#i’m thinking of making a lil two parter with those as the titles
danosrosegarden · 3 months
i need edward nashton angsty nsfw requests and i need them STAT
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praphit · 2 years
Beavis and Butt-Head: A proud Fifth Choice
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Your eyes do not deceive you. The movie joint I'm rockin, today,  is "Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe". You might say "They have a movie?" "Why?" "Why would you even watch that mess?" "And why would you review it?" "Are you feeling ok?" "Have you lost your mojo?" "Are you on a bender?" - All valid questions.
I asked myself those questions for a bit. At some point, I'm going to either lose my way (however you'd like to interpret that) or lose my passion to ramble about movies. Perhaps this lapse in judgment is the beginning of the end.
I can't be too hard on myself though; B&B weren't my first choice (sorry, boys). I recently discovered that we have Paramount + (The Arby’s of streaming services). In clicking on it, I then discovered that those mischievous, dumbass boys from the the 90' and 2000's are back (for this new movie, AND the series is back). 
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I then said to myself "Nope". I never really got them, so... "meh".
I then saw the trailer for "Incantation" (first choice)
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YES! Watch this trailer! Do it!
Look how scared she is... she's seen some shit! I'd like to witness the same said shit.
Well, then I watched a lil bit of the actual movie, and within minutes... "meh". It's about... 
... wait, it doesn't matter what it's about, it sucks!
You can tell if a movie is gonna suck within the first few minutes. It's kinda like conversations. Now, that I've gotten older (and care way less about certain social things) I just walk away from conversations that have the smell of suck. You know you can do that?? Just say "This convo sucks." and leave :) Some call that rude, but I call it time management.
I then saw the title (only) for "Lou" (second choice). I'll spend some time watching a movie about some dude (or lady) with the cool name of "Lou" The crazy thing is that they had me at the title and lost me with the trailer.
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They also look scared, but they look like they're scared of a better movie coming along.
"Barbarian" (third choice) is out there, 
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but I was too lazy to go see it. 
And "Dahmer"(fourth choice). 
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I thought it might be a two or three parter, but it's like 10 epi's. Even if I wanted to, one can't simply sit down and watch a whole day's worth of blood and cannibalism. That can't be healthy.
So, here we are (fifth choice). 
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Lemme give the young people a chance.
I normally question young people's tastes in music 
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 Their choices for Tv
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(this TikTok was simply someone peeling an egg... that’s it:)
 their convo
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Wait, that’s Adam Levine talking. He’s my around my age, I think. But, the kids are def talking like that.
 And their general decision making 
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, but why not.
Beavis and Butt-Head set out to do the universe, and it all started with Butt-Head kicking Beavis in the balls. Many, many, many times did he do this. They were at a science fair, and it was thought that a marathon of crotch-kicking to see how long it would take for Beavis to pass out... was their experiment - the trials of human endurance.  Nope. They were just doing it to do it.
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Beavis's balls lead them into outer space where they found themselves trying to get into the pants of this woman right here. Serena. Up until now, I thought I had made a mistake with this movie, but it was at this point I started to get it.
Beavis and Butt-Head are always trying to "score" Life IS about points isn't it??!: Games as kids. tests as we get older, points with the parents, points with your boss, points when you fly, points when you buy, trying to appear better than someone else as to take points away from them, etc etc... and of course the type of points they're into.
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The pursuit of scoring led them into the future (2022) where they continue to look for Serena, simply to score with her. (poor boys, they aren't aware yet of the METOO movement).
She doesn't know that they're trying to score with her - she thinks they're there to ruin her career/life. Meanwhile the government believes these boys to be some sort of threat like aliens or terrorists or something.
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It took some time, but I finally saw the light!
These boys have taught me a lot in this movie. I get it now! They're like idiot geniuses. And there's a lot of idiocy: they learn of the iphone and fall in love with Siri, they travel the country covered in feces and nacho cheese, they are told about their white privilege by a room full of feminists (after the boys invite them all to a "slut party") and so use their new found "power" to commit crimes, and we see a reappearance of The Great Cornholio 
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(real G's know).
