#i'll adjust or add some things probably but for now *drops on the floor like a wet sock*
scraemoo · 7 months
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the freak <3
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writing-nebula · 2 years
Update! (Also, sneak peek at the chapter!)
Admittedly, most of this is going to be copied from AO3, with a few wording changes, as I summed myself up pretty well there, s o if you don't happen to follow Aura on AO3-
"I'll let you know if I think a chapter will take 6+ months" 9 months (10 months now, near 11 w h o o p s), no chapter, and no update later:
All I can really say at this point is sorry about the lack of update- I got a job, started writing a few other stories, some oneshots you may have seen me post if you've looked at my AO3, and just generally been Too Busy to work on Aura, even if I hadn't been having major writing block issues for it specifically
I'm making this update to assure you guys that this story hasn't been abandoned, that I'm not dropping it- I am still working on it! It's just going a lot slower than I would've liked, and I'm not sure if there's much I can do about that at this point in time.
That being said, I'm making this update now because I have actually made great progress on the next chapter! It's certainly not done, but the block seems to have mostly lifted for now, and I know exactly what I want to write for the rest of the chapter.
A n d, so I don't just leave you hanging here, I d o have a few scenes I'll be posting alongside this- both to assure you I am working on it, and to apologize for taking so long lol. I'm doing my best with it, I promise you!
That's all I have to say, I think- thank you all so much for your patience, and I hope to have something more out for you soon!! Alrighty- with that being said, I have a few scenes to add here, also copied from my update on AO3, so if you read there nothing has changed! But for those who might only follow Aura via Tumblr, here are a few preview scenes for the upcoming chapter, under the cut! I'm really excited to show the whole thing to y'all when it's done :D
"That was, uh, Mark and Amy, probably- I had a dizzy spell a few minutes ago, they both freaked out when I hit the floor."
"Oh," that would explain the suddenness of it- "then- That means there's someone new?"
Now excited- and feeling less shaky- Anti pushed himself to his feet, smiling when the human joined him and trying to peer past him again. "Who is it? A fan ego? I know there are a couple out there you like-"
He cut himself off when he registered the confusion drifting out from the living room, and from Jack himself.
"...What is it?"
"...See, we don't know who or what appeared," Jack told him with a frown. "Nothing changed, and we can't find sign of anybody..."
When he entered his room, the feeling increased tenfold, which should be impossible, Marvin put spells up to prevent him from feeling their emotions so strongly up here- ...Which meant he was right.
There's someone in here.
Anti took a deep breath, trying to push away the fear and apprehension that kept squeezing, tightening like a vice around his chest- it's not me, it's not mine-
He took another deep breath, letting it out slow.
He shut the door behind him.
"...I know you're there," he started quietly, not wanting anyone outside the room to hear him. "I don't know why you're hiding from everyone, but... I'm not going to tell them." He paused, shoulders slumping in relief as the fear eased up somewhat.
"I won't tell them you're here, but you can't just hide in my room forever, okay? Not without at least calming down. I can... Feel you, and it's a lot."
Still no response, but as he sighed, going to his little desk and sitting down to use his laptop, he felt the fear in the air receding further- to be replaced by a gentle spark of curiosity.
He smiled, just to himself, and put on Jack's Resident Evil playlist. I'll give him some time to adjust. It's not like I can blame him for being nervous... 
When he felt a presence watching over his shoulder, he chose not to comment aloud, and he was very proud of himself for not immediately turning to look- though he honestly doubted he'd see anything anyway. 
...I just wish I knew who the hell 'he' is.
Anti was honestly used to the feeling of someone watching over his shoulder, at this point. Three days and this mysterious, silent, invisible ego still hadn't shown himself, though Anti was very sure he was still there.
Besides the watching whenever he was using his laptop, he could still feel him- nervousness, curiosity, faint stabs of irritation. It felt like a million things at once and were way stronger than one person's emotions could feel, but it had only ever seemed like one person, so he just dealt with it.
