#i'm excited to see maya again
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Some of the girls doing their trackwalks
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snapscube · 1 month
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More thoughts below
3-2 WAS OKAY. I don't know if it was maybe down to how broken up my playthrough of it was compared some others, or if maybe it was breaking it up so much BECAUSE it wasn't hitting me as much as I wanted it to, but it really just fell a lot more flat than I had hoped by the end of it. It has a great first third/first half though! I love the DeLites, Luke Atmey has maybe my second favorite name pun so far and was initially a fun character to follow, and I was so happy to see Adrian come back even in a relatively minor role. But as I said in my previous gut reaction post I kinda just didn't vibe with the progression of the mystery. I kinda felt like a lot of the logic threads were very loose and random and Atmey turned out to not be quite as engaging of a character as I had hoped. It had the same effect as I think Glass Onion had on me where the whole point is that a character's motive is shallow and stupid and even it's though that's surprising and funny in its own right for a murder mystery setting it's not nearly as satisfying for me narratively. Also, to be honest, with the introduction setting up all these connection to Kurain Village and the Fey's and ESPECIALLY Ami's Urn I was excited to maybe get some follow-through on more of that plotline which just absolutely did NOT happen.
I have also adjusted a lot of the case rankings to get a better idea of the range of quality across the series. I was ranking a lot of cases pretty high at first but as I get more of an idea of the series' baseline quality/intrigue level they become more accurate and some cases I was being nicer too just cause I didn't know any better will get some more scrutiny.
In terms of the character rankings, I don't feel like explaining them individually. I think one or two major repositionings have happened though. Specifically I bumped up Matt Engarde quite a bit. I always thought he was a fantastic character but I was VERY ANGY at him for getting Maya kidnapped and so I didn't want to see his dumb face again so I put him in "would not spit at you" tier. But I have to admit..... I'm gonna be thinking about that reveal moment in the detention center for a long time. It's too good to not be in "love to hate you" tier.
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
~(Au) Leon Kennedy ×f!Reader drabble/work
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POV: You and Leon are tired parents trying to get some ~time alone~ from household responsibilities and decide to try your hand at scheduled...😉.
~[Part 2 coming soon!]
《 You lied there windedly in the bed beside Leon that night after your typical bedtime routine with your housefull. You were exhausted, and tonight, you just didn't get the few minutes you needed to unwind from the day. He had climbed under the covers beside you in the dark without a word, and you were almost thankful that he, too, was silent. The two of you had been married for 14 years this summer, and there was no doubt you were still in love. But having three children and a busy marriage was very changing for any relationship.
Your schedules were always clashing, and most of the time, you were always the coordinator of someone else's chaos. Between pediatrician appointments for your youngest who was a toddler, soccer practice for your son, orthodontist visits for your middle daughter - or Leon losing his watch and wallet for the fourth time that week-
You were exhausted.
Burnt out.
You often felt bad for Leon, too. His work kept him away from the kids most of the time, and they were always impatient to see him. He'd come home after three days, flown to a strange city, and would be greeted by a huddle of excitement that tugged at his waist first thing. There’d never not be a tiny voice ”daddy”-ing him. He was an amazing father, and of course, you were grateful. You just wished he wouldn't forget so much.
He sighed heavily with his face in his hands and he turned towards you in the bed to whisper in the silence of your room,
“What are we gonna do about Maya? Her braces are bothering her again.”
“On Friday, they should give her some stuff for pain at the orthodontist..” You whispered, closing your eyes to try and rest.
“Who's taking her to that?” Leon asked, clueless, and your eyes snapped open in disbelief. But not complete disbelief because he would often forget things much bigger than this.
You had told him three times before that he needed to take his daughter to that appointment on his lunch at work, and he suddenly snapped in the realization that he'd agreed to doing so already,
“Honey, I'm sorry, I can still take her. Are you taking Blake to soccer on-”
“Yes-” You said annoyedly, turning on your side away from him to try and get sleep, and his eyes narrowed to your snappy attitude all of the sudden.
“Alright, I'm just asking. Jesus.”
He turned on his other side, facing the opposite way in silence to get some sleep. You suddenly remembered something else on your schedule. You rose up in the bed, sitting on your elbows to tell him quietly over his shoulder before you forgot too,
“By the way, mom called. She's taking the kids upstate to Aunt Gretchen's this weekend for the holiday.”
Leon was silent in trying to remember who the hell your Aunt Gretchen even was, but he put that aside as he turned to face you, curious to the fact that this sounded like….a stress free weekend ahead?
“Is she taking the baby too?”
You nodded, saying that Aunt Gretchen hadn't seen the baby since you'd had him in the hospital a year ago. Leon looked around, almost wondering what a weekend being kid free would even feel like. Sure, Blake and Maya went to summer camp sometimes, but it wasn't always. He felt an idea beginning to settle into his mind, and he smiled, looking to you in the dark with a playful grin,
“Then, you wanna go out?”
You felt yourself turning over slowly because you knew exactly what he was insinuating and it in fact was not a romantic date night between you two, much to your disappointment and you asked suspiciously to weed out what he really meant,
“Go out… and do what? We can't book reservations this late. You hate the movies- I hate the movies so…”
“We could stay in?” He said smirking with dirty images floating in his head as he scooted a little closer to your side to try and act quietly persuasive,
“We can open up some wine and relax? Make something we haven't had in a while because the kids probably hate it. Lay in the bed …uninterrupted-”
“Leon-” You said, seeing through this with a straight face to remind him of the at least three other times that you both wanted to ‘just relax’,
“You get me pregnant again, I might go insane.”
It was true that your sex life was declining as you both matured. But due to the warmth of your marriage, it wasn't having a negative effect that you could notice. Although, both of you knew that your intimacy was in the graveyard at this point; spontaneous love making just wasn't a part of your routine anymore. Your kids were your world, but the time devoted to them was becoming a challenge.
He chuckled in defeat knowing you were too smart for his long monologue of what he had in mind for you two during your time alone. He nudged in closer to you, making you look away as he nuzzled into the curve of your neck,
“I'm just saying that it would be nice to spend some time with you, baby.”
“Don't ‘baby’ me.” You grumbled to make him stop sweet talking you like you were in your twenties again. Slowly, you felt as he began to lay on top of you, but you were more welcoming of his touch second by second. Finally, you melted and finally kissed him back, making him smile against your mouth in victory.
“We're tired parents, Leon. We get in this bed distraction free, and we'll end up just falling asleep.” You said during his kisses down your neck and across your chest.
He shook his head softly, trying to not get too imaginative but he mentioned with that sleepy gravel in his throat when he told you what his idea of the turnout might be once two tired parents finally get to mess around unbothered in the comfort of their own bed without having to worry about what time it was, if they were being too loud or who had work in the morning.
“I think we'll keep each other busy.”
You both slipped under the covers when Leon wrapped you around him, letting more of his weight sink into you as he kissed you deeply but you were awoken from this small daze of bliss by the crackling of the baby monitor when the baby began to stir from the nursery.
You sighed, unraveling away from him after knowing that you'd have to console the baby or else he'd cry all night. Leon laid on his side, watching you fan the blush away from your face sweetly but he mentioned quietly before you left to the nursery, pulling your arm gently to make sure you knew he wanted to add his own little activity to the list of things needing to be done this week
“Hey- you and me Saturday. Whatever we want, okay?”
You smiled but rolled your eyes, knowing that you had to give in when he spoke like this. You'd not had a date in forever and knew whatever you ended up doing, either in the bed or maybe wine drunk in the kitchen, would be special.
“I'll…put it on the calendar.” You said with a trusting smile before leaving to attend the baby.
You quietly hurried across the hall to answer the tiny cries but knew one thing for certain now that you wouldn't have Leon in eyesight, knowing that you were sharing the same dirty idea.
Uninterrupted sex sounded….fantastic.
But planning it like a PTA meeting sounded so strange. Although making things work when the schedule was so tight wasn't something you were unaccustomed to. You had been parenting for over a decade, after all.
What's the worst that could happen? 》
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lurkingshan · 2 months
Japanese QL Corner
We are up to seven live airing QLs from Japan! Five of these are on Gaga and two are being generously provided via fansubs.
A brief interlude for me to climb on my soapbox: if you are a fan of Japanese queer media who is not based in Japan, you really should be supporting GagaOOLala. They are the sole international distributor of most of these shows and the only reason international fans can watch them as they release. They’re a queer-owned Taiwanese company specifically focused on providing international access to global queer media, and their monthly subscription is much cheaper than other streaming services. They’re not perfect but they are quite responsive to feedback about their catalogue and approach; please consider subscribing if you love these shows!
I’m really loving most of these shows and I highly recommend jumping in to the weekly watch!
Takara's Treasure
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I fall more in love with these two every week. We finally got some answers on Takara's backstory, and as expected, it is the mother who abandoned him that has been harassing him. Taishin blazed in to give that lady a piece of his mind before even realizing who she was, and it only made Takara love him more. The revelation that Takara is holding back with Taishin because he doesn't want to be covetous like his mother sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I loved Taishin getting his moment to reciprocate Takara's care, as well as Takara's amusement that Taishin still hasn't pieced together what they are to each other. I'm excited for it to finally click for him soon.
Sugar Dog Life
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I'll be honest, this first episode did not hit right for me. I always struggle with copaganda heavy romances, especially when the show is intentionally framing cops as benevolent and explicitly linking that to the romantic arc. But I liked the cooking parts of it a lot! We'll see how it proceeds. This one is being fan subbed, so if anyone is having trouble finding it feel free to hit me up in DMs and I'll point you.
Cosmetic Playlover
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This one is coming in hot with two episodes a week, because Japan is trying to kill me. I like the concept and vibe but the execution is a bit all over the place; it feels like they want this to be a dark story but aren’t willing to fully commit to that, so dark things happen but then get treated too lightly. The pacing also feels a little wacky and we’re rushing through plot and relationship development in a way that leaves it all feeling a bit ungrounded. Sahashi went from harassing and threatening to out Natsume to kissing and claiming to be serious about him in the space of 15 minutes, and then suddenly in the next ep there’s a new villain and suspense plot. This one is just not clicking; I’m tilting my head with a furrowed brow.
