#i'll never get over baekhyun here
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Y/N
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Eventual Smut, Mean people, Language.
A/N: I'm back baby! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter!!
"Miss Y/N?" A woman says, breaking you out of your concentration of looking at tikok’s.
Startled, you look up and standing before you is a very pretty, well dressed woman holding files between her petite fingers. "Are you ready for your interview?" She asks.
Taking a small breath, as you nod your head and smile at the woman. "I'm Ava, and I'll be conducting your interview on Mr. Byun's behalf." She says, walking through the office hallways. It's so plain, the white walls just dying for at least a pop of color, or even a picture of some sort. Ava leads you into a plain white room, nothing in it but the necessary items. Did you really want to work somewhere so boring? You were lost in your thoughts again after answering only a few routine questions.
"I think you'd be a perfect fit for this job." Ava smiles. You'd only been talking for 15 minutes before she decided.
"Thank you." You smile.
"I'd like to offer you the position as the Senior Data Analyst. You'd be working directly under Mr. Byun." She tells you.
"Sure. Yes, thank you so much." You say. One thing checked off your list. Find a job, find an apartment, and get settled in this new town. Luckily you had an apartment view right after this interview, and considering you were hired on the spot you had an extremely good feeling.
The apartment sucked, but you took it anyway. You would try your best to make the small studio apartment feel like home, but you weren't quite sure how. You weren't the most stylish, if you really had to describe yourself, you were quite bland. You knew the clothes you wore were a size or two too big, but you had no urge to change yourself. For what, or for who? You had no one in your life to care about, you didn't even care about yourself.
You laid in your bed that night, staring at the popcorn ceiling, as you remembered why you moved here in the first place, and your heart broke all over again.
Slowly and quietly you pressed your ear to the bedroom door at this party.
"Stop telling Y/N she has a chance with me. Please, it makes me sick to even think about it." You hear Hongjoong laugh loudly. "I can't even listen to her talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. I don't know how you do it. Her voice is so fucking annoying."
"Right? I swear to go sometimes I feel like my ears are bleeding. And you should see her when she cries. So fucking ugly." You hear Maya giggle.
"And is it just me or is she fucking dumb? How could she love me for all these years and not realize how repulsed I am by her?" He asks.
“I know math isn’t her best subject but Christ, can't she add up all the things you don’t do around her and see you’re not into her, and never will be? I mean, you try to leave the room whenever she enters." Maya laughs. "So there's no chance of you leaving me for her?"
"You think I'm gonna leave a goddess like you, for that thing? Come on, baby, you should know me better than that. Plus, she doesn't have a set of tits like these." He laughs.
As quickly as the hurtful words began, they stopped. You weighed your options of what to do but your body still felt too numb to move.
You stood there, your ear pressed against the door feeling your stomach sink. You wanted to run away but it was like your feet were glued to the floor.
The floor that made your knees feel weak as you turned the door knob and pushed the door open to see Maya, on top of Hongjoong.
The music that was once pounding in your ears was now quiet. It was so muffled as you began to only hear your own shallow and fast breaths. You could hear and feel your heart pumping at a pace you were sure was off the charts, while also slowly ripping into tiny pieces.
You felt like you couldn't breathe as his hands gripped her body. They hadn't heard the door opening.
The walls were suddenly caving in as he slowly slid his fingers up and down her curves moving over her ass to squeeze it.
Tears fell from your eyes as you watched him touching her in ways that you had once dreamt about.
Your face begins to burn in complete embarrassment. The fucking betrayal you felt from someone who said they loved you. Maya was supposed to be your best friend. She was the one who was by your side when you cried, wondering why he didn't love you back. She held you as you sobbed into her lap, she wiped your tears away and always had comforting words for you. She would laugh at his Instagram page with you and acted as if she didn't even like him.
But here she was ripping you apart with him for their own enjoyment.
Tears streamed from your face as you rolled over in your bed. You hated remembering that day. The day you lost your best friend. It hurt so bad and you know you needed to move on but that's always easier said than done.
The next morning you woke up, exhausted and not ready for the day but you had your first day of work. You'd tried to look up Mr. Byun last night, but there were no pictures of him anywhere. You thought that was a little odd, but didn't chalk it up too much. You got ready for the day in record time, putting on your too big skirt, with your too big shirt and oversized blazer. You put your hair up the best you could and avoided all makeup.
Slowly, you walk into the building, making your way to the 35th floor, where your office was supposed to be. The entire floor was empty when you arrived. Just the way you liked it. You popped in your airpods, started your music and got to work organizing the 5 items on your desk. It took you roughly 3 minutes. You glanced at the clock, 6:55am. You still had 35 minutes until you were technically supposed to start, but it never hurt to get a head start. You worked for a little bit, listening to your favorite songs before you barely noticed a few people entering their cubicles. You mostly ignored them, offering a small nod of acknowledgement before getting back to work. You hadn't noticed anyone walking into the all glass office in front of you, until you felt your heart tug. A feeling you had never once felt before. You looked up and saw the most handsome, stone-cold looking man you'd ever seen. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, it was like you were drawn to him.
"Handsome, huh?" You hear, breaking you out of your trance.
"Who? What?" You say, looking up. Standing in front of you is a thin, blonde bombshell with a smile that could make you forget any worry in your life. “Hi. I’m Y/N.” You cough. She was so beautiful, it made you extremely nervous.
"Hi, I'm Lisa, I work in that cubicle to your left." She says with a smile. “I just wanted to bring these over for approval from you, and introduce myself.” She explains, showing a small pile of papers in her hand. You were listening to her, but you had a hard time keeping yourself engaged in the conversation. Your eyes continued to dart towards the man who took your breath away and Lisa definitely noticed. She let out a small giggle to regain your attention. You swiftly looked back at her, giving her an apologetic smile.
"That's Mr. Byun.” She tells you. “Do your work, don’t get in his way and don’t question him and you’ll be just fine.” she tells you.
“He looks mad.” You say, taking a quick glance at him before looking back to Lisa.
“That’s just his face I think. He always looks like he’s got a painful stick up his ass." She whispers.
"Why did you start whispering?" You asked.
She sets the pile of papers on your desk, looking back towards Mr. Byun's office and looking back at you. "He hears everything." She whispers again, walking out of your office with a smile.
Your eyes turned over to Mr. Byun, you were having a hard time turning your gaze somewhere else. There was just something about him that was driving you crazy. You watched as he shouted at someone on the phone, the veins in his neck and hands popping out intensely. His dark brown hair flowed perfectly on his head. His suit fit him perfectly, you could see the muscles all over his body.
Suddenly he slammed the phone down onto the receiver, you were surprised it didn’t break with the amount of force he used. He rubs his eyes before running his fingers through his hair. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours without hesitation. Your heart pulls toward him. You wanted to get out of your seat and slip your tongue into his mouth. You wanted to be near him, holding him and you didn't know why. His eyes are still on yours as he walks out of his office, heading straight for you. Your heart begins to pound as he gets closer to you.
"Who are you?" He asks, abruptly. You're looking directly in his eyes, you can’t help but almost get lost in them. They’re so dark, like they're filled with pure hatred.
"Uh, I'm L/N Y/N. I'm your new Senior Data Analyst. " You respond. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Byun."
"We’ll see about that. Get to work Miss. L/N." He says, walking out of your office and back to his. Your eyes meet again as he brings down his shade, his eyes still glued to yours.
The rest of the day, you couldn't get him off your mind. You had a hell of a time trying to focus on any of your work. You just wanted to see him again. Anytime you let your mind wonder, it went to him immediately. You felt like you loved him but you didn't even know him.
After you had finally finished all your work, it was dark outside. You let out a big, loud yawn as you stretched your body from your desk. You gathered all your belongings and turned the lights out to your office. As you walked by Mr. Byun’s office, you noticed the lights were still on. You peaked in through a small patch of glass that was uncovered from the shade and saw him sitting at his desk with another extremely handsome man, sitting across from him. You knew you shouldn’t have been peaking in, but your curiosity got the better of you. Within seconds, Mr. Byun’s head whipped around, his eye’s shooting daggers towards you.
You let out a small screech before you quickly take off to the elevator, hoping that either it comes fast or he doesn't come out of his office after you. You get onto the elevator and press the close door button as quickly as you can.
You made it home that night without incident and without Mr. Byun yelling at you for being nosey. You just needed to mind your business and not do that again.
You dreamt of him that night. His hands gliding over your body, his tongue licking you everywhere, how he tasted, how it felt to have him on top of you. You woke up in a puddle of sweat the next morning. You had so wished it was real.
The rest of the week went by, and he paid you no attention at all. He didn't even bring up your little snooping issue. Whenever he had a request from you, he sent Ava to ask you. Obviously he couldn’t be bothered to do it himself. You hated that. You wanted to see him again.
He kept the shades of his glass office down, further avoiding any contact with you. It wasn’t until the next week that you’d finally be able to see him again. Lisa had ever-so apologetically placed a stack of papers on your desk, minutes before 5pm. You weren't one to just leave the papers for the morning, and honestly, you had no one waiting for you at home so why wouldn't you stay late and do them. Around 8pm, you’d finally finished and you were carefully planning Lisa’s murder for the next day. You were exhausted. You grabbed your coat off the back of your chair and rubbed your eyes while you walked towards the elevator. You were so tired you didn’t even look in Mr. Byun’s office as you passed it. You had expected him to have left hours ago anyways. You pressed the down button on the wall and waited silently. It wasn't until a few seconds later you felt someone standing behind you. The doors to the elevator ding, sliding open. You turn around and see him standing there, an unimpressed expression plastered on his face.
He looks at you and at the open elevator doors, motioning for you to get in. your brain finally clicks and you get on as he follows behind you. You press the button for the first floor and prepare for an uncomfortable and silent ride down 34 floors. Mr.Byun takes a deep breath as he stands next to you, your arms just almost touching. “Why are you here?” he murmurs under his breath. You barely didn’t quite catch what he had said.
“What was that?” You ask, turning your head to look at him.
He sighs. Turning towards you, taking a few steps until you're backed into the wall. He places his hand next to your head, leaning himself in closer to you.
“I said.. Why are you here?” he whispers, his lips so close to yours. “Do you have any fucking idea what youre doing to me?” he asks, breathing heavily. His head moves closer to you, his lips narrowly escaping yours as he places his head onto your neck, inhaling deeply. It was like he couldn't get enough of your smell. Before you could say anything the elevator dings, and he moves away from you as fast as he can, walking out into the lobby, leaving you there wondering what the fuck just happened.
Over the next several weeks after that incident, he kept trying his best to ignore you. Everyday. Occasionally you’d catch a glance of him, and the eye contact was so intense you could feel heat running through your entire body. Everyday that you didn’t see him, your heart hurt more and more. You couldn’t explain why but it felt like it was breaking you. You knew it was ridiculous, he was your boss, how could you love him?
You didn't have an answer to why you did, but you did and you really didn't want to.
After working at your office for a few months, you decided you needed a change. You were tired of looking frumpy and exhausted while everyone around you looked bright and amazing. You needed to reinvent yourself, and spice up your life and you needed to do it now or you wouldn’t do it at all. That weekend you took the plunge.
You went to the salon first. you got your hair done something that was better suited for you, a new style and new color. You went to the mall, and completely changed your wardrobe from the baggy clothes you were wearing to things you normally would never wear. You bought outfits that actually fit you, and showed off your body instead of hiding it. You bought proper bras and sexy panties. You felt good and different, but a good different. You couldn't wait to showcase the new you. You had never felt so confident in yourself before, and you loved it.
Monday morning, you strutted into the office, your dress hugging your curves, your hair bouncing as you walked. You could feel all eyes on you as you walked to your office. You had never felt everyone watching you in a good way before and it felt amazing. You placed your jacket on the hook and sat in your chair to get to work. Lisa walked into your office with her mouth hanging wide open.
“Girl.” She squeals. “You look phenomenal!” She eye’d you up and down, admiring your outfit.
You could feel your cheeks get hot from the compliment. “Thank you.” you laughed. “It feels weird, but good.” you tell her.
“It should feel all good, girl. You look great.” she smiles. “Also Ava is out today, so i've been instructed to tell you that Mr. Byun needs to see you in his office.” She says, side eyeing his office.
You try your best to swallow the lump in your throat as you nod your head. You hadn't seen him when you walked in, and you anxiously wondered what he would possibly think of your new look. You stood up, smoothed out your dress before heading towards his office. You stood in front of the door, breathing heavily as you knocked lightly on his door.
“Come in.” you hear from a gruff voice.
You turn the handle to his door and walk in and it’s like you can’t breathe. He sits there, his hands in his lap, leaning back in his chair. Fuck he looks so good.
“You wanted to see me?” you ask.
“You changed yourself.” he points out. His eyes trail your body up and down as he admires you.
“Just a few things. What did you need to see me for, Mr. Byun?” you ask. You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could. Your heart was racing, you could feel the sweat covering the palms of your hands.
“Call me Baekhyun.” he says, getting out of his chair. He walks towards you, almost in slow-motion, like he was gliding towards you. You step back as he gets closer to you. His head reaches out, caressing your face.
“It’s getting too hard to fight, Y/N.” he whispers, looking deep into your eyes. “I don’t want to want you.”
“I don’t want to want you either.” You admit.
“You feel it too? The pull, the urge, the desperation?” he asks. You can’t speak, you can only nod your head. “Then it’s true.. You are my mate.”
“I'm your what..” you ask. Before he can answer, his door swings open. Baekhyun backs away from you and in walks a brunette bombshell. She was absolutely stunning and you’d never seen her before.
“Jennie.” Baekhyun says, clearing his throat. “What are you doing here?” he asks.
“Poor girl looks frightened, Baeky.” she smiles. “I hope you're not scaring your staff too much.” she giggles.
“Who are y..” you begin before she cuts you off.
“Oh!” she laughs. “I’m Jennie Kim.” she announces, moving closer to Baekhyun, wrapping her arm around him.
“I’m his fiancee.”
#baekyhun#exo smut#exowritersnet#baekhyun smut#byun baekhyun#exo#exo writing#baekhyun writing#kpopscenarios#kpopscape#noonasinnetwork
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Genre: smut , minors dni,🔞, best friend to lovers, fake dating
Word count: 4,159
For as long as you can remember you and d.o have been shipped by your close friends, they always tried to put you two together as much as possible.
You and d.o didn't really mind either, you both loved spending time together and making new memories together.
At least that's what it was for you, just memories to tell your children and grandchildren when you grew older.
D.o and you were the complete opposite but still alike in many ways, when he hated socializing you thrived in it.
When he succeeded in the kitchen you failed astronomically.
You balanced each other but now....all you wanted to do was strangle him, the bastard opened your curtains and let the atrocious sunlight through onto your unsuspecting face.
Ultimately ruining your wet dream about a celebrity you could never have.
"close the curtains! my eyes are
burning! "you were so dramatic but he didn't mind that, you were one of his closest friends in the world and he found it quite amusing but he'd never admit that.
"don't you think you've slept in
long enough, you little vampire?"he asked and sat down beside you pulling the covers off your body.
You threw a pillow in his direction and he easily dodged it , chuckling at your weak attempt to get him to leave you alone.
"Get up , they're serving food at that diner for couples again" you'd forgotten about that, the little diner near the boys apartment always did this every year for valentines day.
"Why aren't we sending Chen? He's in an actual relationship" you grumbled and he pinches your arm , grabbing your other arm to keep you from hitting him.
"I'll buy you dumplings later"he offered and you sat up , stretching with a smile on your face.
It was safe to say you're thoroughly spoiled.
"Deal"you agreed and got up, heading to the bathroom to get ready and kyungsoo headed back to the living room where the guys were watching TV.
"Baekhyun, you're buying y/n dumplings later" he stated as he plops himself down on the couch beside Kai.
You were finally ready to head over to the guys apartment and even though they brought Chen's 'family' car as you'd like to call it there still wasn't enough room for everyone, that's how you end up on kyungsoo's lap and you're convinced they planned this.
By they you mean baekhyun.
"Who are we texting?" Kyungsoo asked and you smiled slightly, turning your head to look at him.
"One of my side chicks" you commented and he snorts, resting his chin on your shoulder as you lean back against his chest.
"Cheating on our anniversary? You wound me" he commented lowly and you'd have to note that was the first time you felt something towards d.o, his low voice just gave you the chills as it resonated in your ear
"Are we there yet?" He raised his eyebrows at you, taken aback by the sudden question and he looks out of the window.
"Almost, you know how slow Chen drives"he chuckles and there it goes again, his deep voice and you tried to refrain from shivering but you couldn't help it.
He definitely noticed.
"Are you cold? I told you to bring a jacket"he scolds you and you bite your bottom lip, you're snapped out of it when he starts to rub your arms in hopes of providing you some warmth.
He had no idea that he was unintentionally driving you crazy.
"We're here" Chen dropped you off at the diner and you both climb out of the car, you headed towards the entrance thankfully it wasn't too packed due to the time and most people were at work.
