#i'll come back to it with a fresh pov after a few weeks i think
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reliquiaen · 1 year ago
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Okay, a few years back I made this graphic to explain the Great Cycle. Now that I've mulled over DD2 for a few days, I'm updating it. Some of the same assumptions as before remain: The Dragonforged fought the dragon, his weapon broke, he tried punching it (lmao), but he did survive without killing the dragon, possibly there was a second Bargain offered in the face of his determination. So you don't have to kill your dragon to survive it. Also still assuming that different classes become different types of drakes because I just like that detail, even though we see nothing to confirm it in DD2 (except maybe for the wyrms in the post-game, I hope that's what those are, just a bit redesigned).
But this time, I'm making some NEW assumptions: A Great Dragon can be manifested directly by the Seneschal's will (I'm guessing this is why our DD2 dragon doesn't have a name, I suspect this dragon was created after Rothais defeated his - he didn't become a dragon OR Seneschal so it had to come from somewhere). The challenge a Seneschal poses to the Arisen can be anything; Savan gave us the opening of the Everfall and unleashed a ton of powerful monsters upon the world; but Pathfinder gave us what the world would look like without a Seneschal to oversee things. My assumption is that the Colossal Dragon that appears out of that final red pillar of light IS the Pathfinder (possibly using his will to force order back upon the world) and when we kill it, our Arisen becomes Seneschal (because Pathfinder says he won't be there to see the new world that's forming). So the challenge can be anything, not just the Everfall. I'm curious what happens to our pawn after that fight, though. And it's a much better Seneschal fight than the one against Savan, sorry Savan.
I'm also assuming that (given we see the Pathfinder rewind time and rewrite the world) the Seneschal can simply will the world into a state of being that suits them. This includes wiping memories of events. Though I like to imagine that our Arisen-turned-Seneschal didn't wipe memories of themselves or of the apocalypse-world. There was an entire plotline going through this game with Rothais and Phaesus where mortals are trying to get rid of the Seneschal and so it makes sense that they need to remember what would happen without the Seneschal's presence.
Anyway, thanks. I'll probably have more thoughts later, but this is the part that gets me most. I like to know how things work so I wanted to sort the Cycle out.
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twstedreamweaver · 10 months ago
Missing Magazines
Octavinelle with a Fashion Model Reader
How would the Octavinelle boys react to you being a model? Based on the premise that you, the reader, are a model and are featured in a popular fashion magazine that Sam sells at the school - except when you go to buy one, you realize that someone bought out almost all the magazines. Who could it be?
Things to mention: Azul never stopped signing contracts with people and the Octotrio are still shady. Reader is slightly different from canon Yuu. Also, this is my first fanfic, so I apologize in advance for any inconsistencies with POV! Twisted Boys featured: Azul, Jade, Floyd
The warm sun was a welcome surprise after several dreary weeks of intermittent rains and grey skies. Throngs of students were happily milling about on the central lawn, some boys from Savanaclaw were throwing a Spelldrive Disc like a frisbee, and you spotted some Ignihyde students actually touching grass for once.
With the passing of the Spring rains, Night Raven College seemed to spring back to life with the touch of a little sunshine.
And just in time for the release of the summer edition of one of the top magazines in Twisted Wonderland, Fleurs de la mode. However, this edition was special - it was your first official modeling gig for a fashion magazine.
Admittedly, when you were first scouted by a modeling agent at the NRC's Song and Dance Championship, you were hesitant (I mean, after dealing with the outrageous amount of con artists at NRC, who wouldn't be skeptical), but the Fleur City Associates modeling agency turned out to be legitimate. After some back and forth with your agent, and several gigs later, you got the opportunity to model for a popular fashion magazine on account of your unique "otherworldly'" flair, which you assumed was a weird compliment from one of your managers. Regardless, your nerves had long since worn off with the first paycheck (thaumarks are hard to come by) and now you were excited to see your hard work in print.
"Welcome back, my little imp." Sam waved from behind the counter. "What can I conjure for you today?"
"Good morning, Sam!" You smiled, "I heard that you just got in the newest edition of Fleurs, could I buy one off you?"
Sam gave you a peculiar look, before smiling - wait, was that a trace of a smirk?
"I do apologize little imp, but I am fresh out of stock. Those magazines flew off the shelves this morning."
"Wait, but didn't you just open like thirty minutes ago?"
You were a bit disappointed. On one hand, you didn't really need the magazine, but on the other hand, it would've been nice to have at least some proof of your accomplishment in this strange world. At a school where magic was the highest priority, it was nice to finally be known for something that wasn't just your lack of magic ability.
"Yes but, eh hee hee, it seems the magazine was quite popular this time around." Sam snickered. You sighed.
"However," Sam continued, "You've lucked out this time little imp, For the same price as a magazine, I can tell you who bought out half my stock. I'm certain that you can get one from him for free!"
"Thanks Sam, for the, uh, considerate offer, but I think I'll pass!" You remarked, trying to think of who might have bought out such a large stock of magazines.
"Are you certain, my little imp?" Sam leaned over the counter, smiling, a bit too maliciously for your liking. "Don't you want to see your magazine debut firsthand?" Huh?
You were only featured on a few pages, so how did he even know you were in there? Did he actually read the fashion magazine? Looking at his attire, you find that highly doubtful.
"How'd you know about that?" You inquired, trying not to sound overtly suspicious.
"Why else would so many imps be standing in line outside my shop at seven in the morning?" Sam, for sure, was smirking this time.
No way. How did this get around? You felt your face go hot, suddenly embarrassed. Hold on, you reasoned with yourself. Vil is a model too, along with some other Pomefiore students, so students modeling shouldn't be a shock to anyone!
But if the reason the magazines sold out so quickly was - that is, if Sam's not tricking you - because of your shoot, then why would anyone buy half of the entire stock? Especially at Sam's ridiculous prices.
You sighed; you'll figure this out later.
"I'm good, Sam. Thanks for the offer, but I've got to get going to my next class." You quickly backed away from Sam and ducked out the front door before he could cut you off with another suspicious offer.
"Come back anytime little imp!" The door swinging shut behind you as Sam big you goodbye.
God, was there a single good person in this school??
Wait, a realization suddenly hit you. The guy who bought half the magazines, was it-
You practically stomped across the school, through the mirror room, and into the Octavinelle dorm.
You didn't lie to Sam earlier; you really did have to go to class. And then after four classes and nearly eight hours, you had to go to club. So, now it was practically late afternoon, and you were only now on your mission to hunt down the buyer of some 60+ magazines.
The moment you stepped inside Mostro Lounge, two tall, ominous figures seemed to materialize directly beside you.
"Hello Jade. Hey Floyd."
"Shrimpy!" Floyd exclaimed, before wrapping his long arms around your torso and squeezing tightly.
"Now now, Floyd," Jade smirked, "Let's not squeeze the life out of our little Prefect."
"I'm here to discuss some things with Azul." You told the two 6-foot-tall eels.
You must have sounded agitated because Floyd and Jade quickly took the hit and grabbed onto each of your arms respectively and dragged walked me to the VIP room.
"Now then, who are we to interfere with your business affairs?" Jade let go of your left arm to open the large, ornate VIP room doors.
"Only VIP access for our Shrimpy!" Floyd exclaimed, striding into the VIP room where some student was groveling on his hands and knees, begging Azul for something. I noticed that he had a small anemone sprouting from his head, looks like Azul got another freshman. Grinning, Floyd roughly grabbed the poor student by his shirt collar and unceremoniously threw him out the door.
Jade sinisterly smiled at the boy, before bending down to say something in a hushed tone, causing the boy to squeal and shuffle away frantically. Jade smirked, stood, and walked over to stand beside the seated and slightly flustered Azul, as Floyd slammed the doors.
For once, and to my astonishment, Azul, usually the pristine image of a savvy businessman, looked a little nervous.
You were surprised that he didn't even object to Floyd tossing his client (more likely his victim, given the anemone) out.
Azul pursued his lips and tented his fingers on the table, before taking a breath and seeming to regain his composure.
"Why, (Y/N), to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening?"
Azul typically spoke formally and eloquently, but given your and his relationship as friends, his behavior was a little, unusual. Something smelled fishy, and it wasn't the fish swimming outside or the mermen in the room.
You chalked it up to your own misunderstanding of the situation, or to Azul already going into business mode to prepare for what was coming.
"I'm here about the Fleur magazines you bought."
For a brief second, the three (well, more like two, Floyd just seemed slightly humored) seemed to go pale. Azul gave you a blank stare, mouth slightly open, and Jade turned away to focus intently on the wall with a trace of a grimace on his face. Floyd chuckled and looked at Azul.
Weirdos. What is up with them today?
"You're reselling those Fleur magazines for a profit, aren't you?" You continued on.
A brief moment passed. Jade turned back to look at you and Azul quickly snapped back to reality with a small laugh and a smirk.
"Yes! Why, you deduce correctly, Prefect, I did buy the remaining stock in order to resell them. They're quite in high demand, given your popularity amongst the student body."
"I apologize if you wanted to buy one, but I couldn't miss such a lucrative and perfectly legal business opportunity!" Azul cloyingly apologized, gesturing with his hands in a show of mock apology.
Floyd and Jade nodded along in fake sincerity. Seems you guessed right after all.
"Okay, seeing that you're admitting it, I'm not really that mad. But, also, seeing that you're going to profit off my face, I have a proposal."
The three leaned forward. "Do go on," Azul nodded.
"I can sign my picture in one of the magazines, so you can ramp up the price, and, in return, I can get a free magazine."
"Done!" Azul exclaimed, magically flying over a contract to you. You have no idea how he managed to write one so fast, because it seemingly materialized out of thin air.
The contract wasn't wordy and there were no terms and conditions. You suppose it makes sense given how simple the agreement is, but it still seemed quite hasty.
Regardless, after reading it over twice - it is Azul after all - you signed, and Azul magically lifted the contract and pen into his hands and swiftly slid them into some drawer.
While you were reading the contract, Jade quietly ducked out before returning with two magazines in hand. He hovered over your shoulder, before flipping one magazine open to reveal one of your swimsuit model pictures and setting it on the table for you to sign.
You signed, although it felt a little weird autographing something, but it was best 'business' proposal you could come up with.
Jade handed you the other magazine and Azul stood up. You still find the height difference between him and Tweels humorous, although Azul was still taller than you, so you didn't have much room to judge.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you, (Y/N), as always." Azul smiled, fumbling with something out of view in his desk drawer. "Have a good night."
"Want a drink Shrimpy?" Floyd inquired, placing an arm on your shoulder, turning you away from Azul.
"I would be more than happy to make something to your liking." Jade agreed, leading me out of the room. "On the house." He quickly added.
"As much as I'd love to, I have a tutoring session with Riddle. He saw my grade on last week's midterm and almost exploded on the spot."
"Aah, I haven't seen Goldfishy in a while." Floyd wondered aloud. "Hey, Shrimpy," He smiled, "Let me come with ya."
"Absolutely not," Jade remarked with a cold smile that did not reach his eyes, "You have a shift to work Floyd." You have always found the difference between their personalities amusing.
Remembering your appointment, you whipped out your phone to look at the time. Oh no. You had five minutes.
"Shit, I got to go, see you guys later!" You waved and ran off, terrified that you might actually witness Riddle explode this time.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)." "See ya, Shrimpy!"
Two sets of mismatched eyes intently followed you out the door.
"JADE." Azul practically screeched, slamming his hands on the table. "Do you know how BADLY that could have gone? Are you insane? You're lucky the prefect thought I was trying to resell them!"
"We're lucky." Jade corrected, carefully and meticulously removing pages from a Fleur magazine at a Mostro Lounge table. Azul threw his hands up in frustration.
"Hey, Azul, I never heard you objecting." Floyd rolled his eyes. "And why are you so embarrassed anyway; you're puffing up like a pufferfish."
"Well now, we have to sell the magazines." Azul huffed to himself and sat down besides Jade and the stack of magazines. "So, stop tearing the merchandise!"
"No." Jade snapped angrily. Realizing, Jade quickly collected himself and returned to his typical collected attitude, resuming his carefully removal of magazine pages, "There is a clear solution - we sell the magazines, just without certain pages featuring the prefect."
Azul stared, deadpan at Jade, clearly exasperated. "And just what are you going to do with half a hundred pictures of the prefect?"
"Remind me, who took one of the magazines after I bought them for 'personal use'?" Jade sneered, meeting Azul's stare, causing Azul to blush and begin stuttering excuses.
"I still don't get why we can't just tell Shrimpy." Floyd shrugged, leaning back in his chair, holding up one of the torn-out magazine pages of (Y/N) standing on a beach, hair blowing in the (fake) wind, dressed in a one-piece swimsuit, with a chic cover-up.
"Absolutely not!" Jade and Azul shouted in unison.
Thankfully, the Mostro Lounge was closed, and no one could hear the three mermen squabbling late into the night.
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vilsoo · 1 year ago
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incubus!fushiguro toji x fem!reader
꒰ ✟ ꒱ GENRE: horror, demon au, nsfw 18+, porn with plot.
꒰ ✟ ꒱ SUMMARY: Sex demons are not as provocative as you think they are. Not only do they engage in sexual acts with humans, they thrive off their flesh and haunt them in their nightmares. When an incubus disguised as a Reverend turns a hungry eye on one of the parishioners, gruesome events at the cathedral slowly unfold; blasphemy, gore, and terror...
꒰ ✟ ꒱ CHAPTER WARNINGS: blasphemy, WC: 3,955
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written in toji's pov, narration style similar to the Netflix show, "You." this takes place in a fictional setting; St. Reze University & Cathedral.
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The morning air had become thicker than the oldest tomes of the St. Reze Clergy House.
Located in the middle of campus was the residence of the clergy along with an administrative office for the local parish. I was sent here an hour ago, deadpanning at the mahogany wooden desk and thought about everything from last night— the way we met, the brief conversation I had with Shoko… But also that screeching, unsettling noise from the stair tower which slightly concerned me.
"Fushiguro. You listening?"
Father Getou Suguru. One of the priests I'm also close with from the clergy. But aside his occupation as St. Reze’s holy priest, I'd feel comfortable drinking with him at a bar or going out to play billiards. Usually his hair would be down when he wears his vestment and cassock, but this morning it was tied back.
Suguru— I refuse to call him Father outside of the church— stood at the opposite side of the room, skimming an old book as he sips his morning tea. His office had varnished brown bookshelves and the fresh smell of brewing beverages. The sunlight tinted of a dusty orange through the large clerestory window, contrasting to the solemnity of this environment.
I cleared my throat. "Sorry. Go on."
I was too drained to listen to him this morning. I could’ve declined or not even show up to this brief rendezvous, but I didn’t want to dig myself in a deeper hole than I already am. He is, after all, the one that pays me for the shit I do. Even if I��m barely involved with the church and its people. There is no doubt that he knows about my blatant and aloof behavior the way Sister Shoko knows as well.
"Remember the other Reverend that got engaged just eight months ago? Their wedding is at the cathedral next month. Interested in helping us?"
I frowned. "Wait— who's getting married again?"
The priest deadpanned at me. "Our fellow Reverend Nanami Kento. I thought you knew this already.”
Feeling indifferent, I watch as the dark liquid swirled around my mug as I held it. "Oh. I forgot."
The priest sighed in exasperation. "I'll pay you extra if you come by and help."
I paused before I could take a sip once I registered his words, averting my gaze right at him. "Fine. I'll do it."
"Of course you would," he taunted. "Is money always going to be your motivation?"
My elbow was pressed on the table and my cheeks rested in the crest of my palm, slightly smirking at him as my drink clanks on the wood. "You know me, Suguru."
The man slaps the book closed with one hand, sliding it back into the shelves. "We'll talk more about it later with the others. Please do not forget the meeting at the chapter house next week. You have to be there.”
I notice him grabbing a few of his things including his vestment. "Leaving for sermon already?"
“I need to be early. Also, I’m leaving you in charge of the conferences in here today.”
How great.
The ominous priest finally left. I continued drinking absentmindedly for the past ten minutes and dwelled at the campus view outside. It was an early Sunday morning and the sermon was starting soon. Fridays and Saturdays are the only days I work at the cathedral, while on Sundays I'm off. Yet here I am in the clergy house when I could've been doing something more productive.
