#i'm a little sad? because all his life he had vash but now vash has to live a life without him agsndhkshsjdhndhd
torgawl · 1 year
am i supposed to continue living my life as normal after this????
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
I just had a cute idea that I'd like you to write some headcanons for (if you want to of course). For context, I'm pretty sure newspapers have these little sections where people can write messages or post ad-like requests for themselves. I cant remember what its called though.
Pre-canon, Vash and his crush have to separate for a while, but they end up surprising him by sending him little messages through the paper under a pseudonym. And for the sake of convenience let's assume the whole planet has the same news providers lol. Hope I explained this well!
i found out they're called classifieds !
pairings; vash x (GN) reader warnings; none! just fluff notes; ajsk as h this request has been at the back of my mind since i got it. its very cute. it was really hard coming up with a coded message though?? so i only did one. it's also heavily 98 Vash coded
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Life on the run with Vash isn’t always fun, and sometimes you can get pretty hurt out there
You happen to get a little injury on your leg, meaning you have to stay still for a while
The problem? Vash has to keep moving. He promises he’ll come back and grab you in a month when you’re supposed to be fully healed
You’re lucky the town doctor owes you two a favor, and the kind old man offers to let you stay with him while Vash is gone
Sadly, this means you have to separated from Vash which …sucks
Over the past little bit the two of you have gotten pretty close, and the idea of being separated really bums you both out. It’s hard for you to get Vash to even leave. He gives you these sad puppy-dog eyes and asks over and over again if you’ll be okay
The doctor ends up kicking him out so he can “get some work done.”
The first day is the hardest day you’ve had in years. You’re down and depressed, won’t eat all of your food.
The doctor, trying to help cheer you up, gives you this idea. He tells you about a section in the newspaper where you can write little requests/ads. Since the newspaper spreads across the entire planet,  it could definitely reach him. 
You know Vash reads the paper, usually with breakfast. It’s a perfect plan
You write out the coded message; “Searching for the elusive mayfly known as love. Been missing my mayfly for about two days now. I hope I can see them again soon. They are the brightest part of my day ” You sign it off with the nickname that Vash calls you
When Vash sees the ad he about passes out.
He’s been miserable ever since he had to leave you. He’s insecure about letting you get hurt , depressed because he’s traveling alone again, and he misses your touch so much. It’s during this little space that he starts realizing how much you really mean to him. 
So he’s all mope as he grabs the morning paper, not expecting to see his own little mantra on the pages. 
He knows it's you immediately. 
He almost cries a bit as the sweet message, his heart beating fast as he thinks about the cute little smile you always wear. You’re the brightest part of his day too. 
He buys the paper everyday that month, looking for any new messages that may appear. 
You send him as many as you can afford, the doctor helping you pay for them. 
Vash cuts out every ad he sees, piling them up and putting them in his pocket where they’re safe. He likes to take them out and read them when he starts missing you
Finally the month starts to come to an end, and you’re able to walk around again
You have so much energy you don’t know what to do with yourself. The doctor starts making you do little chores around his house so you don’t explode. 
You’re actually out in town picking up something for the doctor when you spot that familiar red jacket
You rush towards the man and jump into his arms 
He hugs you back and presses his face into your hair with a grin
The two of you hug for a moment before he takes your hands and thanks you for all the messages you sent
There is no confession, but the relationship has changed. You know this because he holds your hand as you walk back to the doctors place
and in the future if the two of you are ever separated again, you know how to talk to him.
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
So, I have an suggestion for both Vash and Wolfwood, if you take requests (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
Every night, Vash/Wolfwood had dreams, dreams of which he talks to a gorgeous s/o and falls in love with them (。・ω・。)ノ♡
S/o loves them back so they gave him a gift as a sigh of their love for him ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
(You choose which gift is for who, I'm stuck ( ╹▽╹ ))
•A ring with the words "♡forever love♡" engraved on it. Can be worn as an earring, a necklace, or a normal ring. 💍
•A hair clip with a flower on it, can be worn as a normal hair clip, or a pin on his clothes. 🌼
Meryl, Roberto, and (Wolfwood/Vash) ask about the gift, wondering who gave that to him. And (Vash/Wolfwood) blushes before telling them. (〃゚3゚〃)
Unknown to them all, S/o is watching a Trigun episode and saw the said scene. They see the man of/in their dreams with their gift and are blushing. (⊙.☉ )!?
