#i’ve decided i Will be tagging it with misinfo
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
(feel free to answer privately if you dont want to ruin the fun but) the misinfo the brazilian fans have been spreading is killing me the tramp stamp one is so funny i love when people lie and people cant fact check bc of language differences 😭 iirc gabi being cellbit's twin sister is also a lie? but anyway i find it all hilarious
hopefully answering this at 4 am will keep it slightly hidden but yes <3333 u all know how much i love a good misinformation campaign. you all know i’ve joined the war on misinformation on the side of misinformation before. and by god i WILL do it again
(he and gabi are actually cousins btw! the twin part is just a joke tho yeah ^_^)
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ribena59p · 8 days
I've seen a lot of people try to paint Orcatstra / Maowzarts as problematic, and I believe much of it stems from misinformation or misunderstandings, often because it's being spread through word of mouth. I'm not making this post because Orcatstra asked me to—because they didn’t. No one is forcing me to write this; I'm doing it of my own free will. I really hope that #orcatstrahaters will take the time to read this carefully before dismissing it just because Orcatstra is my friend. I'm writing this to clear up the misinformation surrounding them, as I’ve seen people unfairly group them with genuinely problematic figures like Mawthe (who, by the way, draws necro art!!!).
Yes, there have been times when Orcatstra could have handled situations better (I'll try to keep my personal opinions on those situations brief), but let’s not forget—they’re 17! Some people seem to think that just because they’ll be 18 in a few months, they’re suddenly supposed to be all-knowing. Meanwhile, others are excusing or even babying older individuals like Criminalx3 and Parsnipling, both of whom, to my knowledge, are in their twenties! THEY should know better.
(Because someone asked) I bring up Parsnipling because they were called out for posting a fanfic where Dave from DSAF had animal genitalia (a cloaca). They then accused me of being the reason people sent them death threats, even though all I did was share a thread showing what they had posted. I didn’t even tell anyone to block them. Parsnipling lied to me, claiming that the tags with "cloaca" were meant as jokes. Afterward, they left Twitter (due to death threats, unfortunately) and went back to Tumblr, where they posted about how fandoms used to be spaces for "freaks." Take that as you will.
(I’m not debating the morality of referring to non-human genitalia with animal terms. Personally, I find it strange, which is why I made the thread in the first place—to draw attention to it. People are free to come to their own conclusions and decide whether to block or avoid interacting with them as they see fit.)
This post isn’t made to say you can’t..not Like orcatstra as a person..cus u can…everyone can dislike anyone for any reason just to reiterate this is just made to clear up misinfo
I exclusively use they/them pronouns for Orcatstra in this post specifically so that people don’t get confused about who I’m referring to, but please keep in mind when discussing them that they use any pronouns (besides from she).
The main points for why people deem orcatstra as problematic (that I’ve seen) are:
* Running a 15 year old off of their own tumblr blog
* Accusing a rape victim of liking and supporting rape + accusing the same person of being a groomer
* Comparing phone x Jack to slave x slave owner
* Blocking people for shipping things that they don’t like
I’ll be going through these one by one and explaining what happened to my knowledge.
Running a 15 year old off of their own tumblr blog
The 15-year-old in question ran a DSAF confessions account, where they posted anonymous confessions from people within the DSAF community. These confessions were typically related to DSAF topics.
I've seen people claim that Orcatstra harassed this person because their blog posted confessions about people disliking Davesport. However, that's completely inaccurate—Orcatstra doesn't, and never did, care if people dislike Davesport, so that part of the accusation is blatantly false.
(This is Orcatstras own words)
“I didn’t like harass them to the point they had to quit at most I made like 2 posts publicly and kept the rest of my disdain of a confessions account private”
“and I only disliked them 1) bc they’re a confess account which is inherently made to post and stir up drama like what. and 2) they DID post stuff that would cause drama so I was like dawg wtf”
“and then ppl from that blog started harassing ME 😭😭😭IN MY ANON ASKS 😭😭”
“Not (the 15 year old) I think but just ppl who followed the blog or were one of the “anons””
I believe some people are upset because Orcatstra was venting about the account on their private account, but I’m not really sure why... They're mad about that? Orcatstra’s private account only has about 50 followers, and most of those are people who follow with both their main and private accounts.
“I also think ppl were mad because I made a (admittedly dramatic) post talking about why I didn’t like the confessions account ,, but again from what I remember the points were just the og mod posting stuff that’s clearly gonna stir the pot YKWIM ..”
