#i'll post some of her q & a answers as well when i get a chance
lilykerhoas · 4 months
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congratulations to lily kerhoas and the rest of the current cast of phantom london for 15,000 performances!! photos taken from lily's story and here!
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harrysfolklore · 3 months
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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mersi-kokhavasheva · 10 months
This is Mersi Kokhavasheva, she/her. She is an Ilsabardian Raen Au Ra diviner-turned-knight based out of Gridania. I hope this will be a repository for the fan content I write about her story, from thoughtful snippets to five-part fanfiction.
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It's pronounced "mare-see" — not "mercy", though she understands the confusion — "koh-hha-vuh-shay-vuh".
Her preferred jobs were originally Bard, Dragoon, and Paladin, but she has of late swapped her arms for those of the Samurai, Dancer, and Gunbreaker. Blue magic is something of a special interest. She was raised on astrology, but has sworn off the cards since leaving home. Above all else, Mersi is a talented Weaver and seamstress, and is learning goldsmithing from her love.
She is engaged! Her love, A'rhya Velore, is a Gyr Abanian Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te with gorgeous ruby hair, and eyes like sapphire and amethyst, and a lovely soft voice that's not always able to be heard, and she's more than Mersi could ever have dreamed. However, recent events leave Mersi feeling less worthy than ever, and it shows in her haunted eyes whenever she's asked about a date for their wedding.
There is a timeline under construction for Mersi, A'rhya, and some friends along the way, to see how their spin on the Warrior of Light saga might look in a world in which, logistically, not every one of forty-eight million heroes could be veterans of the same battles.
I'm on Behemoth, in the midst of post-Heavensward. Feel free to say hi if you spot me, but I'm just as happy to chat here on Tumblr, or to share what I've written of her on AO3!
I'll likely be bouncing in and out of character here on Tumblr because, while this is not an RP blog, it's just fun to write in her headspace. If anyone wants to ask her a question, I think we'd be happy to answer. Perhaps we'll crack open the ask box and find out!
Frequent Tags
the Road to Sharlayan: This is for the stories written about Mersi and friends, or for progress made toward the next. I am new to AO3, so I would appreciate honesty when it comes to tagging etiquette! I hear it's "the more tags, the better" but, stars above, there are so many tags.
the Ruby and Larimar: Any Q's-and-A's Mersi gets through the ask box will be tagged as such, as will any fanart I mock up along the way. Casual coffee shop vibes! We love it.
Lore Have Mersi: For when Mersi have lore! These will be posts that explore who Mersi is as a person, or how she came to be as such. I will likely also use it for theorycrafting, such as my thoughts on the Deck of Sixty.
an Average Day in Eorzea: Memes. Nonsense. Shenanigans. Nothing you wouldn't see in Limsa, I'm sure!
Stories So Far
the Spineless Serenade (Romance) War in the north has found peace; those who fought alone to the east have found allies. From the patrol squadrons of Ishgard comes Mersi Kokhavasheva of the Knights Dragoon; from the war rooms of Rhalgr's Reach comes A'rhya Valore. This is not a story of their struggles, but of a rare moment in between. This is the story of a chance to grasp, and of their refusal to let go.
Coerthan Call (Drama/Tragedy) A sudden decision on the battlefield brings dangers unforeseen, and well foreseen. High above the Coerthas Western Highlands, two Knights Dragoon weigh the risks and put it all on the line to slay the dragon Graoully, but Mersi Kokhavasheva's past flies close behind.
The Lovers' Plainsong (Drama) In the fallout of her abduction by the heretics of Coerthas, Mersi Kokhavasheva rests with her fiancée in the shadow of war. Trauma shapes her future, worsened by the knowledge of how and why, of agency and fate. With the help of the one she loves, a woman broken must once again be made whole. All the while, the Dragon roars.
In Progress:
the Forgotten Berceuse (Romance) Two outsiders, strangers to the land of Eorzea, have found themselves sudden heroes of the realm. One misses the sands; the other, the waters. Together they find harmony, self-confidence, and room to breathe.
Ballet de Cour: A'rhya's Card (Romance) Despite two decades of training in the ways of astrology, Mersi has long been afraid to ask the cards for further guidance. With help from a dear friend, that bond may be renewed—or, by overcoming insecurity and learning unshakable trust, two diviners may strengthen their own bond instead.
A Tençon for Ishgard (Drama) The Dragonsong War has raged long enough. Both sides seek harmony, yet forces of darkness and light yet seek destruction. Caught between both worlds and asking for neither, Mersi Kokhavasheva has put down her lance; she rejoins the fray on her own terms.
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ultramagicalternate · 7 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland Chapter 12
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Weaver was exhausted. He trudged into Andelin’s luxurious home, feet dragging along the floor. The last warehouse was a tricky one due to be full of Andelin’s traps. His job was to go in and disable them… This ended up being more tedious than he thought it would be. Hopefully he could sit down and relax now. Entering the upstairs lounge, he saw Andelin and Gabriella sitting at a table. The two were talking and occasionally laughing.
“Hey, wait a second! Why doesn’t she have to wear crystal armor anymore?” Weaver demanded to know.
Andelin snapped her fingers, dispelling the crystals from his body. “Better?”
“Er, yeah. Thanks…” Weaver sat down in a recliner next to them. “Warehouse Z is good to go…”
“Most excellent. Have some tea and cookies for your troubles.” Andelin waved her finger around, levitating several objects. First the teapot poured some water into a cup. Then a tea bag was dropped into it. Once ready, it was placed on a plate with several cookies that hovered over to Weaver. 
