#i'll just rewrite this scene to make it canon compliant
starmocha · 1 month
I don't normally share active wips, but since I mentioned in a previous post how Lost Oasis has a scene similar to one I had written in a wip I've been working on, I've decided to share it. I may scrap it or I may rework it to align more with the canon material.
This wip is basically an intimate (emotional and sexual) Sylus/Reader sexy domestic slice of life fluff, because I have needs. Really bad needs. 🥺👉👈
The scent of your peach body wash had become more familiar each night, the sweet fragrance clung to Sylus’ body after every shower when he would climb into bed with you. Your hands traversed his bare torso, gliding over smooth skin as you furrowed your brows. “Like what you see?” he teased, but when you didn’t react, Sylus reached out, lifting your chin to meet his concerned gaze. “What’s wrong?” “You don’t have any scars,” you murmured, your hands still skimming over his body in examination. “You sound disappointed,” Sylus quipped with a deep chuckle, but he paused almost immediately when you looked up, staring at him with a worried expression. He was quiet briefly before speaking more seriously, “A benefit of my Evol, if you will.” “Then…how many times have you been injured?” “Does it matter?” he looked at you with a gentle smile, reaching out to tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. You appreciated the affectionate gesture, but it didn’t mask the fact that he was pointedly ignoring your question. You nodded firmly, refusing to let this conversation end. Sylus looked conflicted. “It’s a good thing you can’t see any scars,” he insisted. You touched his bicep. “Were you injured here?” He sighed, and nodded. “Yes.” You looked frantically around his body before your hand randomly touched his right shoulder. “Here?” “Yes.” Your mind continued to race with increasing anxious thoughts. You touched his thigh. Sylus nodded. You reached up and touched his chest, your hand near his heart. You paused, your face paling, already knowing the answer to this one. It had all happened so quickly, and even now you could still feel your finger pulling that trigger. Sylus grabbed your wrist, pulling away. “Don’t think about it,” he said firmly, “I did it.” “But…” His hands held your face, pulling you to him, capturing your lips to swallow your words. You felt like you were choking, his kisses suffocating you as your mind was in turmoil from both the guilt of what you did and the painful knowledge of never knowing how often he was injured or how severe they were. Sylus broke the kiss when he felt you sobbing against him. He looked at you with concern, not understanding what had led the two of you to this point. Instinctively, he pulled you into his lap, surprised when you lay against him almost instantly, your arms wrapped around his body, cheek pressed against his chest. He could feel the trembles in your body, knowing you were barely keeping your emotions in check. “I’m not hurt,” he said, fingers already threading through your hair as comfort. “I know,” you whispered back, tightening your hold around him. You could barely keep your voice steady, afraid that just one wrong word could break this dam and unleash all of the tears you were holding back. “But,” he started, peering down at the top of your head, “this is nice.” You looked up curiously, meeting his soft crimson gaze. He leaned down, his warm breath ghosted over your lips, making you shiver even more in his embrace. “Having you worried about me,” he said, elaborating further, “Caring about me.” Sylus drew your lips to his again, this time gentler, more tender. You responded, hearing a pleased hum from him as his hands moved down your body. “Sylus—” He guided your hands back to his body. “I just hate to see you cry over me, sweetheart.” You blinked back your tears. [INSERT EMOTIONAL COMFORT SEX SCENE I HAVEN’T WRITTEN YET LMAO]
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north-noire · 22 days
what's your process for writing? :3
my writing process: I stare at my document file for hours and weep, repeat until writing gets miraculously done.
In all seriousness I tend to already have outlines ready for future chapters and stuff like that ready (and an idea of what I'd like to happen in the arcs/timeline of events). I've already had like a vague outline of my entire fic as a whole, but that's just kind of my own version of what happens in FNAF LMAO. I also just sometimes brainstorm, imagine new scenes that seems fitting for future chapters and list it down for me to write!
Though sometimes, even my writing execution just sometimes makes me have to divert/change plans up for chapters since sometimes writing's a bit unpredictable and sometimes some ideas I have just come out of nowhere/don't work anymore!
I talk back and forth about ideas with some friends/my alpha reader and bounce back ideas between them! It's really fun brainstorming with people and being able to put my ideas into words before writing it down. I also sometimes draw it out as concept art since it's fun visualizing some of my ideas!
Of course I still base most of the ideas from the actual source material (the games, some parts of the book trilogy) but since this is an AU I'm allowed to explore some "what-if" ideas and be able to have some creative freedom with it without worry since it is an AU after all! I get to do/explore things the way I want without worrying about judgment since this isn't really canon-compliant.
I take very long in actual writing stage (for obvious reasons), and after completing my rough/first draft I let it sit for a few days or a week before reading it again with a fresh pair of eyes and edit/revise/add new scenes accordingly. Sometimes I just make scenes out, no matter how bad it may be at first, and then just let revising/editing do my work for me. Sometimes I also have readied drafts for some scenes of future chapters that I can come back to, put it in the document and just rewrite it/rework it to be better suited for the narrative.
I tend to take my time longer during the editing/revising stage for a lot of things; I'm a perfectionist, I tend to sort of heavily criticize my work, and I worry a lot about its quality at the end of the day, and sometimes I realize that I need to fully revise the scene or fully rewrite a scene since it's lacking something/I'm missing a scene that should essentially be there. It's a hard battle, and an admittedly frustrating process.
That, and irl responsibilities makes it hard to just read through it sometimes.
During those breaks I sometimes read books/literature so that I can come back to editing/revising with fresh new knowledge on how I can improve or be able to know how I'll handle writing again.
After editing/revising is done, I just hand off the beta-reading to my beta readers, which also takes a while; we're all having irl responsibilities after all, and I mostly go to them back and forth about their feedback since it is nice having fresh eyes on your work WHILE also getting feedback from "first-time readers" of my work and what the readers might think of it when I publish it. They also help me with minor editing stuff since I'm not an English speaker (English isn't my first language) and their feedback really helps!
And then I usually draw out the cover chapter, and when my chapter's published, I do a nice little celebration for myself, since I take very long on chapter updates/making the actual chapters! It's important to celebrate the little victories we have, after all :]
Sorry for the SUPER long post, but since it is the writing process, I might as well share the ups and downs of my own writing process anyway XD Hope this helps?
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mixelation · 1 year
hi! I love the way you write women in your stories and I've seen you post about Sakura in the past, so I've been wondering how you'd rethink the Sasuke/Sakura ship? I was always really disappointed in canon because Sakura is an ambitious and competitive character with her own goals and motivations but she's always held back either by her teachers, the system (team placement, being civilian born) or her "crush". I completely understand if this is not your jam or not something you like, but if it is, I'd love to hear your perspective! 🫶
Ummm I'm pretty neutral to the ship. IMHO, in part 1 we do see that Sasuke genuinely likes her (platonically, at least), so a billion years ago when I was a kid I shipped them because I wanted to see Sakura "get the guy." Now as an adult and with more canon interactions available to ~analyze~, I don't really like them as a ship but I do like when they're written as close friends. I don't think we see enough growth on Sasuke's end through the war arc or the beginning of Boruto to indicate to me he's at a place where he's willing and able to Treat Sakura Right, or treat like.... anyone right? And the end result is that, from what I've seen of Boruto, Sakura got done real dirty.
