#i'm gonna try and make most of my walls look like that one mostly filled corner by the vanity
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the state of my room's decor btw
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mandowifey · 1 year
What kind of father figure behaviours would Miguel have?? I’m thinking protective af
Oh boy oh boy oh boy BUCKLE UP.
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Father!Miguel O'Hara Headcannons
Warnings: ANGST, SO MUCH ANGST, Mentions of child loss, death, violence, this is canon Miguel, reader can give birth but is not gendered. Mentions of trauma, depression, bad brain times. He's a broken man, yknow?
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First and foremost, Miguel is scared.
This is a man who had lost it all twice. He had watched his child die. He had lapsed so terribly into himself that he was able to rationalize stepping into another man's life and pretending to be him. He isn't right minded, he's broken and hurting.
All that self blame and doubt chokes him sometimes.
He hurts, constantly.
When you tell him you're pregnant, everything goes still. Fatherhood is something that had always been just outside of his grasp, and now it was here right in front of him. He doesn't fill with light, or smile and laugh, but he does look at you like he's seeing a ghost. There is fear in his eyes, not of you or the baby, but himself.
Because what if he fucks this up again?
Miguel can not stand the idea of opening himself to that pain. He already shoulders that guilt every day, rewatching videos of himself with his daughter. Can he even find room in his heart for another child? He almost feels like it is a betrayal, that he was never a good man to begin with if he were so willing to move on.
When your face drops and your eyes brim with tears, he pulls out of it.
One of Miguel's best abilities is being strong for others. He can be what you need right now, and he will.
Cue the absolute nightmare of expecting his child.
Aside from you being sick, Miguel worries, constantly.
The man can hardly focus on his work. He always asks one of the doctors to go check on you or have you in contact with him. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean the multiverse loses its importance. But god is he distracted.
"Have you been eating enough?"
"Taking your vitamins?"
"How much water have you had?"
It'd be cute if you didn't know better.
You know how much he has lost and you know that he is petrified of losing you both too. Not to mention you are certain he feels undeserving of another chance, especially after destroying an innocent alternate universe.
The way he looks at you tells you everything; he thinks you are made of glass. Something fragile that could break any moment. While you try to assure him that isn't the case, he still worries.
Once you start showing, it's over.
He is constantly caressing your stomach, holding you close, breathing you in. He thinks you smell so good pregnant. Miguel loves to feel your belly, cooing to you about how good you look carrying his child. You don't doubt for a second he loves you.
Miguel is protective, most assuredly. When you want to go walking around the base or go grab snacks he is on you like a shadow. Always watching, always protecting. He makes sure the other spider folk don't bump you, and offers to carry you when you mention your feet swelling.
God, he'd love to feed you. Checking on you constantly if you're hungry, offering to run and grab any cravings you ask for.
When you get further along, he likes to talk to the baby. Speaking in Spanish occasionally but mostly asking if they are giving you trouble.
"They are gonna have my attitude, I know it."
Oh boy, when the baby comes?
Ohhhh boy.
First off it is a way bigger deal than it has to be.
That man would be in the middle of a job and get a ring on his watch.
And she looks at him in time to watch him clawing back into a portal.
Him running full speed, throwing himself against walls and scratching down them to get to your room faster.
His mask withdrawing to show messy hair and wide brown eyes, coming to your side and taking your hand.
"I'm here, Im here." As he kisses into your damp hair.
You get to surprise him, twice.
He didn't know the sex, and didn't know you were having two.
When he see's his daughters for the first time, his eyes leak. The smile on his face stretches miles, his arms open as he cradles them into him. Oh he'd be melting.
You'd never seen him cry, but that day he does.
He's so proud of you, telling you how well you did and how much he loves you.
"Okay Miguel, gotta let me hold one." You laugh.
He's inseparable from you. Looking at those babies with such love and surprise, unable to believe that he was a father, again.
When you fall asleep with the girls tucked in your arms, he stays up and pets your hair.
And he promises himself that this time it will be different.
Your babies would be HELLA protected.
Good god, he is like a hawk with those girls.
Always watching, always making sure they were safe. He'd have eyes on them constantly.
Miguel is a good man at heart, and now he wants to make things right. He'd dedicate as much time to your family as possible, asking Jessica to stand in for him as often as possible (until she herself has her child).
He'd want to teach them to be like him. One of your daughters can stick to walls, and the other has tiny claws like he does. You enjoy lounging on the couch while he climbs the walls with the girls giggling after him.
Your family is beautiful, blissful. He protects all three of you.
And while sometimes you have to hold him at night and assure him that its okay to move on, he knows he's doing his best. He wraps you in his arms and looks at the baby monitor screen, watching the girls sleep. He begins to doze as you pet his hair, assuring him they were just fine.
Miguel would fall asleep against you, head tucked in your neck and strong arms locked around you.
And he would believe it was okay to forgive himself.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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June - Part One
joel miller x f!OC
series masterlist
warnings | 18+ dark themes surrounding suicidal ideation and attempt, eventual smut, angst
a/n | well, I'm a bit nervous to share this one. as I mentioned before, this is going to be quite different than anything I have put out before. Each part is going to be much shorter than my usual fare - anywhere from 2K to 2.5K. Again, please take care reading this, I am touching on very tender topics. I also need to thank @wannab-urs and @jksprincess10 and @beskarandblasters for supporting me through writing this, so much gratitude for you both.
Cheer up, honey, I hope you can
There is something wrong with me
My mind is filled with silvery stars
Honey, kisses, clouds of fog
"Radio Cure" by Wilco
She’s a difficult woman. When she wants to be. And he supposes she does. He supposes she’s angry at him. She had made that clear enough. He had taken something from her, a choice, an escape, a way out. But she had taken it from him too. They hold each other’s lives between their teeth, waiting for the other to bite down, to show mercy, to bleed out.
They won’t let her go outside the gates anymore, no patrol shifts. And they have her staying with one of the doctors in town, a watchful eye. From what he’s heard, it isn’t going well. From what he sees, it isn’t going well. Joel isn’t sleeping these days because she isn’t either. He follows her, a shadow, not daring to get too close lest she decides to snap at his presence. 
Most nights, she circles her cage like a despondent animal, fingertips running along the wall that keeps her from doing it again. And he follows after her, willing her to turn over her shoulder, to look at him, to offer him anything. He would take anything she’s willing to give. 
And then he does something to upset her even more. It comes up between him and his brother on patrol. The doctor she’s staying with is at her wit’s end with her. Coming and going at strange hours, silent and snarling. So he offers up the spare room in his house and suddenly she’s stomping up his porch with a backpack and a scowl.
“What exactly are you trying to do?” He has to admit, it’s a good question. One he’s not sure of the answer to.
“You need somewhere to stay, and I have the space.”
“Because your kid doesn’t want to live here anymore?” 
“She ain’t my kid.” 
“Yeah right.”  He’s just content to have her looking at him again, even if she is trying to dig her claws in. But her eyes flicker away fast.
“It’s only for a month. Then they’re gonna let me have my apartment back.” “Whatever you say, June. Your room is upstairs, second door on the–” 
“It’s not fair, you know.” “What’s that?”
“The only difference between you and I is that I got caught. And now I’m stuck in a fucking cage. You may have played hero, but I know why you were out there.” She doesn’t give him a chance to respond, shouldering past him into the house and trudging upstairs. 
For the first time since Ellie left, he starts cooking. Mostly because she’s not eating. Or at least he never sees her eating, no trips to the dining hall, and she only passes through the kitchen to get upstairs. So he starts cooking, albeit simply, leaving plates outside her closed door, happy to see them cleared in the morning. His pants start fitting better again, belt not done on the tightest notch anymore. And he’d like to think she starts looking different too, a little brighter after a few weeks of square meals. 
She doesn’t wander at night anymore. He’s always waiting on the porch to see her come home. She’s even started to mutter a low goodnight when she passes him to go inside, something beating and flickering inside his ribs when she does. 
He knows from Maria that she’s started working at the garden, and one night she comes home with a basket, a few ears of corn, pale and silky in their husks, and strawberries bright enough to make his mouth water. She sets the basket down at his feet, her eyes not meeting his, though she gives him a curt nod before going inside, the light click of the screen door shaking him out of his stupor. 
Sliced into bleeding slivers, how Sarah liked them, with a drizzle of honey where he would have sprinkled sugar, how Sarah liked them. But instead of setting the bowl down outside her door, he decides to knock, and she decides to let him in. 
They sit on the edge of the bed, close enough to hold the bowl between them, their fingers staining sticky from the sweet syrup of the treat, saccharine singing down their throats. And when all the berries are gone, they pass the bowl back and forth, lapping up any remaining sweetness, mouths smacking with want. Her lips are red, swollen from the way she licks at them to chase up what’s left of the taste, and his eyes dart from them to her temple, a much darker red, still healing, still raised and scabbed. 
“Stop looking at it.” 
“I’m not.” “Yes, you are. Everyone does.”
“You wanna look at mine?” Her eyes widen, and he’s already turning his head, running a finger along the sliver on his temple.
“I missed, just like you.”
“But you weren’t gonna miss this time, were you?” 
“No, I wasn’t. I’m glad you did though.” It’s the exact wrong thing to say, and he can see the way she shuts down, furling back in on herself, turning away from him, covering the side of her face with her palm.
“Goodnight, Joel.” A long sigh, slipping through his fingers.
“Goodnight, June.” 
At the end of the month, she doesn’t leave. There is no conversation about it. She simply doesn’t leave. And Joel has to swallow down his elation at that. 
Soon, her baskets laid at his feet turn into her helping him in the kitchen. They settle into silent rhythms, hips bumping as fat sizzles in the pan, the dull chop of vegetables and the savory sear of meat cooking. They eat together on the back porch, sitting side by side, taking in the lingering light of summer as they fill their bellies. An act that promises permanence. Her scar is quickening, new skin, new, new, new. And when he reaches out for her, his fingers skating over that arced line, she lets him. 
“Can I see yours again?” A nod, a tilt of his head, and a shiver when her fingers press over his scar. 
“I’m glad you missed, Joel.” She kisses angry, her fingers curling in his hair, swallowing up his groan when she tugs too hard. All teeth, nipping, clicking against his, and he wants more, more, more. He goes greedy with it, hands pulling at clothes, pressing her closer, as close as he can, pulling her into his lap and she’s warm, sharp, softening her snarl only slightly when he licks into her mouth. But she’s gone in a flash, pulling away with a gasp, stumbling down the porch steps, all but falling onto her ass as she wipes at her mouth with the back of her hand, eyes wild and wide. And Joel aches because he had her, he had her, and it felt so good and she’s already snapping back and away. 
“I– I’m sorry, June.” She doesn’t offer him anything else, darting past him and back inside. He sits there, slack, long after the sun dips down below the mountains, a shiver setting on him in the chill of the night. 
