#i'm just mad
lachiennearoo · 12 days
Y'know what I hate?
Spideypool shippers who say "Wade would've totally bullied Peter if they went to highschool together" like it's funny or cute
Like... ???
Clearly, you've never been bullied, and never read the comics, because only someone who's super fuckin ignorant would say that shit
- bullying is fucking serious shit. I was bullied as a teen and y'know what? I still have nightmares about these people. I saw one of my old bullies a year ago during an event and I had a fucking panic attack and had to hide in another room to calm down. Last thing I'd ever wanna do is fuck one of my bullies, I don't give a shit how hot they may be, they made me feel like trash for existing, I ain't stupid
- Wade was also bullied as a kid in some comic continuity because he liked girly things. So if you take that canon, he obviously wouldn't then become a bully to some poor kid who's just trying to exist
- Wade kills abusers and assholes for a living, if anything he'd bully the bullies, not the fuckin victims. If he saw highschool Peter Parker, last thing he'd do is bully him. Fuck he'd probably just become his goddamn bodyguard if anything lmao
Like "haha wouldn't it be funny if Peter and Wade's first interaction was Wade shoving Peter into a locker" no actually that'd just be really sad
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
So thinking about this post and how maybe film makers just don't appreciate that some stories are about endurance anymore?
Sometimes there is nothing you can do, sometimes a sassy comment can get you beaten or killed; sometimes you can't talk back, cannot leave, and cannot find a way out so you just decide to live until you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, because right now it's only darkness.
There is a deep strength and nobility that comes in enduring no matter what; in living in spite of the pain and hopelessness, or even living just to spite those who would rather see you gone. It takes incredibly determination to swallow your anger and tears and just make it through another day hoping for a better future.
Do they think we don't need these stories anymore? Do they think there aren't queer kids trapped in the closet who need to believe that endurance will bring them a better, safer future? Do they think the world has no more suffering that has no instant salvation? Do they forget that speaking out can still get you killed?
Are they saying that only those powerful enough to act without consequences get to be heroes?
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weepingwillowwonder · 2 months
Horny Hazbin Hotel Thoughts: NSFW AHEAD [Minors DNI! 🔞] -> -> ->
Val x Reader x Vox
[EDIT: Full fic is here!!! PART 1 ; PART 2]
Short Summary:
It's well known that Valentino doesn't do aftercare. So after your "escapades," he usually quickly dresses himself and makes his leave or makes you leave. In these moments, Vox usually picks up the slack...
Reader gets called into val's office. He teases them, puts them on his desk and fucks their thighs. It seems like they won't get to finish but he fingers them to completion and then send them to Vox - "You know how busy it is, yeah? Be good and go find Voxxy, I'm sure he'll want to see you~"
All you want is to be held, but right now you know you won't get that from Val, he's already busy getting back to work. So you wordlessly make your way to Vox's office. Someone alerts you that they're finishing a meeting, so you sit on the floor outside his office to wait for him to return. "Dolly..?" He speaks softly to you, already knowing what you're here for. You both enter his office and find yourself being pulled into another lap for the second time today, only this time he just holds you. He tries to be gentle with you, tries to just hold you...but when you hold onto him like you need him and press yourself into him, he gives in and gives you what you need. He'd talk about watching the cameras while you and Val were together and fuck you in his office but takes you home afterwards.
♡ I actually wrote an entire fic based on this summary last night. But at 2am when I went to post it, somehow there was an error and it deleted the whole thing 😵‍💫..SOOOO, when I'm done being pissy about that, I'll rewrite it~
♡Also learned a valuable lesson: to write my drafts elsewhere and THEN upload! Who knew! 🤔🫠
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gobald · 9 days
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twilit-creature · 8 months
"But you don't have proof for your nonhumanity and are just delusiona-"
Did you know there is some things that humans just cannot know and that will probably never be proven?