So I don't really like SasuSaku, but I can see the bones of something that would make a compelling ship. I do like Sarada a lot, so I have put some thought into how SS could function in a canon-compliant, non-shitty way. First, I don't think Sasuke is really capable of romantic feelings, and that Sakura desperately wants romance. This doesn't mean their marriage to doomed, but it does mean they need time to develop an understanding of one another: Sasuke needs to understand and validate Sakura's feelings and ideally be okay with participating in the sort of romantic gestures she wants, and Sakura needs to come to terms with the idea that Sasuke can love her, but he might not ever be in love with her, and that's okay. In theory this could have happened off-screen during the years they traveled together.
Some tweaks to canon I would make without doing massive rewrites:
*Generally I think Sakura should have gotten more hype, especially from Sasuke. I'm banning myself from massive rewrites, but two places where this could have been fixed with with only some dialogue changes/a handful or panels are:
The scene where she confronts him after he kills Danzo and he tells her to heal Karin. I think this whole subplot with Sakura was pitched in kind of a stupid way, but I do like "Sakura tries to deal with Sasuke herself," and I think to really flesh this out, Sasuke should have treated Sakura as more of a threat. I think when he finally attacked her, we should have gotten at least of couple panels of an even fight before Kakashi stepped in. This isn't ship-material but it sets them up to more "even," rather than Sakura as a passive force begging Sasuke to take her.
Second, I think she should have just gotten more hype in general during the War Arc. If we had more than just the one panel of Sasuke reacting positively to her, it would have at least signaled there's potential he still cares for her the way he did in part one.
*Moving into the end-game of the manga, I think Sasuke should have been the one to ask Sakura to travel with him. She could initiate the conversation, she could make a bunch of faces that indicates that she wants to ask, but Sasuke should have verbalized it.
*Finally, I know there's a panel of Sasuke with Sarada as a toddler, but I would have liked it established that he was around for his wife and kid in the early years. I'll accept "years long mission during her formative years means Sarada barely remembers him" if you REALLY want the family drama, but I just think it's SO shitty that Boruto implies he was barely there for Sakura at all in general, including when she had his baby.
If we go into vaguely canon AUs, I can totally see SasuSaku happening in an AU where Sasuke never goes to Orochimaru. I think Sakura and Naruto were really important social bonds for Sasuke, so I can see him eventually being like, "Yeah, okay, I can take you on a date." I'm imagining they're like 15-16 when this happens, so Sakura herself is more mature, and also in the processing of figuring herself out as a kunoichi, Sasuke finds there's a lot to like/admire about her.
That, or Sasuke abruptly and painfully realizes his true sexuality is "could break me in half"-sexual.
I realize most of my tweaks are on Sasuke's end. That is because loving Sasuke and being willing to sacrifice and compromise for him is like 50% of Sakura's personality. So mostly on her half she just has to learn to prioritize herself and her own feelings and communicate that, and most of these skills I think we see her actively cultivating as she integrates Inner Sakura into her outer personality. So I assume with age she'd only get better and better-- it is needed growth, but also I think it's closer to her canon trajectory that Sasuke's, so the solution is "just write her slightly better" LMAO.
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septima-severa · 6 months
Chapter Six of Thrawn fanfiction published
I don't know what to think about the story anymore. The further I dive into the Thrawn topic, the stronger the urge to rewrite everything, so it would be canon-compliant.
Kriff it.
This was intended to be the last installment. But of course, it isn't. A lot of mundane things happened, and everything has gravitated towards the same conclusion I had in mind originally - Thrawn is sending the reader away (after some goodbye fuck, of course). Whoever of you has stayed with I Have Fallen in Love with the Villain for the story, I'm preparing an epilogue for you. For those thirsty individuals wanting to indulge themselves in a shameless porn, I'll extract those scenes in a separate work on AO3, so you don't have to scroll through the storyline *wink*
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A little teaser from the sixth chapter:
“How did you manage it?”
“Manage what?” Those icy blue eyes, damn him, were so expressive, full of sorrow that wasn’t supposed to be there. Did he… miss you?
“To block me out. I haven’t been able to reach you for so long.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you smirked.
“Who was your master?”
There could be no harm in admitting the truth, you thought. How could he use that information against you? He already knew your name, and that was the most vulnerable piece of intel you had surrendered, albeit unwittingly. “A ghost,” your voice came out a little shaky. You looked down, not able to guard yourself from the surge of memories. “She died a long time ago on Jedha,” you added maybe as an afterthought.
“I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, his – probably sincere – show of compassion made you defensive. “You can’t change the past, don’t even try,” you hissed. “Don’t take pity on me, you – you –”
“Lani?” the concern of his was even more maddening, you didn’t even notice that him calling your given name was off.
The connection was sewered. With a gasp, you were returned to the observation deck, something warm trickling down your upper lip; it seemed that your latest encounter gave you a nosebleed. That had never happened before. You tried to stand, but the world started spinning violently. Not even lying down could slow the mad motion…
Your commlink started beeping at some point, a new day breaking behind the window. You crawled to the doors.
By the time you made it back to the quarters, Thrawn was already donning a fresh uniform, his hair still damp from the shower he took. He stopped once he noticed your rather ragged appearance, dark circles marring your face under those pretty eyes he so adored. “Have you slept at all?” he asked softly, turning to you fully.
Your body swayed like a sapling caught in strong wind before it gave up standing. “Could you please request a med droid? I don’t think I can make it to the med bay,” you whispered, landing against the wall beside the door. You felt exhausted so suddenly it made your knees weak, your head throbbing.
He hesitated to leave you and go retrieve his commlink, but you pleaded with him only for a moment. When he returned to you, however, you already disappeared inside the refresher, sick over the toilet. You felt him kneel behind you, gathering your hair and moving it out of the way gently. His soft touch in between your shoulder blades felt heavenly compared to the cold sweat that erupted suddenly all over your body. It took a few more minutes before you stopped retching, just to start sobbing instead.
“Is there any chance that you know what is wrong?” he didn’t stop petting your upper back, his touch grounding you in the moment, even though his words sent your thoughts into a frantic scramble. You whimpered, resting your head in the crook of your arm propped over the toilet, sobs shaking your body.
“No… But keep Rishmu… out of here in case it’s… it’s contagious.”
“She’s with her caregiver now.”
