#i’vd has this post privated for so long because i was too lazy to continue it
flower--crown · 3 months
”So are you both from different worlds, then?” Paige asked.
“Yes!” Sunny replied, watching as the tea poured from the kettle to the teacup.
“Then this whole…This interdimensional traveling thing, is it common for you two?” Paige asked again, handing the tea cup to the visitors, apart from Flower. Of course, Flower couldn’t eat, or drink, in this case.
“No.” Sunny shook her head. “This is my first time! Ellie’s done this before though.”
“Hm‽ Oh yeah,” Ellie said, “Not, er, intentionally though. I still don’t know how it happened.”
“Ooh! Is that how you guys met?” Aria asked.
“Yes! Ellie came to my world, since he’s the messiah and all that, and I had to guide him,” Sunny said, looking out the window. “Did your world have a messiah? Or wait, first I should ask if your world ever lost the sun…”
“We have lost our sun,” Flower stated, “We did not have a messiah though.”
“Really? Then how is the sun…well, yeah?” Sunny said, gesturing at the window, as sunlight came through it.
“Flower returned it. She is not the messiah though,” Paige said, “We did have a prophecy for a messiah, but it didn’t really ever come true… In fact, there was a robot built to deliver the prophecy to the messiah. Poor guy, they’re basically just wandering around with no purpose.”
“They have not been tamed, and therefore do not have the capacity to feel. They’re okay,” Flower reminded Paige, who smiled in return.
“I know.”
“I wonder if we have the same prophecy?” Sunny asked, “Mine- ours, was about the messiah waking up in a dark room o something like that.”
“Oh! We had the same!” Paige said, “I remember it also mentioned the gods name, I think it was-“
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“What is…that?” Ellie interrupted, pointing to the rift. Paige turned to see it, the rest of the group following.
”I’m not too sure…Stay back, it could be dangerous,” Paige replied.
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