#i'm gnawing on the linoleum
harurio · 6 months
and if i said the japanese softcore torture porn movie has the best most poignant most beautiful sex scene i've ever seen in anything bl or adjacent or otherwise. what then
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
for fluffy friday do u think u could write a fic where hobie takes u to an appointment while pregnant with the twins to find out the gender (obvi hobie is rooting hard for a girl) not knowing ur having twins and thennnn surprise!!!
Aahhhh I love this prompt sm 🫶 thank you!!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, reader is pregnant, Billie and Ramona au, dad! Hobie, FLUFF.
You lay on an elevated cot, back straight as you anxiously wait for the doctor to do the ultrasound. Hobie looks cool as ever, save for him tapping his boot relentlessly on the linoleum floor of the hospital.
You look at Hobie, he gestures for you to exhale deeply. You follow his instructions. He nods, squeezing your hands as they lay on top of your growing stomach. Anxiety bubbles in your gut, you don't know if it's just because you're pregnant or you're worried what the doctor will find on the ultrasound. It's your first time getting it since finding out you're having a baby, add it with the fact that you'll be finding out the sex of the baby, it's safe to say you're properly worried.
"What do you think the baby will be?" Hobie cuts the silence in an attempt to ease your anxiety. He secretly hopes for a girl that's a perfect mix of you both with a carbon copy smile from you.
"Don't know as long as the baby's not a spider hybrid having eight arms, I'm good" you gnaw at your bottom lip.
He rubs your lips to prevent you biting it till you bleed. "The baby won't have eight arms" he reassures, you smile appreciatively at him. "They'll have eight eyes and organic webs"
"Hobie!" You slap his arm weakly.
"I'll love them the same, lovey. I'm sure they'll look cute with eight eyes"
"Not funny" you pout, blaming your pregnancy hormones with how your leg bounces against the bed.
"It'll be fine, yeah?" He places his hip right next to the cot to get closer to you. Hand placed lovingly over your stomach, tracing the circular pattern on your maternity blouse. "Doctor won't find anything wrong with you or the baby" Hobie's last comment was more of a reassurance for him, he keeps telling himself that everytime he goes out on patrol, repeating it like a mantra in his head, keeping him afloat.
The doctor knocks, she peeks inside with a polite smile. "Hi Mum, are you and dad ready?" Hobie has never heard someone else call him that title except for you occasionally, his stomach somersaults.
"Hi, doc. Please start, I'm dying out here" you joke that has Hobie snickering in agreement.
The doctor prepares the device, putting on some kind of jelly on the ultrasound wand. She wheels it closer, prompting Hobie to leave your side for a brief second. You reach out to him instinctively, he circles around the machine to get to you as fast as he can.
Back to your side, Hobie clasps your hand again.
"Excuse me, Mr. Brown" the doctor moves closer to you. Hobie raises a brow, you stop a laugh from escaping with your palm. He sees the smile on your eyes, he makes a face that says: do I look like a Mr. Brown?
You let out a snort, already embarrassed at the sound you made. Hobie smiles widely at your reaction while the doctor lifts up your shirt with your permission.
"Inhale deeply for me momma" she instructs.
You follow, cold jelly hits your skin that makes you shiver. Squeezing Hobie's hand tighter. He blames your unusual pregnancy strength with how his knuckles are aching from your tight hold. He can't imagine how strong your grip will be when you actually give birth.
Faint heartbeat hits your ears, you already know whose heart it is. The doctor swivels the ultrasound closer so you could see the screen. Even though the picture is grainy and grey, your heart soars at the first picture of your baby.
"Look at her" Hobie says in amazement, the low quality picture shows the outline of your baby moving around in your belly.
You look in awe, sparing Hobie a glance, you're glad you did because of the rare expression on his face. It's awe and love mixed together, your eyes are glossy at the sight. You knead his palm with your finger nail affectionately since you probably can't form a coherent sentence right now.
"Dad's right." The doctor looks at you both with a smile, "you've got a little girl. Congratulations"
You chuckle breathlessly while Hobie kisses each of your knuckles. He asks for your sakes, judging by how you look like you're about to burst into tears, he concludes you won't even remember to ask the question.
"Is she okay? Healthy? Only have two eyes and a human nose?"
The doctor laughs at his joke, while tears stop spilling from your eyes for a second.
"Seems everything's fine– wait" the doctor stops in her tracks, squinting at the grainy picture, moving the wand all over your stomach.