[I was inspired by the isekai trop, the 'once upon a dream' song, and the soulmate Au.]
Thank you for the request! 💙 I hope you don’t mind I did headcanons for this since I thought it would be a little easier for me. Because I know myself and it would be way too long. Also apologies, this isn’t a trope I read a lot so I wasn’t too sure how to write this? Also apologies, this isn’t a trope I read a lot so I wasn’t too sure how to write this? I also unfortunately wrote this very sleep deprived so i have no idea how well this makes sense.
Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood (separate) headcanons for meeting their s/o in a dream
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So you probably have never even seen Trigun before, but you’ve had these dreams of meeting Vash for a while. Honestly best dreams ever! You feel so safe and warm, and while you wake up sad missing him it still leaves such a warm feeling. 
Falling in love was easy, way too easy with him. Talking to him, getting to know him. It’s the highlight of your day, to fall asleep and be with him. (But like me) 
You are aware that soulmates are a thing, and some people have them. So you starting to think maybe this is it! Vash is so otherworldly you don’t even know if he is truly real, but you want him to be.
You two have so much fun together, talk about everything! Vash feels like he can tell you anything, and the feelings are mutual.
He’s so in love with you and it’s so obvious. Is afraid to tell you, because how would you even meet? Makes him sad if he thinks about it too long :( 
It’s on a whim you try to give him something, after so many nights of meeting you both are able to figure this isn’t so much like a traditional dream it’s simply too real for that. 
Vash gives you a necklace, it has a nice green/blue stone on it the color of his metal arm lol, and when you wake up with it still on you cry so much. You want to return the favor, so you search for something similar to match the necklace Vash gave you. You find a ring of a similar shade of green, it's perfect and you put it on a simple silver chain. 
Nighttime can't come any sooner, when you finally are able to fall asleep you are as always greeted by Vash’s soft smile. You tell him about the exciting discovery and give him the gift, he's so happy. 
Now imagine your surprise, the next day when your friend forces you to sit down and watch a show. And the man of your dreams literally shows up, with a very familiar necklace. You're pretty sure you blacked out, God you were screwed.  
Lol Denial, You know of Trigun and Wolfwood so you just think you're having some very odd but vivid dreams. Whatever, it's kinda fun you think, he's in denial too. The two of you just hang out a lot and talk about life and everything in between.
The dreams just seem so real, but you think it's weird that you're dreaming so much about it, so you begin to really look into it. You learn about soulmates and you start to wonder what kinda sick joke is this?
But you can’t stay away for long, you try not to think about it too much as you, just enjoy the time you spend in your dreams with Wolfwood. He's an interesting guy, and you can see him letting his walls down around you. He finds it easy to let you in, and you find yourself just wanting to tell him everything about yourself.
You want to begin testing the limits of this dreamscape, you start by trying to fall asleep with something in your hands to see if it transfers over. It does! You suggest exchanging gifts, Wolfwood is still skeptical but you give him puppy dog eyes and he caves.
He will literally do anything for you if you ask, he's soft. You search for something perfect for him, and find it in some nice cufflinks! You think they’ll look nice with his suit :)
He's so awkward, and loves them but doesnt know how to emote properly. He gives you a flower brooch (Okay it took me way to long to think of the word i'm so dumb) he’s blushing the WHOLE time. 
