#i'm extremely happy with cris and her character seems to be going in a way better direction than i could expect from gmmtv but we are still
gyll-yee-haw · 9 months
heyyy! missed you a lot omg 😭😭😭💖 do you write for all jake characters? i was thinking of something like, detective loki has a very sensible and sweet girlfriend and she loses a pet and he comforts her while she's going through it. a very sad but also really soft and cute because of how much he takes care of her
Hii, angel!! I missed you too!! 🥺❤
I think the only characters I wouldn't write for would be Jack Twist (cause I only write female readers), like bubble boy lol, and Jeff Bauman (cause he's a real person, I think it would be weird). But except from those, I believe I would write for all! And I ADORED your request because Detective Loki is my absolute favorite character ever, the actual love of my life, think about him all the time <3
Warnings: the absolute cutest thing I ever wrote, hurt/comfort, pet death, sad as heck (my cat was making biscuits on my belly as I wrote it, I almost cried), a few swear words, buuut with tons and tons of fluff <3
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I named the dog Nugget because nothing makes me happier than pets with food names 😭
Knowing that day would come couldn't make it any easier. You just lost your childhood best friend. Someone who has always been there and... the fact he won't be anymore is almost unbelievable.
David had been by your side through the whole process. When Nugget started getting sick, he rushed him to the vet countless times. On his last days, David would always come home with a million treats and pillows, and blankies, everything to make your baby as comfortable and happy as possible. When you and David started dating, Nugget was part of the package. He had never had a dog before, but once you moved in, bringing yours along, he went full dog dad mode.
"No, don't worry, you should get some rest..." he would say, as an excuse to be the one to take Nugget on a walk or play with him.
And it really went both ways, Nugget was absolutely IN LOVE with David. He would wait for David to come home for hours by the door, and never leave his side when he does. You were jealous at first, but it was really adorable... having a dog really helped Dave with his stress.
But now... now the house felt so empty. Even though David was extremely heartbroken, he knew he had to stay strong for you.
He helped you bury Nugget on a special place with all the things he loved, and have a little funeral, where he made sure to say a few words, cause he knew you couldn't.
The day after the funeral, you woke up after noon, and could barely open your eyes from crying all night. You heard noises coming from the kitchen. Weird... David should be at work.
You walked downstairs to check. You found him cursing at something in the oven.
"Dave?" You called softly.
"Love?" He answered, pretending he had everything under control. "Hi, did you... did you get some sleep?"
"I did. Shouldn't you be at work?" You asked confusingly.
"I... yeah, it's just..." He sighed. "I didn't want to leave you here alone, I took the day off."
"You took the day off?" Your eyes widened. "David, you worked on Christmas. And on Thanksgiving. And on your birthday. And..."
"I know." He interrupted. "I'm sorry, baby... I know I work too much. But I thought... you might need some company."
His words seemed to hit both of you at the same time. It was always Nugget who kept you company during David's countless working hours. Now everything would be so much worse... not only you would be without David, you would be completely alone...
Your eyes filled with tears. He rushed to your side.
"Hey hey hey..." he held you tightly. "It's okay, baby, you won't be alone, okay? We'll figure it out."
You allowed him to hold you, closing your eyes and trying to just feel that moment. You needed to cry, you needed to hurt, and he knew that. It's part of the process and he would be right there until you were strong enough to carry on. As he held you, you could feel his warm embrace. His heart beating softly as he breathed slowly. His soft belly and strong arms. The smell of... what was that smell?
"Dave?" You wiped your tears and looked at him. "There's something... burning?"
"Oh, FUCK!" He rushed back to the oven, quickly turning it off.
"What's going on?" You followed him.
"I was... I was trying to bake a cake. Just... to make you feel better, and you weren't eating, I thought that maybe... oh, fuck, I knew I should just buy something, but I didn't want to leave you here and go out, then..."
He stopped his rambling immediately when he looked at you. You were... smiling?
"Dave, you're the best, I swear." You hugged him from behind, giggling.
"Wait, hold on..." he chuckled. "I fucked up."
"You didn't." You explained to him. "I didn't need a cake, I needed someone to care this much about me."
"Y/N..." he turned around to face you, staying inside your embrace. "You have no idea how much I care about you... you are my everything."
"I love you, Dave. I don't know how I would do this without you."
"You won't do this without me, I'll be right here, okay?"
"I don't know..." you shrugged, feeling the pain coming back to your chest. "I feel like it's not gonna go away... ever."
"I know." He sighed, caressing your hair. "I'm gonna miss him too. But I just know he was the luckiest dog who ever lived. To be loved this much by you, to grow up by your side... I just know he lived his best life."
"He did." You allowed yourself to smile again. "He was so happy. Specially after you came along."
David had to fight his emotions. He felt a little sting in his heart. He loved his little family, but he felt so undeserving of all that love. He thought about how Nugget got attached to him so quickly and he couldn't understand why. Just like he couldn't understand why burning a cake was the only thing that made you feel better, after all he tried... maybe love was still a little bit of a foreigner concept for him to understand. But maybe that was the point... as a detective, he was always trying to understand everything, and maybe love wasn't something to be understood... all he knew was that it was all over that kitchen.
Weeks passed and you were still healing. You still cried sometimes, but you were starting to accept it.
David had to go back to work, of course. Lives depended on him and keeping him home made you feel worse. At first, he took it slow. Didn't work as much as he used to. But as he started to go back to his normal rotine, you realized it would be harder than you thought.
After one particularly stressful day, around 1am, he went back to his car, ready to go home.
He started the car. Then paused. He could swear something moved on the backseat. He turned around and inspected it for a moment. There was nothing there, he was probably just exhausted.
He started driving. Something moved again.
"What the fuck..." he murmured, keeping his eyes on the mirror.
That's when a pair of yellow eyes looked back at him.
"Shit!" His eyes widened.
It was a kitten. As black as the seats, which is why he couldn't see it before. He left the car windows open and the kitten must have jumped in...
What the fuck was he gonna do now? He couldn't leave the kitten on the streets. But he couldn't take it home either... he had no idea how you would react, you were still sad about Nugget...
His mind raced until he got home, trying to decide what to do.
He had an idea.
As soon as he parked the car, he grabbed a box, put an old jacket of his inside it and placed it in the garage. He went back to the car and grabbed the kitten. He didn't realize how small it was before, but it fit in his hand. The kitten started purring as soon as David's hand made contact with it.
"Oh my god..." he murmured. He had never held a kitten in his life... he probably didn't even know they... vibrated.
He placed the kitten inside the box.
"Okay... I'll see what I'll do with you in the morning."
As soon as he turned his back, the kitten jumped out of the box, following him. It ran between David's legs, making him trip.
"Fuck!" He tried not to fall, at the same time as he tried not to step on the cat, that was the size of his boot. "Listen... you need to stay here, I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning, okay?"
He picked the cat back up, putting it inside the box again.
It jumped out. Of course.
On the 5th time that happened, David just sat on the floor, absolutely exhausted. He rested his face on his hands, cursing his luck. The kitten climbed up his legs and laid down.
David was starting to wonder if he was gonna have to sleep on the garage that night. That's when the door opened.
He and the cat looked at you with a terrified expression.
"I can explain." He said, with the most desperate look you had ever seen on his face.
"OH.MY.GOD." You gasped and brought your hand to your mouth.
"He followed me... I've been trying to get home for half an hour, I swear, he won't let me, I..."
"David." You looked at him with tears in your eyes. "You've been chosen."
"What do you mean?" He was trying to figure out if you were happy or upset. "I'm gonna take him somewhere tomorrow, I'll just..."
"David!" You kneeled next to the kitten, offering your hand for it to smell, and it immediately headbutted your hand. "Don't you dare say something like that, you're his father now..."
"Y/N..." he got even more desperate after hearing the word 'father'.
"This is the most affectionate kitten I've ever seen in my life..." you continued petting the small kitten, who was now loafing on David's leg. You picked it up to look for any signs that it might be hurt or sick. "It's a girl, by the way..."
"It's a girl..." he repeated, trying to process everything.
"You think...?" You got excited for a second, then calmed down. "Well, nevermind."
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby." David gave you space, as you sat beside him, holding the kitten on your lap.
"I... I was wondering if we could... keep it." You kept petting the kitten, who looked very relaxed. "But I understand if you don't want to... I mean, I know I've been a pain in the ass since Nugget is gone, and you probably won't want to go through that again..."
"Y/N, you haven't been a pain in the ass for a second in your life. I love you." He laughed. "I just... didn't know if you were ready yet."
"Well, I..." you thought about it for a second. "I didn't think I was. But... she chose you, it just... happened. I mean... I know it's hard to lose a pet we love, but... there are others out there who deserve a loving home too, you know? Like Nugget had. And there are so many animals suffering on the streets... specially cats..."
"You know what?" He smiled, really proud of you. "I think this is what Nugget would have wanted."
"DOES THAT MEAN SHE'S OURS?" You spoke excitedly.
"She's ours." He shrugged.
The kitten stood up, stretching and walking from your lap to David's, where she laid down again.
"She LOVES you..." you felt the tears starting to fall. It was so exciting that David would be there since day one for the kitten's life... with Nugget was different, and he deserved this. "She chose you."
"She's... vibrating again..." he raised his eyebrows.
"Jesus Christ..." he sighed, wondering what the fuck he got himself into.
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hellobitchlet · 21 days
Here are some thoughts on Natlan, as of finishing act 1:
- this will mostly be negative, so let's start with the positives. First off, I'm happy to say that I have, in fact, found something I find interesting in Natlan! I am SO happy that the abyss has FINALLY been brought back into importance outside of hard-to-follow deep lore.
- while I still don't like that Natlan is hyper focused on sports, the idea that the pilgrimage is a glorified way to get ppl to go to war is amazing. That is such a good concept, even if it being in the archon quest means that it probably won't be acknowledged after act 5.
- one of my biggest complaints about Genshin has been that extremely few characters have been important, and connected to lore stuff. So of course, I also adore the abyss stuff for the sheer number of characters who have participated in the war. It's nice that their characters aren't entirely focused on their participation in the war either, as that's one of the big differences that makes Yoimiya better written than most Inazuma aq characters imo.
- I'm happy that the writers have finally remembered Traveler's purification abilities, even though it came out of nowhere after being forgotten about for literal years.
- I have likes and dislikes about Kachina's mini arc in part one, but it was handled slightly better than what I'd expect from Genshin. The main positives; we were actually shown that she cries in short bursts a lot instead of being told, Traveler wasn't automatically allowed to be involved and was told no for once, and her relationship to Mualani is great and accentuated both of their characters well.
- and now, let's start with the negatives. My main negatives of Kachina's act 1 arc; the fact that everyone saw her as weak bc she's lost a lot and not bc she's a fucking child was stupid, the teams portion being filled with brown skinned ppl being mean to her was gross, and the whole thing felt slightly rushed.
- considering that Traveler and Paimon usually act as the voice of 'reason' (as in, telling u what u should think), it's greatly concerning me that they don't seem to see the pilgrimage and a fucking child competing in it as a bad thing. Why were they as initially okay with Kachina dying as Mualani????
- I'm calling it now: the pale skinned npc's shitting on Kachina were pale bc they're Fatui, not bc the writers realized that brown skinned npc's doing that would look racist.
- I understand that the npc who almost died is probably important to the pyro archon, and we did end up with a decent intro to how the abyss acts in Natlan out of it, but I was so bored with the People of the Springs that the 5 minutes spent with the abyss didn't feel like it made up for how bored I was for the 20 minutes spent setting it up.
- absolutely everything about the People of the Springs makes no fucking sense. How the fuck are they a tourist destination AND regularly being attacked by the abyss at the same time?? It's so obvious that they just picked the first stereotype about Hawaii they could find and carelessly shaped their entire identity around it for the sake of it.
