#i'm 70% legs i need this
boltlightning · 7 months
What is a fashion item you think should make a come back or be more socially accepted. And one that you don't care for
cloaks and capes are my easy answer! my alternative would be dramatic billowing sleeves but those are coming back!! just...not in the 18th century styles i want. a shirt with frilled sleeves is at the very top of my purchase-when-you-have-the-cash list. and just behind that are working aprons for everyday use — if you're going to prevent women from having pockets you might as well let us wear aprons instead of carrying bags. i hate carrying bags. if it doesn't fit in my pocket i'm not taking it. give me aprons back
i'm not fashionable enough to say that i dislike any style of clothing honestly???? i will say i am glad we moved on from the low-rise skinny jeans of the late aughts. i hope that doesn't come back
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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teaandinanity · 1 year
My mom just told me she hates that I’m leaving and I’m like ‘I bet I hate it more’ because I am to depart the mountains of North Carolina (beautiful, green, pleasant) for Texas (heading into the regularly-scheduled summer run of ‘everything is brown and dying because it’s 100 degrees in the shade and will not rain until October probably’).
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starfxkr · 20 days
can we have trailer park JJ, rubbing your puffy pussy after you’ve had a long day at work. just laying on his chest, daddy takes such good care of you littering you with soooooo much praise and telling you to let it out. maybe u cry bc it feels so good and you squirt
today was a nightmare, you were in the weeds for 70% of your shift because the new hostess kept putting people in your section, and you wanted nothing more than to just come home and relax after you wrung her neck like a wet towel.
but jj helped you forget all that, sitting you on his lap naked as the day you were born with your legs spread as he circled your throbbing clit so gently you wanted to scream, but you didn't. you just let him take the reigns.
"you're doin good sweet pea, just take it easy. gonna make you open right on up for me." jj kissed your cheek but he didn't pull back, instead letting his lips linger as he trailed them to the sensitive spot under your ear, ghosting them just enough to make you moan. he spread your lips open with the v of his fingers on one hand an circled your twitching hole with another, barely dipping in despite your frustration, "your pussy's hungry ain't it? i bet you been needing this all day."
tearfully you nod, practically gasping when he finally gives you want and you struggle not to cum right then and there, "ne-needed it so bad, today was so bad-"
"shh, don't gotta worry bout that now, papa's got you." he curls his fingers up, and the squelch of your cunt is so loud you'd be embarrassed if you didn't feel so good. he continued kissing you, whispering soft praises in between of how pretty you were and how good you were at taking his fingers. it was no surprise you dripped a wet patch onto his sweat pants.
you shifted slightly to look at him, batting your lashes at him in a way that had his already hard cock throbbing against your ass, "i-i love you..."
jj groans, capturing your lips in a deep kiss that makes a surge of wetness coat his fingers, and moves faster, now rubbing your clit in quick motions and stroking harder against that sticky spot inside you to make you shake, "fuck i love you too sugar, more than you even know."
by now you can barely keep up with the kiss, even as he chases your lips and you can do nothing but lean your head against his shoulder--eyes screwing shut as your begin to tremble around his fingers, and he knows you're there.
"just let it go, i wanna see how pretty you are when you cum go ahead.
with a long shuddering moan you cum, vaguely aware of the stunned oh shit coming from jj as you squirt in quick, hot gushes--more than you ever did before and your body feels it because he doesn't stop, smacking your sensitive clit and he wrings you dry and your left crying and blubbering for him to slow down, that it's too much and with one last he stops, cupping your puffy cunt as you sob and he shifts you in his arms to cradle you instead.
"shit, m'sorry sweet pea, you okay?"
shivering, you nod, taking a death breath as your body settles, "uh huh, just- jesus christ that was a lot."
"i know it was, thought you needed it though i don't like when you're so stressed."
this time you just hum in agreement, sniffing slightly as you bury further into his chest, "we can talk about it later...i'm hungry now though."
jj snorts, leaning down to nip at your shoulder just to hear you giggle, "yeah, i fuckin bet. you're gonna eat me outta house and home."
he gets up and sits you in his chair instead, kissing you one good time before he walks to the kitchen to fix you something to eat.
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facefullofsadness · 5 months
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I'm gonna combine all 3 of these bc they're all kinda the same, hope u anons enjoy!
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content - sub!yunjin x dom!reader, smut (phew let's see, cunnilingus, edging, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, some corruption kink, some g!p reader)
wc - 970
a/n - the first anon is real, never escaping writing huh yunjin! am I complaining though? nope! love my rockstar tall hot perfect gf! lemme write her as a literal sub this time LOL
okay so sub yunjin.
I stand by the whole auditory thing, she loves sound. so not only does she love hearing your moans, her moans, the lewd sounds coming from her cunt, any of the above, but also dirty talk. you love to rile her on by whispering naughty things in her ear and watching her body stiffen.
she's not sensitive and loves foreplay. 70 percent of having sex with yunjin is foreplay, her relishing in the feeling of your skin touching her's and the pleasure gradually building the more you proceed. this way, when you get down to actually fucking her, her body is so incredibly responsive.
dropping to your knees to push her skirt up and panties to the side, sliding your tongue against her slit and filling your mouth with her slick, yunjin moaning out into the hot air surrounding you two. her thighs tremble on either side of your head and her hand threads through your hair, the other hand holding her skirt up to let you do your thing.
loud, responsive, and needy. yunjin whimpers with every swipe of the wet muscle trailing her clenching hole, hips jerking with every brush of your tongue against her clit, and whining your name like it's the only thing she can coherently remember in her brain clouded with lust. pleas for more leak from her lips when you tease her because oh my god is it amusing to see her so ruined by your touch.
and the joy it brings you to see her cry out for you when you deny her another orgasm, her body thrashing and tears welling at her eyes because you're so mean :( needs to cum so badly but you won't let her because "baby, I'm so sorry but you don't deserve it yet."
"I've been such a good girl though, please please god please let me cum. I-I can't take it anymore...!"
you bring your hand to cup her cheek and use your thumb to wipe her tears, cooing as she rubs her thighs together to suppress the orgasm, "you know I can't cum if you don't do it."
"I know my love, just hang in there," you shoot her a warm smile to comfort her as you plunge three long fingers into her pussy, making her scream out and tears trail down her cheeks.
forcing her legs open and smacking her ass if she dare close them. mumbling absolute nonsense as her hole sucks your fingers in more and more with each pump, her eyes rolled back and hands clutching the bedsheets. you'd keep aggressively fingering her until she'd squirt all over your hand, arm, and the sheets, continuing till she's completely overstimulated and forcing another orgasm out of her, giving her all the climaxes she had been begging for minutes prior.
alternatively in a g!p reader world, you'd pull out your fingers, denying her another orgasm and forcing a sob to escape her throat. you pull back from her and hover over her shaking body, tears staining her cheeks, hair absolutely tousled, hands clenching at your shoulders enough to hurt.
"wanna cum baby? need it? tell me, tell me how badly you want me to fuck you until you cum."
yunjin cries, pulling you in to bury her face into your neck and beg, "y/n-ie please! it hurts so bad! fuck me! ruin me until I fall apart, please please... use your fingers, bury your tongue in me, fill my pussy with your cock, just please!! it's aching!!"
your eyes darken and lip slides into a smirk as she trembles under you, begging to be fucked senselessly, it would be a shame if you didn't listen to her! and so you did!
kissing her tear-stained cheek and whispering a reassuring okay into her ear before pulling back and resting the tip of your cock against her entrance, swiping up and down to collect enough of her wetness.
looking yunjin in her watery and pleading eyes before slamming yourself into her, a scream ripping from her mouth. her moans deafeningly loud with every intense thrust of your hips into her soaking hole. you pant into her ear and she grips onto you for dear life. her cunt clenches onto your throbbing member and it's difficult to move with every stroke, but you power through because she feels so fucking good, taking everything you give her so well.
she blabbers incoherently and murmurs continuous thank you's as you ram into her with no mercy, your pace impossibly fast. the sheer amount of slick and spit on and in her pussy makes everything so easy and pleasurable that you can't help but to feel like exploding soon. you hold her legs wide open and push deeper, bottoming out into her and feeling her cervix on your tip, making her throw her head back and your nails sink into her plush thighs.
you continue to rail her, completely pussy drunk and obsessed with how corrupted yunjin looks under you, a shell of the former confident hot girl you knew. nothing but a fuck doll, begging to be ruined by you. rubbing your fingers against her clit and watching as it sends her over the edge, her legs wrapping around your waist, her hands digging into your back, her throat sore with another scream erupting from her throat, her cunt gushing with cum against your pelvis. you cum deep inside of her, spurting out ropes of white liquid into her, filling her to the brim with your seed.
both of your guys' legs shake with pleasure as you fall on top of her borderline lifeless body. she's panting and gasping, trying to grapple onto air as you lick along her neck, tasting her sweat and smirking against her shoulder, her squirming with every action.
a/n - pretty short bc there's no concept behind it, it's more just headcanon/thoughts!!
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i-like-eyes · 1 year
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Trying to figure out how they'd work as puppets
More in depth analysis below the break
For those that don't know, typically the three most common variants of foam puppet are know as rod hand, live hand, and walk around. Examples would be Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird respectively. Rod hands are smaller in size and held up by, well, rods. Live hands have the puppeteer (or two!) insert their hand in a sleeve connected to the puppet for more interaction. Walk around puppets are full costumes the puppeteer wears, but what makes them puppets and not like, fursuits, is that there is still puppet mechanisms like moving the mouth or blinking.
Here is what comes from the website/Clown's tumblr:
Julie is a rod hand
Eddie is a live hand
Poppy is a walk around
Barnaby has a walk around and live hand
Howdy has a walk around and live hand
Sally is a live hand but "required an additional hand to help move her head, as it was much larger than other puppets"
Frank is said to have a fixed expression but his head could spin, rather he was rod or live or magic third thing I cannot figure out
Wally doesn't have any details regarding his puppet anatomy because he is special like that
Of note:
Julie likely has smth holding up all that hair (please be a fucked up skull please be a fucked up skull)
Poppy is a pretty standard walk-around puppet (she's just Big Bird), but I'm having trouble understanding how a human could fit into Barnaby or Howdy. Then again, 2d artwork of puppets tend to take liberties for the sake of stylization. So if someone were to make them IRL they'd either look really different or utilize tech I don't think was available in the early 70's
Howdy's legs could work on Squidward Spongebob Musical logic. Arms I have no clue, as a live hand he could have multiple people filling up those arms, but as a walk around idk cheap spider costume logic were the lower arms are attached to the upper arms ala a string?
I do not know what to make of Sally needing extra help to hold up other than that's so specific it might become a plot point
Okay Frank lacking details or having weird details that stand out is a running theme for him. He has no listed backstory whereas everyone else can say where there were from and who their family is. Every character's first name ends with a long "e" sound whereas Frank is. Frank. (His last name "Frankly" does cover that though). The fact that WHRP lacks any concrete detail on his creation is a story reason, what's the story no clue we are 5% in dudes
Regarding his puppet, he obviously had a fixed frown because puppet but also could spin his head. Now I have absolutely zero clue how you can have the head spin and also have room for the hand for the mouth, unless this is a rod puppet (Rizzo the Rat) where the mouth is moved by some other mechanism. All I can say is I'd suspect Frank to have a very stiff (read: not majority foam) head and body in order to hold up such a feature. If his head can detach, I can imagine a metal ring of sorts that his collar covers up
His arms are a different story. The website not clarifying how his arms work doesn't really mean there is anything particular about them, but I am going to over analyze is anyway dammit
Points for rod hand: arms/hands are slim, inspirations Bert and Mr.Robinson are rod hands, lack of other rod hands/variety reasons
Points for live hand: Sally also has slim hands but is live hand, not all live hands have thick arms (looks at how small Ernie's upper arms are compared to his fore arms), Beaker hasn't been listed as an exact inspiration for Frank but look at him, and most importantly is Poppy. Poppy is noteworthy for being the only walk around puppet without a live hand counter part. As a result of having wings for hands the puppeteer cannot realistically perform any of the baking tasks in her segment. As a result she gets help from Sally, Howdy, Eddie, and Frank. The former 3 are all live hands, and one can assume that because of this Frank could be a live hand as well
And finally I know he's said to not super expressive but my heart says that he would look great with the eyebrow mechanism Bert and other puppets have.
I should point out that puppets from the 90's (Dinosaurs and TMNT come to mind) used more robotics in order to achieve more expression with the characters, but I don't think that kind of tech was common place in the 70's and would apply here.
The big take away is that this post was made for practical reasons; I am just Quite Fond of researching this kind of thing. This will probably not get you any lore, but it could provide context for the characters. I personally suspect that Poppy not being able to fly or perform tasks she swore she could will play a big of her character. In general I think that what other puppets can and cannot accomplish will play into the theme of figuring out who you are. That's the real fun.
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Hi love >_<!! How are you???
Because it's almost my birthday. (just 15 days !) Could you maybe write something for my birthday? :> I am requesting it very early because I'm so busy with my own life, including my mental health, so I won't be online often ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜)  ( 1 am totally okay, tho!! So don't worry about me!) You can post it before or after my birthday. I don't really mind when!
Something about birthday sex mixed with slight angst if you don't mind?? (Pure smut is totally okay!) Make it filthy and add whatever you want, as I already said once; I'm open for everything!! (I'm a slut ngl..)
P.s. I'm into piss lately..shhh
- lots of love 🎪
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pairing: male escort!lino x fem birthday girl reader (I hope it's okay that I have chosen Lino for this?)
Your friends pay for a sex worker for your birthday, but what happens when arrives and you already know each other?
A/n: Hey Happy Birthday 🎪 my love. I hope you are well and taking care of yourself 😘 Tending to real life and mental health is extremely important.
I hope that my little scenario is okay, I am struggling with writing lately. The ideas are there, but the execution is not as good as I want it to be.
warnings below the cut
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CW: Piss Kink (f on m), breeding kink, unprotected p in v (pls be safe), restraints, paid sex, birthday sex, oral sex, vaginal fingering.
You’re not really sure why you decided to dial the number on the gift card your best friends gave you. Really? Why of all the presents they could have chosen, did they think it appropriate to gift you a male escort/gigalo? One who does home visits at that?
Yep! They knew you hadn’t had sex in almost a year, and they knew you really needed to get laid.
You’d never paid for sex before. Technically, you’re not paying for sex in this instance either, your friends have. But still. What are you thinking? Letting a stranger come in and do things to you.
The doorbell chimes and you let out a shaky breath. “Happy Birthday, Bitch!” You wink at yourself in the mirror and take one last look over your body. You’d shaved your legs, popped on a little thong, and slipped a short satin dress on. No bra. Fuck! You sigh. It’s basically a short satin camisole nightie. Will this be okay?
The doorbell chimes again and you hurry to open the door to your apartment.
“Lino?” You gasp in surprise when you see your brother’s best friend standing in your doorway and not the escort. You squint your eyes. It is him isn’t it? You haven’t seen him in five years. But it has to be him.
“Y/n? Noona?” He smiles and takes a good look at your face. “Um… I…ah…must have the wrong address.” He begins nervously. “Let me just check where I’m supposed to be.” He whips out his phone. “Unit 4, 70…”
“Yep. That’s this address.” You say awkwardly.