Now imagine your big ole surprise the next time your watching Trigun and yuo notice them on Wolfwood, your so confused and your heart is racing lol
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alena-reblobs · 1 year
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol13 Part3
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2 | Vol10 Part3 | Vol10 Part4 | Vol11 Part 1 | Vol11 Part2 | Vol12 Part1 | Vol12 Part2 | Vol12 Part3 | Vol13 Part1 | Vol13 Part2 | Vol13 Part3
Aaand the final chapters for this volume. Boy I'm gonna be so sad when the last volume will be finished after next week.
Chapters 7-9 review under the cut.
Chapter 7:
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Personal trainer Razlo!!
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These pages of Razlo lifting Livio up mean so much to me...
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Saving this one for a drawing reference!
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I like this quiet panel of Elendira in front of the bomb...I want to know what is your backstory? What has driven you to be such a devoted servant of Knives and wish for the end of humanity so much?
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This whole fight is soo cool! Wonder if that's Razlo speaking or Livio, cuase it sounds more like Razlo, and I think they are kinda switching back and forth the whole time.
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TO HIMMM AAAAAAAH BUHUHUHUUU (nothing more coherent to add to that)
Chapter 8:
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And that's it! The end of this incredibly cool fight, Elendira deafeated by her own nail!
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You didn't let him down!! :'((( He'd be so proud!
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I love love these panels, with the light coming from below here.
Also, Guernica like the spanish town and the drawing by Picasso? Wonder if there's any reason to that or if it just sounded cool for Nightow.
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Oh, right. I kinda forgot another good reason why Legato hates Vash, which is Vash nearly killed Knives? :D Yeah that might get him a bit worked up.
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I'm feeling a bit sorry for Legato here, because wow Knives, that was uncalled for? He's just worried for you, no need to be mean.
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Phew, badass. Not gonna lie, doing these recaps and reading more has made me interested to dig into some Knives/Legato fanfics. There's a lot of potential for so many interesting ways to go about their relationship! Maybe when I want to get a change to reading my vashwood...
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I thought at first he had been unconscious and his defense mechanism was a reaction of him passing out (you know, like Tessaiga and Inu Yasha in vol...uh 13 I think? Probably made me subconsciously think of that) so it's interesting to see he's still very much conscious, but at this point, no more able to controll his body and all of his plant mechanisms. The way Vash clings to his right arm is maybe him trying to keep his arm from transforming into angel arm?
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Little Vash collection of this spread. I need to safe more Vash faces, been neglecting that too much!
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Uuuh another really awesome spread.
Chapter 9:
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Oof Legato got angeled.
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On my refound mision to save more Vash faces!
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Man I really like Legato as a villain! I mean sure, there are more nuanced villains out there, but in his unhingedness, his very clear motive, his adoration to Knives, and his absolute determination to make life a living hell for Vash, he's so fun to observe! Also curse you for hurting our son and so on.
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And, good that he's happy...I guess?
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Don't look so beautiful when you're crammed in between these Wolfwood panels, Vash, this'll kill me... (I am kinda wondering if it's really him thinking of that time or if it's just plot device for the scene? That would be confusing though, so I guess it's really that Vash is thinking about this now)
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That response by Legato, I really enjoy that story-wise.
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The way he's able to hold his ground against Vash's power is pretty badass! Most of the time he was stuck in some big man-holster so it wouldn't be obvious, but he's actually an impressive fighter!
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But you're still shooting at my baby so I'm not admitting that out loud.
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Kinda reminds you of that scene in the town where Vash and Wolfwood had been driven out, right?
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Turning that around so that Vash's expression is better to see: look how terrified he is that his body's response will kill Legato here!
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Aah and this answers my question in my last post, about how they knew about Vash. Isn't that kinda beautiful how every plant on this planet holds on image of Vash in their mind?
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Uuuh Chronica is out there for revenge for Domina.
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Those two! It's so wonderful seeing them helping out time and time again and just doing their best! Also that panel where they talk about Vash, so cute to see the different impressions he's made on them both! Different things have stuck out for them, which tells a lot about their own characters and their relationship with Vash. The last panel of Meryl thinking of Vash is also very cute! I personally like to think of her feelings towards him as platonic, but in that way, definitely a very strong love and trust for Vash...either way it's beautiful to witness!