But she stays. She gets quiet again, cagey, no longer eating with him, only clipped greetings when they pass each other. But she stays. 
He’d like to say something, anything, but in the fleeting moments he sees her, he finds himself choking on words, his throat constricting and she’s already gone. So it’s a surprise when one day, she comes home and wordlessly sits down next to him on the porch. He doesn’t move, barely even breathes, a hummingbird beat away from her disappearing.
“Why doesn’t your kid live with you anymore?” 
“She ain’t my–”
“Fine, why doesn’t not your kid live with you anymore?” An inhale and an exhale, he has to clear his throat before he answers.
“I lied to her. And did a lot of things she didn’t agree with.”
“Why’d you do that?”
“I was trying to protect her.” 
“Did you?”
“Did I what?” “Protect her?” 
“I suppose I did. Reckon if this is the price I have to pay– for her to be safe– I’m fine with that.”
“Is that why you were out there that night?” 
“Yes.” She hums at that, the both of them still looking straight ahead. He can feel the warmth of her from where her thigh rests so close to his.
“Why haven’t you tried again?” He finally breaks, turning his head to squint at her, her eyes finding his.
“What do you mean?” 
“They don’t think you’re crazy. Not like me. Nobody would blink twice if you went back out there. So why haven’t you tried again?” It’s pure curiosity, no emotion behind her question, an honest and open desire to know.
“Because I’ve been busy keeping you from trying again.” It’s not the truth, at least not the whole of it, and he can tell she knows it, her lips curling into a smile. She’s just as good at this game as he is.
“Can I see yours?” Her hair has grown out more from where they had to shave it, and she has to tuck some of it back to show him the full line of her scar, still dark and jagged. He’s not sure if she’ll flinch, jerk away if he reaches out, but it’s a relief when she doesn’t, pressing her temple into the cup of his palm.
“I’m sorry, Joel.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, June.” He hopes that if he moves slower this time, only taking what she gives, that she won’t pull away. And she doesn’t, letting his lips brush against hers, a fluttering little thing. He swears he can hear it, something cracking in his chest, ribs breaking to make room for this new swell of warmth as she presses her lips to his again, a little more certain, a little more insistent. Her hand comes to rest at the collar of his shirt, fingers curling into the fabric when he sweeps his tongue along her bottom lip, a question that she responds to in kind, opening up to him with a sweet sigh. 
Sweet, sweet, sweet. No snap, no snarl, just a simple slip of her mouth pressed to his. He’s going to have to ration it, this sweetness, willing himself to pull away before she spooks. His hand is on hers, and her hand is on his, thumbs sweeping, back and forth, back and forth, tracing the secret they share. 
“You hungry?”
“Not really.” 
“Do you want to make dinner?”
She’s always not really hungry. He knows by now that it means nothing. And sure enough, he has to hide a smile when she pockets a perfect cherry tomato in her cheek as they start on dinner. 
“There's extra blankets in that closet if you need them. Since it’s getting colder at night and all.” Dinner had been a silent volley of glances, punctuated by long sighs. And now, standing in the hallway, somewhere between his own room and where she’s standing in front of hers, Joel feels completely adrift. 
“Okay, thank you. I think there’s a draft in my window actually. It’s been cold in there these last few nights.”
“I’ll trade for some caulk tomorrow. Get that fixed for you.” Something passes over her face, a quick fall that he finds his mind hurrying to figure out. Oh, oh.
“Would you– my room is plenty warm. I can take the couch.” 
“I don’t want you to take the couch.”
He’s already under the covers when she pads into his room, wearing a large sweater and a pair of leggings.
“Are you really that cold?” “I run cold.” He has to bite back a laugh at that, simply nodding, keeping his hands clasped over his chest as she slips into bed on the other side. She’s quick about it, rolling onto her side, facing away from him and tugging the sheets up to her chin.
He tries, he really does, his hands itching in resistance. It feels like a leap, a moment of freefall when he reaches across the mattress, settling his hand on her shoulder. But she catches him, bringing her palm to rest over his, fingers furling in a gentle tug. Come closer, I will not bite, I will not run, not this time. 
The gap is closed with a simple curl of his arm over her waist, his chest slipping snug against her back, rising and falling in time with her thrumming ribs.
“Your feet are really cold.”
“I’m sorry, I told you.”
“That’s okay, June. I don’t mind.” 
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thewritersaddictions · 11 months
Day Nineteen: Jim Hopper + Uniform
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There's something about Jim, and that's before you come to the sheriff's department to bring him lunch one afternoon.
You and Jim had been dating for a few very good months now, but you had yet to see him outside of the fancy restaurant Enzo's, at his cabin, or when you took little trips and stayed in a comfy little bed and breakfast.
You had just been yearning to see him in his whole get-up. Wanted to see if he stretched out the sheriff's shirt like he did the nice flannels he wears to Enzo's or how he stretches out the jeans how he does the sweatpants he wears.
You were in a dazed thought as you pulled into a parking space in front of the sheriff's department. You aren't sure how long you'd been driving while making up dreams of what Hopper might be looking like this afternoon.
When you walked into the department you had excepted it to be crowded and filled with life, but it really wasn't. You looked out the window realizing that you might have come at a bad time. You walked towards the front desk. An older woman stood up, "What can I help you with dear?" The older woman asked.
You look down at my purse and the lunch bag you had locked in your hand. "I was… I'm wondering where I might find Sheriff Hopper?" You asked in the strongest of voices. Her face contorted for a slipt second then she just had a realization. "You must be Y/n, I'm Florence, Hopper's secretary." You release a breath that you hadn't realized you were holding on, so tightly.
"He'll be back in a few had to pick up a troubled kid, you can wait in his office," Florence says to you. You walk in stride behind her trying to keep up with the older women. Florence opens the door for you, and you turn. "How do you know me?" You ask her, She smiles "Hopper talks about you a lot even if he's not that much of a talker." With that Florence is gone, and you're left in Hopper's office.
While you wait you get his food out of the bag, placing it on the right side of the desk, and you start to look around at the walls of his office. Pictures, and photos with special people around the town when Hopper had become sheriff.
“I’m not bookin' you, son, I’m just gonna call your uncle.” You hear Hopper talking outside the office. You panic for a moment and jumble around to get into the seat across from his desk.
The door opens wide and with a pounding force on the other side. Hopper doesn’t notice you at first not until he goes to sit down and he sees food, and then your beautiful face.
“What are you… FLORENCE?” Hopper shouts. She walks fast to the door. “Oh, I forget to tell you that Y/n was here.” She leaves. Leaving Hopper standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face.
“You were gonna call somebody? Do I need to leave?” You ask him. He looks down at you. Anger and confusion melt away. “Oh hell no, stay here and then I can have lunch with ya sweetheart,” Hopper says. He settles down and reaches over for the phone.
It’s a rather short conversation with “I understand” and “It won’t happen again.”s added to almost every single other thread of conversation.
“Now let me get back to you sweetheart,” Hopper says. His voice was deeper and thicker. He gets up to the chair squealing with the weight coming off the old springs. “Stand up sweetheart,” Hopper says shutting his door and his blinds. “For privacy love.” He assures you.
You stand up. You had worn a little sun dress, one that gave off the curves of your body. Exposing most of your skin to the afternoon sun. "Do a little spin f'me." Hopper's voice is husky, sending shivers down to your core. As you spin the dress flutters up exposing more of your skin to Hopper.
"God'damn, you are so beautiful," Hopper mutters mostly to himself. You smile timidly. This is new territory. You want to ask Hopper to do a spin of his own. You want to see how he looks in his whole uniform. The light brown doesn't clash with his skin, rather makes his blue eyes sparkle.
He reaches out his hand for you to take. "Come sit on my lap?" He offers, and you take his hand. He walks softly to his chair getting comfortable before dragging you into his lap. Hopper's one thigh becomes your seat.
You talk and Hopper eats.
Hopper can feel your heat seeping through your cotton panties into his work slacks. It's driving him insane as you innocently talk about the garden behind your house, and how the kids that you do story time with at the library today were so good at listening today.
Hopper bounces his leg, bouncing you ever so slightly up and back down. You don't say anything about it at first. You nibble at your own food, not really hungry for food right now. Maybe Hopper reads your mind, or maybe something else gives it away.
Continuously Hopper bounces his leg, giving a few sharp bounces, and a few loose and slow ones. Trying to gather some sort of rhythm, that's good for both you and his leg.
Hopper finishes up the food you delivered to him, but he doesn't want you to go just yet. You go to get up after Hopper had thrown his trash into the can across the room. A large hand pulls you back down.
"Don't go just yet, baby," Hopper whispers. You nod and stay put. The bouncing of his leg hasn't stopped only getting better and better. The vibration and the force on your clit hitting the muscular thigh make your eyes go crossed. "I can feel your heat through all these layers," Hopper whispers into your ear, as he pulls your back into his chest. You try to look at him as your head rests on his shoulder.
"Jim…" a strangled moan falls from your lips. You don't ever call him by his first name unless you have far long gone in your mind. Lost to the power of your euphoria. "Are you enjoyin' yourself?" Hopper asks in a sultry tone. You moan, and press your lips into his bread-covered jawline.
Your imagination could never meet the reality of what and how Hopper feels in his uniform. You can feel the hard metal of his buckle digging into your back, but you welcome the pain of it. "Answer me, sweetheart." Hopper demands of you. "Yes… fu… yeah JIm I…" You're having a hard time expressing yourself as he grinds his kneecap into your clit. Wet panties sticking to the material of the slacks. "I bet you are sweetheart. I can feel how wet you are. You gonna make yourself cum on my thigh baby?" He whispers to you.
Your mind was already frizzy and frazzled, but now it's white-hot blank. You see nothing but the euphoric feeling that pumps through your body. You shift needing more pressure, or attention. Hopper's hands are held around your waist and pressed flush into your breast.
Your hands land on the crumb-covered part of the desk. Knuckles going white, and eyes closing tightly as you get just the right amount of pleasure from the hard muscle between your thighs. "Oh, sweetheart…" Hopper mumbles, "I can feel you, gonna cum baby? I know you are, god you're so beautiful." Hopper words are hot and push you over the edge.
Cumming through your white cotton panties and all over his uniform slacks. Your body leans, and lumps over the desks. Chest rising and falling as you try to catch your breath. Hopper's large hand sprawls against your back as he rubs deep, and meaningful circles into your back to calm you.
"Fuck Hopper…" You mumble out, "Did you come just for lunch, or where you think' about somethin' else." You chuckle a little, "What… I got a little hot from your sheriff's uniform." You say back, not yet lifting yourself from the desk. "Good to know sweetheart."