“Again, thanks…” The warm tea was relaxing. “Good lord, I want to go back to smithing… Did you all know I got an order for a greatsword recently?”
“Really now? Who is this individual that would place such an incredible request?” Gabriella inquired.
Weaver ate one of his cookies. “A succubus going by the name of “Morrigan Devilfay.” Sadly I had to put the order on hold due to all of the stuff going on with Dunja.”
“Devilfay… I’ve heard that name before…” Gabriella tried to recall. “Well either way, I hope it goes well for the both of you, when you finally get a chance to resume the order. Now Andelin, are there any more warehouses to take care of?”
She thought for a moment. “Nope, or not any we could easily deal with at least. A, D, B, S, X, and Z were my main targets. AZ, Q, Zeta, 10, and Lambda would have been nice, but I’d need Gratiana for those ones.”
“Andelin, whose side is Gratiana on at this point? Honest to Source question” Weaver cut in.
She looked at him with slight displeasure over his assertiveness. “Ahem, she is only allied with Milosh out of guilt as of late. It would be nice if she swallowed her pride and joined us…”
That last statement gave Gabriella an idea. “Could we perhaps talk to her about it?”
“Talk to her… like?”
“Oh, I get it; The diplomacy you suggested the other day, right Gabriella?” Weaver asked.
“Precisely… as long as you’re okay with it, Weaver.”
Weaver shrugged. “Honestly, it’s worth a shot at this point. We got the upper hand and she seems like she’s at her tipping point. Plus I’ve come to agree with Sten in that we should try to win people over instead of vanquishing them… barring Milosh, of course.” The last comment warranted some chuckles.
“Gee, I wonder what prompted that attitude…” Andelin muttered with a giggle. “Ahem, Gratiana and I go way back and I detest the idea of her being vanquished by our hand or hers. I don’t care how many people she's slept with, she’s still my dearest friend at the end of the day. And of course there is the fact that we bare the legacy of our homeland and I'll be damned if Milosh ends up squandering it, but that’s not as important.”
“All of that is fair and good, but what of her moral fiber?” Odo questioned, standing in the doorway. This startled everyone.
“Goodness! How long have you been there?” Andelin snapped her fingers again, dispelling the crystals that covered him.
“My gratitude. Suffice it to say I will no longer envy my one friend who wears heavy armor. Anyways, I walked in when you began discussing diplomacy.” Odo sat in a recliner next to Weaver and was also given tea and cookies. “Considering your level of hospitality towards us, I’d be willing to give the last blade the benefit of the doubt.”
“To answer your question, Odo, she’s not actually a bad person. She’s just misguided and lost. The fall of Feuerland hit some of us pretty hard.”
Weaver thought about how Milosh would not be a great influence for someone in that situation. “I’d bet she’d do a lot better under Englehart, truth be told.”
Andelin nodded in agreement. “Most likely, most likely. I’d also argue King Sten would have been fine for her.”
“Duly noted. Gabriella, what do you think?” Odo asked.
“Well, I think she should be given a chance to redeem herself. Anyone can do it if given the opportunity. Recalling what I’ve learned from Adonai and the archangels, the only true sin is irreverence, but that can easily be undone. God is very forgiving to those who display humility. Now I mean no offense by this next statement, Andelin, but all three of you have a bit to go on the road to redemption. The important thing to note here is that you’ll never get there if people keep saying no, however.”
Odo clapped. “Well said, madam. An admirable stance to take.”
“So, are we bringing her here or inviting her?” Weaver wondered.
“I’d prefer a bit of both,” Andelin replied.
Shuffling her deck, Andelin took out a card and flung it across the room. It slid under the doorway, lighting up the frame. Nothing happened at first, but the silence was broken when the doorknob turned. The door slowly opened, with Gratiana stepping into the room. She lacked her armor and her golden hair was untamed. It appeared as if she had just been dealing with something stressful. Realizing where she was, she quickly shut the door and picked up the card.
“Andelin? What’s going on here? Why are these three here?”
“Parley, Gratiana,” Weaver said. “Take a load off, have some tea with us.”
She cautiously sat down, with Andelin pouring her some tea. “I see… what shall we be discussing then?”
“Gratiana, old friend, please come join us and leave that silly cult” Andelin stated bluntly.
She sipped her drink, having figured this was going to happen. “I take it that you four have been the ones causing trouble these past couple of days?”
“Yup…” Weaver answered. “Andelin’s been the mastermind though.”
“That’s what I thought…”
“If you are wondering where all the guns and money went…” Andelin quickly flashed several cards depicting treasure. “... that’s where. The money that is.”
Gratiana sighed. “Well I suppose now would be a good time to call it quits then… given how much of arse Milosh made himself yesterday…”
Andelin nodded. “I heard.”
“Yeah, same here. Odo?” Weaver asked.
He also nodded. “Indeed.”
“Well I’m a bit out of the loop then. What happened?” Gabriella was curious to know.
Gratiana gave a heavy sigh. “It all started when that fool decided to hold a surprise meeting in an unsecured building. Put a pin in that. Milosh was doing nothing but gloating about the blood he had Gummi acquire. And given that you were all there when it was handed to me, I assume you understand the implications. The unjustified boastfulness was on full display and this led to Sir Wolfgang turning himself in. And in case you’re wondering, he was the lead tactician.”