"What do you mean wait?" Your heart leaps at your chest, Hobie stops you from sitting up with his hand, massaging the skin right under your collar bone. "Is she okay?" Your face snaps towards Hobie. "Hobie?" He sees desperation on your face, the last he ever wanted to see.
"Oh? Doc don't keep it a secret" Hobie sounds angrier with every word he utters.
"There's two babies" she answers quickly.
"What?!" You and Hobie yell simultaneously. Fear evaporates from your body, replaced with something you can't quite name.
Then he hears it, a second heartbeat.
"Yeah," the doctor nods with a smile. She moves the wand further down to show you. "And she's quite shy"
Your eyes are glued on the screen, sure enough, another figure moves right behind the first outline. You gasp in astonishment. She hides with her miniscule movement behind her sister, but you can clearly see her now with her knuckles closed tightly in a fist.
More tears flow out of your eyes, you're sobbing right in front of your doctor. She holds out a box of tissues, you thank her with a wet smile.
Hobie hasn't moved since he spotted and heard his second daughter. Like a statue, his eyes never left the screen. Flabbergasted, his heart feels like escaping his chest.
"Hobie" you call out to him through tears. "We're having twins" you can't believe it yourself, sliding your hand to his elbow to get his attention.
"Girls," he says in awe, "we're havin' girls" Hobie doesn't spare a second to press a chaste kiss over your forehead. You hum in happiness. His hand drops to the side of your stomach, imagining he's holding his girls' hands.
You can't wait to meet them.
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16sydd16 · 1 month
Swap au. Attitude can vary, personality doesn't change.
Cady's the popular sweet sunshine mathlete who uses her sunshine smile to deceive.
Regina's the sassy, fashionista and takes no shit and has a foul mouth new kid.
(And just for fun, Regina's a world literature and psychology kid)
For this ask game!!
There was a lot here (which I love!) so I didn't quite squeeze it all in, but here's my best stab at a Swap AU:
Cady's the plaid-skirt, soft pastels type (think Cady's style nearing the end of her plastics transformation). Regina's a fan of pink, but most of her wardrobe is black, lots of leather and denim.
Cady hears the slap of Regina's clunky boots on the cheap cafeteria linoleum on Regina's first day. When Cady looks up, the lights flicker, and for the first time, she catches sight of Regina George. Regina's expression is bored until she catches Cady looking at her. Regina winks, and from the flutter in her stomach, Cady knows her life will never be the same. Cady tries to flag Regina down, but Regina nods her off, crashing into a seat next to Janis, who is annoyed by her arrival. It takes Cady the better part of two weeks to get the courage to formally invite Regina to eat lunch with them. Regina says yes this time.
Janis and Regina have an immediate sort of friction. They're in an unspoken pissing match to see who is, in fact, head lezzie. The tension is unbearable, but not like THAT. Regina wonders which one of them is going to snap and slap the other one first. Damian keeps a popcorn box in his bag for when the inevitable moment arises.
Cady, who is pretty enough to have the whole school worshipping at her feet and sweet enough that everyone's happy doing so, tries her best to talk to Regina like she does everyone else, but it's—um. Regina is different. Cady hasn't figured out how, exactly, but she knows that she is. Luckily, Janis knows exactly what's going on. They're lounging in the quad one day, the art freaks and the plastics and a bunch of assorted theater kids and athletes, when Cady completely spaces, her eyes locked on Regina scribbling something in a notebook across the way. She's brought swiftly back to reality when Janis whacks her over the head with something. "Ow! Jan, what the hell?" "Gay stick," Janis says simply, waving around a sizable fallen branch in one hand as she gnaws on an apple from her other. "Congrats, you're gay. Now you can go talk to blondie and get whatever the fuck this is out of your system so that I can have my attentive, open-eared friend back. I'm tired of talking to a brick wall."
Regina always looks a little bored, except when Cady's talking to her. She consciously has to fight a crooked smile every time Cady fucks up one of her words, or goes on one of her little nerd rants, or especially whenever Cady's cheeks flush when she admits too much. Cady leans in a little too close one day, cheeks red and smile wide and Regina can't fight the urge to kiss her any longer. If the way Cady grabs Regina's cheeks is any indication, she doesn't seem to mind.
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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cursed ghosts au:
rorke and elias have to leave base for a conference or some shit and they come home to a inconsolable puddle of adorable ghostitos
the couches are torn up, bedposts have been gnawed on, and there are scratch marks in the walls, but LOOK at them, Elias, theyve got the cutest little pouts
- rorke at some point probably
Pls, Elias just ripping his hair out while Rorke has a Ghostie under each arm, grinning ear to ear.
