#i'll stick with the chocolate chip cookies i made yesterday
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I bought freeze dried durian because I wanted to see if the fruit alone would taste as weird as durian ice cream (I had a sample) and durian pastries (got one at a chinese bakery) and.. huh. It's definitely a difficult to describe taste.
#best i got is 'weird sweet musky onion and gasoline'#when i had the durian pastry my husband thought he was smelling a gas leak but the stuff gives you durian burps for at least an hour#thankfully it does not remind me of garbage or dead things but not sure if fresh durian would#that said i would prefer to gift the rest of the bag to someone that would appreciate it more if i can find such a person#i'll stick with the chocolate chip cookies i made yesterday
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Sunny Day Jack Valentine's Day Ramble
To offset the heartache from yesterday, I figured I'd do an off the cuff Valentine's day themed headcanon ramble. I have no idea where it's going to go or how spicy it'll be until I finish and come back in to toss in whatever content warnings might apply, but I'm going to try and stick to fluffy stuff today instead of angst if I can.
No promises though. Once I get started, there's no telling the places my mind will go when given a writing prompt.
Content Warnings: A little bit of possessive yandere spice from Jack, but nothing major. There's also mentions of the way Ian and Alice's relationship failed how that affects her in the present, references to past childhood trauma, as well as hints of Joseph's darker past.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
Before we get started, what say I dress up for the occasion first?
Yes this was an excuse to show off my silly sprite edit for Valentine's Day. Self-love is important too you know. On that note, let's get on to the OTP indulgence!
Love and Cookies
While Alice is associated with and often smells like sugar cookies, her favorite cookies are the classic chocolate chip, and she's perfected her own personal recipe after much trial and error. It took a while to get them to taste juuuuust right. Her special recipe never fails to fill her with the sweet taste of comfort and nostalgia.
Though Alice doesn't realize it, she originally created this recipe long, long ago. A tradition that Alice unknowingly carried over from her life as Mary is to bake chocolate chip cookies as gifts for those she loves. In the present day she's managed to recreate the recipe she perfected in her previous life.
As you might expect, Mary gave plenty of these cookies to Joseph, even if she didn't have the spoons to bake them very often. He always helped her out whenever he could though. This means that Jack is going to find Alice's cookies are a semi-sweet bite of nostalgia.
Naturally, this is going to pop up sometime in Sunshine in Hell when I get going with it again. The only question is who bakes Mary's classic chocolate chip cookies first - Alice or Jack? I can imagine him unthinkingly using her recipe without remembering where he got it from. Whoever makes it first, the other is going to be mighty surprised by the familiar nostalgic taste.
I did consider writing a snippet along this topic for today, but I'm low on spoons, so I'm going to ramble about it instead. Maybe I'll manage a paragraph of writing or two sometime in this post as I go along. We shall see how it goes.
Even after moving out, Alice made sure to bake cookies and ship them to her family for special occasions. Being the oldest child, she would try to bake a big batch of cookies for her family for every noteworthy holiday, even if said holiday already came with its own distinct brand of goodies. Chocolate chip cookies are welcome at any holiday dessert buffet after all. Of course she also baked cookies for birthdays too, though sometimes they weren't chocolate chip if the recipient wasn't a fan of chocolate.
Sure, Alice knows how to bake other goodies, and is a decent cook with more savory dishes, but chocolate chip cookies will always be her favorite. It's a comfort food that never fails to make her happy.
Despite constantly being tired and pressed for cash, Alice does make sure to save up for a big batch of cookies to ship to her family and closest friends for special occasions. She doesn't bake as often after moving out, mostly focusing on birthdays for her immediate family and the bigger holidays. While attending college, she did make cookies for Ian and Shaun as well, including special Valentine's day goodies.
Shaun loved receiving a sweet homemade chocolate chip cookie shaped like a heart straight from his crush. Poor guy knew it was just a platonic show of affection to a friend, as she gave the same cookie to her other close friends at college. Sadly, he couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw that Ian got an array of chocolate chip cookie hearts, all elaborately decorated with homemade buttercream and little words of love. She went all out when she and Ian first became official.
Naturally, Ian doesn't get to taste Alice's cookies or buttercream anymore. He certainly misses it. He's gotten to enjoy them for years, since he was a child. He joined so many of the King holiday celebrations, as if they were his own family, and Alice would bake special cookies just for him, especially when she wasn't able to buy him a present.
Shaun did get to enjoy a bittersweet little vindictive victory when he got a shipment of heart-shaped cookies during the first Valentine's Day after Alice and Ian broke up. This time, he had nothing to envy Ian about.
Valentines Transition
I'm not sure where the first Valentine's Day Jack and Alice spend together will fall in the progression of their relationship. If it's before Alice starts really being aware of her feelings for Jack, she's going to be more focused on the fact that she has no Valentine to spend it with this year.
Of course on Valentine's Day of all days, Ian is going to be especially insufferable with sending Alice voice mails. If he knew where she moved to, he would've shipped her all kinds of gifts to show her just how much he still loves her.
The breakup isn't exactly fresh at the start of Sunshine in Hell, but it's not even been a year since it happened. Even then, previous holidays were a strain, to say the least, with Ian long distance and distracted by his new friends.
That makes me think of what Alice and Ian's last Valentine's Day might've been like. Without a vacation from college classes, chances are there wouldn't be time for one of them to visit the other, even if they could spare money for the flight.