But, then it's their simplicity that has enchanted me today.  Points and Nachos. Nothing else matters. Everything either is “cool” or it “sucks”. Very simple. Add in some fresh animation, there dedication to slap stick (genius comedy duo btw:), and their witty word play - 
"Woodson. You've got wood, son. Boiiiiiinnng" 
All this and more has gained them not only a high grade from me, but it has awakened a call to simplicity for myself, and  new hope in our.... well, I was going to say "our youth", but let's not go too far... um... a new hope to learn and laugh at the idiocy of others. Thank you, B&B. I've never been more sure about my movie judgment and mojo.
I've thought long and hard about this - I only wish they went a lil more over the top. Grade: B+ 
Fine cinema.
huh huh I said "long and hard" huh huh  Yes, fine cinema indeed.
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maryellencarter · 4 years
SO! A week or two ago I got the DVDs for both seasons of "Justice League: The Animated Series", which I hadn't seen in ten years and remembered loving a lot. Spoiler: I still love it a lot. I put off watching it for a while because I was scared I wouldn't, but then I watched it pretty much straight through without even stopping to liveblog.
So. THOUGHTS! ^_^ Any of y'all who've ever shared a fandom with me know I'm always around for one particular character. In this case, that's J'onn J'onzz, the big green guy, whose official comics codename (sensibly not used on the show) is Martian Manhunter.
(There's a bit in one of the tie-in comics where a parent is telling their kid "don't be scared, honey, he won't hurt you, that's the uhh... Martian Maneater..." which has never ceased to amuse me.)
Anyway, we all know I have a tendency to give reviews in the vein of "Good story but no werewolves", and it must be granted that I never did bother watching Justice League Unlimited because Carl Lumbly (J'onn's voice actor, Minnesota born and raised with Jamaican parents, which is apparently how you get a Martian accent I couldn't place to anywhere on Earth) wasn't a regular anymore. But y'know, it's a really good ensemble team too, even if I like Tim Daly's Superman (from Superman: The Animated Series in the same animated universe) a lot better than George Newbern's. Or, well, I did. I haven't heard *him* in ten years either. Anyway! Off topic.
SO ANYWAY. Obviously, spoilers hereabouts, although it's what, fifteen, twenty years old by now? But if you care about spoilers for somewhat elderly TV, you might not be following me anyhow.
So the meta premise, just in case anybody was unfamiliar, is thuswise: First there was Batman: The Animated Series, in which Mark Hamill was the best Joker while not being an asshole as a person, because he is a competent actor and not a dickwad. Then there was Superman: The Animated Series, which I remember as being a delight and I want to watch it again too someday. Then, because apparently if you have Batman and Superman the next step is the entire Justice League, there was this.
The actual premise is, that during an alien invasion of Earth, Superman and Batman rescue a prisoner, J'onn J'onzz, the last survivor of the Martian society the invader aliens wiped out. (J'onn and Clark get little bits of bonding over the last-of-their-kinds thing but I've always wanted more. In a fandom auction I once donated $60 for a fic on the topic, but life happened and I do not hold it against the person. Still a little sad though. It's not something I've ever quite been able to write myself.) J'onn has a whole grab-bag of superpowers including telepathy, with which he summons additional heroes The Flash (speedster, this one is twentyish goofball Wally West), Green Lantern (specifically John Stewart, a black ex-Marine), Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl (a winged humanoid-alien woman with an energy mace). Together, they fight crime! Mostly.
Specific episodes: I'm going to use "episode" to refer to the runtime covered by a single title so I don't have to say "two-parter" or "three-parter" every single time, because this show had literally only one single-part episode out of the whole 52 episodes.
* Secret Origins, three-parter: In which the Justice League is formed and repels the invasion of Earth by the aliens who wiped out J'onn's people. A very strong start, good character intros. I will never be over the very small worldbuilding fact that J'onn is rescued by Superman and Batman, and has seen nobody else on Earth yet but invader aliens (these are what used to be called the White Martians but the show does not use this name either which I think was a wise choice), so when he shapeshifts from his more alien "natural" Martian form to the look which will be his default for the series, he chooses a briefs-and-cape look because based on the two examples he's seeing, that's what Earth people wear. It's not explicitly called out, but it's a great way to make it a little less... comic-booky that you have no less than three extra-beefy guys with almost identical costume silhouettes here.
