#i'm an intp what T T
cloversuquiz · 1 year
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 10 months
Never alone
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N This is a part of my 100 followers celebration. I'm sorry I'm posting these so late at night but it's the only time I've got to post them. I wrote this on my phone so there might be more mistakes. Also, likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Summary You get back from a mission and Bucky isn't in a good state.
Warnings Fluff, angst, crying, mentions of depression/ptsd
It was inevitable that Bucky was going to have good and bad days but today was worse than bad. He had never felt so alone.
You had been on a mission for 1 month now and Bucky was missing you a lot. You had called him the night before to tell him that you were only gonna be 2 more days but that didn't help. The constant nightmares made him feel so tired and depressed.
Bucky was halfway through making himself a cup of coffee when he heard the door open to your shared apartment. Before he could turn around, you were wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing kisses to his back.
"I missed you so much babe," you told him.
Bucky turned to face you, "I missed you too doll."
Bucky opened his arms and you hugged him. He buried his nose in your hair. You stood like that for a couple of minutes before you felt something wet on your hair and Bucky’s body tremble. You pulled back to see him crying.
"what's wrong babe?" you asked, cradling his face between your hands.
"I-I felt so alone while you were gone doll. I feel so stupid but the nightmares came back," Bucky sobbed.
You jumped up onto the nearest counter and opened your arms. Bucky walked over to you and rested his forehead under your chin while you rubbed his back.
The counter helped you be higher than Bucky so you could properly comfort him.
"shhh, you're not alone anymore and you're definitely not stupid. Your feelings are valid and you are allowed to cry babe," you whispered into his ear.
Bucky continued to sob into your chest for some time before the sobs turned into small sniffles and hiccups.
"I'm sorry doll for doing this to you. You're probably tired and me crying is the last thing you need right now," Bucky said looking down.
You put your hand under his chin to get him to look at you.
"I told you it's ok. The last thing you need to do is worry about me."
Bucky lifted you up and walked intp your shared bedroom. He placed you gently onto the bed and went into the closet to get a pair of boxers and a worn t-shirt . He knew how much you love wearing his clothes to bed.
You got changed and joined Bucky under the covers of your bed. You laid down with your arm out so Bucky could lay with his head on your breast.
"I thought you were gonna be a couple more days."
"Me to, but we got things done quickly. I'm sorry for not telling you, I just wanted it to be a surprise."
"it's thd best surprise I could ask for doll," Bucky looked up at you "when did you shower because you don't look like you've just come off a mission."
"I used one of the showers in the compound so I would be ready to go to bed as soon as I got here," you explained.
"I love you doll, so much, more than I could ever tell or show you," Bucky said, looking at you.
He leaned up to press a chased kiss to your lips.
"The same goes for you baby, I love you so much and I want you to know that you're never alone. I'm always a phone call away and if not I can promise you that I'll call you back as soon as I can."
"You're my world doll," Bucky mumbled with a smile in his face.
His eyes were getting heavy and he was welcoming the sleep which was something he hadn't done in a month. He knew that whenever you were there he was never alone and safe from the nightmares.
With that, he fell asleep, forgetting the coffee he was making himself in a pointless attempt to keep him from sleeping. Only thinking about how happy he was to have you home.
If you want to be tagged whenever I post a fic click on the link
If you want to see the things that I repost then you can follow my other account @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
Taglist: @nicoline1998enilocin, @buckys-wintersoldier
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
Everyone do this because I'm curious 👀 What are yall's MBTI and Enneagram types?
I'm an INTP-T (Turbulent Logician) and 5w4 (The Investigator - wing 4 because I'm a sensitive girlie).
Disclaimer: i know these tests aren't 100% accurate, but they're fun to take!
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catinasink · 8 months
introduction teehee
most recent edit: 2/03/24
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general questions
who am i?
i'm cat (dont capitalize, as in Cat) and tentatively eli or nico. i'm a minor, as well as in middle school (ages 11-14). i go by it/its (if you're calling me cat) or they/he (if you're calling me eli or nico) or no pronouns. i am transmasc agender, aroacespec (aroflux and aegosexual), and pan.
what do i post about/reblog about?
genshin impact
other random fandoms
dreamscape nexus (...)
life things! (vents, random events, etc)
things about my friends :D
classes outside school (ballroom dance, art, aikido, russian, math)
writing (i am a writer)
music (i post lyrics from music, is fun)
gay (i am gay)
my friends
family, pets, friends?
one older sister
two cats - kim and shego (or floorshitter)
irl friends:
pissboy (my husband. he/they) (pissboy origin story)
lee (my wife. not a permanent nickname. she/her)
preppy (my wife, not a permanent nickname, she/her)
miss eighth* grader (she/they, talks abt sui a lot)
ashes (she/her, my bbg)
may mention some other ppl as well lol
can you tag me, ask me questions, tag me in chain asks or tag games?
sure, i might not participate in tag games or chain asks tho :>
PST, inside a sink
if over 25, bigots in general, the usual
what can you call me?
