#i'll mull it over.
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 2 years ago
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 💥
Oooh, okay!
I'm still trying to figure out a middle name, but I rather like Louise.
I'm polyamorous if you recognize one of the flags in my icon!
I have auditory-tactile synesthesia! Tony Hale's voice feels like those good-quality cotton socks tthat are so soft fresh out of the package. :3 It's an excellent texture!
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ferrouswheel11 · 1 year ago
The moment that made Bruce the man he is today was the moment his parents were murdered in the alley. He thinks that that moment for Tim had or will have to do with the deaths of his parents as well, like it was for him, for Dick, for Jason, all children whose lives were changed forever by tragedy. He doesn't realize that that moment for Tim was a decade ago at Haly's Circus.
Bruce thinks that he and his mission are the poison, that prolonged exposure will eventually drag Tim down into the darkness he resides in (or worse, like it did to Jason). He thinks of the child he once was, remembers that he became the Bat so that no other child might be suffer that same loss, that same transformation that he has. He doesn't realize that Tim's path was set from the very first day he can remember.
Tim doesn't know how to be any different. How to be anything other than a boy who deduced Batman's secret identity by accident. A boy whose heroes inspired him to become a detective, to pick up computer skills, to learn to fight. A boy who cared enough about two strangers at the circus to risk his life for them a decade later.
Becoming Robin was just the culmination. Becoming Robin is when everything that made Tim Tim started to make sense. The night in the alley was the night Bruce’s life changed, but that night at the circus was the night Tim’s life began.
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itskaist · 16 days ago
when you hit the tag word limit you know you should just make your own post
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electricea · 9 months ago
i don't really like making posts like this because i don't want them to become a habit and i'm not really used to talking about my personal feelings, but i did want to say, i'm sorry for seeming spaced out and absent. 2024 just hasn't really been my year and sometimes i get into these ruts. it's not due to any person or thing that happened, sometimes i just get into these ruts and it can take a bit to pull myself out. i just hope i've never come off of as absent or disinterested or irritable. time and trying to focus on the positive always helps. just thanks for being so patient and kind to me, always. if i can ever do the same for you, just reach out and i'll do my best to listen. 🌻
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lord-of-alana · 1 year ago
hello! regarding my last post about how i wanted to leave the fandom, i think maybe i should hiatus until i have the time to finish the book! running away from my problems is not how i should be solving them. i really want to continue drawing and you guys have sent me such beautiful headcanons ‼️ feel like i don't do them justice because of my lack of knowledge. just give me a week and i hope to be done!
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fairymint · 1 month ago
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.....i had a small sample size but despite that, a poll that I hosted on my icons blog and dash activity/etc. does have me considering actually switching to the 'nsft' tag- I hate half of its origin, but it might actually be the better one to use for networking while still being filtered.
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warren-keplers-funk-band · 11 months ago
ok but like
i love tommy. don't get me wrong. but buck's whole speech to tommy was like 'getting ur attention has been exhausting' and literally when in this episode has he been doing anything that wasn't for eddie's benefit.
aside from. literally kissing the man on the mouth
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snarkspawn · 1 year ago
✨ Commissions opening soon ✨
I know it took me a while (understatement) but I'm finally going to open a couple of commission slots this weekend!
A few people have been asking to be notified in advance so this is your official heads up :D
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ann-chovi · 11 months ago
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
i'm thinking about revamping the superfam secret santa blog and doing a superfam summertime giftswap, but i think before i do that i need a) another person to help with matching because it got a lil bigger than i anticipated last time,
and b) to figure out how to word "if you're gonna join with prompts that aren't with the spirit of the event (as in. the couple of people who showed up for secret santa with Only tim/kon or super/bat prompts. instead of anything about. yknow. the superfam.)... idk man don't do that like come on lmao" into the rules. ldkfjlks
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periwinkla · 5 months ago
I wanted to draw a particular scene for the comic but Edgeworth was making it difficult, so... I employed the help of a rabbit to make it happen. ^ I swear I'm serious. Kinda.
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fonulyn · 1 year ago
i tried to avoid the discourse lol but tumblr keeps 'recommending' me posts from each side so i'm gonna get this off my chest so i can stop thinking about it :'D
i find it annoying how somehow a lot of people seem to have decided that Leon hitting on Shen May in ID has to either be 1. completely and utterly platonic or 2. completely and utterly sleazy, and there's no options in between. and both sides act as if their reading of the scene is foolproof and the other side is ridiculous for even entertaining the opposite. as if things are ever so black and white lol.
personally, my very subjective reading on the scene is that yes he hits on her but once she turns him down he not-so-very-smoothly turns it joking. there's nothing in his expressions or bodylanguage that, to me, suggests that he's being serious about it in the end.
and I genuinely don't see a character who has such strong convictions and morals in other aspects of his character merrily adultering away like some have suggested. if that's how you want to see him, go for it :'D but personally I don't think it fits the rest we know about him. at all.
but that doesn't mean he didn't go into the conversation with the intention of hitting on her, either. he craves human connection, he's lonely as fuck, so if her response had been different then i have no problems seeing him wanting to take it further.