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alex-frostwalker · 1 month
ᜉᜊᜄᜓᜊᜄᜓ ᜁᜐ᜔ᜃᜒᜇᜓᜎᜒ ᜄ᜔ᜇᜊᜒ ᜉᜓᜆᜅᜒᜈ ᜈ ᜁᜌᜈ᜔ ᜋᜃᜐᜎ᜔ ᜀᜃᜓ ᜅ᜔ ᜆᜂ
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streaminn · 1 year
Okay which one of yall sent me money on PayPal 🤔
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francis-ford-kofola · 7 months
Genuinely one of the shittiest, pettiest things I have seen in a long time is the tap water automat at the Prague central station. You need to download an app to get your free 0.5 litres per day, because god forbid the water was actually free and homeless people could have it 🙄
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my-past-disgusts-me · 5 months
Can I just... Fuck, can I just talk about SouShin for a minute? Just, just give me a minute to rant about how upsetting they are, actually. Not just like, in the "can't stop thinking about the implications and possibilities of this horrible abusive relationship" way but in the "i despise what this ship represents in the fandom" way. Cuz like. Some people are just... So weird about them. Some people are so fucking yaoi-pilled and uncritical about the concept of a relationship between Shin and Midori. I think I've seen the absolutely brain-dead take that Sara is more abusive to Shin than Midori which???? Where are you getting that from?????? Where the fuck are you getting that from??????? Please, enlighten me! Actually, don't, just, never speak to me again, 'kay? I cannot respect someone who can look me in the eye and say Midori was actually a good person and would've had a healthy relationship with Shin. This isn't a goddamn Bungo Stray Dogs ship where both parties are selfish and cruel I will NOT hear you out!!! And so I get it. I get the instinctual soushin hate and everything. Block and ignore them *please*, I do too! Unfortunately for me, I love pain and suffering and trauma reactions, apparently! I'm captivated by cruelty and abhorrent actions and if I sense any type of chemistry between characters I examine it, and what I found between Shin and Midori was a twisted perversion of love (in every sense of the word). Don't ask me why I find them so compelling, I'd have to go on a five page ramble about my own fucked up psychology and I don't think people want to see that. I just. I think I'm mad that people ruined it for me lmao. I want to be able to point at songs and say "That's Soushin. To me." without having to tiptoe around it (Dance of Life by Maretu, btw). I want to be able to use the fucking term soushin when I discuss their dynamics. I want to be able to talk about them without fearing ostracization. I wish people didn't treat them as... idealistic, or cute, or aspirational. I wish shipping could apply to whatever I use it for. Ugh. I just wanna write hurt/no comfort with my favorite punching bag. Is that too much to ask?
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personally I think being employed is a great thing I know a lot of people in my accommodation don't seem to think so because they are all jobless and annoying and have nothing better to do at 3am than play chase in the halls right in front of my room but idk this is where I stand on being employed
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marikinonurwalls · 11 months
good morning
mood today:
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Want to break somebody's legs today
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elfiepike · 1 year
sometimes a person doesn't realize how many feelings they have about something until they are ranting to their internet childe things like, "I guess they are using this musical artist for their opening bc they want to feel GENERIC and SAMEY"
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So tired of "we do it to protect the kids" bullshit excuses for violence and discrimination.
Protect your kids by fucking being there for them and supporting them. If you listen to them and treat them as equals they won't be afraid to tell you if something happens to them.
Instead of protecting them from everything let them see the world and stay back so that they have "home" to come back to and safe space to talk...
Gee... If you really cared about your kids, you'd spend time with them instead of fighting "evil queer people" that try to influence them.
You have no power here. You can only be there and give them resources and that's literally all they need to feel safe and grow up to be decent people.
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dresupi · 1 year
Unemployment in my state is a fucking joke.
We wait for 8 WEEKS and they deny the claim because my partner 'didn't provide proof of his identity'. Like um. Yes, he did. He provided three different types of ID because that's what the website stipulated. He's appealing it, but ffs. We need the money bc we're so behind on our bills and that back unemployment pay would get us caught up. It's so stupid. It's gotta go before a tribunal now. WTAF. They will literally do anything including spending gobs of money to avoid giving any money to their citizens who need it. And they claim to be a Chr*stian state. FUCK THEM.
I hate this state. I wish we could move. I hate that when I buy shit, the sales tax goes to this fucking state that hates everyone who lives here. FUCK THIS STATE. I used to say I loved it, but you know what? It hasn't loved me in a long time. FUCK IT.
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thesolitairelover · 1 year
I am officially done with politics on tumblr it's so fucking meaningless everyone here is just fucking dumb. Trying to express any leftist political ideology on tumblr feels less like a simple statement and more like talking to literal braindead toddlers because no one here understands the most absolute basics of reasoning. I have noticed that the only time a user will make some sort of political statement it's to (rightfully) reprove the bigoted actions and beliefs of others that make this website miserable to use (especially if you're part of a marginalized group). Oh and you can't just make statemenets, you always have to fucking filter every single fucking word to the point of headache just to receive nothing at the end but threats over the stupidest fucking things. And yeah people on this site just live like this, believing that's a normal rational political environment to be at, that's how leftist political discourse supposed to work, just nothing but constant toddler talk.
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cat-boy-tits · 2 years
remembering the number of times i was passed over for a job for not being attractive.
i dunno why i'm remembering this now but nothing kills your faith in a career faster than being praised for your talent and hard work by the same people who then don't hire you because they would rather have someone hot.
and i'm not even like, making this up as an ugly bitter weirdo. i found out after the fact. in one case from the hot person who got the job instead of me, and in another case from the person who let me go. he didn't even bother hiding the fact that he would rather pay an attractive young man to hang out with him than continue to pay me to do work.
"can you explain this gap in your resume?"
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