no: bro, guy, gal, sis, girl, man, boy, dude, etc. (gendered terms in general)
yes: pet names (sarcastically and/or platonically, ofc) such as sweetheart, honey, bbg (please dont fully type out babygirl); lil guy is fine
i might call myself a girl or a boy, dont take this as permission please x
*used to be miss seventh grader
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other info
i would appreciate tone tags if you feel you are speaking too vaguely, but otherwise it's fine
am either a slytherin or ravenclaw. slytherin most-likely
scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising (i think)
pandora sun, lily moon, regulus rising
i speak english and russian, am learning german and hebrew (long story)
one sideblog, @catinasink-writes, this is only for my fanfiction
i also have another sideblog. kudos to you if you find it
I might ask you to explain a sentence or a phrase for me, it's bc words tend to not be understandable for me sometimes
i. might be neurodivergent
please alert me if you're going to leave, it scares me sometimes
am matching banners with @shrimpysstuff!! go check her out, her blog is wonderful :3
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ramblies, vents, anything thats not a reblog and doesnt fall into another category: #cat's rambles
posts mentioning my cat, or with my cat: #cat's cat
writing (in general): #cat's writing
writing (actually writing: #poetry maybe
my art: #cat's art
my asks: #cat's asks
posts made during school (tend to be queued): #cat's schoolposting
music-related posts: #cat's lyricposting
my own music: #cat's lyrics
my beloved friend @this-is-me-lolol: #basil my beloved <3
pissboy, my friend: #my lovely pissboy
my friend @o-kye: #tumblr user o-kye
cali cult: #calicos
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
dear anon (dreamscape nexus thing): #cat's dear anon
dreamscape nexus (...): #Dreamscape Nexus
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ao3 details
my account (catinasink)
i've got a good feeling that we could be something
rated T
the Selection but rosestarkillerchaser
features the Blacks as the Schreaves
the Order as the rebellion
rosestarkillerchaser, emmarlily, wolfstar
unfinished, 8/30 (estimate)
watching pixar on a school night
rated T
a texting fic for the marauders 5th year and skittles 4th year
modern au w magic
rosestarkillerchaser, emmarpanlily/sunkeeperflowerseer, wolfstar
background benjy/peter + nobleflower + frank
unfinished, 25/?
they're so pretty it hurts (i'm not talking about boys, i'm talking about girls)
rated T
oneshot about marlene
in the universe of wpoasn
features slavic marlene!! bc that is my love >>
also ace marlene!
2.7k words
finished, 1/1
dear angel lacy, eyes white as daisies
rated T
in the universe of wpoasn
noblesea (molly and alice) focused
has noblesea, nobleflower, and fralice (polyam alice)
unfinished, 2/8 (estimate)
fic summaries (definitely accurate)
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tumblr writing masterlist (chronological order, first most recent)
song-resembling thing (aka big mistake) (with voice ;-;)
maybe one day
to old friend once again
jolly ranchers
to v
my love
fuck periods
more vent (green)
to my old friend (again)
to my old friend
more poetry/rambling/vent whatever :>
more poetry
poem thing that blender anon said i should share
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have a nice day!
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arvandus · 1 month
Hello hello, I know you're not really talking about him recently but truthfully i feel like you understand Dabi's personality the most. So i wanted to ask what MBTI you think he relates to the most?
So, as per usual, the weekend was a bit busy with IRL stuff. But now I'm finally able to answer this!
First off, thank you SO MUCH, it really means a lot to me that you feel I understand him the most. That's very high praise because there are some truly amazing writers and meta-analyzers on here that also have amazing takes on Dabi and his personality.
Also, PLEASE talk to me about Dabi! I still love him so so much, I'll never get tired of answering asks about him, truly. I know I haven't written for him recently, but I don't love him any less.
Okay, back to your question...
So I've looked at this a few different ways... First, I went through and took the personality test as "Dabi"; i.e., I answered the questions the way that I think HE would answer them (this is different from how others may perceive him, btw). I used the test on www.16personalities.com, and the result that I ("Dabi") got was INTP, i.e., the Logician. I also looked at what was listed for him under the personality database website, which was ISFP, the Adventurer. Finally, I simply read up on what each of the categories were on Wikipedia, and thought about it. From what I understand and through my observations of him, I would label him as INFP, the Mediator.
Below the cut I'll show the personality test results, and discuss them by comparing them to the other results. Beware though, both anime and manga spoilers will be present because I use some specific examples to explain the results.
So, from the 16personalities test, here is what Dabi got:
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Here's the rest of the descriptors for INTP-T:
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I think for the most part this is accurate for him, at least for how he perceives himself. But I think there are going to be some key differences between how he sees himself and how we, as observers, see him.
Let's start...
We definitely can't deny that he's introverted, and that's clear across all three personality types that were assigned to him. He's never meshed well with others, especially on first meetings, thanks to his abrasive personality and very thick walls. This introvertedness may not seem as obvious when one thinks about how badly he wants the attention of his family, and his willingness to go public with his past, etc. But think of those moments... of him recording himself, of him dancing in front of Enji as he revealed himself... think of those things as a performance. Think introverted theater kid. And even then, it wasn't exactly for the purpose of the public's attention, but for his father's attention. His broadcast? Pre-recorded, not live. His face-off with his dad? He didn't give a shit that others were there and watching; his focus narrowed like a singularity; it was only him and his father in that moment.