Ian can't handle being alone, especially during holidays. It's not the first Valentine's day they had to spend apart, as this is at least his second year off at the new school. The first year apart, he was a blubbering mess, constantly trying to call and video chat with Alice. He wouldn't hang up the phone until they both fell asleep during a call. It was really sweet actually, even if they missed each other a lot.
The second long-distance Valentine's Day was anything but sweet. The first year at the new school was Ian's adjustment period, still clinging to Alice for support, even if he could only get it over text and calls. He was overwhelmed at first by all the attention he got at the new school. He was a fresh face in a new place, which is something of a novelty that drew others in, and he had fully transitioned into his glow up. Cautiously, he started making friends, not wanting to be alone, so far away from his support network. He quickly got addicted to the surprising popularity he found at the new school.
The first year apart was the start of Ian drifting away from Alice. He originally called at least once a day, texting even more. Then it went to texts daily and calls every couple days. Then a week or two, as things got busy. He made sure to call her during the holidays, when he missed having a partner the most.
During the second year, Ian was outright neglectful, forgetting to respond to texts or voice mails, leaving Alice on read more than once. His Christmas gift to her was a pricy piece of jewelry, not something personalized that she was really wanting like previous years. He used to be so thoughtful about stuff like that. It was something one of his new female friends helped him pick out for her, as he didn't know what to get her that year.
On Valentine's Day, Ian's friends had an event planned for the single people of the group. It wasn't hard to talk him into joining them, even though they all knew he was in a relationship. Alice is not here after all. He's practically single! They don't want him to be alone on Valentine's Day, being reminded of what he's missing out, so he should join them for drinks. Not feeling alone on a day for couples is why they're throwing this celebration after all.
Ian got swept away by the festivities and his friends, as he had been so often lately. He even shared his special Valentine's Day chocolate chip cookies from Alice with his friends. In retrospect, he regrets not saving them all for himself, not knowing they'd be the last he'd ever receive.
While it is tempting that this event is when Ian does cheat, it's just very close to that time. He's crossing lines, having an emotional affair with a certain someone, not realizing that's what he's doing, or that it'll soon become physical.
On Valentine's Day that year, Alice got drunken texts with sloppy typing. Ian did wish her a happy Valentine's Day, and said he missed her and wished she was there with him at the party, but his focus was mostly on the fun he was having and the warm fuzzy feelings the booze brought him. Though he knows she probably wouldn't have wanted to go anyway with all the drinking since she doesn't like alcohol, especially getting sloshed like this, so maybe it's better this way.
There was a call Ian made that was cut short. It was hard to hear him over the party music and all the talking. Alice tried so hard not to feel jealous when she heard a certain lady on the other end of the line, the same busty and sexy lady who kept appearing with Ian on his socials lately.
Surely the comment that lady made wasn't meant to be insinuating anything. Surely that wasn't intended to be innuendo. Alice trusted Ian. She trusted his judgment in friends. He was sensitive about who he let close to him after all. He wouldn't spend time with someone blatantly flirting with him or intentionally being sexually suggestive about him. They were friends, just friends. Ian wouldn't cheat. Whenever Alice dared to voice even the smallest of concerns, Ian always assured her she had nothing to worry about and worried so much about her doubting him. It made him feel awful she could even think such a thing. He would never be like his womanizing, absent, cheating, deadbeat dad.
Alice kicked herself later for not pressing harder about that woman. She should have asked more questions, called that lady out... but soon she realized it wouldn't have mattered anyway. She and Ian just weren't good for each other.
The second Valentine's Day being long distance was hard on Alice, but the first one after the breakup was harder. Alice felt so empty, so lonely.
Alice and Ian's relationship was unhealthy, and it was crumbling for quite a while. She knows breaking up for the best... but it left her feeling so painfully unlovable.
Sweeping Away the Crumbs
Alice can't sit still on a day meant for love with these thoughts eating away at her. She might have been slacking off a bit on baking cookies for her loved ones lately, but it's a good distraction. By focusing on appreciating what she still has, she won't have room to think about everything she lost.
Of course, Jack is an expert at redirecting Alice's attention to him instead of all the sad things bothering her. She assumed her first Valentine's Day alone after Ian would be lonelier than the previous year, but she isn't alone. Sure, no one else can see Jack, but he has this way of making everyone else disappear when she's with him.
This is especially true if Alice is starting to become aware of her feelings towards Jack. If this holiday hit before she realizes she's fallen for him, she would just be happy to have his company. Being treated sweetly by a good friend and roommate makes her feel so warm and fuzzy.
Naturally Jack would see Valentine's Day as an opportunity for him to get closer to his sunshine. The holiday certainly has changed in 40 years, but that's not a bad thing. There's all sorts of options for decorations, candy, and other ways to show love now. Back in the 80's, it was a lot more lowkey, though the cards were a lot cuter back then, in his opinion.
All the buildup to Valentine's Day allowed Jack time to come up with a plan. Sadly, he can't purchase anything in the state he's in, but he can absolutely spoil his sunshine. Pancakes in the shape of hearts is a must. Maybe even breakfast in bed! If Alice has a day off, he could let her sleep in and wake up to sweet blueberry pancakes and syrup while they enjoy cuddle time in bed.