- I seriously want to care about Natlan's unique archon situation, but why should I when we haven't gotten an old archon who actually feels like an archon and isn't hopelessly clueless since Inazuma? Like I know that this isn't the same as Nahida and Furina lore wise, but writing wise, I'm not super optimistic about our third young archon in a row.
- seeing how Iansan acts... I definitely think that I'll be crossing off the "Iansan is an adult" part of the Natlan bingo. This point is kind of including the beginning of act 2 that I already did.
If anyone who has finished act 2 thinks that act 2 will change my opinions, don't bother 'politely' 'correcting' me. Not because I care about spoilers, but because I can decide for myself whether my opinion changes :)
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lifesteal-headcanons · 2 months
FYI: All of these Headcanon's, and well all I mark are about their WATSONIAN selfs or their CHARACTERS
I'm changing up my Headcanon's again so here's the basis to know about Minute; He's a White tailed Deer that was given a Chronic Illness by an Enderman that was Withered by a wither skeleton.
ABOUT THIS, Minute is more naturally better wielding a Diamond Sword compared to a Netherrite one seeing as how the Illness reworked his instincts. That and he is more aggravated to people when he's on his deer month (whenever bucks go into rut, typically from October-November since the instincts of Deer hybrids makes their *** drive WAY WAY WAY lower than their non hybrid counter parts their mating season is longer.)
Also, Minutes bones are visible through his skin on the callused parts of his body. Which seems really cool but sometimes minute will forget there's skin there and try to tear his bones out due to the shame he has of no longer being a pure deer hybrid.
Now about his Enderman Attributes
1) his body can randomly teleport, but the STARR staff & executives saw it as an unfair advantage so they force feed him medication that stops him from teleporting with out pearls. Although he can do it if he focused on his Enderman Soul and held his eyes shut. The meds just stop him from doing it (somewhat) naturally.
2) His eyes appear White most of the time, due to being part wither skeleton but when he cries or is dealt pain the outer side of his eyes (the white area for humans) shines a dark teal color.
3) When pain is dealt he also makes Enderman Noises. (Like when they're aggravated) The same thing goes for he when he's extremely happy, he makes Enderman noises.
4) His skin used to be tan (like his irl / non-watsonian self, ik I said it's only Abt there characters but shh) But after becoming Curropted his skin turned pitch black, except for his hands which have the faintest hint of pure dragons breath purple.
5) His new skin feels almost like rubber to the touch when his body goes through the shedding cycle. But eventually it feels like human skin (with the added things of his body having shorter rougher hair all over & being more boney.)
6) He has purple freckles that he hides with make-up made from crushed wither skeleton skulls & squid ink. (Courtesy of Jumper, she's in the habit of giving him some since she makes it for her to use as mascara. You have to get creative when stuck in a Simulation that's hella hard to escape, especially when you have found family & friend all around you.)
7) Him being part Enderman makes him eeriely attached to the dragon egg. Seeing as how it's the last remaining DNA of the Dragon, which was one of the only other creatures in the end.
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
🏵️OP fathers day list🏵️
Hewwo, looks like I'm a bit late but happy father's day for all the dad's out there who love their kids (deadbeats Btfo we don't want you ugh) and a happy father's day for the actual one piece dilfs as well!
today i wanted to make a list for my beloved one piece papis!
Okay, let's go!
🦩 Doflamingo
i know, i know some of you are saying "ummm, who?" Yes, i agree, I'm a little biased on doffy, but hear me out. Doffy is a good dad, how? Why? The fact that he recruited kids is a bad thing, at least for irl standards, but he still cared for them, he knows that sugar is older than she looks yet he cares for her by assigning Trebol to protect her, also when he was making a toast, he gave Law, Baby 5 and Buffalo juice instead of wine. Now that's a good papi
🏰 Capone Bege
The Chad, the goat, the big father and the greatest mafioso daddy in this list, while Capone seems like a terrifying bloodthirsty gangster, he's an amazing husband and an even better father, always there for his kid, playing with him, entertaining him, and loving his wife, a real family guy!
🌊 Neptune
Cry-hoshi's (and her three brothers') father is also included in our list, yep yep! i figured that he needed to be recognized as a father more. What i liked about Neptune is that i liked how he's still loyal to his wife, but i kinda don't like how he sometimes looks weak willed, either way we Stan a mer-daddy!
🍊 Genzo
Most new OP fans may not remember him, but he's one of the Bravest civilians in one piece. He was there when Belle-mère and her daughters were attacked by Arlong and tried to defend them, making him get heavily injured resulting in his iconic scar and somewhat acted like a father figure for Nami when Belle-mère was gone (whomstdve make fun of him, he's precious and btfl 😤) he's now living his best life while following all of Nami's news and achievements.
💊 Hiriluk
Dr Hiriluk, one of the earliest father figures in OP, i liked how he went from treating chopper as a random deer, to an apprentice, to straight up treating him like his son (I'd do that too he's just super duper kyuttttte!) Sure he had his shenanigans and moments where he looked bad, but he's an overall good father figure for chopper, seeing how good he was to him and how he was the one who made him decide to become a doctor.
🍘 Sengoku
"no way, Sengoku has no kids!" ahem, did you forget that he literally adopted Corazon? We don't see much about them interacting, but from what we've seen Sengoku loved Rocinante as if he was his own child, he cared for him and would call him every now and then, and cried real hard when he died and at the end of Dressrosa when he was talking to law it felt like he held him real dear to his heart. Rocinante may have been a marine to the other admirals, but to him, he was his son.
🍳 Zeff
move over Judge, Sanji's real father is here!
He sacrificed his leg for Sanji, LITERALLY, just so the little boy won't die of hunger. And even after that, he ditched piracy and took him under his wing to teach him how to cook and be a real gentleman, he might've been harsh a little, but his heart is in the right place!
🍢 Oden
The true definition of the muscle brain trope, Oden is HUGE, kinda dum dum, he likes to goof around, extremely strong but has a soft spot for his family. He's a perfect family guy to his wife and kids, and despite all, he decided to put his family, disciples and friends at his top priorities, and that's why we totally Stan!
🏜️ Cobra
One of the OP characters that i didn't expect to be SO BRAVE for a non-fighting character. I like how he greatly cared for his daughter, but what i didn't like is how pervy he acts at times (bath scene) but other than that, he's such a beloved father, especially whenever he looked out for his daughter (along with Igaram), such a goof.
🐾 Kuma
We still don't know much about Kuma's past and his relationship with Bonney, why he chose to become a cyborg, why he's climbing the redline...etc etc. But from what Oda has shown us, Bonney loved him so much that she was willing to protect a pacifista since it reminded her of him, and ofc that speaks volumes about him.
🖤 Corazon
Ahhhhh, i remember how hard i cried during law's flashback when it first dropped in the manga, Corazon treated like as if he was his own son, he looked like an insane man at first when he kicked and beat buffalo and baby 5 (which i dunno, was uncalled for) but he's a really good father figure. He did all he could to save law, keep him entertained, made him food (they were grilling sweet potatoes in that one manga cover) and gave him all the love he needed. That is one hell of a reason for law to seek revenge against doffy!
Yep yep, Oyaji is here, i really like Whitebeard for how he would literally take any fatherless child (be them actually fatherless or just mentally) and make them his child. He's a VERY forgiving father as well, even when he got attacked by one of his sons, he just didn't hold it against him and forgave him. GOOOOOOOD that was sad af i cried!
🌻 Kyros
Once someone asks who's the best OP father the first person that comes to mind is Kyros. Trapped inside a toy's body, forgotten by everyone, if he tells his daughter who he is he will be thrown into the scrape heap, he had to organize a revolution. bro never took a break and ALL of this while taking care of his daughter! If this isn't one of OPs peak dad material then i dunno what he is!
And there you have it! The best OP dad's in my book!
Future dads? Take notes please!
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode one
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
/!\ warning: this episode contains several scenes of physical ab*se so please proceed with precaution /!\
i like that they went for animation instead of showing the actors for the opening credits
looks like they’re explaining right off the bat how the main role has ended up in an island. I like that. No guessing or explaining it further down the line.
The nostalgia hit when i saw the folding phone. I was about to call it clip clap phone so be happy that i actually found an okay-ish adjective lol
This is so nice to start the drama with a throwback and get to know the characters and where they're from, instead of the other way around. It's just a matter of preference, i know.
Wow. I didn't expect the two leads to have an ab*sive father in common. Both of their lives shattered because of the violence. Both too scared to do anything about it. They're trying to hide it from the world.
It's interesting how both choose to hide that aspect of their lives in two completely different ways. Ki ho is acting cold and indifferent, while Mok ha is always smiling and confident. I'm curious if they'll ever admit that to the other, and how they will get out of this situation. Hopefully they'll get the support they both deserve.
Mok ha finally had the courage to call the police on her dad. Good for her!!!
The most disturbing part of this though is that one of the police officers is none other than ki ho's dad. An ab*sive father himself.
I see that ki ho's father is extremely manipulative and is calling mok ha calling the police on her dad the "eighth grader" syndrome, saying it'll pass soon and trying to make everyone watching from the window think there was a "happy ending" (for lack of a better word). Just like everyone thinks he and his son (ki ho) are a great pair. This is absolutely vile and making my blood boil.
We're only in episode one and we already have so much content regarding mok ha and ki ho's relationship.
The roles suddenly got reversed. Ki ho was fighting for mok ha's dream while mok ha just abandoned all hope "thanks" to the police visiting her after her call. It's heartbreaking to see how children's hopes and dreams can be broken just like that.
Ki ho is twice as disappointed because he witnessed his father breaking another child's life. He didn't dare do anything when he saw his father with mok ha. And now he's seeing the consequences right in front of him. The burden of it all. It must be heavy on his heart.
I'm sorry but i have to pause every five minutes because this episode has given me too many emotions and I can't handle all of them at once.
Correction: I have to pause every five seconds is more like it.
The scene where she's breaking down because her classmates aren't listening to her is impactful. It's all the stress, fear and hurt talking. Reminds her how the police didn't believe her and pretended this was "just a little accident" and let it go. And now, her classmates are doing their own thing and ignoring her. That is until she literally shouts at them. Mok ha has been silenced too many times, with no one to talk to. She needs help but every time she tries to make the first time, she's shut down almost immediately.
"Do I sound like a joke to you?" - Mok Ha. The trauma of the police intervention that didn't solve the problem. She feels like she's a joke and no one will ever take her seriously, no matter how hard she tries to tell her own story.
And on top of that, she just abandoned her life long dream of becoming a singer. The only way she could show her real voice.
Poor Mok ha and poor Ki ho
It's crazy how they seemed like polar opposites at first, but then you see them being so deeply connected. Ki ho literally cries with her.
At last, ki ho is finally making the first step to help mok ha. He'll help her leave the place where they leave. It's crazy to think that the only person willing to help mok ha is a child. No adult has ever helped her, even the adults that are supposedly competent. The only person taking her seriously is ki ho, because he's also a victim of ab*se.
This episode should be called EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!
the way ki ho is sacrificing himself for mok ha. If both can't escape from their ab*sive fathers, he's willing to stay in cheonsam for mok ha. He wants her to pursue her dream career. If she succeeds, he'll vicariously live through her. He'd be proud of himself for helping her escape.
I was rooting for mok ha to finally be free from her father, only for him to follow her on the boat.
Seeing ki ho being completely devastated because he couldn't help mok ha no matter how hard he tried has made me cry as well.
Tin cans? In a deserted island? Really?