Another helpful thing to keep in mind is that Introversion doesn't mean you don't want to be around others; it just means that you recharge best when you are by yourself. Dabi still definitely wants to be seen by his loved ones, but I think he is naturally an introverted person in that isolation is something he enjoys as a way to rest and rejuvenate himself. I see him finding most people exhausting to be around.
This was the one of the portions that differed from his MBTI on the personality database, and I actually agree with the test result more. I see Sensing/Observation as "the scientist" and Intuition as "the philosopher," and I definitely feel that Dabi is more Philosopher than Scientist. Whereas Sensing/Observation is more literal, in the now, and taking things at face value, Intuition is not. That's not to say that Dabi doesn't observe; he absolutely does. But he does so through the lens of his ideals and how all of these individual pieces fit together into his belief system.
Wikipedia describes Intuitive as "imagining the possibilities of how things could be; notice the big picture, see how everything connects; enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake, and likes to describe things in a figurative, poetic way." While I don't necessarily see him as figurative or poetic, I do think he's a bit of an idealist. He's someone who looks at the bigger picture, who's able to extrapolate a lot of information through observation, more so than what's immediately in front of him. He's a bit of a creative genius in that way, and it's shown by how quickly he was able to develop his quirk through watching his father's battles, and later with his brother, with practically zero practice. Additionally, he's a dreamer, always wanting more for himself, even when he was young, which was why his inability to meet his father's standards was such a huge blow to him. He could see the big picture of heroism and what it meant to society, his family, and to his father (and by proxy to himself) and to not be able to see himself as a part of that picture was incredibly damaging for him. Now, this intuition isn't necessarily something he's utilized for positive gains, at least not positive for others; his focus is very selfish/self-centered in this regard. But he's still able to idealize, imagine, and extrapolate. I also think he'd enjoy deep conversations about morals and hypotheticals, and enjoy playing devil's advocate quite often. He never takes things at face-value, always looking at what's underneath.
This was an interesting one, and the one that I think I wouldn't exactly agree with as an observer of his character. BUT, I think Dabi would believe that he's more thinking than feeling. We know that he's incredibly ruled by his emotions in his decision-making; and I think he embraces those emotions a bit more openly once his big reveal finally happens and he's able to fully pursue his conflict with his father (and by proxy his brother). But, I think Dabi fancies himself as someone who thinks 'logically,' who is smart and isn't swayed by the hearts of others. We see this in how he keeps others at arm's length; at how he keeps a level head during the summer training camp arc, etc. But, at the same time, later on, we see more of his vulnerable side. His strangely kind gesture and words towards Toga was spurred by his care for her. His reaction to Twice's death heavily impacted how he battled Hawks. And of course, we see how emotional he really is with regards to his family.
Now granted, he would most definitely put a 'logical' decision that will get him the result he wants over someone else's feelings, in most cases. When it gets down to it, his feelings will take priority over others' feelings, 9 times out of 10. But that doesn't mean he's a Thinking type; that just means he's selfish, and that if anyone's feelings are going to be listened to, it'll be his own. This doesn't surprise me considering his history of being emotionally neglected, let alone all of the other things that happened to him. Typically, a Feeling type would have a strong sense of altruism for others because they can easier empathize with them... and I think a part of him does empathize with his league comrades, which was why he behaved the way he did with Twice and Toga. But I think overall for Dabi, his Feeling is turned more inward, as he's empathizing with himself. It's a form of self-preservation, a way for him to protect his damaged ego. It clouds his judgment in the sense that he thinks he's not emotional because he's not easily moved by others; and yet, he's very emotionally moved by himself and his own pain.
This, along with introversion, was consistent across the board of all three methods I used to analyze Dabi. The definition alone from the test describes Dabi to a T; good at improvising and adapting; flexible noncomformist, valuing novelty over stability. Need I say more? Also, Wikipedia describes it as: prefer to leave your options open; see rules and deadlines as flexible; like to improvise; spontaneous...
By contrast, Judging is much more rigid/structured, which doesn't really fit Dabi at all. Judging is all about planning, organizing, staying on task and meeting deadlines... I think Dabi is far too ADHD for that (Shh, I'm not projecting, I swear!).
Just think of it this way: if Dabi had the perfect upbringing and never became a villain, what kind of job would you picture him having? Would he have a desk job, pushing papers and sitting through meetings, doing the 8-5 grind? Or would he have something a little more spontaneous, more flexible, something that would mentally (and likely physically) engage him?
I rest my case.
So, I'd say that there are two answers to your question. If you're really looking at what would Dabi identify himself as, I would say the test would be the most accurate: INTP. (he'd also really like the title of the Logician; it would totally stroke his ego!).
BUT, if you're looking for more what his "true" personality would be, I would say INFP.
Now, the irony of this is that I'm an INFP. Actually, I used to be an INFJ, and that's what I thought I was while writing most of this up. I retook the test earlier today because I was curious if my results had changed at all over the past few years, and apparently they did, and it just so happens to align with what I was assigning Dabi. This could either mean that me assigning INFP to Dabi is due to implicit bias, as I see a lot of myself in him and vice versa, and it's possible that the two have gotten muddled a bit. Alternatively, it could also mean that I'm able to write him so clearly because I understand his character and his personality in a very, well... personal way.
