#i’ve had this written for a while on my laptop and it’s just been sitting there :)
ch3rriewine · 1 year
Photo Booth Kissin' {P.P.}
summary: Peter's an awkward loverboy, but he's your awkard loverboy.
warnings: none i think just fluff :3, TASM!Peter Parker x reader hehe, no use of y/n, reader is kinda like super girly w the bows and sparkles idk
Peter’s life was boring—peaceful, but boring. Don’t get him wrong; being Spiderman is cool and all, but Peter Parker’s life could use some work. The most exciting thing that has happened to him recently was the time he got two yolks in one egg. Riveting stuff, right?
During another one of his literature classes that he doesn’t know why he took, he spots you. With a bow in your hair and a knit sweater falling over your figure, your head propped on your manicured hand while scribbling notes with the other. You sit in front of him and if Peter squints, he can see the small doodles littering the pages. Before he knows it, the professor announces that the lecture is done for the day. Peter panics; he wants to talk to you before you disappear and turn out to be a dream, but what would he even say? Doesn’t matter anymore since he chases after you to the door.
“Hey,” he says, looking a tad flushed after tripping over someone's water bottle.
“Oh, hi” you respond, your eyes a little widened at the sudden interaction.
“I, uh, I’m Peter” he say, sticks out his hand for you to shake. You take it and tell him your name. He repeats it in his head about a hundred times.
“I just, uhm, wanted to ask about…” he trails off, trying to remember if there were any assignments given. “The essay he said we had to do, yeah. When is it due again?” he hopes to any higher being that there was an essay due soon.
“Ah, yeah, it’s due next Monday” you reply, giving him a tight-lipped smile, ready to go back to your dorm.
“Cool, uhm, thanks! See you around, hopefully” with that, he bolts, leaving you confused and flushed. Hopefully
The cute boy in your class wants to see you around.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Two days later, Peter sees you again. It’s in the same class, and you’re as pretty as ever. He psyches himself up to sit next to you.
You look up from your laptop when he asks you if he can sit next to you. You nod, of course, and smile. He looks nervous, with fingers tapping on the table and cheeks a little red. It’s cute.
“Have you started on that essay?” you ask, trying to start conversation since it looks like he won’t.
“Huh? What essay? We have an essay?” he turns to face you, eyes wide.
“Yeah, the one you asked me about?” you laugh a little.
“Oh, no, I didn’t” his shoulders slump back down, and you smile at him.
“I didn’t either; I had other work to finish” he stares at you a little; it’s flattering, really. How shy he is around you. He barely knows you, but he’s convinced himself that you’re the greatest thing ever. He also may have looked up your instagram and fallen even harder as he looked at all your posts. Peter now knows what you ate at Thanksgiving 3 years ago.
“Same, I’m in STEM so you could imagine” he says, resting his head onto the table. Sleep deprivation a thing he is well acquainted with, unfortunately.
“STEM, wow, you must be smart then. Why’re you taking a classic lit class then?” Sure, you might’ve slipped in a compliment; it's not a crime to flirt a little. It takes Peter a few seconds to respond as he processes what you said, you think he’s smart.
“Uh, I was going through a phase with classic lit at the time, and I’ve been lazy to drop it. And, uh, I’m not that smart—pretty average actually. Like the most moderate person ever” He’s rambling and kind of lying. He’s doing really well in his other classes.
“Yeah? I think you’re pretty smart if you’re in STEM. Not everyday a guy is both pretty and smart.” His cheeks turn even redder, if possible, and he makes a sort of out of breath sound. “If you need any help with this class, I’d be happy to give you my notes on the book”
Jesus, you’re gonna kill the poor boy.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
From then on, you sit beside him and throw in some flirty comments while he struggles to reciprocate. It feels too good to be true, how you seem interested in him and how you eagerly talk to him after lectures, even giving hm your number to talk about “class”. He’s waiting for the day you ghost him.
“Hey, would you maybe want to, like, hang out? Like on a date or something? Or just as friends! Actually, yeah, just hang out as friends; forget I said date sorry,“ he flounders, waiting for the rejection. Oh God, he’s just messed up the whole friendship and you’re gonna think that he’s weird and a creep and-
“I’d love to go on a date, Peter,” you smile “I was waiting for you to ask.”
“Oh, great, is Saturday at 3 okay? I’ll meet you outside your building and we could walk to that arcade?” He asks, eyes hopeful.
“Saturday at 3 is great. I love arcades, but you have to help me with the claw machines” For someone so smart and handsome, he doesn’t let himself think people like him.
“See you Saturday, Peter” you tiptoe to kiss his cheek, leaving sticky residue from your sparkly gloss and walk to your next class. He stands in place, a little starstruck and a lot flustered. He leaves the lipgloss there.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Saturday finally comes, and now it’s your turn to be nervous. You’ve switched outfits countless times, your hair is out of place, and your makeup doesn’t seem to flatter you. You’ve settled on a pretty blue dress with tights to protect you from the small chill. Two little bows clipped into your hair and knit cardigan falling over your shoulders—makeup finally looking presentable enough with maybe a little too much glitter on your eyes, but whatever. Your phone chimes as you’re applying pink sparkly gloss, and your heart skips a beat. He’s here.
You throw your phone and lip gloss in your purse and bolt out the door. You spot him outside your building, as promised. He looks wonderful. Brown sweater and worn-in denim jeans—you can’t believe he’s so shy around you when he looks like that. He finally spots you, and wow, he thinks.
“Hey," he scolds himself for being so casual when he should be whisking you away to Italy, or something. He could’ve at least gotten you flowers.
“Hi, you look great,” you say in front of him, and seeing you up close is making him fall even harder, if possible.
“You look, wow, you’re just, wow” he can’t even believe you’re into him.
“Cmon, I wanna win some plushies,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. He grips your hand harder and laces your fingers.
The walk is calm and the air is starting to get cool. You talk about class and a show you started. Peter listens intently, making mental notes about what you like and don’t like. Your hands stay intwined, and his thumb traces patterns on the back of your hand. He’s gotten more comfortable and less panicky in your presence, so you get to see his personality shine through. He’s incredibly funny. You can’t stop laughing on your way there, and he can’t stop thinking of more things to make you laugh.
The arcade is dark, with flashing lights from every game. Peter goes to buy some tokens, refusing your offer to pay half. Grabbing Peter’s hand and making a beeline for the claw machines, everyone knows they’re rigged, but you don’t care. You eagerly take the tokens and attempt to win the Kuromi plushie. After the 5th? 6th attempt? When the claw has dropped the plushie, you give up.
“Why do they do this to people! It’s false hope!” you whine to Peter as he laughs at your pout.
“Lemme try,” he nudges you over and puts in a token.
You watch with eyebrows furrowed as he wins it on his first attempt.
“What the hell, Peter?” you crouch to pull the plushie from the machine.
“What? Do you not like it?” He faces you, examining the stuffed, is she a rabbit? What animal even is Kuromi?
“I love her; just, how did you win it?” You look up at him incredulously. He must have some weird power that makes him win every claw machine.
“Oh, I don’t know; just position it right?” He laughs, his eyes crinkling in the process. You want to smooth them out with your fingers.
“Thank you!” you’re genuinely really excited over a cheap stuffed toy, not because you really wanted it, but because Peter won it for you. You wrap your arms around his neck in thanks. Peter freezes. He fees like a teenager at how he’s reacting to a hug of all things. He snaps back and hugs you back. You pull away to kiss his cheek. This is the second time you’ve kissed his cheek, and he doesn’t know how he’ll ever get used to it.
“Lets go play games, pretty boy,” pulling away and leaving Peter to gather his brain and follow along.
You watch as he plays Pac-Man; its silly, but you love his face when he’s focused. Brows furrowed and lips in a thin line. He really is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. And he’s infatuated with you! Of all people! You swear half the girls in the class have a crush on him, but he gets nervous around you. You play some air-hockey, which you won (he let you win), and he won you some more plushies and some candy at the infamous claw machines.
When the games get old, the two of you leave the building. The sun is setting at this point, and you’re dreading leaving him.
“Oh, look! There’s a photo booth!” you point, excitedly tugging on his arm. “We should take some pictures.” you drag him into the booth, both of your thighs squished together and his legs at an awkward angle. He feeds the machine a few bucks, and the screen starts to count down.
You put on a sickly sweet smile, scrunching your eyes while Peter smiles big with pearly white teeth on display. The second photo you lean into Peter and he wraps his arm around you, pulling your body close to his. The third photo, you go for it. You grab his face and kiss him. His hands stay in the air as the glitter on your lips transfers to his. You taste like vanilla. You pull away, a little anxious that he didn’t want it. Those thoughts get pushed away when he grabs the sides of your face and kisses you until you can’t think. His hands are warm and big covering your cheeks as his lips move against yours. You reach up to wrap your arms around his neck once more and deepen the kiss. Your lips move together in tandem as he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs, the movement comforting.
The fourth photo is blurry, and you walk out with all your lipgloss on Peter’s lips.
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wnobin · 8 months
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BIT BY BIT… 💭 anton lee socmed! au
pairing: college student! anton x campus crush! reader
genre: college! au, social media! au with written portions, slow burn, pining, strangers to friends to lovers.
series synopsis: in which the quiet girl in anton’s language class who seems to never sit with anyone catches his attention. anton makes it his mission to get closer to her bit by bit and break down her walls. the only issue? she’s the last to arrive and first to leave, never allowing anton the chance to approach her.
series masterlist | 06: gapildeu
it was currently 8:40am and anton was sitting on the couch in wonbin’s and seunghan’s dorm, tapping his feet impatiently while waiting for the latter to finish getting ready. seunghan was currently whining to the younger male about how he couldn’t find the other side of his sock and how “everyone would notice that his socks were mismatched”.
“for the last time seunghan, nobody is going to be staring at your feet during your presentation. can you hurry up?”
“but what if they do!”
“they won’t.”
seunghan was just about to start whining again when the door to wonbin’s room opened, revealing a half-asleep wonbin with messy bed hair. with closed eyes, he threw a pair of black socks towards seunghan, hitting him in the head directly. “get out. now.”
“thanks, wonbin! see you later!” seunghan hurriedly put on his socks and shoes before getting dragged out by anton who was as usual, anxious about being late to class. they would be having their individual presentations for japanese 101 today and anton had finally landed on a topic to present on. he would’ve presented on his musical abilities but he lacked the vocabulary for that so he settled for something easier, like his past in swimming. meanwhile, seunghan had decided to present on crayon shin-chan. anton was sure that someone would end up laughing during his presentation but seunghan couldn’t be talked out of it. “nothing’s funny about how iconic crayon shin-chan is.”
the both of them were on their way to the classroom when they spotted you in front of them. this was an unusual sight as you had always been the last to arrive to class, showing up when lesson had already started most of the time. seunghan excitedly poked anton’s side, giggling as his embarrassed friend tried to get him to shut up. “go talk to her!”
“no? and shut up, she’s gonna hear you.”
“what, are you shy? i’ll help you.”
seunghan opened his mouth and was about to call out to you but was promptly stopped by anton’s hand covering his mouth. whilst the two of them were busy fighting, you had already entered the classroom and was long gone. once the coast was clear, anton removed his hand.
“seriously, it’s been three weeks of eyeing her and you’re still not going to do anything?”
“obviously not. i’ve never even talked to her before. i just think she’s pretty… and maybe, kind of my type.”
anton was a lost cause. he was too shy for his own good and refused any help or advice his friend was offering. seunghan simply sighed and shook his head, taking his seat in the chair next to anton’s, deciding to head back to his original seating since you didn’t have plans of moving from your front row seat. seunghan proceeded to talk anton’s ear off about how the guy he sat with last lesson, chenle or whatever his name was, kept farting. anton just absentmindedly nodded at his friend’s over exaggerated complaints, busy looking in your direction. would it be weird if he approached you? the both of you had nothing in common after all, as you were both from different majors. what if you already had a boyfriend?
twice a week for three weeks, anton had been staring at you for every class and he picked up all your small habits. you preferred to write down your notes traditionally in your pink notebook instead of typing it on your laptop or writing on an ipad like other students. you never raised your hand to answer questions but you would turn around and whisper answers to sim jayoon, who sat behind you, when prof won asked her a question.
anton was quickly brought back to reality when professor won started to pick out students to present. he went in random order and thankfully, yang jungwon was chosen first and his presentation ended up being on his favourite food, curry. anton felt less worried about his topic after seeing how most of his classmates had similar presentations, being on their favourite show or hobbies.
“hm, let’s see… can y/n come up next?”
you lifted your head at the sound of your name, prof won looking at you with expectant eyes. you got up from your seat, moving to connect your laptop to the projector with shaking hands, nervous as you weren’t used to presentations, especially one in a language you barely knew.
anton watched the way you gulped nervously, your eyes darting from your laptop to the projector screen. eventually your laptop connected and displayed your cover slide which was a 0.5x picture of a cat? an orange cat wearing a bunny hat.
“good morning professor won and fellow classmates. i’ll be talking about my cat that lives with me in the dorms, gapil!”
you had racked your brain for ideas on what to present on for days, whining to eunchae and gapil when you got an idea— the greatest idea ever. what would be better to talk about than your dear cat? you didn’t have to think, you could already talk about your darling gapil for hours. your slides had more pictures of the black cat in silly positions than words but nobody seemed to mind, even prof won had a big smile on his face, laughing to himself and pointing to the screen when a picture of gapil dressed as santa popped up on the screen.
“her name is gapil which is short for garfield in korean. doesn’t she look like garfield?” you had a wide grin on your face, excited to be showing off your cat to everyone. this was the first time anyone in the class had ever seen you with an expression that wasn’t boredom and anton couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight. you had already passed your three minute time limit but nobody cared, listening attentively to you talking about how you took in gapil on a particularly rainy night when she seemed frail and weak.
“that’s it for my presentation today, thank you for listening!” you thanked the class and bowed before disconnecting your laptop and heading back to your seat. you seemed to get the most applause out of everyone that presented, even those that were usually asleep during lessons were wide awake for your presentation.
anton might have been infatuated with your looks and your aura but now, he was definitely falling for your caring and gentle personality. he wanted to know you more, wanted to see the side of you that he saw today, warm and bubbly.
“next, let’s have anton lee!”
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if i didn’t tag you, please check your account settings > visibility!
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
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Hello everyone! I am truly sorry for not posting as of late. I’ve been dealing with mental health stuff, also my laptop got broken :( So it hasn’t been as easy to write. I do have my iPad/wireless keyboard, but it just isn’t as comfortable to write on / I worry that the format will look like shit. I do feel poorly though because all of my moots have been writing a lot lately, and my blog has been so dry! I am really trying to get my mental health in check so obtaining a job will be easier and in turn, my work will probably be (somewhat) better. I hope this suffices, though, for the time being. I promise I’m trying to get a new laptop just as soon as I can <3 I appreciate all of your patience with me :) I have never written for our darling prince Lip Gallagher before- but he has been making me fairly crazy lately, so I wanted to give my go at writing for him, I haven’t watched the college Lip ep’s in a while so I hope it’s alright - sorry if it’s not fully canon! Tell me how I did if you’d like! xoxo - Capri <3 :)
(Warnings - smut choking (consensual) unprotected PIV sex, not very edited or proof read bc im tired ❤️❤️❤️)
”Hump my fuckin leg one more time, I swear to god. If you don’t just sit in my fuckin’ lap, and behave y’not gonna like me. I told you, I have 3 more fuckin’ papers to grade- like a cat in fuckin’ heat” he grumbled, not looking up from the homework assignment he’d been grading for the professor he’d been working under.
You pouted, squeezing his thigh that you had been straddling and working your way up to fully dragging your swollen, needy cunt across his worn out denim beneath your flower printed panties. A frustrated huff leaved your lips, before connecting them with the warm, tobacco scented skin of his neck and planting a gentle kiss. “Wanna feel good, Lip. Y’bein mean” you said, voice quiet and laced with the neediness he couldn’t quite ignore, or deny.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Fine, Need a smoke anyway. But you want it so bad, you can fuckin’ get y’self off” he walked over to the dorm window, pushing it open to let out the smoke out and put a cigarette to his lips, lighting it and plopping down on the bed, popping the button of his jeans. You were sat there dumbly, jaw dropped at the fact that he didn’t put up more of a fight. ”You have until the end of this fuckin smoke. You gonna come do somethin’ er sit there lookin’ like a goddamn trout?” He teased.
You quickly got up, pushing him to lay down and tugging his cock just enough out of his jeans and boxers, spitting in your hand before beginning to stroke him quickly, thumbing over his sensitive tip and he grunted softly, smoke plooming out of his nose as he plucked the cigarette from between his lips. “see that fuckin wet stain you left on my jeans? Such a needy whore f’me yeah?” He mused, watching as you pumped him faster, mouth dropping slightly as he hardened in the pressure of your palm until he was throbbing.
”Only yours -“ your jaw falls slack as you ran the tip of his cock through your wet folds, gathering your arousal and using his tip to rub over your clit. His eyes nearly rolled back, putting the cigarette between his lips and taking another large drag. He looked down as you rutted your hips back and forth over his thick now throbbing length.
“Only half a cig left, kitten. You gonna get y’self off with it er’ just fuck around, ‘eh?” He asked impatiently. You rolled your eyes sassily, aligning him with your entrance and sitting back, a whimper leaving your throat since you hadn’t the time to get yourself fully ready for him and the stretch he provided was never anything you could adjust to no matter how many times you took it.
A small grunt left his throat, hips rutting up into you subconsciously a gasp left your throat as he shifted his hips forward, rutting into that most sensitive and spongey spot inside of you that made white stars form behind your lids and your thighs shake. You whine as your head fell back, hips trembling as you lifted yourself up and down over his cock. “Jesus- so fucking big….” You manage to get out, bringing a trembling hand down to play with your puffy, throbbing clit.