I Hear the Sunspot
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Sigh. I really didn’t need another arc about a third party interloper coming between the boys, but here we are. Maya is a throwback to the bad old femme fatale archetype steeped in misogyny and I don’t love it. She’s arrogant, manipulative, and mean for no good reason, and she doesn’t feel like she fits in this story about decent people trying their best. There was a way to do this plot with a more sympathetic portrayal of her, but unfortunately they didn't take that route. I’m disappointed that she’s with us for multiple episodes, and it’s hard to believe this rude little girl can really come between them. I said last week that it felt like they regressed Kohei and Taichi’s relationship in the time skip and I’m feeling that even more now. Aside from this mess, I really liked all of Taichi’s scenes with his friends this week as he continues trying to work out his feelings for Kohei. I hope we get back to Taichi and Kohei spending time together again soon; that’s the real heart of this show and I already miss it.
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko
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Sigh. Last week I was mad at the characters around Hiroko, but this week I am forced to be mad at the show for how it's dealing with this entire plot involving Hiroko's decisions about her privacy at work, Risa's inappropriate interference, and Ayaka's bizarre conclusion that she should announce her love for Hiroko to the whole office. This whole love triangle and forced outing plot was ill-considered and it's dragging the show down; we should not have had Risa being so wrong and manipulative or ventured into queer workplace politics at all if the show wasn't prepared to take it seriously. On the plus side, we finally got the backstory for Hiroko, and it was surprising in a good way. I hope this show can get back to the zany comedy it was doing so well before it got bogged down in all this mess.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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Episode 3 just went up on @isaksbestpillow's blog, and it's a fantastic one. I was howling watching Mitsuya wailing on his ex and poor Ishida trying to process this new rival on the scene. Shige continues to be the MVP and I loved the way he encouraged Ishida with a mix of sage advice and sexy sass (also loved that Mitsyua immediately knew that gossip ratted him out). And I screamed again when Ishida got worked up and confessed; I didn't expect that to happen so fast and it was excellent! This show feels so mature in the best way; I really feel like I'm watching adults who have lived.
Tagging @bengiyo to add the anime update!
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mayakern · 3 months
upcoming store stuff & why we're doing a super sale
omg hiiii it's devin again, and this time i'm bringing store news
the short version: we're moving ourselves back to minnesota, and we're moving order fulfillment to a fulfillment center
wow, that's big news! maya and i are so so so excited to be closer to our minnesota friends (and also my family lol). i'm hoping to be back in northeast minneapolis, but let's be real we're probably gonna get priced out and into the suburbs
in addition to that, due to a variety of reasons i'll explain in more detail below, we're transitioning from in-house fulfillment to working with a fulfillment center (or 3pl, short for third-party logistics). we're at an awkward size that makes staffing difficult and have had issues with extended processing time. the 3pl should be set up by september, and we're working on the back end to have fulfillment centers in australia, canada, the UK, and eventually the EU. if tax authorities work with us we should have all that ready by december 2024!
to prepare for that we're doing a super sale. ash told me not to call it liquidation but she said that like 30 seconds after i hit send on the marketing email, sorry about that. items that we don't want to pay to move to the 3pl are discounted by 25-70%, with some of them priced at cost. under no circumstances will anything ever be 70% off again
if you're nosy you can read the q&a i made up in my head while eating pigs in a blanket:
how are the labor protections at the 3pl?
pretty good! we were shocked to find anything even halfway decent in the US; we went looking for a fulfillment center in the EU to handle all international fulfillment, and the one we found just so happened to have bought a US location two years ago.
they're located in ohio, pay $19/hr, and provide health insurance and 401k matching. that seemed too good to be true so we dug through employee reviews on places like glassdoor, and while there were some bad reviews those were all dated prior to when the facility was purchased by this new company. they also have a very low turnover rate which is a HUGE green flag
why are you transferring to a 3pl?
the serious
sometimes we have a high volume of sales, and it makes sense to have two full-time employees plus a part timer! but usually we have a low-to-medium volume of sales. we can float by on that, but it gets risky, and the economy is in a bad enough state that we're concerned about the longevity
related, the 2023 holiday sale showed us some major flaws in our fulfillment process. if the same issues were to happen this year the business probably wouldn't survive
we're moving cross-country in early 2025 and would've had to close this location anyway
the dumb:
i'm sick of dealing with commercial landlords and if i have one more wall leak i'm going to throw it into the river brick by brick
what about your staff?
unfortunately we will have to say goodbye to our office staff. they have been given 3.5 months notice and no-questions-asked PTO for interviews with a small severance
why are you moving back to minnesota?
troy was always meant to be a temporary move. initially the plan was to move to vermont or massachusetts, but after being out here for 7 years we just kinda want to go home. the weather in troy is perfect for us, we love the mountains, and we have some great friends here, but for some goddamn reason we want our eyelashes to freeze together.
will you be returning to midwest cons?
if we return to cons at all it will be with ariel and/or ash running the booth, maya will not be involved. this would likely be in california and/or in the northeast US.
my friends are begging me to go to CONvergence as an attendee so ig you might see me there? maya has pledged death before crowded venues tho
will you do any local events in minnesota?
we might do sample sales. honestly idk what we're gonna do with the samples we have in troy, most of them are terrible. do you want samples of the strangest low rise bell bottom pants ever created? please take them from me. my bush hangs out
also my kid brother has gotten really into library events and if he asks nice enough we might do some of those
is there anything else?
i mean probably, but i started this last week and i haven't had any other ideas on what to include
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talaok · 1 year
ok hear me out!!!!! pedro and y/n are super good friends (but they secretly love each other) and y/n has a cute 3 year old daughter that’s obsessed with pedro and for halloween she asks him to dress up as mando and she will be grogu and they act like father and daughter all the time and y/n almost burst seeing them looking so cute together and pedro never thought about having kids but he loves y/n daughter so much and is so over protective with both of them and idk pedro and y/n end up getting together and they are a beautiful family, i just love picturing dad!pedro wearing cute halloween costumes with his kids 😭 i love being delusional
pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: this is the cutest effing thing that anyone has ever thought of ohmygod
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What? That was it? He didn't need any convincing?
"I-I'm sorry what?"
He smiled, watching your face frown in puzzlement 
"Of course I'll dress up for Halloween if that'll make Maya happy"
"As the Mandalorian?" you asked, just to make sure he understood what he was agreeing to
"as the Mandalorian" he nodded
"And she'll dress as baby Yoda"
"It's Grogu, not baby Yoda"
You didn't know if you wanted to roll your eyes or laugh.
"you're incredible you know that?" you chuckled, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him "She's gonna be so happy" 
"Incredible, huh? I like the sound of that" he chuckled as he hugged you back
"shut up" you laughed, soaking in his scent and warmth for a moment "Thank you"
__ __ __
Your feet were kind of hurting, and Maya had gathered enough candies to feed an army, but she was so happy and excited that you didn't have it in you to tell her it was time to go home.
The neighborhood was filled with kids dressed up as every type of monster laughing and running around, and Maya, Maya was over the moon.
She looked so incredibly cute in her costume, and the way she insisted on holding Pedro's hand every living moment just made it all the more heartwarming. 
And Pedro... Pedro was more than happy to comply. 
He'd been making her laugh and smile the whole night, going with it every time she wanted him to say his character's lines or reenact a scene in the middle of the road.
You had spent the whole night watching them, and with every gesture, your heart warmed and your eyes threatened to spill.
Now maybe you were being dramatic, but there just was something about the image that was making you feel all sorts of things, half of which you couldn't even name.
And you weren't the only one, because Pedro was having a realization of his own. He always knew he loved you and your daughter incredibly, but now... now a deeper feeling was igniting in his stomach, one that didn't want this night to end, that maybe, just maybe wanted this to be the rest of his life.
"Aren't you just the cutest little monster?" the old lady at the door cried as soon as Maya stepped closer.
"'m not a monster!" She protested, clearly not happy about it "I'm Grogu, and this is my dad, Mando" she explained, pointing at Pedro.
And he knew she just meant in the show, just like you did, but hearing that word come out of her mouth so easily made time stand still for a moment.
"Oh I'm sorry" the lady laughed sweetly "Here, let me apologize with some candy"
"yes please!" Maya smiled, forgetting all about the lady's mistake as her bucket filled once again
"thank you ma'am, have a good night," she recited as you'd taught her.
"have a good night sweetie" the lady smiled, watching her and Pedro walk away.
"I'm sorry about... that" an awkward chuckle left your lips "She just gets very defensive about her costume"
"Oh don't worry" The lady's eyes crinkled as she drew a reassuring smile "She's a nice kid" she said, finding your eyes after a moment of silence "You're a really beautiful family"
"oh-" you stopped, because as you were about to correct her, you realized... you didn't really want to, 
"t-thank you" you nodded "Have a good night"
Your head was spinning, and your heart was racing and-
"Are you ok?" Pedro's hazel eyes looked concerned, and it took you a moment to understand he was talking to you.
"Y-yeah, it's nothing" you tried your best to smile 
"Are you sure?" he asked "Maybe we should sit down a minute"
"I'm fine Pedro" you let out a breathy chuckle "I promise"
"I can hold your bag if you want" he offered, not ready to give up just yet.
"Pedro..." you only raised an eyebrow
"alright, fine" he held his hands up in surrender "I give up"
But before you had time to say anything else, Maya was already dragging him to another house.
It was only ten minutes later that he noticed something change in her, she wasn't talking as much, and her eyes were getting all droopy, and as a big yawn left her mouth, he smiled to himself.
She was finally tired.
"You sleepy sweetheart?" he asked, stopping to look down at her.
"a little" she murmured.
"oh baby" you pouted, "you wanna head back home?"
"mh-mh" she nodded 
"c'mon let's go then" you gestured,
But for some reason, she stayed exactly where she was.
"you don't feel like walking anymore?" Pedro asked, to which Maya slowly shook her head.
"I can carry you if you want"
It was like a match had lighted inside her eyes from how much they sparked.
"if that's ok" he said, turning to you
"of course" you nodded, watching as your daughter wrapped her tiny body around Pedro's the moment he picked her up.
It was a ten-minute walk back to your house, and in those ten minutes, two things happened: 
Maya fell asleep, softly snoring into Pedro's ear and making both of you laugh
Every doubt Pedro had in his mind, dissipated into thin air. 
He wanted this. 
He wanted you, he wanted to be there for Maya, he wanted to wake up in the morning and make both of you breakfast, he wanted to come home to a full house, and even if he'd never really thought about having children, now it seemed like the easiest decision ever.
He'd always loved you, and he'd always loved helping you out with Maya ever since she was born, but for some reason, maybe fear, maybe cowardice, he'd never told you, but now... now for some reason it felt like all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, like he had finally gotten it, and as terrifying as it was, he needed to tell you.
