#i'll miss objectifying this old man
samgirard · 4 months
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└POSTGAME RAW: ANDREW COGLIANO | round two, game five: col vs dal | 5.17.24
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
Inner city freaks!!!!!
this is the last one I'll be doing for a while. peace.
Disclaimer Bailey has been heavily influenced by @ashersanity here's the Link they got to my mans first.
Bailey is uncharacteristically needy when you guys are alone. It's strange how much he wants to touch and hold you. he's also very quiet when this happens and if you speak up, he will pinch you pull on your hair, or bite you to get you to shut up. 
he's really into making sure you're trapped with him at all times. He’ll pull you out of school if you've been avoiding him too much. 
he's installed a lock on the outside of your door. He uses it to keep you in at night and sometimes on days when he thinks you'll be up to no good. 
Cockwarming, constantly. If he calls you into his office it's to cockwarm him while he works. 
No other orphans get to come near you. Ever. he's broken Robin's wrist over this. 
Constantly objectifies you calling you “valuable” “precious” and “pet” 
Your debt is just to keep you in check and struggling at this point. he's stopped renting you out and instead keeps you captive on the weeks you can't pay.
Bailey swears he's not as bad as the rest of this stupid town but when the mood strikes him he's breaking into your room in the middle of the night to wake you up and fuck you. He usually gags you but a part of him wants the other orphans to hear you screaming and crying. He’ll leave bruises and worse if you struggle.
Even people who have offered to buy you out for outrageously high prices are turned down by Bailey always telling them that someone is paying double what they can afford. 
Bailey of course gets to the point where he can't even let you leave. He can't handle it anymore. People keep asking about you. People keep wanting to take you away. He eventually just snaps. Starts telling people you died. Rips down missing posters in hopes this whole town forgets you ever existed. Anyone who comes sniffing around is taken care of. And you stay with Bailey. In his cornered-off apartment in the orphanage. Just a couple of doors down from your old room. 
Creep. Dudes a super creep and it only gets worse when his obsession rolls in. 
Huge corruption kink and if you start off innocent he just adores ruining you. 
he's not really subtle about how he feels either. You get detention twice as much. Your pictures fill up his computer files very fast. He even brings you to the brothel for dates and makes you sit on his lap while he gropes you. 
He gets his way through blackmail mostly. Man is not strong.
Forced fem looking as. No matter your gender he just loves you in girl clothes. He even likes to tear leggings/tights at the crotch for easy access. 
Is always feeling you up. can't keep his hands off of you. 
Will keep your panties/confiscated clothes separate from other students because they're just oh so precious to him. 
This man licks panties. All the time gets off on it. 
He will force you to have sex with another student and film it. Especially if neither of you are into it. he's a real freak about reluctant sex. 
Hell makes you blow him under his desk. But hell yank on your hair the whole time.
If you get the chance to blackmail him first he's not taking it. Instead, he's going to try and worm his way out of it. If he can't do that he's going to seethe. Dude is not comfortable with you having the upper hand
Piss kink. (can't explain it.) 
Also a forced fem fucker. Doesn’t matter your gender he's getting off on the idea that he has control over everything you do including how you address yourself when you're with him. 
Will use money to manipulate you. 
Constantly talks about marrying you??? Especially if you've been the ideal little socialite 
You boost his image at parties and he's a big fan of that. At first, he denies having feelings for you. he's just paying you after all it's all for show. Bet it gets harder and harder to let you climb out of his car and head back to the orphanage. 
He even offers to buy you outright from Bailey but Bailey knows you're more valuable if you keep getting Avery's money every week. 
Big on controlling you and who you talk to. Isolates you and takes up all your time on the weekends and even during your rides home. He purposefully keeps you for longer than necessary 
At High Rage Avery is a monster. Dude is constantly cornering you. Even when you break up with him he still shows up for your “dates” outside of the orphanage and tries to grab you. 
he's constantly trying to force you into his life even when you're being defiant. He will break your wrists/fingers to get his way. 
