#i'll probably get to these much faster than past stuff honestly so
revengesworn · 1 year
Like 4 mikey starter hehehe >:)
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ranticore · 3 months
We know the werewolves were one guys specific indentured servants. Are there any other monsters that were just one specific guy’s? Actually. Is that wizard still around and how does he (it?) feel about it? Did Revelation’s specific underlings also get hit especially hard or just it?
Anyway your Kosa setting is cool as hell and I love everyone and also Revelation. And its wife guy (guy who is a wife guy to it).
hiii i'm going to answer all your asks in this one post to make things easier, thank you so much for giving me a lot of stuff to think about
Anyway, werewolves! It's accepted that pretty much every wizard had a lot of servants, this guy (Onozar The Transcendent, the green wyrm with red markings) just happened to have a lot in the general region i do most of my worldbuilding in (the two of Kosa is here, the Ama plains, other areas etc). That means werewolves are pretty common here, and have spread elsewhere from here, but other areas and regions have their own different population densities of werewolves and other 'beastified servant' type monsters.
Onozar isn't open about it, his faces are now very different to how he looked back in the day (aka the face on the werewolf masks) and he has very purposefully put his past behind him. Yes he did terrible stuff and was essentially a magical dictator once upon a time. But that was so long ago and he was punished for it so as far as he's concerned he's done with it and the werewolves are unrelated to him (and if somebody else brings it up omg you're all so obsessed with the past, don't you know people grow and change?? it was NORMAL to have slaves back then okay it was just part of the culture and it's honestly really suspicious and hurtful that you would bring this up to attack him at a time like this, and-)
Revelation was not a big shot among wizards. It had servants yes but not so many that they became their own species of monster (many of the monsterifications were chosen as a form of dramatic irony based on the individual person's personality). I still have to design a bunch of other monster types but I'll say yes they were probably hit harder than they should have been, everybody in and around Revelation's tower were made An Example.
It's a little easier to scapegoat the guy who has no real influence and no real friends in this social circle ain't it
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He's only good at killing crawling beasts lol, that's partially why king harpies evolved after all - to fight and kill the crawlers, which are very strong but not very fast. His type eat mainly rabbits and hares, and he tends to be not quite fast enough to consistently catch them himself, the much swifter and smaller cobs and pens take care of that (he still runs far faster than a human tho, he's had some luck catching antelopes if he gets close enough before the chase). He is part of a flock, he just kinda... drifted away from living with the others, splitting his attention between Revelation and his other duties. Like many kings he's fighty and opinionated, with the added assurance of a creature that knows it's too big and strong to fall prey to... pretty much everything else. He enjoys art and beautiful things and has happily worked in alliance with the local wolfmen packs in the past in return for some of their dye products.
So his flock is a multi-type coalition between a collection of eyries (or whatever word I'll use for the small harpy settlements that form under the banner of a single flock). He's not the all-king of the flock, but he is the king of the terror bird types. The other types within the flock are all ground-nesting but not necessarily flightless harpies. His eyrie has about thirty individuals living there and he had three tiercels (not including Revelation). Revelation didn't kill all his flockmates but it did quietly disappear his other tiercels at some point. I need to do a little more work on them but yea
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These different characters actually represent different time periods in the setting (the guy, Ambrose, is from the 1600s, while Mikalai and Cuinn come from the 1800s!). I think the whole thing with Revelation is much earlier, going for a more medieval look with those guys. It means that Revelation's march is technically just a part of history for Cuinn and the rest of them :) The world didn't end. But it DID change (.... not many wyrms around these days, anymore, i wonder what happened to them...)
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
Writing/Art Update 01.23.2024
Me, Oct 24, 2023:
This is the sort of thinking that leads to 100k fanfic. I will try to come up with things to fill the space and then I will have too much stuff. That's just how it is, I guess. Wouldn't it be nice if this could just be, like, 60k, and I could be almost done?
Me, Nov 28, 2023:
I think that once I figure this out it will either be a clear path from now to the end and probably be like 8 or 9 chapters + an epilogue OR it will spiral wildly out of control, some other fucking subplot will sneak in, and it will go 12+ chapters and I will cry a lot.
Me, Jan 9, 2024:
Either that, or I'll just keep writing chapters, like Zeno's fanfic. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen. I will die.
Me, today:
So the good news is that I have finally finished the scene that I have been wrestling with since early December. It's two scenes now, because I wanted to swap narrators halfway thru, but it's really the same scene.
The less good news is that this came out 🎵8721 words🎵 and I still have three more scenes budgeted for this chapter in the outline. I mean, on one hand, at least I produced a significant amount of something for as long as that took. On the other hand, I feel like this dumb thing is now growing faster than I can write it. I've only made it up to roughly 11am on Saturday (the fanfic ends early Monday morning). Maybe it's not as bad as I think. I still haven't decided if Chapter 7 is just going to be super long, or if I am going to bump the other three scenes to the next chapter. I am putting that decision off until I actually write them and probably also most of Chapter 8. Mostly, I am just hoping I don't to add another chapter to the outline (I strongly suspect I am going to have to add another chapter--#11-- to the outline).
None of this will matter when it's done! I don't actually care how long the thing comes out (that's your problem, reader, I simply love big numbers). It's just that I want to be done, and the longer this gets, the further away that feels.
I haven't done a top level word count in a while because I've been working in messy temp documents, but I finally pasted my new scenes back into the main doc. Part B currently stands at 27,724, for a running total of 64,597, which makes it my fifth longest fanfic at roughly 2/3 done. There's kind of a ways to go before it overtakes Between Tides, but I think it might just happen.
Gosh, y'know, it's honestly kind of surprising I got as much writing done this week as I did, considering my kids were home nearly the whole week between snow days and a planned asynchronous day. Am I back on my groove? I sure fucking hope so.
I kept up with my drawing reasonably well, too--it was baked goods week. I did one tutorial, two one-day scribbles, and I drew last week's cake in the style of a GBBO illustration, which took me 3 days, but I'm really happy with the way it came out (so, 6 out of 7 days, I guess). I have another fanart (or possibly two) that I'd like to do in time for Byakuya's birthday, so that's probably what I will focus on this week.
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theia-eos · 7 months
I read your Prince Daein Soren AU a while ago and I loved it! I was curious on whether you were planning or not to continue it in RD
Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, I am. I had the direction planned out before I posted The Prince of Shadowed Winds.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out if I'm happy with it and that's what I want to go with. I also want to get a substantial way through writing it before I start posting, and that requires figuring out what I want to keep and what I don't feel is necessary to have in the written story and what I need to add that isn't there already. That requires figuring out what I want to do with the narrative (who should be the main POV characters, what genre do I want to style it after, if any [probably not doing it inspired by a romance trope again]) and if I want all of RD to be one story or a few different ones.
I know I had promised to start posting some stuff happening after Prince of Shadowed Winds this month when I posted the final chapter back in September, but I overestimated myself, honestly.
I'm very glad you enjoyed the first story enough to inquire about the rest of it. Thank you for asking, earnestly.
To pull back the curtain a little bit as I know I alluded to it previously, I've been dealing with a phase of something like depression since like August of last year, but it really got bad in October. My therapist and I have a few ideas but none of them really fit. Trying to write for the past several months has been downright impossible. There was nothing in my mind about what I wanted to do, and trying to force myself to write or even edit just made me experience something I can only describe as pins and needles in my brain.
I've dealt with this happening before, and it always goes away in time (and always comes back, which is the main reason why I usually wait to finish an entire story before posting it because I don't know when it will strike). I was just hoping it would go away faster than it has. I'm just now able to write here and there without any issues.
With that in mind, I'm hoping I'll be able to start sharing some of the one shots I have for what happens in the three years I between the AU POR story and AU RD story in the next couple of months. They were nearly done before I posted the last chapter of Prince of Shadowed Winds, so it shouldn't take too much more work to finish those up and get them posted.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
Hello, I noticed you need some requests. May I ask for any scp character with a reader who just dies during a breach, somehow comes back to life and digs out of there own grave. Then they just becomes some weird sniper who lives in the snowiest mountains and is probably rumored to be a witch or something. The reader has forgotten a lot of there past life but they still have fragments of memories with (insert character here).
Thank you!
thks for requesting, i'm bored out of my mind and writting/drawing are the only stuff keeping me awake
tw // death, description of dead reader .
also i'll be using something from my character so it kinda explains why reader is alive, is a jewerly thing and sends whoever is wearing it to limbo if *my character* couldn't save them, eventually they come back to life but with some,,, changes.
also i didn't know how to do the sniper thing so now you are an actual witch
Gerald will always curse his bad luck, but this time he wished he was the one taking the bullet like he always does instead of you.
At least he would've survived.
It was a normal morning at site ██, you were on your way to show your boyfriend a pretty cute necklace you found at a garage sale and pictures of other stuff you got when suddenly an alarm hits your ears and sends you into instant panic, and you know what it is because you heard it thousands of times, and you know what's coming to you because you saw your coworkes in this situations.
And you decided to run, run and see if there was any place to hide, you didn't even know what the fuck breached out of containment and honestly? you didn't want to know, you wanted to get to safety and when all of this was over, go with Gerald and show him the thing. After all, this couldn't happen to you right?
That's what your mind was telling you, sadly, it did happen to you. Gerald would know, when all anomalies were contained again he saw you, laying on the floor with that beauty of yours.
He held you in his arms like you were sleeping and he cried, he screamed, he didn't care his hands were getting dirty with your blood, or that Simon was trying to separate him from your dead body, he felt numb. The only thing on his mind was you.
You smiling at him, you fixing him coffee in the mornings and helping with the burns afterwards, you holding him and telling him he wasn't a waste, you loving him and wiping away his tears, you telling him that you loved him, it was all you.
But now you were dead, and that made him cry harder, bury his face on your chest and yell, and yell and curse everything and everyone.
Why did it have to be you?
This question would carry on for a week, two weeks, and then on your funeral, and then he would yet again ask himself the same thing when he was burying your ashes because of Foundation rules, and he would wish that wasn't you because, fuck, you were his world.
And after a month everyone could notice how shitty he felt, how much sadness those eyes carried. Never have he felt worse than then.
And you would ask yourself the same thing while you walked empty halls for what seemed years.
Why did it have to be you?
At least, you thought, you now know whats after death, but the truth is, you don't. Because one day while walking the halls, you see a door and you run to open it, and when you open it you gasp and have to sit up, and you realize you were laying on top of a grave. Your grave.
The shock was to expect, cause you don't remember dying, actually, you don't remember anything since you woke up.