Today it was Golf With Friends, rather than the usual horror game- he mostly had it up for distraction, because despite Marvin's charms on the room, he could still feel Jack and Mark's excitement from the recording room, though thankfully he was too far away to physically hear them.
...With how focused he was, trying to ignore the emotion feelings, he wasn't really paying attention to his 'roommate'.
But he still noticed the instant that presence solidified, became something real-
And Anti found himself holding his breath as the semi-annoying phantom sensation became the very very real feeling of somebody actively leaning over him.
it's a hell of a time to stop being shy why the fuck-
"...What are you watching this time?"
Anti's racing thoughts screeched to a halt, and he exhaled sharply, keeping his gaze fixed on the laptop screen.
He felt frozen, fixed in place- and it wasn't because the guy finally spoke, the question startled him, sure, but it was reasonable enough, he probably couldn't see the screen very well.
No, the problem wasn't the question- it was the voice.
Calm, but deep enough for a faint rumble in his chest. Smooth, but not soothing- more cold. 
The faintest of echoes ringing in his ears, two voices just below the first- similar, but different.
...I know that voice.
(Please note that these are still from a newer draft, and wording or more may change between these and the final chapter!)
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bobohunn · 4 years
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— summary : It was tough for you to trust and open up to people, after all you've been through. When you finally let your walls down, Chanyeol left you hanging. (part 1 of 2)
— pairings : chanyeol x reader
— genre : angst, fluff
— warnings : mentions of anxiety, alcohol, bullying, & gaslighting, hints of sexual assault & harassment, description of anxiety & panic attacks.
— word count : 3.9k words (part 1)
— author's words : hi!!! I'm not really good with titles so this goes untitled for now 😅 I'll add the title when I post the 2nd part 💛 this is not proofread and edited yet pls forgive me. I'd really appreciate it if you tell me your thoughts on this! ☺️
It was a year ago today. The day when you were supposed to wake up with a smile, hearing your family’s thumping steps on the wooden floor on the way to your room. The day when your younger sister was supposed to be running towards you to attack you with kisses, your mom holding out a cake that says ‘happy birthday’, and your father following closely behind them, singing the happy birthday song with his awfully hoarse morning voice, just like the annual tradition. Rather, you woke up to the loud and thunderous knocks on your bedroom door, along with what you recognized as your father’s voice. And the second you turned the lock on the knob, the door flew and a hand met your right cheek.
You were scared, but you weren’t sure what you were scared for. Sure your dad looked scary, his face was blood red, his breathing uneven, and his hands clenched into fists, but you didn’t know what he was acting scary for. You held your cheek, trying to ease up the stinging sensation that lingered. 
“D-dad?”, you managed to stutter out. Your father shut his eyes close and sighed. 
You looked away and noticed your mom and your sister on the wooden staircase behind your dad. Your mom was holding her face in her hands, and your sister was rubbing her back. Only then did you realize that they were both crying.
“M-mom? S-stacy? W-what’s going o-on?”, you choked out, feeling the hot tears that were running down your face.
It was silent again, and you hated it. The silence was deafening and you swore you almost heard the cells in your brain die. You always hated situations like this, it made you feel so anxious and you were about to throw up.
“D-dad, M-mom what’s happening w-why are y–”
“You don’t have to call me dad anymore,” your dad cut you off, and you heard your mom cry louder.
“D-dad w-will you please at least t-tell me what’s going on?”, you said in between sobs, “please?”
Your dad let out another loud sigh, and you noticed his eyes getting misty. “Stacy, give me your phone. Your sister wants to know why, so I’ll show her why”, he said in a firm tone.
Stacy stood up from the stairs and took out the phone from her pocket. She handed it over to your dad, avoiding his gaze including yours. You were practically begging for her to look at you with your eyes while your dad was fumbling with the gadget, but she stood behind him, staring at the floor with her hair covering her face.
Your father handed to you the phone, showing a paused video on the screen. You pressed play, and turned the volume up. You were puzzled to say the least. The video had poor lighting but when the light source hit the surface of a very familiar face in the frame, you dropped the phone, leaving a small crack on the lower left part of the screen.
