#i'd like to imagine her to be the other school LIs lol
ocular-intercourse · 5 months
I apologise in advance.....1,10,11,14,15,21,27,33,34, and 56 for anyone you want to answer for ~
you madwoman (thank you 🥰💕) i'll go for the big three, naturally, plus bonus belen
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
Asher: ??? the boy is like 98% lie at this point, at least while Eden is still alive, afterward too. he lies daily, easily and proficiently. it scares Devin sometimes, seeing how easily Asher can lie. i'd say trying to seem like he is no longer feeling suicidal post eden's death would be the biggest lie, but that's not really something he says out loud.
Belen: any version of "i'm in the right", even if she instantly regrets something she has said or changes her mind later on, she has a hard time admitting she was wrong/has doubts
Finn: classic "i'm fine :)" when he very much isn't, but he's a terrible liar, similarly: agreeing to help someone even if he does not want to/does not have the capacity to do so. otherwise he lies by omission a lot, that boy likes his secrets
Gyo: surprisingly, for a person that has a lot of dark secrets, gyo does not even lie all that often?? people just assume stuff and he keeps quiet if their opinion suits him. i guess portraying the empire's good as his motivator rather than a means to an end (fulfilling his personal goals) would be it. on a personal level: acting as if his non-existent relationship to his son does not bother him and telling himself he cannot change it/it's for the best this way.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
none of them feel like someone that tells people the same fact over and over so here are variations on that
Asher: some sort of new music artist or album that has come out recently or he just discovered and thinks would suit somebody's tastes. he also likes to brag about his siblings.
Belen: probably some obscure science or tech fact, like "have you heard they can cure XY now?" or "they are seriously making headway researching cyrostasis"
Finn: probably something cool he gets to do thanks to his career
Gyo: picturing gyo talking to anybody about anything in an exciting way is funny. he avoids talking to people if he does not have to. he might get excited talking to subordinates about their training. he also gets very proud grandpa when it comes to his granddaughter and her accomplishments.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
i imagine the classic you have to differentiate between two clones and kill the right one scenario
Asher: This one is surprisingly hard lol, he can so easily slip into an act that you would always go "well that /could/ be asher pretending to xy". They might ask his birth name.
Belen: Ask her about something she was wrong about or a core belief of hers, like idk how homeless people should be treated or whether there should be secure locations for people to do drugs in etc. she gets intense about this kind of stuff.
Finn: Asking him to tell a believable lie would be a good choice. You could also give him an earnest compliment about something he cares about deeply, he's not good at accepting those without cringing.
Gyo: Ask him to smile??
14. How do they put out a candle?
Asher and Belen would simply blow it out.
Finn likes to play with fire, if he does not blow it out he'd lick his fingers and kill the flame by pressing the wick with his thumb and index finger.
Gyo would do the same without the finger licking. He /could/ theoretically use all kinds of flashy powers to put out a candle, but he prefers being practical and efficient over being theatrical.
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Asher: God Asher is so complicated. So there's two modes, right? One is what his father trained him to do, which is act in whatever way that is most favorable to his family. Either make others feel at ease around him and/or express his superiority and power. The other is Asher acting out, during which he simultaneously enjoys seeing others scramble to please him and feels incredibly bitter about other people's reactions to his status and wealth always being that they try to suck up to him even when he's currently and purposefully being the biggest asshole. The biggest difference between Asher outside and Asher at home is him using neither of these modes and just being, with no hidden agenda of some sort. But i do think he sometimes slips into either his 'charmer' or 'being intentionally difficult' mode without really meaning to.
Belen: Belen is more comfortable being loud and rude around her friends and family. She still sticks to her opinions very strongly in public but will definitely express them in a more controlled manner. Think "You should not have done that, in my opinion" vs "What are you, stupid, you dumb fucking idiot". She has a very professional self for the outside world.
Finn: Finn is also more reserved around strangers, but more in a way of being more on guard, mostly emotionally. He'll be analyzing people first to see how to act around them/if he wants to interact with people at all. Once he has decided to trust people, he certainly has the approach of putting his best foot forward. He starts out especially charming and allows flaws to shine through much, much later in a friendship. He's more subdued, but also more real around loves ones.
Gyo: I think Gyo's public strategy is kinda 'show the least amount of personality possible, so people have a harder time finding targets'. He's happy with whatever image they develop of him as long as it's not his true self, that would make him vulnerable. I also think there's an interesting gradient from 'total strangers' to 'acquaintances' to 'personal space'. The people of the empire admire him as a heroic general. There are some people on a professional level, like other generals, that dislike him cause he is so stoic and gruff and doesn't try to get on peoples' good sides. And when people get close to him they often get surprised that he's actually kind of kind, in a way? Or down to earth at least, while many of the other army officials are entitled assholes. So his image goes from positive to negative to positive again, depending on how close you are to him. And being by himself is the only time he's not alert and tense 24/7.
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Asher: Asher disagrees with all etiquette, meaning he thinks it's all society-constructed bullshit. However, he also knows the value of these tools and uses them to his advantage. That could also mean he decides /not/ to use common etiquette to make a point and publically snub another person.
Belen: Shaking hands. She'd rather not cause she does not know what people have done with their hands before. Depending on the setting she might just refuse or try to avoid, but there are some situations, professionally, where she will still do it.
Finn: The biggest bullshit etiquette for Finn is the "respect your elders" thing. He might offer an older person his seat in public transport, but that has less to do with their age and more their physical health, he'd do the same for frail younger people. Coming from a culture that places a high value on a child's obedience and respect for their parents while also growing up with an abusive father really ingrained it in him that not all older people deserve this kind of reverence automatically.
Gyo: Gyo has a bit of a love/hate relationship towards etiquette. He's been treated like sub-human for a large chunk of his life, and pretty much until he became a general there was nobody directing any kind of etiquette towards him. So now it's a point of pride, being in a circle that treats him with that kind of respect, but that can also leave him feeling quite bitter, looking at his past. At a deeper level, he dislikes these kinds of societal games, but he's a pro at them. Well-trained dog, i think he'd have trouble going against etiquette, it's just automated for him.
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
Asher: Good gifts have been extremely rare for Asher. It's that kind of thing where people go "What do you give a person that can buy anything they want". A lot of superficially good gifts with no heart. But he is also very much programmed to react happy and thankful. The worst gifts he received were probably fancy things from total strangers that wanted to get good standing with his family. Apple sending the newest iPad with every generation, stuff like that.
Belen: For Belen, the worst gifts are some that could be considered close enough to her interests, while completely ignoring her personality. Like "Hey you're into video games, right?" and they give her a copy of some random shooter, cause it's a popular game, but not something she'd enjoy playing personally. Somehow a person putting in some effort, but not enough, is worse to her than a person paying no attention at all. The disappointment gets greater the closer she is to the gift-giver.
Finn: His parents are probably great with really passive-aggressive gifts. Like here is some equipment for an activity we would like you to enjoy, when Finn has no interest in doing so, ever. Oh also: cheap knock-off versions of popular products when he was still in school. Fake no-name Adidas while every other kid got the real stuff.
Gyo: Gyo does not ever expect gifts, even on days like his birthday, so being gifted anything is a positive surprise, even if he dislikes it. Its very similar to the etiquette thing. The fact that he is important enough (in what way doesnt matter) to have a person think of gifting him something is already a gift in itself. No bad gifts here, sorry.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Asher: Depends on his mood/goals. He has no problem greeting them with a kind smile and open arms, if he'd gain something from it. He also has no problem being downright cruel. It's a coinflip, really.
Belen: Belen might ignore the person altogether or greet them while making it perfectly clear that she has no intention of being friendly with them. A curt nod or a strained "Hey", no physical contact.
Finn: Finn is the most likely to tell someone else to fuck off if they tried to greet him when he dislikes them enough. He does not play nice once someone has lost his respect that way, no matter which setting he's in.
Gyo: Gyo dislikes a staggering amount of people he has to greet daily. His past as a slave has made him very good at polite and calm greetings, even if he's boiling inside. It's all professionalism here. He has a great deal of fun greeting other people like its no big deal while they actively hate him, like it does not affect him at all.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Asher: Physical affection is reserved to very few people, Devin and his siblings, for example. He grew up in a pretty emotionally and physically distant household, and many people tend to keep their distance to not seem intrusive if he does not give any signs that a hug would be okay for him. I think at this point Asher is not great at allowing or actively looking for physical contact, even if he craves it. He needs it to be established that he and the other person are okay with hugs. For someone with little practice his hugs are quite excellent, maybe because he is so hungry for them.
Belen: Belen has a tiny little bit of a tsundere thing going on where she has trouble clearly expressing how excited she is to see somebody, in part because she thinks it should be obvious that she loves seeing her friends. For example, if a friend came to her room to chill and she was doing something at the time, she might not even look up and greet them directly, but immediately integrate the person in what she was doing as if they had been there the whole time. This is especially true if she meets people one-on-one.
Finn: Big bear hugs all around!! Cheek kisses, forhead kisses, head kisses, you name it. He is so full of love and he needs to show people!! Very touchy
Gyo: His greetings remain stoic and professional, but you might get a smile out of him. One exception: His granddaughter greets him with a running start and full body tackle and he readily catches her to hold her close, beaming. It's a sight to see.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Asher: Asher wants to be alone when he is scared. For the last couple of years his fear stemmed from people being close to him being in danger, so his gut reaction is to hide himself away and ball up in some corner of his room. He medicates himself heavily if it gets especially strong, at least pre Eden's death. Even before Eden started acting up i think Asher was just so used to being competent and taking care of his problems himself that he did not even consider needing somebody else to comfot him. As long as it does not include fear for his loved ones Asher is one of those people that thrives running on fear, it makes him real efficient. Not healthy, but efficient.
Belen: Her dad. Its not that she trusts Devin less but she is so used to being the big, protective sister that showing weakness to him is not her first choice, even if she generally has no problem doing so. I think when it comes to interpersonal stuff and relationships she would go to Devin first.
Finn: Depending on the kind of fear Finn quickly falls back into a "I want my mommy" kind of desperation. Especially about world shaking stuff. If he had a health scare and was waiting for a diagnosis he would go to his mom and have her take care of him. For more generalized anxiety and his brain being mean to him Shawn would definitely be the No. 1, that man can calm him down and keep him calm - especially about irrational stuff - like nobody else.
Gyo: Gyo always had to deal with fear alone, i think he sticks to that. And by "deal with" i mean shove it down reeeeal hard and look the other way. If someone tries to comfot him he reacts aggressively. You can't start pulling on that thread now, he'd crumble.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
haha yeah she lied to adopt me. It was a foster home for quite a while until they stopped doing that (they sat me down, told me it was expensive and that I no longer wanted a sibling, right? and then just stopped) and she'd test the various kids to see their proficiency in the field, so to speak? There used to be a lot of circle chanting but an older kid reported her. I never could report since my social worker was a noshow lol. Also when I told my social worker that I didn't want to be adopted to them my mother told them that "I thought adoption meant I'd be taken away" and they believed her so. That was destined too xD
I was the chosen child (it was fate) and got special privileges because I could do things for her, but also never got to have a birthday party with friends or hang out with people after school like some of my siblings because of that whole logic of ""the more time I spend with humans the more human I'd get""
She had to lie about her whole deal, but also like. so people kept trying to kill me and other stuff, WHICH LIKE sounds morbid but meh that's just what it's like? I'm quite good at wiggling out of those situations, BUT each time it was just further proof to her that I was ""a star child destined to be on this planet"" and ""I was born to be with them and the rest of the world would've killed me"" sorta stuff.
She also was really big on that "as a star child you were destined to be born, but you already chose your destiny when you were a star" sort of idea so like, if anything happened to me I'd pre-chosen/pre-destined it into reality so it was all my choice/fault. She's built weird.
And idk about how smart the whole percentages thing is. Honestly I was expected to have full back and forth conversations about the human subconscious and what compels people's behaviours by the time I was 7 or 8 (dEFINTELY by 9) instead of playing games or age-appropriate things so I was very used to how she thought and just.. used not-quite-lies as cover. They key is to take something that's true and leave out whatever amount of details you need and maybe through in something that sounds right.
ex: if you're expected to make the wind stronger to push the flag over there and the flag isn't moving you can say "Due to the lack of pre-existing wind patterns there is less wind to channel into creating a moving flag" or "The speed of the current wind is technically moving the flag with the current power it has available, but if given enough time the wind force will grow". They aren't technically lies nor are they real truths. they're like "yeah, that sounds about right" sorta statements
BUT YO if you want any funky stories I can give you vague words and you can pick a story, but totally no pressure lol. I promise they aren't extremely bad, mostly humorous with a "wtf" twist
She Listens
A guide of things to do when you die
The Angels
The last in person conversation I had with her
AND ALSO YOOO REALLY COOL ART FOR YOUR OC. I really like your art style btw, it feels unique and it strikes a good mix between detailed and simplistic and can really add depth when it's needed. It's very vibey :]
OK I READ THIS WHEN YOU FIRST SENT IT BUT. COllege! So now i am FINALLY respondingfsdfds (thank you for the compliment about my art style btw)
FIRST OF ALL. It is so DEPRESSINGLY stupid that you told your social worker you didn't want to be adopted by them, and then they lied to your social worker in a very provable way, and your social worker just? what??? didnt look into it??? im fucking fUMING.
