#i'll respond to ims this weekend when i have more brain!!
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hoshinasblade · 8 months ago
For real, the animator had ri have been a Hoshina loyalists. Cause no way he looks that bad. For a Narumi prompt it could be funny that he gets with someone that doesn't know him. Someone who doesn't believe he is the 1st division captain because they only see him as the "wet cat" version of himself. And we have Narumi losing his mind over the fact you don't believe him
(not sure where tumblr took my post again because i cant find it lol) the budget went to hoshina and his tight shirt and there was nothing left to animate narumi properly. anyway, this is such a cute and interesting prompt because because yes, he is losing his mind over you not believing he is the cool first division captain 😆
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pairing: gen narumi x f!reader trigger warnings: narumi gen is a trigger warning himself, just super short because im not used to writing anything narumi-related yet. hopefully you don't get mad at me anon for not going exactly per the ask lol my brain is a mush right now, i'll try harder on my next fics
the rich man is here, shouted the kids from the hallway. you can hear their hurrying footsteps - excited little taps that in turn triggered your heartbeat to race as well. you shut your eyes, calming yourself down.
narumi gen is not exactly a rich man; the children in the orphanage just calls him that fondly. apparently he has been dropping by for years, way back when you weren't working as a teacher yet. the older orphans refer to him as nii-san.
narumi would bring toys snd snacks for the kids, and would spend time with them until the early evening before he has to say goodbye. last time, he played video games with everyone; he brought crayons and sketch boobs for his visit today, and within an hour, it was eerily quiet - the little girls and boys holding their pencils, drawing all sorts of things.
the youngest in your herd, a six-year old boy with a missing front tooth ran to you when he saw you by the door, showing you his drawing - a stick-man figure with a knife in its hand, and an animal beside it which you were not sure whether it's an oversized dog or a giraffe.
"it's a kaiju, and narumi nii-san is fighting it", the boy explained, and you patted him in the head. "he's a captain of his team, i'm gonna be like him when i grow up!"
you looked at narumi who is sitting on the floor, but he was already looking at you. you shifted your gaze. "this is so pretty, we should display it in the art wall", you suggested to the boy who grinned at you, clapping.
"you know that it's not a good thing to do, lying to kids, right?" the children had bid narumi goodbye just past 7pm, and although some of them cried, narumi was quick to promise he would be back next weekend. you were surprised, he used to only be here once a month.
"huh?" he responded to you with confusion. you walked him out the orphanage to the parking lot outside. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"look, i know you are trying to be nice. and i thank you for that. what you've done for these kids is more than anyone else have done for them. but telling them you're some guy who kills kaiju is wrong. and telling them they can be like you?" you scoffed.
narumi's mouth was wide open before he realized you have finished your speech. "but i am a guy who kills kaiju", he replied, his hand on his chest as if he is swearing on his life. "really, i'm not lying. i'm the captain of my team -"
"right, and you fight kaiju on the daily," you finished his sentence for him.
"yes, i am a real badass, i promise!" he exclaimed when he sensed you do not believe him in the slightest. it looks comical how he looks close to panicking over the fact that you are not buying whatever he's selling. he frowned at you, and you stared at him, the eye contact lasting for a few seconds.
maybe this guy is a con-artist and he makes his living manipulating people, you said to yourself. this would make a lot of sense considering you think he has the good looks to lure people in. narumi had flirted at you once or twice before - or you wish he was flirting and you were not just reading too much on his actions.
"you know if you meet my friends, they would tell you the truth," he suggested, his voice cheerful.
"why would i meet your friends?" you asked, equally confused.
"so they can tell you that i am the coolest captain of the anti-kaiju defense force. they would also tell you i am a good man and a dependable friend," narumi said, reciting maybe the contents of his curriculum vitae to you. is he in a job interview? you wanted to ask but didn't.
you sighed in defeat. "are your friends as exasperating as you are?" you asked in jest.
"come on, let me impress you", he told you with sincerity that is almost startling. you were not expecting him to sound so genuine, so adamant at proving himself to you.
the kids will have their dinner in a few minutes and you will be needed to help out. you gave narumi one last glance before strolling back to the orphanage. "i'm off on fridays", you said.
narumi's smile could have lighted the entire street.
