#i’m the most famous vamp in world
mvsic0 · 7 months
monster high g1 lore: draculaura’s name comes from the fact that when she was a baby, her father was at battle and sadly passed away; his good friend dracula ended up stepping in to take care of his wife/draculaura’s mother, camilla. in honor she named her new born after dracula himself
monster high g3 lore: well why WOULDNT my new born daughter want to be named after THE ONE AND ONLY,
.. (probably)
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fayoftheforest · 1 year
vampire kyle & historic antisemitism
DISCLAIMER: this post is not intended to incite drama or discourse, I simply want to share my thoughts on a complex topic. Just because I’m Jewish does not mean I speak for the entire community. We’re not a monolith, there is great diversity of opinion among us, discussion and debate is a beloved part of our culture, etc etc :) ok on with the post!
But wait, Fay, I hear you interject. Vampires aren’t even real! How can they be sayin’ stuff about Jews? Well, my dear friends, I have some rather grave news for you: much of pop culture is Sayin’ Stuff About The Jews. And very little of it is positive :/
I’ll quote Jewish author Deke Moulton to establish the basic links between vampires and antisemitism:
The problem is tied to the conspiracy called the blood libel. If you’re not familiar with it, the blood libel started in Medieval Europe in the 12th century and claimed that Jewish people needed the blood of Christian children to make our Passover matzoh. For context, Jewish people are prohibited from consuming blood at all – we will salt kosher meat to draw out blood. Despite being very old and very wrong, the blood libel idea still persists today (albeit usually with slightly less obvious framing).
There is also a common trope of vampires operating through a secret, worldwide council that often governs ‘vampire affairs’ but also may dabble in controlling other aspects of the world’s governments. While some people can see a similarity to the Catholic Church, often times this calls upon the antisemitic trope of the ‘cabal’—that Jews secretly run the entire world (which is another strange antisemitic trope, as Judaism doesn’t have any central religious figure like the Pope). The word ‘cabal’ itself is a bastardization of the word kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism. If you combine this with a trope of vampires hoarding large amounts of money (especially gold?), you’re using yet another antisemitic trope that says Jewish people control the world’s banks.
Even things like being adverse to the sunlight can have antisemitic implications – the early Church claimed that, because in Judaism days start at sundown and thus our time of worship happens at night, that gathering at night to worship was proof of us being evil and satanic.
So, all vampires are bad and wrong, and vampire Kyle AUs are a hatecrime, and everyone who’s ever done one should go straight to jail, right?
Well. No.
Because really, it should be noted that this extract is from an interview on Moulton’s novel “Don’t Want To Be Your Monster,” a book which not only features blood-sucking vampires, but a blood-sucking Jewish vampire. Interesting, interesting... it's almost as if this topic is nuanced or something 🤔
Many iconic vampires are based on antisemitic stereotypes. Perhaps most famous is Dracula, with curly hair and a hooked nose, is an Eastern European immigrant who has the intentions of “infecting” British society. Another example is Nosferatu, who also has an exaggerated hooked nose, is thin, pale and hunched, and is topped by a skull cap. There are modern exceptions to this trend, though! Twilight comes to mind. Edward Cullen is far more inspired by Stephanie Meyer’s Mormonism than Judaism as a whole. Explained so aptly by The Quietus, “As vampiric portrayals become more positive, they tend to also become less connected to Jewish representation.” Come on, you guys >:( Jewishness can be hot and sexy too, I swear!!
From what I’ve seen of Vamp!Kyle AUs, portrayals tend to lean more towards the mysterious and alluring Cullen-type than the bad-to-the-bone Dracula. Ultimately, I think this is what redeems our fandom’s vampire Kyle. Because crucially, whilst vampires can be antisemitic, they are not innately antisemitic. When you show Kyle brooding behind his high-collars and flashing toothy grins at his love interest, it’s not typically symbolic of the ultimate evil that we are expected to fear and ridicule. It's intended to be cute, or cool, or hot, or whatever.
My advice is thus: if you want to make something deeper or complex with the AU, just have a think about what you’re using his vampiric traits to represent. Are you drawing from unfortunate stereotypes or feeding into antisemitic fears? Are you validating or justifying the “othering” or ostracisation of Jewish people from wider society? You could consider finding a Jewish beta/sensitivity reader, if that’s accessible to you. But generally speaking, so long as you’re not presenting Kyle as an all-powerful predator to pure, innocent Christian society, I reckon you’re probably alright :)
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moonlight-fan2008 · 5 months
Moonlight rewatch for millionth time
Episode 7 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
And Steve is gone again
More tidbits of Mick’s human life; I take it he was an only child since he said my parents would take me here (Franklin hotel) for bunch after church on Sundays and not my brother/sister/siblings and I
Flashback also reveals he musical abilities playing guitar and being the lead singer of a band
It’s very interesting how the mind screws with you when it comes to trauma. Coraline kidnapped and terrorized Beth as a child and she doesn’t remember Coraline at all when she meets her as Morgan and doesn’t really have any hostile feelings towards her until she knows she’s is Coraline. However Beth instantly knew Mick upon seeing him again as an adult.
