#i'm always open to answer questions
false-arcadia · 4 months
cassandra expy -> nerezza, codename "goth" nene & hanzou fusion/expy -> baiyun, codename "ghoul" alucard expy -> asterius, codename "dracula"
other changes: nene expy is no longer dead. added alucard expy.
these three work under overseer. i'll elaborate another time, ask questions if you want i've mentioned nerezza in the past but i never actually explained what and who she was, so i hope this suffices for now as i put together her stuff.
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bloo-the-dragon · 9 months
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I see you and i raise you: panicked Moon comforting panicked Sun ;D
For full context, this would be set right after their separation when Moon has just woken up. Sun came online after Moon was removed from his head and he panicked, went into a frenzy scaring off the staff possibly even injuring one or two in his efforts to get Moon's chip back.
And while he is not programmed to work the parts and service machine it's amazing the things one can do when panicking and desperate. But he can't get Moon back into his own head because that would require someone else manning the machine so he gets one of, if not their only spare endo thats available (not counting Eclipse who is in the basement currently)
Moon wakes up, starts to panic because he can't sense Sun but then Sun is right there in front of him, in a very frantic and shaky state. Confused, scared and not knowing whats going on Moon just holds onto him and plays his music box, though the tunes are out of note because he hasn't fully calibrated to this new body.
They'd remain this way for a long time before getting Moon fully dressed (he actually wouldn't have any clothes here but i didn't have the energy to draw all the robot details lmao) and then they'd head back to the daycare.
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sentfromwolves · 5 months
hey writeblr I'm curious: what do you think is the most distinctive trait of your main character/s that your readers will pickup on?
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notanotherinfjblog · 6 months
A few thoughts on NJs
I'm currently in the unique position where my most frequent social contacts are an ENTJ and an ENFJ, and one thing I find is that NJs generally strongly gravitate towards each other. Coming across a fellow NJ out in the wild is exceedingly rare, so whenever that happens, there is always this strange moment of instinctual mutual recognition. Suddenly you see your own Ni reflected back at you. It makes sense that you'd want to stay close to that person.
In the following, I will just talk a bit about the observations that I've made (not very coherently, I'm sorry). Something that I find interesting is that even though our minds work very similarly (always dissecting everything, searching for patterns and meanings, making seemingly random connections in the search for the root of something etc.), NFJs and NTJs have very different priorities. The NFJ can be completely drowning in work, but that will never stop them from prioritising people over everything else. They will collect and cherish every tidbit of information that someone told them about themselves. They will sacrifice time they absolutely do not have just to be there when an acquaintance they somewhat like gives a talk about something that is in no way relevant to the NFJ. They will be able to recognise all their co-workers by the sound of their steps alone. All of this is precious information. The NTJs, on the other hand, will not even bother to learn your name unless they have taken an interest in you in any way. NTJs will be polite to you, that's no issue, but if they don't care, almost everything you tell them will be deleted from their brains. They prioritise the abstract over everything else. If they are busy thinking about, I don't know, quantum physics, you are welcome to discuss it with them and they will be delighted. If you and the conversation are interesting enough, they will also figure out how your mind works in the meantime. But this is a step you have to unlock with an NTJ first. The NFJs will do this automatically. Funnily enough, I find that NTJs become more openly annoyed by you the more they have grown fond of you. If you are being annoying and they don't care about you, depending on the situation, they will either simply leave or put you in your place. If you are being annoying and they do care, you end up with amazing conversations like this:
INFJ: "I needed help with that work thing, so I asked a friend, but it didn't really go as planned and so I ended up with even more work to fix the thing afterwards." ENTJ: "Well, why didn't you ask ME for my help? I can help you better with this than your friend can." INFJ: "I didn't know I could ask you." ENTJ: "What do you mean you didn't know? Of course you can! Sometimes you are just ... Can you do it over?" INFJ: "Why? I've already done the thing now." ENTJ: "Can't you just throw it away and do it again, but with my help this time? I could help you with it right now." INFJ: "What for? Like I said, it's all done." ENTJ: "Just ask me next time."
Because once an NTJ cares, they care. They want to watch you live a good life, but then they witness you making your own life difficult just by being the way you are, and it will be frustrating because it's not something they can just fix. They will be nosy, they will observe and analyse everything about you (just like an NFJ in default mode but the NTJs are more normal about it). But if they don't care, you end up with actual conversations like this:
ESFP: "I'm going to leave work early today to go to that concert later tonight." ENTJ: "Oh really? What concert?" ESFP: "What do you mean 'what concert'? I literally told you that like an hour ago." ENTJ: "Did you? Sorry, my brain must have registered our conversation as useless information and immediately deleted it."
