#i'm getting the whitebeard jolly roger on my back like ace too
tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
Juicy details on why the white beard pirates hate?? If you want, I'm mean. I am entirely ambivalent towards them and in my limited One Piece bubble only see the occasional Marco stan but you always have such good takes 😌
I talked about this recently but I'll rehash it because I think about it CONSTANTLY.
The Whitebeards are predatory. Straight up. This is canon. Just basing Ace's "recruitment" (which is treated as TOTALLY NORMAL by all the Whitebeards), Whitebeard and his crew deliberately target young and vulnerable captains, basically cornering them to absorb those captains and their crews into the fleet.
They canonly captured Ace, who was as far as I remember injured with his crew under attack, and kept him hostage for at least a few months by my guess. He was not willing, he didn't go with them by choice, and he was actively trying to kill Whitebeard. And then he suddenly. . . isn't. He agrees to join the crew, calls Whitebeard pops, and then the Spade pirates are not only absorbed into the fleet, they're separated. We don't really see any of the Spades post-Whitebeard except Ace and Deuce; I don't even know if they were all allowed to stay, considering Whitebeard doesn't seem eager to have "daughters."
I know that the implication in canon is that Ace just ended up liking Whitebeard and his crew but. . . it's all just very weird to me. It feels like it would make just as much sense in a canon context for Ace to be fucking miserable and terrified, possibly without even realizing it. Whitebeard using Ace's issues with Roger especially feels manipulative to me, deliberately targeting the most vulnerable parts of Ace to convince him that the Whitebeard is the only one who would love him as he is (which is wrong!! Luffy adores him and always has!!!) and the only chance he has at a family (wrong again!!!! Luffy get your ass over here!!!!!!).
And again, Ace wasn't willing to stay on the ship without being kept prisoner. He wasn't allowed to leave, he definitely wasn't allowed to go find and protect his crew. So canonly speaking, joining the Whitebeard pirates was Ace's only chance to regain some measure of freedom and reunite with the other Spade pirates. You can't even argue that he was too much of a threat to Whitebeard to let go; he was a teenager going up against an emperor and clearly had no hope of ever actually touching Whitebeard, let alone injuring him. If they actually cared about Ace's opinion, they could've just fucking dropped him off on some random island instead of giving him Stockholm syndrome.
And, again, Ace's treatment was treated as so completely normal that there is no possible way to interpret it in any way except for this being something the Whitebeards do on a regular basis, which would explain how Whitebeard managed to grow his fleet to such an absurd size. It would make a lot of sense if most of his fleet joined and stayed specifically to be close to the captains that Whitebeard stole.
So yeah, while the Whitebeards are framed as a loving family, it would be just as valid to use the canon information to interpret them as highly manipulative kidnappers who steal promising young captains and absorb their crews. Maybe Whitebeard genuinely cares about them but doesn't notice or care how his actions affect them, maybe he's deliberately trying to get powerful captains under his flag to keep them from becoming threats to his power, or maybe (and this is my favorite interpretation) he collects young and interesting captains as a sort of novelty for himself and sees them more as leashed and muzzled pets than his children.
(This darker interpretation of the Whitebeards also gives his crew member's jolly roger tattoos a much more somber meaning. When you see Whitebeard as someone who steals and claims captains for himself, the tattoos seem less like a sign of affection and more like a brand of ownership. A full back tattoo of an emperor's jolly roger would be a very difficult thing to hide or remove if Whitebeard's precious Ace ever decided to leave. . . . . .)