Of course, with Valentine's Day being a pretty commercial holiday, Barry isn't going to give any of his staff the day off if he can help it. Oh, sure, I'd imagine Carol would manage to weasel her way out of working that day, maybe calling in sick when in reality she's spending the night off on some romantic escapade, but Alice is not so lucky.
Alice would be expecting this of course. It makes her miss her job at the library all the more. Even if she couldn't get a holiday off, she could at least spend the day someplace peaceful and quiet. Sadly, it just wasn't feasible to keep that job after she moved. Yogurtopia might be the pits, but at least it's in easy walking distance of her apartment to save her on gas money.
Ian doesn't know where her new job is either.
Expecting this, Alice starts baking her cookies a day or two before Valentine's Day. Instead of Jack catching Alice completely off guard with his big Valentine's Day plans, she surprises him first when he sees her choosing to cook after work instead of unwinding on the couch like usual. It's exhausting to jump straight from a food service job to baking more food, but it keeps her mind off of what she's missing. Also, she has to rush to finish them if she wants to get the cookies shipped by tomorrow.
Naturally, Jack offers to help Alice with her cooking, but she insists on doing it herself. It won't be the same if someone else bakes them for her after all. Just like Jack says his pancakes are made with love, Alice pours her feelings into these cookies. They're special. If Jack got involved, he'd take over the cooking completely like he usually does to lessen her work load. She appreciates his thoughtfulness, but this time it would defeat the point of creating a gift from her heart.
So Jack helps by cleaning the dirty dishes as Alice goes along and encouraging her to take breaks, getting her drinks, and keeping her company. Listening to him chatter is always soothing to her. It also helps keep her mind off of darker thoughts... including all the voice mails she's been too afraid to check lately.
With Jack's help, Alice can actually save enough energy to make her special buttercream frosting for the cookies and decorate them. When she gets to decorating, she can't help but notice the disappointing and longing look from Jack, and she does eventually give in and let him decorate some of them too. There's something about decorating sweets that is more fun together.
Besides, Alice would make sure there would be plenty of extra cookies leftover for the two of them to enjoy.
Times Change but the Feelings Remain
Of course, since Jack comes from the 80's before so many E.coli scares and such, sneaking a bite of the cookie dough is a must. He doesn't remember all the times where Joseph would playfully try to get past Mary's iron defenses to dip his fingers into the bowl and swipe a big scoop. She never really tried too hard to stop him, but she still acted scandalized by his thievery, as that was part of the fun.
Joseph almost always teased Mary with the suggestive way he licked the cookie dough of his fingers, swirling his tongue to get every last bit of sugary goodness stuck to his skin. He relished making her so flustered, tempting her to take a break from cooking to give him some sugar.
When Mary and Joseph were living together, the cookies she baked were mainly for the two of them. When she got closer to the SunnyTime Crew, she brought in some to the studio break room on special occasions once or twice, mostly at Christmas time. Valentine's Day though was just for him.
The Phoenix family didn't really appreciate Mary's many attempts to bake cookies for them, but Joseph always did. She tried to make friends with her cookies, and while her classmates did happily accept them, only Joseph was truly appreciative of them.
By the time Mary was an adult, baking cookies for anyone but herself and Joseph was a rare thing, especially with her health struggles and she had so much work with the SunnyTime Crew Show. Still, she made sure to bake a special birthday batch for her mentor and fellow writer and producer on the show, Diane, every year without fail.
Diane really was more like a mom to Mary than her real mother was, or like a cool aunt. Without her help, Mary would've never been able to make the connections to LambsWork or pitch the SunnyTime Crew show in the first place. Mary is forever grateful for Diane in her life and always made sure to show her appreciation when she could.
Sometimes Joseph would be a bit jealous of Mary showing affection to other people, which led to him being a little possessive and handsy. Mary would always indulge his clinginess and reassure him that she will always love him more than anyone else.
Mary might have baked cookies for people she cared for, but only Joseph was blessed with the privilege to lick the beaters and bowl when she was done, and snatch up some quick little morsels of dough before they were all baked. Joseph got to revel in being just that little bit more special to Mary in all things.
Sadly, Alice isn't going to let Jack get away with swiping some raw cookie dough. She'd be worried about him getting sick from unpasteurized eggs and uncooked flour. It'd seem silly to Jack to worry about such a thing, but also a shame that people today can't enjoy the simple pleasure of sneaking some fresh cookie dough.
Of course, Alice isn't completely sure Jack can actually get sick even if there was a risk of tainted uncooked food, but she's not going to take the chance.
Still, when her back is turned, Jack simply can't help himself. He snuck a little taste before she told him not to touch the dough, and the taste was just so good... so nostalgic, but in a good way.
Being with Alice in the kitchen while she bakes fills Jack with so much nostalgia. It's so familiar, so right. The smells, the closeness, the taste... it stirs up old feelings and memories.
Of course with feelings of familiarity comes a bit of anxiousness. Jack doesn't want to remember being Joseph and all the baggage that comes with it. He's not that person anymore.
But unlike the bad yogurt combo, it didn't bring up a specific and very unpleasant memory that brought him back to some of the worst moments in his life. Before Joseph found Mary again, he drowned himself in vice when he could, in alcohol, sex, smokes, and even drugs. He dangerously mixed rum with coffee and chased it down with cashews because the two drinks alone weren't really a pleasant combo. He still liked those three things individually and they were tied to other memories too, but that particular combination was something he indulged in during the lowest time of his life when he sold his body for food, a place to stay, and just the smallest sliver of affection.