You shot him an incredulous look. “Just don’t tell me it’s Captain Enoch,” you whined afterwards. It made him chuckle. A chime of intercom at the office door interrupted you.
Thrawn was rising to his feet already. “Do you think you can walk to the bed?”
You gave him a half-hearted nod.
He didn’t leave you when the droid arrived at the stateroom, helping you lie down. Opting to sit at the edge of bed, he held your cold hand while it examined you. “When was the last time you ate something?” he murmured to break the silence interrupted only by various beeps coming from the machine, concern in his voice persisting. He watched the droid sternly as it drew blood from your forearm.
“Supper, I guess. But Thrawn, I can’t… It might make me sick again.”
“The patient has a mild case of dehydration, her lower abdominal plane mildly sensitive to palpation,” the droid reported at last, stating but consequences to your sudden mysterious illness. “Before I conclude the examination, I must ask: when was the last time you menstruated?” he turned to you. “Your file states that no contraception chip has been administered.”
“That would be over ten years ago,” you deadpanned.
If the droid could look confused, it would. Apparently, your provisional medical records were severely lacking. “My last heat was about nine months before our daughter was born, if that’s what you were asking,” you supplied afterwards. “Naturally, I didn’t menstruate after I conceived. Since her birth, I haven’t had any further… episodes. And my hormonal levels haven’t been suggesting otherwise, either.”
“I’m sorry, madam, but may I suggest a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility –”
“Yes, of course,” you interrupted it. “I’ll report to the med bay for further examination later.”
After that, the droid was dismissed.
“Menstruated?” Thrawn inquired, his eyebrow shooting up to his hairline.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 11 months
Hey :) does anyone have a lpmg spn series fic to binge that you recommend?
Could be a Sam or Dean or Cas fic I don't mind
That could happen in the world of spn but it isn't a show rewrite
Thanks <3
I'm gonna make some assumptions, and if I'm wrong, you're gonna have to send me another ask to clarify. First, I'm guessing that lmpg is a typo and is meant to be long. Second, I'm assuming you're looking for reader inserts and not ship fics. Third, I'm going to assume that you are okay with poly fics, because I hate to choose just one member of TFW, and poly fics are all the bee's erogenous zones, not just the bee's knees. Finally, I'm pretty sure you want canon-compliant fics, not AUs. If any of these assumptions are wrong, send me another ask and I'll change my answers!
Looking for canon-compliant (or at least, world-compliant) epic tales with awesome reader-insert characters who fall in bed (and sometimes in love) with various members of Team Free Will, sometimes all of them. I'll start with my own masterlist because it's what I'm most familiar with. 🤣
Cracker Jack Prize - 87k words - My first ever piece of fiction, and it shows. Not a reader insert, but it reads like one (2nd person POV). Myka gets with everyone in this one! It's very Mary Sue, and it's formatted poorly on AO3, but it has my favorite Cas smut scene I ever wrote.
Oasis - 46k words - My answer to the question, "After Cas freaks out the hooker at the den of iniquity, how would YOU get him to relax and seduce him?" No Sam lovin' in this one, but some super hot Dean, and a threesome scene! (A little dubcon in one scene.)
A Woman of Letters (Getting a Feel For Sam Winchester) - 70k words - After Oasis, I needed some Sam lovin'. And some angst, apparently.
Third Wheel - 64k words - This comes closest to a series rewrite, as it closely follows season 6. I challenged myself to write a fuck ton of fucking. Soulless Sam helped. And then Dean got involved.
Those are all of my epic TFW fics. If you also like John, I've got two more epic tales involving him. Except for one AU fic (Priest!Cas with some Sam on the side - another long fic)), everything else in my masterlist is also canon-compliant, just shorter. 🤣
I tried to search my blog for fics, but discovered that I don't have a tag for series, sadly. So, I went through my AO3 bookmarks. Here are a couple fics from other folks:
Toil and Trouble by @littlegreenplasticsoldier - 70k words - Dean x Reader - It's Cat!Dean and a psychic connection. Need I say more? So much angst and pining and silly Dean as a cat. He knows how to weaponize his ability to lick his own butt. 🤣 (Honestly, just binge-read all of Ally's stuff. It's SO WORTH IT!!)
From The Wreckage by @sp-oops - 22k words - Destiel x reader - I love all of Sp-oops's Destiel x Reader stuff, and I wish there was more of it!!! Set in episode 12x01, with flashbacks to 11x23 and Dean going off to kill Amara.
Collared by @spnexploration - 40 chapters, so it's a long one - Dean x reader - A witch turned you into a mindless slave. Dean and Sam save you.
Tattered by @stusbunker - 11 chapters - Dean x reader, Sam x reader, A/B/O - So much angst!!! Adding the A/B/O world to canon stuff just makes it all so angsty!! And smutty!
I just went looking for Not Unless Sam Says by @spectaculacularsammy and discovered that both the writer and the fic are completely gone and I'm crushed. I'm off to go cry about how the world is a much worse place because of this loss. 😭😭😭
If I think of any others, I'll come back and add them, In the meantime, maybe someone else can add some? I know I'm forgetting some that are here on Tumblr because my brain is Swiss cheese.
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pintsizeninja · 2 months
❤️ For Ragnarok: 8, 14, 16
❤️ For Talented Voice: 16, 27
❤️For Gods in Disguise: 25, 26
Thank you so much for the ask!! I tried not to wax too poetic, but it's me, so of course this is long. 😂
8. Did you cut something out of the outline or an early draft? What was it and why did you decide to cut it?
I'll copy verbatim what I wrote at the beginning of my notes where I was first planning this fic (and it also ties in a bit to question 14), so you can see just how much the fic changed in the early planning stages:
"Fic begins with Odin on the porch of the farmhouse and ends with him on the porch of the Valhalla nursing home, one year before the events of AW2"
I originally planned Ragnarök to encompass all of Odin's life, which is now split into two fics, with Rag only covering August - September 1976. Zane was an afterthought. I quickly decided to focus on Deerfest 1976 since it's such a pivotal moment in Odin and Tor's life and save everything else for the sequel (sidenote - this is most definitely not how the sequel ends either haha.) So, I cut out about 46 years of Odin's life. 😂
14. Talk about the fic's opening scene & how you approached it
I knew I wanted to use bookends with this fic, since I really love that framing device. I also wanted to introduce two crucial plot points early on: Odin's ravens Memory and Thought, and Odin and Tor's shared psychic ability. I liked the idea of Odin just chilling on his porch, taking a break from work and reminiscing about life in the company of his ravens, when he gets interrupted by the cosmic ripple of the Dark Presence snatching Barbara and he immediately reaches out to Tor to check on him. First chapters are tricky since you need to balance world building with a hook to keep readers interested, so I tried my best to do that in the opening scene.