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Saw some people do this.. I wanted to join in the fun. Hope you guys enjoy knowing more about my dumb ass. Maybe one day I’ll get top surgery.. buuut I don’t think I’ll ever get the cash together.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Maybe how mihawk and ace and zorro would handle a fem! s/o's crazy and mean ex. Like I am feeling down about mine. Anytime hes sees with someone new, instant asshole, screaming at me in of the person I'm with. I feel with him around no will want to stick around. I just need heavy fluff
Mihawk, Ace + Zoro And A Fem! S/O With A Mean Ex
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A/N : absolutely hope that this makes you feel better. I’ve never dated but I can’t imagine what that feels like ;-; I hope everything gets better and I’m so sorry this took so long to get out for you :(
Summary : these three boys and their reactions to your mean and crazy ex bothering you.
note : this seems like one of those emergency requests I’ve seen, so I wanted this out quickly but never got around to it :(
Warning : triggering scenes, harmful / harsh wording, etc.
Law, Shanks + Crocodile » Here!
Raging flames.
That is all that can be seen when a bystander passes the three of you in the streets on an island.
Ace is standing in front of you, keeping you behind him in a protective stance as his jaw and fists are clenched tightly, flames erupting from his body.
And the unconscious body of your ex lying down on the floor.
You and Ace were just exploring a new island the Whitebeard Pirates docked at, Marco picking up some medical supplies and a few others just seeing what they could find.
The two of you strayed off and stuck with each other to go sight-seeing, and unfortunately..
This happened to be the same island your ex lives.
And so when you two are walking and you hear an all too familiar voice, your blood runs cold.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little [Name]. Come back for more?”
Ace would be so confused and just glances back at the male who walks up behind you. “Do you know this guy, [Name]?”
“Who’s this? Your new boyfriend? Doesn’t look all that great to me.”
You bite down on your tongue to prevent yourself from saying anything but Ace can immediately sense something is wrong when he feels your grip on his hand tightening.
“Cat got your tongue? I bet you are speechless. You must be thinking to yourself, how you could go after some worthless guy like him and perhaps come back to me, begging me to take you back.” The condescending laugh is heard as he smirks at you.
Ace’s sharp glare is immediately sent to your ex and flames are slowly building with each passing second.
“If you do beg me, I may or may not consider it. It depends on how low you go down on your knees for me. But then again, I might have to reject you just so I can admire your horrendous face full of fear and sadness as you wallow in regret for—“
You were too busy looking down and feeling yourself shrink at his words to even notice Ace had pulled away from you.
And at a distance he stood, towering over your ex with pure hatred and anger burning in his eyes, with his fist in flames.
“Shut up. If you ever even look in [Name]’s direction again, I won’t hesitate to burn you to hell.”
Anger quickly subsided as Ace turns from the unconscious male and faces you with pure worry and concern.
“Hey, are you okay?”
All you could do was stare in shock, unable to process anything that happened as Ace takes your hands in his and brings it to his face.
“Don’t listen to a word he said, okay? Come on. Let’s go get some ice cream before heading back to the ship.”
“[Name]? What the hell are you doing here?”
The all too familiar voice makes your eyes widen out of its sockets, stopping you in your tracks from wandering the halls of Mariejois.
Turning back to face the one you least expected and absolutely dreaded most, color drained from your face when you finally came face to face to your ex.
“[Ex Name].. I didn’t realize you’re stationed here.. how are the other marines?” You try to make some light conversation but just wanted to eagerly run away.
The male only scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Better now that you’re gone, I’ll admit. Now why the hell are you here?”
“And why is that any of your business?”
Hearing the new voice cut in, your ex scoffs and turns to face the owner before his eyes widens.
“A warlord?! What are you doing out here? Whatever! Just get out of here, you pirate! This doesn’t concern you!”
Mihawk exhales quietly in disappointment, clearly becoming annoyed at the male’s loud and head-aching yells.
Making his way over to you, Mihawk gently grabs your hands in his. “Is this man bothering you, mi amor?”
Glancing to the shocked expression of your ex, you have a shy nod. “H-He’s my ex..” you mumble out, rubbing the back of your head as you grasp his hand tightly.
“I see.” Mihawk nods in understanding before closing his eyes and turned to face the marine, who was recovering from shock.
“Y-You?! Dating her?” He let out a dramatic scoff. “Of course you’d go after a pirate. It’s such a disappointment to see you stray from the Navy, [Name]. But whatever, you’re just— AGH!”
