#i'll probably do this once my laptop gets a new charger
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littlestarnb · 1 month ago
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Good news and some less good news on star...
Work done and looks very nice, the well deck is gorgeous and the welding that I can see is absolutely top notch, can't fault the work done at all
But the yard has managed to misplace all of the items that were on her bow and in the bow locker, and when they took her off the slipway and moored her on the temp pontoon they forgot to turn the glow plugs and the isolator off... this means her starter battery is now dead and I wasn't able to move her as planned yesterday
Despite all this I've made a little bit of progress, I've temporarily refitted the bed ready for the big move mid Feb. There's currently no sub floor in the cabin due to the reballast but as I was going to replace that anyway it's no issue. I won't replace it yet though as I intend on getting some rust convertor and some bilge paint into the cabin bilge as that's where any water internally will settle. The lack of subfloor also means I can choose where to put inspection hatches, which is a bonus.
The fire not leaking means it's safe to use, which is great because carbon monoxide poisoning isn't on my bucket list this year. The fire heats the cabin very quickly and even though her insulation isn't ideal the cabin stays warm once the fire has died down. It was 3°C outside yesterday but inside it was so toasty I was in a tshirt! That's just burning some small logs, usually on such cold days you'd expect to use coal to keep temps up but she's so small the logs did the trick. Over night I would still stick a few lumps of coal on but for daytime fires logs are great
Another huge win is that I've found the supposedly lost forever stern door key! It was hanging on a fairly well hidden key hook by the bow door, so I have both keys now! The bow is slightly hard to step onto cus I'm short and there's no side lockers to act as steps, I will eventually make side lockers but having the stern key makes life easier for now
I've also discovered that she seems to be running a 12v system... her internal lights and plugs appear to function off the leisure batteries alone, so unless there's an invertor hidden somewhere then she's wired for 12v, which is great because it's what I wanted anyway and means I won't need to do a complete rewire. I intend on getting a small invertor purely to run things like phone and laptop chargers, but otherwise a 12v system makes life a lot easier for me
Next on the list of jobs is getting a hose to hook up her water supply, I was so frustrated by the boat yards screw ups that I didn't investigate that any further. They've moved the water inlet, it's in a far better place as far as furniture placement goes, i just need to get a hose and cut an appropriately sized hole in the wall to run it through... tbh there may already be a hose attached to the old pump but I didn't look because I was so distracted, I'll go up again this weekend and have another (calmer) look. I'll probably go alone this time as having someone with me was distracting and in such a small space an extra person just gets in the way a bit!
Ill wait to hear back off the yard regarding the battery, I'm going to push for them to refund me enough to buy a replacement and a set of new glows, but we will see. They were very apologetic and assured me it would be sorted ASAP... we will see
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years ago
It saddens me to see Jikook supporter and translator accounts bullied off SM platforms. I fully respect people doing what is right for their mental health if they find the pressure gets to be too much. I just hate to see the trolls win and wonder whether you, as a grown adult who has demonstrated the ability to delete toxic comments and tell off the crazies when necessary, have some tips you can share to help others be strong.
Hi anon, I dunno if I'm the best advice rabbit, but I'll just share anyway because, well, you're here, so. And I have seen a few "goodbye social media" posts lately. I have seen many, many posts like that over my *coughdecadescough* years online.
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Listen, kids, it's a rule of the internet. If you're gonna leave, LEAVE. This whole idea of "my mental health is suffering because I cannot disengage the entertainment part of my brain from my actual real social life and I need you all to understand that" is, at best, unhealthy. It smacks of attention-seeking and an inability to be proactive without constant external feedback. A short explanation is fine if you're a large account, but...
...nobody needs to read pages of drama about how you simply cannot anymore. If you can't, don't. YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SOME EPHEMERAL IDEA OF ONLINE REACH. Say that again if necessary. Into the mirror. Out loud. "Go outside and touch some grass" is actually a very good strategy for dealing with online stressors.