“Oh my, you don’t think he…”
“He most certainly has told Sten many of the cult’s secrets by now” Gratiana assumed. “Getting back to the meeting, Milosh had been foolish enough to let it get out that he was in the area, allowing Barna to track him to what was supposed to be a secret meeting place. And naturally that idiot went and got himself beat up by our beloved blacksmith, punched in the head by Dunja, and finally thrown into a wall when he tried to approach that strange being of darkness running around. Imagine my frustration when that fool came limping in with several broken bones and a concussion! Adding insult to injury, he is refusing to do anything about the lost warehouses, rambling about how the Lich isn’t dead…”
“...And not to mention that you're out of money too” Andelin pointed out.
“EXACTLY” Gratiana exclaimed. They all laughed at the absurdity, but it was bittersweet.
“Gratiana? I’m pretty sure Sten will give you a pardon out of sheer pity at this point” Weaver presumed.
“Weaver? You spoke to Dunja when she arrived. What does she want to do with the blades?” Her voice started to tremble.
He was at a loss for words. “Well, um… I’m not sure. I don’t recall her…”
“Allow me, he got pulled away before Dunja could talk about it” Andelin jumped in. “She has officially disbanded us, which was to be expected. That being said, she has created the new Blades of Dunja, with Torunn as the leader. And it sounds like there’s two open slots, just for us. Furthermore, it seems like Dunja won’t stop until we join…”
Gratiana looked as if she were about to cry. “Even after all that we’ve done?” she choked out. Andelin nodded, causing tears to stream down her face.
Gabriella felt her heart ache. “Gratiana, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t deserve this mercy…” she sobbed as Andelin put her hand on hers.
Odo averted his gaze out of decency, but Weaver got up and went to her side. “Look, Gratiana… There's a long and sordid history here, no doubt about it… But at some point, we all need to let bygones be bygones. Besides, I’ve caught you helping people out behind Milosh’s back.”
“You… you have?” She said with a sniffle.
Andelin got out a card with a question mark. “Let’s just say there’s a good reason why Milosh never suspected a thing… Unfortunately that ended up giving you the reputation of a tyrant, but that can easily be fixed.”
“So what do you say, Gratiana? Want to join us?” Weaver asked.
Gratiana wiped her tears and composed herself. “Sure, but not quite yet…”
Weaver shook his head. “Alright, what’s the catch?”
“Well firstly I can’t just leave the cult. It would cause too much chaos since I’m one of their figure heads. I’ll have to sabotage them over time, then leave once they’re in shambles…”
Andelin belted out laughing, startling everyone. “Gratiana, you’ll literally have a perfect opportunity soon! Barna’s planning to blow up that godforsaken church!”
“Seriously!?” Gabriella was stunned.
“By the Source!” Odo exclaimed.
Weaver gave a triumphant laugh. “YES! Thank you, Barna!”
Gratiana took a moment to process that. “Alright then… The second thing is that I would like a duel.”
“A duel? What kind of duel?” Andelin asked.
“Well, we never actually got to spar that one time and I feel what Dunja went through would be right for me. Would you, Torunn, and Dunja honor this request of mine?”
Andelin considered the proposal. “Hum… alright, I suppose; but what if you win?”
“It’s quite simple my dear: Don’t lose.”
Weaver had a big smile on his face. He spat in his hand and held it out to Gratiana. “Shake on it?”
She followed suit. “Absolutely. It’s about time Milosh got his just deserts.”
While that was happening, Andelin got out a pen and paper. She then set a card on the table. “If you all will excuse me for a moment, I need to go write a letter to Englehart. All of this is very important to know.”
“Of course, Andelin. While she does that, is there anything you three would like to know?” Gratiana inquired. Now she was itching to talk.
Andelin smiled as she left the room, hearing Gratiana and Weaver reminisce about past battles. Entering her study, Andelin sat at her desk and got writing. There was a lot to tell, but she needed to condense it. The conversation in the other room, reminding her of past events, did not help her focus. She was listening in through the card she had left on the table just in case, but now it was becoming a distraction. Andelin even got up a few times to provide context or corrections. Despite all of this, she got the letter done in a timely manner.
Now it was time to head over to Blood-Wraith’s house. In the recent past, Andelin had built an underground tunnel, taking advantage of the secret room in Milosh’s former home. Nobody really had any idea that this tunnel existed, so it was perfect for sneaking stuff to and from. Andelin had even set up rails and a mine cart for quick travel between destinations. It was something she took pride in as it was quite the accomplishment. Being able to ride the rails all by herself also satisfied her inner child. Eventually the mine cart arrived at its destination with a grinding slowdown. All she had to do now was go through her secret room that connected to the old secret room.
Andelin needed to get Blood-Wraith’s attention, but she did not want to just go upstairs and announce her presence. To solve this issue, she took a card from her deck and flung it. The card flew up into the living room and was noticed by Blood-Wraith. He paused what he was doing and went to investigate. Going down to the basement was not fun at this point. Being cautious, he looked around with the card in hand. The door to the secret room was open again. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he called out.
“Alright, who’s there!?” A hand stuck out of the room, giving him a thumbs up. It then gestured for him to approach. “Who are you?”
“Shh, come in…” Andelin said as she pulled him in. She then snapped her fingers, turning the lights on.
Blood-Wraith’s eyes took a second to adjust. “Wait a second, you’re Andelin, aren’t you?”