16. Talk about the fic's biggest moment & how you came up with it
As soon as I decided to turn this fic into a tragic love story between Odin and Zane, I knew the big moment was going to be their goodbye. While the premise of the series is canon-divergent, I wanted to make the rest canon-compliant, which meant Zane needed to write himself out of existence to stop the Dark Presence. I knew Odin would want to be with Zane until the last possible minute, so their goodbye needed to take place at Diver's Isle.
I slowed things down, gave them one last chance to be physically intimate and to say the important things they needed to say before Zane sacrificed himself. That in and of itself was an interesting choice, because it interrupted the flow of the action, but it's what felt right for the two of them. It was a very, very difficult scene to write. I shed a lot of tears and went to a deeply emotional place to write it, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
Talented Voice
16. Talk about the fic's biggest moment & how you came up with it
This is a very interesting question for this fic, because the answer totally changed with the rewrite. Prior to the rewrite, this fic was essentially just a smut fic with a tiny bit of world building and plot, so the big moment (and entire point of the fic) was Odin and Zane hooking up for the first time. With the rewrite, the biggest moment is when Zane sees Odin up on that stage for the first time, and then when they lock eyes. It is absolutely the 'Love at First Sight' trope and it's a hugely important moment for the entire series as a whole.
That's partly the reason why I wanted it to happen from Zane's point of view, not Odin's. I wanted to showcase what Zane felt in this moment and how important and earth-shattering it was for him, since he's so hot and cold with Odin up until near the end of Ragnarök and we don't get a good sense of how he feels about Odin until then.
Of course, the 4,000 word sex scene where they have sex for the first time is still a big moment, just maybe not as big as the love at first sight moment haha.
27. Share a piece of lore you made up for the story
The biggest, and arguably most important, piece of lore I made up for this story is that Tom the Poet was actually a collaboration between Thomas Zane and the Old Gods of Asgard. I was heavily influenced by Sam Lake and Marko Saaresto's close friendship and how they collaborate on Remedy's projects, with Sam providing Marko with poetry and Marko turning that poetry into lyrics. It just made so much sense since Odin incorporates some of Zane's poetry into the Old Gods songs!
Gods in Disguise
25. Share your favorite line
"That one quick dalliance was a lightning strike in a bone-dry field, igniting a wildfire that’s raged out of control, consumed acre after acre, left Odin reeling and breathless and confused."
I'm quite partial to this line because of the imagery and how it speaks to Odin's feelings about the current state of his (sort-of) relationship with Zane. I wanted to capture the intensity between the two of them and also how Zane's behavior's messing with Odin's head.
26. Share your favorite detail
Hmm. This is a tough one. I spent some time in the Hollywood Hills prior to writing this fic, so my favorite detail is probably Odin seeing all the twinkling lights of the city spread out before him as he's initially looking out at LA in the beginning of the fic, then when he's fucking Zane against the glass wall. It's a pretty phenomenal view!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
Hey, if you dont mind me asking. I was wondering what major things you might be changing about the series in your rewrite? Or if your not, what minor changes your making, would love to know if you cool with it! Have a great day!
I think the biggest change is that I won't be doing the lion switch, which will change a lot of things that happened after that in a sort of ripple effect so I guess it's safe to say that the rewrite will be fairly canon compliant up through the season 2 finale, but after that I'll start changing things up. the plot will still roughly follow the same timeline (w the team dealing with lotor and haggar and then eventually zombie zarkon) but a lot of the specifics will change. I'm cherrypicking moments that I like from later seasons, but kinda shifting around the contexts a bit and also adding in a bunch of new variables (there's a fairly large chunk of the story dedicated to adam and everyone left behind on earth trying to figure out what happened to their loved ones, and also some story about matt and sam, and some alien rebel groups, so on and so forth) so it's kind of a blend ahdgdksga
tldr: things will be pretty canon compliant up until the s2 finale, and after that it'll basically be a cocktail blend of assorted characters + concepts + scenes from random moments in later seasons blended together with stuff from my own brain. <3 even the stuff in the first 2 seasons will be a bit different because there's a lot of extra scenes and moments that I'm adding, and also tweaking a few minor things just for personal preference (like not making any fat jokes at hunk's expense 💀)
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branmuffins22 · 1 year
Moots said they wanna hear about WIPs and I feel like I gotta get this brainrot out anyways so HERE I GO
I've only got three projects I'm actively working on right now, all of which are Owl House fanfics, although I've got ideas here and there for other things (video games I might've made if I weren't so burnt out, ttrpg characters that might need their own goddamn settings and stories to themselves, a Code Lyoko fanfic, music (mostly loads of disconnected song lyrics), 3D avatars, etc).
The Owl House fanfics in question are three(-ish?) fold:
Theseus Who?, a mostly-canon-compliant 5+1 post-titanification headcanon compilation that DOESN'T just let Luz keep her titan form (mostly it's just a bunch of changes along the lines of when Hunter's eyes changed color after Flapjack saved him). - It's actually sort of a tie-in to another, bigger fic I'm writing that's gonna be point 2, so you can assume anything mentioned in this one will happen throughout the timeline of the next one as well. - I've currently already got the 5 written, so now I just need to buckle down and finish the +1, unless I decide to do another sweep of edits (I think the excessive parentheticals might be too excessive). - - I only started it like a week ago, and I've been waiting for motivation to strike again to let me finish it for like half that time.
Masha and the Very Normal Nocedas, a mostly-canon-compliant sorta-multimedia veesha longfic based on the dramatic irony of Masha slowly driving themself nuts trying to piece together what the Deal is with Luz, Vee, and the rest of the Nocedas. - by "sorta-multimedia" i mean its got plaintext segments describing the story, journal segments of Masha recounting events as they remember them and trying to organize their thoughts, chat segments when the characters interact over text, and possibly more if I feel the Need. - I've only outlined the three prologue chapters and the following intermission, only have snippets and vague ideas for scenes for the main bulk of the fic itself, and have only actually written two of the prologue chapters and the intermission. - - won't start posting it until I at least get the third prologue chapter done, so I've got a usable buffer. Hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later.
