lot of stories I love are full-blown tragedies. The most obvious place to start is probably Shakespeare's tragedies, of which my absolute favorite is probably Hamlet. And that's such a cliche answer, I'm tempted to say something else, but I think it's also the honest one. I love the writing, the drama and the themes about family and revenge and loyalty, but most of all I think it just really resonates with me as someone who's struggled with depression.
I'm also a big fan of King Lear (the play that made me originally fall in love with Shakespeare!), Othello, and Romeo & Juliet. And I have to give a particular shout-out to the 1968 movie of R&J, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Everything about it is stunningly perfect to me, from the actors (both leads are perfectly cast for their roles and the supporting cast is great too), the incredible score, the gorgeous (and, overall, quite historically accurate!) costumes. Literally my only complaint is that they had to cut a bunch of stuff from the play to fit the movie runtime, and I'd have happily sat through another hour.
On a related note, I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that I also love Marlowe's tragedies, particularly Doctor Faustus and Edward II. Marlowe's writing has a sharpness and power (and at times, a poetic beauty) that's unique from Shakespeare's, and I love his use of language and the pathos of his lead characters. Faustus has an incredibly complex and compelling dynamic between Faustus and Mephistopheles, and the themes about what it means to be damned and how you can be the agent of your own damnation are really interesting. Edward II is much more political, and I think Marlowe does a great job of balancing Edward's failings as a king (and a person) with his sympathetic qualities and his love for Gaveston.
I haven't read a lot of Greek tragedy, though I def. want to read more someday, but my favorite is probably Antigone. I remember reading it as a teenager and being blown away by what a strong and unique character Antigone is, especially for a female character written in that era. It's rare to see a woman portrayed as so devout and virtuous and yet also so strong and stubborn (to a flaw, really - the woman cannot back down or give a single inch, come hell or high water), and not see her be demonized or condemned for any of it.
Going a little more modern, two of my all-time favorite books are Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray, both of which end pretty dang horribly for almost everyone involved, but good lord is it a deep and satisfying and gorgeously written road to get there, in both cases. I genuinely think Frankenstein's Creature is one of the most interesting and compellingly written characters of all time, and it's a dang shame that adaptations so often take away his intelligence and complexity. And I think in both of these books, the supernatural/sci-fi elements and the Gothic drama are used in a great way to explore these questions about humanity and morality.
Depending on how you read it, I think The Godfather also qualifies here. Unlike the main characters of literally every other work I just mentioned (spoilers?), Michael Corleone is still very much alive at the end of the first movie, and for that matter the second we don't talk about the third. But I think seeing him go from a sweet and idealistic young man, to sinking deeper and deeper into the world of the mob and becoming the worst version of himself, reads to me like the arc of a modern-day tragic hero. He might be left standing at the end, but at what cost?
Then there's also the fact that I love historical fiction, and many times those are based on the stories of real people whose lives ended tragically. You could definitely mention Marlowe's Edward II in that category too, as well as a number of Shakespeare's history plays (though neither Marlowe nor Shakespeare was ever that concerned with historical accuracy). But again, going for something more recent, two of my favorite movies are Anne of the Thousand Days (1969), which tells the story of Anne Boleyn's rise to power, downfall, and eventual beheading, and Wilde (1997), which ends with Oscar Wilde's imprisonment and his life basically being destroyed by his conviction for "gross indecency".
I think there's definitely a certain fascination with tragic historical figures, and what their stories tell us about the ways society failed them, and thinking about the missed potential if they'd lived longer. But I think in the best tellings of those stories, the ones that really honor those people, it's about more than defining them by the way their lives ended. You have to remember their strengths and their joys and their triumphs and loves and everything that made them human, and not just portray them as walking tragedies or cautionary tales.
I think in all of these stories, they might end badly, but that doesn't make them joyless to read or watch. Because there's so much beauty and complexity along the way, and in some cases incredible joy before the tragedy, too. One of the things I love about the '68 Romeo & Juliet is that despite it being a tragedy, the early scenes are so dang JOYFUL. There's this scene I wish I could link, but I don't think anyone's posted it online yet, where after the balcony scene Romeo just runs off whooping and giggling in pure joy, like the smitten teenager he is, while there's this gorgeous swelling music and the Italian sunrise in the background, and it's honestly one of the most pure, exuberant, uplifting scenes you'll ever watch.