You had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the diner, the first floor being the waiting area and you hear a snort coming from beside you.
"You're the clumsiest person I know, how did you survive past childhood?"he chuckles at your frame when you successfully avoided falling up the steps because lord knows how you managed to do that.
"Well it's a good thing I have you here to protect me"you turn to him and bat your eyelashes earning a snort from him before he shoves you lightly, an arm wrapping around your waist as you approached the buffet to further sell the idea of you being a couple.
However you didn't expect to see kyungsoo's boss there as well and witnessing kyungsoo tense up, it was clear that he was just as surprised.
"Fancy seeing you here, I had no idea you were in a relationship."his boss greets him and you smiled.
"He likes to keep me hidden"you say and kyungsoo gives your waist a squeeze of appreciation, thankful for the save.
"Will we be seeing each other at your promotion party?"he then asked kyungsoo, you looked at him confused and completely stepping out of character.
"What promotion party?"you asked and his boss also questioned him, confused that he hasn't told you yet.
"You didn't tell her?"
"We've been so busy lately there wasn't enough time"kyungsoo explained, it wasn't necessarily a lie either but knowing him he wasn't intending on attending his own party.
"Its okay"you assured him before turning to his boss.
"We'll be there"you promised and this time it was kyungsoo who stared at you in shock, disbelief even.
"Well then , I'll let you enjoy your evening, it was nice meeting you-"you take his hand to shake it and give him your name.
"Why didn't you say anything?"you asked him as you both sat on the couch, some of the guys had work and the chen was on a date with his girlfriend.
"I wasn't gonna go, its not a big deal"you snorted, not surprised.
"You got a promotion soo and that is a big deal, when is the party?"you questioned him and he leans back against the couch.
"Its next weekend, out of town"you raised your eyebrows.
"Then I should get packed"you said, standing up and he grabbed your hand, getting your attention.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked, genuinely concerned.
"We have to, can't risk people thinking you're a liar and a fraud"you say and squeeze his hand.
"Thank you"he said and you nodded, pulling away from him to go and get packed. You decided to bring at least 15 different outfits, you never know what you'll encounter over a three day period.
As the days pass by and the weekend approaches you both bid your friends a farewell, surprising you even more once you saw they were traveling all the way to California for his promotion party.
You were once again in disbelief when you'd checked into the hotel, of course you and d.o were sharing a room. You tried not to think too deeply about it and focused more on the room, it was more like a suite.
"I just got promoted to CEO" he answered your question before you even asked, your eyes full of amazement as you took in the room and kyungsoo has never seen you look so beautiful.
The bed is huge and the view is otherworldly , you couldn't believe your best friend has been hiding this life from you all this time.
Yet you still couldn't fathom why this man was still single.
"We're expanding our branch to California" he further explains, which explains why you'd flown here.
"A-are you moving here?" You asked , turning to him and he sat down on the bed. Your heart sank.
He was moving all the way to California.
"I'll come visit when I can" he tells you and you nodded, looking down at your hands and he takes them in his own to pull you closer.
"Don't cry" he says softly and you sit down beside him, his hand pressing against your cheek and you subconsciously nuzzle into his hand.
His heart melts at your little display of affection and the first real action without eyes on you, you were both alone and yet you were genuinely sad to part from him once this was over.
He pulls you into a hug and you hide your face in his neck, he rubs your back soothingly to help you calm down all while your brain tried to come to terms with this new revelation.
You both pull away eventually and he pinches your cheek.
The party started a little bit after 9pm and you spent the last three hours in a room with all of the women, thank god you'd known kyungsoo for a long time because they wouldn't stop asking questions.
Like his boss they were also surprised that he was in a relationship , according to them he'd been asked out several times but declined them all.
This was the part that made you do a double take.
He'd always tell these beautiful and successful women that he already had eyes for someone else, who could that possibly be?
As far as you know kyungsoo had never mentioned having another friend of the opposite gender, could he be keeping her a secret?
"He seems really smitten with you" taeyeon tells you and you bite your bottom lip at that.
Their comments made your mind wander to places and scenarios they shouldn't have, what could a life with d.o offer you.
Were you the mystery interest all this time? If so, why would he turn down the likes of someone as successful as taeyeon for you?
No , this was fake dating. It wasn't real.
Yet you'd never talked about ending the fake dating plan once this was over.
Would you keep fake dating? What did kyungsoo think?
The sound of Krystal telling you she was done with your hair snapped you out of your thoughts, the hair stylist was definitely worth all the hype she got.
You could never get your hair to be this perfect but you'd never had enough money to buy the right products so that was probably why.
"Kyungsoo is a keeper, I wouldn't let him go if I were you" was the last thing taeyeon said before you parted ways when you walked down stairs.
Although you thrived in public situations this was a little out of your comfort zone , kyungsoo was chatting and laughing with his co-workers when you arrived with the rest of the ladies.
You did not fail to catch his attention immediately and he excused himself from the conversation before coming over to you, a smile on his face once he got close.
"You look amazing" one of the ladies had gifted you with a silk brown dress and gold accessories , it was the perfect length and the slit on the side showed off your beautiful thighs.
D.o shook his head before his mind could wander to unholy places meant to be whispered to you within the safety of your room.
"So do you" you're pushed up against him as a group of people walk past you and you look up at him before stepping back.
"Come , let's get you a drink"he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you to the bar, multiple people greeting him and you along the way.
"You're really popular, huh?"he chuckles at that and shrugs his shoulder.
"Something like that"he orders a round of shots for you both and you engage in a competition like you usually do back home.
He let's you win of course as per usual.
"I'm gonna miss you" you state as you stare at him and he smiles sadly at you, leaning forward to kiss your lips but instead he ends up kissing your nose and you both burst out laughing.
"Were you trying to kiss me?"you asked him and he sits his glass down, attention drifting from the shot to you.
"What would you do if I was?"he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Slap you, maybe"you grinned and he snorts, knowing you were probably right.
"That would sell it right?"he asked, you knew what he was talking about but still the thought of kissing d.o sent shivers up your spine.
"Probably" you said and he leans forward, cupping your cheek and your eyes close at the sensation of his warm hand against your cheek.
Your breath hitching when you open your eyes to see how close he was and just then he closed the gap, kissing your lips softly and it was a simple kiss.
No tongue or anything like that but still had your head spinning from the softness, it was a quick kiss before he pulled you into his arm in a hug and kissed your cheeks twice making you laugh.
As the night came to an end you and d.o found yourselves sitting amongst his peers, his hand on your knee to stop your leg from bouncing and your head on his shoulder as you were starting to get sleepy as it was now going past midnight.
"We're gonna head in for the night"his hand leaving your knee to help you stand, arm around your waist as both walk to the elevator.
"Okay, see you tomorrow"you wondered what tomorrow had in store for you but you were too tired to think about it further.
The ride up to your floor was quiet but not an uncomfortable silence, kyungsoo picks you up once the elevator opens and he carries you bridal style to your room.
You were wide awake now, not expecting that and honestly you didn't even know he was that strong.
Needless to say you kinda liked it, maybe a little too much.
"We need to talk"he'd said just before you could dip off to the bathroom to get changed.
"Okay....what is it?"you asked him, kicking off your shoes and looking over at him since he had yet to move.
"I don't know when it started or why it even started but all I know is...I like you , y/n and before you even ask its not as a friend"you're shocked but you kind of suspected there was something else going on the more the day moved along.
Especially after talking with taeyeon and hearing how he acted around other women, its very different from how he acts with you.
He's comfortable with you.
"I've liked you for a long time now, its why I didn't bother to date because none of them are you and they could never make me feel the way you do"you felt your heart melt at that, you were the mystery interest this whole time.
You were the one he'd had his eyes on for god knows how long, that explained why he complied with fake dating you for food at the diner.
"I just had to say it. And if you
don't want me that way, we'll
never mention this again. I'll be at your side when you get married, when you have kids, when you find the cure for cancer- and I'll be happy for you. I'll keep my feelings out of it-"you hadn't even noticed you hadn't responded to his confession yet, too caught up with matching up the missing pieces of the puzzle that kyungsoo left for you all these years.
"Soo shut up"you cut him off and he immediately raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, I can do that"he said and you took a deep breath before walking over to him , grabbing his shirt and pulling him to you as you kissed his lips.
Ultimately taking him by surprise but soon enough his hands found your waist to pull you closer to his body , your lips molding together like a seamless harmony and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Is that a yes?"he asked after pulling away for some air, panting slightly and you nodded as your eyes closed.
"I don't want you to keep your feelings out of it"you tell him and he picks you up, pressing you against the nearest wall and you gasp at this new side of d.o that you were witnessing.
"Fuck, I've waited for this for so long" he whispered against your lips as he licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let his tongue slip inside , the kiss deepening and his body pushing up against yours.
You whine softly as you feel something hard press against your center and your fingers grip his hair, his lips leaving yours and moving down to your neck as you tilt your head back.
You shiver upon feeling his mouth on your skin for the first time and he grows harder as he listens to you moan his name for the first time.
He wanted more.
"Wait are you sure about this?"he asked as he pulled back and his eyes drift over to your neck, no doubt a hickey already decorating your skin.
"Just fuck me already" you lock your legs around his waist as you make him press against your center again, a groan leaving his lip and you pull him into another kiss.
"Soo" you gasp as his hands grope both of your breasts and you both look down at his hands , he gulps before brushing his thumbs over your nipples and feeling them already hardened.
"Fuck you're not wearing a bra"you blush at his words and work to get his tie loose, nibbling on your bottom lip.
"The girls said I didn't need one with this dress"you gasped again as he rolls your nipples between his fingers through the thin material of your dress and winning him a whimper in response.
"Been thinking about ripping this dress off you since you walked through that door" he spoke and looked up at you before pulling down the top of your dress until your tits spill out of the material, he wastes no time as he licks his fingers and takes your nipple into his mouth all while rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
Your fingers wrap around the door handle to keep you anchored in the world of reality.
"You can't- its not mine" you tell him and he pulls you back into another kiss , carrying you to the bed now and pushing you down against it.
Your hands immediately go to his pants and you hastily unbutton them before pushing them down his legs, you pull him down onto you and your sudden movement makes him gasp.
He curses in your ear as your hand slips into his boxers and your hand wraps around his impressive length, he wasn't long like how you thought he'd be but he was thick.
"I want you inside now"you whine as you stroke his length and he bucks into your hand, a groan leaving his lips as you squeeze his base and pump faster.
"W-we've got all night"he stops you and pulls your hand out of his boxers, his eyes widening as he takes in the sight of you removing your dress and you're only left in a pair of black laced panties.
"My God, you're so fucking
gorgeous like this."he whispered and ran a hand up your body to grab your breasts in his hands, rolling your nipples between his fingers before his hand wraps around your neck and you gasp.
" oh fuck"your back arches off the bed and he trails his tongue up your body as he kisses a wet trail behind, when his tongue flicks at your sensitive buds you wrap your legs around him.
"You're driving me crazy"he coos at your comment before biting down on the plump flesh surrounding your nipple and your body arches again as he sucks it into his mouth.
You didn't know kyungsoo had this side to him and you definitely liked seeing this side, you definitely noticed he was more of a boob guy and you were proved right when he traps his cock between them.
A trail of saliva landing on the head of his cock to help him fuck your tits better and you let your tongue loll out , hearing him curse as his cock hits your tongue each time he thrusts.
"Soo please , I don't need any foreplay. I just need you inside of me. Right now."kyungsoo laughs and pulls away from you , leaning down to kiss your lips and pulling away right after.
"One more thing, baby. Then I'll give you whatever you want" he promised before slipping between your legs and your breath gets caught in your throat as you realized what he was about to do.
"Relax, let me take care of you" you rest your head back against the pillow and bite your bottom lip as he takes off your panties, the first lick pulls a gasp from you before he's delving into your heat and he moans.
"Fuck, fuck"you swear and arch your back as he holds your hips down, looking up at you as he licks your wet core and your fingers grip his hair again.
" kyungsoo"you moan his name again and he groans as he sucks your clit into his mouth, your hips trying to buck against his mouth but failing due to his grip.
"You taste so good" he groans against your heat and his eyes roll into the back of his head as you tug his hair, his tongue licking you feverishly.
"Oh- I'm gonna cum" you cried out, your legs threatening to close around his head but he wraps his arms under your legs and hums in delight as you cum, your body trembling.
He pulls away and licks his lips as he comes up to kiss your lips, your arms wrap around his neck as you deepen the kiss and your hands push his boxers down.
"Please , I need you"you whimper and he pulls back to pull off the rest of his clothes, you hadn't even noticed that majority of his clothes were still on and you just about ripped his shirt off because he was taking too long.
His lips return to yours once he was undressed and you moan into the kiss as you feel his cock grinding against your folds, covering his bare cock in your slick embarrassingly at that.
"you're so wet, I bet I could just-" he pushes his cock into your entrance and you moan at the intrusion, your nails digging into his lower back and he groans as he grabs your hands to pin them above your head.
"Move , please" you beg and he bites his bottom lip as he starts to fuck his cock into you , you both moaning out at the same time and his hands move down to your hips for better leverage.
His thrusts becoming rougher gradually and faster, your moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
You'd feel bad about the red marks that littered across his back layer but right now you couldn't care less, especially not with him deep in your guts like he was.
Definitely not with him whispering praises into your ear about how well you were taking him, how you were crafted just for him and no one else.
"You're gonna make me cum again" you whimper and he reaches down to slap to your clit with his fingers , you gasped and cried out to him.
"You gonna cum all over your best friends cock?"he taunts you and you nodded your head, what would your friends think if they knew what you both were up to on this trip?
"Cum for me, come on pretty girl"he coos into your ear and you cling onto him, your face in his neck as you clench down around him, pulling a groan from his lips as you cum and he fucks you through your state of euphoria without slowing down.
"Fuck- almost there princess"he said and pulled back to drive his cock into your heat faster, now chasing his own orgasm and rolling your nipples between as he further prolonged your orgasm.
"Fucking hell" he quickly pulls and moves over your body, straddling your waist and strokes his cock until he's cumming all over your tits.
"Never pegged you for a tit guy" you smile at him lazily and he chuckles , leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"Just yours"he gets off the bed and you smile as he disappears in the bathroom, you couldn't help but think back to earlier and him moving halfway across the world.
How would you make it work? Would it have been better not to explore this side of each other?
You only had 2 days left before your lives would change forever.
Well , a lot can happen in 2 days.
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I love SHINee <3
FOREWARNING FOR ANNOYING INTERNET POLICE: This post is me just using my tumblr page like a diary, yes it's delulu as I am addressing them all individually as If they'd ever see it. So what. I know they wont and I am not pretending to know them personally so don't start with that.
I have nowhere else to put this cause nobody else in real life understands but I just love SHINee so so so much.. I've been a SHAWOL since 2010 and as much as I come to love other groups (MANY other 2nd gen groups, then BTS, EXO, GOT7, Stray Kids, Ateez) none of them can ever compare to how much I love and adore SHINee. I have absolutely been out of the loop of Kpop for a handful of years so I'm not up to date on everything they do but one thing is for sure I will always come back to them and support their careers, solo or together. I love watching them branch out and try new things. Key with his musicals years ago, Onew & Minho in their acting careers, Taemin when he joined SuperM (a bonus to that is having Kai & Baekhyun there too obv), Jonghyun when he hosted Blue Night, and just everything they all do in their solo careers. Music related or not. If anyone was to ever ask me who my ULT group is I wouldn't hesitate and say SHINee. Even if other groups were present, like all the love to other groups but I just love love love SHINee. They are my comfort. My heart.
Lee Jinki. I love your softer vocals and your big heart. Your smile shines so brightly it reaches me over in America. I just wanna hug you. You've always given teddy bear vibes and I love that about you. Never change. I need to get back into watching Kdramas, and i'll start with the ones you're in. If I was ever your friend I'd be right there supporting you with endeavor. Maybe not screaming my support from the sidelines (unless allowed, then I will), but I'd be there.
Kim Jonghyun, I know you're watching me write this you goober. And there isn't enough space on here for me to say how much I love you. I love your honestly, how you wore your heart on your sleeve and put your all into your music, family, friends and the other members. You are a literal angel and you were an angel in human form on earth. I hope to meet you in another life and if I do you BETTER be prepared for me to tackle you in a hug. You've got a couple decades to prepare, sir. <3
Kim Kibum. You sassy mf. I love you but I also wanna scream half the time I see you..doing anything really. We're a little too similar personality wise (as far as I can tell from being a fan, at least) so I think had we been able to be friends you'd be in my phone contacts as "Bitch" with a bunch of heart emoji's. We absolutely would talk shit about ppl while eating expensive chocolates, doing face masks and sipping wine. Id drink it just for you cause otherwise I don't drink. But I love how sassy you are, and that you're unapologetically you. We'd get along so well. Also loving all the 80's synth vibes in your music definitely up my alley.