I was skeptical about the whole surviving alone in a deserted island because how can a literal child survive in such an isolate land with basically no knowledge? I'm a bit thrown off. I would have understood better if she met people in the island. They better show how she survived because this is making absolutely no sense.
I really hope they show us more of mok ha's "surviving alone in a deserted island" life because i'd be disappointed otherwise. I don't expect a whole episode dedicated to it but a bit more explanation would be appreciated.
The actors that played mok ha and ki ho as children deserve an oscar. Give it to them. RIGHT NOW
I'm giving this a solid 9.5/10
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
I'm Finally Me
Written for DabiHawks Week 2023 Day 1 Prompt: Genderswap Fandom: BNHA Characters: Dabi, Hawks Words: 1007 Summary: Hawks never felt right in his body. How could he? It was the wrong one. Then one day Hawks wakes up and his body felt different. . .it felt right. Featuring FTM Hawks
“Ugh my body feels weird,” Hawks complained as he flew through the sky, landing in his apartment.
“Welcome home Birdie,” Dabi greeted, wearing an apron as he cooked the two dinners. If Hawks’s meat was too undercooked well who was he to judge?
“Hey Dabs,” Hawks greeted with a yawn, walking over to the kitchen to steal a few bites of food as Dabi swatted at his hand.
“Stop trying to steal bites! It’ll be ready in a few minutes. Go change,” Dabi ordered as Hawks sighed and walked into their bedroom, getting a change of clothes. Finding one of Dabi’s oversized t-shirts he unclipped his binder, a specialty ordered one that was made with his wings involved, put on the t-shirt, and put on a pair of sweat pants.
When Dabi first started staying here he never wanted to take his binder off, scared that his body would scare the scared man away, but Dabi just loved him more. Telling him how manly he was, how handsome he was. Never calling him things like cute and pretty. It made Hawks preen for the attention.
Now after living together for over a year, he’s gotten comfortable being without his binder. Dabi never pointed out how he looked without still calling him handsome. The first time it happened Hawks cried tears of joy. No one ever treated him the way Dabi did. All he ever had was the commission who only let him have the binder because they thought that the public would be more accepting of a male hero than a female one. It made him want to throw up.
Rumi didn’t even know what he was going through every day. Just assumed that he was born a male at birth and while it brought a smile to his face sometimes he wanted to yell at her to not be happy. That he’s feeling like shit because of the actual real weight on his chest.
Dabi, he never had to think about it. If he was feeling like shit he could just tell him why and Dabi understood. It made him happy. It ruined his position within the league. He tried, but he couldn’t work fully for the commission, not after he realized how wrong they all are about what a hero is.
“Are you doing okay?” Dabi asked, setting the plate of food down on the coffee table as he sat down on the couch, looking towards Hawks.
“Yeah. My body just feels weird. Nothing really out of the ordinary for me,” Hawks shrugged as Dabi frowned at him.
“You’re allowed to be sad or upset about it you know?” Dabi asked, taking a bite of his food.
“Yeah I know, but it just seems pointless sometimes. I know that it won’t change anything so I can either push it to the back of my mind or feel sorry for myself,” Hawks shrugged, taking a bite of the food, as Dabi glared at him.
“Just be upset for once okay?” Dabi asked.
“Yeah, when I have the time,” Hawks promised.
The two quickly finished eating before heading to bed, Dabi holding Hawks in his arms, as he told Hawks how wonderful and perfect he was. If it brought a few tears to his eyes and made him sleep a little bit better well who was he to complain.
The next morning Hawks awoke first. He still smiled every time he woke up to see Dabi still laying in the bed, meaning he stayed. It was so much better than when they first got together, Dabi never staying the full night. Always waiting till Hawks fell asleep before leaving.
Feeling sleepy still, he yawned as he walked to the bathroom, bringing his clothes with him to get ready for his day at work.
Taking off his shirt he looked in the mirror only to blink a few times before putting his hand on his chest. His chest was extremely flat. Now being more awake he moved his boxers and looked inside before looking in the mirror again.
Suddenly a full-blown smile was on his face as he ran towards the bedroom screaming in happiness.
“Dabi! Dabi wake up!” Hawks yelled running into the room as the fire user rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“It’s too early in the morning for this bird boy,” Dabi groaned.
Hawks, in his excitement, ignored the fire user's complaints as he grabbed his hand and put it to his chest.
“That’s nice birdie,” Dabi said, slipping back into the land of sleep.
Hawks rolled his eyes before an evil gleam formed its way into his eye. Placing Dabi’s hand in his pants the man's eyes went wide and awake.
“You have a-” Dabi said, yanking his hand away, fully awake now.
“Yep,” Hawks smiled, shaking his head up and down.
“You’re a-” Dabi asked as Hawks once again shook his head yes.
“Hawks- Keigo! This is amazing! How did this happen?” Dabi asked, an actual smile on his face.
“I don’t know! I got hit with a quirk yesterday but I was warned that it wouldn’t really do anything bad,” Hawks smiled.
“Wait does this mean it’s not permanent?” Dabi asked, a sad smile forming on both of their faces.
“Nope, I was told about the quirk beforehand. It was done by a child, it was an accident and all. It’s called wish maker. It causes someone's wish to be fulfilled. Since wishes are often things that can’t be undone they are permanent unless asked specifically to be limited,” Hawks explained.
“Well, Birdie this causes for celebration. How about me and you have a day in?” Dabi asked, a smile on his face.
“We can do anything?” Hawks asked, a smile on his face.
“Anything and everything,” Dabi agreed as Hawks smiled, kissing the scared man in a body that finally felt right. In a body that was finally his. A body that made him the happiest man alive, because a man is what he is and always has been.
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awritersreads · 2 years
(WRITTEN ON: 18 October 2022, published late due to reasons)
Currently Reading: Restore Me by Taherah Mafi
QUESTION: Who is/are your favourite book character/s? And why?
This one is hard, given the way characters just seem to carve a route to my heart and live there rent-free but if I have to choose, I'm happy to say that I do have a list of tenants, though in no particular order at all.
Percy Jackson
I think most people at least go through a phase of having him as a favourite character or a comfort character. In all honesty, Percy is definitely in my top 3 characters, and I simply adore Kelphead.
I love this guy for a multitude of reasons, not only is he super funny, sweet and adorably dorky but Percy's also the perfect example of a positive, boys will be boys.
I found his POV amazing, it was hilarious, light-hearted, fast-paced and so much more.
He was one of my first comfort characters and this guy is honestly one of the main reasons I have such a positive attitude towards my ADHD.
I feel like I did a terrible job explaining why I love Perce so much but I don't know, here's my feeble attempt at explaining my affection for this hyperactive little puppy.
And one last thing to add: while there's nothing wrong with having a crush on Percy, I mean a good chunk of the fandom either does or did, I can truthfully say that for whatever reason I just didn't fall for him and so romantic or physical attraction to him doesn't at all play a part in this affection.
Hermione Granger
I adore Hermione to an unknown, probably never-ending length.
She was the first character I just felt that click with and she's always been an inspiration to me and has helped me to feel a lot more secure in my own skin and under my crazy curls.
She's also inspired me to speak up in class even when I was embarrassed, she's inspired me to be proud of my nerdiness, to keep trying to do my best, and to be ambitious but work hard to achieve those ambitions.
And she cries all the time. Which I love. This helped me to be more comfortable expressing my own emotions and become more comfortable with vulnerability and not chase after an idealised, stupid version, of strength and intellect.
Hermione also shares the same greatest fear as me; the fear of failure, of never being good enough, as we see in Prisoner of Azkaban. Which I could (and still can) just relate to. It was honestly so wonderful to be able to have that in common with her.
Although the thing that most drew me to Hermione was that she wasn't just perfect.
We see her put in so much effort for her good grades and that was extremely validating for me, the reason being that I already adored Hermione and am super hard on myself about just being smart. Sometimes I used to feel as though if I were truly so smart I should just be able to do everything, just like that, but seeing Hermione working so hard for all of her successes was liberating for moi.
Harry Potter
I just love this guy, okay?
And I also can't count the number of times one of his lines or thoughts made me laugh so hard I choked-often when both laughing and choking were not too great to be doing, like say 1AM when you're re-reading Half-Blood Prince and are supposed to be sleeping.
The HP series are also the books that had a massive impact on me, not only for Harry's amazing sass but because he really helped me to grow as a person, for the better, and he taught me bravery, strength and his point of view, and his story, always has been an escape back home for me.
And also, this boy screws up, all the damn time.
I just can't not love him for that, it helped me get over my perfectionism issues alongside Hermione.
And again, he says stuff like:
‘Yeah,’ said Harry, ‘but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone.’
(Order of The Phoenix)
‘There's no need to call me 'sir', Professor.’
(Half-Blood Prince)
‘Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?’
(Goblet of Fire)
("Listening to the news! Again?") "Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry.
(Order of The Phoenix)
Cyra Noavek
She is badass, yet sweet. Hard, yet kind. Strong yet weak. Daring yet sly.
When I need to do something that scares me and I need to be strong Cyra's book is the one that's coming with me.
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panlyv · 4 years
as much as i enjoy “bl” and yes i do watch quite a lot of this type of show, sometimes it’s just very tiring having to conform with second-hand representation that isn’t truly made for me and my community because we are still heavily stigmatized as some kind of fetish for straight men or just a full slut for being with multiple genders. and then when we do get representation that’s more or less acceptable, it’s usually a bi girl - and please don’t take this as an offense but i really really wish i could see just one properly written lesbian character, for once. no excuses, no slut-shamming, no fetishization, no internalized homophobia, no behind closed doors kinda relationships... just let me see lesbian characters living their best lives, being happy and enjoying their partners. that’s literally all i’m asking for.
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crazilust · 2 years
Disney characters as zodiac sign : Lilo in Lilo & Stitch 
So, I've decided to watch all the Disney movies because ... Why not. I decided to start with Lilo. Let's dive deep into her character using astrology. It's possible certain placements could not be accurate because of how the planets move, but this is just for fun.
Sun sign ☀️
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To me, Lilo is the embodiment of an Aquarius sun trying to fit in. As the movie starts, it is pretty clear how Lilo is being perceived amongst her peers. A weirdo. Every Tuesday, she feeds a fish a peanut butter sandwich so it can regulate the weather. She gets made fun of almost immediately and Lilo doesn't seem to understand why. Being the outsider is something that most Aquarius placements, but mostly suns, has had to deal with. I would argue that as a child, it is harder for them. As they grow up, they understand that it's in fact a good thing and they can get things done in an unique way. But when they're younger, this trait makes them feel like an alien. They don't seem to understand why they can't just fit in. Pretty much a loner, Lilo has a hard time making friends because the other little girls don't seem to have the same interests. They're disgusted by Lilo and everything surrounding her : her DIY doll, her "dog" (Stitch), etc. Again, being an Aquarius sun, she doesn't really understand how to fit in and is cast away for it. She also has a really high imagination and uses it to cope with her environnement. The fish one is a good example, but there's also when her sister Nani had been fired. She then told Lilo it's because the manager was a vampire and Lilo whispered : "I knew it". She's also extremely insightful. She understands the depth and importance of certain things without having to be told about it. For example, when she sees David (Nani's friend) and Nani interact, she then tells David that her sister likes her and that he shouldn't worry too much. Just by observing David, she could tell that he was anxious and insecure about wether or not Nani liked him back.
2. Moon sign 🌙
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After her fight with the girls and them making fun of her doll, Lilo runs home, shut the door and plays Elvis' music laying down on the floor. Her emotions come crashing down on her and she accepts them fully. As I was watching that, I could only think of her being a Cancer moon. Cancer being at home in this placement, it makes sense that she feels comfortable with her emotions and she doesn't try to push them away. She does that pretty much the whole movie, in fact. When she's mad, she yells and fights, when she's sad, she cries or lays down, when she's happy, she laughs and hugs the people that make her happy. She is completely at ease with her inner world and doesn't feel the need to shame herself for being emotional. She is also pretty sensitive and reacts in an emotional way to almost every situation as opposed to a rational way. After all, she does get emotional pretty quickly and her mood can change pretty quickly as well.