This is absolutely not something that you will ever hear an NFJ say to someone. If they don't like you, they will just never seek out a conversation with you, but if put into a situation where they have to interact with you, they will remain polite, quiet and a bit awkward (but then again, I have yet to meet an NFJ that isn't a bit awkward in general). Something that I've noticed between ENFJs and INFJs is that we are very similar, but we externalise our Fe a bit differently. I will have the impulse to do a particular Fe-driven thing and then stop myself from doing it because I think it might come across as slightly pathetic. ENFJ just does it. An example: when someone I like (or even only feel neutral towards) tells me a story about something that happened recently and hands me their phone to show me a photo, I get the impulse to look at every photo related to this story because I want to know everything about this person and their experiences, just soak it all up and gather all the information. But then I take a step back and think this might come across as too intrusive, so I do nothing and just listen and look at what is presented to me. In that same situation, ENFJ will straight up ask to see every single picture, zoom in on every face and ask questions about all the people in the pictures and so many other things with genuine curiosity. Meanwhile, I express my Fe more by pulling faces as a reaction to everything that is said to me in order to make a connection with people (think of Jim Halpert looking at the camera in The Office. That's me.). ENFJs, however, are more blank in the face and generally the least emotive of all the FJs. You tell them a funny story and they will just ... stare at you. Their reactions and feelings remain hidden beneath the surface. I never really understood why so many people have told me all my life that I'm completely unreadable. Until I met ENFJ. I know what they mean now. There is a disconnect between the NFJ and other people. They collect all the information about everyone and figure them out in silence, but every non-verbal communication from them seems slightly calculated. Like they are in hiding. It's like there is a window between you and the NFJ. You can see them and interact with them, but you can't quite reach them. There's something invisible between you and it's keeping you separate. I get it now. Many have tried to read me, but only one seems to have cracked the code: ENTJ. Generally, NTJs do show the typical Ni detachment from the world, but their mental and emotional states are not hidden. You always know how they are feeling.
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pathos-logical · 1 year
Do you know of any resources or posts specifically about captioning comics? I am very new to this, but I love comics and I make comics so I want to learn how to caption them properly. Thank you for your blog and all you do!
Delighted you asked this, since it gives me the excuse to share one of my top favorite posts about exactly that!!! I used @/TheQueerWithoutFear's addition in this post as a personal bible when starting out with art IDs! I think this post also has advice which is generally applicable to lots of comic IDs, since people can get bogged down writing every single detail of a piece when the broad strokes would do and thus detract from the overall comprehensibility of an ID. I also really appreciate this site as a great resource for examples on how to write concisely and with an audience in mind, and this post also lays out a lot of good tips! I'll round out this post with some general advice/guidelines:
Neither alt text nor caption IDs are better or even necessarily more accessible than the other; what matters is good formatting (so please don't put IDs below a readmore or use anything but plain text, use sentence case and primarily formal language, use brackets and "ID/End ID" formatting for caption IDs but omit them from alt, etc!)
For comics, especially long ones, I personally favor conciseness over strict fidelity to art, though this is highly subjective and depends on the piece and sometimes my mood. What I would boil this down to is that you don't need to include every detail in a piece to write a good ID, and using narration/prose is often more understandable than transcribing visual techniques (Ex: "She notices something to the side" is clearer and more succinct than "Action lines next to her face indicate she saw something to the side")
Organizing an ID's information in a top-down format is best for comprehensibility: start with who/what is featured (and where they're from, if applicable) and what they're doing, and then move on to background, style, and details
Last, you're welcome, and thank YOU so much for reaching out!! Artists like you make the world go round!! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have more questions, and have a wonderful day!!!
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eyes-of-nine · 5 months
sorry to bother you but what is mgpd?
I took a look at the tag and the art looks really cool, but I also have no idea what it is. So whats the vibes?
thanks in advance and hope youre having a good day :)
oh anon how I wish there was a simple answer ywy
short answer it's a series of comics called major grom (and later a spin off based on one of the villains and everyone's specialest little guy called plague doctor) and also movies ig
the problem is they're infamously hard to get into if you don't speak russian and especially now since their app has been down for a few months ywy @/rataccatak made a lovely guide for non russian readers tho or you can do what I did and bullshit your way into knowing the lore
as for the vibes oh man it's hard to describe and I'll be honest I'm not a fan of the first few comic issues but I'm also very not normal about the PD spin off so there's something for everyone ig. also there's already two movies out and a third one coming out on the 24th I think
good luck if you ever try going on this adventure and hope you have a great day too anon!!