I've actually heard of that whole "Before you were born you agreed to everything that happened to you" thing and frankly, it is one of the most horrifying mindsets I can imagine. Thank fuck you're ok now (i'm assuming) cause that shit would've really fucked with me.
*rubs hands together* now for the FUN PART
ok ummm hmm can I choose more than one?
cause I'm interested in 1, 3, 4, and 6, but I'd love to hear all of them. idk if that's like. A LOT for you though. so if I had to pick one or two I think I'd choose 1 and 6.
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fizzingwizard · 16 days
warning homophobia/transphobia
my dad: "i dont know why your [queer] brother thinks i don't love and support him. he's just decided these things about me because he's gone too far left to see around the corner."
also my dad: "pride flags dont belong in classrooms" "queer books dont belong in schools" "transwomen are men pretending to be women" "michelle obama is a man"
yeeeeeeah... can't imagine why your son thinks you might be rather less than supportive of him. total mystery.
(btw i've literally asked him how he works this out in his head and sometimes he says that he doesn't believe all the stuff he says on facebook, even though he posts it, and other times he says it's different when it's family... and then he continues saying/posting the same stuff. he's very pro people being able to say what they think without it causing their families to fall apart and hey i think we all want that. but he can't imagine at all my brother's whiplash when he says "gay people are ruining this country no don't hold me responsible for posting that of course I support you also transwomen aren't valid" lol seriously how can you expect someone to stick by you when you constantly do that to them? my dad self-edits a ton with me partly because my mom and I carefully drew a "no politics" line when we talk. but we still see all his facebook stuff and now and then things slip out during a phone call. idk man. i'd like if we could all "just get along" too woot woot free speech yadda yadda. i don't care when he insults democrats or compares trump to jesus and i've even stopped caring that he spouts things that are just straight up lies. fortunately my dad can't really harm anyone by believing what he does. he doesn't have money or power and the only ones seeing his posts are his family at this point. but it's so obnoxious how he's convinced he's right to the point that when he can't explain something it's somehow us who are wrong for questioning. once he told me that even though he often says all liberals are stupid, he doesn't think i'm stupid because he knows one day I will become a conservative lol lol lol. gosh I can't wait till I'm an old conservative like him and can make super fresh and funny jokes like "kamala harris slept her way to the top" with impunity. that's how you know you're smart, btw, if you make sexist jokes bc it shows how tough and untouchable you are (9_9)
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bruins35 · 1 month
Overnight Diary Entry 3
This is the same night, as I came back from my walk during my break at work. I decided I needed to talk about things that lead to my depression being so bad in Florida. For me to do that, I need to talk a bit about me first.
At a very young age, I believe I was Four years old, maybe Five, I was diagnosis with ADHD, and thrown into Special Education from there on out. You're probably wondering what that has to do with this, well for starters this was the early 90s, and well picture being with other kids that might have a worse learning disability than you, it stagnates your mental age. So going into high school, I told my doctor I wanted off my ADHD medication, and they put me in normal classes with one period for me to be able to get my homework done because I was slow with tests and getting essays done. So now imagine yourself being tossed in high school with your whole peer group and higher grade's when you were just constantly in the class with same students every year, it's jarring. You don't know how to talk to these other kids, you don't know how socialize with all these cliques and groups.
Now I move on to community college where I'm now if i had to give what my mental age was at, I was probably just entering High school for my Mental age. Thankfully I found friends that accepted me, until... half the group didn't after they all made up a lie to ruin a potential relationship because most of them all like this girl too, but she was into me. So, I lost a steady group of friends, but thankfully found more. I found one that to this day is one of my closest friends, and hope she's ready for when we turn 35 because we made a pact to marry each other, might be little jarring for her since I'm a guy and she's into women lol.
Anyways, while I'm still community college, I decided I want to do the DCP (Disney College Program) and pretty much start my life over. I move down there, meet my girlfriend at the time, and then go into whole new fucking world (no pun intended there). I'm probably finally catching up to the correct mental age until now I'm working with "adults" and other college age kids.
Now time to talk about stuff that honestly made my life a living fucking hell. I worked at my all time favorite attraction, and I wouldn't trade that in for the world. Honestly, if it was still their today, I'd probably be back working there. That's how much I loved that attraction and working it everyday. The issue was, I made some "really close friends" there that I thought we all understood each other. Well one friend apparently said I made an inappropriate joke. Now from what I know of this person from friends we have in common, she says some of the most inappropriate and dirty jokes. So they went to management on me, and i was never told the joke i supposedly said. So, no evidence nothing, but people believe them.
Another person, said I constantly hit on them and tried to get them to go out when they have boyfriend. Let me tell you, the first thing this person ever told me was they had BF, I never once flirted with her especially when she told me that. I respect peoples relationships, I won't interfere unless that person is a piece of shit and is abusing or cheating on them. So anyways, this person also apparently went to management, but was never brought to my attention, which makes me think management realized it was all lies.
Now this is when the REAL fucked up shit happens, now for some reason if i do have people reading this, well remember night one/part one the girl I was talking about that finally unblocked me on Facebook, but her now ex who was a "real close" friend of mine didn't unblock me? Well let's give them some fake names because this is where the story is going and I don't want to say she/her, and him/he the whole time. So she will be called Lexi, he will called Richard, and one other girl will be called Connie.
All right, so, Lexi and I used to be FWB, but we both agreed that if we wanted to see other people or hook up with other people we will end things. I held up our end of the deal, and well I soon found out she didn't. Lexi knew about my past relationship, she knew the emotional abuse my ex put me through, so I wasn't ready for commitment yet. Apparently everyone we worked with was wondering when we were to become official, but I honestly was too scared. Well, when i finally thought I was ready to make a commitment to relationship, imagine my surprise when on her Facebook it shows Lexi is now in a relationship with Richard.
I was shocked, hurt, and honestly just tired. Lexi and I connected so much, and had a lot in common that I was finally opening eyes that maybe this could be the one. So, it hurt, and it sucked. I hid my feelings though and congratulated the new couple. Well, I started to date Connie, Connie and I also had a lot in common, maybe even more so then Lexi and I did. But I messed up that relationship, mainly because I didn't really do clubs and she wanted me to go to them, but the real reason I didn't go out was because I was so fucking poor. Disney didn't pay well, I was working so much fucking overtime I barely had time to sleep to pay off my bills. I also at the time cared waaaaaay too much about what my family thought I should date and I stupidly brought I don't think my family would like her so idk if we could be together long term. That's when the relationship truly ended and one of my biggest regrets in my life.
One night Richard and I were on the phone, and honestly all my close guy friends back home we talk about our sex lives. So, I didn't think it was going to be an issue, but I made stupid ass comment about he doesn't need to tell me about his because I know how Lexi was in bed. Like I said dumb fucking ass comment.
Well, after this moment, Richard decided to spread the worst fucking possible thing you can spread. He got a couple other people to help spread that I supposedly raped Connie. Which wasn't true at all, I brought it up to management that these people were spreading this, and then eventually Connie and I had to confront these people about it. Unfortunately the damage was already done. I now had a stigma following me that I'm supposedly a rapist. Connie and I to this day are still good friends, and at one point best friends.
Connie don't be mad at the next part, since I'm sending you link to this.
Connie and I even after we ended things still did almost everything together, either going to cast parties together, going out for food with our fellow cast members, going to the parks with others, or just going to concerts. During all this we still held hands, we were just each others safety net. TBH she still is mine, but we are kind of distant with each other because last year or two years ago my best friend, her friend, and I noticed that her bf of 5 years is giving off some really weird vibes. I was really worried and my friend and her friend thought it felt like abuse potentially happened/happening. I know Connie's history and past relationships, I also know her and G had some really bad arguments. so I texted her our worries and well she told him, and since then we haven't been as close which sucks and I get it, the last thing you want to do is being accused of abuse. I just want you to see it from my point of view Connie. I love you, and I'm sorry I brought up my concerns, just know it was out of goodness of my heart because I care and love ya.
Anyways I think I will end this here, and I might discuss the other stuff that lead me to potential committing suicide, but right now I don't think I'm strong enough to type that out at all.
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kiss-my-freckle · 8 months
There's a lot in 4x3 that I could put in this post, but this analysis focuses solely on the love triangle. Forewarning: this will be a lengthy post.
The Rager, 1 of 3
I'm gonna start with the truth of Damon in this scene. The best way to break a deal you've made with someone is just as much the best way to break up with a person you're currently dating.
"Wasn't that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn't choose leaves?"
"Don't make this about Damon."
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You get the other person to do it. That's why Damon gets Stefan to break their deal and Elena gets Stefan to break up with her. Stefan thinks he's safe because he truly believes Elena chose him over Damon.
"That was before she turned."
"I sent him because lately, it seems like he's able to get through to you in ways that I can't. You'll listen to him. You trust him, even when you can't trust me."
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In a nutshell… Damon is seeking permission to stay for Elena, then Elena seeks permission to move on with Damon. Stefan honored both their wants lol.
If Damon wanted to leave, he already would have. He promised Elena he'd never leave her again, and he meant it. He'd only break a promise made to her if he had no other choice.
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Elena picks up from 4x2. That's why she's feeding on Matt.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Elena, feed from me. It's okay, everyone will think you're upset. Just feed from me."
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She mentions Damon being the reason she shouldn't be home.
"So, you really think school is the best place for you right now?"
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"The vampire hunter knows that Damon's a vampire and that I know Damon. Hiding at home would be more suspicious."
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She doesn't even mention Stefan, and Damon is the reason she "survived" this long.
"Besides, I want to be here. It's my senior year. I survived this long, there's no way I'm bailing before graduation."
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The difference between Stefan believing his truth and Matt knowing her truth. She chose Damon, and is more than capable of being honest with Matt while they're alone.
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This bit is a straight-up insult and jumps off 4x1.
"How about we just leave the murdering to Damon?" "And-and then do what? Ignore her to death?"
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"Just ignore her." "I'd say you've got less than three hours to feed before I get to watch you die all over again."
Never mind the fact that her very life depended on Stefan murdering a guard and Rebekah helping him to murder said guard.
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She then repeats 4x2, lying by omission.
"I just have to go home and change first."
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"You lied to me." "I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you." "Come on, Elena. You lied to me."
One might as well view her single statement as two separate statements. "I just have to go home...." Thus, you get Damon changing his clothes lol.
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Had Damon and Elena been together, he would've answered her call here. He's respecting Stelena.
"You are a good brother." <-- This is how he gets his girlfriend back. Same reason she fell for him in the first place lol
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Stefan's constant need to throw Damon under the bus while talking to Elena is like a neon sign blinking on and off, "Poor communication" lol
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Damon sometimes mixes truth with sarcasm.
"Good day for a midlife crisis. 164 years, I'd say you're due."
Stefan being on a motorcycle is like Damon letting Jessica live. That's not who he is, but it's the thought that counts.
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"Those who can't do, teach." This is straight-up sarcasm. It's more like "Those who can't do, watch." That's why Stefan opts for the motorcycle rather than his red car.
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Stefan is the "safe" brother, Damon is the "fun" brother. Stefan can't join her because he risks becoming the Ripper. Damon can.
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Feel this difference. It matters. With Stefan driving the motorcycle, she might as well imagine she's with Damon lol
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That's why the episode opens with Damon's "Those who can't do, teach" and ends with Damon's "And I'm gonna teach you." Because a vampire that can't have fun shouldn't be teaching a vampire to have fun.
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For the same reason a vampire that can't control his bloodlust shouldn't be teaching a vampire to control her bloodlust. "When I'm with him... it feels unpredictable, like... like I'm free." This scene pushes Elena's comment in 4x10. "With him" being the key words.
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At the same time, her comment just as much slams Stefan. She's essentially saying he's confining and predictable. Something Stefan is well aware of. That's why he closes 4x3 saying what he does. "I love her, and I don't want to hold her back."
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Fans should view this alongside her motorcycle scene. She has fun. Stefan watches her have fun. "Those who can't do, teach."
Know where this is going.
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Elena drinks AND has fun... because she's with Damon. Those who can do, will do. "Then, we'll go to [this] party and show her that she can't intimidate me." Instead, she gets Bonnie with her judgy eyes.
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The brother that got her through the death of her parents can't get her through this. She's Damon's girlfriend.
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aceaugust · 2 years
(#2) ♠️When the college's bad boy breaks into your apartment 🌬
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Theme: Bad boy, gang-y, quite cold and inconsiderate JK. Straight forward, loyal, hardworking, Reader. (Dk how to describe people lol)
Genre: Gangs, rumours, truth and lies, bullies, mention of abuse, murder, betrayal and insults. ALSO, kinda funny (depends tho lol), loyality, faith and love, backstabbing, gossips. Photoshopping, mention of nudity, shaming. Mention of a notorious serial killer.
Disclaimer: This fanfiction doesn't have any intended connections to the real characters, nor portray their real personalities, nor have anything that contributes to their reality. It's purely for entertaining purposes. Please, don't take anything at heart. It's mere imagination.