”Finally feel good? Hm? Little fuckin’ brat. Shoulda fucked your face instead mm? Bet you’d love that shit” he reached over and put out his mostly gone cigarette on the ash tray and you began furiously rolling your hips, worried he was gonna pull you off and tell you that it was time for him too get back to work.
”Yes- yes daddy, such a brat- your brat. Please- please let me finish- feel so good- please” you rambled, voice needy and begging. He huffed a nearly mocking chuckle, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you down onto the mattress. It wasn’t painful, it just cut off your blood flow just right to where there was this sweet, fuzzy feeling in your head, causing your vision to go slightly hazy around the edges.
“I’ve created a fuckin monster - huh? Addicted t’my cock now. Can’t even go 12 hours without gettin’ filled up.” He was practically speaking into your sweaty, flushed skin of your temple, His voice a gruff row grumble. He used his other hand to rut up your tshirt, palming your tit roughly and rolling your nipple between his fingers. You squeaked out, hips jerking at the motion which urged him deeper and made your eyes roll at the overstimulation.
”shit - like that, huh? You like that? When I pound you this fuckin’ deep?” He snapped his hips faster, short, sweet little ah-ah-ah squeaks being torn from your throat with each nearly punishing thrust. You nod quickly, looking up at him in awe stricken lust as you clench around him.
“Ohh are you gonna cum? Is my little fuckin brat gonna cum? Mmm? You gonna cum around my cock?” He taunts in the shell of your ear, the hand that was playing with your nipple sliding down to play with your clit as the other stated wrapped firmly around your throat. Your hips jerk, feet planting on the bed as your back arches while your body tries to escape the oncoming tidal wave of pleasure that was threatening to take over.
“Mmhmm. Y’gonna cum- feel you fuckin’ milking my cock- go ahead baby - let go” he goads as he stroked your twitching bud faster. You let out something akin to a sob, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes and breath hitching as your vision blurs out momentarily, body going slack other then your trembling thighs, and nails that were slapping and clawing at Lips back as he drives you through it, his thrusts becoming sloppier and harder at the feeling of you pulsating around him like a second heartbeat and your creamy white arousal seeping around him and covering his cock with each thrust.
“That’s fuckin it- that’s it kitten” he groaned, spreading out your pussy with a slack jaw, watching as his cock punched in and out of you, rutting against your g spot each and every time - in turn causing pathetic pleas for you weren’t sure what coming from your throat.
“Please what, baby- want me to fill you up? Hm? Need my cum drippin outta’ you after I fuck you to sleep here so I can finish my fuckin work in peace?” He coos mockingly, tugging you by your hair forcing you to look at him.
You sniffled, tears seeping from the corners of your eyes pathetically and drool dribbling down your chin from how he was fucking you so good your tongue had nearly fallen out of your mouth like some kind of puppy - “s-sorry- jus’love your- your cock” you hiccuped an over stimulated sob as he used his thumb abuse the nub further which in turn caused another strangled moan to leave your throat and head to fall back to the pillow.
“Awww I know Angel. You take it so well- like a good little toy” he mumbled into your skin, his words causing you to clench and dribble around him slightly, the raspiness of his voice mixed with the praise doing something to you you couldn’t quite explain.
“So good- so good daddy m’so good” you cry out as he fills you up, cock twitching and pulsing between your walls in the most delicious way. You gasped in delight, wrapping your legs tight around his hips and tugging your pelvis’ taut and comfortably, enjoying the feeling of being filled up to the hilt.
“Got shit t’do as much as I wanna live in your cunt, baby. Gotta get back at it” he kissed your forehead, grabbing a T shirt from his laundry pile and tossing it to you to clean yourself up as he fixed his jeans and went to sit back at his desk, leaving you well satiated
All be it a little sore and wanting post sex snuggles,
You win some, you lose some.
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strniohoeee · 3 months
Alternate ending to hidden in the shadows or a part 5 PLEAAAASEEEEE (anonymous request)
Hidden In The Shadows- Alternate Ending
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: After a year of no sign of Matt, Y/N has given up. While working on a paper for a publisher she feels eyes on her…. Is her paranoia justified or no?✉️
Warnings⚠️: NONE, I’m rusty asf so don’t judge me this is pure trash🫶🏽😋
Song for imagine: West End Girls- Pet Shop Boys
Sometimes you’re better off dead
There’s a gun in your hand and it’s
Pointing at your head
You think you’re mad, too unstable
Sitting at the cafe I peered out the window as my fingers stopped abruptly. My thoughts suddenly come to a halt, struggling to form another sentence.
“I think I’ve been going at this for too long” I mumble to myself as I wiggle my fingers, bringing them up to my face and rubbing my eyes roughly
My old professor had asked me to edit and add to my writings on everything that had taken place. He was trying to bring my work to a highly reputable publishing company. However, everything I could have ever written was in these papers.
I was stressing myself out horribly because I was trying to make something out of nothing. Hitting save I pinched the bridge of my nose as I closed out my Google Docs tab. Shaking my leg anxiously I bit my lip.
A daunting thought gnawing at me. What if I just searched up Matt’s name? I mean I would have some form of closure right?
Opening the safari tab I felt a chill run down my spine as I felt like eyes were on me. I just assumed it was my guilty and paranoid conscience. Shaking the feeling off I googled Matt’s name and address.
To my surprise I saw one news article about this small town. Looking off my shoulders slyly, I opened the article. My eyes glanced over the title rapidly.
“Pleasant Town natives car found burned and body missing”
My heart sank immediately. Scrolling down I read the full article. Coming to find out that Matt’s car had been found burnt and crushed a week after I fled. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief? But also a sense of anxiety?
I mean glad that he might’ve gotten away, but also anxious thinking of the what ifs? Like what if he was killed?
Staring off into space as I looked out the window I suddenly felt eyes on me again. Straightening my posture I happened to glance down at my now dark laptop screen.
My eyes furrowed as I saw a man in the back of the cafe looking at me through the reflection on the screen. My eyes widened a bit and I rapidly turned around.
I Wished I hadn’t because there was no one sitting at that back table. And I now look like a paranoid psycho infront of all these people. Sighing I let my shoulders slouch shaking my head I shut my laptop
As I packed my things up I happened to look out the window and I made eye contact with that same mysterious person again.
Shoveling everything into my backpack I grabbed everything in a rush. Looking up to see the person tilting their hat down and turning around to walk away.
Rushing out the cafe I squinted my eyes as the cold air hit my eyes. The wind whipping my hair into my eyes as I flung my backpack over my shoulders.
Rushing to run across the street just barely avoiding getting hit by cars. Sticking my hand out in a sincere tone I jumped onto the next street.
Following hot on their tail I was speed walking. Roughly pulling the hair from in front of my eyes. We turned on a corner and it happened to only be us two.
This person having a major advantage over me, I began to jog slightly
“HEY!” I yelled out but to no avail
Something about this person seemed so familiar, and I was started to get scared
“HEY! I’m not trying to seem like a stalker, but I think I know you from somewhere” I yelled out and still this person tilted their head and kept walking
Rolling my eyes I began to walk faster and was able to grab their shoulder
“I SAID HEY” I replied firmly as I gripped their shoulder roughly
Stopping in my tracks abruptly, my voice caught in my throat. My eyes stinging from the wind, tears threatening to fall out
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be looking at him again….
“Matt?” I said squinting my eyes and tilting my head
His eyes softening as he looked around
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” he said grabbing me shoving us into a corner
“What the fuck happened to you? I thought you died? No contact for a year?” I said angry and saddened
“What else was I supposed to do? I had a target on my back and you had one on your head” he replied sinking into his coat a little more
“Matthew I was so fucking worried about you” I said as I pulled him in for a hug
“I was worried about you too, that’s why I’ve been keeping my distance” he said
“For how long?” I replied
“For a year” he said shamefully
“A year?” I screeched out
“Listen I had to watch you from a distance I didn’t know how safe it was for me to immediately come to you” he stated
“I’m just so glad you’re safe” I replied shaking my head in shock
“I always keep my eyes open for anyone who might come back from our past” Matt says to me as he pulls me in for another hug
“I can only imagine how tiring that gets for you” I said to him
“A little bit, but I’m used to it” he replied
That night we went back to my apartment and Matt went over exactly how he fled. His perfect elaborate scheme that surprisingly everyone believed.
The fear I dealt with since leaving was indescribable. Many nights I’d wake up in a cold sweat thinking I had been found and that I was about to be killed.
But to know Matt had been keeping an eye on me for a year made me feel better. I’m not sure what I’d do without Matt. Our bond was inseparable and since he came back I knew I had to protect him at all costs because he was no longer
Hidden in the shadows….
The End
Yall this was shit bc I’m rusty AF, but also I didn’t really want to end this fanfic on a happy note LMFAOOO. But anyways I love yall dearly for all the continued support. My requests are closed as I got 12 requests (oh yeah baby). THANK YOUUU AND ILYYY🥺🖤🖤🖤
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cstlez · 3 months
can u do a mafia smut where toms in his 2011 era with a fem reader and he fucks her under a table while on call with his opponents pleasee if not then im fine with jst smut.
no, yes, yes i can! i had to go read a couple things for inspiration tho! (i’ve never written mafia..)
this is lowk tweaked cus idk!
(banner is a joke i needed a giggle!)
i think i missed the point! but still, hope you enjoy!
anyways, enjoy!! :3
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warnings! : smut, (obv!),strong language, mentions of smoking, (dk what else)
Tom is always, and will always be an absolute thoughtless, good-for-nothing asshole, though, calling him good-for-nothing would be a laughing matter because having him around, is an automatic save.
He also almost always, wants to fuck, when he’s proud, when he’s not, when he’s frustrated, annoyed, but, you don’t mind.
Secretly, you relinquish in the restless fucking, whether it’s a quickie, or not, you love every minute and moment of it.
He rotted the good in you but maybe that’s why you liked him so much.
You walked into Tom’s office, the very familiar sound of tapping and smell of smoke overwhelming your senses in mere seconds, immediately you were welcomed by the sound of his screaming, you winced, debating whether or not you should even be in there.
The cybersecurity major resided in his office, worriedly typing away on his laptop, pushing in his glasses every few seconds, you raised a brow, walking over to his desk, you slipped onto it, crossing your legs, he looked at you through his lashes, he spun his chair around, ignoring you completely.
“His IP, track it.”
“Yes sir.”
You scoffed, watching as he gripped his phone like it was an animal, he was fuming, just about seconds away from shooting someone.
“Kill one of my men again, and I'll slaughter you and any remaining heir that exists under your name. You owe me Red. You fucking owe me!"
You looked at your hands, waiting, somewhat patiently but not really. He huffed in annoyance, his teeth gritted, his tongue gliding along his lips finding his lip piercing to fidget with. He hung the phone up, almost instantly chucking it across his office, You hissed, pretending not to notice the ongoing tension within the atmosphere.
"Sir, I found him sir. He's headed for Bahnhofsstraße." He spun around his laptop, revealing the markings of Red and his team, he was right, they were headed for Bahnhofsstraße. Your only question was why, though Tom seemed to know.
"Fuck, seriously!? Call Bill, Tell him to head there now. Now!" He scoffed, he ran his hand down his face, a few seconds passed and he begun rushing to get a team out. You opened your mouth to speak but he shut you down within seconds. "You're staying here-" You cut him off, to speak, "My uncle-" He scoffed slamming his fist on the desk. "I don't care! You will only slow me down. Stay here."
The clock inside of your bedroom ticked ferociously. Every tick standing for another long second. You skimmed through yet another book from the library, your brain fogged from everything possible.
Though the profound "peace" instantly came to an end when Tom burst through your door, no knock, no warning, nothing. Immediately you set your book down, you raised a brow in annoyance, sitting up as he inched near you.
"What the fuck Tom!"
He looked jagged, his eyes displaying just how tiresome the day must've been. The first thing he did was grip your wrist, grabbing you as if you'd run from him. He kissed you with absolute desire. Like he'd been aching for it.
He shoved you against the bed frame his body engulfing yours entirely, You pushed him away, only momentarily to find words to speak. "You're supposed to call for me-" He pushed himself closer, biting down on your tender skin, his tongue sucking the skin on your neck with such experience it made you ache.
"I don't care." His voice was shallow, it made every single bone in your body ache, he pressed his lips against yours yet again, this time speeding up the process. His body grinded against your, the obvious difference in your strength was something you were used to but everything always became a blur the moment you felt his weight above you.
You could sense the anger and annoyance he held, the eagerness with no apparent attachment. He undressed you even quicker then he had undressed himself, his hands trailing and gripping your body, you squirmed with pleasure as he pushed himself inside you, his relentless strength consuming you. Your eyes grew half lidded, hiding the pleasure in your throat, he groaned impatiently, his hand trailed down your body as he aggressively slammed himself into you, his thumb pressed hardly onto your clit making you swallow dryly, at last a whimper left your lips, he grinned, leaning over you.
He grabbed your face tightly, brushing his thumb across your face, the flush of your cheeks made him mad, he trailed kisses from your jaw all the way to your collarbones. He shoved himself in deeper, his nails digging into your hips, "Don't go acting innocent now- I like you because you're a slut. You're anything but innocent." You dug your nails into his back grabbing him by his braids. "Fuck you." His grin widened, his hand cupping the back of your neck as he fucked you senseless.
His mouth trailed down to your chest, sucking your nipple with yet again, so much experience, you always wondered how much people he might've needed to fuck to get so good at it. He pulled away, the sight of his darkened eyes and swollen lips could've made you finish alone.
He gripped your hips, flipping your bodies over, he guided you, forcing you to move, with every thrust of your hip he grew more and more relentless, his hands grabbing you with every ounce of strength he had, you moaned as you grew close, you wanted to wince at how tightly he held your hips but the pleasure overcame the pain. He threw his head back thrusting upwards until he found what he was looking for.
You both moaned in pleasure, gripping at each-others bodies, he pulled you against his chest, kissing you as he fought back moans and the urge to moan your name. He bit down on your bottom lip, cupping your ass. His dick twitched inside you as you clenched around him, he let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes melted into yours as he slowly pushed you off him. Leaving you with his scent lingering in the air.
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gaybananabread · 3 months
♡~A Mother Always Knows⁠~⁠♡
~I’ve been reading a ton of sad books recently, so I needed something fluffy to get myself back together. So, here’s a completely self-indulgent fic I felt needed to exist. Fair warning, I haven’t seriously written in a few weeks, so this might suck. If you’re still here, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Miles
Ler: Rio
Summary: Miles’s job as Spider-Man has been weighing heavier on him, and school and the Spider-Verse isn't helping. Rio notices almost instantly, and while she may not know what's causing her baby to feel so stuck, she knows exactly how to give him a little boost.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Groaning, Miles keysmashed on his laptop, trying and failing to generate ideas. He’d done everything: rewarding writing websites, the Comic Sans trick, drinking electrolyte-heavy beverages. Nothing was working.
His English teacher had assigned another essay, and he was completely stuck. Miles was an artist, not a writer; the creative essay assignments loved to kick his ass. That, coupled with the actual routine kicking of his ass from villains, left him all sorts of stressed out.
Deciding he needed a break from staring at the white screen, Miles got up and went to the kitchen. He had all weekend to complete the creative essay; unfortunately for him, that was prime villain attack time. He had barely gotten to sit down and work for a cumulative of two hours.
Rio had been noticing her son’s off behavior for almost the entire year he’d been Spider-Man. It was negligible at first: forgotten assignments, baggy eyes, messy appearances. Those were typical for teenagers going into High School.
So, when she saw him stumble into the kitchen while favoring his left side, her mama bear instincts kicked in.
Over time, however, it had progressed to very noticeable, very worrisome changes. While she hadn’t confronted Miles yet, Rio was definitely not oblivious.
After all, a mother always knows.
“Miles, siéntate ahora.” Her voice was loving, but undoubtedly stern; he’d be smart to listen, and listen he did. Miles sat down at the kitchen table, doing his best not to limp. It wasn’t enough.
Rio set a bowl of Cheez-Itz in front of him before sitting across from him. Miles could feel the heat grow beneath his collar; she was using her Mom Face. For a solid four minutes, she just sat there, watching him as he snacked. Just act natural, just be cool, just eat the damn crackers…
“You gonna tell me what’s going on, or are we just gonna sit here?” Yeesh, there was that tone. Miles knew there was zero way of getting out of there without some sort of conversation.
“Just…loaded up, Mami. I’ve got a lot on my plate with Visions, ya know?” He tried to pin it all on school, hoping that would be the end of it. It wasn’t technically a lie; he did have a lot of stress due to assignments, especially his English teacher.
Rio sighed a bit; that was true, sure, but not the entire story. It worried her to see her baby like that, even more so when he wouldn’t let her help. Still, she had to find a way to get him to de-stress, even if she didn’t know the full cause.
“Hmm. Couch,” she ordered, standing and heading to their living room. Sure, it was a short walk, but she could still be mysterious.
Miles knew better than to argue, setting the empty bowl in the sink before joining her. He was stiff, his mind spinning with all sorts of theories and questions. Was she gonna press the issue? Did she know, and was just trying to see how much he would lie to her? Was she gonna ground him indefinitely for not coming clean?
Instead of confirming her son’s fears, Rio just pulled him into a hug by the shoulders. Miles’s eyes widened, but he quickly relaxed, resting his head on his mom’s chest. Man, he was tired…
“I love you, Miles. I know something’s wrong, and I know it’s hard for you to tell me. Just…remember that I’m always here for you, okay?”
Miles felt his heart lift at her words. She…she really loved him. She knew he was lying, but she still loved him. He swallowed a small lump forming in his throat before nodding; he didn’t trust his voice.