He knows he can't fight Bailey outright but his offers to buy you get more aggressive. 
When that doesn't work he withholds money from you even if you go on dates with him. He makes it harder for you to get regular work by trashing your reputation. He’ll make sure you have no one to rely on. And within a couple of weeks when you're desperate and broke. 
Avery will be there outside the orphanage. Ready to take you on a date. Just like always. 
Quinn has so many things wrong with him. 
You barely notice Quinn. he's not a big presence in your life until he wants you. 
Then suddenly you're the mayor's new intern. The pay is good and you don't have to whore yourself out so it's really a good gig. 
Baley hates your job but hell never tell you why. 
Quinn is pretty touchy. Likes to hold onto you tightly and show you off like a little pet. 
he's also big on making sure you work in his office with him. Even if you don't have any work to do. he's keeping you in the office with him. 
he's always very careful that the door is closed and music is playing while you both work. 
He stares a lot. Way too much to be healthy. You start to question whether he is actually getting any work done. 
He also makes sure that you have anything you want while you work with him. Coffee, breakfast. Anything you like he insists. 
it's only when you've been working for a couple of weeks that he finally asks you something that's a bit off. Personal questions. That makes you uneasy. 
He brings up that he knows Bailey charges you rent every week. And he says he can start to cover it if you just do him a couple extra favors on top of your regular work.
This quickly spirals into late-night ‘meetings’ where he ends up fucking you over his desk while the building is empty. 
he's careful not to leave marks. you're as clean and neat as you were when you walked in and he's so very careful as he pets your head before letting you leave. 
Over the next week, you get a promotion and a raise. You start working more late nights. 
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greenishghostey · 2 years
the commonly referenced 'messy bun' eddie puts his hair into isn't actually a bun, it's just a ponytail he didn't pull all the way through
His pretty pretty curls tied back all messy because it’s summer and he’s got to clean out his van
That’s the plot synopsis of this. Also, goofy fluff for fluff's sake
July in Hawkins was usually a similar temperature to the surface of the sun. Eddie would lovingly grumble about how it “feels like Satan’s moist armpit”; he had such an eloquent way with words.
The summer sun was particularly punishing as it bounced around the trailer park. You were almost tempted to try and cook some eggs for breakfast on the steps of Eddie's trailer - the resulting bacteria would have been a bitch to deal with though.
Eddie always used hot, sticky summer days to clean his van. The body and windows desperately needed to be blasted with a hose. A whole lot of random crap had accumulated in the back of the van - fast food wrappers, busted guitar cables, Corroded Coffin poster samples. The brown shag rug lining the back needed to be vacuumed very, very badly, too.
You were always happy to help out with the van cleaning. Partly because it was just nice to spend time on a nice day with your boyfriend. But mainly because you got to look at him while he cleaned.
Eddie didn't own any shirts that were breezy enough for the July heat, so he ditched the shirt altogether. His tattoos and freckled skin were on full display in the golden sunshine. He was glowing. One, because he was a pretty guy, and two, because you had rubbed a lot of sunblock on him - much to his protests.
In addition to going half-naked, "showing off the goods," as he put it. Eddie also tied his curls up. The hair tie he used, which was probably months old, given how overstretched it was, only held his hair back loosely. The ponytail sat against the back of his neck, and several wild strands fell around his sweaty face.
You were taking a break from vacuuming the car seats, lounging back on a low, green deck chair and observing. Secretly, you were happy that you had the privilege of seeing Eddie being all effortlessly hot. The guy was a solid 10, and no one else in the entire town got to see him the way you did.
Admittedly, you felt a little iffy watching him while knocking back a beer from the cooler at your feet, objectifying him while he was hosing down the van. But you also knew that he was far too aware of what he was doing.
"You missed a spot on the windscreen." You pointed out, gesturing to the dried bird shit near the window wipers. Eddie turned to you and peered over his sunglasses. Letting him buy aviators was an awful idea. Especially since you'd seen Top Gun with your friends a few months back.