“and I only made that post because someone asked & for some reason you can’t comment pictures on tumblr which I think is quite stupid ☝️”
Accusing a rape victim of liking and supporting rape
(I do not know this persons pronouns so I will be referring to them with they/them pronouns, if they do not use these pronouns please tell me and I will edit this section to display the correct pronouns)
I believe the person being referred to is Cr1minalc1minalcr1minal, who has read and bookmarked non-con fanfics on AO3. Non-con stands for non-consensual, which is essentially the definition of rape. Orcatstra believes that if someone regularly consumes this type of content, it’s reasonable to assume they enjoy reading it. However, Orcatstra has never claimed that Criminalx3 supports rape.
“OH WAIT is it ok if i add that when i did point out the fanfic thing i genuinely was not aware at the time that guy was a victim, ..i dont rlly go on his acc bc i blocked him for my well being (i think thats the right way to use the phrase) … and i didnt/dont wanna be super creepy and stalk him. .. U CATCH MY DRIFT ..”
+ accusing the same person of being a groomer
(This is Orcatstras own words)
“So .. criminal ... I got this info from oomf so keep that in mind, but l've been told that he mains posts nsfw and encourages minors to consume nstw media and to my knowledge hangs out with one specific minor who changed ever since they became friends or something like that I NEVER! Explicitly said anyone was a groomer! ☝️ but it is very weird to see someone do that as an adult”
So they’re (minor and criminal) writing together but it’s not smut
“it’s not but like for a brief second we (orcatstra and oomf) were worried it was because. yk. that seems to mainly be what that guy makes 😓😓😓 (from what I’ve gathered)”
“And then I had to delete my replies bc I was replying on main and someone on tumblr (who does not follow (*oomfs) priv) took the links of my replies so I was like ‘erm what the freak this is kinda supposed to be a private convo’ and deleted them”
From what I understand, Orcatstra was having a conversation on their main account with someone on their private account, and they were discussing something about Criminalx3 that they believed to be true. However, it turned out not to be accurate. Unfortunately, someone on Tumblr took this conversation out of context and framed it as if Orcatstra was accusing Criminalx3 of being a groomer.
I don’t believe that Orcatstra ever made a public post stating that criminal was a groomer.
(I tried looking, but I may be wrong, feel free to correct me and I’ll edit this section)
Comparing phone x Jack to slave x slave owner
I believe this was stated in a now private youtube video where Orcatstra ranks dsaf ships, it may also be said in some tweets.
By definition, the DSAF 3 phone guys are slaves, regardless of the route. They are legally owned by Jack and work without pay. I understand that "slave" is a very strong and impactful word, which is why I'm personally hesitant to use it, but by definition, that’s what they are. You literally see Jack buying Harry in the DSAF 3 intro tapes. I've also seen people try to defend this by saying, "Well, Jack can be nice to them!"—as if that somehow erases the fact that he still owns them.
Blocking people for shipping things that they don’t like
There's nothing wrong with blocking people, even for no particular reason. It can be a little upsetting to get blocked over a post about a ship, but try not to take it personally—it’s just the internet. Unless you were doing something genuinely awful, Orcatstra probably blocked you simply because they didn’t want to see a ship they don’t like. They're just curating their online experience, which is totally normal.
Tumblr media
And yes, people are bringing this up as an actual point against them.
I know that many people who dislike Orcatstra also dislike me for being their friend and sharing similar opinions. However, if you haven’t blocked me, please share this with others who might be misinformed.
There have been additional things added on by other people in reblogs if you would like to hear their side of the story.
I am more than happy to engage in neutral and respectful discussions, but I will not be willing to continue if you begin the conversation by being extremely rude or using offensive language. In any other case, I’m fully open to a constructive exchange of ideas, thank you.
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ablednt · 3 years
Hello I was wondering if you had any non ableist sources for learning about DID? I want to learn but a lot of what I find on Google feels very...dismissive and harmful
Sorry for answering so late but yes I have a few!
One good YouTube resource is the Alexandrite system, they have DID and make educational videos.
Also it's more a community than a resource but I've found #PluralTalk to be a good twitter community, it's mainly inclusive people and they're usually more than happy to answer singlet questions although of course each person can only speak for their own systems and will have some bias but that's ok.
In general my advice for telling if a resource is good or not is the way the information is framed.
For starters if it's making a lot of general claims like "Truama is the cause of DID" (which isn't incorrect, trauma is A very common cause, but if you read the DSM5 it mentions that trauma is correlated with DID but not guaranteed to be the cause every time.) or "systems identify as [X]" (ignores that systems aren't a monolith) then it's either a not well informed resource or is a case of one system thinking they can speak for all of us. (If a system says this is their own experience and isn't speaking for the whole community though it's good!)