I've said this before, but it's also VITAL in a tragedy that the ending makes sense for the story and the themes, and isn't just being a downer for its own sake. I think in all of the examples I mentioned, the ending feels like the inevitable conclusion of everything that came before it, and that makes it satisfying to watch even though you might feel for the characters and wish things could have gone better for them. There really is a unique catharsis to watching an ending like that.
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fandomblr · 4 years ago
Love this asks and Iove hearing about your stories and OCs let's see: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 I'm still thinking about mine because I really want your opinion on them
Omg thank you so much, and yes, please do take your time! I’ve been writing this OC for eight years so these questions are easy for me to answer, but please take your time!
Alright so today I’m gonna focus on one of the main characters in the novel that I am trying to publish, her name is Florencia Coronado Quijano and in the first novel I’m writing rn she is a seventeen-year-old first gen Mexican-American immigrant, she’s also demi-bisexual and a demigirl. Just for reference, here are some piccrews I made of her (the first one is by far the most accurate):
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1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Her appearance for sure. I always knew I wanted a strong main female character that defied the ‘dumb curvy blonde girl’ stereotype, and although Florencia isn’t 100% a blonde (she has natural blonde streaks on her dark brown wavy/curly hair) she is still heavily stereotyped as a Latina so I wanted to mess with that ‘angry loud Latina’ cliche. Although originally I wrote her as a white girl, (13 year old Adrián was white-washed and so were his OCs), later I realized that she is a Latina at heart and since I’m Mexican, so is she so she’s an outlet for me to express my culture as a Mexican American.
3. How did you choose their name?
Whitewashed Florencia’s name was Florence, so I just added a bit of ✨Hispanic spice✨ to it. The name in itself was just totally random, but looking back at it I think Florencia really suits her as a name, especially how she uses Flor as a nickname.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color? 
So glad you asked, yes! So she is actually mixed, her mother was an indigenous Mexican woman, but her father is Lugh, Irish god of arts and crafts and a solar warrior god. She gets much of her prowess as a warrior from her half-blood status, which technically makes her a demigod. She takes after her mother in terms of physical appearance (brown skin, dark hair save her blonde streaks that she gets from Lugh, dark eyes), but the blonde in her hair is reminiscent of Lugh’s golden hair since he is a sun god.
7. Is there any significance behind their height? 
Uh, she’s 5’1 and I’m 5’2 but uh... short queen representation for all my fellow smol Latinx people out there???? Other than that, I’m afraid not.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way? 
Back when I wrote her no, she was not intended to be like me. But looking back at it she definitely is an idealized version of who I wanted to be as a Latinx femme. She is feminine and even androgynous sometimes but not afraid to let that define her and doesn’t let her weight (she’s plus-size and considered fat by most thin people) define her either. She can and will kick your ass in battle, has an incredible Mexicanized sense of humor, and is loyal to a fault and would happily die for any of her friends. She was everything I wanted to be back then, and even now that I know I’m a guy I still want to have her bravery, her strength, her valor, her loyalty, and her fearlessness. I think she is the positive Latina rep that I always internally craved when I thought I was a Latina (spoiler alert: I never was because I was never female, never a woman, even if I presented femme.)
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
Yes and no. When 13 year old Adrián wrote her she was a cishet white woman, but looking back at it she has always been inherently queer, especially with her relationship with Jin (another female OC who is a lesbian) and how she has a massive crush on her in most of the first draft of my book.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
The furthest I go is in my short story Under the Same Stars that I turned in for my creative writing workshop class, and she is 13 in that story but there are flashbacks that go back to her earlier childhood.
15. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh? 
She uses Mexican slang constantly so if you’re Mexican the book is guaranteed to at the very least make you smile, and the very most make you crack up. She’s also really humorous in English too.
16. What is something about your OC that can make you cry? 
When she emigrated to the US she was sent to an ICE concentration camp and was separated from her legal guardian (her uncle who died by the time she was released) that’s the whole story in Under the Same Stars (if anyone wants to read it let me know and I’ll DM it and maybe even post it on here) and I got a B+ for the final story cause my professor may or may not have been lowkey racist but hey, I live in Texas so nothing new here :))))
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sammysdewysensitiveeyes · 4 years ago
You said it better than me but i'm not very good in english sooo 😂
The thing is whatever if people like them or not, the others books are more balanced between the characters while Marauders is just about Emma and Kate doing all the stuff. Clearly, this book isn't a team book, something we all expect it to be. So of course, we still want to see development for all of the characters instead of just two of them.