She nodded. “Yes indeed. It’s nice to meet you for real this time, Blood. So sorry about the past encounter we had. Say, could you be a dear and deliver this letter to Englehart for me?”
Blood-Wraith inspected it, then looked at Andelin. “What’s it about?”
“Important updates over in Shadowland, like how I’m now on your side…”
“Wait, really?!”
She put her finger over his mouth. “Sh, shh… It’s only for you and Englehart’s eyes at the moment.”
“Can I ask why?”
Andelin chuckled. “Big plans that can’t be spoiled. Also yes, things are a bit touchy over there at the moment. Oh, and send Turi back to Dunja. You and the king can show the rest of the council that letter once we send Turi back to you guys.”
“Alright then… How do I trust you? You know, given what happened last time we encountered each other.”
“That card. Keep it as a sign of good will. It’s a wild card that may help you in the future.”
Blood-Wraith looked at the card in question. He was still skeptical, but did not sense any malice. “Alright, but no tricks, okay?”
“You have my word, Blood. In the honor of my golden blood and the late Feuerland. Best of luck to you.” Andelin smiled as Blood-Wraith went upstairs. She got a good grasp on his character from that. It was no wonder he was able to defeat The Lich of Old, even if he had help with it.
Next: Chapter 13
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
750 Followers Celebration - Q&A
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Thank you so much for supporting me through this journey! You guys don't know how much this means to me. Every single one of you is amazing.
Below the cut are my answers to the questions that you all submitted.
Q: Do you think Jay is going to become Sergeant this season? A: There has been a lot of debate over this question because of the past few seasons and all of the "Easter eggs", like the sergeant exam poster hanging in the background of the show. In my opinion, I do not believe Jay will become Sergeant. Yet. I think it won't be until the beginning of next season because, if this is a possible storyline, I would expect that the producers and writers would make the finale of season 9 about Voight stepping down/getting promoted, etc.
Q: Did Chicago Justice deserve more episodes? A: I'm sort of split with this question. I loved the fact that there was a big episode involving Kevin, and they always included people from Med, Fire, and PD in some of the episodes. However, the whole plot of the episodes was kind of slow because it wasn't like they were police officers and could go out and chase suspects and arrest people and what not. Their job was just to gather the evidence and then present it in court. I think for many, the show fell flat because there wasn't much action, and part of me does agree with that, but the whole idea of the show itself was kind of cool.
Q: What would make you stop watching each Chicago show? A: This is a tough question because I've only ever dropped one show that I can think of, and it was only because the plotline got really dumb. Maybe if some major characters died in each show I'd stop watching it? But then again, I love the One Chicago universe so much that I don't think even that would stop me from watching. So yeah. I really don't know.
Q: Do you believe in magic? A: As much as I would love for magic to be real, I don't believe it is. But I feel like everyone thinks that way. Cause lets be honest, Harry Potter and Disney make magic look so cool. However, we all know deep down somewhere that it's almost impossible for certain things to be real, and magic just so happens to be one of them.
Q: Are you superstitious? A: I'm not the most superstitious person out there, but I do somewhat follow a few superstitions. Whenever I find a penny on the ground with heads facing up, I pick it up because I believe I'll get good luck. Doing the whole "fingers crossed" thing is something I do a lot. I believe you shouldn't open an umbrella in the house or else you'll receive bad luck. Broken mirrors are bad omens. Those are the top 4 I believe in, but other than that, I'm not really too superstitious.
Q: Is your perception of yourself similar or the same to how others perceive you? A: I mean, I would hope so. I appreciate my level of smarts, and whenever my friends acknowledge them or compliment me on them it makes my day. However, with that, people think that I'm always only doing things to boost my intelligence. For example, I love to read. So whenever I say that I didn't do much over the weekend, people always assume that I read a bunch, when I really didn't. Or that I always study for tests or do homework like a week before it's do. That is not the case. But for the most part, I believe my perception of myself is the same as how other people perceive me.
Q: Who is your favorite couple on each One Chicago show? A: Okay, so for Med, there aren't really any couples at the moment besides Maggie and Ben, whom I love but they aren't my favorite, so I'm gonna pick a past couple. When I first started Med, Manstead was my prime ship, so I'll choose them. Will had been pining after Natalie for so long so I was glad when they finally got together. For Fire, it's gotta be Kelly and Stella. They were literally made for each other, and they support each other with everything. Also, they are so cute together and all of Firehouse 51 ships them as well! And for PD, while I do love Burzek, Upstead is my favorite ship at the moment. I've seen the connection between Hailey and Jay since season 5. You don't understand how angry I was in season 7 when Hailey was so close to confessing her feelings. So season 8 made me very happy when Jay and Hailey finally got together.
Q: Jay and Lindsey or Jay and Hailey? A: I respect everyone's opinions on this matter, so hopefully you all respect mine. I thought that Erin was almost toxic in a way for Jay. She continuously broke his heart when all he wanted to do was help him. But what really does it for me is that she left Chicago without telling him goodbye. Hailey, on the other hand, has pushed Jay to seek out help when he needed it, like when she recommended he take seeing a therapist seriously to help with his PTSD, and she is always there for him, no matter what. That's why I believe Hailey and Jay are the better pairing.
Q: Which character death got to you the most? A: There have been too many sad deaths in the One Chicago world. But if I had to pick one, I've gotta go with Otis on Chicago Fire. Otis was always one of my favorite characters, even way back when I watched Fire with my dad when it was first coming out. He was witty and funny, and his friendship with Cruz was everything. So, when I watched the episode where he died, I was full on balling. I had to pause the episode for 10 minutes because I couldn't stop.