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Completed: 07/29/23
Posted on: 10/19/23
Kinktober '23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
Stranger Things Master List // The Elders Master List // Kinktober '23
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Sub!Peter B. Parker/Dom!Male!Spider!Reader
Warnings because I always forget them: uhhh scent thing? scent kink???, getting caught, PANCAKES, porn, simple dick sucking
I tried to make the scent thing less weird but I think I failed with the wording I'll be honest
Before Mayday of course
Okay for my update schedule I'm going to try and get something out every/every other Sunday and maybe sooner if I feel like it
I'm easing myself into using the word dick and penis more can you tell? I damn well hope you can cause I go through hell trying to do it
I hate the word suckle
This is less mean!dom!reader then I usually do but it'll have to work because I'm on a time crunch here
Summary: would you like some plot with your porn???? yes? too damn bad
Your house was surprisingly quiet and desolate tonight as you flip the pancakes you were making for dinner. Nobody ever said a Spider had to have a good eating schedule to be a hero, you know.
The last pancake got shoved onto the plate, and you wooped in hurray. Hunger was one of your biggest weaknesses during missions (and everyday life).
"Peter!" You called.
Your fruitcake boyfriend, Peter B. Parker, was also a Spider working for Miguel. He had recently got home from a particularly hard mission, so the pancakes were mostly for him.
No call back or footsteps came from your shared room. You wait a second, a minute, ten minutes, still nothing came.
But then you hear a slight squeaking from something against the wall. Your eyebrows crease in confusion as you walk slowly towards the room, preparing for a fight.
You slammed open the door to a quite erotic scene. Peter had a pair of your boxers from the dirty clothes basket you both shared held up to his face. His hand that wasn't holding them was stroking his dick furiously.
You lean against the door frame and watched for a second, contemplating whether to continue the moment or ruin it once you make yourself known.
"Peter." It was almost like a command.
Your voice was lustful and your eyes glazed over with the thoughts that consumed you like a body of water you were sinking in.
His eyes shot open and he lowered the hand covering his face with the boxers to his lap. His expression was surprised and shocked.
"M/N, I thought you were making pancakes." He muttered.
You chuckled a little. "I was until I heard our ridiculously loud bed creaking and then walked in to this."
His face was completely beet red at this point, and his hand had let go of his painfully erect 'problem' he was dealing with.
"The pancakes are done then?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You nod. "But I'm going to finish what you started before you eat them."
His face looks bewildered and slightly betrayed. You guess he feels this way because your letting the pancakes get slightly colder than normal.
Once he talks, your thoughts are confirmed. "M/N, the pancakes will get cold!"
Without a word, you crawl quickly onto the bed and capture his red and puffy lips into a ferocious kiss that took all the breath away from you.
It feels like you pulled away all too soon to kiss down his jaw, neck, and finally arrive at his collarbones where he was the most sensitive.
Peter groans a little when you start to suckle on one of his sweet spots you had hit not even two nights before.
He tries to snake his hand through your entangled bodies to touch himself, but you bat his hand away quickly.
"No, I'm going to do it." You declared darkly.
He furrowed his eyebrows in testy defiance but ended up not acting on it. His arm went to hold onto your shoulders while you straddled him lightly.
Leaning down silently, your lips wrapped around the tip of his weeping cock. Peter's groans filled the air that was heavy with the scent of erotica.
His legs were shaking violently and squeezing around your head while you lick a stripe up the vein of his dick.
"Oh shit, M/N!" He sucked in a breath quickly. "I'm gonna cum."
"Already?" You half-heartedly complained.
He whined as you came off with a 'pop' sound. Leaning on your elbows, you look up at him through your lashes in thought.
"Should I let you cum yet, Peter?" You tilted your head in faked innocence.
He blinked in confusion and then rolled his eyes affectionately because he knew what you wanted from him.
Peter sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, please."
Grinning evilly, you lowered yourself back onto him, immediately setting a fast pace to get him to achieve his orgasm.
He screamed, probably loud enough for the neighbors to complain about, and white ropes of cum shot out of his tip and into your eagerly waiting mouth.
His breaths were labored with the strain of staying up even if he was leaning on the headboard. Peter looked at you in contemplation.
You stood up slowly with a mischievous grin present on your face.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"I don't know about you, Pete, but I'm going to eat some of the cold pancakes I made."
With that, you walked away from Peter briskly, leaving him to wallow in his post-orgasm clarity.
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mii-cherry · 10 months
The Curse of Ramshackle
I try my best to hold on to the vision to try and find it again in the dark of my dreams but nothing is coming back, Frustration fills my head.
Why? Why do these visions come by with meaning to this world , only for most of them to be so useless!
Why?. . .
Why?. .
I'm shot up from my sleep, breathing heavily with sweat on my forehead my chest is tight with frustration I come back to seeing my room again and how bright it was through the curtains.
"What was that all about Kuro!? Did something eat our food!?" Grim asked confused from my earlier outburst.
Calming down a bit I answered Grim's question "It's nothing, I just had another one of those dreams again."
"Eh you mean the ones you had about the seven? But didn't you already go through all of em?" Grim asked confused.
"Yeah, I thought so too but this one was about a. . . Sack man and . . . Santa Clause?" I still try to wrap my head around the dream this time around.
" Uhhh what's a Santa Clause?"
Oh, right twst doesn't seem to have a Santa Clause at least that I know of.
"He's a guy that gives presents to behaving kids around winter from my world he's a holiday figure" I try to explain but I'm not gonna bet on Grim getting it right away.
"Well any important info about the dream?" Grim inquiries
"Nothing that is relevant at this moment maybe it will be useful later?." I'm not very confident with this dream it doesn't seem to have any relevancy with the seven and any of the dorms.
"Well, if It's not useful to us I will be getting my morning tuna!" Grim said excitedly hopping off the bed to head downstairs
I sigh letting my last bits of anger go, taking my phone from the night stand I look at the time.
10:34 am
Oh right Ace and Duece are coming over today, I should probably get up too.
I get up to start the morning but the last moment my dream nags at the back of my head it seems more significant more. . . Present? The hole in the wall felt real it felt like I could reach it right there.
The rest of the morning goes normally and before I knew it there was a knock at the door already.
"I'm gonna get the door."
Opening the front door revealed the two Heartslabyul trouble makers Ace already waiting impatiently.
"Sup, Kuro! Didn't get bored without us did you?" Ace said in his snarky way as always.
"We brought some dessert from Trey-san!" Duece holds up a basket of pastries.
"It was only a day believe me I was fine." I replied back.
I stepped aside with Ace making himself at home right away on the couch, Duece placed the basket on the coffee table taking a seat next to Ace.
"Mra, you guys brought dessert!" Grim appeared already taking a pastry from the basket.
"Oi, don't eat everything I still want some too!" Ace scolded Grim taking one for himself as well.
The rest of the time was spent talking about everyone's week and also mostly Ace complaining about random things
an hour has passed by now with Ace still going on about Riddles punishment from yesterday.
"I think it's unreasonable to have to do all these dumb rules while I have way more important tasks to do!" Ace complaint
"Yeah, busy doing nothing you were just playing games on your phone!" Duece retorts back.
"You guys can't go on an hour without bickering eh" Grim said pasty in his hands
There is a cracking sound echoing in the distance
Do they not hear it or am I being crazy?
I look at the hallway and the sound seems to be somewhere where the cracking of wood is blurred, I have long tunned out Ace, Duece and Grim my sight is only on the faraway noise.
Whatever conversation that happened was put to a halt all four of us staring in the hallways direction.
"Uhh, what was that?" Duece asked
"Maybe It was the rats!"
"Rats? No way that was rats, that was super loud!" Ace looked at Grim confused
Getting up from my seat I start to head to the source of the noise
"Wait, Kuro you don't know what made that noise! It could be a super rat for all we know!" Grim came after me scared with Aduece duo coming fast after.
"Really? Super rat is the best you can think of?"
I follow where I think the noise came from, It seems to come from the complete back of Ramshackle the way is blocked by a door at end of the hall walls and floor is allot more dirtier and broken than in front because nobody comes here.
"Wait, wait, wait we're not going to actually go through the door, right?" Duece asked concerned about what could be found.
"What? You scared?" Ace teased
"A-Am not! If anything you'll be scared!"
I open the door, for some reason I feel drawn to the noise.
I need to know
I need to know what that is. . .
Holes and wild spider webs hang along the walls of the room the decay is all over this room, It seems to have been a study of some kind broken book shelf with withering books laying about.
"I don't think we've been here before." I say moving more inside the room to get a better look.
"Be careful guys we don't know what could be hier." Duece said to all of us.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ace and Grim said I unison.
Duece just rolled his eyes at their antics
I come to the middle of the room at the end of a wall is a giant decorative mirror with a green glowing gem at the top embedded in the mirror there are also big cracks in it, it seems to ooze a black goo.
"Oi, What's that gross looking stuff?" Ace looked curiously from afar at the mirror.
"Eh, it smells pretty tasty!" Grim sniffed the air for more of the scent
"Grim, please don't eat that!" Duece pleaded with him.
Approaching the mirror I watch the goo I take a good look at it and recognize it
"It's. . . Blot." I said worriedly
"You sure Kur-
The door where we came from slammed itself shut we all immediately rushed toward the door
Ace tries hard to open the door again but to no avail it stays firmly shut
" Ugh! Fuck it won't open!" Frustration comes from Ace.
" Let me try!"Duece yelled determined, he placed this foot against the wall hands tightly to the door knob and pulled as hard as he could but nothing budget.
"C'mon try harder!!!" Grim started to panic
We look back to the mirror and it gained more cracks suddenly the blot oozing out of them more vigorously than before
"Break down the door if you have to!" I yelled toward the others.
A deranged laughter is heard beyond the mirror I look back to see the blot coming together to form something
The form is now part of a formed person head and chest out with a single arm reaching out of the mirror.
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"I might just split a seam with all this excitement!"
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murmurmurl · 8 months
long time no H♡L info??!??!?!?!?
I did mention that Toshiro and Seina both have siblings. WELL. I made up my mind about them. Neither has a name yet, but I have a whole leftover name list from when I was naming all of Helianthus. Toshiro has an older brother and Seina has a younger sibling. And uhm. So remember how I ALSO mentioned that I accidentally started thinking about another fan unit. That's because of them. These siblings are in another unit together. I actually already have a general theme and even their sekai in mind????? Somehow??????? All I'm gonna say for now is that it's space-themed. Because of course it is. At this point I might as well make a billion units for each of my interests (/nsrs), but uh ANYWAYS. Yeah. I'll try to design said siblings today, ALTHOUGH. I have like,, 3(??) other H♡L wips, but I just CANNOT stop, my brain is full of ideas and these guys are genuinely one of the only things keeping me going???? Along with my sister??????? Can you tell I'm super excited, did any of that even make sense, idc, I just wanted to say it.
