#i'm ESPECIALLY glad to leave a popular piece behind when my art has grown way past the skill level in it
t00thpasteface · 1 year
i'm probably completely alone in this, but my stance on watermarking/signing most of my art is if it's breached containment so completely that it's being reposted to other sites, i kinda don't WANT people to find me from there. my stuff is aimed at a very particular subset of weirdos and was never meant to have millions of extra eyes funneled to it from tiktok or pinterest or whatever. plus i've seen enough online creators get known for making One Specific Thing that made the rounds across several different platforms and they almost always end up resenting the disproportionate popularity of that One Specific Thing. if a random one-off meme i draw ends up uncredited on some mass-market aggregator site, then i'm going to let it wander off from the nest and unwittingly sacrifice itself to keep the rest of the litter safe.
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