You stare at each other for a moment as realisation hits.
“You booked an escort?”
“You’re the escort?”
Lino laughs while you hide your face in your hands “Fuck! This is so embarrassing.” You wail.
“So you did hire an escort. Well then... Do you want me to come in? Leave? You’re the client. It’s your call.”
“My friends organized it. They think…” you trail off.
So many questions run through your mind. Why is Lino an escort? And dear god, what if he tells your brother about this? Is Lino actually going to fuck you? No! That’s probably very unlikely. But he is extremely attractive… and he is paid for… You bite your lip.
“So? What’s it going to be?”
“Hmm?” Your thought are broken.
“Shall I stay, or leave?” He repeats.
You couldn’t turn him away, that would have been rude right? So you brought him in, offered him a drink and snack and invited him to sit on the couch with you.
Now you’re half an hour into a conversation about what you had both been doing for the past few years. You learned that being a gigalo… sorry, escort, is Lino’s side hustle while he brings to life his big dream of opening a restaurant-slash-dance entertainment establishment.
“Like a strip club?” You raise an eyebrow.
He rolls his eyes. “No, not a strip club. It’s going to be for all ages.”
He learned about you too. What you do for a living, your bad breakup a year ago, how it’s your birthday and your friends organized this as a gift.
He unzips his black backpack that you hadn’t even realized he had with him, and retrieves a tablet.
“Alright, let’s see what you have booked.” He opens an app and smirks as he skims over the details.
“Wait! What are you reading?” You try to catch a glimpse of the screen but he pulls it away.
“I don’t know what my friends told you…” you tug your hair wishing you were invisible.
"it says here: vanilla sex." He turns the tablet to show you.
Your mouth hangs open in shock. "Those fucking bitches think I want vanilla sex?" You shriek. "Or was that the cheapest option?" you pout.
Lino laughs haughtily. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Or orgasm giver. What is it I've read on Instagram - 'don't bite the hand that fingers you?'"
"Give it here." You snatch the device from him. "Am I suppose to sign something? Tick some boxes? Consent to some shit?" You scroll the screen.
"The next tab over." Lino leans over your shoulder. "Yep. Right there." He pokes his tongue out of his mouth slightly as his eyes catch some of the "inclusions" that can be selected.
In your desire to prove your friends wrong, and that you don’t want just vanilla sex, you hastily tick every single box on the form and sign the bottom. "There! Surprise me! It is my birthday afterall." you huffed.
Lino raises an eyebrow. Then suddenly he pulls you by an arm and a leg forcing you to straddle him. You yelp in surprise, but it’s quickly replaced with a sigh, and you really hope he didn’t notice.
His face is awfully close to yours and you can already feel yourself growing wet with anticipation. Are you really about to be fucked by your little brother’s best friend? The one that used to have sleepovers at your house. The one that used to wear cat print pyjamas?
“Do you even know what you signed up for?” He whispers eyeing you up and down and swallowing hard.
“I said surprise me.” You gulp.
His hands run up your thighs. “Is this thing expensive?” He asks gently tugging at the hem of your black satin dress.
You shake your head.
“Good.” He growls as he tears the garment from your body. Your hands fly up to cover your exposed breasts, but he tugs them away roughly. “I used to wonder what your tits looked like. Fuck! They’re perfect.” He sighs and takes a nipple into his mouth. You gasp and throw your head back. You grind against his crotch, and you notice he has hardened in his jeans.
“Wanna know a secret?” He says as he pops off your nipple and licks it. “I used to get hard when you’d walk around your house braless.” He bites down your nipple making you cry out. “Sometimes,” he begins to pepper kisses across your chest towards your other nipple. “You’d show me your nipples through your shirt. They’d get so hard, poking against the fabric. I’d have to go jack off. That’s how hot I thought you were.”
“Were?” You raise an eyebrow.
"Were. Are. Always will be." He locks eyes on you and you feel the tension in the air thicken.
"Are you really going to fuck me, Lino?" you whisper quietly.
"I'm going to make this a night you're never going to forget." He replies huskily.
"You didn't answer my question." You smirk, threading your fingers through his dark locks.
He holds onto your ass as he slips off the couch to lay you down onto your soft fluffy rug in the middle of your living room.
Leaning over you, propped up on one arm and cupping your cheek with the other, he leans down and captures your mouth in a kiss. The gentleness is unexpected, but it isn't long until he is kissing you more purposefully. His tongue glides over yours making you hum into his mouth. He moans at that, deepening the kiss even further, like he wants to possess you.
You hold on for dear life as he presses his strong thigh between your legs, nudging them open so he can press hard against your core. Your back bows off the floor and you whimper. Fuck, you must sound so desperate. But it has been so long since you had anyone, besides yourself, has touched you.
He presses his thigh against you again and chuckles when you respond with another moan. "Such pretty noises, Noona." He smiles against your cheek. "If I were to touch your pussy, I bet it would be soaking." He leans up and looks at you. "I'm dying to know."
He looks around the living room, seemingly making some kind of assessment, and then he's back into his backpack. You lean up on your arms to see him with a velvet-like rope in his hands. Your cunt clenches and an excitement swirls around your stomach.
"Lay back down." He instructs, and then he's tying your wrists together with the soft rope. He positions your arms above your head and secures the ropes to the leg of your chunky timber coffee table.
But that's not all. Lino is back with more ropes, this time tying one around each of your legs. He manages to position you in such a way that he can secure the other end of the ropes to the little wooden legs of your couch, forcing you to be spread open for him.
You feel so exposed and so utterly vulnerable, even with your tiny thong on. But even that doesn't stay on for long, as Lino cuts it off with scissors.
He sits back on his heels between your legs and takes you in. "That's better. You won't be able to squirm away. Now I can get a good look at your pussy." He bites his lip and runs his hands up the inside of your thighs. You shiver at his touch, not sure how you're going to last. You're on the verge of an orgasm as it is.
"So fucking wet, Noona." He states as he spreads your folds gently and runs his thumb through your arousal. He slides a finger into your tightness, then a second. "Tight too. It's been a while, hmm?" He teases.
"Unfortunately, yes." You cry.
"Let's take care of you then." He promises and without warning begins to finger fuck you hard, fast, and angled directly into your g-spot.
"No! Lino! Not yet...can't come yet!" You beg.
"Oh Kitten, you are gonna come when I say, and as many times as I say."
He's relentless with his fingers. You can't squirm away, forced to take what he is giving you. You're cunt is already producing the most lewd sounds you've ever heard. How can you possibly be this wet? How can Lino be so good at this? Your eyes roll back as you give in, accepting the pleasure. The tightness inside of you ready to burst. "Oh god... fuck..." you pant. Your chest feels flush and you know your face is turning a slight shade of pink as you edge closer to release.
"That's it... come all over my fingers." He coaxes.
You come hard, your back lifting off the floor, your thighs trembling, and tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
You collapse, panting. "Lino," you say as your try to catch your breath. "So good...so fucking good. How are you this good?" You sob.
"Shhh. It's okay. Here. Suck these." he lays beside you and pushes his glistening fingers into your mouth. You've never really had anyone shove their fingers into your mouth before, but it feels so erotic. You moan as you taste yourself on him, urging him to push his fingers deeper into your mouth. You make a pathetic sound when he goes to pull them away, so he lets you suck and lightly choke on them a little longer.
"If that's how you suck my fingers, my cock's not going to stand a chance." he says with a half smile. Your eyes snap open and you stare at him with pleading eyes.
"Oh you wanna suck it do you?" he pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
You nod. "Please! Let me..."
He sucks in a breath. "Well, I can't say no to the birthday girl. Or client. Especially when they selected everything under the sun on their terms of agreement. Including, golden showers."
"Wait! What?" You lift your head, horrified. Minho looks at you incredulously, as he strips his clothes off. You are stunned. Partially because you didn't even know that was on the list, and also because Lino naked is the most beautiful thing you have ever laid eyes on.
"It's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want." He says as pumps his delicious looking cock a few times. He seems to be hard as stone and leaking. He's leaking for you? Fuck.
You don't have time to even think more about the piss option, as Lino positions himself so you are in 69 position. You open your mouth wide, allowing him to sink his cock into your eager mouth, while at the same time he buries his face in your pussy. You moan around his thickness as he demonstrates just how skilled he is with his mouth.
He eats you out like a starved man. Lapping at you eagerly. You try to grind against his face, but he holds you firm so you can't move. He groans against you, making you whimper around his cock. It's a delicious cycle, each of your sounds and vibrations from your mouths, making the other respond in the same way. Lino starts to thrust into your mouth, his balls hitting you in the face each time. You want him to suffocate you, and you wish your hands were free so you could pull him in deeper.
All you can do is try to meet his thrusts by lifting your head as much as you can and hope he gets the message. He does get the message, and fucks your face as he slides several fingers into your cunt. He slurps on your clit and hits that sweet spot inside you, all while you're struggling for air.
It's too much and you come again. This time harder than before. He works you through it, slowing both his cock and fingers down to a slow pace. He eventually peels himself off you and sits beside you panting.
"Lino?" You whimper looking at his disheveled hair, and drenched chin. "Didn't you want to come down my throat?" you panted.
"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to?" he says shyly. He unties you from your restraints and you sit up and give him a devious look.
"What?" he looks back at you suspiciously.
"When you used to jack off because of me, what did you think about?"
"Oh, right. That?" he lays down on the rug beside you. "Well." he pauses to think. "I often imagined you riding me. Like... You couldn't contain your urges, so you'd find me in your brother's room and push me down and force me to breed you." He admits.
"In my brother's room?"
"Yah! He wouldn't be there in the fantasies." He growled. But you were already moving into position.
"So... you mean I'd climb over you like this?" You throw a leg over him hovering over his needy cock.
He nods and swallows hard.
"Then what? I sink down onto your thick, hard cock, because I need it so badly?'
"Y-yes. Wait!" His eyes flick open in horror. "Condom."
You lean down over him and kiss him on the mouth. You really don't know where this confidence is coming from. Maybe learning that Minho had it bad for you when he was younger makes you feel powerful.
"Oh, but Lino. How are you gonna breed me if we use a condom?" you whisper.
"Fuck!" He moans and pulls you down hard over his length until he is completely inside of you.
"What are you doing to me, Noona?" He whimpers as you start to roll your hips. He's so deep, and fills you so perfectly, and you can already feel your third orgasm building.
Lino's hands are all over you, caressing, squeezing, digging his fingers in. Eventually his hands find purchase on your hips, digging his fingers in hard enough to bruise as he rocks you hard on his cock. Your clit grinds perfectly against his body. It's rough, fast, slippery from your slick. He slaps your ass a few times and growls when your flesh jiggles.
"I'm close." You squeak.
"Fuck! Me too. Me too. Piss on me." He pants.
"What?" You cry, but you don't slow down. You need to come so bad that nothing is going to slow you down.
"Do it." he cries. "Hurry!"
Fuck! Really? He really wants you to? Can you even do it? You aren't sure that you're body will even let you, even if you wanted to.
"Do it now, Noona. I'll give you all my cum if you do." He sounds so desperate underneath you, that you close your eyes and let go.
You feel a warmth pool on his pelvis between your legs. You dare yourself to open your eyes. You peek through your lashes to see Lino with the most aroused expression you have ever seen in your life. Then he starts fucking into you. Painfully hard. The breath knocked from your lungs with each thrust. You feel him grow even hard inside you as he is on the verge from exploding, and it sets r you orgasm.
You clamp down hard around him like a vice. He cries out, filling you to the brim with his cum, just like he promised he would.
Your orgasms are intense, long, satisfying.
You flop down on top of him, allowing your heart to calm and your breath to return to normal.
"Lino. I hope there was an inclusion where you clean up and replace damaged items in your terms of service. Cos this rug is well and truly fucked."
"I'll take care of it." He hums.
"Hmm?" he wraps his arms around you.
"This was the best birthday present ever."
"You're very welcome." He smiles to himself, but you don't see it because your face is on his chest.
“Happy birthday, Noona.”
A/n: I feel like Lino breached several rules as an escort… unsafe sex, knowing the client, having had a crush on the client in the past… but this is how the story turned out… so…. 🥴
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @chuuchuu1224 @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @kyunchoni @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @ismokeeweed @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @teddy-stay @lunearta
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moonstruckme · 5 months
I've never requested before so I'm quite nervous but may I request something with a reader thats like usually very chatty when coming home from work but maybe someone at their job said something rude or they just feel to tired to talk? preferably with poly!marauders but i dont mind any characters, i love your writing and i hope you have a wonderful day :] no pressure to write this ofc
Thank you for requesting lovely and hope you have a wonderful day as well! <3
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 677 words
Eddie’s van is idling at the curb when your shift ends. He grins as you get in, swapping his cherry coke to the hand already holding his cigarette to wrap the one closest to you around your thigh. It’s a favored spot. You’re always thinking you ought to trace an outline of his fingers and get it tattooed with “Eddie’s place” inside as a lark, but he’d definitely enjoy it way too much. 
“Hey there,” he drawls, voice saccharine sweet and expectant as he leans across the console toward you. You peck him on the lips. 
“Hi,” you say back. “You taste like cherries.” 
His grin is crooked, goofy in that unabashedly lovesick way that makes your heart stutter. He holds up his cherry coke like he’s making a toast. “T’was the point. You want a sip?” 
“Yes, please.” You take it from him, letting the cool fizziness wash over your sandpaper tongue. You’ve been craving a drink since halfway through your shift, when you’re fairly sure you’d willed all the water out of your body so you wouldn’t cry in the break room. Poor forethought. 
The syrupy sweetness is comforting, familiar like Eddie and summer days and the lake. It makes you feel a bit more normal. You have to stop yourself from gulping it all down, dropping it in the cup coaster as Eddie stubs out his cigarette and puts the van into gear. 
It takes until the first stoplight for you to realize he’s not headed towards home. “Where’re we going?” you ask. 
“To the arcade. We’re meeting Dustin and them there, remember?” 
“Oh. Right.” You’d totally forgotten. At least Robin should be there. 
Eddie gives you a sidelong glance. “Work was good?” 
If you’re being honest with yourself, about 70% of it was totally fine. “Mhm.” 
He hums back at you, short and low. “Okay. What’s wrong?” 
“Hm?” you hum again, unable to help it. “Nothing, why?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He squeezes your thigh meanly, metal rings biting into your skin. “You always want to gossip after work. Something happened, yeah?” 
You toy with your bottom lip, looking out the window. You’re quiet long enough that Eddie gives your leg another warning squeeze. 
“It wasn’t really anything,” you say, honestly but forcing a bit more offhandedness into your tone than maybe you really feel. “A customer got all pissy with me because he thought something should be on sale and it wasn’t, but I’m not, like, still sad about it.” 
Eddie doesn’t take his eyes from the road, but his lips purse unhappily. “But you were, huh?” 
“I was,” you allow. “But I’m not anymore. I guess it just tired me out.” 
He glances your way, as if to be sure you’re telling the truth, and hums. “M’sorry, baby. Still down for the arcade, or do you just wanna go home?” 
“No, I’m good.” You wrap your hand around his forearm, running a path from his wrist to the crook of his elbow and back again. “I wanna see Robin. I can rally.” 
Eddie nods contemplatively. The steady rumbling of the van is the only sound for a few seconds, and then he says, “On a scale of one to ten, where are you right now?” 