AND. To not make this just me saying some random general stuff, I'll also share what's the idea for H♡L's sekai is FOR NOW. It can change because I. Am painfully inconsistent. Just a heads up – I'm not he best with descriptions, and I'm also not gonna really bother making it sound good right now, it's just to give whatever few ppl care about these sillies an idea of what it'll probably look like. (As I'm writing this, I realized I actually *am* trying to make it sound nice, but if it sounds weird. Hush. /lh)
I mentioned that I call it the overgrown sekai. Because it's, well, overgrown. As you could hopefully guess. The main part of it is an old stone structure, with some intricate carvings still remaining visible and even discernable, although everything does look like it's at least.. a few centuries old, no less. However, taking into account that it's a sekai, it probably isn't that ancient. Almost everything is pretty much overrun by plants – ivy spreading across the grey stone walls, grass (and most importantly flowers) breaking their way through the floor that seems to be made of marble, but it's too old, overgrown and at times dirty to be completely sure. The said flowers are a strange mix of forget-me-nots and sunflowers that may not quite make sense, but it *is* a whole ass other dimension, after all. There's plenty of light, despite practically no windows in sight, save for a few small ones. The reason for that being the roof, shaped like a dome, with holes in it that clearly weren't here by the first design, having appeared because of the stone collapsing over time. Unsurprisingly, the flowers are concentrated in the areas where the most light seeps through those holes. And speaking of light, the time here is always the same – late afternoon, with the season always remaining a comfortable sunny summer.
There's some furniture in the building, mostly along the walls, with the center looking almost like a flowerbed. That furniture seems to represent each of the owners of the sekai – an old desk made of dark wood with a quil and some paper thrown around it, almost giving it an impression that the owner left in a hurry. The paper has become a light yellow color over what may or may not be a rather long amount of time. Next to it – a somewhat fancy wooden chair. There are mirrors hung around this part of the space – some broken, some have the glass taken out entirely. Just a little further – a shelf and an armchair. Both items' materials and overall look fit that of nearly very other piece of furniture here. The shelf is filled with items that seem to have some spiritualistic significance – amulets, crystals and stones, all of them hand-made and hand-carved, yet seeming to lack in accuracy and having been made in a hurry. The armchair strangely has a few long chains hanging on its back. One of the more noticeable pieces of furniture is... a fish tank. It has no fish. In fact, it doesn't even have water, though it's probably not intended to be that way – the tank is spacious and has pretty much almost everything a fish would need to be happy and content in captivity. But it's old and worn out – the driftwood rotting away, whatever plants used to be inside have withered and everything is covered in a thin layer of... dust..? The tank itself stands on top of something of a dresser. If you care to open its doors, you will see rows upon rows of books – as many as could fit in the little space there is inside. Most of them have to do with marine life, but there are also some journals full of incomprehensible messy writing, as if whoever was filling them either didn't have much time, or was feeling too much emotion to care. Perhaps the strangest item in the building is a cage. It's designed just like one of those small restricting bird cages, glistening with gold in the light from above, but for some reason, the cage could easily fit a human. If you decide to step in, you might notice an unexpected aroma. It's vague and subtle, but... it almost seems like fresh black coffee mixed with something citrusy. Outside, the building is surrounded by a dense forest. The light can't penetrate the abundance of trees, but somehow, it doesn't feel eerie or threatening. It feels familiar in an unexplainable way. Have you already seen these woods somewhere..?
WOOOOO I THINK THAT'S ALL. I think. I hope I didn't miss anything. Uhm. I also hope it's not too,, out there, idk. There's also another area I have in mind, BUT. that is some world link territory, where I don't rlly wanna go rn,,,,, RAGHHHH I hope all of that sounds alright. Again, if it doesn't,,,,, I'm not a writer by any means, I just. Felt silly.
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thegeminisage · 7 months
This is weird of me but you said you're reading Jane eyre and it's my favorite book (it does get better in the sense that her whole upbringing is so rough and depressing) and so many people Don't Get It because they're like oh this is a weird relationship and Rochester is a dick and Jane is so meek but I feel like you'll get it, but I feel like it's worth saying that Rochester IS a HUGE DICK but Jane is NOT MEEK she's WEIRD AS SHIT, I feel like that gets lost in the historical context A LITTLE BIT but she's the kind of weird dramatic sassy bitch where most people don't know she hates them, she's a hater, but Rochester does and LOVES it and she loves that he's a dick and the whole book is SO SO much about an abuse survivor deciding what SHE wants, it's basically a female escape and power fantasy. Sorry I'm so so so not normal about Jane Eyre, if you watch an adaptation after watch the Ruth Wilson miniseries not the Fassbender movie ANYWAY I'd love to see your thoughts when you're done okay bye
this is such a funny ask to get because i am LITERALLY reading jane eyre against my will. here's what happened: i got serial reader because i felt like i should read more books (i already did p&p!!), and on my list of "read laters" was jane eyre, and when emily saw it they were like YOU'RE GONNA HATE JANE EYRE BUT YOU HAVE TO READ IT. and i was like why on earth would i read a book i'm going to hate this is over 100k long. but for some reason i am reading it. and so i''ve only JUST finished like chapter 5 which means so far mostly what i've read is poor jane getting abused by a variety of people. and i'm like WHY WOULD YOU HAVE ME READ THIS but they said the same thing that the character jane is very important. and i do get that because she's already yelling at mrs reed for being a horrible old bitch or whatever and so good for her. i am going to keep reading unless it becomes absolutely wretched.
re: the movies...i actually had seen the michael fassbender one a long time ago, but i barely remember it except i know the part about the wife in the attic and also i remember thinking it was boring and confusing. i will not WILL NOT watch the other movie because even though i kind of fell in love with ruth wilson watching HDM, i have become absolutely radicalized against the very SIGHT of toby stephens's face thanks to pjo passions, and i absolutely refuse to look upon him because the very sight of him fills me with revulsion and rage second only to b*nedict c*mberbatch. sorry. i also read an article that was like, the movies can never be good anyway because they can't break the fourth wall the way the book can in narration, they lack jane's Personality. so that's all fine i guess, i can live without adaptations. JUST for you though i will try to make another post when im finished <3
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aralezinspace · 2 years
Songs in the Dark
Requested by anonymous: Morpheus x reader where they have broken up and he watches from afar? Reader doesn't notice him until they're singing a heartbreak song and doesn't break eye contact with him to make sure he knows just how much they're hurting
A/N: ... I made myself cry writing this one. Hurt no comfort kind of, mostly pining and longing, feels galore. I try to keep my SFW reader inserts gender ambiguous, so for the song at the end here's Frank Sinatra's version for the masc aligned folks and Bette Midler's version for the femme aligned folks cuz everyone deserves a chance to have Dream pining for them tagging @fangirlmary this is also totally My Kind Of Shit, I'm a musical theater actor so if anyone wants to hear me sing this to morpheus hit me up i'll make a vid xD
~~Requests for Morpheus and the Doctor (9-13) are open!~~
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You should have told them no. There was no way you could do this. How in the hell were you supposed to sing when your throat was clenched so tightly around tears and sobs you could barely talk? Either way, ten minutes before your first two songs was too late to pull out.
You drank some water and let out a shuddering breath. The stage manager knocked on the door to the greenroom and murmured, “Y/N, you’re on in five.”
“Thank you five,” you choked back, giving him a nod. You took another sip of water and tossed the bottle back in your bag. A quick glance in the mirror to make sure your face and hair were performance ready- they were, even if your face was a little pale.
You stared your reflection down and took a few more deep breaths. “Okay,” you told yourself, “We’re gonna get through these four songs, give ‘em a good show, then you can go home and cry over ice cream and a sappy movie. You can do this.” The last bit didn’t sound convincing at all.
The stage manager returned. “Y/N, you’re on deck, we’re ready in the wings.”
“Thank you on deck.” One more deep breath and you followed the stage manager up the narrow stairs to stage level. Another singer gave you a quick smile as she passed you on her way back to the greenroom.
A shiver ran down your spine at the change in temperature when you got into the wings, ears filled with piano music and the man currently singing on stage. Your mind slipped into that fuzzy yet focused state you found yourself in when performing. You know the words. Don't think, just do. You heard the audience applaud at the end of the song, sounded like a decent sized crowd. You took another deep breath and shook the numbness out of your fingers.
The man who was just singing gave you a thumbs up as he walked off the stage and the announcer started to introduce you. There was another round of applause when your name was announced; you willed your legs to carry you forward onto the stage.
The heat of the spotlights instantly warmed and half-blinded you. Combined with the dim lights at the back of the room, most of the audience was only visible as shapeless forms in various shades of black You could almost pick out some facial features of the people sitting in the back as you approached the standing mic and gave the pianist a nod.
You took a steadying breath as you heard the first chords of the song. Everything seemed to fall away, there was nothing in the world except for you, the piano, and the microphone. Your eyes softly fell shut for just a moment. You took another breath, pulling air all the way into the bottom of your lungs, supported by your diaphragm. The first words were already half formed in your mouth. Your eyes eased open.
And then you saw him.
At first, he appeared to be a cool black, vaguely person-shaped blob, much like the rest of the audience. He had situated himself against the back wall, dead center stage. The details sharpened as your eyes once again adjusted to the spotlights: the tufts of midnight hair you knew were softer than the finest cashmere; the pale skin that appeared to shimmer with starlight if you looked long and hard enough; the faint, almost imperceptible glow from the flames and stars of his cloak. That glow almost seemed a trick of the spotlights, but you knew better.
It was a testament to your skill that you kept singing as if nothing was amiss, as if your ancient, eldritch former boyfriend wasn’t burning holes into the core of your being with the intensity of his stare. Your knees almost gave out, and you tried to make your death grip on the microphone stand part of the emotion the song was trying to convey.
Also to your credit, you refused to break eye contact, staring down those black pits that would have been utterly soulless if not for the tiniest glimmer of light.
Your mind wandered during the short piano interlude. Why was he here, looking as if he were about to explode into shadows and dissolve into sand at the same time? Why did he seem so… hurt? After all, he was the one who did the breaking up- his version of “it’s not you, it’s me,” Endless and mortals cannot be together, it always ends in ruin. The fact that you were willing to risk ruin, willing to prove the universe and the stories wrong was utterly ignored, never mind how strong and deep your love for each other was. I'm sorry Y/N, my light. My heart. His choked, gruff words echoed in your mind, quickly replaced by the next lyrics.
The song you were singing was playful and flirty, but you knew the next one was much more melancholy, full of longing and empty sadness. You hit the last note and held it perfectly, lips twitching into a small, pride-filled smile as the audience broke into applause. When it died down, you gave the pianist another nod and he started your next song.
When you had first agreed to perform at this cabaret, you had picked this song for no reason other than the vibes; a melancholy, jazzy piece was right at home among the velvet chairs and faint cigarette smoke. The meter of the song was straightforward, but the nature of the lyrics left lots of room for variation.