"I'm doing the wipers separately. There's more bird shit and dead bugs on 'em than what you can see," Eddie explained. He still moved the spray of the hose over the area you had pointed out. You were just trying to be helpful, and he appreciated it. "Oh, there's a huge spider in here too! Come see!"
You had to peel yourself off the plastic of the deck chair - the heat was just a joke now. Eddie had started poking at the wipers, inspecting the area for any live creepy crawlers that he could save before causing a tsunami for them.
"I swear if there's hair on this spider, I'll-" You were abruptly cut off by a fast spray of water hitting you in the chest. Eddie was a dead man. Regardless of his summer look.
"Been waiting all day to do that." Eddie cackled, doubling over at the sight of the death glare you were giving him. "Love ya, though. Hey, no bra, how nice of you." he preened, quickly stealing a kiss on your damp cheek.
The t-shirt you were wearing was now like a second skin. The red cotton clung to your torso, and you quickly realised the reason for Eddie's aim. As Eddie moved away from you, you made fast work of disarming him of the hose. The second it was in your hand, his face dropped, and he bolted around the van.
"Can you blame me for the wet t-shirt?! Like really?" Eddie pleaded as you stalked after him, hose in a vice grip. You knew your boyfriend was a perv, sure, but you could still get a bit of revenge in exchange for it.
"It is chaffing my armpits, Edward." You hissed, aiming a hose blast at his head, but he quickly ducked behind one of the open back doors.
"Well, I'm sorry about that. But you've been ogling me all day! Can't a guy see some wet t-shirt action!" This time he luckily dodged your line of fire.
"I've been ogling you for twenty minutes AT MOST!"
"HA! So, you admit-" Eddie cut himself off with an "oof" as you had managed to catch him and shove him lightly into the side of the van - the clean side. He immediately raised his hands in defeat, pushing his sunglasses into his hair so he could try to win you over with the puppy dog eyes. Damn, the guy was good; you had to give him some credit. "C'mon, babe, you don't really wanna do this. How 'bout I make it up to you later? I'll do that thing-" The offer was tempting, but you only pinned Eddie more firmly to the metal.
The spray blasted directly on the top of his head, soaking his face, hair and shoulders in an instant. "You will be doing that thing later, dumbass." You grumbled, releasing the now water-logged man and marching off with the hose.
You took maybe five steps away from Eddie before he ran up, grabbed you from behind and started shaking his sodden hair in your face like a big dog. His barking laugh at your struggling to run away warmed your heart and made you forgive him. Only a little bit, though.
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lesser-mook · 2 months
Scumbags gotta bag (European Championships 2022 meme, the cameraman brought his expired swollen V-Card to work)
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Its unfortunate, it just ruins the moment, the good vibes when you diminish the altruism & togetherness, their moment, to make it about you and your undying need to relegate these people to pieces of meat, live tv.
Really shitty thing to do, son. And I know it was a dude, Cameramen are usually men, Camera's are not light, very physical job, visual oriented.
And this video is getting circulated all over the place with "W camerman", "should get a raise", "he understood the assignment"
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"A raise? Did they miss the part where he's on a running track for National sports and not on set for an Amateur doggystyle shoot?"
all the Yas Bro memes you'd expect from 13 year olds who don't know what a "bounced check" means.
Like holy shit, and these same little boys will be pearl clutching when hollywood hits em with woke shit or female characters are wearing too much clothing but when this happens they acting up and enabling grownass men dehumanizing people on:
(That's the part that kills me, all these neophytes enabling juvenile activity from an ADULT on live tv and nobody mentions how this man really embarrassed these women on national television. I sure hope their kids weren't watching)
I don't wanna hear shit from people whining about something bein' woke, cause ya'll don't know how to keep each other in check.