“Was she dead?” Love how blunt Josef is
“Beth doesn’t remember me from back then and I’m the one who rescued her.” She technically remembers you but (and I still love him) you kind of gaslighted her when it came to that
Josef was four in 1603 making his birth year 1599
I like how comfortable Beth is with Mick and just like walks into his office
I’ve only now realized the flashback at Coraline’s home is mainly in black in white and only a few characters are shown in color and are primarily those wearing red. Ex: Coraline in her red dress, Mick and his band mates with their matching red Hawaiian shirt with the white hibiscus flowers, the fire from the tiki torches, etc
“I have a 50’s thing I’m trying to shake” very on the nose Coraline
According to WIKI: “Remembrance of Things Past, and sometimes referred to in French as La Recherche (The Search), is a novel in seven volumes by French author Marcel Proust. This early 20th-century work is his most prominent, known both for its length and its theme of involuntary memory. The most famous example of this is the "episode of the madeleine", which occurs early in the first volume.”
I like how Mick and Beth are bouncing ideas off each other and Coraline is just there like 👁️👄👁️ you weren’t supposed to figure this out so quickly or together
“Coraline did not come back from the dead to exact revenge on you” oh Josef how wrong you were
“You need to let her go” immediately followed up by Mick in fact not letting her go
Idk why but I always thought she was putting her hand on his knee but she’s actually grabbing his hand/wrist
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“You’re jealous” Mick smiling ☺️
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“Don’t touch anything” proceeds to touch things
Is the ice breath thing a thing Mick has or do you think other vamps can do it too?
I know Coraline is partly manipulative because she grew up and lived during times where woman were not treated fairly or had basic rights and I have a semi head-canon she may have been pressured by her brothers or at least Lance to be a courtesan but like you’d think she’d try and not play mind games with people after a certain point. Im sure Mick’s not the first one to try and break things off with her because they’re tired of her shit
I feel like Cynthia was probably the one who Beth was talking to when she was talking to “Morgan’s” family
“Next time I’ll find a Beverly Hills thief” Mick is sassy and Josef’s little “thanks” back
“You got your cameras back this case is over” Josef was saying that to Morgan but is looking at Mick
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Is Mick taking a picture here? Or is he just randomly shining a light on his hand? He sits down grabs something from the table, the light flashes off then he sets something in his lap
I know Josef is not interested in going back to the human world but I wonder if there’s anything that is solely made for humans (ie tanning bed) or modern day food he’d like to try
This is supposed to be Hank right? That’s what I always thought
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For someone with super senses and reflexes Mick sure does get his butt kicked a lot
Another flashback that’s in black and white save for candles burning
“Were you disappointed?” And Mick stays silent but that says more than words
Again I like that they don’t drag out certain plot points like Morgan and Coraline are the same person.
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foundationsofdickay · 2 years
MCR Detroit 2022
(Also known as "No, I was not there, but I already make these recaps for my friends so why not post them here too". Warning that these are just the parts that I found most interesting, not necessarily a full summary of the shows)
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[Image Description: the setlist for the MCR Detroit show over an image of a broken angel statue, titled Detroit Setlist. There is a drawing book with The MCR Archive written on it in the corner, next to the hashtags #MCRchive and#MCRTour. The setlist reads Foundations, Not Okay, Give Em Hell, Bury Me In Black, Summertime, Our Lady of Sorrows, House of Wolves, Boy Division, Destroya, Black Parade, Teenagers, Mama, Nanana, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, The World is Ugly, Famous Last Words, and Sleep. There is then a line followed by the songs from the encore: Vampires Will Never Hurt You and Helena.]
• Gerard dressed like an old timey nurse, said something like “I’m gonna keep this hat on as long as I can”
• Drum said “sick”
• Frank: the usual, wearing his merch. go check out his ass on Instagram tho that’s the most important Frank news of the day
• ESPECIALLY since one of his new ass tattoos is an mcr tattoo (swarm w bug)
• Worm also got a swarm tattoo
• Mikey: some shirt with a fairly deep v neck???
• Ray: tshirt and jeans
• Gerard repeated “take your meds” instead of moaning during destroya
• No vamp money
• Gerard jokingly made fun of frank for his hat?
• “Lemme check the menu” (the setlist) - Gerard
• “You made it, we made it. So long, and goodnight” (intro to Helena)
• Gerard talked about burping apparently
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mhdiaries · 2 years
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Haunt Couture Skullector Edition Draculaura Diary 
OMV! It feels like ages since I’ve written in my diary. Un-life has truly been busy these days and I’m barely keeping up. I’m sure my face looks like I’m 2000 years old instead of 1600. I pulled an all-frighter working on my article for the Monster High newspaper, The Gory Gazette, about new trends in vegetarianism, including plant-based meat. I’ve been making fangtastic with Boo-yond Meat and Grim-possible Burgers, though finding taste testers has been a bit of a challenge. My boyfriend, Clawd Wolf, is a werewolf who loves his steaks rare and won’t come near my new recipe for Grim Ghoulash and Count Fabulous, my best bat friend, prefers bugs over veggies. That leaves my Father, Count Dracula, the world’s most famous vampire and lover of all things blood. He doesn’t understand my vegetarianism and at least once a year, I get “The Talk”. Basically, he believes I need to give up being a vegetarian because it is unnatural and un-monster like. So the day he eats one of my recipes is the day I eat double meat screechza with Clawd. Yuck.