Anyway, I hope that helps! Let me know what you think and which MBTI type you think fits him best! 💕
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therewillbenoromance · 5 months
intro thingy!! :3
yo!! im ethan, he/it, aroace transmasc guy :D
i'm a minor so no creepiness or nsfw or whatever!!
my timezone is EST/EDT, just a heads up b4 you try to interact at like 4am lol
feel free to use any of my art as a pfp, as long as you credit me :3
also here's this thing
my interests areee:
chonny jash, ut/dr, fnaf, will wood, homestuck, rain world, mlp, lemon demon, tsp, dsaf, dialtown, regretevator (taz's fault 💔) and the glass scientists :]>
useless dumb facts abt me:
my fav hs troll is tavros (he's so silly!)
my fav jashling is mind (he's just like me fr...)
i am completely incapable of choosing a singular favorite song by anyone it changes like every week
i'm an intp(t) so. do with that info what you will
i have 2 gimmick blogs: @nosignificantharrassment and @cccc-daily. the first one is pretty much abandoned bc i couldn't keep up with posting daily nsh art cuz. y'know. i have a life /silly. cccc blog is relatively active though :3
basic dni! as long as you aren't a dick feel free to int
friend tags:
#friendship truly is magic <3 - interactions with @irusanw4 :D
#zilly friend :3 - interactions with @c0smicallyk1ssed :]]
tons of cool websites here!!1!
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^ me btw :3 if u even care... ^_^
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wordssricochet · 4 months
-> Navigation
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— — — — — — 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯, 𝔞 𝔡𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯, 𝔞 𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯. — — — — — —
• 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 (𝐧.)
𝙰 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚝.
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𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠?
💬 ➤ This blog posts things related to films or books (mostly Dead Poets Society).
💬 ➤ This blog started out as a writing blog about Harry Potter and such. March used to make fanfics (Past tense, she doesn't make it as often as before) about her hyperfixations.
💬 ➤ This blog is made on March 29, 2024 (3/29/24) using a burner email.
💬 ➤ This blog's posts consists of: DPS, HP, Marauders, memes, literature, poems, moodboards, films, shows, books, shitposts, dark academia aesthetic, light academia aesthetic, academic related things, updates about the owner, fangirling over fictional crushes, opinions, facts, rants about life, headcanons, LGBT+ stuff, kpop, k-dramas, gaza support / fundraiser links, etc.
💬 ➤ This blog's anon asks are closed (due to the owner getting death threats from anonymous people). The submissions are always open, though, you can't be anonymous. Do not be shy, I love answering your asks:).
💬 ➤ This blog will use tags like ; #March yaps, #March rants, #March loves her moots, #March answers!!, and/or #March is ----- (emotion she is currently feeling).
💬 ➤ This blog supports palestine ! (click the word 'palestine', there is a link that would take you to vetted fundraisers for the people involved in the 1$r@3l's conquest).
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𝟎𝟎𝟐: 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞?
🍥 ྀི — Me, myself, and I
╰┈➤ INTP-T
╰┈➤ #1 Richard Cameron apologist, fan, defender (and the love of his life™ real, he told me so).
╰┈➤ A minor (I don't really care if you're 18+, you can interact, just don't message me privately).
╰┈➤ Obsessed about films dating 1800s to 1900s, or films that have dark and/or chaotic academia aesthetics.
╰┈➤ I like the color blue, red, and pink.
╰┈➤ I moot people that like the same things that I like.
╰┈➤ I like books, and I write some stories SOMETIMES.
╰┈➤ I'm Filipino (save me).
╰┈➤ I'm bi.
╰┈➤ She/her/they/them
╰┈➤ I love my moots (not joking).
╰┈➤ Please, tag me in tag games, I absolutely love it.
╰┈➤ I'm religious (Catholic)
╰┈➤ I got brainrot humor, oops.
╰┈➤ Todd Anderson kinnie:').
╰┈➤ Yappatron 3000
╰┈➤ SEVENTEEN enthusiast (I don't post about them in this blog).
╰┈➤ Current obsession : Tokyo Revengers, Viral Hit (webtoon)
╰┈➤ Xbox : caatysaa
🍥 ྀི — NOT me, myself, and I
⤷ I am NOT mean. I love it when you interact.
⤷ I DON'T use Tumblr DMs.
⤷ I am NOT cringe. I use brain rot humor on my posts sometimes, sue me.
⤷ I am NOT a serious person. I can be serious, sure, but I'm often always joking around.
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𝟎𝟎𝟑: 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐭?
✓ — What you CAN do in this blog:
» Being respectful
» Interacting
» Supportive
✘ — What you CAN'T do in this blog:
» Being toxic
» Sending hate to others or to the owner.
» Not respecting people's opinions.
» Not respecting people.
» Being racist (why?).
» Being homophobic/transphobic (why?) .
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𝐔𝐡 𝐨𝐡! ฅ^.ᆺ.^ฅ
ⓘ Some posts may contain swear words (specifically rants, but I don't post that kind of stuff often).
ⓘ Some posts may be offensive (it depends on you if you get offended or not, but I don't post things sending hate to a specific type of audience).