The cookie dough and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies are different. They smell and taste of home. They were a part of the best moments of his life, the bright spots that served as an oasis in an otherwise loveless childhood, and warm moments in his adult life when the worst seemed to be over and he was finally granted the happiness and love he would've died for.
Being playfully teasing with Alice is so comfortable, familiar. She falls into the banter so easily. It's just so natural with Jack. He might keep trying to sneak some cookie dough, and she might feel a little guilty not letting him have any, but it's kind of fun to have this little battle with him too. It's a game they play with her preventing him from getting a taste while Jack tries to work around her defenses.
In the past, Mary let Joseph win this game to sneak quite a few tastes of whatever she was making, but Alice is more serious about stopping Jack, so he allows her to win their playful little war. He doesn't want to risk actually upsetting his sunshine, and he knows she's just worried about his health.
They both know that his situation isn't normal, and it's possible Jack can't get sick... but he feels more like an ordinary human when Alice worries about his health anyway. She treats him like a normal human as much as his situation will allow. She wants him to feel normal, safe, and happy... just like he does for her, and he loves her all the more for it.
Alice does offer a compromise though. She gives Jack first taste of the cookies once they finished baking and promises that she'll make a big batch of edible dough for them to enjoy another time. Jack lightly teases her that the dough is deliciously edible as it is, but he'll defer to her expertise.
It's a cozy moment between them, though Jack feels a little jealous that this isn't a treat just for him. A part of him whispers that a moment like this, these extra special treats... it's just meant for the two of them, not anyone else. He doesn't want to give up a single cookie to anyone else.
But... it's what Alice wants. She has people in her life who she loves, a family and friends. A part of Jack feels defensive about her family, like they can't be worthy of her, like they're just using her. He knows it's irrational since everything Alice told him about her family is positive, but a part of him feels so certain that they don't actually care. He just can't shake that part of him that wants to protect his sunshine from her own family. The Phoenix family who only saw Mary as a possession to use and reflect on them than a cherished loved one. Until he can meet the rest of the King family members, he can't quite shake this suspicion.
Jack knows he's being too clingy, too greedy. It's selfish and not something the ever cheerful and kind Sunny Day Jack would do. He tries his best to fight such out of character feelings, but he gets a bit clingier as Alice decorates the cookies for other people. He goes out of his way to be helpful, an offer to mix up colors in the icing here, a suggestion of cinnamon hearts over the sugary ones there...
Names that are not his don't belong on these heart-shaped cookies that Alice baked with her love. But Jack can't be greedy. She would feel hurt if these precious gifts that she worked so hard on never reached their intended recipients. Even if he offered to eat them all instead, she would still be sad, and the last thing he wants is for anything to dim her beautiful shining light.
And she does shine now. Alice is exhausted all the time, going through the motions of things most days except when they're together, but when baking this sweet nostalgic treat that means so much to her, she's alight with purpose. She wants to show love to all the people who mean so much to her. She needs that, especially after the hurt she suffered from the last Valentine's day and the intrusive thoughts of Ian she's desperately running away from now.
Jack won't let her think of Ian if he can help it. He'll draw her attention back to him, to her baking whenever he notices her thought straying into a direction that's more bitter than sweet. He praises how delicious the cookies are and how the icing is sweet, but not overly so. He goes a bit overboard with the compliments until Alice gets flustered, but so happy.
By the time she's done baking, decorating, and boxing up the cookies, then rushing them out to a delivery service that's open late and does overnight shipping, the day is completely spent, and so is Alice. She's worked herself to exhaustion and desperately needs to get what sleep she can before work tomorrow. Jack insists on taking care of his poor exhausted sunshine. He whisks her into his arms as soon as they're back in their apartment and carries her to the bathroom, setting her down delicately before the mirror.
A Small Taste of Sweet Temptation
"Don't worry about cleaning up the mess," Jack said, his smile so tender and warm. "I'll take care of that for you so you can get ready for bed. It's important to brush your teeth after eating so many sweets you know." He winked to offset any strictness that might've come from him switching to teacher mode.
"Thanks, Jack," Alice said, returning his smile with a tired one of her own. "I don't know..." She couldn't finish the sentence, the rest of her words swallowed by a yawn she failed to hide behind her hand.
"What you would do without me?" Jack guessed with playfully raised eyebrows. "That's what I'm here for. I'm here to take care of you and make you happy."
It was a risk, but Jack gave in to impulse and all the feelings in his heart that threatened to explode outward. He wanted so badly to kiss Alice, to get just one more taste of that sweet nostalgic flavor he knew were still lingering on her lips and tongue. He wanted that taste so badly, that heat and love that bubbled to the surface of his subconscious mind, those old memories he both feared and ached for all at once.
Jack wanted to claim those lips so badly. He knew her lips, tongue, and every other part of Alice was his. He knew it deep down in his soul. It was his by right, by love.
But it was too soon. As painful and frustrating it was to wait for so long... over 40 years already... Jack would wait forever for Alice, even if it meant that he might lose his sanity in the process. Just as long as she was happy and continued to grace him with the gentle warmth of her beautiful light, he would endure these dark impulses churning in his heart. If he gave in, he would become consumed by his greed for her and turn into a beast who only cared to capture the princess and lock her away from the rest of the world.