Yesterday’s Fearleading practice was scarier than Father’s fashion sense. Cleo de Nile was in a monstrous mood and I don’t know who got her all unraveled but we all paid dearly for it. Nobody could understand her complicated Fearamid routine and we all ended up in a heap. Cleo suddenly announced that we’re going to hold a fundraiser for new Fearleading uniforms and needed ideas. I thought we could do a plant-based bake sale but the squad didn’t seem too enthused and so we decided to do a fashion show instead. That’s too bad, the scarrots in my garden would be great for a homemade scarrot bread! Maybe Father would enjoy that instead. While my BFF Clawdeen Wolf was here studying after school, I started a new recipe for booyond sliders with beefsteak tomatoes. Father walked in while I was pulling them out of the skillet and the whole kitchen was super smokey. I tried to get him to try one along with Clawdeen but I might as well have offered him stake-skewered garlic kabobs! He walked out with his fangs bared but I did catch Clawdeen sneaking a second bite. Hehe, I might just get her to join Team VAMP (Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins) after all.
I’m still really confused about what happened today. The day started off perfectly fine until Fearleading practice was suddenly canceled. We were supposed to talk details for the fashion show but Cleo was nowhere to be found. I headed to the Maul with Clawdeen and Frankie Stein to scout outfits for the show and meet Clawd in the Food Corpse for a quick bite. The Food Corpse is so lacking in vegetarian options but they do have really good screechza and spookochinos, so I don’t mind it too much. Anyway, we found this fangtastic boo-tique that had creeperific looks and scarecessories. I wish I could point my Father in the direction of this store. He’s constantly buying me clothes that wer in when he was 1600 but I wouldn’t be caught alive in those clothes. Anyway, I met Clawd afterwards in the Food Corpse and he was in such a weird mood. He got really cagey when I mentioned Cleo’s mood lately and our canceled practice. He quickly changed the subject to my article for the Gory Gazette, so I know something’s wrong. The day Clawd wants to talk the protein count in kidney beans is when I know something is wrong. We basically drove home in silence and he gave me a quick kiss and drove away. Something has got that wolf’s fur all ruffled and I intend to find out.
Normally Clawd will wait with me after school before I attend The Gory Gazette staff meeting. But today he disappeared as soon as the bell rung! I got this really cryptic message from him on my iCoffin about not being able to make it and he would catch up with me later, but he never did. I was in such a bad mood, Father gave me a little kiss on the forehead after he pointed out the grammatical errors in my article. What is going on?
Oh my ghoul! Father is in a fearious mood tonight. Turns out, he ate my leftover vegan vampire chili and didn’t realize it until I went to eat it for dinner! It was super spicy and totally vegetarian, two of Father’s pet peeves. I apologized profusely for not properly labeling it but it was too late. I got treated to a mini version of “The Talk” and had to promise to keep my “experiments” on my side of the fridge. Honestly, I think he’s just mad he actually enjoyed a vegetarian meal. There wasn’t one drop of chili left!
I WISH I COULD CRAWL BACK INTRO MY BED AND START THIS DAY OVER. I don’t know what happened but somehow my vegetarian trends article didn’t save on my computer and now I have to write the whole thing over by tomorrow afternoon! Frankie is feeling zapped because the 3Scream printer she invented to make clothes for the fashion show is not working. The show and Frankie are literally falling apart at the seams and to make matters worse, Clawd is still being weird! After the day I was having, I had enough and called him out on his behavior. I told him it’s not ok for us to keep secrets from each other and asked him to tell me what was wrong, only that “it’s private and he made a promise to keep everything under wraps”. I got so mad, I stormed out of the creepeteria and ran crying to my locker, totally ruining my makeup. Thank ghoulness Frankie helped me fix my face before class. I hate fighting with Clawd, especially when I don’t even know what we’re fighting about.  
Last night was so crazy, I didn’t even have the energy to write in my diary or look at the collection of bugs Count Fabulous gathered to cheer me up. It all started with Clawd leaving me a note on my locker, asking me to meet him after school. We hadn’t really hung out since that day I confronted him in the Creepeteria, so I was a little shocked to see the note. I gently tucked it into my notebook and walked to class with Clawdeen, who thankfully didn’t ask too many questions. Then, Fearleading practice was canceled again and Cleo was nowhere to be found. Cleo never misses a chance to boss us around, let alone cancel practice two times in a row. Even though I was still feeling really down, I conviced the other ghouls to put together a scare package and take it over to Cleo, who obviously needed some cheering up. Clawdeen must have noticed my mood, because she didn’t growl too much and decided to tag along. Since we were going to go to de Niles after school, I wasn’t going to be able to meet Clawd. Part of me felt horrible but the other part was just too upset to care. After gathering a few of Cleo’s favorite things, we landed on her doorstep and the minute she opened the door, I could tell this wasn’t a royal tantrum, something was definitely wrong. She explained that she and Deuce broke up and while Deuce seemed to be doing just fine, she couldn’t bear to face anyone at school. My heart was breaking for her, I hate to see any monster heartbroken, but then she mentioned Clawd! She looked at me and said, “Deuce told Clawd about our breakup and we both asked him to keep this under wraps. Draculaura you’ve got a great boyfriend, we’ve been driving him crazy.” I didn’t even stay to hear the rest of her story. I ran out of there and immediately called Clawd to meet at the Coffin Bean. The second he showed up, I ran and gave him the biggest hug and apologized for being so batty! He looked really sheepish and apologized too. He hated keeping anything from me but he gave his word. I held my hand up to his cheek snuggled into his fur as he wrapped his arms around me. Last night was the first good night’s sleep I’ve had in a while. Thank ghoulness everything is back to normal!