"They're so cute when they're all beasty! Look at this face!"
And it's Keegan, Cursed Form, being held like he's in The Lion King, just happy to be involved.
"What... the fuck." Is the first thing Elias hears, watching Rorke pause ahead of him in the doorway before actually entering the barracks.
There's the sound of many pairs of feet scrambling around, and having experience with his own sons, Elias knows that means nothing good.
So he's quick to rush in behind him, practically knocking his captain out of the way like a particularly tall bowling pin.
And the sight he is met with...
The barracks here aren't flashy. Back home they'd probably have individual sleeping rooms, bathrooms, even a seperate building with the same accommodations for the ladies.
Here? It's just one big building with a bunch of bunks, the bathrooms are porta potties, and they use a hose for a shower.
Not the best place to contain a bunch of recently traumatized Greenies, and especially not good when said Greenies are young adults given weird... superpowers that make them incredibly strong and also, ADHD as fuck.
There are claw marks on the walls. The linoleum has been ripped up in several places, the concrete underneath exposed. The bed frames are bent in several places and have teeth marks all over them... they're made of metal.
There's even a hole in the ceiling! Granted, it's just that a few ceiling tiles have been knocked out of place, but what the fuck.
And in one corner of the room there's a fort constructed out of of all the mattresses blankets and pillows available; He'd suspect even the extras they kept in a storage locker.
Of course, there's no sign of the previously mentioned Greenies anywhere...
Elias can only look around in disbelief... and then he hears a giggle.
He looks over, and Gabe is covering the bottom half of his face with a hand, looking around the room before laughing again.
"This funny to you?" He asks incredulously, and Rorke glances over before he cracks completely.
He's full on cackling, hands on his knees, big dumb grin on his face. Probably some tears in his eyes. Cheery fucker.
Elias hears movement and glances at the fort to see a few eyes peeking from between the cracks, glinting a sharp white in the dark.
It's only then that he remembers they never turned the lights on, and he storms over to the lightswitch and smacks them all on.
He regrets it right away of course, his eyes burning in the sudden influx of light, his sentiment is echoed by the pile of punk-asses in the corner who groan and even hiss their disgust.
God, it's like he's raising a pack of raccoon pups... he actually did that once, for a week while the rehab center was closed, and they were much easier than this group. All he needed to do was feed them every so often and they'd be content.
No. With these fools as soon as any authority leaves the room they're literally climbing the walls.
"Ow," Gabe complains, rubbing his eyes while Elias marches over to the... cuddle fort. "Did you have to turn the light on? We can see fine without it."
"I'm doing a headcount." He announces, rather than dignifying his "New Bff." with a response.
It's a well designed pillow-fort to be fair. They've used a few of the bed frames for walls, lined the floor with the mattresses. David and Logan have done better, but it's good enough for something needed to accommodate 13 adults.
Vera, Keegan, Sarah, Ajax, Sticks, Kevin, Kick, Neptune, Lucky, Grim, Torch... even Merrick, surprisingly enough.
He's sat in a chair in the corner, reading a book with one of those clippable reading lights.
He looks up when he feels Elias staring at him, sighing softly. "They built the fort around me."
Elias looks at Vera, who nods.
"Oh fuck." He mutters, counting them again. "We're missing one."
"What?" Rorke calls.
"We're missing one." He replies, scooting backwards until he's out again, having had to crawl a fair way in to see everyone.
"Uh oh." Rorke mutters, glancing around the room worriedly.
Usually, there would be at least one of them "Guarding the nest" so the group wouldn't go mad and eat someone, and even then they had a tendency to try and sneak off to "Go have fun."
Such fun fell between the lines of innocent fun like tipping over a porta-potty, and more dangerous activities like seeing who could reach the other side of a minefield the quickest.
That achievement went to Lucky, because he immediately stepped on a mine and got blasted to the other side in around two seconds.
Once the running game was banned they decided to make a new one: Seeing who could gain the most height.
So when Elias comes up one short, he's a little concerned.
...And then there's a giggle above them.
Elias looks up, into a space where one of the ceiling tiles is missing, and spots Adonis, the missing one.
He blinks down at them, and Elias sighs.
"Get down." He orders, and Adonis pouts but flips out of the space, hitting the ground on all fours and scrambling like a freaky human spider right into the fort.