💭 — ⍴ᥣᥱᥲsᥱ 𝗍ᥱᥣᥣ mᥱ і𝖿 ᥆ᥒᥱ ᥆𝖿 ᥒᥡ ⍴᥆s𝗍s һᥲ᥎ᥱ ᥆𝖿𝖿ᥱᥒძᥱძ ᥡ᥆ᥙ / mᥙᥣ𝗍і⍴ᥣᥱ ⍴ᥱ᥆⍴ᥣᥱ, і ᥕ᥆ᥙᥣძ gᥣᥲძᥣᥡ 𝗍ᥲkᥱ і𝗍 ძ᥆ᥕᥒ (ძᥱᥣᥱ𝗍ᥱ) і𝖿 ᥡ᥆ᥙ һᥲ᥎ᥱ ᥲ rᥱᥲs᥆ᥒ ᥲs 𝗍᥆ ᥕһᥡ ᥡ᥆ᥙ ᥕᥱrᥱ ᥆𝖿𝖿ᥱᥒძᥱძ (s᥆ і ᥴ᥆ᥙᥣძ ᑲᥱ𝗍𝗍ᥱr mᥡ ᥲᥴ𝗍і᥆ᥒs ᥒᥱ᥊𝗍 𝗍іmᥱ^^).
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Thank you for your time to read all these. Do not ask me any more questions. I think that I've stated all the facts that you need to know regarding to this blog and I.
       — Sincerely, March. 
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
overblot squad with an MC/S/O who was done with life the second they entered twisted wonderland.
The no bullshit type who also instigates when in goofy moods. They don't smile often.
Anyone who threatens them... it kinda goes like "give me a reason... I dare you..." and s/o will fuck your life up if you physically harm them.
They have a resting bitch face, and they ALWAYS look angry or annoyed. A lot of people ask if they're upset.
When in contact with overblots, instead of trembling with fear, they act like they just got told to do chores as they started doing chores.
And when they deal with overblots in fights, they genuinely get annoyed when the overblot squad acts like they're the only ones dealing with that kind of stuff. (Literally looked at Jamil and told him he was a slave to people born richer than him just like everyone else)
A realist and pessimist at the same time.
Sleeps way more than Leona, and will not wake up until they feel like living. And their social meter is extremely low.
They eat a lot. Like- a lot. And they will sleep it all off
MBTI is an INTP to give you the rest of the context
Coolio! I'm an ISTP-T, which I found out while trying to figure out different MBTI personality types because I was hella confused. Also, We don't technically know who's overblotting from Diasomnia yet, right??? So I can leave my precious dragon boy out of this, right??? No? Well, it was worth a try *cries in not wanting to think about a Malleus overblot* -Sorry this took so long! I just moved and had no wi-fi until today
OB!Gang with INTP S/O
Would honestly be frustrated
"You've broken fifteen of our 810 rules in less than an hour! How DARE you!"
He was apologetic after he overblot and stopped getting on your case for every dorm rule you broke.
No wonder you're friends with Ace and Deuce
Wants you to stop causing fights so badly
Like, why are you either causing fights or sleeping??? Are you secretly related to Leona???
"Wait, you told Jamil WHAT?"
Bro gets sick of you when you're awake at this point-
Like, he threatened to turn you to sand during his overblot and you just held out your hand with a sarcastic smile-
Honestly, though, he's glad you aren't opposed to his naps or sleep schedule, a lot of the time he'll also be willing to nap with you even if he's already had one
But if Ruggie wake's him up, then he's trying to wake you up too <3
Fairs fair, after all
He doesn't give a fuckk if you instigate fights, he'll watch it in amusement
You would get along with Floyd so damn well and Azul swears on what little of his sanity is left that you two are never meeting
Both of you would be causing fights together left and right-
He loves you, he does, but- OH FUCK THE TWEELS ARE HERE! Take a nap while he locks you in his office where you three can never meet, yeah?
He's also low-key wondering if you're Leona's secret sibling or something despite the fact that you're magicless
He'll let you sleep in his office when you need to
He also does everything in his power to try to get you to smile and gets a little insecure when he's unsuccessful
Azul just starts to have some self-doubts because "I'm their boyfriend, why can I never make them happy?"
However, cuddles and reassurances can fix this!
He did get a kick out of you looking at Jamil and telling him to get over it
Jamil is just glad that you don't need 24/7 supervision
You won't burn down the house trying to cook, you won't somehow accidentally cut your arm off with a spoon and you can be left alone longer than a toddler without anything going to hell?
In this case, he practically considers you perfect with how often he's dealing with Kalim
Also, you were egging him on when he overblotted???
What's wrong with you? You have no magic-
Oh, wow...you won...
"Everyone's a slave to richer people, Jamil, get over it and eat a snickers or some shit!"
Okay, first of all, you're audacity-
Aaaand now he's stuck with you
"Isn't it supposed to be "You kidnapped me, I'm calling the cops?"
"Nope! You kidnapped me, so you clearly want to put up with my bullshit!"