Now that she’d gotten him nice and emotional, Rio decided he needed to cheer up a bit. Miles was so stressed and reserved most of the time. She missed the days where his bright, unapologetic smile would light up their home - especially his giggles. How Rio longed to see him happy like that again…
Oh. Lightbulb.
“Thank you, baby. You just seem so sad anymore. Me encantaría verte sonreír de nuevo.” Shifting her hand down Miles’s side, she tried to hide her growing smile. If she wanted to surprise her son, she had to be crafty.
Miles's brain lagged a bit as he translated her words. Smile again? What...why was his spider-sense going off?
"Lucky for you, I think I remember how to fix that," she crooned. Then, in a gentle and teasy way, she started wiggling her fingers into her son's side.
The teen's eyes shot wide open, a giggle slipping out. His mom was...tickling him? It wasn't something they'd done in a while, thanks to his constantly loaded schedule and isolating tendencies. It immediately made him giddy and lit his nerves on fire.
"M-Mahahahahahami! W-Whahahat?!" Miles was shocked, kicking his feet against the couch. How could just a few fingers tickle so much?
"What? It's kinda obvious, Miles. I'm tickling you!" Her other hand joins the fray, pulling her son against her. While Miles was a helluva lot stronger than her, he couldn't risk overdoing it. So, like a true man, he giggled his heart out.
"Dohohon't sahay thahahat! Mohom!" Right as Miles tried to pry her hand off, Rio started to scribble on his belly. His giggles shot up for a moment, turning to adorable belly laughter.
"HEHEHEhehey! C'mohohon!" Two hands was just being mean. Rio was loving all the giggles, and she could feel the tenseness in his shoulders melting away against her. There was no way she could stop at that point.
"Don't say what, papa? Tickle? How about this? Cosquillas cosquillas cosquillas~" Rio quickly whispered the words in his ear, loving the squeak she got in return. Her son was just the cutest, even when he was trying to be all macho.
The teasing fried his brain, leaving him a squirming mess of nonsensical babbling and giggles. The t-word in one language was bad enough, but two? And in his ear? His mom was killing him!
Deciding to be cruel, Rio suddenly jammed both her hands into his underarms. Miles was tired, so she had to hit the sweet spots quickly.
"NAHAHAHA! *snort* MOHOHOHOHOM!" Miles shrieked and thrashed, absolutely losing his shit when his mom targeted his worst spot. Her nails were torturous, far worse than Hobie's lanky fingers or Pav's loving squishes. It shot ticklish lightning zipping across his skin, sending him into near hysterics.
Rio cooed at her son's near manic reaction, giggling as he snorted. Miles was always trying to act tough, but he just couldn't get any cuter.
Miles was sort of exploding inside. He was already tired from patrols, and now he was laughing his ass off; the boy was ready to crash. His mind was a goopy mess of flustered joy and giggles, rendering him unable to speak. Still, he could feel his stress melting away, leaving him in a stupidly happy, ticklish bliss.
Still, it tickled like crazy, and he couldn't last forever.
"MOHOHOHO- *snort* OHOM! IHIHI CAHAHAN'T!" Small tears of mirth pricked at the corners of his eyes as he tapped out. Rio stopped as soon as he said that, moving to pet his hair and rub his shoulder soothingly.
"Te tengo, Miles. Take a breath." She held him close, trying to help him regain his composure.
Miles was still reeling, giggling off the phantom tickles. After that lovely attack, he was completely drained. Thanks to his mother's gentle pets, he was on the verge of passing out right then and there.
"Ohoho crap... Whyhy?" Miles failed to stifle a yawn and rubbed his sides as he asked. His mother chuckled at his attempt before answering. "Because you needed to relax, Miles. You're too stressed anymore."
He rolled his eyes, but she wasn't wrong; he was practically limp against her. "Ihi...yeah, I guess. Still though, that was overkill."
She chuckled and booped his nose, making him grunt. "Maybe a bit. Now, do yourself a favor and take a nap."
Miles begrudgingly closed his eyes, mumbling something about not being a baby anymore. Still, thanks to her gentle head pats and his exhaustion, he was nodding off in seconds.
"Te quiero, Miles. Sleep tight."
Rio couldn't help but smile at the sight. Her son was finally relaxed; she couldn't find a trace of the earlier stress on his face. After he relaxed, she'd work on the essay with him. It might not get far, but they'd struggle together. That was what mattered, especially to her. She kissed the top of his head with a small, happy sigh.
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ggidolsmuts · 2 years
A Christmas Mystery - Red Velvet Irene, Seulgi, ????
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*Hey, I have a question*
*Hi Seulgi. Yes, sure, what's up?*
*No it's Joohyun, Irene, whatever, you know who I am. When are you going to write for me again? You've written Seulgi and Wendy, and then you've written Seulgi again! When is it my turn*
*Nice to meet you. Umm I dunno, I had no plans for that. And you're fine with me lewding you and all that?* Your hands are shaking slightly as you text Irene back.
*Can't be worse than some of the thirsty comments we get, at least you last long enough to write that much*
*Thanks, I guess? But sorry, no real ideas*
*What, am I not hot enough?*
*No, of course not. It's like a song, you know? Not every song suits the group. Not every idea fits you just because you're hot, even if you are hot*
*Fine, but if I come up with an idea, would you listen to it?*
*Sure, no promises though*
*Oh I'll make sure you'll want to write it, you just wait* 
You gulp at her threat, and simply reply "OK". Irene doesn't follow up with an idea though, so you forget about it until Seulgi pings you once more weeks later.
*Hi, are you free Friday night?*
*Yeah, should be*
*Okay, can you come over? Irene unnie wants to tell you about her idea*
*Sure, I'll bring my laptop*
*I would also bring a change of clothes, just saying ;)*
You're thrilled about what Irene had in store, and slightly fearful, given her adamant order to write, but there was nothing to do except to wait for Friday to arrive.
It is well worth the wait.
Seulgi and Irene have you arrive at a mansion, and you feel conspicuously underdressed as you approach the ornate door.
"Welcome, my dear writer." Irene almost fawns over you in a high-pitched voice. She's dressed in a little Christmas-themed red dress, white fur lining the top of it. Her hairstyle was simple, but simple is all that's needed when you look like Bae Joohyun. She produces a piece of black cloth and approaches you. "Nuh uh, don't move." Irene pulls it around your eyes, blinding you. You grunt as she ties it extra tight around your head before loosening it just a little. As a parting gift she draws sharp nail along your neck—Irene not only dressed to kill, she came to kill.
"Come on, follow me." You stumble closely behind as you hear Irene's heels click and doors swinging open.
"I've been reading your stuff, while mine was good, it's old, I want a new one."
"T-Thanks for reading them, and sure, but I can't really write while I'm blindfolded."
"Shut up. You have some interesting ideas, and I want my story to have all the interesting ideas. But no writing tonight, you'll just have to remember enough to write it later." Irene emphasizes this by taking your laptop out of your hands. Sit." You find yourself pushed onto a couch. Her hands are on your shoulders, and you reflexively reach out for her.
"Stop. Are you going to be a good boy and behave, or do I have to tie your hands up?"
"I'll behave." You stay still as Irene merely puts her weight on you and leans in.
"So you have stories about being blindfolded, stories about being tied up, a fucking gacha story, and so, so many breeding stories, so here's what's going to happen, this story? This story is going to combine everything!"
"So, you'll say a number, let's say 1 to 9. One of us will come to you, and we'll do whatever we want with you. Maybe you'll be tied up, maybe you'll tie us up. Maybe you'll cum on us, maybe you'll cum in us, who knows what will happen, it'll be up to us. You'll call 4 numbers across two nights, and you'll be blindfolded during sex, so at the end, you have to guess who did you have sex with and in what order correctly."
"Sure, what happens if I guess wrong?"
"Then you have to write a story about this, remember every detail."
"And if I guess right?" She pulls on your ear harshly, making you wince.
"You just got to fuck four K-Pop idols, what more do you want?" Fair enough. "Do you agree?"
"I can still disagree?"
"Of course, then I kick you out of the mansion and we have our own orgy, you can have fun imagining that. So, yes or no?"
"Yes, I guess."
"Hah, I guess?" She reaches down to grab you through your pants. "I'll take this as a yes. Come in!" Irene calls out in the room, and soon you hear multiple heels clicking on the floor, getting louder, and to your surprise, it sounded way more than then 4 other members of Red Velvet.
"This is our guest for the weekend. I gave each of you a number earlier, if he calls your number, you get to have fun with him. Make sure he keeps the blindfold on, don't reveal your identity to him. Other than that, do what you want." You hear hushed whispers, but little else. A long finger is on your chin.
"Now then, what number do you choose?"
"Uh... 2?" Your selection is immediately met by a chorus of sighs and boos. 
"Again?" You hear someone ask.
"Tch, okay 2, take him to your room." Irene's heels click and clack away from you, until the room falls silent. A hand grabs you by the wrist, and you follow closely behind number 2. A door is opened, then closed as you walk through it. You're spun around and pushed back, and you land on a bed.
"Hi oppa." You recognized her voice quickly.
"W-What? How did you know?"
"You do know that voice is a thing right? It's only impossible to tell in writing."
"Oh, oops, I don't think Irene unnie realized that." Seulgi giggles. You breathe a sigh of relief—maybe this will be easier than you thought.
"Can I take off the blindfold then? I know who you are already."
"No, I have something in mind, keep it on, but the rest can come off." Seulgi's hands work on your jeans, and you take off your t-shirt. She pulls your jeans and boxers off, leaving you naked on the bed. "I'm going to paint a picture in your head oppa, I want you to imagine it just like how I imagine things when I read your stuff." Wordlessly you nod, and you hear Seulgi's heels stop in front of you.
"Can you guess what I'm wearing?" You shake your head.
"Remember our Beautiful Christmas MV?"
"Of course."
"Good, I'm wearing that little red dress, and nothing underneath." Seulgi's voice drops to a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear. Her hands grab yours, and you smell her perfume as she pulls it around to her back. The coldness of the zipper contrasts the heat between the two of you harshly.
"Go ahead." The sound of the zipper is deafening, like a lightning bolt crackling down Seulgi's back. "Thank you dear." Relucantly you let her go, your hand trailing over her warm body as she backs up.
"It's going to drop to the floor... now." On her word the fabric rustles to the ground. You're leaking precum everywhere already, imagining her naked, that she's wearing nothing but her accessories and her heels. Those same heels approach you.
"Seulgi?" You feel velvet on your thighs, and as your hand moves around on it, you realize you're holding Seulgi's dress in your lap.
"I want you to touch yourself, touch yourself like I did while reading Haul-lelujah. Do you want to know how I did it?"
"Y-Yes," you croak, throat suddenly dry. As you feel more than hear Seulgi sit opposite you.
"When I read it, I had to go grab the tightest leggings I had and wear them, do you know what I did next?" Your hand starts stroking up and down, a visible "yes" to Seulgi. "I pushed it— Ah! Pushed it into myself, I fucked my leggings, they got so soaked." You hear the soft wet sounds of Seulgi starting to finger herself, the rustle of the sheets telling you exactly how quickly or slowly she is going—instinctively you match her pace with your hand.
"And then I did what you said you'd do, rip my top off and slowly peel the leggings off. Then I shtuffed it in my mouf—" Seulgi's voice is suddenly muffled, but the bouncing of the bed leaves you no room for imagination—Seulgi's right next to you, fucking her own fingers as she bites into the sheets.
"Fuck Seul!" She's wetter than ever, and you're harder than ever. Initially you can still hear her movements clearly, her fingers exiting and entering her pussy in time with noisy slickness. But as she speeds up, it begins to all blend together, as does Seulgi's moans as she drives herself into a frenzy. Soon you're in a frenzy too, the blood pounding in your head as you stroke faster and faster, fucking your hand like you would be fucking Seulgi.
"Nnngh oppa!" You hear a loud squelch, and suddenly your shaft is drenched in her juices! You cum immediately, feeling the soft fabric on your thighs as you jerk forward—you forgot that it was Seulgi's dress, and in the moment it may well have been just the most expensive tissue in your lap. Blindfolded and too far gone to care, you fire freely, stroking yourself to completion until you're leaking on your fingers, at which point you wipe it on the soft fur fabric.
"Mmm Seulgi—" Your mouth is suddenly filled with a soaked fabric as you are pushed back on the bed. The same scent fills your nose as Seulgi sits herself on you, rocking her hips on your face. She's fucking your face just as you described, except her panties are in your mouth! Her fingers dig into your hair, and she's pulling on you, rubbing her pussy all over your lips and nose.
"Oh, oh yes, ohh..." Seulgi climaxes a second time, coating your face in her juices. She slides down a little, now sitting on your abdomen to give you room to breathe. Or so you thought, as Seulgi kisses you and bites on her own underwear, pulling it out of your mouth before spitting it out. She comes back in for another kiss—any more of this, and she's going to kill you by asphyxiation. "Thanks for a fun time, what number do you want next?"
You're still gasping for air. "W-We're not having sex?"
"Not tonight, sorry."
"Damn, uhhh number 7?"
"Who was number 7 again... Okay, I'll bring you to her." You hear Seulgi zip up her cum-stained dress, and you fumble for your clothes before she grabs you by the wrist.
"Wait, my clothes!"
"You'll have them afterwards, you won't need it for tonight anyways." She pulls you out and along some corridor, making a few turns before almost letting you crash into her. "Stop, stop, we're here!"
"Sorry, you need to tell me beforehand."
"Right right, anyways, the handle is right here," she places your hand on it. "Enjoy."
"Thanks Seulgi." You hear her walk away as you let yourself in.
"Hi, please take off your blindfold."
"Mmhmm, don't worry, my identity is still hidden." You shrug and take it off. There is a wall in front of you, and a pretty big hole in the wall—through it you can make out milky thighs and a short red dress. "Please put your cock through the hole."
Oh, it's like a glory hole. You stand close to the wall and put yourself through the hole. The ensuing silence is explained immediately as her lips part around your shaft, and her tongue starts wrapping around you. You look up at the ceiling, the slurping and sucking sounds of your partner all that you need to paint yourself a vivid image. She sucks you furiously, and her hair is tickly on your thighs. Your legs go weak, and your partner takes the opportunity to grab your legs, pulling you closer to devour your cock.
"Oh fuck, wait, I'm going to cum already!" The warm wetness of her mouth immediately subsides, and you get the briefest glimpse of white going down her legs before she replaces her mouth by another set of wet lips. Your moans clash as mystery number 7 pushes herself back on to you.
"Mmm that's deep! Just stay right there." She starts pulling herself off you slightly before backing her ass into you again. She grinds herself deep on your shaft, and while the hole prevents you from thrusting back, you're glad that you're able to last longer because of it.
"Fuck I need more, back up a little, keep your eyes closed!" You back away from the wall and do as she says. When she has you open them again you see that she has stepped backwards through the hole, her slim waist filling most of the opening. You still can't see her face, but you are able to see what you needed—the bottom half of someone, their red dress barely covering their ass. She's wearing boots, but the black lacy stockings just make her legs look even longer.
"Go ahead, fuck me, give it to me good." You immediately lift the dress and push back in. Your hands naturally go around her wide hips as you settle inside her. You lift her hips slightly so you're better aligned with her, and it gets you an extra inch deeper.
"Oh god, that's it!" You set a quick pace, your thighs slapping into her ass with solid claps of flesh—she's tight, and her toned body tenses in your hands every time. Through the small gaps in the hole you watch her hair fly up and down, her head snapping back every time you push through her now creamy and sopping wet entrance. You raise a hand and bring it down on her ass with a snap.
"Ahhh!" She screams from behind the wall, but her pussy tightens around you even more. So you slap her ass again—it ripples just like her wails around the room. It rises in pitch, turning into a piercing shriek as you grab her by the hips and lift her—with a firm grip on her tight body, any complaint about you would be groundless as Miss #7 dangles in the air. Held up almost like a wheelbarrow, the hole serves as a fulcrum, and she is the lever of pleasure as you pound her, making her legs flail with each thrust.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" With a final shout she goes breathless, and your partner's legs go rigid, toes splayed out, reaching for a floor she wouldn't touch—not until you were done with her. Her back is tense, and her muscles flex and twitch in rhythm with her pussy, desperate to milk you. But you hold on, to both her and your orgasm as a few drops of slick leak from your connection.
"Hey, I'm close, where—"
"In me," comes the tired reply from the other side of the wall. A few rough thrusts into her limp body and you almost pull her out of the hole as you yank her on to you. You let go with a groan, and her toes curl in response, hands gripping the edge of the hole tightly as you fill her own hole with cum. You let her down and she flops to the ground in front of you, her legs weak like custard. A puddle of white is already growing underneath her.
"Thanks, you should go." Her long hair covers her face, so you don't get a good look at her before she turns away from you.
"Do I call the next number now?"
"No, that's for tomorrow, just wait outside and someone will bring you to your room." Dumbly you wait outside naked, until a masked lady comes for you.
"Here, please put this on." She hands you the clothes you brought and shows you to your room, and you bow gratefully before collapsing in bed. It wouldn't do to wake up smelling of sex though, so you take a shower before burrowing into the sheets and falling asleep.
Sex is inevitable though, and you jolt awake feeling a warm, nude body by your side.
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"Oppa?" You recognized the voice.
"Joohyun please."
"Umm sure Joohyun, what are you doing?"
"Being selfish." She captures your lips passionately, and you're immediately hard even at the middle of the night. "I never told you, I really liked your sweeter stories too."
"Oh, thanks for reading I guess?"
"Please do that to me." Needily she rolls you on top of her. "I'm yours." Your lips make sure of that, sucking on her neck, leaving a bruise that the shadows can't hide.
"Oh god, say you love me, please!" Joohyun whispers hurriedly.