Your brain tried to put the pieces of information it recently gathered together, but you were about to pass out. Unconsciously shaking, you stumbled on your feet, and dropped to the floor. That was the last thing you remembered before your sight blacked out.
Your life today is a little bit different to how it was a year ago, yet it was still sort of the same. You moved to a different town, a different school, a different environment. It isn’t much worse now, but some people would still look at you and gossip as you pass by the same. Others don’t even stab you in the back, they hit you in the front now.
You moved with your family in the hopes of forgetting everything and starting anew, but unfortunately the news reached your new home too. Your parents insisted that you move places again when people in your school started talking, but you hated the feeling of being an inconvenience. So you did your best to heal and learn how to not a give a fuck to what others say, even if it burnt you out on most days.
“It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be alright, they’re not hurting me anyway,” you said in the softest voice.
“Are you sure? We can just move out of the country, baby. It’s best that we just go, hmm?” she held your hands in one, and caressed your face in the other.
“Yeah. We should just move if you’re uncomfortable here, my love,” your dad added as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Then we’d have to spend money again. I know you guys had a hard time adjusting as well, especially Stacy,” you fumbled with the fabric of your shorts, “I’m okay, really.”
But even though you’ve learnt to not give a shit and shrug off what bullshit other people— who don’t even know you, by the way— say anymore over the past months, there are still times when you have to endure how painful the words you overhear from conversations of people in your school are. And when you couldn’t, you’d have to run back to your only safe place in school, the comfort room at the back of the school library to turn into a ball and cry. On some days when you think you’re all better and don’t give a fuck anymore, you hear words you tried so hard to delete from your system, and it makes you want to throw up again.
You hate whoever did this to you. However, over the process of healing, you realized that you hate those people who try to act nice in front of you, act like they care for you, act like they support you, but actually talk rotten behind you more. And you hate people who try to control you into thinking that you are the one to blame, the most, because there are times that their words sting too much you begin to doubt yourself again after trying so hard to convince yourself that you were never at fault.
It’s the first day of the semestral break, and you couldn’t be more happy and relieved to be far from society. You don’t have to do anything but lie down in your comfy bed, and binge watch your favorite shows all day. You can read books you hoarded in the past but never really touched after, as well!
“Y/N! Stacy! Come here, give these apples to our new neighbors!” your mom shouted from the kitchen.
You and your sister, Stacy peeked out of your bedrooms at the same time, and when your eyes met you both sighed. 
“I was watching Stranger Things, I was in the good part!”, you whined.
“I was reading a good fic on Tumblr as well! I was in the climax of the story!”, Stacy stomped her feet playfully and you both giggled.
“Y/N! Stacy! Did you hear me?” your Mom shouted again, which made you and Stacy instinctively run down the stairs.
“Good afternoon Mister– uhmm?”, Stacy said to the man sitting on the balcony outside the house your mom sent you to for a quick mission.
“Park. Mr. Park,” the grown man smiled.
“Oh, nice to meet you Mr. Park! We’re from the house next to yours. We heard you just moved in, so my mom wanted you to have this!” Stacy beamed at him, while you stood behind her quietly.
“Oh I see! What are your names? You should come in! We had a feast for lunch, you should help us finish the food!” Mr. Park said while turning the knob of the front door.
“I’m Stacy, this is my older sister Y/n. My mom’s name is Rachel, and my dad’s is Samuel”, she said as she took off her sneakers.
“How old are you guys? I have a son who’s in the 11th grade, and a daughter who’s gonna be in her 2nd year in university.”
“I’m in 11th grade as well, Stacy is in 9th. We’re in Jungwon Highschool”, you said as you took off your jacket
“You should meet my son then! He’s transferring to Jungwon! But he’s not here now, he took the dog out on a walk in the park”, he said while grabbing plates from the kitchen.