“That’s enough out of you now.”
Wielding his smallest sword, the mini cross that hung around his neck in a necklace, Mihawk gave one slice into the air before the loud cry of pain was heard.
Staring down at the fallen marine, he looks unimpressed at the lack of strength shown and how easily the marine fell from just a measly swing of his arm.
“Don’t you ever dare to utter a word or mind a thought about my [Name]. Otherwise I’ll have you buried six feet underground. Is that understood?”
Slipping his cross back together into his necklace, he turns over to your with his lips in a firm line but his expression softened in the slightest.
“Let’s go, my dear. We’re done here.”
Bringing his hand to the dip of your back, he began to guide you out of the large palace to head back to his castle and perhaps enjoy a nice evening together with some wine.
Zoro may not be the smartest, but he certainly picks up on certain behavioral cues, especially yours after having been together for so long.
So when the Sunny is sailing the seas and come across another pirate ship, which causes Luffy to seek after them to converse and greet them.
At first, everything’s alright, the Pirates were somewhat friendly like the Straw Hats, until the Captain goes to board the Straw Hat ship, to personally greet each member.
But when the captain goes by you, his kind smile is immediately dropped to one of a frown of distaste. “[Name].”
You couldn’t even express how you felt. Shock? Misery? Pain? Disbelief? Were you usually this unlucky to have to come across your ex like this? How could you not recognize the Jolly Roger of the ship?
His next words seem to snap you back from your thoughts. “Blanking and zoning out once again. I see you haven’t changed much, [Name].” He tuts, shaking his head and turns away dramatically.
“It’s a shame you can never grow. Still the same old, same old. It’s truly a shame.”
Biting your lip, you look away and took a step back, ignoring him as the others watch with confusion.
“Eh? How do you know this guy, [Name]?” Nami asks, tilting her head.
Zoro, who was resting against the mast and listening to everything, opens his eye to glance at you. He clearly noticed your discomfort and pained expression, but withheld from doing anything.
His eyes only drifted to the cause of your discomfort.
The others weren’t too sure how to react, only sensing that something happened between the two of you. With the tension in the air, even Luffy could tell.
It wasn’t until his next words that something in them all snapped.
“Honestly, you’re better off having just stayed in your pathetic lonely life at your small island. This pirate life is not meant for you. After all,”
Eyes boring right into your soul, his stare pierced your body and his words pierced your heart.
“No one wants a pathetic and useless weakling around, right?”
Mere seconds later, the Captain, your ex, was knocked right into the railing of the ship, successfully denting the wood and breaking the pieces off with the amount of force brought into the impact.
Your ex was laying there, shifting in and out of consciousness and blood dripped from cuts over his body.
Zoro, with a hand gripping Shusui, was standing in front of the crew, no one even flinched at the movement but you. Your eyes were widened in shock, unable to say a word.
“I’ll have you know, [Name] is nothing like that. She’s grown, a hundred times stronger than you and I will make sure to kick your ass if I ever hear her name come out of your lips again.”
The other straw hats were all watching with heavy glares piercing the opposing pirate ship and specifically the Captain, each member getting ready to attack as needed.
“Get the hell off my ship, now.” Luffy demands, his voice cold, quiet and the most intimidating stare that would even make an Emperor tremble.
It didn’t take long for the opposing crew to pick up their captain and flee in a panic, especially when Luffy cracked his knuckles.
Releasing a small breath of relief you didn’t even know you were holding, you felt someone dragging you away from the deck and the crew, and you look up to find Zoro.
Finding that he was pulling you to the bedroom, he forces you over to the bed and then pulls you on top of him when he laid down.
“Just sleep with me. Forget everything he said and everything that happened.”
A/N : I hope you liked this, and I apologize you have to deal with that. So sorry this took so long.
I might allow emergency requests, it depends, I’ve never seen too much of it. I hope everything’s okay though.
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