#i'll post the next part probably tomorrow or the day after!
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Welcome to the reverse verse! This is part 1 of 2 of a commission for @i-am-as-normal-as-you-are and I can't wait to tell you all about it, because I'm incapable of being normal and chill about these concepts, so I ran with it.
Charles Rowland was born in 1900, his mum was from India and moved to the UK after marrying Charles' dad, a soldier who was not... very loving. Charles' heritage gave him some problems, but none as bad as that one time in 1916 when he was sacrificed to a demon and spent the next 7 decades in Hell. He doesn't like to talk about it, except when it can get him what he wants. He was always an angry boy, or so he thought, but after his time spent in Hell, it became so much worse. He's explosive and unpredictable, and so he mostly avoids conflict. He doesn't need to fight anyone, as his charming personality and sweet smile (plus a few smart calculations) always seem to be enough to convince people to give him what he asks for. And when the fight is inevitable... well, he has Edwin for that!
Edwin Payne grew up very sheltered, in a deeply religious home, and he is proud of that. Don't try to argue with him, because he surely has a Bible verse that will help him win (and if not, he is not above using his croquet mallet now that he has someone to keep safe). Unfortunately for him, he realized at a quite young age that he felt attraction towards other boys. Even worse, somehow other people could tell as well, including those peers that ended up killing him for it (the rumour spread throughout school was that he had died due to AIDS, and most people just accepted it). He never acted on those unnatural urges of his, but when he met this ghost who had just escaped Hell... he decided not to risk eternal damnation, and to stay here with Charles, instead. Edwin has no interest in the supernatural or in magic, and sort of looks down on them, but luckily his friend's got that covered.
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mbsneur · 1 month
My Love
Aitana Bonmati x Reader
Summary: your Aitanas girlfriend
Warnings: Pure Fluff, maybe bad ending
My Masterlist
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please read this text before going to the story
please don't be so strict with me but rather write to me what I can do better or what you wished were different. also tell me if you find the story too long or too short.. Also write to me if you liked it. My requests are always open (and English is not my first language so don't be mad at me) and if you have any ideas for the future about who I should write please tell me… the topics I will choose by myself unless you have a request for one or two people I will Read everything.. in the next survey I will take a few ideas from the old survey and new ones…. now read and I hope you like it <33
(its a very short one)
aitana is your girlfriend, she is the most tender and sweetest person you have ever met
You know that she would drop everything if you called her and said you weren't feeling well
It was match day. You've been playing for Betis Sevilla since your childhood. It was the game against FC Barcelona. You already knew that you wouldn't have a chance
You're going to play against your girlfriend. You kept your relationship secret long enough until you went on vacation together during the summer break and decided to post a picture together so that everyone knew you were together. Since then, your team has been annoying you and keeps telling you that you are togheter with the best player
Also today they teased you about playing against Aitana, you haven't seen her in a long time, it was already overdue. You both have been very busy lately and have neglected your relationship a little, so you didn't really like the jokes your teammates made
“Can you please stop” you said slightly annoyed and pulled your jersey over your head The jokes will probably never stop
"Aww we're a little baby again today" Paula joked and pinched your cheek lightly. You clicked in annoyance and let Noelia braid your hair. It's a little ritual between you to braid each other's hair
You were all excited to play against Barça again. You finished lacing up your shoes and went into the tunnel. You acted as captains and stood right next to Alexia, the captain of Barça. You cracked your neck one last time before the referee announced it was time to line up
You stood there, gave a little applause and shook hands with your opponents. Aitana took your hand firmly in hers and gave you a little wink, which you accepted with a smile
it was kick-off. The game went well, even though you lost 5-1, you were still proud to be part of this team
1-0 Barcelona: Claudia Pina 26‘
2-0 Barcelona: Mariona Caldentey 44‘
2-1 Betis Sevilla: y/n 45‘
3-1 Barcelona: Caroline Graham-hansen 75‘
4-1 Barcelona: Salma Paralluelo 88‘
5-1 Barcelona: Salma Paralluelo 90+1‘
Even though you lost so much, you were still proud that the times were so far apart
After the game you all gave each other a handshake
Aitana ran up to you and hugged you tightly. "Hey you were great" she beamed at you with a huge smile
“Thank you aita you were pretty good too” you joked, smelling the sweet smell of her hair once again
"Would you like to come with me? I mean you're in Barcelona and I think your team will be able to do without you for the night or not?" she told you and put her arm around your shoulders to start the way to the cabins
you took a deep breath "okay but only if you cook for me" you raised your hand aitana laughed "sí I'll cook whatever you want" she said laughing and let go of you "well I'll wait for you outside my car" She said as she walked past and you nodded at her
You took a shower and told the coaching team that you would stay with Aitana and fly back alone tomorrow
About an hour later you were finished. You said goodbye to your team and headed towards the exit. The evening warmth of Barcelona hit your face. You looked for Aitana's car until she drove close to you
"Hola chica necesitas un conductor?"
She asks laughing and you ironically bump into her car. You walked in. It's been a long time since you looked in her car. After a moment she immediately pounced on you and bit lightly into your neck and cheek. You squealed and tried pushing her away laughing "aita aita stop" you say breathless with laughter
"I missed you so much" she tells you and places kisses on your cheek. You took her hands in yours and gave her a long kiss on the mouth
When you let go she looks at you with her sweet gaze. She licks her lips and blushes with embarrassment. You have kissed so many times but after such a long time it is always unique to kiss her again
"I missed you too" you say and smile slightly, everything is the same as before, her light ponytail, the smell of peppermint toothpaste when you kiss her and the gentle rose scent of her shower gel that is distributed in the air
"Do you want to go I'm pretty hungry" she said and rubbed her stomach lightly. She sometimes behaved like a little baby but that's what you loved about her, her funny faces that she sometimes gave you or she tickled you awake in the morning or crawled under your shirt you loved everything about her
"Yes we can go" you say, laughing slightly and giving her one last little kiss. She drove through the gate. On the car ride, you sang your favorite songs. Her hand didn't leave yours for a second
When you arrived at Aitana's house she opened your door and took your hand to escort you out. She carried your suitcase and looked for her key to the door
“You can take something from me to wear you know where everything is” she says and gave you a kiss before disappearing into the kitchen
You went into her bedroom and the smell of freshly washed laundry from her laundry basket immediately hit your nose. You did a little tidying up and taught the basket and carefully placed everything in your closet and looked for something to wear yourself You decided on a loose shirt and shorts. You changed your clothes and saw your selfie together in a frame on her dessert. A smile immediately came to your face you loved this woman.
You went into the kitchen and the smell of fresh ham hit your nose. You watched Aitana for a moment until you walked up to her and hugged her tenderly from behind. "Ay baby you're wearing my favorite shirt" she said, laughing slightly and frying a few tortillas in the pan you place your head on her shoulder and place small kisses on her neck
"can you promise me no matter how long we don't see each other or neglect each other that you'll never leave me" You say lovingly and notice how Aitana's stomach falls and rises
"I'll stay with you until you can't stand me anymore and even then I won't let you go you won't get rid of me that easily" she says with a slight smile
you beam across both cheeks "I love you Aita" you whisper in her ear
"I love you too cariño"
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gustavsbrainneuron · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤInterrupted dream.
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ㅤㅤㅤ2011 Tom Kaulitz × female reader.
Warnings: fluff & smut, unprotected sex, p in v (riding Tom yumyumyum), Tom eating out reader while she is sleepy, all CONSENSUAL.
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"If you don't finish these slides for your presentation by the day after tomorrow, I'll fire you!" The boss said in a stern voice; that echoed in my head and the only thing I was thinking about was how I wanted to punch this mustachioed old man in the face and get out of there. My thoughts were interrupted when he left my office slamming the door, the sound of wood hitting the frame making the table in front of me shake slightly. I just sighed, my hands working on the keyboard of the computer that looked like the oldest in the world - it was slow as fuck, one click and it took fucking 6 minutes to react.
Without thinking, I continued working as I only thought about how much I wanted to go away and see my boyfriend, Tom. He should probably be rehearsing with his band right now, creating riffs, making melodies..I wanted to be there with him right now, just watching him play his guitar and the band creating new music; however, I had to stay in that office for at least the next 3 hours, working on a boring presentation that I will have to present in 2 days. Bummer. Three o'clock passed slowly, as if the clock was 40 minutes behind every time an hour passed, probably because of boredom and stress. I couldn't stand another day in this place, I felt on the verge of throwing all that paperwork up and throwing that monitor that looked more like a gigantic engine making helicopter noises - out the window.
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When I finally got home, I just took off my shoes and put on my slippers, Tom heard me coming so quickly he left the room and I heard his hurried footsteps, he came to me; welcoming me with an contagious smile, which made me smile back at him and come closer, hugging him.
"I missed you." Tom said, I could hear his smile in the way his voice came out. He was always so excited to see me, it's cheesy - but I felt myself falling more and more in love with him.
"I missed you too, babe." I replied back, my voice showing slight exhaustion, but I tried to hide it, my body relaxing against the larger figure that hugged me.
"How was today? Are you okay?" He questioned with concern, his hands coming to rest on my waist; pressing the skin lightly with his long, large fingers.
"It was very tiring but I'm fine. Did everything go well in the studio?" My voice indicated concern at the same level as him, taking my hands to the back of his neck, stroking some of the black braids that were there while I buried my face in his chest, closing my eyes.
Tom chuckled, looking down when he felt my face against his pecs. "Of course, everything worked out and we are planning a new album." He replied, his knees bending slightly so he could place a kiss on the top of my head, almost on my forehead. "You seem a lot more tired than usual, how about a shower? We can even watch a movie later, if you want." he suggested as I moved my face away from his chest, putting distance between our bodies; but as Tom didn't like to be without physical contact, he removed his hands from my waist but brought one of his hands to mine, holding our hands together.
"That sounds like a perfect idea, are you a mind reader?" I asked playfully, laughing softly and hearing Tom's laugh mix with mine, leaving me feeling better than ever after such an unbearable day.
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Tom guided me to the bathroom, gently pulling me by the hand, he did all the work, helping me remove my clothes first and then his. While he took off his clothes, I went to the shower and turned on warm water; putting my hand under the water, checking if it was too hot or too cold. When the water was at a pleasant temperature, I went under the water, wetting my hair and giving Tom space to enter as well.
"Can I wash your hair?" He said almost with a pleading tone on his voice as he looked down at me. I hesitated to answer him, after all, I didn't want to give him so much work, we were both tired.
"You don't need to wash it if you-" I tried to respond before he interrupted me. "I want to wash it, honey." he said, as if he already knew my answer - was I really that predictable? He stretched his muscular body to grab the shampoo, placing a small portion on one of his large hands before running it through my hair, rubbing my scalp gently as he waited for the foam to appear. I looked at his face, our naked bodies facing each other made me think about how intimate we were and how attentive he was to me, I loved him so much.
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After the shower he even offered to dry my hair, he didn't exactly offer...he stated that he would dry my hair, no matter if I said "no, I don't want to give you too much work" and who was I to disagree with that statement? I let him dry my hair, the air from the dryer not being too hot so as not to damage my hair.
"Hmmm. Your hair smells so good, I would stay all day with my face in your hair if I could." He commented, his voice loud enough for me to be able to understand him over the sound of the hairdryer. His body was bent slightly, his handsome face approaching the back of my head which was covered by some of my hair; just to smell it more closely, so that he could still dry the rest of my hair and see me in the mirror.
"Stop being silly! let's finish soon so we can go see a movie. I still have to finish some work things." I smiled gently as I looked at him in the mirror, his face lifting from the back of my head, our eyes meeting momentarily. He saw my smile and just smiled back, still drying my hair; his right hand holding the hairdryer handle, slowly moving the electronic device left and right, making the hot air reach almost all of my hair, drying my strands quickly.
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Finally wearing pajamas, lying together on the couch, a bucket of popcorn on my hands, we started watching a movie that I chose because it was about an hour and a half long. The movie was playing on our television, while we were eating popcorn, we were spooning, with me being the smaller spoon and Tom being the bigger spoon. I gave him some popcorn because I needed to reward him after he washed my hair and dried it too - he was definitely the best boyfriend any girl could have, I was so lucky. His left hand was on my waist while we watched the movie, he squeezed the skin in that area from time to time, in a gesture of affection and protection and he never failed to make me feel loved and protected, without a shadow of a doubt.
During the movie, we laughed, talked and stuffed ourselves with popcorn - maybe we talked more and paid less attention to the film but that's ok, it wasn't like there was going to be a test about the movie after we finished watching it.
"If you were a super duper professional movie reviewer, what grade would you give the movie?" I questioned curiously, my body now facing his; instead of spooning. My eyes kept looking up, watching his dark brown eyes, waiting for an answer while he let out a long "hmm" thinking about an answer, looking into my eyes with a thoughtful and relaxed expression at the same time.
"First of all, what makes you think I'm not a super duper movie reviewer?" He questioned back, his tone dripping with sassiness, his gaze showing teasing. I rolled my eyes and slapped him lightly on the chest, eliciting a hearty laugh from his lips, which made me give a silly smile in response. "Okay...I'd give it...a pretty solid 7.6, considering several funny scenes. Especially the one with the man tripping that we laughed a lot at. The scenery isn't bad either, but I've seen better." His voice was forced; actually trying to imitate a fancy critic who knew what he was talking about, which made me start laughing and caused his character to break - as he started laughing too, bringing his face closer to shower my face with little kisses as we laughed.
But as all good things eventually come to an end, we had to get up and leave our "cocoon". I went to clean the popcorn bucket, while Tom tidied up the living room, especially the couch; folding the blankets, arranging the cushions and cleaning up some crumbs that accidentally fell during the movie. While I was cleaning the popcorn bucket in the kitchen, I got distracted by my thoughts, now I was going to have to go finish that damn presentation to send to my boss. My thoughts were interrupted, this time it wasn't by my boss closing the door but by Tom coming to hug me from behind, his hands finding themselves in front of my abdomen and putting light pressure there, while his face lowered to rest on my shoulder. His body was pressed against my back - and that's not a complaint, I loved being like that with him, even in silence. Today he was much more needy than normal, normally he can stay longer without physical contact with me but today he seemed to want me close to him all the time.
"Did you manage to finish cleaning the couch?" My voice was very low and gentle, waiting for a response but I just felt his head on my shoulder moving up and down; indicating that yes, he was done, he just wanted to stand there and hug me. I smiled broadly, finishing cleaning the popcorn bucket and removing the excess water, placing the bucket to dry on the dish rack. As soon as I finished, I gently separated my body from Tom's, turning so we were facing each other, looking up at him.
"Are you okay?" I watched him with slight concern, his needy hands already making their way to my slim waist, pulling me closer to him as he kept his gaze on mine.
