#i'd like to have a polite chat with the people responsible for this episode
fighting-naturalist · 2 years
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Daniel Jackson in “Hathor”
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
arlen's mind notes! all ten episodes in here, mostly because i don't feel like splitting them up at All. w/e we vibe
oh i HATE that alarm
does Not remember the prior night
,,,shares a room with Barney. gazes sidelong at Ryan. who says the same "I'm not his dad" thing. Only two beds in the room. What Is Going On Here.
Lives on-site, keeps his gun in his room. The room is pitifully small for two.
The background music is diagetic.
Thinks he may hate mornings more than anyone else in the world
The sink doesn't turn on but there Is a pool of water not draining from the sink. Rinses his hands in that.
Apparently slept in his uniform.
The vending machine ate his money D: At least tries to get breakfast.
Slur count one.
beeps out the swears but not the slur. Okay.
Complains about the ramp in the dorms. Says they won't have any handicapped security guards, and it's only guards and scientists in that specific hall. Clearly does not know about Keller.
Lampshades the Rescas ahead of time
Does seem to have a unique model.
Not a computer expert, he just presses keys and they work
New security guard swagger Disgusts him
falls asleep at his post
One of the other people at his station is named C.J.
INCREDIBLY concerned at a helicopter exploding and killing people right next to him, as well as some aliens arriving. Reasonable response!
Calls for backup.
middle initial is J!
A C G and F all have been giving reports of aliens
Kate is in Sector F
ah his name is spelled Tod. One d.
maintains what I'd consider realistic reactions to corpses and aliens
inspects a dead vortigaunt
very sharp reflexes
screams when he sees zombies unexpectedly
Figures out the mechanics of the headcrabs but refuses to linger on it
calls some pipes gay??
finds the room that had music going. There's a lot of beds in here.
mumbling SO badly. I can barely hear him
stops to watch a zombie fiddle with a vending machine before killing it
shoots a vending machine for soda!
"sprite is fucking awesome"
slur count TWO
shoots a box open. Three boxes
delighted to have a shotgun. Considers himself invincible while having one
the instinct of every mindverse character: wait for the houndeye to finish charging up and get ear blasted
the houndeye very well may have ruptured his kidney. He keeps going around like that anyways
pool cue weapon,, does he know how fragile those things are? Very! I love pool.
seems to casually call things gay as an insult
questions half the things he says making sense
gets electrocuted and complains loudly about the pain
he wants to break physics too!
busts into the women's washroom with no comment
seems to think he's at risk of a heart attack if he doesn't calm down
"okay, I'm calm now i think. I hope." Chat, I don't think he's calm
repeating to himself to be calm, calm... Briefly interrupts with a I WANT TO KILL EVERYBODY and then calms right back down
finds the target range calming. Possibly because of the ammo
"not barely anything"
takes the alien issue as an excuse to go into places he's not meant to be
"security... is everyone's job" enters the security only room
absolutely delighted to use grenades at any opportunity
watches the nature channel. Frequently sees thing spraying goo everywhere
just. So lame. He's great.
tells a door closing on him is Not Polite
he isn't sure if he wants to be upset over the money wasted on the arcade or that He wasn't invited in
he is working on a gun that he seems to think needs replacing
despite asking for a replacement two months ago, he has not been Issued the replacement gun
seems to enjoy talking through the things he's physically doing
has schizophrenia and admits it acts up sometimes. Mmmmay be another joke? Feels literal to me.
wonders what a barnacle will do to him if he touches it
jeez he can kill a barnacle with a single pool cue hit
gets headaches after being choked
stresses to the soldiers that he is Not evil, it's. It's Him. Tod Jarley Arlen. Says that's not actually his name he's just very scared.
cuts a couple gs off the end of his words
delights in gunning down the soldiers while it's happening (seems very mad they're trying to kill him) but follows it up with
"I just killed two people. That's nice to know. I'm going to hell."
describes himself as a "homicidal maniac" and says it's going to be hard to take that in
seems to be in shock, actually!
avoids killing the next soldiers he comes across and just Runs
hits his nose trying to get into a vent
thinks he broke his nose!
he is still trying to forget that he's murdering people
immediately has to kill more soldiers. Plaintively expresses that this Isn't fun and he Doesn't like murdering people
thinks watching the blood splatter is fun. Immediately asks what's wrong with him
turret. He officially loves his life
happy to destroy the turret!