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goodlucktai · 7 months ago
tagged by @bobtheacorn like...... 3 weeks ago 😭 my bad
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
which seems.......excessive
3. What fandoms do you write for?
actively, one piece and tmnt, but that is ruled by the demons in my brain that control the hyperfixation machine.
fandoms ive posted 3 or more fics for:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends Good Omens Final Fantasy XV Undertale Mumintroll | Moomins Series Harry Potter Young Justice 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 陈情令 | The Untamed King Falls AM Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rise of the Guardians Voltron: Legendary Defender
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Exclusivity - 11,116
walk straight through hell with a smile - 9,152
Inanition - 9,039
there is thunder in our hearts - 8,161
trouble is a friend of mine - 7,842
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do try to but i can't always :'( and i feel terrible if i manage to reply to most and then forget someone and only realize it months later. but i read every single comment and i appreciate them more than i have words for
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i tend to veer away from angst, but off the top of my head....
where the good men go or if i go i'm going on fire
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99% of my fics have a happy ending because thats my BRAND but i suppose give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around or the weekend we were in love OR put your empty hands in mine
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not often, but i recently had someone who REALLY disliked the way things change because i 'villainized' raph. which is definitely news to me, since raphael is the love of my life
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i wrote a tmnt/one piece crossover once ? but now that we are actually getting a tmnt/naruto idw run it doesnt feel that weird to me anymore
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
only once if i'm remembering right ?? it was a long time ago and wattpad related, which is a site that i dont really understand and therefore tend to avoid
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes ! i'll often have people request to translate my stories and it blows me away every time
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Devil took your hand was written by myself and @moogsthewriter
14. All time favourite ship?
ineffable husbands, wangxian, or leosagi
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
how much time do you have 😭
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16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say characterization and narrative voice. i'm also pretty good at maintaining a throughline, even if it sometimes gets a little wobbly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
conflict ! i hate it ! i will avoid writing it at all costs ! i also tend to struggle with writing fight scenes, especially when there are several characters involved :') staging any kind of choreography is my opp
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i try not to but if it feels unavoidable i google the heck out of it
19. First fandom you wrote in?
honestly it was either digimon (which also inspired my og penname) or xiaolin showdown lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i'm stealing bob's idea and going top 5:
there is thunder in our hearts - this story came together so easily for me, like i knew exactly how i wanted to tell it from start to finish
the only hoax i believe in - a kfam fic in my top 5s why yes and i'll tell you why. because i poured so much of myself into this fic that they could probably read it at my funeral instead of a eulogy
traveling so far to get there - after party au raph and mikey continue to take up so much real estate in my brain and for what
now the darkness comes alive - this one is more recent but im so happy with the way it turned out :')
if we could stay all day in the sun - it was a lot of fun reimagining one of my favorite fairy tales and doing a bunch of unnecessary research for this story i will stand by it until the day i die !!
i'm tagging @mykimouser, @owletstarlet, @portgas-d-aroace, @mad4turtles, @camsthisky, @remedyturtles, @pickledcarrotsandradish, @swordsmans, @mangogreent, and anyone else who wants to !
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wovenfates · 5 years ago
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hey what is U P meine freunde
i’ve been MIA bc i work retail and our employees recently went down from three to just me and my boss ( who has two other jobs and can’t work every day ) so that’s been f u n but it’s kept me busy aF but now that the holidays are p much done, i’ll try to get back into the swing of things here !! i actually have the whole weekend off for once, so i’ll try to remember to login !!  i just struggle with getting back into habits once i’ve fallen out of them lmao
see yall then, xoxo
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biffhofosho · 2 years ago
Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't responded in awhile, I came down with the flu lol. However, I am in awe that your favorite discography is No Limit(that's mine too🥰). I hope that you enjoyed your weekend with your family, I'll try to save my longer asks for week days as to not infringe on your deserved family time.
Im excited to start working on your gift, I already have a few ideas. Bare with me as I throw random questions at you haha
What is your favorite Hyungwon photoshoot? I'd love to know, or what about a favorite Hyungwon era lol? I personally am all about Gambler and No Limit.
You mentioned listening to Mercy so I HAVE to ask, do you have other favorite tracks written by him or the rest of the boys? Speaking of the rest of the guys, what's your favorite monsta x photoshoot if you have one? They can all be the same but for me personally they're different for some of these questions which is why I ask.