The only actual issues he has is when he has to go drag you out of a fight or get you to stop hyping others into fighting for your entertainment
Then he just hypnotizes you and pulls you away while scolding you like some sort of child
Honestly looked up child leashes on the twst version of Amazon to see if they had a two pack (one for you and one for Kalim)
"Love, don't start fights, it's not beautiful at all", "My sweet potato, sleeping too much can be bad for your skin!", "SPUD! As much as I love you, if you do not cease this nonsense then so help me-"
All are common phrases from Vil when it comes to you ❤
Just tell me- how did he fall in love with you??? Like, you're a cross between Kingscholar and Epel and he is about ready to pull an evil queen on both of them some days
But he adores you despite your incorrigible habits that he tries to help you break
Don't expect to sleep in when dating Vil, though. Once he decides you've had enough? He's cursing your bed, pillows and blankets
All in the name of love, he swears!
Idia tries to get you to just stay in his room with him to stop you from getting into fights
He's respectful - lets you sleep for as long as you want
Although he get's a little loud when he plays video games sometimes
Ortho will honestly bother you more about your sleep schedule than him
Confused dragon boi <3
He's a sweetheart and is confused as to why you're starting fights "Because it's fun"
Totally did not ask Sebek to accompany you during school hours in order to protect you, keep you awake during lectures, and keep you out of fights- definitely not, how rude of you to accuse him of that
he would never, Malleus is completely innocent!
"Malleus Draconia, I am TRYING to sleep so if you do not get your screaming cucumber from my bedroom then so help me nobody will be able to save his suicidal ass!"
Oh, you're pissed off now
Welp, time for him to go save Sebek from his (surprisingly dangerous) magicless Child of Man
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dreammeiser · 8 months
Hi! I really like your project and art! Can I request some facts about Teddy, He's my favorite 💕 Thank you!
Hiya there! Thank you so much for enjoying my silly project and art! It means the world to me that people besides myself like it, wuhhh :'o0 Oh Teddy, Teddy, Teddy... Where do we begin! What can I share!! Let's see! Teddy's birthday is on August 7th and his MBTI E-INTP-T, which is to say, he is turbulent and ambiverted! He has terrible imposter syndrome, and will get embarrassed over his attempts to be charming :'o) He developed an interest for magic after Mufflin took him to a magic show when he was younger to show him what he could be doing with his skills-- as opposed to what he was actually using them for... He got his start at an old Marionette Theatre as an assistant to its Magician He has a string of exes that hate him a lot HAHA He has a rough and tumble past that haunts him in many senses of the word. Here is a preview of a Teddy animation I'm currently working on for you and other Teddy enjoyers! :oD
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ckret2 · 2 months
I found the article or whatever. Anyway, I do agree with your statements. I find it extremely annoying to see the (as we like to call them) 16p or 16 personality users that stereotype the mbtis. A great example would be that all INTP's are super duper nerdy and smart, INTJ's being robot-like emotional and so on... Mbtis do not determine how you act. Those are just stereotypes, just like with Zodiacs signs. Usually actually accurate, but then that leads to people judging one by their mbti or zodiac, which, if you ask me, kills the point. They are made to determine if you're more of an E or I (Extrovert or introvert) as they were made by a theory that people can be settled in two groups: E or I, N or S, T or F, and P or J. I also do not suggest doing any sort of test as they all mistype you. If you want to know your mbti, study cognitive functions or ask someone who has.
I'm sorry for yapping about this on your profile, as you don't even know exactly what they are. I just find it extremely frustrating that there are people like this, but what can I do? I just saw that you weren't a big fan of them as far I can see because the stereotype and the website stating how inaccurate they are BECAUSE of the stereotypes. It makes me sad, and I never got to talk about it. I don't even know if this makes sense, but if you want to know, just say.
I minored in psychology. I studied Jung's cognitive functions and I have been required to take and learn about the MBTI questionnaire multiple times.
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haunted-headset · 1 year
hello, my dears!
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₊˚⊹☆ some basic info: you can call me haunty, haunted, robin, robbie, or birdy <3 | they/he/she/it | minor | a taurus born in may | intp-t | writer kid |slytherin | art enjoyer | i like chocolate, cats, rain, books, & Times New Roman font! | panromantic | genderfluid | asexual
things i adore <3
⋆⭒˚。⋆ music: good kid | bears in trees | mitski | artic monkeys | lana del ray | beabadoobee | conan gray | cavetown | bo burnham | jack stauber's micropop | frankie cosmos | girl in red | james marriott | rio romeo | ricky jamaraz | mxmtoon | the smiths | the strokes | wallows | will wood | tv girl | two door cinema club | the killers | the royston club | dominic fike
⋆⭒˚。⋆ albums/eps: who really cares | french exit | if i could make it go quiet | favorite worst nightmare | am | bury me at makeout creek | puberty 2 | worm food | sleepy head | hot fuss | be the cowboy | are we there yet? | bitter tongues | coasting
⋆⭒˚。⋆ songs: mimi's delivery service | heaven knows i'm miserable now | hazel | i'm your man | 505 | knee socks | just take my wallet | francis forever | regular disorder | castle (you're so lilac) | kate's not here | florida
⋆⭒˚。⋆ books: if we were villains | the starless sea | ninth house | a lesson in vengeance | heartstopper | hooky | harry potter (separating the art from the artist) | pride & prejudice | the goldfinch | the night circus
⋆⭒˚。⋆ films: coraline | opal | shop: a pop opera | possibly in michigan | harry potter films (again, separating the art from the artist) | hunger games | scream
⋆⭒˚。⋆ shows: total drama island | gemini home entertainment | helluva boss | hazbin hotel | over the garden wall | golden girls | friends | family matters | fresh prince of bel-air
⋆⭒˚。⋆ activities: making art | reading | writing | walking in the rain | contemplating the meaning of life | singing | listening to music | being with my friends | talking to mutuals | obsessing over fictional &/or British men | slowly becoming delusional | rotting in my bed | scrolling through interest | collecting shiny things & trinkets & knick knacks
⋆⭒˚。⋆ extras: masterlist | about me | dni | mutuals | accounts | other things | what i'll write | my family | people you should follow
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credits to @daydream-of-a-wallflower for the blog layout idea!