"I've been thinking about you all day, you know?" Tom said rhetorically, squeezing my waist lightly as he lowered his face towards my face; getting close enough to make me close my eyes, thinking he was going to kiss me, but he moved past my face and placed his chin on my collarbone, placing kisses there on my neck. My skin crawled as I felt his short beard brushing lightly against the warm skin of my neck and also felt his lip piercing, cold against my warm skin. I could understand his intentions, even a blind person could understand what he wanted. As much as I wanted, I had to finish the presentation as soon as possible, so I gasped softly and opened my eyes, placing my hands on his broad shoulders and moving him gently away from my neck.
"Sorry honey, I need to finish my a presentation by the day after tomorrow." I said almost like an apology, seeing the tall boy lift his head and watch me, squeezing my waist again; he needed a place to take out his desire, huh?
"It'll be quick, I promise. Please?" He begged with the most insistent puppy eyes in the world, caressing my waist in search of a "yes".
"How about tomorrow?" I suggested as I took my right hand to caress his cheek gently, looking into his eyes and reflecting the same desire he had, but knowing that I have responsibilities. Tom just nodded and sighed at the idea of having to wait until tomorrow, getting closer - if that was even possible. "Can I at least get a kiss?" As soon as he finished speaking, I brought our faces closer and began a calm kiss, the cold sensation of his piercing taking over my lips while I kept my hand on his cheek, my thumb caressing his face and feeling the short beard there. Our tongues danced together, almost as if they had a life of their own. Tom's hands went under my loose pajama top, caressing the skin on my back, making my breathing become shaky. He did this on purpose, just wanting to see me getting goosebumps, what a son of a bitch.
The kiss stopped due to lack of oxygen - which sucked, since I could keep kissing his lips until I died and I would still die happy. Opening my eyes, I breathe again, breathing deeply, but not exaggeratedly. I watched him; and he had a silly smile on his lips, which made my cheeks light up with a light red tone, smiling back.
"Don't just stand there and stare at me like a zombie, let's go to the bedroom. I have to finish the presentation while...well, you can try to sleep if you want." I said, pulling away from him, joining our hands and pulling him carefully towards our bedroom.
"A zombie? Is that what I looked like? I was admiring you, asshole." He replied, pretending to be offended while maintaining that same stupid smile, making his eyes almost become a straight line because of the smile that took up space on his face. In response I just shook my head negatively, giggling.
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As soon as we got to our room, I let go of his hand and let him go to bed - if he already wanted to go to sleep. I walked in big steps, reaching a desk in the corner of our room and turning on my computer; which, by the way, was much more up to date than the one I had in the office. I dragged the chair with wheels back and sat there, forcing my body forward until I fit my body on the table so I could see the computer screen better and finally; finish this presentation that is bothering me and not allowing me to spend more time with Tom. As I typed and typed, time passed slowly, which was good and bad at the same time. It was good because it meant I had more time to finish and spend more time with Tom and it was bad because I felt like I was doing the presentation very slowly.
I finally managed to finish it after a few hours there, my eyes were almost closed and my posture was completely forward; so that my head was lying on the cold wood of the table while all I had to do was send this to my boss. I looked at the small time indicator in the corner of my computer screen, showing that it was 1:56 AM. Before I could send the presentation to my boss, Tom approached with slower steps since he was probably sleepy too and without saying anything, he just closed my computer and picked me up bridal style - taking me away from the desk and the computer. I let out a sigh, worrying about the presentation for a few seconds, but remembered that it would be saved and I could send it to my boss when I woke up tomorrow morning. So I just accepted Tom's embrace, placing my face against his shoulder, even though his steps were slow, they managed to reach the bed very easily, so he placed me on the bed and joined me straight after placing me there. When he did that, I covered our bodies, turning sideways to face him.
"You shouldn't have to stay working late, honey." He said first in a strained, low voice, gently scolding me for working late.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just need to deliver this presentation soon." I responded to him, feeling one of his hands come to my face, cupping and caressing my cheek affectionately; his thumb almost taking over my face because his hands are big and my face is small.
"No need to apologize. You know I have enough money to support both of us, right?" I waited for him to finish speaking before answering with "I don't want to feel like I'm a leech on your money, Tom." In response he snorted slightly at what I said, as if I had just said the stupidest thing he had ever heard, moving his hand away from my face. "That's the last thing I would think of you, Y/n. If I can help and save you from having to work and deal with an annoying boss, then I want to help. Please?" He insisted as he brought his face close to mine. Even in the dark, I could still see the silhouette of his face there, approaching my face. I remained silent, thoughtful about what he had said, hesitant to answer a yes or no. "We'll be able to spend more time together without you having to work. You'll even be able to see me rehearse with the band. I'm already a super happy man by your side, but I'd be a super duper happy man if you didn't work and we could spend more time together." He insisted a little more while his voice dropped to almost a whisper, wanting to get that "ok, I'm not going to work anymore" from my lips, getting closer until his forehead was touching mine. "Money is not a problem for me, you know that." He completed, waiting for some response from me. My mind was racing, I would love to spend more time with him...but I didn't want to feel like I was gold-digging, even though I really wasn't and I just loved Tom so fucking much.
"I will think about it." I finally gave an answer, but not choosing between yes or no, as I needed to think more about what Tom suggested. Tom didn't question or show disappointment or displeasure, he just brought our lips together in a quick peck since we were both tired. "Think fondly, okay? I love you." He replied, moving our faces apart just to place his face between my breasts, using that area as a pillow. "I love you too." My small hands came up to stroke his long black braids, tracing a pattern through his braids until we both slept.
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In the morning, I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, the light from the window hitting the curtain and making it slightly transparent; so that the light entered our room. But that wasn't the only thing that woke me up. Little by little I started to let out soft and low cries, feeling hands holding my thighs. I woke up, still sleepy, already feeling a knot in my stomach, which made me look down and see no one but Tom there, practically drowning in my pussy. His tongue moved up to my clit and down, flicking quickly on my pussy while holding my thighs as if I could disappear at any moment. I felt his short beard rubbing against my pussy, making me let out louder cries, specially now that I started to be more aware of what he was doing. My pajama pants were lying on the corner of the bed, along with my panties - how had he taken them off without me even waking up? I must be pretty tired, I guess.
"You said I could have you today. But you didn't specify the time." His husky voice vibrated against my pussy as he noticed that I had woke up and was being responsive to his stimulations. Tom looked up, wanting to see my eyes, which at the moment were closed in pleasure, due to waking up to this surprise of his; which wasn't the first time, of course.
"Good morning, to you too, Y/n." He said teasingly, not expecting a response from me as he pressed my small thighs against his muscular arms, wanting to taste me in the purest form possible - straight from the source.
My legs were shaking because of the constant stimulation of his tongue, my hands went to his head, pulling at his black braids, gently trying to get him out of there, even though I knew I had no chance against Tom. He purposely tightened his arms around my thighs, moving his tongue up to my clit, flicking his tongue there in a skillful way, wanting to make me as overwhelmed with pleasure as possible. And he was so fucking good at it. My back arched as moans interrupted by other moans of mine - echoed through our room. He grunted against my clit in response to seeing me like this – desperate and seeking release. "Tom! My god, fuckfuckfuck!" And with one last slightly stronger pull on his black braids, my body lost control and the knot that was forming in my stomach came undone, my legs lightly kicking the air as waves of pleasure passed through my body and Tom felt the taste of all of the release, not letting a drop go unharmed, stimulating me until he felt the last drop on his tongue.
When Tom felt my body relax, he gave one last loving lick to my overstimulated sex and removed his face from between my legs, finishing tasting the pleasure that he gave me, lifting his body and approaching me; who was lying on the bed, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I processed the orgasmic effects coursing through me.
Suddenly I felt his hand under my thigh, pulling me closer to him quickly and easily, since he had a lot of strength. "Open your eyes, Y/n. Look at me." He said gently but with a tone of voice that made it seem like he was demanding and expected me to open my eyes as he asked. Without hesitation, I opened my eyes that were filled with post-orgasmic bliss and looked in his direction, our gazes meeting as a proud smile formed on his lips.
"I love watching you fall apart like that. It never gets old." Then, with a most mischievous smile, Tom; still with his hand under my thigh, added his other hand under my other thigh and pulled me close to him, my body dragging across the sheets. He moved his hands from under my thighs to my waist, lifting me up and finally placing me on top of him so that my body was facing him.
"Now that you're awake, how about we get on with my dick, hmm?" He suggested as he brought a hand to my face, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, adjusting my messy appearance.
"But I'm tired. I just woke up." I answered calmly, my body relaxing in his lap, which made him place both of his large hands on my waist, just to keep me balanced and not fall back. I looked at him, my hands going to his shoulders; standing still on top of the pajama fabric that separated my hand from touching his body.
"Aww, poor thing." He muttered soothingly, mocking me. I felt his face get closer to mine, only for him to pepper kisses on my jaw that went down the side of my neck, making me respond to this action almost instantly, as I shivered and closed my eyes. "It'll be really quick, I promise. Then you can go back to sleep." Looking for some way to say "yes" without having to say anything, my hands on his shoulders gently pulled the fabric, wanting to take that shirt off; Tom understood what I meant and helped me take off his shirt, throwing it anywhere, as much as he could have me here, now. My eyes roamed his body before he suddenly captured my lips in a vaguely aggressive kiss, the taste of my own release making me cringe against his mouth before I deepened the kiss.
Tom's hands squeezed my waist one last time before starting a path upward towards the last piece of clothing on my body. His fingers slowly ran up my torso, until they reached the middle of my chest where Tom began to unbutton the buttons of my pajamas in a hurry. Our kiss seemed to get more heated as he removed my pajama shirt, my waist moving back and forth in his lap; looking for more contact with him, since I felt he was hard through his sweatpants. In response to my movements against his lap, Tom made low grunts against my lips, our tongues "fighting" together, our desires being discounted against each other.
My waist stopped and my hands dropped from his shoulder, going to his sweatpants, pulling down his pants along with his underwear; his cock freeing itself from the fabrics that were squeezing him. I couldn't take his pants and underwear off completely, so they hung loosely over Tom's thighs.
I broke the kiss after his dick was already exposed, breathing quickly due to the anticipation of wanting to feel him. It was funny how minutes ago I was sleepy and now I just wanted Tom inside me. Tom looked down into my eyes, one of his hands that were on my waist, moving up my cheek and caressing the skin there, admiring my tired but glazed with desire face. My small hands went to his shaft, our eyes meeting as I lightl the area, making slow up and down movements.
"Mmm...just ride me, Y/n. I need you now." He said with a hoarse voice due to my teasing, his hand leaving my cheek and going to my waist; getting up and positioning his length at my entrance, pushing my waist completely down, filling me with just one thrust; eliciting a whimper from my lips. My hands quickly went to his shoulders, squeezing that area in an attempt to ease the pain I felt from being filled suddenly. "A-ah...Tom!" I silently screamed, my eyes closing as I concentrated on getting used to him, he used one hand to stroke my back in circles wanting me to get used to it before he could continue. "Shh..I know, babe." He softly whispered, wanting to soothe the pain away.
When I finally got used to it, I slowly lifted my waist and Tom; with his hands around my waist, pulled me down without slowness, filling me again, eliciting yet another whimper from my lips, a whimper that he liked to hear, as he took control of my movements and his hands tightened around my waist, guiding my movements up and down. I helped him with difficulty, with each thrust of his, one moan came louder than the other. "You sound so fucking pretty." He said between low gasps, his face approaching my neck, nibbling and sucking the warm skin in that area, marking me with hickeys. My head fell back, letting him have easy access to my neck and mark wherever he wanted; being at his mercy.
"Ouch!..I can't!" I cried, my legs failing to help him move inside of me, causing him to stay still inside me; his dick shuddering against my tight, hot walls. He was very big and even though we had a relatively active sexual relationship, I had difficulty getting used to him.
"Yes, you can." He answered sternly, hugging my waist, both of his arms keeping our bodies pressing against each other. "And you will." He stated, thrusting upwards, his cock filling me more intensely in that position, making my hands desperately go to his biceps and squeeze the muscular area; who was tense against my touch as he was keeping me trapped between his body and his arms. I laid my head against his chest, words coming out of my mouth but they were all incoherent and accompanied by messy whimpers. My body shook with each thrust, the bed beneath our bodies creaking with each thrust coming from Tom, as my walls clenched around him, milking him for everything he was worth.
"You feel..so fucking good." With Tom's hands around me, he used this to his advantage and lifted me up slightly, thrusting in and out of me at a faster pace, angling himself to hit a sensitive spot between my hot walls, my moans echoing through our room - complaints would come from the neighbors, I thought before my mind became numb so that all I could think about was that moment and how it was good. However, due to the intensity, I tried to escape weakly and make Tom stop focusing on that point of mine. Tom smiled at my attempts but didn't let me escape, pressing myself tighter against his body, wanting me to reach the peak as quickly as possible. "Oh no, you're not getting away now, Y/n." With Tom's skillful movements against my sensitive spot, my legs began to tremble and my head lifted from his chest, looking up towards him, admiring his expression; Eyebrows furrowed, those black braids all messy, his forehead sweaty, eyes slightly closed, looking back at me and groans leaving his lips. He was just so pretty.
Tom lowered his head to search for my lips and begin a slower, more desire-filled kiss; our voices mixing between the kiss, making my whimpers sound more erotic. His movements quickened more as I clenched tighter and tighter around him, and then, our bodies shook together and both of us climaxed, our voices joining in a long satisfied "Mmm" that echoed through the room as we slowly rode our highs, the waves of pleasure passing through both of us and making our bodies go into light spasms. The grip of Tom's arms around my waist became lighter little by little, with his hands off my waist, he reached down and gave my ass a light squeeze, making me sigh against his lips before parting our lips; that they were still "together" even though we were moving our faces apart, as a long thread of saliva formed between us but briefly fell apart.
I gave him a satisfied smile and made him smile back at me, I could still feel him buried inside of me, his cock twitching. "I think that was one of the best 'good morning' you've given me so far." I declared with a tired voice, still processing my recent climax, my hand going up to his face, gently running my hand through the sweat on his forehead and removing at least some of the sweat from that area. "But what about all the others 'good mornings' I gave you? Weren't those enough?" Tom replied, a sad pout forming on his lips; teasingly, his eyes shining with happiness. "Of course they were."
"You're not lying, right? :("
"Don't be silly, I love all the 'good mornings' you give me."
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"Sooooo..." Tom started talking while we were both taking a shower, I had the soap in my hands, soaping my body while I waited for him to finish talking. "What about your job? Have you thought about what I said yesterday?" He finished speaking, approaching me and observing me, searching my eyes and wanting a concrete answer on this subject. "Can I answer after the shower?" I asked calmly as I looked up at him, the answer was already on the tip of my tongue, but I wanted to wait to say it. "Sure. Whatever you want." He responded back without any hesitation, starting to clean his braids, just wanting to get out of there quickly so he could get the answer soon.
