#i'm banging pots and pans together
letothethird · 3 months
okay locked tomb tumblr i need that one commander wake quote that goes something like "i've used bombs and guns and knives and getting in real close and jamming my thumbs in their eyes". many thanks
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blacktofade · 1 year
Fic: Fine
Grian/Docm77, NC-17, ~8k
Thank you for the warm response to my first gridoc fic!! This is now a series O u O Read the AO3 tags and have fun.
Grian’s not pregnant.
It’s not a surprise nor a disappointment, and he doesn’t like the fact that he has to remind himself of that.
It’s also not a surprise nor a disappointment that Doc doesn’t ask about it. Doc’s not obligated. He’s not Grian’s keeper, his friend, his mate, his — anything.
In fact, the first time he sees Doc after everything is when they meet for the mech battle, and that’s too chaotic for Grian to even think about anything else. Not until he gets home after, adrenaline still coursing through his veins, making him want to make all kinds of bad decisions.
Are you free? he messages Doc, which feels ridiculous when he just minutes ago watched Doc fly off to lick his own wounds — mostly his hurt pride.
No, Doc replies almost instantly, a breath of laughter escaping Grian, because he should have known better.
Except that a few minutes later Doc sends, meet at the camp in 5.
[Read more]
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honeysweetcorvidart · 6 months
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if i had been given the choice, i still would have chosen you.
hey so i'm totally normal about the lovers reversed
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pealingpetals · 1 year
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he's just a little chilly
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5ummit · 1 year
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Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
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knicks-knacks · 4 months
Ren got a normal little acorn from a tiny squirrel and loved it so much that he just. carries it around everywhere. in his pocket. because it was so cute that he found it soothing. he had no clue it was even important, it was just a tiny acorn gift. he showed it to Kyoko who immediately also loved it so much that she made an adorable little chain and holder so he could carry it more easily. which he then shows off don't tell me to stop yelling
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flightyalrighty · 7 months
Remember when you were getting a bunch of werehog related questions and you were asking why?
For me, I thought your page was from 'The Heart of the Monster', cause your pfp of 'infected Sonic' made me think of the Werehog
It was only till shortly after i realized your page was entirely something else, found out the comic series, and I was greatly intrigued in your story. Sure am glad that I've found your page!
I like THOAM a whole lot! The mix-up is pretty funny! And you know what, that's great that you're intrigued! So long as you're prepared to see very bad things happen to people who don't deserve it.
There will be instances of gore (I can name three moments off the top of my head that I know may make squeamish people uncomfortable).
And if you haven't seen it already, here's the content warning page for Infested! Please please please please please please check it out, anyone who hasn't seen it!
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allgremlinart · 7 months
going into the jeeko tag on this app and having to see the same 4 shitty posts of mine from the past 5 months or so and practically nothing else
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fbfh · 2 years
Pleaseee I just need a story where the reader is from our modern world and tedros falls inlove with them
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anon my darling my dearest my beloved you don't understand how much of my brain space this occupies. bc when you first show up in that fucking field of pink and red flowers you're probably in jean shorts and a crop top. maybe a flannel. you walk confused through the gilded halls, getting as many pictures as you can of the ornate archetecture and glasswork, worrying you won't believe it yourself if you don't have proof. you have no idea how you somehow ended up in a castle that looks straight out of the royaltycore side of pinterest you've stumbled across a few times, and you have no idea where you're even supposed to be going. then the fairies catch up to you. they take one look at you, then start tugging at your hair and clothes, trying to drag you somewhere to get you cleaned up before orientation, so you do the natural thing: start filming them on your phone and haul ass out of there. you get even more lost through the mazes of halls and staircases and breezeways as the fairies keep chasing you. you lose them for a minute, and unbeknownst to you, standing at the hallway is noneother than Tedros. you catch his attention for many reasons, your blinding beauty, the rush of energy you cary with you that seems to sweep him along with it, the lack of restraining your personality for the sake of etiquette. most notably, is that to him you're barely dressed. usually you'd be wearing bloomers and a corset with a dress that's at least tea length over it, but here you are, legs out in front of god and everybody. you don't seem the least bit phased by this either, but before he can snap out of the trance you've put him in, Professor Dovey is sweeping down the halls toward you.
"oh my..." she says, taking in your appearance. she turns to the fairies. "yes, I think you're right. this time does certainly call for an exception."
amid your miriad of protests, she takes your arm, gliding you through the halls with her.