Scumbags gotta bag. probably the closest he's ever gotten to the real deal. Or not, who knows, you'd be surprised how many pricks get ass and still act like this.
Keywords: They get sex, and STILL act like this #Parenthoodfail
Just ruins their moment when you diminish the comradery to make it about you- to go OUT of your way to objectify these people live, on live, on god.
Really shitty impulse control. Someone shoulda yanked his ass by the collar & dragged him off the damn track. Give him something to remember with the letter of termination on the way out the door.
Granted the shorts themselves the ladies are wearing are doing a good job on their own riding up Crack valley (seriously what the fuck, Olympics, hello?), but to almost shove the damn optic up her ass, you're doing too much.
That's Lil boy shit.
Rub it out before work if you have to, and do your goddamn job kiddos, and reel it in.
Dial it back, get it out, reel it in and go contribute to society like a competent adult person. This ain't the time to live out your Highschool fantasies, this is your job, act like it.
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Personally, If I was admin, he'd be gone, his ass would be G.O.N.E
I'll crash course on camera-Ops and hold the damn camera myself but his ass would GOOOOONE. Period.
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Ain't getting no warning for that shit, he didn't bump into her by accident, his ankle didn't give out, that was a goddamn calculated Anime angle. Amateur porn movements. What the fuck dude.
Go from checking rampant misandry to the other extreme of the spectrum to this shit.
Parenting was not supposed to be a spectator sport. See when you have the baby, you're supposed to actually RAISE the little nugget so that they can be trusted to make sound decisions; That's the very foolproof formula that somehow fools can't seem to master.
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married 8.
Warnings: domestic henry, a kiss, mention of the word whore, probably a curse word or two
Featuring: Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, Robbie Amell.
Part 7:
It was already dark by this point
she would always sing in the car to new music that only she listened to everyone hated that she liked every single new song on the radio however they adored their best friend so it didn't bother them that she would sing loudly on road trips, it wasn't new to them it was traditional except for tonight, she sang nothing and looked out the window Henry tried to get her talking every once and awhile but it didn't work.
"Wait in the car for me, I'll be back" he said, he walked up to his front door unlocking it and slipping in quickly
Henry's such a good man, I wish I could have someone like him you know someone who takes care of me like he does, thinks about me..when nobody else does she sat there thinking of all the things that could've happened tonight- not one thing she wanted happened, he didn't stop the wedding she didn't stop the wedding he said he loves her but never continued to say anything else
Only 20 minutes later he had walked out in different clothes "oh comfy" she smiled sadly at his warm comfy clothes "its not like you don't own most of my clothes at your place" he said getting into the car she smiled devilishly "you know I can always buy you your own, oh and also I'm missing a certain sweater and if I find it in your closet I'm taking it back"
"Rude" she said rolling her eyes "it's not rude it's my sweater" he rolled his eyes putting the keys into the ignition the seatbelt noise and lights turning on
"Is it the white one with the buttons" she admitted he started the car with a laugh "yeah" he looked at her "oh you can have that back I don't even wear it" " I'm taking back the clothes I like" "you're not" "I am" he backed out of his driveway and drove off onto the road to her house
"Okay fine but there is two pieces you absolutely cannot have"
"Which are?" He said looking at from the corner of his eye "the navy blue sweater with the white letters of the sleeves, that's the sweater you put me in when I stayed at your house... that one night" she trailed off he knew and put his hand on her hand for reassurance "and that grey t shirt it's so comfy and big smells like you" none of the words on the clothing would come into her mind "you took that out of my drawer you thief!" he said "it's no big deal I'll buy you a new one!" She explained she loved arguing with Henry like this, it was just a lot of teasing it never went further than teasing ever.
"I'll be looking forward to it" he laughed and so did he adored their playful arguments about literally nothing it felt so pure to him knowing that he still had that friend, that one friend who you could talk about anything with smile with laugh with, she has always taken my side and I've taken hers.
Sebastian was worrying as soon as he walked into that front door, everything came crumbling down.