Anyway, I tried to keep this message rather short as to not consume too much of your time, Biff. However, during the days between responses, I wish you good heath and lovely days💚
xox mbb Secret Santa
The flu??? NO! I hope you are recovering well and that it wasn't too bad! But I did miss you, so I'm glad you're feeling well enough to send me another ask. <3
Hahaha, you were concerned about taking up too much of my time, but the joke's on you, babe: I can't do anything in a timely fashion when it comes to the Monstas. This reply has taken me an hour and a half legit because after collecting six years' worth of content, it's easy to get so lost in it. MBB are so spoiled. *sobs*
(Also, that's not a complaint. I had fun, but I promise that this is a lot more than you bargained for loooooooooooooool.)
Oh boy, gifties! Let's do this! ;)
Favorite Hyungwon photoshoot? In order to answer this, I had to endure the pain of going back through my comically large Hyungwon folder, and it was nothing but pain, but I endured for you, dear Santa. Since I am forced to choose, I will go with either the newest Dazed magazine shoot, which I imported a copy of, you better believe (heh heh), or his spread in Xiesta, which I just MIRACULOUSLY acquired a copy of after a full year of searching (mbb be going to their graves with that photobook in hand).
Evidence A:
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Evidence B:
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Don't let this confuse you though--my all time FAVORITE boy looks (and this goes for all the MX boys, though I'm in a mood now thanks to having to comb my folder, so I'm gonna double-down on the HW ham here) are:
1) [most fave] white tee/jeans (bonus points, ballcap)
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3) Hoodies
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4) Candid boyfriend looks
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5) One-of-a-kind features
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(Hyungwon's lip freckle and his special ear make me scream incoherently into the abyss on the regular just like Wonho's bellybutton freckle or Minhyuk's slow blink or Kihyun's lip corner beauty mark do.)
Favorite era for Wonnie though??????? Okay, the ones you named are top-tier to be sure, but as far as I'm concerned his era for me is now. I've never seen him living so bravely or truly, and it is doing all kinds of funny things to my brain. He's grown into such a confident man that it has me, a very confident woman, quaking.
My other favorite Hyungwon tracks are "Nobody Else" and "Wildfire." Head empty. Only Hyungwon. Oof. As far as other songs: "Night View" destroys me; "Kiss or Death" remains my favorite MV and I absolutely HATE that that gem of a song was relegated to the Universe app and I never even got my gd choreo; "Love" in headphones is a masterpiece; "Champagne" is my fave Japanese track; and "Monsta Truck" is my fave OT7 song.
Favorite group shoots are: OT7 - Are You There? album shoots, specifically Versions II & III
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(Is my bias showing??? haha)
Fatal Love shoots, specifically this one where they are all millionaire CEOs:
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And the Chillax Mode photobook (though the MX University is a close runner-up as well).
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Sorry this was excessive. I spiral easily. ;) Forgive me?
Real talk: I love that we have so many things in common! You are the perfect Santa for me, beloved! <3 And as you can see, you remained anon! I have been TERRIFIED of doing that myself. I check and re-check and re-re-check before I send mine lol!
Have a wondrous day/night/twilight/whatever, my precious Santa!
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years ago
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donghyuck as your boyfriend
oh my mcfucking god im sorry but lmAO you better have some patience in you
because i'm a sucker for college aus, we're going to base this headcanon on that cause i said so
it's your second year in college studying history cause it's the best subject in the world (yes i am biased what about it) and you were at the library taking those aesthetic af notes on 17-18th century russia. your highlighters were everywhere, your looseleaf papers were scattered, but you just wanted to get the whole peter the great (co-tsar of russia from 1682, and became THE tsar of russia by 1696) stuff done so you could go home and snack on chips and watch the good place
'holy shit you're doing a lot wow'
who tf??
you looked up, only to see lee donghyuck aka haechan the loud and mischevious and pretty guy of the campus, surprised at your condensed notes and arguably intense method of studying
'uhH, yeah. i guess i am?'
and donghyuck, being the nosy ass sunshine he is, decides to sit with you and just watch you do your shit in pure astonishment cause lmao tf are notes
'so you're the student professor x talks about,,, no wonder why. y/n right?'
'yes, and you're lee donghyuck?'