So, as you may wonder, I'm currently in an empty lecture hall, revising for my OOP exam, which's in the next 30 minutes. My heart is pounding like crazy in fear 'cause this subject is damned and I'm done with this major for real. Going over the concepts, tricks, informal notes I made for myself and so on. Trying to keep my mind focused on the exam and ignore the noises out there.
Noises of crying, almost screaming and words of blame. Don't know if I'm wrong, but the speaking voice sounds more like Ruby's, just less high-pitched which's now normal to hear.
"You cheated on me with Tiara?! Tiara, Taylor?! She's my best friend!"
Let me guess, Tiara is that blonde the head of the dancers for the sports' teams? Wow, yeah, I'd expect such a betrayal from someone of Tiara's manners. Sorry, non-existent manners.
Like there was that one time, a group of classmates pulled me into one of the dancers show after the basketball team had won, and there was Tiara. Once her name was pronounced into the mic, she sarted putting on her dance moves which contained one and only aim; sexual seduction, which I shall say, disgusted the heck out of me. From showing too much cleavage to bending over for a butt-show to other moves I prefer not to mention or even remember.
"Cheated?! You're being dramatic, Ruby. It was just a meaningless hookup."
Wow, shameless. I only thought of it like in high school movies, she caught him kissing Tiara in one of the hallways, but oh hell, he slept with Tiara.
"And every cheat you say the same shit! I'm so fucking done with you, Taylor. You ruined my fucking feelings! Turned me into a senseless monster like you and the bitch I called my best friend!"
Their voices are near like they're right behind the door.
A yelp startles me which alerts me to stand up, hurry towards the door. Low whimpers are coming out of Ruby as I expect that he grabbed her physically.
"Oh yeah?! You wanna play this game, lil Ruby? Wanna make me tell everyone where's your dear daddy, Mr. Cullens?! And what's he charged of?! HUH?!"
Wow, is he shaming her?!
A'ight, screw that, I'm intruding.
"Drugs?" I burst out after opening the door wide, noticing his hand go off her hair and Ruby starts to wipe her melt mascara from her tears.
"What?!" Taylor spits back in an attempt to scare me.
"Is her dad charged for drugs?" Ruby's eyes widen in shock as she stares at Taylor vulnerably, in a plead not to 'expose' her.
I've heard about her dad's charges of accusation because Daryl is a journalist and loves spicey cases. He told me that her dad has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and his lawyers have been in a private interview saying that he's innocent and someone must have put the drugs in his office and called the police upon him.
"It's none of your fucking business!" Taylor hisses stepping forward to me.
"It's, when you're blackmailing her into staying with you in order not to expose her. Her dad is in prison? Not her freaking fault. The turn goes to whose dad failed to bring him up appropriately." I hiss back, moving aside to Ruby.
"Ruby is done with you. Go cheapen yourself even more by sleeping with random girls. Screw yourself, crap!" I take Ruby's hand and enter the lecture hall, making sure to slam the door to his face.
I sit on one of the benches, studying her face. After most of the makeup has been ruined by her tears, I shall say she's one decent face. I mean, we're all beautiful of course, but we ruin our beauty with heavy makeup and not bracing our natural looks.
"You shouldn't have stepped in like that. He isn't JungKook who would stay silent to your harshness. If all rumours are on JungKook's notoriety, then be sure Taylor is much worse." She says quietly, with her voice naturally coming out.
My heart beats even faster at JungKook's mention. For the first time, someone said something almost positive about JungKook.
"I'd ask about JungKook, but now isn't the time." I reply, still staring at her. She chuckles sadly, shaking her head.
"I know nothing about him, but I know Taylor so fucking well. He'll screw you in the dark and get you to shut up about it. What makes JungKook slightly better is that he's known as a bad boy, people would simply avoid him and that's it. But, Taylor lures into your life as the sweet, rich, humble boy who'd treat you right. For the end to be cheat, abuse and p-pain." Her voice cracks in the end as I hop off the bench, approaching her.
"Hey, break free. He'd expose your dad's case? So, be it. I've heard that he's innocent and if you're sure about it, then you, too, defend your dad. People judged you? A'ight, be the lone standing wolf. You don't need others to strengthen you, Ruby. No one should say a word into a story that ain't theirs." I lay a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze of comfort.
"I was being a bitch to you, why are you nice to me?" I shrug my shoulders, smiling.
"Maybe I found an excuse for your actions now. But, not the bullying." She nods, smiling alittle.
"Go, there's a toilet at the back. Freshen up, wash your face and come back revise with me. There are 5 minutes left 'till exam." She stands up, walking to the back, as I go back to my seat, settling myself to exam.
"Wait, so I should have used an array?" Ruby nods confidentially, as she sips on her black coffee. I face palm myself, realizing the fact that I just lost 3 points of my exam's grade. Can I cry, y'all?
"It's okay, though. I've made this mistake countless of times before. It's a trick." I nod sadly, mentally calculating the grade I might get for this mistake, making sure I plan the loss of other points to other questions I might have mistakened, too.
"Sometimes, I question myself if this is really my thing." I say, quite disappointed in myself. Daryl has fought alot to get me into this school and now, has lots to pay for it besides his own responsibilities. I can't just get a low GPA and disappoint him like this.
"Grades don't define you. I suppose you're one strong girl, don't believe some letters would determine your own capabilities." Ruby replies, smiling. I nod still disheartened, "Yeah, but companies and fields of work define us with grades, Ruby."
She shrugs as she finishes her coffee, tossing it into the bin. "Well, yeah, but not like you're going to fail. Don't be so hard on yourself." She's probably right, 3 points won't affect my GPA much. It might at 15, but hopefully I'd not make so many mistakes.
"Have plans tonight? Taehyung is throwing another party and I'm dying to cheer up alittle." I give her a look of hesitance. I mean I insulted Taehyung, JungKook and a random dude back there. Don't know if I'm welcomed and would be totally understandable if not. Plus, I already hate parties so, no.
"I'm meeting my brother tonight to have some siblings-time." She nods, patting my shoulder. Well, I could invite her to see Daryl, perhabs he could tell her something that would help in her dad's case.
"Well, if you want to come along and see Daryl. He has lots of details regarding your dad's case. Maybe y'all can help him with something." She looks down sadly, fiddling with her feet.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"No, it's fine. How would your brother know about my dad's case?"
"Daryl is a crime journalist and loves interesting cases. He heard about your dad's and was there during the investiagtion. He told me that your dad might be innocent, but there's no physical evidence showing that."
She doesn't respond, probably processing what I'm saying.
"You aren't trying to expose me to the school by this, are you?" She says, sadly and doubtfully.
My eyes widen as I shake my head no. "No, of course not, Ruby!" She nods, smiling alittle.
She must have been disappointed so many times.
"I'll text, my elder sister, Annie, she's a medical student. She used to spend so much time in dad's office, knows all the secret drawers and stuff. She has more insight about the whole thing." I nod excitedly. Maybe she'd get rid off that shame, clear her dad's name and smack whoever tries to judge her.
"Okay, we'll meet at 7, if that's fine with her."
"Yeah, today's is her break-off, so she's free all day."
"Cool and settled. Let's head to Ms. Grahams lecture, I don't want another lash of her tongue's." We chuckle and rush over the teaching hall.
"A'ight, fucking shit, Holmes!"
I cringe alittle at Daryl's sudden burst of profanity.
"Mother-! You ruined the whole thing! Man, I've finally caught a glimpse of his face and reported it to the police. Then, you fuck around and leak the photo to your girlfriend?!"
Wow, there's so little percentage that Daryl would NOT blow up.
"Man, for real, cut that shit and delete it from her phone. It's a professional thing! 'Cause I know much better than not to expect you have a bitch of a girlfriend!" Daryl's voice raises even more as his face turns redder.
He hangs up the call, sliding his phone into his pocket.
"Well, ahem, hey bro!" I approach him, wrapping my arms around his torso into a hug. He hugs back tightly, lifting me up alittle.
"I missed you so much. God, I love you, little cotton ball." He whispers into my ear, placing a kiss on my cheek. I jokingly sulk as he chuckles. "I'm not little anymore. I'm a grown up college gurrrl." I roll the 'r' as he chuckles louder.
"Aww, you'll always be my little cotton ball. No matter how 'grown up' you get." He says with his ocean blue eyes shining alittle.
Daryl is like my one and only backbone in life. He has always got my back, defends me, gives me pieces of advice, comforts me. He's the one who taught me to stand up strong and never accept oppression whether for me or anybody else. He practically raised me as our parents were always busy for business trips and stuff. He gives me the love, affection and attention he rarely recieved from them. For me, he's really my everything and I could never risk losing him for anything.
"Yo, where you at?" He snaps his fingers to catch my scattered attention. I smile, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Was just thinking about how much I do really apperciate you, bro." He acts tough, but when you get to be close to him, he's a little cottonball as well.
"So, we're having a guest tonight. Annie Cullens, the elder daughter of Uriah Cullens. Her sister is a friend of mine and I happened to find out that she's being shamed for her dad's case." I say, fiddling my feet on the ground, quite nervous of his reaction. He doesn't like me being involved in any of the cases he works on, thinking that some criminals would put him on rival mode and hunt us down.
Aaaand that's why I haven't told him about my encounter with JungKook yet. I've told him I attended a party, but cut out the argument's part.
"Yeah?" He says quietly which comforts me alittle. "And Annie is coming tonight, you could get some details from her or her from you...like you guys sort yourselves out. Maybe the man is innocent." As I finish my sentence, Daryl's grin is put on full display. I smile back, not understanding his grin, but happy to see it.
"My cottonball has cut a good long path for me to get an interview with the Cullens." He squishes my cheeks together, kissing them.
Well, it seems that I accidentally helped my brother.
"I'm glad, then." He engulfs me in another hug, swaying us left and right.
"Ahem, pardon moi?" Our little sentimental moment was cut by a shy voice. We turn around to see a brunette with her hair long to her waist, caramel brown eyes, long lashes and petite short figure.
"I'm Annie Cullens, I suppose you're Y/N and you're Daryl?" She extends her hand between us shyly. Daryl rushes to take her hand first, shaking it lightly.
Reading Daryl's expression, I think he's falling in love. Not gonna lie, I find her cute.
"So, y'all, I get easily bored from case studies and stuff like these. I guess I could leave you both, discuss stuff together and find helpful details." I say, putting my backpack on, getting the hint from Daryl's nervousness and Annie's shy smile and blush to clear the air for both. After all Daryl is a gentleman and he could never hurt her.
"You'll find me in my apartment. Have a great time." I wave to them as they do back, walking to the pavement to get a taxi back to my place.
1:30 AM
"So, for arrays, all elements have to be of same data type, but for structures, they can contain elements of different data types."
I keep repeating the key differences of both data structures to get a grip on them.
It's been like 4 hours since I started studying this crap.
"Obviously, computer science concepts are all about problem solving. Like they encounter a problem of wanting to store different data types in the same thing, so they create a structure because arrays ain't helping at that point."
You know what? I'm hungry. I'mma leave this crap and go get myself some food.
I walk downstairs, petting my sleeping puppy, heading to the kitchen.
Orange juice.
Spready cheese.
Yup, perfect midnight snack.
"Fünf kleine Fische, die schwammen im Meer,"
"Da sprach die Mutter: Ich warne Euch sehr,"
"Ich wär viel lieber in 'nem kleinen Teich,"
"Denn im Meer gibt es Haie und die fressen Euch gleich,"
"Ach du Schreck, ein Fisch ist weg!"
I sing the kindergarten German song, I've learned through my learning process of the language. The language is hard, but fun. I love learning languages beside my studying major, it just makes me feel more alert.
"Hell, where am I?!"
Excuse me?!
I jump, turning around, stressfully scanning the surrounding.
No, I heard that! That was real!
My breath almost stops when I hear those footsteps out in my hall.
"Oh, it's Y/N."
This voice...
"Shit, why out of all places, it'd be hers?!"
I sneak out of my kitchen, catching his big black shoes.
It's him. It's JungKook.
He's staring at my picture with Daryl on the wall.
"She has a brother. Ha, they look like twins."
Well, that's true. Alot of people mistakened me and Daryl for twins.
"Your voice has saved you from a big bad back stab."
He sharply turns around with wide eyes.
A low gasp escapes my lips as I scan his badly bruised face.
A cut on the left side of his lips, right next to his piercing. Another one on his right eyebrow. His knuckles are wounded as well.
My eyes drop on the floor, watching blood droplets on the floor.
Crap! He's bleeding!
"Are you cut somewhere else?!" I almost yell in panic as he nods.
He motions to the side of his stomach.
Oh, hell hell!
I take his hand, placing him on the couch, motioning for him to lay as I practically run to the kitchen, taking the emergency kit off the shelf, which I miracleously reached easily and hurry back to him.
Giving him a short glance before snatching his shirt off. A low whimper leaves his lips as he shuts his eyes.
"It's okay, think of something good. It's easy, you're fine." I say, trying to comfort him. "I have nothing good to think of." The sad tone lingers over his sentence making my chest clench.
"A'ight, let's think together, then." I say as I dip a towel in water, going over his abdomen which's stained with lots of blood.