I think the arc between Batman and J'onn is one of my favorite parts of this, the way Batman starts out being like "I still don't trust him" and winds up trusting him enough that it's their teamwork which saves the world this go-round. Also, speaking as a fan who likes me some whump, can we talk about the scene where J'onn is being mindprobed with all those tentacles under his skin? I have so fucking many feels about that scene, okay. God, that whole climactic sequence is so damn good. And his tiny lil smile at the end of the last episode! I do love me some microexpressions, nonetheless that they are animated. (I can't draw so I am constantly boggled by just the skill it has to take to draw a character so on-model that varying one line by a few pixels Says Things.)
* In Blackest Night, two-parter: The one where the extremely Kirby-designed cop robots frame Green Lantern into believing he blew up an inhabited planet. Introduces several alien members of the Green Lantern Corps. Flash trying and failing to act as GL's lawyer is fairly embarrassment-squicky to me; many of the things anybody does with Flash on this show are fairly embarrassment-squicky, although he does get some great moments. René Auberjonois does two voices, as a spherical Green Lantern and as the "witness" who helps frame GL. The climactic scene is great -- sometimes the Green Lantern ditty just doesn't work, but between the sound design and the animation and Phil Lamarr's voice acting, this scene blows me away every time. I feel like this one could have been shorter though.
* The Enemy Below, two-parter: In which (blond) Aquaman guest-stars, J'onn takes on the first of many roles where he acts as bait by impersonating a villain's target, and the thing where Aquaman cuts off his own hand to escape a manacle is very tastefully handled for a kids' show. I probably would have found that scene way too suspenseful and traumatic as a kid but I was an extremely sensitive small child. Opinions on this episode: I don't really have many. This universe's Aquaman is a *dick* who appears to live by the rule that you must always fight a superhero when you meet one on the street before explaining your business. I always squee when somebody turns out to be J'onn, because I've usually forgotten. (He usually is people and not animals or, like Odo more than once, a bag. I wonder if he has some conservation of mass thing going on or if it's just easier to animate when you keep your same basic arrangement of limbs.)
* Injustice for All, two-parter: Lex Luthor, dying of kryptonite poisoning, puts together the Injustice Gang to try to destroy the Justice League. He didn't invite the Joker, but Hulk expy and heavy hitter Solomon Grundy is also voiced by Mark Hamill, so the Joker naturally turns up around the point where Luthor captures Batman, commentating on Luthor's misguidedness in keeping Bats alive and generally providing a running peanut gallery. Clancy Brown and Mark Hamill are both always fun, so this one is pretty entertaining.
* Paradise Lost: Wonder Woman backstory-ish episode. A sorcerer turns the other Amazons to stone, then blackmails Diana into stealing four artifacts for him, which he assembles into a key to free the god Hades from Tartarus. Notable mainly for the extreme mangling of Greek mythic cosmology into an aggressively Christian shape. Not good. It does have J'onn and Flash teamed for a bit, which is interesting, and J'onn gets to one-punch a giant magic brass cobra, but that's about all there is to speak for it. It looks like the writer also did my very least favorite two-parter of the whole series, unless this is some sort of Alan Smithee situation, because the name is Joseph Kuhr and I have a half-memory I can't catch that there is *something* more than coincidence in the whole, you know. "Joe-Kuhr" thing?
* War World: Apparently this one was pretty nearly universally hated. I do not hate it, because the concept "Superman and J'onn are accidentally blown across the galaxy together and sold to an alien gladiatorial arena" is something I am 110% down for, but I wanted a lot more interaction between them and possibly a lot more fic. I can't decide if I actually want to ship them, but they're obviously very close and I want to see more than snippets of that, dammit.
That's halfway through season one. Imma go sleep. more later.
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buckeroonie323 · 4 years
This is for @findingbuck 's request of what Our boy Bucky would be like in quarantine. I present to you the well thought out titled two part fic.
Bucky in Quarantine!