You think about it for a few moments. “A four,” you decide. 
He nods again. “Okay. By the time we leave the arcade, we’re gonna have you at a six.” 
You grin at him. It’s already easier. Eddie sees out of the corner of his eye, quirking a brow like you’re being a dork but then slipping his hand from your thigh to intertwine your fingers from his. He brings the back of your hand to his mouth, kissing it wetly. You know he's content to sit in silence as long as you need, but you have one more thing to say.
“I feel like finishing off your coke would bring me up to a solid four-point-five,” you suggest hopefully. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, but the corner of his mouth kicks up. “It’s all yours, sweet thing.”
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
Jazzercise!: Hazbin Hotel
Buckle up, Buttercups! This one's long.
Charlie: (wearing a pair of pink leggings, rainbow sneakers, white exercise t-shirt, and a red sweatband around her head) Alright, Everyone! Today, we're going to be doing some team bonding exercises throoooough- Da-Dada-Daaaaaah! -Exercise!!!
Hazbins: (all groan in dismay and grumble and clamor in annoyance)
Angel: (wearing powder pink leg warmers and neon green leotard that looks like it came out of an 80s) Is there any way we can sit this out? Some of us are hungover.
Vaggie: (wearing a black and purple sports bra and black spandex shorts that cut off halfway down her thighs, hair tied up in a ponytail) Still? We celebrated the hotel's grand reopening last week.
Husker: (wearing your stereotypical gym teacher windbreaker pants but no shirt or jacket) The empty liquor wall at the bar will verify.
Lucifer: (magically appears wearing a pair of bright red, men's booty workout shorts from the 70s, white Dad sneakers with tall red socks, and a white and red sleeveless shirt tucked into the shorts) Well, I'm all for a little sweat and hard work! Whatcha got for us, kiddo?!
Charlie: Dad! (Averts her eyes) What are you wearing?!
Lucifer: What?! I wore this in my college days!
Angel: Oooooh! While I'm not complaining there, Short King, I don't think Charlie appreciates seeing the "King's Apple" lodged in your shorts.
Lucifer: Huh? (Looks down at the natural, indiscreet bulge in his shorts) ........But these shorts cup the boys so nicely.
Charlie: (about to puke like when she watched Angel's best porno during show and tell)
Vaggie: Babe, let's just focus on getting the workout done. Alright?
Charlie: OoOookay.... Um... Do you mind taking over? I actually have no idea what I'm doing.
Vaggie: (sparkle in her eye) Sure thing, babe. (Turns to the rest and squares her shoulders) Alright, we are going to start with two easy laps around the track followed by partner bear crawls for two hundred meters, thirty burpies, and ending with twenty inverted push-ups! Any questions?
Hazbins: (awkwardly glance at each other)
Niffty: (wearing a 50s style one piece workout suit) YAY!!! PAIN!!!
Vaggie: THEN MOVE!!!
-One Hour Later-
Hazbins: (moaning and groaning in agony as they lay defeated on the track)
Angel: (rolled out like a spider that got run over) Charlie..... Toots.....
Charlie: (gasping for breath as she falls to her knees and holds herself up on shaking arms) Yeah.... Angel?
Angel: (Looks over to Vaggie who is on her third iteration of bear crawls and using an equally dead Lucifer for weight) If this psychopathic bitch of a stamina monster brings this kind of energy to the bedroom, (wheezes and coughs) then I'll pray for your loins the next time you guys have sex.
Charlie: (panting as she rolls onto her back, too tired to even correct the inappropriate statement) Thank you, Angel. (Tilts her head up and leans on her elbows to watch Vaggie)
Vaggie: (finishes the bear crawls and drops Lucifer off with a jump) Thanks for being my partner, Sir. (Breaks into her burpees)
Lucifer: (wheezes through little spindles of smoke) No problem, Vaggie. Anytime. (To Charlie) What do you feed that girl?
Charlie: (watching Vaggie intently with a fresh blush not caused by exertion)
Angel: Charlie?
Charlie: (watches the muscles in Vaggie's thighs and shoulders work as she speeds through her burpees)
Lucifer: Chaaaaarlie? (Snaps fingers) Little Duckie, are you alright?
Charlie: (hearts beat in her eyes and Careless Whispers plays in the background somewhere as she watches Vaggie's leg, shoulder, and back muscles contract and flex under the duress)
Vaggie: (finishes her burpees and goes into a handstand, briefly getting her balance before starting her handstand push-ups)
Charlie: (watches a bead of sweat follow the contours of Vaggie's shoulder muscles and scars and drool starts dribbling down her chin) Angel.... I need that prayer now....
Angel: Huh? (Follows Charlie'sline of sight and groans in pain as he brings his hands up in prayer) Our Unholy Father of Debauchery, please see that this horny bitch's snatch makes it safely out of the upcoming pounding she is about to receive. May her holes be elastic and well lubricated to avoid tearing, her legs be flexible as they reach behind her head, her orgasms shake her very foundation, and the aftercare be filled with all the cutsey cuddling she can handle. Amen.
Charlie: (continues watching) I wanna climb her.
Lucifer: (awkwardly) Uhhhhh.... Vaggie's not a tree, sweetie.
Angel: (gasps and clutches his imaginary pearls) Holy Fuck, Babe!!! Cool your jets! (Pulls out his phone and starts recording) I gotta use some of these lines at the next recording!
Charlie: When she smacks my *BEEEEP*, I want to *CENSORED* *BEEEP BEEP* and *BEEEEP-EP-EP-BEEEEEEEP* to taste *CENSORED*.
Lucifer: (faints after hearing his daughter saying such filth)
Angel: (stops recording) ......Fucking-A, Charlie, that's even making me feel dirty.....
Thank you, @sevi-fuk, for giving me the idea of Charlie going fiendish about Vaggie and her muscles.
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typeofraccoon · 2 months
Hiii um can I request a fluff five x reader fic where the reader is also an adult stuck in their teenage body, and has a demeanor similar to Lila, they’re like super smart but always some of the most off-the-wall shit that doesn’t really sound smart at first but after a minute of thinking you’re like ‘oh shit Ok yeah that makes sense’. (Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense btw)
Part Of It
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Five Hargreeves x Reader
Five Hargreeves Masterlist
I'm gonna make this kinda in an au where s3 didn't happen and Lila went with the Hargreeves instead of just leaving at the end of s2 and Ben's alive like actually alive not a ghost.
Also sorry if this isn't what you were thinking of.
Warnings: Not proof read, unfinished? and I basically had this finished so I just went through some of it and decided to post it. Even though this isn't too long and might not make sense.
Word count = 1,144
Description: Your remarks make even Five confused sometimes but it's part of why he loves you.
As the sun shone through the window and past the open curtains you rolled over in your bed reaching out next to you. After not feeling anyone you open your eyes squinting at the light that was flooding into the room. You sit up rubbing the sleep from your eyes getting ready to open them again.
When you had opened them you slung your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed your slippers. Once you had put your slippers on you planted your feet on the ground and pushed yourself up off the bed. Now standing you walk towards the closet to get ready for the day.
You were now making your way to the kitchen to get a morning coffee and hopefully find the person that was missing from your bed when you woke up.
As you were walking down the stairs you saw Lila walking up them towards you. She smiled at you and started to talk "Fives in the kitchen making another pot of coffee."
You look at her questioningly with an amused grin on your face already knowing what she meant but decided to ask anyway. "What do you mean another pot?"
Her grin widened as she lifted a mug in her hand while saying "Diego isn't awake yet, and both me and him need our morning coffee." As she finishes her sentence you notice another mug in her other hand. "There was just enough for two cups, luckily."
You both chuckled a little before saying bye to each other walking the opposite ways again.
Now you knew that Five wouldn't be cheerful in the morning already but with Lila having taken Fives coffee you knew it would be easy to piss him off. You were already thinking of some way to distract Five from Lila so that he wouldn't be plotting revenge for the rest of the day.
When you walked into the kitchen you noticed Five hovering over the coffee pot mumbling something under his breath. You smile slightly realising that this is your chance to try and scare Five. Something that he had never given you any chance to do before and had actually said that you'd never be able to do.
As you snuck up behind him you got ready to say what you had planned in an effort to also distract him from what you were about to do as well.
When you were close enough to him you started talking relatively loud before wrapping your arms around him. "You know that if you lived for 70 years you'd have spent like 10 years of your life on Monday."
You felt Five jump slightly your smile grow wider at your successful attempt at scaring him even slightly. You let go of him and Five turned to face you. When you could finally see his face he looked confused and you smiled sweetly up at him.
You were looking at him innocently as if you hadn't just said something that you knew he had to think about. Then Five turned back around to the coffee pot and picked it up getting ready to pour coffee into his cup.
As he started to pour the coffee into his cup he spoke to you. "What do you mean by that?"
When he finished talking you started to clarify why you had brought it up. "Well think about it you're technically 58. So in 12 years you'll have lived 10 years of your life on a Monday."
You were looking up at him with a sweet smile on your face as you were talking. When you had finished talking he had filled his cup up with coffee.
When he went to place the coffee pot back in it's rightful place you quickly grabbed his cup and walked to the table. By the time that Five had realised that you had taken his cup you had already sat in one of the chairs and started to sip from the cup.
Five looked at you with a fed up look before sighing and turning back around. But you noticed his mouth turn into a slight smile just before he managed to fully turn around.
"Did you really have to take my coffee?" He said while going to take out another cup from the cupboard.
You watched his movements "Yep." You responded to him with a smile.
When he had grabbed another cup he turned back around to look at you before starting to talk again. "Even if that was correct wouldn't all the time travelling change that."
You thought for a second while drinking. "I mean... that would depend on if you time travelled perfectly then technically my point still stands" As you finished talking you were looking at him.
Five had grabbed the coffee pot once again and started to pour it into his new cup while he was looking right at you. He sighed before an adoring smile was brought to his face and he chuckled slightly before he responded. "Fair enough."
He placed the coffee pot back where he had just placed it a couple of minutes ago. He brought his cup to his lips and took a sip of the coffee before he started to walk towards you.
He smiled lovingly at you and sat in the chair next to yours before he started talking trying to continue the conversation. "So when I actually do turn 70 then I will have spent at least 10 years of my life on a Monday."
You looked at him excited. "'Exactly! See that's still interesting."
When you finished the sentence you laughed slightly while looking up at him. Meanwhile he just rolled his eyes at you while taking another sip of his coffee.
He looked into your eyes before starting to speak to you again. "So since you're so certain about that. Do you know how many years we will have been together in 12 years?" As he was finishing his sentence he leaned closer to you and smirked once again.
You leaned in closer to Five as well and closed your eyes confidently with a smile on your face. "Well actually it will have been about nineteen years since we first met and about fifteen years since we started dating."
Five smiled lovingly at you and leaned back slightly to take another slightly longer sip of his coffee. When he brought the cup back away from his lips, his smile still prominently glued to his face he started to lean back in towards you while placing his cup on the table beside him.
Once Five was a couple of inches away from you he spoke again. "Sorry but you're wrong there darling. " When he finished his sentence he chuckled slightly. "By then we would've met seventeen years ago and it would have been dating for fifteen years."
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liveontelevision · 3 months
Redemption Pt.2 | Lucifer x Reader
I'm kind of having a hard time getting motivation to write if anyone has any Luci prompts they wanna drop in my asks 👀
But for now, here's some more angsty fluffy slow burn Luci for y'all
(Check out Redemption Pt.1!)
It's been an.. awkward... few weeks. You kissed Lucifer. You kissed the king of Hell, who you've known for almost 2 decades, your boss and best friend. If that information didn't overwhelm your brain enough, he's managed to make you doubt Redemption. Still undecided, you began to fear the outcome of just disappearing without getting to make a decision. Without saying goodbye.
Even with your mental disaray, Business went on as usual. You did your routine paperwork and helped out with anything Charlie needed. Lucifer wasn't asking much of you these days. You assumed the best of him. Maybe he was just too busy. Or maybe he was avoiding you. You shook the frightful thought out of your head only to suddenly be hit with the memory of Lucifer looking so lovely with your lipgloss all over his face and neck. Damned man has taken over your entire brain.
Charlie would often ask you to help with touring, partnering in exercises, or helping new residents set up. You didn't really consider how much free time you'd have without seeing Lucifer as much as you usually do. Some days, you did at least walk by him in passing. You would smile at him, maybe say good morning or hello, and he would do the same. Like strangers. His smile was always sweet in the past, but these had a sense of disparity behind them. You couldn't confide in your dearest friend, and your paranoia got the better of when considering going to others. But you needed another opinion.
"Well, shit! Good for you toots! That all tracks, Luci's clearly a bottom." Angel laid on his stomach, kicking his long legs in the air like some gossiping teen. You just needed some advice on redemption, but you ended up spilling out the entire interaction. You sat at his vanity, your arms crossed over your chest. "Angel, please. What do you think about redemption? You've been here longer than anyone, don't you.. worry..? About never seeing anyone here again?" Angel looked down for a moment before swinging his legs around and sitting at the edge of his bed. He pat the spot next to him, and you quickly took a seat by his side. He gripped the edge of his bed and hunched over his torso, propping himself up by his elbows with his upper set of limbs. "Actually? I'm terrified. I've been here for 70s years, kid. This is basically all I know now. I had a family, a buncha siblings, and a whole backstory n shit, but.." He spoke softly, his voice cracking at the mention of his biological family." I barely think of 'em. Even with Val up my ass, I think of this as my home now. Charlie and Vaggie, even Alastor - and.. Husk." He swooned, without even realizing, at his own words." I think you gotta want redemption, babes. Maybe that's why i'm still here. I dunno." He placed a hand on your shoulder and sent a sympathetic smile. The tender care you hadn't received in so long was too much. You sniffled a bit and let your head fall onto his shoulder. "I don't know what to do, Angel... " He rubbed your arm that had traveled around your shoulders as you attempted to slow your shakey brrath.
Lucifer did what he always did when he was stressed. He created. Frustration seemed to be a common inspiration for his.. hobby. He filled his office to the brim with ducks, each with a fun little feature that he came up with spur of the moment. Without acknowledging it, he did leave your desk clear. Like he was waiting for you to suddenly appear there, all neat and tidy. A glimmer of relief in the pool of chaos his life had become. This went on for days.
He was rarely a participant at the bar, alcohol was just another reminder of the wrecklessness that could occur with free will. But fuck, he needed a drink. Making sure it was far too late, to avoid any unexpected interactions, he went down to the lobby. Still looking dishoveled and exhuasted, he prayed that no one would be down there, to see the king of hell looking to get sloshed at 3 in the morning.
To his luck, it was empty. The lights were almost all off, but the lobby was still filled with the red glow of Pentagram city just down the hill. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lucifer steps behind the bar, struggling to read any labels without a set light. That didn't stop him one bit,, randomly taking a bottle and drinking whatever was inside. It didn't taste good, but his head finally seemed to forget your face for a moment. He'll realize how horrifying that felt in the morning.
Looking for another drink that didnt burn his throat, he continued to sort through the drinks without any clear light source. Letting out a frustrated scoff, he flung a handful of golden flames behind him, attempting to light a display of candles that sat at the bar counter for decor.
"Fuck - !"