The fashion show was total success! Cleo and Frankie worked together to get the 3Scream printer up and running and we were totally able to save the show! It was all claws on deck to pull this show together and it couldn’t have gone better. Even Cleo and Clawdeen worked together to quickly design our looks, which is like trying to mix oil and water or get Father to eat another bowl of veggie chili, hehe. I have the best BFF in the world, Clawdeen totally put together a fangtastic look for me and I can’t stop vamping over it. I mean only a truly fashion forward mind could think of mesh sleeves that double as a fashion statement and UV protection! When I walked the runway, the students of MH went totally bats, even Headmistress Bloodgood gave a little nod of approval! But the best part of all? At the end of the runway was my clawsome boyfriend waiting with the prettiest nightshades and the most gorgeous bouquet of blood oranges I had ever seen. Cleo was right, I really am the luckiest monster ever!
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seriesxwriting · 3 years
his truth
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• Paring- Kai parker x you
Series- the vampire diaries (the prison world)
Summary- you leave the house in the middle of the night alone and Kai is worried, it stirs up feelings he’s never felt before. About youu ;).
Warning- kissing, swearing.
- requests are open, I write for most series on Netflix I’ve watched most of them. I know I have a lot of outer banks work but I’m trying to change it up :)
“Your so annoying!” “If I’m so annoying why are you still with me? You could have left ages ago”. He looked at me from across the Salvatore front room with that famous sneaky smile of his. I did love that smile.
It was dangerous and it intrigued me.
I knew Kai was just teasing me and he meant nothing by it, I knew my reason for staying in the Salvatore house with him but I wouldn’t tell him said reason. “Could say the same for you mr parker” I put my magazine down completely now. Giving him my full attention.
We were staring at each other until kai shrugged “I was here first, it’s getting pretty late I’m gonna head to bed now” “never know, You might wake up and I’ll be gone” I joke as Kai got up from the sofa.
A soft laugh traveled to my ears and Kai shook his head, loosely his hair fell everywhere“you like me too much” he said with a cheeky wink.
Kai left the front room after that I watched him walk away thinking to my self ‘you have no idea’. It was crazy how I’d found my self falling for a sociopath that killed his whole family. A heretic.
Though I saw a different side to Kai.
His family abused and isolated him, what were they expecting him to do? Everytime he’d get cast to the side while everyone would clap for his perfect sister.
No one gave Kai a chance but I would. I guess he showed me a different side to him as well, he wasn’t rough and mean but soft and gently when he spoke and handled me. We were friends he’d never stabbed me in the back or lied to me. He’d never hurt or threatened me. This is why I fell for Kai parker.
Kai was right it was getting late, almost one but I wasn’t tired. I wasn’t tired at two o’clock either or three. So I decided to go to one of the lakes on the side of town, in the woods.
It wasn’t too far away, I loved going here at night it was beautiful under the moon light, the water was coldish but not too bad perfect to be fair. Silence.
Not a human in sight not a car to be heard, no one to distract me I could relax and I did. This is where I came all the time if I needed to clear my head, if the prison world became too stressful. I removed my most of my clothes and slipped into the silvery water.
I was at peace here.
Kai woke up around fourish and couldn’t get back to sleep. He tossed around and turned in the big double bed but couldn’t, so like usual he’d listen out for my heart beat or breathing to soothe himbut I wasn’t there of course. He shot up glaring around his pitch black room concentrating more on his vamp hearing, checking each room and best he could.
Kai ripped the covers off like a bandage and jumped up vamping to my room.
My bed sheets were untouched and so was everything else in the room.
Kais heart sank when the conversation from last night was remembered.
All these emotions he’d never felt before were suddenly overwhelming him. The regret, the worry, the fear of losing someone and even the heat breaking feeling where you fear the person you love has left you. He wanted to break down but he hand to continue the search.
He quickly checked all the rooms of the house before moving outside. “Y/N!” He shouted out into the nothingness of the prison world. “Y/N are you out there!?- please be out there” Kai whispered the last part to him self still trying to keep these new feelings at bay. He hoped with his fingers crossed.