But I didn't care at all, really. This job, this religion, or the coherent idea of a god... I didn't give a damn about the shit I’m required to do in this new life as long as Father Getou paid me— just as he said he would.
I still thought about last night. What a tantalizing night, I must admit. Meeting you for the first time in such a meek state, utterly surprising me with your sullied confession... But then I recalled the unsettling noise I’ve heard from the stair tower. Though there were no screams heard or the smell of blood when Shoko and I reached the first floor, it was something so inhuman to ever think of.
Speaking of inhuman, there was still one thing you haven't known about me yet. An infernal and sinister creature, able to sense the wanton lust of humans and their coiling fantasies, residing within my soul. One that sneakily lodges into one’s nightmares to fulfill their desires… But what also resides with my soul is real mortal blood— the outcome of a half-breed incubus.
Knock knock knock.
I stared at the door for a hot minute with a blank expression, slouching in my seat. I'm usually this lifeless early in the morning, but thanks to that coffee, I managed to stand up and approach the door. But just as I was about to grab the doorknob, my hand froze when I heard a demure voice resonate from the other side. Not from a figment of my mind, not from the faded hues in my memories… It was really you— the sound of your adorning voice reverberating in the back of my mind. And it's been hours since the last time I've heard it.
"Father Getou? You in there?"
I threw away all my inhibitions and opened the door for you. And that was the first time I saw you, really saw you— not shrouded by darkness or drops of rain. The glazing sunlight cutting from the door onto your face like a scalpel, your bare skin radiating and your attire expressed more casually than what you wore last night to the church.
A small smirk slowly crept on my lips. "Father Getou's not here. Need something from him?"
"Oh," you breathed out, slowly trailing your bashful gaze to meet with mines. "I wasn't…expecting you…”
I press my shoulder against the white doorframe as my hand grips onto the opposite side like I was blocking you from coming in. "Looks like we just keep bumpin' into each other, huh. What a coincidence."
You were perfectly in my field of view, sunkissed from the golden daylight. My eyes cast over the rest of your figure, your chest heaving faster and the muscles of your shoulders tightening. This was an odd coincidence now that I think about it. There must've been an underlying reason of coming all the way out here for a conference with Father Getou. It was too bad for you that he left several minutes ago, but not too bad for me to have some company…
"Anything I can help you with?" I coaxed. “If you’re trying to meet with Father Getou, might as well just head to the church where he’s at.”
I watch as you pressed your lips together in uncertainty, your gaze falling to a random corner of the office then back to me. "You know what? It doesn't really matter who in the clergy I talk to. May I come in?"
Feeling slightly convinced, I push myself off the doorframe and make way for you. In cold calculation, I watch the way you hold your breath once you enter, the way your shoulders tensed like the beating of your heart grew erratically. My first time seeing you this nervous and so shy around me.
"So. What brings you here?"
You were standing near Father Getou's desk as I shut the door, glancing at the bookshelves and the plain ceiling absentmindedly. "I wanted to discuss about something that Father Getou might be familiar about," you respond with a sharp exhale. "But… I guess I was too late. I should’ve made an appointment.”
I make my way around the desk where Getou stood earlier as you sat down coyly. You had a dreary expression as you stared into nothing, as if you were ashamed of whatever you were going to say.
"You can tell him after the Sunday Mass," I assured, leaning against the wall with my hands shoved in my pockets.
"I— I don’t know,” you faltered. “Maybe… I think it's better if I don't tell him…”
"Damn. Must've been that bad, huh," I smirked. "Could've saved this for the confession booth, ya' know."
Just like how you confessed to me last night.
"No, no— it's fine," you faltered, your gaze flickering back to my face. "I’m fine talking about this to anyone from the clergy. You’re a Reverend, right? Maybe we should talk more while we have the chance. Get to know each other.”
Get to know each other, huh.
It was something about your face glinting from the gentle sunlight that nearly captivated me. Maybe early Sunday mornings weren't so bad, after all. But after ruminating over your words and this igniting spark of interest I have with a human, especially a woman like you— a man like me would never go this far to give my considerations…
An incubus is meant to prey on women like you. Obsess over them, violate them, make them feel things no other human could do. But I’m not like these sick and twisted incubi. Not even a full incubus. There would be these ongoing battles of cunning, dark, and sinister thoughts and actions within my conscience. I'd feel tempted to ruin and corrupt people for my own satisfaction. But then I also have my humanity— the respect, boundaries, morals, and all of the shit I also abide by.
You left me with no choice. The cause of my sleeplessness and these constant distractions sitting right before me. Definitely harmless just to know more about a woman like you, right?
"Alright then,” I obliged. “You’re a student at St. Reze, right?"
"I am. Third year, graduating with a bachelor’s next year."
I squinted slightly. "How come I've never seen you before?"
"I was gonna ask you that, too," you chuckled. "But maybe because it was my first time attending on a Saturday."
I nodded slowly, recalling your words from your confessional. "I work on Fridays and Saturdays only. Makes sense."
"Something was just really bothering me. I felt like attending that day, so..."
I ambled closer, standing at the opposite end of the table from you. Half-lidded eyes staring meekly into mines, setting fire in my ribs and wading into my rufous flesh, strumming every fiber in my body like I was trapped in your aura. Ominous and tense anticipation between us, right in this office, right at this moment.
I've never felt something like this before. And you probably haven't, either. This hidden desire for you and your hidden desire for me has never tasted this fine, like a restless hunger teasing my tongue…
"I don’t think I've ever gotten your name. I'm Y/N."
I repeated your name in my mind, a name I for sure wasn’t going to forget. "Toji,” I then replied. “Reverend Toji Fushiguro."
"Reverend Toji,” you mused, as if you were ruminating upon my name as well. “Nice to officially meet you.”
I really tried fighting the urge to bring up your confession. But according to the clergy-penitent privilege that Suguru informed me about, they are to remain strictly confidential. Any member of the clergy that overhears a confession are bound by this “seal.” But with everything I’ve witnessed and collected from last night at church, I wanted to ask the most ludicrous questions. I wanted to know what was going on in that pretty little head of yours. Why you came all the way here to the clergy office, what exactly is bothering you to the point you open up to me. Like cracking open your skull and spooling your brain, finding out all your sinister and dark secrets…
My jaw tightened as apart of me begged to know, staring at the bay window overlooking the courtyard and other facilities of the campus. But I decided to not intervene— who am I to care about a mere human, anyways?
"So. You said something was bothering you?” I piqued, refilling my cup of coffee with the machine. “Is that why you came all the way here?”
If I hadn't been paying attention to every move and every reaction you made in this office, I wouldn't have noticed the way your chest heaved slowly and steadily, like you were forcing yourself to calm down. I watched the way your body reacted. A trail of goosebumps. Slight shivers. Robbed of speech. And the way your eyes subtly began to pool with dismay, powerful as a surging storm taking over you…
“Well, this might sound a little bit, uh… carnal, Reverend Toji,” you muttered sheepishly. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, or— you know, see me as a parishioner in a different way…”
"You don't need to worry about that," I assured with a small smirk. "I'm not like Father Getou who's so professional with everything here— especially with that seminary shit. So don’t think I’m gonna lecture you with scripture.”
You chuckled lightly. “Spoken like a true layman. That’s harsh.”
"Yeah, but it's the truth." The warm liquid rushed down my throat as I drank, absorbed with this sudden rush of energy. "I don't really care about this church nor your god. I'm just working here for money— so you can tell me anything."
You gazed down solely at your lap, absorbed in your own thoughts as if this was too difficult to open up about. Your eyes were unreadable from this distance, but every time you locked my gaze for a few moments, they become so irresistible as they take me in.
"Look, I don't know if I'm ready to say it.”
"Enlighten me." I set another drink of coffee for you on the desk, the loud thud of the mug causing your body to snap. “Whatever you say, I’m not gonna hold against you. You came all the way out here this time in the morning, so don’t let this be a waste of time for the both of us.”
A human like you testing my patience was a risky game to play. But for some reason, I was a bit amused by your timid submission… Your chin tilting upwards as you looked at me in silence as I leaned against the bookshelves. Your skin continued to gleam right in my view, eyes taking me in like you were drinking the very sight of me.
After a fleeting moment of hesitance, you grab the cup and sipped carefully, watching your shoulders tense down from the warmth rushing through your veins. I stared for another long moment, both hands on the table and leaning slightly forward. It was quite entertaining, really, how things lead us to this point.
"Friday night I had a dream," you muttered softly, "I couldn't stop thinking about it, which is why I came to the church on Saturday night, seeking for guidance. But this dream was, well… a strange experience for me.”
The moment you spoke of having a dream I immediately knew. Even after finding out you came to church on a day you don't regularly attend was enough to convince me. Carnal. Nightmares. It all made sense. In the vulnerable depths of an innocent human’s mind, a disturbing creature would be quietly lurking, waiting until all is calm when the darkness shrouds over the daylight skies. This darkness incarnate springs to life as a vicious, fang-bearing, gnarly, feral incubus. Born to linger on the fragile edges of your mental state and drawing you in with its sapphire eyes…
The muscles of my jaw tightened as I clenched my teeth together in cold silence. I've learned and witnessed the vile ways of how dreams go with demons like me, and how the aftermath will always remain dreadful for humans to recount. Terrorized by such unfathomable sexual nightmares and disturbing hypnotic states of scintillating salacious lust, night after night…
 “… I was in a dark place. I see some kind of shrine with wide teeth, horns on the roof and many skulls laying around. Then I look up and see this creature— he had four arms and four eyes…”
Your gaze suddenly falls back to me again, this time not directly settled on my face, but I can feel the way you trace my features— sharpened, tensed, deliberately making out every outline of me. I couldn't help but fall speechless, embracing this erratic tension going on from between.
“The things he did to me in that dream, Reverend Toji… It was literally sin. Promiscuous to ever think of, really. I'm really ashamed to say this here, but— for some reason it felt... good. If it's so wrong to think of or do, then why did it feel good?"
I notice the way your voice was honeyed with titillation as you explained, hinting with passion. It amused me— how you found a nightmare so pleasant to you. I suddenly thought of our communion from the night before, how you kneeled before me with a heated look in your eyes— salacious and delirious— indulging in submission just like your nightmare.
I wanted to know what demon snuck in your nightmare. Four eyes? Four arms? A diabolic creature I've never even heard of before. I had to suppress a lot of my thoughts back, trying my best to remain nonchalant.
"A nightmare, huh. It’s not uncommon for students here to confess about this," I prompted. “There’s a whole case study on how it’s affecting them, but you… You said it felt good?”
"I— I did," you mumbled, voice almost shaky. "And I don't know what to do— I feel that my lustful craving has ruined my relationship with God.”
After divulging to me with another abashed confession, I was rather fascinated than concerned. How you took pleasure in a fucking night terror was something I’ve never expected to come from those pretty, saccharine lips of yours. It almost enraged me— how could a human like you entice me like this? I’m supposed to do my job. I’m supposed to follow Suguru’s commands. I’m not supposed to form a relationship with any of the students here. But this was a rippling covet that makes my blood rush with urgency, an urgency to dwell in the sinister parts of me. And I can sense how desperate you feel— that covet you find so sinful, so disgraceful to your god— when in reality it isn't.
"Your desire for lust should never make you feel guilty, Y/N," I coaxed. "After all, didn't your god create us as sexual creatures? It was never deemed a sin; only taught to be one for young women like you."
This time I was speaking my mind. How I really viewed the church that condemns malicious creatures like me. All the years of false and inaccurate teachings, mistranslations, and every concept that never appeals to me. I could go on about it all day, but I suppressed my thoughts back once again.
"I've prayed and prayed that day, Reverend. But yet, I can’t stop dwelling on it. It was a very filthy dream, I admit. But it felt so… intense.”
A nightmare, I mentally corrected. Any dream with an incubus involving sexual and immoral acts are considered nightmares.
I take the opportunity to let my gaze glide over your skin. "I understand how you feel," I feigned, nearly lying to myself that I had to take another sip of my drink. "That covet you find so sinful, so disgraceful to your god— when in reality it isn't. Whoever propagated that purity culture bullshit are the disgraceful ones instead."
Your body fell stiff as the realization hit like a brick to your face, contemplating over my words. "Hm. I think I can see now why you're not so fond of the church,” you bantered, taking another sip of the coffee. “You’re more brutal than Father Geto. He’s there to console and sympathize with his parishioners, but you— You’re very, uh… passive aggressive.”
I scoffed. “That’s harsh.”
“Well, it’s kinda true,” you chuckled. “I mean, we can’t always have our reverends and ministers here console us by just spiritual enlightenment and scripture. It was nice hearing your advice coming from a different perspective. So I thank you, Reverend Toji.”
I agreed. But at the same time, I didn’t care. “Just call me Toji. But just not in front of other people and Father Geto, you know.”
"Speaking of Father Geto…" My heart jolted faster once you shot up from your seat and walked over in front of me, my skin growing hotter as your body drew closer to mines. So close as if you were invading me, but I allowed it— the gap between us growing thin, feeling our body heat fuel and ignite. I was tempted to trace your flesh, uncover the goosebumps lingering on your skin, and take you on right here on this fucking desk…
What the Hell am I thinking? Why am I being invaded with these kind of thoughts?
"… Please don't tell him about our conference and that I met with you," you continued with a low mutter. "It'll be our little secret."
I slanted my head. Our little secret?
Something crept in the grip of my numb hand, hearing the rough folds of paper crumpling. I peer down and notice your fingers gently grazing mines, feeling your warmth and tenderness as you slipped some cash.
"Are you serious?" I whisper. "You know I can't take this."
"No, Toji. It's fine," you beamed. "After lecturing me like that— I really think you are a good man. Doesn't matter who you are or how you view the church."
I clenched the cash in my grip, not realizing how clammy my palms grew. I was already at a loss of words from this strange, erratic feeling in me right now. Slipping money in my hand as you invaded my personal space, breathing in your darling aroma, your irises dancing with the room's fast-changing glow. You then look at my lips. I look at yours. There's a pause.
You slightly inched forward, my entire body falling frozen as you pressed your lips against my cheek. Immediately I was immersed with this sudden softness and sweetness, like laying on a bed made of clouds, plush and impulsive. Warming my bones, melting my center. My heart beat rising, but also trying to soothe.
"’Till next time, Toji," you murmured, your fleeting breath hitting my ear until you turned away and left.
What did you just do to me?
I wouldn’t say your kiss of gratitude on my face was a violation. But though I had no idea where it stemmed from, it felt… pleasant. Perhaps I was somewhat successful playing the role of a Reverend who’s not really in touch with humanity, but tries to just for the sake of understanding people. I just don’t know how to feel from a tender moment that came from nowhere. I was too astonished to register it through my brain— the intimate touch of a human.
I couldn't stop thinking about it. I've studied every line and every form of your figure, the shape of you and the aching in your glinting eyes. How you starve me with those fucking eyes. How I wanted to see all of you right here, right in this office, right on Father Suguru’s desk— gliding across your body with a wicked purpose. There was no way to fight your embrace. I would’ve allowed Suguru to fucking exorsice me for wanting to feed off your forbidden sexual desire. And I was too selfish to let that lame demon in your nightmare feed off it. Not even any man you encounter here could fulfill you the way I plan to.
Only me.
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TAGS: @suget @haezen @heavenlyevil @vampnyx @killzenin @diorsbrando @endurablerose @slut-manifesto @screampied
ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO/POISEUNS © 2024. originally published April 10, 2021. do not steal, plagiarize, or translate without permission. do not repost or share any of my works where minors have access. art by evok99 on twitter.
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toriluvsnickwayne · 9 months ago
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Getting Hooked
Chapter 7
Hook x Reader
Getting Hooked Masterlist
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Tyler’s POV :
I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease after storming out of Andretti's place. I knew I had to calm down and clear my head. I decided to take a walk along the beach, hoping the fresh air would help me process my emotions.
As I walked, I couldn't help but think about Y/N and the mark on her face. Who could have done such a thing? And why was Andretti flirting with her like that?
I felt a surge of protectiveness towards Y/N, and I knew I had to find out what happened. I turned around and headed back inside, determined to get some answers.