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raging-violets · 13 days
you already know what i will be asking about but ⭐️ for playing with fire! how did you come up with the idea of riley going with kendall to minnesota? the jail plotline? the katie scenes? many questions my apologies but i absolutely adore that fic! it’s one of my favourites that you’ve written!
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I had to skim that fic just to remember what happened in it since I haven't read it in a while. Anyway, to answer your questions:
How did you come up with the idea of riley going with kendall to minnesota?
This was actually supposed to be a series of fics where each of the Jacksons went with a BTR boy to a different place to get some time away from each other/be prepared for adoption etc and followed the angst from there. So Riley went to Minnesota with the Knights, Rhuben would've gone to Texas with Logan, Patrick would've gone to NYC with James, Noah would've gone to FL with Carlos, and Sydney would've been in LA with Ronan. Because I'm so obviously pro Kiley, that was the one that came up first before I completely nixed the idea. But it was also because I always wondered what Riley would've thought of Kendall's home life with him being excited but also anxious to show her. He wouldn't have been embarrassed by his old life per se but he was aware of how...'boring' it was compared to everything music related she'd experienced up until them.
The jail plotline?
Jail plotline is from the canon plotline of the trouble that Riley, Rhuben, Patrick, and Noah got into when they were in Australia. It's fixed in their canon background because if it's a story or fandom where their parents are alive, it's the catalyst that has them move to the US. If it's a story or a fandom where their parents aren't alive it's part of their backstory. Long story short, Riley and Rhuben had great friends and a great family and tend to bend the rules but don't break them often. But then Riley and Rhuben meet some people who aren't the best/cause trouble and who they want to impress and start to do stupid dares that bend the rules of things. After a while it's clear that those friends are part of a gang and they get so stuck that, eventually, they steal their parents' wedding rings to sell off for money to, essentially, pay for protection. Patrick and Noah get wrapped up into it when they start to figure out what's going on and eventually there's a fight they get caught up in that has them detained for assault. Just back when I wrote it, I had no idea what I was writing and just added it for angst driven reasons so it kind of came out of nowhere. But at any point Ri, Rhu, Pat, or No ever mention they "got in some trouble at home" that's what they're talking about. And that's what that plot is.
The katie scenes?
So, one of the things that I've always been curious about is Kendall's and Katie's relationship in that...if you watch the show, a lot of the time it looks like Kendall's relationship with James, Carlos, and Logan are more important than his and Katie's. Makes sense, they're best friends, hockey players, in a band, they're brothers. They're family. But Katie is his actual family. You can tell they're close with the 'Big Brother', 'Baby Sister' thing and how quickly they will help each other when needed, and he used to sing her to sleep. The six year age gap between them (though we always push it to a three year age gap) would make it harder for them to have the same plotlines. But he's her brother and it looked like he all but abandoned her once they got to LA and they had much more than they could've ever wanted in Minnesota. So, how would she fell about that? She'd probably be really upset and pissed. She looks up to Kendall and probably sees him as her best friend in a way, and also as her dad, so why is it that everyone and everything else in his life has a bigger point of importance over her? That's the feeling I was wanting to explore with Katie...especially because of the fact that she really looks up to Riley as well and wants to spend some time with just her, but it seems that she only wants to spend time with Kendall. She's talked to Patrick about it but Patrick doesn't feel that way as he spends plenty of time with Riley just them and then also spends time with Katie just them, and doesn't really feel that he's been neglected in that way. Katie, on the other hand, feels neglected because of her big brother's new job, new friends, new crush, new experiences and it's like she's just an afterthought, especially since she didn't want to be in the limelight at all. She misses her brother (probably as much as she misses her dad) and that's not looked at a lot.
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streaminn · 1 year
Anyways, I think those are like my main aus rn. Ty for voting, I'll draw them in a day!
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darby-draws · 4 months
If anyone had any questions about new Whorror Movie OC, Leigh, or even Leigh and Domino.. I'd be happy to try and answer them!
I've been thinkin about them for a few days, sighs. 💭
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royalsea-art · 1 year
thinking of making a lil OC info sheet for tumblr so people can ask me stuff about my characters if they want to,,,
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lonely-shine · 2 months
1, 2, and 16 for Nana! (for the ask game) I like her vibes.
Thanks for the ask! Let's dive in, shall we?