The sudden voice that came from behind made him drop whatever drink he had in his hand. It shattered, the sound echoing through the cleanliness of the new lobby. He turned his body around way too fast, only managing to focus on your face after a few dizzying moments. You hold onto the top of your arm, a clean burn swiped right across your skin. His eyes were darting across the room, seeing only half of the candles lit, your sudden appearance and newly burned flesh, and a small flame forming on the top of the couch across the room.
Despite his dizzying mind, he snapped his fingers, planning to at least stop the couch from burning the whole place down. In this attempt, he managed to sinch all three flames, the room suddenly being plunged into a darkness that you both had to adjust to. Lucifer's overwhelmed senses made him stumble, clutching onto the edge of the counter and holding his spinning head in his hand. Everything he's felt for the past few weeks and the guilt of causing you any harm finally hit him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck - I'm sorry, i'm sorry..!" He wailed out, almost at the brink of tears. He gasped for air, his chest heavong. He could barely feel your hand brush across his back and start to rub it soothingly. He hitched his breath, doing his best to calm himself from this little attack. You had rounded the bar, your back leaning against the counter. standing at his side, you ran your fingers lightly across his back, starting to trace along his tense muscles. It was the smallest affection, yet he shuttered before feeling his unbalanced body relax, then began to sway in your direction.
"I'm okay, Lucifer..! I-I barely felt it! You're freaking yourself out, just try and - " his body finally hit yours after a stumble, his shoulder falling into your chest and knocking the air from your lungs. You shifted your postion to brace him from behind, his back now flush against your chest as you leaned both of your weight onto the counter.
You did your best to keep a clear mind, but seeing your beloved friend in this state did nothing but make you panic. Your friend.. that's what he'll always be at the end of this. Your friend who you've known since you died, who took you in without ever considering you'd grow this close. Your friend, who's created an incredibly difficult decision for you to make.
"Sweetheart, I'm s-sorry! I never meant to scare you off! I-I'm so scared to lose you - I can't imagine my days without you, love, I need you -" you shushed him, needing to cool your absolutely heated face at his words, but also to keep anyone else from seeing this display. You ushered him to the front of the building and out the front doors.
Despite it being Hell, there was a light breeze that hit the both of you with a relief. Lucifer stumbled onto the nearest wall, finally releasing his face to adjust his eyes to the sudden change of setting.
Blinking slowly, he took in your appearance much longer than anticipated. You wore a comfortable baby blue slip that loosley hung over your figure. He surely wouldve taken the time appreciate your figure if you didnt have a a blanket bunched around your entirety. He did his best to not look disapointed, but failed miserably. You couldnt help but smile at his poor display of affection.
You took a hold onto Lucifer's clammy hands, making him turn redder than he was before from embarrassment. He took a moment to meet your eyes, something he hadnt done in days at this point.
"Come with me?" You spoke so neutrally, a clear tone that seemed to calm his thoughts. He simply nodded, allowing you to lead his staggering body around to the side of the building. It was a bit of a hike, but the brisk air and the movement seemed to settle Lucifer's high. That being said, he still kept his arm around your shoulders for balance.
Upon arrival, the sight was enough to startle him, a small walkthrough garden sprouting from the side of the building. It was lush with Hell's native fiolage, flowers and vines with dangerous looking thorns and teeth growing from them. The purples and reds growing from the fenced off border and the small iron table and bench that sat in the center just underneath an arch with flowers intermingled, it all looked so innocent.
"Wh-hhow.. what is this?" He managed to ask, looking over at you as you continued to lead him through the garden.  "I'm actually not sure. I don't remember seeing it in any blueprints when we redid the hotel, but i went for a walk and saw it here. Someone else must've put it together." You weren't sure if he was able to process that information, but you led him to sit on the bench with a thud. His body fell limp, hitting his head on the back of the frame with a ting.
You simply sat beside him for a moment in a bliss silence. It was comforting, despite all the previously chaos the two of you just went through.
"I should be scoldering you, sir. You haven't been drunk in years and last time you did - "
"Lillith. It was after she left, I know.." you only meant to call out how poorly he handled his liquor in the past, but it made your heart ache hearing him make that connection.
You let out an awkward agreement and continued to sit in silence for another moment longer. Lucifer finally let his head fall onto your shoulder and a sigh of relief escaped his lips, as you felt the heat coming off of his body.
"How'd you find this place? It's nice." He said softly, his voice raspy and wavering." I've been using it to escape.. to think." You said in an equally soft tone, unsure of his mental state at this point. You discovered this little hidden gem while desperately looking for air, struggling through one of your own panic attacks. Once you saw it the first time, it almost became a nightly routine. The walk to it was always clear from other demons, and passing Lucifer's giant pentagram in front of the hotel gave you a sense of comfort and protection. You felt him shift slightly, he pulled the blanket away from your arm and held it up lightly to inspect the burn that you had nearly forgotten about. His hands flinched for a moment, letting out a quiet hiss. He could've simply snapped his fingers or waited for your demonic body to heal itself, but instead he lightly ran his thumb across the entirety of the wound. As he pressed into your arm, you noticed the burn mark simply disapear behind his hands. You let out a satisified hum. It was always so interesting to see him use his powers, you rarely got to see him in action.
"I think - to be redeemed, you have to accept it. To be absolutely sure it's what you want. That's what angel thinks, at least." You wanted to ask why he was out of his room at three in the morning, getting drunk and why he was avoiding you for days. But you knew why.
"I still don't really know, Lucifer. I don't know what I want.. but I need you right now. I can't lose you because of t-this.." You admitted, your voice cracking slightly at your own words.
You fretted this conversation. You worried about how he would react to any answer that wasn't I'm staying with you forever! Forget redemption!
As your breath began to pick up, you watched lucifer stand, his back facing you for a moment. It made your heart drop, rushing to the conclusion that he'd leave you there alone. To your surpise, he makes a smooth motion of turning to sit in front of you on the ground, holding gently onto your calf that he pulled from the blanket. You jumped at the small touch. Turning beat red, your mind inappropriately jumped to conclusions.
"U-Uhm - Lucifer.." you called out his name as if you had any idea what to say in this moment, with him at your knees holding you so tenderly.
"You've done so much for me, love." He planted a small kiss right below your knee. "I promise I'll do anything in my power to keep you happy and safe while you're in Hell." He paused in between words, to move his small kisses up your leg." No matter how long that will be."
He's much bolder with drinks, you thought. That aside, you couldn't help but feel small tears well up in your eyes, a combination of relief and embarrasment washing over you. "Really..?" You asked so quietly, it was as if you were still worried about the answer.
He nodded with a sleepy smile, resting his head on your knee. In need of any type of comfort, you carefuly reached for his head, brushing your fingers through his dishoveled locks. He shut his eyes, letting out a sweet purr at every touch. What a strange effect he had on you. Your heart was racing, yet its mever felt lighter. Your mind, still full of dreaded thoughts, only occupied his relaxed expression in this moment. Your face was red with embarrassment of this treatment, but you were ready to beg him to keep touching you this way.
You placed your finger under Lucifer's chin and guided him upwards, making him stretch to his knees and place both his hands on either side of you. You hesitated in front of his lips for a moment. His breath was so steady, and feeling the pulse through his throat, his heart seemed to beat much slower than yours in this moment. You gulped, more nervous than before, before meeting his lips with yours. Your kiss was tender, yet it hinted at a longing for something more. He decided to take the lead, compared to last time, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks and wipe any of the wet streaks that had stained your skin previously.
Tilting his head to invite himself into your mouth, your breath hitched at the energy he seemed to eminate. He stands for a moment, then places a knee beside you, moving his hands to either side of you and caging you in by holding onto the back of the bench. This upper hand that he suddenly had made you squirm a bit, letting out a nervous yelp into his lips. You felt his smile at the sound of your voice, making you turn impossibly red. After pulling away for air that you didnt realize you needed until then, he pressed his forehead against yours and let out a sweet hum.
As he went back in for more, the breath that hit your lips reaked of alcohol. That was enough to snap you back into reality. As he reached down, you planted your hands firmly on his chest, a serious intent, even with your eyes being glazed over as much as they were. "Come to bed with me, Luci. Just to sleep, alright? It's been a long night." You said softly, running your hands up and down his curves despite your intentions of not taking advantage of him any more than you've already done. You felt his skin crawl, his breath finally speeding a bit, a more nervous side of him that you were used to coming out. Maybe it was the idea of sleeping beside you, or him overthinking the invitation. Or maybe the newfound nickname was just too much for his drunken mind to handle. He quickly nods, making you pull the blanket back up around your shoulders and lead Lucifer back inside.
You take him into his bedroom, which you've rarily seen since you moved to the hotel. It wasnt as large and regal as the one in his previous residency, but it still was much grander compared to yours. His colour scheme matched the rest if the hotel, rich reds and purples. Most of the room was filled with the bed that sat on a slightly elevated platform and hit the cieling with a canopy that adorned silky drapes. A bed truly fit for a king, was unmade and unkept. Blankets were thrown about and the pillows were scattered in various places. The room was slightly cluttered, a few stray ducks that you recognized from his office making their way into his room like muddy footprints.
Lucifer stumbled his way into his room, immediately pulling his shirt off over his head, letting out a groan and letting his body cool down as he started to remove his boots. You couldn't help but stare, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it. You turned your body to the side, covering your eyes with the side of your hand. You manuevered your way around him and plopped onto the edge of the bed. You nearly sunk in with how plush the blanketing and mattress was. Still keeping your head lowered to avoid peeking, you curled up into your own blanket.
Feeling the mattress barely shift, you quicklly looked up to see Lucifer crawling his way towards the head of the bed. He barely changed, just managing to throw on a more casual pair of pants that you recognized seeing on the floor when you first walked in. His still bare chest left you abolutely flustered. His porcelain skin had shifted to a pink hue where he had gotten too cold. He immediately pulled his large blankets over his body and relaxed to the point where you assumed he had fallen asleep immediately. You listened to his steady breath for a moment, a comfortable silence in your mind, then rose to your feet, ready to shuffle out of the room.
"Noo, come back - " he groaned. It wasnt intimate or distressed, he sounded like a damned child. You rolled your eyes, unconciously smiling and crawling a comfortable distance from him on the other side of the bed, an easy task considering the size of it. You thought it best to keep your hands to yourself, so you curled up into the blankets with a comfortable wiggle to situate yourself.
Lucifer slightly opened his half lidded eyes, seeing you coccooned in his blankets, nuzzling your head into his pillows. He would pray for this to be the last and first thing he saw everyday. He closed the distance, pulling you into his chest and intertwining your legs in an attempt to be closer. His skin was incredibly soft, smooth and still warm to the touch under your cold hands that snaked around his waist. You felt him nuzzling your head, taking in a deep breath and resting his chin atop it. How was he so calm right now? This is a completely different side of Lucifer that you've yet to see. And certainly werent expecting to see any time soon.
This is fine. You'll wait until he's in a deeper sleep and leave before anyone else wakes up! Easy peasy. You just wanted him to get to bed after all.
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bethecliche · 2 months
my love mine all mine l vincent renzi x f!original character
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summary: after seeing her for the first time, he just fell (deeply) in love word count: 3.7k content: female reader (no description of genitalia), mention of sex, mention of stretch marks, description of hair and eye color (but not texture or skin color), french laws and locations being misinterpreted, use of tv shows and books I didn't watch or read, non canon note: english is not my first langague! I wrote this in portuguese and then translated to english myself, there's a chance you'll find an error or something. I'm sorry sorry! I highly recommend you to listen to the song while reading.
you can check the aesthetic references for this oneshot here but take note that none of the people actual faces on this reflects on the character identity that I wrote, so don't base all of the details on the references for the characters in story.
The first time he noticed her, she was sitting on one of the wooden benches outside the courtrooms. She seemed nervous, shaking her legs and glancing restlessly between the watch on her wrist and the clock on the hallway wall, as if it made much difference. Regardless of her worried expression and furrowed brow, Vincent felt that he had never seen such an attractive woman in his life. From her brown hair to her brown boots, looked like she stepped out of one of those '70s fashion advertisements he'd seen in vintage magazines as a kid. He didn't had time to notice much more than that, as he crossed the hallway and headed to his session. At the end of the day, of course, she was no longer there.
What seemed to have been one of those street crushes that you see when crossing an avenue and never think about again, stayed in Vincent's head for a few days. Every time he passed by the corridor, he waited to see if the brunette would be there. He tried to guess what she was doing there that day and whether there was a possibility of bumping into her again, a question to which the universe answered “yes”.
Two weeks later, this time leaving work, he looked down buttoning his blue coat, distracted in his thoughts when he noticed the same brown boots a few steps in front of him. The stranger held a cigarette between her fingers and had her arms pressed against her body. Although it was snowing lightly, it was extremely cold for an autumn day. Her look was different, probably due to the weather, with a coat with a puffed collar and puffed sleeves, once again looking like she belonged to a previous decade. The wind ruffled her hair a little and the moonlight illuminated her posture, a scene Vincent believed could have come from a movie.
All his past relationships were comfortable. Someone he knew in high school, someone he knew in college, someone who was introduced by friends or someone his friends encouraged him to talk during an outing. He didn't consider himself an introvert, but he never needed to pursue someone who was interested. Things just happened for him. It wasn't his comfort zone just to approach a stranger like that, much less at the door of his work, but something that day said it was the right thing to do.
He took a cigarette out of his pocket and approached the girl asking to borrow a lighter. His sudden plan only went so far.
As soon as she turned to face him, she gave a friendly and inviting smile, taking the object out of her pocket and activating the flame in front of his face. Vincent stood still, staring into her eyes throughout the action, mesmerized by her and her sparkling brown eyes.
“Will I ever meet a lawyer who doesn’t smoke?” She asked as she extinguished the flame, placing the lighter and her free hand back in her pocket. Too cold to let it out.
His response took a few agonizing seconds, as his mind was far away and still lost in her gaze. He composed himself, running a hand through his hair and looking away.
“The day this happens, let me know. I want to be there.” Vincent laughed awkwardly, causing the girl to laugh as well. At that moment, he felt that he wanted to provoke more of this reaction, he wanted to see more of her smile and so the conversation flowed.
His first question was how she guessed he was a lawyer and not a passerby to which she replied, "You stand like a lawyer." He shared how being a lawyer was boring and tedious, but it did have its dramatic moments in court when she asked if the career was challenging like its portrait on TV. He also discovered that she was there to pay a car ticket caused by her younger brother, hence the great nervousness when he first saw her a few weeks ago.
“When my parents told me that my 20th birthday present was a baby brother, I already felt within myself that I would be the best sister in the world. That I would try to make his life as easy as possible. 18 years later, he asks to borrow my car to visit his girlfriend - which I don't hesitate to do, after all I support young love. And the little shit-head makes sure on parking in front of a fire hydrant.” The girl blew smoke to her right side, not taking her eyes off him. “Would you be my lawyer if I try to choke him?”
Vincent could only laugh at her spontaneity, easy way of talking about life and easy way of making conversation.
“Just threaten him, it will be an easier case for me to win.”
They talked about Metz and how her family decided to move to Paris when she was a teenager because they knew the city needed more beautiful people, a fact Vincent agreed with. In order not to dismiss him, in a very charming way, she praised his Parisian accent and said that such a comment did not apply to him and only God knows how Vincent felt inside after that.