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Oh my god, they all believe in him so much...first Wolfwood, then Livio, and Meryl and Milly, too...
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Turned this page around because I had to get a better look....you made him cry!! You made my boy cry!
And, I can post no more pictures but you know Vash just shot down the device.....Sir, not to question your way of fighting, but why would you want to give Legato a last chance to defy you with his full powers? I don't think this is such an excellent idea?
Well, that's vol13 for you. Again, more emotions were gained in this read through, emotions for black-coat Vash and Legato as well!
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Okay, there is something I've wanted to get off my chest for a few days now... and my therapist has already heard it all. Warning: This is political. Warning: This will unveil a part of the Shadsie Lore that may make some of you unfollow me or even block me. I do not care. I thought "I shouldn't talk about this on the Internet, even on a place unconnected to my real name" until this article just slapped me in the face and told me that I needed to talk about it:
Ex-Felons Responding to the Trump Verdict I spent a chunk of my high school years visiting my brother in prison, where he served just shy of 4 years for an incident that he is lucky to have survived - he's white, he was arrested by sleepy-desert-town country cops who like the guards of Whiterun in Skyrim mostly deal with drunken brawls and petty thievery and weren't as trigger-happy as the city-cops. Knowing his stories, I know that the American prison system needs reformation badly, as it doesn't rehabilitate people so much as just give them a lot of trauma and, in some cases, makes them worse. And then... came time... Crime Time... for me. *Sad, scared little squeak talking about this.*
So, I did something that I am not proud of damn near 20 years ago. I will not elaborate save to say that: 1. A single felony and associated misdemeanours 2. No one was (physically) harmed 3. It was related to my mental health and how I got a diagnosis. 4. I served no time. 5. I was railroaded into a plea deal - I was contrite and fully confessed to the misdemeanours, but thought that the more serious charge that the DA wanted to pin on me was going overboard. 6. I felt like I couldn't win if it went to trial with only a public defender in my corner and so pleaded to the greater charge in exchange for serving probation. 7. I served 2 years of probation and it amuses me to this day that they gave me an officer who was pregnant. She had to give me over to another officer when she went to have her baby. I asked how she and the baby were and like to joke that I must have been one of the county's nicest criminals for them to give me a probation officer in a delicate condition. 8. This happened almost 20 years ago and it messes up my life to this day. It kept me from getting a job I wanted. (Thankfully I recently got a job with a company that doesn't look further than 7 years back). 9. Having had my record brought to my attention, I researched pardoning and gathered materials and sent off a package to petition my governor. At the speed of bureaucracy I expect to hear back about the initial filing process, let alone getting a hearing, *looks at watch and taps foot* oh, about when Pangea Ultima forms and the world has been taken over by the descendants of squids. Anyway, I've had mixed feelings all this week. On one hand, I'm elated - for once, the GREASED HOG HAS BEEN CAUGHT ON SOMETHING! Always nice to see the rich and powerful get some kind of censure, if not full justice. On the other hand, I see a lot of people online talking about felons not having rights and not having dignity and so forth - you know, the stigmas. Personally, I am never going to run for President, I do not think I would do well with a position of power and have no desire for it. In fact, I am skeptical of the morals of anyone who wants a lot of power. I am an anxious type who'd constantly worry about messing up people's lives on accident. I certainly could not do the President-thing of ordering war-actions (because my personal hero is Vash the Stampede... "thou shall not kill"). And, despite my favorite anime being Trigun and my love of playing Fallout... I don't want anything to do with guns in real life, so no worries on the gun-ownership thing. I live in a state that allows ex-felons to vote so long as they've served their time/probation. I may want to move to a state in the future where I am not sure that is allowed to be with family (One of my reasons for seeking a pardon). Between my brother and me, I am VERY concerned with the human rights and civil rights of repentant ex-cons and of those people in the prison / legal system. That said: Mr. Trump is NOT "one of us." He is a rich (or at least bluffs his way) and powerful and is being treated with the softest of kid gloves. (If I had pulled the threats and outbursts that he had in the courtroom during my hearings, I would have been jailed). I was silent, spoke only when spoken to. He'll never want for a job or money as even if he's more broke than he lets on, he has his slathering minions who send him millions of dollars in a day. He'll never have to rely on a public defender (as passionate and dedicated as they are, they are overloaded and not well listened to in the court system) - he'll always have excellent monied lawyers. I enjoy the HELL out of the idea that he's going to have a probation officer, but I do not think it will humble him. Covid, after all, didn't give him the impression of being a mere mortal man. If anything, this trial, even this conviction, highlights the disparities in the American legal system for me.