3. Mercury sign 🔍
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Lilo has a way of talking that is impulsive, cheerful, loud, optimistic, and easy going. That, my friend, is a Leo mercury. She has no shame sharing what's going on inside because it feels like she needs to be heard, and that what she is going through is valuable enough to be shared. She never shy away to say what needs to be said and what she has been going through. She can, however, be a little self righteous and impulsive (I'm aware she is also a child lmao). For example, in the beginning of the movie, when she got into a fight with Nani, she yells at her sister that she's a bad sister because she's not listening to her and not understanding her pain. Again, I'm aware she's a child and children are pretty self centered to begin with, but I'm sure some of y'all would not have said that to your care taker simply because it's not in your personality to do so. Lilo most definitely puts her feeling and her perspective before anything else. When Nani wants to get rid of Stitch because he's causing them problems, Lilo refuses and starts screaming that she can't give him away because family never gets left behind. Lilo always makes sure that her beliefs will get heard, one way or another.
4. Mars sign 🔥
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Let's continue with mars, as I believe Lilo has a Leo mars, as well. Like I stated earlier, Lilo is particularly impulsive and that's how I knew her mars had to be fire, at least. But why Leo? Like I said earlier, Lilo is really emotional, and I've stated before that, that would make her a Cancer moon. But it's the way she decides to act on that emotion that you can see her mars placement. Let's go back to that first scene when she was laying down on the ground. Nani was trying to get inside because she was expecting the social worker. Lilo was having none of it. She turned the music louder and kept singing. Dra-ma-tic. I love this scene, don't get me wrong, but man is she dramatic 🤣. And that's the Leo flair, baby! That was for her sadness, but she expresses herself in the same kind of way when she gets mad. She jumped on one of the little girl and bit her the second she made fun of her. Nani even asked her afterwards if she fought...again. So this is a recurrent thing. But the mars placement also tells you about how creativity gets expressed and Lilo is pretty creative. She loves dance and is good at it, she loves drawing and painting, she loves reading, she loves photography. With Leo mars, they have this deep need of expressing themselves no matter the medium. It's important for them to feel loved and respected amongst their entourage, which seem to be the case for Lilo as well.
5. Venus sign 💗
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Loyal, caring, patient. I truly believe that Lilo has a Cancer venus. Let me explain. Lilo has suffered a lot (although not completely shown) with her relationships. She's been teased by her classmates, her parents have died and the relationship with her sister seem strained. At the beginning of the film, we see Lilo praying for a friend. Nani hears that, and decides to take her to the dog shelter to pick a dog. And she chooses Stitch. As we all know, Stitch turns out to be pretty chaotic and destroys everything as this is what he's been designed to do. As someone who's been disappointed so much in relationships, you would think she would return Stitch and close her heart off not to get hurt again. But she doesn't. She is completely aware of Stitch's bad behavior and wants to improve is. She loves him, despite that. The thing with Cancer venus is that, when they love, they love deep. They are loyal and understanding and will not leave you until you threaten something of theirs. They are extremely protective. That's actually what happens with Stitch. The house gets destroyed because of him, she gets separated from Nani and that's when Lilo has had enough. She does, always, see the good in people even if there is not much there. It does push people around her to be better and, in return, give her the love she deserves.
6. The rising and her chart 🅰️
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Gemini rising
Curious, talkative, not shy to express herself, knows many random facts, creative, and seems to be up to no good.
Moon and Venus in the Second house
Her emotions are linked to her self worth. The love she receive and give is linked to her self worth.
Mars and Mercury in the Third house
Mars and mercury. Mercury is at ease in this house. She feels no problem expressing herself. She is intelligent and aware of her surrounding, Her emotions wants to come out in the form of self expression, as Mars is there as well.
Sun in the Ninth house
Her principles are high, and they cannot move unless she decides to. She seems to has a very strong sense of what is right and what's not, even though it can appear hypocritical at times.
Aaaand that's it from me, guys. I'm sorry I've been MIA for a while, I had a new job and things went kind of south. Anyways, I'm back, back, back again! I feel so happy to get back on tumblr, I was on Tiktok for way too long.
Yours truly,
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thenotsohottopic · 3 years
Hey 🍄 annon here Ik im annoying but anyone with a kid who just can't take care of themself they suck at it but they can provide for thier fanbase(let's say they stream or do YouTube or make music you choose okay) dispite suffering they just want to make others and thier fanbase happy
[lmao I'm sick but I hope you're doing well]
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Go To Sleep
character(s): Cc!Nihachu + cc!Karl & teen!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warning(s): swearing, mentions of sleeping troubles, mentions of lack of self care
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You were spending the night with at Niki's house since your parents were out of town for the night. The two of you have been sitting on the floor infront of her bed for a while, she was watching a movie while you were trying to figure out a plan for your upcoming video.
Though her attention wasn't on the show, "Y/n are you ok? you seem awfully tired," Niki asked as she stared at you with a worried expression.
"Hm?" You asked as you looked away from the notebook that was in your hands.
"are you ok?" Nihachu asked once more as she moved her hand to your shoulder. "there's bags under your eyes, have you been sleeping properly?"
"Oh, no it's ok." You brushed her off, adding a smile into it. "I didn't sleep too well last night, that's all."
Niki nodded and stood up, holding her hand out for you to take. "Well let get you to sleep then. You're a growing child, you need sleep."
"I can't sleep yet, I have to get this planned out and stuff." you explained when holding up your notebook.
Niki sighed and took the notes out of your hands, "it can wait. you're health is more important."
"but I promised eve-"
"no! sleep." she ordered and you hugged in slight annoyance. However, on the inside you were happy that she cared.
You groaned as you tried to get the one chord right. You've been trying for hours but you couldn't quite get it and it was starting to annoy the shit out of you.
Your schedule was fucked.
You barely ever slept anymore, getting an average of about 4 hours each night, and that if you even fell asleep. You were so busy with school work and trying to get this song prepared you hadn't been able to take care of yourself the way you should've from all tee stress. Plus you cried for at least an hour each day out of frustration.
Your phone started ringing, having reached for it you saw Karl's caller ID.
"Hello?" you said, your voice much more hoarse than you wanted it to be.
"You ok there, Bug?" Karl asked with concernaced in his voice. You smiled at the nickname he gave you. You weren't sure as to why, but Karl had practically adopted you. You weren't complaining though you felt safe around him. Of course you would never tell him this, you wouldn't have the guts to express how much you looked up to the man.
"ya, I'm fine." you answered, trying to hide the extreme tiredness evident in their voice.
Karl frowned, "you sound awful, what's wrong?"
You signed, "nothing. I just havent been able to get a good amount of sleep lately with school and me trying to get my new song out."
"Thats not nothing, have you eaten today? drank water?"
"I'm not sure-" you yawned, trying to rub the tirness out of your eyes.
"I'm coming over." Karl stated, and before you could tell him no he hung up.
That day, Karl spent the day getting you to rest and eat. No matter how hard you tryed to stop him it didn't work. He wanted t care for you, having he felt responsible for your health.
That night when he tucked you in you actually told him how thankful you were to have him as a role model, having made that night the best for him.
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NO 🍄 ANON ILY SM! you are not annoying and I hope any other person that said this to you chokes on thumbtacks <3
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yukianika · 2 years
Reason why I love Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
I cried the first few episodes actually.
I was so happy to see a woman with autism on a kdrama and see her achieve her dreams.
I also cried when they have a guy deeply fall inlove with her in each episode
also the way he liked her was never about her being smart or her being an innocent person with a disability (like how everyone does it) - he just does.
lowkey related to her pain whenever people would just shut her up and call her stupid all the time ngl
That wedding dress scene hit hard
Cause kdramas like these (especially with female characters) tend to make it seem like the plot will center on the female character then suddenly she becomes the male lead's supporting wife role????? totally not pinocchio and W-Two Worlds
The only flaw of this I guess is the stereotypical pwd with extreme smartness at one thing
Also that they didn't cast an actual actress with autism.
I know its flawed, but you don't understand how it validated a lot of things I thought I wasn't going to get since I know I'm different
few times do you see this kind of representation, on asian television nonetheless, and see them be heroines in fairytale like stories.
cause it made me feel like I have a shot at finding a Lee Junho myself and achieve my dreams
I'm very emotional today as you can see I dunno why 😭
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Synopsis: To fulfill a promise, you brought some Vodka to drink. But you never expected the evening to end like this...
Characters: Leon Kennedy; Chris Redfield; Reader
Warnings: some alcohol; fluff
Words: 1.631
You slammed the bottle onto the wooden surface between the two guys who were sitting at the bar counter. As they both looked up, you grinned, holding three shots in your hands, "Like I promised, drinks are on me.", you said, sliding in the gap between the tall men: Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy.
Chris smirked and quirked a brow with an amused expression while Leon turned over to you, almost matching Chris' glance as he looked at you as well, "You don't really want to do this, my sweetheart.", Leon said with an arrogant smirk.
You looked up at Leon with a lopsided smirk and a challenging glance, "First of all, I'm not your sweetheart. And second, that was the deal. After this mission, drinks are on me. It was our first big mission together. We have to celebrate that.", you pointed out, reminding these two of the promise you had given to each other.
Leon shook his head slowly, "Look, we're both grown men and you're-"
"I'm what, Kennedy? Huh? I'm what?", you asked challenging, crossing your arms over your chest while waiting for Leon to end his sentence. You already knew how some were seeing you: as a little girl who wasn't fitting into this kind of job.
Chris shook his head to signal Leon to shut up. The last thing he should do was to answer this question if Leon wanted to live long enough to see the end of the night. So, like a real friend, Chris jumped in to help, "Look, what Leon wanted to say is that we... We want to protect you-"
Chris thought himself as smart but he wasn't what let you smirk. Slowly, you turned over to him, smiling at him sweetly, "Protecting? Me? You two?", you asked before you laughed loudly. As you calmed down, tears were filling your eyes and running down your cheeks while you had difficulties to breathe properly. You laid your arms around Chris' and Leon's shoulders, even sitting they were both taller than you, "Boys, don't you dare to forget that I saved your sweet asses, alright? You wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for me."
"Oh, come on! You know that's not true!", Leon argued but as you looked slowly at him he became silent. In fact you were right. The last mission had been a bit tricky and you were right. You had watched out for them with your sniper rifle as it became extremely dangerous. One by one, you had brought BOWs down as if you were picking apples from a tree. Leon nodded and pointed at the unlabeled bottle, "Alright, alright. We owe you something. What have you brought us to drink?"
You grinned devilish, "Vodka. The...good one. At least, I got told that you would like it."
Chris and Leon changed a knowing glance while you watched their faces fall in realization. Leon was the first who recovered, "No...", he breathed, shock mirroring in his eyes what amused you.
Then you looked at Chris who had the same expression in his eyes. You put the shots next to the bottle, "Yes.", you said serious.
"No.", Chris whispered and shook his head slowly.
"Hell yes.", you said again. Both men watched how you took the bottle to open it. You removed the cap before you poured the clear liquid elegantly into all three shots.
You couldn't know that but Chris and Leon had a 'past' with this certain liquid in this certain kind of bottle. As they first drank that stuff, they had experienced the worst hangover in their entire life while Dima, a guy who had helped with a mission and who had brought the alcohol afterwards, seemed to be unimpressed, at all. But maybe, it was just a coincidence and this bottle came from someone else... At least, Leon hoped that. There was no way you could know Dima, "But... Where.. where did you get that from?", Leon asked fearfully.