When I returned, Y/N was still working, her face still bearing the bruise. I approached her, my heart racing with anticipation.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, trying to sound calm.
She looked up at me, her eyes hesitant. "Sure, Tyler. What's up?"
I took a deep breath, my mind racing with questions and emotions. "What happened to your face? And why was Andretti flirting with you like that?"
Y/N's expression changed, and she looked around nervously. "Let's talk outside," she whispered.
I nodded, and we stepped out into the night air, the tension between us palpable.
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Tyler led me outside, his eyes fixed on mine with a mix of concern and anger. The cool night air hit us as we stepped into the parking lot, the only sound being the distant music from the bar.
"Who did this to you, Y/N? Tell me the truth," Tyler asked, his voice low and urgent.
I hesitated, not wanting to escalate the situation. "It was just some guy at the bar, Tyler. It's not a big deal," I said, trying to brush it off.
But Tyler's grip on my arm tightened. "Don't lie to me, Y/N. I can see the fear in your eyes. Who was it?"
I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep it from him. "I don't know his name, okay? He was just some drunk guy who got out of hand. He was yelling at me, and then...and then he hit me."
He paused, taking a deep breath. Then, his expression suddenly turned stone-cold, his eyes glazing over with a calm intensity.
"Don't worry about it, Y/N. I'll take care of it," he said, his voice eerily calm.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against my forehead in a gentle kiss. "I'll see you later, Take care."
And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me stunned and confused. His sudden change in demeanor left me wondering what was going on in his mind.
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Uhhhhhh hey sorry I’ve been gone 🥲. I’ve been rlly busy the past few weeks and things r js now settling down for now. I’ll try to update a few more parts before I go on vacation for 3 weeks😂. But srsly thank u guys for being patient n not flipping out. That’s rlly all I have to say for now I promise I’ll get at least 2 more parts out by Tuesday cuz that’s when I leave for vacation n hopefully schedule some posts the come out (no promises tho). Anyways lots of love- Tori😘😘
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navstuffs · 2 years ago
Hey! First and foremost, congrats to Brazil for stopping Bolsonaro on the elections! (not completely but still, this is a great feat)
The second thing: lately I've been thinking how poor Carlos must feel knowing that he probably can never go back in Brazil 🥺. So I thought: reader notices this and decides to make something special for him. When he comes back for a long and stressful week of work he finds reader waiting for him with the dining table full of traditional Brazilian dishes like Feijoada or Pão de Queijo. All the while there's soft Bossa Nova music. When he asks reader why they did this they say that they've noticed that he's been feeling homesick so they thought of making all of this to make him feel a little closer to home. "I know how much you miss your country, but know that I love you. So whenever you'll feel down I'll be there to hold you, to make you feel safe. *chuckles* and you know what they say 'home is where the heart is' right?". After dinner high quality cuddles ensures.
No need to rush, take your time and thanks in advance! Have a good day!
Arroz e Feijão (Rice and Beans)
Pairing: Carlos Oliveira x GN!Reader
Summary: Carlos is homesick and you help to comfort him.
Warnings tags: hurt/comfort, carlos is always brazilian in my fics, translation from pt-br to eng at the bottom
Author's Notes: first of all, thank you! bolsonaro isn't in prison YET BUT is something, so consider this fic an ode to that. SECOND, this fic is SO personal to me. in my pov, the sentence "home is where your heart is" IS very hard to begin to understand, so writing this was certainly a challenge but one i welcome with open arms. thank you so much for requesting with me, i hope from the bottom of my heart you like it as much as i enjoyed writing this!
my carlos's masterlist
Carlos finally parks his car in the driveway of your shared house, rubbing his face. It had been a long and stressful work week, and staying away from you didn't make it any better. To make matters even worse, he had felt homesick for quite a while. You see, feeling homesick never entirely leaves someone. It is a pain Carlos learned how to manage and live with it. He never shared anything in deep detail, only vague responses if you asked. Not because he didn't trust you, no, Carlos just didn't want to worry you.
When Carlos exits the car, his eyes follow the lights in the kitchen, and he smiles. You are home. He couldn't wait to shower, lay down with you, and forget that the rest of the world ever existed. Listen to you tell him about your day, and update him with gossip.
When he enters the house, the first thing he notices is the food scent. It smells so familiar Carlos forgets to take off his backpack, walking straight to the dining room. A few pots are closed, but he can see the fresh white rice cooked and the black beans still boiling through the glass lid. He wants to open another one when you walk from the kitchen with another enclosed bowl. You smile happily when you see him, placing the bowl carefully on the table before running to hug him.
"You are back!" You exclaim, excited, not wanting to let go of him.
"What is all of this?" Carlos asks, his voice low.
"Rice and beans? Oh, I have farofa ready and some salgadinhos, as well. I ordered the last ones, I won't lie, but the rest I did myself. And mhm, also!" You jump up and down as you open the bowl you just brought from the kitchen, displaying twenty brigadeiros. "I made those from scratch and finally gave them the small ball form, so we won't have to eat from the pot like all the other times. I am so excited for you to try because I don't know if they turned out well and…Carlos, are you okay?"
You stop talking, Carlos's expression worrying you. He looks speechless, his eyes going from the food to you. It is like you have read his thoughts.
"Why?" His voice comes out barely a whisper, and you realize, a chill going down your body, that Carlos is holding back tears.
"I know you miss Brazil, and you don't tell me," You reply, making him stare at you. "I see in your eyes. So I decided to pull up this little dinner. I know it is not a lot, but—"
Carlos doesn't let you finish, pulling you into a tight hug. He can't even express his gratitude for having you in his life. For you love. For your patience with him. You gently rub his head, listening to some silent sobs coming from your man. You pull away slowly, wiping some of his tears as you tell him.
"I want you to know that if you ever fall, I will be here. Don't bottle up those feelings, okay? I am here for you. Eu te amo muito."
"Eu amo você também. Você é a minha vida."
After dinner, where you think you saw Carlos shed one or two tears when he ate your rice and beans. Carlos pretty much praised you the whole night: how everything was so good because it tasted with love. By the end of the night, you sit by the sofa, waiting for Carlos. You smile, tapping your lap when he reappears clean and wearing pajamas. He lays his head on your chest, a purring sound coming from his chest.
"Eu te amo tanto. Você sabe, não sabe?"
"I know. I love you too. Now sleep, rest, meu amor."
It doesn't take long for Carlos to fall asleep on your chest. You smile, kissing the top of his forehead. It is good to have him back home.
Eu te amo muito = I love you so much
"Eu amo você também. Você é a minha vida." = I love you too. You are my life.
Eu te amo tanto. Você sabe, não sabe? = I love you so much. You know that, don't you?
Meu amor = my love
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freneticfloetry · 2 years ago
fic rec friday(ish)
Well, it’s Saturday. But have some recs!
This week’s theme: Rec a “gateway” fic - a fic that you read and it was so good it lead you to read multiple works by the same writer.
The rules: Tag a fic and explain why it was a gateway fic / what you liked about it. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Lola will do the round up on Sunday again, so if you’re still recc-ing on Saturday, no pressure. Please tag @welcometololaland or #ficrecfriday so she can compile the masterlist!
(A couple things, just in general: first, I am still very new to reading in this fandom, so I’m still standing in many of these gateways. Second, I am a kudos-and-comment reader, so if you don’t see my name in your serotonin section, please assume that I haven’t yet read your fic / update (but will soon, because I am slowly but surely consuming all the things).)
Thanks to @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @thisbuildinghasfeelings, and my beloved @ambiguouspenny for the tags!
to which there is no reply by stormss (@reyesstrand)
We've been blessed with so many post-finale/honeymoon takes, but this is one of the two that haunts me. It's quiet and moody and beautifully introspective, as Carlos comes to grips with the end of escapism and reality starts creeping in again. There's this distinct sense of before and after, especially as he reflects on the things he would've brought back to the real world with him, if his life still made sense, and there's so much insight here, in the objects he chooses for his parents, in the way he thinks of his father, in the way he sees TK. And I felt so at home reading this, not just because it's such a well-drawn story (though it is), but because of the way, every few paragraphs, there'd be a line phrased precisely the way I would have, and I'd get the strangest sense I was reading the best work I'd ever done that I'd somehow forgotten I'd written. I can't wait to read everything Maddie's done, including the handful of fics in another fandom we share.
living at the centre of a wound still fresh by LolaLand (@welcometololaland)
And here's the other! I am utterly infatuated with this fic — the way it's written, the way it's paced, and the way Lola lets Carlos plain not be okay. It's such a starkly beautiful story about grief and the way it ebbs and flows like the tide, the way it can pull you under or see you safely back to shore and you never know which wave you're riding. Lovelier still, somehow, is her TK, and all the things he does to help Carlos stay afloat. This one is still in progress (and I have a date this weekend with the last couple chapters), but it's the reason why Lola's Seven Ways (Back to You) series is next up on my Marked for Later list.
Fire Island by @carlos-in-glasses
I was remiss in not reccing this last week, for the "fics that start with the first letter of your username" theme — it certainly deserved a spot. This was not only the first fic I read of theirs, it's one of the first fics I read in the fandom. And it's such a rich, bittersweet story, one of those quietly beautiful pieces that lovingly punches you in the gut. The OCs are so well-realized, and the boys' love is so warm and lived-in that it feels like a lifeline, like a thread of hope to hold on to as we hear these tragically beautiful stories of boys past. This is the whole reason I got so excited for the swimfic, which is posting now.
You Keep Coming Back With A Bird In Your Teeth by vaguenotion
I can't even. I got so wrapped up in reading this that I started work two hours late. Writing a rec for this apparently isn't going to be any better than my feeble attempt at feedback, so I'll just say this: the prose is gorgeous, the character voices are unreal (fueled by a truly next-level TK POV), and it surprises me with every word. It's not even finished and it's already one of my very favorite things in this fandom, and everyone should read it. It's the author's first Tarlos fic, but they've got a fan in me for life.
I’m late, so I’m pretty sure everyone’s been tagged. But just in case, @hoko-onchi-writes, you’re up!
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theshippingqueens-blog · 5 months ago
Hi its been a while but im back! Annnnd with a fresh new idea based on some new moments from Dreams new video and the song "Die with a Smile" By bruno mars and lady gaga the lyrics I use will be in bold and itallics Enjoy the story and be safe guys!
~Georges pov~
I watched rain drops slowly slide down the glass as i hid out in my offiace "Editting" when in reality I was hiding from Dream. Everything has been dfferent since I moved here and as time passed I got used to this strange warm feeling that I felt whenever I was around clay but when the hurricaine hit I had time to think and well realized that…I wanna spend my life with him. Hes the one person one I'd do anything for even if the world was ending i'd be right by his side.
If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you If the party was over And our time on Earth was through I'd wanna hold you just for a while And die with a smile If the world was ending I'd wanna be next to you
Now im hiding here untill his flight to LA in fear of me screwing something up between us. I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door then it cracked open Dream peaking his head in. His strawberry blonde curls looking messy and cute all at once his green eyes locking with mine. "hey honey I made dinner If your hungry." He said coming inside and placing a plate on the desk I smiled up at him. "Thanks Dream." I said softly He sat on the bed near me. "Everything ok? You seem off." He asked as I spun my chair to face him. "Oh I'm perfect;y fine why?" "You seemed off about a comment I made" My mind went back to the excact moment he was talking about. When he said 'I love you brother.' Sure hes said 'I love you' before but this was a lot differnt than all the other times it wasnt said with his usaul care and playful engergy. "No im all good!" I said plastering on a fake smile. He got up "well I need to finsh packing then." He said turning to leave my mind spirialed as I reached out to grab his hand our fingures locking he glance back at me. I didnt want him to go I had no clue what tomarow would bring but tonight…Tonight I was going to take a chance
Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow Nobody's promised tomorrow So I'ma love you every night like it's the last night Like it's the last night
I looked at our hands my cheeks burning. His freckled cheeks turned a light pink. "Uh dont go…I wanted to know if you could stay here for a bit?" I said hoping he'd stay because I cant handle him leaving not right now…Even if its only for a few weeks its wouldnt be the same without him by myside. He smiled "Sure Baby I'll stay." He said pulling me up and into a hug the smell of vinillia and honey filling my senses making me relax in his arms.
Ooh, lost, lost in the words that we scream I don't even wanna do this anymore 'Cause you already know what you mean to me And our love's the only war worth fighting for
Everything seems to slow down after that as he held me in his arms as we lay in my bed wordlessly enjoying eachothers company. I was trying everything in my power to make him stay. His finguers combed thru my hair as i felt myself slowly driffting off into dreamland (glass animals ref????) but stopped myself. "Sweetheart as much as I love you in my arms like this but i have a flight in a few hours to pack for." Again I sprialed pulling him closer to me our faces inches apart.
So I'ma love you every night like it's the last night Like it's the last night
This was a giant risk I was willing to take to get him to stay. I crashed our lips together. It took him a few seconds to process but then he kissed back his hands wrapping around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck my finguers tangling into his hair as he pulled me closer. He pulled away shocked "Geroge…I dont.." He got up leaving me there clueless confused and feeling like I fucked everything up.
Wherever you go, that's where I'll follow Nobody's promised tomorrow
After royaly screwing everything up i couldnt sleep meaning when daylight hit I was tried and feeling like shit. I heard a knock on my door before it openning. I looked up to see Sapnap there a worried look oon his face. "Hey i just dropped of Dream his flight is in an hour is there anything you wanna tell me?" He said sitting on the edge of my bed near me. I sat up rubbing my eyes my hair a total mess. "Dream told you didnt he?" I said sighing. He nodded "Only some of it he did say you kissed him thought." I felt my heart sink. I explianed everything to Sapnap even my ongoing feelings for him. "Well you should have said something before he left!" He said getting up grabbing his keys. "lets go We need to get you to the airport. If you love him you need to let him know!" And just like that we were speading down the streets of florida raceing to beat Dreams flight.
The airport was croaweded as we ran around trying to find Dream. Then finally I spotted him waiting near bagege his headphones in a blank expression on his face. I rushed over pushing past pepole. "DREAM!" I yelled as I finally reached were he was. He looked at me taking an earphone out. "George..? Did i forget something?" I stepped closer. "I'm so so sorry for last night I know i shouldnt have done what i did but lately my feelings have been crazy and I just didnt want you to leave not knowing how I feel twoards you." He still seemed confuesed "Dream you are one of the best most wonderful pepole I have ever met and thruogh out the years of our many years of friendship i have never noticed how much you mean to me. If i died tonight I would die with a smile knowing that I was able to tell you how much I really love and care about you." I said feeling myself become teary eyed. He got up a smile on his face. "i'm sorry too the kiss was just a shocker to me and it was a dick move to leave you like that. I just never really knew how you felt about me. It was just a lot to handle. And George I do love you too." He said pulling me into his arms brushing away some tears. He pulled me into a sweet kiss. I kissed back feeling like i was in heaven. I could say if i were to die tonight i would die with a smile
~The End~
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flowersbloomuntiltheyrot · 3 years ago
Flowers Bloom Until they Rot and Fall Apart
Chapter 6 (Past): And I'll love you to the end
I had this one finished for a while but wanted to wait with posting it so you wouldn't have to wait too long for chapter 7, which we are currently working on.
This past chapter is from Thomas' POV again and continues directly after the previous Thomas past chapter, which was posted ages ago so if you need a refresher I'd recommend reading past chapter 4 first.
The title is from The End of the Earth by Marina. CW: death, hospital setting
Thomas didn’t know what to do. The flower was gone, and he had no idea who had taken it. Barbara was very sick, and her chances without that flower weren’t good. Who could have known about the flower anyway? Thomas had always made sure not to let it slip as his parents had told him, he’d known people would try to steal it. 
Defeated, he returned to the hospital. The least he could do was be with Barbara. The graduation ball would be tonight, but Thomas didn’t think he should be going. 
Thomas followed his father’s instructions to get back to Barbara’s room and texted uncle Henry that they would not be needing his help anymore as he’d lost the flower. Uncle Henry knew about the flower, but he was one of the very few. He tried to remember the last time he’d seen the flower. It was the day before Alastair had come to sleep over, he’d gone to care for the flower, water it and add some fresh soil. It had been there, thriving, ready to be used if they chose to. 
