#i'll leave it out of the trolls tags. i have faith in the people to find it
sandflakedraws · 2 months
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blessed day of days i remembered that i can post wips
pictured: a man having a good time
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stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
Sorry, the original got accidentally deleted. Principles of this blog: I am a Sedevacanist. Sedevacantism means we are pre-Vatacan II council Catholics. Our principles are we BELIEVE that the Vatican II council is Heretical. We don't RECOGNIZE anything that came out of council as LEGITIMATE. 2. People being people, I don't expect ANYONE to agree. If you do disagree, let's be adults and agree to disagree. 3. Since 2001, I have been a protestant and vatican II sect member, before becoming a Sedevacanist. I AM intimately familiar with the errors and heresies of both belief systems. 4. The motto of this blog is "My job is inform, NOT to convince". - St. Bernadette Soubirous. I am NOT interested in autistic debates about my theological position. If you consider yourself a good Catholic, you should be studying why you believe what you believe. I am willing to answer good faith questions and I try to provide whatever resources are at my disposal. 5. I try to follow the Golden Rule and treat EVERYONE as an adult in kind and respectful manner, if you're respectful of me, I will return the favor. 6. If you offend my sense of propriety by leaving mocking, sacrilegious, or blasphemous comments especially against Our Blessed Mother, or come on to MY personal blog to change tags you WILL BE BLOCKED! Please don't test my charity, you may not like the result. 7. What YOU do on YOUR blog is your business, please leave whenever issues you have behind when you vist here. Lesser offenses on my blog will get ONE warning before blocking, ANYONE who I suspect of being a crap poster, a disingenuous troll, or a ignorant narcissist will be blocked with EXTREME PREJUDICE. If you have ulterior motives visiting, my advice is to TREAD CAREFULLY. 8. My intention for this blog is to point people in the right direction, which for me is, in order to get to understand God better, love Him and His Blessed Mother better, and come to his Truth better, we need to be LIVING a True Catholic spiritual life. 9. My perspective is from a pre-Vatacan II council Catholism, please don't let it be a stumbling block, just take what you like and don't dwell on what you find problematic. Just a note, I BELIEVE that pre-Vatacan II council Catholism to be God's Truth, so out of Catholic Charity, I cannot water down the message. 10. I am doing my best to be the best authentic Catholic I can be, I do my BEST not to be arrogant, judgemental, or cruel. I don't consider myself any better than anyone else, I am fully aware of my former depravity to have ego about myself. Finally, living what you believe is like maturity, mistakes will be made, if I inadvertently offend you, I ask for your patience and understanding. Please RESPECTFULLY let me know, I will consider what you said. The same applies if I got a fact or date wrong, if I'm wrong, I'll admit it and thank you.
This blog isn't about ME, IT'S about the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus!! May God bless, keep, and guide you.
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