“Y/N? -Princess?” He yelled stumbling through the forest at normal speed thinking it would be more efficient than going fast. Kais ears pricked up at the sound of water being splashed about, it was soft so it could be nothing. But on the other hand he didn’t wanna risk any chances.
He debated it for a moment but made the journey off corse anyway. Running with vamp speed to the lake up ahead. Kai stoped at the edge of the clearing watching me, unknowingly swim about in the lake. His heart did a flip in joy.
Because I was safe because I hadn’t left him.
As much as Kai enjoyed the view he felt the need to come and disturb me anyway. Just sums up kai to a tee.
“Y/n! What the fuck!” He shouted when in clear sight.
I almost jumped out of my skin and across the river. “Kai you fucking idiot you scared the shit out of me!!” I turned around facing him completely oblivious to what I was wearing right now.
He walked across eyeing up the lake checking if it was safe or something.
“What are you doing out here” kai looked at the river weirdly.
“Swimming kai” I folded my arms not wanting to be disturbed but still making my way over to him on the side.
“You don’t look too impressed with me being here” he told me taking a seat on the dry land. “Could say the same for you” I shrugged dipping my hair under laying on my back.
“I was just-…” Kai started off but faded. “You were what?” I looked back up at him confused. He was always so confident. Something had his tongue.
“Nothing” Kai shook his head solemnly “then you can go kai” I sighed turning my back to him, pissed off. “Y/n..” “you were what Kai?” I asked again with a frown. His fingers where tangled with the grass.
“I just remember our conversation last night where you said I might wake up and you will be gone…” Kai trailed off looking everywhere apart from at me. “…So what?” I pushed because I wanted a real answer, he was making progress but I needed a real answer.
“What do you want me to say y/n?” “The truth kai I think I deserve the truth by now?” I held onto the edge looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Okay this is the truth y/n” he looked at me seriously.
“You make me feel y/n- and I hate it because I learnt how to not feel and you came a long and unraveled it all, all my hard work if I woke up and you are gone… I’d be empty it would be a nightmare” “what do I make you feel Kai”.
My stomach was twisting in excitement and I couldn’t help the little comforting smile that appeared on my lips for him.
“All different things y/n how do I explain its like… when I though you were gone there was this feeling in my heart it like- it felt like someone stabbed a hole in it” he explained showing me with his hands.
My smile turned into a smirk “what?” He asked shuffling towards me. “I’m not saying it for you kai, your a grown man we’ve been in this prison world for ages now and I’ve stayed with you the whole time and if you if you want me to stay then…”
He stopped me talking with his lips glued to mine. Kai was leaning over ever so slightly to meet me in the middle. I didn’t expect it that’s for sure but it’s one way to get me to stay. He was soft I’m sure kai Parker could be rough as well but for our first kiss it was nice.
I tangled with his hair while his hand was gently holding the side of my face.
He pulled away from my lips but our faces still appeared quite close, our eyes staring into one another’s and Kai tucked my hair behind my ear with his hand still lingering.
“That’s your truth?”
“Yeah that’s my truth, I like you more than I’m supposed to” he flipped my lips with his thumb trailing down.
“I guess I like you more than I’m supposed to, too” i admitted quietly still in a bit of shock But I couldn’t fight the grin that appeared on my lips.
“Well princess, can I come and join you then?” He wondered after a moments of silence between us. “Mmh” I nodded before pulling him by the T-shirt into the water.
Kai splashed about with the fishes before surfacing and watching me bawl with laughter. “Think your slick?” He shouted across playfully, grinning dangerously before chasing me.
I tried running away in the water but Kai used vamp speed and pulled me into his arms holding me there quite comfortably dipping us in the water. “Let me go” I giggled swaying in between. “do you want me to?” Kai looked at me with an eyebrow raise and I shook my head.
“No, never”
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, anger flares and feelings come out.
Requested by Anonymous: This is sooo ''let's pretend they're all alive' but I think we all need something nice now, could you do one where reader is bobby's daughter and she's your typical I like makeup, short skirts and heels girl and they're all (reluctantly) working with the ghost facers for a case, dean gets protective around her bc she's bobby's daughter and not at all bc he likes her no no what gave you that idea hehehe
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: little bit of jealousy, injuries, mentions of blood, swearing, brief mentions of alcohol, fluff, kissing
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Hunting with the Winchester’s.
No matter the case, hunting with those two never failed to be interesting. You’d like to think you were a good hunter, in fact you knew you were. You might not have been the best there is but there’s not one hunter out there that hasn’t made a handful of mistakes on the job. It was bound to happen sometime. But you’ve had a pretty good hunter to learn from—your dad.
He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of you hunting, not in the slightest and he tried his hardest to get you to go another direction with your life. But Bobby Singer was as stubborn as they come, so he should’ve expected his daughter to be just the same as himself. With all of the reluctance in the world, he taught you to be the hunter you are today, and that’s something he can feel confident in even though he might not admit it.
Dean hadn’t taken you too seriously the first time you’d accompanied them on a hunt for a vamp nest, treating you as if you were a child despite the mere one year age difference the two of you held. That quickly changed when you saved him from a great deal of danger that night; three vamps against a disarmed Dean surely wouldn’t have gone very well.