"I love you," you mutter, and Joohyun coos in delight—this was not the Irene you were expecting. Not the Irene that demanded you here to write a story, the Irene that always gets what she wants. This is the Joohyun who wanted to feel wanted, from you of all people. She's going to get what she wants, you suppose, but on your terms.
"So pretty, so nice..." you murmur, and Joohyun whimpers as you move a hand down her nude figure. You grab her butt lecherously, and all she does is twist towards you, to offer you more room to roam her thigh and leg. "Even though you have many fans, I love you the most out of all of them, you know?"
"Yes, please, please!" You pull her in for another kiss, and you hand waves small circles over her cheek, admiring at her juiciness. Closer and closer you get to touching Joohyun between her legs, and when you brush against her lips she squeaks and you gasp—she was soaked.
"Please oppa, please I need you!" Your fingers play with her slit, running them along one fold, then the other. You rub your fingers against her entrance, preparing her, but Joohyun pauses your advances. "Please, I want more than that."
"No, you want me to love you right?" Joohyun nods, and she moans in surprise as you slide a finger into her. "Then I'm going to love you my way." The protesting hand on yours melts away, and you begin firmly fingering the leader of Red Velvet, pushing into her clenching warmth.
"You're so tight Irene..."
"Sorry, Joohyun, forgive me?" She blushes at your sweetness, and she tightens further with a nod. You kiss her cheek, her neck, her ear. Each kiss you push a little deeper into her, rubbing her a little harder. Joohyun's already on edge, so when you capture her lips and curl your finger, you draw her over the line.
"Mmmm!" She moans into the kiss, her upper body keeling towards you as her thighs close around your arm. You keep rubbing at her g-spot, and her legs thrash and kick about until Joohyun's utterly drained and her orgasm finally spent.
"I'm going to fuck you now." You withdraw your slick fingers from her, undress what little you have on, and get between her legs properly. As soon as you are in position you feel her heels on the back of your thighs—she's already wrapping her limbs around you.
"S-Slow, please?" Joohyun looked more vulnerable than ever, and you can't tell if she has you wrapped around her finger, doing whatever she wants you to do. Or do you have her wrapped around yours with how submissive a lover she's being. What you do know is that you have her wrapped around your cock as you take her slow, just as she asked.
"You're so tight Joohyun!"
"Y-You're too big oppa!" she groans delicately, relaxing herself to allow you in. The feeling of being inside her is nothing like you've imagined, and you take deep breaths against her neck as you eventually bury yourself inside her.
"You feel incredible, I mean it." Joohyun responds by wrapping herself tighter around you.
"I'm happy, keep going, make love to me, fuck me, whatever you want." Your fingers run through her hair, brushing them to the side to get a look at her. Joohyun really is gorgeous, and her lips part beautifully as you start drawing your length in and out of her. She shouts in pleasure as you lean down to tease a nipple, swirling around the stiff nub—with a gentle nip you also leave light teeth marks on her breast. 
You go back to watching Joohyun, her expressions varied, morphing in bliss as you hit different spots inside her—her lips would purse as you hit really deep inside her, then open in a loud moan as you pull back. They then stay parted in a small "O" when you slide back in at the right angle, rubbing the g-spot you found earlier. Her eyes wander your face, but also flutter shut, especially when it got a bit too much.
"Don't hold back," you order. Your fingers through her hair suddenly pull on it harshly, yanking her head back and opening her windpipe. At the same time you start a demanding rhythm, a strong pace that is determined to drive Joohyun into a screaming climax.
"Ah, w-wait! Oppa! Ahhh!" Joohyun wails uncontrollably, crying out into the bedroom as the sudden fierceness sends her hurtling to another peak. She screams as you put one powerful thrust after another into her during the orgasm, forcing her leaking slick back into her before it is pushed out by the next wave of slick. There is a small wetspot between her legs by the time you stop moving, and Joohyun's face is glowing in sweat and pleasure. It is also glowering in determination as she starts bucking up against you, urging you to move again.
“M-More, I want more!”
Your own orgasm nips at your heels, and you respond in kind, starting up slow before quickly picking up the pace again. Your harsh breaths are right in her ear, and she turns to kiss you, swallowing your exhaustion.
"You're going to cum?" Treating it as a demand in your frenzied state you move faster. Joohyun yelps and begs into your ear. "Oh, oh fuck! Just cum in me, just make me pregnant!"
Roleplay or otherwise, that's too much from her, and you kiss Joohyun fiercely—the taste of blood is on your tongue as you erupt in her, unleashing a white flood on her womb. She quivers and shakes underneath you, whispering how hot your cum feels inside her. It makes you wonder if you've actually done the unthinkable. As you finish seeding her, your kiss turns gentle, light pecks in apology for drawing blood. Even bleeding from one side of her lip she still looked beautiful, and you lean in for another kiss as you collapse on top of her.
"Thanks," Joohyun whispers. "I really wanted that, even if you might not write about it later." You're too drained to speak, and simply smile and nod.
She cuddles up against you, pulling your arm over her—for the moment, the two of you are lovers, and you raise a hand to brush the blood from her lip.
"S-Sorry about that, got carried away."
"It's okay, I don't mind if it's you doing it." She pulls your hand to her tummy, and now you're really not sure how much of it was roleplaying. You're too tired to think, maybe you'll clarify with her tomorrow, for now you needed sleep.
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You wake up the next morning smelling of sex, but the bed is unfortunately lonely—Joohyun had left sometime in the early morning. In the room there is a brunch spread and a note. You read the note as you go through the delicious brunch.
*Please rest for now and stay in your room, you will next call a number at 3 pm*
That left you plenty of time to refresh and rejuvenate, and you head for another shower before simply relaxing on the bed, flipping through TV channels and your phone. On the dot at 3 pm there is a knock on your door, and a masked lady pokes her head through.
"What number would you like to call?"
"Umm, 6 then?"
"Aww okay, please follow me." You follow her out the door, and she looks around before whispering in your ear.
"If I were you, I'd pick 8 next, okay? It's a lucky number, trust me." You nod confusedly, and she continues showing you the way. When you arrive she blindfolds you before guiding you through the door. "Don't forget!" is her final whisper. You're left waiting for Ms. 6, and she approaches you confidently going by her footsteps.
"Welcome, this way please. You may leave your clothes on the floor." Once she's satisfied with your nudity she guides you to the bed and has you lie down. "I hear from Seulgi unnie you're good with your mouth?"
"Umm—" You freeze as her weight is on your chest—she's already sitting on you! "Yes."
"Good, please go ahead. Let's see how long you last."
"Wha— Ohhh..." Her hot mouth is suddenly wrapped around your shaft, and realizing what she wants your arms reach up for her hips, pulling her up slightly so you can eat her. You lean your head forward slightly, and as soon as you are able to locate her properly you start licking her slit, drawing light vibrations from her mouth around your shaft. Her entire body rocks on top of yours, alternating between bobbing her head on your cock and grinding her pussy all over your mouth. You hiss into her thighs as she gently grabs your sack, massaging it and pushing you close. You respond by spreading her juicy cheeks, a stray finger playing dangerously with the hole above her slit.
"Damn, that's—" The sudden pause in her rocking allows you to double down, and you slip a bit of your finger into her ass. "Ahh!" Gently you push your fingertip in and out, pushing against her resistance just enough for her to feel it. At the same time you keep the pressure up on her slit, licking it up and down. She doubles down on sucking your cock, determined to get you off first. It becomes a race, the suction of her cheeks almost unbearable. But what is really unbearable is your focus on her clit, ruthlessly flicking it with your tongue. When you slip your finger deeper into her ass, it's like you've run a rod through her.
"So fucking dirty, oh god!" She orgasms first, her hands going to your thighs, grabbing on to them for support. Mindlessly she bucks on you, riding out her climax, rhythmically pushing her ass back on your finger—you can feel her shiver and clench around you when you go deep.
"You did not write about that, ah..." She gets off you, pulling you to the edge of the bed. "But you didn't write about this either." Propped up on the bed, you moan as you feel your cock sandwiched by her soft pillows. Her tongue is suddenly only on your tip rather than wrapped around your cock, and as she strokes it with her tits, the race restarts, except you're the only one racing, and like Father Time, Pleasure is unbeaten. Your partner feels it too, and she licks the underside of your head deliberately.
"Fuck, that's it!" You groan loudly as you release, the feeling of her tits moving along your shaft exquisite. It is then replaced by a stroking hand, and your balls are gently squeezed by the other. "Ah..." She coaxes even more out of you, and you're almost falling off the bed when you finish.
"Wow, hah you can take off the blindfold, you've covered me completely." You see that it is true when you pull the fabric off. There is white goo all over her face, and some is on her well-endowed chest too. She really is unrecognizable, save for one open eye and a bit of her forehead. "Now put it back on, I'm going to go clean up."
"S-Sorry about that."
"Don't be, you were blindfolded." Her laugh is unrestrained. "You should wash your hands before you call the next number, none of us expected that."
"Right." She leads you to the bathroom and helps you wash your hands. She applies impromptu lip balm in the form of saliva on your lips, courtesy of her tongue pushing into your mouth. You're tempted to pull her against you for a similarly impromptu fucking, but she eventually pushes you away.
"I would have loved to have you for the night, but perhaps next time." You settle for a hand on her ass, squeezing it as she leads you to the door. Immediately you hear the masked lady again—has she been waiting for you the whole time?
"So, who are you calling next?"
"I'll call 8." You manage to remember the masked lady's request, and she squeals in delight.
"Yay, that's me!"
"Wait, really?"
"Mmhmm, come on, let's go!" She drags you stumbling through the halls and into her room.
"W-Wait, why are you leading me around, I thought you would be waiting in your room."
"I got the short stick to drag you around to the other girls, so might as well make the most of it." She spins you around and pushes you on the bed. "Now, how do I want to do this?"
You take the time to try and process the new information—she may have had the mask on, but you had seen her. She's petite, small in size and with short hair, who has that haircut? Before you can think further, Number 8 is in your lap, removing your clothes.
"I know about you and Irene unnie." A chill runs down your spine, how?
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Tch please, I was going to sneak in myself, but then I heard her screaming her head off. You'll do the same for me right? You'll breed my flat little tummy?"
"I-I don't even know who you are." You hiss as she sucks your collarbone.
"You'll find out in 9 months, and you can write about it then, call it 'How I bred—'" She pauses and laughs to herself. "Woops, almost revealed myself, are you ready yet?" She jerks a groan from you in response. "That's a yes."
When she gets in your lap, you realize she is smaller than she looked in the Christmas dress. She is also much tighter than the Christmas dress when she sinks down on your cock, how is she so wet already?
As it turns out, Miss #8 might be a mind reader when she whispers in your ear. "I've been listening to everything, it all sounds so hot, I was so hoping you would call my number." You feel something hard and phallic thrust into your hand. "If you didn't call my number, I was going to fuck myself silly on that, but I'm glad I don't have to now." You're glad too, there's no way it would have fit in her, given how tight she is right now. From the fugue of her tightness you realize one thing.
"You listened to everything?"
"Mmhmm, fuck yes, this is so much better than just listening though." She's already riding you slowly.
"So, can you tell me who was which number then?"
"Of course silly, we all know who was what number, how else would I lead you to the right rooms? You want me to tell you who was who?"
"Yeah, please?"
"That depends, can you stand up right now?"
"Do as I say." Your hands wrap around her waist tightly, and you grunt as you manage to push yourself off the bed. You can hear the smile in her whisper, "Good, now fuck me just like this, make me forget I'm not supposed to tell you who's who, and I just might."
You bend your knees and straighten them again, lightly bouncing her as she clings to your neck and cock. You support her best you can, grabbing her thighs as you work your own, half-squatting and driving up into her each time.
"Yes, just like that, I'm dropping so deep on your cock! Ah fuck!" She squeals and gets even tighter, already rolling over an orgasm. Everything about her is small, even her orgasm, and she's already moaning and whispering in your neck to keep going. "That's only one, keep fucking me, keep fucking— nngh!" You shut her foul mouth up with a second peak. Despite her brazenness, she's easy to please, and like Santa’s sleigh in turbulent air you bump and bounce her through multiple small peaks.
As you move your hands to a more fuck-friendly position, you realize just how petite she is—you could lift her on and off your cock if you wanted to, and now that you have that knowledge, you definitely wanted to. You stop the ride and hold her still, ignoring her whines as you adjust your hands to clasp her waist. She squeaks cutely when you apply firm pressure, but as you start manhandling her up and down your shaft, low sexy moans begin to escape her lips.
"Oh, oh no! How dare you treat an idol like this! Like you own little fuck toy, what will my fans think— Ahh!" Said idol apparently loves it, and she releases a small wave of juices over you shaft. You get more into it, thrusting your hips in time with pulling her down on your cock, fucking her like a cocksleeve. She hangs on to you by the neck, her legs barely able to stay wrapped around your hips as she groans at the delicious friction. 
The pressure around your shaft grows with every passing orgasm from her, like she's slowly crushing you between her legs, and the pressure in your core grows too. In her present state she probably is less mind reader and more just feeling your cock throb inside her, but she manages to pull herself closer to you, whimpering into your ear.
"Cum in me, I need to feel it, give it to me!" A few a more strong tugs of her on to your cock, and you find yourself sitting back down on the bed. With the help of gravity you jam the pleading idol on your cock and unload into her. Her shout of surprise immediately dies away into soft grunts as you spew thick cum into her, each burst unbearably hot and gooey in her womb. She does the riding for you now, grinding on you slowly to extract all of your load, cooing as you fill her stocking with heat.
"You still came so much, good boy." She peppers your neck with love bites, her hair tickling your chest as she does so. As the two of you calm down from the session, you decide to catch her off-guard.
"So, why don't you tell me who I've been with?"
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"I hope you enjoyed this weekend, hmm?" Irene jokes as you are brought in front of everyone once more.
"Yes, definitely, and I won't even have to write about it," you proudly say.
"That confident? Go ahead then, let's see who you guessed." You take a deep breath and remember what you were told.
"Seulgi—" Irene cuts you off with a jubilant shout.
"Hah! Wrong! I look forward to your story then!"
"What? How is it wrong? The first number is Seulgi! I even recognized her voice!"
"Did you have sex with her?" She fires back.
"S-She rode me and everything!"
"Doesn't count! She rode your face, not your dick! So you're wrong, and have fun writing about this weekend!" Irene cackles and laughs.
"Fine, including you sneaking into my room then?!" you fire back, to a chorus of scandalized shouts.
"Unnie!" "How could you!" "You should have invited me!"
"Shut up! I don't care, include it if you want, but you are going to write it."
"I haven't even mentioned who the others were, how do I know if I'm right?"
"Just leave it up to your readers then, we'll know who’s who of course, but no one else will."
So, who do you think you fucked?
A/N: Those Beautiful Christmas images are too hot not to write about, so I blended it in with that ask about continuing “Reader Feedback” in some form. Hope this is not too confusing, anyways I think I’m being very obvious about who’s who lol, but if you feel like pretending it’s someone else, by all means. Thanks for reading and happy holidays!
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goldielia · 7 months
when will met ally
a part of: call it what you want au
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to say will is in a hurry would be an understatement. realizing at 6:30 pm that he had an essay due at midnight wasn’t his smartest move and he keeps thanking the universe for the afternoon practice today because if it had been scheduled for the evening he’d be screwed.
to make matters worse, the whole student body seems to have to finish schoolwork today because there’s not a single free spot in sight in the library.
he wants to cry when he finally sees a single open chair at a secluded table that’s almost fully surrounded by shelves. it’s a small table, barely big enough for two workspaces and one is occupied. it’s not his favourite but it’ll have to do.
the girl at the table only looks up from her laptop short enough for him to silently point to the chair next to her to ask if it was free and to nod her head in it’s direction to confirm he can sit down.
as soon as he has his laptop and notes set up he’s fully engrossed into his essay until he’s done to the point where he only has to write his conclusion and submit it. when he looks up for the first time to straighten his back and take a breath he notices that the library is pretty much empty, only a handful of students are still scattered around the tables.
it’s only then he really notices the girl he has been practically sitting shoulder to shoulder with at the small table. she hasn’t moved either, her warmth a steady presence against his left arm. before he can even take a good look at her, his eyes catch onto her laptop to see if she’s also been writing up a last minute essay or why else she’d still be in the library at 11 pm on a tuesday.
instead of notes or a word document he’s met with a picture of a dead body though. his eyes widen and even though he feels like he shouldn’t ever see things like that, he can’t quite take his eyes off of it.
“that’s the black dahlia” he hears to his left. finally taking a look at the girl, he sees a cute brunette with freckles all over her face. her green eyes are set on him with a slightly amused look, a sly smirk on her lips and her headphones now pushed down around her neck. he only manages to choke out a “what?”, his voice sounding rough because he hadn’t spoken in a while.
“black dahlia” she says, “her name was elizabeth short. she was murdered in january 1947 but nobody’s been able to solve the case so it’s gone cold.” he nods, clearing his throat to say “okay. are you, like, writing about her? or should i be concerned you’ve been looking at pictures of a dead body all night?”
she laughs quietly. “no, i’m all caught up on my classes. just can’t seem to stop thinking about what happened to her. what are you writing?” and then will remembers, he’s supposed to submit his essay in less than an hour and still has his conclusion to write.
“uh, can i postpone this conversation until i’ve actually finished it? i may have forgotten this was due at midnight” he admits with a lopsided grin. “sure, i’ll probably stay here anyways”.
after he sends her a grateful smile and she pulls her headphones back on to continue working, he turns back to his essay.
he tries to get back into his flow, he really does, but now that he’s taken a proper look at the girl next to him, he can’t help but hyperfocus on the way their shoulders brush when she uses the mousepad. his eyes can’t seem to stay on the words on his document either. he feels like they subconsciously draw to the pictures and articles on her screen or the way her blue nails click quietly on her keyboard.
after finishing his conclusion a torturing few minutes later, reading the whole thing one more time to make sure he’s not written total bullshit in his trance and submitting it with about 10 minutes to midnight, he turns back to her. the headphones now hanging around her neck permanently for some time - he’s obviously only noticed because he felt her arm moving, not at all because he’s been stealing glances at her.