The Overthinker AU (or "The Artificer AU"? name is also very much a work in progress), a canon rewrite that I think I'll actually split into a bunch of shorter "episodes", so I can appropriately tag each one, rather than tagging one monolithic fic with Everything Under The Sun. The basic premise is "what if The Owl House, but there's more time", both in the meta sense of "not bound by the 20-minute TV episode format" and the diegetic sense of "the broad-strokes plot of the show will happen over a longer in-universe period of time" (though I'm a bit stuck on just how much more time I want to give em). - for the most part, I wanted to put more emphasis on Luz's magical development, and extrapolate a somewhat wider magic system out of what we see in the show, but I also want to go into more detail on how her actions affect those around her, even outside of all the friends she makes (stuff along the lines of the little things the crowd mentioned while protesting Eda's petrification at the end of season 1). - I'm almost (reluctantly) thinking of pulling a Grapes of Wrath with it, structure-wise, by having main plot/character development chapters alternate with shorter intermissions focused on magical exploration, worldbuilding, and so on. - this project is currently just the scribblings of a madwoman in my private discord server and three wildly unfinished fics in my google docs folder - - one of these fics is Something Like a Bible, which is essentially a condensed version of the entire broader project, boiled down to bare plot and occasional commentary. Like a series outline and a plot synopsis rolled into one, though perhaps not quite the series bible it claims to be. - - - honestly I REALLY aughtta work on this one some more, just so I can get most of the Big Ideas out of my head and share them with people. - - the other two fics are currently untitled snippets of scenes from the project, one a sentimental/instructional note from Eda to Luz, and the other sort of a ragefic twist on the ending of Thanks to Them. - this project is gonna include tons of ideas from and allusions to other fics which inspired it/me, such as The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled by IdeaHunter, All that's at Stake by The_Lampman, and Decorative by TheTokenAro, to name a few. - I could make a whole post about this project on its own (and in fact, I have before), talking about all the little changes I'd make, the developments I'd include, the more sweeping changes, the additional themes I'd toss in, and so on, but there are some I REALLY don't think fit well into the "rambling tumblr post" format (and/or just don't want to spoil yet), so I shall Abstain (for now :P).
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
So how does the coming out scene work in L&L if the two are already out?
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So I'm assuming you're inquiring about this because in my AU, Lealtad is Ace and she convinced Luz to Come Out to Camila already, so they're already Out.
Well, I did say this story would have rewrites and rectons going forward to either explain things in the show or make things make sense in my fic. The easy answer, Anon?
It doesn't exist in my story.
It's no spoiler to say that Lumity happens in my story and since it is canon compliant, yeah they end up back in the Human Realm by season 3. But Thanks to Them as a whole is gonna be written and restructured much differently than canon, given it's a special. So if you really wanna know?
The Coming Out scene will actually just be Luz and Amity announcing to Camila that they're dating.
I'll definitely talk about this in a future A/N when the fic returns (because I'll know have to address it) but it's no secret the family dynamic is different from canon's. Leal's whole Big Sister attitude would be encouraging and supportive for Luz, prompting her to come out. So nothing for me to change for the current ten chaps that are already out!
That may be the only Thanks to Them ask relating to L&L that I'll answer in the foreseeable future.
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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aiyexayen · 2 years
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? that's such a hard question to answer--i have a lot of favourites in a lot of sub-categories (favourite character portrayal, favourite au, favourite prompt response, etc.) but i guess if i have to pick one i'll go with Qiuth, my cql/pern crossover. i'm not only still tickled by the concept and in love with that crossover world and pleased with the fic itself, but more importantly i feel like it's gotten the most unique and joyous responses and probably brought readers the most unexpected pleasure and delight of all my writing.
36. What fic are you proudest of? for an individual fic i'm...torn. i'm really ridiculously proud of how See The Day turned out. it's very simple and i know the execution of the concept isn't even perfect and it's such an indulgent rarepair but i can still see that whole little scene so crystal-clear in my mind and it still makes me ridiculously happy to reread. it's like my own personal love letter to both liu qianqiao and luo fumeng and is very dear to me. i'm also currently really proud of Sex Pest, which i wrote as a treat in a fic exchange. i don't have a lot of smut in my portfolio and i feel like this one came out really well; i'm proud of the characterisations and dialogue (the banter between wenzhou was so much fun) but especially feel like i made a lot of progress on my prose and descriptions.
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story? very difficult to answer; you'll almost never catch me writing stories anymore that aren't also something i really want to read. i think i'll go with Wish You Were Here, because i literally just came up with the dumbest little meme scenario and then was attached enough to it to turn it into a fic before any of my actual serious ye baiyi/wenzhou concepts, and it still makes me cackle to this day. honorary mention to The More Things Change because it's the qingxian nonshippy rarepair canon compliant post-canon quasi-fix-it that nobody asked for but me.
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip? even more difficult to answer because a lot of my wips that never see the light of day are even more self-indulgent than the ones that do. it's probably either the cql wip i have where wei ying teams up with lan sizhui and lan jingyi post-resurrection and those three are the ship in it and that ot3 is the self-indulgent part. or the shl wip i have where chengling ends up in wen kexing's charge instead of zhou zishu's in episode 1 because it involves The Boat and you know how much i love The Boat. oh, or possibly an old wip from my kingdom hearts days that was a ridiculously rarepair (olette/namine). come to think of it the kh stuff probably has a lot of self-indulgence in it in general, posted or wip.
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with? basically all my titles are just scraps of song lyrics or song titles so "come up with" is a bit of a stretch. but i think one of my favourites is Statues Of Ourselves which is an in progress jedtavius (night at the museum) ficlet trio for my bestie. the title is actually from a more obscure source than google would indicate, an enter the haggis song called "up in lights." and it was in my fic titles list and just tickled me as soon as i saw it while i was looking for a title that day. the way it still evokes the figurative nature of that language well, and yet it is also almost absurdly literal. it just wraps all the way around and idk it cracks me up.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? lots and lots. right now some favourite ideas that are pending: - cql canon rewrite with main character swap - shl canon rewrite with crossover main character swap - more canon crossover rarepair shenanigans unfortunately these are lower priority right now because i'm in the middle of plotting a fic for a fandom bang and also wrapping up some old wips to post.
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer? hm. if you want an introduction to the kind of rarepair or crossover bullshit i get up to then my any of my Ficlet Collections are a good place to start--a lot of tumblr/twitter prompt fills or games and indulgent little things i've spent more time on per quantity of words, making it a nice kind of tasting sampler. if you want something more cohesive that demonstrates my taste in fix-its, the fics in my Qin Jiuxiao Lives 'Verse (ongoing) are good and also contain some diversity in style.
50. How would you describe your writing style? inconsistent. constantly evolving. i'm always trying new things or experimenting with new tones or leaning into new vibes. sometimes i try for something funnier and sometimes i indulge in the drama. sometimes i spend ages crafting something concise and poetic and evocative, sometimes i just dump words all over the place like a buffet. who knows.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? a pretty common theme in my writing is "actually everyone was Fine i don't know what you're Talking About i don't even need to explain Why OR How they just Are we all Agree On This, Correct?" common settings tend to be, right now, siji shanzhuang or lotus pier, and have always been wherever feels "home"iest. i definitely have a Thing about home and i will not be taking constructive criticism at this time. i'm sure i have a lot of repetition in words/phrases/expressions but if i started analysing my writing that closely i'd get paranoid and nothing would get done.