Is it made by a singlet or a system? Often singlets even if well intentioned spread misinfo. For example Anthony Padilla made a video about DID that interviewed some DID systems (one of which was later exposed for a lot of gross shit but I don't want to get into that discourse here but that's one reason I don't recommend the video you can dm for more details if you want) but let their bias effect the quality of the video and in my opinion furthered our stigma far more than put a stop to it by only painting us in a mysterious and victimized light and in addition spread some misinformation (one system trying to speak for the whole community but getting some things wrong which then went unchecked and the like.) Basically. You want to find systems who will either speak about their own experiences and not for the whole community or to find a resource that talks about common DID experiences in a factual and general way so as to not make any untrue claims.
Does it focus on the structural theory of dissociation? (The idea that no one is singlet as a child but between the ages of 6 and 10 (if I remember correctly) fuse into one person and that if a child is traumatized in that time they won't fuse) This theory has been put under a lot of scrutiny as it was created by a singlet psychologist who later lost his licence for using this theory to psychologically and even physically abuse the patients he treated for DID. Now, it's not that no system fits into this theory but it's generally not seen as a constant for even DID systems and the theory in its original form is in support of eugenics towards systems because it deduces that we have to become singlet through therapy to become "whole" again. A lot of systems have medical trauma surrounding this theory so as a singlet I would avoid learning about it unless it's from a source that's properly critical about it.
Is the post actually a discourse post? If it's tagged with anything like "sys/course" (without the dash) or has language that seeks to invalidate or fakeclaim any kind of system or system member (stuff like "fictives are delusions, non-human alters are that way because of trauma and aren't actually non-human, pseudomemories are [always/inherently] a cover for trauma that happened to the body" etc.) Posts like these may try to say their informational or infographics but they're inherently biased. These posts are not (or shouldn't be) for singlet consumption because these are all intracommunity discussions, please disregard them if you're singlet. If you need to know something specific about a system experience for the sake of supporting a friend or loved on then it's best to ask them directly as no one system is the same and it's up to them to decide what their experiences are.
Oh also if you want to support plurals as a whole (more than just DID systems but DID systems are very much included and centered here) an official advocacy group is the plural association. It's also important to find mutual aid posts from systems and share them or donate if you have money. A lot of system support comes at ground level.
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shadowfae · 4 years
Hey, I know NH personally, IRL. I just want you to know they ARE an occultist, someone who studies the occult as their job, and *do* believe in magic genuinely. They are one of the kindest people I know, who just runs a blog with a character., So while it is in part performance, it is also genuine.
Cool. I don’t appreciate it when I try to help and instead of acknowledging anything I said or ask for clarification, they decided to compare me to a fascist. I didn’t start mocking them until hours after they did that, and I figured being blocked was the end of it.
I dunno about you, but calling someone a fascist is more than reason enough for them to stop giving you any benefit of the doubt. At the time of them calling my community rabid and worse than fascists, the only post I had towards them was answering their question as thoroughly as possible. I had expressed dislike towards them on my own posts before, but if you think simply disliking someone is grounds for getting called a fascist, I don’t think I’d want to be friends.
So here’s the deal: I’ll apologize for not believing a word they said when they apologize for blaming me for threats I did not send and would not condone sending and for calling me a fascist. Because I refuse to apologize to someone who isn’t sorry for calling me that. I’m willing to work in good faith with anyone who gives me that same basic respect. I have proven that time and time again, and I am saying so now: if they apologize for assuming I decided somehow that answering their questions wasn’t good enough and I should also cowardly insult them, then we can have a perfectly normal and civil discussion on what otherkin is and I can clear up the misinfo they’ve run into.
I’m not angry. Annoyed at the hate I’ve gotten (and to make myself clear, I do not blame NH for that, both because it’s foul play and because it’s ridiculous to assume assholes on the internet looking for prey would listen to anyone ever, and I’m not asking for lip service here), and more annoyed that my notifs are unnavigable, but I’m not angry. I don’t expect better of nonotherkin. We’re the internet’s punching bag.
For years at least twice a week someone would post “Hey, block X and Y, there’s gore in the tags again” because someone would post, say, a deer carcass, and tag it otherkin, fictionkin, deerkin, etc etc. They wouldn’t post it in the carnivore tags for those who might want to see it, they’d post it in the deerkin and general otherkin tags specifically to upset people. There’s more mockumentaries of us than there are books we have more than a passing mention in. People shit on us, constantly, for the crime of being weird. Kinnies are a step past that, as I expressed as clearly as I could in my original post.