Choi Minho. You intimidated me at first not gonna lie, but the more I got to know you the more I grew to love you. Just like Jinki you're a big teddy bear who I just wanna hug and boop you on the nose. You're exceptionally talented in everything I've seen you do so far which is unsurprising. I don't like sports, in fact I avoid them but for you I'd like to play with you just to see you smile and laugh (probably as I fail miserably.)
Lee Taemin. *sprays with raid* BACK I SAY. BACK SIR. YOU gave me WHIPLASH when you debuted your solo back in 2014. I was so used to the cute lil taeminnie from before and then BAM. SEXY. And every single comeback of yours still manages to throw me through a loop even though you having mature concepts is not new. Ugh. I love you though. Cause outside of your stage presence you're still taeminnie, the cute lil guy who is shy and loves his cat, and stealing from Key. You do weird shit, but while weird it's still endearing to know you're weird just like me. But Ive never ate bugs so you're alone in that, sorry. If I ever became your friend I want you to be prepared for chaos. I fear we would fuel each others unhinged personality. There goes the other members sanity.
#SHINee#taemin#lee taemin#kim jonghyun#jonghyun#choi minho#minho#lee jinki#jinki#onew#personal post#this is just me gushing over SHINee#I love them#I love them so much#I'd actually be mortified if they saw this irl#SHINee dont perceive me#ever#thank you
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Baekhyun: Second thoughts & Second Chances

Baekhyun raised the volume of his car radio as he slowed his car to a halt in front of a stoplight. The night was quiet and there were very few cars around him. He’d worked a long day, and now he couldn't wait to get home to rest for the evening.
The songs on the radio were old western throwbacks, a small station Baekhyun casually liked very much. The current song playing was Dean Martin's Everybody Loves Somebody.
Baekhyun hummed along to the song, not particularly thinking of anything at first.
It wasn't until about halfway through the second verse that Baekhyun caught up to the message behind a few of the lyrics;
Everybody finds somebody someplace, There's no telling where love may appear.
Baekhyun had found many “someone’s” at different points of his life, though none of them had ever lasted very long.
The boy reminisced on his last love,
"Just a few months ago," he pondered, "we were doing so well."
Crazy how everything changes, he thought.
The light in front of him turns green, and he continues the rest of his drive home quietly lost in thought.
It wasn't until later that night when Baekhyun was sitting alone in his kitchen that he realized how much he really missed you. And it wasn't the only sudden night that he was in his sudden feels about you, either. The thought of your past relationship together would repeatedly resurface when the smallest of things reminded him of you.
Song lyrics, couples walking in public, heart-shaped donuts at a sweet shop's window.
There was always something that tied his thoughts back to you.
“Ah,” he sighed as he scrolled through your profile whilst drinking a glass of wine at his bar table.
You still look just as great as you did when I first met you.
Baekhyun sipped his wine slowly, his thoughts recalling a promise that he’d made you once, though it never really came true.
I'll always come back for you, especially when our relationship hits a rough patch. I think you're worth fighting for.
Baekhyun put his phone face-down onto the marble countertop and rubbed his eyes in frustration. When he closed his eyes, he saw you and him sharing treasured memories together, the sounds of your laughter and the feel of your soft lips against his.
When he opened his eyes, nothing more than an empty living room and the distant sound of the AC greeted him, and all the memories of you had dissipated into nothing.
What am I doing?
The tired boy poured himself a third glass of wine and began sipping it steadily. He wasn't totally buzzed yet, but he definitely would be going that route if he didn't stop thinking about you.
He decided that the only way to give himself a peace of mind was to check up on you after all these months of not doing so.
Baekhyun opened a new conversation with you on Instagram and hesitated for a moment to consider what he had to say.
What could you possibly tell someone after you broke up with them?
He feels his thumbs typing away until a half-coherent message is written out.
[Baekhyun: Hi, I hope I'm not disturbing you if I reach out like this..]
To his surprise, the <Online> bubble next to your name turns green, and he sees that you've read his message.
His heart falls heavy into his chest as he scrambles to think of what to say next, assuming and hoping you'd reply. To his surprise, you did.
[New DM: Hi Baek!! :) Long time no see!]
Baekhyun mindlessly typed away at his phone, the lingering effects of his wine eventually kicking in and convincing him to just say what he had on his mind.
[Baekhyun: I don't mean to pop up so suddenly, but I was thinking about a promise I made you that I realize now, I never kept..]
[New DM: Oh? What promise?]
Baekhyun took a deep breath before taking another long sip of his wine.
[Baekhyun: That I'd come back for you, even after the worst]
[Baekhyun: I didn't do that for you.. I guess I'm here to apologize, though maybe I should've done it more formally than over instagram]
[New DM: <is typing...>]
[New DM: Baek, it's been months since our breakup... I hope that guilt hasn't been eating you up this whole time. You deserve better..]
[New DM: But I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about you the same way this whole time]
Baekhyun felt himself relax for a moment, hoping that perhaps there would be a chance at rekindling what you once had all over again if your feeling truly were mutual.
[New DM: But I also feel like I should tell you before this conversation progresses any further... I've fallen in love with someone else...]
At that, Baekhyun puts his phone back down against the table and rests his head over his crossed over the marble counter.
And there it is...
I made the mistake of letting you go.
Baekhyun's eyes filled with drunken tears of sorrow and regret, the sound of your incoming messages making his phone buzz and the countertop vibrate.
But the exhausted and heartbroken boy did not pick up his phone again, nor was he prepared to face the conversation with you that would surely soon ensue.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that you'd moved on so quickly.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that the breakup was stupidly caused over sasaengs who'd threatened to leak your personal information online if he hadn't broken you off.
He wasn't prepared to accept not doing more with his authority.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that he didn't think of any other gateway to protect you, and his response was to break the beautiful relationship you once shared, and how it shattered your heart in the process.
He wasn't prepared for the worst,
losing you to someone who would now surely protect you more than he ever could.
My intentions weren't to harm you.
I wish I got to tell you this.
Instead, the oven clock in the kitchen ticked away into the night, and soft, exhausted snores eventually filled the voided air of the otherwise quiet, empty apartment.
#kpop#kpop imagines#exo#kpop fanfic#kpop edits#exo fanfic#byun baekhyun#baekhyun#exo baekhyun#Baekhyun exo#Baekhyun fluff#baekhyun imagine#exo kpop#exo kai#exo sehun#exo lay#lay zhang#do kyungsoo#exo suho#exo chen#exo xiumin#exo chanyeol#baekhyun fanfic#exo fanfics#exo requests#baekhyun boyfriend material#exo boyfriend material#exo oneshots#baekhyun oneshots#baekhyun oneshot
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Relationship Revealed
A/N: I never understood how people said that this man is ugly? Dude just needed time to grow into his features. Plus he's so charismatic. If you don't agree with me fight with the wall.
Part 4:
Eunhyuk (Super Junior)

So, I think his relationship would be revealed through a live hidden camera challenge.
For those who don't know what the hidden camera challenge is and why did I choose this trope for him. A hidden camera challenge is like a prank all the people discuss an elaborate situation and then act it out in front of the person for who the challenge is for.
It is done to see how that person on whom the prank is pulled would react to it and then will be told that it was a challenge. When this happens like in a prank the person has no idea that this is a challenge.
I chose this for Hyukjae because he has had many many hidden camera challenges done on him they are present on you tube and he has won every single on of them. To win this you need to be calm and level minded because those are usually personal or provoking situations. Now back to the story.
So Lee Hyukjae is basically a pro at these challenges because one he is levelheaded and calm in such situations plus he always falls for it, but what if there is a situation where he maybe calm but you're not?
This is how it goes. Eunhyuk is a judge/mentor at a survival show and the producers decide to pull a hidden camera challenge at him knowing his history with them.
Hyukjae brings you with him one day at shoot no one knew you're dating.
You're in the room where all the mentors and judges are sitting along with some of their staff while Eunhyuk's conversing with his fellow judges EXO Baekhyun, 2PM Wooyoung, Sistar Hyolyn, Twice Momo, 2NE1 CL you are chilling and talking to the hair and make up in charge for Eunhyuk.
Suddenly the door opens and a policeman with a lawyer enters and asks for Hyukjae. "Is Lee Hyukjae here?" the policeman asked "Yes?" Hyukjae replied going over to them "There has been a police complaint against you, you need to come to the station with me." the policeman said and took out his cuffs.
That is when you stand up and go over there to stop Hyukjae from leaving with them.
"What crime did he commit?" You asked "Who are you?" the lawyers counterattacked "I'm his girlfriend, now please tell me what did he do and when?" You repeated yourself "There is a complaint that yesterday night he went to a bar and got drunk and got into a fight." The policeman replied.
"Were you at a bar yesterday?" you asked Hyukjae and he nodded "See, now let him come with us" the policeman said pulling hyukjae towards him while you held his hand and pulled him towards you. "I am also his lawyer, so do you have a warrant to arrest him?" You said
"Jagi, it's fine let me go down to the station and I'll clear everything up they can check the footage and see I didn't get into a fight." Hyukjae said but you ignored him "Warrant?" You asked again getting impatient. The lawyer handed you a warrant and you looked at it. "This is fake! Who's your commanding officer? " You said getting angry .
"Hyung!" Baekhyun called Hyukjae and he looked at him and saw Baekhyun pointing to the hidden cameras recording. "This was live....." Momo said further.
"Well, fuck" you said and Hyukjae just gave you back hug and smiled.
#super junior#eunhyuk#hyukjae#donghae#baekhyun#momo#hyolyn#wooyoung#leetuk#ryeowook#heechul#siwon#kyuhyun#yesung#shindong#exo#twice#sistar#2pm
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hi! if you're still taking requests, may i request a baekhyun angst writing? i'll leave it up to you as long as it doesn't involve sickness or de*th :) thank youu~
a/n: hi, thank you for the request and your patience, as well as your support! i’m not the best angst writer and don’t really know how good or concise this is, so sorry for any mistakes. hope you like it 💕 (i’m also really bad at ending all of my stories so bear with me)
broken promises • bbh [req]
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f!reader
genre: angst
warnings: angst
“so this is it?” he asks, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped in front of him. his eyes shine with tears that he is trying not to let fall.
you shrug. “i cant keep doing this, baekhyun,” you sniff, wiping under your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt. his eyes stay locked on the floor, as if a solution to fixing your relationship will spew from the carpet.
baekhyun can’t even remember how you two ended up here. one minute, he was walking in the door and the next you were telling him that you wanted to break up. his brain turned off after the word left your lips, and all he could hear was the echo of your voice in his head saying “i’m done”. “done” as in with him, with your relationship, with waiting on him, with waiting for him. simply just done, over it.
he tried to salvage it, begged you to see it through. tried to reason with you that he’d be better, he’d make more time for you, that he loved you. but he’d fallen short on so many of the promises of the past, that his words went in one ear and out the other for you.
you never wanted it to get to this point, but it started to feel inevitable. he was gone a lot—you knew that’d be the case when you agreed to be his girlfriend. you practically signed up for it. and it was fine, you could deal with it as long as he came back to you, and made time for you. he held up his end of the deal, coming right home to you once he was finished with his schedules, reserving time—days—just for you, turning off his phone and ignoring calls from his friends.
he did it all, until he stopped. he got comfortable—all it took was you saying it was fine that he saw some friends once, to let him forget about you completely. those days turned into mere hours turned into quick hellos and goodbyes. you lived alone half of the year, and it started to feel like he was just there to sleep on the days he was back from his schedules. there were barely any signs that he lived with you beyond his clothes in the closest. anyone could come over and assume that you lived alone, and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong.
you gave him the benefit of the doubt every time. you convinced yourself that he’d see you when he got the chance. but he never made time, so the opportunity never arose. it got to a point where you were lucky to even hold a conversation with him for longer than a few minutes.
bakehyun was a stranger in your house. it felt odd to even see him sit in the chair across from you. it’s probably the first time it’s ever been occupied by him.
“y/n, please,” he begs. he doesnt even know what he’s begging for—another chance, reconsideration? understanding?
you shake your head. “no, baekhyun. i cant be with you anymore,” a single tear falls out of his eye and drags down the length of his cheek, curving down his jaw before dropping onto the wood floor.
this day wasn’t supposed to happen. these words were never supposed to leave your mouth. and nothing could have ever prepared baekhyun for it, not even if it was telegrammed to him, or if the signs were always there.
baekhyun sniffs and finally lifts his head to look at you, and feels like crumpling all over again, because you’re no longer his. the woman across from him is now a stranger, somebody he once had and took for granted.
he wants so badly to touch you one last time, to hold and to kiss you to commit to memory. he needs something to hold onto, to remind himself it wasn’t always like this, but maybe it has been and he’s been too blind to see it. “i can be better,” he sniffs, pushing his hair back from his forehead.
you shake your head. you once had better, had the best from him. it’s hard to believe that he could ever be that same man again. “baekhyun, it’s over,” and it kills you to keep saying it, because every time the words leave your lips it becomes more real. your life with baekhyun is unfolding in the worst possible way.
it’s helpless now. any words he says will be like grasping at straws, and he’s run out. he’s run out of chances to make things better. and he’ll curse himself forever for losing the one thing in his life that meant the most, all because he couldn’t read the signs that were right in front of him.