As soon as we got out of the shower, changed into more casual clothes, I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed; I didn't even think about what Tom said to me yesterday, since I didn't even have time to think. I soon felt Tom sit down next to me, the mattress dipping slightly against his weight; It was clear that Tom was wanting an answer, so I got up from the end of the bed and went towards the computer, turning it on and going to the file where my presentation was located - it was what I was going to present tomorrow. Tom followed me, curious as he watched what I was doing. "What are you doing? Don't tell me you're gonna send this to your boss." He replied, his tone showing obvious frustration. "You'll only know if you see it, silly. I haven't even answered anything yet." I answered, giving him hope. My fingers moved over the keyboard just to delete my entire presentation; even though I spent several nights making them to send to my boss.
"Is that a 'I'm gonna spend more time with my boyfriend and not deal with my annoying boss anymore'?"
"Almost. What should I send my boss?"
"Tell him to fuck o-"
"I'm sorry but he practically steals you from me for like 10 hours every day!"
"He used to steal me from you for 10 hours." I corrected, rolling my eyes, typing on the slides where my presentation should be, "I quit."
"Aren't you even going to put a smiley emoji in the message?"
"Why's that?"
Tom just looked up and down at me and gently removed my hands from the keyboard, making sure to put a ":D" at the end. "Aren't you happy now that you're not going to work and are going to spend more time with me?"
"I am."
"That's what the smiley emoji is for. To show that you're leaving that boring place and you're going to be happy with your boyfriend."
"I should never have taught you to use those emojis. Ugh."
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@httpkaulitz jwss eu te amo eu to com Tanto sono sao tres da manha.isso ficou mais longo do que eu esperava mEudeus
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siren-141 · 5 months
Number... 127
Bucky Barnes
I almost said 17, but I trust your playlist enough to know that no matter what, the music is going to be good <3
first time in a while I've written angst, first time I think I've ever posted it hehe. enjoy.
shame on me - catch your breath
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this was it.
four years. four years of memories, four years of laughs and smiles, four years of love down the drain.
"you can't just leave," you breathed out, teeth gritted, not sure if you were more angry or heartbroken at the situation you were in. "you can't just fucking leave at the slightest inconvenience!"
"when are you going to understand, it's not the slightest inconvenience? it's the same thing over and over again - it's like you don't want to be loved."
a single tear dropped, rolling down your cheek as your face grew hotter. "me? I don't want to be loved? I've done everything for you, I've put my life on the line for you countless times and-"
"I never asked you to!" it was silent. bucky was seething in front of you, a stare-down happening between the two of you. "I never asked you to do all of those things!"
"you didn't have to, that's what people in relationships do! they fucking compromise!"
this had been the biggest blow-up yet from the two of you. you almost felt bad for your neighbors, probably waking them up with your screams in the middle of the night. you had both just come back from a mission, and it was silent the entire flight back. it was silent in the tower after the debrief. it was silent on the ride back. the silence broke as soon as he slammed the door shut to your shared apartment.
the mission had gone fine - if you could say risking your life for your fiancé on the field was fine. if you could say him coddling you was fine. you were never someone who needed to be coddled, always the independent one who could stand on their own two feet just fine. you failed to see though, that you didn't have to anymore. you failed to see how your self-destructive ways were killing him slowly.
"I've- I've never fucking met someone who wasn't grateful for someone saving their life, I mean that's just ridiculous!" you ran your hand through your hair, laughing at the incredulous nature of what he was mad over.
"you know, it's fucking hard being with you. it's always been fucking hard to be with you."
at that, your heart shattered. the wind was knocked out of you. how long had he resented you and never brought it up? how long had he wanted to leave, and this was just the perfect moment? you closed your eyes. you could see the home he had built inside your mind, and let it come to life through all the flashbacks. the dates, the kisses, the teamwork. the day he proposed to you. your eyes opened at the sound of metal hitting the desk next to the door.
"I'll have the rest of my things out by tomorrow. we're done."
the door shut and all you were left with was an empty apartment and his ring on the table.
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part 2
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quokkareactions · 2 months
Stray Kids as angst tropes:
Hey, guys! Okay, so I was in the mood for writing some angst, so here you go four angsty Stray Kids drabbles. I still have to work on Seungmin's, which means I'll probably post the other four tomorrow. Until then I hope you enjoy these ones.
You and Chan were walking down the street holding hands and laughing when a girl stopped in her tracks next to you.
"Chan? Is it really you?" she said with a surprised laugh.
The confusion on Chan's face quickly changed into pure happiness when he recognised the girl.
You've never met the girl before but you know exactly who she is. You know that she's the owner of the box of women's clothes on the highest shelf in Chan's closet. You know that she's the reason why Chan's watching Attack on Titan every Tuesday night. You know that he can't say he loves you because of her. And it hurts even if you told him a thousand times that it's okay. He looks at you like you're the prettiest girl in the world, but her... He looks at her like she's his whole world.
"Chan, stop apologising"
"But I didn't know this will happen, we were only supposed to meet to catch up a bit, not to find our unresolved feelings for each other"
"I did"
"What?" he looks at you in confusion.
"I knew this was coming, she was always who you'd choose"
"I'm so sorry, y/n"
"I guess it was my mistake" you let out a bitter laugh.
"No, don't you dare say you're at fault"
"I should've left sooner" now both of your eyes were glossy from tears. "Goodbye, Chan"
You hugged.
"I wish you all the best, y/n"
Ringing. Not even remotely unusual sound for Minho. Especially because his best friend since high school was calling him nonstop for the last few days. He just ignored it for the most parts. He didn't want to talk to her. He had no idea what to say to her after what happened at Friday night. But then the ringing stopped and did not start again like Minho anticipated it to, like it did oh so many times already this weekend. What happened? Did you give up?
He almost felt relieved but then he realized... He knows you too well to believe you gave up. You're too persistent. And boy was he right. The next thing he hears is banging on his door.
"Open the fucking door, Minho, or I swear to god I'm gonna kick it in your face"
With a sigh he opens the door and you storm in.
"Y/n, seeing you is always a delight"
"Cut the crap, Min, I deserve at least an explanation"
"I'm not sure I can give you the explanation you wanna hear"
"Please, what happened? I thought you wanted it too" you whispered.
"We ruined our friendship"
"No, we didn't. Our friendship doesn't have to be ruined just because we start dating, it's not..."
"I don't want to date you! I never have and never will" he cuts in bitterly.
"But... I watched you go out with numerous girls waiting for the day you realize that the right girl was right in front of you the whole time" you trail off, tears now freely falling from your eyes.
"Sleeping with you was the worst mistake of my life" he answers without any emotion what so ever.
"And knowing you was mine. Fuck you, Lee Minho!"
With that you walk out of his apartment and his life. You never wanted to see him again not as a friend, not as a lover and not even as a stranger on the street. You wanted to forget him and the piece of your heart that he took for forever.
It was collecting up in you for long by now. Ever since Changbin and you became official you're getting hate from his fans. And we are talking about regular death threats level of hate. But when your sister got involved too you had enough. You decided to break up with Changbin. It was a hard decision but you had to do it, you couldn't take it anymore. Even though he had a really hard time dealing with the fact.
"Please tell me at least part of it was real" he pleaded
"All of it was real but I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough to bear it"
"Don't say it. Don't say goodbye"
"I'm so sorry, Changbin" you choked out, lips trembling, voice cracking and tears collecting on your lashes. "But we were never meant to last"
You left the room and was about to open the front door when he shouted after you.
"If you knew that from the start you should have told me before I fell in love with you"
For him the only indication of you hearing it was the sound of the front door closing right after. That was the last time you saw each other.
You and Hyunjin were madly in love at the start of your relationship and you made sure that everyone knew that. You were probably the cringiest couple alive. You did everything together and you were all over each other all the time. So everything was perfect until your third year anniversary. You had a huge fight and Hyunjin left and spent the night at his friend's. A girl he suddenly started to spend an awful lot of time with. Since then you felt further and further away from each other. You stopped going out together.
You were slipping away from each other and what is better evidence to that than the situation you're in right now. You are standing exhausted and completely soaked by the rain in front of the Café you work in. The Café your boss closed at 19:00. Exactly when he does everyday, exactly when your shift ended and exactly when you asked Hyunjin this morning to pick you up from there. That was an hour ago. Since then the rain is getting more and more intense. You are not  sure anymore whether it's the rain or your tears that's running down your cheek constantly.
At the start of the hour you thought it's him every time a car passed by. You are not hoping anymore. Not even sure why are you still waiting for him, you could've gotten on a bus and you'd already be home.
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localplaguenurse · 27 days
Falling Head over Heels (Pantalone x Male Reader) pt 6
So ever since my last update, I've gotten a new laptop because deadass the same day I posted chapter 5 like "oh hopefully I'll get it back soon," they told me my old acer aspire is so old they don't even make the parts for it anymore. This has nothing to do with the fic, I just thought it was funny.
Notes: still sfw, semi dysfunctional/controlling family dynamics (I assure you they will get progressively worse), ableism in the form of reader being coddled and patronized by his parents. Check masterlist for previous parts, will eventually make an actual masterlist for this fic.
@thedeimoshimself @eli-chris
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You did not immediately tell your parents about your interaction with Pantalone when you finally returned, as once again they were in the midst of an argument. Your mother’s scoldings about how your father knows better, and your father’s arguments about how you’re a grown man who should fend for himself by now could be heard the moment you stepped through the door. Colleen gives you an awkward, sympathetic smile as you shuck off your coat. Before the maid can hang it up, you fish the letter from your pocket, and seeing your name in the Guuji Yae’s handwriting fills you with nervous excitement once more. 
You can’t really hear the fighting from your study. If you try to listen, you can, but otherwise it is very peaceful. You open the letter again and set it next to your typewriter, while also tucking the briefcase with your manuscript under your desk. You proceed to load your typewriter, ready to type a response, when it occurs to you that maybe you should hand write this letter. Would it be disrespectful to just type a letter? Maybe. A handwritten letter is more personal, after all. 
By the time you finish your letter, there are six other letters crumpled up in your bin, and you hear your mother’s voice informing you that it’s dinner time. The tense atmosphere of dinner keeps you from talking, let alone telling your parents about Pantalone. You really don’t want to set off yet another argument with how much these two have grown apart. As horrible as it is to think or say, you will not be surprised if the word divorce comes up in their next fight, and that next fight is probably tomorrow. 
This tense silence continues the next day, and the day after that, until a full two weeks have passed where you have not heard a single argument. Not because your parents made up, mind you, but because they have barely spoken to each other. Nothing beyond standard small talk or informing the other person about meals or receiving something in the mail. The air is oppressive, and you try not to let it show how much it is starting to stress you out. Instead, you have been waiting patiently for a letter back from the Guuji, hoping to surprise them with some good news for once. 
(You’ve also been replaying your last interaction with Pantalone in your head, because you know you did not mishear him.)
The silence breaks when your father throws your bedroom door open one morning, when you are in the midst of getting changed out of your sleepwear. 
You jump, having just put on your pants. Your face heats up in embarrassment. “Would it kill you to knock?” you snap. It’s not even ten. 
You hear your mother somewhere behind your father. “Darling, calm down.”
Your father storms inside and an envelope is shoved in your face. “Do you care to explain this?”
You step back and take the envelope. You rub your eyes, shoot your dad a dirty look, and read the envelope. That’s your name and address, but you don’t recognize the return address in the corner. The name, however, you do recognize, and your father does too.
“Why is it that I haven’t had contact with the Regrator in two weeks,” your father asks, “but when I finally get a letter back, it’s for you?”
“Yes, why is Pantalone writing to you?” your mother asks in turn. 
Your brow furrows, and with your father glaring daggers at you, you break the seal on the back of the letter. Before you can actually open it, your dad snatches the letter from you. He tosses the envelope aside and unfolds the paper within. 
“Hey!” You grab your father’s arm. “If you’re going to barge into my room, at least let me read my own mail!”
“There has to be some mistake,” your father says. “There’s no reason for the Regrator to talk to you.”
“While I disagree with his approach,” your mother says, “your father has a point.”
“Maybe if you let me read my mail, I could tell you,” you reply sarcastically. Your father rolls his eyes but hands the now crinkled letter back to you. You straighten it out and let your eyes scan over the words.
Your father’s voice is impatient. “Well?” 
You squint. “It’s an invitation.”
“An invitation?” your mother asks.
“What the hell for?” your father asks.
“An invitation for tea,” you answer, “for… tomorrow, at two.”
“Anything else?”
You flip the paper over. It’s blank. You flip it back over. “No, it’s just tea at two at his estate.”
“No, you fool,” your dad says, pulling the letter out of your hand again. “I meant if he mentions your sister or myself, because I find it hard to believe he’d invite you to his estate.”
You cross your arms. “Why’s that?”
“Your father means it’s odd that you would be invited over when you are not, ah, working with him,” your mother says, making up an excuse on the fly. “You’re not working with your father and sister, so if you were to be invited over, then that would include the rest of the family.” Though she’s out of your limited line of vision, you know she’s glaring at your father based on the way he averts his eyes from you.
“Then why is it addressed to him? It doesn’t address anyone else in the family.”
“I’m not sure, dear. Perhaps there’s been a mistake?”
“Pantalone would not make a mistake like this. Perhaps the post office lost our invites, but not his.”
“Or he just invited me,” you butt in.
Your father gives you a look. 
“Think about it,” you say, “if we all got an invite, surely mine would have said something about it, right? Hope to see you and your family, or something along those lines.”
“Perhaps mine would have it,” your father retorts, “as he’s my business partner.”
More like marriage partner at this point, you think and know better than to say. “You’re also assuming this has anything to do with work,” is what you say instead. “What if it’s just tea?”
“No, a man like him wouldn’t invite someone over for just tea,” your mother says. 
Your father goes to put your invitation in his pocket, but gives it back to you when your mom gives him a look. He clears his throat. “Well, we’ll have this sorted when we visit tomorrow.”
You blink. “Wait, what?” 
“We’re not going to just turn down this invitation,” your father says, as if you’re an idiot for not understanding what he was getting at. 
“We? We?”
“That’s right,” your mother chimes in, “we really shouldn’t go if we don’t know his intentions.”
“That’s not…” You groan, annoyed. You point at your father. “You aren’t on the invite.” You turn and point to your mother. “And we’ve talked about the coddling.”
Your mother shakes her head. “That was about when he visits us, I don’t want you alone at his estate.”
“No, no, we’re not getting into the semantics,” you say, “I have told you time and time and time again to stop treating me like I’m seven! I should be allowed to go have tea with someone else by myself.”
“Watch your tongue,” your father snaps, “and our decision is final. If you want to go to the Regrator’s for tea, then your mother and I are going as well.” He turns to walk off, and stops in the doorway. “And put a damn shirt on.”
The door slams shut, leaving you and your mother in your room. She offers you an apologetic smile, and gets the hint you want space when you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. Her exit is much quiet, a soft apology and a gentle closing of the door. 
It takes you a moment, but you manage to find the envelope your father carelessly tossed aside. It slid most of the way under your bed, only the corner of it is immediately visible. You pick it up and feel your heart thump in your chest.
So this is what your name looks like in his handwriting.