"hush child, I'll explain everything." she respons warmly, bringing you to the doors of the groom room. she sits you down, and with a flick of her now glowing finger, everything in the room springs to life. soft smelling perfume sprays you, your nails are maincured, your skin is moisturized, your hair is done up all pretty. before you know it, racks of dresses are wheeling themselves out, spinning around you as Professor Dovey skims through them, picking one out for you as she explains everything. you don't really get a grasp on the situation until you're sitting on blue and glass pews surrounded by dozens of girls in literal ballgowns. you're wearing a ballgown too, the kind of thing you see used as clickbait on wish or aliexpress, but this is real and it fits you like a glove. you touch the side of your bodice, where you managed to shove your phone when Professor Dovey wasn't looking. you can't bring yourself to focus on anything as all of this sets in, but when a rowdy group of boys burst in and begin sword fighting, you're pulled out of your daze. one of them gets grazed on the arm, and it strikes you that these are actual swords. they're not dulled movie props or plastic kids toys or diy cosplay accessories, these are literal metal blades getting tossed around like it's no big deal. it's probably not a big deal to them, you realize, they clearly know what they're doing. as you lose yourself in thought, beginning to accept the situation you've found yourself in, Tedros fights through the crowd of boys in front of him more determined than ever. you caught his eye, and he'll stop at nothing to stand before you and throw you his rose. he hasn't been able to stop thinking about you since that moment he saw you in the halls, full of more life and vigor and passion than any girls he's ever met. he's dying to know you, yearning to know everything about you, absolutley desperate to sweep you off your feet. he has his sights set on you, and with a love this strong, he's sure you must feel the same. he wonders if this could be love at first sight. you're pulled from your thoughts as the girl next to you, blonde and wearing a purple dress, taps your shoulder.
"I believe that was intended for me." she states with a condescending smile, motioning to the rose that somehow appeared in your lap. your eyes flare, her attitude not slipping past you for a second. Tedros is about to protest, tell Beatrix that his rose landed in the right hands, when you scoff, clearly surprised and a little offended at her tone. Beatrix expects you to hand her the rose, and maybe apologize to her for being in the way. instead you look straight at her, and speak so informally she thinks she must have imagined it.
"okay, dickwad." you state, not an ounce of shyness to be found. you scoff, leaning towards Tedros. "I guess someone hasn't had her morning coffee..."
Beatrix's mouth hangs open in shock as a hush falls from the nearby girls who'd heard the exchange. Beatrix knows that Tedros is going to defend her honor, insisting you apologize and insuring you never speak to her in that way again. instead he lets out the loudest, most sincere, organic laugh any of them have ever heard. You chuckle along with him, not sure what was so funny about that exchange, but you can tell there's no malice or insincerity to him.
"You are just full of surprises..." he muses, once he's caught his breath. he takes your hand in his, and you watch with wide eyes as he presses a kiss to your knuckles, before falling in line with the rest of the boys, more sure than ever that you're his true love. he just kissed the back of your hand. he literally just kissed the back of your hand. the only time you've ever actually seen that is in the occasional straight to hulu period drama, and you never expected to experience that in real life. you also didn't expect it to fill you with butterflies. you and Tedros both find yourselves stealing glances for all of orientation while Beatrix stares daggers at you the whole time. you're sure this school will be interesting to say the least.
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scabbardsystem · 26 days
okay alright alrght alright
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sidereon-spaceace · 7 months
oh god this is getting dire. i think i might actually have to start reading romance novels
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saunteredserpent · 21 days
11:20 pm and I'm desperately trying not to have a breakdown lmao
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fakerashid · 3 months
me @ armand like babe aren't you tired of sitting at home picking lint off the sofa? don't you want to fuck that old man instead?
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downthepub · 1 year
i'm so glad i had good omens to get into this past month, i think it really saved my sanity in a way. i just kind of hope i don't go the whole way down the rabbit hole.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
wait just saw ur last rb and u made a comment about ur roommates not cleaning up whICH made me think. how are things on that front?? are u n corey getting more sleep? realized i haven’t seen any posts about this lately..
skhhjghfsh the sleep issue was mostly the upstairs neighbors and they have been surprisingly quiet lately? maybe their decision to not sleep for months on end finally caught up to them? idk i'm not holding my breath to see how long that'll last but it's nice for now
anyway personally my sleep has still been not great bc my body loooooves to wake me up early for no reason👍 but i'm used to that skdhjsk
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pandaspwnz · 8 months
went to the doctor back in like... august and got put on 2 iron tablets a day because my iron levels were 7 μmol/L (for women it should be between 11-29 μmol/L) and came back iirc a month later to check up how it was going. It was 10 μmol/L and my doctor said my iron wasn't as high as she'd have expected it to have gotten, and that I might have issues with absorbing iron, and perhaps should be getting iron infusions to help me out, but we agreed to wait a little longer to see if my iron levels would increase and normalize. I just had my blood tested today, like 6 months later (life gets in the way sometimes)... and my iron levels are 4 μmol/L. FOUR. I've been on two iron tablets a day for like six months (except for around 2 weeks when I ran out) but it has NEVER been this low before. No fucking wonder I'm so tired and cold all the time. I'm seeing my doctor next week about it, but I can't imagine she's gonna be happy about that result either lmao
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