#exo#exo imagines#exo scenarios#exo x reader#exo x you#byun baekhyun#exo baekhyun#baekhyun x you#baekhyun imagine#baekhyun x reader#baekhyun angst#baekhyun fic
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My favorite lyrics from my Renegades playlists that i associate with Nodrian:
"Did you ever love me? Does it even matter?" - Say Goodbye, Katharine McPhee
"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" - Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
"I’ll always be on your side, promise you." - Promise, Everglow
"Late night, watching television. But how'd we get in this position?" - I really like you, Carly Rae Jepsen
"Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me." - Wonderwall, Oasis
"Paint my kiss across your chest. If you're the art, I'll be the brush." - Bad Liar, Selena Gómez
"We had trust, belief and friendship. Maybe something more, maybe something less." - Vengeance, coldrain
"Whether we’re together or apart, we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start." - Over again, One Direction
"Why don't we save each other? Even though we couldn't save anything, let alone the world." - Howl, Chuu
From Nova's pov:
"An evening star watched from afar. It guided me here. It knew you'd be here." - I knew I loved you, Céline Dion
"Dream that makes me want to fall asleep again, such a sweet dream, that’s you." - Dream, Suzy feat. Baekhyun
"For the way you're something that I'd never choose, but at the same time, something I don't wanna lose." - Never knew I needed, Ne-Yo feat. Cassandra Steen
"I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown." - arms, Christina Perri
"I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone, so I'm gonna love you now like it's all I have. I know it'll kill me when it's over, I don't wanna think about it." - Love me now, John Legend
"If I kept you away from me, if I failed you and I left, it was because my lies scared me. You believed in me and I became so good at pretending." - Perdón, Camila
"I'll follow into the painting you create." - Lucid, LOOΠ∆ Odd Eye Circle
"I made you a promise with no way to keep it, but what kills me the most, I'd still do anything for you." - The Breaker, Little Big Town
"I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good." - Sparks fly, Taylor Swift
"I'm scared that I'll love you. I'm scared that I'll need you. I'm scared that I'll always want you close." - Something 4 U, Sam Addeo feat. Biyo
"I shot the stars out of your sky, took the love right from your eyes, and I did it all knowing you thought I was the hero of your heart." - The Breaker, Little Big Town
"I was used to being alone, my days were gray, but I remember the day you lightly came to me, knocking on my door. You shined on me like a light, woke me up from darkness, opened the closed door of my heart." - Starlight, Taeyeon feat. DEAN
"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea." - Sparks fly, Taylor Swift
"Oh my God, I can't believe it. Out of all the people in the world, what is the likelihood of jumping out of my life and into your arms? Maybe, baby, I'm just losing my mind, 'cause this is trouble but it feels right. Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell is a battle that I cannot fight." - Oh My God, Adele
"She's the death you chose. You're in terrible danger." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"Some say she's such a fake, that her love is made up. No, no, no, no." - Girl Almighty, One Direction
"Sometimes I wonder, when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me?" - Delicate, Taylor Swift
"The coat of paint that you had drawn on me will wash away." - Stop the rain, Day6
"The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me. Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?" - peace, Taylor Swift
"The devil that you know looks now more like an angel. I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"The more you become precious to me, the more afraid I am." - Eclipse, Got7
"There's nothing to pretend, I fell in love with you." - Me enamoré de ti, Chayanne
"The world I lived in has flipped over inside out because of you, right is left, left is right." - Sweet Chaos, Day6
"They tried to warn you about me." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"This ain't for the best. My reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me." - Delicate, Taylor Swift
"Through the lies, you were the truth. My world is a better place because of you." - Because of you, Céline Dion
"When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth. You love me for who I am." - When I look at you, Miley Cyrus
"Wish I could tell you I still feel the same. I want you to know that it was never in vain. And that's the last thing that you'll hear me say." - Hear me say, Jonas Blue
"Wish that I would let you break my walls, but I'm still spinning out of control from the fall." - Oh My God, Adele
"You are the sunlight that rose again in my life, a reincarnation of my childhood dreams. I don't know what these emotions are. Am I still dreaming?" - Euphoria, BTS
From Adrian's pov:
"And you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones." - my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift
"Even if time fades my paint, I will protect your dreamworld, I’ve never left." - Action figure, WayV
"I can save you and treat you preciously, and if you want I can ride a spaceship cross the night sky, pick the stars and place them in your hands." - Jasmine, DPR Live
"I closed my eyes to this evil. You hid your true colors until now." - Gunshot, K.A.R.D
"I could paint your beauty. That's if you just let me." - Jasmine, DPR Live
"I'd like to be a superhero and protect you against evil, gift you the Milky Way in a cereal bowl, take you to outer space and fly like Superman does." - Espacio sideral, Jesse & Joy
"I don't care how deep in the darkness you may be, I'll find my way to you, if you just wait for me." - Star maker, AmaLee
"I don't know what road you're gonna take this time, but let it be mine." - Let it be mine, Brett Young
"I draw your appearance every night without anyone knowing." - Why, Hwasa
"I guess it's still hard if the seed's sown, but do you really want to be alone?" - Over again, One Direction
"I insisted we begin at the start to turn us back into a work of art." - Oxford Blood, Autoheart
"I know you’re worried, you hide behind your walls. Oh trust me, little darlin’, you can let ‘em fall." - All the ways, The Secret Sisters feat. Ray LaMontagne
"I'll give you everything I can, I'll build your dreams with these two hands." - I swear, All-4-One
"I make art, but you're the masterpiece." - With You, SuperM
"I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul, but if you're the one for me, then I'll be your hero." - Hero, Starstruck
"I start painting you and I don't pull it off. After slowly studying you, I end up thinking that over my palette I lack of intense colors that reflect your rare beauty." - Sólo pienso en ti, Miguel Bosé
"I want to draw you in the wide sky, name it after the stars." - ANL, NCT Dream
"I want to protect you who's sleeping next to me in this night." - Same dream, same night, same mind, Seventeen
"Like that star that stars in the night sky, tell me your mysterious story." - TokTok, GWSN
"Lips burrow so deep, give me good sleep." - You belong to me, Cat Pierce
"On the sketchbook of my brain, I draw you out every day." - Oh my!, Seventeen
"Put you in jail for something you didn't do. I pinned your hands behind your back. Thought I had reason to attack, but no." - Afterglow, Taylor Swift
"Stupid me still draws you in the air. A star called you shines in the pitch dark room." - HaPpY, Stray Kids
"We fight and you bait me. You feel so defiant. You used to save me but now I'm just frightened." - Keep dreaming, Neffex
"You don’t exist in front of me right now, I know that for sure, but I’m going to interrogate you. Your lips know the answer that I want." - Sherlock, Shinee
"You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same." - my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift
"You’re like a dream, so secretive, more than the entire universe." - Falling, Lim Kim
"You're the one I always dream of. Ev'ry line of your face is sketched so plain inside my heart." - You're the one, Carpenters
"You tried hiding another you but your evil was coming through." - Ghost, Ella Henderson
"You've got the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen." - I love you always forever, Donna Lewis
#me: ros please be normal about your playlists#also me:#i'm sorry i couldn't contain myself i just had to do this you guys#Nova Artino#Adrian Everhart#Nodrian#Renegades
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Dine in —
[Baekhyun AU]

[chap.] one — two
Summary; Kim never thought that she would get a very bad dream. All she wants just killing her boredom by doing a late night drive but who would've thought she was actually stuck, repeatedly crossing the same road over and over again spinning around at the same time, trapped somewhere strange as well with the stranger.
Pairing; Baekhyun x OC
Genre; suspense, romance
The voice belongs to Roy Orbison seems so nostalgic for the listeners. There she is, the brown haired woman humming to his Oh Pretty Woman while her eyes focusing to the front, hands gently twisting the wheel to the parking lot. She has been driving for at least three hours. Intended to kill her boredom so late night drive is the best option.
Sage Diner was written in white, surrounded by a red lighting so she can spotted it from afar. The woman decided to take a break to order some food because she feels hungry. She left the house with empty stomach. Not wasting anymore time, she hopped off her jeep. Walking into the entrance as the door chimes softly.
Another oldies greeted her ears as she get in. She spotted the waiter was kind of busy wiping the glass and plate behind the counter, didn't notice there was someone coming until she decided to sit on the long counter in front of him.
"Sorry. Didn't notice you there" He placed the glass down, walking towards where the woman sat and offering her a smile. The man has a dark hair, a bit messy and parted to each side showing his forehead into her view. "Wanna order something?"
She nodded as she returned his smile. "I'll just have a cheeseburger with fries.. And um.. Strawberry juice. Is it still available?"
"Alright. We'll deliver your food in five minutes.. Or more" The man with the black long sleeved shirt turned around. He was also wearing his apron paired with jeans.
"I'm sorry— Bacon? Am I reading your name tag right?" Her voice made his steps stopped. The man turned around to face her again as he chuckled. "Yeah. Its silly. Just call me Baekhyun. Anything you need, miss?"
"Anything you need Miss Kim?"
"Can I ask what time is it? Since I didn't see any clock hanging on the wall—"
"Its probably around 2 a.m in the morning. But time just don't work in here" That was the last sentence she heard after he left her with another chuckles. She rolled her eyes because she knows he was just messing around.
Kim titled her head slightly, eyeing her surroundings and the decorations until she realized that she was alone. Her eyes glanced over to the window, spotting her jeep is the only vehicle on the parking lot. She then rose up from her feet. Walking towards the jukebox, she crouched down a bit, watching the spinning vinyl record carefully because she didn't know how its supposed to works.
The more she watched it, the more she realized that the vinyl was spinning backwards? She frowned. Listening to the song but she was pretty sure the songs seems just fine. Kim once heard one of her friends saying if you hear a song playing backwards, there's one thing you should do, run. Because it was nothing more than some satanic rituals. Even if doesn't make any sense that such a thing exist.
She was about to take a closer look until a light tap on her shoulder almost startling her to death. "Wow— easy"
"You startled me" Kim protested. She rose up, staring into the man right away until he spoke again. "I'm sorry. I rang the bell but you didn't hear. Your food is ready" He gestured, pointing to the counter as he walked behind it.
Kim muttered to thank him before she went back to her chair. The couple of next minute moved in silence. Only the sound of her fork and the soft oldies music from the jukebox filled the room. Baekhyun continuing doing his job. Wiping the glass and the plate before putting it back on the shelf carefully.
The more silence formed, the more uncomfortable feeling she felt. So she decided to opened her mouth again to ask him. "Why so quiet in here.. Are you alone? Where's the other?"
Baekhyun immediately stopped. Eyes shifted into her brown one. "Yeah. They leave early"
"Not even one person getting overtime shift with you? Just you? Why don't you leave then no ones will know. Beside there's no people other than me... And you" She replied. Realizing that no vehicle has ever crossed the road from the moment she arrived.
"I can't leave yet. This place is old. Must be your first time crossing this way, yeah?"
Kim nodded. Looking back at her food, she left it unfinished. Her appetite vanished somewhere, but the uncomfortable feeling stays. "It is usually like this? No cars crossing the way ever since I got here"
She found that she was asking him again but he didn't reply. Just simply focusing to wipe the glass and plate. The music is already stopped from a minute ago. Leaving a dead silence between the two of them. "Uh— I'll just take my leave. You can keep the change"
The woman with brown hair finally stood up. Leaving a couple of money on the table before turning around. Ready to take her leave. She heard him muttered a soft thank you before her palm pushing the door outside. Kim walked further. Looking around hoping there would be another vehicle coming but there is none.
Until she finally back to her jeep. Checking on her phone and it showed around 2 a.m in the morning. She was about to open the maps until she realized her phone showed no signal. Just typical, she thought. Actually Kim feels like she have crossed this way before this. She remembered it was daytime, and she sat on the passenger seat with her friend driving. But she didn't notice that Sage Diner was there, which is odd.
So she brushed the feeling away and started the engine. Stepping on the gas carefully as she twist the wheel gently to get back on the road. Staying in the same lane for a minute, she noticed a bright lights reflecting in the rearview mirror, followed by a body of truck finally came into her view because it drove pass her car.
It was such a relief for the woman seeing another vehicle passing by. She then stepping on the gas deeper before twisting the wheel to the right. Continue to drive until her eyes spotting a large neon box glimmering on red lights from afar.
Kim drove closer and closer, noticed she was crossing this way again because the glimmering red lights she spotted earlier was the Sage Diner. She frowned as she leaned forward. Eyes focusing on the diner when her car crossed it once again. She can assure that she's not drunk. Turning right is the only option because she just followed the path.
One second later, her vision was blinded by the lights from her rearview mirror before another truck drove past her car again. "What the fuck?"
She wondered what is actually happened. Kim slowed down her speed. Eyeing the areas, making sure she turn her car to the right way because there is no other way beside turning into right.
Sage Diner was once again come into her view. After being left confused, she was now pissed off. She stepped on the gas deeper. Allowing her car to speed up. And when another truck passed by, she honk the horn repeatedly. Hoping the driver will notice her presence but not at all. Kim crossed the same way over and over again until she crossed it four times, with the same truck, same right turn, same diner.
"What the fuck just happened?"
#baekhyun fluff#baekhyun scenarios#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun oneshot#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun fanfiction#baekhyun au
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This may sound silly, but I have such a thing for CEO!exo and chaebol au! Pls tell me I’m not the only one. Like have you seen them in SUITS!?!?!?! Breathtaking! They all scream old money, but a new age vibe.
So, with that being said, here’s the companies that I believe the exos would have:
-Xiumin: A soccer club. He loves soccer/football, so this a no brainer. Or a coffeehouse chain (like Starbucks). He did say he would like to try being a barista if he wasn’t an idol
-Suho: I feel his company would be journalism/media related. Like running an online newspaper or media company, like CBS or Forbes Media.
-Lay: Chromosome Entertainment. Need I say more?
-Baekhyun: Definetly a video game company of sorts. I feel that would suit him perfectly.
-Chen: ok, this one I struggled with but I see him has the head of a hotel/resort chain. Like he’s so nice and tender that he would want to extend that to ppl traveling around the country.
-Chanyeol: I see him running/founding an architecture/interior design company. Why not put that masters degree to use? 👐
-D.O: An extremely successful restaurant chain. I don’t think I need to explain lol.
-Kai: I feel he would be in charge of a generations old Performing Arts Institute that’s been passed down in his family. Like it’s super prestigious and renowned all over the world.
-Sehun: Definitely a fashion brand, a la Dior or Gucci. He just has that vibe.
What do you think? I would love to see a CEO one-shot series from you! Keep up the great work!
i never gave much thought about ceo!exo tbh, but it's a nice concept if you ask me 🤔 i can't pinpoint what companies they would have, except for:
junmyeon: something really fancy, like a perfume brand of something? or maybe a hotel chain? it suits him.
jongin: anything related to art, so i agree with you! i can see him having kind of a school of performing arts where people get in to learn how to be an idol or something? and he would have like all around the world, and the best students would definitely be presented to companies such as sm (jongin would be really stern about it though), hybe, and international labels as well. kind of a talent center, half of the next generation of idols/international entertainers would be his alumns.
baekhyun: ceo of his new company, of course 😃☝️ would be jongin's number #1 client - jongin finds the talented kids, mold them to be artists, and then they go to baekhyun's company where he manages their careers (with a much more human, fair approach then sm's, obviously 🤮).
okay, that's what i can think about for now. i'll definitely think about the other members too (:
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My top 10 korean OSTs of 2023
It's time to countdown my favorite music from korean dramas. As per usual I only chose one per dramas from dramas that started in 2023.
H.M. New Jeans-Beautiful Restriction. I actually didn't watch A time called you. I just never got around to it but I found this song and it reminded me of those typical OSTs from like ten years ago so this song felt nostalgic somehow.
10. WINTER- With you. My demon is my favorite drama right now. I've always been a sucker for rom coms with a supernatural twist. It feels like every OST from this drama is gonna be great. New Jean's Our Night is more beautiful than your day is probably the most played in the drama but it's Winter's beautiful vocals that won me over. No surprise there since she is my favorite Aespa vocalist. Still Whenever Wherever by Roy Kim and Dawn's Even if we disappear are so good.
9. Melomance-The secret between us. Melomance are one of my favorite interpeters of OSTs and this song is sweet with a playful chorus, which goes perfectly with the fun romcom A good day to be a dog. Sunday Latte by Junggigo and Jea is also worth a listen.
8. Kim Sejeong-Once Again. Kim Sejeong sang two OSTs for the second season of The Uncanny Counter and they're both a really good listen. However the way Sejeong's voice soars in Once Again just gives it a bit of an edge. By the way if you haven't watched the Uncanny Counter it's a fun fantasy drama to binge. Cravity's Ready Set Go and Dvwn's No problem are also really good.
7. Lee Chang Sub- Love from a real heart. Honestly I felt too old to watch Beginning is from the first kiss but the OSTs are power ballads that are definitely worth listening. From Lee A Young's Even Silently Cry to Heaven by Lim Jae Hyun they all get you in the feels. BTOB's Changsub however just has that extra something in his voice that makes you pay attention.
6. Noel-That's you. Lyn made some beautiful soundtracks for Destined with you (I'll always be with you and We love each other) that you should check out but the chorus of That's you by Noel is so catchy that I had no choice but to choose this song in my list. The vocals are full of emotion.
5. Jeon Seowoon-Fall in love. Having SNSD's Yoona and 2PM's Junho as the leads of this drama was somehow exactly what I didn't know I wanted. I love Jeon Seowoon's tone for OSTs and he released a few this year but for me this was the best one. It's just painfully sweet. This drama had other pretty songs but Punch's Keep me busy, and Minseo's Perhaps love are also standouts.
4. Solar-EXIT. This song for the drama The Escape of the Seven sounds so epic. It has a lot of verses in English. And Solar's power vocals shine through.
3. Doyoung-Here with me. NCT's Doyoung keeps delivering beautiful OSTs. And my favorite this year is the one he did for See you in my 19th life which happens to be one of my favorite romcoms of the year. Colde's Star is also a stand out song for this drama.
2. Baekhyun-Hello. The third season of Dr. Romantic was my least favorite of the series but it had great OSTs. EXO's Baekhyun sang the first one and it has such a beautiful melody. The vocals are of course on point. Gummy's I will stay with you, Doyoung's Beautiful Day, Seukwang's Still you and Lia's One Hundred Love are worth listening too.
1. Kang Seung Yoon-Half&Half. The drama True to love was crazy funny. This song by WINNER's Kang Seung Yoon is so great and definitely my most played OST of the year. iKON's JU-NE also sang a beautiful song for this drama called Accidental love.
#Youtube#kpop#kdrama#korean drama#exo#aespa#kim sejeong#noel#doyoung#nct#snsd#2pm junho#yoona#yg winner#kang seung yoon#btob#lee changsub#jeong sewoon#melomance#new jeans#korean osts#ost#mamamoo#solar#baekhyun#ikon#korean dramas
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EXO ✦ Idol Men
#exo#exosnet#baekhyun#chanyeol#kai#sehun#suho#xiumin#kyungsoo#chen#idol men#170723#170730#hosts were cringe#but the boys were sooo cute ;;#their smiles <3#i'll never get over baekhyun here#literally more beautiful than words could ever say
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10 - hold awn.. 🤨 (written + smau)
After helping sunghoon get that grade on that math test, hes never stopped bothering you since. You don’t know why—you thought he hated the fact that you out of all people would be helping him with his worst subject.
Now, when you mean he follows you everywhere—he does. In your classes? of course, he’s there. You’re sitting at the back of the classroom? He's there. Lunch? he’s sitting right next to you. He’s just always there just to annoy the shit out of you. You can’t even go check whether you got a letter from your penpal now. And you certainly did not want to let him know that you have a little crush on them.
In the beginning of the year, the schools decided to have a “penpal” system. It’s pretty simple, everyone gets an anonymous person to send letters to. Your school believes that this can help everyone get to know new people in their grade. the school encourages you to send at least one letter per week. to check if you got any letters, there's a center in the middle of the school to see whether you got a letter or not. you never knew you would be so invested in this--sending letters to your supposed crush.
time-skip to : December 15 2022.
It was a snowy day. You rushed into your school building, taking your gloves off. You then opened your bag and took out the letter you written last night. With this whole penpal thing going on, why not send a letter? With the pink envelope in your hand, you quickly decided to go drop off your letter.
"hi yn~ oh are you here to drop off your letter?" said the bright cheery girl, Yoon. She was a great friend of yours--your ride or die. You hid the letter behind your back.