While the novelty of Pantalone’s social status has worn off, the estate that comes into view through the snowstorm is a reminder of his intimidating wealth. It’s a beautiful building, and significantly larger than your family home. Your eyes are glued to the sight of it through the covered sled’s window. You can also just see your mother looking at it as well through the reflection of the glass. 
“Remember what we talked about,” your father says, and you make a face of annoyance similar to the face your mother’s reflection makes. “Hey, are you listening?”
“Don’t touch, trip on, or break anything,” you reply, “and only speak when spoken to. I’m aware of the whole routine.”
“And watch the attitude.”
“And you remember what I told you,” you reply, not bothering to turn your head. “If it turns out Pantalone didn’t invite you over, you need to leave.”
“Look at me when you talk to me.”
There’s a thump. Your mother most likely gave your father a nudge with her foot. Silence takes up the last few minutes of the ride as it slows to a stop right outside the snowy steps. You slide over to the opposite end of your seat and open the door, sucking all the warmth out of the sled. You make no effort to wait for your parents before you step down from the stairs. The snow pelting you in the face diminishes your vision, so you only make it a few steps before you trip on the first step. You catch yourself before you tumble forward and smash your teeth into the stairs. 
You hear your mother’s voice from the sled. “Please be careful!” 
You shout back that you’re fine, and climb up the stairs. Pantalone must have just had the steps cleared off before the blizzard hit, as there’s no crunch beneath your feet, merely the puff of snowflakes puffing out of the way with each step you take. Your father calls for you to wait for them as you stand before the door. You grab one of the large knockers and give it a few hard knocks on the door.
You feel your father’s firm hand on your shoulder just as a gust of heat rushes out and envelops you. You find yourself standing face to face with an older gentleman dressed in pristine servant’s attire. The two of you lock eyes, and for a moment he offers a welcoming smile before he notices you’re not alone, then it becomes confusion.
“Oh, hello there,” he says, “this is a little unexpected.”
“We’re here for tea with the Regrator,” your father butts in before you can even open your mouth.
“I had assumed as much, but I was told we were expecting a single visitor,” the man says. He brings his gaze back to you. “Now, you fit the description, but these two–”
Somewhere behind the man, you hear Pantalone’s voice. “Fyodor, what’s going on? Why have you not let our guest inside?”
The man turns around to address his master. “Apologies, my lord, but there seems to be some sort of… misunderstanding?”
You hear heeled footsteps descending a flight of stares and across the floor before your host comes into view. You feel yourself salivate and swallow it down quickly. You’re so used to seeing him in mostly black clothing, so the white lace up shirt with puffy sleeves immediately catches your eye. It’s tucked into a pair of black corset pants, which you make a point to not look at either. His hair is not tied back, and the chain on his glasses seems different. Though he still has his rings, he’s not wearing his gloves. Even in more “casual” attire, the Regrator is the pinnacle of wealth and beauty.
This very beautiful man tilts his head at the sight of your parents, namely your father. “What are you doing here?”
“You… You invited us to tea,” your father says.
“No I didn’t.”
Your father is quiet, and you turn yourself to see the confusion on his face. “You sent an invitation, i-it had our address on it.”
“Yes, and I believe I put your son’s name on it, did I not?” Pantalone asks. When you turn back around to him, you find he’s looking right at you. 
“You did, b-but I presumed you… you forgot to mention us, or maybe the invitations for my wife and I got lost in the–”
Pantalone lifts his hand, silencing your father. “If that were the case, I would have either addressed it to your family as a whole on the envelope, or I would have mentioned it in the invitation itself. Likewise, I did not send this through the post office, I had one of my staff deliver it personally.”
“But, b-but I’m your business partner!”
Pantalone turns to you. “Did you invite them with you?”
You stumble on your words, feeling too humiliated to answer honestly. What’s worse, saying yes, or saying no, but your parents wouldn’t let you leave unless they came along like they were chaperoning a child’s first field trip or playdate? You manage a shake of your head, and fortunately Pantalone seems to understand your plight after having many interactions with your family.
He sighs, and steps aside. “You’ve already made the trip, and the weather is taking a turn for the worst,” he relents, “you may come in.”
Your father pushes past and marvels at the interior of Pantalone’s estate. Your mother gives you an assuring pat on your shoulder. Pantalone whispers something to Fyodor, who nods and goes to help your parents with their coats.
The door shuts behind you, and you turn to Pantalone. You clasp your gloved hands together and lower your voice. “I am so sorry, I tried to tell them–”
“I know,” he replies in a voice as soft as yours, “perhaps I should have seen this coming, but I didn’t think I would need to be more specific in the invitation.”
With that, Pantalone stands up and claps his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Once you’re all settled, please follow me for a short tour on the way to the tea room.” He turns to Fyodor, who is carrying your parents’ coats. “Fyodor, please be a dear and let the chefs know to prepare some extra refreshments for our unexpected company.”
Fyodor nods, and you give him your coat before he leaves. Your mother is already hovering right next to you protectively, and Pantalone gives you a subtly sympathetic smile, which your mother seemingly interprets as an underlying threat judging by the way she wraps her arm around yours. You imagine your father is rolling his eyes.
The tour is short as promised, only staying in any given room long enough for Pantalone to state what the purpose of it is. You pass through the dining room, where Pantalone points out the doors to the kitchen, before you’re in a corridor passing by a ballroom entryway. You try to have a look at the oddly macabre paintings your host has displayed on the walls, but your mother is practically dragging you along so she can get this event over with quicker. You want to ask questions about what the chandelier in the foyer is made of, but your father already asked that in his never ending ramblings of praise for Pantalone and probably isn’t going to stop so you can actually ask the man anything.
Your father finally shuts up and your mother lets your arm go when the four of you step inside the tea room. Something you notice immediately is, while there are paintings on the walls, a table in the centre of the room, and a large cabinet with various tea sets, there is actually very little decor and furniture here. You passed by some sculptures and house plants and other miscellaneous extravagant pieces on the way, but the small room is oddly empty compared to the corridor just outside. 
When Pantalone takes a seat, your parents end up taking a seat on either side of him. Your father is immediately praising the barely furnished room, while your mother acts as barrier. As such, you end up seated across from him. On cue, you hear two people come in through the door behind you. You hear a soft squeaking, and a servant pushing a cart with a tea set on top of it. The porcelain teapot and cups have a vaguely floral pattern, with the handles shimmering with gold leaf. You jump when the second person, another servant, comes up beside you with a tray of food to place on the table. Your father marvels as they get to work setting the table, your mother politely thanks the staff, and you just sit still as your cup of tea is poured.
“This is quite lovely, Pantalone,” your father says for the millionth time, “really, I expect nothing less from you!”
Pantalone gives your father a smile, a polite gesture that does not reach his eyes. “I’m flattered.” When he looks your way, his smile seems fonder. “How about you? You seem to have something on your mind.”
“Oh! Um…” You lean back and glance around the room once more. “I was just… curious about your decor.”
Pantalone tilts his head curiously. “Oh? And what would you like to know?”
You hesitate to answer out of fear you would offend the man.
“Well? Out with it,” your father remarks.
“This room is a little bit… um…”
“Bare?” Pantalone finishes. “Yes, I had some of the furniture moved around in preparation for your arrival.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your eye condition,” he answers, “you said you used to trip on furniture because you didn’t see it, correct? I figured with a room this size, it would be safer to move some of the decor out of the room while you were visiting.”
“Oh, that’s… actually rather sweet,” you say, “b-but unnecessary. I’m not as clumsy as I used to be.”
“Ah, yes, my suit can attest to that fact.”
You chuckle.
Your father chimes in. “Yes, it’s better we avoid any more expensive accidents.”
Pantalone hums. “While I would rather avoid paying for a replacement or repair job, I was more focused on ensuring your son’s safety. I would hate for my guest to get hurt at an event I invited him to.”
You pick up on his passive aggressive comment, and your father does not. That, or he’s elected to ignore it. “Ah, that too,” your father says. He gestures to your mother. “I would have never heard the end of it if that were the case!”
Your father was expecting someone to laugh. He is ignored by Pantalone and gets glared at by your mother. You just grab a couple pastries, honestly wishing you had just turned down the invite altogether.
Your father clears his throat. “So, about that thing I-I had proposed a few weeks ago–”
“How is the book deal?” Pantalone asks you.
“O-Oh,” you stammer, not expecting him to bring up your book, “well, I’ve decided to go for it, and I’ve written back saying I would like to move forward with the deal. Now I’m just waiting for them to get back to me.”
Pantalone smiles and nods. “That’s lovely to hear.”
Your mother looks at you, confused. “What is he talking about?”
Fuck. You swallow, and nervously, sheepishly smile. “Right, um… I was, ah, saving this for when the deal was finalized, but my book might be getting published now.”
“By who?”
“... The Yae Publishing House.”
Your mother’s squeal could shatter porcelain. “The Yae Publishing House?! Sweetheart, that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
You awkwardly laugh, avoiding Pantalone’s knowing gaze. “They’re just s-such a big deal, you know? I didn’t want to get your hopes up before I knew for certain they were going t-to publish the book.”
“Still, you could have at least told me you sent your book to them! Oh, goodness, I’m getting all worked up now. My sweetheart, being published by the Guuji Yae…”
Pantalone chuckles. “Yes, quite exciting. It warms my heart to see hard work being recognized.”
“I’m very excited,” your mother says, “he hasn’t told me what his new book is about, he keeps telling me to wait until it gets published. I was worried I’d never get to read it when your first deal was cancelled!”
You sheepishly rub the back of your neck. “This one’s kind of, well, different from my usual writing. I wasn’t sure how people would react to it.”
“Your stories are lovely, sweetie,” your mother insists, “you should never worry about what your mother thinks because I will always support you.”
You hear your father lean over in his chair towards Pantalone, and in a room of four people, his whisper is very audible. “He was worried he would have to get a real job, haha.”
“Which would be difficult given my disability,” you add, “seeing as most jobs require you to have awareness of your surroundings, and my eyesight is only going to continue degrading.”
Your father glares, and clears his throat. “... It was a joke.”
“And it wasn’t very original.”
“You’re also one to talk, considering our little deal,” Pantalone remarks. Your mother looks at your father for an explanation, to which he just sips his tea, embarrassed. 
The rest of the afternoon isn’t less awkward. The momentary embarrassment does not stop your father from badgering Pantalone with questions about what he’s been doing the past two weeks (settling some financial matters in Liyue), and praising him for the pastries he’s provided. Pantalone answers out of politeness, but his responses grow shorter and shorter every time your father opens his mouth. Your mother just silently eats, disinterested in conversing with the Regrator. You try to engage in conversation with Pantalone, but despite glares from everyone at the table, your father continues to interrupt you or answer questions Pantalone could not have more clearly directed towards you. You also just keep your answers short, not wanting to divulge too much about your book or true thoughts in front of your parents. 
Your father pops the last cream puff in his mouth. He’s already eaten most of them. There is no more tea, bringing the meeting to a close.
Pantalone claps his hands together. “Well, this has been a meeting!”
“We appreciate the invitation, Lord Pantalone,” your father says.
“What invitation?” Pantalone asks. “Remember? You two never received an invite.”
“... Right.”
Pantalone leans forward, propping his head up in his hands. He’s looking right at you, and he smiles so sweetly. “Would you care to stay for dinner?”
“Oh, we couldn’t possibly overstay our welcome.”
Pantalone nods, acknowledging your father. He then looks back at you. “So? Would you care to stay?”
“We just said no,” your mother says.
“That’s fine, you two are free to leave. I’m talking to your son.”
Your mother and father lock eyes, before your father turns back to Pantalone. “Wait, why are you asking him if he wants to stay, but not us?”
Pantalone sighs, and grins at your father. “Well, I think I’ve played host to you two long enough, so I’ll tell you honestly.” At that, Pantalone drops his smile. The atmosphere immediately grows tense as he speaks, his voice cold. “I invited your son to my home because I wanted to discuss his upcoming book over tea. I did not invite you over to discuss work matters on my day off. Now, I would like to have the discussion I cleared my schedule for, and I would like to do it with the guest I actually invited.”
Your father balks, while you feel your jaw drop to the table and your eyes go as wide as saucers. You slowly turn towards your mother, and she is immediately seething. She stands up, her chair scraping on the floor. Pantalone smiles at you once more.
“So will you be staying for dinner? I have many questions about your writing process.”
“Absolutely not,” your mother snaps. She grabs your arm hard and attempts to pull you up to your feet. Your father is torn between being shocked over being called out for his behaviour, humiliated for being scolded like a child, and incensed that your invitation did not extend towards him. Your mother tugs your arm again, and you stand up so you can better shake her off your arm.
“We’re leaving,” your father says. “Come along, you two.”
You brush some crumbs off your lap and sit back down.
Your father shakes your shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me? I said we’re leaving.”
“Have fun,” you reply dryly, “I’ll be home late.”
Pantalone absolutely beams. “Oh, wonderful!”
You flinch at your mother’s shrill voice. “No, you’re not! I am not leaving you with this disrespectful–”
“Violka, he has made up his mind,” your father growls. You feel him glaring daggers into the back of your head, and do not move. You hear your mother start to protest, but then the door shuts behind you.
Pantalone lifts a small plate up off the table. On it is the final little piece of cherry bublanina. He offers it to you with a sly smirk, like forbidden fruit. 
With this in mind, you take it.
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summer-nights19 · 28 days
HELLO!! i saw your tokyo debunker fic requests posts, may i request some fluff with jin, rui, or jiro ?? Bonus if it involves a date, flowers, or a kiss that is NOT on the lips ♡
Thank you for the request, Anon. It's so cute <3
Since he's my favourite of the three, I went ahead and did Jin
Roses and stars
After a very long first day with Vagastrom, you'd finally made it back to your dorm. Honestly, the entire thing had been exhausting - the Vagastrom ghouls were difficult to work with and also didn't seem to like you very much - so you couldn't wait to curl up in your bed and sleep. As you moved to open the door to your dilapidated dormitory, you felt your foot kick something on the floor. Startled, you looked down at the object, your curiosity rising.
Someone had left a large bunch of white roses by your doorstep, along with a little note. Feeling your heart flutter in your chest and your face heat up, you picked up the roses and went upstairs to put them in an old vase by your bed before you finally looked at the note, which was written in a neat, slanted cursive.
Dear MC
I'm taking you out tomorrow afternoon after you come back from Vagastrom. I'll pick you up from your dorm.
Your heart leaped when you saw the name on the page. Sure, you'd had a crush on the Frostheim captain ever since you'd first worked with him, but you'd never in a million years dreamt that he might feel the same way.
"Stop it, MC. It's probably not that kind of outing. He definitely just wants to discuss Darkwick business, " you told yourself firmly, but, despite this, you couldn't help but hope that your initial instinct was right. Eventually, you let your exhaustion take over and fell asleep while still clutching the note, your dreams haunted by a certain tall, blue eyed man.
After finishing up at Vagastrom the next day, you'd headed straight to your dorm. The closer you got, the more violent the butterflies in your stomach became and the more nervous you felt. You hadn't had time to pick out a decent outfit to wear, so you'd have to rush getting changed. Not that it mattered, because it definitely wasn't that kind of outing, right ?