“alright, i’m done. had to write about leadership in modern competitive environments” when she raises an eyebrow he adds “basically if you had to lead a team in any sport, would you focus on tradition or be okay with breaking some to make sure your team does better and like, the whole significance of tradition in modern sports since they’ve become so commercial.” she nods in understanding.
“how would you lead a team?” she asks, and he’s surprised to see genuine interest shining in her eyes. he subconsciously launches in a rant, it’s what happens whenever he talks about hockey. when he’s finished with his point he takes a breath and focuses his eyes back on her. she turned fully towards him somewhere during his talk, pulled a leg up on the chair to rest her chin on her knee. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t want to unpack that whole essay to you just now” he apologizes with a slight blush to his cheeks. “no, you’re okay. i like to hear people’s thoughts on things they’re passionate about.” save to say his blush did not disappear after that.
looking back into her eyes, he finds a mischievous glint, and when she quips “so hockey, huh?” is when it clicks in his brain. “wait, you’re our equipment girl, right?” “and you’re really good with people, apparently.”
“oh my god, i’m so sorry” he groans. “that’s okay, just don’t recognize the girl that tapes your stick whenever you’re late, no biggie” and he instantly feels bad because she had taped his hockey sticks multiple times and he didn’t even remember her name.
“i’m actually really sorry, you’ve been taping my sticks just how i like them but i can’t fucking remember your name.” she grins at that. “i’ve never actually told you, though” and relief washes over him. “so, could i maybe get your name now?” he asks, slightly nervous because he doesn’t feel like he’s made the best impression ever.
sitting silently next to her for hours before striking up a conversation about a dead body, all before shooting it down again because he forgot about his work. then as soon as he’s finished he rants to her and then tells her he doesn’t even remember her.
to his surprise though, she doesn’t miss a beat, answering “you’ll even get my number if you take me to get food right now”. he blinks once before he starts hurrying to pack his things, only stopping when she giggles behind him, when he turns around though she’s getting ready to leave just as quickly as him.
when he gets back to his dorm around 2 am it’s no surprise ryan’s fast asleep so when he quietly goes to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, he takes his time in front of the mirror to recap his evening.
they went to mcdonald’s, and he insisted on paying for her food because he still felt really, really bad about not remembering her. although she chirped at him because “you drove us here already” and “the driver never pays” and “i’m an independent woman, you know. let me pay for my share at least”.
they sat in his car in the mcdonald’s parking lot for a while, at first quietly eating their food. “my name’s alaska by the way.” she couldn’t help but laugh at him as he looked up at her mid-bite. he took his time chewing, looking out through the window and into the night. when his eyes settled back on hers, he answered “suits you” and the honest look in his eyes tugged on her heartstrings.
they talked about school some more, he found out she’s majoring in criminology - he still doesn’t know if that makes her more or less creepy than just looking at pictures of a dead body for fun. he’s decided though that he doesn’t give a fuck, she might be a little creepy but she listened to him rant and she has those pretty green eyes and she tapes his stick just right and that’s enough for will.
he took her back to her dorm, noticed it’s not far from his own and filed that information away in his brain for later. before she left the car he recited his number to her as she typed it in her phone before she grinned at him tiredly, leaned over the center console to hug him quickly before she hopped out of the car and headed to the front door.
he watched as she fumbled her keys out of her pocket, opened the door and waved at him before closing it.
as he just finds that comfortable position in his bed, his phone vibrates next to him.
from: unknown
unknown was changed to alaska
to: alaska
thank you, i’ll make sure to give it a listen
sleep well, see you soon?
from: alaska
i’m at that table nearly every day. also, you have practice tomorrow :)
good night, will
willsmith2 requested to follow you!
even though the vibrations were nearly silent, ryan grumbles in his bed across the room. “what’re you doin’ dude? ‘s too late” “finished that goddamn leadership essay and got food”
“you do know the essay is due tomorrow, right?”
alaska_argent accepted your follow request!
alaska_argent started following you!
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Happy Anniversary (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader) 🔞
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WC: 1.2K
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, slight mention of alcohol, cyber sex, mutual masturbation, explicit descriptions. MINORS DNI
A/N: This is the first smut I've ever written! I've tried writing another smut before but I couldn't finish it lol. This one may be terrible so apologies in advance lol please be nice. But I hope you all enjoy it love to hear your thoughts through ask/reply/reblog! Feedbacks are highly appreciated!
You and Christian have been in a relationship for 3 years now, and because you two currently live in two different countries you both have to go through long distance most of the time. Today was your 3rd anniversary and usually, on your anniversary you would have anniversary sex. This year however, because you were still quite busy at work and Christian still had training in London, you couldn’t see each other in person for at least two more weeks. But since none of you wanted to miss the “tradition”, you two finally decided on doing it via video call instead.
Before the action, you and Christian had dinner together through video call as well. You had been in the mood all day, so while you were cooking your own dinner you already put on your black lace lingerie – which he loves so much – underneath a satin robe. He called right after you finished setting up your table.
You picked up the call and his face appeared on your laptop screen.
“Hey you!” He excitedly waved at you. “Happy anniversary, baby!”
“Happy anniversary honey!” You waved back and blew him a kiss.
“Sorry we had to do this online,” you apologized, “but I’m glad it’s happening.”
“Why apologize?” He asked. “Y/N, all I care about is seeing you...”
You smiled at him. “Ah, aren’t you the sweetest boyfriend.”
“Plus, I’ve been thinking about you... A lot...” He smirked. “Especially in the night time...”
“Christian!” You playfully gasped. “Calm your ass down! We still have dinner to finish beforehand!”
He laughed. “Sorry, I’m just too excited!”
After dinner, you two continued talking for a while until he asked you about it.
“Y/N, do you uh... Want to do it now?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “Let me finish my wine first.”
“Great, cyber sex here we come! Oops, no pun intended,” he said jokingly.
You snorted when you heard him saying that, you could feel the wine almost came out through your nose. Right after you emptied your glass, you moved to the bedroom.
Now sitting on your bed, you positioned your laptop and got comfortable.
“Okay Christian, let’s do this.” You told him.
You two started talking dirty to each other to set the mood.
“I’ve missed you... And your smoking hot body.”
“I’ve missed you so much, Christian. I miss having your body on mine.”
“My cock has been longing for your pussy...” he groaned.
“My pussy is already wet for you, my love.” You teased him.
“Fuck...” he hissed. “Now, tell me what to do, Y/N.”
“Uh... Take off your clothes, Chris. But leave your underwear on.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
As he took off his shirt and pants, you couldn’t stop staring at his arm-sleeve tattoos and another tattoo on his chest. His tattoos are so attractive for you, sometimes you could get turned on by them.
“Christian...” You suddenly lost your words – you were drooling over his almost-naked body.
“Your turn, love.” He said. “Show me what’s underneath that robe. Take it off, baby.”
As you slowly removed your robe, you heard him let out a slight moan. “Oh, Y/N... You’re such a tease.”
“I want to tear that lingerie off... Fuck you’re so sexy. Just take it off now, I can’t wait any longer.” He demanded.
“As you wish.”
You removed your lingerie as he watched, he bit his bottom lip and moaned loudly. 
His eyes lingered on your naked body. “You are so fucking beautiful, princess.”
You then touched your breasts and suggestively asked him, “what do you want me to do with them?”
“Play them for me, baby.” He eagerly suggested.
You started squeezing your breasts, then rubbing your areolas before you moved to your nipples. You felt the arousal was building up within you, you closed your eyes and moaned.
“Mmmm baby... I want to lick and bite those nipples.” 
As he watched you play with your nipples, he started rubbing his bulge.
You saw how he was going to remove his underwear, but you didn’t want him to.
“Do not fucking take off your underwear until I say so, Chris.” You commanded.
“Baby, please! Just let my dick be free!” He desperately begged.
You could clearly see his big, hard bulge – his penis was ready to come out. Even so, you wanted to make him wait a little longer – it was fun to see him that impatient.
“Not yet, honey.”
“Y/N... you’re killing me!” He whined.
Ignoring his whining, you slid your hand down to your vulva.
“I’m going to move the party downstairs...”
“About time,” he said as he licked his lips, “show me that pussy.” 
You moved your laptop a bit further then spread your legs in front of the camera.
He gulped the moment he saw your vagina. “Fuck, I’ve missed you a lot.”
As you gently rub your vulva, you finally let Christian remove his underwear.
“Take your briefs off, baby, I need to see your cock.” 
He quickly removed his underwear, and you gasped as you see his fully-erect penis.
“Oh hello there,” you jokingly greeted his penis, “sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”
You started touching and rubbing your clit gently in circular motion with your index finger, gradually changing your pace. Your moan got louder and louder as you felt the arousal was gotten more intense. 
As he watched you pleasuring yourself, he started jerking off.
“Yeah, baby, moan for me.” 
You made more sound and it drove him crazy.
Moving from your clit, you started slid one finger into your vagina slowly. As you felt your vagina getting wetter, you slid one more finger into it.
“Get those fingers deeper baby...”
You started moving your fingers deeper and faster.
“Oh fuck, Chris,” you whimpered, “I’m so wet...”
“Mmhm, I see that,” he hissed. “I want a taste so badly...”
You slid out your fingers and put them on your mouth – you knew he’d lose his mind seeing you doing that. “Mmm, my pussy tastes amazing, baby.”
“Shit...” he groaned. “I love what you’re doing to me.”
You went back to fingering yourself – you started doing the come-hither motion and it got you moaned even louder.
The louder you were, the faster his hand moved. His hand twisted the head of his penis, making him moan harder.
“Fuck, Y/N, I want to fuck you so bad.”
You started experiencing a tingling sensation. “Fuck, ohh... I’m close...” You stuttered.
“Cum for me princess...”
Your eyes rolled back, your toes curled, your thighs were shaking – the loudest moan just left your mouth. You were drowning in pleasure.
Enjoying the show, his hand squeezed his penis even harder and he could feel he was really close to orgasm.
“Ah- baby... I’m about to cum,” he murmured.
As orgasm hit, he squeezed his eyes shut and let his cum out all over the sheets – the feeling was so intense.
“Oh,” he was panting, “that was fucking amazing.”
You were still catching your breath – unable to talk, it had been a while since you experienced an orgasm as amazing as that. 
“I’m counting the day until I see you, Y/N, so I can fuck you in person.” He smirked.
“I can’t wait.” You winked. “Happy anniversary, Christian.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @mortirolo @masonsrem
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Word count: 1.9K
Summary: request here
Warnings: angst, mentions of Depression
Pairing: Vada Cavell X Fem!Reader
It had been a three months ever since the shooting, and you were slowly getting more comfortable in school again. It was hard, getting back pretending that you were alright, and slowly but surely, you were managing. Sure, it would have been easier if you had someone who went through the same shit by your side, so you could “help” each other go through the pain, but the only help you ever received was one from a psychologist who knew nothing about how it felt, because she never was in a school shooting. You had friends in school and sure they went through it too, but they were soon over everything, they recovered quickly, so the only Friend written with capital F you had was Vada. You had met her during the first year of high school and you immediately clicked together, your feelings eventually turning into something more, but you never found the guts to tell her.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Vada said, catching up to you as you were speed-walking to your next class. “It’s been ages since we last spent an evening together! Do you want to come have lunch at my place and maybe we can watch a movie next?” She asked, walking this fast had always been hard for her, that’s why she tripped on her own shoelaces. “I can’t, I have to study. History test, remember?” You said, not even giving her a look of acknowledgment as you walked faster, making her stop dead in her tracks as she sighed and walked to her own class. She felt like you didn’t want to be her friend anymore, she felt as if you were ignoring her… no, you were indeed avoiding and ignoring her, and it made her upset, did she do anything to you that made you upset? She’s done nothing but wanting to stay at your side… or maybe not.
“You don’t get it mom! She’s acting so weird, she keeps avoiding me without an apparent reason!” Vada blurted out while sitting on the kitchen counter, legs crossed as she ate some peanuts, venting to her like she always did after the shooting. “Are you sure that there’s no apparent reason like you say?” Her mother asked, she was cleaning the dishes after having lunch. “Yes I’m sure! These past two weeks I’ve been always texting her and asking her to spend time together but she always dismisses me or gives me cold replies-“ her mother was quick to interrupt her. “You’ve given yourself an answer already, Vada. You said “the last two weeks” but ever since the shooting she has been worried sick about you. She texted you every day, you have no idea how many times she came here looking for you and you were never home, every time I had to tell her you were with Mia” Vada looked down. And when you weren’t home, she’d constantly facetime you on your laptop, it would ring nonstop for two hour hours straight, until one day I gave in and replied”
Two months earlier…
You were panicking like your usual in the afternoon when you were home alone, you kept on thinking about the shooting, how you could die and almost did, and how you just needed someone to hug you and tell you it was going to be alright, so you were trying to facetime Vada for two hours straight now, not getting a reply until you did, but it wasn’t Vada, it was her mother. You quickly wiped your tears and sniffled “Miss Cavell, hi..” you said, trying not to let her hear the evident shake in your voice. “I’m taking it that Vada is at Mia’s place?” Vada’s mother looked at you with a sad look in her eyes and nodded. “I figured… I’m sorry if I disturbed you. I’ll hang up now, will you please tell her I called?” You asked, the woman was about to say yes, but then she figured that if you’d called Vada, it meant that you needed someone to talk to. “Yes I will. But now why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you? I can only tell that it’s about the shooting so please, just go ahead and tell me everything. I know it’s something hard to deal with.” And you did, that time you just told her everything. You cried and vented, letting her give you the comfort you desperately needed from your best friend.
“I could only tell what she felt but She was desperate Vada. She was broken, Depressed, scared, traumatized. She needed her best friend’s help, she needed you yet you were nowhere to be seen. I’m not quite sure what she felt but I can tell for sure that she felt and feels replaced. One day you were best friends with her and the next you replace her with some girl you just met, how would you have felt?” Vada kept on looking down. Her mother was right after all, but she was too busy being with Mia to even notice that her friend was slowly slipping away from her. “She stopped coming here, she stopped calling. She gave up, because she knew that if she’d ask for you, you’d never be there for her and now she’s upset because of this and she has every right to be, Vada. And you have no rights to be upset because she’s ignoring this when clearly you started this first. I’m telling you this stuff because clearly you didn’t realize this until now and for your own good I’m telling you to whatever’s in your power to fix this friendship. (Y/N)’s the most genuine person I ever met, and she’s the best friend you could ever ask for so don’t waste this.”
It was obvious to her mother’s eyes that the two girls felt something stronger than just a friendship for each other. However she always promised her daughter not to interfere in her love life so she left this detail out of the conversation, but the least she could do was give her daughter tips on how not to lose you. All that she said was true. She did ignore you, but she never meant to ignore you for too long, she hadn’t even realized that it had been three months after the shooting. She had lost perception of time. “Can I go to her place?” Vada simply asked her mother, who nodded and gave a small sad smile. Vada was soon out of her home and running to your house. She knew your parents would be working and you would be at home alone.
“(Y/N)?” She called for you as she rang the bell. “It’s me, Vada, can we talk? Please?” The girl asked as she took a peak in your house from the window, until she saw you come open the door and she smiled goofily. You didn’t reciprocate it, but you looked at her when you opened the door. “Hi” she said and kept on smiling but her smile soon dropped when she saw your face “just come in” you told her, and when you were two in your living room you started talking. “what do you want Vada?” You asked her. Of course you were upset with her. “Nothing I-I’m worried about you… I haven’t seen you around, I haven’t seen you at football practice.. are you okay?” She asked, you were trying so hard not to snarl at her “but I don’t want you to be worried at me Vada. Because recently you’ve showed me that you don’t care” you said and looked at her with a sad smirk.
“But I do care-“ “no you don’t Vada! That’s the fucking problem, you say you care, you’re convinced you do but you don’t! After the shooting you completely shut me off, you ignored me, my messages, my calls even though your mother always told you that I’d step by or call you, yet not once did you bother even ask me how I was doing, how do you think I felt, Vada? How would you feel if the girl you love started ignoring you suddenly and started spending time with a stranger? Huh? I was always, ALWAYS trying to check on you and what did I get in return? Nothing, I got nothing” you said, tears started forming in your eyes. “While you were safely hiding in the bathroom with your new best friend I was face to face with Matt Corgan. Yeah, the shooter. Remember him? I used to tutor him. This is the only reason why he spared me” you said and your started breathing heavily, some tears leaving your eyes.
“(Y/N)…” she knew you were going into full panic attack and she didn’t want you to. However you ignored her. “I saw life flash before my eyes. He pointed the gun to my head and he threatened me to kill me if I ran and called the police and for almost two months I tried talking to you, I needed you, I needed my best friend yet you were nowhere to be seen and I felt alone, Vada… I’ve never felt more alone in my entire life and it was your fault! You can’t just fucking push away the people that care about you” you said and turned around, you weren’t facing her anymore. Hands in your hair as your breath quickened “FUCK!” You yelled and started kicking the whatever you could find in the living room. “Dude, calm down-“ she tried, but you weren’t listening to her.
At some point Vada ran over to you, not caring if she got hurt as she tried hugging you from behind “no, no no- let me go!” You sobbed out, yet she wasn’t having any of it. She tried to calm you down with you squirming around, not wanting her to hug you as you tried to get away from her soft but firm grip. Eventually she managed to move you against the sofa, making you lay down on it as she straddled you to keep you still, hands holding your wrists. “(Y/N), calm down please!” She said but you weren’t having any of it. Vada didn’t know what to try to calm you down… until she did. She leaned down and kissed you, until she felt you relax your body and let out a shaky sigh, but you kissed her back. God you had been waiting for this moment forever, yet you never expected it to actually happen, you never expected her to reciprocate your feelings.