"why hide the letter? just go and drop it off!" yoon said.
You told yoon to wait for you at your locker. You quickly went over to the center.
"Hi! Name please?"
"Hi it's yn aka "luvvie"! I'm sending a letter to the person named "SH?"
"Oh right! Just give me the letter, I'll make sure to give it to him once he arrives here."
"Thank you so much!"
You walked away with a smile on your face. You hoped to get a letter back immediately.
After school ended, you immediately rushed over to the center.
"can i check whether i got a letter back?"
'oh of course! check your assigned mail box."
You don't know why you were so excited. Writing to an anonymous person? It just seems fun to do. There it was--the letter you were waiting for. a blue envelope with a red heart sticker in the front. You didn't know how some random letter can make you feel so giddy. You opened up his letter and suddenly felt this warming feeling.
"hey luvvie!
this whole new system is a bit weird, is it? but i hope i get to know you more throughout this whole school year! i'm not quite too sure of what to say at the moment, but im sure our letters would stop becoming awkward later on. i've seen your letter just a few hours ago, so sorry if this seems a bit rushed.. anyways, i see how you enjoy star gazing as well! we seem quite similar so im interested in writing even more letters to you later on!
please go ahead and ask me any more questions <3 I will be doing these quite often so here's a song recommendation :)
amusement park by baekhyun.
until we write to each other again!"
Although you didn’t know who he could possibly be, you just wanted to enjoy this moment for now. You would even be willing to go to school everyday just to get something back. You totally did not expect you to get so happy over this, let alone a letter from a guy you know nothing about. But, who cares? It's just the school system right? If you’re caught all happy like this, you can just say school helped you find a new friend.
“yn? ynnn?? are you good? you've been staring off into space for the past 10? 15 minutes?" said a voice that brought you back from your daydream.
it was sunghoon, the man who could never stop bothering you. god you just wanted to throw this desk at him right now. if you heard your name come out of his mouth again, you were going to stuff his mouth with paper. you honestly don't know why hes sitting next to you again. in every class you’re in, he always chooses to sit wherever you sit. you thought after tutoring him, he would stay away from you to prevent anyone from finding out you were the one who helped him.
but thank goodness that minnie was behind you for this class period. you chose to ignore him and turned your body around whenever she tapped your back. you felt him staring at you but you couldn't care less. you did not want to deal with his bullshit so early in the morning.
as you continued hearing all the gossip minnie has been letting you know about, you hear him clear his throat. you turned around and made eye contact with the guy. You stared at him, waiting for him to say something. You saw that he wasn't able to form any words as you stared at him intensely. You just decided to continue hearing minnie’s rant. It’s not like you really cared about what he had to say though.
Now, you suddenly became bored as Minnie was busy talking to her seatmate. You just decided to take notes from your lecture. As you picked up your pencil and started writing, you saw the guy next to you start doodling in your notebook.
"what the hell sunghoon?"
"stop drawing on my notebook, will you?"
you sighed as you realized he wouldn’t stop any time soon. You just watched him draw smileys and whatever he wanted on your page. he drew flowers, cats, clouds—everything, you name it. as you finally finished your notes, you saw how your other page was filled with his doodles. they were pretty at least. as you turned to minnie, you noticed a blue envelope peeking out of sunghoon's bag. that looked oddly familiar. no way. he couldn't be your penpal. blue is a common color anyways. but the same heart sticker too? no, it had to just be a coincidence. but you haven't received your letter yet. you just had to wait. then, you'll get you answer on whether he's actually the person you've been writing to.
once the period ended, you stayed put in your seat. sunghoon was a bit confused since you would usually rush out of there once the bell rang. he doesn't question it since he has to do something anyways.
you watched him exit out of classroom and immediately got up once he was out. there he was, walking in the direction to where the center was. there's no way. he can't be. you kept trying to convince yourself that hes not the one.
In less than 5 minutes, he came back. you rushed past him, immediately heading towards the center.
“whats wrong with her..?” you heard sunghoon whispered. although you would have yelled at him right there, you had more important things to do.
as you arrived, you rushed in and hurriedly checked your mailbox.
there it was. the blue envelope. the letter from sunghoons bag. it finally clicked. SH was sunghoon all along. His nickname was so obvious too. it was stupid of you to just figuring this out right now.
you couldn’t believe it. he was your penpal. the person you've been gushing about for the past 3 months. It was him.
Can your life get even worse at this point? well, there's nothing you can do about it.
now you know you had feelings for your rival after all. great.

previous | next | masterlist
A/N : yn found out 😍😍😍 also fun fact, i did cry while christmassy played…
- ask or dm to be tagged in my penpal — wait what?!
@son4taa, @lilactangerine, @hanienie, @yenqa, @cloudcutter, @4soobinonly , @lvepsh , @wonioml , @adajoemaya , @vampsvngie , @wanna-live-yn-life , @sukunasrealgf , @ilovewonyo , @invusblog , @ahnneyong
#enhypen#enhypen sunghoon#enhypen heeseung#enhypen jake#enhypen jay#enhypen jungwon#enhypen niki#enhypen sunoo#enhypen smau#enhypen fluff#enha smau#enha fluff#sunghoon headcanons#sunghoon scenarios#sunghoon fanfic#sunghoon smau#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon ff#sunghoon social media au#enhypen fake texts#kpop#kpop fake texts#stayc#gidle minnie#loona yeojin#kpop smau#kpop ff#kpop social media au#kpop fanfic#sunghoon
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Incubus: Coming of Age (Part 2)
Pairing: Incubus!Baekhyun x You
Genre: fantasy, smut 🖤
Tags: plot (typical me), demon boy (incubus), monstrous cock (like ya ain't ready), breeding kink, oral (f & m), overstimulation, breath play, dirrrty talk and more~
Raiting: 18+ (21+ it's even steamier than the 1st one 🙈)
Word count: 5.7k (the bock got me inspired haha)
Summary: Baekhyun left an indelible mark on you that one night. But the thing is it was a year ago! and that damn demon never came back... Maybe you should just forget about him... Well only maybe of course ;)
Part 1
General Masterlist
Hey guys this is the final part of this very steamy two shot ^^ I hope you guys will also like it. Please tell me what you think ^^
Tag list @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @baekklove @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove
...To a Man
How am I supposed to go back to a normal life after that?
Well in fact... you didn't. It was over a year later and Baekhyun never came back. Every night you were hoping that somehow, he would come visit you again. But every night you laid in your bed disappointed, actually, even worse: frustrated.
Because after that fateful night you never touched yourself to your handsome boss Doctor Park Chanyeol again. Actually, you completely lost interest in him. Sure, he was still very handsome and gentlemanly but you just... didn't care anymore.
To be completely exact you didn't touch yourself to Chanyeol, but you still did have intimate sessions with yourself... Well, you tried at least. Because nothing, NOTHING... came close to what you felt when Baekhyun took care of you that night. Actually, you knew no human being, no simple mortal could possibly fuck you that way. It's not something a being of flesh and blood can do... It's something only an unholy creature could do, something only a demon could make you feel.
So, every time you succumbed to the urge of relieving yourself by letting your fingers play with your folds it ended in either, a complete failure where you couldn't even drive yourself to your peak or a lukewarm, disappointing and frustrating orgasm...
A whole year...
A whole year spent fantasizing about a teenage demon that only used you to pass a stupid exam then vanished from your reality without failing to completely shatter your whole world...
So yeah... it sucked...
You sighed to yourself, staring at the same old ceiling of your room. It was one of those nights where the tension was just too much, but you didn't feel like going through the hassle of actually pleasuring yourself knowing damn well it was going to be temporary and frankly dissatisfying.
You turned to your side, determined to chase off the frustration by getting some good sleep. Exhausted you drifted pretty quickly into a deep slumber.
But the sleep was anything but good... You found yourself covered in sweat, wrestling in your sheets, engrossed in a fever dream. Not much of it made sense but you felt like hands were roaming your body, like an usually warm embrace was enveloping your form, you felt like rugged flesh was lapping at your ear. You heard like jerky breaths, lowly grunts, like an unnaturally deep voice talking to you...
Missed me... Kitten?
"Baekhyun?!" you shouted as you sat up in your bed, eyes snapping open.
You looked around in a slight panic, your night gown clamped to your sweaty skin and your chest heaving up and down.
"Fuck" you cursed yourself under your breath, disappointed when you realized your mind played tricks on you again... You're just here alone in your room, soaked in frustration... and arousal.
"God damn it" your curse again as you slip your night gown over your head and kick the covers off your heated skin. You are left naked on top of your bed. Immediately the cold air sends goosebumps on your humid skin, hardening your nipples.
You let you fingers slip to the crux of the problem. You know there's only one way to finally be able to chase away the memory of Baekhyun, even if it's only for tonight.
The cold fingers on your drenched heat draw a sharp breath off your lips. You're so excited about this stupid fever dream, so excited about him that only a few rubs already have you with your toes curled up in pleasure. You fist your sheets tightly.
"Aaaah... Baekhyun" you softly moan his name. With eyes closed shut, you try to recall the way he felt inside you, the way his eyes glowed red, the way his low voice sent shivers down your spine...
Oh... Kittennn~...
It was like you could hear him... you gave no rest to your sensitive and throbbing nub...
"Baekhyun I'm gonna cum" you whisper to yourself. Pleasure slowly taking over your entire body. You slip a finger inside your drenched heat to aid yourself to your peak a little quicker. Then another one. You aim directly for your sensitive spot and you feel yourself tightly clenching around your fingers. You're so close... so soclose.
"Aren't you going to wait for me?"
This time...There's no doubt.
Your eyes snap open again as you stop what you were doing and you are met with Baekhyun staring you down at the foot of the bed, licking his lips, eyes already wavering with a tint of red.
But for a second you doubt. Is it really him? You can't help but to ask yourself. He looks so different. Sure, the spare shaped black tail still loosely dangles behind him but other than that his whole aura changed. The boyish features are completely gone. Instead, he looks broader, like more muscular. His plain black tee is tightly hugging his fit and toned body, making it easy for you to see abs peaking from underneath the constrictive fabric, abs you can't recall from the previous visit. His matching jeans let you see through their rips his smooth silky skin and generous thighs... But the most noticeable change is definitely his horns. The cute 10 cm (4in) tall skin-colored horns were replaced by huge 30cm (1ft) long ones. They were directly sprouting in a spiral from his forehead and stood proud on top of his head. Their base was black but as they went up it faded to a dark and deep blood red.
Overall, he looks so much more mature...
He isn't a boy anymore... he's a man.
"Baekhyun?" you start hesitantly as the demon already slips beside you in bed. "Is that really you?" you can't help but to ask.
"Yes... Kitten... It's me" he whispers in the low voice you missed so much. Bringing his lips close to your ear and you feel his rough tongue lap at your sweet spot, the familiar sensation draws a shaky breath out of you. For a minute you don't say anything you're just there, under his spell as he plays with you. In the midst of all this you didn't even notice you were stark naked, or maybe you just didn't care. You don't want to protest quite frankly, you let him do, you let him gently nibble at your bare collarbones and plant gentle kisses on your neck. You let him because... that's what you've been waiting for... For a whole fuckingyear.
But then you shake your head, snapping out of it... You leave his side taking the sheets to wrap around your naked body and get up, knowing that his soft kisses keep you from thinking rationally.
"Baekhyun..." you turned your eyes back to him "you changed so much". He chuckled and the red glow faded to slowly disappear as he gets up.
"Yes... I know, a lot can change in 12 years..." he casually says while stepping closer to you.
Wait... What?!?!
"What 12 years? No, it was just last year" you correct him, and he takes your hands in his slender black stained fingers.
"Maybe to you... but not to me" You suddenly recall the demonic blood moon years... Maybe that's what he meant... "I'll be turning 30 this May."
Your jaw drops... how was that even possible?! But then again, here you are questioning the passing of time for an.... Incubus... so what's crazier really?
"You remember what I told you about breeding?" Baekhyun's voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Yes... that it is an incubus sole purpose, right?" you say absent mindedly, still dazed at the situation. But you're brought back to the present moment when Baekhyun squeezes your hands tightly and dives in your gaze with his piercing dark brown orbs.
"Yes, I came back for that..." he leans in and you instinctively lean your head back giving him unconditional access to your neck. Baekhyun's voice goes down an octave again, lips only millimeters away from your ear. "I came back for you..." he whispers before he licks around your sweet spot, making your heart loudly thump in your chest and your toes curls on the cold wooden floor of your bedroom. You bite your lip trying to restrain your voice.
"I'm going to breed you" his voice is hypnotizing, "You will bare my children and bring them into the world" You can't even wrap your mind around what he's saying, "I chose you, y/n. I only want you" His voice his putting a spell on you. "I can fuck any women I want but..." his hand is now wrapped around your nape, and the other one gently pulls on the sheets that you let fall to the ground without resistance.
"Baekhyun what do you mean?" you ask in a jerky whisper, only focusing on his hot breath on your ear. He ignores your question.
"I need your approval to breed you, y/n..." His blunt nails grazed against the naked skin of your lower back, you start to softly moan, you're completely wrapped around his fingers. "So, say yes, y/n... Say yes Kitten" he says before his large palms grope your butt cheeks closing in the last centimeters that were left between his clothed body and your naked one, sending radiating heat from your core to your entire body.
What are you supposed to reply? Are you supposed to say no? How could you do such a thing after waiting for him for a whole year, everyday growing a little more desperate, a little more frustrated... How could you possibly say no, when his hands were roam your body like they have always known you. When he whispers with that voice in your ear. When minutes ago, you would have given anything to have another night with him...
You... just...
"Okay..." you whispered ever so quietly, barely audible even for your own ears.
You feel Baekhyun's cheek lift against yours as he smiles. When he pulls back, you can see his pointy teeth glistening under the full moon, like they did a year ago, he's wearing the same evil smirk that you know so well, or maybe this time he's even more devious...
Right there something snaps, something changes. When Baekhyun looks back the red glow in his eyes is more intense than ever, his expression is wicked. Lust dancing in his dark orbs as he licks his lips with appetite.
You don't even notice the red glow around your naked form before you feel your feet being lifted from the ground. Baekhyun smirks at the confusion plastered on your face. His magic makes you levitate and harshly throws you on the bed, almost smashing your heard on the headboard. You should be stunned but the scene taking place right before your eyes keeps you conscious and focused.
The red glow now circles Baekhyun and in a fraction of second his clothes are gone. Not dropped to the floor, just gone. They completely vanished. And he stands right before you in all his glory. You can't help but to let your eyes trail his body.
His sharp jawline, long narrow neck, his collarbones. The muscles of his pecs and arms moving and mesmerizing you. The dangling black tail. The toned abs already lightly sparkling with sweat.
Then your eyes finally go below the waist band.
You do remember the enormous… thingBaekhyun fucked you with last time. How could you forget? You could never. That's why you know for a fact that this thing right there in front of you, rock hard, lightly twitching and oozing precum at the slit, is actually bigger.
Your jaw drops to the floor. The veiny and pulsing monstrous cock is as lengthy as your thigh and as thick as a soda can. When you look closely it seems like the sides are beaded. Your heart jumps in your chest. Because you know that huge ass cock is made for pleasure. Tingles start to bubble in the pit of your stomach, and you unconsciously press your thighs together.
Baekhyun can't help but to smirk when he notices fear and anticipation swim in your confused eyes.
He steps closer to you.
"Oh Kitten" he starts as he crawls in bed to you. The wicked smirk still dancing on his lips, red glowing eyes fixed on you. "We're going to have so much fun."
Then with the familiar flick of his wrist your legs fly open at his will. You gasp in surprise. And Baekhyun's smirk goes wider when he notices how your folds glisten with juices.
"Kitten look at you..." He says gesturing his chin towards your most private part. "You're always so wet for me" his low voice send shivers down your spine as embarrassment rush to your cheeks. But the spell maintains your legs nice and spread out for him.
Baekhyun leans in closer to your drenched heat teeth and tongue out.
You gasp loudly arching your back when you feel his rugged tongue aiming directly for your clit. Still very sensitive from almost cumming a few minutes ago.
"Mmmmh... Kitten you taste even better than last time" he purrs, lips pressed to your core, the vibrations sending electricity in your body.
Baekhyun takes his sweet time gently lapping at and around your nub to tease you, while cascades of juices flow out of your impatient center. You can't endure the teasing anymore, not after all this time, not after a whole year. You unconsciously buck your hips up, grinding your pussy on his tongue while a tiny pleading whimper escapes your lips.
Baekhyun stops in his track. You're taken aback when glowing red eyes look back up at you and he shakes his head fainting disappointment. But the smirk is quick to comeback.
"Baby" his warm breath fans your delicate parts. "Don't be so fucking greedy" he says before sinking his pointy white teeth in the sensitive little bud. The sting pulls a scream out of you while you grip the sheets. Immediately after Baekhyun's tongue plunges inside your hungry little hole, reaching the deepest part right away. At an alluring speed, his long tongue comes in and out of you, each time poking your sweet spot. Your loud moans echo through the empty night, the familiar knot, quick to tighten again after this much teasing.