Q: Who is your favorite character on each show and why? A: I'm gonna do favorite male and female character because I've got too many favorites from each show. On Med, my favorites are Will and Natalie. Will has been my favorite since day one, and I like that he will go out of his way to help patients, even if it means he could get in serious trouble. Natalie, even though she's not in the show, always pushes for the best of care for her patients, and whenever she dealt with kids it was always the sweetest thing. On Fire, I like Kelly and Sylvie. Kelly is so headstrong and driven, and he will do anything to protect the other members of Squad 3. Sylvie is such a hard worker and you can tell she is passionate about her job. I feel so bad that she's had to go through so many partners. On PD I love Jay and Hailey. Jay has not always been my favorite male character. Back when I watched the show for the first time, I adored Adam. However, I love that Jay has such good morals and is always pushing to do the right thing even when Voight disagreed. Now, it took a few episodes for me to warm up to Hailey, but after seeing her be so badass, it was hard not to like her.
Q: Where do you get inspiration for your stories?/How do you get inspiration when there's not a request? A: This question is always hard to answer because I really don't know. Most of the time I'm fulfilling requests sent in by you guys and I just write what comes to the top of my mind. If there are requests that are not requested and I come up with them on my own, chances are I saw the plot somewhere else, like in a book or show or movie, and I just tweaked it a bit to fit the One Chicago universe. Either that happens, or while I'm trying to fall asleep, I make up random scenarios in my head, and if I find one that I really like, I'll make a note of it on my phone so I don't forget it, and then I'll write about it.
Q: Do you think Brett and Casey are endgame? Why or why not? A: I'm gonna go with yes on this one. Now, Brettsey is not one of my top ships in the universe. However, they are cute together, and I've been expecting them to get together for a while. The two of them, even when Gabby was around, had a great relationship and always cared for each other. Plus, Matt jumped out of a firetruck to go help Sylvie when the ambulance flipped. He was willing to risk an injury just to make sure she was okay. And now that they are officially together in Chicago Fire, you can see that they really love and care for each other.
Q: What inspired you to start writing? A: I always seem to get this question whenever I do a q&a, but that's okay because I don't mind talking about it. I first got into stuff like this as a reader. Basically, I went on to Wattpad and Tumblr to read other people's stories. I had no intention of creating my own. And then, one day, I started imagining myself in some of the fandoms I was apart of, and I thought, "If I'm imagining myself in these fandoms, chances are others are too," and I began creating stories that followed the plots of movies and shows exactly, just adding Y/n in it. However, that got tiring after a while because I wasn't able to have much freedom because I was following a set script, and that's when I remembered I had a Tumblr account I never used. So, I revamped my account just a little bit and started posting story ideas I had that I couldn't post on Wattpad because either they didn't fit with the stories or they were for someone I didn't write for on Wattpad. And now, here we are. For anyone interested, I've posted this before but I'll post it again, my Wattpad handle is @Writer_Reader05.
Q: Jay or Will Halstead? A: I'm sorry, but I really can't choose between the two of them. I love them both so much. Will and Jay are two of my favorite characters in the whole One Chicago universe. While they do have some qualities that I'm not the fondest of, at the end of the day, I adore the both of them, and I could never choose between them.
Q: Who would you rather date: Jay or Will Halstead? A: Why do you guys do this to me? I love them both so much! But, if I have to choose, I'm gonna pick Jay. The only reason is because I like the characters in PD more than Med, so if I'm dating Jay, chances are I'm friends with Hailey and Adam and all of Intelligence. Will is just as awesome as Jay though and I feel like sometimes people sleep on that.
Q: Which of the requested fics you’ve written is your favorite? A: I think I'm gonna have to go with a Jay Halstead x reader I wrote titled Two Becomes Three. Something about the plot just makes me smile. And to think of Jay being a father......So yeah, while I have so many amazing requested fics thanks to you all, that one has to be one of my favorites.
Q: What’s your favorite series you’ve written so far? A: I love all of the series I have written. Something about creating a whole story that's more than just one part is always fun. If I have to pick one series, I'm gonna pick On the Loose. It was the first series I wrote on Tumblr and the plot of it is something I'm really proud of. However, From the Big Apple to the Windy City, Identity Loss, and Difference of Opinion are all amazing! The first two are finished series and the last one still has a few chapters left to go. Go check them out if you haven't already.
Q: What's your favorite imagine you've come up with and why? A: I don't have a lot of fics that are solely my ideas. Most of my stories have plots that were sent in by you all. However, if I had to pick a favorite out of my stories, it'd be Back Home for Christmas, a Halstead Sister fic I released when I was somewhat new to the platform. Something about writing sibling fics always makes me happy because I get to express the familial side to the characters.
Q: If you had to be roommates with 5 of your mutuals/fellow writers, who would you pick and why? A: I love all of my fellow writers/mutuals so much! I know how much work we put into whatever we post, and most of us are very active on this site. As for who I would pick to be my roommates, I'd choose @hereforhalstead @fighterkimburgess @halsteadlover @resanoona @sylviebrettsey because I feel like we'd all have great conversations, mainly over One Chicago. And every Wednesday night we'd all watch the episodes live together and experience them as a group and then freak out over what happened..........Now watch me fantasize about this all day.