"Dima.", you answered meaningfully and watched how they both stared at each other, "Boys, don't be shy. Come on.", you said while taking one of the shots. Reluctantly, they followed your lead. You touched glasses and swallowed the alcohol. As you were done, the boys were still staring at their glasses, "Wow, you drink this or are you staring at the glass to get it empty?"
Leon and Chris swallowed their drinks with a grimace. You looked back and forth between them with a big grin, "And? Was it this bad?"
"It's still disgusting.", Leon said with a raspy voice, shaking himself.
Chris reacted the same, "Yeah. I'm still sure this isn't for drinking rather for cleaning something.", Chris whispered.
You took the bottle to fill the glasses once again, "Maybe, the next shot will be better.", you suggested.
"No, not for me.", Chris said.
But you ignored him, "We can't stop after the first shot. One more, Chris, please.", you asked pouting while shoving the other shot to Leon.
Chris looked at you and somehow, you were able to convince him, "Okay, but just one."
Several more shots later, Chris clinged to you like a huge, cuddly teddy bear, "You're so sweet, yn.", he slurred what caused you to chuckle, swaying slightly on your chair by his weight. Leon watched the two of you amused with a stupid grin and shook his head about his silly friend. He knew Chris would regret all of this the next day. If he would remember this, at all.
You looked pleadingly for help at Leon but he just raised his hands in defense that he was powerless. It had been your idea to give Chris alcohol and now, you had to deal with the result of your glorious plan. The tough, tall and stern man became a bundle of emotions if he got something to drink.
Chris leant stronger against you and placed his heavy, muscled arm around your shoulders to bring you closer, "You shouldn't be a part of my team!", Chris whined suddenly, switching his mood from happy to emotional within a second.
"W-what? Why not? I'm good-", you slurred.
"But you're so young! Like my sister. Yn, you could be my little baby sister.", he cried out and hugged you stronger, trying to protect you from the world.
Suddenly, Leon straightened himself, knowing exactly where this could lead, "Chris, it's enough.", he said grinning but with a demanding undertone.
Chris slammed his hand on the table, "No! She has to hear it! Yn, if something ever happens to you, I couldn't forgive myself. You hear me? You're too precious. You shouldn't do this job."
"Alright, Chris. That's enough. Come on, we will bring you to bed.", Leon demanded, swaying as he got up. He laid one of Chris' arms around his own shoulders while he tried to get that heavy, broad guy up from the chair. You helped on the other side, slightly swaying on your feet but together, you were able to bring Chris to his room even if you needed longer than necessary.
"No, I'm not tired. I don't wanna sleep!", Chris protested as he fell on his bed. He bounced a bit up and down but Leon pushed him down back on the mattress as Chris tried to stand up again.
"Good night, Chris. Sleep well.", Leon said.
You already had reached the door as Chris spoke up once again, "Leon, you have to watch out for yn! Take care of her. And I don't mean just tonight. I know you like her. You two belong together."
Even if it was hard to understand, you had heard every single word. You wanted to ask Chris something but he was already asleep. He was sprawled on his bed and snoring like a bear. Silently on your tiptoes, you and Leon left the room.
In the hallway, you walked to the opposite wall, leaning against it with crossed arms and avoiding Leon's eyes, "You wanna tell me something?", you asked, eyes glued to the ground.
Leon approached you slowly, fighting to get a clearer mind for this kind of talk but the alcohol was still a thick cloud around his brain. He stopped in some distance from you, "Yn, he's drunk. He doesn't know what he says-", he started but stopped, searching for the right words which was more difficult in such a state.
"Is that true? What Chris said about you liking me?", you asked, slowly looking up.
Leon held your glance, staying where he was and said nothing, not sure how this could end if he said something wrong. Inwardly, he cursed about Chris' loose tongue when he was drunk.
You instead wanted an answer. With wobbling knees, you stepped closer to Leon, stopping right in front of him. His eyes were boring into yours as you looked up, "Leon, please, is that true what he said?"
Leon raised his hands and cupped your face carefully before he leant down to kiss you very softly almost innocently with his thumbs caressing your cheeks. You could still taste the Vodka on his breath. Like a lightning, the sensation shot through you. But before you could deepen the kiss, Leon removed himself from you, looking into your eyes, "Go to bed and sleep. If you wanna talk about this, we'll do it tomorrow.", he whispered, turned around and walked down the hallway to his own room.
Dumbfounded, you watched after Leon. You were too drunk to run after him but your mind was clear enough to tell you that the next day, you would have to talk with Leon. And maybe, when your body had processed the alcohol properly, you could understand the feelings you had noticed since the moment Leon had kissed you.
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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Pairing: jeon jungkook x f!reader.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, heartbreak, office au.
Summary: ❝The fool is one who rests dreaming of doing things beyond his reach, instead of making it come true, pathetic.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, stalking / harassment, quite a bit of voyeurism, implicit murder, naming of non-consensual sex, forced pregnancy, somnophilia, jk drug a reader, extremely complicated relationships, sexual tension between mxm characters, naming of homosexual relations mxm.
Number of words: 5000+
︙ Author's note: My second fic here, thank you very much for all the support you gave to the first one. Enjoy!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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They say, out there, that monotony is boring.
What everyone vaguely forgot, is that we live in it. It is an endless loop between what we do, and what we want.
So, nobody wanted to change it.
Jungkook lived in a routine. He liked his personal independence and, likewise, he never changed anything in his life. He was a man of habit, worthy of admiration and imitation. But he never considered himself capable of guiding someone as his own person, he just seemed boring to him.
Perhaps his complexity of seeing things in different ways was what made him such a genius.
People who break with the custom or the conventional can be called differently in the eyes of everyone, crazy or genius. Jungkook considered himself to be in the middle of both terms. He was madly in love with his genius.
But nobody said that love was for everyone, Jungkook was also in love with another person that he considered that he was worthy of his love, the obsessive and sick, misunderstood love of him.
Jungkook was a genius, but he never wanted money wasting his time on useless things like building an empire and being a millionaire. He looked at other directions in life. His salary was minimal, he worked hard under Kim Taehyung's whip. His boss was successful, just as he has imagined since he saw him go by one fall day.
He couldn't remember the date, but he knew it was fall. The cool breeze was a seal of love.
The clumsy little Jungkook, always with his head down looking for a chance at life. When he could have anything he wanted with his inner genius. The porcelain cup swayed in his hand, watching people rush past, just as he thought it would, everyone had their own business in this time of change. Taehyung really fell from the sky like an angel, or that's what he wanted to remember the day he watched him pass a coffee shop with his phone in hand ordering a cold American coffee even though the wind was blowing strongly in the streets. Jungkook watched him fervently, he was enigmatic and undoubtedly managed to get his attention almost immediately. His tall, firm figure made her want to clench her thighs.
His father always told her that pleasure was fun on unfortunate occasions.
Perhaps because of that, he took enormous pleasure in seeing Taehyung walking close to him.
He felt, in a disgusting way, good about himself. It was as if just by looking at his face and his dark eyes, he would manage to make her cum on his pants. Jungkook searched for him for days, until in an insignificant magazine, which he found by chance, he read about one of the most sought-after businessmen in the nation. Much money, and above all an elegant demeanor. They were the perfect combination to create someone like Kim Taehyung, however, Jungkook missed everything when he saw a photo of his beloved unknown to him.
It was a matter of time. He now named himself to be an excellent worker, always by Taehyung's side wherever he went, he felt euphoric just hearing him say his name with his voice so silent. His personal secretary was jealous of him, she even insulted him for a simple smile that young Jeon showed her. She obviously was fired from her, she being replaced by Mrs. Jang who was an older woman, married with two children.
However, no one ever noticed or simply turned a deaf ear to Jungkook's constant provocations towards the former secretary, just as her mocking smiles seemed to be ignored by conveniently blind eyes.
Jungkook was a man who knew how to play. He loved being the mouse for Taehyung, getting caught up in his whims. But he loved even more being the cat marrying the prey.
And just when he could already feel himself on top of the iceberg, almost close to touching his beloved boss. You arrived. You were an intern, nothing special considering that thousands came every year and you didn't have a permanent position unless you did your job well. Jungkook didn't even notice your presence, not for a year. Mrs. Jang sick from one day to the next, Taehyung had a considerable appreciation for her so she did not take away his job. Only covered it with a temporary vacation.
Jungkook was used to walking into his boss's office being greeted by the harsh but sweet voice of the older woman. But his steps seemed to stop in automatic mode when he heard your voice, it was sweet after sweet. His gaze fell quickly on your figure, you were ethereal, with a hint of mischief that he noticed, questioning if your perfect form was normal to see in a person.
And ironically, he proclaimed you a beautiful and heavenly Angel.
His heart pounded when you seemed to notice his presence, your eyes fell on his face in confusion. Jungkook bit his lip, his breath caught and unconsciously, he clenched his thighs to cover his growing erection. He thought he looked ridiculous standing in front of you without saying anything.
He felt strangely pathetic next to you.
"Who are you? Where is Mrs. Jang?" He asked defensively, surprising your innocent figure. But you never let your guard down.
"I'm sorry, but I'm only a substitute until Mrs. Jang manages to recover. Can I help you with something?"
Jungkook frowned, but only managed to nod with no idea what to do. He took a few steps back, realizing that he had invaded your personal space and cornered you between him and your desk. Anyone who saw them would think that they were close and even that they were having a lovers' quarrel.
I didn't want that. Taehyung was close to being his.
Jungkook looked at you with disdain, you were like a viper trying to tempt his masculine weakness.
But I am not unaware of the fact that I could smell your perfume of roses and vanilla. He was offended that Taehyung will not tell him that he is against someone young again. For a moment he feared that you would steal his position as his boss's right hand man, but that would be ridiculous. Thought. Taehyung was happy by his side, he appreciates him like a ... Little brother. He was trusted.
Nobody said Lucifer couldn't be a woman ...
The next few days weren't any better. Jungkook had his eyes glued to you at all times, counting the minutes when Taehyung called you at his office. How long will it take to leave from your entrance. And when it seemed like too long, he knocked on the door pretending to bring some important documents to sign. I could see you, when you were near your boss you had your head lowered. You were a submissive to him.
Jungkook felt envious, and far beyond, in a reprehensible jealousy of Taehyung. You never lowered your head when he came to greet you every day, nor when he ordered you to bring him a coffee and even less when he tried to embarrass you in front of the other people in the office.
But without a doubt, Jungkook came to hate you more than anyone in his monotonous life. You were a thief to him, you did your job so flawlessly that Taehyung had no choice but to give you the job of secretary. Your secretary. A smile was what adorned your lips every day, Jungkook cursed you a million different times.
You were a competition on their way to the heart of your beloved and perfect boss.
Nothing really changed after your acceptance as a secretary. Jungkook was cruelly trying to ignore you, but you never said anything to him or gave him a sign that he will affect you. Maybe deep down, I expected to see you destroyed by her rejection. Possibly, he thought ironically that he would seek him out asking forgiveness for any mistake you have made for such contempt, seeking to be to his liking again. However, nothing changed for you, you greet him politely, always with that charming look and smile of yours. Just like every day.
Then Jungkook did what seemed the least complicated to him.
He slowly gave up, walking straight to your table to start a conversation every morning, this time, ignoring calls from his boss needing him.
Taehyung was perfect. He put it on a pedestal, admiring its beauty every day as if it were a God.
But with you it was different. You weren't a Goddess to him, that would be stupid. For Jungkook to have you by his side, it was like giving him the privilege of being born again. You were more than his love, you were his life.
