#i’ve written sm nonsense for him that will never see the light of day
friendlyspidercop · 1 year
i fear no one loves ps4 peter like u and i do… thank u for feeding into my delusions about him
it’s just u and me, nonnie 🫶🏼💔
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coppercrane2 · 4 years
Hiya! Curious about 12, 13 and 17 of the Behind the scenes fic ask :)
You sent a message with a few others (thank you so much!!) so I’ll do those here, too!
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Quiet and alone, with no work stress. And access to wifi. Also, there needs to be tea somewhere. XD
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
There are so many, but ‘there was only one bed’ is probably the one I’m most keen on at the moment. I am also the biggest fan of enemies to lovers, and one of the couple being a super-intense badass and the other one being a ray of sunshine... which might explain a few things, really...
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Incest. Because... why???
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
That’s a toss up between the Shakespeare fic I’m working on (purely because I would die fo the costume porn, especially the ones drawn by elianthos) and either the R/J SilMil fic I’m working on or the Viking AU I mentioned (the former because I would love to see R/J slumming it in a Jovian jungle temple, and the latter because there would be *vikings*). 
17. What fic are you most proud of?
I would say ‘The Other Princess Bride’. Because it’s actually complete. 
Having said that, the one I’m most proud of currently is my Viking AU - although I am still working on that...
22. Have you cried while writing a fic?
From despair because I’d written myself into a corner? Because I didn’t know where I was going with it? Because even after all this time, it’s still not finished? Uh... no... definitely not. 
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
Oh no... why would you ask that???? Now you’ll have to wallow through all my nonsense! 
1. A Shakespeare fic which started out as a crack ficlet where I was supposed to use Italian fashion houses for actual houses, has turned into a massive fic incorporating as many Shakespearean plots as I can shove in there. 
2. Cursed - where the inner senshi and shitennou are cursed beings who keep avoiding the lifting the curse of the sleeping kingdom because they’re just not ready. 
3. Nainowale Ne - SilMil, Rei’s on a temple retreat on a Jovian moon, Jadeite is accidentally portaled there. They’re both stuck on this isolated, romantic location - and they fall in love. There’s also a sequel to this, which is plotted out, too.
4. Ottoman Fic - Ottoman AU where Jadeite is a Janissary. Endy is the Sultan, Rei is the sultan’s sister and Kunzite is the sultan’s vizier. Jadeite probably won’t survive this one but at least he’ll die heroically. This idea is all @apsaraqueen’s fault. I think she should write it instead. 
5. A Vampire Apology - A comedy M/K vampire fic I wrote waaaay back for the shitennou ficathon, it’s much longer now, but I’m still trying to get over some seriously pesky issues, but it’s getting there!
6. Basilisk - Basically SM characters in the Iga/Kouga, Romeo/Juliet, war of ninja tribes tragedy thing. I’ve had this baby plotted out for years, but I’m still not 100% happy. Everyone will die in this one. I mean, of course they will, it’s a Basilisk AU...
7. The Crys-T Series - A continuation of ‘An Evening’, ‘Trauma’ and ‘American Honey’ I have another 5 or 6 one shots planned, including explaining the affair Ami and Jadeite had, as well as the group gradually healing over time. 
8. The Cold Path - written for a ficathon, but it never saw the light of day, it’s a canon-divergent fic where a teen Endymion is caught about to abandon earth for his moon lover and Kunzite kills him in an attempt to stop him. It’s supposed to end with Kunzite becoming king in order to prevent Elysium from devolving into all out war. It’s nowhere near complete. 
9. Hooligans. 
10. A sister fic to the Viking AU, focussing on Ami and how she got from Japan to Denmark. It would involve her being sold as a slave and kind of making her way into freedom while on the way learning about the ancient world she’s travelling across. 
11. Serenity - A Firefly AU (which I started and plotted but never got past the first chapter). It’s basically the Out of Gas episode but with Serenity being Endymion’s permanently comatosed wife on board the ship, and the found-family members of the ship talking to her about their problems and how they ended up on the ship named Serenity.
12. Hush - A 1950s noir detective story where Rei’s sister, Beryl, is murdered and Jadeite & Nephrite hunt for the murderer. Makoto’s a madame, Kunzite’s a slightly unstable enforcer, Mina’s an aspiring actress and Zoisite’s a detective in Vice. 
13. Wrestler - having recently discovered that women’s pro-wrestling is a thing in Japan, I would love to write a fic of a slightly canon-divergent Makoto. While looking for a job after high school, she watches a wrestling show with Usagi and decides to try out for it, getting the job. The fic would not focus a huge amount on the wrestling itself, but would look at how she grows from a teen to a young adult to middle age, how she copes with her life as well as being a Senshi, how she meets Nephrite and finally opens that flower tea shop she’s always wanted. 
14. LAST ONE I PROMISE I AM SO SORRY I’M SPAMMING YOU WITH ALL MY TERRIBLE FIC IDEAS, BUT YOU DID ASK, SO... REALLY, THIS IS YOUR FAULT, LYRHIA. - basically a fav headcanon of mine is that after the Serenity/Endymion suicide in the SilMil, the war between the SM and the Youma continued for another two decades (until Selene releases the crystal’s power). The fic would be about that part of the war and how it eventually comes to an end, focussing on the Senshi and Shitennou sort of ruling and trying to save those left behind in their crumbling civilisations, while also still kind of fighting each other, and trying to deal with the fact that they’ve failed in their divine purpose (protecting S&E).
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