Jack wouldn't do that to Alice. He couldn't take the risk. If he gave in to those greedy whispers that screamed to claim her as his own forever, then he would truly lose her. He would snuff out that beautiful light of hers. He knew it. Being trapped alone in the dark was no way to live, even if this time they would have each other for company. He could never let her suffer the way he did for so long.
Jack would wait. He would wait as long as Alice needed to accept all of his love without fear or hesitation. That didn't mean that he couldn't appease his hunger for her, just a little... just a small taste of her beautiful nostalgic sweetness that he would die and kill for.
Alice was too tired to register how close Jack got to her when he bent down until she felt his lips brush against her cheek. It was just a peck, a small feather-light touch that drifted in and flitted away just as quickly, but it left behind an explosion of heat in its wake, searing the impression of his lips into her burning skin.
Jack smiled in pleasure at his sunshine's reaction and the fluttering feelings he stirred up in her that now radiated from her. He almost gave in to temptation to keep going, to coax that fire further, but he held himself in check, straightening up to give her a little space.
Not yet, Jack reminded himself. Beneath the warm happy notes he caught from her were the uncomfortable jolts of nervousness and uncertainty. Alice wasn't ready, not yet. He couldn't risk scaring her away and erasing their progress.
Today was enough. Jack would be content with just that flustered, confused look, and the faint taste of chocolate chip cookies and icing on his lips. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sunshine."
Alice fumbled for a moment to right her thoughts. The first thing to come to mind was to remind Jack that it wasn't Valentine's Day yet, but then he pointed to the clock on the wall.
"It's past midnight," Jack said in answer to her unspoken, half-formed retort. "And you need to get some sleep. You have a big day waiting for you when the sun comes up."
"R-right," Alice stammered as she brought her hand up over the burning spot in her cheek where his kiss still lingered on her skin. She turned away from Jack, then dropped her eyes to the sink after catching a glimpse of her bright red face in the mirror.
Too much. It was too much to handle right now. These feelings fluttering in her chest were too intense, too full of conflicting feelings, fears, and joys. Alice was too tired to think of the implications or justify what just happened. Instead she redirected her focus to snatching up her toothbrush in shaky hands instead of the confusingly familiar, warm feelings Jack filled her with, and the lingering guilt and old aches that crept in on the edges of her mind.
Movement out of the corner of her eye drew Alice back to Jack as he turned to leave. For some reason, the sight of his retreating back hit her with an anxious jolt, and she lunged for the doorway. "J-Jack!"
Jack went still immediately and craned his head to look back over his shoulder at Alice. "Yes? What is it, Sunshine? Do you need something?"
The way Jack looked at Alice made her heart do a flip and brought back the burning impression his lips left on her skin. She faltered, caught up in her emotions that threatened to overwhelm her completely. The conflict of wanting him to stay near but also needing to retreat from this man who was just too good to be true for fear of being hurt again left her frozen in place.
Finally, Alice forced a few words out past her suddenly dry throat. "Happy... Happy Valentine's Day, Jack."
Jack softened, and the tender smile he gave only to her seized her heart in a vice. "Happy Valentine's Day, Alice."
Finally, Alice could move again, and she quickly retreated back into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She could feel his loving gaze follow after her until she closed the door with a bit too much force.
It was too much for Alice. For now. But maybe one day...
When that happened, it would be a day of love greater than any Valentine's Day in the history of the world. Jack couldn't wait to celebrate that day and their love with Alice, his one and only sunshine.
Hahaha, I did not expect I'd get inspired to write anything in this post, let alone something so long, but inspiration ran away from me. Success! Maybe I'll polish it up and/or add to it to post on Sunshine in Another World sometime. Or maybe I can add this to Sunshine in Hell proper when I finally get back to writing chapters...
Alice's First Valentine's Day with Jack
Jack sadly won't get that kiss on the lips from Alice that he so desperately craves this year. He won't get that romantic dinner for two he wants, or to spend a day alone with her. He does, however, keep her company as she handles the rush of couples looking for any sort of eatery to take a date to celebrate the holiday. A yogurt shop isn't exactly at the top of romantic date spots, but it works in a pinch when reservations fall through or are forgotten until it's too late to book them.
It's chaotic, but Jack does his best to assist and distract Alice whenever he senses her thoughts taking a darker turn. He can't talk to her much when people are around demanding her attention. He hates having to share so much of her. He wishes to go back to last night when they were having so much fun in the kitchen together, just the two of them... and when a moment's impulse allowed him to step just that little bit closer to her.
But Alice needs money to live. It sucks, and it leaves Jack wanting, but this too is part of taking care of his sunshine's needs.
At least Jack makes things easier for Alice throughout the day. He woke her up to breakfast pancakes in bed, just like he planned. Sure it was a short breakfast, and it wasn't as intimate as he liked, but it allowed her to have a few extra moments of sleep before she had to get ready for work, which he knew that she was grateful for.
The lunch break offered Jack another opportunity. He couldn't move many things around for risk of someone seeing items floating in the air, since there were a couple other employees working with Alice that day due to the rush, but while everyone was busy working in the front, he could sneak around the back to get a little surprise ready.
Alice appreciated a hot lunch ready and waiting for her when she slipped into the back to get a break from customers for a while and a bite to eat. She worried about Jack risking getting caught by her co-workers using the microwave in the break room to heat up up the lunch he made and packed for her that morning. Fortunately he was quick to soothe her fears by emphasizing his cation before distracting her with some praise and sweet words that left her flustered.