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spectre-writes · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Thank you! Um... now I actually have to think...
Low Profile
My first trigun fic (written while stampede was still airing) so I've got a lot of fondness for this one. Basically Vash getting himself into trouble sneaking off to help a town's plant and the gang coming to the rescue, which is a fun little premise, and Wolfwood being all angsty about it.
Sometimes it's not only glass
My second trigun fic lol, but I enjoy putting Vash through the wringer, and it also gave me a little more confidence writing from his pov. Just, you know, thinking about July and what particular triggers it could leave him with.
Gaining ground
Ah Overwatch... my biggest obsession for seven whole years. I'm still sad how the game's been treated (and not please with Blizz as a whole). But man does it have some interesting characters. And, look, I know Junkrat is always played as a joke in canon, but the guy grew up in a nuclear wasteland and has zero clue how to function in regular society. He's twenty-five, he never learned the morals we take for granted, he's dysfunctional, paranoid, obnoxious, he wants friends but has no idea how to make them, I want to study him like a bug?
So yeah I wrote about him joining Overwatch and D.Va and Lucio realizing he's around their age and inviting him to play video games? And him somehow having to navigate all of that and figure out what it is he wants?
It's my longest fic, and I have a bunch of side-fics for it too from other character's povs. Just... very fond of this fic/series as a whole, and I do want to finish it eventually.
No face but my own
Borderlands is such a comfort game series to me. I poured a lot into this fic, but sadly it never got much attention (which I think is probably largely to do with the fact it's a gen fic following a dlc character for an older game).
At the time, I was going through a bout of depression, and I hadn't written for a long time. Was feeling like maybe writing just wasn't something I had the ability to do anymore. But, I started writing this one as little snippets. Just a few unconnected paragraphs for scenes. And slowly it began to grow.
Timothy Lawrence is like... a mess. Like, such a mess. But that was what resonated with me, and honestly pouring out the sense of stagnation and listlessness and the lack of control over your own life, the bitterness and self-loathing, not wanting to die but not feeling like you're living either, losing touch with a craft that had used to be special to you...
Putting all of that to paper was cathartic. I mean, I never had full body plastic surgery, got disfigured by my boss and then trapped on a casino full of people trying to kill me for seven years, but it's more about the emotions? This fic was kinda personal so I'm sentimental over it.
A Different Number
I'll be real with you... Detroit: Become Human is not a good game. It's even a problematic game. But I'm an absolute sucker for androids?
RK900 doesn't really exist as a character (he gets a few seconds screen time in one route ending) but the general fandom interpretation of him is as this cool, big bad Conner who's meaner and more cold/logical than his predecessor. But I figured... let's make him a little ridiculous.
He wasn't around for the uprising, history has already happened and he's the most advanced model ever made but no one needs him, and every single human keeps mistaking him for Connor. He's got massive feelings of inadequacy comparing all he's done (nothing) to all the other androids have done, and the fact he's always in someone else's shadow, paired with a massive ego from being 'better' than them (which he clings to cos it's all he has that's noteworthy).
He's petty and immature and he carries a potted plant around with him to murder scenes because he can't let his coworker assassinate it but can't let him win by leaving it at home. It's just a really fun personality to write?
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