As soon as you got to your dorm, you flung yourself into the door and changed at lighting speed. Just as you were finishing up with your hair, you heard a knock on the front door. Taking a deep breath, you went to answer it.
"Hi Jin," you smiled at the man in front of you, who looked as devastatingly handsome as ever. As he looked back down on you with his cold blue eyes, the hint of a smile played on Jin's lips as well. Without hesitation, he took your hand in his own and led you out of your dorm. You looked away, blushing. His hand was a lot larger than yours and unexpectedly warm.
"So... what did you need to discuss with me today ?" you asked, a part of you still clinging on to the hope that this wouldn't be about business matters. Jin sighed, rolling his eyes slightly.
"I'm taking you out, Y/N. I thought the flowers would have made that clear,"
You swore your heart rate tripled at hearing his response.
"Yes, sorry ... I just wanted do be sure. They were lovely, by the way, so thank you. Where are we going ? I don't have an R&R permit for today I'm afraid..."
Jin smirked at you and you felt a knot forming in your stomach.
"It's a surprise. And don't worry about the R&R permit, I have handled everything,"
As you walked the rest of the way to the Galaxy Express in companionable silence, you wondered what Jin could possibly have in mind. Knowing him, it was probably something fancy and expensive, like dinner at a fancy restaurant or a beach trip on his private yacht. When you finally got on the train, you sat next to each other, your leg brushing against his. He still hadn't let go of your hand., and his eyes were feasting on you as if you were a three course meal.
"Look outside," Jin gently shifted your chin towards the window in front of you, and what you saw nearly took your breath away. You were right in the middle of an endless field full of white roses just like the ones he'd gifted you. All around you, silver stars twinkled all over the purple sky, casting an almost azure glow on the roses.
"It's beautiful," you whispered, still awestruck by what you saw. "I didn't even know the Galaxy Express stopped here,"
"That's because it normally doesn't, but I bribed the conductor so he'd take us here today," Jin explained, looking smug. Your delighted look pleased him more than he wanted to admit. The Galaxy Express stopped in the middle of the field, and Jin led you out to the middle of the field, which was completely isolated. It was like you were the only two people in the world.
With a serious expression on his face, Jin let go of your hand and produced a small velvet box from the pocket of his expensive coat, which he handed to you.
"MC ... ever since you started at Darkwick academy, you have invaded every corner of my mind, and, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from growing closer to you. Now, I simply don't want to - you are thr only person who makes me feel this way. Be my partner, MC,"
You met Jin's serious gaze with bright eyes and a smile that lit up your entire face, which he found even more beautiful than all the roses in the surrounding field.
"Jin, there's no one more precious to me than you. Of course I'll be your partner,". As soon as you replied, Jin smiled at you, any trace of coldness gone from his eyes. Silently, he opened the box he'd given you and took out a sapphire pendant, which he fastened around your neck. Then, he leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, his lips cold and smooth, before taking your hand in his own again and guiding you to sit down on the grass in the middle of the roses.
You didn't know how much time you'd spent like that, with his arm wrapped around your waist and your head on his shoulder as you talked and watched the stars - all you knew is that it had felt like heaven.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 18
Pairing: mick schumacher x hamilton!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and alcohol, tooth-rotting fluff, angsty, mentions of anxiety and break up, not proofread, etc, etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 3.3k
part. 17 | series masterlist | part 19 | taglist
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he threw caution carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
A/n: Thank you so so much for all the love and support! I see you, and I appreciate you! *mwah* I hope you guys like this chapter, I may have shed some tears while writing it hehe I'll release the next one TOMORROW so you better get readyyy!
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When Yn knocked at Lewis’ door he wasn’t expecting to see her with a running nose and teary eyes. In fact, he wasn’t expecting to see her. She was supposed to be at her apartment getting ahead with some work because she had dinner plans with Mick, that’s what the German had told Lewis earlier that day. 
“Hey, bitsy, what happened?” the Brit asked, confusion and worry lacing his tone. 
Yn could only crash into her brother’s frame, being engulfed in a tight hug and letting out some of the pain and anxiety she had been holding back. He knew how hard it was for her to let herself be vulnerable, which meant she reached her breaking point.
“I broke up with Mick,” she sobbed into his shirt, and Lewis took a step back to look into her eyes, holding her face between his hands.
“What did he do?” 
And though Mick had come to be a close friend of his with the shared routine in the Mercedes team, Lewis wouldn’t think twice before distancing himself if he had done something to hurt his little sister. Mick knew it. Everyone knew it. That’s the reason he was so taken back the second he noticed the lingering touches and secret stares. It wouldn’t be hard taking sides, but it would certainly hurt doing so. 
Yn shook her head, more tears doting her black skin, “Nothing, he did nothing wrong-” a hiccup passed between her lips. “Someone posted about me and Mason, and suddenly the whole internet is talking about the two, and me, and our personal lives and- Lew, they have pictures! There are pictures of me and Mason around the internet.”
Lewis closed the door behind her and guided his sister to his couch. Roscoe came running to her too and it wasn’t long before the three were cuddled in silence, the only sounds being Yn’s sniffs and sighs. 
He knew not to pressure her too much, knowing that she needed some time to breathe before finally speaking about everything, or most things, that were going through her head. Lewis was worried about Mick too, but he would check on his friend later, for now, his sister was his priority and she needed him, all his love and attention.
It was an hour or so before the sniffs stopped and Lewis noticed that Yn had fallen asleep, she was probably tired from all the crying and stress she had been dealing with lately, and the outing of her past relationship with soccer player Mason Mount was the icing on the cake. Lewis peeled his body off of hers with caution not to disturb her peace and reached for his phone seeing tons of messages from a worried Mick asking if he knew something about Yn’s whereabouts. He quickly answered reassuring the German that she was safe and with him, and added for him to be patient with her. Yn loved Mick, it was a fact.
Lewis ordered from their favorite place and got some of her favorite clothes his for her to wear after a long and much-needed relaxing shower. He gave Roscoe his food, and while the dog ate everything eagerly, he opened Twitter and Instagram seeing how the internet was indeed going crazy about Yn, Mick, and Mason. It was crazy how people felt entitled to someone else’s personal life. 
Assuming that Yn probably didn’t have the time and the energy to do something, Lew stepped onto his terrace, closing the door behind him and calling the family’s lawyer. He had no idea how those pictures ended up on the internet, or how his sister’s past relationship got exposed, but he was gonna make sure whoever did it would be held accountable for it. He wanted to call Mason too, to ask if he had any idea about anything, how he would handle it from his side, but that was too personal, that was something only Yn should do. 
After the food arrived, and Yn showered, the siblings sat on the living room’s floor to eat, a ritual they used to share whenever they could since their early teen years. Yn nibbled on her food, not eating the way she would when her favorite was on the table, she felt a lump in her throat, it was like she was trying to swallow back her own heart and by doing so she couldn’t try and put anything else there. Lewis noticed and used the moment to try and make her open up a bit, and share her burden with him. And that she did. She poured her heart out, cried again, sobbed again, and confessed to him how stressed she was ever since everyone discovered she was his sister, to which she was quick to apologize too because that wasn’t a problem, but rather how people started treating her was the real issue. Yn loved being a Hamilton, loved sharing the same blood as Lewis, loved having him around as her best friend, loved to share her happy and sad days with him, but she hated how everyone seemed to compare them now, how Yn wasn’t Yn anymore but “Lewis Hamilton’s younger sister” or even “Mick Schumacher’s supposed girlfriend” and not in a contextual way, but rather derogatory, like trying to diminish her and who she was, to resume her to two men. And fair enough, she loved them, she loved them both so much, but she was her own person, she loved herself before loving them. And maybe, Yn thought, she just needed to get used to having her brother mentioned every time, just like her relationship with Mick, but adding Mason to it? Adding Mason to it was cruel. 
She confided in her brother all the things that had been plaguing her mind, and Lewis listened attentively, catching a tear from her here and there with his thumb, and nodding attentively. He was a good listener. He was the best brother, Yn told him. 
That night they watched TV until falling asleep on the couch with Roscoe by their feet. Something they used to do when they were kids and the days were so packed that they didn’t have much time together, Yn would sneak into his room, they would make a tent with Lewis’ comforter, and turn on the TV on the low volume so that their parents wouldn’t wake up, and they would watch Disney movies until both passed out. Life used to be easier at the time. 
When Lewis had to start the hectic schedule for Silverstone weekend Yn went to her parents. She spent a week sleeping in her old bedroom, having every possible meal with her parents, and enjoying the hugs, kisses, and pampering from them. They couldn’t mend their heart back together, but while there it felt like they could glue it for some minutes. It would fall to pieces in the ground when she lay awake in bed at night, but when the sun shined through the windows and her dad woke her up so they could cook pancakes together while The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill played as background sound some of the pieces of her heart would flutter closer. 
The second week was about to start when she got a call from Corinna. She cried when she heard the woman’s voice. The accent is so like Mick’s. The sweet and warm tone. Corinan asked Yn if she wanted to spend some time in Switzerland with her. It was a calm place, she wouldn’t be bothered by too many paparazzi, she could go off from social media, they would have tons of activities to do if she felt like it, and Gina would even fly there for the weekend. So Yn packed her bags, and by Monday afternoon she was in Switzerland. 
Yn cried again when Corinna hugged her, told her how sorry she was for hurting Mick, and tried to explain everything, but the older woman just shook her head and hugged Yn together, assuring her that she wouldn’t judge, that she did not blame Yn. Life was complicated, but Corinna seemed to be sure that Yn and Mick would find a way out of the storm they were facing, and she made sure to tell Yn that. Without pressure, of course. In fact, they agreed on not talking a lot about Mick or her relationship, but it turned out that was a hard subject to avoid because Corinna made her feel safe and comfortable enough to want to talk, and everything at that house screamed his name. So much so, that Yn wandered around on her first night and ended up in his childhood bedroom, watching some of his trophies, posters, books, and toys. Yn fell asleep curled on his bed, hugging his pillow.
The coming days were good. Corinna distracted her the same way her parents would. Yn taught the German some of her vegan recipes, and Corinna seemed to like them. They would cook breakfast together, share tea by the garden, feed the horses, and solve crosswords while eating dinner. 
After two weeks in Switzerland Yn went back to her apartment in London. She wasn’t exactly ready for the remainder of Mick at her home, yet she needed to work through whatever was plaguing her mind, she needed to recenter so that she could face him again. She knew the way they broke up wasn’t fair to him, knew that they would have to talk again eventually, either for closure or to get back together. 
At the door, his slides were the first thing to greet her, then his smell that plagued the whole apartment. By her couch, there was one of Angie’s toys, in her room his shirt she used to sleep with, some of his clothes inside her closet, his toothbrush beside hers, his shampoo, little things that got there gradually. Some of them she still remembers the exact moment. The feeling of tranquility coming home with him and knowing his things were there too. 
Yn kept everything intact: all his things inside her house. All the feelings inside her chest. 
She went back to her routine, working, seeing her friends, trying to enjoy a bit of the privacy that was still left after she deactivated most of her socials. Except, now she wasn’t joining and cheering for her brother in person during the weekends, but rather watching everything from her couch. Sometimes, those weekends would be shared with Lewis’ friends and her friends as well, the ones that couldn’t make it to the GPs too. 
When September Yn was ready for the launch of her winter collection. She was also ready to be in the same room as Mick, or so she thought, she had to be especially because her team had sent invitations for the whole Schumacher family and she had a feeling he wouldn’t miss it. 
Sure enough there he was, and though they couldn’t exchange more than a longing stare and a friendly wave, Yn felt everything she kept tamed inside burst out in the open. She busied herself with the parade and all the little details that needed her attention, and because she was the main name tonight she wasn’t able to speak to everyone. Though, what would she say to the Schumachers? “Thank you for coming! And, Mick, I miss you, maybe I owe you an apology”, well maybe that’s exactly what she should have said, but the rush didn’t let her. Maybe that’s why Yn was surprised when everything was over and someone from the staff came with a bouquet of tulips. 
It wasn’t anything new, she usually gets a ton of flowers during parades, and events in general, from fans to the crew she’s working with, but she never got tulips, and her heart skipped a beat, hands slightly trembling when she reached for it, and opened the envelope between the beautiful flowers. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a proper congratulations and hug. I’m really proud of you – today, and always. I’ll be here when you’re ready. - Your Mickey”
Yn knew exactly what ready meant. 
And she also knew how meaningful it was of him to sign as her Mick. Not Mick Schumacher, or simply Mick, or anything, but “your Mick”. The version of him only she knew. A pair of tears rolled down her cheeks just when Lewis reached the door of her dressing room.
Yn looked at her brother silently, and he gave her one of his small smiles. 
“You should text him,” the Brit suggests.
“How do you know I’m thinking about him?” 
Lewis shrugs, draping his body on the blue couch, “You two went to see a field of tulips in Switzerland, right?” She nodded, and before she could joke about his memory Lewis added, “But that’s not how I know, he actually told me he would do it. Even asked me if I thought it was ok for him to show up.”
“Oh-” she utters. “I’m- I- I exposed him, put him in the spot. Mick is a super private guy, Lew, and I kind of blew everything up,” she sighs, knowing damn well she’s repeating the vent session they had back the other month. 
“He told you he doesn’t care, didn’t he?” Lewis asks and Yn nods, biting her lips. “I think that’s proof enough that he’s ready to compromise if it means having you. That’s huge, Yn. He’s ready to give up part of his private life to stay with you, and not as in sacrificing himself and all this red flag thing, but as in: he thinks you’re more important. He loves you, can’t you see?” 
“I’m still scared,” she confesses.
“Fuck being afraid, bitsy, do it anyways. If you let fear stop you, you’ll never fully live,” it’s his older brother's advice. “Besides,” Lewis adds, “You think he isn’t? He’s probably scared shit too, and that’s yet another reason why you should talk, dot it together because if you have one another the burden gets lighter – if there’s even one.”
She rolls her eyes, they’re full of tears ready to fall, and they do the second she smiles dropping her shoulders. Yn nods to Lewis, and when everything is packed and they’re walking on the parking lot to their respective cars parked side by side, her phone pings. 
Lewis winks her way with a smile when she turns the screen to him. It’s Mick. 
“Good luck, bitsy. I’ll be at home if you need me, and I’ll back you up on whatever you choose to do,” he takes off some of the weight from her shoulders. 
Yn hugs him tight and whispers how much she loves him and how lucky she is to be a Hamilton. She listened to her heart and only her heart, trying to ignore whatever her mind wanted to rationalize, and whatever others would think, while she typed away on her phone. 
After indirectly inviting him to dinner, she drives all the way to her apartment with a grin on her face and feeling all warm and fuzzy after feeling cold and sad for so long.  
The second her doorbell rang, Yn stopped pacing around her living room and ran to the entrance, already feeling her hands shaking slightly. 