The two shared their tastes, such as reading romances and watching Dix pour cent every night before bed. It was as if they knew each other much more than the 1 hour they spent together under the snow. They shared maybe two more cigarettes before realizing it was getting a little too late to chat like that on the street.
He doesn't even know how he got out of that situation alive and managed to get home with her number.
Their first date was at a local cinema on a Friday night for a re-showing of Buffet Froid, a film Anne had never seen.
He didn't remember the last time he felt butterflies in his stomach, although it was guaranteed that nothing could compare to this time. As he got ready and tried to match his best t-shirts with his beige pants (which he eventually changed out of, finding them too tacky), Vincent remained nervous thinking that she might not show up or that this would be the first and last time they would meet in this circumstance.
In the end, all the “first time” flutter went out the window when he saw her smiling and waving on the other side of the street, already with the tickets in her hand. “I'm glad you came.” She said, holding his arm as they walked through the door of the establishment.
“I wouldn't miss it.” he replied.
The two took watching films very seriously, so it was only during the ending credits, after a lot of laughter, small comments and bumping hands on the popcorn bucket, that the two kissed.
He felt the softness of her skin on his hand and her sweet scent of perfume, in addition, of course, to the hot and saccharine kiss. It was slow, serene, just as they both wanted, being able to feel each other in that moment. It was also Anne's desire to slowly run her fingers through his hair and she didn't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity.
After throwing their trash away, the two walked out of the cinema, now closer to each other, hand in hand. The weather wasn't as cold as when they first met and they were free to enjoy the warmth of their bodies without so many layers covering them.
“For a great 70's mind, you never having watched Buffet Froid is an insult.” He pointed at her with his free hand, wanting to tease her.
Anne rolled her eyes. Even though she liked the film, she didn't want to give a taste. “Obviously you would like action movies like that. It suits you.”
“I’ll make you like it too.” He stated, trying to imply that he wanted them to meet again, to which she responded by kissing his cheek and saying, “Next time, let's watch a romcom.”
Once, twice, three, four and a few more times, all being unusual dates. Sometimes she would call during his workday and say she would pick him up for an adventure. She drove aimlessly, just the two of them talking about their days and observing the city lights. These were Vincent's favorite “dates”, as they all ended with the two of them making out like two teenagers parked in the driveway of his apartment.
The more he got to know about her, the more he wanted to constantly be a part of her life. Anne owned a clothing store downtown, something he never tired of saying was the “most suitable job her”. On the last date they had, she took him to the closed store and put on a fashion montage for him, with improvised note cards on paper left on the counter and all. But she knew that the judge had been bought when he only gave her 10s. She also took the opportunity to get Vincent to do the same, putting him once again out of his comfort zone to find out that bell bottom jeans don't really suit him.
They even got to watch a car race - something that not even Anne had done, she had just decided that it was an experience they needed to have. They both entended up hating it, but the important thing was that the company was great.
That was one of the nights Anne slept at his house.
They ate some junk food from the fridge and watched a silly but captivating show on TV while they chatted more. When she realized she could sleep at any moment, Anne got up to brush her teeth and change her clothes, putting on her uniform for whenever she was there: a Vincent t-shirt.
Vincent found it charming how she captivated his gaze regardless of what she was doing. He loved her unique and sophisticated style, but he also loved seeing her like this, casually wearing his clothes, in his home, as if she were his. And lastly, he loved seeing her with nothing on.
Every detail of her body, her birthmarks on her shoulder and that one next to her beautiful eyes or her stretch marks on her back, everything about her seemed to have been chosen down to the millimeter. When they made love, his hands went everywhere, trying to reach as much of her as he could, to feel the warmth she exuded.
And the best way to love her was by looking into her eyes, admiring her beauty, running his lips up and down her body, being grateful for the privileged position it was to be able to love her.
Mornings were like nights, with him waking up earlier and being able, once again, to admire the woman beside her.
“You are even more beautiful in the morning.”
The two walked through the streets of Paris, both tipsy, looking for an available taxi in the dead of night. With their relationship now more established and their schedules aligned, they made it a challenge to come up with these unusual date only once a month so it wouldn't lose its fun. Today had been the day to go to the opera and due to their lack of sobriety, they didn't seem to have left anywhere other than the shabbiest bar on the corner.
The event was boring as fuck and they left halfway through to drink somewhere more enjoyable. They found an open bar showing a PSG versus Marseille match. Neither of them supported the teams or understood about football rules, but this seemed like a new opportunity for them to have another different experience that day.
One laughter after another, some passionate kisses between drinks and the two were celebrating PSG's victory at the bar with some strangers whom they befriended.
“My mother wants to meet you. My brother too. I said I might have a lawyer for the next time he's up to no good. Do you think it’s too early?”
When drunk, Anne tended to speak fast and slurred, but Vincent understood perfectly. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the tip of her nose. “I will love meeting your family.”
They never actually asked each other to go steady, but it was clear that they already belonged to each other at that point.
Vincent was on his cell phone writing a text to his mother about the shopping list for Christmas dinner and their desire to participate in decorating the tree (Anne's request to spend more time with her mother-in-law) while his girlfriend was lying on his lap reading his copy of Around the World in 80 Days (and she was loving it, for sure).
It was a lazy day for both of them at Vincent's place. A year into their relationship, the two of them loved sharing these moments together doing different activities.
“She said she misses you a lot and looks forward to seeing you on Christmas, but that you're banned from being near the kitchen when it is time to prepare desserts. Everything you touch that’s sweet ends up burning for some reason.”
Her smile, excited by her mother-in-law's affection, turned into a face indignant at the rule she imposed. "What?" She looked up from the book and pulled Vincent's hand to check if the message was real and it was. “This is so unfair!”
“Sorry, Anne, you’re just really bad at this.”
She lightly pushed his arm and pretended to be uncomfortable, although she knew it was true and wasn't really upset. Before she could return to her book, Vincent placed his cell phone on the table and began talking.
“One more thing, huh,” he cleared his throat, “I made one more space on the rack for you. I don't want certain clothes to get wrinkled in the drawer. I’ll make room in one more drawer too.”
Anne put the book aside and knelt on the sofa, facing her boyfriend. “Won’t it bother you? I already have space in my bedroom drawer, bathroom… In fact, there are a lot of my things scattered around the house. I don’t want to impose my space here.”
This was a subject that she had also been waiting to comment on for some time. By working her own hours at the store and having an employee to take her place wherever needed, Anne had a more flexible schedule than Vincent and it was easier to stay at his house, helping to keep everything on track and cooking for both of them. He would arrive just before dinner time and they could enjoy together without rushing to do the chores.
Because of this, the few clothes she wore just to sleep there became a drawer full, her makeup in the bathroom sink and her shoes near the door.
The gray-haired man hugged her around the waist, kissing her forehead and assuring her of his action. “You are not imposing anything, mon chéri. I want you to use this space. I want to have more and more of you here.”
For him, having her scent permeate the rooms was a gift wrapped in the best bow. Knowing that every day he would come home to see her welcoming smile and welcome kiss was the biggest work incentive.
“It feels like my home.” She whined.
“It’s your home. Our home.” He insisted.
In his favorite action, he cupped her face and looked warmly into her eyes, admiring her features trying to associate with what he was trying to say. They both smiled at each other realizing where the topic was going.
“Are you…”
“I want you to move in with me.”
The beautiful smile that filled his heart appeared on her face and Vincent, who was sure of her choice, but a little afraid of her accepting it, smiled too at her positive reaction.
In conclusion, he ended up needing to make more closet space for her countless boots, but he was happy that she could call the space her own (and she looks great in those boots, he would never complain about making room for them).
The snack table was almost empty and that made Anne happy. She might not be good at desserts, but her food was always praised and she almost never had leftovers when she cooked for her friends.
“This sandwich is delicious, aunt Anne!” Daniel stated, taking another one from the table and sitting on the sofa next to her. “Can I take some home?”
“Of course you can! There’s more stored in the kitchen, I’ll put it on the side for you to take.” She continued, now coming closer to whisper. “You can give Snoop a bite, I won’t tell your mom.”
“Hey, I’m watching you two!” Sandra said towards the back of the sofa, pointing at the two jokingly. She was talking to Vincent leaning against the wall in the hallway, looking anxious.
There was approximately 10 people spread throughout the room at this gathering. The couple chose to host a celebration for the launch of Sandra's new book, a dear friend of both, and tried to make room for everyone present. She was very delighted with the honor, although unaccustomed to the positive attention she was receiving.
Even though they weren't glued to each other at the party, Anne and Vincent always stopped for a moment to exchange a kiss and ask if everything was okay. He, even more so, couldn't stop admiring his girlfriend from afar. Parties like this always made him happy to be able to share the love he had for her and also show others that this was his girl.
It was around 6pm that they said their goodbyes and thanked their friends for being there. After closing the door, Anne took a deep breath and leaned against it with Vincent kissing her neck and hugging her waist.
“Had fun today?” He asked against her neck, kissing slowly until he reached her face. Hugging him back, she just nodded yes, pulling him into a longing and passionate kiss.
Vincent pressed his body against hers and tightened his grip, placing his free hand against the wall for support. Everything was going well, until Vincent suddenly stopped, as if he couldn't give in to temptation yet.
He also took a deep breath, with a shy smile as he looked at her.
“Is something wrong?” She asked, still leaning against the door and resting her hands on his shoulder.
"What?" He retorted.
“During the party, you kept looking at me like that, with those heart-eyes, that fool in love face of yours. And now you're doing it again. It seems... different.”
Vincent laughed awkwardly, as if he was unprepared to respond that quickly. “In my defense, I always look like a fool in love when I’m with you.”
Before anything else, Vincent took a red velvet box out of his pocket and opened it, showing a silver ring made especially for her. With the hand that was on her waist, he slipped into her hand and intertwined their fingers.
“Kneeling isn’t your style, nor are long speeches in front of our friends, but I can’t just leave the ring in your hand without saying anything. The day I saw you for the first time, I was intrigued. The second time, that feeling I had of needing to talk to you urgently, of not letting the opportunity pass, I think, somehow, I knew we were going to get to this moment right now. By the third time - I was already in love. Head over heels, worshiping the ground you pass, heart-eyes, whatever you want to call it. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel those butterflies in my stomach before seeing you, that I don't feel the eager to be by your side. If you do me the honor of marrying me, I can promise that you will have a man who wakes up in love with you every day. Forever.”
Anne's eyes were already full of tears as soon as she saw the box and she couldn't help but shed them when she heard the proposal.
The last 4 years of their lives were instinctive, passionate, in a way she never thought she would experience. All her last lovers didn't last long, they couldn't handle her personality or couldn't love her right, so she was left with no hope that it would change. But Vincent's speech was something that she not only believed, she felt. Every day, she felt his love, his affection and his care. Wave of action speaks louder than words and she trusted her man.
There was no other answer than yes.
The same word was repeated by the two of them at the registry office a few months later. The idea was never a big party, it didn't suit either of their personalities, but Anne always wanted a dress and a veil, so they were both there, in their wedding clothes just before lunch time in the registry office next to Vincent's work place.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
With that sentence, the two shared a classic wedding kiss, with Vincent holding her around the waist and Anne throwing her leg up. They could live that moment over and over again, but they needed to go out for a little celebration party with their friends before they left for their honeymoon (and Anne was more than eager to have her friends around so she could toss the bouquet).
Outside, in another snowy day, Anne reached through the car window and took a black bag from the glove compartment, handing it to her now husband.
“What is it?” He held on, swinging by the loop to feel the weight so he could find out what it could be.
“It's your wedding gift.” She cheerfully replied.
He stole one more kiss from his wife before opening the bag, already imagining what could be inside.
“It has our initials and today’s date on it,” she pointed to the bottom where the details were, “so no other girl coming out of court will need to offer you the lighter.”
Vincent took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it with his newest gift, but without inhaling, just lighting it for the sake of it.
“No one will have my love. Only you, mon chéri."
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bruciemilf · 1 year
There's something deeply touching about Jason knowing he'll never be the kid Bruce saved again, but still maintaining some quirks, mannerisms, habits, pieces of young Jason Todd. They're small but cut deep.
Jason, when he allows himself to stay at the manor as a tiny indulgence, still acts like there's a barrier of lasers protecting Alfred's cookie jar, just so he and Dick would have an excuse to compare leaps.
He's still waiting for the lights to fall asleep so he could visit the library and get angry at Tim, or Bruce, or both, twins in audacity, for dig earing the pages they knew he'd read.
Of course Bruce finds him because he always looks for him, ridiculously fluffy pink robe that Selina bought him sagging on him.
He ignores the ball of sadness exploding in his stomach as he realizes Bruce is the one looking up at him now. It feels like a robbery, premeditated and calculated, " Jaylad, you have to nap."
" Bruce, I am a grown ass man, you cannot fucking tell me to NAP--"
There's an unspoken type of authority that surrounds gentle parents. Is Bruce a gentle parent? Well. He doesn’t need to hit Jason to get what he wants, that's for sure, " Excuse me?"
"...Just one more page?"
Bruce is also very weak for them, thought. "..Fine. don't tell Alfred."
When Dick proudly shows off his patrol record for the week, all preppy and shiny besides Bruce at the kitchen table, Jason hears it all the way from the couch.
Damian is a very sore loser when it comes to Mario Kart, he learned, " Todd! TODD! Come back here and taste DEFEAT! FIGHT ME LIKE A WOMAN, COWARD!"
" So yeah, 40 arrests are pretty good, I'd say,--"
" 40? That's adorable, I got 70. On a broken leg."
Bruce, suddenly spooked, turns to him, " You had your leg broken on patrol?!"
" A broken leg? Awwww. Killer Crock almost bit my face off, but hey. Nice of you to try."
"Waylon bit you?!"
" At least I'm not a COP!"
" I'm working on it, okay?!"
But the biggest thing? Jason's so unflinchingly clingy on Bruce; When they first meet this 'Justice League' Batman joined, Jason requested to be there. A robin caricature, but he doesn't trust any of them.
Aside from Diana. Diana's always the exceptions.
" This is Superman, " Bruce may think that little blush goes unnoticed, but it certainly doesn't. " And this is my ba-- This is Red Hood. I trust him with my life."
Don't cry don't cry don't cry Jason chants in his head.
Superman extends his hand and a honey sunshine smile, " Red Hood?! Oh, I've heard so much about you. We have to work together sometime. Share stories about this one here."
He heard about the guy's X Ray vision. He hopes that if he does take a peek, he sees the sinister pull of grin on his lips, all teeth and no niceness, " I'm more of a hugger."
" Oh. Uh... Sure. I love hugs."
Jason makes sure to whisper, " He doesn't kill but I do," before pulling away. Then he turns to Bruce, going from standing at his full height to relaxing a little bit,
" I want bat burgers on the way."
Bruce hums and signals for him to lean down to get his head petted. Jason does. Even if he's embarassed.
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gtsdreamer2 · 5 months
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Ever since your dad walked out on your family, you felt like you had a responsibility to your mom and sister to be the man of the house. You worked hard, studied hard, went to college while working a job that helped pay the bills, and it all paid off. You used your degree to dive into the tech industry and become a great inventor. Some of your inventions were taking off, and you were finally starting to see the fruits of your labor. That also meant that you could delegate some of your work to others now, which granted you enough free time to be able to work on pet projects and spoil your girlfriend, Katy. Sometimes, those two things coincided.