~I'm gonna love you, like nobody's loved you, come rain or come shine. High as a mountain, deep as a river, come rain or come shine.~
You felt the barely healed cracks in your heart start to fissure. The hurt, the love, the wistful, melancholic longing, the strength of your faith in the two of you together, Morpheus could see it all on your trembling face, in your sparkling, watery eyes. Could hear it in every crooning note, every word you sang.
~I guess when you met me, it was just one of those things. But don't ever bet me, cause I'm gonna be true if you let me.~
Now it was you staring burning holes into him. Dream could feel the stubborn determination in your gaze pierce him through skin and bone, all the way to his heart and soul. He barely breathed, not wanting to disturb a single atom of the room while you poured your heart into the song.
The rest of the world disappeared; to Morpheus it was just you and him in that darkened room, a single spotlight illuminating your form, the accompaniment lightly riding the air. You were singing to him, no one else. Your eyes hadn’t left his for a second.
~You're gonna love me, like nobody's loved me, come rain or come shine. Happy together, unhappy together, and won't it be fine.~
Your gaze turned sad and knowing, even as a quivering smile stretched your lips. Dream knew in the depths of his being that you were right. No matter what the universe did or didn’t do, his heart would always belong to you. And that was why he had to end it. If you perished, surely, so would he.
~Days may be cloudy, or sunny. We're in, or we're out, of the money.~
Again, that love and passion fueled fire filled your eyes. These weren’t Harold Arlen’s lyrics anymore: they were a declaration of your unfading love. You meant every word, and they were for him alone.
~But I'm with you always, I'm with you rain or shine.~
Morpheus was filled with so many emotions swirling like a storm he could barely name them all: shame, love, pride, adoration, longing, the sweetest, deepest hurt.
The piano slowed, gently pulling the chords from the keys, giving you the freedom to sing the last words as your heart dictated, not the sheet music. Faint flashes of silver flickered to life in his eyes when he saw a solitary tear roll down your cheek, heard the shakiness of your breath as you sang the last phrase:
~Rain or shine~
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welcome-to-the-flock · 3 months
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An electronic tinny chime was heard as speakers installed along side walls echoed through the sheep pen. A familiar voice was heard from the old speaker system.
Doc: "Baxter Barnes be a good sheep and come to the clinic for a quick evaluation."
The mad doctor said with a smile in his voice potentially faker and more plastic then the speakers broadcasting it.
Upon hearing I'd be dealing the doctor again I stood there silently like a deer in headlights.
Randy: "If ya have to go, Would it help if I came with?" Randy said putting his hand unto my shoulder trying to comfort me.
Baxter: "Sigh..." "I guess?" "I guess It'd baa, be better then going alone."
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He opened the door, and we both walked through it. I felt the cold breeze of the wind blow over my wool, and while normally I like the cold, tonight it only made me tense up more then I already was.
I decided to talk to Randy to pass the time, and maybe ease my mountain of concerns.
Baxter: "So, its baa, been fun hanging out with you guys!Even if I'm sorta, trapped here. I'm going to have to stay here for the rest of the month right?"
Randy: "Yeah?"
Baxter: "So what the fuck would I be doing while living here for that time?"
Randy: "Mostly ya'd have to fill out surveys from the doc, and do work with the rest of the flock. Most the time we do farm work baa, ya have to occasionally do work for him too."
Baxter: "So you guys don't have work for him most the time?" 
Randy: "Yeah."
Baxter: "Well thaats a relief, Not thaat I want to stay here baa, but you guys do not fucking deserve his bullshit."
Randy: "Well thats at least under the assumption ya don't manage to piss him off again. In which case he will end up tryin to "Fix" yer attitude issues. Again..."
Baxter: "I see... Well I doubt I'm going manage to baahave since his idea of baahaaving is being a mindless puppet for him to order around however he pleases!"
Randy: "Despite whatcha may think he isn't all baaad." 
Baxter: "And where is his good side? The Mariana trench, Altantus, The Fucking Moon!?"
Randy: "I don't think he's good guy, He aint', Baa, but He won't be as much of ass to ya if ya actually listen to him."
Baxter: "I'd rather die. Baaasides him being less unsufferabaa when you "obaay" him, only proves how much of a mircomanging tyrant he is."
Randy: "Ya make a point. Baasides yer not really wrong abaa the whole, Puppet thing. The man is a major control freak, Always has been and probaably always will be."
"Maa, Umm the farmer..." "She caan be pretty swell to be around, And since she gives us most of the work it wouldn't be thaaat baaad if ya decided to stay here."
Baxter: "I don't intend to stay, baa, but its nice thaat one of your baa, bosses? Parents?" Does creators work?" 
Randy: "Thaat'd be the most accurate."
Baxter: "I'm glad thaat at least one of your creators isn't a cruel manipulative asshole."
Randy: "Thanks Baaax!" "It means alot!"
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Baxter: "Fuck...."
"We're almost there..." 
Randy: "Baax I've dealt with this mans bullshit far more and for far longer then you hopefully ever will. Whatever he's gonna do to ya, I'm sure I can help ya through it."
Baxter: "..."
Randy: "Look ya caan grab hand my if it helps."
I reached my hand over to his and grabbed it. While a feeling of dread still felt thick and overwhelming, It didn't feel as inescapable. If the paranoia and fear of whats to come was darkness, randy s hand acted like a torch, illuminating the night.
Randy: "Ya okay? Cause I think I mighta baaroke somethin."
Seems he definitely noticed how lost in thought I got.
Baxter: "Itsjustthatimfreakingoutandthenyoutouchmyhandandithelpsbaaalso..."
Randy: "Baaax, slow down."
Baxter: "My heart was, already abaa to beat outta my chest and..." "I've never had another guy hold my hand baafore except my dad."
Randy: "Ya want me to stop???"
Baxter: "HELL FUCKING NO!! I mean, ummm. I'd baa happy with, I'd be, fine with you holding my hand. As long as YOU want to thaat is."
As much as I tried and failed to play it cool, I genuinely did want him to keep holding my hand. I held his hand the rest of the way on our walk to that god forsaken clinic.
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
More cum dump Evelyn please 😊
Levi x Evelyn -> All You're Good For
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(A/N: The amount of self control I had to not make this the non-canon smutshot with Dilf Fnaf movie William is insane. Not gonna lie I'm proud of myself for not doing so and having control.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Levi could have pulled his hair out listening to Erwin go on and on again about Evelyn not being pregnant yet. While he understood that a part of the reason he was even remotely on board with Levi's lifestyle choice was the idea of a Ackerman and Titan child. Levi understood alright, but that didn't stop this from being annoying and monotonous.
"Do we have to go over this again?" Instead of pulling his hair out he opts to rake a hand through it.
"If you did what you're supposed to do then no we wouldn't." Erwin never skipped a beat.
"I'm doing everything I can damn it. Unless you want me to take off work until it happens there's nothing I can do!" He slams his fists on the table.
"Don't raise your voice at me."
Levi reclines back in his chair. "Fine. Just know I'm trying, I'm making her take pregnancy tests every week, in fact I instructed her to do so while I'm gone. I'm doing what I can, you can only force someone to be pregnant so much." He stands suddenly, taking a final swig of the liquor on his desk, he'd been drinking again, heaven help Evelyn if he got really drunk when he came home. "Are we done here?"
"For now, we are." Erwin stands as well, making sure to leave first, everything had to be a one up on Levi out of pure spite.
Levi resists the urge to smash his glass against the wall, since all it will cause is a mess. He mostly hopes that when he gets home Evelyn will tell him she's pregnant, then he'll be happy, if she's not...he'll make sure she is. Now matter how painful it is, he needs her to be pregnant.
When he finally gets home Levi doesn't disguise his steps as he stomps up the stairs. He expected Evelyn to be at there waiting for him, but remembering it was test day he knew to find her. His fist pounded on the bathroom door.
"Evelyn? Results?" He waited only a moment before opening the door. She was sitting on the bathtub edge, staring at the test on the counter.
"It's not ready yet." Is all she remarks, not trying to fight as he kisses her in welcome.
"How much longer?"
"Should be any second. Good day at work?"
"Good enough." He grabs the test, looking at it, his expression shifts to even more annoyance as he throws it in the trash. "Fucking negative again! What is wrong with you!?" He grabs her by the throat and bring her into the next room, throwing her on the bed.
"I can't help it Levi I'm sorry- you're choking me-"
"Shut up, it's your own damn fault anyway." He pushes her legs up as hard as he can, not caring that it made her hips sore. All at once he pushes himself into her, thrusting in with an animalistic need to breed her.
Her ass jiggles with each slap of his hips against hers, all she needed to do was take it for once. The way she squeezed him drove him absolutely crazy, she needed to stop trying to pull away though, that was annoying him.
"Can't you just stop being a bitch for one minute? Don't you know this is all your good for? Being my fucking cum dump, taking all my seed to get you pregnant."
Most likely out of fear she stops resisting, only able to moan from his actions. She's only able to take it as he fills her womb with cum, waiting a few moments before going back in again.
She's unsure of how much time has passed before he's finally finished with her. His seed leaks out of her at a steady pace, and his final load paints her chest. His sigh of relief and satisfaction is loud, as if he's finally happy with what he's done. He looks her over, admiring his work.
"You look beautiful." His fingers reach down to rub his cum into her skin, he wants all of her to be infused with all of him. When he's satisfied he wipes his hand on her thigh. "Now let's go clean up, so I can fill you up again."
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rav3nston3 · 10 months
hi i'm gonna try keep this part brief
i have a (latest version, currently 1.20.4) minecraft server:
✨ rav3nston3.apexmc.co ✨
it's just a silly little map made to be a big playground since i can't really hang out with anyone irl (i tend to call it my "tag map" because there's a datapack that lets you play tag! but there's lots of other stuff too) and i wanted to finally kinda release this! i'll be streaming on my twitch from it (mostly building but i could do some tagging/showing folks around if anyone shows up) around when this post goes up so come check it out maybe! (also there's some, Things on it- everyone makes dicks in minecraft don't judge me- so if that would make you uncomfortable then sorry! i guess!)
i'll try to update this post with some information regarding the map under the read more in the future, leaving it pretty short at first so i can post it Now, if you're seeing a reblog it might not be up to date and you should click through to this original post!!!
down here is where the information Will go, for now i’ll just say that it’s not particularly beginner friendly? the spawn area has quite a bit of reading and it’s easy to accidentally breeze through it and not actually see any of the important stuff… also some Very important things are left out like talking about the Random Events or how most of the animals have fun and funky behavior… i’ll try address this soon!
edited March 8th, sorry for the wall of text
the base mechanics of the map include, tag, radars, random events, a "sprint meter", randomly spawning item boxes/animals, custom advancements, shops, and more i'm probably forgetting at the moment!