Elias just sighs.
After a very long talk, he figures out the reason for all the destruction: -They clawed the walls because their nails were too long and they were hurting because of it. (Regular clippers/files didn't work as well as cinder block.) -They chewed the bed frames because their teeth hurt. (They're teething... apparently.) -The ceiling tiles because someone saw a snake on the floor, and while there were a few who could deal with it, most of them didn't want to. (Not because they were scared or anything... they just didn't want to get in the way.) -And the fort because the camp was too loud and all their heartbeats in a confined space was better than all the random inconsistent noises outside. Plus it was warm and they felt safer closer together.
All of that while they were in their... other forms. They went into the other form because Keegan and Ajax were roughhousing, and when Keegan got knocked into a wall locker it fell on him. The form triggered as a defense to the threat/pain, and then it set everyone else off.
Of course chaos ensued because the other form is terrifyingly hyperactive. But they settled down enough once the fort was made.
At that point Elias realizes he's raising a herd of cats.
My favorite part is their minds don't change besides "computing" faster than their regular bodies, so they were smart enough to know Elias wasn't gonna be happy with them making a mess, but they were so terribly under stimulated they had to do something.
However, they were well behaved enough to not leave the barracks or make so much noise that someone else comes to investigate the ruckus. Good boys/girls.
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janshu · 3 years
Inu!Bakugo...for @ultimate-astridwriting's Hybrid collab!
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Summary: My part of the hybrid collab. I had so much fun writing an angry Pomeranian Bakugo. 10/10 would do again. I'm not completely happy with it but who ever is? I'm still proud of myself!
Word count: 2.2k.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Bakugo being an ass, sexual content, somnophilia, collars, choking, humping, creampie, name calling (bitch, slut, whore etc.), use of the word cunt.
You sigh as you rummage around in your pocket to produce the key to your home. After a long day's work all you want to do is get some dinner, take a bath and go to bed but none of those things would be possible would they?
No, not after the spur of the moment decision to adopt a hybrid of all things. The week earlier was one of torrential downpours and near freezing temperatures, the roads making a slushy substance of half-melted ice and salt to prevent the very thing it was being mixed in with. People stayed indoors the best they could when they weren't at work but life had to shit on you and make your car breakdown in the parking garage. Umbrella rested on your shoulder, rain boots on your feet with your spare in your bag and you trudged through cold, mushy hell back home. The streets were barren as a Walmart on a weekday at 4am, no life passing by you until you crossed an alley between two businesses. A pathetic whimper had caught your attention and your gaze drifted down to a soaked cardboard box. What was in that box you weren't sure if you should curse or love. A hybrid.
Narrow red eyes stared at you in suspicion, fangs bared at you but the creature didn't make any attempts to nip at your fingers when they neared to ruffle the spikey head of hair. The hybrid had leaned into your touch before recoiling away as if you had smacked him. The black and orange collar had seen better days, the charm that dangled on the hollow of his neck read "Dynamite" but he didn't give any indication that was his name when you repeated it outloud. He was barely dressed in anything, a thin t-shirt, shorts with ragged Converse that had more holes than Swiss cheese. Truthfully he looked a few days away from starvation and how could you keep that on your conscience if you left him there? After laying your warm coat over his shoulders you somehow, someway, managed to get him back to your place. Everything went downhill from there in the blink of an eye.
The weak puppy persona was gone the moment warm food settled in his belly and within the hour he acted as if you had crowned him king of the house. Beginning his rambles of curses, demands and biting at your fingers. The worst of it happened when you tried to take his collar off for a new one, one that wasn't frayed and barely hanging on. "Katsuki" as he spat out his name with enough venom to put a Black Mamba to shame had flipped over a coffee table, ripped up every couch cushion and went so far to chew on the linoleum on the kitchen floor.
No doubt you'd be greeted with the same sight as always. Messy, dirty, unknown stains everywhere and dishes still in the sink waiting to be moved to the washer. Maybe if he wasn't such a loud ass you could train him but your frazzled nerves were at their wits end. You didn't know what to do, you were about to throw in the towel and put him up for adoption. Yep, you were disappointed to be proven right. Katsuki reclining on the couch lengthwise, remote in his hand with the most bored expression on his face while idly flipping through channels.
"Fucking finally, you're home! I've been waitin' for fucking hours for your ass to get back! I'm hungry, get your shitty ass in the kitchen and make dinner." He barked. Barely giving you any time to hang up your coat and slip off your shoes before his orders began.