'glad to know my work and effort is recognised by the school body' and you have no idea how to respond to that so you just keep writing cause,,,, that's what you were going to do anyway
thing is, donghyuck knows you. he's seen you a lot in creative writing, always with the best supplies and neatly taking down notes. he's not even like that himself, but he finds it so attractive esp coming from you. he doesnt think it's a kink, and he prays to whatever gods out there that it isn't a kink— but studious you does shit to his heart
i don't think i mentioned this, but you're study partners with jeno and renjun who also takes european history and anthropology which hyuck is unaware of, but you also didn't know that you're study group lives with donghyuck and lives a fucking chaotic life.
kneeways, donghyuck was just watching you take notes, and after about 15 minutes when you realised he wasn't moving, you stopped writing and looked up at him again.
'is there anything i could help you with? you've been watching me take notes for —'
'do you want to go on a date with me?'
'ok why you cutting me of— wait what now?'
what??? just??? happened???
haechan, my dear, you two JUST MET
'we literally just met 30 minutes ago' you said, looking at him with the most confused expression
'well yeah, but if we date, we can get to know each other better'
well, you still said no
'well then, i guess i'm going to keep coming back to this library until you say yes' and lee forking donghyuck leaves like that.
you didn't believe him. what idiot would go back to you just for a yes on a date
yeah the idiot's haechan
you were once having a study session with renjun and jeno, and haechan just so happens to see the three of you having an intense discussion on who was a better leader of russia: peter the great or catherine the great
injunnie immediately notices his friend and said, 'who tf allowed you in a library??'
then this is where you interrupted: 'oh? ya'll know each other?'
haechan is confused.
you're confused.
evergone is confused.
jeno then explains how he and renjun, along with jaemin and chenle amd jisung are dorm mates with haechan; whereas you explained to haechan that the 2 boys were your study buddies, amd you told the boys how haechan was the 'library creep that keeps asking me out'
'SO YOURE THE LIBRARY CREEP?' - huang renjun, 2k19
'WAIT SO Y/N IS THE HOT ACADEMIC?? really hyuck???' lee jeno, 2k19
'god you call me the library creep? that hurts my bronchioles' haechan says
idk it felt right to say that
kneeways, now that ya'll apparently have common friends, ya'll hang out more aside from studyinh like: having lunch, playing bowling, karaoke, dinner, amd etc. it was nice overall.
maybe like 6-7 months later, haechan still visits you in the library and sits close to you while you were concentrated on whatever tf you were doing. he doesnt really ask you out much as before, but his feelings did grow for you.
there was one time where you all watched the live action of aladdin and you started singing along to the songs— and haechan found that adorable.
and there was another time where you got into a heated historical debate with renjun and even if haechan understood nothing, he was just amazed at you (even if you were very close to biting renjun's head off)
jaemin realises how whipped donghyuck is getting for you, and he's also amused at this point
NOW, exams were coming up and that means,,, YOURE MAKING STUDY PACKS YEYYYYY
so here you are, at the library, writing a lot hoping whatever is on paper would go in your brain
and you did it for hours
and hours.
and just like any other day, hyuck visits you— but it was so visible you're tired.
'you alright?' he asks and you sorta just,,, threw your highlighter at him
'fuck this hyuck i'm going to flunk the exams, why do i even bother making such extensive notes....' and you just went on for a solid 7 minutes but
he still listens to you. he still looks at you with admiration like
the fuck?
and you just noticed how even at your rambling state, he still listens to you and you start crying like get a fucking grip hoe
hyuck is confused and he starts panicking cause he doesnt know what to do and he sorta goes over to you and hugs you in a very awkward way (i hope ya'll get what i mean)
AND YOU'RE DONE you're sobbing hoW can you not have noticed someone cares for you this much
it sorta hits you all at once; he stays with you everyday after lessons so you can complete your notes, he's always there even during study sessions with renjun and jeno, he's there when you need someone to hang out with on the weekends— he's always there for you
'i don't really know how to help people calm down with their feelings cause I can barely control mine but, I think you should go home and rest a bit, the stress probably got into you and—'
'so let me help you pac— yes what?'
'yes, i'll go out with you'
*cue your face snuggling in his chest*
haechan? sorry he died 0.3 seconds ago
he smiles,,, a LoT AND he just holds you tighter, rubbing your back
'well, at least i won't have to go to this boring ass library anymore'
a/n: UWUUUUUUUU!!! okay lmao i've been making study packs recently for mocks (and yes it's for history) and ig that inspired me for this. if ya'll one day see me post a whole post on 17-18th century russia as well as authoritarian states (china and germany) please ignore me cause that's probably just me reviewing. anD if you're interested, i'll gladly share my note-taking styles and stuff so yeS i am THAT person. hope all of you have a great day ❤️
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