“What happened, Tom?” his father asked.
Barbara was asleep, lying in her bed, tied to many monitors and IV lines. She’d been moved to the ICU, which Thomas knew was where the very sick patients went. She was shivering in her sleep, covered in sweat. The purple spots were on her arms and neck too now. 
“The flower is gone.” Thomas could barely get the words out. “I don’t know what happened… Someone must have broken in and taken it.”
“That’s not possible,” his father said. “The estate is protected with spellwork. If someone had broken in, the magic would have detected them and an alarm would have gone off.”
Thomas’s breath hitched. No one had broken in. Which could mean only one thing: the thief had been invited onto the grounds. There was really only one person who could have done it. Alastair. 
But why would he? What did he need the flower for? Alastair was a skilled potion maker, but Thomas wasn’t so sure he would risk death making this potion himself. And why?  If he had a real reason to need it, why hadn’t he just asked? He would have given it. Thomas guessed maybe he had sold it rather than use it. It would fetch a nice price on the shadow market.
“I need to go,” Thomas said.
“Are you sure?” His father asked. “Wouldn’t you rather stay with Barbara?”
“Alastair must have taken the flower. Perhaps he hasn’t used it yet. Perhaps it is not yet too late.”
Even as he said it, Thomas realized it was unlikely. He must have taken it a week ago, and the flower would not survive that long on its own. Unless he had made the potion himself, he must have sold it already. There was no way he could get it back. But even then, he wanted a reason. Alastair owed him that. 
Thomas had thought threatening Alastair would make him feel better. He’d thought he could get a reason out of him, an explanation for what he’d done. Instead, Thomas had realized Alastair had been after the flower all this time, long before Thomas had told him about it. Alastair had never truly loved him, and Thomas felt awful. He’d trusted him, he’d loved him. And now his sister was going to die. 
When he returned to the hospital, Barbara was still asleep, and his parents, Eugenia and Oliver were sitting at her bed. 
“The flower is gone,” Thomas said.
He hadn’t asked if Alastair still had it, if he could have it back. But if he still did, surely he would have given it back once he realized Barbara was dying? 
“The doctor from the evening shift just left,” his father said. There were tears in his eyes. “They increased the dosage of morphine, the best they can do right now is make sure she’s not in pain.”
“Is there nothing else they can do?” Thomas whispered.
“They said it’s already too late.”
Thomas collapsed onto a chair. How could it be too late already? 
“She was fine this morning. She said she had a headache, but that was all. We went to the hospital just she became feverish and we noticed the spots. How can it be too late already?”
“You did the best you could, Tommy,” his mother said. “The doctor said there’s nothing any of us could have done.”
Except he could have, if only he hadn’t lost the flower. That potion was supposed to cure everything, it would have saved Barbara. 
Thomas took Barbara’s hand. She still felt so warm and feverish, she was still holding on to her life. He couldn’t believe that she wasn’t going to make it. She was going to pull through, fight off the infection. He still didn’t quite understand what was wrong with her, why she had gotten so sick so fast. It didn’t make any sense. 
They ended up staying with her all night, and Barbara didn’t wake up anymore. Apparently the doctors kept her asleep. Thomas wished he could say goodbye while she was awake to hear it, but he didn’t want her to die scared and in pain either. He knew this was for the best. 
And yet he kept expecting her to wake up, a bit better and a bit stronger. He still expected her to recover. Barbara was twenty three, and you weren’t supposed to die at that age. She had a boyfriend, she had her whole life planned out. She’d wanted to get married and start having children. She would have been an amazing mother.
Barbara died just after six in the morning. Thomas ran out to find a nurse, a young woman around Barbara’s age who broke down crying and left instead. Of course, this was the hospital where Barbara had worked. This girl might be someone who knew her. She looked around Barbara’s age, perhaps they’d even gone to nursing school together. Not much later a different, older nurse entered the room alongside a doctor. To check if she was really dead? 
Both offered their condolences, and Thomas didn’t know what to do. He still couldn’t quite believe it had happened so fast, so sudden. She couldn’t be gone. And it was all his fault. He’d trusted the wrong person and had lost the one thing that could have saved her.
Taglist: @thefoxandthefound @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @all-for-the-fanfiction @amchara @ddepressedbookworm @wagner-fell @imsoftforthomastair @queenlilith43 @stxr-thxif @chaos-and-starlight @lifewouldbebetteronmars @littlx-songbxrd @sheisbeautyweareworldass @ikissedsmithparker @bookswitchcraftandcats @jamesherondaleofficial @livingformyself @anarmorofwords @sapphic-in @fortheloveofthecarstairs @tessherongraystairs @thewarthatsavedmylife-blog @grace-lightwoodd @rainingpouringetc @thomastaircompassrose @kiwichaeng @yozinha-z @skirtsandsweaters @goodoldfashionednerd @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @who-beingloved-ispoor-blog @lightwoodsimp @americann-idiot @thomaslightwood @cant-think-of-anything
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mrs-cavill-wife · 4 years ago
Forbidden Witch (2/?)
Pairing: Charles Brandon X Female Reader
Warning: Fantasy. Language. Forbidden Love. Tell me if I miss something.
Author's Note: This one is REALLY long chapter but here comes Charles Brandon, calm your tits! Hope you guys like it, if you do, please reblog it! I'm all ears to feedback and suggestions, thank you! DM or comment if you want to be on tag lists of Forbidden Witch!
Tag List: @lexyvaldez26 @thereisa8ella @natura1phenomenon @mrsavery @number1chonie @themanfromu @littlefreya @legendarywizarddetective @lovingbearherringhairdo @zealoushound @deangal-101 @everydaymultifandom @summersong69 @jgtfvhsg @tellingyouastory @sillyrabbit81 @nuggsmum @pussyverson @oh-for-fic-sake @foodieforthoughts @fanficlover91 @r-t-doll @its--fandom--darling @poledancingdinos @hlkwrites @rmtndew
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Riding for a few minutes, the boy was fun, he had many stories but I was grateful when he stopped chattering. I think this adventure exhausted him.
We arrived in Aluma and it was not difficult to find the castle, in a short time, we were well in freight for the construction. Aretuza was a beautiful place, but I had never seen such a magnificent castle, it was big, people were probably lost there. I approached the entrance and came across three soldiers, who immediately aimed the spears at me.
"Stop! Who's coming over there?"
I looked at them alerting them to stay quiet and I got off the horse slowly, the little prince was already asleep and I didn't want to find him. I think almost turning into monster food was a great experience, he needed to rest.
"Tsc-tsc. I don't think that's how you supposed to treat a lady. Especially when she saved and is in charge of the safety of her future king."
One of them approached to look closely and then looked at the others.
"Go, fast! Let your majesties know, Prince Eric has been found."
One of them ran inside the door, faster than a fox and I, even with the little boy, still had to wait outside. I looked at the blondie, and he slept soundly, hugging my Atlas, as if je were the most comfortable of the mattresses. Which is probably something he must have. Based on the aesthetics of the Castle, they must have everything from the good and the best, and even more.
"Eric! My little warrior!"
A voice, clearly desperate, screamed and, faster than her guard, the queen approached. A beautiful lady, blonde, thin but with curves, a beautiful green dress with gold details that matched with her hazel eyes and, of course, a simple but remarkable crown with rubies on the top of her head.
She approached me and the little boy, affectionately touching her face and then brushing her hair with her fingers. Her features were clear, pure happiness, relief and tears that I think, have been there since the little boy ran away. Eric woke up quickly with his mother touch and smiled softly, still tired.
She grabbed the boy, without caring about his soaked clothes, giving him a giant bear hug while sobbing.
"Oh my little prince, why? You know how worried your Mom is when you run away like that."
She said now looking at him with teary red eyes. I have to admit I felt bad for her.
"I think I'll have to put soldiers in to watch you again"
Again? Yeah, he didn't lie, and by the nickname "little warrior", I think he was really a little adventurer and a big runaway kid.
"Mom, I'm sorry and I'm fine. The witch saved me. Without her, I would be monster dinner right now."
Said the little troublemaker and after the brief moment of mother and son, the queen noticed me, gave a big smile and I bowed in respect, but she soon shook her head and held my hand.
"You, my young lady, no need to bow. You saved my son, my greatest treasure, you don't know how grateful I am. What's your name?"
I didn't knew exactly what to say. I looked at Eric and he just smiled comforting me.
"Oh.. your majesty.. I'm Cassandra, Cassandra of Boudicca.. and I just.. I just did what any sensible person would do."
"One way or another, me and your majesty, the king, we are very grateful, and by the way the king would love to meet you."
Meet me? Oh Lord, I can't say no to a queen, right? She's being so sweet with me but I'm even dressed properly to meet a king?
"My queen.. I.. well.."
"No no, I'll be offended if you refuse"
I sighed and nodded. The soldiers led the way and the queen took me into the huge castle, holding my right hand and with her son by the side, but within minutes he ran into a room with large wooden doors, apparently the throne room.
I thought we would get in there but the queen is still walking and I had no choice but to follow. We arrived at a door, it was opened and it was a beautiful room, with a huge bed that would probably fit three people, a nice balcony, a dressing table, a shelf with some books. The queen took me to the room on, had a huge mirror, a beautiful bathtub, prepared with some foam and next to it, a black girl with a simple dress, braided hair and a beautiful smile.
"This is Juliette, one of my chaperones, she's a wonderful lady, she will help you bathe and get ready."
The lady Juliette bowed at me and I looked surprised at the queen.
"Your majesty, that's not necessary, I.."
She cutted me before I could say something more.
"Darling, you can call me Madeline and maybe it's not necessary but I asked my man to treat your beautiful horse and I think you need too, besides.."
She grabbed a little cloth and gently rubbed under my nose wiping it. Something a mother would do. And I saw a little of blood when she pull away the cloth. Fire spells always consume a lot of my strength, occasionally, my nose would start bleeding and on the worst situation, I would pass out.
"..You look very exhausted, please, let my lady help you.."
Alright, maybe I need it and won't hurt, right?
I nodded causing the Queen and her lady to smile widely at me.
"Huh.. At least, lady Juliette, can she let me take care of my bath? By myself, please? I don't want to be disrespectful to your kindly, but I'm not used to undressing in front of anyone."
The queen smiled softly and nodded at Juliette and soon, she were our of bathroom.
"Darlin, one question. What's your favorite color?"
I answered a little confused and she left me alone in the bathroom. I undressed and went into the warm water.
I would not feel comfortable naked in someone's presence, at all, even if I were a man.. I imagine that some people think I can be experient, I admit that I have a beautiful body, at least I think that I'm beautiful, attracts many masculine looks, I have been courted but always by men who saw me with a piece of meat or out of curiosity to know what spell a witch knows how to do between four walls. Pathetic.
The truth is that I have never been with a man, I have never fallen in love. When I was younger, I used to imagine what my future husband would be like. I imagined your details, I remember everything I liked.. He would be a tall man, defined body, fair, strong, sweet, romantic, noble, fair skin, blue eyes like the sky in a spring morning, dark hair like the night, short or maybe curly, lips chubby that would always leave me wanting more, hands that when..
Oh my God, stop Cassandra, you're not a teen anymore.. and it's not going to happen.
I blew away those stupid thoughts and got up from bathtub, grabbed a towel and wrapped around my body. When i arrived on room, I meet Lady Juliette, holding a box and next to her, on the bed, a simple, but for my eyes, a really gorgeous black dress.
"Oh my God, that's..?"
Lady Juliette laughed softly and opened the box, revealing a necklace.
"The queen want you to wear this for tonight. She thought you would like the style and it's also a gift for saving her son"
I don't wanted to sounds dramatic but it's beautiful, the dress, the necklace. I grabbed the dress and ran back to bathroom to get dressed. I admired myself on the mirror for a second and quickly, Juliette was behind me, helping me with the necklace.
"By your smile, I see you approved. The queen will love to know. Your majesties await for you on the throne room, I'll lead the way."
I nodded and followed Juliette to the throne room
Charles Brandon POV
Another beautiful morning. I woke up and rubbed my eyes, yawned getting up and wearing a shirt. I went to the window, opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. Oh, fresh air. Honestly, I could not have chosen a better place to be my home, in freight to a beautiful and immense river, around the splendid nature, far from the city, that noise makes me crazy, horses running, people screaming, songs out of tune, poor people begging for help and old "relationships" knocking on my door. That's peace right here.
I looked to the side. Seeing my wife, Phoebe and my little princess, my daughter Mackenzie. Christ, she is growing up so fast, she is only six years old now but she is a very smart little girl, loves to read, write and draw. She is the most special thing in the world for me.
I remember when Phoebe told me she was pregnant, four weeks after our wedding. I have always been a man who lives in the present, the now. But at that moment, I cared about the future, about me, about being a better man, something I never was and my wife suffered a lot from it, she would pretend to don't mind sleeping all alone almost every night, pretended not see me arriving late, often drunk, lipstick and sweat on my skin. Today I don't like to talk but, loyalty was never on my list of tasks, not before Phoebe give me someone so innocent, so sweet and pure, someone who depended on me. There's a Charles Brandon before Mackenzie, and another Charles Brandon after Mackenzie, and long before that, long before I met Phoebe, I was just a farmer's son.
How do I become Duke? Well, I was always in love with horses and swords, my father died when I was little and my mother was a queen's lady. I practically lived in the castle because of my mother's work, and this work, gave me a chance to see the soldiers training, fighting, riding, I just loved it and the captain ended up realizing my admiration, despite my young age, I became a helper, simply started carrying things, gave a little help with the horses. My dedication took me far, in a short time I cleaned the armor and then I was sharpening and testing the swords and when I really became a man, after my mother died of natural causes, with the blessing of King Edward, I became knights, soldier, one of the best.
Going to war was incredible for me, it seems sick but I liked to cut off heads, tear apart, see blood and defend the kingdom that treated me like a son. King Edward had a best friend, a king from a distant continent. King Alexander. On one of his visits, there was a feast, and that's when we met. That same night, there was an ambush in the castle and unfortunately, the king in which I served since I was a child, was murdered, as well as several soldiers, I remained standing, even injured and saved King Alexander.
After all that, King Edward gave me a lot of support. He knew it was a big loss for me, I lost a lot of friends and he knew that King Alexander was almost like a father to me. He knew of my dedication and love for the royal guard, for being a soldier and he invited me to be part of his soldiers. I was reluctant but after thinking a lot, I really had nothing else, nothing to lose so, the next day, I am already on my way to Aluma, his kingdom. There I met his wife, he told me they were trying to have a baby, they hoped it was a boy, an heir, I honestly, I always thought it was bullshit but I wouldn't say that, I was treated like a son.
For a few years, I exercised my place in the royal guard, I became a captain, and of course, the title attracted several lovers. Redheads, brunettes, blondes, fair skin, black skin, a whole meal full of colors and tastes.. each dawn I got up from a different bed, and "finally", I met Phoebe, a young lady, from a noble family. At first, it was just a carnal thing but it ended up becoming a passion, and soon, we were married. Being a captain, having a wife and being a party boy. My favorite things in life, but they were colliding. Phoebe suffered from wondering if I would return alive from a battle and the other night, she slept alone while I had fun with some harlot. It got to the point where I realized that it couldn't be like that anymore, I had affection for the woman who woke up more than I want in me, so I made the decision to relinquish my post as captain of the royal guard. King Alexander tried to insist that I stay, it's true that we ended up becoming great friends but he ended up understanding my decision.
As a thank you for years of loyalty to him and his best friend, he gave me a title and his best builders would build my home, wherever I wanted. I chose, Sullfolk, a beautiful continent, full of nature. I became Charles Brandon, the Duke of Sullfolk.
I leave my daydreams of the past, hearing that sweet voice of my dear Mackenzie. I looked at the bed and saw her with a sleepy face and a smile in my direction. I walked over, sitting next to her on the bed and placing a kiss on her messy hair.
"Good morning, sunshine. how did my little princess sleep?"
"Good daddy, are we traveling today, right?"
I laughed softly nodding at her. Since King Alexander sent a letter, inviting me and my family to Aluma, my little Mackenzie is not holding on to happiness, she would ask me every night, "When are we going? It's closer daddy?".