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This is not to give people a rough time or to minimize someone's hurt feelings or pain, at all. I'm just gonna tell you how it WAS, and then how it IS:
In the early years of the interwebz, the place of AOL and Myspace and Blogspot and (gasp) the /b/ board at 4chan, we called ourselves "fags" and new people were "cancer". If you wrote a whole "goodbye cruel internet" post it was likely to get you doxxed, published, and a crisis team called to your house. YOU THINK I AM JOKING, I AM NOT JOKING. We didn't do anything if it wasn't behind seven proxies and jokes about everything were on the table. It was the Wild West, much more than the gatekeeping and "we don't assume X about Y" that we see in 2022. And to be honest people did harm themselves over it then just like they do now. Difference is, excepting a few white knights, most people figured that was a you problem. The 90s and early 00s were not a sensitive time. If you couldn't hang you were teased mercilessly and then forgotten, to be replaced with another kid whose mother would get a call at work from a random stranger in Ohio, telling her that her kid was at home looking at gay dolphin porn and needed an adult.
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My advice for not letting trolls win? DON'T LET THE FUCKING TROLLS WIN. Seriously, that's it. It's not that hard. But let me break it down for you:
1. TURN IT OFF. Leave your phone (gasp) on the charger, kill your laptop, and GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE.
2. LEAVE IT OFF UNTIL YOU GAIN SOME PERSPECTIVE OR FEEL BETTER. Seriously, entire generations of people grew up without a phone attached to their hand. Some of us had CORDS on ours and they were located IN THE HOUSE and we had to SHARE THEM. You will not die if you unplug for ten minutes. My god I sound like my father DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU PEOPLE ARE TURNING ME INTO
3. LITERALLY GO OUTSIDE. For something other than school or work. If you have not seen the daytime sky in awhile now is a great time for that. Or the nighttime sky. Get on a roof DON'T JUMP and fucking BREATHE AIR. Your body probably needs the quiet time. 4. TALK TO A HUMAN FACE TO FACE. Who does not live in your house. It can be a store clerk (BE NICE) or a bus driver or your elderly neighbor. Doesn't have to be long, just "Hello" or "You look nice today" or something that isn't "screaming shaking crying please come home Jimin".
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And this sounds really extreme BECAUSE IT IS: IF YOU NEED TO SAVE YOUR SANITY AND IT IS THAT SERIOUS, LEAVE THE FANDOM FOR AWHILE. I mean it. I unplug this monster about once a week for a couple of days just to experience life and nurture actual relationships with real people who are not behind a screen. But if you are finding yourself unable to disengage, you may want to, I dunno, TAKE A DANCE CLASS or JOIN A STAMP COLLECTING CLUB or GO GET A HICKEY, whatever works for you. Smile at someone. Look them in the eye. Remind yourself that you are human and often, what you are perceiving is what is being fed to you from behind a screen. We do not live in an alternate universe storyline. Cook actual food. Clean your space. Listen to NON-BTS MUSIC FOR FIVE MINUTES. Volunteer at a nursing home or assisted living facility or your city's animal shelter, if you can. TAKE A WALK. And above all, remember that BTS are ENTERTAINERS. That means they are here to ENTERTAIN US. If you are not having a good time it is time to step out of the vehicle and catch it on the next round.
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I love you all. I'm sorry if I sounded like your dad or my dad. Please stay safe out there. And if you need a break I'll be here when you get back. OKAY?!?! OKAY!!! (/jungkoo)
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timextoxhajima · 5 years ago
Playlist Feels
Member: Yunho
Genre: mellow, lofi cafe feels idk, long-forgotten romance??
Word Count: 1.9k
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your eyes were fixated on the laptop screen, a daily cup of white chocolate mocha steaming next to your laptop on the surface of the table. you stretched and took a deep breath.
the holidays were here, snow was falling like cotton outside, but you were sitting here in your favourite cafe, comitting yourself to your work that, though drained you, was inviting enough to keep you occupied in this season. the sight of couples strolling outside was the first thing that caught your attention, followed by the children running around and making footprints in the snow piled up against the sidewalks.
your eyes drifted back onto your computer screen, when the bell that hung on the entrance door of the cafe jingled. the scent of roses drifted through the air, and you weren't sure if you were just being sensitive with your sense of smell, but you started to wonder how come nobody else was reacting to such a strong scent.
It wasn't a scent that not many wore, much less a man who had just entered the cafe -- your eyes reacted to the scent faster than your thought process, finally realising who it was.
you lifted your hands off the table, leaning back in the seat as your eyes traced the shape of his forehead, his browbone, his nose, his lips. you looked back at the screen, then tried to steal a look at him through your lashes, just that this time, he was looking at you too.