You stood up and started wondering around, you walked and walked and when you blinked you were on top of a mountain, and it was cold.
There was a little shack, you went inside as the door was open and expected to find someone, but the place was empty as it could be, you wondered around and when you got to the kitchen you saw a note sticked on the table that read.
"i'm sorry i couldn't be faster, inmortality ain't pretty, but it was my job to save you and i failed.
figured it would be nice to give you some books !!! and this place is really nice too, close to a village, they are pretty close minded so be careful, i hope you are ok with your new life and,,, hope you didn't forgot that much :)
You were confused, forget what? You didn't thought about it too much and started looking around the house.
One year have passed, you are now known as a hermit that lives on the frozen mountains, rumors says you are a witch, which isn't pretty far from the truth since you do practice magic.
Sometimes when something failed or broke, you'll get a strange warm feeling in your chest, and the trace of a face would come up to your mind.
Most of the time you just ignored it.
Gerald could not ignore it. Every day of his life, he would remember you, today it was one year since your death and he was crying on Simon's shoulder, trying to put sentences together but failing in the process.
He stood up and tried to look presentable when the door opened, showing Bright, who gave both of them a sad smile and started talking.
"Gerald, uhm, we know this year has been rough for you... But we found something you probably need to see."
And Gerald followed him to a containment chamber, his eyes were red and his gaze was looking at the floor like it was the best thing in the whole world, which for him could easily be real, that's until they entered and he had to force his eyes to meet with-
And then the memories came rushing to his head, you smiling to him, you being there for him, you lying on the floor, you not responding, you being buried in a stupid box.
But you were there, it had to be you. He would recognize that face, that hair, those little nervous habits, those eyes and that sparkle on them.
Your hands were different tho, from tip to wrist they were black, like a frost bite but not quite. You were wearing an attire that Iceberg would envy, it probably was keeping you warm.
Neither of you said a word but Gerald could feel himself starting to tear up again, and he couldn't hold it, and he started crying in his place because that was you, the love of his life and his whole world.
But you were having trouble remembering, there was something telling you to go and hug him, that he is what you were missing, but you don't know his name.
Until everything hits you like a train. You were a researcher, you were Gerald's partner, you were an employee of the SCP foundation, you were
you were dead
but you are not anymore, and what the fuck were you waiting to run up to Gerald and hug him?
A second to compose, and then you went and did just that, you both hugged each other and cried the evening away, you kissed his face and wiped his tears away, he was petting your hair and caressing your face, looking at you like you were going to dissapear.
but that wouldn't happen, not anymore.
outside of the facility, in a very far place an entity smiles sweetly, because that smile is always on his face. 'ah, ain't young love one nice thing?'
HOPE YOU LIKED IT SORRY ITS TOO LONG HGFVAUIRG but i had a lot of fun writting this
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yoshipea762 · 2 months
SIPHA the dusky dolphin rant ig
So, random shitpost that has some relation to google translated portal (P0RTUGUL) aside...
I want to talk about SIPHA for a moment, bring up what inspired me to make her in the first place, and other random OC stuff I guess. I'm in the mood to do so, and my sudden need to RP as Deva Gwain Saga in Discord is... Let's say it's not being attained atm due to not being able to find a partner.
Keep reading if you REALLY want to see the rant(Just mind the writing. I tend to make stuff sound confusing without even realizing it). If not, move on and pretend I didn't say anything.
Now then. For design, I'll admit that I was looking for dolphin OCs to reference from. Inspiration kind of just struck like a literal wrecking ball when I saw a wholphin called 502(One of Omiza-Zu's old OCs). I openly admit that I took... A good amount of inspiration from that, although I seem to have still made her stand out on her own. Somehow. I may have also doubled down on the Silver stuff, as her "hair" reminded me of him to some extent. The shoes she normally wears for example use the rims his boots have, just recolored to better suit her color palette. The air shoes design was clearly from Shadow, but we don't talk about that.
Why I made her a robot was obvious (bias), but making her a prototype badnik who had people die during her creation just so she could have a built-in laser wisp power? Honestly, the idea of something typically evil NOT being an enemy was always an interesting concept to me. Badniks are usually Eggman's go-to robot army, and even in my AU, that's the case. You'd want to get rid of them. So, if a Badnik approached you and didn't have the intent to kill you, would you be on edge? What if I made that a Black Arms monster, something typically dangerous as hell? They'd probably put you on edge, wondering if they're even on your side or not?
Unless... say, they're friendly before you realize they're a Badnik. But even then, you can do something interesting with that position too. Are they still trustworthy? Or are they just a mole pretending to be a defector?
For her personality and abilities? Yeah, I... may have went for the "foil to Sonic" route, even though she won't actually interact with him. She's pretty friendly once you get to know her, but suffers from trust issues due to circumstances from her past. She can't stand staying in place, so putting her in a locked room is enough to make her scream. And yes, she's bound to make a fool of herself. Pretty sure her TH page can explain better than I can right now, lol. I kind of just... Copied Sonic's capabilities, but made it so she's more like his Luigi equivalent stat-wise. She runs at the same speed as Knux, but her jump height is higher, and her homing attack is much faster. I don't know why I made her like this other than to make her fit the bill of being a speed-type. Laser wisp power? Did the same thing with my AU's Sonic, so... Eheheh... :p
I've gotta rework her backstory tho. Her current one just isn't good to me, tbh. Needs more depth and oomph.
One more thing? Going back to something I brought up earlier, I thiiiiink I tried contacting Omiza sometime before or after the first SIPHA drawing? I haven't had a response from my many attempts, so I'm just gonna assume they don't want to talk about 502 anymore. Don't you hate it when a character you gained interest in happens to have died long before you knew about them? Sure, making your own content for them would be nice, but I feel horrible whenever I even think about doing it, especially when it's someone else's OC.
Thanks for reading through this... rant/tangent that likely made no sense to you. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go back to existing in my totally legitimate lake.
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shimmeringlights44 · 2 years
Strawberry Wine
cowboy!austin au reader insert
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part one
tw: none?? but there are sexual themes
minors dni
word count: 1.8k
It was finally the end of my first year in college. I truly could not be more over it then I was right now I mean you couldn't pay me to stay another day here. I had my car all packed up and ready to go. This long drive home would give me plenty of time to reminisce on my great freshman year.
My dorm was literally inhabitable, not to mention the devil of a roommate I had. I don't know of any other person whose head was so far up their ass for no reason. And I hope I never do again. Class wasn't too bad except for me being enrolled in multiple courses I didn't need but couldn't drop because it was too late.
I thank my advisor for that one.
Lastly, I'll admit I was looking for love in all the wrong places. Like that one Johnny Lee song. I didn't like to think about the way my life was going so I used people to try and distract myself. Clearly did not work out for me. I just really needed time to myself to be quiet and still. I knew where I could find that.
Home. I can say I was truly blessed to grow up where I did. Our ranch is on a couple acres of land with huge willow and oak trees covered in moss. On the other side of the property we had a cute little cottage built for when the family came to visit. Down behind the house is our garden with the old shed daddy built across from it. We had a big pond put in and that was probably my favorite thing about the place. It has a little dock and I used to sit there for hours watching the water.
This drive couldn't go any faster.
But before I knew it I was finally pulling up to that familiar driveway, a little dark as the sun was going down but I could honestly navigate it blind. I heard momma yelling for me as I pulled up to the house. Flying out of the car, I ran to her, pulling her into the tightest hug.
“I missed you so much momma” “Me too bun, me too” she said into my shoulder. We grabbed all my stuff and went inside the house. It was just as I remembered.
That evening we had dinner and watched a movie together like old times. I truly missed her. After all the fun I decided to go to bed after my long day on the road. Laying down I decided that this summer was gonna be nothing like the past year. The theme is ‘Me, Myself, and I’. It’s what I need to get back to who I really am. Studying in the city for college was such a culture shock for me, it was interesting but I missed my trees and big wide open sky. My solidarity. I needed this.
I woke up around 8am that next day unfortunately. After peeling myself out of bed I lazily pulled an outfit of shorts and a top together and decided to go look at the shed. I went to the garage half asleep still, grabbing a hammer to go ‘work’ on the shed. Not sure about the thought process there. Walking back through the kitchen I stopped to greet my mom and down a banana quickly.
“Oh I forgot to say I hired a ranch hand for some help around here” she tells me. Confused, I ask “Do we really need one momma? I mean I was kinda looking forward to the work..”. “Well I figured you just wanted to be able to relax but you're more than welcome to help him if you want to.” She said that oddly. “Mmmm, I don't think I want to hang out with some random old guy. Thanks though.” I say under my breath as I leave the room.
Finding my way outside I saw the beat down building for the first time in a while.
“Well… this looks like shit.” I muttered to myself. I mean, I knew it needed work but it was practically falling apart with pieces of the wood disentegrati-
“Sorry I-” A deep voice startled me out of my thoughts.
“JESUS” I flew around throwing the hammer. I had to croon my neck up to meet the gaze of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Before me stood a tall, muscular, looker of a man. His blonde locks stuck in place but curled so beautifully upon his head. Trailing down his face my eyes latched on his lips, so plump and soft looking. It was as if time stopped.
Was I dreaming? The way my heart was pounding was telling me otherwise.
I was broken from my trance when the beautiful man spoke again in a certain country drawl.
“I- I’m sorry little girl I didn't mean to frighten ya.” Little girl? “I wasn't sure where I was going.” he chuckled. Words couldn't form from my brain to my mouth. I just stared at him.
Luckily at that point my mother came to my rescue as always. “Austin? Hey honey you are at the right place!” He whipped his head around at the sound of his name, going to greet my mother. I took this opportunity to bolt inside the house.
There's no way he's the ranch hand momma was talking about. He's too pretty.
After a bit she came back inside and explained to me that the beautiful man was in fact the ranch hand she hired.
“That boy is a sweetie! He's the one who rebuilt the fence around the garden last fall. I figured he would be handy to have around this summer!” she said. “Why did you say it like that?” “Say it like what?” she said with a giggle.
She's playing me.
“Okay momma but don't expect me to be his friend. He comes to work and goes home every day.”
“Momma, he comes to work and goes home, right?” “Technically yes.” “You gave him the cottage didn't you?” “I did.” she sheepishly responded.
So, now I have an insanely attractive neighbor that I didn't ask for. Am I mad about it? Not at all. I'm just going to ignore him as best as I can. I cannot get caught up again. This summer is supposed to be about my self growth. Point blank period.