After eating a few sweet fruits, you and your sister headed back home with two full plates of side dishes Mr. Park’s family offered. You passed by a tall unfamiliar guy carrying a black dog on the way back, and you figured maybe he was Mr. Park’s son.
It’s the first day of the spring semester, the weather's been really better the past few days and you couldn’t be any happier because it means you don’t have to wear a heavy coat to school anymore.
While walking to the bus stop, you saw a familiar guy crouching down to pet a kitten.
He picked the cat up and moved it to a spot away from the pavement onto the bushes, probably for its safety. The moment he turned to your direction, you realized he was the same guy who you passed by once, on the way home from your new neighbor’s house. He was wearing the same uniform as you, and there you confirmed he really was the Parks’ son.
The bell rang and your class adviser went into the classroom. He was with the same guy you encountered earlier, announcing that your class has a new student to welcome.
“My name is Park Chanyeol. Please take care of me”, the guy said as he smiled and bowed down. He took the empty seat in front of you and settled down.
“Pass your quizlets to the president after lunch. Late submissions will have deductions. Is that clear, class?” the 4th period teacher announced as she walked out the room.
The chime rang on the school speakers, and the lunch break started. All your classmates darted out the room, while you stayed in your seat, resting your head on the desk to take a nap like usual. Except, this time you aren’t left alone in the room. Chanyeol stayed, seemingly finishing the quizlet the teacher gave.
“Excuse me, can I borrow your eraser?” He asked, knocking on your desk to get your attention.
“Ah, sure. Here,” you pass him the black piece of soft rubber from your pencil case.
“Didn’t know they sell black ones. I should get myself one like this too. I actually hate when the white ones get dirty,” he rambled on while erasing whatever he had to erase and gave it back to you. You nod sheepishly as a response.
“I’m Chanyeol. What’s your name?” he pursed his lips while waiting for you to answer.
“I’m y/n. I actually live next to you,” you smile, scratching your nape.
Chanyeol was saying something but you weren’t really listening. Not when you heard some girls at the back door say, “what is she doing? Is she flirting with him?” “I seriously can’t believe her, after all that happened to her she has the guts to flirt with boys again?” “Maybe she thinks she can bait the new guy because he’s clueless” “and attractive, too”
You just smiled at him, and rested your head back down again, wearing earphones this time to block out whatever conversations you didn’t have to hear.
You were sitting on the bench outside your go-to place, the comfort room at the back of the school library, watching whatever random videos youtube recommended in the home section. A video of a band doing a cover of some other band’s song came up, and you suddenly heard someone clear their throat from behind you which made you jump a little bit from your seat.
“So, are you into bands?” Chanyeol asked as he sat beside you on the bench.
If you were to be really honest, you grew scared of meeting people through the past year. You really hate it when people bring up things which they are not in the place to talk about. You’d tell them if you wanted them to know, and if you wouldn’t then they just have to accept and respect it, not be a total nosy ass. And unfortunately, everyone who tried to talk to you in this school brought up things you wished they didn’t. It made you feel like they’re only talking to you to know the tea. So you shut them out immediately, afraid to be hurt by them again if you get attached to them.
Which is why you struggled to let out a response to Chanyeol’s curiosity.
Why does he want to know about that? What will he do with that information? What if he uses it against me in the future? I should be careful with what I say, I might give out too much information.
All sorts of thoughts, running in your mind right now.
“Are you okay?” he asked when he realized you were only staring with a surprised expression at him, “is something wrong?”
“U-uhm, yeah. And, n-no. I’m s-sorry,” you looked away, keeping your phone in your pocket.
Chanyeol chuckled, “why are you getting flustered? I don’t bite!”
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” you purse your lips.
“You’re a shy one, aren’t you? Don’t worry! I’m good at making people open up to me” he said as he placed an arm around your shoulder, to which you flinched at.
And Chanyeol was right, he was good at making people open up to him indeed. He made you feel at ease with his jokes, but more than that, you felt safe at how he doesn’t pressure you to talk about yourself, he just waits for you to willingly share things with him. He just keeps on going on and on about what he wants to say, but he listens attentively the second you open your lips to talk.