Q: Do you listen to music when you write? A: It depends. On some days when I plan that I'm gonna write, then yes, I do put on some music. When there are days that I have a few minutes to spare, I don't put on music just because I'm only writing for a few minutes and I don't want to waste time. But mostly when I'm writing I do play music in the background.
Q: Do you know how your fics/stories end before you finish writing it? A: This is a really interesting question. The answer is no, I do not know how I'm gonna end a fic before I finish writing it. The only story I had a set ending for was my series On the Loose, but that one wasn't even fully planned out until I got a chapter or two in. Obviously, if I get a request that includes a set ending, like two characters get together or something like that, then I know what the ending will be. Otherwise, I have no clue.
Q: Have you ever met someone who had a very similar personality to your own? Did you get along? A: You know, I can't say that I have. Everyone is different in their own way, and that's what makes us all unique. I would imagine if I did meet someone with a similar personality we'd get along because we'd basically be a carbon copy of each other, but who knows. Maybe our similar personalities would cause us to clash.
Q: Do you hold yourself to higher standards than you hold others? A: Not really. I know myself more than anyone else so I know what my limits are and when I've reached them. With people, on the other hand, I always feel like they can be doing more with themselves and their lives. So I do not hold myself to higher standards than others.
Thank you to all of you who sent in questions! I never thought I'd reach 750 followers on this platform. The only reason I have is all thanks to you wonderful people out there!
@winterberryfox @maximeevansblog @scarletsoldierrr @i-like-sparkly-things @dreamingmanip @soph0864 @ryliegh8 @lorenakaspersen @wanniiieeee @nevertoofarfromivar @securityfriendly-jay @pinkbay-love @stephie123
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so-cool-day6 · 4 years
ok here this suggestive n kinda smutty kevin thing
i'm absolutely no real writer so i apologize in advance lol
i wanna put some warnings to b safe, again ive never done this but i wanna do my best hshhsshshh
- slight degradation
- implied rlly rough sex
- mention of hair pulling
- color system
also i proofread this a million times but knowing me there's probably a million mistakes still, sorry
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Never did I expect that "Jade" wasn't Jade at all.
Never did I expect that "Jade" was Kevin Moon undercover on deobi stan twitter.
Never did I expect that Kevin Moon would find my thirst tweets so hilarious that he wanted to hear more about them.
The moment Jade accidentally said "I" instead of "Kevin" in a message, I knew something felt fishy.
But he played it off so well, I soon forgot about it.
But those things just kept happening.
Sometimes it didn't take Jade very long at all to think up how Kevin would react to something.
Sometimes the answers seemed so extremely accurate, they could only have been from Kevin himself.
And when I finally put all the many pieces together?
Oh boy. I was pissed. And immensely embarrassed.
But not near as embarrassed as I know I'm about to be in a few minutes.
I'm only a few people away from going up to the fansign table to meet The Boyz.
I wasn't gonna come. I wasn't even gonna enter. I knew it would be far too embarrassing and humiliating to see Kevin in real life after all the explicit things I said about him, inadvertently directly to him.
But when your best friend begs you to enter with her, you enter with your best friend.
And when you and your best friend both win, and she begs you to go so she isn't alone... you go so she isn't alone.
She owes me big time for this one.
Thank goodness that Kevin isn't first...
As I talk to Jacob, Chanhee, Sangyeon, and Eric, I was glad to discover that, even if he shared every conversation we ever had, Kevin at least hadn't show any of them what I looked like.
But my conversation with Eric is ending, and Kevin is smirking, telling me that he has already noticed me.
Time to die, I guess.
I say goodbye to Eric, give him a high five, and move to the next seat in front of Kevin Moon.
"Well, well, well." He smiles. "Fancy seeing you here."
I try to laugh. "Yeah..."
"Why so shy? You weren't this shy on twitter."
"Yeah, when I wasn't talking to Kevin Moon."
"Ah, but you were. You were talking to Kevin."
I simply roll my eyes in response and look down at my hands, trying to keep my face from getting too red.
"Listen, I do wanna apologize. I shouldn't have manipulated you like that."
"It's okay... I can't blame you. If I were in your position, I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. And there wasn't any real harm done, right? As long as it doesn't get out."
"Although, I must say..." His eyes darken. "I kind of liked hearing your thoughts about me. Especially in such detail." His hand lands on my thigh under the table and he feels me instantly tense up. He cracks a smile and chuckles. "I really do have an effect on you, don't I?" His voice is barely above a whisper, and his grip on my thigh tightens. "Just tell me if you want me to take my hand away and I will. Instantly. No questions asked."
"Okay." I think for a moment. Do I? Do I want him to move?
He looks at me expectantly, waiting for more of a response.
"I'll tell you if I do." I can feel my face heat up as I make my decision.
He smirks.
"I love how flustered you get." His thumbs slowly rubs the inner part of my thigh, thanks to his hand placement, and chills run up and down my back.
"Hurry up." A staff member says behind him, making sure the line doesn't get held up.
While Kevin's hand on my thigh isn't visible to the crowd, it IS visible to the staff. But they don't seem phased, nor do they seem to care.
Does Kevin have a habit of feeling up fans under the table or do they just wanna go home?
He leaves a cold spot on my leg as he pulls his hand away and quickly signs my album.
He answers the question post-it, which is actually a question from my Kevin-biased friend who couldn't try for a fansign slot, and then he flips the post-it up and writes something on the album page underneath the post-it.
"Move." The staff tells me. Kevin gives me a high five to look casual and throws me a wink as subtly as possible.