Barry, of course, had Alice work extra late that day. Though he takes advantage of her all the time to work insanely long hours, she at least stands up for herself enough to demand overtime pay for all the extra work. Grudgingly, he gives in, because she's his most responsible employee. Cleaning up alone after a long, busy, and very messy day of work isn't exactly her idea of an ideal Valentine's Day... but at least she's not alone.
Jack couldn't help her while there were still people around, but when the store is closed and it's just the two of them, he can help her clean up. He's had plenty of time to learn the ins and out of her job as well as any employee working there by now. After the hard day she's had, it was the least he could do to help her when he finally could. He tries to take as much of the burden off her shoulders as he can.
It's not the romantic evening Jack wanted them to have, but her gratitude and warm feelings towards him are priceless. When Alice suggests they get pick up some pizza to take home once they're done, he's more than eager to accept.
It's not quite a date, but snuggling on the couch, eating pizza and homemade cookies baked with love is still wonderful. It feels familiar and intimate too, another side to those beautiful nostalgic feelings they stirred up while baking yesterday. Alice even surprises Jack with a special cookie she made and decorated just for him, which touches him deeply, even if she doesn't intend for it to be a romantic gesture.
They watch a movie, the next in the list Alice made so that Jack could catch up with all the classics he missed in the past 40 years. Although a romance movie would be appropriate for the holiday, the prospect and whatever implications that might come with such a choice are too much for Alice to handle right now. Still, the movie does have a little romance sprinkled in that spark small thoughts that she shies away from.
Jack wants to stoke those sparks to a roaring flame of love and passion, but it's a delicate balancing act. Pushing his luck too far makes Alice retreat, even making an excuse to go to the kitchen to make popcorn when they have plenty of snacks already.
The day isn't as romantic as Jack was hoping, but it was still special. He still got to spend the entire day with Alice, as well as the day before. They made priceless memories that he would cherish forever.
Jack hoped that next year their Valentine's Day would look a little bit closer to the one he dreamed about. He couldn't wait to shower Alice with all the ways he thought of to show her just how much he loved her... and to bask in the warmth of all the ways she would show her love to him in return.
For now, Jack finds contentment in her warm body pressed so perfectly flush against his, her cheek resting on his shoulder, her arm against his back. Alice even allows him to wrap an arm around her waist in return, and he relishes holding her so close and cozy. She doesn't think too much about his hand resting on her hip, and he doesn't dare move it to call attention to the intimate position, for fear of making her too conscious of just how much he enjoys the feeling of her soft, curvy body molded so perfectly against his.
Her family, Shaun, and her friends only get to enjoy the cookies and a few words written in icing or on a card. Jack gets to enjoy Alice. Those other people might have gotten gifts from her, but only he gets to bask in his sunshine's beautiful warm glow for the entire day. He's the only one that got to banter with her, play with her, indulge in a private moment of her working so hard to create confections that carried her love in them. Now he had her all to himself, close and safe in his gentle but secure hold.
Jack had Alice. That was all that mattered. No matter where they were or what names they used, when he was with his sunshine, he was home. By her side was exactly where he was always meant to be. Helping her shine so bright and beautiful was what he was meant to do.
That greedy dark temptation squirming inside him might want more than she's ready to give, it might demand Jack claim her lips or to allow his hands to wander to forbidden places... but he can quiet it for now.
The simple pleasure of this moment with Alice manages to appease those hungry urges, even if just barely. Jack can find peace and contentment with what he has right now. He's warm. He's loved. He can feel it so clearly. Her love might just be platonic right now, with just the smallest hints of something more, but one day Alice will love him just the way he loves her, deeply and completely. It's a truth written deep down in the depths of his soul.
Every bite of delicious nostalgia in those cookies Alice baked with love allow Jack to remember that he's finally home. His sunshine was the only true home that he had ever known, regardless of his name. She was the peace and happiness that he searched for a lifetime ago and would seek out forever more, even if his memories of home were stripped away from him.
Alice saved Jack from hell and brought him home safe in her arms. Whatever else he might crave from her paled in comparison to the security he felt in the gentle warm glow of her love, no matter what form it took.
Today was a day of love, and Jack was happy to spend it basking in Alice's love while showing her as much of his love as she was ready to accept. He had all the time in the world to show her just how deep his love for her truly was.
I think I'll wrap up things up on that warm and fuzzy note. This ramble gotten pretty long and I need to post soon before Valentine's Day is over. Thanks for coming along for this indulgent ride of fluff, worldbuilding, and story writing with my OTP. I hope you enjoyed this sweet treat. Happy Valentine's Day!
#Sunny Day Jack#Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack#SunnyDayJack#sdj#swwsdj#Headcanon Ramblings#My Writing#My Art#Alice King#Jack#Mary Phoenix#Joseph Cullman#Shaun Durand-Cofer#Ian Duff#Barry Whiteman#Diane Cohen#Carol
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Cookies With Akaashi

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✑𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚎𝚜. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎.
✑𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
✑𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
✑𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗��: 𝟽𝟸𝟸
✑𝙰/𝙽: 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚎𝚊𝚜y, 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗(〜^∇^)〜
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"I got this!" You said confidently, as you plopped down the ingredients on the counter as Akaashi puts his pink apron on, the one you bought for him on his birthday. "You got the recipe?" He asked, washing his hands. "Nope! I have it memorized already!" You said, smirking quite proudly. "You sure?” Akaashi looked at you, raising one brow.