"Latte macchiato with spoon of cocoa powder," you heard him order.
Hmm. you hum. still the same order after five years.
He walks over to the table warily, his hands jammed into his coat pockets and his hair now longer but neatly combed up to expose his forehead, browner with more dye. "Still the workaholic you were when you left, i see."
"i was going to stay a workaholic regardless of the people i was with," you leaned forward and offered him a small smile. he pulls out the chair opposite you and sits down.
he smiles back with his eyes. "five years."
"five years," you almost whisper in response. you take a sip out from your own cup. "if you still think it was easy convincing myself to leave back then--"
"no, i didnt think it was easy," yunho shakes his head. "i just wish... i had more power to keep you here. i just wish whatever we had was enough to make you stay, but i guess i was wrong."
he looks you in the eye, gently blinking his tired, jetlagged eyes.
you trudged your way back to the apartment, your mind elated but your heart heavy in your chest as you thought about the conversation earlier that day.
"i'll be sending you over to paris to work with chanel on their promotions."
"Huh?" You raised a brow, your hands held behind your back as you watched your boss pack her table and shove some files back into the shelf behind her.
"you've been producing quality work. so, i'm choosing you to go to paris and be our representative to work with chanel on a new contract."
new contract?
"this isn't a one-time business trip?"
"no, it's not. chanel's picky about the collaborations they offer other companies, and the one we got is based on a 7-year contract. If you accept it, you'll be staying in paris for the next 7 years."
you sucked your lips between your teeth and blink at your boss upon hearing the offer.
"i know you're in a serious relationship right now. but you deserved this offer, which is why i raised the topic in the first place. whatever you choose to do with it is up to you." your boss had her palms flat against her desk as she leaned forward and scanned your facial expression.
reality yanks you back to current time, when yunho gets the door of the small house open before you even reach the walkway.
"Oh, you're back! i was about to drive out to get you--"
"yunho," you breathed, picking up your pace as you turned into the walkway. "we need to talk."
yunho blinks at you, unconsciously wrapping his hands around yours as he pulls you through the door.
"do you regret the decision?" you rested your cheek in your palm, looking at yunho's facial features. five years had zero impact on his looks. he still looked as good as the last time you saw him.
"of letting you go to paris?" yunho raised a curious brow, taking a sip from his latte. you nod.
"no," he shakes his head and licks his lips, resting his forearms on the table top and rests some weight on his arms. "you told me at the start of our relationship that your career was top priority, and i said i respected it. i still do."
there he was. the man you fell in love with. his maturity and ability to understand you on a different level was what made you so attracted to him in the first place.
"we both know i wouldn't have been able to stop you anyway."
your brows tilted backwards on your face, and you cocked your head to the side at his words. you felt shitty the week you left yunho, but all you could remember was him telling you to do your best, and that this was what you had been working for. 'you deserve it', he said. he might have been mature enough to respect your decision to pursue your career, but you were the one who chose to leave him, the only man whom you truly loved and wanted to be with.
"yunho, i--"
"no, please," yunho shows you his palm. "don't apologise."
you look down at your closed laptop, rubbing your eyes and running your hand through your hair. yunho finishes his drink and notices that your eyes were a little red, probably from staring too much at your screen.
"where are you staying now? i'll send you. how long are you staying for?" yunho hands you a napkin.
"hotel rendezvous. about 10 days." you take the napkin, knowing that he's already noticed your tiredness.
"okay. let's get you back to the hotel. you're already exhausted," yunho stands up. you remember this tactic of his. it was a power move that made you anxious, that made you pack up and leave with him, so you did just that.
the drive to the hotel was quiet, but strangely comforting. The car was filled with yunho's scent, so you felt like you had just been thrown back five years to when you first started living with him.
time seemed to pass, even when not many words were spoken. it was almost like god was punishing you for choosing your career over yunho. you fumbled through your wallet for the keycard, pushing the heavy door open and holding it, gesturing into the room towards yunho.