Which is why, after you had put Maya to sleep and joined him on the couch, he said:
"I had a lot of fun tonight"
You laughed at that for some reason "You don't have to lie, Pedro, I know Maya can be a handful sometimes"
"No, No I'm serious" he insisted "I love spending time with her... and with you of course"
"oh" you breathed, surprised "Well I'm glad" you smiled "and for the record, I like spending time with you too, and so does Maya"
His lips twitched into a big smile then, as some of his anxiety melted away.
"So I- uhm" he cleared his throat, and you couldn't help but frown at his sudden change in demeanor.
Why did he look so... scared?
"I wanted to tell you something" he finally spoke
"you're scaring me Pedro" you attempted a half-laugh 
"N-no it's nothing bad" he reassured you "or at least I hope"
"Ok..." your frown only deepened "What is it?"
You watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed thickly.
"Well the thing is that..." he murmured, his trembling eyes looking into yours as he took the longest pause known to mankind "that I love you y/n"
there, it was out. No turning back now.
"I felt this way for a really long time," he said "Well since before Maya was born, but... you know, you were with-" he stopped himself, not able to say that piece of shit's name "and then when she was born your life was already hard and I didn't want to give you one more thing to think about, or maybe the truth is just that I was terrified of losing you" he laughed softly "and I still am, to be honest" he confessed "but I just wanted you to know now, because y/n I really do" he promised, gingerly taking your hand in his as your eyes watered "I love you, and I love Maya, and-and I- I understand that it's difficult and it's fine if you don't feel the same way... but I'd really love for us to be a family,"
It was your turn to speak, but it took you a while to remember how.
"I-" you sniffled as tears fell from your eyes "of course I love you too Pedro" A laugh bubbled inside your chest "B-but- Are you sure you want to do this?" you had to make sure "Taking care of Maya it's not always easy, or pleasant, and it's not a part-time thing, it's all day, every day" you spoke "So before you make any decisions I just think you should consider that"
He looked at you like you'd just explained to him the hardest physics theory to ever exist.
"Y/n" he couldn't help but smile "I know all that, and I know that I don't fully understand what it means yet, but I promise you that I'll do everything I can, that I'll try as hard as I can, that when I say I want this, I mean it"
A wide smile pulled at your lips as you leaned closer
"you sure?"
"one thousand percent" he promised "I love you y/n"
And that's all you needed before you finally let your lips meet with his, tasting all of him for the first time, and melting in his arms like ice on a summer day.
"I love you too Ped-"
But just as you were speaking, a softer, smaller voice caught your attention.
You let out a small chuckle before turning towards Maya, who was standing in the hallway to the living room in her pjs, hugging Berry, her teddy bear.
"what is it pumpkin?" 
"I had a bad dream" she murmured, looking exhausted.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry" you cooed, "you want to come here on the couch with us for a little while?"
She complied immediately, stumbling towards you, until she was close enough for you to hoist her up and next to you.
"there" you murmured, as she settled right against your side "feel better?"
"mh-mh" she nodded, her eyes already closing 
"it was just a dream baby, it's not real" you murmured, petting her hair as she clung to your arm "I'm here now"
And all Pedro could do, was watch mesmerized, as he dreamed of when he too, was gonna be able to do that.
"see" you whispered after Maya's soft snores started filling the room "This is what I was talking about. You still sure you want this?"
His lips pulled into a soft smile as he answered.
"Y/n" he murmured, "I think it's all I ever wanted"
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lit3rallyll0yd · 29 days
Hey I just wanted to say I love your writing so much it's just 😼😍 if Ykyk and feel free to ignore this request but if you want to could you do ninjago character is basically a rich aunt and grew up with the ninja go character (plus harumi up to you) sorry if I'm not that detailed
have a good day 😼🐮
ninjago x reader: them with a reader who is their rich aunt. ft. ninjas<3 (≧ᗜ≦)
characters: lloyd, kai & nya, jay, cole, and zane
synopsis: basically the reader is the ninjas rich aunts, who they haven't seen in a while.
a/n: tbh i was struggling to understand this request, nothing against you anon, im just bad at reading n understanding, lol. so we ended up with this idea<3
i would add harumi, however my poor fingers hurt so much😞
short, headcanon format, female reader
artist cr: min-play
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. you are misako's sister. she knew the second lloyd was born you were going to spoil this kid like crazy.
. before he was even born you already bought him things. new sets of clothing, baby toys, even some baby food you might know if he'll even like.
. when lloyd was born you swore to protect him no matter what. that was until you found out from your sister he was the green ninja?
. the kid is now at least 11 and his own mother enrolls him in the Darkly School for Bad Boys?
. she told you she left him for a good reason, and it will all make sense in the future.
. you decided to take her word for it, and years passed. you haven't seen your sister nor your nephew since.
. large timeskip, lloyd has aged, he has found his true family in the ninja. sure he reconnected with his mother but he still doesnt trust her much...until he heard her side of this whole story.
. lloyd and her have gotten closer once more, and misako decided to bring you up.
. lloyd had no idea how to react. he barely remembers you, however you remember him. he kinda feels guilty.
. you squish his cheeks together when finally seeing him again, "Oh, look at you!! you've grown up so much~ i remember when you were just a little babyyy! i can see where you got the looks from~"
. it takes a while, just like how lloyd was with his mother, but he glad to have met you once again.
. he asks you both about his father, and you have alot to say about that man.
. even at his age, you still spoil him much to his mothers liking. but who listens to their siblings anyways?
. you were ray's sister, and maya loved you. she the first to tell you she was pregnant with the two, and you. went. bananas.
. when both kai and nya were born, you fell in love with them immediately.
. while they were kids you would come visit them, kai was extra excited for your visits because you always had a present for the two.
. ray and Maya just enjoyed your company, although nya was really shy around you first.
. she was a mama's baby, qnd loved to be in her mother's arms so everytime you come over she's in her mama's arms, hiding her face in her chest.
. the more you visit, the more she starts to trust you. ray and maya were surprised when nya started to cry when you had to go home one evening
. seeing them again after many years was very emotional for you, not them, though.
. "im sorry, who are you?" kai asked, seeing a random lady hug his little sister.
. "silly, im your auntie. your father's sister, to be specific, i never did really like labels!"
. "our...huh?"
. it's mostly like the relationship misako and lloyd have, but just you and the smith siblings.
. nya tries to be as kind as possible toward you, kai of course as well, however you and nya seem to have more of a bond.
. your lou's sister. you never had a passion for singing like your brother, but you were pretty successful in the arts department.
. you were a pretty famous artist, almost everyone in ninjago knows your name.
. your art is seen from lou's dining room, to the ninjagos art museum.
. lou was the one who told you lily, his wife was pregnant. you asked many questions, but the big question was the gender.
. when finding out, because lily wanted to know the gender before birth, you started buying anything "baby boy" related.
. blue. that's what you first think of when a baby boy is coming, right?
. timeskip, yahoo, cole is born and sadly you've had to move away for a business emergency.
. you had a feeling cole wouldn't remember who you were, he was only just born when you had to move.
. before his mothers passing, lily tried to best to keep memory of you around the house, hopefully so little cole could remember some fragments of you.
. he..he didn't, lmao.
. you visit lou one day, and surprisingly, his son, cole, who is now a teenager, also seems to be visiting his father with you, who assumed his friends.
. you pinch his cheeks after hugging him and kissing him all over. cole was beyond uncomfortable and confused.
. "y/n, please, take it easy-"
. "you try not seeing your nephew for years and suddenly seeing him randomly out of no where, lou!"
. "...i...i did, however in this case he is my son."
. you, lou, and cole have had some time to discuss about who you are and coles eyes lit up.
. "you were my mother's best friend? could you maybe, tell me more about her?"
. you smiled, "let's start off with, your mother was the kindest and sweetest soul in the world."
. let's make this simple. your edna's long time best friend. so you pretty much the same age as her.
. obviously ed and edna are jay's adopted parents, you found out by visiting the junkyard one day and seeing...baby...in Edna's arms.
. she was feeding him a bottle. he was so small, he hits perfectly in your sister's arms.
. "now i may be old, but i ain't stupid, sista'. why didn't you tell me you adopted?"
. edna laughed, "oh dear, no, this little one showed up on our doorstep last night. we couldn't just leave the poor thing there, we had to take him in. and we don't have the guts to let him go just yet so...ed is figuring out the adoption papers..."
. ever since that day, you have been coming around more often to help the elders take care of jay.
. jay was homeschooled, of course when he was old enough; ed taught him the abc's and 123's.
. you would help of course. you would spoil this boy to your full extent.
. he wanted this toy? it's his. wants mcdonalds? one happy meal please. is upset? two tickets to the mega monster amusement park!
. of course, you had a life of your own. you've barely had time to see ed, edna and jay anymore because of your work.
. so one day, ed and edna mailed you a letter, saying they will visit iay and invited you to come. maybe jay will remember you?
. timeskip to them pulling up to the bounty and jay's confused face.
. "ma, who is that?" jay asked looking at you with a confused look.
. yall had the talk about who you are and jay felt terrible for not remembering you. he always assumed his "dad" was taking him to all the amusement parks.
. he tried to catch up with you, wanting to know more of your life and your work placement.
. little does he know, ed and edna have been telling you mall the embarrassing stories he's gone through as a kid; your favorite being his kissing pillow?
. didn't you buy him that pillow?
. your dr. juliens younger sister.
. you were astonished at his latest "creation", zane. you were there when zane came fully online, and was "alive".
. he was almost like a human, he had human emotions of course he didn't know that yet. he was basically just born.
. upon hearing of your brothers death, you were deeply affected. you left ninjago for a little while, forgetting the world but never forgetting zane.
. you regret leaving him alone. but you weren't in the condition to be taking care if someone. you have to take care of yourself first.
. timeskip, years passed and you have received a letter from an old friend, inviting you to come back to ninjago and visit you.
. he mentioned zane, so you of course agreed.
. the address lead you to a monestary. you were a bit confused buy you knocked on the large doors.
. moments later, the doors open wide to revel a figure dressed in a white ninja gi, who looked back at you twice as confused as you.
. "good morning, stranger. what brings you to the monestary?" he asked and you felt your heart drop.
. "zane?"
. he tilt his head to the side, "yes...that is my name...how do you know my name?"
. other male voice cuts you off, "yo, zane- who's there?"
. eventually, your old friend who invited you here in the first place appeared beside zane and with a smile invited inside their home.
. insert the other three boys, jay, cole, and kai confused and asking each other questions while zane, master wu, and you spoke in a separate room.