59. Have you participated in any fic events/writing challenges? If yes, what were they and did you enjoy them? i have! last march i participated in polyship week which was really fun and resulted in one of my more unexpected popular fics Glitter & Gold. i also did pridewrite this last summer, which got me the On Wings Of Pride collection full of obscure but delightful rarepairs. i've also been introduced to the glorious world of fic exchanges (for which i wrote The Moon Is Crumbling, But That's Okay) and i had so much fun that i immediately went out and signed up for another fandom event (the lld big bang) which i'm working on now (well not right now. right now i'm on tumblr. T_T)
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do? so many. so fucking many. kjdfsljk any fic i read and like influences me in some way, especially fics/writing from friends i aspire to be more like.
69. (nice) What are your favorite fics at the moment? well, you asked. Stay And Break My Heart by rustycreekspoon Song by withbroombefore Letters by withbroombefore Please miss postman by shamelesscooper you're the trouble that i always find by sundiscus leisure, unfettered by brawlite The Boundaries of a Body by k_lynn The Kalends by praiseofshadows
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share? yes. go look at other people's writing advice and then try all of it, one after the other. advice from all kinds of writers in all kinds of fields. author interviews and tumblr posts. even the silly sounding things (especially those). don't try anything that sounds like it would kill your soul, though, probably. everyone is different and different methods or pieces of advice may work or not work for you than anyone around you. you'll only know what does or doesn't once you try things and eventually piece together whatever system works for you out of spare parts.
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reinedeslys-central · 5 months
my writing directory
I know, I know, it's very audacious of me to create a writing directory when I'm not one of those stellar writers with a gazillion fics. But! I figured this is a much better way to keep track of any writing posts I make here. That way (since my tumblr fics aren't in linear scene-by-scene progression atm) anyone can just see the other parts of the fic in one spot, and I get to have one spot to know exactly what I've posted!!
scroll past the ** for writing directory.
Fandoms I will prob write for at some point or another:
PJO / Riordanverse
Doom At Your Service
Stranger Things
KOTLC (maybe idk)
Love O2O/A Smile Is Beautiful
no i don't do rpf but I could be persuaded to do a cinematic universe fic
Fics currently on the go:
could die without you knowing, though - stranger things, platonic stobin dealing with tommy hagan dying (friendship weirdness), future fic (I'm talking like, they're full-on senior citizens), chrissy and eddie are alive. Tumblr & AO3
small mercies (your hands in my hair) - cisswap wangxian and gang are graduating highschool and it's their last summer in the same city. fireworks and love confessions and family feels. AO3
the currently unnamed obligatory three-days-in-the-infirmary fic - nico-centric, kinda character study, solangelo figuring things out post-BOO, kinda canon non-compliant bc idk the timeline between BOO and the other books, angst, grief, found family, softness. Tumblr only atm (the scenes are NOT in order of chronology lol)
like snakes in the grass - projected to be a JYL-centric time travel fix-it so massive I still haven't finished plotting it out lol. My OG huge fic I wanted to write. Will try posting little scenes. 'wind, peace, power;' on AO3 is supposed to be my practice run at the prologue. I will be rewriting that tho it's not my best work.
oh, haven't you heard? - a MDZS ficlet series starring gossip and rumours that are describing different canon divergences. ex. 1: oh, haven't you heard? NHS ran away to be with his lover in the burial mounds? no, you're crazy. Clearly the YLLZ abducted him. Not posted yet.
Snake In The Garden - meng yao character study.
burning like a glowing star - valgrace senior year, first meeting to kinda-lovers, right person wrong time. Tumblr
Fics that are FINISHED:
as the clouds roll in - pjo/riordanverse minor characters-centric college AU. part one of a three-part story about bianca di angelo taking care of her brother, figuring her life out, and making friends (+ Drew the unintentional major character). Anyone who can pick up on the clues (pretty easy ig) and figure out the setting, etc gets a cookie /j ! based on the vibes of 'On The Ride Home' by KC Katalbas bc I just love that song so much. AO3
my ao3 which has some stuff on it if anyone wants to see that - it has all the fics that have the AO3 note on them. Should have said that lol
Every scene for the same fic will be listed in the order it's written/posted. If I end up finishing a story I'll reformat and dump the whole thing in plot-order on ao3. Cheers!
PJO / Riordanverse:
the as-of-yet unnamed obligatory three-days-in-the-infirmary fic: scene 0 - prologue-ish scene 1 - the library of social awkwardness or here (or in my heart, 'kidney function is a privilege, not a right') scene 2 - sleeping easy (also a current contender for epilogue or halfway mark in the story)
assorted scenes: good days and bad days (solangelo) too much (grover and percy and insecurities)
on the ride home-verse:
burning like a glowing star: scene 1 - I See Stars scene 2 - I can show you the world
Stranger Things:
could die without you knowing though part 0 - summary first chapter (robin gets the dreaded phone call)
Anyway, have a nice day y'all. <3
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
If you don't mind sharing, what were some of the ideas you had for this rewrite that changed over time or never made it to the final draft?
UUH oh geez to try and parse out everything without specifics would be like. a multi-part post lmao
My approach to this project changed a lot from conception to completion. The themes changed, the focus changed... it went from “i’m going to be as canon compliant as possible, as if this version could be slipped into canon in place of the og, and change just enough to make the story more satisfying to me” and steadily shifted to “whatever, I do what I want and I’m scrapping all of Dawn of the Clans for starters--” And i’d probably restructure it all again if I could, one way involving combing Woollycloud and Dawnstripe into one character, which I seriously thought about doing a year ago before realizing it would have required rewriting the first 50,000 words
Some big ones are the matter of Palebird and Woollycloud's kit's changed around a lot. I kept pushing back when she would have them because it felt too soon. First it happened at some point when Tall was gone, then it got pushed until after he got back--somewhere in that time skip when Jake was hanging around camp. Deadfoot was a part of her litter (this wasn't a conscious change, I just misremembered and thought that he was Palebird's kit in the og) and I was going to keep some of those scenes with Tall bonding with his little brother as a way to heal a rift he has with his blood relations (I still wish I could have kept his scenes with Hopkit, I just didn’t feel like I had time). Then it got pushed allll the way until the last chapter, where in Palebird’s discussion with Talltail she reveals to him she is pregnant and wants him to be a part of her new family. That didn’t get cut until the final edit, because eventually I realized it is just too soon. Because Palebird and Woollycloud's relationship is in the background and you can't see exactly what is happening with it, and Palebird's depression has deeper roots than just Finchkit, there was no way for me to put them into a relationship and end with Palebird suddenly pregnant without it looking like...idk, suspect? I couldn't reason how she would sensibly dive back into that in a healthy way, I can’t see her deciding to even think about having kits again until after she tried to make amends with Talltail, not before. And I think Woollycloud would know better too. So while i'm sure she and Woollycloud still have a litter some day, it must be quite a ways into the future.