I continue on through the rest of the line, trying to keep my composure, especially when talking with Sunwoo and Changmin.
I may have said... a lot about them to Kevin.
A lot.
The fansign finally ends, and I don't remember Kevin writing something under the post-it note until the drive back to my friend's house.
"Hilton on Portico
Room 347
Should be back by 8
I'll have Q out of our room by 8:05
Hope to see you there"
No way.
No, he's kidding.
He's kidding right?
Did he just ask me to meet him in his hotel room tonight?
He doesn't want to... no.
No, that's impossible.
Why would he want to-
"Are you even listening?" My friend snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly cover Kevin's message.
"Sorry, I spaced out... Can't stop thinking about meeting them, yknow?"
My hand raises to knock on the door, before I pull it back down.
8:06, my watch reads.
I shouldn't be here.
I shouldn't be here, right?
This is insane...
Maybe he wants to lecture me.
Maybe he wants to yell at me.
Why would he wanna yell at me after what he did at the fansign, though?
I shake my head and raise my hand to knock again.
No matter why he wants to see me at his hotel room, he wants to see me at his hotel room.
It must be important.
I carefully knock, suddenly regretting all of my life choices as I wait for him to open the door.
What if Changmin is still in the room?
What if his manager is in the room?
What if he wrote down the wrong room number?
What if he was just trying to play with me all along, and they aren't even at this hotel?
The door swings open and Kevin's face lights up.
"You came..." He sounds shocked, as if meeting Kevin Moon in his hotel room isn't a dream to many, many people. "Come in, please." He opens the door wider and steps to the side, allowing me to walk into the room. "I'm sorry it's still a mess... we have to refuse housekeeping services and I just got Changmin to leave a couple minutes ago. I didn't have a chance to tidy up for you..."
"No, no! It's no big deal, no worries. If only you saw my house, it's way worse..."
We stand in silence for a bit, both of us unsure exactly what to do next, when suddenly I gain a boost of confidence.
"Kevin, why am I here?"
He looks at me with eyes full of... I'm not sure what.
"I don't know. Why are you here?"
"You don't know? You're the one who told me to come." I scoffed.
"I know. But why did you come? What were you hoping would happen if you came to my hotel room? Or should I say..." His eyes darken again, just like they had at the fansign, and he steps towards me and takes my hand in his. "What are you still hoping will happen?"
All breath leaves me.
"Maybe I can jog your memory. Were you maybe hoping that I would... pull your hair and pound you from behind like you're nothing but my sorry cumslut?"
A sharp gasp involuntarily leaves my body as he boldly quotes one of the first things I ever told Jade, word for word. I can feel his ego boost by the second.
"Or maybe it was something more along the lines of..."
Kevin places his hands on my waist and pulls my body flush with his.
"Fingering you roughly until you're shaking and crying and begging for me to stop... but I don't."
Again, he quotes my own sexual fantasy to me, every word correct. Except this time it elicits a soft moan.
I can feel him hard against me, and I can't help but look away towards the floor in embarrassment.
"Look at me."
I can't bring myself to obey his command, no matter how much I want to.
"I said look at me." He grabs my chin and turns my face towards his, his eyes slowly moving away from my eyes and down to my lips.
His eyes and voice all tell me that he's having a hard time holding back, but he has to ask something first.
"Have you ever heard of the color system?"
"Yeah." I whisper, which is about the only volume I can muster up in the moment. "Like a traffic light, right?"
"Right. What color are you on right now?"
"And what color would you be on if I kissed you?"
That's all the approval he needs to quickly place one hand on the lower back of my head and softly press his lips into mine.
That softness does not last long, as the kiss soon turns into a quite passionate make out.
We begin to migrate, lips still together, until our legs hit the edge of the bed and Kevin pulls away from me.
"Your fantasies aren't soft. And you've got such a hold on me, I can't promise to be either. I don't wanna do anything that makes you uncomfortable, upset, or negatively helpless. I want you to use the colors. Is that okay with you?" Somehow his continuous consent checks make him a hundred times sexier.
"I can do that."
"Don't hesitate at all to say any of the colors at any moment, if you feel you want to. Okay?" Yeah, the continuous consent checks are really sexy.
"Where are we at right now?"
With that, he smirks and pushes me onto the bed, quickly crawling on top of me to reattach his lips to my own.
His beautiful hands begin to wander and feel my body. He finds my waistband and slowly slides his thumb under it.
I know he's taking it slow just in case I change my mind, which is very considerate, but it only makes me frustrated.
I push him away slightly with my hand.
"Can you hurry it up, Kev? You've had me wet since lunch." Is all i say before grabbing his shirt and pulling him back into me.
I can tell he's holding back some kind of reaction to what I just did.
His hand fully slides under my waistband, both of them, and he begins to slide his hand lower and towards the middle...
The embarrassment surrounding my encounters with Kevin are being replaced with thankfulness. Who would have thought that thirst tweets would land me in a hotel bed, getting fucked by Kevin Moon?
He's just made me cum for the third time.
First time with his mouth and fingers, then twice by railing me in two different positions.
He says yellow as he pulls out, and I nod.
We both need a breather.
He lays down next to me, both of us breathing quite heavily. I'm definitely breathing heavier, though. Curse his dancer cardiovascular health.
"So, what do you think we should-" Kevin is cut off by the sound of the door being unlocked with a key card, and his eyes go wide. He hurries to pull the blanket up over me, covering up my naked body from the view of whoever was coming in.