"So, you're my senior, right? I suppose you're an excellent one, as well," He muffles a hum when I reach near to his wound.
"My mind is blowing off my head, I can't maintain a good understanding of pointers and their relation with dynamic arrays. Could you give a piece of clarity?" Washing the towel to go over his chest, cleaning it from dust and blood.
"Pointers are basically variables, ah," His sentence stops with a moan of pain. I hum, glancing at him to go on. "T-They contain the addresses of a specific variable they point t-to, hmm," he tries to go on and stops in pain when I start stitching his wound.
"Right? And how to figure them out in a code, for instance?" I keep the conversation going to distract his attention from pain.
"The data type is of the variable it points to. Like if the pointer is pointing to an integer, they're declared of type integer. 'Cause pointers themselves don't have a type." He goes on, semi-absorbed in his explanation.
"Okay, yup, I think I'm getting it. You're good at this. What else?" I catch a small smile forms on his lips as he looks at me.
"After writing the data type, you put on an astrick operator and name the pointer, AH!" He flinches hard, shutting his eyes with his lips quivering.
"We're done so soon, don't worry." He nods with his hand wandering around. I jump alittle when his hand gets a grip on my thigh, tighthening it in pain.
"Alright, that's about pointers, what about dynamic arrays?" I pop the question again, trying tp go with a smooth flow.
"I-It's about solving the problem of arrays needing a determined fixed size. Sometimes, we don't know the size of our elements and need the user to determine it, so we create a dymanic array which's basically, a-ah, hmm...." I look at him, my heart is tightening in my chest at his sight.
"Basically created at runtime, right?" He nods, breathing heavily.
I finish the last stitich, standing up, smiling.
"Cool, you're full of knowledge, Jeon." I say, cleaning up the floor and table, getting ready to cleanse his facial wounds and knuckles.
"You're intelligent, too, Y/N." I feel something weird in my abdomen at his sentence, with heat creeping on my face.
I come back after disposing the bloody cotton and putting the towel in the washer.
I bend alittle to lift his head and put a pillow behind it, so his blood flow would be regular and I could cleanse his face.
"I'm not going to shoot questions when you're in pain, but who beated you so badly? I suppose they had a knife or some sort of a weapon, as well." I ask, genuinely concerned.
He's silent, staring at my face with tired, but focused eyes. I avoid his eye contact, focusing on his face.
"Yeah, a knife." He says shortly, closing his eyes.
"That's dangerous." I state the obvious awkwardly.
"For you." Furrowing my eyebrows, I stop to look at him in question.
"You just saved someone they wanted dead." My face glooms at his sentence, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Whoever they are, they don't determine who lives and who dies." I almost hiss in anger, 'cause I hate it when bunch of criminals with zero ethics think that they could decide in anybody's life.
"You don't know, and you won't want to know." He says tiredly, sighing heavily.
"I don't care to know as well. All I care about is that you stay safe." I catch myself alittle bit protective of his state that I glance at him; to see him smiling alittle.
"Thanks, Y/N." This sounds genuine. His overall speech is normal and genuine, not playful and vicious like it was in the party.
"It's nothing. I, actually, did the bare minimum." I say, looking away from his face, thinking about his words.
He seems truthful, vulnerable and in pain, obviously. Some sick people wants him dead. He might have done some bad stuff to them, but death solves nothing.
It causes pain and grief for petty things that could have easily been solved peacefully. Desires of authority, property and money, do drive people off limits and cause them to be monsterous.
Those who were once good, become thirsty for these, thirst turns into greed, they drive themselves further and further to reach these things and when they do....they become unrecognizable, scary.
"You're off the planet now, Y/N. Don't tell me you're too affected by my injuries." He speaks with hint of sarcasm, makes me furrow my eyebrows.
"What? Like I'm not, TRUTHFULLY?!" I stress my last word quite loudly as he chuckles.
"Won't lie, you seem like you're." He shrugs as I nod in satisfaction that he realizes my genuinity.
"But, is it possible that someone would gloat over your injuries?" It's his turn to furrow his eyebrows with a sarcastic smile on his lips. But, his eyes...his eyes has a flash of sadness on display right now...disappointment.
"Everyone would, without any exaggeration. Who wouldn't wish for the absolute destruction for Jeon JungKook, the fuckboy, the spoilt, the mafia, the...the murderer? Ha, you're making it funnier by thinking otherwise, Y/N."
The way he speaks right now is not like how he was in the party, nor how he was described by almost everyone. He knows the rumours around him and I'm sure, even if he tries to hide it, that it's so bitter for him.
"You know people's talks don't matter. The real question is are you that bad, JungKook?" My voice autmotically turns low and soft as if I'm approaching a castle...a castle made of glass, too afraid for it to shatter.
He starts to flutter his eyes open and close as he smiles faintly.
"I'll leave it a mystery 'till we meet again, Y/N." And by that he shuts his eyes, ready to drift into a deep slumber. I stand up slowly, leaving him on the couch and cautiously, walking up the stairs to my room.
Shooting up upright, I turn to the alarm with enemy eyes, turning it off.
"Can't you just shut up?! It's literally five in the morning." I say, arguing as if it's a real person.
Wait, JungKook! Let's check up on him.
I put on my slippers, fixing my hair with my fingers as I walk down the stairs.
"Good morning, Jung-....JungKook?!" He is nowhere on the couch.
"JungKook?!" I call again to meet utter silence. Checking the kitchen, he isn't there as well.
He left.
It's literally 5:10 am, when did he leave when I left him on 2:30 am? Is he insane?
"Fine, Jeon, whatever you like." I lowkey sulk, standing up. My aprubt stand causes a piece of paper to fly away to the kitchen.
"I remember cleaning before bed?" I go and reach to it.
Hm, it's folded?
Opening it, it reads :
"Yo, it's 3:55 am right now, in case you wanna know when I left. I just wanted to thank you for keeping me here, stitching and all. I had to leave 'cause I wanna cause no trouble to you whether by the fuckers after me or your brother coming by, thinking you're having a guy in your place behind his back or something. So yeah, bye.
Well, that's kinda sweet of him. He stopped alot of overthinking by this note. "Will we meet again, JungKook?" I fold the note back to the form he did, planning on keeping it. Plus, his handwriting is decent though, ha.
I started to see him differently which scares me alittle. What if I'm wrong? What if it's just all messed up and stupid? What if they're right?
I don't know, let's just brush off these thoughts and get ready for college.
"Yeah sure, Daryl," I walk with Daryl on the phone, telling me to stay safe 'cause he's travelling out of country for his job's thing.
"Don't worry for real. I'll keep you updated and you, too, okay?" He says "yeah" as we say our goodbyes and hang up.
I'm missing you already, Daryl.
Stepping inside the campus, I notice everyone on their phones, I mean, more than usual. I shake it off, looking for Ruby to tell her about the things Daryl found about the case.
I look through the hallway to find Ruby, her face colour-drained, on her phone ad well.
What's wrong with y'all?
"Y/N! Finally, you're here!" Ruby hurries to me, taking my hand, dragging me aside.
"Woah? What's wrong?" I ask, my eyes falling on her phone screen.
"What the fuck are these photos?! I can't believe they did that! Who even?! Oh my God, I'm freaking-"
"Woah, chill, calm down, let's see what kinda crap we're on now."
What's the crap?
Photoshopped, naked photos of me on everyone's phones.
But, guess
Lies got no breath.
14 notes · View notes
genevievemd · 4 years
Can I ask you some questions about Ethan and Genevieve I discovered your page a week ago just finished all the fics I'm interested in your version of the characters
Oph MC is usually seen as flawless and perfect (like every other MC in choices) what are some bad habits or flaws your MC has and we know Ethan's flaws he is one of the few li's who have actual flaws but still I'd like to know your Ethan's flaws which are personal or you have imagined them. (English is not my first language can't explain my request more clearly than this)
Do you see them married with kids in the future ( ik the marriage part you have a fic about it but here is what I specifically want. both of their opinions on this matter before meeting each other and after spending a year or two dating)
Does Ethan have extended family that you have created like a cousin he is very close to or a best friend (if yes can you make a fic where Genevieve meets this best friend or cousin?)
Any hobbies or skills Genevieve has?(like sketching or piano or something idk why Genevieve gives me piano vibes)
Which med school did you have Genevieve go to?
Are they fresh air kind of people or city air kind of
Do they believe in aliens
Opinions on pineapple on pizza
And last but not the least body language ( signs their body gives off when they are anxious, scared, happy and excited)
Ik they are a lot of questions and you probably hate me for making you answer this question air but either way love your work♥️♥️✨💫
Yes! You can always ask me questions and I LOVE these questions. I’m very attached to Gen lol so I’m always willing to talk about her! 
Thank you for reading all my things! 
And I don’t hate you for all the questions, I answered every single one, under the read more because they got lengthy. lol 
First Question: 
I definitely don’t see Gen as perfect. I’ve kind of put a lot of myself in her, which I’ve never done with any other MC I’ve played. I kind of see Gen as as a perfectionist, to the point where she gets in her own way. She also, like Ethan, tends to put everyone’s problems on her shoulders and feels responsible for thing that are way out of her control. And though Gen is patient, sometimes too patient, she can hold a grudge. It’s unhealthy and she knows that, but she has a hard time over coming it. Like with Landry, deep down Gen wants to let it go and move on. But there’s a small part of her that will always feel angry and betrayed. Gen’s also not one to put her own needs ahead of others, it’s rare that she’ll ask for what she needs, unless she 100% trusts the person she’s confiding in. (I have a headcanon where her dad cheated on her mom when she was in high school, they didn’t get a divorce, but Gen was the one who discovered the affair and it left a sort of trust/abandonment issue.) She can be rather clingy in a relationship, at first, something Ethan was annoyed with, he’s rather independent I think, but once he understood where that was coming from it didn’t bother him as much. It was just Gen’s way of reassuring herself that Ethan was hers, that he wasn’t going anywhere. Plus her love language is physical touch/affection and spending time together. 
As for Ethan, I think he’s a very closed off person, has a hard time trusting people. He absolutely will push someone away, not because he necessarily wants to, but in order to protect himself. For me, I think one of the main reasons why he didn’t dive 100% into a relationship with MC was his fear that he’d lose them. That they would walk out the same way his mother did. I also think he’s way too stubborn and has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong. He won’t be the first to back down in a fight, even if that means it makes him unhappy. 
Second Question: 
I absolutely see Ethan and Genevieve married with kids. Gen has always wanted to get married, always wanted to be a mother. She’s had a pinterest board since high school thats dedicated to her dream wedding lol. When she found out Ethan wasn’t 100% on board with marriage, she was bummed. But at the same time, she was/is willing to let that go if it meant she could be with him. As long as she has Ethan, she doesn’t need a ring. Gen’s also always believed in soulmates and fate, she knew after their kiss in Miami that Ethan was her soulmate. 
As for Ethan, I think deep down he’s always wanted kids but never saw them as an option because he never thought he’d find the right person to settle down with. I think that also ties into his past with his mom. Same with marriage, when he wasn’t in love, it didn’t make sense to him. But once he was, realized he never wanted to lose Gen, he understood it. Once he recognized how much he loves Gen, he wanted everything with her. Marriage, kids, all of it. With MC/Gen he realized he could be the parent he wanted to be. 
I have a scene in chapter 3 or 4, I can’t remember which, in Love You Home where Ethan and Gen have the marriage/kids talk. 
Third Question:
I think Ethan has an extended family. We don’t know much about his parents, if they are only children or not, but I think either his mom or dad has a sibling or two. They’re definitely not close at all, he probably doesn’t see them. But they exist. Gen’s influence definitely persuades him to reach out, in the same way she influenced him to give his mom a second chance. 
As for a best friend? I don’t think he has one, I think Naveen is his closest friend at the moment. But I would love for him to get back in touch with maybe a childhood friend or friends from collage. Maybe even become friends with some fellow attendings at Edenbrook. Again, I think have Gen/MC around has really opened his eyes to different things and realizing how important friendships and relationships really are. 
And at some point I may write something for that. 
Fourth Question: 
I love that you see Gen as a piano person because I also see Gen as a piano person. She doesn’t play much now, lack of access to a piano and too busy with work but she does know how to play. She also speaks a baby bit of french, not enough to be fluent but enough to understand her maternal grandparents (they’re first language is french, so they speak it interchangeably with english). I also think she’s a pretty decent singer, she did choir in middle/high school.
As for hobbies, Gen is super into photography. She’s not the greatest, but she loves it. It ties into her being a super sentimental person, she likes to have tangible memories. She also loves journaling, she definitely has a bullet journal that she does herself. It’s relaxing for her, after a stressful day. And I don’t know if you’d count make up as a hobby, but Gen is super into it. On the daily, she really only wears eyeliner, mascara and a light lipstick, but on her days off she experiments and does more intricate looks. I have a headcanon where Ethan comes home and sees Gen in like a super dark lip with a kickass winged liner, very femme fatale, and he’s shookith. 