"Katsuki...I can't, not tonight." Could your voice portray anymore pleading? Apparently not because he didn't seem to notice, or care.
The fluffy ear at the top of his head only flicked in response, the top lip curling into his signature snarl. "Then what the fuck are you good for? Get your fucking ass in that god damn kitchen and fucking make dinner already."
All that you were good for? All that you were good for? How dare he! He's been freeloading off you for a week now without so much as a thanks for saving him from the streets, feeding him, clothing him, keeping him warm and dealing with his bullshit and this is how he repays you?
"I've fucking had it with you!" Your voice rose higher than you meant to but at this point you didn't care, a line had been crossed. "You fucking sit there and ruin my shit and yet I'm the useless one? I have half a mind to kick you out! You can make your own fucking dinner, I've had it! I'm done! I can't take this anymore!"
Despite not having any clunky shoes on your feet still managed to resonate in the small living room while you stormed past the couch. You had expected anything, anything at all. A slap, a punch, a groan, literally anything but you were met with only silence and that somehow pissed out off even more. How could silence be so infuriating?! You didn't even notice the terror that washed over his face as you screamed at him or the way his chest heaved with the sob or how he trembled underneath your wrathful gaze as you walked away. The bedroom door slamming made short work of that.
"Fuck I'm such an ass.." You mused to yourself already regretting blowing up at him but what would an apology do that wasn't already broken? So better yet why not send yourself to bed without dinner as some kind of punishment? He'd linger at the doorway to the kitchen, staring at you with those intense eyes if you made dinner anyways so why let him win? He could his own shit for fucks sake!
After a quick shower to dethaw your bones and warm up what was left of your dead soul the softness of your pajamas helped ease the guilt gnawing away like a puppy on its first bone. Laying in bed until sleep eventually overcame you and when he knew it was safe to slip in and sneak over towards your bedside.
Rustling was what woke you. The rustling of clothes and the jingle of something metallic in the darkness of the bedroom. Whatever grogginess you normally suffered when waking up was vanishing the more details were dissected and understood by your half-asleep brain, a process that took an embarrassingly long time. Clothes rustling, the bedsheets moving, heavy pants and something incredibly warm nudging up against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Naturally your brain assumed the worst and your eyelids flew open to show nothing; at first. As your eyes adjusted to the pitch black room they found the blazing stare of those vermillion eyes, the bared fangs that belonged to your hybrid.
What the hell was Katsuki doing on top of you?
Noticing that you were awake the snarl turned into a smirk as he huffed, his large chest expanding with each desperate pant. Why did your folds feel so good just as you were waking up?
"Feel that?" How could you not? The feel of a scorching cock bumping up your folds and sensitive clit, wet from the pre leaking from the tip. There was so much of it from what you could feel, too sticky to be your own. His hips had yet to cease moving, no word from your shocked form to still his rutting hips.
"W-what the hell are you doing?" Was the most logical question your brain could come up with in the moment.
"Humping...fucking dumbass." His warm breath created goosebumps on your cool skin, his head must've been so close to yours by the hair tickling your forehead. "Tryin'ta...help ya. Shitty woman.."
"Help? How the fuck is this helping?"
"You've been working so hard so I thought maybe...a good fuck would calm ya down, relax ya." Katsuki's voice was so desperate, so needy, the humping of his cock on your labia increasing.
He was trying to help? He was going to fuck the frustration out of you? Is that was he was offering? Having sex with a hybrid was common enough to not be considered taboo but you couldn't help but feel he was trying to worm his way into your good graces. Unless your words had struck some kind of cord with him. "Okay, alright, I'll let you help."
"Fuck yeah!"
With that the head of his cock nudged against your cunt, already spread and waiting for him. How long had he been doing this for? The burn of the stretch was delicious, he was just big enough to fill you up but not hurt. Settling right up to kiss the tip of your cervix when he bottomed out. His hands grip at your thigh and hip, pulling his back to slam his cock right back into you. Over and over, over and over, over and over. Practically using you as a fleshlight to get himself off but damn if it didn't feel good, him bouncing you on his cock so roughly each thrust was sending the headboard against the wall.
"Oh fuck...oh fuck, Katsuki!" Your hands pat around and eventually find his biceps and you cling on for dear life, your nails digging crescent shaped markings into his skin.