“They don't call me Gordon Ramsay for nothing!” You stated. “Say that to the burnt pancakes you made just yesterday,” He murmured. “What’s that?” You asked. “Nothing~” He responded. Thankfully you were just baking cookies so it should be easy for you. He started preheating the oven, while you started making the batter.
Cracking the eggs was always the hardest part for you, and you usually gave the job to Akaashi. But today you wanted to impress him. "You got some egg shells in there" He said as he peered over your shoulder. "Oh shit you’re right" You noticed as you scooped out the egg shells, while he just chuckled, "I'll do the dry ingredients" Akaashi said, taking a bowl and scooping some flour. As you continued with the wet ingredients.
You pouted, “But I wanted to do that”. Akaashi shot a playful glare at you, “Look, these cookies better taste like my grandma’s or else I’m not eating them”. You gave out a sigh and continued on with your work. Once you were both done, you slowly poured the wet ingredients to the dry ones and Akaashi started to mix, not before putting in a hand full of chocolate chips.
Being the little 5 year old minded person you are, you mixed rapidly making the batter fly all over the kitchen.
“Oi! Make a mess and you're doing all the cleanup!” Akaashi warned. You playfully giggled, sticking out your tongue at him before slowing down your speed. While you were doing that, Akaashi took out the baking tray, laid out some baking sheets on top, and sprayed the sheets with cooking oil.
The dough was finally made, and you both took pieces and rolled out 16 balls placing them on the tray. “Y/N! I’m going for a shower you put the cookies in oven,” Akaashi said “Also please don’t burn them for love of god” he pleaded while going upstairs to take a quick shower. "Can I join too?" You asked, winking, but Akaashi just rolled his eyes while shaking his head. You grabbed the tray and placed it in the oven forgetting to set off a timer. Walking to the living room.
“Welp time for a beauty nap!” You happily said laying on the couch, then dozed off in your dream world.
35 minutes later you woke up to the sound of an alarm blaring and a panicked Akaashi running down the stairs trying to fan the smoke detector to stop the noise. You quickly got up rushing over to the oven putting on oven mitts and taking out the burnt cookie tray.
You stared down at it with disappointment in your eyes knowing this is the 100th time you failed to bake something good for Akaashi. Once the fire alarm went silent, Akaashi walked over to you, stared at you with both arms crossed. “Well well, didn’t I warn you?” He began “You're lucky I was only taking a shower or else you could’ve been in serious trouble!” He scolded you.
"I'm really a failure huh?" You said, looking away from him, sadness dripping down your voice, he sighed as he takes your chin to make you look at him. "Look, I'm not mad that the cookies are burnt, I'm worried about you getting hurt okay? We can just make new ones, ones that aren't burnt" He comforted you, you sniffed as you tried smiling at him.
"You're always so understanding Keiji.." You trailed off, he leans closer to you, giving your forehead a small kiss, "We'll throw away these ones and bake new ones okay?" He suggested taking the tray full of burnt cookies and dumping it in the garbage can, "Let's use a timer this time hm?" He smiled patting your head. "Sure sure!~" You excitedly said as you stand on your tippy toes and peck his lips. Akaashi blushed bright red, "Y-Yeah, let's do that" He fumbled around his words, while you giggled at his cute reaction.
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#akaashi x reader#akaashi x you#hq akaashi#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#akaashi haikyuu#akaashi fluff#akaashi keiji#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu scenarios#fluff#reader x akaashi#haikyuu fanfiction#haikyuu fandom
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Double Trouble
Hey guys, @leelee10898 here. Since @cocomaxley & @ao719 posted their birth story... I figured I should get off my butt and do one, considering the twins were due months before them lol. This is just a little something I threw together, it also answers a few questions some had. So here we go...

Alicia leaned back against her husbands chest as she watched their twins enjoy the puppet show with the other kids. So many things had changed in a years time. The wild fun loving group were now all parents, they traded beers for bottles, and the guys weekly poker game turned into once a month, and weekly play dates. "Penny for your thoughts love?" Leo whispered in her ear. "Just thinking how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday they were born, and now they are 1." She sighed.
"Oh I remember it well." Leo chuckled as the two thought back to the day that changed their lives forever.
1 year ago…..
"God its so hot." Alicia whined as she fanned herself. It was unseasonably hot and humid for April, and here they were sitting at a garden party to celebrate Regina's birthday. "I'm sorry love. I know you're miserable, how about a glass of Ice water?" Leo gave her a sympathetic smile, and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok fine. But a big one, with lots of Ice." She pouted, as Leo motioned to a nearby waiter. "Oh, and a cookie. chocolate chip, no oatmeal raisin. Wait, No. yes. Ok bring both." Slightly confused the waiter wandered off to retrieve the duchess's requested items. Leo walked over to join the guys leaving Alicia with the other ladies.
"God its hot. Who the hell planned this?" Anitah huffed. "Um you did." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Jesus I swear this pregnancy brain is going to be the death of me. I almost forgot to put underwear on this morning." She popped a grape in her mouth. "It is hot, but its a very nice day. Maybe you guys can go inside to cool off?" Pam suggested. Finally the waiter came back with Alicia's water and cookies. "How are you holding up honey?" Pam turned to Alicia who looked like she was stung by a bee. "Im hot, im huge, I can't see my feet. Speaking of feet, they're swollen and the amount of pressure and cramping today may just kill me." She blurted out, pam gave her a questioning look.