After giving myself a pep talk about the expectations I had for the summer I decided to do some work to take my mind off of it. Luckily mom gave me the sole task of tending the garden so I was going to put my heart and soul into it.
Going back outside later in the day I decided to start with the tomatoes, there were plenty to pick. Squatting down I started picking tomatoes and pulling the weeds from the ground. It was pretty quiet for a few minutes when all of a sudden I heard the sound of wood clacking on the ground. It made me snap my head up. Looking through the plants I saw movement by the shed. I moved some of the branches around to get a better view and boy did I.
Peering through the bushes I saw this so-called Austin ripping the old wooden boards from the shed, glistening with sweat, and his muscles tensing. Lord have mercy. Due to the heat at this point he was only wearing the jeans and work boots I met him in, no shirt. I've only heard of men looking like this, never seen one in the flesh.
He stopped pulling boards to take a swig of water from his reserve. He was drinking like he was in a drought. I watched it fall out of the sides of his mouth and dribble down his chest almost in slow motion. After quenching his thirst he poured some of the ice cold water on his forehead, leaning back and wiping his hair with it. Almost as if he knew I was watching, putting on a show for me.
My breath caught in my throat at the thought.
He pulled a rag out of his back pocket and dabbed the wetness from his face. There was a feeling growing in the pit of my stomach, it was a feeling I was missing, craving, but I knew I couldn't allow myself a taste of this forbidden fruit. Even just watching him was so intense I couldn't imagine touchi-... I had to stop myself. He went back to work and the loud noise pulled me out of my thoughts. Slowly looking down I've completely demolished the tomato sitting in my hand. Whoa. I ran inside to wash the juice from my hands and the sins from my mind.
The rest of the day I spent locked in my room hoping for the thoughts to go away but the more I tried the more they stayed. His washboard abs etched in my mind. That evening after dinner I decided to go sit at my favorite spot on the dock by the pond. Watching the water move from the wind would maybe calm me. It was always peaceful and made me feel at home. Maybe I can find some solace here.
Sitting outside I heard a door close behind me expecting momma to be coming over. But once again that deep southern voice startled me.
“Sorry, I didn't get to properly introduce myself, I’m Austin,” he says reaching out his hand. I looked at them, big and calloused. I wonder what they feel like. I grabbed it expecting a shake when he easily pulled me to my feet. Not expecting that, I unintentionally fell into him with my hand landing on his chest.
“I- uh..I- my name is y/n.” I said breathlessly. He smiled down at me.
“Y/n, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, it's a pleasure to meet ya.” I could just about melt in his arms. He was freshly showered in a half opened button up with his chest peeking out and a new pair of jeans. My hand slightly felt over his open shirt.
I need to stop.
The smell of his musk was almost over bearing being this close to him. It was heavenly.
I didn't even realize he was talking to me, I was too busy trying to look deeper into his shirt.
“I said it was nice to meet you, but I've got to go.”
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, pulling away. “It was nice to meet you too.”
He bit his lip at me and looked me up and down for a split second before turning around and walking off. Boy did that ass look great in those jeans. He hopped into an old yellow ford and started off down the driveway.
Once again I was left breathless by the ranch hand.
Please let me know what you think about it!! i already have part two in the works lmk if u wanna see more :)) also thank u to @wtfsteveharrington and @sassy-ahsoka-tano for beta reading and helping me edit !!!
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julyarchives · 3 years
Baby, pull me closer || (M)
If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. When you were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
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→ A/n: Jinho x Female Reader
→ Genre: Angst; Smut
→ Words:  3K
→ Contains: Exes to Lovers; some angst; Talk about feelings; Break up.
→ A/n: We might have gotten carried away with the word count 😅 but we hope we could live up to the request! Thank you again for the anon who did it! We hope you all like it 🥰
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If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. You two met in High School and were inseparable since day 1. He was your prince charming, the love of your life, your ride or die. Your life with him was a fairytale, and you caught yourself wondering so many times how lucky you were to have him in your life. You two worked hard to get into the same college and the time you spent there only made your connection stronger, and you knew it in you that you were his forever.
Which only made the break up more painful.
When you were offered the scholarship of your dreams, your first instinct was to go running to him and share the news, so you could celebrate together. But it was only seconds later that you stopped to think about everything that it would implicate. Jinho’s dream job required him to stay in the city and you would never want to be the person to make him give up everything for a relationship. You were selfish enough to put your goals first, but not selfish enough to rip him out of his.
So, after a lot of thinking, you made the most excruciating decision of your life.
“What do you mean? You can’t possibly be serious. You’re joking, right?” Jinho asked, voice trembling and tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.
The lump in your throat almost took your voice away, but you quickly swallowed it, convincing yourself that this was the only right decision.
“I told you, Jinho, I just don’t feel anything anymore. This relationship won’t work if I’m not in love with you. You deserve better, and it’s best if we break up now so you don’t get any more hurt. I don’t want to hurt you, Jinho.”
“Y/N, please” His tears fell freely now. He held you close by the waist, fists curling around the hem of your shirt “Please, don’t say this. I don’t believe you.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, and you closed your eyes, trying -and failing - to hold back your own tears.
“Please” he whispered
His lips grazed against yours and you let him kiss you, tasting the salty tears that were completely unrestrained by now.
“I’m sorry” was the last thing you whispered before leaving without looking back. Completely heartbroken at the sound of him calling your name in between sobs.
That’s why when you hear his voice calling your name again, almost 2 years later, you almost couldn’t believe your ears.
You were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
“Jinho?” you turned around, knowing who you would see.
You always thought Jinho was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, and it is not like you haven’t checked his social media after the break up, but nothing had prepared you for the way he looked in front of you.
So much had passed, so obviously he looked way more mature than the last time you actually saw him in person, with traces you couldn’t see over a photo, but adorned his face like it had always been there, and only complemented his charming self.
The suit and glasses added to it as well, but what made your heart stop was the smile. It was like traveling back in time, to when you could see him everyday in comfortable sweatpants and loose T-shirts, playing guitar by the window of his apartment, the golden dawn light shimmering on his skin.
Your daze was broken as he approached and you tried to find anything to say at all, but it felt like you forgot each and every word in your own language.
“Hey” was all that came out of you, and you cursed yourself mentally for being a grown ass woman acting like a teenager again.
"I did not expect to see you here." he said, a confused look on his face
"Yeah, I live here now." You offered a smile, but you were actually nervous thinking how living in this city is basically what broke you two up.
"Nice to know I'll have a familiar face around! I got a job here now, I just moved in"
"Really?" You were surprised "congratulations on the new job"
"Thank you" He smiled in return, eyes turning into crescent moons "since we're here, would you like to grab something to drink? I would love to catch up with you"
You always thought of getting in touch with Jinho over the years. Every time you thought of him or checked him online, you thought of texting. What actually stopped you was the thought that what you did was unforgivable and he probably hated you after you ignored the many times he tried to reach you after you told him you wanted to break up. The last time you saw each other was when you went to return his stuff, and get yours' from him, and that did not go well. You two barely looked at each other and you don't ever remember saying anything, but you couldn't forget how heartbroken he was.
It threw you completely off guard when invited you to catch up because you expected him to hate your guts. But then again, it was a long time ago, he probably was over it, like you were. At least you thought so.
"Sure, why not?" You answered shyly.
He led you both to a table while your coworkers grinned at you, and you silently shushed them.
The conversation started a little awkward, both of you walking on eggshells to avoid the "ex" subject. You caught up eventually, and you were glad to know that he actually achieved the job he always wanted and was very focused on his career, and he was happy to know that the same happened to you.
Before you two realized, the conversation was flowing easily, and you were laughing together and messing with each other, feeling like nothing actually changed between you two. The connection was still there and you honestly felt happy about it.
When the bartender warned about the last call Jinho offered to share a cab home with you because it was already late, and you gladly accepted it, just so you could stretch the time spent with him.
"I'm glad we ran into each other" he said like he could read your thoughts.
"Me too, I'm having a lot of fun." You admitted, you two reaching the front door of your house.
"I gotta be honest, though, I thought we wouldn't see each other again." He said with a half-smile "the way that things happened with us…"
"Yeah, I know…" you gently interrupted, too embarrassed to bring that up "But I'm happy to see you, really. I didn't even see the time passing."
"Right?" He agreed "it ended too fast."
"I might have a bottle of wine we can open if you would like to come in" your mouth ran faster than your brain, and you felt really stupid for asking that like you were pushing some kind of limit there.
You felt a little more comfortable when he didn't take long to make up his mind and accepted your invitation.
You entered your house and kicked your heels off to the side while you heard Jinho closing the door behind himself.
Out of a sudden, you felt too shy to look at him, so you kept yourself busy with other stuff.
You tried to take your coat off, but the collar got caught in your necklace's chain, and you simply couldn't undo it yourself.
"Here, let me." Jinho promptly helped, gently untangling it.
He went further and pushed the coat off of your shoulders delicately, his fingers grazing on your bare skin exposed from your sleeveless dress. His knuckles ran all the way down your arms and you were too aware of his body next to yours, goosebumps rising on your skin when his warm breath hit the back of your neck.
"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend." He whispered, his fingers grazing on your waist while he stood behind you.
Your breath got caught in your throat and you knew the implications of that question. You also knew that what he was suggesting, you wanted just as much.
"No, I don't." Your voice was just a barely audible whisper
You almost couldn't finish your sentence when his grasp on your waist tightened and he spun you around, pulling you closer to him, chest to chest, and his lips didn't hesitate to find yours.
Your body reciprocated him in a reflex that comes with a habit, like you never were not used to having him holding you like that.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, your hand messing his hair while he explored every new curve of your body, grasping for any skin he could find.
Jinho pressed you against the wall, trapping you in between the surface and his body. He wrapped one hand around your leg, lifting it up and squeezing up the hem of your dress, his kisses trailing down your neck.
"Fuck, I wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you." He whispered against your ear before sucking a spot just under it.
All you could answer was a breathy moan, leaning your body to press harder against him.
You took your time exploring his body and couldn't help but notice that his muscles grew stronger as you grazed your nails on his toned chest.
He grinded his hips forward, and you could already feel a semi-hard growing in his pants, the thought of it making you clench in anticipation.
You chased after his lips again, never having enough of it, nibbling at the plump bottom lip that you always loved
"Bedroom?" You whispered in between kisses, your breath already heavy.
Jinho only nodded eagerly, and you held his hand while walking down the hall.
As soon as he figured out the way he was all over you again, backing you up until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed and he didn't stop kissing you as you both settled on the soft mattress, every touch of his was very rough and commanding.