Word count: 1.7k
Warning: SMUT kind of. Bossy Bucky.
Paring:Quarantine!Bucky x Working!reader
So turns out this fic wanted to be a two parter. Sorry to make you wait for the fun stuff but I gave you a little. #sorrynotsorry
"BABY! HELP MEEEE!" Bucky calls to you from the living room. "I'M DYING HELLPPPPP!!! I'M BEING ATTACKED!"  He continues to wail. You jog to the living room. "What's wrong Buck? Who is attacking you?" You see that Alpine is sitting in a cat loaf on Bucky's chest. The cat is unfazed by the screaming because it happens all the time. 
Bucky beams at you as you walk into the room. His hair is in a cute bun on the top of his head. He has little baby hairs floating in a halo. 
"Hi sweetheart! I missed you so so much." You roll your eyes at him and sit down putting his legs over your thighs. You grab Alpine holding him to your chest.
"James, what did we talk about yelling in the house? Especially when I am only a room away." You fake scold. Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.
"I was in danger, baby. I could have died. I'm lucky you came to save me." He sits up to put a kiss on your cheek. He takes his legs off of your thighs. "You're my hero." 
You giggle at his comment. "Yes, you are lucky that your untrained civilian girlfriend came to your rescue. An extremely well trained assassin and soldier for over 70 years. You totally couldn't have handled the situation yourself." 
Bucky takes Alpine from you setting him on the floor. The cat prances away. Bucky pulls you into his lap so you're straddling him. He pulls you right into a hug. 
His right hand doing warm passes over your back. You melt into him. Bucky puts a lingering kiss on your neck. "I love you. Just so you know. Do you want to go cuddle?" You feel more than hear him say.
"Is that not what we're doing?" You murmur into his neck. "I want you to come lay on top of me so I can hold you and never let go." By this point his hand had stopped running on your back. He has brought it up to stroke your hair. 
"I don't know honey. I have a conference call in 15 minutes." You lean back reluctantly to look him in the eyes. 
"I was getting ready before your call of distress bubba." You motion to your half disheveled appearance. 
You're in silk pj bottoms and a button up work shirt. Your eye makeup is done but nothing else is. 
"I'm sorry sugar. But why do you have to wear the makeup? I'm not saying you shouldn't. I love when you express yourself. BUT it's quarantine. They can suck my ass if they think you need to be super professional." He starts ranting. 
"On another note, what makes them think makeup is the female equivalent to professionalism? They need to step the fuck off." You silence him by giving him a kiss.
"I agree. Just so you know I'm the only one allowed near your ass. But I do my makeup because it makes me feel a little more normal Buck. I'm bored out of my mind in the house." You say as you reluctantly pull away.
"Doll, I have plenty of ways I can keep you busy." He wiggles his eyebrows at you with a smirk. "Okay, smooth criminal. I need to get ready. Let me up."
"No. You're mine." He says tightening his grip and nuzzling into your chest. "If you let me go get ready and set up my laptop out here I'll play with your hair during my meeting."
Bucky immediately perks up. "Okay baby. I'll do that for you. Go get ready Princess." As you get off of his lap, you roll your eyes at the nickname. He gives your ass a cute lil slap.
As you walk away you jokingly say "I am a queen and you know that bubba." He scoffs. "You are my queen. Love you." You hear as you turn the corner. "I love you more baby." You call over your shoulder. 
You come back into the living room and all of your equipment is set up for your conference call. Bucky took his hair out of his bun and it's flowing down to his shoulders. You admire him from the door for a moment.
"Everything all set honey?" You ask him with a smile because he's wandering around the living room aimlessly.
He nods and motions you to sit. There's a glass of water, some orange juice and a small cheese, cracker, and fruit plate beside your laptop.
"Awe thank you honey. Remind me to suck your dick later." You smirk at him sitting down and grabbing a sliced strawberry. 
Bucky gapes at you for a second. He reals himself in. He lays out on the couch resting his head on your thigh. "Text me if you need anything Bubba. Are you comfortable?"