Tag: there's 1 "It" player and everyone else is "not it", y'know like tag, when not it players are tagged their spawnpoint is set to that location, there's also a slight grace period where tagging someone back is less beneficial, and some events are effected by being it or not, as well as a few "doors" being open depending on your it status
Radars: all players get a "radar" of some type that points to the nearest/all/??? not it players (depending on the radar type, this is explained more on the actual map), when you've recently tagged someone the grace period stops you from being tracked by the new it player for a bit
Random Events: currently there are 12 randomly occurring events, they can happen every 90 seconds, they range from a "group hug" event that teleports every not it player to one not it player at random, to everyone getting levitated into the sky, to a server wide game of rock paper scissors, and more!
Sprint Meter: when sprinting there will be a meter that fills up above your hotbar, your speed will gradually increase (in steps) until the bar fills, the bar will go back down twice as fast as long as you're not sprinting (or sneaking), and sneaking at the highest few levels of the meter will grant you jump boost!
Random Spawns: item boxes and animals (chickens and sheep) will randomly spawn around the map. the item boxes can be "opened" (they're shulkers, so you kill them) for various drops, they come in various types that are area dependent each with different loot tables! the animals have unique effects (with some very minor exceptions), all chickens will instantly die upon getting close to them (unless they're babies, or "The Chucken"), and all sheep spawn with a land mine on their backs (unless it exploded and they somehow survive, steer clear of sheep or try to activate them from a safe distance)
Custom Advancements: there's advancements for dying to various sources, looking at various things through a spyglass, and other (hopefully) fun activities, you can even reset your advancement progress at a special location for some extra loot
Shops: there's currently 5 shops on the map, one that sells chicken, one that sells explosives, one that trades eggs and chicken for gold, a secret weather charm shop, and a prize counter at the carnival. 4 of the 5 work by putting your currency on the counter (each shop might take different currency depending on what they sell/trade) and clicking the items you want to buy, the 5th works like a villager (shhhhhhh)
Some other things to note: there's a custom resource pack on the server, it's mostly there for custom hats but there's some other stuff too! if you're interested in playing, feel free to send me an ask! i'd be happy to show anyone around :3
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omi-papus · 2 years
Cal: Here, these are melatonin pills. Hopefully it will get you to at least stay asleep. Keep the bottle. If it doesn't work, we can try out Ambien. That usually works.
He says rather loudly as he puts down a small pill bottle and a glass of water on the table next to him. It's clear he's fighting his instinct to whisper. Although to the other man it might as well have been, he barely heard him, realizing how much he actually looked at Cal's mouth when he spoke and his brain filled the gaps in the sound in.
Still, it was clear what he meant, and Ryley could still easily recognize his silhouette and the outline of his brow from the miniscule light provided by his nearby computer. Normally he would have at least managed to get the sweaty hair out of his forehead, with a heavy sigh to boot. But right now he couldn't move a muscle. Not like he was frozen, or st least not completely. His fuckshit of a brain had still decided to focus on the new knowledge that Calvin just randomly had multiple types of sleep drugs available, finally making sense of a lot of things by realizing he was a chronic insomniac. And his mouth subconsciously scowled when he also realized that Cal wasn't exactly one to take his medication as much as he should. Spending most nights up working, not even attempting to sleep. 
The poor idiot probably saw it as an advantage of some kind. 
Cal: I'm gonna go work in my room, that light's probably bothering you. If you decide to make yourself some tea or something, make sure it's chamomile.
He pressed a hand to his shoulder and quickly moved away. Ryley watched, feeling heavy, as the man took his PDA, computer and multitude of papers and stacked them, moving through the living room. He was inside, disappointed. Not that he was going to tell him that. Calvin had finally gathered everything and at his last step out to the hallway he let out a strong.
Cal: Good night.
Fuck. He wasn't able to respond to it. Now left to adjust to the darkness, logically Ryley knew there was a large glass window that took up most of the wall, but the emptiness of space had nothing for it to let through. He was not bothered by the dark itself. It did not frighten him. And yet he sorely missed the light that highlighted Cal working mindlessly in his proximity. He hoped he was not aware of this, but that is the only reason he almost nightly slept on the couch in the living room, close to his work desk. His supposed dislike for Calvin's memory foam mattress had been a bold faced lie. He could really not give less of a shit what surface he slept on. It is also not even like said mattress had Cal's butt imprinted, in fact it was mostly completely flat, as if brand new. That made a lot more sense now, too.
The only reason he felt the need to be there was nothing more than the selfish and pathetic reason that he needed to confirm where he was. Or, at least, he really wanted to. Far too often, he'd fall asleep, trying his absolute best to listen in to the sound of him typing. Almost every day he'd wake up forgetting where he was and looking over to see him in that same spot made the pressure on his chest subside.
He wasn't normally one to have nightmares. And even when he did, he was usually able to sleep through them, if he ever woke up it was just him opening his eyes, realizing where he was, sighing hard and going back to sleep. Which made it all the more confusing that tonight he had woken up multiple times, feeling heavy and ever so slightly trembling. He never shot up and shouted, or hyperventilated, but more than once he had to sit up and bury his face in his hands, trying to quietly rid himself of the adrenaline. Cal had asked him if he was ok multiple times, and every single one Ryley replied that he was fine. He supposed that this time he finally had enough and decided to do something to help. Cal, being his pragmatic self, opted to offer him a direct solution to his problem, and didn't pry into his anxieties.
Which is good, because Ryley could not have brought himself to explain that, that last nightmare was about loosing him. Ok not exactly. That didn't look like Calvin. Way too skinny and tall to be him. It was stupid how during the entire dream, he didn't think to question once why a completely different guy had taken the place of Cal. Dreams are just like that, he supposed. At least the now rapidly fading memories of it were of some rando tragically drowning and not Cal's face panicked sinking under the ocean. 
He laid back down. He knew, objectively speaking, it didn't mean as much as one would assume. It's not consistent enough to call it a recurring nightmare, but every single nightmare he's had for the past eight years has been about him failing to save someone on 4546b. His crewmates, strangers, his ex, his parents, even people he hated in prison were part of it, and Cal was just a logical step in that direction. It did not make these any less terrifying. And normally he felt empty whenever he woke up from one. Because half of the time, he would wake up, and then realize that in a way his dream had come true. His parents had been dead for ages. All the way back to when he was seventeen. That's why Ryley had always bowed to never get involved in a strike like they did. But seeing either being torn apart by a warper and waking up, only to remember that they were still very much gone, was debilitating. His crew, from the aurora, were also soul sucking because he knew how many of them died exactly like how his dreams presented it. Sometimes calling it a nightmare didn't even feel correct.
It had not been the same with Cal. When his eyes shot open, head dizzy and body stiff, from the images of “him” fading, he turned around and saw the man himself approaching. The real him. Eye bags and all. He heard his voice, far less clear than in any dream but still undoubtedly real, and he felt his hand, gently gripping his shoulder before respectfully retreating and leaving behind something so characteristically him, that couldn't leave any doubt in his mind that he was there.
If he had to keep dreaming. To see those same nightmares with no end. He'd gladly watch dream Cal die a thousand deaths, if he could wake up to find him close by, just being himself.
He did not consider getting up, following him to his room and laying down beside him. It was a thought, but he did not consider it. First of because ew. What the fuck would that even look like. Cal would probably get super freaked out, especially since despite the early agreement that they would both use the one bed on the ship like adults, they have yet to ever actually sleep together. And right now he believed Cal's aid was enough. 
That's one word that he endlessly associated with Cal. Enough. 
He hopes they both knew how long they had been with less. How Ryley has been so many years with so very little from someone. That he could not help but treasure the simplicity of what he gave him. A glass of water, some sleeping medication, and some space. Which, in retrospect, was probably for the best, since his departure likely prevented Ryley from staring at him the whole night.
He'd take Cal. He'd take him over anything, is something Ryley had been forced to realize over the past few months. He couldn't manage to think of a reason for why he would choose anything else but to be Calvin's stowaway. And that wasn't exactly the high compliment it sounded like. His options were water hell, the void of space and jail. He has yet to mull ever hypotheticals like weather he'd prefer the aurora, and that this whole thing never happened, or that he was still a minor engineer in the docking bay.
All a really complicated way to avoid saying he liked it here, and he wanted to stay with Cal for as long as he could.
He took the pill and slowly drank the whole glass. It was a nice temperature. He pulled up the covers, and quickly came up with a plan to make breakfast in the morning before closing his eyes again.
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inherstars · 4 months
Posting to keep myself honest, and hopefully motivated. Still no fucking idea what I'm going to call it. First part was here.
They outpaced the storm, but not by much, the slate-black clouds chasing them down the more perilous oiled-gravel road that separated Levi’s farm from Route 287.  Maggie rolled up the passenger window and leaned close to the glass, cheek-to-cheek with her faint reflection as she watched the approach.  They passed by a long-armed metal gate at the turnoff, and a moment later a ropy-looking merle hound raced from the main house, falling in line to gallop alongside the truck.
Levi glanced over as Maggie stiffened upright, gripping the door panel.
“Don’t like dogs?”
“Just… not much experience with them, that’s all.”
“Fred won’t bother you none.”
“That’s his name?  Fred?”
“He’ll come to damn near anything, but that’s what I call him.”
The rain started just as they pulled in, and Levi bid her wait as he awkwardly squirmed and shouldered out of his denim coat.  She tried to protest, but to no avail.  She held the jacket over her head as he ducked through the hard slant of rain and came around to take her suitcase and hand her down.
Fred promptly made a pest of himself, brown eyes uprolled as he sidled so close she could feel the solid, rangy, wiggling press of his body.  She took to him immediately, palming the soft, dappled skull.
“Oh, he’s sweet,” she said, voice raised above the din of rain on earth and fence and metal roof.
“Yeah, there ain’t much brain in there, but what there is he splits between liking sheep and liking people.”
Levi guided her in as hasty a jog for the porch as he dared, trying not to trip over Fred in the process.  They made it under shelter and stood a moment, Levi loosely roughing the water from his hair with a back and forth pass of both hands.  Maggie handed him back his jacket, gratefully smiling.
“I’ve never seen a dog like that. What kind is he?”
“Pain in the ass, mostly.”  He nodded at him.  “Some kind of sheepdog mix?  Bit of collie, maybe?  Got him off a friend of mine that had a litter of mutts.”
“Can he come inside with us?”
He chuckled, rueful, and held the screen door open for her to precede him.
“You’re gonna regret asking that, but sure.”
Once inside, Levi shook off his coat and hung it by the door, giving Maggie room and time to tentatively explore the open great room.  It was the definition of modest in both construction and adornment, the furniture timeworn but well cared for, the raftered ceilings preventing it from feeling either too dark or claustrophobic.  She stood at its center, both hands absently stroking the hard swell of her stomach until she’d taken her fill of the accommodations.
Levi approached carefully, making a few quick gestures here and there, though much of the layout was already obvious.