At some point Vada pulled back slightly, foreheads touching as she looked at you, her look being a soft one. You looked at her with tears in your eyes, they had stopped flowing out. “This doesn’t mean you’re forgiven” you whispered. She giggled and then kissed you again.
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sentientcave · 9 months
And They Were Roommates
Got brainworms from Ceilidho talkin' about Fem!Soap and wrote out a few scenarios, and landed on this one as my favourite. Maybe personal trainer Soap and hot woman complimenting you in a dive bar bathroom Soap will get written about later on.
Part 1
Part 2 Here
(Fem!SoapxFemReader) ~2.2k words
Alcohol mention, but no other major flags at this point. (A few jokes about axe murderers) But also MDNI because this is an 18+ blog and there will probably be NSFW content in future parts
You had put an ad up online.
Your best friend had moved in with her boyfriend, leaving you with more apartment than you could afford. You had enough savings to get you through till the next month, but things were going to be dicey if you didn’t find someone to take over Fern’s half of the rent soon.
You’d had plenty of responses, mostly from men that gave you creepy vibes, even through digital means. You’d actually met with only one person, and she was allergic to cats, which made her a no go.
She’d been nice enough, though. If it really came down to it, maybe Fern would take Red Herring. She did love that fat orange bastard. And so do you. The thought of giving him up, even to Fern, doesn’t sit right.
Red meows loudly through the door as your key scrapes in the lock. You nudge him away with your foot while you enter the apartment, wary of any escape attempts. You feed him so he stops yelling at you, and boil water so you can feed yourself some instant ramen for dinner, and boot up your laptop to check the ad again.
A few more creepy responses, one of which is just a slightly blurry dick pic. You delete them. One that looks promising.
>Hey! I’m interested in the room if it’s still available! Can we meet soon? I’m a military gal and I’m being deployed again next week and I already gave notice at the last rat-hole I was renting. Seemed like 60 days was plenty of time for apartment hunting 60 days ago, but I haven’t found anything lol. Hopefully we get along! You can give me a call any time in the next few days, and we can set up a meet’n’greet. Thanks a bunch! Jamie MacTavish
Her number is in brackets below that, next to the soap emoji, for whatever reason.
No sense waiting around. You call the number right away.
“Hello?” The voice is a woman’s, a dusky alto, which is a good first sign.
“Hi, Jamie? I’m calling about the apartment. Or, um, from the apartment.” You give her your name as an after thought, feeling silly that you hadn’t led with that.
“Yaldy! I was hopin’ ye’d call. I’ve got a friend I can move in with if it comes down to it, but I really don’t want to. He lives in a worse rat hole than I do. Are ye busy now? I’ll buy ye dinner if you like, just for the short notice and the trouble.”
Anything would be better than ramen for dinner a second night in a row. “Yeah, alright. There’s a decent pub down the street, Keeler’s? It’s close so I can give you an apartment tour if you pass the ‘not a murderer’ vibe check.”
There's a beat of silence. “Does killin’ people in the line of duty count?” she asked. “Because, er, I have. But I’m not like, prone to doin’ that kind of thing in my spare time.”
You think about it a moment. State sanctioned violence does feel different than personal time violence, although you're pretty sure that speaks to some sort of unaddressed bias. Something to think about. “I appreciate the honesty, at least.”
She laughed. “I can meet ye at yer pub in half an hour. That work for ye?”
“Yeah. That works.”
“Great. I’ll text you a picture of me so ye know who tae look for. See you soon.”
You get the text a minute after you hang up. A picture of a gorgeous woman with big smile and bright blue eyes, the sides of her head shaved, the rest of it left long and braided back from her face. She looks normal enough.
You get ready and head out, texting Fern to let her know where you’d gone, just in case Jamie actually was a murderer in her spare time.
Jamie’s already there when you get to the pub, sitting at the bar with a pint, watching the door intently, her leg bouncing. You give her a little wave, and she beams at you. She’s even hotter in real life, wearing tight, ripped up jeans that cling to her muscular thighs, and a tight black tank-top under a cropped leather jacket. She has almost no jewelry, other than the dog tags around her neck and the silver hoops in her ears. She looks, well, normal. Friendly.
You go up and introduce yourself, earning a firm handshake. She’s strong.
“Hi!” she says excitedly. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jamie, but my friends call me Soap. I’d tell ye why, but it’s classified.”
“Is it really?”
“No. But it’s fun to say.” She flags down the bartender. “A pint for my friend here, if you don’t mind. You want to grab a booth? Or stay up at the bar?”
You look around, and there’s a few empty booths, but it’s early yet, and they tend to fill up quickly. “Let’s move. If we stay up here the single dads are going to start hitting on us.”
"We are a couple of dolls, aren't we?" She flashed another big smile at the bartender as he set a second pint out. "We're movin' to a table, if ye don't mind."
"No problem, love," he says, obviously besotted already. "I'll send Jenny around to take your order."
"Thanks, pal. Appreciate it."
You pick up the pint and follow her over to a booth, sliding in on the opposite side.
"So, you said you're military?"
"Ah am. SAS no less. Best of the bloody best. Not many jobs where ye get tae blow things up awl the time." She sheds her jacket, revealing impressively muscled arms. "I could just live on base, if things don't work out here, just so ye ken. No pressure on ye. But I hate stayin' on base when I don't have to. It's the communal showers. Most of the lads are, well, lads. Gotta shower in the middle of the night, and I keep bumpin' into my LT when I do. And he said I could move in with him too. I’m in a rush but I willnae be homeless, so ye don’t need to worry about me if you dinnae think we’ll get along."
You wince in sympathy. "That sounds terrible. I don't think I'd ever be comfortable showering in front of other people."
"Is naw so bad, if it's someone ye like seein' naked. But most of em are munters anyway. Wouldnae mind so much if more of 'em looked like you." She winked over the edge of her pint glass and took a swig.
You laugh at her little joke. She's fun, and you already feel at ease with her. She tells you about her old rat hole apartment, and a little about living on base, although she's a bit vague on the details of her actual job, beyond blowing things up.
She asks you about your work, and you tell her about the used bookshop you work at down the road. You're basically the only employee, and it's usually not too busy, although it can be annoying when you get a rush in the middle of pricing 'new' books. But it pays the rent, more or less. You talk a bit about Fern, and about Red Herring too.
"I love cats," she said excitedly. "Never been able to keep one, bein' away so much. LT had a dog, and he was awlright, but I'm definitely more of a cat girl. Got bit by a few too many pups in my day."
"Well, Red's a real love bug. Once we're done here you can meet him. I think we're going to get along fine."
"Och, really? Just like that, aye? Thought I'd have to work harder."
"Honestly, I thought I was going to have to accept some weirdo or give poor old Red away. You're a much better fit than I expected to find. I think we could be friends."
Her blue eyes track something behind you and narrow slightly. "Well, I'm holdin' ye to that. We're about to be accosted by my lads. Don't let them scare ye." She shoves her plate across the table into the spot next to you and clambers out of the booth. "Oi, what're you munters doin' here? I'm gettin' interviewed for an apartment. Dinnae need you scarin' my girl."
You look behind you, spotting a giant wearing a skull-print balaclava, and a more regular-sized (though no less muscular) black man with a brilliant smile. "We wanted to make sure she wasn't an axe murderer," he says pleasantly.
"Or a chainsaw murderer," the giant adds.
Soap cuts him off before he can take the seat beside you. "Over there," she orders, pointing at the opposite bench, where she'd been sitting. "I'm not lettin' you box her in." She grimaces at you apologetically as she drops into the spot beside you. Her thigh presses against yours for a moment, before you shift further down the bench. "They're sweet, in their own way. Think I need lookin' after. The big guy's Ghost, or LT. This handsome pain in the arse is Gaz. Don't let him sweet talk ye intae callin' him Kyle unless you want him tae put yer ankles up by yer ears. Made that mistake before."
"You don't have to bring that up every time you introduce me to a woman," Gaz says, clearly exasperated.
"I do. How else are they gonna know to call you for a good time?" She smacks his hand away from her plate when he reaches for it. "Oi! Order your own chips ye bastard."
"I only want a couple," Gaz protests.
"Ye always say tha' and ye always lie. Ah umnae fallin' for it again."
"You can have a couple of mine," you offer. "I wasn't going to finish them anyway."
"When do we get to see the place?" Ghost asked.
"Ye don't, unless yer carryin' boxes for me. I willna ask her to let three strangers in her home when she's only just met me."
"Well I guess we're helpin' ye move," Ghost said. "Was gonna leave it all to Price."
"Lazy cunts. Ne’er around when there’s work tae be done.”
“I was gonna help,” Gaz protests. “I already told you that.”
“And I did tell you that you could move into my place if you didn’t find somethin’ in time,” Ghost points out. “We’re not all bad.”
“Well, they’re not bad lads tae have watchin’ yer back in a fire-fight,” Soap admits. “But they dinnae know how to be normal about anythin’.”
“Are you supposed to be the normal one?” Ghost asks.
“Aye. And I willnae have you say otherwise in front of my new friend.”
She finishes eating long before you do, with the speed and gusto of a woman who often has to defend her plate against hungry scavengers. Gaz, true to Soap’s complaint, eats the majority of your chips, although he does thank you and give you a big, wide smile, the sort that could sell someone a bridge. He’s definitely a charmer.
Soap asks for the bill while you’re finishing up. You reach for your purse, but she puts a hand on yours and gives you an intense blue stare. “No, kitty. I told ye I was buyin’ ye dinner, I’ll no’ let ye make me a liar, especially when Gaz ate half your plate.”
God she’s strong. You’re not sure that you could shake her off to insist even if you tried. “Alright. I just—”
“Oh I ken. But I wouldna offer if I didna mean it. I’m a woman of her word.” She pays with cash, and offers you a hand up and out of the booth. She points a warning finger at her friends. “And dinnae follow us, ye creepy bastards.”
They laugh, like they hadn’t followed her to the pub in the first place.
“They really do mean well,” Soap says, linking her arm with yours as you step out onto the street. “But they’ve go’ a bad habit of thinkin’ they dinnae need to respect my space just ‘cause we’ve all spent nights crammed into one room sharin’ cots. I think if the captain had his way we’d all live in his house and sleep in a big fuck-off pile like dogs.”
“Sound a bit claustrophobic.”
“Aye. Ye understand why I’m so eager to make this work with ye, kitty-cat. If I move in with LT it’s just a matter of time before Price comes over tae help us fix somethin’ and says ‘Oh, I dinny know why ye both stay in this shitehole. Whyna stay with me a while, till we find ye somethin’ better?’ And then before we know it we’re all sleepin’ in the same bed and usin’ the same toothbrush.”
You giggle, hoping that's just a joke. “That’s gross.”
“I ken! Horrible men, they are. I need some girl time before I go mad.” She squeezes your arm and knocks her head against yours gently. “We’re goin’ tae be best friends in no time, kitty. I wish I wasna goin’ away so soon.”
“You haven’t even seen the apartment yet!”
“Och, tha’s a formality. I was more wurried about us gettin’ along, kitty. The apartment doesna matter all that much, so long as it’s got a workin’ shower and a place for my bed. If I pass Mr. Herring’s sniff test, I’ll give ye cash on the spot, aye? For next month an’ half of this one, since you’d be lettin' me move in before the first.”
And, well, it’s hard to think of a good reason to say no.
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 month
Sober buddies Chapter two: Email chains and party facts
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Summary: Y/n is new at college and trying to find a footing in everything. When she meets a guy who introduces her to something that could really help find her path.
warnings: Swearing, Alluding to SA, Y/n getting hurt
WC/ 3.029k
AN/ Hey Ya'll welcome to my series I'm so excited to make this series. So it will use some plot lines from season six but a lot will change including CJ but his key character notes will still be there. Without further ado enjoy Sober buddies.
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Friends…I haven’t had one in a while. Jack, Jen, Joey, Pacey, even Audrey, and I had become quick ones. I just hope I won't mess up these friendships too. Joey was going through the ringer right now. I know how it feels. She and Dawson always seemed to have something pulling them apart from what I've been told about their previous years as friends.
I went out to get some coffee and doughnuts hoping that would cheer her up. “Hi, can I please get three americanos and some chocolate glazed doughnuts?” I told the underpaid employee. 
“Yeah, sure.” I reached into my pocket, pulled out a twenty, and handed it to her. Her face lit up. “Thank you!” 
“No problem. Thank you, and have a great day!” I was mostly focused on the coffee and food that I almost ran into with my sober buddy. “Hey CJ, what’s up?” He looked down at the close mess in my hands. 
“Coffee, it looks like it needs some help?” 
“Oh my gosh yes please!” I handed him the coffee. 
“Where we heading?” 
“My dorm,” I happily replied. We walked and the morning air was still a little crisp and the sunlight was hitting the trees to make pretty shadows on the sidewalk. 
“So, are you excited to start training?” CJ asked me as I was a little distracted by the lighting. 
“Yes I am, it's also going to be good to be away from Audrey and all her dramatic flair. I mean, she’s great but it's like looking through a mirror sometimes.” 
“What do you mean by that?” CJ asked and I realized what I said and tried to backpedal. 
“Uh, you know, girls being girls.” Ok, that was not a very good response. “So who’s training me?” I try to distract both of us. It works. 
“Me.” I stop in my step. 
“That’s awesome!” I excitedly say. 
“You get happy easily, don’t you?” CJ half commented and half asked me with a chuckle. 
“Is that a bad thing?” I hope it wasn’t- it’s kind of what I’m betting on I thought. 
“No no, it’s kind of refreshing.” We had already arrived at my dorm. I stopped to look at him and to think about his response- no one had said that to me before. I looked around and it seemed, for just a second, time stood still. 
“Well, thanks for the help and I’ll see you tomorrow,  ok!” I grabbed the coffee and went into the room, pushing him out. 
“You’re wel-” I closed the door. It was getting a little too… real.
The sight I walked into was sad. Joey was hunched over her laptop, agonizing over this email to Dawson that she hadn’t even sent. I put down the drinks and food, walked over and turned off her computer. 
“Wha- Y/N!” Joey whipped around. 
“Joey, you have been staring at that screen for two hours, the entire time I’ve been gone, and you still have only ‘Dear Dawson’ written. You need a break.” I picked up her doughnut and coffee and handed them to her in her baffling state. “Which is why I got you these.” She breathes in deeply. 
“You’re right, thank you Y/N.” 
I sit down on my bed and turn to Joey. “So, now you have caffeine and food. You want to tell me why you haven’t sent the email yet?” I finished by sipping my coffee. Joey sighs looking into her cup almost wishing she could drown in it. 
“I’m stuck.” 
“Why?” She gets up and starts to pace back and forth. 
“Because of the way we left things were so awkward and I just wanted to scream and hug him at the same time.” I patted the seat next to me and she sat down. 
“It sounds like you know what to say.” Joey looks puzzled. “Joey, Dawson is one of your best friends. Whatever is in that email, at least you have gotten it out. I'm sure he’s stressing out over a similar email to you.” She seems unsure. “You can always blame me if it goes wrong.” I joked as I bumped her. She smiled at that. 
“Thank you Y/N, you’re a pretty great friend.” 
“You are too, Joey.”
That night as I was closing my eyes, my mind was active. My life is going pretty great! I have friends that like me, a job I help people with, a guy that is-
I screamed as I tumbled out of bed causing Audrey to wake up too. “WHAT IS IT? EARTHQUAKE- A FIRE?!” I responded as I was half asleep and panicked disorderly grabbing my robe. 
It was Joey who screamed at me. “No, nothing like that!” I paused to look at her. 
“Then why the Hell the military wake-up call!?” Her face was red from being embarrassed. 
“I sent the email to the whole school!” My eyes went wide as Audrey replied. 
“Well, why did you do that, sweetie?” 
“Audrey! Not helping!” I told her over my shoulder. She grubbles and falls back down with a flop. 
“I don’t know what to do!” She sat down throwing her hands in her face. 
“Okay, this is what we do: we ignore it.” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. 
“Y/N! What do you mean, ignore it!?” 
“Well, it’s not like everyone knows you so maybe you can get away with it?” I tried to help but honestly, she would just have to face the music.
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Thankfully I hadn’t heard about the email, but to be fair, I hadn’t been in a lot of classes. I walked into The Stand building and saw CJ sitting on a desk looking over some papers. He was so focused on it that he didn’t see me enter. 
“What are we looking at?” I slide right next to him. 
“Y/N! You startled me.” He put his hand over his chest as if I caused a heart attack. 
“Sorry, I thought you saw me.” 
“It’s okay. I’m looking over a few practice questions to ask you.” 
“Great, I’m ready!” He smiles at my enthusiasm and sits down in the chair. 
“Okay, question number one….” 
It had been about an hour into our session ten questions in and I had been nailing all of them. “Wow Y/n you’re a natural at this,” CJ exclaimed. 
“Really?” He nods his head agreeably. 
“You will be answering phones in no time.” I blush and try to hide by turning my head down when my ears peak an interesting conversion. 
“CJ- give me one sec, okay.” I didn’t even let him answer before I overheard another conversation and listened in. 
“I mean, did you see that email? It’s so pathetic.” A redheaded girl was sitting on a desk laughing at her boy-toy whose eyes were going right up her skirt. 
“Yeah, it’s so pathetic haha,” He mindlessly responded. Of course, he didn’t have an original thought. The only thought he did have was what was below the waistline. “I mean who writes about sex like that.” She laughed again and this time her laugh really irritated my ears. 
“Hey guys!” I walked over to them, taking a friendly approach- maybe I could go about this peacefully. The redheaded girl looked me up and down and scoffed. 