It would be her first trip, she would know the place of my stories that she loved to hear. It would be a visit, it had been a few years since Alexandre and I had seen each other and he said he would prepare a banquet, talk about the old days, it would be fun for my family, a chance for Mackenzie to know a new place and Phoebe would review the place where he was born. In fact, we were all in stasis.
"I'll get ready and tell our servants to put our breakfast. Wake up your mother and meet me in the dining room. After we eat, we go to the road."
She smiled widely causing me the same action of affection and I left the room.
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isimp4hawkz · 4 years ago
The Thief
(Hawks x Fem OC)
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this is an old fic of mine, back when i first got into hawks (what have i become?) i never published it. please bear with my undeveloped writing :} and on behalf of my pre-obsessed self, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it.
-Edited slightly-
-Not 100% canon-
-Some aspects may seem far fetched-
Words: 2k
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Hawks’ POV
Recently, I've been cycling through a continuous loop of circumstances whereas every time that I'm about a millisecond away from saving someone in danger- the same, new, and hot pro hero swoops in right on the knick of time and steals my shot.
A spontaneous looker of a woman who went by the hero name Tundra. I hadn't ever heard of her before the little debut she had as of last week, as goes with most rookies. But this one was quick to gain her prominence in this city.
Do I honestly care all that much? Not really.
I think it's cool when a brand new hero who's fresh out of their side-kicking days steps up and climbs through the ranks, earning themselves a little popularity with the citizens as they answer their calls for help.
And to be frank, I've been taking it easy these days. More than I usually would. Out on the beaches during the day, and partying all throughout the night. Free time was scarce for me. I definitely won't put off having a good time while I still can.
Sure, if someone happens to be in danger on the way to the club, or down on the twisting roads that lead down to the shore, I swoop in and save the day.
The locals around here had basically memorized my name from years of service, but I was afraid that my name had become a blur in the mixture of countless other hero's.
Hell, maybe I'm just being dramatic. It's not like they could actually forget me of course. I'm the number 2 hero in all of Japan, how could you forget me?
You'd think that taking a short hiatus would gain me some sort of up in demand from the fans, but it was the exact opposite of that. I had fallen down to 4th in the approval ratings, instead of remaining proud in my little silver throne.
All because of her...and my own laziness.
And then, I decided that that was enough fun...to some extent...for now at least. It was time to head back into the city, and reclaim my throne—or, at least try to.
I settled onto the roof of my favorite building, it was the tallest one around here. If I wanted to catch a crime in progress, here would be the optimal place to start, where I had an eagle eye view of the city.
It’s funny, being up on this tower reminds me all too much of when I first met the vixen for myself.
An interesting encounter it was.
This is how it went;
I grunted when my wings had suddenly twitched with premonition midair. It was a natural reaction that occurred when something was about to happen, usually abruptly without much warning, a small shiver that pulsated through every single one of my feathers in the blink of an eye.
Instantaneously, two flashes of white sped past me in a blur of haste, followed by a gust of wind that physically made me wobble in my flight.
Ahead of me now flew someone. With a pair of wings as white as snow itself, feathers littered with black markings.
"Woah-" I uttered as I regained my balance, blinking in shock.
They were soon just a barely vivible spec in the distance.
'Huh...Well that's new. Can't remember the last time I saw another winged person besides...'
That person's name was long since lost in my memories. Last I heard, they'd transferred to another hero agency in distant city.
I'd only shrugged it off.
It was best to just continue my leisurely flight. I was in no rush, after all. I've waited this long to get back into the game, what's a few spare minutes of taking my time got on me?
The office building stood tall, barely piercing the sky. It's thin structure made it look like just the faintest breeze could make it topple.
A draft of wind blew viciously against me. It was much cooler up here, the air was naturally a bit thinner. Not that I wasn't used to it, but it had been well over a week since I'd gone here.
I exhaled peacefully as I took my perch on one of the building's edges, gazing down at the city. The sun was beginning to dip into the horizon, lighting the land with tranquil variants of orange and pink. People looked like mere ants from up here, scurrying aside toy vehicles.
The sunsets always looked so nice from here.
Most would see this as a time to be at home and prepare themselves for bed. But for a villain, it was happy hour. A time for iniquity to prosper in the shadows.
'Now then, let's see if we can find any-'
"Hey there." A voice had spoke from behind me, causing my feathers to stand on edge and bolt me into the air on instinct with one strong flap. I immediately whirled around, dumbfounded.
A woman stood before me. The pearly white pair of wings sprouting elegantly from her back and dotted with black markings taking me back to moments ago. They fluttered subtly as she studied me.
'That's strange...why didn't I sense her?'
She sported an inviting smile on her face, yet I could tell by the look in her eye that she was unsure of what to think of me. "Sorry for startling you. Come up here to wait for the stars?" She asks as she looks thoughtfully into the distant sky.
Her eyes shone a sharp grey that caught the sinking glow of the sun. The costume she wore wasn't exactly loose against her skin, ivory feathers imprinted into the fabric around her waist. Curves hugged in all the right places. Rather stunning.
'A hero?'
I must've been staring in a daze for too long, because she'd cleared her throat, shifting her weight from one leg to another in a little rocking motion.
I honestly didn't know what to think of her myself. I've never seen her before.
Mild curiosity somehow got the better of me in seconds. I'd've liked to get a bit of information off of her for my own self pleasure. A little flirtatious prodding would do the trick just fine.
"Now why would I waste my time lookin' up there when there's a much better view down here?"
She sucked in her cheek, never breaking eye contact with me as descended back down onto the platform so we were at the same level, hands dug deep in my pockets. Slapping on one of my signature lazy smirks, I continued, "So tell me, what's a beauty like yourself doin' all the way up here on this fine evening?"
My feathers had suddenly puffed up. It had startled me, but I managed to play it off with a small stretch.
That only happened whenever I wanted to give off a sense of superiority towards another individual, among other things.
She eyed my new display curiously. "Y'know, I could ask you the same—In fact I already did, actually—minus the little pick up line of course." She avoided the question, responding with a little quick-witted remark. It was hard to tell if she was hiding something, or if she's just being cautious.
"Well if you'd really like to know, I'm on duty. This is where I come to sort of survey everything."
She nodded, agreeing that that was a reasonable answer, and when I asked her about her own intentions, she responded with, "Oh, similar reasons. You're looking at a newbie trying to find her way in a foreign country, all while taking steps towards her dream of making something of herself.”
"New here huh? Excuse my manners, or lack of. Allow me to introduce myself. Wing Hero: Hawks." I gave her a curt bow, "Last time I checked, I'm still in the top 10 heroes in the country."
She gives me a strange look after taking my words into consideration. "Hawks..." The way my name rolled off her tongue as she sounded it aloud for herself made me swallow a lump. "In the top 10 you say? Never heard of ya—Granted, I've never really heard of anyone around these parts." She looked over into the horizon, rubbing her bicep. She seemed deliberately captivated by the colors settling onto the land.
'So she claims to be new to the country...'
I wouldn't doubt it too much. The honey color etched across her skin would definitely make others think twice about where she's from. There's also a small accent lingering at the back of her tone, I find it sexy.
Still, I'm rather curious about her, so I'll say something a bit more patronizing as an experiment, testing the waters or whatever. I bring my arms behind my head, looking over at the sunset. "Don't feel bad about being in the blind side. A newbie wouldn't know much about me in the first place unless they're some kind of huge fan, or even a stalker."
Then the look that burgeoned in her eye enthralled me. A corrosive flare. It spoke clear words. 'I don't like when people assume things about me.'
I almost bit my lip. 'That's hot.'
She sighed out nasally. "I can assure you, I'm neither one of those. Owl hero: Tundra." She barely spat that out as she crossed her arms, unintentionally making her breasts bulge in their bindings. "I've been on official duty in this city for over 72 hours now." She looked aside.
'Well that explains the wings.' Wouldn't a quirk like that be manifested from up North? But her skin and accent...She's a living cocktail.
And so I pressed on, chuckling. "I knew it. That cluelessness is bound to stem from lack of experience."
She raised an eyebrow as she met my eyes again. "Excuse me?"
The calmness in her voice was almost unsettling. It threw me for a loop. I genuinely can't think of any other female I've meet who could keep such a level-headed reaction up while being involuntarily insulted.
Those reactions were coaxing me to push her buttons. 'Let's see how far you'd go to remain in complete, professional control...'
"Don't take it personally, pigeon, it's just a fact." I was mostly betting on the bold assumption that she wouldn't take that nickname too kindly, and boy was I right.
"Pigeon?-" Her eyes flared along with a trembling fluff of her feathers. From the back of her throat came a short, rumbling sound resembling a hoot. Telling me I was crossing boundaries in a coherent avian language. Her pupils constricted, staring daggers straight through me.
'Hm. Definitely got bird of prey in her. Or maybe that's just her.'
I cooed mockingly in response, my wings unfurling widely to fan at her. Come at me.
The tension in the air weighed a ton as we stared each other down like natural enemies for a few lengthy seconds.
She seemed to have taken that as a challenge, but to my disappointment, she was quick to recompose herself, allowing her once erect feathers to relax against her back with a curt roll of her shoulders. Her eyes dilated back, though still a bit on the small side as she looked at me. I could feel it in every barb of my feathers, she was ready to tackle me a few moments ago.
It was sad to say that I found myself mildly disappointed. Mildly because to put it short, that reaction would've had my tail wagging if I were a dog. Well worth the effort it took to bring it to light.
She huffed out a breath. "You know what? I should probably be on my way. I'm wasting my time here. Good evening, Hawk man."
And with that, she calmly whirled around, unintentionally flashing me a great view of her juicy thighs and ass as she stormed off to the edge of the building, not forgetting to dramatically spread her wings.
Every step she took made those thighs shake. Holy fuck.
I had to will myself to not stop her. This urging curiosity to know more about this woman was certainly bubbling in its wake. Can't be the last time I'll see her. I don't think I'd allow it, actually.
She didn't look back as she jumped off the edge of the building, swooping down into the depths of the city.
I sighed, eyes promptly returning to study the calmness below. 'She's got a bit of a fire to her, doesn't she?'
"I'll stick a bit of a fire up your ass." A faint slur of mumbles drifted through the wind, making me blink confusedly as it reached my ears.
When I turned to look, there was no one.
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endydancer1 · 5 years ago
We used to be strangers | Part 1
Pairing: Tom Holland x Y/N Lincoln
Summary: Tom has just finished his latest movie and is heading back home to London. While he is passing the high building, suddenly something happens what changes his life completely. What is the shadow up there?
WARNING: Mentions of injuries, blood, depression and thinking of suicide.
"Mrs. Lincoln, can you examine this patient, please? He came here about 20 minutes ago and I haven't found any other doctor who isn't at the operating theathre at the moment. Are you free now? " an older nurse asked me.
I just simply nodded. I looked at the boy standing in front of me. The boy wasn't older than 8. He was sobbing. His eyes were all red and about to start watering again any minute. He was holding his left arm rubbing it gently. Poor little boy. A reassuring smile appeared on my face. I crunched in front of him and looked at him.
"Hi. My name is Dr. Y/N. What's your name? "
"R-Ryan. " he said quietly with his lips trembling.
"So Ryan, is your mum with you?"
"Y-yea.. She.. She is at the toilet. "
"Okey, so come with me, I'll take a look at your injury and the nurse will send your mum to my ambulance as soon as she comes out the toilet,okey?"
He shyly nodded and followed me into my doctor's office.
" Ryan.. Sit down, please. Tell me, what has happened to you? "
" I-I.. We were playing hide and seek in the park.. And.. I tripped over a tree root and when I fell, I hurt my arm. " he sobbed again.
" Oh, I see. Can you show me your arm?" I asked him politely, because I saw how nervous and scared he was. He mumbled something like yes. I couldn't hear him properly. I examined his arm. It was only  a bit swollen with a large, dark bruise.
I told him to use ice pack on it. I also gave him a lollipop and with a small smile on my face I took him out to waiting room. Behind the door, Ryan's mum was waiting there for him to take him home. When they left, I went back to my office. I felt really tired. I had been up for like 32 hours. The night was really rough. Lots of injuries, cuts, blood was literally everywhere. I was sitting in my chair, eyes closed. I recall everything from previous night. A man in his late twenties with skull fructure, drunk girl with open leg fructure, some deep cuts, bloody injuries. Blood was everywhere. Even in my dreams. I had been doctor for just a few years and still the blood scared me. Not that I mind seeing blood, but it hunted me in my dreams, in my thoughts. I saw so many injuries in your life, after only 3 years as a doctor, I thought I had seen everything. Every time I closed my eyes, I heard someone screaming, I saw blood everywhere, cuts, bruises. It was so... Familiar, but still so.. Strange? Unknown? I don't know. One thing I know for sure is, that I hated to close my eyes. Especially, when I was home alone.
A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts, from daydreaming (should I really call it daydreaming?). I opened my eyes slowly.
"Come in! "
The door slowly opened and a head with dark hair and brow eyes popped out. A warm smile appeared on his face.
"Hey, Dr. Y/N. Are you okey? "
It was Dr. Melendez. He was about 10 years older than me, Mexican, good-looking and in a good shape. I sighed and looked at him.
"No.. I am just tired. Thanks for asking." I smiled a little. He came to me and rubbed my shoulder.
"You should go home. Your shift is at the end. Go home, take a shower and rest. You've made a great job previous night. Now, you can go. You need to rest."
He was always kind to me. Yeah, he was bit mean in some ways, especially to residents, but if you knew him better, spent some time with him, you would know he is a good doctor and good person, in some ways.
I just simply nodded and stand up. I packed my things, still thinking about the blood and injuries. Melendez was still there, watching me. Sometimes, I felt like he actually...like me, maybe? Probably not. He was just casually... staring. I hung my scrub and put on denim jacket.
"Thanks, Dr. Melendez. See you soon. Bye." I smiled and waved him. I walked out of my office to waiting room. I said goodbye to nurses. I was slowly walking to the entrance, when I heard someone screaming code blue. I signed. Not again. I quickly ran out of the hospital. Don't get me wrong, I love helping people, but not right now. Fortunately, Melendez was there for them.
I was walking along the street, passing by the strangers. I stopped and looked around. There were many happy couples holding hands, kissing, hugging. Anxiety went through my body, I was shivering, my lips were trembling, tears started to falling down. I quickly ran to the end of the street stopping only near the high building. I didn't know who was living there. But I knew these walls, the brick on it, the roof so well. I spent most of the time there, trying to end MY time. I took a hard breathe and opened the front door. It was dark inside. Only a green neon light with the exit sigh was blinking a little. I pushed myself and started to walking up the stairs. When I was on the fourth floor, I pushed big brown door in the corner of the hall. The sigh on them said DO NOT ENTER, but it was always opened, so why should I kept myself away from the door? I had to hit the door hard with my arm at first, because it was a bit stucked. I opened the door and went inside. I closed quietly and sprinted up the staircase. The roof of the building appeared in front of me. The beautiful blue sky, shining sun, a gentle breeze. I inhaled it and walked over to the edge of the building. As always, I wanted to end it. End it all. In a second, everything would be away, I would be dead and no one would really care. The tips of fingers on my feet were hunging in the air. I looked down on the street. There are lots of people there. They are just... passing. Not paying any attention! They are chatting, laughing, not noticing someone is up there. Many things went through my mind. Everything what had happened in my life. I was flustrated, sad, angry. I hated myself. Deep inside me I wanted to had never been born. I was ready to jump.
Tom POV:
"Aaand.. Cut! Great job guys, I am proud of you. That was the last scene, so congrats to all of you. We've made it! You deserve a little vocation after these rough months. So go home, rest a bit. I'll see you next Saturday on the Wrap party. See you soon guys! " director said to us with a wide smile. All of us started clapping. Then we all went to our trailers to pack our stuff. It was strange feeling to go away after months of hard work,knowing I wouldn't meet anyone from the crew everyday. I felt kinda sad, but also relieved that I can spend some time with my friends and family having fun and chilling at home or in the nature. I needed this vacation.
I packed all my stuff, thinking about taking a nap at home and maybe going to pub later that night with Haz, Tuwaine and Harry. A knock on the door snapped me back to reality.
"Come in!" I shouted not turning around to whoever was behind the door.