"God im sorry Pam. I didn't mean to snap, I just. Oh, ooooh, ugh." She cringed as she grabbed her stomach. Anitah shot her a look. "What's going on over there?"
"These damn Braxton hicks." Alicia grunted. "You sure its not gas?" Genevieve snickered. "Trust me, if I fart you'll know it Gen."
She composed herself and focused on picking at the cookie in front of her. Not having much of an appetite anymore, she took deep breaths trying to keep the pain at bay. The ladies chattered around her, Leo still talking to the guys.
Suddenly Alicia's eyes went wide. "My. My water broke." Genevieve looked over placing her hand on Alicia's "that's ok honey, we'll get you another." Pam looked down at the liquid dripping from the chair. "Um Gen, no. Her water broke. The twins are coming."
Genevieve and Anitah froze, pure fear in their eyes. Alicia let out a long loud groan. "Oh god. It's happening." Anitah panicked standing and knocking over her chair, Genevieve following suit. The two began to freak out, while Pam tried to soothe Alicia. The commotion drew the attention of the whole party, Leo grinning widely in conversation as he turned to face his wife. The smile soon faded as his eyes landed on Alicia's pain stricken face.
Leo took off running across the lawn, tripping over the leg of a table holding a large ice sculpture in the form of a swan. He landed in a rolling heap on the lawn, the table flipping over sending the ice sculpture into the air, landing in the fountain where Madeline, Kiara and Alexis stood, soaking them from head to toe. Bastian had Brad bring a car around, as Liam and Drake helped Alicia across the lawn. "My bag. Its in our car." Alicia breathed out, Rashad volunteered to grab it while Leo limped next to his wife.
They arrived at the hospital, Leo was treated for a sprain and Alicia was rushed to a delivery room. Anitah, Liam, Drake, pam, Rashad and Genevieve sat in the private waiting area down the hall from the delivery room. Maxwell was in Texas visiting with Stephanie and Evie, Liam called him to let him know that Alicia was having the twins.
"You're 8 centimeters your grace. Not much longer until these babies are here." Another strong contraction hit her like a ton of bricks. "Arrrrggg Fuuuuck! It hurts." She sobbed. "Leo, we are never having sex again." Leo chuckled as he rubbed his wife's damp head. "I think we both know thats not true."
"The fuck it isnt! Bambam better not come anywhere near pebblesssss, ahhhhh my god fuckkkk it hurts."
Leo's face turned a deep red as the nurse snickered.
Anitah paced the floor. "Anitah, sit down you're gonna wear the tile out." Genevieve teased as rashad rubbed her feet. "I can't just sit. Its been hours, we haven't heard anything yet. What if something's wrong?" Liam came up placing his hands on her shoulders. "Everything is fine my love." Anitah glanced at the door opening it a crack and sticking her head out. She heard a blood curdling scream come from down the hall, a few doctors and nurses rushing into the room Alicia was in. Before Liam could grab her Anitah bolted out the door, down the hall and into Alicia's room where she could see a small head crowning.
A doctor approached the queen, who was looking a bit green in the face "your majesty, are you ok? You don't look so well." He questioned
"Oh, im fi-" She leaned over vomiting on his shoes. "Fine." She lifted her head just in time to see another doctor hold a tiny baby up, and hear a tiny cry. Anitah joined Leo next to Alicia. "One down, one more to go." The doctor said. "I had to make sure you were ok." Anitah sniffled as she looked down at the new baby in her bestfriends arms. "Will you stay here for the next one?" Alicia sniffled. "Of course." Shortly after Baby A was born, baby B made their way into the world. After the nurses cleaned them up and Leo and Alicia had time alone the group entered the room. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Leonard Joshua and Arabella Faith."
Leonard or LJ for short was born first weighing 7lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. Arabella was born 2nd weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 19 ½ inches long. Both babies were healthy, and did not need to spend any time in the NICU.
"So when are you two gonna make the announcement?" A voice pulled them from their thoughts. They looked over to find Stephanie sitting there. They both gave her a questioning look. "Oh come on. I may not live in Cordonia anymore, but Im not stupid." Stephanie had made the decision to move back home to Texas to care for her sick mother. Maxwell and her both made the amicable decision to divorce, but still loved each other very much. He would travel to Texas to visit and occasionally Stephanie could come visit Cordonia, just like for the twins birthday.
"Well I guess now is as good a time as any." Alicia squeezed Leos hand. They walked over getting everyone's attention. "We want to thank everyone for coming today. And Celebrating the twins birthday. But, we also have an announcement to make." Alicia looked to Leo who then grinned. "We're having a baby. Just one this time." He smirked.
The group congratulated the pair. Drake looked at Liam and shook his head, pulling a crisp $100 bill from his wallet "Damnit Liam, I should've known better then to take that bet. Liam smirked "what can I say. I know my brother, and I'm pretty sure those two will end up having the most kids out of all of us."
Drake rolled his eyes. "Ok, fair. But how about a new bet." Liam looked at his best friend intrigued "I bet Rashad and Gen are next." Liam chucked "I'll take that bet."
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love @sashatrr @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom
#cgw baby squad#cgw trr au#cgw squad#cgw trr#cordonians gone wild#choices fandom#choices trr#leo x Alicia#Rhys twins
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