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haunted-headset-alt · 7 months
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"do you think we're soulmates in every universe?"
"are we even soulmates in this one?"
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₊˚⊹☆ some basic info: you can call me haunty, haunted, robin, robbie, calypso, venus, or birdy <3 | minor | a taurus born in may | intp-t | writer kid | slytherin | art enjoyer | i like chocolate, cats, rain, books, & Times New Roman font!
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things i adore <3
⋆⭒˚。⋆ artists/bands: alex g | arctic monkeys | beabadoobee | bears in trees | black polish | bo burnham | carpetgarden | cavetown | conan gray | frankie cosmos | girl in red | good kid | grlwood | jack stauber's micropop | james marriott | lana del ray | laura les | madilyn mei | maretu | mitski | mxmtoon | maneskin | ricky jamaraz | the royston club | the smiths | the strokes | wallows
⋆⭒˚。⋆ albums/eps: who really cares | french exit | if i could make it go quiet | favorite worst nightmare | am | bury me at makeout creek | puberty 2 | worm food | sleepy head | hot fuss | be the cowboy | are we there yet? | bitter tongues | coasting | hazbin hotel soundtrack | siu | good kid 4 | 1000 gecs
⋆⭒˚。⋆ songs: mimi's delivery service | heaven knows i'm miserable now | hazel | easy eyes | 505 | mary on a cross | a burning hill | faster n harder | things to do | are you bored yet? | hell is forever | respectless | hell's greatest dad | stayed gone | poison | tired | treehouse | goodbye, my danish sweetheart | taking what's not yours | humpty | class of 2013 | not allowed | lovers rock | hands up! | the perfect pair
⋆⭒˚。⋆ books: if we were villains | the starless sea | heartstopper | hooky | harry potter | pride & prejudice | the night circus | i fell in love with hope | radio silence | solitaire | loveless | i was born for this | nick & charlie
⋆⭒˚。⋆ films: coraline | opal | shop: a pop opera | harry potter films | hunger games
⋆⭒˚。⋆ shows: total drama island | over the garden wall | friends | family matters | fresh prince of bel-air |
˚。⋆ games: deltarune | undertale | animal crossing | little nightmares | pikmin | doodle jump | unravel | unravel two | five nights at freddy's
⋆⭒˚。⋆ characters: charlie spring | victoria spring | michael holden | tao xu | aled last | darcy olsen | elle argent | tara jones | nick nelson | lorenzo berkshire | mattheo riddle | tom riddle | keroppi | papyrus | cinnamaroll | pompompurin | pochacco | opal
⋆⭒˚。⋆ activities: making art | reading | writing | walking in the rain | contemplating the meaning of life | singing | listening to music | being with my friends
⋆⭒˚。⋆ extras: masterlist | about me | dni | mutuals | other things | what i'll write | my family | people you should follow
credits to @daydream-of-a-wallflower for the blog layout idea!
credits to @starzyyy1 for the dividers!
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ anons: 🪱
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yohanseyebrowmole · 1 month
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 About me! 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
Hey, hey , hey! I'm Yor and I hope you have a nice stay ᡣ𐭩
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 (she/her), slytherin, daughter of apollo, music lover, kpopie, bookworm, anime lover, INTP-T, Certified simp, Certified procrastinator.
ᡣ𐭩Dark Haired Targaryen lover (Crown Prince Jacaerys and Crown Prince Duncan, I'm talking about you guys!)
𐙚 STATUS: active
𐙚 REQUESTS: open
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 This blog may have 18+/mature content; please do not engage with these works if you're a minor; ofc course I can't stop you but please proceed with caution!
[I don't have limits to my asks as of yet but nothing too extreme please, I will add anything that I am uncomfortable with onto here]
𐙚 DMs are always open <3 (im in desperate need of friends)
To join tag list ⋆.˚ My wattpad ⋆.˚
𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖜
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 [🌼 - Fluff] [🫦- smut] [⭐️ - Fav]
All of my fics are posted to Wattpad first as it is my main writing site. If anyone wishes for any book to be transferred over, please tell me so I can cross-post if necessary.
One-shots will likely be tumblr exclusive!
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House of the Dragon
Jacaerys Velaryon
Moira ♧ The crown princess of Dorne and the crown prince of Westeros abhor each other until they don't ♧
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
This fic is being written on wattpad. Will likely be transferred over soon.
Nepenthes Aelora Targaryen was doomed. She was doomed from the moment she was born, for the mere fact that she was born a woman.
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
This fic is being written on wattpad.