"Hey Tom, I've just wanted to say goodbye, mate. I am leaving this evening. But I hope we will see each other in a few weeks. Come to US and we will party."
It was Zendaya. She laughed and hugged me saying goodbye. I will miss her the most from all of these people. She is like my sister.
" I'll miss you. Sure, I will be in the US as soon as possible. "I chuckled and hugged her back. When she was leaving she waved me and then went to the airport. I took my stuff and went outside. I wanted to walk a bit on the fresh air. I texted Harrison, that I was on my way home and then started walking among the streets. I was staring at my phone, scrolling the Instagram, not paying any attention to the surrounding world. Maybe it was a mistake, because I bumped into few people. I apologized and rather put my phone into the pocket of my jeans. It was really nice day. Sun was shining, birds were singing. I looked at the sky. I had to narrow my eyes, because the sun was shining really brightly. It thought that I saw someone standing on the edge of the building for a second. Well, I couldn't tell it was a person for sure. Maybe it was just a bird ... Or just a shadow.
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rainycl0udss · 5 years ago
Chapter 3;
The morning after party
//When can I say "I love you"?//
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Written Chapter!
Word count; 1780
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Moons POV
I lay peacefully in my bed, sleeping.
That was untill I heard one of the most annoying sounds of all time.
My alarm.
Don't get me wrong, I love the song Euphoria but I wish I didn't have to wake up right now.
I turn my head to the noice and pick up my phone so I can turn of the sound of my alarm playing.
I check my phone on social media and I check my mails aswell.
I look at the time, it's 8:35 am.
Way to early for my liking but I don't really have a choice. I've got plenty of things to do today. I'll probably have to go grocery shopping too. I don't think Mimi is going to be in the right state of mind to do it today.
With a sigh I get out of my bed and walk to the kitchen.
Just like I  had suspected, nobody else is awake yet. They're probably going to be sleeping till noon.
I walk to the fridge and take out some banana milk, cheese and eggs. I'll probably make an omelette with some cheese, drink some banana milk and call it breakfast.
After preparing my meal and eating it it's already 09:48 am.
That's not as late as I thought it would be.
I have to be in the studio around noon, so I've got plenty of time to get ready.
I clean my dishes and decide I'll take a shower to clean myself. Something that is definitely needed because my hair smells like liquor.
I walk back to my bedroom and grab a black jeans and a grey hoodie. I also take some fresh underwear and head to the bathroom.
There is one positive about waking up before everyone else and that is,
The bathroom is not occupied.
I undress, step in the shower and start washing my hair.
I'm not really a morning person, I like to sleep in and I probably would never leave my bed if that was an option. Sadly it's not. I'm also normally not a person who showers in the morning. Normally I shower before I go to sleep. I like it better that way. That way my hair can dry naturally at night and I'll feel fresh in the morning. Obviously I had no time for a shower yesterday night. I was way to tired to do anything else but sleep.
I'm curious if the others remember anything about last night. I have a feeling Mimi probably doesn't. She never does.
Jae, that's debatable. She normally remembers everything, but she normally isn't that drunk so I guess we shall see.
For some reason Yun will probably remember everything, even tho that girl can get so drunk she almost dies, she'll always remember everything. It's kinda scary really.
Jae and Mimi, mostly Mimi, complain that she doesn't remember anything and that Yun should be happy she could remember.
Yun always responds with "It's more of a curse then a blessing, sometimes I wish I didn't remember."
I think I understand what she means, in that perspective I'm the same as Yun.
I can drink as much as I want, I'll remember everything. But I don't drink much so it's never a problem.
Ones I'm done showering I change in my clothes and head back to my room.
My hair is still wet so I decide to wear a beanie.
I look at the clock and see it's 10:27 am.
There is still no sign that my friends are waking up anytime soon.
I put on my boots and take my jacket. I take my keys and my bag and leave for the car.
I guess it's time for me to go grocery shopping.
Ones in the grocery I buy whatever I think we'll be needing. I'm normally not the one to do it, but it needs to be done.
Ones I'm back home I see that Jae is awake.
"Good morning." I say while unpacking the groceries.
"Hey Moon. Do you know where the painkillers are?" Jae asks me in a quiet voice.
She's definitely hungover.
"I think in the cabinet next to instant noodles." I exclam while still unpacking.
I hear her open the cabinet and take a painkiller.
"I found them, thanks." She says after taking a painkiller.
"You seem pretty hungover Jae." I state to her.
"I AM pretty hungover. This fucking sucks." She huffes.
"You shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you wouldn't be in this position." I claim.
"Shut up will you. I know I shouldn't have but you know how it goes..." She argues back.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so it's never really been a problem for me.
"Whatever floats your boat Jae." I chuckle.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked me while she goes to sit down.
I look at the clock and see it's 11:36 am.
"About three hours now. I'm guessing you just woke up." I reply.
"Why the fuck would you wake up that early?" Jae exclames
"Because unlike some people I actually have things to do today and wanted to get it done." I articulate.
Jae just rolls with her eyes.
"I made y'all some breakfast btw, it's more like brunch right now but whatever. It's in the fridge." I announce to Jae.
I get up from the table to walk to my room but I get interrupted by Jae.
"You made us breakfast? That's a first." She interjects.
"It's not a first you bitch, I always make y'all breakfast when you're hungover." I remark.
Without waiting for her to respond I walk to my room.
I grab my bag and put all my work in it.
I walk back to the kitchen to see Jae eat the food I made for her.
She's watching her kdrama while eating.
I go to the cabinet and grab a pot of instant noodles and a banana milk out the fridge. I put them both in my bag and walk to the front door of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jae ask me before I could leave.
"To the studio." I answer without looking up.
"It's not even school today." She nags.
"That doesn't mean I can't work for school. Besides, now I'm behind on schedule because of yesterday." I persist.
"Are you leaving already?" I hear a different voice say.
I turn around and look at both Yun and Jae.
"I have to get my work done guys." I sigh.
It's not like it's fun for me to leave them alone all the time. They're my friends and I care about them. But I also care about my future.
"Can't you go to the studio around 1 pm?"
Yun begs me.
I take a deep breath.
I guess I can do that.
I sigh but place my bag on the floor and walk back to the table and sit down.
"I'll stay till 12:30 pm alright." I confirm.
Yun smiles at me.
"Good to hear." She smiles.
"So how are you?" I ask after a short silence.
"I'm oke. I guess." She mumbles while stuffing her face with bacon.
"I honestly don't remember much." Jae confesses.
I'm not surprised about that.
"I fucking wish I didn't remember anything. It was so embarrassing." Yun grumbles.
"I only remember that Mimi started puking and that you were grinding against some guy." Jae laughs.
"Euw, Don't remind me of Mimi puking. You know I hate puke." She recalls disgusted.
"Who was the guy?" I hint in a joking matter.
"Just some guy I made out with, he wasn't my soulmate." She whines.
I just shake my head an laugh a little.
This is typical behavior for her. Same goes for Mimi. Always going around and have one night stands with random guys from clubs. The only rule we have is to not go to his home. Luckily that didn't happen yesterday.
"I really hoped I would have found my soulmate." Jae whimpers.
"Same here, I'll probably just die alone." Yun dramatically states.
"I actually enjoyed myself for and hour are so." I suddenly confess to them.
The both turn their heads to me at the same time and just stare at me.
"Can you both stop staring at me please, it's unsettling." I accuse.
"You enjoyed yourself? At a party? Do I even know you?" Yun jokes while she punches my arm.
"Then what did you do? Because I didn't see you dance even ones." Jae questions.
"I talked to a someone. Her name was Areum. She was very nice. She also helped me find Soo-Yun." I inform them.
"I'm glad you actually enjoyed yourself. Maybe you'll come with us again." Yun smiles at me.
She trying to hint me to go with them again. Oh hell nah.
"I don't think so, but good try." I laugh and pet her on the shoulder.
"But I'm leaving now." I inform them.
I get up and walk to the front door.
"Don't come home to late!" Jae yells.
I pick my bag from the ground and open the door.
"I won't, tell Mi-Hi that her food is in the fridge!" I yell before I close the door.
I decided that I'll go on foot. The studio isn't so far from our apartment it's only a 20 minute walk. I plug in my headphones and start blasting Dimple from BTS.
God I love that song.
Ones I get to the studio I start looking for my ID to show them I have promision to use the studio.
When I look in my wallet for my ID I found an familiar looking card.
It's the card that Ari unnie gave me.
I put it in my pocket and walk in the building.
I show them my ID and walk to my studio.
I poof myself in my seat and pull the card out of my pocket.
Coffee shop Blooming.
It look aesthetically pleasing.
I'll definitely go there this week. I would really like to talk to Ari unnie again. She was very nice.
I put it back in the pocket of my jeans and start to work on my final project of this semester.
I have alot to catching up to do. Definitely now that I'm leaving in a few weeks to Busan for Hanas birthday.
I can't afford to waist time.
I sigh one last time before I take of my headphones and plug them in my computer. I'm in work mode ones again.
This is going to be a long day.
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sagesiren · 6 years ago
“Grant?” Peggy’s hand was already going for her gun, calling him by his cover name in case an agent was within earshot. “What is it?”
“I think it’s today,” he said quietly, wiping his hands and standing up. He started to gather his lunch and returned her blank look with a meaningful one. “When Steve shows up.”
An endgame deleted scene from Peggy’s POV for Steggy Week! Read at AO3, or below the cut:
Peggy flipped through the file Zola had given her while she ate, ignoring her long-suffering husband who had most likely joined her for lunch with the intention of them exchanging at least a few words. He was sitting across from her at the table in the otherwise empty break room, passive aggressively reading the paper for the second time.
“If you want to leave, you’re welcome to,” she said around another bite, underlining a sentence about diagnostics for Howard’s review and then brushing away crumbs. “I can try to make more time during tomorrow’s lunch.”
They both knew full well that she’d be equally busy, but it was the thought that counted.
At Steve’s lack of response, she looked up. He’d gone ashen, back straight as a board.
“Grant?” Peggy’s hand was already going for her gun, calling him by his cover name in case an agent was within earshot. “What is it?”
“I think it’s today,” he said quietly, wiping his hands and standing up. He started to gather his lunch and returned her blank look with a meaningful one. “When Steve shows up.”
“Oh. Oh.” She set down her pen, frowning up at him. “Do you remember what time?”
Steve checked his watch. “I think I’ve got a little while before I—he gets here, but I should hunker down somewhere that he won’t go.”
Peggy nodded, getting to her feet before she realized she had no action to take. There had been other moments like this, when he’d give her a warning that something was going to happen then refused to give any more information on it, but this was the first time she’d be interacting with his younger self, the first time that she’d be directly interfering with something that might change the future.
She fiddled with the pen, twirling it in her fingers. “Is there anything I should know before he gets here?”
Steve gave her a tired, familiar look. “Pegs,” he started.
“This is different from the other events,” she interrupted, her hands going to her hips. “If I say the wrong thing, who knows what sort of damage I could do?”
“If you don’t know what’s supposed to happen, then it’s unlikely you’ll mess it up.” Steve grabbed the newspaper and rocked back on his heels. She could tell he was anxious to get out of sight. “If anything changes, you could be altering the—”
Peggy held up a hand with a sigh. “Alright, fine, I don’t need the lecture.” they’d argued enough about the things he’d felt he couldn’t say to her – both before the fact and while she was cleaning up the aftermath of her lack of knowledge – that she knew exactly how this would go. “I’ll figure it out.” She gestured for him to leave.
Steve hesitated, and she could see him struggling to not tell her something, as his already-creased face wrinkled with guilt. He finally leaned closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’ll be fine. No pressure, okay? Find me after.”
“I will. Go on.” She smiled tightly, and he took that as the permission he needed to leave.
Peggy pinched the bridge of her nose in the silence that followed. If she did anything odd in the next hour, if she misspoke, or tripped, or sneezed, or lord knew what other kind of minor thing that might disrupt all of space and time, then she could start an alternate timeline where her alternate self lived without Steve ever coming back to her all those years ago.
No bloody pressure.
If she had no idea that his past self would be showing up, she’d have been carrying on with her work, so she shook herself out of running through the worst case scenarios in her head and sat back down to finish her lunch and mark up the report, tapping her pen impatiently while she tried to get through it all.
When Agent Brewer knocked on the doorway to the break room, she nearly jumped. “Ma’am? There was a discrepancy in the quarterly R&D budget, and Stark would like for you to reevaluate.”
“Of course he would,” she muttered. “I’ll be there in a minute.” Peggy stuffed the last bite of her sandwich into her mouth, tucked the file under her arm, and then tucked a few extra strands of hair behind her ear, hoping she was at least presentable. Not that she needed to impress any version of Steve.
She kept her eyes peeled on everyone she walked past. This resulted in some flustered junior agents, some salutes from the vets who still hadn’t shaken the habit, and confusion from everyone else who was used to her tendency to read while walking.
Peggy didn’t let it bother her, too focused on Steve. She was half expecting to find him in Howard’s office, as and Howard been arguing over his lab’s budget for the last two weeks, and she knew he was avoiding her, but instead she found Stark’s assistant waiting just outside the office with a folder.
There was no way a younger looking version of the Director’s husband was going to slip into that office unnoticed.
Whatever fumes of patience Peggy had been burning through for the last hour depleted at the sight of the assistant. “Where is he?” she demanded. Howard was probably about to leave early, avoiding her on the grounds of seeing to his pregnant wife, but his assistant was a convenient target.
“Mr. Stark went to find Dr. Zola—”
She brushed past him and into the office, taking a quick and hopeful look around. “Is that what he said he was doing?”
“He just wanted me to give this to you, Ma’am,” the assistant said, holding out the folder with a placating look. “He has some new projects that could really use more of a… financial focus.”
“For the love of—You can tell Mr. Stark that if he is going to avoid me for much longer he can expect his funding to be cut in half, effective Monday. I have more pressing issues to deal with in this state, let alone the rest of the world.” She strode over to Howard’s desk and grabbed the first folder she saw in the hopes of finding another good reason to continue slashing his budget, and for the helpful effect of looking busy.
The assistant, Sergeant something or other – she couldn’t be arsed to remember his name considering he was the fifth assistant this year – turned to head out of the room, and Peggy focused all of her mental energy on her peripheral vision, hoping that as soon as he was out, someone else would walk in.
“I shouldn’t even be worrying about this right now,” she mumbled to herself, but trailed off as she actually caught a few words in the file.
Her technical knowledge of the Tesseract might not have been on Stark or Zola’s level, but she knew enough to understand that the unusual energy readings weren’t a good sign. “Sergeant?” she called, hoping he was close enough to hear as she hurried out of the office.
“Should I take this to Mr. Stark?” he asked, turning around and reaching out his hand.
“Find Dr. Zola for me instead. Tell him I’ll meet him in my office in fifteen minutes.”
Howard’s assistant hurried off. She watched him leave, mind reeling at the implications of the changed energy signature, Steve temporarily forgotten, when she stopped short at the security guards that were combing through the hallway.
If he'd seen the security, he might have left in a hurry.
She might have already missed him.
At least she had enough time to smoke before her meeting with Zola, even knowing how terrible they were for her health.
The week that she’d stopped smoking at Steve’s behest was when they’d had one of their bigger arguments about Steve’s strict, self imposed time rules. She very adamantly believed that if he was going to make her live through every terrible surprise of the century, the least he could have done was let her enjoy her favourite vice, and she knew for a fact lung cancer wasn’t going to be her downfall. Steve could only be patient with her nicotine-withdrawal-induced frustration for so long, and wound up giving up on the argument.
Whether or not the pack she kept in her office now was to prove a point to him was neither here nor there. She was distracted as she walked in, trying to remember how many she had left in her drawer, and flicked on the light.
She froze. Standing in the middle of the office was Steve.
He was dressed in a stolen uniform, with fewer laugh lines than the man she was married to now, and more weight on his shoulders than the man who crashed the plane during the Second World War. She opened her mouth to say something, but all of her worries about altering the future made her silent.
“It’s really me,” he said, holding his hands up. She realized that, had she been faced with a Steve Rogers after thinking Steve Rogers had been dead for the last thirty years, she would likely have reacted the same way she was now. So far, so good.