“Kitchen there, as you can see. Sitting room, fireplace, not much to it.  That’s my room there, and over there’s the guest room.  Not much to that, either, but it’s made up and should be pretty clean. Got its own bathroom, that’s probably the newest thing in the whole damn house.
Her head turned to regard him.  “Do you live here alone?”
“Well, me and Fred.  Lambing season is about to start, and I’ll have some workers in to help, but they don’t live on the property.”
She nodded, absent, but with the sense it was all being filed away, noted for later.  With slow steps, tennis shoes dragging the rug underfoot, she made a slow and circling pass of the sitting room.  A riverstone hearth made up most of one wall, mantle lined with little picture frames and a few small, whittled figurines.  The furniture looked cut and constructed from the same logs that made up the house’s walls, cushioned with napped green and orange upholstery, everything used and used and used until it made no sense to keep it around any longer.
Fred leapt onto the sofa when Maggie got close, tail slapping the cushions as he inched nearer, supplicating, and licked his lips.
“For God’s sake, Fred,” Levi sighed.  Maggie smiled helplessly and reached again for the dog’s soft ears, giving in to his appeals.
“How long have you lived here,” she asked, glancing back.  Levi exhaled slowly, one hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Most of my life.  Born here, in fact, in this very house.  Folks lived here before me.  I left home after school, worked for Harvester down in Cheyenne for a good few years.  When my folks couldn’t handle things here anymore, it was either sell the whole mess or come home and have a go at it.  They didn’t want to sell, so. Here I am, still.”
“Never easy to go home, hm?”
He grunted softly, not without wry amusement. “Suppose it depends on the home.”
Sensing they could stand like that for hours, pussy-footing through the unavoidable awkwardness of introduction while Fred got his ears massaged, Levi dipped his head indicatively to the guest room.
“I’m going to go and get changed into something a little less drenched. I’ll put your suitcase over here in the guest room, you can feel free to make yourself at home.”  He set it down just inside the threshold, fumbling for the light switch.  “You eat, yet?  I can see what I’ve got in the pantry appropriate for guests.”
Maggie nodded, absently petting Fred harder as the dog’s snout bunted into her palm.
“That’d be lovely, thank you.  I’m not picky.”
“I’ll see what I can do, then.”
His head dipped politely as he stepped away and out of sight, already loosening the buttons of his shirt.
She stood for minutes longer, comfortable enough with his invitation to make herself at home, but entirely unsure what to do with it.  Emboldened by the dog’s company she finally prowled to the guest room, poking her head inside before slipping in more for a more thorough investigation.
It was Levi’s boyhood room, perhaps, the original log walls tacked up with whitewashed panels to make it brighter, more inviting.  Simple furniture, worn but well-kept.  A wooden chest.  An arm chair draped with a granny-square quilt, likely relocated from the main room before the shift to green-and-orange upholstery.  A narrow doorway at one end led into a spare but contrastingly modern bathroom.
She sat on the bed, the mattress stiff beneath her, listening to the sound of running water through their shared wall.  It was dangerous just being here, trusting him, letting him take her so far from even the remotest hope of help.  There was a telephone in the main room, but did it work?  And who would she even call?  Even the maternity home relied on switchboard operators to connect homesick girls to their families.  The ones that were even inclined to call, that is. 
No, she was committed to this now, fixed as a trolley on a track.  No telling what the stops would be like.
“Story of my goddamned life,” she sighed.  Fred reappeared in the doorway, tail wagging, and after a moment more of self pity Maggie patted her knee.  He bolted to her, pressing his whole body against her legs.
He stayed with her like that, head on her knee, even when sounds from beyond the room indicated Levi had returned.  Plates clattered, cabinet doors opened and shut. By the time he too appeared in her doorway, leaning bemusedly on a forearm, the dog’s eyes were serenely closed.
“He snores something awful,” Levi warned her.  “And don’t get me started on the gas.”
“Alright, well I guess he can just sleep with you, then.”
His head bowed, hiding a smirk, before he straightened.
“I got something fixed for dinner, if you’re feeling it.  Not fancy, but it’ll do.”  With a more conciliatory gesture inside, he added, “Or I can… if you’re not comfortable, I mean, I’m happy to bring you--”
“No no.”  she dismissed, gently displacing Fred’s head from her knee.  “Not gonna hide in here like a hermit.”  She thrust a hand out at him.  “Little help?”
Levi hauled her to her feet, leading the way back out to the drop-leaf kitchen table.  It was a bachelor’s banquet, for sure: sliced bread with jars of mayonnaise, mustard and pickles, a few butcher packs of sliced lunch meat and cheese, fresh-cut tomato and slices of onion he’d likely grown himself.  He’d even set the table, albeit with the silverware in all the wrong place.
He caught her smiling to herself as he pushed in her chair.
“I got it all wrong, didn’t I?”
“Your heart was in the right place.  Just the salad fork’s on the wrong side. Also, there’s no salad.”
He took the chair across from her, wrenching the caps off two bottles of Coke.
“Here I thought that was a lady’s fork.”
He was cute.  It was hard not to like him.  Maggie started to believe that maybe she could.
Continued here.
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gt-newbie · 2 years
Okay, I really want to write more about my OC's Lucy and Arani, their last story being this from months ago, though this is all written in one go so it may not be that good lol. Anyway
There are certain logistics when it comes to moving shelter as a borrower. One if the most talked about would be being discovered, needing to move if you're seen. Another fact is that you need to move as little as posible, only the base necessities. Or maybe one would have to move further in the same house because of rodent problems or whatever. Arani is now going against all borrower logic and moving for none of these reasons.
Looking around the now mostly empty shelter, let alone for a very basic bed in case she needs to return here to rest for a while, she quickly gives it all one last check-up to see she isn't forgetting anything. Hell, even then, Lucy probably wouldn't lind returning to help pick something up. To her, Arani's house is less than a minute away from the new location, Lucy's bedroom
Lucy came up with the idea a while ago for this thing she called a "sleep-o-ver". Arani's been hesitant to the idea of moving so close to a human, but she believes, nah, knows Lucy well enough by now
Giving the shelter one last look, Arani can't say she isn't gonna miss the place, it's been treating her solid for the oast few months...though then again moving back would be very easy so maybe she shouldn't get too emotional
Heading outside into the living room through her old crack in the wall, Lucy is sitting outside on the floor, looking curiously at all the small baggage Arani brought outside. Good thing her parent's work schedules allow more than enough time for them to always be alone
"Hey, how exactly did you get the materials to make all these bags?" Lucy suddenly asks out of sheer curiosity
'W-well sometimes I dound some loose socks around the washing machine that never got cleaned up or put back with the other sock, so I thought you all wouldn't mind or see"
"Oh jeez, you've been using old socks as bags??"
"Not...mainly? I mean, one time i found a clean one and used that as a bed, nd even the dirtier once I tried to clean up a bit, it's not that bad."
"Alright, just concerned"
With that little banter, Lucy puts all of Arani's old luggage onto the palm of her hand with relative ease. To think her entire home could fit in one human's hand is...kinda nervewrecking
"What's...your room like?" Asks Arani, realising she hasnt really seen the place yet, nor any idea where to move in in the walls, though being fairly certain she'll easily find a place
"Uuuuuuuhhhh...organised in a...unique way"
"...messy...but I can clean up if you're living there, I wouldnt want it to discomfort you!"
"It's okay! Who knows, maybe I could find something usable" Arani says with a chuckle
"Well, ready to go?" Lucy asks, extending her hand, filled with luggage but still space for Arani to climb on. And that's when something hit her
This would be the first time she really would get ransported by Lucy, no, any human! It should be okay, she's known Lucy for abiut 2 months by now, if she wanted to do something malicious, she wouldve done so by now. So why is the thought of sitting on her hand so...terrifying?
Arani goes blank for a while, silently staring at Lucy's hand until she's snapped out of it by Lucy
"Arani? Arani, you okay?" She asks with a clearly worried look
"Hu-uh, I, well, nl, I mean, no im cool, I-I-I'm ready" she barely sputters out and she starts to climb on her hand, which just makes her mind race even more. She could shut her hand tightly, crush Arani with ease. Or she could be lying about the new place and throw her somewhere she might never be able to get out. Or she'll throw her to her neighbour's dog just for some quick amusement, or she-
"ARANI! You look as pale as a ghost, are you sure you're okay?!"
It takes her a while to respond, and even then, she has to try her hardest to put on a brave face, not to make her feel insulted
"Y....yeah, I'm...ready" she says, failing to look stoic, almost crying, hiccing through her sentence
Its then that Lucy, instead of lifting her hand, slightly turns it so just Arni gently falls off. Did she mess up? Did she break trust with Lucy? Is...
"I'm not gonna pick you up like that"
"N-no, I'm sorry, I'll do better, I-"
"Easy, easy, I dont lean like that. Hey, look at me" Arani looks up to the huge face looming over her. She originally expected annoyance, or anger. Instead, she saw Lucy the most concerned she has ever looked for the time she's known her, almost...scared too?
"Listen...I'm not gonna pick you up if it means terrifying you. Im not sure if it's me, if it's the height and possibilty of falling off, if it's the touch, but whatever the case, I'm clearly overstepping some boundaries. We dont have to cross them yet if you can't"
Arani, hearing all this, is taken aback a bit, but also feeling like she's calming down somewhat...until she is then met with some confusion
"B-but then how will we get to your room? It would take me hours to get there without any baggage?"
"Hmmm..." after about a minute of thinking, Lucy suddenly perks up, clapping her hands quickly
"Oh, I got it...at least, if touch is the problem, but we could try! Wait here a moment" and with that, Lucy carefully sits up and walks back to her room, returning in a minute with an old toy in her hands
Inspecting the toy closer, Arani finds it to be what the humans call a car! At least, a model of one. This just seems to have a plastic inside and a few working doors. Nonetheless, its abour her size!
"Again, if touch is the problem, maybe this could help. You could just sit in there, close your eyes and ket me carefully lift up wherever. Would you like to try that?"
Honestly, in a way, uts still slightly discomforting, but nowhere near being exposed normally on a hand, and with the thought and effort Lucy is going through, she just cant resist. She thriws one of the bags on her shoulders in the back of the toy car and sits in front
"Ready" she says, smiling and holding the steering wheel. And gently, the car gets lifted up in the air. Arani at first tries to keep her eyes closed, but takes a peak for just a second and it's...breathtaking. so fast, yet so slow for a human, and the sight of everything...