Indelible I One Shot 🌼 ☆ Jacaerys realises he should have listened to you and told everyone about the two of you too late… Or was it too late? or in which Jacaerys breaks up with you two years after secretly dating you, and you get wind of his potential engagement to your cousin, the heir to your family's company.
Link to Fic
(More coming soon...)
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Luke Castellan
Dum Spiro Spero The son of Hermes and the daughter of Apollo were always enough for each other. What happens when one of them starts yearning for more? Luke x Daughter of Apollo Star-crossed lovers
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
Prologue: His truest love and his greatest regret
Percy Jackson
Veni Vidi Vici In which, Lorelei Astra Cessair Irvine loved him first, but he would always love her more. Percy x Daughter of Thanatos TLT - TLO Full length fic
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
TLT: completed
SoM: currently writing...
This fic is being written on wattpad. Might be transferred over if people wish it so.
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Cathartic Helena Alexandra Azara Colette gets thrown head first into a deadly quest with her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Will they find happiness, or will they be forced to watch as their love crumbles before them? Percy x Daughter of Ares BOTL - TLO Full length fic
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
BoTL: completed
GCA: currently writing...
This fic is being written on wattpad. Might be transferred over if people wish it so.
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Mon Amon Cara Asteria Callisto was the daughter of the moon and a huntress of Artemis. She knew of the world of the gods, the fates had always favoured her bloodline, not even the gods know why. She knew firsthand how cruel the fates could be but she never thought they would be as cruel as this. Percy x Daughter of Selene TTC - TLO Full length fic
Link to Wattpad
Aesthetics & Summary
TTC: completed
BoTL: currently writing...
This fic is being written on wattpad. Might be transferred over if people wish it so.
(More coming soon...)
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Currently writing for:
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
Jason Grace
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Cregan Stark
Jake Sim (enhypen)
Others to be added
Random fics
(coming soon...)
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More fandom/content to be added!
Made by Yor on the: 14/08/24
Last updated: 24/09/24
Dividers are Softcore Royalty by @thecutestgrotto
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u-n-lucky-being · 14 days
can we plz have the entp x infj fic that u made continued, i just keep coming back to it and its eating me alive to know whats gonna happen, also is it gonna be a happy ending??? or are we gonna have infj go with someone else like enfj or something?? and entp either alone or with intp or something else???
First and foremost, I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in months. I started college this year and lemme tell you– it's been I N T E R E S T I N G. A lot has been going on (both academically and personally) and I haven't really been able to continue with the story despite the fact that I wished to.
However, I'm going to get a two week break in a week or so and I (hopefully) will use that free time to continue and maybe even finish the story.
As for the details of what's going to happen– sorry, that's confidential until further notice (lol, sorry, but I hope its worth the wait).
I'll just give two teeny weeny little spoilers:
1. We'll (finally) get some romantic scenes set in the present
2. There'll be angst because ✨️angst✨️ (I mean I wrote this whole thing based on that word so-)
Finally, I know that this is not a super popular story but I'm really grateful for everyone who has read and enjoyed the chapters so far. Special thanks to you for asking this. I'm so happy to know that someone liked so much the results of that weird idea I had almost a year ago, so thank you ♡
I would also want to know (to the person who asked this and really anyone else who has read my story and is waiting for the next chaptets), I'm not really that used to writing steamy-sexy scenes, but I thought that maybe it would be fun to try. However, I was wondering if it might seem out of place in this story considering that I kept things (relatively) safe (at least in that aspect). So, I would like to ask if it would be a good idea, or if I should keep the tone for this story and those things in a different work?
Again, thanks for this and for reading and liking my work ♡ I'll do my best to not disappoint in what's to come.
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justiceforplutoo · 9 months
♡ ❀ welcome to my blog! ❀ ♡
new year new me, right?
makin' a new intro post for 2024! if you don't know me, i'm bunny (she/her) and i made this blog to motivate myself to study more and to document my journey as i learn to let myself be, well, myself again!
i usually post a little bit about what i do each day & my school life, but this year i'm going to try to post some content about learning korean and becoming a reader!
♡ me (in all my glory): ♡
i'm bunny, duh.
freshman year... yuck.
taurus ☀️ aries 🌙 cancer ↗️ (not fully sure what this means)
♡ my posts & tags: ♡
studyblr blogging ( #bunny's studies )
bookblr blogging ( #bunny's library )
regular life blog/life updates ( #bunny's life )
also, side note: i have an art blog! @andbunnyforart
♡ goals for 2024 ♡
read more (!!!)
keep my good grades up
quit procrastinating (!!!)
make new friends
re-connect w/ old friends
learn korean (!!!)
like i said on my last intro post, feel free to ask me about myself!
♡ ❀ may good vibes follow you on your path, fair traveler ❀ ♡
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mythicalfein · 3 months
Abt me;
• Bi
• She/her
• I'm from New York
• Libra
• Aspiring writer/ poet
• Idrk what else to put but if you have anything to ask i'm always open to questions :)
• 18+
Abt my page;
Hi! Call me "R" I suppose, since I don't want to leak my real name😔.
I have always been a writer, and for the past couple of years I have made a few fanfictions, creations, novels, oneshots, ect; and decided to make this acount and publish some!
I don't usually write based off of fandoms but I think i'm going to try to start more.
- And any other recs.
Anyways that was my intro 🥰
(Master list Soon)
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