“Prove it,” Peggy said, her voice weaker than she expected it to be.
He fumbled in a pocket and produced the compass, his eyes shining as he opened it up. He showed it to her, his shoulders hunched forward like he still wasn’t used to taking up as much space as he did. Or maybe he still felt awkward talking to her.
She stepped forward, touching the compass, her hand brushing his. “You’re here,” she said gently, looking up at him. It was part reminder, part message; he was here, in her office, and he was here, in the building, waiting for her to find him. “How is this possible?” she added, knowing that’s what she’d ask if she didn’t know.
“I can’t say,” Steve said, and his voice nearly cracked with emotion, “and I can’t stay for long.”
Everything about him was tired. She knew he’d spent a long eleven years without her, and this Steve was fresh from burying her, from losing everything.
She stepped closer again, putting an arm around him, and before she even had her hand settled on his back he’d pulled her into a near bone-crushing hug. “I’ve missed you,” she breathed against his chest.
“I’ve missed you, too, Peggy. So much.” He tilted her head up, eyes studying her face like he was memorizing it. He looked so young, the man standing before her, compared to the greying man who was likely hiding downstairs, sweet talking their head of accounting Jeanette into giving him one of the pastries she’d brought into the office that day.
It was even more striking to remember thirty years ago when this version of Steve showed up at her flat and seemed so old to her, so harrowed. She wondered what he saw in her, now, what he would see in her when he came back to her all those years ago.
“I still owe you a dance,” Steve added with a watery smile.
Peggy went on her toes to kiss him softly, a hand sliding up to cup his cheek. He deserved that much for what little time they had now. “We’ll dance one day,” she said. “You’ll buy me a record player, put on our song, and you’ll explain to me what all this was about, won’t you?”
“Yeah, I will,” Steve said, resting their foreheads together. His voice was dreamy, and she could practically hear him thinking about the date they’d made over the radio all those years ago. This time she knew it would really happen, even if he didn’t. Not yet. “We’ll have our dance, Peg.”
Peggy stepped back and brushed under her eyes. “I’m assuming you have some sort of mission to finish?”
He nodded, straightening his shoulders. “I’m happy for you,” he said, glancing down at her hand. “I’m glad that you… found happiness.”
She followed his gaze and flushed when she realized he was staring at her ring. God, she wished she could tell him that the inscription on the inside had his initials. “I’m happy that you have a chance at a new life,” she said, touching his arm as he moved toward the door, turning to keep him in her sights for longer. “And Steve?”
His hand was on the doorknob, and he wiped at his face before turning around, utterly miserable and far too young.
Screw the time space continuum; he’d always needed a push where she was concerned.
Peggy gave him a knowing smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
When she found him, he was sitting on the edge of Jeanette’s desk, accidentally flirting in that way he did, being far too charming and genuinely interested in what she had to say. Peggy stood there watching him for a moment before he pretended to notice for the first time that she was there waiting for him.
“How’d it go?” he asked under his breath as he came over, pulling her into an abandoned conference room.
“Fine,” Peggy said, and looked up at him. “I might have… encouraged him to come back,” she admitted.
Steve just laughed lightly, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Yeah, I remember. ‘I’ll see you soon?’ Really, Pegs? I spent half the time in that battle trying to figure out what you meant.”
“You did not,” Peggy said with a laugh, giving him a gentle shove.
“Sure did.” Steve smiled, wrapping an arm around her. “Thank you, by the way, for saying that. I don’t know if I would have stayed otherwise. And, you know. For being my chance at a new life.”
“You’re so sappy,” Peggy teased, but her voice was soft, reveling in having this Steve, her Steve, standing so close. She, too, was glad she'd found happiness.
“You’re the one that said it first.”
She tilted his head down to kiss him. “Let’s head up to my office. I have some things to do, and you can sit there and look pretty while I take care of them.”
He grinned. “Yes, Ma’am.”
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victorscanero · 6 years ago
FELT// Chapter two [tyrus]
Hey okay guys so the rest of the book will in cyrus' pov sorry of thid makes anything confusing I deeply apologize.
If you haven't seen chapter one that's here:
It's been weeks since Amber and I first hung out and we have been hanging out every day since. We have hung out so much that buffy and Andi were getting jealous, After I told Amber she suggested that the we have a mini party while her parents are out, Nothing crazy just a few friends of amber and T.J. that way there isn't so much pressure. "You would sit through Jandi drama for me?" I asked in aw. Amber gave me a look "Jandi...drama?" She asked clueless. "Jonah and Andi. it's their ship name." I sighed disappointed at my friends lack of fandom knowledge. "Right...anyways if it gets too bad I'll just talk to you but I think I can handle it." she laughed "and T.J. is going to agree to this?" "And is T.J. gonna agree with what?" T.J. asked slowly looking towards Amber. "Small party tonight! very tiny but you can invite reed and lester." Amber smiled hoping he would just go along with "Why would I do that when I could just hang out with reed and lester in my room?" He asked "because the party has to look chill and laid back and unforced." Amber said  "So to not make it look forced you're going to force me?" T.J. rose an eyebrow and I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it must seem. T.J. and Amber to both break eye contact and looked at me "This really is crazy maybe we should just deal with the forced awkwardness of hanging out with buffy and Andi" "No, I'll do it." T.J. said "but it is crazy" he smiled at both of ud before turning around and leaving. Amber rolled her eyes and we began planning.
The party seemed to be going well Jonah,gus and walker were hitting it off and Andi and Buffy were off to a fresh start there were others, but none that I really cared to talk to, that was until I saw T.J. alone at a table.
“What happened to your friends” I asked pulling out a chair to the right of T.J. at the end of the table he seemed taken back I assumed it was because the most I've spoken to him in the past weeks were when he would answer the door, but even then he just called for Amber and left.
After a moment, he replied. “Lester is looking for pudding despite my attempts of telling him we don't have any and I sent reed home.” he said “why'd you send reed home?” I asked letting my curiosity take hold. he raised an eyebrow and I began to regret prying “Do you always ask intruding questions?” but then laughed “Reed is... complicated.” he adding shaking his head “Great friend, but we are very different.” here's where I realized I made the mistake of assuming I knew who T.J. was. “I also might have gotten tired of his comments about my sister”  he said causing me to laugh “Just tell him to ask her out she's been dying to use one of her reject lines” I smiled turning to where she was at i watched as her and Andi were dancing and for a moment I thought maybe she could lime her too
Just for a moment though because before i could blink Jonah was pulling her away. her smile falling only for a moment before turning around and sitting next to amber
“Cyrus?” I heard turning my head “yeah?” I asked looking at T.J. “You didn't hear me did you?” he said looking amused my face fell “Sorry I was seeing how Amber and Andi were doing.” truthfully that happened a lot, me getting distracted worrying about other people but he didn't need to know that. “Yeah so was I” he said still looking at amber when he turned to me i guess he could see my confusion because he then asked me a question i wasn't sure how to answer “Amber likes Andi, doesn't she?” i thought I sensed a bit of sadness in his voice and hoped it was because she didn't tell her and not it was a girl that she liked I waited too long to respond i know I did silence says a lot but i answered him anyways “I think if you want to know something about Amber, you should ask Amber.”
I partly felt like it was my fault he asked. If I lied and said i was just say dreaming, the conversation would have been off them and T.J. wouldn't have asked.
“How are my favorite boys doing?” Amber perked between us a hand touching each of our shoulder “We were doing fine before you showed up.” T.J. joked causing me to smile because relief of T.J. being mad at her went away.  “Aw! that's what i said when you were born.” she took a seat beside me “Amber we're twins” T.J. said in a duh tone. Amber reached her arms back pretending to stretch “best 8 minutes of my life” she sighed “So how exactly do we kick everyone out of the house now that you guys are… Shall I say friends? We should watch the conjuring tonight.” she smiled “I'm down” T.J. smiled clamping his hand on my shoulder and getting up “IT WAS NICE HAVING EVERYONE COME AGAIN NEXT TIME” he shouted at the 10 people in the living room “well that's a passive aggressive way to tell someone to get out” I smiled walking to sat the living room and saying bye to buffy and walker before she left i couldn't find andi and jonah so I assumed they had gone home. After about 15 minutes the house was cleared. “I told him” Amber smiled “told who what?” I asked “i told T.J. said i looked really happy talking to andi and then said i always look happy when i talked about andi so he asked me if i liked her and i may have ended up telling him i liked girls and he was cool with it.” my face dropped and i took her hand and smiled “Amber! That's great I'm so happy for you!” I said and i meant it i was unbelievably happy for her. “yeah i know” she was still smiling “Can you spend the night?” “yeah but I have to walk to my house first and get some things first.” I said “T.J.!” Amber called from the room we were in and T.J. came in seconds later “yeah?” “Cyrus is spending the night so can we take him to get his clothes?” Amber asked “Yeah if we can go now I'm ready to watch the movie” he said
I forgot all about the movie I thought I could sneak past it but seeing as T.J. is excited for it and I want to have some kind of connection with him i decided to just deal with it.
The car ride there was nostalgic fergie bops Glamorous, big girls don't cry, and london Bridge. Most people i know listened to these songs but i was still shocked to see T.J. sing all the lyrics to fergalicious. Me and Amber were both in the back screaming the lyrics along with him and when we got to my house only Amber ran in with me. I told my mom I would be back tomorrow around 6:00 and we left. Amber begged to stop by the store and seeing a neither me or T.J. wanted to go in we both stayed in the car.
“So” T.J. turned around to face me “ I know about Amber.” he seemed happier than when I first found out he suspected it. “And you're okay with it?” I asked finding that having a conversation with T.J. was becoming less and less forced. He nodded “I'm just really happy she's happy” he smiled “Plus it is a relief knowing she won't ever date reed just to piss me off again”
I laughed at that “Again?” I questioned he raised an eyebrow “She didn't tell you?” I shook my head “ofcourse she didn't tell you she was probably embarrassed. Anyways, well In 6th grade i broke a vase, it wasn't important and it was 10 dollars but,  i blamed it on Amber anyways. She didn't get in trouble she actually got a hug for crying at my accusations but she was out for revenge anyways and ending up dating reed for a whole week. He cheated which obviously amber didn't care since she had zero feelings for him but to this day she regrets it because reed thinks that's whole reason she won't get back together with him” he explained the story and it was my turn to raise an eyebrow “No one thought to tell him she never had feelings for him? That could end this whole thing.” I laughed surprised.
“Reed hitting on amber has been a thing since elementary school no matter how much either of us complain the moment Reed gets into a real relationship and stops will be a very sad day” he said before I could reply I heard a known on the trunk and turned to see Amber, her figure disappearing behind the hood as she lifted it up.
“You heard all of that and we will make sure she knows you know.” T.J. smiled at me before turning back around. Amber came in the car and I couldn't help but make the first punch. “it's funny you have a crush on andi who has short hair and dated reed who has short hair… you must have a type” I smiled innocently “T.J. YOU TOLD HIM” she pulled the strings on her hoodie hiding her face “Sorry I couldn't help it, you can't just let your friends stay alone with me and not expect me to tell your darkest secrets!” he cranked up the car beginning to drive off “T.J. thought you were in love with me when we first started hanging out” that shocked me but i couldn't help but burst out laughing along with her “I did for a week and then i told you i think that's just how he acts” he said “what is that even supposed to mean” I continued to laugh “you know like your nice I noticed your nice to everyone” T.J. started to drive and the laughter died down “that's so not true!” I said knowing that it was very much true “Dude, Jenkins dropped his books while knocking yours out of your hand and you helped him pick his up.” T.J. laughed “that's so cyrus” amber said “Jenkins isn't that bad he is just douchey” i said knowing he was THAT bad. “Trust, he is i play basketball with him. That reminds me, if you ever decide to be fully out Amber and Jenkins gives you shit let me know. He is known for being homophobic.” We pulled into the driveway and she jumped out “That's the exact opposite of what I'm going to do but thank you for the tip” i began to wonder if that's why jenkins was always a total dick to me, could he tell I was gay? I pushed the thoughts aside when we got to Amber's room we all decided to watch it there and Amber had the bright idea to make a fort so we brought in chairs and blankets and moved her bed to the side and the mattress off of it.
A/n this ended weirdly but i wanted to start chapter 3 from the fort being done.
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bmongmong · 4 years ago
Chapter 3 - New Emotions
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
Another week has passed and it seems like me, Rosé and Jungkook have become a great trio.
As I walk towards school I receive a message from Rosé:
Y/n sorry but today I won't come to school. I feel very sick ☹
That's ok I guess. If she's ill, she needs some rest and-WHAT?! OH MY GOD, I'LL BE ALONE!! WHO'S GOING TO PROTECT ME?! I BET EVERYONE WILL LOOK AT ME. WHAT IF THOSE BULLIES COME TO ME BECAUSE SHE'S NOT WITH ME?! Ok y/n. You have to calm down.
I feel my heart pounding very fast and the palms of my hands sweating. This weird sensation is pervading all parts of my body. From my feet to my head. I feel my legs strangely weak, but somehow I can walk without any problems.
I find myself at the entrance of my class. I take a deep breath, but I cannot move. I just want to run away from here. I feel really pathetic right now. I'm all grown up and I can't even go to school by myself, without my friend. Then...
"Are you going to go in or stay here all day?" I turn around and it's Jungwook.
I don't answer, I just look away and try to find an excuse, but it seems like my lips are sewn. Nothing comes out, a part form little indescribable noises.
"Move" he says scoffing and entering the class.
I just stand there, embarrassed of what just happened. I'm still not used to people talking to me, except if it's Rosé or Jungkook. That's right. The good twin. We talk a lot actually and I feel comfortable around him. Of course, there are still lots of things that we both don't know about each other, but I think that now, I can really consider him a friend of mine.
As I'm thinking about the people I know, still on the edge of the door, I hear a voice speaking to me:
"Y/n don't pay attention to him" it's Jungkook. For some reasons I feel calm now. My legs are no longer shaking and my mind is free from bad thoughts. He then continues:
"Come on, let's go inside together!" as he smiles, he grabs my hand and drags me inside. At that very moment, I felt like I died for a couple of seconds and then I resurrected. But then I realize that it was just my heart skipping a beat, or maybe two or three.
Now I'm seated at my spot, still thinking about the two Jeons. Wow, they're really different. The kind one, Jungkook, can make my heart flutter with just a single move, while the other one, Jungwook, is just a bully. As I find myself drawing on the desk, still thinking about those two boys, I hear a voice talking to me. To my surprise is Jimin:
"Y/n. Since today Rosé won't come at school, why don't you stay with us?" as he invites me, I see his hands pointing at him and the two brothers. I nod in response and I see Jungkook smiling. I guess it's not going to be that bad, but wait. How does he know about Rosé?
"Umh...Jimin...sorry for bothering" I say at a very low voice "How do you know about Rosé?"
"Oh didn't she tell you?" he asks surprised and I shake my head. Then I see him blushing a bit and smiling "she texted me this morning. She said, she didn't feel well. And she asked me to take care of you"
My heart melts. Rosé. I really can do noting without you. I feel my eyes a bit teary, thinking about her love towards me. She's like a second mum to me.
In order to not leave me alone, Jungkook sat beside me, at Rosé's spot. I honestly felt a bit better. During the lesson me and him would write on the desk to have some fun. He then helped me with a math problem I couldn't solve. As he leaned close to me, I felt my heart popping out of my chest. His face was so close and once he noticed he quickly turned away blushing.
During other classes I kept scolding myself. Too much is happening in my life. But as I think about Jungkook I start smiling. As much as I want to be emotionless, I really like the feeling when I'm close to him. I guess I'll just allow this new emotion. But what type of feeling is this? Friendship? I honestly don't know, but for sure I know it's not the same emotion I feel when I'm with Rosé.
By now I've known Jungkook for a couple of weeks, or maybe three.
I think I'm too strict to myself.
As another lesson ends I can see Jungwook walking towards us and talking:
"Can you two stop being all lovely dovely? It's honestly annoying"
Me and Jungkook look at each other and start blushing. Then the kind guy next to me talks back to his brother:
"We're not...like...just stop it Jungwook" I feel him nervous. He's kinda transmitting me his anxiety.