Fifth Question: 
I go back and fourth on what med school Gen went too, I googled top 100 med schools when I started open heart so I could pick a good one for her lmao Its a toss up between University of California or University of Pennsylvania. Gen is from New England, she grew up on the coast of Maine - not too far from Providence actually. So I sometimes think UPenn because Gen would want to be close to her family. But then sometimes I say Cali because she wanted the adventure of going off on her own. At some point I’m going to have to choose obviously but where not there yet lol Still a toss up. 
Sixth Question: 
Genevieve is absolutely a fresh air girl. She loves the beach and being outdoors. Boston is a bit of a change for her, being a city but it doesn’t take long to find some country air here in New England so she gets both. lol 
Seventh Question: 
LMAO I love this question. I never thought of this but you know what Gen absolutely believes in aliens. Not in a weird conspiracy kind of way, more in a scientific kind of way. There’s no way Earth is the only planet in the galaxy to have life. The galaxy is freakin huge, scientifically there is no way we’re the only planet with life. 
Eighth Question: 
Pineapple on pizza is a crime. End of story. No one should ever have pineapple on pizza. No just...no.
Ninth/ Last Question: 
I’m going to answer this for each of the things you listed in your question. 
Anxious: It’s very easy to see when Gen is feeling this way, at least to Ethan and her friends. She retreats inward and does this like twisting motion with her fingers. Like cracking your knuckles but not actually cracking your knuckles. She’ll also bite the corner of her lip. 
Scared: Gen doesn’t scare easy, but when she does she kind of hugs herself, makes herself smaller. Will hide behind things or run away. She’s a flight not a fight when scared. Especially if its like a spider, bug or snake - she’s terrified of those. That’s a freeze or run and scream situation. 
Happy: Super easy to tell when Gen is happy. She gets really smiley, a little bouncy. One of those people that does that little happy dance of swaying back and forth. 
Excited: Same as happy, big smiles. Jumps around. a little dancing. Lots of giggling. 
I’m gonna add one more here, for shipping purposes lol 
In Love: Gen is affectionate af, very touchy. She’ll show you how much she loves her way before she ever says it. Ethan realized she was in love with him months before she said it. Just by how much more open she was with physical affection. Always gently touching his arm, or kissing his cheek, always willing to hug him or snuggle in close. 
Thank you so so so much for the questions, these were so fun to answer! Feel free to drop in any time. I love Gen and Ethan so much, I will always answer any questions you want to ask me about them.
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Sick Kids
gotspoons: [A chatroom/forum situation for teens with invisible illnesses/disabilities, a resource that is recommended when you can't go to IRL groups for your health/they aren't in your area etc] gotspoons: Ticked one whole thing off my to-do list today, feeling like a champ 💪 also feeling like a 2-hour long nap, who here relates? 🥱 tigerbalm: 🖐 took my nap earlier & yet 😴💤 brainpain: 💕🛏 brainpain: long lasting relationship with my memory foam mattress gotspoons: There is NO limit on the number of naps necessary to make it through the day tigerbalm: or the number of abandoned to-do lists, what was your 1 thing? gotspoons: 🚿 looks like breakfast will have to wait tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: @brainpain I have so many memory foam pillows in every room of my house I'm basically a shareholder 🙌 brainpain: @tooexhaustedtolivevicariously same but I've got my fave, I call him Edgar tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👏🙏 thank you for your service, Edgar tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: must name mine, only named the chariot 🦼 Charlton gotspoons: [ihatemyguts has entered the chat] gotspoons: A newbie, welcome! tigerbalm: 👋 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: love the username, what ails ya? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: because this is the only place it's acceptable to ask 'what's WRONG with you?' but not the only place you encounter it, right brainpain: but you don't have to answer cos it's also somewhere where you're encouraged to 'express yourself' translation: be an arsehole if you want brainpain: if you don't go hardcore enough to get blocked brainpain: @fibrofog LMAO tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: the normies get to be rude as their default, and it is NOT encouraged to hit people with your cane, let me tell you ihatemyguts: Hi, everyone ihatemyguts: I'll do my best not to be an arsehole, even if my problem only lie directly above said orifice, which makes it a struggle not to be at times ihatemyguts: UC, first flare totally fucked over the family holiday 😬 sorry to that hotel toilet and my long-suffering parents and brother brainpain: newbie got jokes AND comedy timing ihatemyguts: 🚽 humour isn't all I have, I swear, though my life now does revolve entirely around the porcelain throne so it's no surprise I'm anally expulsive, thanks to Freud for that read tigerbalm: Freud's the perv, am I right? ihatemyguts: Totally ihatemyguts: and a big believer in the cocaine cure-all, which my Doctor just wasn't going for, shame tigerbalm: sounds like my sleazy uncle in every way tigerbalm: why does everybody get one? gotspoons: 😂 This chat is worth keeping my eyes open for gotspoons: every family is a play, and we're destined to be the 'sick kid' part gotspoons: other players react accordingly, from the 'can't look at you without crying' to the 'thinks you're making it up for some reason' brainpain: I vote we all go off script like @fibrofog 🤬🚨👿❗️ ihatemyguts: I guess I'm lucky in the sense that if anyone doubts the legitimacy of my illness, I can offer to show them the contents of my stomach/toilet bowl ihatemyguts: that shuts them up relatively fast, not had to go full 🐒 and throw it at anyone yet ihatemyguts: though I'm intrigued by the infamous @fibrofog, who are they, where, and why the infamy? Fill a girl in brainpain: the myth, the legend brainpain: so angry cos I turned 'em down for a romantic rendezvous ihatemyguts: No way! ihatemyguts: I'm glad that napping isn't the only action the memory foam is getting ihatemyguts: we're just like any other teens, right guys? 💁 tigerbalm: @brainpain you know the rules, fedora pics or it didn't happen! tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: you know what they say about disabled chicks, grateful 😉 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: #dontkillmeladies #iamnotasleazyuncle tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: don't think Mr. Fog was even a legit 🥄 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: total predator tigerbalm: if it was my uncle I'm SO sorry 😂 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: family who piggyback are THE worst tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: no, MY disability doesn't make YOU automatically WOKE for not drowning me in the tub or throwing me off the nearest high place I can access ihatemyguts: Honestly, I've never felt as simultaneously popular and unpopular in my life ihatemyguts: people 💬 a big acceptance game on the socials ihatemyguts: but no one wants to actually hang with the girl who can't eat shit and will spend half her time in the 🚽 gotspoons: Everyone's supportive until your disability gets in the way of THEIR perfect life even slightly gotspoons: imagine if they were one of us 👽 brainpain: speak for yourselves, my slurred speech makes me a hit with all my hard partying peers brainpain: get weird without a 🍹 ihatemyguts: hey man, don't let us drag you down 😎 ihatemyguts: if @fibrofog was feeling you, you're WAY too cool for this chat right now brainpain: never have, never will, baby 😉 brainpain: [inandout has entered the chat] gotspoons: OH MY GOD, that's a whole different story...my parents = you need to socialize more, live life! my parents = I don't know if this group is good for you, we think you're being encouraged to display and give in to even more problems gotspoons: thanks guys, you're literally making me more disabled with your disabledness 😂 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It is a cult, well-known fact, leave your productiveness to society at the door and let's all lie here and feel sorry for ourselves, doesn't that sound like fun, kids? 😈 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and 👋 sup, inandout, not seen you in a while tigerbalm: my parents act like y'all are catching too! Would you like to cage me like a legit 🐅 or? inandout: baited breath inandout: out living that life like @gotspoons parents want tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: It'll be the Olympics next tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 🥇 Hero status with the normies, inspirational, dude inandout: if it'll make adults I've never met proud of me ihatemyguts: I can't believe I've not checked if I'm disabled enough for the paras, oh my God ihatemyguts: are there enough of us for a basketball team? brainpain: if ONLY my former lover were here brainpain: he's gotta be so tall ihatemyguts: Pining for @fibrofog is productive, yeah? ihatemyguts: can pine from my throne just fine brainpain: hands off newbie! I will throw mine brainpain: LOL imagine gotspoons: This group has always had a bias towards too many girls gotspoons: it's almost as if even disabled boys don't wanna talk about their feelings gotspoons: what say you @tooexhaustedtolivevicariously and @inandout? 🤔🤴🤴 inandout: I'd bring friends but you know us CF kids aren't allowed to congregate inandout: and what could I possibly have in common with someone who doesn't share my disease ihatemyguts: So, what is the deal with that, are some of us catching? ihatemyguts: 🐅 parents might have legit concerns inandout: cross infectious but only if you've got what's got me inandout: none of you do so you'll need another reason to turn down hanging out in person tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: my fedora is in the wash? inandout: Fibro could easily say it's my jewishness brainpain: but it's your hunkiness, babe 💪😉 inandout: I'd whistle back at you, Lauren but.... inandout: let's just say you leave me breathless tigerbalm: No names, Zach tigerbalm: it's like a rule ihatemyguts: uh-oh ihatemyguts: if you had a name, Tiger, in theory, like ihatemyguts: 🧐 tigerbalm: Robyn ihatemyguts: Pretty, you others may as well just come out with it now ihatemyguts: even if I'm a massive perv with mad hacking and tracking skills, I pinky promise I won't be able to find you from your given name alone brainpain: give us yours, newbie ihatemyguts: I will, but you'll think I'm giving you a fake one ihatemyguts: it's the gift and curse bestowed upon me at birth, along with potentially dodgy genetics brainpain: your life is 💩 brainpain: but still ihatemyguts: Zelda ihatemyguts: a reference I'm sure you won't get, 'cos you're so 😎 brainpain: I game, the stream was fibros fave hunting ground brainpain: no 💩 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Turns out being a nerd is way easy from the relative (barely but beats death, yeah?) comfort of the memory foam tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and Rich 👍 only in name, destitute until my next pittance comes in tigerbalm: she's not supposed to 🎮 -headaches -dizziness -light & sound sensitivity but she's a REBEL brainpain: 👌 MOM maybe I'd love a seizure, what do you know? ihatemyguts: I respect it ihatemyguts: gonna be fondly reminiscing over all those dirty, evil trigger foods when they're resecting my bowel 🖕🚔 brainpain: I had a life before I had a TBI, no offense to 👶 Zach inandout: none taken gotspoons: You're all being bad and I cannot support it 🤐😜 gotspoons: and I'm Rosie, I will just 😴 out on you all the time and yes, it's a fantastic excuse for when you don't wanna respond ihatemyguts: I'll commit all of those to memory in a normal, non-creepy manner ihatemyguts: but whilst I'm allowed to be a n00b, what do you all do for school? brainpain: I was nearly done before 🤯 which got me my pity pass ihatemyguts: pity with a point, at least, alright tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'm waiting to start uni, absolutely no thanks to my school and their totally ableist refusal to make reasonable adjustments for accessibility tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but fedora or not, I can be a real arsehole, a loud, persistent one at that tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: take my applause now brainpain: 😍 brainpain: take my 💘 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: as long as it's not heavy, m'lady brainpain: you could 💔 brainpain: hold the pieces tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 🧠 just isn't poetic enough brainpain: you know me gotspoons: you guys are so cute 🥰 and your broken brain is beautiful, Lauren gotspoons: me though, I'm barely struggling through school still, so many sick days, so much catching up to do 🥱 just thinking about it and therein lies the problem tigerbalm: my parents are trying to get online classes set up but my headteacher is like a million years old inandout: is he a demon? inandout: that was some scary fiction brainpain: or was it? brainpain: cue up those sound effects tigerbalm: if we're gonna talk about hypnosis, I'm out ihatemyguts: that was some serious creepy uncle vibes ihatemyguts: why did he need that level of control ihatemyguts: 🐘 in the room tigerbalm: I have a hippie cousin too, alternative therapy talk is so triggering ihatemyguts: I need a memoir re. your family sitch immediately 😂 ihatemyguts: you get the food purists coming @ me as if I just eat the right thing I'd be 'cured' tigerbalm: I'm working on a screenplay but I've never written a script before, I did find an online class for that easily though ihatemyguts: that's actually 😎 ihatemyguts: soz, Lauren brainpain: she's our lil busy 🐝 brainpain: step your game up, Zachary brainpain: supposed to be you, bro inandout: let Robbie have it, she has more sick days to fill up ihatemyguts: always have your 🥇 inandout: I can pin it on like a star when I got to school with the masses inandout: let them know I'm not what normal looks like ihatemyguts: only the others like you need to have the scoop on that though ihatemyguts: really fucks with the segregation in a big way inandout: “I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent.” ihatemyguts: Tattoo idea inandout: if I make it to 18, I'll do it ihatemyguts: how long you given yourself there? inandout: I turned 14 in may, the party was a full blown rager inandout: 🏥🎂 ihatemyguts: you like ruining events too? ihatemyguts: what a coincidence, don't just do family holidays inandout: if I can't blow up 🎈 nobody can ihatemyguts: 🥳 smug bastard inandout: I find that party blower offensive inandout: Rosie! That's a strike for the new girl ihatemyguts: Come to me when it's as culturally iconic as 💩 ihatemyguts: my next (first) tattoo right there inandout: how long are you waiting for that masterpiece? ihatemyguts: was 14 in March ihatemyguts: if we both make it, it's a date inandout: cool inandout: way I'm going that'll be my first one brainpain: now I feel like a pervy OLD uncle brainpain: thank you 👶s ihatemyguts: Lemme guess? ihatemyguts: I'm thinking 19 brainpain: spooky brainpain: I'm an Aquarius if anyone cares ihatemyguts: our 🌟s aligning might be too close to alternative for comfort tigerbalm: I'm a cancer, which is awkward tigerbalm: not my diagnosis ihatemyguts: at least it's memorable ihatemyguts: literally tacked on at the end, who's remembering 🎣 tigerbalm: I hope my 16th will be, for the right reasons tigerbalm: I've still got 5 months left to plan ihatemyguts: 🤞🤞🤞 tigerbalm: I'll add your name, the others know they're all invited ihatemyguts: that's so nice ihatemyguts: considering this introduction has given away nothing if not I am a terrible guest brainpain: another chat about online safety, Robyn, REALLY? 