. "so...your my father sister?"
. you smiled and nodded, "i never thought i would see you again!" you hugged the boy who froze at your touch, but politely hugged you back.
. you are family after all.
. you feel so bad for leaving zane all alone, possibly confused and lost until he found sensei wu and the other ninja, but that doesn't stol you from spoiling the heck out of the four boys.
. "but...y/n, i have already forgiven you. we do not need your-"
. jay covered zane's mouth, laughing sheepishly as kai spoke up, holding a bunch of video games you have given to them..
. "oh nono- please, we are more then happy to receive these gifts. your more then kind."
. cole nods in agreement.
. you smile and leave their gaming room, only to have master wu smack each of the boys, beside zane, on the heads
☆ i think i went a bit overbored 😭
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poetrysmackdown · 1 year
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Hello again. First I just wanna say how excited I am at the response to this bracket. I was going to consider it a smashing success if like forty people voted, so needless to say it has outperformed my expectations, and I’ve really really enjoyed talking with folks and seeing everyone's responses to these poems! That said, 14/16 of my votes were in the minority, so actually fuck you guys. 🩷
Anyways Round 2! Transcriptions are included this time in alt text—sincere apologies to everyone for whom Round 1 was inaccessible, and many thanks to @army-of-bee-assassins and @accessibleaesthetics for being so generous with their helpful advice and feedback. I'm still going back and forth about whether to include just alt text or to include the image descriptions in the body of the post as well, but I've reformatted it in my drafts like twice already so at this point I'm just hitting publish and opening it up for feedback.
I've also included links to readings by the author for all the poems where one was available, for anyone interested in getting a fresh perspective.
enjoy! -amelia @poetriarchy
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ROUND 2: ENDS JULY 26th at 6pm EDT
“The Two-Headed Calf” by Laura Gilpin vs. “Poem” by Langston Hughes
"Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love." by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. “Hammond B3 Organ Cistern” by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
“someone will remember us” (Fragment 147 from Sappho trans. Anne Carson) vs. “The Quiet World” by Jeffrey McDaniel
“Come. And Be My Baby” by Maya Angelou vs. “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
“The Orange” by Wendy Cope vs. “Instructions on Not Giving Up” by Ada Limón
“To The Young Who Want to Die” by Gwendolyn Brooks vs. “Meditations in an Emergency” by Cameron Awkward-Rich
“I’m not a religious person but” by Chen Chen vs. “How to Be a Dog” by Andrew Kane
“I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense” by Danez Smith vs. “Having ‘Having a Coke With You’ With You” by Mark Leidner
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youngsadlesbian · 2 months
BECAUSE OF YOU — carina deluca and maya bishop.
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pairing: carina deluca x maya bishop x reader
summary: you never felt worthy of love until maya and carina came into your life and showed you that you were more than what your old parents made you believe.
a/n: i really missed writing maya and carina being moms, so here's another one. i hope you like it <3
word count: 3k
warnings: mentions of past abuse, angst but with a happy ending.
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It was a sunny morning in Seattle, and Maya Bishop was feeling anxious. She was in the middle of an important conversation with her wife, Carina DeLuca, over breakfast. The topic at hand? The possibility of becoming a foster family.
Maya had been thinking about it for a while. Growing up with a controlling father had left deep scars, but it had also taught her the importance of providing safety and love. She knew that Carina, with her experience as a doctor and her immense empathy, would be the perfect partner on this journey.
Carina set her coffee cup down on the table and looked at Maya with her soft, understanding eyes. "If it's something you really want, amore, I'm with you," she said, smiling. "But we need to be prepared for what comes with it. It's not easy."
Maya nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility, but also the excitement of starting this new phase. "I know, Carina, but I feel like we can make a difference in someone's life. And who knows, maybe it will also help us grow as a family."
A few months later, the two were officially part of the foster family program. They were excited but also nervous, not knowing what to expect. When they received the call informing them that a teenager needed a temporary home, Maya and Carina felt a mix of nerves and determination.
You came into their lives like a storm, bringing with you an emotional baggage that seemed impossible to carry alone. You were only 16, but the sadness in your eyes spoke of years of suffering. Maya and Carina quickly realized they would need all the patience and love they could offer.
At first, you kept your distance. Their home, though cozy and full of life, felt like a trap, a place where the fear of getting hurt again was constant. You had your reasons. Life had taught you that trusting people was dangerous, that opening your heart only brought pain.
Maya noticed this right away. She saw in your eyes the same distrust she once carried, the same resistance that prevented her from opening up to the people who tried to help her. But unlike you, she had someone who didn’t give up on her. And now, she wanted to be that person for you.
One night, when Carina was at the hospital for a night shift, you and Maya found yourselves alone in the living room. The silence between you was almost palpable, like an invisible barrier that neither of you knew how to cross.
"I know it's not easy," Maya began, her voice gentle but firm. "Trust is a complicated thing, and I understand why you're protecting yourself. But I want you to know that we're here for you, really."
You didn’t respond immediately, just stared at the floor, nervously fidgeting with your hands. There was so much you wanted to say, but the words seemed trapped, buried under layers of pain and distrust.
"You don't need to be afraid to open up," Maya continued. "I had a difficult past too, and it took me a long time to learn to trust people again. But I'm here to help you find your way, if you’ll let me."
Those words stayed with you for a while. Perhaps because, for the first time, someone seemed to understand what you were going through, without judgment, without expectations. You wanted to believe her, wanted to find a place where you could feel safe, but the fear was still greater.
As the weeks passed, you began to open up a bit more. It was still hard, but there were moments when you could see that Maya and Carina truly cared. They weren’t like the other families you had been with. They didn’t pressure you, didn’t ask invasive questions, and most of all, they respected your space.
Carina, especially, seemed to have a special talent for making you feel at ease. She always found a way to include you, whether it was inviting you to help in the kitchen or watching a movie together on the couch. There was something about her presence that was calming, as if she knew exactly when you needed space and when you needed company.
It was on one of those nights, when you were all sitting on the couch watching a movie, that you finally felt you could trust a little more. The movie had reached a particularly emotional scene, and suddenly, you felt a wave of sadness that you couldn’t control. It was as if all your emotions had been bottled up and were finally starting to escape.
Carina noticed the change in you immediately. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You tried to hide it, but the tears started rolling down your face before you could stop them. "Sorry," you mumbled, embarrassed. "I don't know what happened."
Maya, who was sitting next to you, immediately turned off the TV and faced you, her expression concerned. "You don’t need to apologize," she said firmly. "If you want to talk, we're here."
And it was then, maybe for the first time, that you felt the urge to share a bit of your story. There was so much pain, so much fear, that you carried inside, and suddenly, it felt like holding onto it alone was more than you could bear.
"My family... they were never good to me," you began, your voice trembling. "I was always the problem, the burden. They made me believe I was worthless."
Maya and Carina exchanged a glance, and both leaned in a little closer, not invading your space, but showing that they were there, that they were listening.
"I tried so hard... to be what they wanted me to be," you continued, the words flowing in a rush that seemed impossible to stop. "But nothing was ever enough. I just wanted to be loved, but I never was."
Maya felt a tightness in her chest as she heard this. She knew what it was like to feel that nothing you do is enough, that you never fit into others' expectations. "I understand," she said, her voice low but full of conviction. "I felt that way for a long time too. But I want you to know that you’re more than what they made you believe. You are important, and you deserve to be loved, just as you are."
Carina nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "You're not alone," she added. "We're here for you, and we’ll get through this together."
Those words were like a balm on your wounded soul. For the first time in a long time, you began to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a place for you, a place where you could be accepted and loved without conditions.
Over time, the barriers began to fall. Gradually, you started to trust Maya and Carina, to open up more about your past, about the pains and fears that still haunted you. And with each revelation, the two women showed you that they were there to support you, that you didn’t have to face it alone.
Maya, in particular, became a strong figure in your life. She taught you about resilience, about how to face challenges and keep moving forward, even when everything seemed to be falling apart. There was a quiet strength in her presence, a determination that inspired you to be stronger, to not let the past define you.
Carina, on the other hand, brought the warmth and understanding you so desperately needed. She was the one who always pulled you into a hug, who made you feel safe, protected. With her, you learned that there was nothing wrong with showing vulnerability, that you weren’t weak for needing help, for wanting love.
There was one night when you were all together in the kitchen preparing dinner that you finally felt like you belonged somewhere. You were laughing at a silly joke Carina had made while Maya tried, unsuccessfully, not to spill tomato sauce on the counter. It was an ordinary scene, but to you, it meant the world.
"This... this is what I always wanted," you said, almost without realizing it. When the words came out, there was a brief but meaningful silence.
Maya looked at you, surprised but also moved. "And this is exactly what we want to give you," she said, smiling. "A home, where you can be yourself, without fear."
Carina came closer and placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. "You're part of our family now," she said, her voice soft and full of love. "And no matter what happens, we’ll always be here for you."
Those words echoed inside you, bringing a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in a long time. For the first time, you began to believe that you could, indeed, be happy, that you could leave the past behind and build something new, something beautiful.
However, the journey wasn’t easy. There were moments when the past still held onto you tightly, trying to pull you back into the darkness. The memories of the yelling, the harsh words, and the looks of disdain would come without warning, paralyzing you with fear and uncertainty.
One night, you had a nightmare. You were back in your old house, surrounded by the voices that always reminded you how inadequate you were, how you would never be enough. You woke up sweating, your heart racing, and it took a few seconds to realize that you were in Maya and Carina's house, in the cozy room they had prepared for you.
Carina was the first to notice that something was wrong. She was in the hallway, on her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water, when she heard your sobs. Without hesitation, she entered your room and, seeing you sitting on the bed, trembling, her heart broke.
"Hey, I’m here," she whispered, sitting beside you on the bed and wrapping you in a tight embrace. "It’s okay, it was just a nightmare."
You tried to pull away, feeling embarrassed for being so shaken, but Carina didn’t let you. “You don’t need to pull away,” she said softly, holding you firmly. “You don’t need to go through this alone.”
Maya appeared at the door shortly after, concerned. When she saw the two of you, she quickly understood what was happening and joined Carina by your side. “You’re safe now,” she said, her voice firm but full of care. “We’re not going to let anything hurt you here.”
Those words were exactly what you needed to hear. The fear was still there, but their presence, the unwavering affection they showed, helped calm you down. You allowed yourself to relax, letting their comfort surround you, replacing the darkness with a sense of security.
It was one of those crucial moments when you realized you no longer had to fight alone, that there were people willing to carry this burden with you. And slowly, with their support, you began to find your balance, realizing that it was possible to move forward.