After a few tireless weeks of working 'round the clock in secret, you had finally finished your girlfriend's present. She was a retro soul with a 70s aesthetic, so you made her a special lava lamp. It was special because you had engineered some of your new tech into it. Katy had always had a waifish figure since you had known her, which, although you loved her just the same for it, made her very self-conscious both in the bedroom and out in public. The lamp that you had produced just for her was designed to emit special waves of energy to both grow her lacking assets and instill confidence in her, both through temporary mental manipulation and a renewed pride in her physical appearance.
You finally got home with your new toy when you got a ping on your phone to go out for drinks with your boys. 'What the hell, why not? I've been working my ass off. I deserve this.' you thought to yourself, setting the lamp on the kitchen counter before quickly changing and speeding off to the bars. Slamming the door as your left, you woke your sleeping mom, Cindy.
She came downstairs and into the kitchen and spotted the lamp on the counter. "Well this is cool. I haven't seen one of these in years!" She said, picking it up and examining it. "I bet Jake got it for me since my birthday is coming up. He definitely wouldn't have gotten this for himself. I'm so excited to set it up. It'll make a nice night light." Your mom scampered back up the stairs with the lamp and a glass of water in hand. She quickly downed her refreshment and plugged in the lamp, setting it on the dresser on the far side of the room before switching it on.
As it heated up, a warm glow filled the room. "Wow, it's giving off a lot of heat. I probably won't be able to use this in the summer, but its very comforting right now. As the lamp got hotter, so did your mom as she got cozy in bed. She dozed off while staring at the lamp's memorizing lava bubbles.
She couldn't remember her dreams, but they must have been wonderful. Cindy awoke with her panties soaked and wedged tightly against herself. She moaned and stretched, feeling a strange tightness all across her sleepwear. As she tossed and turned, trying to get her clothes to adjust, her nipples brushed the soft fabric of her PJs and elicited another, more sexual moan from her lips. She hadn't felt this turned on in years. It was like a long dormant fire had been lit. Turning on her side, Cindy put her legs around one of the extra pillows on the bed and started to aggressively hump herself to climax, biting her blanket to stifle her whimpers of pleasure all the while. Her sensitive nipples ached to be teased as she bucked. She eagerly obliged them as she snaked a hand under her top. She was so lost in her trance that she almost didn't realize that she was grabbing more breast than she should have had. Cindy was far too lost in pleasure at that moment as she humped and groped her sensitive body until she finally came hard into the pillow that she was abusing.
Sweat-speckled and panting, she finally released the poor pillow, covered with the evidence of your mom's much needed release. 'That was amazing.' She thought to herself, still trying to collect herself as she stood up from the bed. Her clothing still felt wrong on her as she made her way to the full body mirror in the bathroom.
As she looked herself up and down in the mirror, her jaw dropped. Her tits had grown. Her ass had plumped. Her head was slightly outside the frame of the mirror which was never an issue before this moment. "This is a lot." She said to herself, trying to take it all in. "I'm...a lot. I need coffee."
Cindy forced her soaked panties off her and discarded them into her laundry bin. She replaced them with a fresh pair that seemed to strain against the might of her new rear, but they fit, for now. A bra was out of the question, so she threw on a sweater by itself and then a part of leggings that couldn't cover her ankles and made her ass perk even higher. Checking herself out in the mirror again, she felt a wave of confidence as she tossed her sex hair from side to side. "I feel amazing this morning." She whispered before heading downstairs.
You awoke on your friend's couch, your natural body clock telling you that it was time to get up for work. "Shit." You cursed under your breath. You must have gotten too wasted last night. You pulled yourself together and got your things as quick as you could. You checked your phone and realized that you wouldn't have time to go home and would have to go straight to work. You wouldn't be home until late either. Sighing, you forced yourself out of your friend's house and into your car and then off to work.
Your sister came downstairs to find your mom humming to herself while doing the morning chores. She was loading the dishwasher, finishing breakfast, and sipping her coffee. She seemed different. Not just happier and peppier, but less...mom-like. She couldn't put her finger on it. "You're in a good mood this morning." She said. Sitting down to be served. Cindy quickly placed the spread before her.
"I know!" Your mom beamed back at your sister, Destiny, sitting down with her own, overloaded plate of food. "I feel amazing this morning." She dug into her breakfast, far more ravenously than she normally would have. She blamed it on the calories burned from touching herself that morning, conveniently trying to block out the obvious answer, which was that her increased assets caused the calorie deficit. Destiny sat there in disbelief of Cindy as the massive plate of food disappeared. She had no time to gawk as she had to get her things and get to her classes, however. Destiny said her goodbyes and left your mom home alone and to her own devices.
After clearing her plate and helping herself to everything that was leftover, she finally felt satisfied. She continued with her daily chores, cleaning around the house, vacuuming, tidying up the bathroom, normal motherly duties. Around midday, she finally started to feel sluggish and tired and returned to her room for an afternoon nap. That's when she remembered the lamp. "Oops" she said to no one. "I forgot to turn this off. Reaching for the lamp, she felt the warmth kiss her fingers before moving up her arm and then through her chest. Her nipples awoke and grew hard, pressing against her already too tight top. Instead of turning the lamp off, she instead put both her hands on it and lifted it up, holding it close to her chest. The warm feeling that had already started to completely envelop her intensified and she cooed at the feeling filling her body. As her body drank in the heat that was radiating from her new luminant gift, she could feel herself growing. Suddenly her nether regions had started to produce a heat of their own and she was reminded of the fun that she had gotten to have with herself that morning. Cindy then had a devilish idea. She unplugged the lamp from the outlet on the far wall and replugged it into the one by her nightstand. Peeling off her shrinking clothing, she crawled into bed and switched the lamp back on She sat with her back resting up against the headboard and her legs spread open and her feet touching In the center she placed the lamp, mere inches from her hungry snatch. Then as she was basking in the glow, she again began to pleasure herself. Cindy had no need to hold back her cries and moans in an empty house, so as she rubbed her needy clit, she wailed in ecstasy for the first time in countless years. Orgasm after orgasm shook through her as her growing body continued to become more and more sensitive.
"Fuck!" she cried out as another climax and subsequent growth spurt rattled through her. "Why does this feel so good? I just want more and more and more! There's no way this should be happening." Not that she was keeping track of how big she was growing, but she had long left the six foot mark behind. If she had kept her clothing on, it would have started ripping itself apart from her body by now. Groping her giant tits, she couldn't help but smile. "These have grown so huge! So big and sensitive! And my nipples!" She tugged on each of them in turn then, not daring to take a hand away from her needy needy cunt. With each buck of her hips, she could feel her feet sliding further and further towards the edge of the bed and then beyond as her head pressed up against and then crept up the headboard. She could feel her pillowy ass jiggle and bounce against the bed as her leg muscles continued to thicken. After what felt like her twentieth finish, her body was finally satisfied and she passed out, the lamp tipping forward and delicately landing between her lips. As she slept, the energy from the lamp poured into her, forcing her bigger and bigger in her sleep.
Work finally ended and you were heading home. You felt behind the whole day and had hardly a moment to yourself to think. Throwing your keys on the counter, they landed right where the lamp should have been. Immediately you were wide awake, mind racing. 'I forgot all about the lamp, fuck.' You thought frantically. 'There's no way that someone plugged it in right?' You crept down the hall to your sister's room first. Slowing cracking open her door, nothing seemed out of place. You gave a sigh of relief and shut her door.
Next came your mom's room. As you quietly opened her door, your heart immediately sank. She was naked in her bed and at least eight feet tall by now. Both hands gripping the lamp as she rhythmically humped against it in her sleep. You were horrified, but it was also hard to look away. Her body was producing dangerous pheromones, just like the lamp was designed to do. Luckily, you knew this and were conscious of them. As you snuck up to the side of her bed, the pheromones grew stronger. You quickly unplugged the lamp and the room darkened slightly, now only lit from the setting sun outside. You held your breath as you slipped the lamp out of her hands, careful not to wake her. Exiting the room, you finally let out a frustrated sigh and an audible "fuck" as your sister was closing the front door.
"Woah, what's the problem?" She said, immediately noticing that something was off. She set her school stuff down and walked over to you.
"It's mom. She took this" You said gesturing to the lamp in your hands "and now she's like eight feet tall."
"Well that's...something" Your sister says, clearly lost. "What's 'this'" she said pointing to what looked to her like a relic from the 70s.
"'This' is a present for Katy, but I had to run off to work this morning after being out all night. I guess mom took it to bed and plugged it in." You let out another exasperated sigh. "Katy is on her way here right now to come pick this up, but I need to go back to my lab to get what I need to fix mom. Hopefully before she wakes up. Can I trust you to hold onto it while I'm gone and give it to my girlfriend? I don't need mom waking up and using it again. It seems like it can get pretty addicting pretty quickly based on her size. Maybe it works a little too well. I think I'll grab some supplies to recalibrate it for Katy before I let her use it." You were talking to yourself at this point.
"I don't really know what's going on since she seemed pretty normalish this morning, but sure bro!" She said eager to help. "I promise I wont let mom use it while you're gone. You should hurry though, I don't know how long she's been asleep. And if she's eight feet tall, I don't think I'd be able to stop her anyway. You better fix this."
You pushed the lamp into her arms and quickly left for your lab, leaving your sister alone with your sleeping colossus of a mother. Setting the lamp on the counter, your sister crept over to your mom's room and cracked the door open. "Holy shit," she whispered, "she's huge!" Silently closing the door, Destiny quickly scooped the lamp up and brought it to her room, where she promptly undressed and plugged it into her nightstand. Sitting on her bed, she held the lamp between her petite breasts as it began to produce heat. "Come on, come on. I don't have much time before Katy gets here. I wanna grow, too. Make me bigger!"
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bro-atz · 9 months
Helloooooooo!!! I LOVEDD your principa piece with Yunho! I was wondering if you would maybe be able to do a fic with San or Yunho where the mc is plus-sized? Thank youuu❤️❤️🥵
let's get physical, physical
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in which: all you wanted to do was focus on strength training, but two of the gym regulars decided to add some cardio into your life
pair: san/chubby!afab!reader, yunho/chubby!afab!reader
word count: 7k
content: gym sex (oh my), flirting, san as a pervert, bedroom sex, (potential) sauna sex, completely consensual!
author's note: omg i'm glad you loved principia hehe tysm! on a very different note, how DARE YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! you left me no choice but to write for both of them, so you better like this or else (ง'̀-'́)ง jk but seriously i do hope you like this
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here!
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You joined a gym— GYMZ (the name was so peculiar that you wanted to check it out). You joined the gym not because someone told you to but because you just wanted to see how much you could lift. All over your social media, you constantly get videos of women lifting and training, and you joined the gym because you wanted to know how much you could lift.
It turns out that you could lift a lot. On bench press, it was 160. Dumbbells: 70. Squat and deadlift were both 270, and shoulder press was 110. You amazed so many people at the gym, which was funny to you because all of those weights didn’t seem so bad.
And so, you committed to GYMZ. The people at the front desk were always really pleasant and nice— usually, it was either Jongho or Yeosang at the front— and there were so many amenities. So many. They had a swimming pool, tennis court, fitness classes, a spa and sauna, and many more. GYMZ was a bit pricey, but it was worth it.
So, you continued going to the gym. You wanted to be able to lift more and more just for the fun of it. Little did you know that you had attracted the attention of a couple regulars at the gym.
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choi san
You didn’t know this when you first joined GYMZ, but one of the regulars— Choi San— was a bit of a pervert. He was notorious for hitting on every single person that grabbed his attention at the gym.
You grabbed his attention when you were just there for a tour of the facilities. Yeosang was showing you around the weights room. San had just finished his reps on the bench press and sat up for a minute to rest before doing another several reps when he saw you. Well, he saw you from behind at first, and he was mainly looking at your ass. He was practically frothing at the mouth as he watched you walk around, your ass jiggling (you found a pair of those leggings that went viral on social media that hugged your curves just right and you wore them for the first time that day). As you and Yeosang walked around, San followed you from a distance where he could see you, but you couldn’t see him spying on you.
When you turned around, San actually drooled. Those leggings were doing you justice, as was the sports bra you found to keep the ladies from flying everywhere— you know, one of your main concerns while doing any sort of work. It took everything in San to not pounce on you that very first day.
“Psst, Yeo.” Right after Yeosang showed you out and went back to his chair behind the front desk, San slinked over and tried to get the man’s attention. “Hey. Hey, Yeo.”
“What, San?” Yeosang, who couldn’t ignore the irritating boy anymore, glared at San.
“What’s her name?”
“You know, the sexy thing that you just showed around,” San said to Yeosang while licking his lower lip.
“Put your tongue back where it came from you perverted monkey,” Yeosang warned. “Why do you need to know her name, anyway?”
“Just tell me!”
“Y/N, her name is Y/N.”
“Y/N… Yeo, dude, you gotta get her to sign up.”
“I mean, that’s the goal because we want more members… But if you want her to join to fulfill your perverted fantasies, then you can get the fuck out.”
San kept his mouth shut for half a second before whispering, “Okay, but, like, can you imagine how nice it would be to just stick your face in between her breasts—”
“Choi San, get the fuck away from me you fucking pervert!” Yeosang screeched and nearly flung a stapler at San.
After that day, San forgot about your existence— well, he remembered you and your ass for sure, but he didn’t think he would ever get to see you at the gym again. So, when he saw you at the gym a couple days later, he was overjoyed. He wanted to immediately waltz up to you and ask you if you wanted someone to spot you while you bench pressed, but Yeosang got there before he could, and he glared at the man to drive him away.
You, meanwhile, were confused as to why Yeosang suddenly got distracted while explaining how to safely lift. “What’s going on?” you asked him.
“Oh, nothing. Just shooing away a monkey.”
“A monkey…?”
“Yes, a monkey.”
“…Okay then.”
San desperately tried to talk to you that day, but you were completely out of reach since Yeosang was guarding you like a goddamn Doberman. He did manage, however, to get you to notice him while he was doing chin ups— and that was the first time you saw San.
Despite how unbelievably perverted and horny the guy was, he was still a sight for sore eyes. The way his muscles would flex as he moved up and down, and the intense focused look on his face was enough to make anyone swoon. Then, when he got down and wiped the sparking sweat off his forehead with a towel, your entire body tingled. That man was fine.
“Hey, uh,” Yeosang snapped you out of your trance. “I wouldn’t go for him if I were you…”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You’re staring at San, right?”
“That guy,” Yeosang pointed to the man you were staring at. “His name is San.”
“I mean, I wasn’t really staring…” you mumbled. “I just happened to watch him do chin ups.”
“Well, regardless. Don’t go for him even if he comes onto you. He’s a full-blown pervert.”
That warning was enough for you to keep away from him.
A couple weeks later, you had adjusted your schedule so that you were going to the gym every other day. San kept track of your schedule, and he noted when you would come into GYMZ and when you would leave and what you would do while you were there. He observed everything you did so that he could use it to his advantage.