"Mom" sebastian yelled his mother coming down the stairs quickly hearing her son's voice "baby" she put her hands on his face "I messed up I really messed up ma and I don't know how to fix it" he paced she hugged her boy he hugged her back "I'm gonna lose y/n I'm gonna lose her cause I made too many mistakes that aren't fixable" he was so worn out at this by time he wanted nothing more than to just perish, nothing felt real.
"sit down, you can always fix things between you and y/n just tell her everything the truth the real truth." she sympathizes with him he sat down on her and his "father's" couch "where's tripp" he was so done with this day he rubbed his forehead cold metal on his skin he looked up the wedding ban still on his finger he pulled it off and threw it across the room it hitting the wall falling behind the TV.
"He's asleep he was so angry at her he couldn't contain it, cheating on you like that? He's is very protective over his kids seeing her hurt you like that drove him crazy"
"Tripp doesn't care you're just saying that to make me feel better" sebastian folded his arms over chest looking at the TV screen which played some kind of cooking show it was quiet "your father loves you sebastian, can you just not be a jerk for 10 seconds and maybe you will realize that all the people in your life love you and care about you." His mother was right and he knew she was right it was just his anger and his frustration would always come out at the wrong times.
"Is rose okay?" His mother nodded "she had a talk with faith and she reassured her that you were okay" he laughed.. the sound draining quickly
"Do you remember what grandpa said before he passed" she laid her head on her sons shoulder he gave her a questioning look "Something Broken Can Always Be Fixed" she looked at a frame picture of her father and sebastian on the wall a few months before he got sick, sebastian opened his jacket pocket feeling the silver ring she gave him he pulled it out looking at it twirling it in his finger "she gave this to me a few days before the wedding, she said she needed to give me it now because the wedding was going to be too hectic to actually see my reaction" he swallowed thinking about a more simpler time, and then he remembered the argument in his driveway and that... that was the worst day for him.
"Grandpa gave it to her to give to me when I needed it the "most".. now I know why she gave it to me so early" he looked at the engraved writing inside of the ring, "how did he know to give it to her?" His mother asked "She's been in my life forever he knew she was someone to keep forever"
Henry put down his bag on her bedroom floor "what if I just call him to see if hes okay?" She was still thinking about it, I mean he did confess his love for her.. she should talk to him at least for a minute right?
" but after everything he's done you still want to check on him?" she stared at him "what if he needs me" "you both will live with it, you both need a breather from each other I promise it's for the better" he looked for her remote throwing it at her she turned on the TV, the news was on it was 11pm on a Sunday, the streets were somewhat quiet..
He sat next to her on her bed she laughed at him whilst he stared at her studying her facial features, he always admired her.
she pulls the hair tie out of her hair fixing it on her wrist, looking at him from the corner of her eye "what?" She finally broke the silence
"You know, I always thought you were gorgeous" she smiled "oh come on" she put her hand on his shoulder
"When we were nineteen I considered asking you out and I chickened out!" He said both of them laid on the pillows watching some show
"Nineteen year old me was a hoe" she said with a laugh "nineteen year old you was hot" he half smiled she pushed his arm lightly
"nineteen year old me would've so fucked nineteen year old Henry, we were very fuckable than" she smirked "yeah twenty five year old y/n and Henry are very fuckable dont underestimate us" he filrted, he got up looking in her closet she blushed lightly
"After all these years you still make me blush" she threw a pillow at his backside which he caught and threw it back at her "I'm very charming what could I say" he laughed but it was muffled her clothing in the closet making it seem quieter.
"Where the hell is my white sweater?" he said inside of the closet looking "the last article on the right side should be it" she focused on his back and butt "I am not a sexual object you can objectify" he looked over his shoulder at her with a fake frown she laughed very loudly covering her face in embarrassment he turned to her "I'm kidding" he pulled the sweater out onto her bed "I thought this was nicer? How long have you had it"
"A few months I thought it was comfy but it was just itchy" she laughed
"We should eat?" He suggested
A phone call ruined the mood definitely. It was Henry's and it was Sebastian
"Hello" he answered the phone putting it on speaker.