"Yeah, yeah...you like this form of stress relief, don'tcha you dirty slut?" Undoing the collar around his neck the frayed cloth of the strap is tied around your neck, the buckle clamping down tightly to constrict your airflow while two fingers slip under it to pull and tug. "You're my dirty fucking slut! Mine...mine...mine...mine, fucking mine!"
Your fingers trailed down the tiny amount of space between your bodies down to the precious, neglected nub between your legs. Barely able to wiggle your index and middle finger down there from the rabid fucking you were receiving to circle the bundle of nerves and send yourself over the edge. Each clap of your thighs smacking against each other forcing your hate for his behavior ebbing away. If he was going to act like this all the time how could you kick him out?
"F-fuck! Gonna cum...fucking cum..cum for me. Cum with me!" Katsuki snarled as the pressure around your throat increased. Your hand was smacked away from your clit and was replaced with the large pad of his thumb, frantic circles sending your body into a writhing mess of flails and kicks.
The orgasm that had been steadily building from your ministrations had been ripped away and replaced with one quickly approaching to push you over the edge. The white hot pleasure-coil that formed underneath your belly button snapped and all of it coursed through your system in one go. Paralyzing your body for a split second as you squirted all over the hybrids cock, his still rubbing hand sending the liquid everywhere. Coating his thighs, your thighs and the bed underneath you.
"Fucking fuck! Such a whore, such a dirty girl for me! Oh my fucking g-god!" One last slam of his hips and his own body stilled, burying his cock deep inside your cunt to shoot his cum deep in your womb. He stuttered before his body collapsed on top of you, suffocating you in his sweaty muscles.
Bathing in the afterglow, coming down from your high you could've sworn you heard something. Mumbling, soft mumbling too indistinct to understand. Katsuki's head laying on your shoulder, his nose brushing along your collarbone and was he laying kisses here and there? No, you must've been seeing things. Still buried to the hilt he turned his head to speak, his fluffy ears perked and his tail gently swishing behind him. The sudden light from your phone illuminated the room, casting light on Katsuki's face and the sight made your breath hitch in your throat. Clearly he had been crying. Tear stains streaked down his cheeks, brows knitted together and the same lost look he had plastered on his face appeared again.
"Please, please don't kick me out. I'll do anything, please...please don't abandon me. Not again." His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as he hid his face in your neck. Voice breaking, shoulders trembling, the verge of crying all over again quickly approaching.
Your heart broke and you returned the favor by hugging him around the shoulders, a hand carding through his hair to soothe him. Had he been abandoned? Did his previous owners not like him? Was all his aggressiveness some kind of defense mechanism? Was he giving you a reason to kick him out to keep himself from experiencing that kind of pain again? Oh, poor baby. "Never again...just don't destroy things anymore, okay? Help me around the place a little more will ya?"
"Yes." Katsuki snuggled on top of you. Finally believing he had a real home with you, a place where he could belong. "....Master."
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corpsekiller · 3 years
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𝐢'𝐥𝐥 ��𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 ��𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 — 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮
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𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦. katsuki bakugou x genderneutral!reader (requested)
𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲. fluff, a little angst, mentions of a surgery
𝖲𝖸𝖭𝖮𝖯𝖲𝖨𝖲. you're going into surgery soon, but luckily, your boyfriends keeps you company in the waiting room to calm your nerves and comfort you.
𝖠𝖴𝖳𝖧𝖮𝖱'𝖲 𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖤. i'm so sorry for the delay, nonnie! i didn't mention any special details about the surgery itself to keep the story fitting and universal for anyone and i enjoyed this request so much. i hope you liked this fic and thank you so much for this request 🖤
𝖫𝖤𝖭𝖦𝖳𝖧. 1.496 words
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“Hey, dumbass! Stop moving so much,” Bakugou grunts with annoyance laced into his gruff voice when your knee hits his thigh for the third time in the last five minutes, steadily nudging him until he’s slipped to the very edge of his seat to avoid your hits.
The waiting room you’ve been sitting in for what feels like an eternity smells sickeningly clean, smells like stinging disinfectant and rubber that reminds you of the blue latex gloves nurses and doctors wear as they rush through the halls with a grim sternness etched into the fine wrinkles on their all-knowing faces. The gray linoleum floor squeaks unpleasantly under the soles of your shoes as your leg continues to bounce incessantly, each movement fueled by your growing anxiety.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The apology comes out in a jumble, quiet and lost while you stare at your shaking hands and gnaw at your bottom lip until you sense the coppery taste of your blood lingering in your dry mouth. Each minute passes so agonizingly slow, draining you of all energy the longer you are forced to stay in your seat and still, despite the torturous wait, you don’t want the hours to end — sitting in the waiting room, between coughing patients and visitors with wariness in their tired eyes, seems far better than what expects you after this.
