#i'm just procrastinating replies like the Coward i am
winniethepoohx · 6 years
presmouse starter meme !
"i think i heard screaming coming from the swamp. wanna go check it out?”
"oh, my god, are you vomiting? OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU VOMITING -"
“i miss him/her/them/you.”
"so, spill the tea ... who do you think will be president after mickey?”
“can i hold your hand? maybe i shouldn’t have asked that ... but can i?”
“as long as we’re friends, you’re never going through anything alone.”
“girls don’t want boys. girls want other girls who will hold their hand and braid their hair.”
"hey, what should - no, stop screaming, it's just me - what should we get for breakfast?"
“alcohol isn’t my friend? YOU’RE not my friend.”
"so, like, no offense or anything, but ... is 'into the woods' ever actually gonna have an opening night?"
"have you ever slept in your life, because it sure doesn't fucking look like it."
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“oh, my god. you need to take better care of yourself!”
“i’m gonna bail you out of jail one day. i know it! i just know it!”
“i couldn’t fall asleep, so here i am.”
"what do you think would happen if someone just ran head first into the isle's barrier?"
"no, take me to get french toast with maple syrup. it's what i deserve."
“excuse to see you? check.”
“no. i want CUDDLES, not SNUGGLES. there’s a difference.”
"i'm not saying that one of the students here has to be powerful enough to take the barrier down, but ... that's exactly what i'm saying, come on."
"i'm bi - bilingual, bisexual, probably bipolar, too."
“oh, my god. stop calling me that.”
“well, i thought you were funny, but, hey, life’s full of disappointments.”
“put the sweater on. it’s cold, just put the fucking sweater on -”
“hypothetically ... what would happen if i snorted ibuprofen?”
"do you think all of the royals are real? one of them has to be an alien. which one do you think is the alien?"
"how come when a child has an attitude it's 'gonna get them far in life', but when i have one it's 'disrespectful'?"
“you … you never had a problem with it before.”
“i will pick you up and carry you if that’s what it’s going to take.”
“you’re only ever crying, oh my god.”
"nothing interesting has happened in forever. where did the monsters, dragons, and mysteriously dead people go?"
“you could have fucking alcohol poisoning!”
"why are you running - WHY ARE YOU RUNNING -"
“no, i cried in the bathroom. you know, like any NORMAL person would do.”
"is there even a straight person in auradon?"
"oh, fuck me ... oh, no, not literally. and most certainly not you."
“these flowers would look cute in your hair!”
"do magic, not drugs."
“you’re about as useful as an expired coupon.”
"i don't mean to sound like a bitch, but i deserve a fairy godmother."
"i would trade you for the robots any day."
"well, i could have texted, but then i wouldn't be here."
“if you were a plant, you would be a weed.”
"i'm not saying that isle food is better than this shit ... because it isn't, but -"
"please, don’t go.”
“drinking until you puke is not normal.”
"so, king adam or king beast? you know, for research."
"what happened to going with a grand, romantic gesture?"
“how long will this go on for?”
“i’m running for president. run, RUN, running for president!”
“what are you doing out here? it’s late.”
“where can i get some good cough medicine to get high on?”
"i'm not a math problem, i don't have to make sense! ... but i do!"
“you look like you’re on the verge of death. lets get you home.”
"no, i'm just kidding ... but really, though!"
“no. you’re not invited. tonight is girl’s night and you’re a dick.”
“we’ve been through so much and i told you: we’re in this together. always.”
“easy. i’ll throw myself down the stairs so you’ll have to take me to the emergency room.”
“you’re my best friend. you’re SUPPOSED to deal with the second-hand embarrassment.”
DRACO erebus | TAYTUM possible | WESLEY fenton | HADLEY long | CERIDWEN blackwell | AIKO hamada | PRIMROSE lee | LONDON lunar | EIRA wynters | BEAP meap | BERNADETTE bernard | LAVINA morte | OTULISSA showenhower | BONNIE utonium | ARTIS muir | NO-FACE too | AMERYKAH rogers | AIRLEA tesia | MINNIE mallow | MEREDITH purcelle | AMBER mclain | VENICE archer | SERAPHINA moreau | KENNETH gucci | LUCINDA tasi | ORALEE fitzherbert | GALATIA marmoreal | DESERAE tremaine | MALLORY corville | LETHE haddock | DOVE pines | MINGXIA zhang | DELTA babcock | CHAO cipher | POCKY von schweetz | JEZEBEL-VELVET cruorem | NERO flynn-fletcher |ALMERA sutton | ERO 404 error | CASTALIA lefevre | CIRCE godwin | PETAL lour | MARELLA waters | SWEETLY mosi | VIOLET rus | COPELAND coddaire | RASPBERRY pie | AUBURN bear | LEVIATHA nerezza | JULIAN theros | LUMETTE asteria | ZIMA ellisair | KELEOS leures | ELSPETH kelty | LOLITA monrova
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pens-swords-stuff · 6 years
Hey, I'm wondering if you have any advice on how to bring yourself to start writing when it feels difficult to?