"Baekhyun don't stop" you plead, feeling your release coming. Baekhyun's red orbs sill fixed in yours while his tail lazily dangles behind him.
The incessant stimulation of your g-spot got you clenching around his long and rugged tongue while you finally cum, letting go of the knot. You scream in absolute bliss.
That's it... this feeling... The sensation you've been craving.
"Fuckkkk" You cry out.
Baekhyun parts himself from your throbbing center for a moment, allowing you to ride out your high at your own pace. Your chest is heaving up and down, sweat is pearling between your breasts.
"Baby, don't think it's over just yet" he says smirking again. "I have so much more in store for you..."
Right then, you still haven't fully recovered and Baekhyun dives down to your soaked folds again, but this time his hot and wet tongue only focusses on you swollen nub. You scream out in surprise and pleasure. Immediately your back arches again.
His tongue somehow feels like vibrations, the feeling is intense and suffocating, and you know you won't be slow be thrown into another strong orgasm again. Your hand instinctively flies to Baekhyun's hair, resting in between his two horns, fingers harshly pulling at his luscious raven black locks.
"Is Kitten cumming again?" he says with a mouthful.
You can't even process an answer as the crushing orgasm washes over you again, excessive amounts of your arousal coating your tights and linking your center to the sheets. You moan out with no restrain, making no effort whatsoever to keep your voice down.
When he's done Baekhyun sits back up on the bed. You don't even notice how he strokes his huge monstrous pole in his fist.
"Kitten, I hope you're not tired yet..." you jumped when you felt is unnaturally hot tip glide against your folds. "Because it’s my turn now"
He shimmied his way to your parted thighs. Like last time he rested his cock on your stomach to measure it up to you. Now there's no doubt the thing is much much bigger than last time. A year ago, it reached to your midriff, now the red tip is comfortably placed between your boobs. In a sort of trance, you wrap your hands around it, the both of them can barely circle the girth of his dick. It's huge... Abnormally long and terrifyingly thick... but you can't wait to feel the thing inside you.
Baekhyun smirks when he notices you eyeing his member with burning desire. He pulls his hips back and aligns himself at your entrance. His tip teases you as you bite your lip, gathering your wetness for a smooth crossing.
"Look at me Kitten" your eyes shoot back to Baekhyun's glowing orbs. "Look at me while I make you take my cock" You let a tiny whimper out when you feel him pushing himself inside you. The tip gently and slowly parting you. Baekhyun grunts in your ear.
"Fuck Kitten, you're so tight for me baby" he breaths out in his low voice.
With every centimeter it gets better and better, you feel no pain at all only divine pleasure. You feel each one of the beads along his shaft, each one more pleasing than the last. Last time just that one slow stroke made you cum. And you know, history won't fail to repeat itself.
"I'm gonna cum" you whisper in a strangled breath, your eyes still locked with Baekhyun's. His smirk goes wider at your frowned brows and trembling lip. But he keeps on steadily pushing his cock inside you, spreading you further and further.
"I know" he whispers before violently pushing the last few centimeters in. The unexpected and overwhelming pleasure washes over you as you sink your head back in the pillows, a long string of moan falling of your lips while your cunt twitches uncontrollably around Baekhyun, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.
"Kitten" he says while pulling back slowly as you are still high from your climax. "I don't think you're ready for me" You difficulty open one eye to look at him and nod to contradict him. Baekhyun chuckles. "You think?" he asks popping his dick out of you while your walls desperately clench around nothing.
"Yes" you whisper, squirming, craving for him to fill you up again. "Yes, I missed you so much" the words roll of your tongue before you even realize it. Baekhyun lifts an eyebrow.
"Really Kitten? You missed me?" you nod again. "Well... you only waited for a year" you gasp as his hot tip circles your aching little nub before going back to your entrance. "I waited for 12 years" he says in an unnaturally low grunt.
He slams his hips into yours in one powerful and shattering thrust which sends you right back to screaming again. His movements are fast and precise each time he sends his big cock smashing against your g-spot. The pleasurable feeling is unbearable.
"Baekhyun... Aaaahh..." you moan his name, as you get dangerously close to the edge again.
"Yes, moan for me Kitten" he says through greeted teeth. "Aren't I a lot better than last time?" he pants out.
You can't believe it but it's true. You didn't think it was possible but yes. He got incredibly better at fucking you to the point that you're ready to pledge your pussy to him for eternity. For him only. You'd do anything to be fucked like this every day until your body eventually gives out from exhaustion.
"Yesss.... Aaaaah... fuck" You shout closing your eyes under the pleasure. Your loud and unrestrained moans make Baekhyun smirk.
"You're mine" he growls continuing to fuck you deep and hard. "Fucking look at me I told you" He plants his nails at the side of your face, making you wince and also open your eyes. The red glow is brighter than ever. "Say that you're mine" he commands.
"I'm yours" you whine locking eyes with him as the clenching of your cunt warns Baekhyun of how close you are.
"Kitten, are you gonna cum again?" he chuckles eyes locked into yours, furiously pumping his abnormally large cock inside your now shapeless hole.
"I'm gonna make you mine Kitten. I'm gonna pump you full of cum. Do you want that Kitten?"
"Yes please" You beg in a short breath, your release getting dangerously close.
"Good girl" He grunts getting close to your ear, his rugged tongued licking the shell of it. "Now cum. Cum around my big cock while I fill you up to the brink with hot cum."
The low whispers are enough to rocket you over the edge. You scream in absolute bliss, twitching around his huge cock as you feel the hot sticky liquid rushing into you and overflowing out. Just like last time the quantity is insane, testifying of Baekhyun’s demonic nature.
When Baekhyun finally slips out of you, you feel your heat meekly clench around nothing, already missing Baekhyun's monstrous cock.
You are left completely dazed, lying on the bed, eyes still rolled back in your head, focusing on the fading sensation of your peak.
You don't even notice when Baekhyun stands by the bed and you also don't notice how, contrary to last time, cumming has not calm him down. The "thing" is still alive and lively. In other words... he's far from done with you.
"Kitten I'm gonna fuck your face now"
You don't have time to process the meaning of those words that you are pulled by your arm. Your body is lying across the bed while your head is resting upside down on the edge of the mattress.
"Open wide Kitten" Baekhyun's hot and wet tip brushes against your lips. Almost out of instinct you open your mouth.
Baekhyun presses himself inside your narrow mouth. The stretch is excruciating, the thing is too big. Way too big for your tiny mouth and you barely manage to take the head of his dick inside your crowded mouth. Baekhyun grunts loudly, indulging in the feeling of stretching your cute little mouth to his convenience.
"Fuckkkk... y/n"
When he reaches the back of your throat he starts to slowly pull out, taking his cock completely out. You cease the opportunity to take a deep breath. Good call! Because the next second, Baekhyun goes back inside you but with much less care. He places both of his hands on your cheeks gripping your face tightly to facilitate the penetration.
He has no mercy for your poor sore throat, his powerful thrust silencing you except for the wet and sloppy sounds that your mouth makes.
"How does your cum and mine taste Kitten?" he grunts again.
His voice sends shivers across your skin, your eyes roll back as your pained pried open jaw gradually goes numb. You want to scream yes but you can't. You want more, more of this intoxicating taste taking over your mouth and clouding your mind.
"Fuckkkk... Kitten... You're gonna make me cum" He whispers, his voice conveys the feeling of his high getting closer. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth baby. You want that Kitten?" You only produce a gargled moan but Baekhyun knows how eager you are to taste more of him.
He fucks your face a little more before whispering
"Such a good girl for me"
Only instants after you feel the stream shoot to the back of your throat, instantly filling your mouth. So many squirts crash on the inside of your cheeks and on your tongue, some even go through your nose. The bitter taste invades you and your entire body, making your head dizzy.
When Baekhyun pulls out you hurriedly swallow a big mouthful of thick and hot cum before drawing a sharp -and much needed- breath.
Baekhyun gently strokes your cheeks.
"You're such a good girl for me Kitten" he says before laying back on the bed. His back is settled against the headboard. And your eyes go wide with stupor when you notice that...Still... The monster has not... calmed down.
You feel exhausted and drained out by all the orgasms you failed to count. You can't even move a muscle... even if you tried.
But you don't have to because once again your body is enveloped by a red glowing light. With that you are lifted in the air. Baekhyun's magic spread your legs into an impressive split, suspended above him while he patiently waits for you with his hands behind his head.
Beads of sweat formed on his chest and rolled down his toned abs. Sweat also sticking his bangs to his forehead and his horns. He's absolutely gorgeous, he has the kind of looks that nobody would ever be able to turn down... and especially not you.
But he looks everything but tired.
Slowly his magic lowers you down. You gasp when his hot tip brushes against your drenched folds.
"I just need more of you Kitten. Can you handle me?"
You want to respond but already the steady descent as you stretched out around his girthy cock. Making you whimper as a response. Slowly but surely Baekhyun makes you go down, cunt perfectly angled with his huge dick. Each centimeter, each bead going inside you, feeling like agonizing pleasure.
When you are halfway through the red light around your body goes off and he drops you to take the rest of him in one go. And it’s too much for you. The way his cock smashes into your sensitive sweet spot while Baekhyun has his glowing red orbs fixed on the place your bodies meet sends you into the abyss again. This time the pleasure is so intense that not only your needy cunt absolutely crushes Baekhyun's cock with uncontrollable spams but also gushes of your juices come out of you in powerful streams, drenching Baekhyun's muscular torso. Baekhyun smirks as he clicks his tongue and shake his head.
"Kitten... You came again with the very first stroke" he says fainting disappointment, taking pleasure in seeing you struggling, shaking uncontrollably, eyes rolled back, jaw hanging open and toes curled up.
Then you feel yourself getting lifted again the red glow comes back around your figure. You whimper as you feel Baekhyun slide out of you. But right before the tip pops out, he smashes you back onto him. You arch your back as a delighted long string of moans escape your lips.
"Damn Kitten you're so tight" Baekhyun says through greeted teeth.
You can't even reply anything as he's already lifting you up with his magic. Each time he increases the pace until he has you jumping up and down his girthy length. The familiar knot tightens again.
"How good does my cock feel baby?" Baekhyun asks his red eyes fixed on you as he makes your boobs bounce.
"It's the best.... Baekhyun it's the best thing ever. I wanna be fucked like this every day" you answer in a delighted scream. It's visibly what Baekhyun wanted to hear as the evil twinkle in his eye intensifies.
"Yeah Kitten? You want that?" he grunts in the low voice you love so much, sending swarms of butterflies fly in your stomach. He goes faster again. The wet sounds of skin clashing bounce off the walls punctually interrupted by Baekhyun's grunts and your moans.
"I'm gonna c-" You want to announce but Baekhyun interrupts you.
"Not yet Kitten, this time you'll cum with me and when I tell you to" He makes you hover over his dick. Still, just above him. You squirm only wanting to be filled again.
"Say what you want Kitten"
"I want your cock Baekhyun" he raises in eyebrow. "Please" your pleads make Baekhyun smirk again.
"Yeah baby? Is that what you want?" he says as he slips the tip inside, the beaded shaft make you scream in bliss as Baekhyun slowly lowers you on his cock, legs spread wide, offering him the best view on your swollen and twitching cunt.
"Yes!!!" you scream while tears well up in the corner of your eyes.
But then Baekhyun's spade shaped tail swiftly wraps around your neck, the slick scales gliding on your skin send goosebumps in the nape of your neck. When the tail has made a full circle around your neck, Baekhyun suddenly tightens the grip.
"Then fucking take it" he smashes you onto his huge cock.
You open your mouth to scream but not a sound comes out. You are completely silenced. Only the wet and lewd sounds of your pussy can be heard as Baekhyun's tip touches the deepest part of you, forming a visible bulge inside your stomach. Tears of pure joy roll down your heated cheeks.
Baekhyun then goes back to his insane rhythm. Every time angling you just right to smash your sensitive spot. Gradually your mind goes blank as he fucks you furiously, your jaw hangs open and your eyes rolls back into their orbit.
"Look at me" Baekhyun whispers in his demonic low voice. Your eyes snap to him. "I'm gonna cum inside you" he continuous to whisper. You nod vigorously, cause you know it means he'll finally let you cum too. "With this one I'll make you mine. I'll impregnate you. I'll make your belly swell with my children" You nod again, streams of tears wetting your cheeks. The restriction of blood to your brain makes you see stars as the pleasure rises again to an unbearable level.
"Now cum. Cum for me Kitten" Baekhyun grunts.
You feel his cum flow into you, this last thing sends you over the edge into the most intense orgasm you ever felt, that's including the ones Baekhyun gave you in the past. This one is different. This one is too much. His big fat cock smashing into you, his drenched chest glistening, the dirty talk, the pet name, the commanding tone, the demonic voice, the tail around your neck, the thick and hot cum filling you up.
Your spread-out legs shake uncontrollably as Baekhyun leads you to completion. Just as you are on the verge of losing consciousness due to the air restriction but also the heavenly stimulation of your orgasm, Baekhyun loosens his tail around your narrow neck. A strangled scream escapes free of your sore throat as you are finally able to vocally express the immense pleasure you feel.
"Yes, that's it baby" Baekhyun purrs as he keeps you going up and down his length.
You cry out a long moan as your head is thrown back and your tongue hangs lose out of your mouth. Baekhyun slowly decreases the pace until it comes to a stop. He lifts you out one last time, as soon as his big member pops out of you, gallons of his cum flow out of you. Baekhyun lays you down gently next to him. Before linking his lips with yours and shoving his long and rugged tongue inside your mouth and you don't even notice the red glow marking you in the lower stomach region.
You lay there for you don't know how long, trying to gather your thoughts. You are completely drained, fucked beyond repair...
After a while Baekhyun stands back up.
"In three weeks, the children will be born" you difficulty open your eyes back to look at him. "I'll be back to take them... and you."
"Wait... me? Also babies??? Plural?" so many questions shoot through your mind.
"Yes" Baekhyun says as he wipes himself with a piece of cloth he found. "I marked you as mine" It's only now that you notice the small drawing Baekhyun tattooed on you with his demonic magic. It's a language you can't comprehend.
"What is this?" you asked pointing to the tattoo.
"It means you are to be my wife". Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets.
"WHAT?" You yell, flabbergasted.
"Yes, you know what a succubus is right, female incubus? " you nod unable to speak one more word.
"Well, no succubus are born. Succubus are only made. They are human women chosen by incubus to become their wife and bring their heirs to the world."
You want to say something, but you only stutter nonsense.
"Over the next three weeks you will kiss your humanity goodbye. Horns will sprout out your forehead and you will grow a tail. Your magic energy will increase, and you will slowly be able to use different magic spells. In three weeks, I'll bring you to the magic realm where you will live with me. And serve me with your body..." Baekhyun marks a silence "and heart."
"But... you... I-" Baekhyun sits next to you on the bed and cups your cheeks to make your troubled eyes meet his.
"Wasn't that what you asked for?" He asked in the most honey toned voice, his darks orbs fixed into your unsure gaze. He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip "Right Kitten?"
"Yes..." you whisper, hypnotized by his intense stare.
"Over the past year, your feelings for me bloomed, didn't they?" You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as Baekhyun's eyes were unwavering.
You didn't answer anything, but you didn't have to... Baekhyun knew exactly how to read you. Maybe because he felt the same way...
He got back up and with magic popped his clothes back on. Red smoke started to appear at his feet, gradually growing around him.
"I'll be back in three weeks... Wait for me Kitten, okay?" He said with that adorable boyish smile you haven't seen in a year, he winked at you before disappearing in the red smoke.
You rubbed your belly, where life had taken its domain. This time, you wouldn't have to try to go back to a normal life.
It was impossible anyway... and frankly you didn't want to.
#baekhyun smut#exo smut#baekhyun imagine#exo baekhyun#exo fanfic#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun ff#smut#kpop smut#kpop imagine#byun baekhyun#baekhyun one shot#kpop#baekhyun x reader
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The 4 things

baekhyun x you
genre: pure angst
word count: 1.3k
a/n: inspired by a tiktok/reel sound. not edited.
Summary: The 4 things a man does when he loses interest in you.
1. spends more time on his phone.
Before, he was all over you. Never giving you enough space or your own bubble, but you were all for it, and even cuddling you every time he gets the chance.
It doesn't matter where you guys are. The bed, the couch, dining table, even on a date. He's always on his phone paying little to no attention to you.
And when he isn't on his phone he'll be on his computer playing video games. He barely strikes a conversation and when he does it's nothing that can keep you guys talking like before.
It seems to be more short and curt answers from him. And it's always you starting the conversation and trying to keep it going.
2. doesn't ask to hang out.