Bakugou replies with a huff and returns his attention to his phone. Strangely, the bleak atmosphere that engulfs the room like a suffocating blanket doesn’t appear to affect him at all. In fact, he looks far more relaxed than he usually does, shoulders slumped and chest heaving and rising with every calm breath he takes while he scrolls through Twitter and replies to a few comments here and there.
And then there's you.
When the doctors told you about the necessary surgery to repair the damage you took after another villain attack, your heart dropped. And yes, of course, you understand the urgency of this medical invention to prevent further injuries and ease the burning waves of pain that crashed through every inch of your muscles whenever you moved too much, keeping the possibility of reaching your goal of becoming a hero upright if you get enough time to fully heal, but it still scares you.
The pressure on your ribcage increases with every passing second and though you try to repeat the reassuring words of the doctor in your head, the weight doesn’t alleviate. So many things could go wrong and you’ve heard plenty of stories to know that complications are more likely than you’d expect.
The thought of lying there, unconscious and unable to do anything, while other people poke around in your skin only lets your heart pound anxiously inside your throat and leaves a black hole of fear inside your raging mind, a nothingness that swallows every attempt of distraction and reassurance, no matter how hard you try to shift your attention.
What if the anesthetics don’t work and you’re still awake, sensing everything at once but unable to speak up? What if you still feel the pain? What if problems occur and you won’t reach your biggest dream at all? What if—
“What are you thinking about this time, idiot?” Bakugou inquires with a typical glare directed at your face, calloused fingers hovering over the glowing display of his phone. There’s a message he was about to send, unfinished and waiting for him to continue typing, though he doesn’t mind. You're always his first priority and he shows that in every way he can.
For a long moment, your boyfriend simply studies your expression with unwavering attention, pursing his lips as if he’s trying to listen to your screaming worries that pound against the inside of your skull, but then he wordlessly slides his phone into the pocket of his pants and drapes an arm over your slumped shoulders, gently pulling you closer to him. “C’mon, I can see that something is going on that pretty little head of yours and I don’t like it. You can talk to me, okay?”
“Thanks, Katsu,” you mutter with a weak smile and lean your forehead against his chest, closing your eyes for just a moment to find some peace and rest that is quickly disturbed by an older man who coughs hoarsely into the palms of his wrinkly hands. Age spots litter his hollow cheeks and his cloudy gaze is empty, sort of haunted and you can’t help but wonder what he’s waiting for — someone to save the fragile years of his life or the demise of death in one of the sterile white bedsheets of these creaky hospital beds?
You watch him get up from his seat when the nurse calls his name, loud and clear for everyone to understand, giving him a tight smile that doesn’t fit the strictness with which her hair is bound and tightened at the back of her head. The man slinks after her with a groan, follows her through the hallway, and disappears behind the automatic doors in an examination room. Soon, you’ll be sitting in one too. The thought of being the next to disappear behind those doors makes your stomach churn and your head ache with agitation.
“I think... I think I’m scared,” you finally whisper, fingers shakily fiddling with the chain dangling from your neck. The charm is a small grenade with Bakugou’s initials engraved in the glimmering metal, cool against your heated skin and somehow soothing, like you’re always carrying a part of your boyfriend close to your heart. Another patient leaves the room and trails behind a doctor with a blinding white coat, looking weirdly pale as they clasp their fingers around their wrist and grimace behind the other man’s back.
Suddenly, the waiting room appears to be strangely empty and lonely.
“What if something goes wrong, Katsu? I know the doctors told me to relax and they know what they’re doing, but there is always this possibility that something goes wrong.” You run a trembling hand through your disheveled hair, desperately trying to ground yourself while your pulse begins to flutter and bitter fear awakens in the pit of your stomach for another moment. “What if something happens?”
“Y/N,” your boyfriend interrupts with a snarl and bows his head to meet your eyes. His hand comes up to cup your face, arms tightening around your shoulders while he delicately caresses your soft skin, following the structure of your bones with his scarred knuckles. Drawing small circles over your cheek, he leans closer until his lips are right beside your ear and it truly surprises you how gentle he sounds when he speaks again. “I understand you, alright? Surgery is scary, even for me, but I’m sure everything will be just fine.”