😏 brainpain: did my failed romance teach you nothing? ihatemyguts: if that isn't a challenge to send a photo and make you feel really weird ihatemyguts: why are we anon anyway, to stop us uprising? ihatemyguts: metaphorically if not literally, no offense xoxo brainpain: f it brainpain: I need you all to sign up to my stream to pay my bills anyways brainpain: [a selfie] ihatemyguts: @fibrofog, I get it brainpain: don't flock to tell me how sexy I am, that'd make it weird brainpain: plus, I know tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I picked an awkward time to check back in tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Rosie falls asleep and anarchy reigns? tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'm proud brainpain: 💔 YOU haven't showered me with compliments, but hey tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: if I made it that easy you'd never be 💘 brainpain: 😩 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: to save any of the rest of you following such a hard act tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: [pic] tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: it's old but still a rough estimation of what I look like on a good day brainpain: 😍 brainpain: You're up, girl Z ihatemyguts: if you're all good looking though, I'm so mad ihatemyguts: [a selfie] ihatemyguts: 💩 inandout: I'm not good looking, I'll go next inandout: besides, Robbie would never bow to peer pressure and Rosie is out for the count inandout: [a selfie] tigerbalm: I am 🙀 tigerbalm: but everyone else has tigerbalm: [the shyest selfie of all time] ihatemyguts: 😻😻😻 ihatemyguts: seriously ihatemyguts: representation done us dirty on so many levels now ihatemyguts: when we're not invisible, why we not so gorgeous tigerbalm: there should be a blushing 😸 tigerbalm: that's the representation I need ihatemyguts: Call me out all you need but I was convinced this whole thing would be a lot more tragic than it has been inandout: tragic Tuesdays are a thing brainpain: no they are f-ing not brainpain: Zachary, just cos the new girl's in your age bracket + shares your 1st initial brainpain: she is not corruptible to you inandout: check us on our date, Lauren inandout: but watch your profanity brainpain: watch me give you a DIY lung transplant gotspoons: Excuse me gotspoons: what is going on here brainpain: nothing babe, it's all a dream gotspoons: 😖 gotspoons: if it was, none of you would be here gotspoons: sorry to say brainpain: we love you too brainpain: hit us with that sleepy selfie gotspoons: You know we aren't meant to give out personal info in the public forum gotspoons: if you choose to privately, that's okay though gotspoons: also I don't look any better for my shower now 🥴🤫 brainpain: you're a hottie gotspoons: 😘 gotspoons: well, my blog IS going to be featured on [insert disability awareness news moment] next month, so it isn't as if you couldn't find 🖼 if you really wanted gotspoons: [photo] tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Congrats, Ro tigerbalm: a genuine 👏👏👏 tigerbalm: I love your blog gotspoons: Ty, ty 🙇 gotspoons: it's the same as my username, if you wanna check it out, newbie 😄 brainpain: but have you been on the news for being the victim of a violent crime? 😏 just me LOL inandout: Lauren's trading on her fame again inandout: let Rosie have her moment ihatemyguts: pass along all relevant info and I'll 🤓 right up brainpain: @inandout ����😃💩👅 brainpain: enjoy the profanity, bro inandout: today's highlight tigerbalm: Zelda could take offence at that, Zach tigerbalm: I think it was nice to meet her ihatemyguts: Not at all ihatemyguts: though it's cultural appropriation to use that emoji without my permission, I'll let it slide 😉 ihatemyguts: nice meeting you all too tigerbalm: I really am gonna have to tell you about my family now ihatemyguts: All I wanted, tbh tigerbalm: everyone else knows this but my parents are white Americans & they adopted me and my brothers who are Native and African American respectively tigerbalm: & you saw me, the Korean girl so ihatemyguts: Ohh tigerbalm: it sounds like a show that should air on ABC family, right? tigerbalm: hella awkward ihatemyguts: I'm brainstorming (p. sure we're not meant to say that, soz) titles rn ihatemyguts: inappropriate question alert, verbal smackdowns appreciated if needed ihatemyguts: did they adopt you knowing you were disabled or is that a new development? tigerbalm: I was gonna call it building bridges but we can't really say that the USA has wronged Korea like the other nations tigerbalm: though they did adopt me knowing so maybe it still works 😄 ihatemyguts: it's got legs tigerbalm: 🦿 ihatemyguts: Ugh, must dash ihatemyguts: 🩸💉s tigerbalm: best of luck ihatemyguts: 💕 total pro by now 💪 brainpain: if I don't 👀 you on my stream I'll 🔎 you here in the forums inandout: a threatening goodbye inandout: can't compete tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👋 Hope to see you back here, Zelda tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: though you wouldn't be the first person to 👻 after dropping in, so no pressure, @Lauren gotspoons: but actually, we're always here, some of us more than others, but you'll always find someone to chat to about the things you can't with non-spoonies ihatemyguts: ✌
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steamberrystudio · 6 years
I don't know if this has been answered yet, but how would the LIs react to meeting Nora's parents? (under the assumption that they were in a relationship with her!) also i'd love to know sean's & merle's reactions even though they're technically not romanceable lol
Corvin: Well, he meets Nora’s mom in-game. I imagine he is basically the same with meeting her dad, but with less flirting.
Danny: It’s implied Danny has met them prior to the start of his route (just casually as ‘greet-the-neighbors.’ I suspect it was all pretty mundane. LoL So I don’t think Danny would have any particular reactions.
Elliot: Would be super nervous and I think Shane would be really grumpy (but in that serious-not-serious way) and Courtney would be trying to mediate. Shane would want to know why he has purple hair and why he wears weird contacts. But I think he’d eventually realize there’s not much to complain about - and would pout.
After the fact, Elliot would just worry he’d made a bad impression.
Ewan: This all happens in-game. LoL
Marc: Courtney would fawn over him and Shane would just be suspicious and angry he can’t complain about anything because Marc is basically perfect. I think he’d be secretly relieved that they seemed okay with him, but outwardly he’d just be like “Of course they would be okay with me. =|”
Merle: If we assume Merle and Nora somehow started dating after she turned 18 but was still in school...Courtney wouldn’t be too fazed by it (maybe just mildly wary) but Shane would be displeased. Of course, if they got together after high school, there’s not much he could say about it. He’d still be displeased though. I imagine their meeting would leave Nora very exasperated. LoL
I think Merle would find her parents amusing and would have to really try to not provoke her dad.
Sean: Eh....I think this one might not go extremely well. But I think he’d be left feeling envious that Nora has a loving and supportive family. Since he...no longer does. So he and Nora would end up having a heart to heart where she mooshes his face and says “You have *me.* And others who love you. That’s what matters.”
William: He’d be really nervous but I think even Shane would like him. Even if he didn’t want to admit it. Most of the meeting would be Courtney trying to coax William to talk. William would really like both of Nora’s parents and think they’re wonderful people.
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bitchfromthecrypt · 4 years
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This Book Belongs To: Melody
Sometimes, life doesn't go quite the way you’d expect.
Death however, never goes the way you’d expect.
Melody Adler; daughter, mother, widow.
She was a woman of many words, and even more talents, a kind soul who strives for the very best at every turn.
She longed to one day move her mother and daughter out of her rundown apartment, far away the hustle and bustle of the city.
Unfortunately, none of that matters because she's dead.
Melody woke up in the middle of an empty field, left with nothing but her new diary, her memories, a whole lot of questions and no one to ask them to.
At first she couldn’t tell if she was in hell or heaven.
Then she met Her.
And it all went down hill from there.
Criticsm is always welcome and greatly appreciated!!!! I’m a new writer and I’m making up 99% of this as I go lol
Hope you enjoy!!!
Double chapter cause the first ones incredibly short
Entry Two
I'm going to go for a walk.
I can't sit here twiddling my thumbs for all eternity.
I'm not sure I could stand it.
Although it's not like exercising would do me any good.
Not much affects me nowadays.
Not physically.
I miss it, the groundedness of a body.
I can still see myself, I can see my hands, my thick black hair, my dark skin.
And yet, nothing is quite solid.
I'm weightless.
Thinking back, when I first arrived here, I panicked, as any sane person would.
All I could think about was how difficult it was to take a deep breath.
It hasn't changed.
I can't feel air in my lungs anymore.
When I touch something, I go through it.
Everything intertwines, it’s almost like locking hands with someone.
No, it's more like running your hands through water.
It's near impossible to describe, all I can truthfully say is how unsettling it is to never feel the ground underneath you.
I should leave soon.
“Last night" lasted a very long while.
I may have time to wait for light, but I do not have the patience.
I will not lie here and wait for nothing.
Idle hands and all that.
Entry Three
I wasn't trying to get lost, obviously.
I don't enjoy not knowing where I am.
Then again, that's more of a constant these days.
I didn't want to return.
I couldn't. Not yet.
It's too much.
Waking up everyday to the same empty sky and knowing for a fact that there's no one.
No one and nothing other than you and your memories that seem like they took place so long ago.
I just wanted to breathe.
Besides, it's not like I wouldn't wake up right back where I started.
It's happened the last twenty times.
I just wanted to see something different.
Unfortunately, there was only the forest.
I couldn't tell you how long I walked, only that if I was alive I would've passed out miles before I'd stopped.
I was pleased to see that the trees seem to get bigger the deeper you go, anything different is a breath of fresh air.
I was however, unsettled to see the path follows you, no matter where you step.
If I took my eyes off it, even for a second, even just to blink, it would be miles ahead of wherever I had planned to walk.
Little things like that remind me of where I am now.Of what I am now.
It truly takes what little charm this place could ever have and rips it to shreds.
It got dark.
I thought I'd stay longer, no point in being afraid of the dark when nothing is there to kill you.
Not that anything could to begin with.
I walked until I couldn't tell if it was still night or if it was day, as the trees were so dense, so packed together, their branches deeply intertwined, almost tangled.
I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face.
They arched over me.
To keep me trapped. Or to shield me.
I don't think I’m meant to know which.
I walked further still.
I lied down right where I stood and slept on the ground.
I was reminded of my own bed.
I got the frame on sale for 7 dollars, a great deal, but at the time it was a big purchase.
The mattress, I got from my mother's oldest church friend henrietta.
Her son went away to college and his mattress had been used for so long she didn't think it would sell well.
Plus she'd do anything to help out poor little Loretta and her starving daughter.
That's one thing I don't miss.
We were a tight knit community, which meant everyone knew everyone's business, and they damn sure had something to say about it.
Every single time we went to church or school, someone had to bring it up.
My mother worked her behind off cleaning their houses and cleaning up after their kids, just to make sure we had everything we needed, only to be told to her face and behind her back that it would never be enough.
Pity and prayers don't pay bills.
And in most cases I wouldn't call what they felt for us pity.
Anyway, the bed was horrid.
Sleeping on the ground felt only slightly worse. And it smelled a lot better.
Perhaps the tangent made me restless but I could not sleep.
Something felt wrong.
Not bad necessarily, just off. I felt like I was being watched.
And I knew it was silly of me, I hadn't seen so much as a tick in this entire forest.
Still, I felt eyes on me.
After a while I couldn't take it anymore.
I spoke.
Nothing much, I only asked if anyone was there.
I knew in my head it was ridiculous, I wasn’t that much of a fool.
I just felt this need. A need be around another human, another animal even.
I just couldn’t help but think that maybe, somewhere out in this forest there was some little creature sitting all alone in this dark, watching me sleep.
Maybe it just needed to be around someone too.
Most likely not, but common sense isn't a strong suit of mine right now.
I haven't had much need to practice.
Of course nothing responded.
But I wasn’t ready to give up on my fantasy yet.
I stood and called out to it again.
The air fell still as I waited for something, anything.
I didn’t breathe for fear that I’d miss it.
And still, complete silence.
I sighed to myself and lied back down, form in my previous belief that there was, indeed no on there.
That I was alone.
That all I could do was sit down, shut up, and go to sleep.
The unchanging realm would be waiting for me in the “morning”, and it was pointless to think differently.
I fell into a depressing silence, I closed my eyes, and I let myself drift into unconsciousness.
Hoping that maybe this time, I at least wouldn’t wake up to face the same blank sky again.
Then the sound.
A snap.
It was so faint I almost missed it.
But I heard it, I know I did.
A twig snapped.
It was so close, I could've reached it in five paces.
I had never yearned for a flashlight so desperately, I would've killed for a bit of moonlight in that moment.