He kneeled up and you watched him discard his shirt carelessly, the sight making your mouth water. You bit your bottom lip, admiring his body, and he smirks proudly.
Next thing you know he's grabbing you by the hips and pulling you closer to him, making you slide down the sheets and yelp in surprise.
"You've changed" you addressed his manhandling with a naughty tone to it.
"You have no idea" his husky voice hit your ears like music, a tone as mischievous as the grin on his lips.
He pulled your dress up, off of your body, and you followed his lead without hesitating. Your panties were next and soon enough your hands were opening his fly and button, only letting go so he could get his pants and boxer off.
Jinho kissed you again and you moaned. You didn't think you'd ever need him this much again but you could feel your body trembling for him with only kisses. He pulled away and stood there, heavy breathing, eyes focusing on your every detail.
"I never thought I'd have you like this again", he seemed so sincere that made your heart ache.
"You do now", was all you could say before his hands were all over you. Gently caressing from your shoulder to your thighs, his strong hands guiding your legs to be around his waist.
"I don't think I can wait much more. '' Jinho didn't seem pleased with himself, staring at your chest instead of your face. You could see his hard shaft twitching whenever your skin rose up in goosebumps to his touch but the wetness between your legs was not any better.
Before you could say anything else, Jinho was already touching you, hands firmly grasping your breasts and squeezing, playing with your nipples while slowly grinding against you, his dick moving easily against your folds with how slick you were.
He groaned when you moved your hips back, hands exploring his toned chest and arms, touching all parts of him you could reach. You missed him so much that all these years apart only made you desperate to have him.
You were the one who moved lower and grabbed his member, smirking when he groaned lowly. You guided him to your entrance without a word, knowing you wouldn't be able to say anything. Jinho thankfully went along with it, letting go of your breasts and supporting himself with his hands on top of you while slowly entering you.
It felt like the world stopped. He felt so good inside, filling you up completely. Both of you moaned, his forehead leaning against yours. When he moved, you couldn't stop looking at him, his intense eyes and mouth open, his arms flexing from the movements, his hair already messy. Jinho was perfect and you wished you never let go. Looking back into his eyes, you could see he was watching you just the same and soon enough he was moving intensely with you, never breaking eye contact.
Everything started so easily and so intimate but even then it surprised you when you realized you two weren't just going on a nostalgic casual fuck. Jinho was making love to you, moving gently but also hitting your spot perfectly, his muscles flexing in the most delectable way. Your hands rested on his waist, caressing the skin as much as you could while you both moved, too deep in the moment to realize you didn't let go of each other's forehead.
It didn't take long for you to feel the fire burning hotter inside of you, the pleasure being too intense, and feeling a white-hot shock through your body. Neither of you said anything, your moaning, and heavy breathing filling your room in the most sensual way possible. One of your hands moved to his chest, right above his heart and his eyes widened. Jinho picked up his movements, chasing his orgasm as yours took over your body, making you arch and move closer to his body.
Thankfully you had recovered seconds later, just in time to see, and feel Jinho climaxing, his eyes squeezed shut and a low deep grunt falling off his lips beautifully. He laid gently on top of you and kissed you again, deep and longingly. When you pulled back, you couldn't help the bright smile you gave him, a soft giggle falling off your lips at the feeling of him in your arms again. Unfortunately, Jinho only half-smiled back and your guts twisted.
"I think we need to talk".
You could only manage a small "yeah", your smile died down. You pointed at the corridor, getting up after his nod. You didn't take long in the bathroom, too anxious to hear him out but also dreading what was about to come. You picked a sweater from the bathroom that surely wasn't supposed to be there and came back to the room.
Jinho was laying down in your bed, boxers back in place, and had half of his body covered with your comfy blanket. He was fidgeting with the hem of the blanket and you knew he was nervous as well.
"I felt cold, I hope you don't mind", he said with a shy smile.
"Of course not", you said, moving to lay with him under the blanket. He moved until he was laying on his side facing you, you mirroring his position.
"So", you both said at the same and that got a nervous laugh out of both of you. You motioned for him to go first.
"Why?", Jinho said, looking into your eyes. "Why did you leave me back then? Be honest this time, please".
"I-", you froze. You knew he'd say something about that but why was he so sure you lied? "How do you know I was lying?"
"We were perfect, Y/N", his voice was soft, his eyes gleaming. "We were in love and we fit perfectly together. You made me believe in soulmates, I felt like I would spend my life with you. And I know you felt the same".
"My scholarship", you said bluntly. "I couldn't have you give up your life for my dream and I knew you'd do it. I couldn't let go of my dream scholarship but I could never let you jeopardize yours".
Jinho closed his eyes briefly and breathed deeply slowly. Your eyes were filled with tears suddenly, a lot of feelings coming back at once. Regret, love, sorrow, how you missed him.
"I don't know if I feel relieved or even more hurt", he chuckled but you both couldn't see the humor. "I mean, I was sure you loved me but you were so hurtful that I was starting to believe you never actually even liked me".
"No!", you sit up quickly, eyes wide. "I thought it was the only option but I never stopped loving you", you blurted out.
"You… what?"Jinho sat up too then, slowly but surely.
"I know I made a mess and hurt you, but I always loved you when we were together, loved you when I broke up with you and… I honestly think I never got over you completely".
Jinho moved as if he could scare you off at any second. He slowly lifted his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears that fell. It only made you want to run. You had hurt him so much and even then he was taking care of you.
"I'm here now. I- I don't think we can go back to how we were even if we tried. It hurt too much and I don't think we are still the same person we were", he moved until his face was inches away from yours. "I feel the same and always did. I want to heal, I want to help you heal too".
Nodding, you moved to kiss him and sighed in relief when kissed you back.
"We can be friends", you said, lips moving always completely against his. "We can learn about each other again, I can redeem myself", you finished the sentence with a small kiss on his lips and he laughed.
"Friends that may kiss?"
"Friends that definitely will kiss".
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yanderecandystore · 5 years
I came back from the deepest pit of Hell, and came with some gay shit-
I hope you enjoy 🐑🍫♥️👀😋
•The incarnation of Be gay, do crimes.
•That's it.
•And also sketch at the end.
Good looking guys are the worst. [Yandere bullies x M!Reader x Yandere M! Delinquent]
Running after school ended up becoming routine at this point.
You can't help but feel exhausted every time you do.
You run for your dear life every time you know they're coming with their friends to beat the shit out off you.
Bastards can't even do their dirty job themselves, they need to call their besties to do it for them. Well, sucks to be them, you aren't giving up own coming back home without a scratch.
Your mom can't know this type of stuff is happening to you at school. Your parents payed for you to enter in that damn school, and you are not going to make their hard work be for nothing.
"- Come back here, [Y/N]!!" Alexandra yells at the top of her lungs. For a pretty daddy's little girl, she makes you feel way more scared than her brother. And her brother, Adrien, is bad enough as he is.
You can't tell if Adrien hates you or if he is obsessed over you, he likes to beat you up but at the same time he can't leave you alone. But hey, who cares? You're fucked either way.
They're getting too close to you. You thought that running towards the more dark areas of town would save your ass, but since it has been a week that they haven't used you as their stress toy, they're pretty pissed.
Actually, you're stuck in a paradox right now.
If they catch you, you're dead.
If they don't catch you today, they're going to make sure to be more violent whenever they can catch you, and then you're dead.
Like a snowball effect. Of death.
Oh, you probably shouldn't be thinking about the "what if's" of if they catch you, you should be thinking about running!
"- Aaaahhhh- fuck!" After entering alley after alley, you meet your worst nightmare, a dead end.
You can hear them coming near, you decide to hide, maybe your zigzagging made them lose you.
You hide behind some garbage. You feel at home.
Your heart beats are on your ears now. You can only hear your hitched breathing and uncontrollable heart beats. You try to calm yourself down.
"- Goddammit."
"- Where is he?"
You can hear them.
You can hear them looking around the dead end, and them walking away.
And then, you can't hear them anymore.
'Am I safe?'
You decide to come out of your hiding spot after some minutes.
Terrible idea, honestly. You should had left them go completely away.
You get out of the dead end, when-
"- Hey, you!"
A raspy male voice yells. You aren't familiar with this voice. You can't be sure if it's talking with you. You just froze in fear that it could be one of the Coldwell twin's friends.
"- Look at me when I'm talking to you, idiot."
Damn, rude. You turn around and see a couple of boys wearing a school uniform. Is different than yours.
"- The fuck you doing around here?" You look at each of the boys, each one is buff and seems ready to break you. But the one who is talking with you, is honestly not that intimidating.
He is handsome. But, he doesn't strike you as a delinquent. He has reddish brown hair and brown eyes.
"- Answer me, rich boy. What are you doing here? We thought we told you fucks to stop showing your faces around here." Oh, okay, this situation is starting to become worst and worst every second.
Firstly, they have baseball bats and crowbars and pipes as weapons. The twins would only beat you until you were unconscious.
This guys will either kill you or break your bones.
Secondly, he is yelling at you. At any minute now, the twins and their friends will come back to see what's happening.
"- Look, this has to be a misunderstanding- I-I'm not here to fight!" You're here to get the fuck out!
"- Awn, did you get lost?"
"- Must be pretty bad not having mommy and daddy to pick you up."
"- Will they miss their spoiled little brat?"
Some of the boys taunt you. Laughing in the process.
They keep mentioning something about you being a rich kid. Maybe is because of your uniform?
Most kids that go to Amaryllis Academy come from rich families. And although your parents paid for your education at the academy, you're nowhere near as wealthy as the other students. Pretty much the contrary.
"- I'm, I'm not-" You try to come up with something. Something to explain why you're here, and why they shouldn't break you down.
Nothing comes up.
"- What's your name?" Says the brown haired boy. Ignoring his friends comments about you.
"- [Y/N]." You say timidly as the boy starts to walk towards you. You give one step back and he comes faster, making you too scared of running away.
He is in front of you. Staring at your eyes.
"- So, what are you-" He was about to ask something, when someone comes in screaming your name.
"- [Y/N]!!! There you-" Adrien was caught off when he saw the boy and the other guys surrounding you. Alexandra face screams surprise and disgust.
"- …"
Both parties look at each other. Silent treats are being made just with stares. You're so glad you don't know what the fuck is going on.
The tension in the alley grows immensely. Everyone is silent for a solid minute before the boy on your side says something.
"- Would you look at that, our pretty boy brought to us some friends." He says while he wrap his arm around your shoulder. You can tell he is trying to piss the twins and is working.