the cliffside is Also not fun!
usually flat affect except when his life is in active danger
wishes Kate was here :(
has played Minecraft! Which. Was first made playable by the public in 2009. Full release was 2011, I think.
gman!! Tod knows him! He's seen him, anyways. Tod doesn't want a thing to do with him, "even if it is an alien apocalypse." Clearly has some understanding of what he is.
if he misses an exit behind a door he's going to cry
you just shot a SNOT MONSTER, sir
sounds like he's about to cry when he finds a body a bullsquid tore up
tells things to go to hell pretty frequently
tad hurt by falling from a height
doesn't hesitate overmuch to do something dangerous when it's his only option
OH. oh he has BADLY injured his legs that sounded deeply unpleasant
laughs a bit while in pain
okay the way this mod is made he is blatantly taking hits but doesn't comment at all so we shall just kindly hold kayfabe
seems less bothered by killing people right now. Course corrects from wanting people to approach him to telling himself to calm down
doesn't actually Want to become a homicidal maniac
just keeps using grenades every chance he gets. I don't blame him the blast radius on these are NUTS
"on three. One. Three!"
never learned how to use the railcars
amazed at the car's still functioning after multiple explosions
pondering the implications of the aliens overrunning Black Mesa despite their heavy armemants
always thought conspiracy theorists were idiots
very happy that he Isn't a conspiracy theorists
yells at himself to Wake Up just. To test if he's asleep. Doesn't seem too bothered that he isn't
BULLSQUID SPIT TO THE EYE. even after it mostly clears his sight is a bit fuzzy
the acid in his eyes hurts more than when he broke his arm. Most pain he's ever been in!
slur count... Stays at two. Barely.
screams and runs from an alien grunt in the MOST visceral and personlike way I've seen ANY mindverse character do
tries so hard to convince himself he's dreaming and that none of this is real. Drops it when he sees someone hurt but possibly not dead
doesn't know if ducks have assholes
no longer remembers the way out after that panic
did NOT realize vortigaunts were lethal enough to explode people
seems to dislike people being quiet all the time
this is the First time he's been bothered by blood, picking something up off the ground
gets a BIG ol infodump of the half life lore
there's some Secret Radio the guards can use to do stuff and. Help people with I guess????
convinced fate wants him dead
deeply afraid of the special forces
Jordan? Whos- OHHH from sector G!
Rachel? Ohhhh she's the onw that exploded
Tod has got to get to the loading bay and warn gordon freeman about. Special forces I think?? What even is this plot
no matter the subject matter, Tod speaks in a very flat manner over the radio
he has been working at Black Mesa for five minutes
very afraid of the entire united states military
OH HEY he's the guard at the end of Apprehension!
that's sick one of the snipers gets him!
impressed by the training course hologram
has no idea how the HEV suit knows his health. Finds it tight. Why is he getting HEV training??
dealt with Positive Parents mail in high school. Poor kids school, he says
"who in the world called running and jumping commands"
ohhhh he's getting training in case scientists trained with it are all too busy for something that needs it
baits someone into thinking of an innuendo. Then makes a yo mama joke
well! Well that wasn't a slur! But it is rude!
think the long jump module looks like a jetpack that goes on his arm
ponders stealing the HEV suit. He likes it.
he is Not jumping onto that target. Misses it instead.
he hates the hologram now >:(
thinks the medkits feel nice. A bit drugged. He's very calm.
tries to crush a roach. They annoy him
sees the intended route and bypasses it
crate madness
thinks he's been hearing scientists crawling through the vents
slenderman reference... First made in 2009. Has never found him scary.
happy to lay hands on a gun. Confused as to why the scientists need guns
very good in the target range. Drops his gun once he's done
hates swimming and being wet
underwater mumbling!!!
thinks having the charging unit right after a bunch of water is a bit foolish
black mesa green goop! Explosion hits him! Incredibly!! Bothered!!!!
goop on his foot
sick the day they were taught how to use the trains
smokes, listens to the radio. Thats his idea of relaxing
plans to kick Barney out for the night, send him to his girlfriend's house.