He nuzzles into your thigh a little bit, throwing a blanket over himself. "Yes baby I'm comfy." You start running your hands through his hair. Bucky's eyes start to close. You smile fondly down at him. 
"I'm ready when you are sugar." You feel so much love towards this man. He has full control over your heart and he doesn't even know it. Before you can dwell on that thought for too long your conference call has started. You put on your noise cancelling headphones that Bucky got for you for your birthday.
Before long your hands have grown still in his hair. Your plate of delicious food is gone, your water has been drained, and your orange juice is half full. 
His snores are soft and can't really be heard by the call. It's been almost 3 hours. What more can Ronald from the pseudoscience branch of your company have to say about how microdosing shrooms could be beneficial? All he is doing is repeating the same words over and over and over. 
It's ridiculously redundant and you're tired. You feel Bucky starting to stir. Hopefully he can keep you company better than Ronald Karen Cheryl and Tom. 
You start to feel one warm hand kneading your thigh. You look down at Bucky to give him a strange questioning look. He puts his finger up to his lips and tells you to shush. 
He's pushing himself up to his elbows still out of sight but definitely there. For the most part you ignore it. He's probably just stretching anyway. 
"So back to what we need to accomplish during this next quarter. Put together what we can to find out how we as a team can be successful." 
You feel his hand inch further up. You look down at his smirking face and it almost seems like he's asking for permission so you give him a small nod as you look back to your screen. It looks as though that's all he needed. 
He massages your thigh a little more. He starts to untie the silk bow on your pajama shorts that you hadn't changed out of if you weren't on call he might just might have just ripped them open. 
Once he's opened the tie in the shorts he dips his hand in and slightly over your underwear just rubbing softly on your clothed core. You let out a soft breath of air. Could have been mistaken for breathing. But he knows exactly what it was. 
"Okay, how about we take a five-minute break, pause the call whatever we have to do. Go get some water, get some snacks, use the bathroom because I have a feeling we're going to be here for a while. I'll see you all in about 5 minutes?" After your confirmation from your coworkers you leave the call. 
"Bucky what the hell do you think you're doing?" You asked in a hushed tone.
"Baby I'm doing whatever the hell I want. Now, I'm going to go get you some more water and some more snacks. I want your shorts off by the time I get back. You better keep those panties on. I want you to turn so your legs are on the couch leaving room for me to lay there." He pauses in thought. 
"If I come back and I don't see what I want to see. I will make you come over and over and over again. I won't stop until you're begging me to stop. Even then little girl, I will not stop until I'm satisfied with you. Am I understood?" You blink and surprise a couple times. Kind of collect your thoughts. Although you love when he talks to you like that. 
You're a little confused as to when this side of Bucky came to the surface. He was so sweet earlier. Either way you know you're in for a treat. So, you reply in the way you know how. Luckily you're not feeling bratty today. Even if it would be very very entertaining. 
You don't think your co-workers would much appreciate you begging your boyfriend to stop making you come. "Yes, sir." You say to him while batting your eyelashes. 
"Good girl." he kisses your thigh and heads to the kitchen. Quickly you get up and rid yourself of the shorts. You readjust yourself on the couch so that you still look presentable. 
You also make sure Bucky has room to lay on the couch and between your thighs. He comes back with another plate of food and some more water. 
"Oh, look at you honey. You're such a good girl. I'm glad that you did what I asked you to do." He picks an ice cube out of your water and puts it in his mouth. 
He lays in between your thighs. He puts both of his hands on either side of your core. Thumbs rubbing up and down your labia through your damp pink cotton panties. 
"What am I going to do with you baby? Guess we'll find out. I don't think I need to tell you that you're going to have to be quiet baby doll. You're going to talk to your coworkers. Tell them what to do in that sexy bossy voice I like, while I destroy you and take you apart." 
He's putting kisses all around your pelvis, your hip and your stomach purposely skirting around the place you want him the most. 
"If you're close, tap on my hand. You'll be a good girl and rejoin the call." If you weren't wet before you certainly are now. You put on your headphones and rejoin the call
Tag list I guess? @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @that-damn-girl @kitkatd7 @moteldwelling @m-c-who
Reblog lemme know how you feel.
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