A smaller one is originally Ryewhisker was cut entirely from the story. I thought her siblings were a more memorable pair and she was just...the extra third one. This is why Fallowspring gets together with Shrewclaw instead of Ryewhisker, it's leftover from when Ryestalk's character was just going to get deleted, so naturally I put him with the other sister instead. Then when I thought of a personality I liked for Rye and stuck her back in the story, I forgot that I'd taken her mate away and given him to Fallowspring...but by then I was more invested in his potential dynamic with the Fallowspring character I created anyway so I figured, whatever I'll just leave it. The Ryewhisker I made is too sensible for Shrewclaw anyhow. (plus, it's not as if Ryestalk and Shrewclaw in canon had any emotional weight to their relationship, it was just a signifier to show time had passed while Tall was a way. And to give Shrewclaw legacy kittens i suppose.)
And, speaking of Shrewclaw... ok I’m going to walk you through one of my many struggles with trying to write this, which generally i think is a bad idea, but now that this project is done, I am ok with it and feeling much less insecure then I was when I was still posting it. One of the biggest changes I made at the end was Shrewclaw not dying. That was *literally* a last second change. It was one of the reasons I was struggling so much with chapter 47, and a major reason for the long pause before the final chapters were posted. 
So, in canon they create this little parallel between Shrewclaw and Talltail at the end, where Shrewclaw was also pursuing vengeance for the death of a parent, and because he went through with it, it got him killed. I suppose it was to sort of mirror to Talltail what he could have become if he had followed his angry impulse, and tie together why “murder revenge is bad actually and not worth it”. It was sort of an underdeveloped parallel, but warriors doesn’t bother with things like that very often so I was impressed it was there at all, and I thought it was neat in concept and wanted to keep it in. After all, my approach with this rewrite was to keep as many pieces of the canon story as I could, but shift them around in execution to make them more satisfying to me. (This is why, for example, when I thought ShadowClan’s attacks were a silly and a not-very-good attempt at foreshadowing the two clans future bad blood in the og, I attempted to take that idea, expand ShadowClan’s involvement in the conflict and tie them into the rest of the plot, rather then simply cutting them)
So, I intended to keep that parallel between Shrewclaw and Talltail, and keep his death in a battle with ShadowClan. Part of why i built ShadowClan’s meddling up was so I could have that final confrontation as climax, and Shrewclaw would die in a big battle. It was a HUGE deal in my head, like it was devastating, it was one of the first things I thought of, I cried just thinking about it. 
But upon actually writing out the story, I became less sure of the idea. I became less sure of a lot of things. 
For one, Talltail is supposed to want to come home. Now is the time where I’m supposed to be showing him re-discovering the things he loved about his home, things that he had been unable to focus on for so long due to the unfair pressures put on him. Him returning home and immediately being hit with this tragedy is kind of the opposite of what he should be feeling right now. It makes the ending feel really bleak, like he’s staying out of obligation rather then desire and Jake still has to leave him. So...I’d have to kind of gloss-over Shrewclaw’s death, make the major grieving happen off screen in a time skip, and basically tell the audience “ok forget about all that, now is talljake time’ because their goodbye scene is more important. i dont know about you, but nothing makes me angrier then when stories i’m engaged with skip over the characters working through a major emotional moment and just have it happen off screen because they want to get on with the Main Story. So doing that myself felt like a dick move, especially since Shrewclaw ended up getting more screen-time then I initially thought he would. I can’t brush off his death that easily, but I don’t have time to grapple with the impact it would inevitably have when i’m trying to wrap up so many other things.
Then there was also the matter of the battle itself. At first the battle started RIGHT when Talltail gets home, like he catches the battle patrol on the way to the border. Essentially, his original conviction was “i’m going to return home to warn them and fight alongside them.” Yellow/Ratfang’s involvement with helping Talltail and warning him felt...really pointless if Talltail couldn’t do anything about it and there was a huge bloody fight immediately after anyway. Ending in a bloody battle also felt antithetical to what I wanted Talltail to be learning. I admit, I do not remember much of Tallstar’s personality outside of this super edition, all I clearly recall of him is the whole Onewhisker-Mudclaw deputy switch. If I wanted to foreshadow how he turned into the type of cat who was willing to take risks for the sake of peace and ultimately dreams of a world where the clans aren’t always fighting (which seemed to be his motive when he realized Mudclaw would never contribute to his clan being peaceful like he wanted), how does him returning to his clan all gung-ho about helping them do a big battle contribute to that? Is that a fitting end to this story?
So, for starters, I had to rewrite that chapter into being at least an attempt at talking things out rather then just a big battle but...I also still had to make some fight happen or else how can Shrewclaw die? But then if Talltail’s attempt at a peace talk fails, that just makes his efforts feel even more like a waste of time. I want him to successfully do something, feel like he’s capable of creating positive change after spending so long believing himself to be a failure only capable of harm. If he fails now, what's the point?
 I had considered not killing Shrew multiple times before in the past, but I kept reasoning a way into keeping it. It was too big a change, I had been planning it for too long, I had it in mind throughout almost all of my writing. But I just wasn't happy with how the end of the story was playing out at all, and when I have no faith in my writing, its hard to motivate myself to work on it. But I also didn't think I had it in me to figure out how to NOT kill him, I mean, that whole Shadowclan confrontation was supposed to be a stage for Shrewclaw to die in! It’s already been toned down into a some-what failed peace-talk, if he didn't die, this confrontation between the clans that I already don’t like anymore has even less reason to exist. But I cant just delete the confrontation (even though I high-key wanted to at this point), it’s become too much of A Thing demanding some kind of resolution thanks to how heavily Brokentail/Darkpaw's meddling played into causing the plot, and I can't just get rid of that because ShadowClan’s shenanigan's was Sparrow’s whole motivation and was basically the main thing tying a bunch of different plots together, and I can’t just dial back any of this because it would require another slew of rewrites that could set me back another year or more and-- *distant sounds of me screaming into a pillow*
So I am super mentally checked out and ready to be done with this story at this point, and I’m telling myself "no damnit I want to be done no more changes! no more overthinking! just POST it who CARES if its not perfect, it’s fine" i did not want to make any major changes like suddenly removing a death I had been planning for years at the literal last second--but not removing it was making me hate those chapters so much that I physically couldn't make myself work on them!!  And look, the parallel that I initially wanted to keep isn’t even necessary anymore because I ended up creating more of an emotional parallel between Sparrow and Talltail anyway, which frankly I was more invested in, so this final parallel with Shrewclaw Dying To Prove An Extra Point To Talltail is. extraneous! not rly necessary! even though it had been in my head all through the first act! I mean, good lord, how many parallels and connections and callbacks do I think I need to make in one story? Do I not have enough yet???? so his death doesn't even really successfully do THAT--so this was the point i snapped and said no matter how much I want to be done, I CANNOT post these chapters like this i HAVE to rewrite them again. 
