#i'm going to eat the glittery fruit that's what i know now >:3
keeps-ache · 10 months
mmmmmmmnnnn cuz yeah. because the yes. and the yep
#just me hi#this means nothing because i had like 3 detached thoughts and only affirmative answers#and i don't remember what any of them were so hfbsh !!#i think one of them was about glittery fruit. unconfirmed#//oh but listen those glittery fruits they sell for display at crafts stores are So good#why are they not real!! why am i not allowed to eat them !!#they look five times as good as normal fruit.. like the little water-dewey glitter drops on them. very good very good#but they're not real and made of styrofoam :/ which is Apparently not good to eat but i learn by example sooooo#i tried a packing peanut once and That was fine !#though those Are made out of corn starch.. i think....#hang on what do they make styrofoam out of#btw did you know that styrofoam is like. an actual trademarked company? bc i thought that was just the stuff they made cups at the gas#station out of#/oohh it's petroleum based (from my one search i see)...#so... it Did come from dead plants and stuffs... just kinda sauteed under the earth for a little while.... just kinda brewed......... :>>>>#i'm going to eat the glittery fruit that's what i know now >:3#/they don't Feel very good though#like the little water-dewey glitter drops are just a lot of Bumps and it's not that great :/#but maybe it crunches well. so.. :33#//what was my last overused word. i think it's still Anyways but now it's So.. hvbshf#it was Like i think#mmmmm lolll#//going !! to run errands now !!!#i love errands errands my good friend <33#toodles ciao adios Bye !!
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Here's the part 2! Ngl this was fun to write
Sorry if it's a bit short!
One Week Pt. 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
"You're back a bit early," Hero said, sitting down with their back against the wall, legs straddled ever so slightly. There wasn't much to do in their containment cell, it was barren and fully power-resistant. 
"Get your back away from the wall, it might damage your wings," Villain scolded lightly as they set down the duffel bag of goodies they'd brought with them and closed the door to the room, making it appear flush with the walls on either side. It was a trick to make it look like there was no escape, and a way of keeping prisoner whereabouts a secret.
"What's in the bag?" Hero asked as they shuffled slightly away from the wall like they'd been told. Villain was right, even with their wings folded back into the costume they'd been in for days, in special pouches designed to conceal and keep them safe and cushioned, leaning against a wall would probably hurt the joints connecting them to the back.
Villain knelt down by the duffel and unzipped it, revealing two small clocks- no, timers- ticking in sync and both set for an unusually long amount of time. There were also some snacks hidden in there, as well as a glint of what Hero thought might be jewels. "Here, take this," Villain said, tossing one of the timers over to Hero.
Curiously, they picked it up and examined it. "What's it for?" They asked as they turned it over in their hands. "It's set for about 7 days, a bit less than that because they've been ticking for an hour or two now. It's a countdown for me, and for you," Villain answered vaguely as they fished some of the snacks out of the duffel. 
"I'm not exactly busy today, so I figured I could spare a small meal with you outside of the regular hours," they continued. After a bit, they had a few Capri-Suns, some fruit in plastic baggies, and one of those meat-cheese-cracker platter things all splayed out in front of them. Hero gave a questioning glance as Villain distributed the food. "What? Nutrition is important, eat up," they said in response to the look.
Hero took some of the fruit first, a baggie of pineapple. "So, what's the glittery thing in the bag? Some sort of jewel?" They asked, putting the first small chunk in their mouth. Villain nodded as they made some cracker sandwiches with the platter. "Results from today's heist. It was unplanned and more done just to release a bit of inner rage and tension," they explained. They ate the cracker sandwich whole and washed it down with a Capri-Sun.
"Hm. I didn't think you were one to have stressers, you usually seem a bit… carefree and chaotic, not stressed," Hero replied. The conversation went a bit slowly as they both had the decency to swallow their food before speaking, and covered several different topics, like the local news, what'd been going on with Hero's team, who had made an appearance or been arrested.
"So, I'll ask this one more time, what is the purpose of the timers?" Hero said as they finished up. "Just a countdown for something. I'd tell you what, but don't wanna get your hopes up," Villain said. Hero sighed knowing they weren't gonna get anything more specific than that. "I'll be back in time for dinner, don't try to break it," Villain said as they adjusted the duffel bag more comfortably under their shoulder and left the room.
Hero looked down at the timer. It didn't seem to have any signaling devices, they could tell by looking through the transparent plastic coverings. Maybe they'd been designed like that so Hero wouldn't try to dismantle it to check for one. The time was ticking down from 597,325...4...3.. it kept ticking, the whole thing counting by seconds. At least now they had something to do other than stare off into space. But they doubted it'd be better.
597,317...6...5… That was how much time they had to contemplate whether or not the timer reaching 0 was a good thing.
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