#i'm in the 'szeto survivor squad' mood atm uwu
sillyfudgemonkeys · 18 days
Aang: How the hell did you two deal with Kyoshi? Kuruk: No idea what you mean by that, Aang. Yangchen: Nope, what do you mean by "deal?" You mean "interfere?" We're dead! We just watched her. Aang: Like, how were you able to stomach watching her???? Yangchen: Easy, with adoring stares. Kuruk: Did you see the way she handled that one politician? Ugh, beautiful. Not that I would know when it comes to dealing with such a thing, but it really was a sight. Yangchen: Oh no, you're right! It really was. Not how I would do it, but results are sometimes more important than the journey. There's more than one way to bake a cake! Aang: SHE KILLED PEOPLE! HOW COULD YOU STOMACH THAT?! Kuruk: Easy, I just ignored it. Aang: YOU WHAT?! Yangchen: You'd be surprised what closing your eyes and covering your ears can do for your conscious, Aang.
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