"are you sure? You're exhausted, you should be resting and not entertaining a gue--"
"Oh, shut up and get in," you chuckle, leaning forward and pulling him in.
you got your bag off your shoulders, carefully placing the laptop on the table next to the bed. yunho looked around the small, but elegant room while you pulled off your coat and your earrings.
you leaned down to the corner of the table, reaching for the socket switch to turn on your charger as yunho walked to the large sliding door a few steps away, looking out at the snow falling gently onto the balcony.
"how does it look like in paris?" he asks quietly, the warmth from his breath creating a small cloud of vapour against the glass. you stand straight again after checking that your laptop was charging before walking over to the sliding door, shoving your hands into the pockets on your butt.
"oh, gorgeous. especially when it snows. it's beautiful."
you hear yunho give a small laugh through his nostrils.
"you know, i thought about it. i thought about flying to paris to look for you, because i was never able to let you go."
you purse your lips and gulp, a strange feeling creeping up on your chest. it felt like when you first crushed on him and you had no idea if he would reciprocate. it was a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty.
"can i ask you something?"
oh, no.
yunho finally turns to look at you, his height suddenly extremely in your face because of the lack of space between the two of you. you were dangerously close to him, so much that the only thing you could smell was the scent of him mixed with the rose cologne nobody else wore.
"do you still love me?"
you freeze at the question. your eyes try to look away, but yunho shifts his head to meet them. you slowly look down at your feet, only for him to tilt your chin upwards to look at him.
"i just need an honest answer."
you sigh, feeling your heart and presence completely melt at his touch. it was light, and gentle, and you would be lying if you said you didn't miss it.
You'd be lying straight through your teeth if you said you didn't still think about him every other day, even when you were in paris.
yunho realises that you've gone quiet for a very long time, and he is aware that the only time you do that is when you know a truth you refuse to admit.
yunho closes the gap between the both of you, pulling you closer to him by your chin and kissing you lightly on your lips.
a feeling of nostalgia, warmth, and love overwhelmed you all at once. It had been five. long. years.
yunho pulls away and looked you in the eyes, knowing that there was no other person who could read you better.
"i do," you breathed, as yunho's hands shifted to your cheeks, his cold fingertips right below your earlobes. "i do, and i always will."
a small smile pulls his lips up his cheek, and you could see his eyes welling up with tears before he pulls your face to his again, this time, pressing harder, pressing longer, allowing the both of you to reminisce the taste of each other's lips.
"i'll never let you go again. i let you go once, i'm not letting you go again." yunho presses his forehead against yours, then pulled you into his embrace and burying his nose in your hair. you shut your eyes tightly, grimacing at the warmth and presence nobody else besides yunho could provide you.
"yunho," you were trying your best not to cry.
"i'm assuming you still love me then?"
you felt yunho laugh a little into your hair.
"i'll love you for the rest of my life, and in the lives after this. no matter where you were, no matter where you will be, you will always have my heart."
A/N: i may or may not have busted a big fat uwu writing this, this might be the softest one shots ive ever written.
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valcarolrights · 6 years ago
Call Me (Carol Danvers x Reader)
Something small I may take further based on feedback 👀 I'm new.
You were a little out of your depth. This was the first time your laptop had given in. None of your other laptops had died, it was just this stupid one that didn't want to charge.
You bit your lower lip as your eyes scanned the prices. They weren't bad but what if the charger wasn't the problem? You sighed deeply. You should've brought it with you to test it.
You frowned as you saw a woman a few feet away wearing an identical expression to yours as she looked over phones. She stood up straight and placed her hands on her hips, allowing some hair to fall over her eyes. You swallowed hard. She was beautiful.
It was as if she felt you staring and you felt like a deer caught in headlights as the two of you made eye contact. Your breath hitched in your throat. She was gorgeous.
You needed to think fast. "Prices for phones are ridiculous nowadays." you try, cringing at how thin your voice had become. "You pay a couple hundred extra just for the tiniest new feature on the next edition."
To your relief she smiles. "That sounds a lot like theft."
"It basically is. They improve the camera on the next one and make it work faster and suddenly your old one is useless."
"You sound like you know what you're talking about." she smirks and you step closer, proud of how far you'd come in the conversation.
"Yeah well you're looking at the owner of multiple phones. My phones have fallen in water, had broken screens, battery issues, the works. I'm probably a cell phone ambassador." you stop in front of her. "Wish I could say the same about my laptop. It just died." you mutter sadly. "The one week where I have news diaries ready days before the time and it decides not to charge so I can't retrieve my stuff."