It was both yours and Baekhyun's day off. You were lounging on the couch watching whatever was shown on the television while Baekhyun was in the bedroom doing god knows what. Maybe on his damn phone again.
You heard footsteps here and there until it got closer and you turned your head to the noise. Seeing Baekhyun walking out of the bedroom dressed up casually like he's going to go out.
"Where are you going?" you questioned, trying to make small talk. As your eyes and ears follow his footsteps.
"Out with the boys, I'll be home late tonight. Don't wait up" he answers while putting on his shoes.
"Okay-" you let out before you could finish the door slams closed and your volume falters, "stay safe" you sigh. Suddenly feeling very down and starting to overthinking about things about what went wrong.
Later that day an incoming facetime call from one of the boys breaks you out of your trance.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Sehun gleams at you. You smile and shake your head, "Nothing much, you?" you answered while propping the phone where you can sit down properly while trying to conversate.
"Cool. Well, the boys and I were planning to hang out tonight if you and Baekhyun were up for it? He wasn't answering the phone so I figured I'd just ring you up" Sehun says ecstatically not knowing what storm he caused in your mind.
"Oh, um. I thought Baekhyun was already hanging out with you guys? He went out earlier this afternoon and said he was going out with the boys" you drift off trying to speculate about whats going on.
Sehun could see the trouble on your face and he jumps in before anything else could happen, "Oh really? I'll give him a call again, but the offer still stands" he tries giving a reassuring smile to state that everything's okay.
You answer with a nod and he gives you the details before you get ready for the night.
3. habits starts to annoy him.
Because of his busy work schedule you would always remind him to eat through out the day whether it'd be at work or home.
It was 12PM, both of you at work when you texted him, "Hi baby, make sure you eat!❤️" you sent him with a smile on your face.
Usually he would reply back right away or because of what's happening recently he hasn't replied at all. But you were surprised when you received a text back 10 minutes later.
"Could you stop bothering me? I know I'm suppose to eat and I will soon. You don't need to tell me." comes his reply.
You were shocked and hurt. Thinking about whether you should reply and apologize or not. But you just left it and turned off your phone, going back to work.
Because of that your mood had shifted that day.
You're also the type to move a lot in bed before you sleep which Baekhyun didn't mind and he would help by hugging you before you drifted off.
This time around instead of doing what he'd usually would do. He turned around and heaved a sigh staring straight at you, "Could you please stop moving. I'm trying to sleep" he lets out annoyed.
You look back at him straight in the eye in the darkness of this room. Suddenly feeling small. Trying to get comfortable one last time before letting out a small, "Sorry" before shutting your eyes.
You hear and feel the bed moving, opening one of your eyes you see him turn back around with his back facing you, scooting towards the edge.
And all of a sudden your eyes got teary and a tear slid down your cheek.
4. doesn't notice anything new from you.
You've been wanting to dye your hair for awhile now, but either never found the time or never found the right hair salon.
When the time finally came you took it. There you were finally your hair a shade lighter than your original color. With its nice styling from the hair stylist.
You were excited and can't wait to show Baekhyun. When you reached home he was already there.
You made your way to him and there he was on his damn computer again. Pushing the annoyance aside you called out his name.
Since he was wearing headphones of course he wouldn't hear you. You tried again a little louder. Nothing.
Getting a bit annoyed and confused to why he's ignoring you. You tried one last time this time loud enough where he can hear you. Which he sure did because you see him do something with his headset before turning to you with a pissed off look.
"What the fuck do you want? Can't you see I'm in a game?" he raised his voice at you. For the first time in 3 years did he ever cursed at you. Yelling? of course we did that before but never ever did he cuss at you no matter how annoyed, frustrated, or even pissed he was.
You were taken aback while he kept staring at you gesturing you to continue what the fuck was so important for you to interrupt his gaming time.
And that was the last straw before you went numb. "Never mind Baekhyun, Just go back to your game" your voice void of any emotions as you turn to leave the room.
You didn't see, but he rolled his eyes before letting out an annoyed "What a waste of my fucking time" before putting his headset on again.
You were in the kitchen after being cussed out by your boyfriend. No being ignored by your boyfriend for the past two months. Nothing seems to be changing.
He doesn't want to talk and he seems to always be annoyed with you. From all your overthinking the only answer you got was he was tired of you, he doesn't love you anymore, he wants you to end it.
From that conclusion you decide to end this relationship. With all the emotions you've been feeling for the past month resulted you into feeling numb.
You don't care anymore. You give up. You trudged over to the bedroom. And started to pack your clothes and belongings. The good thing about the room was that his computer desk was on his side of the bed across from the bedroom door. So he wouldn't see you if you were leaving.
Trying to pack quickly and quietly as possible. But with how much stuff you had here, it was best to just take whatever was actually needed and come back for the rest later.
After everything was zipped up ready to go you beelined to the door and out of his life. You were standing in front of the apartment door. Thinking whether to say or text him anything before you leave. To eventually text him, "If you were no longer in love with me just say so next time so we could end our relationship earlier rather than have the both of us suffer."
After sending the message to him you blocked his number and walking out of the apartment.
It was late at night already. Baekhyun just noticed after getting in bed that you were nowhere to be seen. A little inkling feeling was forming in his gut and he went straight to his phone.
Hoping to see that you texted him of your departure, but after opening the message did he wish he was aware earlier.
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Torn Apart (2 Final)

Pairing: Surprise! x Reader
Warning: Smut, Sadness, Angst Maybe? Mean People
Word Count: 5.4k
It had been weeks.
Weeks of sobbing into your pillow, weeks of feeling like things were going to get better, until you found the most insignificant thing that belonged to Chanyeol and you broke down all over again. You missed him. You missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, the way he made you laugh when you were sad. You missed it all. You were broken, and it was all Chanyeol's fault.
Until you scrolled through Instagram, and saw pictures of him with Maya, that bitch. You had never hated anyone in your life until you had met her. You couldn't even begin to fathom what even slightly redeeming qualities Chanyeol saw in her, but apparently there was something to that wench.
You were curled on your couch in the fetal position as you cried at the ending of Strong Girl Bong Soon. You wished you had a love like that. The way An Minhyuk loved Bong Soon was the relationship you wanted, the one you would strive for. He loved her so much and you just wanted to be loved by someone like that.
You groan loudly as your doorbell rings, and then whoever pounds on your door. You didn't want visitors, you didn't care who it was, you wanted to hermit.
"What?" You yelled from the other side of the door.
"Y/N, let me in." You hear from the other side. You recognized the voice immediately.
"Baekhyun, I look like a troll. Kindly leave." You sigh.
"Y/N, if your trolly ass doesn't let me in, I will break down your door." He threatens, which makes you laugh for the first time in days. You both knew he would never be able to do that, and he would likely end up hurting himself.
"Baek, you would break your leg." You say, pulling the door open. On the other side was a sympathetic Baekhyun, who had tissues, ice cream, chocolate and a bag full of movies. You smile at his kindness. "You know I have Netflix right?"
"Shut the fuck up and move, this shit is cold." He barks, moving past you and into your kitchen. "Look, I have all the necessities. We will get you through this. Because I for one, cannot stand the sight of Mayeol and I want to gouge my eyes out, and I need someone to do it with."
"I don't understand how that has anything to do with me." You say, grabbing two spoons.
"Sehun is gone, he's so in love with those two, hes bordering being a psychopath, Jongdae and his wife are just tolerating, Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo are avoiding them like the plague and Minseok and Lay have been MIA, so you're my last hope, Y/N."
"I really don't want to talk about him, Baek." You admit, the hole in your heart somehow feels larger than before.
"That's fine, I'll stop, let's start a movie." He suggests, grabbing a random one out of his bag.
And for the next few hours, that's all you guys did. You watched movies, making comments, laughing and you genuinely had a good time with him. It had been so long since you actually felt happy and you were grateful to Baekhyun for bringing at least a little joy back into your life.
Until he left, and you were alone again. All the feelings came rushing back, except they hurt a little less this time. You didn't miss him quite as much.
The next day, at the same time, your doorbell rang again. You open the door, your eyes puffy and bloodshot and you see Baekhyun standing there again, a new flavor of ice cream in hand, a new kind of chocolate, and a new bag of movies. This time he said nothing to you, instead pushed his way past you and through the door, setting everything down on your living room table as he popped in the movie. You smiled to yourself before turning around to join him, it felt nice to be cared about, and the fact that he was going out of his way to do this for you, and make you feel better. You truly appreciated Baekhyun.
As he sat there and watched the movie, you watched him. The way his eyes lit up at a part of the movie he enjoyed, the face he made when he took a bite of his ice cream, the wrinkle he had in his nose when there was a cheesy scene. You never truly noticed how handsome Baekhyun was until now. His distinct jawline, his large hands, his toned body, you briefly.. very briefly began to wonder how large his..
"No Y/N, no. Do not go there with your existing bestfriend."
You quickly shake off the thought, moving your eyes to the TV screen, trying to focus.
"How are you feeling today?" Baekhyun asks, sliding his phone back into his pants pocket.
"A bit better, I guess." You answer. Before Baekhyun could say anything there was another knock at the door. "That's good." He smiles, standing up. "There are some people who wanna see you." He says, opening the door.
Minseok, Suho and Kyungsoo file through the door, looking at you with pity as they all sit, surrounding you.
"Hiiiii." Suho pouts, protruding his bottom lip. "How are we feeling today?"
"Um, hi." You laugh. "I'm fine."
"Oh good, so we can go." Kyungsoo pipes up, standing up and walking towards the door.
"Sit." Minseok sighs, pointing back at the seat. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shuffling back to his spot and flopping down.
"She's fine, Chanyeol is fine, so why are we here? Everyone is fine." He groans.
"Have you seen him? Is he fine?" You hesitantly ask. You weren't even sure if you wanted to know.
"Oh he's more than fine." Kyungsoo groans. "He and Maya are all over each other all the time. It's honestly nauseating. Like I want to be able to eat my sandwich without hearing your girlfriend moan when you kiss her." He gags.
You bite your bottom lip as you slowly nod your head, tears welling in your eyes. These were most definitely details you did not need to hear about your ex and the girl he cheated on you with. All the men whip their heads to look at you, who now had your head hanging low as your shoulders shaked. They all look back at Kyungsoo, with only one speaking up.
"That's it." Baekhyun growls. "Kyungsoo, get out." He spits, pointing to the door.
"What did I do?" Kyungsoo asks, innocently. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, looking at you, softly whimpering into the sleeves of your sweater.
"Out. Now." Baekhyun says, giving him the middle finger before flinching as Kyungsoo stands up, whispering "Don't hurt me."
"Don't listen to him." Minseok sighs. "Kyungsoo has zero social cues, he also could not read a room if his life depended on it."
As Kyungsoo opened the door to leave, in rushed Lay, who looked at the man leaving and just nodded his head, realizing he had probably said something rude and was asked to leave. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last either.
"Y/N." Lay breathes. "How do you feel about tall, muscular men who sing?" He asks.
"I do enjoy them. Why?" You ask.
"I have a friend from the hospital.. I think you two would get along really well. He's in his third year of surgery residency and is looking to date. I may have shown him your picture and he instantly said yes." He tells you.
You look around the room, Suho and Minseok are nodding enthusiastically, while Baekhyun sits with his arms crossed against his chest, and a pouty look on his face.
"What do you think?" You ask Baekhyun. He looks up at you, his face softening immediately.
"I uhh, it's up to you. Yanno, if you're into muscular, tall men.." he mumbles.
"You know what? Sure, yes, I will. Chanyeol and Maya are out there living their best lives while I'm sitting here sulking, mourning a love that clearly didn't mean as much to him. So yes I will go out with him." You announce, perking up already. "When?"
"Tonight." Lay says. "More specifically, an hour."
"I need to get ready." You smile, jumping from your seat to rush to your room. You slowly peak your head around the corner, softly smiling at your friends. "Thank you, you guys. You've all really helped me these last weeks. I greatly appreciate you all." You finish, heading back into your room to quickly throw yourself together.
By the time you were done, you had 15 minutes to spare, and you were damn proud of what you accomplished in the last 45 minutes. You showered and shaved to become a hairless human from the eyelashes down, you managed to get the knots out of your hair and it looked in decent shape, as well as hide the semi-permanent redness of your eyes with a lot of makeup. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror when you looked. You didn't see the heartbroken girl anymore, you saw someone confident, hot and worthy of a great love.
Stepping out into the living room you blush at all the 'oohs and ahhs' from your friends.
Except for Baekhyun.
When you looked at him, his eyes shined and for some reason it made your heartbeat a little faster. You watched his eyes trail up and down your body, seemingly taking in every curve, every inch of you. When he notices you staring, he clears his throat and looks away. "You look prettyish." He mumbles as he walks away, there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun is the one to answer and looks up at the tall man.
"You must be.." he begins, moving out of the way, letting the man walk in.
"Hi." He smiles at you. "I'm Matthew." He says, holding out his hand.
"Hi Matthew." You grin. "Y/N." You finish, introducing yourself.
"It's really nice to meet you. You look phenomenal." He says, holding your hand up to spin you around. You can't help but let out a loud laugh as a blush spreads across your cheeks.
"Thank you." You whisper. "Shall we?"
He waves to Lay and everyone else before taking your arm in his and leading you out the door. You left three excited men behind you and one who felt annoyed but didn't quite know why.
You hadn't laughed so hard until tears rolled down your cheeks and you held your stomach for a very long time. You honestly were surprised at how much you and Matthew had in common. You both enjoyed the same type of music, food, and pastimes. You had yet to meet someone who loved the same authors as you, who enjoyed doing your favorite activities and who genuinely seemed like a great person but here he was, sitting right in front of you at this nice restaurant.
"I have to admit something." Matthew begins. Your stomach drops as you feel like he's going to tell you he's married or has a girlfriend, something that's going to make you lose trust in men, again.
"Go on." You say, forcing a smile before taking a sip of your drink.
"I really like you." He grins. "It's insane, I have never met someone I had so much in common with until tonight."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You laugh, feeling relieved at his confession. You liked Matthew, he seemed as though he would be good for you and treat you right, although you thought that Chanyeol would do the same and look how that turned out.
Matthew's pager beeps incessantly. He takes it from the waistband of his pants, checking the page and stands up abruptly. "I'm so sorry." He sighs. "I have to go, there was an accident and I'm needed in the OR." He explains.
"Go." You say, waving your hands to emphasize.
"I had a wonderful time Y/N, and I hope I get to see you again." He grins. He places down a few hundred bills on the table before kissing your hand, and with a wink he was off and your heart was pumping fast as red spreads across your cheeks.
Oh boy.
Your blush is still present as you walk through the door of your apartment. You see Baekhyun sitting on your couch with his arms crossed as he watches a show, not even acknowledging your presence.
"Why are you still here?" You ask, tossing your purse on the chair.
"I wanna hear all about Matthew." He mimics, rolling his eyes. "How was your date?"
"It was really nice. We have a lot in common, which is strange. He seems really nice and we get along amazingly. He was paged into surgery so it ended early." You tell him. "So cool."
"Oh wow, surgery huh?" Baekhyun says, nodding his head. "Did I tell you I'm auditioning for a band?" He smiles.
"Are you really?" You ask, a little shocked.
"Maybe." He says, clearing his throat, turning back to the show.
You sit beside him, you dress riding up just a little to expose your thigh. You're focused on the show, barely realizing that Baekhyun has now rested his hand on your bare thigh, his thumb lightly rubbing the same spot.
Why did you feel butterflies? Why was your pussy throbbing? It's probably just friendly, there's no way Baekhyun has feelings for you.
As the show played on, your eyes became increasingly droopy, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of today finally catching up with you. Your eyes slowly close as you lean your head back onto the couch.
You weren't sure when it happened, but you woke up, what you're assuming is a few hours later with your head on Baekhyun's lap while he gently rubbed your head, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shivered at the gentle sensation and you closed your eyes once again, feeling safe and happy as you dozed off.
When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on the couch, alone with a blanket draped over you. Your eyes searched your apartment and there was no sign of Baekhyun. You had no idea when he had left but a part of you felt a little hurt that he left without saying goodbye to you. You rolled yourself off the couch and shuffled into your room, changing your clothes to something more comfortable.
When you were done you made your way to the kitchen to find food when your front door opened. In walked Baekhyun with a large bag from your favorite food place.
"You didn't." You grin. "It's so far away."
"I did, and it was worth it to see the look on your face." He laughs, setting the bag down on the table.
The two of you sit down, and have breakfast together and chat. You hadn't realized that Baekhyun actually had a lot in common with you as well. You didn't know why the two of you had never talked about these things but you felt like it was a crazy coincidence that two men match with you so well. Although you knew Baekhyun's feelings were strictly platonic, there was no way that he felt anything romantically for you.
"I gotta go to work, but we'll hang out later, if you're up for it?" He asks, throwing his garbage away.