Sorry for the late reply, I was being super lazy. Which brings me to my next point…
Do I have advice? Oh boy do I ever. I am absolutely terrible at actually sitting down and writing. So I have a lot of tips and tricks and how to get yourself to do it. The real problem is whether I actually follow my own advice and the answer is… no, I do not. Whoops.
Anyways, here’s my advice on how to start writing when it feels difficult to!
Identify why writing feels difficult
What’s stopping you from sitting down and writing right now? What about it is difficult? Why are you dreading it? Maybe if you figure out what’s making you so reluctant, you can deal with that first.
For example, in my current WIP I’ve always struggled with writing for some of my characters. I really hated writing them because I couldn’t do it — every single time I would try, I would end up so frustrated and not want to continue because it just wasn’t happening. So instead of trying to write the next chapter, I took some time aside to sit down and try to really acquaint myself with those characters. Once I identified why I didn’t want to write and I addressed that problem, writing became a lot easier.
Put something on the page
Sometimes just staring at a blank page can be super intimidating, so start by writing something — anything! Maybe you just literally put “dkajhcladkjcnlakdjc” at the top. Maybe you add a motivational quote, or a something like “JUST WRITE YOU COWARD”. Maybe you write something from tumblr to fill out the top. Whatever you do, just put something there so when you look at your page there’s some sort of progress there.
Set a realistic, easy goal
It’s really important to not psych yourself out by thinking that you have to do a lot of things. I find that I’m a lot more productive when I break tasks down into smaller chunks that’s easier to complete, and satisfying to check off my list. Set a really small goal that you 100% can achieve! And there’s no shame in lowballing here, set a goal for 100 words, two scenes, etc. Chances are, once you hit that goal you’ll keep writing. If not, that’s some writing you wouldn’t have done before!
Writing Sprints
A writing sprint is where you choose an increment of time (10-15 minutes usually) and during that time, you get out as many words as you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s crap, if it doesn’t make sense, just get those words out. Commit to that 10-15 minute period, and focus on nothing but churning out words.
Writing sprints are also a great way to connect with your community! Maybe you’re worried about not committing to the sprint, or you just want an extra push or support. Lots of Writeblrs host group writing sprints that you can join in on, or you could host your own!
Of course, doing it on your own is also a great option.
Don’t reread your writing
Don’t expect your writing session to go perfectly. Chances are, you’re going to make mistakes, and you might really not like what you’re writing. Ignore the desire to make it good, and to edit as you go. It can be the crappiest sentence you’ve ever written, but just keep going! Leave the crap to be edited later, and just keep trucking forward.
I know there are some websites online that will hide what you’ve written so you can’t go back and look. I can’t recall them off the top of my head however, and I haven’t been successful in finding them, so if anyone knows what it is, please link it!
Change your environment
Sometimes freshening up your work space can do wonders! If you’re working at your desk and it’s disorganized, straighten it out and clean it up! Maybe try sitting in another room, or even going to a coffee shop or a library or something for a change in scenery. Sometimes your standard work space can get a bit dull, and changing it up can do wonders!
Write something else
If you’re really not feeling whatever you’re supposed to be writing… Write something else! If a particular scene is being difficult, write it from a different perspective! If your WIP isn’t particularly appealing to you, write an AU! Write out a headcanon you’ve been wanting to write for a while!
Reward yourself
So at the end of the day, discipline is what finishes story. If you’re like me and you’re waiting around for inspiration and motivation, it’s not going to happen. Sometimes all I really need to do is to force myself to do something, but also Netflix seems really fun right now. Instead of relying on intrinsic motivation, give yourself some external motivation! If you write out 500 words, reward yourself with a snack, or an episode of a TV show or something that you enjoy. Give yourself something to work towards!
If anyone is interested, I can write a guide on how to change your habits and lifestyle through positive reinforcement so please let me know if you are!
Just do it
Sometimes it’s just me procrastinating. And I don’t really have a block, I just need to sit myself down and force myself to start writing. Sometimes I just have to be really stern with myself and say “Stop messing around and write.”
That’s all of the advice I have for now, I’m sure there’s other amazing advice out there, and if you ask me again later I might have some more ideas.
Thank you so much for asking, and best of luck on your writing! I hope this helped :)
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