As I look at the two twins, I notice their little diversities. For example, Jungkook has a little spot under his lower lip, and I actually find this cute. Then I notice that he also has pretty long hair. Not as long as Jungwook's, but they're pretty long too. Regard the bad guy, I notice the many tattoos on his arm. They're so many!! But it's kinda attractive. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING Y/N?! SERIOUSLY STOP!!
As I'm internally debating with myself, Jungwook gets closer to my face. He's just a few inches away from me. WHAT IS HE DOING? I'm seriously about to explode. I'm feeling too many emotions. My body doesn't know how to react to this. It's actually a mix of excitement and anxiety.
"Stop acting so innocent y/n" the bad boy says as he stares into my eyes. Honestly, his gaze is so piercing. I feel like he can see my soul sailing inside my body.
Now I can hear all my classmates whispering. Jungkook notices how uncomfortable I look and he pushes away his brother saying:
"Leave her alone" he's not nervous. He rather seems calm and serious.
As the gangster walks away, I notice a group of girls looking at me. I know Jungwook is pretty famous, but I didn't expect such reactions.
"Y/n just ignore that" I hear Jimin saying as he handles me a bottle of fresh water. "Calm down, I'll talk to him later"
I guess Rosé told Jimin that I'm easily conditioned. I'm talking about my emotions. Now I feel nervous, I'm afraid Jimin will tell everybody about this.
"Don't worry y/n" this one says "I won't tell anybody" he says winking at me.
I blush a little and look away. He then continues:
"But I need to ask you a favour"
"What is it Jimin?" I ask curious, still flustered, due to what happened.
"Rosé. Convince her to go out with me"
I just nod and he leaves. So I was right!! Jimin has feelings for her! Yess, I'm so happy. Wow my mood is like a roller coaster. At first I feel nervous and scared, then right after I feel very happy. So many mood swings.
Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch a bit, not expecting this type of skin ship, and turn around to face Jungkook, who's now talking to me:
"Y/n are you alright?" he asks. I can see that he's trying to look calm, but he's actually nervous.
"Yes, I think. Thank you Jungkook....for saving me earlier ahah..." I say a bit awkward.
"Don't worry. Even though he's tough, I know him really well and I know how to handle this type of situations" he seems a bit sad as he says this. "Do you need something?"
"O-Oh don't worry, I'll just go and get some fresh hair" I say and quickly stand up, leaving the room.
Now I'm walking down the empty hallway and stop at some point, leaning on the wall. I need some support since I feel my whole body trembling and shaking. As I turn around I see those girls that were looking at me earlier.
"So you're y/n? never heard of you" one of them says as the others start laughing at her lame joke. I'm just embarrassed and look down. I mean, that's what I wanted, not to be known. As I play with my fingernails due to nervousness, I feel one of those girls, grabbing my hair and making me fall on the ground. I put my hand in my hair to prevent her from pulling my hair even more, but she's really strong and eventually ends up pulling them a lot.
"How pathetic!" she says scoffing "I feel pity for you" and they start laughing.
I'm about to cry. I feel alone and helpless. I feel like I'm about to throw up all of my emotions. They're too many. And too heavy to handle. I feel my heart breaking into pieces as they keep making fun of me and pulling my hair. That's it. The end of a movie, where the main character gets beaten up and ends up dying alone. That's what I thought, until...
"Leave her alone" it's a male voice. He seems bossy and steady.
"Jungwook. What are you doing here?" one of those girls asks him "we just wanted to make sure she would never disturb you again. We saw what happened earlier"
"How many times do I have to tell you girls, that I will never date one of you? Now leave her alone and go away. And if I see you bothering her again, something bad will happen" he says threatening. Wow, he' really scary.
As I see those girls going away, I look up and see Jungwook looking at me from above.
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His body looks so good. He has really long and muscular legs and wide shoulders. I see his black belt hugging his tiny waist and his tattoos moving in sync with his muscles as he cracks his fingers.
"Stand up" he orders me.
I'm so scared right now. I feel like I could die, if I don't listen to this man. I quickly stand up facing him, but my eyes are looking away.
"Look at me" he says.
I just widen my eyes and tense up my body. I'm sweating again, I can feel the heat invading my body. He then repeats himself and I obey. As I look at him I feel kinda hypnotized. Like if my life was an actual movie and I'm just an actress, who's acting.
He gets closer to my face and asks me:
"Did they hurt you?"
I look away and shake my head. I'm too embarrassed to look at him, but he grabs my chin with his fingers and turns my head to his. I feel my heart in my throat and I can hear every beat. My breath gets heavy and I feel a drop of sweat slowly going down from my neck to my chest. It goes really slow and it actually gives me thrills.
I see him scoffing and asking at a really low voice:
"Why you?"
Is he referring to me? Did I do or say something wrong? Am I going to die?
I see him getting closer and closer and I instinctively shout my eyes. But then I hear Jimin:
"Y/n are you ok? We heard some noises so we came to check"
What is he doing here? And he's with Jungkook!!
As the boy that's holding my chin hears Jimin and Jungkook arriving, he lets go of me and steps away snorting. I'm actually relieved that nothing happened. I couldn't stand another scandal. Then I hear Jungkook voice:
"Y/n! Did he hurt you?" he says concerned.
"No, not at all. He actually helped me..."
As I finish explaining them what happened, I see Jungkook's face changing expression. He looks disappointed. Don't know why.
As we go back to the classroom, I feel a mix of emotions, but I cannot distinguish them. It feels so strange. I try to feel sad, but I can't. Then I try to feel angry, but the anger doesn't come out. It's really really weird.
Now that all classes ended, I stand up and make my way to leave the room, but I hear Jungkook voice from behind calling my name:
"Y/n!" he says. I can feel the tension building up. "I-I wondered if I-I could walk you home..." he says rubbing the back of his head.
My head feels peace after that question. I know I can go home safely with him. I nod and smile brightly and I see his face lighting up.
As we walk down the street I see him a bit nervous. I'm too shy to ask if there's something wrong. But I guess that's what good friends do, so I decide to question him. But before I could say something, he speaks:
"Y/n...do you like him?" I see him blushing.
"Umh? Who?" I'm a bit confused. Who is he talking about?
"My brother..." he says almost whispering.
"WHAT?! Of course no!! I'm just grateful that he helped me earlier, but there's nothing more!" I shout instinctively and nervously.
I see his face muscles relaxing and his big smile appears.
"Good to know"
That smile makes me blush so hard, that I have to look away so that he doesn't see my red face. But I guess he noticed it anyway as I can hear him giggle.
Now we're in front of my house.
"Goodbye Jungkook! Thanks for taking me home. See you tomorrow!" I say turning around, but before I could walk away he grabs my wrist and I freeze.
"Y/n..." he says with his calm voice. I don't turn around. I just can't move my body. I feel his hand tightening the grip on my wrist and in just a blink I feel Jungkook back hugging me.
After a couple of seconds he lets go and I hear him stuttering:
"I-I'm sorry y-y/n! I-I didn't m-mean to..." as he says so I turn around as see him looking at the ground. It doesn't look like he's regretting his decision. I think he's daydreaming right now, like he's here in front of me, but his mind is on another dimension.
He's actually handsome. I don't know what I'm doing, but I think I'm looking at him under another prospective. Not as my classmate. Nether as my friend. Could it be...? No way, I'm not that type of girl that dreams these sort of things.
I just want to nod and get inside, but instead I say:
"Don't worry" and my body starts moving on its own and does something I would have never expected.
Then I slowly let go and look at him smiling. He seems surprised but he shows me his bunny smile right after. I don't want him to see me flustered and nervous, so I just keep smiling. Then I greet him, still smiling, and go inside. After closing the door behind me, I look through the window and see him going away.
Then my smile disappears and I just...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can.
"What's wrong y/n?!" my mum is running to me worried. She keeps asking me and shaking me, but I'm frozen. I have to admit it, that scream helped me. I feel so much lighter now.
As both my mum and dad are shaking me, I smile at the memory of a few moments ago. As I smile I realize. I'm doomed.
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lucyjadesilverson · 5 years ago
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Just Jimin
Note: All characters are speaking Korean but you guys will read it as English.
Jimin's pov.
Today had been such a long day, not necessarily a bad one, just a stress filled one. I'd finished my new sing which I was so excited about. But planning our next tour and practicing was exhausting.
I was finally home and in bed. Yet I couldn't sleep. I closed my eyes but sleep didn't come. I counted sheep but sleep didn't come. I drank warm milk, ice cold water, read, listen to music and still sleep didn't come.
The stress of the day was getting to me, and I needed fresh air. I snuck out of the apartment and made my way to my secret place. My feet stop just before the bridge. I always loved this place at night but was so peaceful compared to the day.
I walked onto the bridge, I didn't find any signs of life except for myself. I continued walking trying to clear my mind when a sigh caught my attention. I turned to see a young woman, she had a sketchpad on her lap and a pencil in her hand. The sketch was of the view of the harbour in front of her.
She was talented. Extremely from what I saw. I took a step closer, she was gorgeous, wow truly beautiful. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. I saw her notice me from the corner of her eye but she ignore me.
Then she spoke making me jump...
Your pov.
"You know. If you're gunna stare at a girl the least you can do is tell her your name." You said looking up at him.
"You don't—-I mean you.."
"I know who you are." You said with a casual tone. He sat down next to you on the bench.
"Then why—-"
"Why aren't I screaming and asking for an autograph? Because you're a person. A normal person, who seems stressed out and I think you came here to get away just like I did. So, I'll treat you like you're just Jimin" He looked at you shocked.
No one had ever referred to him as a normal person before. And the last time he was around someone new who didn't freak out was a long time ago. This was new to him. For the next hour they sat in comfortable silence. You didn't want to talk and he didn't want to leave. Until—
"I've got to get home." You spoke standing up. He looked towards you with a smile. You felt your knees go weak at the sight.
"I'll see you around 'just Jimin'" you said before walking away. You had got halfway down the bridge before a hand grabbed you wrist, you spun around to see the same dark cap.
"You know my name, it's only fair you tell me yours." He said panting slightly. You paused slightly before answering.
"Y/N." He repeated trying it out for himself.
"I like it—" he said looking up to find you'd already gone.
"Y/N" he smiled to himself.
Two week time skip brought to you by Namjoon breaking something.
"Yah! Get up!"
Your eyes opened to the sound of your best friend's voice. Taeyeon.
"There are pictures of you and Jimin. BTS's Jimin all over social media!" She practically screamed.
"Stop yelling! I just woke up!" I whined. She groaned loudly pulling the bedsheets off of me.
"Y/N!" She mimicked me.
"What's the big deal?" I said blankly.
"What's the big deal? Are you kidding me? We're not just talking about any hot guy. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE HOT GUY OF ALL HOT GUYS AND YOU WERE ON A BRIDGE HOLDING HANDS WITH HIM!"
"We weren't holding hands—-wait I thought Taehyung was your bias?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"He is! And we're not talking about me, this is about you. Look at these!" She said excitedly handing me her iPad. On them were pictures of Jimin and I on the bridge. Us talking, to him grabbing my wrist and him asking my name. It was all there from different angles.
I sighed before shrugging. I knew I should of been more surprised, freaked out even, but what did I expect? Jimin was very very popular. And had a whole lot of fans. Good and bad. If I met him, either the whole world would have know about it or no one would have.
It didn't particularly bother me. I read through the comments and their were all really positive.
"She's really pretty"
"I want her waistline"
"They look like a cute couple"
"Jimin deserves to finally have someone"
"Hope he treats her well."
I smiled to myself. Jimin, treating me well? Being with him? Wow, what a thought.
A ringing noise brought me out of my zoned out face. I turned to my phone to see an unknown number calling. I picked up the phone.
"Hello, is this Miss Y/N L/N?"
"Yes this is she."
"I'm calling from BigHit Entertainment. We need you to come in and sign some papers if that's okay. It's to do with a confidentiality agreement. That's all I know."
"Of course. I can come in today?"
"Wonderful. I'll notify BTS's manager at once."
"Okay. Thankyou."
"Have a nice day Miss."
I hung up before looking at a confused Taeyeon.
"I need you to drop me off at the BigHit building. Now."
"I'm very sorry about this." Their manager said.
"No it's fine honestly. I understand."
"It was nice meeting you Miss. L/N."
"You too sir."
He nodded and bowed before walking away. You sighed deeply.
"Y/N!" You turned to find Jimin looking at me with his crescent moon eyes and a wide smile. You sized him up and definitely liked what you saw. He wore a white shirt tucked into black dress pants and black loafers. It was simple but hot.
"Hey, I thought I might run into you here." You smiled at him. He chuckled.
"Come on, I wanna show you something." He said happily pulling on your hand. You blushed harshly under the gazes of trainees and staff as Jimin gripped your hand tighter. He noticed the redness growing on your cheeks and smirked a little.
We walked down a hallway, there seemed to be music studios all the way down, Jimin spotted someone who he waved at, you looked and saw a glimpse of BTS's Jin before he pulled you to a room, on the door it read "studio 4", he opened the door and pulled you inside.
He gestured to a spinny chair, you sat down while he pressed a few buttons. He made his way into the sound booth. He put on the headphones and stood in front of a microphone.
"Listen." He said into the mic. I nodded and listened as he started singing. His voice was angelic and beautiful, thoughts of him singing you to sleep or while you danced together entered your mind.
"..... cause you're mine, I just wanna blow your mind." He looked deep into my eyes singing this part. You blushed thinking he was saying that to you. A few minutes later the song was over.
"What do you think?" He asked biting his lip nervously.
"It's beautiful. Is it new?" You asked.
"Yeah I wrote it recently, after getting some new....inspiration." He said smiling to himself.
"Well I think it's amazing. Your voice is too." You said making him smile.
"Thankyou. That means a lot." He looked nervous.
"Y/N, I was wondering..." he played with his fingers looking at you. "Would you like to have dinner with me?" He said. You looked surprised. But a smirk made its way onto your face.
"Like a d-date?" You asked making him nod.
"I'd like that." You said making him grin happily.
"Great! Come by my place at 7 tonight. Here's the address." He said writing down the address on a piece of paper and giving it to you.
"Umm...." he looked worried.
"What?" He asked.
"I don't mean to sound like a total girl, but what do I wear?" He giggled looking at you sweetly.
"Just dress in whatever's comfortable." I nodded.
"Okay. See you then." I waved before leaving the studio and bighit.
Time skip brought to you by Taehyung ripping his trousers.
You waited outside the door. Your whole body felt tingly and your stomach had butterflies. A few deep breaths helped you keep your cool. You lifted your hand and pressed the doorbell button.
"Deep breaths." You whispered to yourself.
The door opened to reveal Jimin in dark blue jeans and a plain black tee shirt. He smiled at you.
"Hey come on in." You did as he said. He closed the door behind you and before you went in any further he bent down in front of you. You looked at him confused before looking at the slippers he placed in front of you.
You giggled blushing lightly before slipping off your shoes, Jimin pushed the slippers on your feet. He took your bag and coat gently and placed them on the hook.
"Come." He said softly taking your hand. You arrived at a kitchen with the smell of food coming from it. You peered over the counter to see what was being cooked but Jimin covered your eyes with his hands from behind.
"No peaking. It's a surprise." He whispered in your ear. A shiver ran down your spine feeling his hot breath against your skin. You brought your hands up to his removing them from your eyes but holding on to them.
"Y/N," you turned around at the sound of his voice, "I like you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the first time we met. You were——are so different from everyone else." A deep shade of red tinted your cheeks. His eyes sparkled noticing it.
"I like you too. You've been on my mind so much, it's like all I can think about is you." You said looking down shyly.
"Can I, kiss you?" Your breath hitched at his request.
His hands slipped from yours and came up to your cheeks. He cupped them gently and leaned in. Your eyes fluttered closed when you felt his soft plump lips against yours. You fingers slid through his hair tugging slightly. He nipped at your bottom lip asking for permission and you granted it happily. Your tongues fought for domination over the kiss. You gave in as he pushed you against the wall gently. A moan slipped from you and you felt him smile against your lips.
He pulled back. You were both breathless but smiling. You felt your cheeks burn. He tucked a stray hair behind your ear and kissed your cheek.
"I'm gunna like being 'just Jimin' with you."
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