"- Evening, Jack. Didn't notice we were in the sewers until I saw you rats." Both twins cross their arms. Honestly, if you could move, you would use their little conversation as a distraction and go home.
"- Yeah, if you don't like it here, why am I'm seeing your ugly faces?" Says the boy on your shoulder, apparently named Jack. You start to feel a little embarrassed about his arm around you. You aren't in the discussion, yet you're in-between them.
"- Because you have eyes."
"- And clearly you lack them, since you're in our territory, schmuck."
They keep going on, and honestly you don't care about any past relationships your bullies have with this guy, you just, really want to go home and take a bath. You honestly stopped paying attention at a certain point. You can only hear yelling and stuff.
You zoomed out for a bit, until you feel something harshly press itself own your face.
Oh, the whole alley went silent. Everyone looks shocked, well, except for Jack who is grinning at the twins, and one of his friends who has the biggest smile you can think of.
And then you noticed what actually happened, Jack had successfully kissed your cheek. You aren't exactly happy with that, but hey, the twins look pissed.
That's a win!
"- How about this?" Jack says smugly towards them.
They're furious, you don't know what just happened, but they ended giving up on beating you up.
And by that, they decided they wanted to beat the shit out off Jack.
Their friends are holding them so they can't actually do it. Bummer, you wanted to see them fight.
Apparently they can't start a fight with this guys right here, because that would start an even bigger fight between schools, but you don't care, this is great!
If you keep Jack by your side, they can't do anything!!
"- Get out of my face." Jack says, and the twins go away. They're going to kill you for not coming with them, but going to do worse with Jack for protecting your ass. It'll be worth it.
You start to walk towards the direction of your home, and you thank Jack, thinking that nothing bad will happen.
And of course.
Something bad happened.
"- Hey, where the hell are you going?"
"- Uhn, home?" You answer a little confused, after all, they didn't want you to be there in the first place.
"- What, just like that? I think you don't know how things work around here."
He stand his hand towards you. Oh, money? Is that what he wants for helping you out?
You pick whatever you got on your pocket, 3 bucks, and put in his hand.
"- Sigh.." He sighs, and then grabs your wrist and pulls you closer, making you stare at his eyes.
"- …." He is thinking about his next words. And you're thinking about how much better would it be if you just when home earlier!
"- I'll see you tomorrow." He whispers in your ear so that his friends don't hear (bitch, they already know-). He is not asking, he is commending you to come back here.
Well, at least he didn't take the money. You managed to come home safe and sound.
"- And that's gentlemen, why the cute ones are the worst." Jack says, lighting a cigarette with his buddies against the wall. Annoyed at the thoughts of seeing you again. Thoughts that can't go away.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hol Horse: Not so Terrible
TW // killing is mentioned
I can't possibly know you're sad without doing something, @golden-narcissus :( this is the in-character interaction you had with Hol Horse on my blog, but rewritten into a smol fic and with a cute ending added !!
Where Hol Horse starts to realize his partner in crime is better than he thought.
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"Hey... did you really mean everything you said, Hol Horse... about me?" The man looked at you, his eyes had never been more serious and you could tell. He had opened, told you he felt good around you and comfortable with you being the one he was teamed up with by Lord DIO. A pretty good sensation for you, really.
"Are you asking because I teamed up with a lot of different people?" he slightly smiled. You probably thought he told this shit to every person he met, or maybe tell white lies to every person he would have needed in the future. "I mean everything I said about you. Every single one." he paused for a second. "I know I care about being the said second one in a couple, because I admit I'm... not that courageous. But you never made me... you know, feel weak for it." Hol Horse lifted up his gaze towards you, an almost ashamed look in his eyes. Unusual. So unusual. "Listen, I know I flirt a lot and I tell many lies just because I would need to be helped in the future. But I'm not lying with you." The way his hands were figdeting with each other and his leg was bouncing told you he was being honest.
But at those words, you shook your head. "No, it... that's not it. I just haven't been told anything like that before." you swallowed, remembering your not so relaxing past. "I've come from so far away in order to serve Lord Dio... I am just glad someone appreciates my work like you do." your eyes ran over his hands, up his muscular - probably warm in hugs - arms and finally in his own gaze. "You're very strong, Hol Horse, and your stand is quite powerful... I am honored that you accepted to work with a weak stand like mine..." you rambled, biting your lip when you realized you probably had started talking too much again, forgetting your main task. "Shit... sorry, I'm just going on... we should be focusing on beating the Joestars."
But if you're pleasantly surprised by his kind words, well, Hol Horse was pleasantly shocked by yours, as well. The cowboy was literally speechless "Me? Very strong and... powerful?? Well... a lot of cute girls I lied to on my road told me so, not knowing me well. I didn't really care about them." he confessed, maybe implying he cared more about your opinion? You thought. "But hearing it from someone I work with... makes me feel respected and stuff... I don't want you to be my second, though. In our team we'll be right on the same level for me, if you're fine with it, of course." he rested his arm around your shoulders, as if it was the most natural thing to do. And you couldn't tell if he was trying to purposely flirt or if he was just like that. You liked him anyway. "Come here." He invited. "We can relax a bit. The Joestars can't be everywhere, and we know they're not here right now. Some fellow stand user like us is probably taking good care of them." he genuinely chuckles, his free hand on his mouth.
Your heart soared to the Moon at his words, and you smiled like an idiot when he draped a strong arm over your smaller - compared to his - shoulders. "Yeah, you're right... maybe this time will be different, and we won't have to kill anyone?" you asked, honestly waiting and hoping for an affirmative response. "I'll confess... I don't do well under pressure... or around a ton of blood..." you looked up at him, with a slight tilt of your head, as if you were about to ask a question. You actually did. "So.. your stand, Emperor, shoots... so if the circumstances aren't in our favour... I distract them and you kill them? This is it?" He nodded in response.
"Yes... this might be it, if we manage to create a good plan." the hand of his resting on your shoulder - because of his arm around you - suddenly started caressing your shoulder with its thumb. That small touch was so adorable and loving. So unusual, from Hol Horse. "Can I ask you how did someone so pure and sweet like you end up in Lord DIO's hands? If you feel okay with telling me about it, I mean." the cowboy asked, as his brown, curious eyes met yours.
At his question, you suddenly remembered things and feelings that made you need warmth. You leaned into Hol Horse's touch, feeling safe enough with him to do so. Your eyes drifted from his after he exposed his curiosity, and you let out a sigh. "The life I was born into just wasn't something for me..." you started in a low, serious voice. "I got picked on as a child for just about anything i did. I wanted to begin a new life in Egypt... and i met our Lord DIO..." you smiled, just a little. It brought you into terrible situation, but remembering the first time somebody had finally comprehended your messy mind always gave you a little happiness. "He understood my pain, and took me under his wing, introducing me to a group of people I learnt to call my friends..." your eyes darkened. "They are terrible people. I was too naive... you too saved me, Hol Horse." his jaw fell. His heart started beating faster, without a... true reason.
"I... you don't find me terrible, too?" Hol Horse istinctively held you even closer, like a reflex. You looked like you were comfortable with him, so he tried to freely give you his affection. You couldn't deny your heart skipped a beat, too. "I don't think I'm really admired, among our... fellow stand users in DIO's hands. But hey." a finger of his patted on your soft shoulder for you to look at him. "If you don't like them, you don't have to emotionally lean on them to be understood." the cowboy withdrew his arm from your shoulders, and started fidgeting with his hands, trying not to think to the blush that was probably gonna form on his cheeks. "What I mean is... if you need someone to listen to you... you don't need Lord DIO, or other people working for him. I am right here. I mean I do work for him too, but... I'm me. And you're you." he started to stumble on his own thoughts. "Oh, fuck it, I don't expect you to understand what I mean... I'm a mess." he gave up. But the sound of you chuckling brought him back.
"Of course I don't think you're terrible, Hol!" you immediately answered. "You have been very sweet ever since we met... and I genuinely thank you for that." you finally looked up at him when he prompted you with his thumb's sweet touch on your shoulder. "Hmm... thank you for supporting me..." you mumbled, your voice's volume a little lower. "You're one of the only people who have truly learnt to understand me, and i admire you very much, for this."
The cowboy immediately reacted to your confessions, stuttering but managing to pour his heart out properly. "Well, I... I admire you for being able to bear with my behavior, I'm not so easy to handle, and you've never made me feel wrong, I mean..." without a precise reason, it seemed like Hol Horse was nervous. His hands were shaking and sweating, and he took off his hat, totally revealing his fluffy blond hair. "Also... don't underestimate your stand, it can be really useful, plus... when it lets its cry out I find it so... cute." he admitted, now avoiding your gaze. Shy Hol Horse? Not a common thing. You must have been really special. But you had noticed it, and took advantage of it when you leaned towards him and sweetly kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, Hol. This really means a lot to me." you smiled, probably furiously blushing as much as him, just before standing up and grabbing his hand, to pull him towards his horse. "Do we get to have a little fun and go around with your baby here, in the meantime? I see no scary Joestars, around." you giggled, exaggerating the scary in a mocking - towards DIO - tone. Hol Horse laughed too, suddenly picking you up and sitting you on the saddle.
"Every wish of yours is an order, your sweet majesty." he giggled, finally sitting right in front of you. Then, the cowboy whispered. "You better hold onto me, this is gonna be wild." Hol Horse kicked with his heel, the horse rearing up before starting to gallop. "Yee-haw!" he screamed, making you giggle and gasp a little when you held onto his torso when the horse reared up. And so you went, on your own bizarre adventure. Was there love? Yes.
Just give them time.
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 1 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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This show is kind of nice because I have no memories of the original She-Ra show, or even any of He-Man, honestly. I'm not sure if I ever watched the original, so I have no frame of reference for how the series is "supposed" to be. I can just take it and judge it as is.
Of the bat, all I know is that supposedly She-Ra and Catra get together as a romantic couple later, but I'm also a huge My Hero Academia fan and the fandom around me ships every character with every other character, so for all I know that might just be shipper wishful thinking I've been seeing and hearing. Given fandoms for Gravity Falls, Thor, and Supernatural ship even siblings together, I've learned not to trust anything except for what I see in the series for myself.
By the way, this isn't a review, just random thoughts and comments I'm having as I'm going through season 1 for the first time.
Episodes 1 and 2: Right off, I really like Catra's "No duh" response to Adora about the truth of the horde. She knows they've been lying to them and have been doing terrible things, she just doesn't care. If she and Adora play their cards right they could end up being the ones in charge and then they'd have all that power. Not necessarily to make things better but enough to where they could do whatever and live however they want. That's a good build for an antagonist. Not ignorant to the fact what they're doing is wrong, just simply so selfish that they don't care.