Suddenly, Lucy comes in with a random question to keep conversations going
"Aren't you gonna miss the console downstairs? You'll probably need le now to get you down there, can't have a tv on my room yet" said with a joking "blegh"
"Kinda...but if I get to become closer to you, it's very much worth it"
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afandommultiverse · 3 years
Enemies - Zora Ideale
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word count - 2.5k
request - Z3ll0us
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warnings - uhh none really, language probably, just some fluff
a/n - ya'll, my bad, I'm not dead just not creative, I somehow came up with this in the matter of like 5 months, and it's still shit I'm sorry guys, but I hope you all enjoy! Btw I'm going to be trying my best to come back!💕
It seemed no matter where he went, no matter what job it was if they were there, there was no chance for him. How many bounties had he lost? How many relics had they stolen right from under him for contracts? Zora was sick of it and made it a rule to himself that he would drop everything and turn the other way when he saw them, but what was even the point? Because no matter where he went, they were always there.
Even now, a member of the Black Bulls, he was having a hard time holding back from releasing magic spells. He wanted them gone, at least that is what he thought. Why else would he get this burning feeling looking at them to speak to Magna like they have been friends for years? But, of course, Zora could never tell them. However, he wanted them to talk to him like that, not like he was just some scum on the bottom of their shoes, but it is not like all he has done has exactly helped his relationship with them, which brought him to his current predicament.
"With who?" Zora could not believe his luck. Of course, he was going to be with them. What else would the fates do but trick and play with him? His suffering must be amusing. Yami puffed on his cigarette as he handed Zora a pack of mission information.
"You are with Y/n. Now go find them and get on; I forgot about that one under some stacks of papers, due dates in 3 days." Yami kicked Zora out of his office and left him there to stare at the door as he thought about how fucked the next four days would be for him.
It was a cave expedition. Some wild animals had been going in there and coming out with big mana. It was beginning to make it dangerous for the surrounding villages who hunted wild game to put dinner on the table. But, thank the gods, Yami had cleaned off his desk; if not, who knows what kind of trouble the guild would have been in the next few days.
Walking to their room, Zora had heavy feet, which seemed only to get more weighted and weighted as he got closer to their door. Then he heard their laugh vibrating through the walls and ringing out to the hall where he could listen, halting his step and his heartbeat. Zora swallowed a knot before bringing his hand up to the door and knocking heavily. He heard their steps before the door opened, and they stared at him, sitting into their hip and glaring.
"What?" They seethed, narrowing their eyes as if looking for a trick. He sighed and handed them the folder, not even bothering to mess with them right now; they will prove him wrong later anyways.
"Be ready in thirty minutes." And then he walked away.
Y/n P.O.V
I watched Zora skulk away, a different air around him, almost defeated. I frowned before closing the door and turning back to the guest.
"Who was that?" A friend of mine from hell, a tiny demoness who specialized in brews and potions. Aliza was her name, and she was a stout little thing with filled-out curves and gorgeous maroon skin that glowed. Her nails were sharp and black, seeming to glitter in the light as she lifted her cup, which was much more prominent in her little red hands. Red swirly horns curled around her ears before pointing up in effortless black points that seemed to drip back down her horns like minor oil spills. Most enticing were her pink eyes, slit-like a cat and equally as sharp.
"Zora, a team member." I settled back down in my seat in front of her and sipped my tea. Her tail swished around her curiously as she stared at me pointedly. Since she was so short, she had to stand on the table to see eye to eye; she looked adorable under the flowers in the vase sitting at the center of the table.
"Just a team member?" Her pink eyes seemed to glint in knowing, knowing what? I did not know. I eyed her suspiciously as I finished up my meal.
"Yeah. Just a team member who, by the way, gets on my nerves sometimes and is a huge asshole." I took the final sip from my tea and gathered the dishes before throwing them through a portal to hell. Aliza looked unimpressed as she watched me close the said portal. "What?"
"You cannot keep expecting Helltower to keep doing your dishes." I grinned, dusting off my hands and moving to change.
"Of course I can! He loves me! Plus, I always repay him with little trinkets from the middle world." I mused, throwing on my guild cape and walking out of the room, Aliza following me. Her heels clicked on the stone hall as she followed me, surprisingly keeping up for being so small.
"Where are you going?" She continued to drink her tea, which she had reheated with a small flame in her hand.
"Some mission, talk shit later, okay?" She laughed before slipping through a small red vortex in front of her effortlessly, and I continued to meet Zora.
It has been silent ever since we started walking, stale moods rising from both of us. Yami had mentioned that the mission would be within walking distance. What he had failed to mention was that he thought thirty-five miles was within walking distance, which brought us here, stumbling on the only trail that would lead us to the village in need. Wind around us blew softly, whistling through the trees and making the leaves above our heads shutter and shake. Orange and yellow leaves were falling overhead to frame our little journey. Now and then, deer or a rabbit would hop across a few feet ahead of us, some even stopping to stare at us with their beady eyes before walking off.
As silent as it was between us, the forest made up plenty of sounds, birds chirping tiny tunes to each other from the high treetops. We had even heard the roars of hogs fighting by a pond over a mate. We stopped to watch them for a second but continued a little after. Eventually, Zora let out an irritated sigh and walked over to a tall, thick tree, probably hundreds of old- and kicked it so hard, the roots ripped out from the ground, well, mostly. Before any dirt or rocks could hit us, Zora quickly set up a magic circle and reflected it all. I watched in astonishment and confusion. What the hell was he doing? Then, as dozens of birds flew away from the scene, scared of such commotion, he spoke.
"Cut this for me, dear?" I scoffed at the nickname, trying to ignore the sweet pound of my heart that followed after his raspy voice wrapped around that word in an unreasonable amount of attractiveness. Then I thought of a particular pair of pink cat eyes glinting at me. So I shuffled forward, opting instead of asking questions to pull an ax out of a small portal. "I always forget your weapons are double the size of Cap'n Yami." He muttered off to the side, watching as I walked up to the top of the tree and measured up the ax to swing. As I swung down on the trunk, cutting it just as it began to branch out, I heard a low whistle, and secondly, his footsteps walking along the tree trunk back to me.
"Clean shot, doll." He grinned down at me, then looked back at the severed trunks. "We'll take the long one for the rest of the ride, whaddya say?" He asked, reaching down to pull me up. What the hell is going on? As I gripped his hand, I was almost in a trance, confused and running through millions of thoughts. Setting my body on auto-pilot as I tried to figure out why the hell he was so lovely. Which, in the end, was a bad idea, or maybe a good one.
My foot slipped, and just when I thought I was going to eat shit, a specific pair of hands gripped me, pulling me up fast. We fell back, landing against the wood hard; well, Zora did at least.
"Fuck." He groaned, rubbing his head before looking up at me, his mischievous eyes and smile gone, there laid concern. "Are you okay?" He moved me off of him gently, surprisingly not making any inappropriate comments on our position.
"You saved me," I spoke, still flabbergasted with what happened and the events leading up to it.
"Yeah, it didn't look like it was gonna be a soft fall, sweetheart." He stood up, convinced that I was all right, and gave me a hand again, this time watching me intensely as if I would misstep again. After I was up, he walked away, going to the head of the tree to fill it with mana. Slowly, the trunk began to rise, higher and higher, until we were above the surrounding trees. Green leaves blocking the view of the forest floor we once stood on, and a soft sunset began in front of us. The trunk began to move forward, slowly speeding up before staying steady. The wind whipped my hair around, along with a few of my things, making me hold on to them tightly after tying up what I could of my hair. I walked up to Zora again, coming to sit beside him. The trunk was thick enough for us to sit side by side, but it was a tight fit nonetheless. So as I settled beside him, he moved slightly for me, but our legs stayed glued to each other.
"If you could just do this the entire time, why didn't you just leave me back there?" I laughed it off, so used to him being a pain in the ass, and it is not like it would not be the first time he screwed me over in some way. Our relationship was not one of the niceties or cordial words. So often, you would find us fighting or screaming to see the other because of something they did, which eventually leads to a fight. Zora did not look at me for a bit, but when he did, I wished he had never turned his head. His eyes were sullen, sad, and overthinking, foggy with millions of thoughts that looked to be running through his head. The evident frown that towed down his face bothered me, so used to the shit-eating grin he pranked me or others, or when after putting someone in their place.
"I guess I can be really mean sometimes, huh?" I did not know his voice could be so soft. Honestly, I was surprised I heard him at all, but I did and could not stop thinking about it. I did not feel it necessary to talk after that, instead finally shutting my trap and moving on to watch the sunset. Colors blurred and blended across the sky, framing the mountains and trees rising to kiss the sky. It was quite the sight with bright pinks, oranges, and even some purple painted across the blue sky. When we reached the village, the sun was long gone, replaced by the moon, just as bright and beautiful with specks of stars across the sky. At some point, I remember getting bored and searching for the different zodiacs and patterns defined by the stars. As soon as I had found my sign, the tree trunk began to descend.
The trees we once flew over surrounded us and shut us off from the sky once again as we settled on the forest floor. The tiny little path we had been following earlier continued beside us, looking as it had when we left it hours ago. Up ahead, I could see the village glowing lively. Its name is written proudly on a wooden sign almost overcome at the bottom in ivy. However, before we got there, I opened my big mouth again.
"I don't blame you for being so mean; I mean, I would be mean too if my guild partner beat me at everything." That is not how it was supposed to come out, I mean, I was genuinely trying to be nice, but I did not filter the words that left my mouth before. Zora's head turned to me, eyes gaunt and eerie, his brilliant smile no longer on display.
"You wanna run that by me again, Doll?" The venom that surrounded the once cheery nickname made my stomach drop. I felt backed against a corner with miles surrounding me to run off. Quickly I tried to explain what I meant.
"Wait, Zora, that's not what I meant- not how I-"
"No, I think I got it doll, you just think you're that much better than me, huh? So what, you got to some quests before me, stolen relics under my nose, and joined my guild, passing me up in less than four months. I don't care, Honey, 'cause ain't nobody better than me- 'cause ain't no one like me! I don't care how much mana you have, how many spells you cast, how skilled you are, or how fucking perfect you are! None of that is gonna change no matter how gorgeous you are!" Zora's eyes widen, and he clenched his mouth shut, turning away with a growl and turning to walk off toward the village ahead of us.
"You think I'm perfect?" I called out, watching him stop and turn back to look at me. Zora's face was blank as he spoke.
"Are you telling me that out of ALL that, that is the only thing that stuck?" He scoffed, and his eyes narrowed slightly, sharp jaws sent in a deep frown. I walked up to him and stopped a step ahead of him. I held out my hand slowly, making sure I held eye contact with him.
"Truce?" Zora looked at my hand, astonished, which slowly melted away and revealed mixed relief and annoyance. Then, finally, he moved to grip my hand and shake it firmly.
"Truce. Whoa-" I yanked Zora forward, pulling him close, catching his surprised blue eyes before closing my own and going in for a kiss. Fortunately, Zora fell into it almost too easily, slipping his arms around me tight and returning the kiss with a bottled fever. However, after a few seconds, he pushed back, letting me go.
"W-What was that for?" I stared at him, lips still buzzing slightly from the contact.
"I don't know; it felt like the right thing to do. I think you're perfect, handsome too."
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