#i… guess i’d also put it into the tag?????? idk abt that part 🤥
mangoisms · 1 year
soooooo i am wondering something. as we all know i was writing Another tim/reader fic and i finished it like. last week but i won’t be posting it until i finish posting i’ll be the dangerous ledge (you be the parachute) and the final chapter of that goes up july 14. i asked the folks on ao3 in todays end note if they’d like to see the summary and i’ve gotten like two yeses so far which i’m taking and running for next week’s chapter (whose end notes will include the summary) BUT
would you all like to see the summary for this new fic as well? except i would be posting the Actual masterlist and marking it as coming soon, since, as i said, i won’t be posting until july 14th, it’ll just be the summary and some links for the tags
so it’ll be like the masterlist for i’ll be the dangerous ledge (you be the parachute) except without links to read it. idk… thoughts????
(i hope this makes sense LMAO if it doesn’t feel free to ask questions here or my inbox </3)
(ALSO; any thoughts about tag lists??????)
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