That was something you very much held over his head, giving it a good long while before you finally let him live it down save for a few mentions here and there.
Even then Dean was just as protective as he’d been since you were teens nearly ten years ago, you were Bobby’s daughter. That was always his reasoning for insisting you stay close to him on hunts, for losing his temper should the smallest of things happen to you. That was his reasoning for being adamant that you stay back on hunts he deemed too dangerous, trying his hardest to convince Bobby to stick with him on it. Bobby never disagrees with his reasoning, but he also knows you’re too stubborn for your own good.
Dean was the very same way.
The old house looked like something straight out of a movie, the stereotypical haunted house as boards stick haphazardly over broken windows and the grass is far too overgrown. Nearly every corner was littered with spiderwebs, the siding on the house covered in years of neglected dirt and moss. It was only perfectly fitting that it’d be haunted, otherwise that’d be a waste of an abandoned house.
You squinted up at it as you got out of the backseat of the Impala, turning back to look at the long driveway you’d just driven up, lined with old trees on either side before glancing back at the house. Your gaze shifts to Dean as you smooth out your jacket, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a grin.
“What?” You ask, eyes narrowed as you look up at the older Winchester.
“Nothing,” he chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a pair of those ridiculously tall heels on. I have to say I’m shocked.”
You roll your eyes and bite the inside of your cheek as he nudges the toe of your tattered old boots, his smile still remaining as he looks down at you in amusement.
“Well I guess I’m full of surprises then, aren’t I?” You say as you rub your gloss in with a smack of your lips and brush past him to get to catch up to Sam, the smile you’d tried to stifle now tugging at your lips once your back was to him. But he knew it was there just as much as you saw his was when you turned back around to catch his expression.
He chuckled, brows soon furrowing as he shook his head. “Wait—what’s that supposed to mean?”
He slung his bag over his shoulder and quickened his pace, grumbling to himself about what your words could have meant as his brows furrowed. In a matter of moments you nearly smack into Sam, stopping just in time.
“What is it?”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Dean mutters, and when you look at him that crease between his brows deepens and his jaw tenses, eyes rolling and you follow his gaze to the ever familiar van that sat parked on the other side of the trees. “Looks like the ghostbusters beat us to it.”
You were more than surprised when Dean had caved on working the hunt with them, not without a couple of eye rolls and a few choice words for the pair mumbled not so discreetly under his breath. But all things considered, after what happened the last time, you were surprised he’d gone through with it. Although, Harry and Ed weren’t planning on leaving anyway. They may have been more than just a little intimidated by that ever famous Dean Winchester glare, one that never worked on you, but they weren’t scared enough to back down much to Dean’s dismay.
The more people there were, the better, but that didn’t stop the older Winchester from being protective over you. In fact, you were certain he was even more so.
“Stay with me,” Dean said, his words serious as he put his arm out in front of you, his gaze over at the two less than desired guests and their cameras having been less than pleased. Especially with the way they smiled at you and acted like a couple of fools with a crush.
“What am I five, Dean?” You say, pushing his arm down as you quicken your pace to walk with him rather than behind him.
He narrows his eyes down at you as his lips purse till those dimples appeared that you’ve come to know oh so well, and rarely were they not from discontentment.
“Would you slow down?” He huffs, a smile tugging at your lips.
You sigh, shaking your head in amusement.
You failed to miss the way the back of his hand had brushed over your knuckles as you walked along the shadowed hallway, thick with cobwebs and rubble scattering across the scratched wood floors. You were starting to wonder if the action was a simple accident or if he’d felt the same spark of something you couldn’t quite pinpoint in his chest as you felt in yours.
It could have been nothing, probably was, but you shook it off when you turned around the corner and tried not to think about it again.
The hunt was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, and it was one spirit against five people. Harry and Ed weren’t the best of help, not really, but it was more than you walked in with and it should have been better. But it wasn’t.
The spirit turned out to be far more vengeful than she let on, and as Dean suspected, it wasn’t a good idea to split up. Not in a house that was three times bigger than it seemed with a more than violent spirit on the loose. It most certainly didn’t help that the sun had finally dipped below the horizon, the house dark enough to begin with even in daylight, it’s boarded up windows and burnt out lightbulbs working against you.
Had you not been there, Dean would more than readily have split up to cover more ground with the extra set of hands accompanying you this time, it only made sense to do so. But you were. You were there and you were just as stubborn as ever as you stood there in favor of the very idea that was just the opposite of what Dean wanted. What was a good idea to you and one to most was the worst thing he could possibly think of. He didn’t want you to stray far from him for reasons he’d never admit, not to you or himself, instead reasoning with a simple ‘because I said so’.
But that phrase didn’t work on you. It never did.
He knew. From the moment those two barreled down the stairs looking paler than the spirit you were after, holding all the hesitancy in the world in their body language he knew. The apologetic look Sam had given him wasn’t one that helped either, anger quick to spark within him as he closed his eyes for a moment. He should have known better than to believe they’d offer you any form of protection even though he knows you can hold your own. He should have known better than to quit arguing with you on the matter because maybe, just maybe you’d have given in and split up with him instead. Maybe you would still be with the group and not who knows where in this maze of a run down mansion.