Episode 3: It really feels like there was no good reason why Glimmer didn't just outright introduce Adora to her mother and every reason she should have known it was a bad idea to try and hide her for a surprise. Being a former horde soldier she'd probably get treated with hostility if Glimmer brought her to the front gate but you'd almost guarantee Adora would get arrested or outright killed if she got caught while no one else knew she was there.
On the other side, we have Hordak being pretty intelligent in promoting Catra. He probably knows Shadow Weaver already doesn't like him, so it's not like he's losing anything making her upset with him, and it's clear she favors Adora way more than Catra, so that little bit of advancement towards Catra probably goes a long way in earning her loyalty to him and a person on the inside with Shadow Weaver.
Also, I'm not the only one who saw Madam Razz and immediately thought Adora had found her Yoda, right?
Episode 4: I don't know how it was in the original She-Ra and He-Man series but I kind of like She-Ra being this title from legend. Adora is not the first She-Ra, given what Razz was talking about with a Mara, so instead of being something new, impressing everyone with abilities they've never seen before, and creating the legend, Adora is placed in a position WAY over her head where she's having to live up to what came before her.
Episode 5: Calling it now, as long as her personality is genuine I think Scorpia is going to be one of my favorite characters in this show. She's...endearing, I think is the best word. She's like a mix of Kronk and a nicer Shego.
For a little bit I thought Mermista was voiced by the same actress who played Poison Ivy in the Harley Quinn animated series. She's not but they do have the same kind of Daria-ish inflections, thus by confusion. Given the prom episode, Sea Hawk feels kind of like her Kite Man.
Episode 6: Okay, now it's between Scorpia and Entrapta who are likely to be my favorites by the end of this. She's fun and quirky.
Episode 7: Quite the lore drop. Shadow Weaver was once a Mystacor sorceress known as Light Spinner. I like to imagine we'll get more on that later. Her haunting Adora reminded me of the Teen Titans' episode where Robin was similarly haunted by Slade. This didn't go as far as that but that's probably for the best, since TT had two and a half seasons to build that dynamic up with Robin and Slade while we're only now halfway through the first season.
Episode 8: Well dang. Again, I don't know for sure if Adora and Catra do end up together but boy do I buy why they're shipped together after that dance. Also, good on Bow for standing up for himself. It's clear that he'll always be Glimmer's friend and this won't change that but that doesn't mean he has to just accommodate her. I understand where her issues stem from but I am still glad he gave her a reality check. It helps him feel a little more like his own character.
Also, another nice little bit of lore and worldbuilding. Scorpia's a princess, the horde landed where her people lived, and they seemed to join them willingly.
Episode 9: Surprisingly don't have a lot to say about this other than I don't buy for a second that Entrapta is dead (EDIT: She's not). This was mostly action.
Episode 10: Not going to lie, this one kind of annoyed me a little, at least the first half. The conversation between Glimmer and her mother saved it a bit. It was a bit of a trifecta. You have the alliance breaking apart, saying that the loss of Entrapta only happened because they were all together...even though Entrapta only "died" because of her own machine obsession that caused her to deliberately walk back into the purging chamber. You have Entrapta who might be turning to the horde's side because she feels abandoned by the other princesses...even though they thought she was dead, and again it was her fault they got separated. And you have Glimmer refusing to tell her mother that Shadow Weaver's dark magic has caused her powers to go on the fritz and is causing her great pain. It just feels like none of this would be an issue if most of these people would stop being self-absorbed for three seconds and talk like any normal person would. It feels very CW drama, like something I'd see in a bad season of Arrow or The Flash. The only person whose issues I buy is Adora, who is basically a soldier who was never properly raised to deal with emotion or loss and is already struggling with the burden of being She-Ra, the legendary savior. I get why she's beating down on herself for not being able to do more even if nothing that happened was her fault.
Episode 11: JEEEEEEEEEZZZZ, that was such a good episode! Focused entirely on Adora and Catra and their past together. Like, just showing someone this episode alone could probably get them to want to watch the series. That was everything you needed to know about their dynamic and history together.
Also, that moment when Catra and her past self are looking at each other, while obviously Catra takes the opposite lesson, it reminded me of this fanart I'd once seen of Jason Todd, the Red Hood, looking at his past self as Robin. The past says to the future "You ruined everything". Catra could be happy but, ironically for someone who hates Shadow Weaver, she's probably going to be a lot like her, sacrificing everything for power and ambition.
Given the way she looked, I'm guessing Shadow Weaver is either addicted to the power of the Black Garnet or she suffered some kind of past injury and its power is the only thing keeping her going. Or both.
Episode 12: I'll be honest, Swiftwind being able to talk kind of gobsmacked and I needed a moment to recover. What a great voice they chose for that character.
So She-Ra is kind of like the legendary heroes from Rising of the Shield Hero, coming from a long line of people chosen to wield the sword. I tend to dislike chosen one types of stories because I think prophecy takes a lot of weight out of the character's actions, so this and Avatar are more what I like. The MC is special but not the only one who's ever been special and they can still easily fail. Their destiny was only to be able to use the weapon, not that they would succeed in any specific purpose.
And dang, Catra's turn against Shadow Weaver happened faster than I thought it would but I'm not complaining. That great "This is what you've really been preparing me for" speech and Hordak, again, being an intelligent villain. "Oh, this experiment could net me a MASSIVE gain and all it could potentially cost me is this rock I already gave away to someone who lately hasn't been producing any results and has been consistently disobeying me. Yeah, I'm going to let this play out."
Episode 13: That was kind of a brutal fight between Adora and Catra. Not the worst I've ever seen even in other shows for this age range (Samurai Jack, for example) but those punches are connecting and those claws are leaving marks.
Also, maybe I'm just misunderstanding the exact situation but shouldn't the good guys' side be called the Resistance instead of the Rebellion? Being a rebellion would imply they are rebelling against an established power or rule over them, but the actual conflict we are shown is the established power and rule that is the kingdoms of Eternia resisting an outside force that wishes to establish a new order over them.
Season 1 verdict: I'm into it. I'm definitely more invested in the villains' side of things but that's not a fault of the series, that stuff is just way more geared towards me than the current princess stuff. I actively am at attention whenever the horde main characters are on screen. For the good guys it's mostly Adora and the She-Ra stuff I'm invested it. That isn't to say I have any real dislikes for that side. Bow especially I'm liking much more than I thought I might. He has kind of this gravitational pull around him. You will be his friend regardless of how much you might want to resist. He's definitely the rock for everyone else to hold onto.
Minor side note, kind of like Korra in Legend of Korra, I love how even when her powers aren't active Adora is shown to still be pretty strong physically with how easily she was lifting people up at the prom.
And I was right, Scorpia is my favorite side character.
On to season 2!
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/nyll2e/going_in_blind_watching_season_1_for_the_first/
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smartzelda · 5 years
(Wow, I wish I could kill tumblr for messing up and making me rewrite this whole thing from scratch)
Hi, bros! I've gotten so much of crit done this week, so there's a LOT to talk about
Let's start out where we left off in Toy Box.
So like, the Riku and Buzz parallels are so good, like, the Buzz being afraid of being taken over and hurting his friends. Buzz being more skeptical of people, but trusting of his friends and just trusting Woody a whole lot. I love how he just trusts Sora, Donald, and Goofy by the end and they're friends and stuff
The Sora and Woody parallels are so good too, like, Woody trusting Sora and friends right away because they seem to be good guys, fighting the enemies (it's such a Sora thing to trust people just cause they seem good) and really trusting Buzz. Woody doing the angry sassy while talking to YMX/the organization
And bro, like...the Soriku parallels...the softness...
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This has so many kh2 Soriku vibes
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*clears throat* Ahem, um...anyways... I was thinking about when YMX tosses Sora into the Verum Rex Gigas minigame. 1st off, I beat it a lot faster than I did my first play through the game on proud mode, so that's helpful. I'm glad that having done this before is helping me learn to be at least a little less stupid and do some things easier because of experience. 2nd, YMX's role in kh3 is very interesting. The hole time I get that he knows more than he's letting on. I feel like he, like Sora, can remember everything between the demon tornado, Riku's sacrifice, mass death, and Sora saving everyone's hearts before the timeline being rewritten and turned back to before everyone dies, and assuming the SRT holds up, he even seems to know the events of the first go around of timeline set before the kh3 we play. It's in the SRT too, but like, him saying "Not this time" and being able to dodge Sora's attacks like he already knows. Then there's YMX's line before the boss battle where he's like, "Find the hearts connected to yours." We could take it as him guiding Sora, getting him to find the seven guardians of light. I'm feeling like it might be foreshadowing or like YMX leading Sora to his end because it could be foreshadowing of remind (I mean, I won't know till I can play) or it's referring to the future of Sora saving all the hearts from the lich. Back to him knowing what's going on in the timelines somehow with that whole leading aspect, then there's during the lich segment where YMX is there somehow and tells Sora about how he'll pay the price, then YMX's "death" where he says that Sora's time in the world is over, indicating he knows what Sora's done and has to pay the price for
So, unlike the gigas thing that went surprisingly well, the possessed marionette and the flying saucer did not, and the flying saucer was the worst. I learned that, unlike in my proud run through, I couldn't just try to beat a gigas as just Sora that easily, considering a gigas could oneshot me (I kinda suck, so I honestly couldn't beat em at all without commanding a gigas myself on crit). So, it was very time consuming, considering I couldn't use a gigas to finish it off and shoot it from afar, and I had to evade all like four gigas and the scattered heartless (it was especially bad if I was about to die and needed to heal) while trying to attack it (needless to say, Donald and Goofy did most of the work in the final stretch while I was trying not to die and also attack the enemy that would warp away if you got too close). I did it though
Okay, final boss battle! Ngl, just...I enjoy the angry sassy of Woody when YMX is like, "See, look buzz fell to darkness blah blah" and Woody is like, "I don't care. Put buzz back the way he was." (Y'know, totally not a Sora attitude and totally not a parallel to CoM when Sora's telling Vexen "I don't care! Just put Riku back!") And YMX like talking about hearts and Woody like, "I don't think you've ever been loved before, because you know nothing about hearts and love." The final boss battle was easy compared to the other boss battles in Toy Box.
Also, I just...enjoy Buzz finally being friends with Sora, Donald, and Goofy and caring about and trusting them now
Now ownards to Corona!