I asked for NH to listen to me, ask the questions in good faith that they wanted to ask, and I was answered with being called worse than a fascist, rabid, and blocked. From where I’m standing, NH started it, and I don’t see any reason to apologize for threats I had no hand in. I’ll be honest and say I don’t have much sympathy for them, and I’d certainly have more if they hadn’t gone on the offensive immediately, but that is what we call consequences of comparing people to fascists.
If they want an apology, they’ll show the good faith they never gave me in the first place, and I’ll give them the same. Simple as that.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Why I’m anti-Lily Orchard for now
Since you guys like to theorize what I meant with my posts and get mad about your theories instead of accepting what I wrote...here’s a further in depth explanation on why I’m now anti-Lily Orchard. At least until she gives me a good reason to reconsider my decision. I wasn't claiming that Lily approves of child torture. I'm saying that her understanding of autism comes from ignorance and is TOO SIMILAR to how Autism Speaks demonizes autistic people (I explained what Autism Speaks was to give Bitterlapis more context on why it’s bad.) But that doesn't mean other autistic people to have to put up with her ignorance. (Especially since for a lot of us her attitude towards autism can be triggering due to personal reasons.) Also it's very possible for someone to be perpetuating ableism while claiming to be against Autism Speaks it happens a lot because we're all raised in an ableist society and fed ableist propaganda since birth. It's not something you can just magically unlearn by going "I'm against Autism Speaks." And tbh I constantly deal with people twisting my words to have some hidden meaning that isn't there. Sometimes I do make mistakes and word things wrong. But what I was trying to say was that Lily still had similar beliefs to Autism Speaks even if she's against it. Cuz she talks about autistic people like we have something that CAN be fixed via therapy like depression caused by trauma. She talks about it like she doesn't realize it's a neurological condition. That means our autism is embedded in our DNA. It can't be erased via any form of therapy. My concern with how Lily talks about what is and isn't good treatment for autistic meltdowns is she doesn't seem to get that. In the meantime she labels us as like inevitable abusers if we don''t get help for our meltdowns ASAP. Which she does by comparing us ALL to someone like Sheldon who's abusive to people due to how he doesn't catch onto social cues..That's why characters like Sheldon are offensive to people like taptrial2 and I Characters like Sheldon try to fit us all into this one concrete definition. The STEM definition of autism. Even though that very definition causes a lot of autistic people to not get medical support. Because every medical clinic that worships that definition thinks that if you're autistic and you don't act like Sheldon that you don't need help. They'll even go so far as to claim you're not actually autistic if you don't act like Sheldon to a T. That's also why Lily insisting that Sheldon is True Autism Rep is so harmful. She claims to be against Autism Speaks but spreads the same kind of false definition of autism of it being a static condition that gets so many of us hurt. Autism is deemed a spectrum by true advocates for a reason..Sorry if it sounds like I'm mad at Bitterlapis or LilyOrchard herself btw I'm just trying to explain my side in why I don't support Lily anymore. Also this is why I tend to take people who stan Lily with a grain of salt. They're always going to stan her no matter how much harmful misinfo that she spreads. They're never going to admit that she makes mistakes. So it's hard to go by their word. Hence I tend to just delete/ignore messages from people who stan Lily. Plus again this all started from me asking Bitterlapis to at least just tag LilyOrchard posts because LilyOrchard’s language towards the mentally ill is kinda triggering for me. Not too severe but too much exposure to it can make me relapse. I like Bitterlapis’ blog too and I didn’t want to resort to immediately unfollowing over them sharing LilyOrchard positivity posts. So I wanted to reach a compromise with them by explaining why I need LilyOrchard positivity tagged. But then y’all, the same folks who claim to be so against “evil witch hunts”, decided this was me trying to destroy LilyOrchard’s reputation. Even though nowhere in my post did I say I wanted to ruin her life. Listen, I used to really enjoy LilyOrchard’s videos. However, ever since I started following taptrial2 and then saw how ugly LilyOrchard got with them for civilly correcting her? I just can’t enjoy her videos the way I used to. Hell even just trying to go back and watch them stresses me tf out. The only way I’d be able to watch them now is with a trusted friend who respects my boundaries. I am also fully aware that people can change their views over time but LilyOrchard hasn’t done that yet from what I’ve seen. So that argument doesn’t really apply here, before anyone is tempted to use it to derail this rant. Anyways that’s my stance on that. Respect all triggers no matter how “weird” they sound. It’s easy and free. @bitterlapis
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