It was a mess of maybe’s and what if’s that clouded his every thought.
But he didn’t argue and you were gone. You were swept away by Casper the not so friendly ghost and he was to blame. Bobby would be livid if he knew, he gets that, but Dean himself didn’t know what he’d do if something happened. He could deal with the wrath of Bobby Singer any day but he couldn’t deal with even just the thought of something happening to you and he couldn’t find it in him to grasp just why it was he felt that way. Maybe he could, but he doesn’t want to think about it.
“You what?” Dean asked, anger simmering in the pit of his stomach. His question was low and the two words were more than venomous, more than telling of just how angry he’d been. He heard exactly what Ed had told him not thirty seconds before, he just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He could believe it actually, because it was Ed of all people, but that wasn’t the point.
Ed swallowed thickly and offered a nervous laugh in an attempt to stave off the tension that’d been building the moment they came back to Dean without you, backing up from the green eyed Winchester who’d been staring him down with a narrowed gaze. It wasn’t hard to see that his patience was wearing thin, and he knew he was pushing it the more he stalled. “She—she went ahead! It’s not like we could talk her out of it!”
His fists clenched and relaxed at his sides at the reasoning he just heard, crescent shaped imprints of his nails left behind on his palms in the wake of his increasing anger.
“You let her out of your sight?” He said, far louder than before. He grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pushed him against the dilapidated old wall, the wood creaking under the newfound pressure against it and a cloud of dust forming. He’s more than tense as Dean crinkles his shirt between his fists, knuckles ivory white and jaw clenched tightly. He could see every freckle and every ounce of emotion in Dean’s eyes, that’s how close he was. He could see the angry quiver in his bottom lip and the flare of his nostrils, could feel his breath hitting his face as he stood pinned to the wall and his glasses even fogged up.
“What, you thought you’d play ‘Mr. Tough Guy’, try and protect her? Huh? Cause you sure as hell didn’t do a good job,” Dean grits out frustratedly.
“She said she’d kick my ass if I didn’t let her go ahead!” He splutters, nearly nose to nose with him.
Dean nodded, the smile on his face bitter as he slid his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “Where is she?”
“I don’t know,” he says, sweating bullets by that point as he buckled under the pressure of Dean’s distress. He let out a noise when he shook him slightly and he knows that’s not the answer Dean needs to hear right now. “We were on the second floor when a door slammed around the corner!”
“Actually, they all closed so it’s kinda hard to tell which one,” Harry chimed in, growing timid the more he spoke as he stepped closer to Sam as some form of protection. He scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously when Dean’s stare fell on him.
“Dean, we’ll find her, okay? Right now we’re just wasting time,” Sam says, noting Ed was two seconds from fainting from the anger radiating off the older Winchester.
Dean pushed him back once more before releasing his grip on his shirt, wrinkled and disheveled from the tightness of his fists. It was becoming increasingly more apparent that this was about more than just protecting Bobby Singer’s daughter. It was about more than just his annoyance with anything and everything that has to do with Ghostfacers. It was you.
He was angry, livid, as he snagged the flashlight from the table, storming off on his own. Not without his anger getting the better of him, a nearby chair taking the brunt of his frustration as it hits the wall. He remembers just what happened the last time he got stuck working a hunt with them, and he tried his hardest not to think about it.
Meanwhile, you found yourself stuck locked in a room you knew you weren’t in before you were taken. A room you didn’t even know existed in this house to begin with. For being a run down old building, the flimsy doors were stronger than they looked, but you suppose the powers of the supernatural didn’t really care about things like that.
Your knuckles were an angry shade of red, fists sore and throbbing from having pounded them against the door for the better part of what had to be ten minutes in an attempt to escape or at least grab someone’s attention. You were tired as you slumped back against the wall, tucked within the sparse circle of salt you managed to make. Your phone was dead and your flashlight was gone, your energy seemingly just as drained as everything else.
You could feel the I told you so’s coming from Dean, you knew they’d be there ready and waiting if you get out of this. It’s not like it had been completely undeserved, but you didn’t want to hear it. You knew you more than likely looked worse for wear as you sat within that circle, knew by the way you saw smears of crimson on your fingers when you wiped your cheek. It was no secret that you messed up big time with this one, you’d admit that, but admitting it to yourself didn’t help you in that moment and you certainly wouldn’t say it to Dean.
You found there were a lot of things you were hesitant on admitting to Dean, and in the current moment you weren’t so sure if you’d have the chance to bring any of them to light. Maybe it was for the best anyway, could save yourself the embarrassment of having feelings for the older Winchester in the first place. Though you can’t tell what was scarier, the thought of his inevitable discontent with you and your hunting capabilities should you make it out alive, or the very real possibility that you wouldn’t make it out alive.
Yeah, you definitely couldn’t decide that one.
You weren’t sure how or when you found yourself pining over green eyes; the two of you bickered more often than not each and every time you saw one another. If it wasn’t over the smell of your perfume filling up the Impala, it was the way his cologne hung on you after he gave you a hug just to make that happen, just to ruffle your hair after you’d just done it. It was the softer smiles you shared with each other without even realizing it.