Jungkook lived for you. I existed to watch you, love you, make you happy. In its twisted and sick reality, everything you did revolved around his discretion. For he should always have been like that. Taehyung was nothing more than a cruel and beautiful distraction that fate put on him, proving his loyalty to you. Unfortunately he fell into it. His heart felt heavy in his chest, thinking of how long you must have been waiting for him. You must have been alone all that time.
Jungkook cried for you.
"Good morning, Jungkook-ah" Your voice, again.
His gaze was lost on your face. You were the most beautiful thing he had seen in his miserable years of life. He wondered if you, too, could feel his appreciation for you, or could you hear his rampant heartbeat.
Almost unconsciously, like the first time he clenched his thighs biting his lips to avoid being tempted to look past your fragile face. He had never been able to look at your body in a dirty way, but he did not deny wanting to do so. So he did it. His eyes inspected all of you, drinking in your sensuality as if you were a glass of water in front of him. Under your neck that was proud, you had a small necklace with your name written on it hanging and shining beautifully. Your collarbones rose beautifully, Jungkook felt an unreadable desire to want to bite the soft flesh of your neck leaving its marks on it as a sign that you were his. Only from him. Your white shirt was buttoned making a pout to form on her face, I wanted to see what color bra you were wearing that day. Maybe you were wearing something sexier under that stupid uniform, I guess you were ready for him, with some hidden lingerie, tempting him to take you to a bathroom in the building and fuck you foolishly while saying you were his over and over again.
"Are you feeling okay Jungkook-ah?" His gaze followed your body, which rose from your seat to approach him. For a moment he thought he could see your thighs protrude from the black fabric of your skirt that clung exquisitely to your body. His mind created thousands of scenarios where he would remove that garment to make you feel good, hitting you with his cock mercilessly.
Maybe I would let you touch it under the table at employee meetings that were held every week, if you let it mark your entire body with bites and bruises.
"You seem distressed, let me see if you have a fever." You say, without even realizing how his eyes are resting solely on your lips that he was dying to kiss and bite at will.
Jungkook knew that if he touched it, it would be the end. His cock stood up proudly creating a tent in his pants, he was grateful that you were so clueless that you never noticed that small but big problem. His eyes squeezed shut and his hand squeezed his crotch, he hunched over so you wouldn't notice he was coming into his pants with your gentle, harmless touch.
"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" You asked again, even more concerned than before.
Jungkook smiled, trying to breathe normally again. Really naive.
He made fun of you, he liked to play pretend to be the mouse just like with Taehyung. In front of you, he was a sweet and gentle man.
It was fun trying to keep his intentions true, but clearly this was starting to get tedious.
A week had passed since the incident, that day he had to ask permission pretending to be sick in order to go home.
You had been worried about his condition, thinking that you could have helped him. That same night, you called his phone wishing him well soon and apologizing once again.
You were never smart enough to notice that Jungkook had his hand inside his pants touching hard just hearing your soft voice saying how sorry you were, you sounded so weak and vulnerable to him. He dreamed of hearing you again, this time begging for him to make you cum on him a thousand times, he knew you would be perfect for his big cock. Taking him like a big girl, like her perfect little one.
Jungkook was a greedy person. Below being a caring and kind man, he was selfish with his desires. He got bored seeing you for so little time during the day, it seemed as if you ran away from him when you left the large company building. Perhaps it was his greed that led him and condemned you to follow you every day, treading closely in your footsteps.
You lived in a small apartment complex, your house had one bedroom and one bathroom. Jungkook thought it was essential for you, you earned almost the same as him and you were certainly a practical person. Making him fall in love with you even more, he felt identified in a funny way. Ironic. When your figure was lost inside your apartment he felt furious, he could not help feeling angry for not being able to see more of you.
But his eyes noticed almost immediately that your apartment had a window, one that just faced another in front of the neighboring building. An enormous satisfaction invaded him. He collected as much money as he could, managing to raise two months of rent for the apartment in front of yours. That would be enough until he would bring you to his feet, and then he would move in with you living together as a normal couple. The man who owns the building was surprised by the persistent attitude of the young man in renting a specific apartment. But he quickly forgot about it when he saw the money in his hand.
"I hope you are not bothered by the noises, the walls are thin and there could be problems with that." The owner babbled, explaining and talking about things that honestly didn't matter to him as long as he could be around you.
Jungkook watched your apartment from the window, the window looked directly into your room. He felt a smile grow on his face, he could see your perfectly arranged bed and the products on your dressing table. Mentally he wrote down all the marks, he had become obsessed with your smell. Wanting to imitate everything about you as much as possible, he even followed you to the mall to see where you always bought your clothes. He began to wear the same brand of clothing, the same style and in the same way, your personal things. Like your skincare products, even your lipstick.
Their love had now turned into a sinister game of catching the helpless mouse. He followed you day and night, it was only a matter of time before you were at his feet begging not to be eaten by the evil cat.
You never liked the night blanket, you felt that the worst things could happen in the dark of one night. Your steps were hurried, you constantly felt a presence following your weak form knowing that you would do nothing to stop it. You were not capable. You only got to feel calm and let out a sigh when you got to your little house, it was cozy for just one person. You liked it, it had a unique charm. Your shoes fell to the ground, as did your coat and bag. You were exhausted, Taehyung was not the best boss. He seemed to have an obsession with making you run around for coffee or a simple napkin.
Secretly, it was obnoxious.
"You're here, little one ..." a voice whispered, watching you from a camera lens.
I had bought a whole spy gear, between cameras, lenses and more just to see you, possibly to take some photos as a souvenir as well. Jungkook smiled, biting his lip impatiently. He had arrived at his department at the same time as you, but his work was not finished yet, not until you lay on your bed turning off the light and preventing him from seeing you any longer. "Good girl." His eyes never left your figure, the first garment fell to the ground.
You had a habit of going straight to the bathroom to relax for a few minutes after a tiring day. You were not yet aware that dark brown eyes were watching you from afar. Jungkook had adorable eyes according to many, they were like those of a defenseless and tender deer, but they would surely change their opinion if they knew what he does and sees with them.
"_____..." Your name left his lips in a moan, his face heated feeling his cock grow slowly at the sight of your naked body so exciting, you walked to the bathroom, losing his sight. But his imagination did the rest.
He sat in front of his camera, pulling down his pants along with his boxer shorts releasing his cock that rose proudly, crashing against his stomach. The presemen came out of his reddened tip, he moved his hand using it as a lubricant to be able to touch himself, imagining that you were looking at him too, calling him and begging him to come to your house to be able to fuck you in your bed. Your neighbors probably wouldn't like the noise. But I would still screw you so they can hear who made you feel good. Who you belonged to.
Just those thoughts was enough for him to come all over his hand, staining his stomach and part of the ground. His chest rose and fell with a laugh. It sure was pathetic.
But now I felt like I had some kind of power over you. Maybe it was always like that, you were his from the day you greeted him for the first time. He refused to think that you could see him cheated on with his boss. It was ridiculous, you clearly loved him.
So, for Jungkook you were his lovers in body and soul.
He could and had the power to do whatever he wanted with you. Taehyung walked in front of him, but for the first time in two years he didn't feel happy or euphoric to see him, and less excited.
He also didn't feel different when he called him into his office.
"Sit down Mr. Jeon, I have some business to attend to with you."
He obeyed immediately, realizing that even he had a power over his weak form. No one was superior to the great Taehyung.
Ironically. He likes irony.
"Lately I was going through the files of my employees and noticed something very unique." He spoke fully focused on his speech, Jungkook felt uncomfortable under his dark and empty gaze. "You have been working here for more than two years without taking a vacation or leaving your position something very exceptional and admirable. Thank you very much for your commitment to us, Mr. Jeon."
A sigh left his lips, he wondered vaguely why his breathing seemed to fail thinking that they could fire him. That would be terribly chaotic, it could not be close to you if it were to be roofed by the company.
It was a relief for him and a condemnation for you.
"It really isn't important, Chief Kim. I will continue to do my job fervently and do my best." He responded with a smile and a bow, trying to get out as soon as possible. He wanted to see you and Taehyung was starting to make him more nervous than usual, he felt that characteristic feeling of having damn butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
He felt like vomiting.
"That seems incredible to me, I would like to celebrate your great achievements. You think if after work, I can buy you a... a drink." He offered remarkably animated.
Funny, he had never been interested in doing that even when Jungkook followed him around like a puppy seeking approval. Did change something now? "I think it would be fair."
Everyone fully says that Lucifer is a man, Eve was very tempted by the apple of sin ...
"I would be delighted, only if I can bring one more person. He is someone important to me, and I would like him to celebrate in the same way." Jungkook smiled, he was delighted.
Taehyung looked surprised, genuinely surprised. But still, he managed to maintain his composure. "Of course, it would be a pleasure to meet that special person to you. You can go now."
Jungkook nodded, giving another bow and walking patiently to the door.
Taehyung watched his figure get lost, he felt strangely curious. He had never seen Jungkook interested in anything other than his job. However, now he spoke of someone special in his life. He frowned, searching his desk for the keys to his drawer hidden from anyone.
It was a bit personal.
He opened it, taking out the only thing inside. A red letter, the envelope was charming and eye-catching. He remembered it just like that day, Jungkook kneeling on the floor of his office where silence reigned. I knew that little Jeon waited for everyone to leave so he could confess, he said nothing at all, his gaze on the ground and his hands held the letter in the air hoping that he would take it.
He never read it.
But he knew it was a confession of his unforgivable love, that Jungkook would think he could fire him for something so heinous. But it was never necessary, he never read the letter so there was never a mistake on anyone's part. But now he was curious.
Maybe jealousy, he wanted to have power over everyone within his company and if a puppet left his strings, it would be like losing power over everyone.
He was lost so much in his misery that he did not notice that you had entered without permission, you were in a hurry because he answered a call from an investor from China that you could not wait for him to answer.
"Mr. Kim, you have a call ..."
Business dinners were boring for you, you knew it was just a stupid look covering up a night in a restaurant where they met to drink as much alcohol as they could. Especially men, according to your criteria. You didn't feel comfortable being the third person on a date between a boss and an important employee. However, I politely accept Mr. Jeon's invitation.
You looked for the table, where dinner and a toast to all the achievements of the aforementioned was supposed to take place. It was one number in particular, table 69.
"Miss _____..." Jungkook was the first to get up from his place to say hello. Taehyung stayed still in his seat, not even looking up from his wine glass. "Have a seat please welcome."
You felt uncomfortable, again. You were the third wheel on a date of two, to say you were a hindrance was to be a joker. Your chair was closer to Jungkook, as if your boss wanted not to be near you by mistake.
"Do you want to order something? Some wine?" Jungkook seemed strangely nervous, as well as attentive to any of your movements.
As if he were afraid of something certainly improbable.
"A-water is fine, thanks." You whisper overwhelmed by so much attention from one person. His hands seemed to shake as he got up from his seat running to bring your precious order.
Taehyung looked at everything with skeptical eyes. He was an observer. His gaze fell on your clothes, you weren't necessarily wearing something revealing or provocative to have so much attention from his former platonic lovers. You were dressed in a black skirt, a honey colored blouse and a white scarf along with some black shoes. You looked comfortable with your clothes, but quite the opposite with the situation and the environment.
Jungkook was dumb. Very silly, he thought, reading your thoughts. You clearly weren't interested in him and still, he was struggling to get your approval as if you were better than Taehyung.
Did you even think about what you were so valuable?
Your name left his lips, drawing your attention right away. "Bored?" His question surprised you, perhaps he was more than observant.
"No, no ..." You reply nervously, waving your hands in the air to give yourself more credibility. "I just think I'm not the most appropriate person to take this place at this dinner. It's weird."