(i genuinely don't know if tumblr's just throwing super old posts at me and if this is an active ~discourse at all, but i kept getting takes thrown at me so here, have mine lol)
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rocknrollsalad · 12 days ago
for WIP weekend: blush
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Thank you for sending me this, i needed it!!! 🩷🩷
I don't even have an inkling here or an idea to rebel against? this is one of those really just "wow that's sure there" prompts on this card that have been kind of holding me up since it was issued. It sparked...nothing. or less than nothing.
the (self imposed) pressure to answer this has forced me to toss the prompt around in my head in a different way and I've not landed at much but I've got something lol
So my first thought is something to do with fem steve? i personally have never really subscribed to the super ultra feminine stevie that goes around. I think she's a tomboy, a disappointment to her mom since she could make her own choices. She didn't want any of those traditionally girly things. i think then there's something in getting older and realizing that both things can exist. she can wear a bit of make up and it doesn't make her the next Miss Teen Indiana. I don't know that this is anything really.
a 5+1 would be cute? like the five times Steve made eddie blush and the one time eddie made him or something??? that's A LOT of brainstorming though.
google sucks these days but all it gives me is make up. I'm not sure there's way to turn this on it's head.
I'm just one big shrug emoji, i think. even the pressure of having something for this ask gave me next to nothing lol
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Please help me work out what to write for my steddie bingo card, the due date is approaching too quickly lol ( post with prompts )
don't hesitaite to send follow ups or questions about anything here. i need so many pushes here
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words-with-wren · 3 months ago
oh I finished it.
still needs editing and will trickle out the last two chapters over the next few days but Some Sunny Day is finished.
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right-on-therocks · 20 days ago
HAIIII 🦈⚠️♻️🖍🤡
[ procrastination ask game found HERE ]
TEEHEE HAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🦈- Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
hmm I've realised now a chunk of them Don't Actually Have Set Names but the ones that DO (at least at the moment) are:
for further consideration - (sequel to in the name of the law. originally called "the right to remain", which will now be name of the series :3)
cross-reference - (potential third part of that series... an additional part that's me self-indulgently beaming backstory headcanons into everyone's brains under the guise of a character study through the ao3 screen <3)
pass like a motion - (COULD change but i mostly just refer to it as "motion", so that bit's sticking. i would LIKE it to be a multi-chap undercover mission fic w/ gillodec (+dapho'dil too) but then i have to goddamn plan the thing. SO WE'LL SEE HOW LONG THAT TAKES!)
⚠️- Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
I WANT IT TO BE FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION... although it still needs some more planning when I have more free time I will dig my teeth back into it (+ i'm about?? 4k into writing it already?? and ough I am excited for it) but depending on how the hipot season finale goes... i really want to see if i can write something for oz+karadec+daph regarding hopefully SAVING OZ'S ASS FROM THE POOL. perhaps another missing scene, and if so i'll try get that WRITTEN and OUT but otherwise,,, ffc (followed by some shorter pieces/the other prompt requests for YOU i just need to brainstorm some more <3)
♻️- A scrapped idea for your current WIP
HMMMMMMMMMM... i feel like it's a little tricky to tell rn because most of them are in planning stages/idea dumps that I haven't properly combed through yet but I do find it a little funny that the first note i have in for ffc is "not planning a sequel but if there WAS one..." which. considering how much else there is written after it makes me GIGGLE
I'm still figuring out how much they actually discuss the topic of dating, but atm i'm planning on perhaps leaning into the idea of both of them knowing the want to make something of this, but not really knowing how to approach the topic out loud (at least not yet). so THIS that i've just found
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probably won't make it into the final cut </3
(additionally: motion was originally just going to be an explicit gillodec one-shot, but then i wanted to expand on in a way that feels like it'll be teen rated. SO WE'LL SEE!!)
🖍 - Post Any sentence from your WIP
another one from ffc, because that's the one actually made its way into the google doc stage (technically two sentences, but shhhh. also! from one of my fav sections, but that's mostly bc it was one of the first sections to be written)
It feels unfair that he has to love her like this. Because god, of course that’s what this is.
🤡- How many WIPs are you actively working on?
terrifying question, actually! i've been using notion to store my ideas and have made different sections for each of em... actually counting them i have like. 11 fic-specific sections. another section for prompt-fill notes (of which i have 3 more i want to do). another section for random ideas or general headcanons but I put a new dapho'dil idea in there today that'll probably get its own page if/when i choose to Write It. "actively work on" feels tricky to classify when i could be spitting out ideas for any of them at any given time </3
.........So What If We Just Say Several? ���👍
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 year ago
Ok at the wise hour of 1am I've decided I need to start some sort of musical or physical hobby to enrich my life, and if I actually get the motivation to do it I'll document my progress on tumblr to hold myself a bit accountable. But first things first, I don't know what do to, so help me decide.
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