"Oh how I love animals so much! I have a dog, his name is Toben but he doesn't listen to me. So i kinda hate him" he said enthusiastically.
"I think I've seen you once with him, the black one?" you recalled.
"Yes that's him! I used to have a cat too but he ran away from home. His name was Bach"
"I actually have a hamster. Her name is Lilie. You should meet her she's a total fluff ball" you said as you took your phone out and show him a picture of your syrian hamster.
"Oh my god she's so cute!" his eyes grew wider than it originally is.
You chuckled, "You must really like pets that much."
"Oh trust me, I even brought a rat home. My mom scolded me so much," and it's you who has wide eyes now.
You grew close to Chanyeol in a span of a few days. You would walk to school and walk home together with him almost everyday. You learned a lot of things about him, while he was also able to slowly make you open up to him. The both of you would ramble about random things while doing homework or eating dinner at each other’s house, but he never crossed the borderline and asked you about your past. You couldn’t be more grateful that you found a friend like him. It’s the bare minimum, but it’s important to you and no one really does it like that anymore, not for you at least.
“What’s the square root of 441?” He asked, biting the tip of the pen he was holding.
“21, I think? Let me check,” you said as you took out the calculator in your backpack.
“It’s okay I got it aaaand— Wow! You’re right!” He jumped out of his seat and ruffled his fluffy brown hair in amusement. You chuckled and took a sip from the tea his mom made for you.
“You’re amazing, how do you know that? Did you just mentally solve that?” He sat back down again.
“Of course not. I liked maths so much as a kid, I memorized the perfect squares at some point.” you mumbled, redirecting your focus back to the homework in front of you.
“In many years of living, I never once met someone who memorized perfect squares” Chanyeol said as he held his face in his big hands.
“Now you did”
He chuckled, “Yeah, memorable. Anyway, are you free this friday?”
You bit your lip in sudden anxiety, “I-i don’t know. N-not sure. Why?”
“Some of our classmates are going to a party, and they invited me,” he hesitated a little before he continued, “I just wondered if you wanted to come? With me?”
You feel your heart beat faster, “No, sorry. I think I’ll be helping my dad on Friday.”
“Oh it’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” whispered Chanyeol, looking back down to his homework.
Friday came, and you thought it was weird to walk home alone for the first time. You got used to chatting with Chanyeol while on the way home, and now it was completely silent. When you got home, you threw yourself to your bed. You decided to get your laptop and binge watch another series on netflix.
It was around 7:30 pm when your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID and picked up hesitantly when you realized it was Chanyeol’s. “Why would he call so suddenly though?” you whispered to yourself.
“Chanyeol?” You said as you bring the phone up to your ear.
“hey Y/N! What’s up?” he chirped weirdly, probably drunk.
“Nothing much. Are you drunk?”
“I’m wasted. They tricked me, they said it was juice. They tricked me, y/n!” you cringed at how much he was slurring his words. It was obvious that alcohol was already in control of his system.
“How are you gonna get home?”
“I don’t know. Everyone is drunk here and–” he hiccuped, “they’re all nasty. I wanna go home”
You paused for a bit, checking the time on your laptop. “Turn on your location and stay there. I’ll pick you up”
Chanyeol nodded and hummed from the other line. You quickly ended the call to run to your closet to grab a jacket, and leave the house.
You didn’t know if you were dumb or stupid, but you were sure you were either. 
Why would you suggest picking him up? From a house party? Which you avoided so much with all your might?
When you reached the house that showed up on Chanyeol’s location— which took you 30 minutes to find, you had to pat yourself on your shoulders and remind yourself that you were doing it for a friend, and if you were just gonna walk away, this friend might get in trouble. You inhaled deeply before entering, a pool of evidently alcohol intoxicated bodies welcoming you.
It took you only a few seconds to spot Chanyeol, the only giant in the room. But it took you a few minutes to get to him because as he said, the crowd was pretty nasty.