San decided to make his move around your 1-month anniversary at GYMZ, and he made his move right when you were going to do squats. Usually, Yeosang was your spotter, but that was the one day he was sick, and Jongho was busy talking to one of the instructors at the gym— Yunho, was it?— so it was the perfect opportunity for San to interact with you.
“Hey,” San waved and approached you.
“Oh, hi,” your heart fluttered upon seeing the beautiful man.
“Do you need someone to spot you?”
“No, it’s okay,” you declined, suddenly remembering Yeosang’s warning.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” San said, his voice lowering, his body nearing yours as he stood right next to you.
Next thing you knew, San was behind you. He tried his best to keep a respectful distance from you while spotting you, but your ass was so thick that it was impossible for him to do so. When Yeosang spotted you, he always faced you and spotted you, so having San stand behind you was definitely something else. At least he kept his attention on making sure you wouldn’t collapse under the weights.
After your reps, San asked you, “Do you want to add another ten and do another set?”
During that second set, you looked across in the mirror and saw that San was focused on spotting you, and the look on his face almost made your arms turn to jelly. He was so fucking hot when he was focused, and you desperately wanted to see that face right in front of you and you desperately wanted to kiss that face all over.
You couldn’t focus after that. The only thoughts revolving in your brain were all about San and how San would be with you in different intimate situations. Maybe San’s pervertedness was contagious…
“I think I’m done for the day! Bye!” you told him after setting the weights back.
Before he could respond, you scurried off to the locker room and did your best to calm yourself down; and you did a good job in doing that (okay, you pleasured yourself in the bathroom, but whatever works, right?), only for all of that effort to have been in vain when you walked out of the locker room and saw San walking out of the men’s locker room.
“Oh, wow, you left so fast I thought you were gone already,” he chuckled.
“Ah, um, I…” you had no idea how to respond.
“The name’s San, by the way.”
San held out his hand for you to shake.
You shook his hand, and you were immediately surprised. For someone who did a lot of weights and exercised frequently, he had soft hands. You did, too, but you didn’t think someone like San would pay attention to the health of his skin. Not only were his hands soft, but his face was incredibly smooth and clear, which kind of made you jealous.
“Soft…” you whispered without realizing you said that out loud.
“Thanks,” San said with a smile.
Your face got hot— you could not believe you said that out loud, and you could not believe that he heard you. You took your hand back and cleared your throat before saying, “It was nice to meet you. I’ll see you around!”
San, however, did not want the interaction to stop there. For weeks, he had been so pent up just staring at you and wanting to do unspeakable things to you that he could no longer wait. He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him.
“Let’s get to know each other!” he said cheerily.
He dragged you to his car and drove the two of you to a nearby coffee shop. You were so dazed until he set a cup of coffee in front of you. He sat across from you and smiled, his eyes turning into crescents.
“How are you liking GYMZ so far?” he asked you.
“It’s nice… Fun…”
“Have you tried any of the classes yet?”
“No, I’m only really interested in weight training.”
“Ah, no wonder I see you in the weights room all the time.”
You felt your face flush. San, still noting every single one of your actions and reactions, pushed further.
“You’re crazy strong, you know that? I mean, squatting 300—”
“Wait, I thought it was only 280,” you interrupted.
“No, I added 30 more pounds. I’m surprised you didn’t notice.”
Your jaw dropped. “I— How did— Woah…”
“You’re so impressive, Y/N. Your strength, body, looks,” San, resting his elbows on the table, laced his fingers together and leaned towards you, his eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re so fucking sexy, Y/N.”
Your entire body got hotter and you were rendered mute. How could he just look you in the eye like that and say something so intense?
“You know what I really want?” San asked.
“What is that…?”
“I want to see exactly how sexy you are underneath those workout clothes. Won’t you show me, please?”
With that silver tongue of his, San brought you back to his place. When you got into his car after leaving the coffee shop, he kissed you so intensely that you felt like you were going to pass out, and on the drive to his place, his hand firmly cupped the inside of your thigh and kept rubbing his hand up and down, turning you on to the max with his caress. Then, on your way inside his place, he was kissing you intensely once again, and you had to clutch his shoulders to keep yourself from melting in his embrace.
Upon entering his room, he took your sports bra and leggings off with such ease— normally, you struggled to get the ladies out of your bra, so it slightly annoyed you how easily this man was able to do it— before pinning you down on his bed. In between his tongue filled kisses, he managed to take his own clothes off. When he breathlessly ended the kiss, he hovered above you, giving you the most glorious view of his chiseled body and thick penis. Meanwhile, you were already completely disheveled under him, which just made him all the more horny.
“Oh, shit, Y/N… I don’t think I can wait,” San said before quickly slipping your panties off.
San rolled a condom on his cock quickly— when did he have the time to grab a condom?— and thrust harshly into your sopping wet cunt. You let out a faint cry when you felt his waist slam into you, and San groaned loudly when he felt the tip of his penis hit your cervix.
“Fuck…” San hissed as he slowly withdrew his dick. “I knew you were going to be tight but I didn’t think it would feel this good… I nearly came.”
You thought San just rushing into you was going to be painful, but waiting for him to move faster was so much worse. You wanted him to just fuck you senseless, but he was taking his sweet fucking time. You grabbed at his wrists and whined, “I need you to fuck me faster.”
“You gotta wait, babygirl,” San moved his hand so that he was caressing your waist, his fingers pressing into your love handles. “It’s not fair to you if I cum so fast.”
San calling you babygirl sent your mind spiraling. Still holding onto your waist, San hovered above you and kissed your neck, leaving light marks along your neck and chest. He left you with a new kiss with every thrust, and the stimulation was driving you crazy. You completely lost it when he began to knead and massage your breast, and then the cherry on top was when he twisted your nipple, which he did while his lips were still connected to yours.
You couldn’t even warn him. You moaned in his mouth as you felt your cunt tremble and convulse. Leaning back, San smiled and said, “See, now can I can fuck you senseless.”
Hands pressed on the either side of you on the mattress, San’s hips bucked sharply, his hips slamming hard into yours. You were still recovering from the high of your orgasm, so you felt the pleasure just shoot through the roof as the sound of the wet squelches of his cock moving in and out of you quickly and of his waist slapping against yours filled the room.
Your arms wrapped around his (surprisingly tiny) waist, and your nails dug into you skin as you suppressed your urge to cum so quickly. Blinking several times to refocus your blurry eyes, you looked up to see the same look of concentration San wore on his face when he was spotting you. Seeing his jaw tense, eyes sharp, and with the new addition of him biting his lower lip— he didn’t do that when he was spotting you earlier— you clenched.
“Oh fuck!” San groaned aloud, his dick trembling.
San’s thrusts slowed down as his cum filled the condom, and it was only after he had finished cumming did he pull out. You, meanwhile, had another orgasm the second your pussy tightened up. You laid on his bed, exhausted, as San removed the condom and threw it away. You thought was going to give you a break, but he seemed like he wanted you to go for one more set. From the corner of your eye, you watched as he rolled a fresh condom onto his still erect, large, throbbing penis, his fingers holding the base.
“Y/N, don’t forget to stretch out after you exercise,” San said with a smirk. “Let’s stretch out your hips, shall we?”
Effortlessly, San spun you around so that you were on your hands and knees the second he knelt on the bed. He let out a low whistle as he ran his hand from your calf to your thigh to your ass. You turned your head back to catch a glimpse of the hungry glint in San’s eye, only to immediately look forward again the second you felt his fingertips press hard into your ass cheek.
“Mmm, yes. This is what I wanted to see,” San hummed as he held onto both of your ass cheeks. “Fuck, your pussy is dripping, babygirl… Let me clean you up.”
Spreading your ass cheeks wide, San brought his lips to your cunt, but rather than eat you out, he blew cold air into you, making your ass and thighs tremble.
“Oh my God, San!” you cried as he continued to tease you, his fingers tracing along your folds.
You heard him let out a low chuckle as he sensed your frustration grow. San, finally allowing himself to begin pleasuring you, began by licking your pussy from your clit to the end of your cunt. You felt his nose press lightly into you while his tongue flicked and played around with your clit, your entire lower body trembling at the sensation. You felt an orgasm starting to near when he pulled away. Before you could complain, he licked his fingers and rubbed your pussy up and down before shoving two of his fingers into you.
His fingers, moving in and out of you, grazed your G-spot several times, your orgasm overtaking you and making you squirt all over him (and you really couldn’t believe the technique of the man for him to be able to do that to you so easily when you yourself struggled with it).
“Fuck! Oh, oh wow,” you cried out as your ecstasy faded into reality. “Oh my… Fuck.”
“We still have more stretching to do, Y/N,” San, who had sat up, leaned over you and brought his lips to your ear. “You don’t want to be sore, do you?”
“I have a feeling I’m going to be more sore after this stretch of yours,” you responded airily.
“You might be right…” San acknowledged as he rubbed the tip of his cock against your folds. “Oh well.”
With that, San’s penis shot straight through you, and you went from your hands to your elbows in no time. You cried out moans and profanities as San ruthlessly hit it from behind. For him, the sight of seeing your ass jiggle every time his pelvis slammed into you was everything. But, he couldn’t keep up that intensity for so long if he wanted to last; so, he’s thrusts lightened up a bit, but when he smacked your ass and moved you towards him instead of him to you, your entire body tingled with excitement. Your cries were pretty much only moans at that point, and you had to bite your lower lip to keep from yelping whenever he slapped your ass.
As San continued to fuck you in doggy position, he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you while his other hand clutched your ass (of course). When his fingers grazed upwards along your spine, you arched your back, earning a hiss of delight from the man. He held onto your hips as he began to speed up. His fingers squeezed your waist and hips the closer he got to cumming as if he was holding on to you to keep his sanity.
And with a loud groan, San came harder than he did the first time. Fucking you from behind did a number on him, honestly. San pulled out and got up to throw up the second filled condom. Panting hard, the two of you collapsed on his bed. San’s arm immediately wrapped around you, his hand resting on— you guessed it— your ass. He kissed you lightly and smiled softly, which was nice, but it made you wonder about the duality of this man.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to fuck you,” he said quietly.
“Oh, I know. I was warned about that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was told not to interact with you because you’re perverted.”
San’s eyes flew wide open as he asked with shock, “Wha— Who told you that?!”
“Goddammit Yeosang…” San cursed the man under his breath.
You had to bite back a laugh as you told him, “But, to be honest, you’re not as perverted as I thought.”
“What did you think?”
“That you would peep into the locker rooms to look at someone’s naked body or steal their clothes and get off on them.”
“Okay, see!” San cheered up. “I’m not a pervert—”
“But you do stare at me a lot. You know, you’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
“Fine, I’m a little bit of a pervert, then. But, how can I not stare when the view is so sexy?”
With a laugh, you pushed him away lightly and said, “Shut the fuck up, pervert.”
“Make me.”
Challenge accepted. You cupped his face and kissed him with such vigor that San moaned into your mouth that time. His tongue toyed around with yours as it dove into your mouth, and after seconds of waltzing around, you leaned away from each other with a light pant and sigh. San had no words. You successfully shut him up… For about five seconds.
“Can I…” he started.
“Can you what?”
“…Can I stick my face in your breasts? Please?”
“You’re really not helping defunct the pervert rumors with that request,” you pointed out to him.
“I don’t care. I’ll be a pervert because your breasts are worth it.”
Without waiting for a response, San really did shove his face in between your breasts, his exhale tickling your bare skin. He hummed lightly and happily before he brought the hand that was on your ass to your breast. He at first caressed it gently, then he began to knead it with his strong grip. The lightest moan slipped out of your mouth the more he massaged, and your hips started shifting slightly— you were getting turned on all over again.
Then, when he began to suck on your nipple, you lost all self control. You whimpered as your hips began to rub against his slowly stiffening penis.
“San,” you said with a sultry whisper. “I want you in me. Right now.”
“Are you sure? Do you really want this pervert’s cock inside you?” San asked cheekily.
“Yes, San. I do. Just fuck me with that fat cock of yours before I lose my mind.”
San held the back of your head and brought you in for another hungry kiss, his pelvis rubbing up against you.
“Alright, anything for you, babygirl.”
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jeong yunho
Yunho had seen you around. You came into the gym at the same time every other day, and when his class was done, he would see you walk right past and head towards the sauna with determined resolve. He would always watch you walk briskly with a light smile on his face, and he would always wonder when you were going to take his class so he could see that smile closer to him.
You never had a reason to interact with Yunho because he was one of the sculpt class teachers, and you only ever spent time in two places: the weights room, and the sauna. And, no matter how hard Yeosang and Jongho tried to convince you to take one of the sculpt classes, you could not be bothered. You were only at GYMZ for the weights.
One day, however, Yunho stopped you. It seemed like he was trying to recruit you for the sculpt classes. He was, but it wasn’t because Jongho or Yeosang put him up to it, but because he wanted some excuse to see you as often as he possibly could— well, you and your mouthwatering curves in those TikTok leggings of yours.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right?” he asked you as he held his hand out to get you to stop walking.
“Uh… Yeah?”
He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest, accentuating his chest muscles. He tilted his head to the side as he asked with a laugh, “What, are you unsure of your own name?”
“I mean, that is my name, but I meant more like what do you want?”
“Well, I noticed that you haven’t signed up for any classes, so I wanted to know if you—”
“Pass,” you immediately interrupted. “I’m only really interested in lifting, and sculpt is definitely not lifting. Thank you, but no thank you.”
You left Yunho with that and made a beeline for the sauna. Yunho watched you disappear with an amused smile on his face, his heart beating the tiniest bit faster. Fuck, he wanted you more now.
And so, Yunho put in more of an effort to see you. If you weren’t going to come to him, then he could go to you, after all. He found himself in the weights room more frequently at that point, but he would never be able to get the timing right because you would always finish your workout when his class ended. One day, though, you came to GYMZ later than you usually did.
Yunho was busy talking to Jongho about the different class packages and whatever else Yunho could think about to bother Jongho about without the man completely tearing him to shreds for wasting his time. Yet, when he saw you enter the gym, he got distracted, so Jongho lectured him anyway.
“Dude, don’t bother me if you’re just going to space out mid-conversation. I have a lot of work to finish,” Jongho said with a huff as he sat at the desk.
“Sorry! Sorry, I just got distracted. Anyway, all of the classes are full? There’s seriously not enough space for one more person?”
“What can I say, Yunho? You’re a popular one.”
Yunho carried on the conversation with Jongho, who was so busy typing at his desk that he didn’t realize Yunho was staring at you. You were doing a couple reps at the leg press. Yunho could see your body from the side, and he watched as your thighs got thicker and your ass got rounder as you brought your knees to your chest. Every rep you did, Yunho just got more and more turned on. He loved the way your belly and ass would become all round and smooth whenever you brought your knees to your chest. It was only when you finished your sets and stretch out your legs and back did Yunho finally look away from you.
“Hey, Jongho?”
“What is it, now?” Jongho replied to the taller man with an exasperating groan.
“I’m not feeling too good,” Yunho lied. “Can you cancel my classes for the rest of the day?”
“You look fine to me,” Jongho eyed the man as he looked him up and down.
Yunho let out the weakest fake cough. Jongho rolled his eyes as he said, “Fine. Knowing you, you’ll be annoying until I say yes. Go home.”
“Okay, bye!”
Yunho quickly shuffled away from an even more agitated Jongho and towards you. You just finished stretching and were about to head out of the weights room and to the sauna when he approached you.