1- What was their life like before going to Reborn? (were they a pokemon trainer already? Were they studying to be/working as something else?)
Okay, so, Nana has done a lot of stuff during her life. She's been at uni many times, she's travelled the world, she's joined gangs, she's been a trainer and even held the champion title for another region once or twice... She's lived long and wasted no time xD
Prior to going to Reborn, and already retired, she mostly alternated travelling with joining classes on any activity that interested her (and she does have a wide range of interests, so when she tells you she's joined some new classes, it will always be a surprise what is it this time. Maybe it's cooking. Maybe it's welding. Who knows?).
2- Why did they go specifically to Reborn for the league? (no league in their region? Interested in Reborn specifically for any reason?)
So! Nana actually first visited Reborn when it was newly founded by Ame and was still all pristine and such. That was long enough ago tho, so she was feeling like visiting it again, see how it changed, and since she was at it, why not join the league and relive old times of when she took a different league every other year? See old places, old friends, and check whether she still got it as a trainer (she very much does).
Needless to say, I don't think she expected the city to have changed in the way it did xD
16- What would Cain have seen of them in the black hole? (aka: traumas, I'm asking about their traumas)
Oh my, what hasn't Cain seen of Nana? That woman lived long and intensely enough to fill several lifetimes worth of experiences.
I think he would have seen a lot of snippets of her life, but mostly about a period where she went by Moonvoid and worked as a hacker in a gang (or, well, maybe more than one). Not that this period would be traumatic on itself, but I imagine a lot of stuff surely must have gone down, and I think it would be funny to see the reaction of Cain upon discovering sweet old Nana has a criminal past xD
And that's it! Hope you enjoyed reading a little bit more about Nana :D
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superfluouskeys · 4 months
i accidentally set android-siri-equivalent to korean and decided to leave it bc (a) it's funny and (b) it very often encourages me to very quickly learn and use new phrases out of necessity
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hiraganasakura · 8 months
Devastated bcus right when I start posting and writing about my Octopath OCs, Octopath stops being my primary hyperfixation
I'm still gonna try to work on my Octopath OCs where I can cus I love them and I wanna share them but still. WHY
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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rough childhood headcanon qs / @clxscdeyes / no longer accepting !
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╰┈➤ 7 . how old was your muse when they realized they had childhood trauma?
||. one whole "today years old" post!ragnarok and hela's reveal. Except, even then, according to the movie, not really because Thor is still in heavy denial about all of it where Odin is concerned. I've spoken a bit (here) about how Thor adores his family; he idolizes them and views them through blinding rose-colored glasses, (especially when they're deceased) and that is especially true of his circumstances.
So, very often times when the truth clashes with the rose-colored view of them (namely: his father), Thor does one of two things: find a way to justify the words or action with the surrounding context of the time to make it make sense (e.g., well he scolded me harshly because i was talking back), or avoid it altogether. (this is his go-to. no talking about it; thor would rather not right now, so he does not.)
Key example being: he would rather focus on how his father changed his ways, and the Odin that he knew and grew up with was a man who had turned away from pursuing war for war's sake, and was instead one who valued peace and life. He would rather focus on that aspect of Odin, and take in the broader picture of Odin's life. REGARDLESS of the fact that what Thor is deeply, personally affected - not with the realization that Odin changed his ways once upon a time - but by the fact that he lied to him, manipulated him, and controlled and shaped every aspect of his being, for Thor's whole life, JUST to avoid another Hela. Someone who Thor is not, could not be farther from, and never knew about, because Odin (apparently) kept the matter of his true first-born a closely-guarded secret and seemingly would have continued to were it not for Odin's death, Hela's escape, and Ragnarok all coinciding at the same moment in time. And this, all because Thor rationalizes it as "well, I wouldn't want to be remembered and judged based on the person that I used to be. I should extend that same kindness to my father, because he too, changed." (x10 because now Odin is dead. And it's in poor-taste to speak ill of a dead man.)
The problem namely being: Thor only talks about things when Thor decides it's time to talk about things ; when he is ready. ...but as this is a topic that ripple effects down to Thor's core, good luck getting him to open up about it, even just with himself.