"Are you with her?" Seb asked he looked up at her for an answer she quickly nodded no
"No I'm alone what's up" He acted like he was concerned when in reality he wasn't.
"I think I need to see her just explain everything really get to the bottom of it?" He sat next to her she looked at Henry, Henry looked at her gave no real answer
"I think you should do whatever you feel is right" Henry said, he wanted them to mend their relationship but he knew sebastian wasn't going to do that properly.
"Is it too soon?" He was curious
"No do it because you want to not because you have to" Henry wanted to get mad and just scream and tell him to wrap it up were adults!
" if I just give it time??"
"How long is she suppose to wait for you?"
Sebastian had no answer on the other side
"Don't call her than it's that simple" he looked at y/n for reassurance she had no reaction
"Henry, I didn't know how I felt about her until the night of the argument it really got my gears turning that I was making a mistake I didn't feel like myself"
"Seb you haven't been yourself since Alex walked into the party on the roof, it's a completely different person you have turned into, you know that y/n told you" he looked at y/n and she mouthed "he knows he just wants to hear you say it" she said to Henry In a small whisper
"I know I just wanted to hear you say it" Henry gave her these eyes like how did you know "I know him" she mouthed no words coming out of her mouth
"Henry I didn't call for you to be angry"
"She said it, I absolutely couldn't care less if you get together or not"
"She doesn't want to talk to me.." he was bummed, and tired I think sebastian needed to sleep for the next week and think about what he did "she wants to talk to you beileve me just not tonight call her tomorrow and work it out alright" Henry said
they hung up and Henry gave her a weird look
"why did you want me to do that?"
"I don't want to suffer anymore if he wants me if can call me I can't do it.." she said he turned to face her getting closer to her "you're a good women, my best friend you deserve someone who will take care of you" she pulled him towards her face her kissing him he kissed back lightly a small smile creeped onto his face "what was that" he asked "I wanted to see what it would be like, was you okay with it" she was a little afraid thinking she overstepped
"I liked it" he tried to contain his self from giggling it was just funny to him, that they kissed and it didn't certainly mean much to the both of them... or so they thought. she got up grabbed her phone off the living room coffee table
"Okay I'm not watching a chick flick" he insisted coming behind her resting his chin on the nuk of her shoulder
"You love my chick flicks cavill, romance is the key" she looked to the side of her to see his face
"Fine I choose the food" he grabbed the phone out of her hand "hey" she got offended "I don't want Chinese or thai food" "you're making me sad"
"You get a chick flick, I get those tacos from down the street"
"You always complain their bad?" She looked for her jacket
"Yeah? Your point is?" He said she laughed shaking her head, never mind she thought.
"Or I get a chick flick and we go get both" she dangled her keys in his face he grabbed them "okay"
"Why" she whined
"Because you're a horrible driver"
"You just keep offending me?"
"I guess it's in my nature" he laughed kissing her cheek she was fluttered by butterflies in her stomach, she liked the way Henry made her feel.
"Should I change my shorts it's cold" she said
"Change I'll wait for you"
"Thanks" she went back into her room to change her shorts when all of sudden she realized.... I kissed Henry?
He watched her walk back into her room his brain exploded with questions... I kissed y/n?
He bit his lip knowing that she wanted that she wanted him, it was crazy for him to ever think she wanted him in that kinda way, he didn't just like the kiss he loved it.
When they got into the car it was quiet but a comfortable quiet a very bearable nice quiet being in the company of someone you would do anything for was a good feeling.