So, starting in the forest just before getting to the tower, I opened a treasure chest with an item that gives sneeze protection (I got a shield for Goofy that does the same thing after I finished this world) which...I... Bro, I'm stupid I like didn't get this item my first run through nor did I know it existed, but playing through this world definitely was easier without sneezing Sora, especially the final boss (but we'll get to that later)
Gotta love that Flynn Rider charm.
"So, I've made the decision to trust you."
"A horrible decision, really."
Hi, I'm Flynn I hope you expect me to run away from battles and have Sora, Donald, and Goofy, who are totally my bodyguards, do all the work and make me look good Rider
Rapunzel after getting out of the tower and her enthusiasm is so Sora like, but ngl, I'd say she's a Riku parallel in this segment. Later in this world, they remark that the tower is a prison for Rapunzel. In this moment she has a lot of conflicting feelings.
"I'm such a terrible person..."
"This is so fun!"
"Oh, what would Mother think...? I should go back..."
She's being pulled two ways. Part of her is excited to see the whole outside world and ready to live her dream, defying Mother Gothel, while the other part of her urges her to go back to her prison with Gothel where she'll be safe. This is much like in DDD with the Quasimodo and Riku parallel where Riku tells Quasi that it's not because of Frollo's rules or because Frollo said the outside world would harm him, it's because something in his heart holding him back. Most likely, it was from fear. In Riku's case, he said it from experience because he too is struggling with something where it's his heart holding him back, nothing else (probably his feelings for Sora are the thing he won't set free)
I like how kh3 is like, self aware or like, aware of the kh lore like when Donald and Goofy mention Data Sora, or in this case where Sora, Donald, and Goofy don't remember Marluxia because castle oblivion and he's like, "Such a pain. Whatever. It's not like you need to know." Kh3 shows that Nomura remembers the things he set up before.
Also, Goofy: "I think the 'has-been' prefers Marluxia" 😂😂😂
The heartless chariot was just as terrible and time consuming as always because of how much I died.
I did surprisingly well at the dancing section compared to past attempts, so that was cool. Rapunzel and Sora are just so adorable though and Rapunzel with the flowers in her hair is just😔👌
Okay, I like, I love the lantern scene because it's just so beautiful. Like, I just love those shots of all the lanterns and of Flynn and Rapunzel and of Sora, Donald, and Goofy watching them. Also...Flynn lowkey being given the choice between Rapunzel and the crown and basically choosing her
"I should've given it to you before, but I was just scared."
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"I'm starting to." And Flynn pushes the satchel away, focusing on Rapunzel, choosing her.
Also, thinking that this part is a parallel to Riku in the RoD because Riku got the strength to protect the one he cherishes most (Sora) and now he's not afraid anymore, even in the RoD. He feels stronger and more confident. For Rapunzel, after spending time with Flynn and traveling, she's not afraid of the world anymore and she becomes more confident. She trusts Flynn and gives him the satchel (which in the movie I believe she originally withheld and hid out of fear of him going back on their promise)
So, then, Flynn and Rapunzel release their lanterns into the sky, and they twirl around each other as they fly up
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Seem familiar? It's almost like...
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Also, rip Sora, Donald, and Goofy. They just wanted to watch the scenery, but got interrupted by nobodies
Bro, it's really sad, like, I feel so sad for Rapunzel because she really trusted Flynn and Mother Gothel framed Flynn, breaking Rapunzel's heart because she thought it was all genuine, that Flynn really wasn't going to hurt her and meant the things he said. Then, Gothel takes her to the tower
Sora still being able to be awoken from a lick to the face from an animal like in kh1😂
In my first run through of the game, I got to this part with all the heartless and nobodies on the way to the tower and the section between everyone starting off towards the castle and reaching the castle I tried to go through as fast as possible and skipped fighting the heartless and nobodies I could. This time, I managed to clear the whole area after making it my goal for leveling up purposes, so that was cool👍
And now we reach the tower cutscenes and a very niiiiiiice Soriku parallel, which I'll have to put in the next post due to the photo limit
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merinmunson · 6 years
I am my own hero
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You're Tony's sister and you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. before you found out it had been taken over by HYDRA. HYDRA agents were trying to turn you into a Winter Soldier, when Loki tries to save you. But will he?
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood and angst.
S.H.I.E.L.D had collapsed and the Captain, Natasha, Sam and you were responsible. Bucky, Steve's best friend was alive and had been turned into a weapon. All the people you had worked with over the years... most of them served HYDRA. You used to have blood on your hands, but now it was better depicted as hands in a pool of blood. You had killed people you thought to be close with, people you'd trusted with your life... Those memories did not leave your mind any second of any day since you would find yourself remembering all that pain, all those perfect pictures of betrayal and death. And you were to blame.
Moving on from that came with a cost, you'd always have nightmares. But eventually you were able to find peace and rest, although you still had those horrendous bad dreams from time to time. A lot of HYDRA groupies were still on the streets, either camouflaged of just plain hiding from the new S.H.I.E.L.D and especially the Avengers (a team you weren't ashamed to say you belonged to), despite what most thought, you were not afraid of facing those thugs. There was a reason you were on the Avengers, you had superpowers and boy, were they amazing. You could control energy.
What did come as a surprise to you is that HYDRA was planning on turning you into their new Winter Soldier since Bucky had already been freed.
You were all alone in your apartment talking to Tony over the phone.
"Y/N, what would you say if I bought an island?"
"I thought you already owned an island"
"What made you think that?"
"You're probably the only billionaire who doesn't own an island"
Then you started to hear vague noises coming from outside your apartment, near the door. The best course of action was to alert Tony that something was going on.
"Well, brother, I gotta say, it's a shame Cap's lost his shield"
He understood the reference immediately.
"It is, but I'm on it right now"
And with that, you knew whatever happened you'd be safe. Carefully planning your next steps you hunged up the phone knowing they'd come without hesitation, whoever they were. And so it happened. A whole tactical HYDRA team broke into your apartment, a burnt Rumlow leading the way. You got on your knees with your hands on your head aware that there was no point on fighting, they were, after all, heavily armed. It took one punch to put you to sleep.
When you opened your eyes you found yourself tied up, obviously, to a chair. Your only advantage was the fact that none of them knew about your powers. Most of the time you would fight with weapons or just your body, only your team mates knew about your powers. You waited a short amount of time until one HYDRA agent showed up.
"Y/N Y/L... Who would've thought that the one to kill us, would be our salvation" he showed you a dark smile.
"What do you want? Who are you?"
Not only were you going to buy time until Tony and the others arrived but you wanted to solve this problem by yourself too.
"I suppose I can answer both of those questions, since you'll obviously forget in no time..."
Then it hit you. They wanted to turn you into a Winter Soldier.
"What, the Black Widow wasn't available for the job?" You joked, both Natasha and yourself were really good at fighting, but she already spoke many languages, that made her a perfect candidate for Winter Soldier. You would have had to be taught some stuff.
"That's one of the main things we like about you, you're smart. Too much, if you ask me. Unfortunately, we do not know where Miss Romanoff may be, unlike you. Not so hard to track you down."
"Huh, and here little old me thought changing apartments would do... guess I should have gotten myself out of the internet, shouldn't I?"
"Yes. You should have"
"But man, do you know how hard it is to live without Wi-Fi?"
He punched you straight on the jaw.
"That's definitely leaving a bruise"
He punched you again, this time near your mouth. You bit your lip and blood started dripping.
"Shut your mouth or we will sew it"
"Don't you need it open for me to talk in different languages? You seriously have to put your plan together..."
He was about to hit you again when suddenly, he stopped mid air.
"So you're stalling me, huh?"
Now you were terrified.
"Let's see if you talk so much shit after being wiped!"
He called for some agents to pick you up and take you to the machine were they'd turn you into a monster. On the way you tried to free yourself and hit the men carrying you, you screamed your lungs out hoping they would stop or drop you to cover their ears. All of that in vain. When you reached the room, one of them held you by the neck and the other untied you, both of them placed you and trapped you on the machine.
"I'm gonna kill you all!! Get me out of this!!"
All they did was look at you with an empty stare and wait for the magic to happen. Now was the time to use your powers. Looking at the source of the machine's powers you concentrated and saw clearly its energy, with a little effort you absorbed the energy into your own body and waited. You could easily take them all down now, but you wanted to see their boss.
"Won't you at least tell your boss to come here?!"
"Baron Strucker will see you after you're ready "
Now you had a name and you knew he had to be somewhere inside the building.
"Wow, I get to meet HYDRA's crème de la crème"
They took it as your last joke and pulled the lever. Right then you all heard a loud crash and witnessed how a man dressed in green with a mischievous smile, two daggers and black hair walked into the room. Two HYDRA troops appeared to fight him as you sighed, annoyed. It was Loki and he had ruined your goddamn plan!
You got out of the machine, breaking the metallic grips with your acquired superstrenght, product of the energy you absorbed, and fought HYDRA while they were too busy looking out for Loki. He had become an Avenger not so long ago to redeem himself from his past sins, you were completely okay with giving him a second chance and all that, you had to admit you were close to him. Nevertheless you didn't trust him enough to tell him about your powers.
They tried to shoot you and you simply dodged the bullets and shot them with the guns you took from your first victims. Once all of them were down and Loki was simply standing there since you acted faster than him, you turned around to actually face him. An exasperated sigh dropped from your lips.
"Why the hell did you come? I had this under control! Now their boss is probably out of reach, goddammit!"
"They were gonna turn you into their weapon, they hurt you, I can see the blood in your face and the bruises. Did you honestly expect me doing nothing to stop them?!" He asks not believing what he's hearing.
"It was all an act!" You shoot the remaining bullets against one of the lifeless bodies on the floor. "Fuck you, you son of a bitch" you tell the body.
"Your brother sent me here to save you, the least you could do was explain to me how did you do all that and say thank you."
"I'm not thanking you for saving myself"
"Come on, Y/N, you're the only one I would do this for willingly. I am kinda like your personal hero" he finished joking.
"Okay. Thank you, Loki. For standing there doing nothing." you tease him, now relaxed as you remember you still have the name.
"You do love to tease me, don't you, love?" He had never called you that, but hearing his voice whisper that to your ears sent shivers all over your skin.
"Who's teasing now, huh?"
"You still have to tell me how you did that"
You wondered if it was safe to tell him. He saw your consideration and told you to trust him, he told you he would never do anything to hurt you. You knew you had feeling for him and you also knew he had feelings for you too, the only reason you two weren't a thing was because of your trust issues.
That was when you finally decided it was time to let him into your heart.
"This is supposed to be a secret... I have powers. I control all kinds of energy"
"Does that mean that you could take all energy out of me right now and kill me?"