“You’ll wait for me, right? I mean, you don’t have to sit here if you don’t want to, but...” For a minute, your words get stuck in your throat and panic crawls over your tongue, searing hot and icy cold at the same time, just as another nurse enters the waiting room. The sharpened pencil she holds precisely between her gloved fingers glides over the list of names she surveys, focused eyes obviously looking for the next patient. “But it would help me if you stayed.”
Katsuki’s mouth twitches into a fond smile and he chuckles lowly, blonde strands of tousled hair falling into his handsome face when he nods. His calloused fingers follow the curve of your arm before he carefully cups your trembling hands and gives you a comforting squeeze to show you that he’s there for you. A silent promise that he won’t be far, always in reach whenever you might need him. “Of course I’m waiting for you. What else am I supposed to do here, idiot?”
“Promise?” You look up to watch his expression, wide-eyed and absolutely horrified, not ready to let his hand go, even if the nurse calls your name in a second. Your fingertips ghost over his chest, bury themselves in the black fabric of his favorite sweater and you slide impossibly closer to him as if you’re trying to hide in his broad frame from doctors and hospital staff, trying to shield yourself and crawl underneath his clothes to bathe in the familiarity and comfort only he can bring you.
“Promise.” Bakugou leans down to brush his lips against your cheek, takes his time to wander over your jawline and capture you in a sweet kiss that’ll linger for a long time, prickling deliciously on your skin with the taste of caramel clinging to your mouth.
And right when the nurse approaches the two of you, he pulls you into his lap and wraps his strong arms around your waist, simply holds you tight against his body, and lets you cherish his warmth until your heartbeat seems to slow and a tranquil smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. Somewhere behind you, the nurse calls your name.
“I promise I’ll be there for you.”
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OH NO I WANT SO MANY ANSWERS ok. ok. i'm going to hedge my bets and NOT ask for david-8/engineer because i'm not sure if you've written any of it. so let's go with... "cherik resurrection au"
Adfkdjffdz there actually are 2k words of Engineer/David 8 written but I don’t like them at all so I’ll probably scrap them and start from scratch again 😂
The Resurrection AU!! That is basically just Alien - Resurrection (1997) but make it Cherik. Erik is Ellen Ripley - or rather his own clone enhanced with xenomorph DNA - and Charles is part of a crew of space pirates who made a deal with a government black op and are now stranded on a military space ship that’s going to be overrun by aliens in a matter of hours. I’m very excited to write that AU (one day) because it allows both for a broad cast of mutants (I’ve already included Kwannon and Destique amongst others) and also for lots of Erik whump, because Shaw and Essex keep him for experiments. Here’s a small excerpt from the first chapter that’s already written: 
“You,” Shaw says, softly, tenderly almost, and the glimmer in his eyes makes Erik feel more than dirty, makes him want to writhe in discomfort, “have made us very proud, my boy. Your brood is ready to hatch. And if you’re nice and continue to cooperate, we might even have some fun together.”
He brings a hand up to stroke Erik’s cheek- and Erik has his fingers wound around Shaw’s throat faster than the man can say jackpot. Somewhere in the distance, Nathaniel yells, but Erik’s world has narrowed down to Shaw’s neck in his hands and the man’s choked gurgles and his bulging eyes.
“Fuck you,” he snarls – and he doesn’t care to check if he’s really frothing at the mouth or if his angered imagination is just playing tricks on him – “fuck you, you pathetic piece of shit, I swear if you’ve let this plague loose one more ti–”
“I got this,” comes Nathaniel’s voice from someplace to his right, and Erik’s field of vision is engulfed by furious white.
Pain. Burning, gnawing pain, as though a spoon was scooping his eyes out, and he doesn’t even feel it when his grip loosens, only hears Shaw’s gasp and his own groans. Apparently, taking a hit from a blaster doesn’t get easier, even when you’ve just been resurrected.
“Thank you,” Shaw rasps from above, “but I had this. I’m good, I’m fine.”
Then, the tip of a boot crunches into Erik’s side – he must’ve tumbled from the cot, too stunned to notice – and he curls up on the cool linoleum floor, gasping from the impact.
Shaw hunkers down by his side and grips his chin. “Now, this was just a taste of what we could do to you if you don’t comply, Lehnsherr 18. Are we clear?” And when Erik doesn’t respond, he shakes his head and lets Erik’s jaw slip from his grasp. “This is going to be a hard case. Nathaniel, the sedative please.”
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