I agree with what you say but again i don't have yet the right words to express clearly what i think about Marauders. I am a feminist since so many years and love studying shows and books. But here, with this book, i just see an intend of being feminist without understanding it as if they just read what twitter was saying about it without making proper research. As much as i love Emma, i just lost interest in this book because it's clearly some white feminism which i dislike since it excludes, like you said, others representations and females characters who aren't whites.
Since so many years, we see all of these strong females characters like Alice in Resident Evil or, like you said, Captain Marvel, having the same badass side than the males characters of the 90's. The women are the new terminator, the new rambo, the new Chuck Norris. I'm joking but clearly these characters were a very sexy version of masculinity women were supposed to love and men dream to be. And you know, it's how i see Emma and Kate as the Alice of the new books of Xmen. The thing is clearly, like in these movies, they don't give a frak of the others characters who are all reacting in depend of the main characters. So we're lucky if they focus on them, if they give them the spotlight, if they give them the same interest than the favorites or the main characters.
You said it soooo many times. Marauders was a chance for them to explore Pyro, his sexuality (i always thought he was bi but it's just an opinion), the abuse everyone can experience and not just females characters. To me, Marauders use the cliches we know about the women experiences, cliches who are unfortunatly true like being abused. But it doesn't even do a good job to explore it. Idk how to say it, to me, they are just used to say "look we are modern, read us" especially because, again in my opinion, they don't explore it, they just use it.
I love the others books, i love mystique and will continue to read these others books but marauders lost me because duggan doesn't seems to love all of its characters. It's a great elogy for Emma and Kate, sure..but in my opinion, being badass doesn't mean being violent and being proud of it, see? To me, being badass is being determinated,to learn from our mistakes and to do better while being cool.
Again, you explain it better than me!! Really so i let you ranting about Marauders. Just want to say i agree with you. I wish to see Iceman grieving Kate, having a scene with Pyro where he would talk about her, i wish we would had a scene between Shinobi and Christian (with a new haircut, please) where they would talked about their past and see they can be happy and that they have the right to be happy. I wish to see Emma failing to come back stronger, i wish to see a scene when Kate talks with Bishop about the way humans treat them and the way they still want to help whatever happens. Of course, i would had love to see more of Storm and Pyro working together.
I'm now in a point when i'm waiting for pyro and iceman to leave the marauders and to get their own adventures. But well, i can dream.
Thank you for your answer and thank you for putting words where i can't 🙈
Thank you for the kind words, friend, and I'm glad I'm not alone in my frustration.
Honestly, they should have been honest from the start and called this "The Adventures of Emma and Kate on the High Seas." I'd actually be less annoyed because at least I wouldn't be expecting a "team book," and I'd just be grateful to see Pyro (or Storm, Iceman, Bishop, Shinobi, etc.) as a special guest star. But it was marketed as a team book, so some of us would like it to be written as....you know, a team.
I would absolutely read "The Adventures of Iceman and Pyro," if they just broke off into their own book. With Bishop, Shinobi, Christian, Storm, and everyone else that's been neglected in the current book.
Also, the way Duggan is writing Pyro right now, I could absolutely imagine him as a kind of confused, somewhat in-denial bisexual who thinks it's totally normal for guys to occasionally hook up with other guys, because guys have needs, right? And Bobby is just like, "My sweet summer child....."
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geek-gem · 7 years ago
30 Day Sonic Challenge Day 4
Okay went into tags not yet but basically I was adding the 30 Day Sonic Challenge tag to these posts like @springs-and-starposts did. So it be easier to keep track of if you guys wanna see these on my blog.
Yet here's one I've been thinking about yesterday quite a bit.
Day 4. Obligatory favorite character question, and why?
Here is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cheat a bit for this. Their is gonna be a favorite male character and favorite female character. Yet the first character is honestly my favorite.
Including at times I've been thinking of making a top 5 favorite male and female characters basically top 5 for bit. I feel they might be conversational but considering opinions on here it's not really conversational or whatever I'm just trying to sound extreme or whatever.