From that moment on, things began to change significantly for you. You still had difficult days, still faced the shadows of the past, but now there was light at the end of the tunnel. Maya and Carina’s presence was like a beacon, guiding you back to the surface every time you felt like you were drowning.
One of the most notable changes was in how you started to see yourself. Before, you always saw yourself as a burden, someone who didn’t deserve to be loved. But over time, with the patience and love you received from Maya and Carina, that view began to change. You started to see that you had value, that you deserved to be happy, that their love for you wasn’t out of obligation, but because they genuinely cared.
There was a day when all of this crystallized for you. You were all together in a park, on one of those rare sunny days in Seattle. Maya and Carina were playing with a dog they had recently adopted, while you watched from a distance, your heart filled with an emotion you couldn’t immediately identify.
It was happiness. Pure, simple, without the shadows that used to obscure everything. You realized that, despite all the difficulties, you were happy there, with them. For the first time in a long time, you felt at home, felt part of something bigger than yourself.
Carina noticed your distant look and approached, a soft smile on her face. “What are you thinking about?” she asked, sitting beside you.
You gave a shy smile, still getting used to the idea of sharing your thoughts so openly. “Just… I never thought I could feel like this,” you admitted. “Happy. Part of something.”
Maya, who had approached with the dog, heard your words and smiled, kneeling beside you. “You are part of something,” she said with conviction. “Part of our family.”
Those words resonated within you, bringing a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Thank you,” you said, feeling tears of gratitude begin to form. “For everything.”
Carina pulled you into a hug, quickly joined by Maya. And at that moment, you knew you were no longer alone. That you had finally found the place where you belonged.
Time passed, and the changes in you became increasingly evident. What had once been a protective shell was now transforming into a new confidence, a new way of seeing the world and seeing yourself within it.
Maya and Carina continued to be important pillars in your life, but now you were also starting to build your own foundations. At school, you began to stand out, finding in your studies a passion that had once seemed impossible. You made new friends, connected with other people who, like you, also had difficult stories but were trying to find their way.
One afternoon, while you were sitting at the kitchen table doing your homework, Maya came in and sat beside you. She looked at the papers spread out on the table and smiled. “You’re doing really well,” she said, her voice full of pride. “I knew you were capable of this.”
You smiled, still getting used to the praise. “I never thought I could,” you admitted. “But… with you both, everything seems possible.”
Carina, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner, looked at you and smiled warmly. “That’s because you are capable,” she said without hesitation. “You always were, you just needed someone to remind you of that.”
It was then that Maya looked at Carina, and something passed between them, a silent decision, as if they had been waiting for the right moment for what was to come. She turned to you, hesitant but determined. “Y/N,” she began, gently taking your hand and holding it delicately. “Carina and I have been thinking… we know that this experience as a foster family was temporary, but we don’t want it to end.”
Carina approached, sitting beside you. “We would like to know… if you would consider letting us officially adopt you,” she said, the hope and love clear in her voice. “We want you to be a permanent part of our family, if that’s what you also want.”
You were silent for a moment, absorbing what they had said. A mix of emotions passed through you—surprise, happiness, and an overwhelming sense of finally being loved and wanted. The idea of having a home, a place where you could always return, seemed like a distant dream. But there they were, offering exactly that.
With tears in your eyes, you finally found the words. “I’d love to,” you said, your voice choked with emotion. “More than anything.”
Maya and Carina smiled, both moving closer to envelop you in a tight hug. “So would we,” Maya whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Time passed, and you began to get used to the idea of being officially part of the DeLuca-Bishop family. The adoption process was initiated, and each step seemed to bring more security and happiness to all of you.
Finally, the day arrived. You were sitting in the living room with Maya and Carina when the postman delivered an envelope that you had all been eagerly awaiting. Carina opened the envelope, her hands trembling slightly with emotion. She took out the papers and looked at them before handing them to you, her eyes shining.
“It’s official,” she said, her voice soft and full of joy. “These are the adoption papers.”
Maya approached and put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. “You’re officially Y/N DeLuca-Bishop now,” she said, smiling.
You looked at the papers in your hands, your eyes filling with tears. There was your name, Y/N DeLuca-Bishop, printed in black, clear letters, a tangible symbol that you finally had a home. A place where you belonged.
The tears flowed freely down your face, and you didn’t try to hide them. “I… I don’t know how to thank you,” you said, your voice breaking.
Carina pulled you into a hug, holding you tight. “You don’t need to thank us,” she whispered. “We’re a family, and families support, love, and take care of each other. That’s all we’ve ever wanted.”
Maya joined the hug, and in that moment, under the roof of the house that was now officially yours as well, you felt a wave of pure, true happiness. A new beginning, a new identity, and, most importantly, a new home—a home where you knew you would always be loved and accepted.
With your new name, Y/N DeLuca-Bishop, you knew you were ready to face the future. No matter what challenges might come, you now had a solid foundation, a family that loved you unconditionally. And that was all you needed.
The future was open and full of possibilities, and you knew, with the certainty that only true love can bring, that no matter what happened, you would always have a home to return to.
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thefirstknife · 29 days
so like im lost, i didnt play any of Act 1 or 2 or read lore bc life happening (house fire+car crash+laid off+homeless in 2 weeks)
so like whats going on eith the whole
Maya → Lakshmi → Conductor → Maya again??
(or is it Lakshmi→Maya→Conductor???)
like where's one "start" and the other "end"
Oh I'm sorry this all happened to you. I see you have a donation link on your pinned post, if people are able to help, check it out!
Also! Lakshmi is not relevant here; it's just the face that Conductor!Maya is comfortable using. Lakshmi was a sort of copy of Maya that Maya made using the Veil, but her life is separate and she's gone. There's also the meta reason that it's easier to reuse Lakshmi's face than make a new model, though they did show us what Maya actually looked like back in the day (and Chioma too)!
It's still not entirely clear which Maya we're dealing with however, though this week's lore tab added a bit of possible context. In here, Maya is talking about her experience communing with the Veil and how close she got to the Vex Network from it and then she ends up completely crossing over into the Vex Network. I think this probably implies that when original human Maya died on Neomuna ("in the conductor's chair"), she crossed over into the Network.
She is very disoriented inside so we don't really know how it worked time-wise, because for Maya it was almost instant? She ends up in the Network, tries to understand things, shapes herself a body and is still excited to talk to Chioma about all of this, then realises that A LOT of time has passed and that Chioma is now dead. Then she goes wild with grief and decides to find her Chioma because she's convinced that Chioma would've kept looking for her.
There's also the question of all the simulated copies of Golden Age Maya with the other Ishtar scientists: 227 of them. Some of that is also talked about this week in the mission. From what I can understand, those Mayas are not part of the Conductor!Maya; as a matter of fact, that Maya on comms in the mission sounds a lot different to me.
I think the Conductor!Maya is a continuation of the real original Maya that died on Neomuna, though that could still change or remain kinda unresolved overall because a lot of the stuff this episode is about how much it doesn't really matter who is the "original." We'll see though. It's also possible that Conductor!Maya is a combination of the real Maya with an addition of some of her copies from the Network. We're probably going to get more stuff in the next two weeks about all of this, including the simulated copies.
Here's a post with some extra details about this week.
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
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pairing: k. bokuto x lene (fem!reader) note: this is a writing commission (trade) for my beautiful mootie lene!! (@satorisoup) I really hope you enjoy it lovely girl ! (anyone can read but the reader has an assigned name and gender + hair color) summary: you and bokuto have been talking to each other a lot at school, one day after he wins his game he asks if he can kiss you ! content: high school au, getting together, kisses, fluff (lmk if I missed anything!!) wc: 1.4k
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At this point you aren't surprised to find a little note card wedged in your locker anymore. It's become muscle memory to see little, white cards with the scrawled hand-writing on it. Without much though you pick up the card and quickly scan over it.
Will you make it to tonight's game? I have a surprise if we win..
-KB :)
Bokuto's notes are usually very detailed, with ink splatters and scratched out words because of how excited he is to have you read them, so it's quite unusual for him to send such a neat note with no excitable writing. And what does he mean by a surprise? Well, you're bound to find out if he wins- no- when he wins his game.
"Hurry up, Lene! First period is starting soon," A good friend, Maya is waiting for you by the entrance to the building of Fukurodani. That cheeky girl has been entertaining the thought of you and Bokuto dating for some time. Ever since she saw him ask you out to homecoming (as a friend his words not yours) she has been teasing you about your crush on him.
"I'm coming! Let me change into my inside shoes!" You quickly slip out of your own shoes and put on the ones the school provides for wearing inside of school. It helps with the school's cleanliness.
You and Maya make a quick trip to your locker so you can get all of your textbooks and notebooks. "Sooooo, what did today's note say?" She's also very nosy, but how could she help it when she believes that she is the sole reason you and Bokuto are talking to each other? Maya believes that she's some kind of matchmaker.
"It said mind your business!" She leans in closer thinking you were going to actually tell her just to sigh and roll her eyes when you don't.
"Come onnnn I tell you all kinds of things." You've already decided once you've read it you would tell her, but what's the fun of saying it out right? Some teasing can occur.
"Fine fine, he asked if I would come to his game tonight." The nosy girl gasps in surprise, excitement laced in her next sentence, "Well, are you?!"
Her voice carries when she gets excited. A few looks are thrown your way, she quickly apologized before turning back to you for an answer.
"I don't know... i'm kinda busy tonight." You aren't busy at all, so you're pretty sure you'll go, but once again, it's quiet fun to tease her.
"Lene, you have to!! That's basically him asking you out on a date!" Her antics make you laugh a little bit, "That's a little extreme dont'cha think?"
"Nope! Not at all. Considering he didn't invite any of us, only you. Every time he has a game he'll ask all of us, but this is the first I'm hearing of a volleyball game." She's right, it's unusual for Bokuto to only ask you to go to one of his games.
Maybe there is a deeper meaning to his note? You're sure hoping so, because you've liked him since the your first year of high school.
"Okay, I'll go." A little smile blooms onto your face when you see your friend smile.
"Keep me updated!!!" Maya says whilst dragging you down the hall. Of course you will, because even if you don't, she'll figure out a way to get a status update.
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It's around 5:45 pm when you reach the gym for his game. It started fifteen minutes ago but you had some homework that was calling your name. Once all of it was completed you had hurried to make it to the gym without missing too much of the beginning.
As of now Fukurodani is in the lead with seven points, but don't let that fool you Nekoma is right on their tail. Also, it's only the first set, this could be anyone's game.