Barney hates snakes.
oh he's coming back from being shot
where IS he, yeah
SO scared
snarks towards the military for a bit in anger
knows he can get morphine from the first aid kits but that's not his highest priority
priorities: find gun, get Kate/find car. Whichever of those comes first
yells every time he shoots something right now
getting a bit of an adrenaline rush killing stuff right now. That IS dulling the pain. He wonders if it's bad that he wants to keep that rush going
thinks having an alien as a pet would be sick
vulgar man. Vulgar.
sees aliens being gunned down by turrets and decides he Isn't Doing That.
out of ammo... Oh boy.
wants a pet houndeye :> calls them dogs and creepers at once
freaks the fuck out at hearing military radio chatter
didn't realize how much pain he was in until he got painkillers
other than the painkilling seems entirely unaffected by the drugs
no longer avoiding killing people.
slur count three.
"hard as all living cunt" you have a way with words, Arlen
wh. Why is there a dead survey team member out here. why is anyone here wearing an HEV.
has no clue how he's in a relationship with Kate
slur count four.
"what the pancake"
just got hit in the head with a brick because of a FLY
gets higher-pitched when he yells. sounds like most interps of karkat
"beep. Beep. Beep. BEEP." (anger in his heart)
amazed at how fragile black mesa security is
tod arlen says acab! well. well i think he is trying to quote a john mulaney bit but yknow still counts
tells the scientists to pick up guns
"you wouldn't blow up your mother like that!"
got some glass in his arm :( hurts less than the shredded cheese
dry shredded cheese is a deadly weapon
a bit shocked at a talking vortigaunt. wonders if he's going insane. does try to talk back to the guy
oh boy how. how is this plot going
whoevers voicing the the vortigaunts here is great. unless these are voice lines im not familiar with being clipped here? well either way very nice arrangement
hes always been freaked out by corpses but thinks after today that either wont be a problem or hell have ptsd
the scientists expect the security guards to do everything other than science proper.
he did NOT go to enginering school
just keeps knockin back morphine
fails to consider shotguns decreasing accuracy across a distance
shuffles his way along a really small ledge. very good at that! seems to know to keep his center of balance low
doesn't injure himself! woo!
he got called to work on computers in biology once. the scientists there had managed to plug a power strip into itself and were then wondering why it wouldn't work.
oh hey the zombies can open doors
simmons and walter! they have Not heard from Kate :(
weird goop in scientist tubes! does make him feel a bit better after the multiple gunshot wounds
calls simmons "sims" once- twice! more! just very often.
keeps getting syringes of science goop
simmons seems to have been kidnapped. tod hopes he gets out alright.
gets kicked off a platform and takes a head injury. pretty sure.
has adjusted to the cycle of shoot people get shot eventually get knocked out
has no clue what day it is and is very confused overall
very confused about how he isn't dead
wonders vaguely if he's only alive because the alien overlord wants him alive for some reason
"front horse of a macadamia nut"
telling himself to stop thinking logically because it clearly does not mesh with the situation
avoids flickering lights
loud noises make his headache worse
he is just SO uncomfortable
sings Some song about cap guns
forced to stand in front of an eye scanner while getting shot
"that wasn't your average military. that was advanced military"
he makes a ton of very sexual metaphors and only means then that way some of the time
calls himself TJ with the ease of someone who's been called that for much of his life
doctor roleplay,,,,
worries about alien illnesses and if humans can handle the new diseases
it's night! It is Not tomorrow yet
dislikes loud noises right now
OHHHH this is the landing pad from the tram ride in hl1? Maybe? Yeah it is!
explosion RIGHT next to him
he'd rather freeze than burn
shocked at how easily he can kill military
slur count four :(
genuinely hopes he isn't god
it's not good chocolate
he. He thinks it's 2016????? Huh??????? Okay that sure is a year.
this room reeks of special forces
Donald Duck noises,,,
can't get his mind off the year, says he can't remember anything other than Black Mesa, isn't sure how long he's been here...
tries to blow up the morphine. It doesn't work.
rationalizes that with everything hes been seeing the past few days being however his brain has been choosing to interpret it all. That's why the clocks don't have hands
ponders that he may actually be in hell. Wonders how he'll bust out if that's the case
giving up on finding Kate. Or despairs that he won't find her
stares at him in the eyes. He is so interesting.
doesn't care about Kate as much as he wants to, but won't pretend he cares more because that'd be lying
scared of his dad. Hated him once
hurt a lot of people while addicted
face-heel turn he's trying to figure out how to get Deeper into hell now
oh man he is deeply suicidal good lord
starts spitting word salad for fun
figures he may as well embrace insanity
rhymes decently well!
mmmm credits
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