“What the fuck do you want loser?” My eyes widened at that and CJ turned his head to hear that. 
“Linsey!” Even the boy-toy was surprised at her response. CJ walks over quickly ready to defend me. 
“CJ- it’s okay, I got this,” I said to him making sure that he didn’t get too mad. He steps back but is disgruntled. I turn back to Linsey. 
“It was Linsey, right?” She gets up off the desk and in front of me. 
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” 
“Well, I’m just wondering why you’re making fun of a girl that you don't even know when you’re working at a helpline. Seems kind of hypocritical, don't you think?” Lindsey is left speechless and her face turns beat red. 
“I- You-” She stomps out. “Ryan let’s go!” She yelled after him. 
“So, you doing anything after this?” The guy tried so smoothly to ask me. 
“RYAN! LET’S GO!” She yelled after him. 
“I think your owner is calling for you,” I responded and his F-boy smile disappeared. 
“Whatever bitch, you could have had all this.” I now scoff at him. 
“Yeah, if all it takes for you to stay is an open invitation to someone’s legs who makes fun of strangers like that, then I think I’m good.” I nod at him. He goes running after Linsey. “Sorry CJ about that, what was the next question?” I walked back over to him and he was just staring at me. “What is it?” 
He shakes his head, “Nothing, you just seem to surprise me every time we meet, Y/N.” He finishes with a smile. 
“Well, I have to keep you on your toes somehow.” We just laughed at my joke and I’m left with this feeling of…comfort that I hadn’t felt in a while. It's nice.
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A couple of days have passed, and luckily the email talk died down a little. I didn't tell Joey about Linsey because it would have just made things worse for her. I was studying when Audrey came running into the room. 
“Y/N what are you doing?” I looked at the book and then back at her we really needed to work on context clues. 
“Studying, Audrey, which you should be doing too. We have a test next week.” She comes right next to me. 
“Y/N, all you do is study.” 
“Not true… I eat too.” I chuckled at my own joke Audrey did not. 
“It is the biggest party of the year! You’re coming!” Before I have time to reject she grabs my book and locks it in her chore.
“You will get it back at the end of the night.” She saw my disappointed downfall look and got to my level. “You need some fun, Y/N, you are twenty-two; the books will be there tomorrow, but tonight will not.” I thought about it, Audrey was right. I needed to let loose- hopefully the loud music and friends would help that. 
“Okay, I’ll go.” Audrey claps in happiness.
“You’re not going to wear that are you?” I look down at my simple outfit. 
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing- nothing, you look great!” Audrey responds in a not-so-sure voice.
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We had gone into a bar to meet up with Jack and Jen. “Hey guys.”
“Hey.” Audrey goes to call Pacey while the three of us chat. Suddenly, Audrey comes back to us with a sad face. 
“I think I’m going to go home guys.” Jen and I both look at each other as if to say: really. 
“Audrey, the whole reason I came out was because of you.” I took her hand in mine and gave her a small smile. 
“Pacey can’t come out.” I now understood the change-up from her party mood, things between Pacey and Audrey have been strained to say at least. 
“I’m sorry, but we can still have fun, isn’t that right guys?” I called out to Jack and Jen. Jen grabs Audrey’s other hand. 
“Yeah, I want to forget my troubles like a typical college girl, dance on tables screaming ‘Whoo whoo’ and it will be all for nothing if I don't get reminded of it in ten years by you.” She gripped Audrey’s hand. 
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” I jump in excitement. 
“Yes! Okay, all hands in!” We all put our hands in. “1,2,3!” Our hands fly up in the air of the promise of a fun night.
The four of us were just walking to the party when I realized that I didn’t know where the party was. “Uh, guys, do we even know where the party is?” I asked out loud to the three of them. They all shrug their shoulders. “So we are just wandering around.” I laughed at the situation as we crossed the street. 
“Ohh…ohh! I think I know where the party is, I think it’s in that house down the alley next to that free food bin store.” I was puzzled by that. 
“Audrey, that's a grocery store. You are supposed to put the food in the little baggies and pay for them.” 
“Really?” She questioned when she was walking backward and then ran into someone. “Pacey?” 
The party was what you think a college party is, loud, bright, and dark somehow at the same time filled with tons of drunk people. Audrey was going on about how Pacey was not contributing anything to their relationship lately, especially tonight. 
“I’m sorry guys, we are supposed to be having fun tonight and I just keep on going.” I get up and put my hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s okay, I’ll get you some water.” She was already a little tipsy. I didn't want her to get worse. I knew it could, very easily, from my own experience.
“I’ll come too.” Jen got up and caught up with me. 
The bar was tiny and was half-assed by the frat boys that lived here. Lots of people were crowded around it of course. 
“Hi, can I get a beer,” Jen ordered for herself. 
“Water for me please,” I ordered. We turn and Jen comes in chest-to-chest with CJ, spilling her beer all over him. 
“Oh, my God. Look what l did.” she starts trying to rub it out. I give him a little wave and he nods back. 
“That's okay. it was my fault, really.” 
“Oh, no, jeez. You don't even– l mean, you're-- You don't even drink. Like Y/N. And I’m sure it's cold and smelly, and I’m touching you…and I’m gonna stop.” She pauses and just stands there for a second. “Hi. Okay. You caught me. I’m drunk. Yep, I’m a drunkard. Escaping reality. That's me. But you know what? This is a party… and at parties, people drink. And maybe that bothers you. Maybe you think it's weak. But you shouldn't go to a party where there's gonna be drunk people because that's what's gonna happen. Drinking. It’s just a party fact.” I wonder if she really thinks I think less of her because she drinks. 
“You think I’m the lamest person on the earth, don't you?” CJ countered.
“No. No. Not at all. I’m sure you're, like, tons of fun.” She bit back sarcastically. 
“Okay Jen, I think you need this water more than I do. Why don’t you go back to Audrey to check on her?” She grabs the water and walks back to our friends.
“I’m sorry CJ, that was my first time seeing her drunk as well.” I look at his shirt. “I know a trick to get that out.” I pointed at the beer. 
“That would be great.” We go to the bathroom. I open the cabinet and look for some hydrogen peroxide. 
“Um, can you take off your shirt?”  
“Sure.” He pulls it off so easily. I grab it and pour water and hydrogen peroxide on it. 
“So now we just wait thirty minutes and when you wash it the stain shouldn’t be there.” 
“No problem. I just realized that this is the first party where we can use the sober buddy system,” I said. He gives me a smirk and grabs my cup giving it a sniff and a sip. 
“Yep, just like I thought- you’re good.” The silence was long but comfortable. “So how long have you been sober for?” He asked me. 
“For about two years, you?” He looks down into my cup. 
“Four years.” 
“Four years- wow, that is amazing! I can’t wait to get there.” He grabs my hand in silence. 
“You will.”
We had left the bathroom walking when I saw Jen arguing with someone on the steps upstairs. “Jen, what’s going on?” I ask with concern CJ right behind me. 
“This guy took Audrey upstairs and she’s about to pass out.” Adrenaline mixed with worry flooded my veins. 
“Move,” I said to the guy blocking us.
“Look, my friend is good, you don’t have to worry.” I’m about to pull out my inner Batman. 
“Then it won’t be a problem that we go check.” CJ shoved the guy aside. Jen and I practically run upstairs. Luckily the room was open. “Audrey let’s go.” I gently grabbed her hand and Jen took the other. At this moment, the promise that we would have fun tonight was broken.
“Hey let go!” The guy shoved me back into the wall to grab back onto Audrey. 
“Y/N!” Before he can do more CJ grabs him by the collar. 
“You want to try that again!?” The guy throws his arms up in truce CJ throws him on the bed. 
“You okay?” He helped me up. I nod trying to swallow my tears. 
“Let’s go.”
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Unlike the earlier comfortable walk with CJ, this walk back to my dorm was filled with melancholic silence. Jen had gone to her grandma’s house but not before checking on me. 
“You sure you’re okay?” 
“I am, I'll call you tomorrow.” We hug.
I put Audrey in her bed and she fell asleep instantly. I get a glass of water and aspirin to put on her side table. I step outside the room to breathe and process and CJ is there. “Hey, you stayed.” I walk over to sit next to him. 
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I wanted to hug him but I didn’t. 
“Thank you but I’ll be fine. About what happened tonight- I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I wasn’t there.” He puts his hand on my knee squeezing it. 
“Well, you were there, and again, you are a great friend.” I smile at that. 
“And thank you for your help.” 
“What kind of friend or sober buddy would I be if I didn’t?” I finally recognize that feeling I’ve been having: it’s of a true friend. 
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lesbicosmos-writes · 26 days
chapter 2 of my palasaki fic is finally up!!
summary: the boys put their plan into action... notes: oops apologies chapter 2 has taken so long, i got caught up getting everything written for payneland week and then started planning my own event so...yeah this fandom has me going insane so happy i'm finally back with this fic tho, i love writing these two SO much
chapter 2
The next day, the girls didn’t take a rest day. Well, they had turned up to the office in the mid-afternoon with the intention of continuing work, but no new clients had shown up, so everyone was simply lounging around the office. Niko and Edwin were sat at the desk watching Scooby Doo on Niko’s laptop, sharing her earphones, While Charles and Crystal sat on the tiny sofa. Crystal was mindlessly scrolling on her phone, while Charles was bouncing a tiny ball at the opposite wall.
“I’m bored,” Charles groaned dramatically.
This was all part of the plan, but it wasn’t a lie. He enjoyed a chilled-out day as much as anyone else, but this was just getting dull.
“We’ve really got to do something as a group that isn’t a case, ‘cause whenever we finish one you guys are too tired to do anything else.”
“I mean I’m up for a group outing if you’ve got any ideas,” said Crystal, looking up from her screen.
Niko and Edwin both removed their earphones.
“Lucky for you guys, we just finished an episode,” Niko grinned.
“You’re right, Charles, we should do something. We should go out!”
“Go out where, though?” Crystal asked.
“Well, if we don’t want to do anything too physically strenuous after last night, we could always go into the town for the evening. We could go to a restaurant!” Edwin suggested, glancing towards Charles, who was smiling at him.
The plan was beginning.
“Would you two really wanna come with, though? I mean…you can’t eat, going to a restaurant seems kind of pointless,” Crystal reminded them.
“It’s not about the food, Crystal!” said Charles. “It’s about spending time with friends!”
“And I’d love to spend time with you guys, but in a public place where people are gonna notice us talking to the air? I’m fine with weird looks on the street, but surrounded by people sitting down, that’s different.”
Ah. That was one part of the plan the boys hadn’t thought of. Sure, they weren’t actually going to be joining them, but they weren’t going to know that.
“Well, if we go to the Italian round the corner from the library, they’ve got booths that are kind of tucked away in corners,” Charles suggested.
“Are you sure you’re not just saying that because you really miss spaghetti?” Niko giggled.
“Okay, you got me there, but it does have tables that are kind of hidden away, it’d be perfect!”
Crystal seemed hesitant.
“Well, I’m up for it!” Niko said excitedly.
And how could Crystal say no to that face?
“Sure, I guess. Want me to reserve a table?” she asked, already pulling her phone back out and searching for the restaurant.
“Sounds like a plan,” said Charles, trying to hide a satisfied smile.
“Wait! Don’t reserve it too early, I need to get ready!”
“Niko, you look great as you are,” Crystal said.
“Oh I know, but there’s this one outfit I’ve got that I’ve been wanting to wear for ages,” she explained, dragging out her voice on the last word.
“Should we say 7pm then?” Edwin offered. “That gives Niko chance to get ready, and for everyone to get there.”
“Niko, are you nearly ready?” Crystal knocked on the door of the room Niko was staying in for the week. “It’s nearly, 6:40, we’re gonna be la…”
Crystal’s voice trailed off as the bedroom door opened, and Niko stood before her. She was in a monochromatic outfit: red wide-leg trousers with a sheer red collared shirt that allowed the thin-strapped top she was wearing underneath to be visible too. Her make-up matched the outfit, as it always did – red graphic eyeliner drawn into tiny perfectly-shaped hearts at the outer corners of her eyes.
“What do you think?” she asked, doing a little spin in front of Crystal, who was really trying not to stare in awe.
“Niko, you look…” Crystal tried to come up with an adjective that didn’t give away the truth of her thoughts. She couldn’t think of one, so she settled on the one she thought sounded the most casual. “You look so pretty! The red is amazing.”
“I figured you’d be in purple, so I thought this would match a bit!”
Niko had been right – Crystal was wearing her purple mesh top and black dungarees, and had her purple coat ready to put on when they left. They’d certainly be a bright-looking pair, that was for sure.
“Anyway,” Niko started, leaning behind the door to grab her white chucks. Rather than sitting on the bed or the sofa to put the shoes on, she simply sat on the ground where she was, earning a quiet chuckle from Crystal. “We’d better go, wouldn’t want to keep the boys waiting!”
They grabbed their coats on the way out of the flat and left for the restaurant.
As it turns out, they needn’t have stressed at all about being late because of the boys – they were nowhere to be seen when they arrived. They were led to their table, a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, out of view of most of the other tables. And, there was a huge mirror on the wall above it. Crystal assumed that’s where the boys would come from, when they finally showed up.
They’d been seated for ten minutes, and had just put their food order in, and there was still no sign of Charles and Edwin.
“I’m just going to the bathroom,” Niko said, excusing herself from the table and heading to the opposite side of the room.
Crystal nodded at her, trying to subtly look around the whole restaurant, checking they really weren’t there. ‘They’ve probably gotten distracted with each other’ she had been thinking, when she was scared out of her skin by Charles leaning out of the mirror.
“Fucking hell!” she hissed, one hand over her chest in shock.
“Oops, sorry,” Charles apologised.
“Where the fuck are you guys? We said 7!” she said, not much louder than a whisper.
She knew no one could hear her, but it was still awkward talking to someone she knew no one else could see, especially since Niko wasn’t there. Charles just chuckled.
“Yeah, about that…”
“Charles. What have you done?”
“Hey, I haven’t done anything!”
“Well you’ve got the scheming smile on your face so you’re up to something.”
“Okay fine. This was a set-up.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Edwin and I were never gonna come, we just tried to get you guys to go somewhere so you could…y’know…” Charles smirked.
“So we could what, Charles?”
“Y’know! Talk!”
Crystal closed her eyes and sighed in realisation.
“This is your payback?”
“Yep! And oh look, she’s coming back! Have fun,” Charles winked as he retreated back into the mirror.
Crystal groaned, mentally cursing him, as Niko approached the table.
“Are you okay? Was that Charles I saw?”
“Yeah,” Crystal said. “They’re not coming.”
“Awh! Why not?”
“Uhh,” Crystal tried to come up with a lie. “They had a case come up.”
“Oh! Should we go help them? We can do this another night,” Niko turned towards the exit, but Crystal grabbed her wrist.
Niko looked down at where their skin touched, then back up at Crystal. When Crystal made eye contact with her, she let go immediately.
“No, they’ll be fine without us for one case. And we’ve ordered now, we should just enjoy our evening.”
“Okay. Yeah, I was looking forward to having a bit of a break,” Niko laughed as she sat back down. “We deserve it.”
Niko was clearly tired. Was Crystal really about to bring up her feelings and stress her out even more? She knew it probably wasn’t the best time, but when else was she going to do it? Sure, she was a tiny bit annoyed at Charles for the deception, but him and Edwin had practically set up a date for them, so it would be a shame to miss the opportunity.
She’d decided: she was going to do it.
She hadn’t done it.
They’d nearly finished their food by now, and Crystal still hadn’t figured out how to bring the topic up without shocking Niko. She’d been fidgeting in her seat the entire time, and Niko had noticed.
“Crystal, are you okay?”
“Hmm?” Crystal hadn’t fully heard her, too lost in her own thoughts. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Is it about Charles and Edwin? You don’t have to worry, they’ll be fine! Like you said, they can handle one case without us, they’ve done it more than enough times before.”
“I know, it’s not about them.”
“It’s about something, then?”
Despite not caring what most thought about her, Niko really was amazing at reading people. This was her chance, Crystal supposed.
“There’s…there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Okay. You know you can talk to me about anything.”
“I know,” Crystal smiled. “It’s just…” She took a deep breath. “Since…everything…I’ve been thinking, and I’ve realised some things.”
Niko nodded. She didn’t say anything, didn’t interrupt her. She was good like that. She could tell when a response was wanted and when people just needed to say what was on their mind.
“It's not like I hadn't thought about it, like, I’d had a bit of a moment before, but then, nearly losing you when we fought Esther, it really made me realise…”
Crystal was fidgeting with her hands again on top of the table, twisting a ring around her finger and not looking directly at Niko. Her hands started to shake slightly at the memory of Niko lying there on the ground, blood seeping from the wound on her chest and staining her shirt, eyes staring at her, glazed over, unblinking. Crystal couldn’t bear to think about what would have happened if it weren’t for that lucky bear Mick had given her. It had slowly closed the wound. She had still lost a lot of blood, and it took a while for her to recover, but she did. And now she was here in this restaurant with Crystal, who was desperately trying to put words together into sentences.
Niko had clearly noticed her shaking, and took her hands in her own, holding them tightly and smiling in encouragement.
“I think I’m in love with you,” Crystal finally said, looking up at Niko.
Niko let go of her hand, her eyes widening in surprise.
“I’m sorry,” Crystal apologised, moving her hands towards herself, away from Niko. “Sorry if I made things weird.”
“No!” Niko said, louder than she had intended. She reached out and took Crystal’s hands once more. “No, that was…I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“In a good way. I…I never thought you’d feel the same.”
Crystal’s jaw dropped slightly.
“You…you feel the same?”
“Yes!” Niko said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Crystal couldn’t do anything but laugh softly, and Niko joined her.