the first scene in chapter 48 when briar and tall are visiting their cemetery was originally them going to visit Shrewclaw's grave. Naturally that had to be quickly rewritten so they visited Brackenwing instead. This is also why Shrewclaw is mentioned but does not really *appear* physically in those last chapters. I tried to write an extra scene where Talltail went to see him and they had a conversation about... Idk, something. i couldn't figure it out, so I decided I needed to just move. Fallowspring was also initially pregnant with his kits, same as canon, so Mudclaw could be born. So her kits were running around with Meadowbreeze’s litter in the end chapters too. Naturally since Shrew wasn’t dying yet, I didn’t have to stuff her into the nursery so quickly (it always felt a little ooc anyway. Also, now I can fix that plot-hole from the main series where Mudclaw is said to not have been born until after Talltail becomes leader, so I guess bonus point for that)
ANYWAY, writing is hard. That is just a couple of the things I could talk about. This was not a smooth process asdasfsfdgdfgyh
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mereth · 3 years
Early (and very sleepy) morning post on my way to work
I don't know if I'm going down with something (let's hope it's just a cold from doom and not covid) or if my allergies are starting earlier than expected but it's only Tuesday and I'm exhausted.
What does that mean? It means that when added to a week that already plans to be Hell on Earth work-wise posting fic may be delayed.
I haven't finished that damn scene I mentioned last week because the dialogue doesn't sound right and I have to rewrite it and now I'm too exhausted to try.
So I don't know if I'll be able to update this weekend or not. I'll keep you posted.
On the bright side, yesterday while running errands and freaking out here in tumblr I figured out how I'm going to fit Pol's problem into my own world building. How? Changing the damn timeline of events (which as @werepartofthemasterplan mentioned yesterday doesn't make sense to begin with)
Maneras de Amar wasn't going to be canon-compliant in any case (although I try to make things fit as much as possible) but even if I write another fic later, I'm going to have to change things. It's extremely frustrating when the showrunner can't keep up with his own world building and timeline damnit!
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urarakamysocksoff · 3 years
For the fanfic ask game: O R B I T 👉😎👉
Yes yes, O R B I T, I get it LOL!! Thank you! O: Outline - Do you outline your fics or fly by the seat of your pants? I outline much more now than I did before! Scrivener helps a lot with that (split document function where have you been all my lifeeeeee). I'm still not very good at making a consistent style of outline, but I'll at least outline the beginning of a chapter. And I'll bullet point outline for complicated sequences. But if it's a oneshot, I'll just scream manically and type as fast as possible to get it all down R: Romance - Do you write for any certain ship? What’s your OTP or main pairing? Izuocha, which surprises nobody at all! There are a few other ships that I haven't written dedicated stuff for yet (kiribaku, I'm looking at you) B. Beta Reader - Do you use a beta reader? What’s your editing process like? I didn't at first, now I do. It allows me to push myself more, creatively. I can experiment more with dialogue, sentence structure, pacing, and trust that the beta reader will let me know, like, "Woah, hey, this is too much, this doesn't make sense, this was confusing." It gives me more confidence to post the work and also helps to alleviate pre-post nerves. In terms of editing my own stuff: if I feel like I haven't gotten the feel I was going for, I'll rewrite the scene, sometimes the whole chapter. It's painstakingly slow I. Image - What kind of image do you think you hold in the eyes of your readers? How do you think they perceive you? I...don't know? Tired? Slow-paced? Unmotivated? Petty? Sarcastic? Hopefully with a dash of creative in there, as a treat T. Trope - What’s your favorite fanfic trope? What’s one you avoid like the plague? For favorite, I'm going to lean on canon-compliant (is that a trope?) and h/c (but I'm picky). I avoid deathfic like the plague
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 years
Tumblr media
And we got another one for The Folder! Anyway, commenter person, I've taken your feedback into careful consideration /s and I've decided that I'll write my protagonist however the hell I want, thank you.
long vent incoming because this ticked me off:
See, it's shit like this that really annoys me. Because, in the end, I'm doing this for fun. Commenter person is not, and never will be, entitled to telling me how I should write my fic. If they want to tell me how to write my Diluc, they can commission me. Pay me. Pay me. I'm writing this fic for fun and for free.
Hell, I have requests open on this tumblr--if there's a specific Diluc that someone wants, I'm open to write it for them! I genuinely enjoy writing requests! It's why I have "REQUESTS OPEN" in my bio.
But this person will come onto my fic and then tell me that my main character 'isn't doing it for them'? I can't tell if this person is like, I wanna yeet him /affectionate, but I'm going to assume they're being serious, and, what the fuck. I've no obligation to write a Diluc that 'does it for them'.
Posting this comment does fuck all nothing. I'm not going to change how I write. Hell, it just makes me mad, and so now I'm going to write more of this exact Diluc because I am a spiteful creature at heart.
I spent half an hour agonizing over the chapter, wondering if I'd somehow written Diluc wrong, before realizing--what the hell, this is fanfiction. I'm writing fanfiction.
For fun, damn it.
And the majority of comments are lovely, which makes me happy, and I get lovely asks on Tumblr from people who've found my blog through TWR. And that makes me really, really happy as a writer, because I genuinely do enjoy it when people tell me that they like something I've written. And I'm really grateful that people do read my stuff and comment nice things, because obviously, nobody is obligated to read the Diluc I write either.
But then I get one shitty comment like this and it's like :/
Maybe I'd be better at handling it if I haven't been putting up with mild harassment from the Genshin fandom for months already, but at this point, I'm very tired.
Being called an incest shipper/accused of bullying shippers/getting sent angry messages about the most random shit that pissed someone off? It's fucking exhausting. And comments like this are the opposite of helpful. Shit, I've been writing fanfic since 2016 and all of the hate comments I have ever gotten on my fics have been from Genshin fans.
I know I joke about all that stuff a lot, but it's still upsetting.
My first fic in this fandom was It Ends in Fire, a rewrite of the scene where Kaeya gets his Vision. It's canon compliant, not very long, and I wrote it to feel out writing for Genshin. It's on my Ao3.
And I got shit for it.
I do think that Kaeya came across a little more antagonistic than he maybe would have been.
this is one of the firsts fics i’ve seen where Kaeya actually fights back and Diluc seems to be slightly coherent enough to speak at some point!! really threw me in for a loop honestly
Was the feedback mostly positive? Yes. Did this still upset me? Also yes, and it's the reason I put "please no concrit" at the start of TWR.
I'm not going to quit writing TWR, because I'm actually proud of it and want to see it through, but after that? I'm out. I'm honestly just tired. I'm in the worst mental health of my life, and writing TWR is how I'm getting through it. But it's starting to drain my energy more than it gives it back.
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