"Of course." You smile. You look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes and you just want to melt. You liked Baekhyun, alot. Maybe it was just from how good he's been treating you lately, or maybe the feelings were real, you would never know because you were going to focus on changing your feelings for Baekhyun to feelings for Matthew, someone you knew you actually had a chance with.
Later that day you were doing some work on your computer for the company you work for, luckily you're able to do your work from home, giving you plenty of time to be free during the day for activities. You're brought out of your zone by a text from Matthew, asking you if you wanted to grab a late lunch around 2pm, and immediately your mood changed, and you happily replied that you would love to.
At 1:50pm, you sat at the restaurant, a drink in front of you while you waited for Matthew. Seeing him walk through the door, your heart did a mini dance as he smiled at you, heading towards the table you had already gotten.
"Hey there beautiful." He grins, sitting across from you.
"Hi." You giggle. "How has your day been?"
"Busy and stressful, but that's all been forgotten now that I have you in front of me." He says. You smile widely, burying your head in your hands. He was so sweet, and you didn't know how to react to it. After the two of you order, you're in the middle of a conversation about a movie you had each recently watched, when out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone familiar. You look over and at a table that was too close for your liking sat Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Maya. Your attitude, demeanour and mood completely changed when you noticed them. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you looked away. You look at Matthew who instantly looks concerned.
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asks, leaning in closely to whisper to you.
"T-that's my ex.. and the girl he chose over me, and his best friend who I'm still friends with." You whisper, nodding your head towards them.
Matthew discreetly looks over and notices the blonde man looking in your direction, pain in his eyes from the moment he saw you.
"Look at me." Matthew whispers. You look up at him, trying to control the tears. "That boy is an idiot for giving you up. You are one in a million. You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring and an all around amazing person to be around. Don't give them anymore of your tears, princess. They don't deserve them, and you don't deserve to cry over them." He smiles.
You sit up, taking a deep breath, smiling at the man across from you, staring at his beautiful smile. You glance over to the table and see Chanyeol staring at you, sadness in his eyes while Maya glares at you and Baekhyun, he stares at you with what seems like a look of anger. He glares in your direction, his face like stone and you had no idea what you did to make him so mad at you.
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" Matthew asks.
You nod your head, knowing you didn't want to be in the same restaurant as Mayeol, it was bad enough to have to be in the same city as them. Matthew grabs the check, escorting you out, his hand hovering over your backside as you walk out, the feeling of eyes watching you burning into your back as you exit the restaurant. You and Matthew stand outside your door, and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry about the date." He sighs.
"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be sorry." You say.
"You did nothing wrong." He tells you. "I have to get back to the hospital now, but I'll call you." He says, leaning down he presses his lips to yours quickly before pulling away and saying goodbye.
You walk into your apartment, feeling a little confused. That didn't go how you imagined it at all. As you're trying to get out of your sundress, there's a knock at the door before someone walks in. You turn around and see Baekhyun standing there, watching you.
"You looked pretty comfortable and intimate with what's his name." He blurts out, walking towards you. He stands closely behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as he pulls down the zipper of your dress.
"Yeah well you looked pretty comfortable with fucking Maya and Chanyeol." You retort, trying to storm away from him. Your dress slips off your body, landing on the floor. Baekhyun follows you, reaching out to grab your wrist. He spins you around to face him. He pulls your body closer to his.
"What do you want?" He asks. You don't answer, your lips parted as you try to form a sentence. Baekhyun's eyes drop down to your lips. He licks his lips and sighs. You can feel his breath, so close to you, almost kissing you. "What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asks.
Your heart is practically beating out of your chest. You look into his eyes, one word on the tip of your tongue.
You. Just say it. You want him. Tell him.
But you say nothing.
Baekhyun sighs. "That's what I thought." He says, moving away from you and picking up your dress from the floor. He hands it to you, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. "Call me when you know what you want." He says, walking away from you and out the door.
What did that mean? Did he want you like you wanted him? Why couldn't you have just told him right then and there?
You were scared. You were scared of rejection, you were scared he didn't mean it, maybe his feelings towards you weren't real. But then again, you would never know unless you talked to him.
Later that night you laid in your bed, thinking about Baekhyun. You couldn't sleep, so you grabbed your purse and your keys, drive aimlessly around town. A little while later, you glance at the clock that reads 2am, you park your car and you pull out your phone and call him. You felt like you were going to vomit as the phone rang.
"Hello?" A groggy voice answered.
"You." You whisper through the speaker. "I want you."
"Y/N." He breathes.
"Open the door, Baekhyun." You whisper.
You can hear him get out of bed and stomp towards the front door. He pulls it open and there you are, your phone pressed against your ear, wearing a nightshirt and shorts.
"I want you." You say again, pulling the phone away from your ear.
Baekhyun pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you before pinning you against the front door.
"Fuck it." He groans, crashing his lips against yours, pulling your body in closer to his. His hands roaming your body as he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands move under your shirt and up your torso, cupping a bare breast. He groans into the kiss as he pinches your hard nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He presses his crotch into your leg, allowing you to feel his hard cock pushing against his boxers.
You reach your hand down, sliding it into his waistband, grabbing his cock and slowly pumping, making his knees buckle.
"Fuck." He murmurs, breaking the kiss. He leans his head into your neck, placing small kisses as you stroke his cock.
Suddenly he stands up straight, pulling your hand from inside his boxers. He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom.
"Take off your clothes." He growls.
You maintain eye contact as you slip your shirt off your body, dropping it to the floor and the shimmy off your shorts, letting them pool around your ankles. You stand there naked in front of Baekhyun who takes in every curve and crevasse of your body.
"Get on the bed." He whispers. You move to the bed, slowly climbing on and laying on your back.
"So fucking beautiful." He moans, crawling on top of you. "I just wanna be inside you." He whispers. You nod your head, giving him all the consent he needs.
Baekhyun spits on his hand, pumping his cock. He lifts your legs over his shoulder before lining him up with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, stretching your pussy out, making you cry out loudly.
It had been so long for you, you forgot what it felt like to be fucked. Your hands grip the bed sheets as Baekhyun slides his cock in and out of you slowly.
"How do you want it, baby?" He asks, moving slowly still.
"Faster." You moan. "Fuck me Baekhyun."
His eyes become dark after hearing your words. His hands wrap around your ankles as he starts thrusting harder into you, the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
"Oh god." You cry out, your hands cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples as he pumps his cock into you.
Baekhyun releases one of your legs, placing his thumb between your lips to rub your clit. He rubs in circles, making you clench around him.
"Just like that." You cry out as you buck your hips. You knew you were going to cum soon, you hadn't had an orgasm since Chanyeol left.
"Fuck." Baekhyun groans.
"I'm gonna cum." You scream as he fucks you harder, and continues to rub you.
Your orgasm hits you, making you scream out in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tighten around Baekhyun once again.
He groans loudly, suddenly cumming, shooting his load inside of you, breathing heavily as he works through his orgasm.
"Holy fuck." He sighs, pulling out of you. He lays next to you, and you snuggle into him, not caring about the mess, just being completely and utterly happy in the moment.
"So.." Baekhyun starts off the next morning, as you lay in his bed, tangled in his sheets. You have one leg and one arm sprawled across him as you snuggle in closer to him. "What about Matthew?" He asks.
"I called him yesterday after you left, and I told him I didn't think things were going to work out, but I would like to remain friends." You explain.
"And he was fine with that?" He asks.
"He asked if there was someone else." You sigh. "I told him I wasn't sure, but I hoped and he wished me luck."
"I didn't like you seeing him." Baekhyun admits. "It hurt but I felt like I couldn't do anything." He says.
"Why?" You ask.
"Because.. Chanyeol is my best friend and you were his." He tells you.
"Chanyeol made his decision, and he chose Maya. I'm free to date whoever I want, and I want you." You whisper.
"Oh baby girl." Baekhyun growls. "You have no idea what you do to me." He whispers, rolling over on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, never having felt so wanted or loved.
It has been a few months of you and Baekhyun dating, and you've kept it under wraps for the most part, wanting to stay in your little bubble of happiness. But now your friends were getting suspicious and you felt like it was time to tell them. And what other perfect time to tell them then at a dinner party that everyone is attending.
That night you and Baekhyun had brought a spinach and artichoke dip that you made together and it was the best thing ever. You told Jongdae and his wife the news first, and they were both extremely happy for the both of you.
Next, Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai and Lay were told and they were all happy for you two, except Lay who was disappointed that things didn't work with Matthew, but he was happy that you were happy.
You all sat around the dinner table when Chanyeol, Sehun and Maya walked in. Things instantly got tense and quiet the minute they entered the room. They hadn't noticed you yet and you could feel the knots forming in your stomach.
"Hey guys." Chanyeol smiled, looking around the room and then his eyes landed on you and his smile dropped.
"Hi friends." Maya chirps up, not realizing you were there until Sehun pointed it out, quite loudly and rudely.
"Why is she here?" He asks, nodding his head towards you.
"Because she's our friend." Jongdae pipes up, glare at Sehun.
"It's just weird." Maya comments, sitting down at the table. You ball your hands into fists under the table. Baekhyun reaches under the table, grabbing your hand to calm you down, showing you he's there and has your back.
"It's not weird, actually." Baekhyun pipes up. "What's weird is coming to a gathering when you know no one here likes you. That's weird." He says, looking at Maya.
"Baek." Chanyeol sighs. "She's my girlfriend." He says, as if that's a good enough reason.
"Okay." Baekhyun says. "And she's mine." He says, nodding towards you. "So tell your girl to show some respect."
"You're what?" Chanyeol asks, staring at you and Baekhyun, not even acknowledging the fact that Maya is sitting there with her mouth open and offended. "You're dating my ex-girlfriend?"
"I am." Baekhyun says, not caring about Chanyeol's reaction anymore.
"You.. you can't do that." He says.
"And why not?" Baekhyun wonders. "You left her. You chose that over this amazing woman. You have no right to be angry here. You broke her, tore her apart and I'm putting the pieces back together."
"I don't want her here." Maya pouts.
"And no one wants you here." You chime in. You were tired of her and she had only been here for a few minutes.
"Chanyeol." She whines, nudging him but he's still not paying attention to her, only looking at you and Baekhyun.
"So.. what did you guys bring?" Lay asks, nodding towards their dish.
"Buffalo chicken dip." Maya says, with a smile.
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "You mean you're still making the recipe that Chanyeol and I made together?" You ask with a smile on your face.
Maya's smile instantly drops, looking at you with disgust. "Chanyeol." She yells.
"What?" He snaps, turning to look at her.
"Do something." She whines.
"You don't have to do anything, man. We're gonna go. Thanks for having us, Jongdae. It's been interesting." Baekhyun says. He looks at you and holds out his hand. "Ready?" He asks you. You smile at him, taking his hand and walking out, hand in hand with the man who made you the happiest you've been.
A few days later you're in your apartment, singing and dancing as you clean up the place. You no longer missed Chanyeol, his name no longer brought pain to your heart, seeing things that reminded you of him no longer made you cry. You had Baekhyun now, and he treated you like a queen.
You're walking past your front door when you hear a faint knock. You open it slightly and see an exhausted looking Chanyeol standing on the other side.
"Can we talk?" He asks.
You didn't want to hear what he had to say, but you decided to be nice and let him in.
"What?" You ask, sitting on your couch as he stands in front of you.
"I fucked up." He blurts out. "I should have never chosen Maya over you. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, Y/N, please forgive me. I miss you. I miss us. We were great together." He breathes.
You're shocked. You had spent weeks crying over him, wishing for him to come to you and say these words to you but now it was too late.
"You're a little too late now." You say to him.
"I know you're with Baekhyun, but I had you first." He says.
You scoff at him. "How dare you? How could you come here months after you left me for Maya and beg for me back when I'm finally happy again? It took a long time for me to be okay. Baekhyun has been there for me, he was the one who helped put me back together. You chose Maya. You made your bed." You yell. "Get out Chanyeol."
"Y/N please." He begs.
"No, you need to leave. I don't want you. I don't love you anymore." You tell him.
Chanyeol walks out the door, looking back at you with tears in his eyes. You felt no remorse for him. You had felt the way he was feeling, it was his own fault and you refused to be torn apart by him again. Chanyeol was now your past, and Baekhyun was your future and you couldn't be happier about it.
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I don't know if you've seen the new pic Kibum posted, but if you're online I'm sure you've seen the drama about it now...
I don't get it though, usually Key will say himself when he posts something if it shouldn't be shared, so I wonder if even he didn't see a problem with it at first? Why is one picture such a problem? Is Taemin not allowed to exist in public while enlisted?
This isn't a dig at Baekhyun cause I'm glad he was able to do these things, but didn't he have youtube videos coming out while enlisted? And I know he was all over his verified twitter all the time? How is just one picture different than that? Is it cause of the platform? Even though its not Taemin's bubble and he makes no money from it? Would their be so much drama if it had been posted to instastories?
I saw people saying there were articles, but there were articles written when Taemin went to Keys show?
I dunno where I'm getting with this, other than enlistment is confusing, I hope Key and Taemin in particular are okay, and I can't wait for this overlong awful enlistment to be over...
Hi Anon.
I have Bubble so I received the scolding directly via text! That was a shocker, lol. I'll give you my unvarnished opinion on this but as a warning, I'm going to be brutally honest about all of it. You're asking completely legit questions here.
The situation is nuanced, and I think for a lot of fans just the idea that they did something Kibum didn't like and felt the need to tell everyone off about was enough to either upset them or make them scared and 'fall in line." I deleted the posts I made and then I reflected because I never share Bubble content. But this time I made an exception — why did I do that? Because EVERYONE did.
So this is my opinion (don't take it as gospel because I have no access to anyone's thoughts). I think Key misjudged the reaction to that photo and how berserk everyone would go. He sees Taemin all the time; we haven't seen his entire face since his birthday in 2022 (lol). And, we've had virtually no communication from him in almost two years. "We" went nuts. Can anyone blame us? No. But Bubble is a paid service, and Kibum always reminds us not to share his shit. I never share anyone's shit publicly anyhow, but again it was ubiquitous, so I joined in. See the problem?
He had every right to get mad and remind of his boundaries and Bubble policy (there are financial penalties you can face for sharing stuff too btw). I also think he probably felt remorse over sending it in the first place since he likely misjudged what would happen. Is it all about breaking Bubble policy? No. And I don't think it's all about him being annoyed at fans breaking his trust either.
Baekhyun did have a personal YouTube account that he setup himself to use to communicate with fans during enlistment. It's my understanding he did this as a way to keep in touch without it having any links to promo/work. But, do you remember how he had to delete it all, and then he came online to tell us it's okay etc? I think that SM caught wind of extra scrutiny on people doing civil service enlistment, and it was a precaution. I also think this is why they've cooled it on Taemari, and it could be one of many reasons why Taemin stopped doing any posts at all. I'm not saying it's THE reason, but I think it's likely a factor.
There is a lot of criticism of celebrities who do civil service enlistment, and that criticism was present before the investigation involving Ravi and others came to light. People have been criticizing the option for years, saying it's how celebrities get out of doing "actual" service (let's put aside arguments about why that's wrong/insane, etc). Instead, put yourself in Taemin's shoes. He started service one way and is finishing it another. Wouldn't you want to avoid public ire and scrutiny over how you're spending your time in enlistment, ie. "living it up" etc. In my opinion, that's the worry over the photo being everywhere and now in news articles.
Why is the concert different? He went with Lee Soo-Man on the non-Beyond Live day as a private citizen, he kept his face covered the entire time—he even dressed low key. I have the same shirt that he wore (lol, imagine my surprise) except it's the branded version. He wore the non-branded version. Though he did have a Prada bag so maybe my argument falls apart but it wasn't like, in your face, was it? Anyhow, I hope you'll see my point. When he went to that soccer game, Jimin and Sungwoon were also there but they were in a fancy box. He did not sit in the box - he was just with the regulars in the stands. It wouldn't look so good to be in a fancy private box when you're supposed to be serving in the military, would it?
When Minho served, whenever he called Taemin he said he could never show his face. He was allowed to call him on VLives (or comment, lol) but he said specifically he can't show his face. They even argued about it. To bring this full circle, Bubble is a paid promotional, parasocial service. Even though for Kibum, sharing the photo is "private," it's still part of his work as an idol. So technically Taemin was in paid content. Is it a big deal? I really don't think it is (also is he definitely not discharged already?! o.O) so no one should feel sad or bad or whatever. Next time anyone shares anything on Bubble, I know it won't get shared. That's just how the fans roll. There's a level of respect here that is a breath of fresh air tbh.
Why is Baekhyun on Twitter whenever he wants but we don't hear from Taemin often? Personal choice. And that's a choice to be respected. It's not our business unless he chooses to share. Existential perspectives aside, we're part of "work" and the man is not in work nor getting paid for it right now, so he doesn't need to do shit. lol.
#I hope that's fair#I saw lots of different reactions today so it made me think it might be helpful to share thoughts#kibum has the right to his boundaries#as does Taemin
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