“Hey,” Mick breathed with a small smile on his face when Yn showed up behind the wooden door. He was holding another bouquet, this time red carnations. Yn’s greetings got stuck in her throat. Mick looked just so good wearing blue jeans paired with a dark green hoodie. His eyes did not leave her, quite the contrary, he drank her in, blue orbs roaming around each small detail. For him, Yn looked just perfect. 
“I-” Mick started to fill the silence after a minute, but before he could keep going Yn crashed into him, taking a deep breath and lacing her hands around his neck. He held her closer by the waist and inhaled her perfume, feeling his heart speed so fast it felt like he was racing around his favorite circuit. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you. Sorry, I made you wait. Sorry-,” Yn whispered with a voice so small he could only hear because her face was between his neck and shoulder. He detached their bodies just enough to hold her by the jaw, eyes scanning the tears slowly descending her cheeks. 
Mick shook his head, “I should have come after you before. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Yn sobbed, letting her forehead hit his solid chest, and trying to take deep breaths to control her own heart, “No, babe, you gave me my time, you gave me space, and I love you for that.” 
It was his turn to let some tears fall. Mick was a smart guy, he knew how to be rational, but it did not mean that he knew how to control each emotion of his. Quite the opposite, from time to time he let his feelings lead the way. He can feel insecure and overthink just like any human being. The thing is, that while they were away, he took his time to work on it. Work on himself. Look in the mirror and understand he was doing the right thing by kicking the ball to her court. There was nothing he could do but wait. And waiting he did. 
Now, looking into her eyes, he wonders why he waited so long, how he spent every day for over two months without her. But the second those three little words passed between her plump lips he knew it hadn’t been for nothing. Knew that life was gifting his patient.
“Can you find it in you to forgive me?” she asked, still glued to his body.
He chuckled, “Schatzi, there’s nothing to forgive. And even if there was, you know I would. I would do anything for you because I love you. I love you in every language, the ones I know and the ones I don’t. I love you like my best friend, my favorite person, my lover. I love you like I never did before.”
It was the first time she heard him say those three little words, and they hit her like a truck, rearranging every organ in her body, and making her heart grow ten times bigger. Making her flutter, and come down at the same time. But for the first time, she wasn’t worried about falling, he would be there to catch her. Or they would fall together. Always together. Either way, she chose him. She chose to give love a chance. To give herself a chance at happiness. And when his lips found hers after so long it felt like everything came together. It was sweet, and salty with their tears. It was soft, and hungry, demanding attention and trying to make up for the lost time. It was like a king coming back from war for his queen. Stating that he was more alive than ever. That he wouldn’t leave. That his promise to come back was true. Burning cheeks, sweaty palms, warm chest, tingly stomach, it was like meeting each other for the first time all over again. 
When Yn’s hands sneaked under Mick’s hoodie, brushing over his bare skin, he smiled into the kiss, taking the seconds to breathe in some air.
“We still have to talk. I still have so much explaining to do,” Yn started.
“And you have to tell me about your time in Switzerland without me, mama said you rode the horses with G and even planted a new three.” 
She grinned. A bright expression doting her whole face.
“I’ll do it over dinner. Come, the food is getting cold,” Yn laced their fingers bringing him inside, and Mick enjoyed the feeling of truly crossing the line of her heart. He knew that this time entering her house meant so much more. It meant a green card for entering her heart and staying. And he would do it. 
They would make a home out of each other. What they were not yet aware of was that the home was already there. All they had to do was get inside. 
And they had just done it. 
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: We're so close to reaching the ending, I'm getting emotional ugh!! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I opted to let some details out of the plate, so let me know if you want them (like their dinner conversation and all) and I'll see if I can write an extra <3 make sure to reblog this chapter if you like it. I'll be releasing the next one tomorrow, and all I want to say is to make sure your seatbelts are on. *mwah*
taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @saintslewis @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @shhhchriss @smiithys @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv @baby-is-crying @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @schumacheer @callsign-scully @v1naco @dearxcherry @p8dris @heelariously @peachiicherries @elliegrey2803 @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @thatgibbsygirl @the-depressed-fellow @cixrosie @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @minkyungseokie @nichmeddar @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye
⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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anangelwhodidntfall · 11 months
Spooky Basket: Lewis Hamilton
Formula One Masterlist
word count: 800
description: You and your boyfriend surprise each other with spooky baskets for halloween
A/N: this was supposed to be posted halloween but work and school got in the way! So Happy Late Halloween 💖
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Lewis was checking his notifications while he waited for you to get off of work when he saw your tweet that said "it's fine I didn't want a spooky basket anyway 😭." He closed out twitter and went to google to see what a boo basket was and began getting some ideas on what to do for you and decided to make you one for Halloween. He saw you walking out of your building and quickly locked his phone before climbing out of his car to come greet you. 
"Hey sweetheart, I missed you. How was work today?" He asked wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your lips. 
"Hey baby, I missed you too and it was alright, my feet are killing me and I'm hungry." You said. 
"Well why don't we get you off your feet and go grab some takeout before we head home? And then after we eat, I'll give you a nice foot massage." He offered.
"That sounds nice. Hey do you think Saturday you could come with me while I grab the stuff I need for um Angelica's boo basket?" You asked him as he helped you into the car. 
"Of course, you know I love spending time with you while you run errands." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
You guys headed to y'all's favorite takeout spot before heading home where you ate and were given the foot massage you were promised. 
While you were at work the next few days Lewis worked on your spooky basket that way he wouldn't risk you finding out about it because he truly wanted to surprise you on Halloween with it and the special halloween flowers he was having made for you. After he finished it up he went your best friends house to leave it there until Halloween which was in two days so you didn't accidentally find it. 
"She's gonna love this? And the flowers you are having made." Your best friend said as she looked at the basket. 
"You think so? I've never done anything like this before but I saw her tweet and wanted to surprise her with it and the flowers." He said nervously.
"She's gonna love it Lewis just for the fact that you took the time to make it for her." She said squeezing his hand. 
"Thank you again, I'll probably come get it Monday night if that's alright with you." He asked. 
"That's perfect with me, and if I'm not here Kyle knows where it is and can give it to you." She said as Lewis nodded his head before heading out.
Your friend smiled after Lewis left, because little did Lewis know is that you had made him a spooky basket weeks ago and had been hiding it with her so he wouldn't find it.
It was the day before Halloween well more so a few hours before it and you and Lewis were on the couch watching a horror movie together when the doorbell rang. You looked at him confused as he got up to answer it before coming back inside with a huge bouquet of flowers. 
"You got me flowers?" You asked him. 
"Not just any flowers but special Halloween ones, I hope you like them." He said handing you the bouquet. 
You took them and were shocked to see he had you custom flowers made that were decorated with ghostface and the wrapping paper said "let me murdered that pussy" which made you laugh. 
"Thank you so much baby, I love them and as for that quote you will be never be denied doing that." You said as you kissed him. 
"I'm glad you like them and good to know but this is part of your Halloween gift, do you want the other half now or do you want to wait until tomorrow?" He  asked you. 
"Would it be wrong to say I want it now because I'm curious to see what the other half is." You asked him. 
"Not at all. I'll be right back sweets." He said placing a kiss on your forehead before disappearing down the hall. 
A few minutes later he returns with a Halloween bucket in your hands and you look at him in shock because he didn't actually make you a spooky basket for you? Did he?? He handed you the basket and you wordless sat there looking through it which was making Lewis nervous. 
"I'm sorry if this isn't the best but I tried because I know how much you wanted one. I hope you like it, i worked really..."he started to say before you threw your arms around him. 
"Thank you...so much baby. You don't know how this means to me that you made this for me. I love it, the flowers and you so much." You said to him. 
"Your welcome sweetheart. You know I do anything for you especially to see you smiling like you are right now. I love you so much sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
"I love you Bubs. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get your gift." You said leaving him confused as you disappeared down the hall. 
Lewis sat there confused until you returned with your own spooky basket in hand that you walked over and handed to him. 
"For you." You said as you took a seat next to him. 
"Awh sweetheart you shouldn't have." He said as he looked through his basket. 
"Of course I did. Your my man and you deserve a spooky basket as well." You said making him smile. 
"Well thank you sweetheart, I love it and you so much. Happy Halloween my love." He said placing a kiss on your lips. 
"Happy Halloween Bubs." You said smiling at him. 
Y/N added to their story!
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Y/N added to their story!
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Lewis Hamilton added to their story!
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meguyummy · 3 months
pls see the vision lets have a reddit love story guys! reader owns a book store, izuku's a nerd, pt 1.
Internet anonymity is something that you abuse often. Who could really blame you, though?
It's late evening, almost closing time. Sat behind the counter in your small antique bookstore, the only noises you hear are the occasional rustling and crunching of autumn leaves. Today was a slow day, and you're insanely bored. Pulling out your phone, you wonder which app to kill time on before closing up shop. Twitter has been uninteresting, and YouTube has irritatingly long unskippable ads. So recently, you've turned to Reddit. More specifically, r/HeroSnark.
Initially, all your critiques on heroes were posted on Twitter, long and profane rants that got you suspended multiple times. You gained a following for being an outspoken "hero hater", but the sheer amount of die-hard All Might fans who almost found your location deterred further posting. Hating in peace was way more fun than getting swatted.
Has anybody else noticed how sloppy Pinky is getting with her acid recently? Public damage is out the fucking wazoo. Istg if I see another hole in the sidewalk I'll riot.
After posting to the subreddit, you turn off your phone and stand up, ready to flip the sign on the door to "closed" and head home. That's when the work phone rings. Of fucking course that's when the phone rings.
Plopping back down with a groan, you yank the phone out of the receiver and greet the caller, wondering if they've ever checked your closing time (or have, and were just shameless enough to not care).
"Hi! I noticed you have a copy of Captain Cosmos' special edition autobiography and I was wondering if you could hold it for me. I'll pay extra!"
You cringe, scrunching up your face at the phone. The voice on the was certainly.. enthusiastic. The caller was a guy, with a deep, but still somewhat boyish voice. He must be a fanboy on a different level if he liked Captain Cosmos, an ancient and mostly irrelevant hero. Your store offered all kinds of obscure old books, and despite your personal dislike, you knew better than to hurt business by not selling hero media.
"Yeah... I could do that if you're planning on coming to pick it up within the next two days. Are you?" You hope your exhaustion isn't too obvious from your voice.
"Yes! Yeah, I am. Thank you so so much I've been looking all over for it. I'll be there tomorrow!"
You say both say parting words, and you put the phone down, closing up quickly so no other last-minute calls can stall you. Walking up the stairs you retire to your apartment.
Living above the shop was a dream come true, allowing you to thrive without the possibility of an annoying downstairs neighbor. The space was cozy, designed perfectly to your liking after years of living there. After a relaxing shower, you slump into the couch. Checking the post, you read replies from others who have noticed the exact same issue and are equally frustrated by it, some even bringing up more problems you hadn't even noticed yet. You upvote a couple responses, reply to others, and turn on a sitcom.
The amount of bitching done online doesn't mean you're an asshole to people in real life too. Not to normal people, at least. The fact that heroes act like celebrities instead of the crucial emergency workers they really are grinds your gears. Who needs to see Can't Stop Twinkling's annoying ass on TV for something that isn't a rescue? There's a pedestal that they always put themselves on, like they're all-mighty and amazing and need to be praised, but their actions never speak enough for your liking.
A new reply catches your attention, and your brows furrow reading it. This is probably because she's been suffering injuries from her last mission and has still been pushing herself to work and save civilians! We should all be a little bit nicer :)
You frown, blinking hard down at your phone at the reply. Why the hell is.. u/minimight on here to spread positivity? Wrong place for that, bud. You pause the sitcom and sit up from your slouching position on the couch, readying your thumbs.
First, the downvote button gets smashed. Hard.
Dude, I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck that she's injured. If she can be a guest judge on The Masked Singer while injured, she can try a little harder to not make the sidewalk in my area look like Swiss cheese.
Why would anybody who likes heroes spend any time in that subreddit? The whole point is being able to dunk on them freely. You're not going to let some random guilt-trip you.
A reply comes in a minute later. The sidewalk is going to be fixed soon, it was just a minor inconvenience that came during her battle to save a life!
Way to make it deeper than it was supposed to be, u/minimight. You send another quick downvote.
Don't care lol save it for a hero-dickeating subreddit, not this one. You type.
While I understand your frustration, we should give more grace! I know how inconvenient and annoying things like this are, but not everything turns out as planned.
Holy shit they're not done. You don't really feel like arguing with a hero stan tonight, so you reply with a photoshopped picture of All Might in a clown suit.
They quickly reply. I just wish more people would have an open mind on these issues.
Yeah, u/minimight is gonna feel the banhammer soon. After swiftly downvoting their reply, you click on their account. They're a member of a couple All Might subreddits, which are expected, but also some more snark ones as well. They've written a couple of long posts written about random obscure heroes and their 'impact on hero culture'. Seeing that, you decide to write them off another annoying hero superfan and turn your phone off, changing the TV to a movie you've wanted to watch for a while.
Disappointed, (the movie was way worse than you expected) you switch off the TV and head to bed. As you lie there in the darkness, the image of All Might in a clown suit comes to mind, bringing a slight smile to your lips. Maybe tomorrow will be a less annoying day, free from hero fanatics.
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Could we get a Frankie Morales fluff or smut (whichever you're feeling, or both?) with
35. "Better than I ever imagined."
Find You.
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35. "Better than I ever imagined."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here if you're interested in sending a request!! i love writing for any pedro characters. those big brown eyes get me everytime :(
Pairing - Frankie Morales x Neighbour!Female Reader
Warnings - mild cursing. smooching <3
Word Count - 811
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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Your episode of TV is interrupted by a knock at your front door.
"Sweetheart? It's me. It's Frankie."
Sighing with relief, you make your way to the door, opening it to be met with none other than your next door neighbour, Frankie Morales.
"Hey!" you greet, probably a little too chirpy. Your crush on this man is monumental, and you often find you have to remind yourself to play it cool around him.
"Hey, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Ever the gentleman. No, you're not. Just watching TV. What do you need?"
It's not uncommon for you and Frankie to show up at each others doors unannounced. Sometimes, he'll come to borrow sugar, or you'll pop over to ask for help fixing your faucet. You make good neighbours, always helping one another out in whatever way you can.
"I have a weird request," he explains, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.
"Hit me with it, Morales."
"Can I use your shower?"
Oh. Suddenly, your mind is flooded with images of Frankie, dripping wet, towel hanging low on his hips, hair messy...
"You with me, honey?" he asks, slight smirk on his lips.
"Yeah, sorry. Daydreaming," you recover. "Any reason you can't use your own?"
"Something's wrong with it. I've tried to fix it, but I think I made it worse. I've been at work all day, and the plumber can't come until tomorrow," he explains.
"Well, you know where the bathroom is. I'll get you a clean towel," you begin to walk towards your cupboard when a strong arm grabs your wrist and pulls you back.
"Thank you, so much. You're an angel, you know that right?" he winks at you, and you throw your head back in a laugh. The melody of it makes him smile.