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The whole time you're on the edge of your seat, because of how exhilarating the game is. Both teams are extraordinary, Nekoma's been holding the lead but Fukurodani is able to keep up with them.
It's the last set each team has one point, so whoever wins this set will win overall. It's Bokuto's turn to serve, and before he makes his serve he looks around the crowd until his eyes lock on you.
Your cheeks immediately flush and you mouth, "You got this!"
The ace's grin almost doubles and covers his whole face. Hopefully your encouragement will help him make these serves.
The whistle blows almost immediately flipping a switch in Bokuto's head. He bounces the ball three times before tossing it up to hit it over the net.
Yaku, the ever relentless libero of Nekoma, receives Bokuto's serve. Bokuto does frown at this, Akaashi had to remind him that Yaku barely made the receive.
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The final whistle blows and all of Fukurodani's supporters and cheerleaders start to scream out in joy. All the boys on the court are sweaty and somewhat tired, but they still have energy to shake hands and yell out, "Good game."
Kuroo daps up Bokuto, they give each other a pat on the back and Kuroo whispers something into Bokuto's ear that causes his cheeks to flush. The captain of Nekoma has a sly smirk on his face.
What could Kuroo have told him that has him embarrassed like this?
Everyone starts to leave the gymnasium, you stay seated though, Bokuto's note replaying in your mind.
After a few minutes the man in question appears in front of the bleachers.
"Lene! You made it!! Did you see me? Did you see us?! We won!!!" Excitement bounces off of his voice. He's so adorable that you can't help giggling.
"I did, you did amazing, Kou-kun." You two have been on first name basis for some time now.
He smiles brightly at your praise. With haste you make it down from the bleachers to meet him down on the court. His golden eyes stare into yours and you aren't really sure what to do at this point.
"Heh, I'm guessing you got my note, huh?" You nod briefly, clasping your hands together behind your back.
"Lene- I-" He pauses, frustration takes over his face. You give him time though, he needs to process his words.
"Lene! I really really like you! Like not as a friend- wait! I mean I like you as a friend but I would really like you as my-"
He suddenly stops ranting and avoids your eyes. Maybe Maya was right about why he wanted to see you. You take in a slow breath before finishing his cut off sentence.
"Girlfriend?" He smiles nervously while nodding furiously.
"Yeah, I really do like you a lot. The way you smile or laugh, your voice, your kindness, even when you scold me for something, I find myself being in awe." Your eyes soften at his confession.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Koutaro." Those funny eyebrows of his raise up to his forehead in shock and excitement.
"Really? Gosh I must be the luckiest guy on earth!!!" Without thinking he embraces you in a hug. It's warm and inviting, and even though he does smell of sweat, it smells awfully a lot like home to you.
The athlete keeps you in his embrace for a few minutes. He suddenly breaks the silence, "Hey, can I give you a kiss? Or is it too soon?"
You want him to kiss you, so you shake your head furiously fast. "It's not too soon. I'd be happy to kiss you Kou."
He loosens his grip on you to connect his lips with yours. It's awkward and unfamiliar at first, but after the first few pecks it feels right, like his lips were made for yours.
He pulls away first in a pout, "Gosh I don't know what I'm gonna do when I become a professional athlete and I have to leave for away games. I don't think I'll survive without your lips." He's not even joking either, the way he pouts is absolutely adorable.
"I think you'll live, I'll give you plenty of kisses before you leave and plenty when you return." Butterflies swarm your tummy when you realize that he's thinking of his future with you.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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lovely-peace · 1 year
The Whims of Fate
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Summary: The big game is coming up and you can't wait to see Sirius fly again. But he seems to be more excited for after the game and just before that he surprises you... While seraph has an internal crisis.
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating
Wc: 2.5k anyone who wants to be tagged, just say so there is always room! And I am sorry if my writing isn't as good in this part :')
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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As we entered the Great Hall for lunch, I could feel the tension still lingering in the air. Sirius was walking beside me, his steps purposeful but his expression stern. The incident with Leander had left him seething, and it was evident in the way he clenched his jaw and the occasional glares he shot in the direction of the Slytherin table.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, unsure of how to address the situation. It was clear that he was trying to maintain composure, but the anger was simmering just beneath the surface. I knew he wasn't upset with me, but I couldn't shake off the uneasiness.
As we settled at the Gryffindor table, I tried to focus on my plate of food, but the tension was palpable. Sirius seemed lost in his thoughts, and I felt like an intruder in his world of frustration. The conversations around us were a mere buzz, distant and unimportant compared to the storm within.
Then, a soft nudge against my shoulder brought my attention back to reality. I turned to see Sirius looking at me, his expression slightly softened. He offered me a small, reassuring smile. "Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean for things to get that heated."
I managed a weak smile in return. "It's alright, Sirius. I understand why you were upset."
He nodded, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he turned his attention back to his food. Despite his attempt to make amends, I could sense the turmoil still swirling within him. It was as if he was battling his emotions, struggling to find a balance between his protective instincts and his desire not to cause further stress.
As I ate my meal, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He was so beautiful. How could anyone be so beautiful?
He was putting on a facade of nonchalance, but his clenched fists and furrowed brows betrayed his true feelings. I wished there was something I could do to ease his anger, to let him know that I appreciated his concern.
Meanwhile, a little bit right from us, I noticed Lydia and Maya engrossed in a hushed conversation. Lydia's animated gestures and Maya's attentive nods suggested that they were deep in thought about something. I wondered what they were discussing, but my focus was quickly pulled back to Sirius when he spoke again.
"Are you nervous about the game?" he asked, his tone softer now.
I shook my head, grateful for the change of topic. "Not really. I mean, you are the one playing, so I don't really feel the pressure here. But, I'm excited to watch you play."
He smirked playfully. "Planning to cheer for me?"
I rolled my eyes, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe I'll just shout 'Sirius Black, you're not as cool as you think!'"
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, you wound me."
We shared a genuine laugh, and for a moment, the tension seemed to lift. It was as if we had managed to carve out a small bubble of normalcy in the midst of the chaos. As lunch continued, our conversation flowed more easily, and I found myself forgetting the unease that had gripped me earlier.
Unbeknownst to us, Lydia and Maya were observing our interaction from afar, their heads close together as they exchanged whispered thoughts. Maya nodded at something Lydia said, and they seemed to be sharing some sort of silent agreement.
Later, as we made our way out of the Great Hall, I caught a glimpse of Lydia's mischievous smile. She winked at me, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were plotting.
As we went on, I couldn't help but look after them. I wondered if they would talk about their feelings, or if they would just ignore what was so obviously there.
"Oh, shit!" Sirius looked at me with an apologetic frown. "I already have to go, because James wants to go over the planning we did. Hope you can forgive me."
I smiled at him. He looked so apologetic like a little puppy that disappointed someone. "Don't worry, I understand. Go you have a game to win!"
He smiled at me and ran up to the field, while I watched him go. Without him, the halls felt empty and at the same time overwhelming full.
I already wanted to leave to the library, because we still had time till the game, when I saw Sirius ran up to me.
He was panting heavily and red like a tomato as he stood before me, like he just played the quidditch game of his life.
"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" I felt like I was missing something here, as he took my hands and smiled at me with a red face.
"Yeah, I forgot something very important." He hold my hands tightly and looked me in the eyes. Something plagued his mind and I so desperately wanted to know what. But it remained a secret behind those beautiful eyes.
"What did you-"
"Wish me luck." he suddenly said. His eyes were avoiding mine and suddenly found the ground very interesting. "Please?"
"You don't need luck," I replied softly, my voice filled with faith in him.
He chuckled, his fingers briefly intertwining with mine. "Maybe, but a little extra never hurts."
I chuckled at that. His eyes found mine and sucked me into them again. His right hand let go of mine and wandered off to my cheek. As he hold me captive in his warm touch, he seemed to beg for something.
"Good l-"
Then, in that moment, when I least expected it, he closed the gap between us, his lips capturing mine in a kiss. It was an innocent little peck, like he didn't want to do anything wrong. Time seemed to stand still as our lips molded together, and the world faded away. All that mattered was the sensation of his mouth moving against mine, the taste of his lips, and the rapid beat of my heart, which seemed to run a marathon.
He stroked my cheek while softly breaking the kiss. I missed the contact, but was at the same time overwhelmed by the thing that just happened.
He gazed into my eyes, a fire burning within them. "For luck," he whispered, his voice husky.
My cheeks flushed, and I nodded, my voice equally breathless. "For luck."
We stood like that, with intertwined fingers and gazing at each others eyes, for a minute or two, as he cleared his throat.
"I should go."
"Yeah, you should."
But neither of us wanted to let go of each other, our fingers still intertwined. But after one more minute he let go and smiled at me, with this unreadable expression that so often visited his face.
"I will see you after the game right?" he asked and smiled brightly, as I nodded.
"Then see you later, darling."
I looked after him and couldn't control the smile that was slowly creeping on my red face.
You don't need luck, you idiot. I know that you will win. I saw it with my own eyes.
~1974 Third year. ~
The little girls eyes were shining as she watched. 'Was this fake?' she wondered as her eyes followed his broom. His flying hair in the wind, his bright smile as he beat the ball at one of his opponents and lastly his promising eyes. All of it was beautiful.
The seeker in red should have been the main attraction for the audience, but his best friend was like a shooting star for her. Bright, fast and so out of reach. Hoping he would grant her a wish, she looked at him with a wish written in her eyes.
As she wished for once to be noticed, the girl in green next to her followed her gaze. The girl was angry that her house was losing and she was even more pissed that she was here with her.
This naive girl in yellow, which didn't belong here between the people in green. This clingy parasite with this annoying expression. That begging look not to be abandoned, that made the girl in green reconsider.
Why did she even bring her?
Why was she even friends with her?
The girl in the warm colors of the sun, looked at the star of the field, again with this annoying expression. And the girl in green next to her was jealous as she realized how beautiful the emotions behind this gaze were. 'How can you feel this kind of emotions?'
As their eyes were focused on the star, his best friend's eyes caught the golden ball and his broom was racing towards it. The other seeker slowly realized why the boy was suddenly flying so fast and tried to follow just as fast. But he realized that it was no use. The feeling that he already lost was creeping in and he became even slower.
Then a ball hit him from above and threw him off his broom. The beater Sirius black took the chance to cover his mate. He dodged the ball himself and hit it right towards the green seeker.
"And James Potter caught the snitch!!!"
