#i'm glad i ignored the absolute shitshow last night
nataliescatorccio · 4 months
the anti-woke crowd: euRoViSIon iS a sOnG cOnTeST iT's NoT pOLiTiCaL
also the anti-woke crowd:
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Another All Nighter (Tales From the Original Timeline)
Fandom: Misfits Pairing: Nathan x Lydia (OC - Hard Candy’ verse) Word Count: around 1,3k Warning: Strong language, spiders (if anyone's scared of that)
Finals preparation was killing me, there was so much to study, so much to remember... My parents and Simon were starting to worry about me, locked in my room all day and night, reading those stupid flashcards and barely eating anything or getting any sleep.
One of those nights, while I was revising my science notes once again, I heard a weird knocking on my window. I thought I was just going mental from the sleep deprivation, but it happened again. When I looked back, I noticed someone was throwing pebbles.
I rolled my eyes with a smile, there's only one person who would waste their time doing this stupid shit for me... I got up to open the window and looked down:
"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet," I leaned over the edge.
"I understood about 30% of what y'just said."
"Heya, Nats."
"Hey, Lollipop," he grinned widely. "Haven't seen you around and Barry told me you've been locked in there for ages, so I thought I'd drop by... I've got food and some beers."
"I suppose a break wouldn't kill me," I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. "Come up."
Of course Nathan wouldn't ring the doorbell and come in like a normal person... He looked down at the floor and it slowly raised, forming a flight of stairs that lead to my room. He climbed up and I helped him in.
"I brought your favorite," Nathan handed me the paper bag. "Cheeseburger with caramelized onions and chili fries."
"Oh, you're an angel," I groaned. "I'm starving!"
"So I've been told..."
"Did Simon ask you to come?" I got into bed and Nathan joined me.
"No, that was actually my idea... Well, mine and Junior's, he suggested the burgers t'cheer you up."
"Aw, I love that little guy," I giggled before taking my first bite.
"He loves you," he chuckled. "I think he has a little crush. He actually wanted t'come tonight, but I asked him t'stay and take care of mummy."
"That explains the proposal last week," I joked.
"Well, the little fella has good taste, gotta give him that..."
My heart raced with that observation and I nearly choked, but that might've been because I was absolutely devouring my dinner.
"Someone's real hungry, huh?" Nathan watched me eating like I've been fasting for a week.
"Don't you judge me..." I pushed him playfully.
"I'm not, I think it's cute," he started eating as well. "You could've given me a call t'let me know your parents aren't feedin' ya."
"My stomach has been in a knot since this shitshow started."
"Glad that I was able t'fix it. So what you readin'?"
"Um..." I tried to hide the fact that I was watching the movement of his adam's apple. "Science, it's zoology."
"Zoology? That's cool, I like that."
"You like zoology?" I said skeptically. "Since when?"
"Since always, I love animals, I'm always watchin' those documentaries about wildlife and shit... I can help."
"That would be really nice, actually," I smiled to myself. "You're way too nice to me, you're ruining me for other guys."
"That's good, if a guy doesn't treat you as well as I do, he doesn't deserve shit. I'm settin' those standards real high."
"Yeah, that's why I'm single..."
"Sounds like Rick is gone then?"
"Yep, broke up with him last week."
"Good for you, he was a bit of twat," Nathan leaned back, my eyes followed his bicep as he put one arm behind his head. "Never liked him."
"His sense of humor was shit."
"You love a funny guy, don'tcha?"
"I guess I do..."
"Poor fellas at your school don't stand a chance."
"Yeah? Why's that?"
"Cause we're friends, and I'm the funniest guy around."
"You cocky bastard..." I pinched his cheek.
A silence started eating us alive, my gaze moved between his eyes and his lips. Sometimes I thought he knew, he knew about my feelings. What if he knew and all those nice things he did for me was his way of telling me that he liked me too? Or maybe of making me feel less bad about being a pathetic romantic idiot pining after a married man.
"Y'got a little ketchup..." Nathan dragged his thumb over the corner of my mouth slowly and licked it right after.
We were so close, I could feel his breathing against my skin, I could smell his body wash, just one move and we could kiss. What If I kissed him? What would happen? Would he kiss me back or never look me in the eye again?
For a second I thought he was going to kiss me. His tongue quickly wet his lips, he leaned in closer, his hand was firmly on the back of my neck, he swallowed nervously before shutting his eyes and shaking his head as if trying to get rid of an intrusive thought.
"Are you okay?" I asked, slightly worried.
"Yeah, yeah..." he waved dismissively with his usual bravado. "I just thought I saw somethin' over there, but it was a shadow."
"Oh, okay," I felt dumb for even thinking a man like Nathan would even consider kissing me.
I had lost my chance, which wasn't fair to begin with, my chance was when I was 12? Now that I'm old enough he's taken and has a kid... So typical of me to lose at a game I didn't even get the chance to play.
Once we finished our dinner, he grabbed my notes and started looking through them, pretending to understand everything, but it was pretty clear he was a little lost.
"Uh, insects..." he mused, scratching his shy goatee. "Well, what makes an animal an insect?"
"Three body segments and six legs?"
"Well, yeah, but it's more than that..."
Nathan covered the palm of his hand for a second, and when he uncovered there was a beautiful blue butterfly there. I gasped at how amazing that was.
"What d'you see here?"
"Yeah, lots of insects have wings, but not all of them," Nate slowly stroked the butterfly's wings, it seemed to like it. "But one thing that every insect has is a pair of antennae, see?"
"Aw, it's so cute!"
"You can touch it if you want, d'you wanna hold it?"
I nodded and Nathan placed his hand on top of mine, transferring the butterfly to me.
"So three body segments: head, thorax, and abdomen," I carefully analyzed the adorable creature.
"Exactly," he checked the notes once again. "Now arachnids..."
"Are you just gonna make animals out of thin air to help me study?"
"It's helpin', innit?" he chuckled, making the butterfly turn into a spider in my hand.
"JESUS CHRIST, NATHAN!" I screamed and he laughed.
"It's alright, look at it, it's cute... Look at this adorable little face."
After a closer look, I concluded that the jumping spider resting between my fingers was actually quite friendly.
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry, sorry," Nate sighed amusedly. "So arachnids have eight legs and-"
"Nathan?" Simon's voice made both of us jump.
"Barry, Jesus!" he clutched his chest. "Scared the shit outta me!"
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing! Y'mentioned Lyddie wasn't eatin' right so I brought her some dinner, and now we're studyin'."
Simon was gonna say something snarky, but seeing me well fed and all happy with my jumping spider, he didn't have the nerve to. He simply shook his head with a timid smile, closing the door again.
"Next time ring the doorbell like a normal person!"
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia​@a-ghoulish-tale @seanfalco
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