He makes his way to your bathroom, you following shortly after with his towel. You retreat back to the living room, resuming your episode and trying not to think about the currently naked Frankie Morales in your apartment.
"Sweetheart?" he speaks from the doorway, startling you.
"Shit, Frankie! You move like a Prius!"
"Sorry," he laughs, clearly amused.
You look at him carefully. He's still dry.
"I'm totally interrupting something, aren't I?" he asks.
You raise your eyebrows in confusion. He continues.
"There's a pretty dress hanging up in the bathroom, and your makeup is all over the counter. Were you going out? Am I totally ruining your plans right now?"
Shit. You'd forgotten you'd hung your dress up to try and get the creases out, and totally forgot to put all your makeup away. You'd scrubbed your face with a makeup wipe haphazardly and made yourself cosy on the couch, paying no mind to the mess you'd left behind.
"No, no," you explain. "I was supposed to be going out, but the plans changed."
You're hoping he doesn't notice the slight wobble in your voice. He does.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" he frets, coming to sit next to you. "Did something happen? You can talk to me."
"It's nothing. Seriously. It's stupid."
"It's not stupid if it's upset you."
He's looking at you so intently with those warm chocolate eyes, you're struggling not to burst into tears.
"I was meant to be going on a date. I was kind of excited, actually. But he cancelled last minute with some bullshit excuse."
"Oh, honey."
"It seems to happen to me a lot. Do I repel love, or something? Why can everyone find it but me?"
Frankie grabs your hands in his, warm palms calming you down.
"You're too good for men like that," he says firmly. "They don't deserve you."
You smile half-heartedly at him, and sit in the silence for a while, fingers still intertwined. Frankie's voice breaks through the quiet gently.
"Maybe you need to stop looking for love. Maybe it'll find you." Then, a bit quieter, "Maybe it already has."
Your eyes widen at his confession, searching his face for any traces of humour. Instead, you're met with Frankie looking at you carefully, no hints of amusement on his features. He's deadly serious.
"I'm so glad that idiot cancelled on you," he admits. "Because it means I get to do this."
He surges forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss. His hands move to cradle your face, and yours move to tangle in his chocolate curls.
The kiss is electric, alive with excitement. It's passionate and loving and heated and well worth the wait.
You pull away, gasping for air. He rests his forehead on yours, breathing each other in.
"Better than I ever imagined," he whispers against your lips.
"Yeah?" you smile.
"Yeah," he confirms, grinning from ear to ear.
Suddenly, Frankie stands up from the couch, pulling you by the hand. He's smirking, mischief rife in his eyes.
"Now, how about that shower?"
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suzzukiiii · 1 year
hello! :33
i wanted to request something for simon “ghost” riley x fem!Reader and there’s an age gap between them where reader is 19 and simon is in his late 30s and he moves in next door to her and her family and she starts getting a little crush on him then simon finds out about it and starts teasing her about it you can choose if there is smut :3 i would love to see what you do with this!
have an amazing day/night! <3333
ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪɴɢ ɪɴ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴏᴏʀ ☆
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ ☆
a young female notices that someone finally moves in next door, she decides to talk to him. ☆☆☆
pairing; female!reader x ghost. !! a/n; there will be a part 2 of course, i just wanted to post something lol. !! genre & disclaimer; fluff i think ?? contains age gap
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it was a sunny afternoon, and y/n was sitting on their porch, enjoying the weather, when she noticed that someone was moving into the house next door. it was a tall man, probably in his late 30's, carrying a bunch of boxes. strangely, he was wearing a mask? he then walked outside the house again to grab more boxes, when he noticed someone staring at him. he turned his head to the young female. he asked in a deep, cold tone that suggested he might be a little irritated, "can i help you?". the sound of his british accent was quite noticeable. y/n's eyes widened, realizing that she had been caught staring at him. a nervous stutter was heard from her as she replied. "uh, no. sorry, i was just...looking around." the guy looked away and continued transporting the boxes.
never ever had y/n seen someone like that. wearing a mask, randomly like that, and who knows why? she somehow found it attractive though, as-well as his muscular build, deep voice, and him surely being way older... this guy was totally her type.
the day went on and y/n just couldn't stop thinking about his voice, his line just went over and over through her mind. "do i try to talk to him tomorrow? like give him some sort of welcome gift..?" she thought to herself. "he seems a bit scary though.."
and then she fell asleep.
day after,
y/n woke up. it was a saturday, which meant no school. she thought of maybe baking something to the new neighbour. she instantly went on her phone to find a few recipes, and with that, about an hour later, the house was filled up with aroma of the choclate cake y/n just had made, feeling proud of herself. she went to her room to go and grab a cute outift, letting her hair out and left the house with the choclate cake in her hands. she then knocked on the door of his and suddenly felt her heart beating faster, she started to feel nervous.. "this isn't too much, is it? but this might be the chance where i could ask about the mask he's wearing...." she began to think. not so long after, the door opened, only to reveal the tall and muscular man.
"hello! me and my family live next door, i thought i would bake something for you as a welcome.." y/n stated, pretty quickly, but was good at hiding her nervousity.
the neighbour looked down at her, he had to be around 6'4 or something as tall as he looked. "you didn't have to do that, but thank you" he stated and took the cake, he placed the cake on a table and walked to the front door. he didn't really say anything after that, as if the conversation was over but y/n quickly came up with something.
"...your name?" she slowly questioned, waiting for him to answer. "name's simon ghost riley. you can call me simon" he responded. "and yours is?"
"my name is y/n! nice to meet you." she exclaimed, stretching out her hand, waiting for him to shake her hand. he looked down at the empty hand and then shook it. his hands were big, firm, yet soft. she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. "nice to meet you" he replied. he then let go of her and was about to walk inside his home. "well, i'll see you around" he implied before closing the door. y/n was just completely frozen about what had just happened while her hair swinged with the wind. her heart was beating fast and a thousand emotions came across her body.
part 2 coming up tomorrow !!
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
What if Luka expects Hyuna to come like she did in his round with Mizi and he is plotting something.He has the trust of aliens,the love of the public and no one would suspect him to do something outside the box,far from the image he created of himself.Hyuna made her appearence in round 5 when we didn't expected it. If the round isn't entirely dedicated to Ivan and Till,this may be an option.He may confront Mizi and Hyuna,they may not be able to rescue Ivan and Till and not make it in time. Luka may not appear at all.
(Me overthinking things: OMG Akugetsu will cover Hyuna's song this must mean something | The other me: OMG I can't wait,this song literally suits him!)
(I like the style of your drawings,the way you use colors and the way you phrase things! When something about ALNST comes out I just wait for your updates! I can't imagine what will happen on tumblr when round 6 is out. And then all of us will wait for the next one over again XD)
Till the end.
TILL... the end...
Ok this is the worst joke I could ever make.
Oohh. Luka appearing in ROUND 6 would honestly be insane. I thought about him making an appearance in the short teaser scene before credits, but if he actually confronted anyone himself that would be so interesting. Imagine all 6 of them in the same episode... the same room... no way... the Alien Stage would be real...
Luka attempting to sabotage Mizi and Hyuna is such an intriguing concept. I do think he's figured out that Hyuna will be returning, he grew up with her, after all. He's most likely aware of her penchant for protecting people. He probably expects Mizi to come back for the only friends she has left, too. He couldn't do anything the first time he saw Hyuna after ROUND 5, but he might be more eager to get his hands on her now. If we get our first adult Hyuna and Luka interaction during ROUND 6 I'd actually go insane. as much as I hope for it though, I'm not sure whether or not it will actually happen. ROUND 6 already has a lot going for it. A final confession of love already makes for a heavy episode, but with Till's newly revealed backstory added to the mix? Mizi and Hyuna's attempt at a jailbreak? The whole video would probably need an entire week to be processed and even comprehended, especially if they want to go into extensive detail on each aspect. Still, though, if Luka interfered... if Mizi and Hyuna were unable to save anyone and had to defeatedly return to the rebellion base carrying the weight of their failure, well, I DON'T THINK I'D BE REACHABLE FOR AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS I'd have to go into hiding in order to cope with that. But who knows! The fun part about VIVINOS videos is that they're always gonna leave you fucked up in one way or another!
AKUGETSU COVERING ALL-IN. TILL COVERING HYUNA'S SONG. I've posted so many times about this day holy shit its finally real. It really does suit him! Do you think AKUGETSU is
1) hinting that Till is joining the rebellion
2) giving us the All-In cover as compensation for whatever bad thing is going to happen to Till
(or a secret third thing: he literally just did it for fun and we've just gone insane.)
Ahh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff! I'm so happy, everyone's been really nice to me as of late and I don't know what to doooo hahaha I'm just really glad to share everyone's excitement for ALIEN STAGE :)
You wait for my updates??!! oh no I'm so sorry 😭 I'm quite late at times because I've had some stuff going on (I've barely said anything about the April Fools actor au 😭) but hopefully I'll be free to go absolutely nuts after the release of ROUND 6 tomorrow!! If you're ever in need of someone to scream about ROUND 6 with my inbox is always open!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Can't wait till I get to hear from you again! :)
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putschki1969 · 2 months
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2024/07/30 Blog post by Wakana 明日締め切りです!!〜夏の強めの目覚ましビーム〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
The Deadline Is Tomorrow!! ~Powerful Summer Wake-up Beam~
These days, it's hot every day… 😇How is everyone doing? During the summer, I run the air conditioner in my living room 24 hours a day. When I go to bed, I open the bedroom door a little to let the cool air from the living room flow into the bedroom…The gap in my door is perfectly in line with a small vertical window on the east side of my living room. Every morning without fail at around 5 o'clock, the strong morning sun hits my eyes like a laser beam. (I took this photo while half asleep) It's a very intense way to wake me up. This morning, I was woken up by the beam as usual.
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Of course I'll go back to sleep. 😪💤I've been thinking about putting up some kind of blind on this small window, but every year, the summer ends without me putting anything on it 😂
Now, everyone!! The deadline for this month's podcast submissions for the episode on August 10th is tomorrow! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
The talk topics arte:
What kind of pillow do you use?
Anything you want to ask me♪
Please tell me about your pillow situation at home! Which kind do you find comfortable to sleep on? Do you even use a pillow? Or maybe you have a bunch of pillows? Or you could share a particular way of sleeping on a hot humid night! I'm just very curious about everyone's pillows! 😄And of course you can ask me anything you want once again so please don't hesitate to send your questions\(^o^)/I'm waiting! ! ! ・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+
Click here to submit a message! ↓↓↓ https://wakana-fc.jp/answers/botanical_oshaberi_12/new
Everyone, please take care of your health and don't push yourself too hard! The other day I felt a bit squeamish when I was drying my hair with a hair dryer 😱 I think it was probably because it was too hot 😓Even though I was in a cool room with a fan on and keeping hydrated🥺 Your head can get overheated easily even if you are being careful🥺Don't forget to take precautions against heatstroke even when you're at home!
Until next time~☆( '▽')/
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2024/08/01 Instagram post by Wakana
Last month, I went to "Ghibli Park and Ghibli Exhibition" in Tokyo‼️(^o^) It was so much fun~😍 This has made me want to go to Ghibli Park even more ✨I'll definitely go someday…😳✨There were so many great photo spots, I had so much fun taking a ton of picutres😂Today I'll focus on the Totoro section💕 I was happy to see Totoro and the Cat Bus welcoming me at the entrance♡ The inside of the the Cat Bus was so fluffy🥰 They also had Satsuki and Mei's father's study room in display. I love the wobbly pillars😂
I got a Totoro and a little Totoro as souvenir☺️💓 I have a lot of other photos so I'll post them later~🌻(Source)
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2024/08/04 Instagram post by Wakana
"Ghibli Park and Ghibli Exhibition" Photos Part 2!! 🥳🎉 Today's post is dedicated to Princess Mononoke 🐾 Here I am at the photo spot where you can ride on Yakul and Yamainu on a merry-go-round 📸They were both so cute and beautifully decorated…😍💕I brought along my San keychain, so I showed it to Yakul 🤗 (Yakul didn't seem particularly interested though) (Source)
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2024/08/07 Instagram post by Wakana
"Ghibli Park and Ghibli Exhibition" Photos Part 3!!🥳🎉 Today is dedicated to Spirited Away 🐲🍙 I got to take some photos with No-Face😍💕 I was nervous…😳💓No-Face was pretty tall😳 It was bigger than I imagined and I thought "Wow"😳
I also visited Yubaba's room🤗I had a big smile on my face while imagining Yubaba saying to me, "From now on, your name is Waka! Okay, Waka!"😂I wasn't intimidated at all😂
Tomorrow I'll post a little summary of my adventures at "Ghibli Park and Ghibli Exhibition"!!🧚✨ (Source)
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2024/08/08 Instagram post by Wakana
I'm worried about everyone in Kyushu after the earthquake that occurred this evening. I hear that there might be a wave of aftershocks and other earthquakes but I hope that the damage will not be too great. The expected epicenter area also includes the Kanto region so I will do my best to be prepared. Please be careful, everyone.
Yesterday I mentioned that I would upload a little summary of my Ghibli adventure so here it is☺️ These are the last photos from my visit to"Ghibli Park and Ghibli Exhibition"🥳🎉I was able to look at various exhibits but now, more than ever, I want to go to Ghibli Park soon🥺 That really sums up my feelings…!!🥺💓 It's like a dream to be able to actually experience those amazing stories in the real world✨I vowed to myself that I will definitely go to the park someday soon🧚Until then, I will continue to dream about that day! 😻🔥(Source)
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17snifflesandsnzes · 1 month
Can you please do Taesan from Boynextdoor? Like he has a really bad cold but try’s to hide the fact he’s sick. All Boynextdoor has to make a collective effort to get him to rest.
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy this! Also, I'm back to posting fics now! YAY! I've been really busy with work lately but I have a lot more time now to actually post. So you can look forward to more updates from me now! Enough on that now, I hope you enjoy the fic~
You Can Trust Us, Alright?
Dongmin was pulled out of his “producing daze” when his phone rang loudly, breaking the silence of the studio. Dongmin sighed softly before reaching over and checking his phone. It was Jaehyun. 
“Dongmin-ah, why aren't you back yet? You can continue with your songwriting tomorrow, just come back to the dorms.” Dongmin sighed again as this was exactly why he was feeling reluctant to pick up Jaehyun's call. “Hyung, I haven't finished what I wanted to do for today. I'll be back in a while, don't worry about me.” Jaehyun let out a whine on the other side of the line and Dongmin had to hold back a smile. “Dongmin-ah, we miss you! Just come back already!” Dongmin sighed but knew it would be useless to argue with his leader. “Alright, hyung. I'm coming back.” Jaehyun didn't say anything after that but Dongmin knew he would have a huge smile on his face. As he packed up for the day, he felt a twinge of guilt for not finishing what he came to do in the first place. As BoyNextDoor's first full album was right around the corner, Dongmin's stress levels were at an all time high. And even though Dongmin prided himself in being a very calm person, the pressure of giving OneDoors their best was a lot, even for him. At times like this though, he was very grateful to his members who made sure to check up on him whenever he had his “stressful phases”. 