"If I knew how, yes. I haven't really used them much, I prefer to fight fair. And by the way, love, I am my own hero"
"How am I not surprised by that" he closes the space between you two. "I promise you, I will keep it a secret"
"Loki... do you... like... do you like me?" You ask afraid of the answer, not capable of being apart from him.
"No. I don't. I don't like you, Y/N... I love you"
You kiss him cupping his head on your hands as he grabs your body firmly, once you separate he looks at you smiling.
"We should have done that earlier"
"WHAT THE HELL, LOKI?! I TOLD YOU TO SAVE MY SISTER NOT TO MAKE OUT WITH HER!" Tony and the rest of the team appear and see the scene.
"Uh... Y/N are you okay?" Both Steve and Clint ask examining you whole. Loki steps aside to face an angry Big brother!Tony, Momma!Bruce and Momma!Nat
"If you hurt her in any way, I'll kill you" Nat threatens him.
"Just for you to know, Hulk is ready for round two"
"You'll kill me?"
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peerless-soshi · 7 years
are you still willing to do those "send me a ship and I'll break them down" things? if so...Komahina? if not then just ignore this!!
Yes, I was just taking my time but I’m doing it :)
How did they they meet?: Actually… It may sound ridiculous but it’s a really good question. When did they meet? Despair Arc suggests that they could pass each other once or twice in their school days but didn’t even notice. Should I consider Komaeda’s first meeting with Izuru to be also his first meeting with Hinata? They share a body but not mind… Or maybe they really met in the game? Honestly, I have no idea which answer is correct xD
Who developed romantic feelings first?: Komaeda developed his feelings in a blink of an eye, probably fell for Hinata faster than realized that he’s in love. And Hinata is… well… a little dense when it comes to feelings. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”: Kuzuryuu, but only in the “Kuzuryuu laughs the loudest when Hinata doesn’t notice Komaeda’s feelings but totally fails to notice Peko’s love himself” scenerio :) I love Fuyuhiko’s free time events and the way he asks Hinata if he has any special woman in his life, I’m sure he would be the first one to support him. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?: I can’t help but imagine something dramatic… Komaeda doesn’t seem to be the type to kiss first, he’s too ambivalent with his feeling to act that open. And Hinata sometimes notices people’s feelings fast but sometimes it takes him some time (like with Akane after Nidai’s death). So something big, really big would happen for Hinata to kiss Komaeda. Maybe Komaeda feeling worse because of his illness? Maybe saying that it would be better for him if he died? 
Who confessed their feelings first?: If we want to be very accurate, Komaeda has already confessed his feelings in the game so I guess it counts? ;) He’d just have to repeat it, now in a more clear way. Like “I love you, Hinata-kun”, “Yes, I know, you love my hope”, “You. I love you, Hinata-kun. You. Please listen to me once”
What was their first official date?: There are many fun places on the island but since we usually find Komaeda in the library, maybe just sitting together in the evening and reading books, drinking hot chocolate, discussing about their favourite characters or something?
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?: The island forces them to live a rather communal life so I guess they wouldn’t mind. They can spend some time with Kuzuryuu and Peko… paying the debt… or go to the cinema with Tanaka and Sonia to watch movies about dogs
What do they do in their down time?: I’m trying to remember what they were doing during Komaeda’s free time events but I don’t remember. I think they were just sitting and talking? So yeah, probably they would like going to the beach and, hm, trying to understand each other even more. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?: Ok, so since Hinata never, even once, mentioned his parents in the game, I assume he didn’t have the strongest relationship with his family. Maybe it wasn’t a pathological environment but for sure they weren’t close. I headcanon that they just lived next to each other, never talking much. So yeah, I don’t think Hinata would like to find his parents after the Tragedy, especially since he would be ashamed of the role he played in the war. But I feel Komaeda would sooner or later take Hinata to “meet his parents”, so just show Hinata their graves and say prayers
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?: Let’s play with more serious stuff. Komaeda is so individualistic, he tends to do things on his own, doesn’t like explaining his intentions and just does as he pleases. Hinata was annoyed by it in the game, he would be annoyed in future because you can’t be with someone who refuses to be fully honest with you. What’s more, Komaeda likes to repeat that he is not important and doesn’t treat his life with care. Hinata would be probably mad if Komaeda told him something like “Soon I’ll die, don’t get too attached“
Which one is more easily made jealous?: I’m more than sure that Komaeda is the jealous type. Hinata is well-liked, he can spend time with every person in the class and people generally seek his company. On the other hand, Komaeda doesn’t have many friends (to be honest, I can’t say that it’s not his fault…). Considering that Komaeda got used to losing people he cares about, I guess he would be constantly prepared for the day when Hinata can leave him behind. That’s why he could be a little, well, bitchy, if Hinata spent too much time with someone else ;)
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?: Ok, so I think Hinata and Komaeda actually have pretty different tastes when it comes to eating. Hinata’s favourite things contain typical Japanese food while in one scene Komaeda says that he doesn’t like rice and wants to eat toasts… I know that he probably just played with other students but it doesn’t stop me from headcanoning Hinata as a person who likes more traditional dishes and Komaeda as someone who prefers Western food. I think Hinata would try to convince him to eat more Japanese stuff, for example making onigiri and saying that this way rice tastes different, and Komaeda would show Hinata more “exotic” tastes like spaghetti (as far as I know, spaghetti is pretty popular in Japan)
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?: Hmmm… Hinata was rather fast to be ashamed so I assume Komaeda is more likely to cuddle and act all lovely-dovely. And if I must come with a position, I’m gonna say that they cuddle while sitting together? 
Are they hand holders?: Hell no, I feel Hinata would rather die than go everywhere holding Komaeda’s hand xD 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?: For sure it would take some time as one, I said that Hinata is slow with feelings, and two, Komaeda seems to be a person who can fall in love but not let someone become too close to him. 
Who tops?: Honestly, I don’t know xD Hmmm… maybe Hinata? He may be slow but the finale showed that he can also take the lead
Who does the shopping and the cooking?: Komaeda, of course. It was confirmed that he likes cleaning and is probably the perfect housewife. But if I remember correctly, it was also said that he can’t cook. So Hinata must make meals. However, with Hanamura near it wouldn’t be frequent
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?: Komaeda, though Hinata also looks like a very well-organized person. So I guess they both agree that neatness is the most important 
Who proposes?: Hinata, because Komaeda is always prepared for the worst scenerio and I can’t imagine him asking Hinata to stick to a person who is soon going to die
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?: They live on a island with just fourteen more people, separate parties are probably impossible :)
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?: All characters would probably be groomsmen and bridesmaids. And I’m not sure if they would bother with choosing the best man and the maid of honour? After all, they would have just fourteen guests (more if we include survivors of the first game), and everybody is equally important to them 
Big Ceremony or Small?: As big as a small island can throw :)
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?: If you live on a island, do you need a honeymoon? Maybe you do… but coming back to Japan doesn’t seem very appealing so I let them stay on the Jabberwock Island
Do they have children? How many?: In theory I can imagine Komaeda saying that too many talented students had abusive families because plain and normal people can’t understand the symbols of hope and that he and Hinata could create a much better place for those talented kids, but do I want to see Komaeda as a parent? I’m not sure. Maybe. But in the distant future. 
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tobns · 7 years
What happened? Who do we need to fight? We'll protect you. What did they do? Take your time. We love you and, as long as you're okay, we're okay. Fix what you need to fix before you write. It's okay. You're not a machine. We owe you for your talent, not the other way around. You have a life outside of fics and Tumblr. Handle that first. It's okay. But seriously... I'll fight anyone I have to for you.
i hope you, whoever precious soul you are, know how much this made my day? like i honestly felt like crying when i woke up and saw this this morning; the last fandom i was in i left for the very reason of my feeling like a machine when it came to my fics and what people expected vs. what i got out of them and it was a gigantic ass Mess and people like you, fucking hell, i do not DESERVE people as wonderful and kind and sweet as you are in my life and supporting me??? thank you so fucking much for this and the amount of love i have for you exceeds the damn number of stars in the sky
i put this next bit under a read more because i know there’s probably quite a handful of my followers who care nothing about my personal life, lmao; last three weeks have been tied up with one of my pretty good friends from high school who’s, for lack of a better word, been kinda dragging me along ever since they told me i was kind of validated in having a crush on them? i’m picking and choosing my words very carefully because of how sensitive the situation is which i’m sure a few of you will kinda pick up on if you’ve been in any form of this situation before. basically, this person has a significant other and talks to me all the time about how unhappy they are with them and that they want to leave them and has told me how they’re making plans to take me out, how shit is much easier with me, their crush on me in the past when we were in high school, what my close friends and other people we went to school with would think if we started dating, other really really personal stuff about what we each want in a relationship and orientations and shit, keep in mind they’re still with the girlfriend, the girlfriend hates me and has forbade this person from talking to me because they think the person has feelings for me, and i still all the time get the most awkward, uncomfortable videos of them TOGETHER as a couple and i just….i don’t really know how to handle it or deal with any of it because it’s all very complicated and confusing and i have no idea what to expect which in past relationships i’ve been able to read the person pretty well? except now i can’t
it’s not something i want in my life, truth be told; i don’t want the drama that comes with this person and their current love life, i’m not really sure i even want to be with anyone right now romantically but i’m also not too sure on how to stay away from this person? i try and it just always backfires in the most heinously interesting ways. like i’m tired of them fucking dragging me around but they also trust me a LOT with what they’ve told me over the last few weeks and i just….FUCK, lmao, it’s a conflict i don’t like being in. if you know me, you know i’m an escape artist in the sense i always try to avoid the fuck out of my real life because it can be such a headache and being within fandom and shit and that mindspace is so much healthier for me sometimes than when i’m in my head in the real world. this whole situation has just got my head in knots and i’ve had to scream to several people about it (mar, maddie, cileme, drew, etc) bc i literally do not know what to do or to think and even when the situation isn’t going on i’m still looping it in my head and getting hung up on shit like this eats me away from the inside out SO much faster. i use fandom as a method of expressing my happiness and creativity and shit and because i have this going on, it’s like a fucking tumor. it’s taking up space and putting everyone on vacation for the time being. and i hate it. and this has been a long ass rant lmao but still you get the gist better if i ramble (apparently in my mind anyways)
basically i’m a mess and my love life desperately needs to be cancelled but i don’t know how to press the button myself and this person keeps dragging me away from it even though i doubt they have the intentions to be upfront and do anything about me and i hate when people play with my feelings so yeah :)))))) messy and complicated 
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