“Hi again,” he greeted with a smile.
“You heading towards the sauna?”
You eyed him suspiciously. How did he know that you were going there?
“Whenever you leave the weights room, you walk by my room and towards the sauna,” Yunho read your thoughts and answered. “It looked like you were done with the weights for the day, so that’s why I asked.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at the man— he looked almost like a puppy, standing before you and waiting, an imaginary tail wagging frantically behind him.
“Yeah, I’m done for the day… Heading towards the sauna now…”
“Cool! Can I walk with you?”
Yunho was not going to take no for an answer. You reluctantly nodded and started your trek towards the sauna. As the two of you walked side by side, you kept glancing at him. At first it was because you were worried he was going to try and make you join his sculpt class (and if it was, then you were going to shove him and run away), but then it was to look at him. Yunho was a fine man– tall, muscular, and attractive as fuck. You actually debated joining his sculpt class just so you could gaze as his beauty, but no. You weren’t going to join a sculpt class for that reason.
“Why do you always go to the sauna after you lift?”
“To relax my muscles. Heat is good for alleviating muscle strain.”
“I know that, but why do you always go? You never skip it anytime you’re here.”
“How do you know that?”
“I told you before, you walk past the room on your way to the sauna. I notice things, Y/N.”
The thought of Yunho watching you and noticing the little things made you body flush with heat, a light blush raising to your cheeks as you walked alongside him, embarrassed.
When the two of you arrived at the sauna, you turned to leave, only for Yunho to grab your arm.
“I wanna join you, if you don’t mind,” he stated.
“Uh… Sure?”
You disappeared into the women’s locker room and changed into a towel. The sauna at GYMZ was gender neutral, and in order to use it, you had to be wearing a towel. You had never actually sat in the sauna with anyone before— because of the time of day you chose, you didn’t have to worry about sharing it.
You entered the sauna first and sat down on the bench in the spot that you usually sat. Moments later, Yunho entered the sauna with a white towel wrapped around his waist. You couldn’t tell if it was because of Yunho’s build or what, but the towel seemed really small on him. Luckily, it was able to cover his waist and a good section of his thighs, you noticed as he sat down.
After a moment or two of sitting in silence, Yunho leaned into you, his knee pressing against yours. His voice was sensually low as he said, “I want you to join my class just so that I have a reason to see you more often.”
His knee rubbed against yours slightly more, and you looked at his thigh to see that there was something throbbing beneath the towel. Your voice was barely above a whisper as you brought your eyes up to his, “You want to see me more often, you say?”
“That’s right.”
“We can still make that happen without me joining the class.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well, we can meet in the sauna like this…”
“Uh huh.”
Yunho got closer to you, his shoulder pressing against yours.
“Or after the gym closes for the day…”
“Yeah?” He reached for your chin and brought his lips dangerously close to yours while continuing, “Where would we meet if the gym is closed?”
“My place… Or yours…”
“And what would we do there?”
You kept glancing at Yunho’s pink lips, your breathing hitching as you controlled your urge to just pounce on him. “Something…” you breathed out. “Physical.”
His lips pressed against yours softly— it was more like a peck than anything.
“Like that?”
“Yes, but more…”
He kissed you twice, his lips getting more intimate with yours.
He finally delivered. His kisses got way more passionate, his tongue immediately searching for yours. You gripped the bench the second you felt his hand gripping your breast over the towel. He continued to massage your breast and kiss you, both actions becoming more intense by the second.
You were extremely light-headed when Yunho released your lips, the two of you breathing deeply. You licked your lower lip and bit it after whispering, “Wow…”
The look on your face made it impossible for Yunho to suppress his now extremely hard cock. He stood up and held your hand.
“Come with me. I think we can get a little more physical than that, don’t you agree?”
Yunho, being one of the trainers at GYMZ, took you to the trainers’ private locker room. He locked the door behind him, sat you down on the bench in the room, and disappeared, only to emerge seconds later with a water bottle in his hands. He opened it and handed it to you. The water really saved you because making out in the sauna was honestly a horrible idea. You let out a little exhale after drinking a good amount of water, and before you could take another sip, Yunho took the bottle from you. You watched as he sipped but didn’t swallow. Instead, he grabbed your face with his free hand and kissed you.
The water from his mouth went into yours, the sensation of the cool water and his hot tongue sending shivers down your spine. You swallowed the water and continued to desperately kiss Yunho as if he was made of water.
Your hand tugged at his towel, freeing his very large and erect cock. You continued to make out with him as your hand gently began to stroke from the bottom up. Yunho shivered when you ran your nails lightly around the tip of his penis, prompting him to lean away.
“Wait, let me go grab some condoms.
Some? Some? Yunho stood up and helped you to your feet before running off somewhere. When he came back, he pinned you against the lockers, his arm resting above your head. He opened one of the small lockers at the top and threw in a couple condoms, one remaining in his hands.
“Doll, why are you still wearing the towel? We need to get you out of that immediately.”
You had tucked one end of the towel into your cleavage. Yunho’s finger slipped into your cleavage and tugged the towel ever so slightly so, the tucked corner no longer tucked. Your towel fell to the ground. Yunho’s finger continued going down your cleavage, down your stomach until your belly button before his fingers tiptoed around your waist. He ran his fingers along your love handle, past the small of your back, and to the other side of your body. His hand held onto your waist and tugged at you lightly, willing you to turn around for him.
“Mmm, I love the way your back arches,” Yunho whispered as he tore open the condom packet, his other hand gliding down your back.
His hand resting on your back, Yunho rolled the condom onto his cock and began to rub it along your ass crack. You lowered your body and pressed further into the lockers.
“Yes, doll, just like that,” you heard him mumble. “You’re so wet already… Should I hurry, then?”
You nodded eagerly. His held his dick and pushed it into your pussy. Despite how wet you were, Yunho still had to move slowly because you seriously were not ready for his size. You cried out in painful pleasure as you felt his girth stretch you out. You were already panting by the time Yunho’s cock was fully inside you.
“You took me so well, Y/N,” Yunho whispered as he left several kisses on the back of your neck. “Your tight cunt is squeezing my cock just right…”
His waist, already pressed against yours, pushed further, pressing you further against the lockers. You felt your nipples rub along the louvers of the locker, making you tremble all over, and the feeling only intensified as Yunho began actually moving.
At first, Yunho intended to take his time and move slowly, but seeing the way your ass and thighs jiggle when his hips made contact, he couldn’t take it anymore. He moved quickly, and the tip of his dick hit your cervix with every thrust.
“F-fuck! I’m cumming!” you cried.
Yunho pressed his waist into yours completely, his dick filling you up. He didn’t want you to squirt just yet. Your thighs shook as your vaginal fluid built up within you, and it was only when Yunho pulled out entirely did you squirt. You let out a loud, pleasureful moan as your ass and thighs trembled, your arms barely keeping you in place against the lockers.
“Oh my fucking God, that was so fucking hot,” Yunho said as he sharply inhaled.
You were still recovering from the euphoria of your orgasm as Yunho turned you around, pressing your back against the locker once again. He lifted your leg up and had a firm grasp under your thigh before shoving himself back into you. The locker doors rattled as Yunho fucked you hard and fast, grunts leaving his mouth with every thrust.
“Yunho! It feels so good!” you cried, your head tilting upwards to look at his face.
Yunho’s face flinched as he gazed at your face— your tongue was sticking out of your mouth slightly as you panted, your eyes were half-lidded and a little blurry, and there was a light blush running across your cheeks and nose. That face of yours was enough to make him cum. Yunho bent his head down and kissed— more like ravaged— you, his waist slamming into yours one final time as he came hard. You felt his cock tremble and sperm pool up into the condom. His lips only released yours after he pulled out completely.
“That face of yours, doll… Damn, if looks could kill,” Yunho said with a light chuckle.
As he walked away, you did your best to gain strength in your limbs. You picked up the water bottle from earlier and drank some water while walking around the locker room and towards the dressing room. There were mirrors all around and space on the countertops for duffel bags and what not. You stood before one of the mirrors and observed your face and neck, your fingers brushing along the long gone hickeys San left on your neck the week prior.
“What, are you upset that I didn’t leave any marks?”
You watched Yunho through the mirror as he approached you. He trapped you by holding onto the vanity table. He nuzzled his nose against your shoulder before trailing his tongue from your shoulder up your neck.
“I can leave marks if you would like me to,” he whispered into your ear.
Yunho nibbled lightly on your neck, making you moan softly. His hands traced your curves and rested on your hips as his bites turned into hickeys.
“I want you to fuck me again, Yunho,” you whined softly.
“Your wish is my command, doll.”
Yunho was already prepared— he had a fresh condom on. He bent you over on the wood of the table and wasted no time shoving his cock into you. You let out a loud moan when you felt him hit your cervix again.
“Don’t cum yet, Y/N. Wait for me,” Yunho said with a grunt.
“I— I can’t! Feels too fucking good!”
Yunho let out a light laugh with your response. Despite you saying that, you still did your best to hold your orgasm. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long— Yunho held your hair and pulled your head back slightly so that you could get a clear view of him fucking you from behind (and so that he could also see your face), and seeing the tears well up in your eyes as you struggled to contain your orgasm did it for him. He bit his lower lip and groaned loudly as he came inside, your orgasm following shortly thereafter.
You remained standing there with your upper body resting on the countertop as Yunho pulled out and walked to the other side of the dressing room to clean himself up.
“Don’t you dare join my class, Y/N,” he said.
“You’re changing your mind all of a sudden? Why?” You asked with a laugh— you were glad he wasn’t going to push his propaganda on you anymore.
Yunho turned around and looked you dead in the eye as he said seriously, “I won’t be able to hold myself back if you were in my class.”
Your face got hot immediately. You looked away abruptly to avoid eye contact, so you didn’t see that Yunho had walked back over to you. He hugged you from behind, his arms wrapping around your waist and chest.
“Okay, so the next time…” Yunho drawled out. “Your place or mine?”
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 “So you’re seriously only going to stick to weights?” Yeosang asked as he spotted you one day.
It’d been a week since you fucked Yunho and two since you fooled around with San, and after both experiences, you considered adding a little aerobic exercise to your workouts. Key word: considered.
“For now. We’ll see what happens.”
You finished your set and dropped the barbell to the ground. Yeosang put the weights away as you walked over to your where your water bottle and phone sat. While you drank your water, you checked your phone to see that one of the two gym boys you had sex with texted you.
“Wanna get some cardio in? ;)”
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st-danger · 10 months
Given certain.......developments........I feel like we need feminized Aeon.
Maybe in a sheer teddy?
With stockings?
I just have a feeling that Swiss and Dew in particular would be interested in this scenario.
Come quick, the text had said. Swiss had, of course. Aeon doesn't text. He doesn't like phones, he doesn't really care to learn, and has dropped and shattered the screen of no less than three phones since his summoning, and Imperator has made it very clear that three times is thrice too many. So he leaves it lying around constantly, never making an effort to keep it on his person.
Come quick, he'd said, and Swiss had raced to his room. If only he'd known come quick wasn't only going to refer to the speed with which his legs would carry him across the abbey.
"Heard from a little birdy this was your thing."
The teddy is more lace than anything else. 70-30 split, Swiss would guesstimate. White, tight, and a plunging mesh panel that would show off cleavage if he had any. He's just as flat as Dewdrop, but utterly willing to grope his own chest and pinch his little nipples until they poke against the fabric. He sits, perched upon his bed, long legs crossed and adorned with matching white thigh highs that accentuate his calves. Worst of all, the red lipstick. Swiss's stomach drops out and he stands in the doorway, a truly profane wave of arousal washing over him with brutal intensity. Aeon smiles, heinously pleased. Shows a hint of crooked teeth, hair falling into his face. Absurdly his gives Swiss a little finger wave.
"Feel like closing that door?" Swiss tries to keep his knees from buckling as he steps inside and throws it shut, harder than he needs to by miles. "Lock it, too," Aeon adds, and Swiss reaches back for the doorknob and turns the lock without looking.
Swiss figures there's no real reason to wait, and is across the room and kneeling before him in an instant. The grin hasn't left Aeon's face. He slides his hands over Aeon's legs, caressing.
"Gotta tell you now," Aeon drawls, "if you're looking for shame, that's Dew's territory. I know how good I look."
"Bet you do," Swiss murmurs, stroking down to his ankles to brush his thumbs tenderly against the bone, and then to play with the straps of the heels. "Bet you wanna be treated all pretty too, huh?"
"You offering?"
Swiss huffs out a laugh.
"Think I'm gonna leave now?"
"Sure hope not." Aeon rubs at his chest and acts like he's squeezing his pecs.
"What exactly," Swiss says, hitching a hand under the leg so daintily crossed overtop the other, "are you looking for?" Swiss, game for whatever, always. But Aeon is too new for him to comfortably make an assumption on what the menu is. Can't be too boring, since. Well. All of this.
He pries Aeon's legs apart and groans at the way the lace stretches tight over his chubby.
"Little of this, little of that," Aeon says.
"Give me more than that," Swiss says, ducking his head and placing sucking kisses over the thigh highs, up and up until he gets to creamy soft thighs. "You'll get whatever you ask for."
"You could fuck my tits," he offers, sounding so absurdly casual, so ludicrously at ease with it all. The contrast between the way he and Dew handle things is inversely proportional. "Heard you like body shots."
"That birdy of yours sure knows how to run their mouth," he says, and then, because it's right there and nobody could hold the eagerness against him, presses his full lips against Aeon's cock. It immediately twitches and Swiss is more and more certain that the spark of fire that runs through him will reduce him to worthless ash by the end of the evening.
Aeon worries his lower lip between his teeth, a coy gesture, and Swiss is reaching for his chest with open palms, shooing Aeon's hands aside. His expression goes pinched at the feeling of hard nipples against them.
"Wanna suck my clit?" Aeon asks, and laughs, bright and clear and utterly delighted at the moan it wrenches from him. "Oh, you're easy, aren't you."
"Birdy tell you that, too?"
"Birdy told me a lot of things. Said you like lipstick all over your dick."
"How about a little tit for tat?" Swiss punctuates the double entendre with a light pluck of his nipples.
"Gotta warm me up a little first," Aeon says, and Swiss- well, he's cradling Aeon's face and pulling it towards him as he surges up.
Aeon uses tongue immediately. Not hard, not shoving it roughly into his mouth though Swiss hopes that's on the way. The waxy flavour of the makeup bothers him none, and they kiss thorough and deep until Aeon grabs his hair and tugs his head back, looking dazed.
"Holy shit."
"Uh huh," Swiss agrees. "Wanna see what else I can do with that tongue? Want me to treat you like the good little girl you are?" This hits Aeon obviously, losing his smile and looking like his world has gone ever so slightly sideways.
"Lick me out," he nods, and the gratification that Swiss feels as he's confronted by the breathy tone zings directly to his cock, pressing more and more insistently against his pants.
Swiss drops his head and nuzzles Aeon's cock, forcing a sharp inhale from him.
"Tell me what you are, sweetheart, and I promise I make your legs shake."
"Your good girl," Aeon moans.
Swiss is inclined to agree, and good behaviour deserves good rewards.
"Time to get it out," Swiss growls, suddenly utterly devoid of patience. "Let's take care of that clit."
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