“So…” Crystal started. “Does this mean you’ll be my…girlfriend?” She had her head tilted downwards slightly, looking up at Niko curiously through her eyelashes. It was so awkward, but in perhaps the best way possible. This was the first time she’d ever felt awkward asking someone out, and it felt more right than anything.
“Charles, I really do think we should give them some privacy,” said Edwin, standing in front of the mirror back at the office.
“I just wanna see how it’s going!” Charles argued. “Come on, you can’t tell me you don’t wanna be a fly on the wall for this.”
Charles raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling in that specific way he knew Edwin couldn’t resist. Edwin sighed in defeat.
“Okay, I’ll admit I am intrigued. But I still do not think we should disturb them.”
“We won’t, I’ll just open the mirror connection.”
Charles raised his hand towards the mirror, and Edwin nodded. Charles closed his eyes, picturing the mirror in the restaurant, and tapped the surface. The mirror seemed to ripple, still faintly showing the reflection of the office behind them but more importantly revealing the image of the two girls at their table. They sat opposite each other, both beaming with joy. They seemed to be playing with each other’s hands on top of the table, interlocking their fingers.
“Do you think it went well?” Edwin asked, whispering even though he knew they couldn’t hear them through the mirror.
“I think so! Oh, this is aces.”
They kept watching as a waitress walked over to their table. They let go of each other as Crystal paid for their meals, then they both stood up.
“Should we head home?” Crystal asked, her voice quiet and sounding vaguely as though underwater from where Edwin and Charles were stood.
She held her hand out to Niko, who, instead of taking it, leapt forwards out of the booth and hugged her tightly.
“Sorry, just had to,” she giggled as she stepped back, intertwining her fingers with Crystal’s. "Yeah, let's go home."
“Yes!” Charles cheered triumphantly, swinging his arm around Edwin’s neck and kissing his cheek in excitement.
“I’m glad our plan worked out for them,” Edwin said. “Now, let’s leave them be.”
“Alright,” Charles laughed, tapping the mirror to revert it back to its original reflective properties.
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lasciviouspoison · 2 years
i’ve been reading lolita for the past two days (sigh) and this scenario popped into my head after i read a part that made me wanna tear the book apart with my teeth….. so ofc i had to write it down. although it’s just a blurb, tw: contains mentions of the book Lolita (which is graphic in itself), written for a female reader (no pronouns are used so pls feel free to read even if u do not identify as a girl!). not a tw, but i write for black women so ofc y/n is black coded!! even if u think she isn’t <3
eren would love his little nerd gf.
the way you’re curled up into the corner of your shared cream colored couch. the tan blanket that you recently purchased flung over your legs, illuminated by the dull lamp that sits beside you. the off white hoodie that you stole, as eren likes to say, from his closet swallowing you whole. the sleeves constantly sliding too far off your wrists once you lift your arms too high.
your eyes flashing across the book you recently bought. he can see them through the reflection of your cute little glasses, the ones that he wishes you would wear more.
even though he’s supposed to be working on finishing his work proposal, he can’t help but stare. from the dining room table, his designated working area, he stares at his little girl friend who dances circles around his intelligence. who corrects him when he’s wrong and who will make every necessary edit on his proposal once he’s finished. “i just have to look over it, i can’t help it”, a statement you’ve made one too many times.
he loves you. it’s why everytime he sees you his brain flashes to the little red box that’s hidden in a compartment within his bedside table. he’s been itching to propose for 2 weeks now….
his train of thought is errupted when you huff at your book and borderline throw it down.
“this is disgusting. i don’t wanna keep reading, but i have to”. you say while shifting slightly to drink a bit of your matcha.
“what’s this one about baby?” please don’t tell me to keep working, is what he thinks after his inquiry. his english major lover refuses to let up on him when he’s tasked with a project.
you turn over to him, shaking your head ever so slightly, “it’s fucking Lolita… this deranged ass book. i hate it so much.”
“i’m assuming it’s the writing that makes it awful?”
“no! and that’s the problem!” you say while getting up, he knows your coming over to sit on the table next to his laptop. “it’s the content! this old mother fucker is lusting after a 12, eren, a 12 year old girl! and you know what he does eren…? he jokes about it! oh my god this is rancid! it was written as a cautionary tale so i get why it’s supposed to make me uncomfortable but jesus… and the worst part is people have the nerve to call it a love story. we’re a love story, not this pedophilic bullshit.”
eren puts his head onto his fist and cracks a small smile, “you think we’re a love story?”
you narrow your eyes and lean down to his face, “is that all you got from my rant just now?”
he laughs and bit and leans back into his chair, “of course not. the book sounds like actual nightmare fuel for parents. but, that doesn’t mean i can’t find you calling us a love story endearing.”
you sigh and hop off of the table. you’re making your way to the kitchen so you can grab some of the holiday cookies eren bought you because they were quote ‘snowman shaped’. “one of these days, you’re going to aggravate me so bad that i wax off one of your fucking eyebrows,” you say with a mouth full of cookie.
he walks over and grabs one out of the box as well, “i can’t wait y/n”.
you shake your head and push at his chest a bit, “i’ve been talking to you for too long. go and finish your proposal so i can edit it. god knows you can’t write a paper to save your life.”
he feigns hurt while you begin to walk back towards the couch, paying him absolutely no mind. “that last part wasn’t needed.”
you crack a smile and put your glasses back on, trying to wiggle back under the blanket and into the corner, “yes it was, it’s literally the reason why you’re paying for my education.”
“no, i’m doing that because i love you and want to see you succeed.”
“of course you are, but also to help you with writing”.
he sits back down and moves his mouse, causing the laptop to illuminate his face, “i’m not going to admit nor deny my poor writing skills. so hush and finish your rancid book Mrs. yeager.” proposal is so deeply ingrained in his mind that it’s making him feral.
you giggle, “mhm, i bet you won’t, Mr. yeager”.
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farfromstrange · 1 year
WORDLE | Matt Murdock x OFC
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | AO3
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Summary: Eliza and Foggy play Wordle and things to a little out of hand. But what else do you expect to happen between two people who are more competitive than professional athletes when it comes to playing games?
Warnings: None. Some suggestive language maybe, but overall humor & fluff. Not proof-read. Just found this again after 5 months.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/n: This is a draft that’s been sitting here for a very long time. The idea just popped into my mind after i lost 5 times in a row BECAUSE OF ONE LETTER so yeah, have fun ig. I’ve written it with my OC’s name so I can’t exactly say you can read it like a reader insert, but you can still read it even when you haven’t read the series and don’t exactly want to. If you do though, the links are above. Enjoy!
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“Franklin Percy Nelson! If you put a ‘j’ instead of a ‘y’ we’re no longer friends!”
“I’m gonna put the ‘j’. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
Eliza’s voice boomed across the small office. Pretty sure at this point, even the neighbors were aware of their heated discussion.
The official Wordle.org page was the reason that the pair sat crammed over Foggy’s laptop on that particular morning. Eliza admitted that it was her idea. She found out about the game on social media. Everyone was playing it and she thought, why not? The worst thing that could happen was an extended vocabulary.
Foggy chose to play with her simply because he was competitive and he couldn’t stand Eliza winning all by herself. He heard her curse in Matt’s office earlier that day after her boyfriend left her to fend for herself – the good friend he was, he asked her what was wrong. All she did was show him the page. That was enough for Foggy to drag her into his office and pull up the page on his laptop.
Thirty minutes later, neither of them got any work done, but at least they’d won about fifteen rounds. The times they failed stood heavy on the piece of paper they used to keep score. Mostly, it was Foggy’s fault. Eliza didn’t take criticism on that. One letter always made them lose, and it was often Foggy’s choice to form the finishing word.
That’s how they ended up in this position. Eliza swore this was the last round to make an even twenty. Foggy agreed, telling her that he knew what the word would be. She’d never doubted anyone this badly before. His judgment was questionable, especially while playing games, and she was so not willing to lose the last round because of him.
Half of the boxes on the page were colored in yellow while the bottom line shone bright green. Only one gray letter remained.
“It’s obviously mayor,” Eliza insisted.
“Why?” Foggy challenged.
“Because I said so, duh!”
“That’s not a viable argument!”
“It is because I’m smarter! It’s ‘mayor’! They always choose the less obvious solution. ‘Major’ is too obvious.”
“No, it’s not. See?” he put the word down. “This is gonna work, trust me.”
Eliza slapped his hand away from the enter button. “Don’t you dare!” she hissed.
“Bet!” He pulled his hand away.
“Foggy, yes!”
She spun his chair around quickly, pushing him away from the desk. He yelped as he rolled across the room.
“It’s ‘mayor’, end of story!” She typed the word into the row.
Foggy came rolling back, catching her hands in the act. “IT’S NOT!” he said.
“IT IS!”
“You are insufferable.” He caught her by the waist. She struggled in his grip, hands tied to her sides. “How does Matt put up with you?”
Eliza hit him with her elbow directly into the ribs and said, without even missing a beat, “You’ve obviously never had sex with me.”
Foggy’s arms dropped. “EW!” he squeaked. “You are so gross!”
“Trust me, it’s phenomenal. Like my Wordle skills.”
“You can’t compare Wordle to sex.”
“Yes, I can, and I will.” Her finger ghosted dangerously close over the enter button. He rolled over her foot with his chair. She stumbled aside.
“Stop it, it’s not ‘mayor’!” he said. “It’s ‘major’! Do you even know what that means?”
“Yeah, I’m in a relationship with Matt,” she retorted and butted her hip against his chair.
“What?” Foggy asked.
“Yeah, because-“
“Who’s talking about our sex life?”
The horror in their eyes as they stared at Matt in the doorway was something he would’ve loved to frame.
Eliza’s hair was all disheveled, Foggy’s cheeks flushed. They kept each other rooted on the spot, neither of them willing to let the other gain access to the laptop.
Matt put his hands on his hips. “What’s going on?” he asked. “What’re you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” they said in unison.
“That’s not what it sounded like.”
“We were just… talking,” Foggy told him.
Matt tried hard to keep himself from smirking. “So you weren’t yelling at each other?”
“No,” he scoffed, “why should we?”
“I don’t know, I think I heard my name being dropped. I’m not sure about the context though,” he titled his head in Eliza’s direction. “Sweetheart, care to elaborate?”
He was just teasing her and she knew it. She knew Matt like the back of her hand. He was well aware of what this was about, yet she still blushed like a fool at the way his voice dropped into something that could only be described as mockery.
She did what she knew best. “Matthew Michael Murdock, get your head out of the gutter!” And she copied his stance perfectly.
He shifted on his feet. “Says the one who was talking about my-“
“MAYOR!” she pressed the enter button as Foggy was trying not to listen to the conversation.
He gasped in shock. “YOU-“ the confetti exploded at their victory. “BITCH!”
Matt’s jaw tightened. “What did you just call her?” he asked.
“Dude, you’re not part of this conversation. Stay out of it.”
“Excuse me?”
“You know what,” Eliza said, glowing like a glow stick with her smile wider than anything else, “I may be a bitch, but at least I’m the winning bitch.”
“How is it ‘mayor’?” Foggy asked. “It’s supposed to be ‘major’, that’s not fair. I feel betrayed!”
“Boohoo, go cry about it to your mommy. You just can’t deal with the fact that you lost.”
“We need to play another round.”
“No, we don’t. You’re just a bad loser.”
“I’m not! This was obviously rigged. You probably used your powers to trick me. Ah-ha!”
Her eyes widened. “You take that back!”
Matt looked between them, rubbing his forehead in exhaustion. “What did I just walk into?” he asked.
Eliza slapped the laptop shut. “The end of our friendship,” she said.
“You’re breaking up with me?” Foggy pouted.
“Yeah, I am.”
“No, I’m breaking up with you. You cheated!”
“I didn’t cheat!”
“Then the game cheated.”
“That’s not even a thing!”
“Who are you to judge that? Did you program the thing?”
“No, but-“
They didn’t even realize that the door had closed again.
Matt distanced himself from the office. He walked by Karen on his way to his own quarters.
“What’s going on in there?” she asked him. “I only hear yelling.”
He only sighed, “Can I get a refund?”
“For what?”
“My girlfriend.“
Karen laughed. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said, “just realized that I’ve got a weird one.”
The door flew open. Eliza peaked her head around the corner. “I heard that,” she said.
“That was intentional,” Matt retorted. This time, he couldn’t help the smile growing on his lips.
Her eyes narrowed. Next thing he knew, she’d grabbed his hand and pulled him into his office.
“Are you going to murder me?” he asked.
“Worse,” she smirked sheepishly.
“Oh boy.”
“You’re gonna play wordle with me.”
“What’s that?”
She pecked his lips. “Oh, you’re gonna love it.”
“Something tells me I’m not.”
He listened to her type in the password to his laptop, fingers eager and determined.
“Come here or I’m not having sex with you for a week,” she said. Her words sounded so sweet but the threat was obvious – and to some, that might not even have been a threat, but to Matt, it sounded like the end of the world.
He loosened his tie quickly, rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. “What are we playing again?” he asked.
She pushed him into the office chair, making herself comfortable on his lap. He grunted at her weight on his still sore body. The second she tried to leave though, he pulled her back in. Her warmth was almost comforting to his injuries.
“Wordle is like a workout for your mind, you know? You gotta guess a five-letter word by typing other words. You’ve got five tries. The letters that are in this word will show yellow if they’re in the wrong position and green if they’re in the right position. You gotta get the last word right or you lose. I’ll tell you what color they are, of course, since you can’t see them, but you get the gist.”
He buried his nose in her neck. The words passed by him, only the sound of her voice filled his ears. “Hmm,” he hummed against her.
“Are you even listening to me?” she asked.
“What’s the first word then?”
“That’s four letters, Matt. Take it seriously! This is an important game.”
“What if we lose?”
“Then I’m gonna be very sad,” she said.
He couldn’t help but kiss the pout on her lips away. “I wouldn’t want that.”
“Then will you play with me?”
“Sure, sweetheart. Let’s play Wordle.”
“Fucking finally! I just know you’re far more competent than Foggy will ever be.”
“Don’t let him hear that,” he chuckled, “But I do agree.”
She kisses him, her lips tilted up into the most adorable smile. “You ready?” she asked.
He tightened his hold around her, burying his nose deeper into her neck before agreeing, “Let’s do this.”
“Good choice.”
“I love you,” he said.
“And I love you.”
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theycallmebun · 1 year
people of the same passion
asahi azumane x gn!reader
w/c: 716
genre: fluff(meetcute)
warnings: none!
summary: y/n and asahi learn more about each other at the local cafe!
a/n: i think this might be a pt1 
you don’t know how the two of you haven’t met sooner. i mean, for so long, you were right in front of each other. literally, sitting at tables across from each other at your local cafe. both having claimed seats to sit in every friday and saturday evening. you don’t know if asahi– you learned that was his name when the barista called him up for his drink– frequented the cafe more than you, though. 
of course you noticed him whenever you were there, how couldn’t you? that brown hair tied back loosely, revealing his chiseled jaw and muscular neck– you’re getting carried away. he was nice to look at but you never worked it up to introduce yourself and get to know him. and, you had other things to do anyway.
the creativity that buzzes through your head needs to be written. so many beautiful thoughts and ideas turned into lovely little stories and poems for you to reread on a bad day. turning your thoughts into interpretive art is your favorite activity. you often catch yourself daydreaming about anyone and anything, transforming that into some crazy tale blown way out of proportion. 
you never approached asahi because, by the looks of it, he had other things do, too. whenever you glanced at him, he’d have his bulky headphones on, writing something down on a pad while bopping his head. 
the both of you were just so busy, caught up in your own worlds. 
until one faithful day, the new barista at the cafe, bless her soul, calls out, “jasmine tea, hot,” and leaves it on the counter. 
you thought it was weird that she didn’t call out a name like how they normally do, but you stand up to get your drink. asahi stands up, too. you don’t question it, though, what if he just needs some napkins or something? it’s awkward when the two of you fall in step together and it’s even more awkward when you both grab the drink simultaneously. then, in turn, flinching away from the drink simultaneously. 
“sorry, we must’ve ordered the same thing. go ahead and take that one, i’ll wait for the next one,” you take charge of the situation. 
“oh, i was about to insist on you taking this one. i don’t mind waiting,” he responds politely. for how large he is, he’s pretty timid. 
you laugh softly, he’s cute, you think.
before you can say anything, the new hire goes, “jasmine tea, hot,” again. 
you grab the cooler one, hoping asahi appreciates the fact that you gave him the hotter and fresher tea. 
before you walk away, asahi says, “would you like to sit with me? i understand if you can’t, you look pretty busy sometimes.”
“i would love to!” you gleam at his offer. 
you introduce yourself on the short walk back to his table, and he does the same. when you’re seated, you ask about the cafe. 
“so what do you like to get done when you’re here?”
“i like to write lyrics for some songs i’ve been working on. when i come in, i normally have the music all done but i just need the words to add,” he answers. “what about yourself?”
“i like to write some stories and poems. nothing too serious, just a creative and emotional outlet for myself, you know?” you reply. 
“oh, that’s crazy. we’re like basically doing the same thing,” asahi points out. 
you both laugh because it’s true. 
“we’re people of the same passion,” you say. “that’s actually really good, let me write that down.”
asahi thinks you’re cute, too. 
you grab your laptop from your table and quickly open your notes. 
“sorry, i just have to write my ideas down as soon as possible, or else i’ll forget,” you excuse your abruptness. 
“don’t worry about it. i’ve got some ideas of my own that i need to write down, too.” 
and just like that, you and asahi fall into a productive silence while you write your racing thoughts down. 
“we should do this again,” you bring up. “it was really nice doing that with someone else around.”
“yeah, i couldn’t agree more. i think that was one of my best writing sessions,” asahi confesses. 
“i’m glad. i’ll see you around then?”
“absolutely,” he says. 
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