I guessed where the sound had come from, and darted after it.
I was never even sure if it was really there, I almost gave up, until I heard it.
The footsteps.
Quick, quiet little footsteps.
I was elated, something, some person, some animal, some creature was there.
I could've cried, I would've cried!
Until I tripped.
I hadn't payed attention to where I was running, and I tripped.
Over my own feet.
I hit my head.
I know that because I woke up in the very same field I do every day.
It was devastating being so close only to suddenly wake up and be faced with the fact that I will most likely never see whatever was there again.
I couldn’t have been dreaming.
I don't know what I’ll do if I imagined it all, I don't think I could take it.
My solace though! My delight! My proof!
I have a scar on my knee.
It's small, nearly imperceptible, but it's there, it's a scar!
For a moment, long enough for me to injure myself, I went somewhere.
Somewhere I could get hurt.
Somewhere other than here.
I need to go again.
I'm going on another walk. Right now.
I’ll run into whatever was watching me eventually, I just have to keep walking.
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🌲🌷 for Sadie, Kat, and Christine if you don't mind (though honestly you could answer all of these and I'd read them all) Also good luck in your writing and happy new year! Thanks for being a bright spot on my year hope to hear more from you in the 2020s!! ....(and if Sadie and Stiles were to make a surprise comeback in the 2020s I don't think anybody would complain😬 ok I'm done bye! And thank you)
asdfgh omg thank you??? this was lovely. okay okay okay. this is long, sorry everyone!
🌲What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done to another person?
🌷What does your OC hate about themselves? What lies about themselves do they believe? On the flip side, what does your OC love about themselves?
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🌲What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done to another person?
Sadie is definitely the kind of person that thrives on random acts of kindness. I guess the “kindest” thing that she’s done would be going shopping for Derek and his pack so they wouldn’t have to suffer living in hiding. I really liked the chapter where she bought dinner for Derek and they hung out in the bus car in lieu of a real “Wolf Moon” celebration with his family.
I think to Sadie, the kindest thing anyone’s ever done for her would be Lydia letting her cry about her dad. The first few weeks she spent in Beacon Hills, she was incredibly sad and alone. Having Lydia reach out to her, even if it was a little bit coerced by their parents, really saved her.
I would say holding a gun on Scott is definitely a contender for worst thing Sadie’s ever done. Though shooting Peter is definitely the most vindictive thing she’s done. We just don’t blame her cause he’s Peter lol.
Kat doesn’t necessarily consider herself kind. She does consider herself good. So as far as kindness, it probably involves the support she offers to the younger girls at the gym. Inviting them into her office to swap stories of trauma and therapy, and counseling them in times of need. She saved a lot of girls that way even before she became a hunter.
The kindest person Kat ever met was Jessica. Jess was filled with a million random acts of kindness when Kat was recovering from her assault, and their parents didn’t know what to do. Everything from finishing Kat’s essays when she didn’t have the energy to making her an anxiety shoebox full of balloons and bubble wrap and candy. Kat still has it under her bed.
You’d think Kat’s worst transgression would be born out of her anger. She beats and berates Sam repeatedly because of her grudge. She’s beaten and berated quite a few men and monsters more than they deserved. But really, the worst thing Kat has ever done was leave her mother to go on the road. There was no discussion, no keeping in touch the first few months. She just left, because she couldn’t stand being home. She still hates herself for it sometimes, despite how far she’s come. 
Hmm, besides taking in an abused child with superpowers and hiding her in her house for several days while teaching them about love, life, and waffles? Probably taking Dustin under her wing. But for the most part, I think Christine’s insistence on protecting Eleven kind of takes the cake.
Dustin is definitely the person that has been kindest to Christine. He’s undoubtedly the kindest person Christine knows. I imagine a time where Christine was sullen about losing her mom, maybe on the anniversary of her death, or when she moved up to high school from the middle school. And Dustin is supposed to be somewhere with the rest of the party. Instead, he takes a movie and a bunch of comics to Christine’s house so he can sit on the floor and distract her all day.
I think the worst thing Christine has done is probably telling/heavily insinuating to the cops that Nancy slept with Steve. Not just because it made things explode in Nancy’s home life, but because it’s one of two times she really goes out of her way to hurt Nancy. The other, of course, being all the things she said outside the movie theater. But telling the police wasn’t done in the heat of the moment. She actively made the decision to throw Nancy under the bus.
🌷What does your OC hate about themselves? What lies about themselves do they believe? On the flip side, what does your OC love about themselves?
Sadie is definitely the type that believes that she’s not enough. She hates that she can’t save everyone all the time. She hates that she can’t make everyone all the time. She hates that everyone can’t believe she’s perfect. She’s the kind of person where every time she has a bad thought, she internalizes it and believes she’s a bad person.
Obviously the best example of this is the situation with Kate in Season 2. Kate told Sadie that she’d be just like her. That she’d hurt innocent people to save those she loved, and that if she didn’t, she was a coward. So Sadie believes it two-fold. She believes she isn’t enough to protect people, or to deserve affection. And she believes she’s a coward for not doing what it takes.
Sadie knows her talents. She knows that she’s creative, and passionate, and an extremely determined and stubborn person. I think her empathy is the thing that sets her apart from a lot of my other characters. She doesn’t just choose to put herself in other people’s shoes. She’s compelled to - both the heroes and the villains.
I think what frustrates Kat most about herself is her emotional immaturity. She’s not immature in the way that people can be childish, but she has a really hard time understanding emotions. She struggles with her own rage and sadness, and sometimes gets surprised by her own feelings that she hasn’t noticed. A lot of the time, she settles on anger just cause it’s easier for her. She’s been through enough therapy to see herself doing it, but it’s also hard for her to stop. I don’t think she’d say she hates it though.
I think Kat does sometimes believe the lie that she’s broken. There are moments that crop up throughout the story where her walls fall down, and you see that she’s not as strong as she pretends to be. Some days she feels like she will never be able to recover or heal from all the wrongs she’s done and all the things that have been done to her. She feels empty, and dirty, and like she will never be enough.
At the same time, Kat is one of my more secure OCs. She’s been to therapy to deal with all of that self-hatred and blame that she carries. She loves her own determination. She loves her own strength. She loves her own strong moral compass, and the way she sees right and wrong. She knows she’s not perfect, but at the end of the day, she knows that she’s done a lot of good, and she’s a damn strong woman who surprises those who dare to underestimate her.
Much like Sadie, Christine is an anxious mess sometimes. She hates that she doesn’t know how to stand up for herself. Not because she’s bullied or anything. She just feels like she doesn’t know how to stand out. It’s easy to express opinions behind closed doors, but she’s easily overwhelmed by crowds and authority figures, which makes her feel like a wimp.
Christine is also very self-pitying. She believes that she’s the “lesser” of her friend group, especially next to Nancy. Her grades aren’t as good. Her house isn’t as nice. She doesn’t get the same amount of attention or compliments. She definitely believes that she’s the B-rate Nancy, the fallback option. Obviously, the situation with Steve didn’t help that at all.
I do think Christine loves her own intelligence. She knows she’s smart, and likes when people ask her for help. She likes feeling knowledgable - about school or movies or comics. It gives her great satisfaction to be able to answer a lot of questions. It’s one of the reasons she lets herself be used by Steve in physics. He doesn’t have to do any work, and she gets to show off that she can do a lot of work and is very capable.
0 notes
Fearghal & Tess & Katya
Fearghal: [Notes in detention, let's say he's there today 'cos some teacher was a patronizing dickhead and he told 'em to do one and then did himself] Tess: [we all know she was brawling but let's assume something/someone stopped her at the start of it cos she has no chill rn and they'd be dead] Fearghal: Hey up Tess: g'wed Fearghal: what you in for Tess: [draws a spoon because that means to make a mistake in scouse but with a hand gripping the handle because 'gripped' is caught] Fearghal: [draws an eye on the spoon] Tess: [when you're amused af but you can't show it because such is life so you just draw a big ? like what do you want] Fearghal: you not in year 11? Tess: [cross out the 1 and write a 0] Fearghal: [draws a smiley in the 0 so it looks like an E and does his own question mark] Tess: [writes however much that'd cost back then because idk] Fearghal: sound Fearghal: what's your name then Tess: [draws a _ like fill in anything you like] not gonna fuck you whatever you call me Fearghal: [does a lol and gets told to shut up] Fearghal: alright, blondie it is Tess: [makes a 😒 face at him] bleach ain't only a pure boss bevvy Fearghal: [huge grins back like] Fearghal: so you're smart and all Tess: [🖕 because does she care if the teacher sees not really but 😏 because try and keep some customers babe] Tess: can count the spends you owe if you're deciding you'll leg it Fearghal: [does 'dagger through my heart' act] Fearghal: not do that, you know where I live, babe Tess: if you wanna call it living, irish Fearghal: Living it up in Heswall are ya? I'll pop in for tea when I'm in the area meself Tess: you a scuffer with a baby face? [draws a baby policeman with an irish flag] Fearghal: get fucked am I Fearghal: new one, give you credit there Tess: ask a lotta geg questions, new lad, bit rem if you ain't earning from it Fearghal: Shit, don't tell Donovan he's right Fearghal: really can't read Tess: [is again so amused on the low but] do less drugs Tess: learn more scouse Fearghal: must be your main gig Fearghal: teach me then, blondie Tess: your gary orders are properly keeping my leccy on, yeah [draws a 💡 with a smiley face] Fearghal: better teacher than this lot but that ain't saying fuck all but I reckon I'd learn a thing or two if you were up there instead Fearghal: [throws paperball at board for emphasis and then has to go put it in the bin like 😏] Tess: whatever your meff mates in year 11 have said, they didn't learn or catch nothing off me Fearghal: [when he's back in his seat] Fearghal: I ain't got any blondie, you're alright Tess: [draws him a medal] made up for yous Fearghal: [makes it have a sad face] shouldn't be Tess: [crosses it out like I take it back then] Fearghal: [draws a heart] Tess: [rips up that page deliberately slowly like fuck you] Tess: giz us the £ and garry can show his face Fearghal: [laughs again like sh you have such a loud laugh but not bothered and neither is this teacher lowkey so] Fearghal: at the end, not necking it now, babe Tess: [draws a broken heart with garry written in it] Tess: call me babe again and you ain't getting it Fearghal: [crosses it out] Tess: not as rem as your face would have you look Fearghal: s'okay, I know I'm cute, blondie Tess: stop listening to your ma, irish, she's feeding you lies with the scran Fearghal: don't think it's in her vocabulary or recipe book Fearghal: [crosses out garry and writes his own name] Tess: how am I meant to say that? barely read it Fearghal: want me to teach you Fearghal: gave me the scouse 101 for free Tess: point you in the direction of a girl that'll work on, is right Fearghal: you're a pal Tess: friendly neighbourhood dealer Fearghal: [draws a really crap spiderman] Tess: gonna tat that on me, full credit to yous Fearghal: it is my look too so tah for that Tess: [looks at him like she genuinely hasn't noticed cos lowkey never looks at people if she can help it] Fearghal: [lifts his sleeves where necessary like hiya] Tess: [🙄 but she hasn't looked away so] Fearghal: and that's just the safe for school ones, jailbait Tess: [puts her hand up and is like sir this boy is flirting with me cos she knows he won't actually do anything but she's like um shut up fearghal] Fearghal: [always loling] Tess: try downers Fearghal: what would the chef recommend Tess: I'm not a walking menu Tess: how full's your wallet? Fearghal: not that full Fearghal: but my gaff is shit enough to make me [sad face] Tess: [draws a him with that sad face at a lemonade stand because lemonade is slang for shit drugs I don't think it's scouse but I'm still doing it] Fearghal: [draws a stickman teacher pissing in his cup] Tess: [😏 before she can help it, let's hope her hair is covering her face enough] Fearghal: [draws a landline phone] 123 what's the time and how long we got left Tess: [draws a clock with the time on as it is now and another one with the time they are allowed to leave as if she's challenging him to be able to tell time lol] Fearghal: not flirting with you or nothing but you got the glasses and pencil skirt or have I gotta fork out for them too Tess: [crosses them both out cos she doesn't have either of course and underlines the fork out bit like unlucky] Fearghal: tell all me mates your well expensive, fairplay Tess: tell 'em I ain't for sale and you won't get wrecked Fearghal: sure, lemme hit 'em with my next note Fearghal: [throws it at an empty desk like sup lads] Tess: [draws some ghost 90s fuckboys because amused again] Fearghal: [gives 'em stereotypical scouse names like idk, all of the beatles etc] Fearghal: bessie mates, right Tess: stay close to george, the rest are cunts Fearghal: looking out for me so you can do me in yourself Tess: need you to keep the wolves from my door, irish Tess: dead hero's no use Fearghal: so tell me Fearghal: which one am I, spidey Tess: [shrugs but we all know she's a massive nerd] Fearghal: take superman then Fearghal: 'least draw me the S and I'll see if I've got room on me chest Tess: [draws it at him