"I get it. You are nobody, just an employee trying to do your job ... not impressive, by the way." Your face was distorted, you were not the most correct person in a matter of manners but you were sure that that was completely offensive and rude. Your inner voice whispered for you to leave, it wasn't worth it. "You are free to go, I will tell Mr. Jeon that you felt bad and had an emergency."
Doubt grew within you. Right now you felt that everything that came out of his mouth was trying to attack you and hurt you in some way. You frowned, refusing to indulge in his game. To say that Taehyung was surprised was an understatement.
"I'm fine, but thank you Mr. Kim."
"Listen damned-..."
Jungkook returned to his place sitting next to you, Taehyung closed his mouth automatically fearing the worst of him. The glass of crystal clear water sat in front of you, it seemed as if it had searched for simple water for days when only a few minutes passed. He looked eager for you to bring him to your lips and drink from something brought by him.
It was terrifying.
Your hand refused to take the glass, your conscience screamed uncontrollably for you to drop it on the floor pretending to have an accident. It was a horribly euphoric feeling. When the water wet your tongue you felt dizzy, your nerves calmed down noticeably.
It was just water.
Jungkook kept smiling the entire dinner, talking about things you honestly didn't understand. It was as if he and Taehyung had a special language to speak to each other, one in which you weren't welcome.
"It feels good?" Your vision became blurry, you had drunk half a glass of wine but your head felt like a whirlpool. Strangely familiar. Your mouth suddenly felt dry, your breath failed and your eyes surrendered.
Jungkook screamed in horror when your body fell to the ground, Taehyung smugly watched as the people around you tried to get up scared by your state. He did not care much about me, nor did it affect him that Jungkook went with you to a hospital. He just sat there, finishing his glass of wine and his special dish. Curious eyes watched them intrigued.
A truly unique man.
Your head rested calmly on his shoulder, he finally smiled away from the pressure of the people in the restaurant. You seemed so peaceful with your steady breathing and calm rhythm, you were so close to him that he was afraid he couldn't wait until he got to his new home. The man who was driving observed in the rear-view mirror, they seemed like a very calm couple and it certainly created a chilling sensation as the young man sitting in his car touched your face as if he feared breaking you by accident. On cold nights like these, he preferred not to ask any questions of his clandestine and unknown clients, but he would always take that doubt about who he helped to escape his own problems.
The room specially chosen by him was decorated, every detail seemed to reflect your darkest tastes and those that everyone knew. It was beautifully scary like the books and pillow was a replica of what you always wanted. Jungkook was proud to have been able to get everything, his bank account was now just zeroes. He learned how useful money was if you saved enough, he hated people who used it without knowing or measuring what it might be worth later.
Your body fell on the giant bed, the sheets were soft and honey color like your blouse. Jungkook knew that you liked colors that will make you relax but you had no preference for one in particular. His curious eyes glowed in the dark, his hands daringly touched your body without fear of being rejected because you simply couldn't do it.
"You are mine, now." He whispered, his voice mingling with the silent screams of the night. The moon was shining hungrily illuminating the room, but not enough to impede what was impossible to stop. "Sleep, sleep a lot. I could wait for you forever."
His promises remained in the air and on deaf ears. With selfishness in his heart, he rose above you positioning himself above you allowing his face to fall on your neck where he sipped from your charming scent that tempted him to follow. Your legs were side by side on his hips, he brought his body closer to yours. He couldn't bear to go on pretending to be the good guy, he was the only one.
"Please do not leave me..."
His sobs were trapped between the four walls, he was sick. He begged for forgiveness. Mercy he did not deserve. I was hoping that you could see him again directly as always, with a smile and your soft voice wishing him a good morning.
His calm, gentle kisses turned desperate, angry, and somewhat cruel. Leaving exaggerated marks all over your body, I wish it long ago. However, he was never heard.
Now he had what he wanted.
He felt complete by your side. His parents loved him as if they depended on their love, but they were certainly false in his head. Jungkook happily recalled how they prevented him from using his own money, how they seemed to put walls in front of him to prevent him from going to live alone, and how they rejected that he was in love with someone of the same gender.
His father called it disgusting and a shame, his mother was silent crying in his hands covering her grief.
Their bodies were never discovered. The police felt useless in front of their eyes, they apologized for their incompetence. They had fallen off a bridge where they always went to pray, where Jungkook knew they were asking for forgiveness and then committing the same sins again.
He planned his move cunningly, moving his pieces one by one.
He amused himself like a child killing a pawn of his competition.
He made an account of his crimes, his parents, Taehyung's best friend who was the harmless Park Jimin, his boss's former secretary who after being fired was strangely run over by a car that was never discovered, also remembers your insolent neighbor who seemed to enjoy stalking you, Jungkook remembers how I completely hate him. His hands on her neck made it clear when she hated him, he was disgusting.
He applauded happily, he felt very good about himself seeing that he made up his mind about so many people who for him were a plague in this world. It was like a child receiving a gift, his hands took the pen on his desk writing the last name on his list for now. Red ink stained the paper, a smile invaded his face.
𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰.
A gasp left his lips watching your figure move on the bed, he got up from his seat to watch you wake up. You looked so innocent, but now you were stained.
You carried her future child within you, he tried very hard to get you pregnant. You never noticed how he always managed to put powdered sleeping pills in your food every night since he got tired of just looking at you. Then he only had to enter your house like a ghost, his moans of pleasure were silent as he collided with you, fucking you hard with the thought and idea that you would carry his son in your womb.
So, you would never want to leave.
You will learn to love the monotony of being the wife and mother of Jeon Jungkook's son.
After all, he was never a fool.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 3 years
a4 and c9 for the ykza asks :3
Hello! Thank you~
Yakuza Questionnaire
A4: Favourite Antagonists?
Yakuza Specifically
Daisaku Kuze, Tsukasa Sagawa*, Homare Nishitani (Though how much of an antagonist he is is kinda debatable), Ryuji Goda, Yoshitaka Mine, Masato Aizawa, Jo Sawashiro, Yosuke Tendo, Reiji Ishioda.
Kyohei Hamura, The Mole,
Lost Judgment
Jin Kuwana
* I don't need a character to be a 'good' as a person to be considered a good character. IMO, an awful character that is well written is still a good character and good to watch, and absorb and adds enrichment to the story.
C9: What was the most emotional scene in the series?
It is impossible to pick one so once again I'm going to break it up by game.
Yakuza 0
Tachibana breaking down to Kiryu about how badly he just wants to see his sister again. He's been almost completely stoic up until now and my heart shatters every time. Especially since we know he never gets the chance.
Kiryu carrying the deceased Tachibana out of the warehouse, and just looking so crushed, devastated and defeated.
Makoto coming up to Tachibana after he's passed on. The way she starts sobbing and softly cries, "It's okay, you're tired." BREAKS ME COMPLETELY.
Majima at the hospital, begging Makoto to be ok. He's so tired. He's so exhausted, he's barely holding it together, but he *has* to keep going even if at this point he's running on total autopilot.
Yakuza 1/ Kiwami
Shinji and Reina. Their deaths *hurt*. And they're almost never mentioned again after that either..only briefly in Yakuza/Kiwami 2.
Most of Kiwami's ending before the post-credits. Everything hurts. EVERYTHING.
I played Kiwami after Yakuza 0, so the steady decline of Kiryu and Nishiki's bond is..painful to watch dissolve slowly and terribly. Especially given how much they meant to each other.
Yakuza 3
Mine destroying the orphanage.
Rikiya's death. Honestly, there's a lot to Rikiya's death that hurts, but how bad Kiryu is hurting just seems to make it so much worse.
Yakuza 4
The entirety of the mess that becomes (and ends) Yasuko and Saejima's story.
Yakuza 5
Kiryu in pretty much every scene. He's depressed, lonely, coasting though life barely understanding what he's doing anymore, unable to find his footing, too old to get comfortable settling down and too worried *and badly missing* his kids. Yakuza 5 has an extremely melancholy, depressing opening too.
Shinada's entire story gets me. Everyone he trusts and knows betrays him. THE ENTIRE TOWN. Poor guy.
When he cries after Takasugi (WHO I FORGOT TO ADD AS A FAVOURITE ANTAGONIST BUT ADD HIM) tells him to come home.
Yakuza 5's ending. Haruka clinging to Kiryu in the snow before he passes out.
Yakuza 6
There's a scene near the beginning of Yakuza 6 of Haruka sitting on the beach at night at Morning Glory. Kiryu has gone back to jail, she's alone and reading articles slandering herself *which doesn't get to her* and her siblings *which absolutely does*. 16 years old, alone, and known for being 'strong' she curls into herself and sobs "Uncle Kaz, what do I do? What should I do?" Fully a scared, lonely child who desperately wants her dad (and NEEDS AND SHOULD HAVE) her dad.
All she wants in that moment is her dad there, hugging and taking care of her. And she can't even have that much.
The want to dive into the screen and hug this poor child is PALPABLE And she might have her siblings, but she needs a goddamned PARENT. Someone to hold her and tell her it's okay, they'll help her.
Instead, she packs her bags, thinking leaving is best for her siblings *just like her dad*, and leaves that same night.
To follow up this, 3 years later, Kiryu comes home, and all his kids are happy to see him. He asks after Haruka. Ayako, the only person who knew Haruka left before the other kids woke up to her gone, and had believed she'd gone to Kamurocho, breaks down in tears because she's just NOW finding out Haruka lied, and has not been seen in THREE YEARS.
Then..the ending. After the Iwami fight. Good. Grief.
Yakuza 7
Arakawa telling Ichiban he's so proud of him after the Omi fight. Gets me in the feels everytime.
Ichiban and Arakawa chatting at the waterfront. Also gets me. Everytime.
Arakawa's death. Not only a huge turning point for Ichiban but painful in so so many ways.
This list is not exhaustive but this was getting oh so very long. XD.
Thank you for asking!
Tagging @kulemii as promised.
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kur0m1bab3 · 4 years
A Bittersweet Miracle
3rd person POV
Cw:Angst fluff, slightly mature, mentions of pregnancy, college!Au
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"Well what does it say?" Akaashi asked curiously craning his neck a bit to try to glance at the plastic stick set in y/n's hand.
Y/n looked away biting her lip as she blindly handed him the pregnancy test.
"Two lines means positive right?" The older male asked as y/n stayed silent nodding her head as she kept her gaze fixated on the brown wooden floors of her kitchen.
A soft smile graced Akaashis face as he walked over to y/n leaning down a bit.he poked her cheek lightly as she puffed her cheeks out, desperately trying To keep her gaze on the ground only for her to crack a small smile at Akaashi's constant poking.
"There she is" Akaashi smiled pulling y/n into a warm embrace. Y/n sighed into the hug as Akaashi pulled away.
"I'm gonna be a god father" Akaashi said happily as y/n laughed.
"Mhmn you are" she smiled.
Akaashi pulled away from y/n as he looked at her for a while as he lifted an eyebrow.
"You don't seem too happy?" Akaashi said as y/n shook her head.
"I am...m'not sure how I'm really supposed to react though..I mean I cried when I found out I was so happy.......but my kid is going to grow up fatherless so I'm kinda ya know...out of it" y/n spoke truthfully as Akaashi nodded.
"You going to tell him?" Akaashi asked as he began to grab pot and pans from the cabinets, probably about to make a celebratory meal for the mother to be and the others planning to come over.
"Don't know. Part of me wants to the other part of me doesn't" y/n said sitting on the island stool as Akaashi hummed looking at her.
"Y/n you guys were together for more than a year and a half...not to mention you guys lived together for most of your college career.....He deserves to know" Akaashi spoke out as y/n bit her lip looking down.
"I know...but,we broke up for a reason" y/n said as Akaashi clicked his tongue looking at the younger girl.