#(yknow what sucks most about this is that 2011-2015 thor was on a trajectory where)#(while he still wouldn't talk about a lot of things he wasn't as firmly rooted in /absolute denial/ like he is now >>)#(he would lock up and not talk about his personal feelings but he was still /thinking/ about them)#(- and could grow ready to share his thoughts once he processed through all of it.)#(or at least he would broach the broad concepts while still lightly brushing over 'k but how did it make THOR feel')#(dude would rather choke than talk about his own feelings no support system for thor he's so dumb)#(which is also just so funny because he never /denied/ the fact that he's feeling under the weather either)#(he just... won't elaborate on why he is or how to feel better.)#(but anyways)#(to rationalize the trajectory shift away from 'thor being able to talk about deeply upsetting topics for him even if it's uncomfortable')#(i've decided that so much has happened in such a short amount of time and there's /so/ many things eating at him-)#(-that he's subconsciously decided he's not going to talk much about any of them. because there's just too much.)#(the vibe of 'if i talk about this now i'm going to fall and if i fall i don't know if i can get up again because it's finally too heavy)#(-and i can't afford to fall down bc there's too much at stake outside of me so i just will not take the chance')#(he can if he's ever with someone he truly trusts and he can speak about it NORMALLY if that person pushes him enough)#(because you've always had to needle thor to /actually answer your question/ rather than talk half-way around it)#(//stares at thor 2011 where he never opens up to jane even once not even at the fire-side chat)#(but until then it's big denial mode bc ragnarok messed him up something fierce and i'm not even talking about-)#(-the order of in-universe events that happen in the movie orz)#( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page .#( answered . ) — black feathers fall to a raven's call .#clxscdeyes#( headcanon . ) — glory to the man who toils for his land . may it ever prosper .
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monster-noises · 6 months
I love second hand book shops, I got to them frequently and always leave with Something and have a good time just peakin around
But i gotta say
It's one of the Worst spots for me in terms of imposter syndrome
I feel like everyone's uneasey with my presence as though i'm a stranger who just stumbled into their inner sanctum and they're.. they're gunna let me stay but they're gunna be weirded out the whole time and breath a sigh of relief when the Strange Unwelcome Freak Leaves
It also happens at record shops and sometimes at small antique shops or cons+festivals
Just this immediate foreboding of being Angrily Tolerated in a Space I Don't Belong
#monster noises#it's Incalculably stupid because 1) it's a store. anyone can go in there.#and 2) in all those locations... I do beling there!!!!!!!! not even in the sense of point 1 where it's a retail location but like!!!!#Book shops Record shops Antique malls Cons... are all like super 100% right up my alley nerd shit these Should be like '''''my people'''''''#which is i think a strong contributing factor to this pervasive feeling like#there's an underlying current of not just being in there to Shop but that i want the other people there to Like Me? I guess?#in our limited interaction?#i want them to see that i'm One Of Them and it makes me nervous#because whenever i am trying to be a Part of something i Immediately feel like some kind of isolated hollow fraud#like i'm worried that i not only Look like a poser#but that i Am#secretly#a Poser#so secretly that I don't even relaiE i'm a poser#it probably doesn't help that i also always have The most off-kilter interactions with the staff in these scenerios#it's never anything truly embarassing#but it's always like i try to be as nice as possible but their reaction is never what i expect#and it throws me off#it's a hard thing to pin down in words but like.. it feels like they are more than anything just Waiting for me to leave#if not from the get-go then from the moment i open my mouth to answer a question#and like idk !!! i'm trying so hard to be open and friendly and not just use canned response but also not be Too weird or too loud#and be engaged in conversation but it never works!#it's like i ooze some deeply unpleasant vibe and it turns everyone off me immediately when i enter their space#i'll see other customers having lovely conversations with staff and stuff and then when it's me it's like Cold#truly it does nothing for my self esteem#not everyone has yo or is going to like me but i really don't think it's too big an ask to not be scrutinized by store staff Constantly ;<;
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waveoftheocean · 1 year
Hi there!
I was wondering if you were planning on restocking the small Karna sized print and the gold foil Gawain print that are out of stock in your shop? It seems to be just my luck that the two I was wanting have both been out of stock for a while 😭. I ordered some of your other fate prints a while ago and they are so beautiful framed on my wall. I would love to be able to order Karna in the same size as the Arjuna one I have. That Gawain print is also just absolutely stunning.
hiya!! thank you so much for your interest (and for framing the other fate prints you ordered from me??!!? 🥺🥺 i'm so honored omg)!
i can definitely restock both of those prints! sorry that they've been out of stock for so long >A< i should be able to have the karna print restocked around the end of august but the gawain print will take longer since it's foil (hmmm i'll try to have that around sept/oct?)
i'll make a shop update post here once they're back in stock! thank you again, those prints are really dear to me so i'm really glad you like them 💕💕💕
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