#i'll constsntly believe no one giving a shit about my passions and projects means they hate me
witnessmysin · 4 years
Sorry to keep sadposting, I'm just really not feeling it today. But it is was spooky day, wild how that came and went. Maybe I'll just try and cry and then write hot vampire lady and snz. But god motivation is really hard to come by when it just genuinely feels no one gives a crap.
Like I love fictional dude snz and m/m scenarios. But I just, want hot lady sometimes. Hell even some f/f maybe??? as a treat? But again why bother when it feels no one cares or wants for that kind of content. And I know I know the arguments of "well do it for yourself" and like yeah sure fine. But I also create and so do others for the purpose of sharing it with others and getting feedback/interaction. And maybe I'm just too sensitive a bitch, but I've spent most of my life being mocked or dismissed for my interests and passions and it just feels like I'm setting myself up for that by pouring passion and desire into projects that no one will care about. And that's probably adhd brain talking but it's hard to escape that "you're gonna fail anyway so why bother" brain logic.
Idk maybe this mood will pass but at the moment its just very crushing and disheartening. I want so badly to just finish any writing project at this point and stop fighting my own mind all the time.
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