in the air like] Fearghal: [catches it and thumps on his chest like sorted] Tess: [🙄] Fearghal: [draws a crossed-eyed face with glasses and the teacher bun] Tess: [puts a knife in her hand cos very subtle warning there] Fearghal: [draws target on his back] Tess: [😏] Fearghal: what parties are you hitting tonight Tess: every one Fearghal: busy [🐝] Tess: patronising [drawing of a slug because there isn't an emoji how rude] Fearghal: can put the salt away, meant it, honey [🍯💘] Tess: call me honey again and I'll stab you Fearghal: strangeways, here we come Tess: morgue for yous Fearghal: wish it were a promise, blondie Tess: it is, not a soft lad, i don't only put the tip in, like Fearghal: [puts his hand up like sir this girl is flirting with me] Tess: you wish Fearghal: [does daydream bubble above his cartoon head and sighs IRL so wistfully and dramatically] Tess: [writes I'm a doss cunt in the bubble and makes him be crying] Fearghal: awh, well how'd you know Tess: [points to her eyes like I've got them and use them] Fearghal: pretty Tess: [when you cross it out so dramatically cos you're fuming now because 1. we can all imagine the shit josh used to say 2. she's not allowed to live that way 3. thinks he's just flirting with her like the rest cos she's easy] Tess: fuck off Fearghal: [a bit like ?! but has the decency to hide it like shrugging like alright] Tess: [moody silence be like because can't look at him cos then eye contact and don't think about my eyes please] Fearghal: is charlie coming tonight too Fearghal: [coke] Tess: Yeah Fearghal: y'know what time? Fearghal: [price] Tess: [again idk but let's say she writes it there for him obvs] Fearghal: [does thumbs up when he can catch her eye for a sec] Tess: [nods to show that she saw it but those eyes are dead honey] Fearghal: what do you reckon he peps his coffee up with then [gesturing at the teacher who's so out of it] Tess: scotch [draws a 👃 like figured that out ages ago bye] Tess: teacher's highland cream if he had jokes Fearghal: you're funny even if he ain't Fearghal: not giving him that much credit personally, least that's an actual drink Fearghal: I reckon it's straight paint thinner vodka in that black coffee Tess: he likes to actually drink, irish he's not woman having a midlife crisis Tess: that was his wife Fearghal: so it ain't her red wine leftovers in there Tess: it'd be turned to vinegar Fearghal: [draws broken heart] Fearghal: bless him Tess: you sound like you're a woman having a midlife crisis Fearghal: ugly bitch if I am Tess: sound not look, bitch Fearghal: I get it Fearghal: older women are hot Tess: [crosses it out like no thank you] Fearghal: [draws himself with long hair crying] Tess: [starts putting her hand up again but puts it down immediately cos just for the bants] Fearghal: [is 😏] Fearghal: you'd know if I was Fearghal: reps anything to go by Tess: [draws an arrow to the older women are hot comment even though she put a line through it let's say it's still readable and a 💔 next to it] Tess: too young for you Fearghal: you're gutted Tess: [goes over and over the 💔 until it's really dark and emphasised like yeah obvs] Fearghal: eh carve it on the desk so i know its real, blondie Tess: [does because give a shit] Fearghal: [beats whatever is probably written about them in the bathrooms etc] Tess: [taking a sec to deal with her other notes/drug deals while the teacher is drunkenly asleep like] Tess: carve it into his head so i know it's real, fearghal Fearghal: [the rest of y'all better keep your chill enough so he can get it done then you can all run out early tah, 'DOSS CUNT' is the way to go obvs] Tess: [is so 😏 not fake rn at all] Tess: [people be following her like she's the pied piper cos deals to be done] Fearghal: [goes off like he ain't gonna stay but is actually just going for a piss or whatever so the crowd dies down a bit] Tess: [when you're waiting because you need the cash but it looks like you're shamelessly waiting for him] Fearghal: [walks back when the last kid is leaving and makes a face like 'looks like you'd make lots offa him'] Tess: [giving nothing away by your face because in work mode] Fearghal: [when you sit down on a step, wherever and get out a pouch of baccy and a rizla and start rolling 'cos conflicted 'cos got your own shit you have to save for here but also clearly need to get fucked up atm so- but you offer her the first one 'may as well'] Tess: [gives him a death stare like fuck you I can roll my own and probs better than you but still takes it but deliberately doesn't sit cos gotta keep that distance, blowing smoke like you're so furious he's being a time waster when we all know it's good to take a sec actually] Fearghal: [gives an amused little half-laugh on the exhale of his own smoke at her display 'can't charge me for time, still have 20 minutes in there if it weren't for me, blondie' shrugs] Tess: [just got the 🚬 in your mouth so you can pick at the bitten skin around your nails like it's not sore enough already and pretend like he doesn't exist to you] Fearghal: [just whistling to yourself 'cos you can't do silence] Tess: [when you lowkey kick him like shut up omg because can't pretend he's not there if he won't let you and to remind him you still are like are we doing this deal or nah] Fearghal: [slides the cash over to her on the floor like there you go] Tess: [hands him them droogs after she's picked up and counted the cash of course but she's written her name for him on whatever they're in like there you go 'nickname can go die on it's arse now' but we all know she'd die if he called her by her name actually] Fearghal: [breathes out like really? when he sees her name 'cos coincidences everywhere and shakes his head like 'fuck sake' and a little lol 'as long as you don't stab me for it, I'll stick with Blondie, tah'] Tess: [another death stare because what's wrong with my name fuck you and also so glad I bothered telling you then but crosses her name out like it's so casual which makes me lol cos it looks like she's gonna take her drugs back like none for you bye] Fearghal: [just getting up to either get his drugs or money back but still more bemused than mad, like 'nothing personal, babe'] Tess: [shoves his drugs back at him because don't call me babe] Fearghal: [does a cross over his mouth like whoops and pockets the droogs 'tah'] Tess: [just 🚬 like because as he said nowhere to be yet] Fearghal: [when you're just in your thoughts but trying not to be so you gotta lowkey make smalltalk 'you always lived here?'] Tess: ['the accent's not jarg, irish, is yours?' why is that the word for fake okay then] Fearghal: [can just about follow that one lol 'yeah, reckon it'd make me dead popular, nothing like fitting in' gestures at himself up and down with a grin 'cos does not in any way] Tess: [looks him up and down like 😒 don't protest too much babe 'heard you ain't had no issue finding holes to fit yourself in' cos that milf rumor popping off] Fearghal: ['careful, indifference gets to sounding like jealousy if you shout about it' but shrugs like and what?] Tess: [laughs in a way that would be so much like a fuck you 'proper scouse 101, say a cunt's still got a ma and da under one roof, don't come and fuck that ma under the same, however boss she looks in a nightie and slippers'] Fearghal: [makes a face that's so fake shook 'Well now you tell me, Blondie- No bother, 'cos if I can get in, s'the family that's already broken, not the door, give a fuck if some soft lad-' mimics her accent for that bit- 'and his da are gonna cry about it, his mum weren't'] Tess: [shrugs because lbr if that lad was gonna do anything or his dad they already would have and she's done her bit by 'warning' him for next time] Fearghal: [flicks his ash away and coughs 'if they seem desperate to get caught themselves, I'll reconsider next time, maybe'] Tess: ['it's your life, babe' mimics his accent for the babe because have to if he did it first] Fearghal: [nods like 😏 'nah fairplay my accent is well fit'] Tess: [the most disgusted face she can do and still be serious] Fearghal: [just laughing always 'alright then blondie, see you later'] Tess: [nods because inevitably] Fearghal: [time skip to a party] Tess: [girl be working hard drinking some horrible 90s energy drink that's probably worse for you than drugs because much to do] Fearghal: [can only imagine how gone he and Katya are] Tess: [everyone but her lowkey how bored she'd be] Fearghal: [s'not a mood but this party wouldn't really be anyway we all know it Tess: [story of their lives] Katya: [gonna be looking ravey af, the glitter and neon paint would be so real, coming up like 'hello' like you're already mates] Tess: [when she'd be shook because nobody says hello to her ever but covering it well of course and just giving her a look like what do you want because there's only one reason she's here] Katya: ['You look very bored'] Tess: [has to stop herself from loling because caught off guard again as that wasn't what she expected her to say but just looks at her like let me sell you some drugs and then I'll have something to do] Katya: [looks at her and raises an eyebrow like, I don't buy my own drugs 'Would you like something else to drink?'] Tess: [is conflicted af because obviously would because this party is boring af but like is also working and also we know the state of her father and also doesn't like owing people things which reminds her that she owes Fearghal a smoke so she's like 'where's the irish lad?' because thinks they are fucking/know each other better than they do] Katya: [has a look round genuinely like idk let's see but clearly can't see him or she would've babe, rolls eyes but affectionately 'must be upstairs'] Tess: [shrugs like it's so casual but goes to get a real drink cos fuck it] Katya: [is like 'hey!' 'cos she was gonna get it but smiles and stays put 'cos not gonna follow her that hard] Tess: [is probably ages cos getting waylaid by punters but comes back to stand where she was cos Katya is less annoying than the other dickheads here] Katya: [has just been grooving, with lads she wanna, avoiding the ones she don't like 'scuse me, in that vain running up to Tess and being like 'save me' in her ear so this particular one takes the hint] Tess: [death stares whoever it is like off you fuck now cos you don't wanna start shit with her boy] Katya: [shrugs at him like whoops sorry but is 😏 so evidently not 'Мудак' (Mu-dak, specifically for dudes) as she turns back to Tess, shaking her head] Fearghal: [suddenly popping back up like 'Dunno what you just called me but don't reckon I deserve it, like'] Tess: [is also 😏 because amused by Katya's antics anyway but have to keep the expression on around Fearghal of course and puts a 🚬 in his hand immediately like] Fearghal: [looks at it then at her like confusion 'cos high but then 💡 and nods her way like oh yeah, cheers and puts it behind his ear for later and puts an arm around Katya who is squishing his face like 'never!'] Tess: [when they are nothing like Josh or Summer but it reminds her of having friends so she wants to die just drinking too fast like] Fearghal: [the mood so neither of them is gonna call her out on it even though they see it, Fearghal specifically looking at her like 'Celebrating?' and a face like same 'cos doesn't need saying that obvs not but Katya raising whatever she's got like 'Ha За здоровье!'] Tess: [when she just ignores him and cheers Katya with whatever you're drinking as like I'll be off now but then she sees that the gruesome twosome are here and straight up freezes] Fearghal: [when you both look and are both 😒 like eurgh 'cos wouldn't fuck with either of them as is and like everyone knows who they are in relation to Tess so get why she's reacted like that, so he goes off to get more drinks having to go past them like 'scuse me dickheads and Katya turning her back so Tess can stand her ground and not but still look like they having an in-depth convo 'she was your friend' a statement way more than a question 'I think she would like to be you, she is an idiot'] Tess: [watching them kiss and dance together cos can't look away so I hope Fearghal barges into them even if he didn't need to so she can stop and down the rest of her drink to get rid of the taste of blood in her mouth from holding herself back from doing anything else since she's still got drugs on her like we said, can't be starting drama especially with Summer who's 100% that bitch. About to nod at Katya because she was her friend for such a long time but then snapping the fuck out of that instinct and shaking her head because not anymore clearly and scoffing because yeah Summer is an idiot, who'd wanna be her when she doesn't even wanna] Fearghal: [Katya scoffs back 'She would rather be thought pretty and have boyfriend than have things that matters but this is like all girls our age, yes? Silly, knowing nothing about anything.' Fearghal coming back with three of whatever and shoving one at Tess as quick as she did the cigarette, swapping it for her empty, throwing it not at Summer and Josh but in their general direction 'What would you like to do?' Katya adds, taking a swig of her drink 'We can find you more customers if you would like'] Tess: [literally would wanna say something about how much Josh and the family they were meant to be did matter but not drunk enough for that although she blatantly will be soon cos haven't eaten anything in forever probably and would drink like half the drink he just gave her immediately like what could go wrong here. Finally saying 'Yeah' to both things but so quietly they'd struggle to hear it over this rave if they were anybody else and making herself move into the crowd to get customers instead of away which is what she'd wanna do] Fearghal: [she can go off to get all the lads and clearly get so fucked up 'cos all gonna buy her some too 'cos that's the ploy here, whereas he's gonna stay in sight 'cos shamelessly protective and can step in if anything kicks off with those two] Tess: [god bless, not all heroes wear capes lads, I appreciate less lads for Tess to have to deal with as she's getting white girl wasted in this club] Fearghal: [go have a cry you deserve it lbr] Tess: [just in the bathroom like the girly cliche you're not] Fearghal: [have at it honey, shame he can't smack Josh yet really] Tess: [kick everyone out first though you don't need that to be your rep] Fearghal: [meanwhile actually do smack him 'cos any reason at a party where everyone's fucked up] Tess: [hooray for coming back and them being gone] Fearghal: [small blessings, and they've probably shifted a fair amount between 'em so] Tess: [give this smol drunk child her money lads and she'll try not to cry on you] Fearghal: [all the funds for you] Tess: [give them a drug freebie like thanks even if Katya might wanna save hers for later if she's had loads] Fearghal: [I hope you've cheeked some for later or you'll be so skyhigh/about to die lol] Tess: [when she'd just wanna leave but like that's not her life]
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