“Alright time to go home now big buddy, let’s go” you tapped Chanyeol on his forearms, bracing yourself in case he’d stumble and fall.
“Goodbye my friends!” Chanyeol screamed over the booming music from the speakers. “You’re leaving already?” a familiar voice replied, and you realized it was one of your classmates, Max.
You only nodded at him after flashing a small smile. “Are you seriously going Chan? It’s too early! We haven’t been to the fun part yet!” Max said before taking a sip of whatever alcohol from his red cup.
“What fun part? I think I’m just gonna go home, Max” Chanyeol replied, seemingly sobering up a little.
“Oh you know, the fun part! When all the chics get wasted!” your mind was getting hazy at what you heard, and you nearly lost your balance. Your grip on Chanyeol’s sweater got tighter, which made him look at you.
But he didn’t answer Max, instead he turned away. You took that as a signal to go. “Yeol, the door is this way” you told him as you tug on the sleeve of his sweater.
The walk back home was messy. Chanyeol was silent but he was walking in zig zags and you had to hold him up a couple of times because he would fall asleep while walking.
“Y/n?” you hummed in response.
“Nevermind” he replied. Honestly you were nervous, what did he want to say? Is something wrong? But you only let it go.
“Yes Yeol?”
He stopped walking, “Why don’t you ever tell me anything about you?”
“What do you m-mean? I tell you about myself too,” you managed to mumble out.
“No, you don't,” he said in a tone an octave lower.
You held onto his arm again and dragged him with you, “Yeol, you’re drunk let’s go now.” He allowed you to pull him and just walked along, still in zig zags.
When you were in front of his house you took your phone out to call his sister, to help you get him in. You helped him sit down on the chair outside while waiting for her to pick up.
“Y/n, you know I’m not one to pry, right?”
You looked at him in confusion, you slowly nodded. You waited for him to continue.
“But I really have to ask this,” he said as he played with the zipper of his backpack in his hands, not looking at you.
“What is it?” you shivered.
“By any chance, were you from Hyundai Highschool?” he finally looked at you, straight in your eyes.
You didn’t know what to do or what to feel. He was sober now, and you could tell he knew what he was talking about. Many questions were popping in your mind, yet your brain felt empty.  You weren’t able to form anything to say. You only backed away from him, and then ran away.
You went straight to your room, ignoring your father’s attempt to hug you. You fell to the floor the moment you closed the door.
Why did he ask you that?
How did he find out?
Were people talking about you at the party?
Did someone gaslight you at the party, again?
Will he judge you too?
You spent the whole weekend locking yourself up in your room, overthinking about the same things over and over again. You were almost sure someone told him from the party, and he will probably think differently about you now. But you are honestly hoping that he wouldn’t. He’s a good guy, isn’t he? 
Monday came, and you were mentally preparing yourself to talk to Chanyeol while preparing your lunch box. You made sure to go out earlier than usual to wait for him so you could walk to school together, but to no avail. There was no sign of your giant friend going out of the house next to yours. You had to run to school or you would be late for the first period.
When you reached the classroom you looked around but Chanyeol wasn’t there. You caught your breath and sat down quietly on your seat. There was barely 2 minutes left before the first period, and you were worried for Chanyeol.
“Hey Y/n, where’s Chanyeol? You didn’t come together?” one of your classmates asked. You shook your head no, but suddenly the back door opened.
There he is
He took his seat in front of you but he didn’t spare you a smile, not even a glance.
The whole day went by with Chanyeol avoiding you and ignoring your attempts to talk to him. He looked at you at some point, but with sad eyes and a small smile. After that, you decided to give up and let him be.
You know—you think you do, why he was acting that way, and you don’t blame him for it. But you at least need to hear it from him, rather than assume things which could be entirely wrong. 
You didn’t expect him to pull you to the school garden at dismissal, though.
“Y/n. I know I’ve been such a horrible friend today,” he paused. He looked down, avoiding your eyes.
“but I don’t think we should be friends.”
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