The Gryffindor audience burst into cheers, while the slytherins were glaring at them. The other beater in green was looking at the boy with the name black and wanted so bad to be better. "Next time you hit him leander." his teammates said, but they knew just like him that that was very unlikely.
The green side of the field was full of anger towards those red prideful bunch of kids, that were so obviously the favorites of hogwarts.
Only two girls seemed to be out of place.
They didn't cheer and they didn't get mad. They were both watching the boy in red and wished.
Yellow to be visible. Green to be yellow.
I smiled, as I thought about the memories. The first game he played and the first I watched. I know that he doesn't need a Goodluck kiss.
I kissed you out of pure desire for you.
Meanwhile in the slytherin common room
"You are such an idiot, Leander, seriously. You don't stand a chance against Sirius, why did you search a fight with him?"
I shook my head at his silliness. How can someone be so impulsive?
"I just had a little 'talk' with your whisky. How could I have guessed that he would be so angry?" the brown haired boy looked away from me and seemed to pout.
A cold feeling went down my spine. I tried to shake it off, but it came right back. What was wrong with me? Why was I so cold?
"Hey, is something wrong, seraph?" Leander looked at me with worry in his eyes and came closer to me. "You looked like something plagued your mind?"
He seemed to want to stroke my cheek with his hand, but I dodged him. "It's nothing of your concern." I stated, and his hand dropped like a stone. He seemed embarrassed and looked at the ground.
'Your whisky' he said. Like I owned her. Maybe I did, but not anymore. She is off and has new friends now. Every time I see them, I feel like I missed something in my life. Like I got all of this wrong. Like I got her completely wrong. Like I regretted what I did. What I still do.
Those feelings that she has. This joy that she feels, when she is with her friends. This excitement when she sees Sirius. I never felt any of that.
Why was I so bored of those people around me? Why couldn't I be excited for the things that I had? Why does she have this explosive feelings for Sirius, while I can't make myself feel even excitement?
"I wish I could say i'm surprised, but I'm really not. And that's the thing I most regret, seraph. We were never really meant to be." his eyes bore through mine. Ice-cold. "I think you know that as well."
"Do you miss her?" Leanders soft voice snapped me back to reality. His eyes were gentle, with this strange smile. It wasn't threatening, but I could never really interpret it and it made me crazy.
"Who, whisky?" I tried to laugh the cold feeling away. "Oh, please, why would I miss this parasite? I abandoned her in the first place, sweet Leander." I smiled my usual smile. The i don't care smile that made me feel better of myself. I need to feel better about myself.
He looked at me with that strange smile again. Like he knew me better than I know myself. But he really doesn't.
"You know what I think?"
I narrowed my eyes. "I don't really care."
But he didn't stop, like he didn't hear me. "I think you're starting to realize that you really care about her and you've lost her. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, she's a snake, but I think you're not so sure anymore and you miss her."
"You don't know anything!" But he did not let himself be stopped.
"You're not as untouchable as you think, 'sweet' seraph. In fact, you're still a little girl who whines when she doesn't get what she wants."
"Shut up!" I was screaming.
"That's why you ran after Sirius like a lost puppy. You just can't stand that he doesn't like you anymore."
"You have no idea, Leander! You have no idea how I feel!" Or what I don't feel. "So don't act like you really understand me."
He was quiet on that. But then he looked at me in such an intense way that Sirius never did. And my heart skipped a beat. Why? "Why did you make out with me if you love him so much? Why did you cheat with me if you miss him so much now?"
His gaze held me and there was a fire in them. The evening in which I let myself drown in self-pity came back, even though I tried so hard to forget it. Eventually, though, I managed to turn away. "You need to get to the quidditch field. It's getting late."
There was tension in the air at that, until he finally stood up. He grabbed his things he needed and went to the door, of the slytherin common room. Before he opened it, he looked at me.
"A little whining girl in green."
And then he left.
Taglist: @theofficialmadman@fanboyluvr@fjdjsiskcjfj@starsval@olkathedestroyer@helloitsmeeeeeee@xamapolax@maripositanoctruna@ancientimes@cloudlst@marina468 @regulus-black-223048 @loving-and-dreaming
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zibus · 1 month
I'm glad Maya is so much more articulate - so much more of a character - in the previews so far. After having one of the most badass scenes in RoW, it would have been a shame for her to merely get to haunt the narrative again. Making a lot more progress than I expected, tbh. Really excited to see what her and Adolin build.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Posting Schedule and Story Update
I know, I know I don't have a posting schedule, not really. At least in terms of what gets published when, only the days of the week stuff gets posted.
Well for the next four weeks there will be one:
Never Hold Back Your Step...- Sundays
Well Met By Moonlight- Tuesdays
Icarus- Thursdays
Special- Saturdays*
But I'm also getting worryingly low on my backlog (like I'm about dip into single digit range) and I hate having it that low.
So what I usually do is take a week or so off posting and build it back up. And I would normally take the week of my birthday off (Aug 14) to play catch up, but...
Yeah, I'm planning on posting the final chapter of Well Met By Moonlight (werewolf Steve) on the 13th. One year after it's release and since I'm releasing on that day, it doesn't make sense to only post that day and none of the rest of the week.
Also depending on what I am doing on the 14th (as whether or not my husband works) will decide whether or not I'm doing WIP Wednesday that day because if I'm not really doing anything, than I would prefer hanging out with you guys and writing. But I'll keep you posted the closer that gets.
But if he does have it off, I'll take it off and have two days the next week to make up for it. It would also be that week that I would take off posting and probably the next week as well. It depends on how much I get done.
But here's the exciting part, during this time between now and Aug 18th I will continue to work on the exotic club one and will have a ton of fun chapters to share when I get back from my break.
I will still be doing WIP Wednesdays and posting ideas and meta and headcanons and all that fun stuff. And maybe some fun polls too.
Also it is looking like "Never Hold Back Your Step..." (boy w/a bat) will be only 17 chapters long (maybe only 16 depending on how much of the Mind Flayer fight I put in it). I'm hoping it'll be only 16 really so that it can end the same week as Well Met.
I think a lot of people are hoping for their favorite parts of season 3, but this story was never meant to re-write canon. It was just meant to look into the idea that Eddie picked Steve up as a lost sheepie between season 2 and 3. Something that at the time there wasn't a lot of.
We'll see.
But expect to see me start posting again on Sept 1st for sure or on Aug 25th, if I have a really good week. And I'll be kicking it off the exotic dancer one, which I'm really excited for.
*Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate will be finished this Saturday. Leaving the Caged Bird Still Sings (sugar baby!Steve/sugar daddy!Eddie) to take its posting slot on Saturdays.
Tagging my permanent list to make sure everyone who needs to see this can.
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
spiderboy, miles morales x reader
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part 1 ʚɞ part 2 ʚɞ part 3 ʚɞ part 4 ʚɞ part 5!
pairing: earth 1610! miles morales x reader
chapter 5 synopsis: Miles takes you on a beautiful date at a gorgeous restaurant in downtown Brooklyn.
wc: 3.1k
warnings!: cursing, kissing, violence, awkward teens in love
translations: hola hermosa - hello beautiful, querida - dear, extremadamente bonita - extremely pretty, cariño - honey, amor - love
You were walking down the street on the way to school, it was Monday now and you could hardly wait to see Miles again. You've never looked forward to a weekend more, Zoya offered to take you shopping on Friday after school for an outfit.
You walked into the building and head to your locker and soon enough Zoya and Peter walked up to you. "Finally you guys are going out" Zoya squealed. "Yeah Miles been talking about you like crazy for the last month" Peter admitted. "Really?? Why didn't you tell me anything?" Zoya snapped her head to him. "I wasn't gonna snitch on my guy like that. Plus I knew you would've told n/n" he answered, Zoya rolling her eyes.
You giggled and went back to your locker, eyes landing on Miles making his way over to you. Zoya followed where you were looking and smiled "We'll leave the two of you alone." she said grabbing Peter's hand and walking away.
"Hola hermosa" Miles said coming up to you. "Hey you" you smiled, closing the door. "Lemme walk you to class?" he asked taking your books from your hands. "Oh you don't have to do that." you said about to take them back. "I want to. Let me do things for you, querida" he said turning so the books were out of reach. "Yeah but that textbook is heavy" you sighed. "Not for me remember" he said raising an eyebrow. "Yeah whatever spidey" you whispered the last part.
Later in the day, you invited him and Ganke to sit at your table at lunch. He sat in the middle of you two with Zoya, Maya and Peter on the other side. He was talking about whatever with Peter and Ganke when you felt his thigh touch yours, you smiled internally when he didn't move away. It was silly how excited you got, considering you were sitting on his lap with your tongue in his mouth not two days ago.
The rest of the week went by like that with him walking you to class, holding your books and small touches here and there. Now that he admitted he was spider-man, you caught on to his 'spidey sense' activating, his random disappearances and thirty minute bathroom breaks.
On Wednesday you got your hair braided, getting black goddess braids. You went home after school on Friday to change into a pair of jeans and a black tube top. You threw your puffer jacket on and grabbed the money your mom left on the counter for you. Zoya met you on your block and you walked to the subway station.
When you got to the mall before you started to shop, you bought a cinnamon pretzel at Aunty Anne's. "Okay you need something that's like sexy but elegant." Zoya said scrolling through dresses until she landed on one. Her mouth hung open picking it out. "Y/n this is literally it this is so it!" You turned around and saw her holding a black sleeveless mini dress with pink lace trimming at the top and the bottom.
"Ohh my god. I need this!" you squealed, practically running to the dressing room. It was a perfect fit, you stood in the mirror admiring the way it hugged your waist and the way it fell at the top of your thighs. You stepped out for a second to let Zoya see it and she squealed. "Oh my god, you look so good bebe!" she shouted grabbing your hands as you squealed.
After purchasing the dress you decided to do some more damage to your wallets and continue shopping, you were already there so might as well. You both buying more clothes, jewelry, and makeup.
It was getting dark, and your mom came to pick the two of you up. You pulled up to her building and she got out kissing you goodbye "I'm so coming over tomorrow to help you get ready. Goodnight Ms. L/n" "Goodnight sweetie!" your mom called out watching her enter the building. "Are you excited for your little date" your mom squealed playfully biting her tongue. "I am! Miles is really really sweet" you said smiling. "He seems like it. I'm so happy for you baby"
It was six pm and Y/n went to the bathroom and did a thorough skincare routine: rose clay face mask, eyebrow threading, cleansers, lip mask. You got in the shower and shaved until you were practically hairless. When you got out, you mixed baby oil and rose scented body butter and applied it all over your body. When you were getting into your underwear there was a knock on your door, Zoya bursting in.