When Dongmin finally made his way back to the dorm, he found all the members in the living room on the lower floor of their dorm. Sungho gave him a stern look as soon as he took a seat on the couch and buried his head in his hands. “Min-ah, do you know how long you've been cooped up in your studio? You need to rest too, you know. You can't expect yourself to work all the time and not have any repercussions.” Dongmin groaned before meeting his hyung’s eyes. “Got it, hyung. I'll be careful next time. But now that we're done here, can I go to bed? I'm exhausted.” All of the members laughed at that and Donghyun patted his back. “Sure, Min-ah. Good night!” Dongmin nodded tiredly at him before dragging himself to his room and all but collapsing on his bed.
When Dongmin woke up the next day, he immediately knew he was screwed. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and his eyes felt watery and irritated. And that's not even the worst part. His throat felt scratchy and he couldn't breathe through his nose at all. To make things even worse, there was a sharp tickle in the back of his sinuses. Dongmin groaned as he sat up in his bed and looked around. It looked like Woonhak had already woken up and that meant that he was really late. Dongmin quickly got ready for whatever schedule he had that day and walked out of his room. As soon as he walked out of his room, he was handed a cup of tea by Sanghyeok. He took it gratefully and as soon as he took a sip, he sighed deeply, the warm tea doing wonders for his irritated throat. “You okay, Dongmin hyung?” Woonhak asked him as they all took a seat at the table. Even though Dongmin felt bad about lying to the maknae, he didn't want him or any of the members to worry. So of course he lied. “I'm fine, Woonhak-ah. Just tired.” He said after a pause and Woonhak probably took the bait but Sanghyeok gave him a disbelieving look. But thankfully, he didn't say anything else. 
The members soon finished eating breakfast and met up to go to their company in their shared van. Dongmin took a seat at the back next to Jaehyun. Jaehyun gave him a look as he entered the van but when he met Dongmin's eyes, he didn't say anything. The van ride to the company was mostly silent at the back because all the loud members (minus Jaehyun) were at the front. Jaehyun seemed to be staying quiet because of Dongmin's headache and he felt a twinge of guilt for not being able to successfully hide his cold from the members. When the van crossed a tunnel and drove into the bright sunlight, Dongmin swore silently. The bright light did nothing for the tickle at the back of his sinuses, instead making it worse. Knowing he needed to sneeze, Dongmin cupped both his hands in front of his face as he gasped softly. “hh'HNgT-Chuh!-” Dongmin sniffled wetly after the sneeze, rubbing at his nose harshly. Jaehyun gave him a concerned look. “Bless you, Min-ah. You okay?” Dongmin nodded immediately. “I'm okay, hyung. You don't need to worry.” Jaehyun (like Sanghyeok earlier) didn't look convinced but he didn't say anything else. 
Soon enough, their van was parking into their company garage. As all the members poured out of the van, Dongmin internally dreaded the day ahead. Today was supposed to be the day when Jaehyun, Woonhak and Dongmin go through what songs each of them had written to finalize a tracklist to then send to the company. It was a day that was much anticipated by all of them. The minor inconvenience was that Dongmin's cold was getting worse by the second. After his first sneeze, it was getting increasingly difficult not to sneeze again. And he knew the members were worried already so he didn't want to worry them more. This was his problem and he's gonna be the one to deal with it.
“Okay, so who wants to go first?” Jaehyun asked Woonhak and Dongmin. Woonhak gave Dongmin a quick look before saying that he would start first. Dongmin gave Woonhak a grateful look. While Jaehyun was busy with Woonhak, Dongmin tried to control the irritating tickle in his sinuses. He tried blowing his nose with some tissues he found in the studio but that just made the tickle worse. Knowing he'd have to sneeze soon, Dongmin grabbed another tissue and holds it to his sinuses, taking in a shuddering breath. “hh'Ikt-ChuhH!- hh'ItkShuhH!-” Dongmin sniffled wetly after the sneezes, blinking the irritated tears out of his eyes. Jaehyun and Woonhak both stop what they were doing and turn to him. “Are you sure you're okay, Min-ah? Because that really doesn't look okay to me.” Jaehyun said and Woonhak nodded immediately at his hyung’s words. Dongmin rolled his eyes before glaring at Jaehyun. “I think I can tell whether I'm okay or not, hyung. I said I'm fine because I am fine! End of discussion.” Jaehyun sighed deeply but knowing Dongmin for as long as he did, he knew that arguing with him was point-blank useless. Dongmin was one of the most stubborn members when it came to things like this. 
The rest of their meeting passed by in a blur with Dongmin just trying his best to keep his cold under control. Of course, Jaehyun and Woonhak still noticed but they didn't say anything, knowing how irritated Dongmin got last time. Instead, what Jaehyun did was send a message to Sungho who was in the practice room with the rest of the members. He told the oldest member to bring all the others to the studio so that they all could try to get Dongmin to rest. And of course, Sungho agreed immediately. Turning to the members in front of him, Jaehyun cleared his throat. “Guys, what if we bring all the other members to the studio and ask them to listen to our songs. Maybe they have some good ideas!” Woonhak and Dongmin looked at each other and nodded. While Dongmin got back to work, Woonhak gave Jaehyun a look. “You're doing this because you want all the hyungs to tell Dongmin hyung to rest, right?” Jaehyun smiled at Woonhak. “Always so smart, my Woonagie. And yeah, that's what I want to do. Hopefully it works.” Soon enough, all the other members of BoyNextDoor were piling into the studio
Jaehyun quickly met Sungho's eyes when he entered the room and the other seemed to catch on immediately. Woonhak played the songs for the other members but no one was paying attention to the music at the moment, anyway. Dongmin had turned away from everyone and cupped his hands over his nose and mouth, breath hitching desperately. “hh'NgT-ChihH!- hh'IktShuHh!- Hh…hh'Ikt-ChihHh!-” He sniffled wetly and turned back to the others only for them to be looking at him already. Dongmin rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where the conversation was going to go now. “Don't you think you should admit you're sick now?” Donghyun asked him and Sanghyeok nodded at his words. “Dongmin-ah, we've all caught on, okay? There's no point in hiding now.” Dongmin just shook his head and turned away from the others. “If I didn't hide that I was sick, you wouldn't have let me work! Do you know how close the comeback is? Do you know how much it means to me?!” Jaehyun reached out and gently made Dongmin face him. “Taking a break for a few days isn't gonna affect the comeback, Min-ah. We have 6 members, you know? We should rely on them sometimes. Woonhak and I will manage the songwriting till you come back, I promise.” Dongmin looked conflicted, like he didn't know whether he should admit defeat or not. But eventually he sighed and nodded his head at Jaehyun. “Fine, hyung. I am sick. I've had this cold since this morning and it's annoying the hell out of me.” Sungho laughed at that. “Let's get you home, Min-ah. You can trust us to manage just as fine without you, right?” Dongmin turned to Sungho and smiled brightly, making the others smile as well. “Yes, hyung. I trust you.”
I hope you liked this!
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gremlintheslut · 1 year
Forever theirs
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Chapters 4, 4.5 and 5
(i wanted to make up for missing 2 posts but i would of posted 4 and 4.5 together so heres 3 chapters)
Master list
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Chapter 4 safe?
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he whispers. I don't know what to say. Obviously he means not me included. I decide to stay silent and try to fall asleep. It's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he could fuck me and leave. His euphoric effects are quickly canceled out by anxiety and fear. My head is still foggy but I'm no where near happy. this has never happened so quickly before i never knew the euphoria could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream. it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today.
He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to. When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her.
The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick and being her normal bitchy self by ignoring everone. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon. What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom. Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't.
He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know. he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for not saying anything last night.
Then the tears fall as i think of how stupid i was to say yes. Then i know this isn't pay back. If he wasn't a liar than he woupd pop up to comfort me. He'd never want to make me this sad. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
Warning: omorashi(piss kink) there will be an alternate version after this
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The second I sit back down I realize that I didn't pee and I need to go pretty badly. The office is full and everyone would notice if I got back up. I sit silently squeezing my thighs together. The need gets worse and worse but my shift is almost over and it is nowhere near an acceptable time to go back to the bathroom.
I might actually piss myself on the walk home. I check the time and I can finally leave. "hey y/n can you stay a little longer?!" I hear the co-worker that's covering for my boss call out. "no!" I reply quite loudly and scramble to the door.
I get out of the building and begin to run. Then I leak. A decent-sized wet patch is left on my panties and I'm forced to slow down. At this point, it's dribbling out of me and I hobble as fast as I can into the ally I use as a shortcut. Another spurt comes out and it goes down my legs.
Then I bump into someone knocking me down and making me lose control for a few seconds. I'm sure there's a wet patch on the butt of my skirt. "you alright there love?" I hear a very familiar voice say. One I've been wanting to hear all day but suddenly want to be left alone by.
He's been watching I know he has, he always does before he pops up. There's no way he doesn't know I'm about to piss myself. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up. He is holding most of my body weight as my legs are shaking and I can't keep myself up. My face is red and I grab onto the wall with one hand and push Finn away with the other.
He lets me and steps aside as he watches me try not to release the liquid in my bladder in front of him. I keep trying to hobble down the ally with my hand pressed hard against my cunt eyes glued to the ground.
He creeps up behind me and grabs my right leg bringing my knee to chest height. I use both of my hands to hold myself. But he moves his hand from underneath my knee and replaces it with his inner elbow. Now both his hands are free he can restrain me properly. "no" I whimper out as I lose control again for a few seconds but I can barley gain control. There's a mini puddle growing beneath me.
I hear a chuckle in front of me and I look up. There are three people in front of us watching me piss myself slowly. 2 men and 1 woman. The woman gets up from the crate she was sitting on and walks towards me. She has a big grin on her face as she stares at my terrified one. She has sharp fangs and I know immediately she is Rhea. I take notice of the fact she's as pale as a ghost.
She puts her hand out and her fingers poke at my bulging bladder. Her smile widens her fangs more visible as she watches drops of piss go down my leg and into the puddle. I can hear the 2 men laughing at me but I'm too scared to look at them. I can hear Finn laughing at me too.
I squirm and whine as she puts more pressure on my bladder. I can tell they love what they see but I haven't gotten a single confirmation from Finn that I am safe. I think about my missing boss for a second before I'm brought back by the feeling and the tall woman's palm squeezing my bladder.
I lose control fully and for 2 whole minutes, I pissed and moaned at the relief. Whilst They all laugh at me.
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Chapter 4.5 safe? Alt
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he says. For a moment I'm shocked. Obviously he means me excluded. I don't know what to say so I jsut try to fall asleep. Of course it's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he fuck me and leave. The euphoric feeling he gave me is quickly canceled out by anxiety. My head us still foggy from it but I'm no where near happy. I never knew the euphoric feeling could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today. He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to.
When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her. The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon? What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom.
Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't. He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for ignoring him last night. No if it was pay back he'd be watching and he'd pop up when he noticed how upset i was.
Then the tears fall. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
The day passes slowly. I finally get to go home. The walk is lonely and I keep getting the weird stomach feeling. I turn into the alleyway where all of this bullshit started and I fight off the urge to turn around and take the long way home. Then arms wrap around my waist. "miss me, princess?" the Irish voice reaches my ears and for a second I am happy before I remember everything about today.
I want to pry his hands off and slap him. Then a second set of hands rest on my shoulders. I look up and see a tall unfamiliar woman. "I have been dying to meet you, sweetheart," she says staring into my eyes and smiling. I can see fangs where 2 normal teeth should be and i know this is rhea. I feel one hand leave my shoulder but I am too afraid to look at what it's doing. 
A wet cloth is then placed over my mouth and I try to hold my breath. I feel lightheaded and I am forced to breathe in. Then I feel relaxed and weightless. My knees buckle and the 2 sets of arms catch me. I am slightly aware of 2 other people standing near us. I close my eyes and they dont open for a while.
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Chapter 5 unknown and uneasy
I wake up in a small dark room. It's cold but not freezing. I can feel eyes watching me but my body is so sore from sleeping on concrete I don't bother to look. I have been kidnapped. By a demon. of all things a demon. I can't leave. I probably never will.
"I know you awake," a deep voice says unlike Finn's from the corner. I turn my head and look at the man. He's tall as fuck and hairy too. if there was any chance of me getting out of here there isn't now. "what do you want?" I snap. There's no point in being nice they're going to kill me.
"Excuse you?" fangs on the top and bottom if his mouth show. he stares at me and I shrink back. The words 'I'm sorry' get so close to leaving my mouth but I stop them. He continues to stare at me expecting an apology. I turn my head away from his cold frightening eyes. He scoffs at me astonished that I had the nerve to not answer.
I hear him leave his spot in the corner. "let me rephrase that for you-" he grabs me by the hair pulling my sore limbs up. I grab at his hands and he swats me away with the other hand his slightly overly long nails scratching me. "apologize. or. regret. it." he says through his teeth. "I'm sorry" my voice wavers. "I won't say anything like that again." he drops me to the floor. "good bitch" I can hear the smile in his voice.
"This is how this is gonna work," he says grabbing my arm his nails scratching me again and pulling me up. He turns me to face him and he squats down in front of me. "you call me sir or daddy nothing fucking else got it?" he says sternly I nod my head. He grabs a hand full of my hair. "Got. it?!" he says louder. "yes" I squeak. He pulls harder. "yes who?!" he yells in my face and I flinch away. "yes sir" he lets go of my hair.
"you've met Finn properly, i guess you met Rhea but you still need to meet dom" he says "is rhea the woman I saw the other night?" He slaps me in the face. "that's not what you fucking call her you hear me?" he says. "yes sir" I repeat the same phrase from before. "you call her mommy, you call Finn master and you call dom Papi," he says and I nod my head to show him I'm listening.
"you can call any of us daddy we know you're into that," referring to the fact I'm a little. They must have been stalking me. They wouldn't have to for long before they figured it out but still. I can feel my face get hot and I look at the ground. They don't want to kill me. Do they?
I'm hesitant to ask. "sir?" "yes sweetheart?" my stomach churns at the nickname. "are you going to kill me?" I ask the question. He chuckles. "we don't want to. We really don't but, if you become a problem we can't just take you home" I look at the ground again. He puts 2 fingers under my chin and lifts my head. "we'll take good care of you" he says. Then he leans in and kisses me. I don't kiss back. I don't pull away I'm too scared to.
This is my life now. All the way until the end this is what it will be like. My eyes glass over with tears. When he pulls away he sees my fear and looks at me disappointed and seemingly disgusted. I try not to let the tears fall. I really do. But they fall. I cover my mouth with my hand as i begin to sob. But when Damian sees this he does something unexpected. He sits down, pulls me into his lap, and hugs me. HUGS. ME.
I'm sorry but what the actual fuck is going on. I cry harder and try to pull away. He holds me still and shush's me. Then the door opens.
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I know this is the shortest chapter yet sorry love ya-gremlin💞💋💗
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