My favorite character is a character you've seen me talk about, post about him, I've praised him, I really want him in the Sonic movie and I mean the 2019 I should say despite it might cause problems for the movie. Also I mean he was already in the Sonic OVA where me and others still think it's his best version ever since(edit it was snc originally) we want to see something like that again. For me would love to see the movie verison if the 2019 movie is successful be like the OVA version he's my header image and icon as of this time being(unless you see this later) for God sakes I'm hyping him up too much.
It's Metal Sonic.
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Who I like to call the Metallic Blur and the other name edit changed game to name I don't say the Metal Son. I mean Sonic has the name the Blue Blur so why the hell not.
To be honest I like Sonic himself as a character despite I understand criticism against him. I also adore Robotnik Eggman as a character and I'm talking about the game versions.
Basically Sonic and Eggman would be in my top 5. Yet Metal Sonic I think even at a early age I liked him. He's seriously a character I feel has quite some dimension to him if written right. The whole idea of a robot who thinks he's the real Sonic and a whole bunch of other crap. He's basically the dark version of Sonic done right what others have said in a way.
Especially weird ideas if you make Sonic's abilities and Eggman's evil ambitions but theirs no dialogue. I guess I like Metal Sonic because he's basically the best of both worlds.
It could also be trying to act grown up and I mean I've had difficult time choosing a favorite character and I didn't wanna seem cliche which sounds stupid as hell.
Metal is basically a badass character built to be superior in Sonic in every way. He's a character I felt would pop up more and is treated with respect more. While not betraying Eggman but still being loyal to him.
Especially I thought my liking towards Metal is something similar to Spider-Man and Venom. Only you don't hear Metal detailing to someone of how he's gonna kill him. I'm referencing that new Venom trailer seriously last year and at times I want a Metal Sonic game but that's so difficult.
I'm sorry for rambling basically Metal is a character I like and he can be written in quite some ways. Especially as a character that should be fear like in a horror film.(I've had some Sonic movie ideas similar to Michael Crichton from Jurassic Park, Terminator, and Predator but that's a different discussion) he's just seriously an awesome character I would like to see used more and expanded upon in canon.
In fact I seem to love the robots in the Sonic franchise like even other robotic Sonic's bent on Sonic's destruction, but also I like Gamma and Omega as well sorry saying too much. But also Orbot and Cubot can be entertaining.
Fine you know what I sometimes feel like saying this to be extreme of how I feel about Metal Sonic.
Sonic is the virgin while Metal Sonic is the chad.....it sounds funny but I seriously respect Sonic as a character despite his faults.
Basically the virgin Sonic and the chad Metal Sonic God that sounds ridiculous and I honestly like Sonic as a character.
Now the female and I wanna share this.
Amy Rose.
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You know their were at times I felt like should it be Rouge as my favorite female character. I mean honest Rouge is my favorite and it's also me trying to be grown up liking characters that seem to be intended for older audiences.
But Amy is a character I adore and I'm speaking of the game version. Amy like Sonic is honestly a positive influence. Especially while yes she has a crush on Sonic. Yet she's honestly a kind soul and basically she gives me good feelings or whatever.
I feel other fans can explain it better. She is strong while compassionate and I'm one of the many folks that gets pissed when she gets bastardized as a character only to be a stalker of Sonic and other stuff. Because it seriously annoys me and I'm surprised in stuff like that their isn't a moment where people call on her. I don't give a fuck about that Piko Piko Hammer somebody slap a bastardization and tell her what she's doing is wrong. Basically sorry I'm talking about other versions I'm seriously rambling.
Yet seriously Amy is a character I feel it might be hard to explain, I have other favorite female characters such as Rouge, Elise, and others. I don't wanna spoil my top 5 almost did. But Amy okay she's not perfect is a character I seriously like.
She's kind, while being strong(don't worry Rouge is nice too) doesn't give up on Sonic. But seriously I feel other people can explain this better. I'm just not trying to sound like a bias douchebag.
Tags done and sorry if that became long I seriously wanted to talk about this and explain in detail.
Edit I forgot to mention my two favorites first appeared in Sonic CD yes theirs the manga but we're talking about the canon games whatever. But yeah Sonic CD to me and it's basically their first official first appearance.
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