"Are we just not gonna talk about you kissing me earlier" he tried to keep a straight face wanting to smirk so badly
"I just wanted to see what it was like that's all" it was kind of a lie, she wanted to feel something anything and she got it she felt butterflies
"Oh okay" he nodded at her, a red light appearing in front of them he looked to his right at her she looked at him "can you stop staring at me" she let out a small laugh "you're beautiful I can't help it" he looked back at the road
They got to the thai place ordering, they waited when a familiar face they had just seen a few hours ago appear, Robbie.
"Robbie??" Henry called out to the man sitting by himself, he held y/n's hand his protective side coming out strongly
"Henry y/n" robbie said he was still in his suit no tie on his dress shirt unbuttoned hair was tousled he looked like a wreck
"Hows it going y/n after everything?" Robbie knew feelings for sebastian
"Okay I guess, what happened?" She asked, Henry felt sympathy for the guy all he wanted was the girl he loved and got put into a lot of other shit. And so did she "Well after you all left, sebastian's father yelled at me for ruining his son's "marriage" and taking away the one good thing sebastian had in his life" robbie air quotes marriage because it wasn't a real marriage and they both knew it "and then Alex came and told me to eat shit and screamed at me for the first time in 4 years that was fun, and now am here eating thai food alone at almost 1am" he was so frustrated
"hey go get the food" Henry whispered to y/n and that's what she did
"Listen robbie what you did today was a bold and brave move, you had more guts than any one of us since the past 5 months I know things are probably really shit right now but I promise everything will fall into place" he put his hand on his shoulder a comforting hand robbie gave a comforting smile "I did this all for her, and i get nothing out of it" he said the women with his order ready to hand it to him, "I know everything's gonna be alright" he patted his shoulder once again and regrouped with y/n "thanks for the talk Henry you're not so bad" robbie tried to joke around Henry laughed "yeah people tell me that" he held y/n's hand out the door
"What you did was really nice of you"
"I heard you"
"Yeah I just felt bad for the guy"
"Me to, but I guess me and robbie are going through it together huh?" Henry smiled sadly and hung his arm around her "we're gonna get through it okay?" She nodded they got into the car and drove to their next destination, remotely "bad" tacos as Henry says.
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
You changed your URL kjkjshjskhjskkk. Ngl this one suits you. But I miss the old one 😭 And gotta agree with you. I saw many fans get annoyed at others calling jinyoung a mom. He called himself as the mom of the group. The other members called jinyoung and Jayb as the parents of the group. Idk why others get so annoyed at this. There's a blog I love so much in Tumblr but I unfollowed due to this. That blogger being so angry at the fact that fans call jinyoung a mom. Sorry for my rambling. Glad you also think the same.
fjojeswdf i did!! i've only every changed my user maybe once for a few months before switching back. xxcaribbean is my ride or die, so it's still saved, and i can 100% guarantee i'll be back. i haven't been feeling the best mentally this past month or so, and i figured maybe a name change would just be a little fun? but i'm glad it suits me, fejsdsf. i didn't even have this one saved??? i just made the name, and it wasn't taken. i was shocked, lmao.
but on to your point!!!! literally this. jinyoung - and any of the boys for that matter - haven't shown any distaste with the name. even further, jinyoung has used it himself. i understand people think it has homophobic undertones (at least ig that's where they're coming from), but i don't see anything wrong with identifying someone's qualities and behaviors as more mom-like because it's not insulting. any femininity shouldn't be an insult, and i think the more we stick with "he's a man" ideologies just adds to the toxic masculinity bullshit. it's a very nuanced subject, and i realize i'm just scratching the surface here (esp if we want to go down objectifying components that asian men go through). however, i think it says a lot that jinyoung - and quite frankly, all of got7 - have no issues with with it and have more or less said fuck gender norms overall.
really, if people don't like it just scroll past or ignore it. but saying fandom is wrong for this one is a stretch. there's a few ppl i enjoyed who feel the opposite, so i completely understand having to unfollow or just not interact. idk why this subject comes with so much vitriol because i think it’s a non-issue, and there’s way more issues to discuss if we wanna get meta about fandom but ah well.
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