"Ughh baby's first date. I feel like a proud mom" she exclaimed putting a hand to her face, wiping fake tears. "Oh shut up" you giggled.
She quickly got to work on your hair, tightly pulling your braids back into a strategic messy bun. She laid out edges into a simple slick look. She smiled admiring her work, before getting started on your makeup. Adding the finishing touch of a pink nude gloss she turned your chair to face the mirror. "Oh my god you really got me right!" you exclaimed.
You grabbed your dress and she helped you get into it, avoiding any contact with the makeup on your face. You checked yourself out in the mirror before adding your gold dior necklace with dangling gold earrings and strapped up a pair of black open toed heels. "Okay what perfume for the occasion?" Zoya asked going through your perfumes. You decided on the Coco Mademoiselle parfum you had gotten for your birthday.
"Oh my god you look amazing!" she said grabbing her digital camera and making you pose as she took a bunch of pictures of you. It was 7:44 now and Zoya said her goodbyes. "Goodnight bebe. I hope you have so much fun! Tell me everything." she said leaving the apartment. "Baby you look beautiful" your mom said holding your face. "My little girl growing up, going on dates" her lips in a pout. "Mommy don't cry" you laughed. "I won't I won't! Just let me get some pictures" she said grabbing her phone.
There was a knock at the door and you took a deep breath before opening it. Miles stood there wearing a black button down shirt with matching black dress pants, a big pu leather jacket and black loafers. He had a bouquet of pink roses and a small white box in his hand and he smelled really really good. "Hi" you greeted, big smile worn on your face. "Hi" he said smiling back at you "You look so so beautiful, querida. Extremadamente bonita" he said checking you out. "Goodnight Ms. L/n" he said realizing your mom was standing behind you in the kitchen. "Hi hun!" she said back, before easing away.
"These are for you, y/n" he handed the flowers to you. "Aww oh Miles you shouldn't have" you pressed your hand to your chest. "And I uh bought this for you" he said handing you the little white box. You smiled and opened it to find a gold locket with a floral engraving. "Oh my god. Miles this is beautiful" you smiled, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you like it." he smiled at you. "Help me put it on?" you asked as he turned you around and latched it.
"Mom, we're ready to leave!" you called out, grabbing your purse. "Wait! Let me get a picture of you guys. I've to show Rio." You both laughed as Miles snuck his arm around your waist and you laid your hand on his chest, posing for the picture. "Bye guys! Stay safe and have fun! Miles you better have her back by eleven" your mom said playfully squinting her eyes at him. "Of course Ms L/n" he chuckled.
When you closed the door, Miles interlocked his fingers around yours as you head to the stairs. "This place is really nice. My parents went here on their first date and they took me one time for their anniversary " he told you, helping you ease down the stairs in your heels. "That's so adorable, m'very honored to be taken there" you said squeezing his hand.
You walked to the subway, hurrying as best you could to catch the train. "Here come on my back!" he picked you up effortlessly as he trot down the last set of stairs and into the train, just making it. He put you down carefully as to not make your dress ride up too much. You wrapped your arm around Miles' and wrapped a leg over the other as you found seats by the door.
Getting off at your stop, you and Miles turned the corner to the restaurant. It was near the Brooklyn bridge, string lights lit around the trees in the night. It was definitely upscale and on the more expensive side. He led the way into the building and the inside was even nicer with dim lighting, beautiful decorations, and nice furniture. "Uh Morales, table for two" he told the lady at the front. His dad told him what to do and was actually the one who made the reservation, but you didn't have to know that.
He kept his hand around yours the whole way there and pulled your chair back for you. "Aww you're so sweet" you said resting your jacket on the back of your chair. "I'm glad I could finally take you on a date." he said smiling at you, you smiling back. He finally let go of your hand to take a look at the menu. "You can get anything you want. No budget" he told you. And he meant it, Miles loved doing things for you, especially if it meant he could see your gorgeous smile.
A waiter walked up to your table and pulled out a notepad. "Goodnight, can I get you guys anything to drink? Any appetizers?" she asked. Miles ordered a virgin cocktail while you got a strawberry lemonade. Since you were both ready to order your food anyways you went ahead and did that. He got salmon over rice that was topped with their signature gravy. You got creamy garlic buttered lobster tail with fettuccine pasta.
You and Miles talked while waiting for food. About everything in general and also nothing at all. You talked about what films were good, what books were good, favorite colors, how it was for him to be spider-man and take on such responsibility. You talked about what you would do after high school and where you would go. He opened up about his uncle Aaron's death and you opened up about your father's significant absence throughout most of your life.
When the food came you both rambled about how good it was, spoon feeding each other your meals. You ordered a strawberry cheese cake to share for dessert and asked for the bill. You grabbed your purse to take some money out. "Aye, cariño, you gotta let me do stuff for you" he sighed pushing your hand with the money away. "But Miles that's a lot of money" you whined. "I can handle it ma don't worry" he said giving the waitress his credit card, adding a tip.
You stacked the plates, making your waitress's job easier before grabbing your jacket and purse making your way out. He opened the door for you and you guys began your walk back home. "I had a really good time tonight, Miles" you told him, staring into his eyes. "I did too" he smiled. You both leaned in, pressing your lips against each other, hands held beneath you. He pulled away from the kiss first "Y/n, do you thi-" he cut himself off, tensing up. Just then an explosion broke out, a building catching fire.
Everyone around began freaking out and running around. "Get somewhere safe please, I'm gonna take care of this!" he told you, making you head in the direction everyone was running. He pulled his suit out from out of nowhere and making sure no one saw him he ran over to where the explosion came from. It was then, an oversized mutant gorilla on two legs appeared on a rooftop. "Come get me spider-man! I wanna be the one to finally kill you!" the villain roared.
Everyone halted in their path upon hearing that, looking back. Miles, Spider-man webbed over to it, landing a kick on the side of its face. The gorilla grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground. You gasped and covered your mouth watching the scene before you, but Miles got up to strike again. The gorilla threw fists in Miles' direction, him dodging effortlessly. He shot webs at his face to throw it off its balance, falling on its back. He jumped on top of the gorilla before it got up and threw him against a wall.
He quickly got on his feet, throwing a punch at the gorilla. The police arrived at the scene opening fire at the gorilla. Miles used his webs to trip and pull the gorilla to its feet, slamming his head to the pavement. Getting angry, the gorilla sprung to its feet and grabbed Miles, pounding him into the ground. He then picked him up with his enlarged gorilla hands and choked him out.
You kicked off your heels, looking around you found a dad and his son holding a baseball bat. You grabbed it, quickly yelling a 'sorry!' as you ran to the side of the building where Miles was fighting. You knew it was stupid to get involved in something so dangerous as this but you didn't want Miles to get hurt, or worse. You ran up the fire escape as quickly and quietly as you could, before hoisting yourself up to the very top of the roof trying as hard as you could to not fall right back down.
"I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands you damn bug" it growled. Miles was trying to claw away at his hands to get him off. While it was distracted holding up Miles, you eased up behind them. Bringing the bat back behind you as far as you could, and swung at its head as hard as you could. Its grip loosened around Miles' neck as it looked back at you allowing him to slip out and catch his breath. "Ohh what's this" it chuckled. You swung again as hard as you could before it grabbed your hand lifting you off your feet.
It angered Miles seeing the way he was toying with you. "Hey you big fucking monkey put her down!" he shouted. The gorilla moved closer to the edge and threw you down. You screamed as your distance to the ground rapidly got closer. "Noo!" Miles screamed out running to catch you. He shot a web down around your waist and hauled you back you up. "You okay?" he quickly asked, you nodded. He gently threw you back against a wall, protecting you and getting you out of the way. He jumped up and kicked at the gorilla's face throwing it down.
He quickly wrapped webs around its ankles picking him up with his hands and slamming him down. He threw a web to at the bat that had fallen earlier, taking it in his hand and repeatedly hitting against the gorilla's head. He kept hitting until he saw blood pooling from its nose and it lost consciousness.
He threw the bat and wrapped his webs around and around the gorilla's body tying a tight knot and dangling its body down to the police. They all ran over to grab it and take it in their police cars. "Thank you Spiderman!" one of them called out. The people on the street shouted out cheers and thank yous. "Anytime!" he called back down.
He turned around and you ran to him, engulfing him in a hug. He tightly wrapped his arms around you and covered his face in your neck. He quickly pulled away to look at you "Why did you do that? You could have really gotten hurt" he scolded. Tears welled up in your eyes "I just didn't want you to get hurt. You could've died!" you retorted. "You could've died! I don't know what I would've done with myself if that happened." he exclaimed. He wrapped his arms back around you, you crying lightly into his shoulder.
"Y/n" "Hm?" you mumbled. He lifted your head off him and pulled off his mask. "Do you think um...Do you think...Will you let me be your boyfriend?" he quickly blurted the last bit. You breathed out and smiled watching his eyes. You held his face in your hands "God I thought you'd never ask" you smiled, smashing your lips into his. Your lips moved in sync, him using an arm to bring you closer and deepen the kiss. He smiled against your lips "Is that a yes?" "Of course it's a yes" you giggled.
"You might wanna change out of that. I've gotta go give that guy his bat back...and get my shoes" you told him. "Yeah okay, I'll be right down" he gently put you down on the ground and you rushed over to the man. "Here you go, really I'm sorry about the...blood" you told him. "No problem...I saw you take these off, so here you go" he hand you your heels. "Oh my god thank you. Have a good night."
You looked around for Miles, when he tapped your shoulder, back in his dinner clothes. "Hey..girlfriend" he smiled. "Hello boyfriend" you smiled back, him giving you a peck on the lips.
You were now standing in front of your apartment door saying your goodbyes to Miles. "Are you sure you're okay?" he said taking your hand in his. "Yes, I'm alright" you giggled. "Just glad you were there to protect me spiderboy" you joked. "Goodnight, amor" he said wrapping his arms around you. "Goodnight" you said taking his lips on yours. "I really like doing this" he giggled. "Me too" you said kissing him again.
Just then the door opened, and your mom appeared. "Oh!" she yelped, the two of you quickly moving away. "Don't pretend I didn't just see what I just saw" she laughed. "Hey Miles, thank you for getting her home safe." she smiled at him, hugging your shoulder. "Of course, goodnight Ms L/n" he said "Goodnight Y/n" he smiled, walking away.
You entered the apartment behind your mom, you really had a lot to tell her.
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