The fact that he doesn't care at all about his dick still hanging out loud and proud makes me wonder just how comfortable he is with all his members AND staff...
The person entering starts saying something in Korean, and all I can pick out is that he's addressing Kevin for something.
As the mystery person turns the corner and we meet eyes, both of us freeze for a moment.
Kevin scolds Ji Changmin in Korean, and Changmin responds, clearly upset at Kevin for something.
Kevin checks his phone and mutters an "oh".
"I'm sorry." Kevin turns to me. "I told Q to stay out until 10, thinking we'd be done by then... but I guess we've been having a little too much fun..."
The room reeks of awkwardness (and sex, but that's besides the point), until Changmin shyly raises his hand to wave at me.
"Hello. I'm Q."
I chuckle and wave back.
Kevin says something to Changmin. I'm unable to pick out any words to grasp at some sort of context before Changmin's eyes widen even further and he points at me, simply saying...
I nod.
Kevin's face suddenly turns devilish, and he starts talking to Changmin again.
I feel very out of the loop, but the way Changmin's face is turning beet red isn't making me optimistic as to what Kevin is saying.
"Kevin, what did you just tell him?"
Kevin keeps talking and Changmin's eyes dart back and forth from me to Kevin, and then I notice they glance down.
His grey sweatpants are not being very forgiving as to hiding his erection.
"Kevin!" I try a second time.
"What, baby? A man deserves to know what a sexy woman wants him to do to her."
I grab a pillow and throw it at him, hard, before hiding my face in the sheets.
Kevin apologizes in both English and Korean, and I hear Changmin giggle awkwardly.
Kevin says one last thing and I hear someone going through a suitcase.
I peek out from the sheets and see Changmin riffling through his bag, still replying to Kevin, before tossing something at Kevin.
Kevin thanks him, using one word of Korean I do know.
Changmin leaves, not before saying a kind goodbye to me, and Kevin turns to me.
"This might be fun, don't you think? If my memory is being kind to me, you've definitely mentioned me using one of these on you." He holds up the vibrator that Changmin threw at him.
What on earth does Changmin get up to on tour?
"Did he say anything about what you... told him?"
"He asked if you were gonna still be in town tomorrow. I sure hope you are, cause I said yes. And tomorrow it seems I'll be the one leaving the room all night... if you want to, of course."
I start getting wet again at the prospect.
"But don't think about him too much yet. I'm not done with you yet, baby." He clicks a button on the vibrator. "Green?"
He looks at me like he's a hungry lion, before pouncing on me.
Rest time is over.
"Somehow his continuous consent checks make him a hundred times sexier" IT'S TRUE. I'm not okay. My mind was babble the entire time, especially when Changmin walked in 🤤 the idea of it all... beautiful 😍 is it okay if I tag this a tbz smut? I think more people deserve to read this. I'll delete the tags if you want me to!
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elenadoeslife · 4 years
Get to know the blogger
I was tagged by @delightfully-ella to answer this amazing list of Q's. Thanks for the tag, darling!
Relationships: I was 14 when I had my first boyfriend. It lasted 5 years. After that I dated a lot and had a couple of short term relationships (I hate being single). I've been together with my current boyfriend for 2,5 years.
Breakups: I've had my fair share.
Kids: I definitely want to have kids at some point, but I come from a family with twins, so there's a fair chance I'll give birth to twins as well. Not prepared for that at this stage in my life, haha!
Pets: I had a budgie, but he passed away. My parents own a dog (Shih-tzu) & my boyfriend's parents recently got a bird.
Surgeries: Gastric bypass surgery in 2017 & gallbladder removal in 2018.
Tattoos: I got my first tattoo in 2018, as a reminder of my weight loss journey.
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Countries: I've been to Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, England and Ireland.
Been on an airplane: Three times.
Been in an ambulance: Never (*knock on wood*)
Sang karaoke: In the living room with my former best friend. Never on stage - the world couldn't handle that.
Ice skating: I used to skate on natural ice when I was younger. We haven't had any cold winters the past decade or so.
Been on a cruise: Never. It's not really my thing either.
Rode a motorbike: Nope. I have been on the back of my uncle's Harley Davidson though. Scared the crap out of me.
Ridden a horse: Héll no! I'm severely allergic to horses!
Stayed in a hospital: For my surgeries, yes.
Favourite fruit or berry: Watermelon or strawberries.
Favourite colour: Turquoise.
Last text: This morning I found out one of my bypass mutuals got admitted to the hospital for extreme stomach pains. I sent her a text, wishing her well.
Coffee or tea: Coffee - duh!
Favourite pie: Applepie.
Cat or dog: Dog, although I'd rather have a bird.
Favourite time of the year: Autumn!
Met a star: Not one-on-one, no.
Flown a helicopter: Nope.
Been on TV: On local TV, a couple of times. I also used to be part of the productionteam of our local TV station. Selecting news items & doing the auto cue.
Broken a leg: So far I've never broken a bone.
Seen a ghost: No, but I've experienced some things that make me wonder about life after death.
Been sick in a taxi: Haha, no.
Seen someone die: I've seen people close to me slowly losing battles to their illnesses, but actually being with someone when they died, no.
I tag: @fatmaninalittlesuit, @one-forty-five, @jacqattacq & whoever read this entire post! I just woke up, so my brain isn't working properly yet. Tag me if you fill out this list, please! I'd like to get to know my mutuals & followers! Happy Saturday!
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