"That does sound like a conundrum." she nods with a small smile before it grows. "Okay I don't know much about laptops but I know someone who does." she says, sparking your interest. "A few people actually. How about you help me choose a phone and I have someone look into your issue before you spend unnecessary money?"
You were stuck. A pretty girl practically offering to help you but in exchange taking your bread and butter into her personal care and someone else's when you barely knew her?
Fuck it. You could save money.
"Sure." you shrug. "It's a deal."
Her smile widens and you notice the little mole underneath her eye. "I'm Carol."
"Y/N." you give her hand a shake, getting lost in its warmth. "Well Carol, what's your price range?"
She shrugs and holds up a card. "I'm owed for saving some lives so let's go crazy?"
After getting Carol the brand new model, the two of you sit on the bench at the mall while you show Carol the basics of how to use a phone. You were shocked she couldn't but when she explained why (yes you were even more shocked that you just helped out a superhero), you understood and went slow with her.
"This is a lot to take in. And I deal with advanced technology on various planets every other week. How can I not understand a simple phone?" she asks with a pout, making your heart melt.
You chuckle before answering. "Some things are harder to learn than others." You shrug. "You'll get there soon enough."
"I hope so." the two of you make eye contact and you inhale sharply as her smile fades a little into words. "Would you um-like to get some coffee?"
Your eyes widen and you check your phone. You had to call some of your coworkers via Skype in an hours time to get stories rolling and explain how a journalist doesn't have a laptop. You didn't want to reject Carol but you didn't want any time with her to be rushed either.
She was different. Light. Funny. And you could see yourself hanging off every one of her words in the foreseeable future. So with a heavy heart, you apologized. "I'd love to but I have a meeting in a few." She nodded with a neutral expression before an idea popped into your head and your eyes lit up. "It's fine."
"But we can do coffee tomorrow maybe? We can text and try out your new phone?"
You could see the sparkle in her eyes as she opened her dialer pad, eager to save your number. You chuckled because as it was the twenty first century, you'd type it in yourself but it was her first number in her first mobile phone so you let it go.
After promising to text, you guys parted ways with soft smiles and eager eyes.
Your Skype meeting had ended with nothing new to report. You weren't sure if meeting the new addition to the Avengers was something to report but even if it was, you preferred to keep that information to yourself. You waited for Carol to text before slapping your forehead. She probably didn't know how to.
But she lived in the same compound as Tony Stark, he'd show her the ropes, right?
You hoped. You resorted to typing your latest task on Word on your phone and were halfway through before taking a break and going to the kitchen.
It was almost midnight when you returned with a sandwich and a frown because your phone was ringing and the call was from an unknown number. Normally, you'd let it ring but even with the late hour, the prospect of it being Carol crept into your mind and a smile on your face as you picked up the phone after clearing your throat.
"Y/N." you smile at the softness of her voice. Carol. "I'm so sorry for calling so late. You said you'd be busy and I didn't want to disturb you so early and when I wanted to text, I realized I didn't know how. Most of the others are gone on missions so I was just struggling until I figured to call."
You giggled slightly. "I'm glad you did." you said genuinely. It felt like meeting her was a once in a lifetime, and there were so many things that could happen, you didn't want to live knowing you'd lost out on those opportunities forever.
"I didn't think you'd be up. I took a chance. I remember you said the late hours are your best hours?"
Warmth spread in your chest. "Yeah. Um was just working on a few things on my phone."
"I'm lucky I caught you then." she says, making you smile. "It's pretty late though. We can talk tomorrow morning. I'll call you."
"I'm proud of you for knowing how to call me."
"Yeah well maybe when we see each other again you can teach me how to text."
"No problem. We can do it over coffee tomorrow?"
"Sounds amazing." she agrees and at this point you're not sure if you can stop smiling. "Bring your laptop too, I didn't forget my side."
"I was hoping you wouldn't." you reply, wondering who she could've asked seeing as she wasn't as technologically savvy with earth electronics. "We'll discuss more details tomorrow?"
"I'll call you." she repeats with a soft tone. "Sleep tight Y/N."
"Sleep tight Carol."
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city-boy-minato-blog · 9 years ago
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