"You mean you broke up with him" Akaashi said putting an emphasis on you as y/n waved Akaashi off.
"It was mutual" y/n said rubbing her stomach softly smiling. Akaashi put down the wooden spoon he had been holding as he walked over to the island y/n was sitting at.
He leaned on the island as he looked at y/n intently.
"Bokuto never wanted to break up it wasn't mutual" Akaashi said sternly as y/n bit her lip looking away.
Kotaro Bokuto. The love of y/n's life that just so happened to be her ex. The pair had know each other for years, their history together going back all the way to middle school. They had always been attracted to each other, no doubt about it.
The cute smiles they gave each other during gym, or the extra chocolates teddy bears they'd give one another on Valentine's Day, the way y/n would wear his jersey to games, it was honestly all too obvious.
Once their 3rd year hit, their attraction to each other grew almost unbearable leading to the faithful Halloween night the two hooked up in the closet of their friends kuroos house.
Wasn't the ideal place considering the two teens got caught by a group of 5 pestering boys from differing schools, they just So happen to call friends, just as they reached their climaxes. The two never being able to live down the embarrassing ordeal and a rule set in place by the one and only tetsuro kuroo,stating that the pair had to be no closer than 8 feet away from each other in his house.
Clearly that rule was broken a few times, but what doesn't kill kuroo will only make him..make him...who knows honestly.Besides the point by some miraculous twisted miracle the close knit friend group ended up going to the same college together.
Their living arrangements was an interesting one. Of course all of the boys wanted y/n to live with them, they were all like a horde of bodyguards, it could be quite annoying at times having a group of guys tell an adult woman to go put on sweats in 100 degree heat instead of wearing shorts,but that's what you get when you surround yourself with a bunch of guys who were like brothers.
None of the boys wanted y/n to live alone, especially with a roommate. They hated the idea of her spending all of her time with someone she barley knew(mainly oikawa). Which is how they came up with the idea of pairing Bokuto and y/n to live together.
Was it the best idea to pair up two people who had clear sexual history and extreme feelings for each other? Maybe not. Did it happen? Of course it did considering who the boys were and how they wanted to play match maker.
The living arrangement lead to some interesting encounters. Eventually the two finally got together. It wasn't easy considering y/n was very stubborn and Bokuto was just too shy(ironic right?) to admit his feelings towards the younger girl.
Their personalities were an interesting pair.
Y/n was more on the introverted side, never really showed her emotions and kept to herself for the most part. Sarcasm was a second language to her, there was never a moment she didn't have someone rolling in laughter due to her quick wittedness or outright weird behavior.
Bokuto on the other hand was quite different. A clear extrovert who never failed to brighten up the room. His bright character was always a joy to be around, never quite knowing what he'd say or do leaving a kind of mysterious and almost mischievous aura about himself.Much like y/n he kept his emotions to himself and hid how he really felt, which proved catastrophic or their relationship.
The two loved each other so much it was kind of sickening to be around. The constant loving stares of sneaky kisses caused the other to normally cringe or throw pillows at the pair telling them to get a room. But much like the great sonatas of masterminds like Beethoven or Mozart, the beautiful pairs relationship,had a grand crescendo and a beautifully haunting decrescendo.
They were just bad at relationships. Mainly due to the lack of emotions between the two, and by that I mean the hiding of emotions. Their communication skills were way off, neither one of them knowing how to confront the other when they seemed to be at rock bottom which caused a huge rift in their relationship.
"Bokuto we need to stop seeing each other....we b-broke up a month a-ago"y/n whimper out softly as Bokuto continued to place light kisses along her neck.
Bokuto squeezed her waist tightly pushing her deeper into the wall as he pulled away from her neck meeting her eyes.
His eyes were glossed over, lust and sadness swimming through the cesspools of his golden irises as he breathed heavily.
A frown sat on his face as he shook his head, his slightly fallen hair tickling y/n's forehead. Y/n always thought his hair suited him so well. He looked so wild and young it made her knees buckle a bit.
".....just...let me have this..." Bokuto whispered against y/n's lips. That's all it took for y/n to attack Bokutos lips earning a small moan of admiration from him as he swiftly picked her up bringing her into their once shared bedroom.
The room was dark causing y/n's vision to completely cancel out making her hyper aware of her surroundings. Bokuto gently placed her on the bed kissing her cheek softly.
Y/n scrunched her eyes in confusion as she felt tiny droplets of water hit her face. She gently wiped her face as she tried to figure out the source of the water.
The moonlight from the night sky shined brightly into the room, as y/n fixated her eyes on the male hovering above her.
Bokuto had his eyes closed tightly as tears ran down his face continuously. He held a pained expression on his face as he visibly began to shake, his breathing speeding up as he sobbed quietly causing y/n to freeze all her actions.
Bokuto opened his eyes looking down at the girl beneath him. She looked at bit concerned mouth slightly agape,but more so shocked as tears hit her face from above. The pained look on Bokutos face caused y/n to well up with tears as well as the pair stared at eachother tears rolling down their faces.
They couldn't tell you what it was that caused them to do this, but their lips collided once again as their tears and lips synched together in perfect harmony as clothes began to be discarded at an unholy speed.
Bokuto leaned up as he caresses y/n's face softly, tears rolling down both of their faces as he smiled weakly, knowing this would be the last time the two ever got to experience the touch of each other in such an intimate and close way.with that Bokuto began to cry harder as he looked down at the love of his life.
"I love you" he whispered as he silenced both his and y/n's sobs with a kiss that set the mood for the entirety of the night. Slow, passionate and heartbreaking.
That's faithful night was two months ago. Y/n only finding out about her sudden pregnancy a month after their encounter.
"....we needed to break up..what happened happened" y/n said shrugging as Akaashi sighed running a hand down his face.
"What happened is that you broke up with him because for whatever reason the two of you couldn't talk your feelings out like adults. And like a love sick little puppy Bokuto agreed because he'd do anything to make you happy.you guys broke up but continued to sleep around to try to fulfill the heavy feelings you two still obviously have for each other and now you're pregnant with your ex's kid" Akaashi said truthfully as y/n frowned.
"Jesus next time sugar coat it a bit will ya?"
Y/n said standing up going over to the pot that was currently on the stove boiling noodles.
Akaashi swiftly pushed y/n away as he looked at her.
"How long have you known ?" Akaashi asked as y/n leaned back onto the kitchen counter.
"A month..I didn't show symptoms right away, that is until I missed my period and started throwing up in the middle of the night." Y/n said as Akaashi looked at her then her stomach before placing a hand on her stomach gently.
"Are you now just starting to show?" Akaashi asked as y/n nodded lifting up her shirt a bit.
"You can barley tell it just looks like I'm bloated" y/n said making a face as the sound her front door suddenly opening caught the twos attention.
"Akaashi? Y/n?" A voice said as y/n peeked her head around the coroner. She smiled bright seeing kuroo and konoha at the door taking their shoes off.
"I'm the kitchen" y/n said as she hopped on the counter. Footsteps were heard as the two men appeared in the kitchen.
"I can never understand how your kitchen looks so clean all the time. It's like you never cook in here" konoha said as he made a face lifting up the top of the pot that the noodles were boiling in, only for him to get slapped in the head by Akaashi, earning a loud ouch from the younger male.
"It's called cleaning aki" y/n hummed as kuroo walked over to the group of adults.
"Akaashis cooking....so whats the occasion?" kuroo said propping an elbow up on the island looking at y/n as konoha nodded.
"Yeah last time Akaashi cooked was when he bought those ugly ass sugar gliders home from the pet store" konoha said making a face as Akaashi turned around kicking konoha in the shin causing y/n and kuroo to laugh.
"You not bout to sit here and disrespect them in my face. You better be glad we in y/n's house or else I would've kick yo ugly ass" Akaashi sneered as konoha flicked him off.
Y/n grabbed the pregnancy test from off the the counter as she held it up.
"I'm pregnant" y/n said smiling handing kuroo the test as both boys stared at the test wide eyed.
"Seriously?!" konoha shouted as y/n nodded. He quickly picked her up squeezing her tight as he hugged her.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" kuroo yelled grabbing y/n from konoha as he hugged her tight.
Y/n laughed as konoha hid his face in his hands as he began to cry.He tetsuro, atsumu and oikawa were all such cry babies . Y/n laughed a bit already knowing how overdramatic atsumu and oikawa would be once they found out about the pregnancy.
"I can't believe this" konoha said smiling widely as y/n laughed.
"Y'all are both so overdramatic" y/n laughed as kuroo began dancing around the apartment.
"Overdramatic?! That's my god child you're talking about!" kuroo scolded as he walked up to y/n hugging her once again.
konoha sniffed a bit as he looked at
y/n,realization hitting him like a truck as he stopped crying looking At y/n intently, before sighing a bit laying his head on y/n's shoulder.
"Y/n....it's Bokutos isn't it?" He asked wiping his tears as y/n sighed. A small smile on her face as she looked at the boys sadly.
"Yeah..it is.."
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A/N: I hope y’all like this🧍🏾‍♀️FIRST TIME KINDA NERVOUS🤪
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
From what interviews I watched I understood that some of the cast knew at least a few seasons in advance of when their character is supposed to ''die'' or ''leave'' or they know they're gonna be in just one season or in just a few episodes but at least they know that going in but they give Emily like a few days notice? Like ''oh by the way 5x08 is your last episode''. If Beth truly was ''dead'' shouldn't Emily have prepared for it in S3 or latest in S4?
Yes, definitely. This is something I've argued for a long time. People talk about how they "disrespected" Emily, but I don't think that's the case at all. I totally understand what people mean and why it comes across that way. But we shouldn't look at her saying she didn't know about her character's death until ep 7 as evidence of them disrespecting her.
On the contrary, we should see it as extremely suspicious, since everyone close to the show seems to think the world of her and they haven't done this with ANY other character. To me, it's evidence that it's all a lie and everyone knew it all along.
Now, to be fair, I don't think she could have known as early as S3. Gimple didn't take over as showrunner until 3x16/4x01. In fact, we know at one point they were going to kill Beth off in S3, via Axel, but changed their minds, and senselessly killed off Axel instead. Obviously, I'm very glad it worked out that way, even if it was by chance. But we also know the S3 showrunner was fired partly for killing off characters without any particular plan, changing directions mid-arc, etc. The show was becoming too scattered and nonsensical.
Which just proves that AMC would NOT have let Gimple do that to Beth. UNLESS he had a major plan.
So, it's possible Emily knew in S4, but my personal opinion is that she didn't know about Beth's resurrection arc. There's that picture they took after she went to talk to Gimple about where her character was going in S5. All the actors do that at the beginning of the season, and they took and posted this picture where Gimple looks pensive, as though implying something mysterious and suspicious is about to happen. And Emily just looks all kinds of happy. I think that's when she found out where this was all going.
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That's also why she was so happy and glowing in the TTD after Slabtown. I know some people think that's evidence that she thought she would be on the show for a good, long time, and then she was blindsided by Coda, but I don't see it that way. People have pointed out pretty compelling evidence that her performance in the TTD after Coda, where she cried and was sad about leaving, was just that: a performance. She was acting. And I think that's true. But back after Slabtown, everything was going according to plan, and she was happy and in her element.
Anyway, I'm rambling. All this to say that I agree with you. Emily should have known much earlier than ep 7 that she was "dying" in ep 8, and the fact that they even tried to pass that off as truth, when they openly brag about how every other character on the show, even the minor ones, know about their character's fate much earlier than that, tells me it was all a lie and misdirection. And that alone makes me confident that she'll be back. Nevermind the MOUNTAINS of other evidence we've also identified.
So, right there with ya on this. Thanks for your thoughts, Dear! Xoxo! ❄️💝
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