But it didn’t really matter, not now it didn’t.
You were caught up with the sting of embarrassment coursing through you from having gotten lost in the first place—you were so adamant that you could do it on your own. It happens to Sam all the time, it happens to Dean all the time, but you couldn’t stop the heat burning in your cheeks or the frustration building in your stomach.
You didn’t know how much time had passed nor did you have a second to think on it before she appeared in front of you in a matter of seconds. The look on her face had you sitting a little straighter, back pressing to the wall behind you as you eyed the pitiful salt ring around you. She laughed tauntingly and you were beginning to think even that wouldn’t protect you, you knew it wouldn’t judging by the way each and every granule began to sift away and break apart it’s protective ring.
You swallow thickly as your eyes widened, both your gaze and hers shifting to the door briefly as it rattled. “Y/n?”
Your breath hitched, only the smallest bit of relief washing over you as her attention returned to you almost immediately. “Dean!”
She didn’t seem to mind his attempts at busting the door down, nor the axe that split through the wood. She knew full well she could send him across the room with a simple twitch of her finger should he break through, watching as you scramble to your feet.
In a matter of seconds she’d appeared mere inches from you, her hand grabbing your face, cold and unforgiving. You didn’t know just what it was she’d been doing, but you were more than aware of the pain beginning to lance through you the moment she touched your skin.
It was near unbearable, a sharp burn radiating through you as a pressure squeezed in on you, intense and unwavering. You were quite sure you’d never felt something so intensely, the feeling nearly taking your breath away. Of all the hunts you’d been on, of all the injuries you walked away with, they’ve got nothing on this.
One thing she didn’t count on was the handful of salt you gathered in your palm, too caught up in your demise to see you’d snagged it from the protective ring she broke. You pressed your hand to her wrist and watched her face twist and contort in discomfort, the action searing her arm where you’d touched it and releasing her grip on you in an instant as if you were venomous.
She pushed you to the wall in retaliation with a simple move of her hand, and if you thought she’d been angry now, you surely were mistaken. You groaned as the fragile old wall behind you cracked and crumbled around you, slumping on the ground once more in exhaustion. You caught sight of Dean’s face as the door began to give way, livid yet holding something you couldn’t quite place as your heart hammered in your chest.
But luck seemed to be on your side just this once, fear flashing across her face as she stood mere inches from you. Her yelp was shrill as she stumbled backwards, having burned up in a blaze of misery and screams. Your chest heaved as your shoulders slumped in relief, the heat of her disappearance having fanned over you and the door breaking loose in a heap of shards and splinters.
The pain she’d caused had begun to ebb away and subside, leaving the ache to remain and the fatigue you felt to rest heavier in your body as you stood to your feet with a bit of unbalance.
Dean had crossed the room in a matter of a few strides, the axe clattering to the floor as his hand settled on your cheek. You looked miserable, mascara smudged and a frown on your busted lip.
“You okay?” He asked, the furrow deep between his brows.
“Do not say ‘I told you so’,” you grumble, half humorous as you look up at him.
His lips purse, his thumb swiping over the cut running along your cheek that he was less than pleased about. Any other time he might’ve laughed, but not this time. The worried crease between his brows and the way his lips pointed downward at the corners had been telling enough that he wasn’t happy with the predicament you’d gotten yourself into, that he was the complete opposite of thrilled at the close call that had his heart pounding and his stress in overdrive. But right now he was relieved. You were here and you were okay, attitude and all.
Sam was first to rush in, Harry next and Ed hot on his heels as they stepped over the rubble and splinters of the broken door.
Ed’s own relief washed over him, happy to not be on the receiving end of an angry Dean Winchester’s punch. “You found her—”
“Shut it.”
It’d been quiet the whole car ride home, no music on the radio, no conversation, no quick witted jokes or typical conversation. It was quiet and it was tense, near uncomfortable as Sam was stuck in the tension between two people he knows have something brewing between them. But he said nothing, pretending he didn’t see the way his brother’s gaze flickers to the rear view every other minute to see if you’re okay, his jaw tense and his grip on the wheel nearly too tight.
Bobby wasn’t thrilled to see the way that spirit roughed you up, more than a few choice words thrown Dean’s way with anger in his tone. He expected that much, having braced for it the whole ride back. He didn’t argue, didn’t do much more than nod and clench his jaw, and he didn’t say just how it was that it happened in the first place either.
Now you were wandering through your dad’s house, quiet unlike it had been just two hours earlier. Your dad and Sam had both been asleep, the early hours of dawn beginning to roll around as dawn approached. You knew better than to believe Dean would be sleeping too, your thoughts confirmed when the door to the bedroom he’d been crashing in was still open, bed empty and still untouched from when he’d haphazardly made it the morning before.
You sighed when you saw him, sitting by himself on the back porch swing and the moment you stepped outside you saw the half-drunk bottle of beer in his hand. His gaze lifted to you when he heard the creak of the door, averting his stare moments later.
“It’s late, sweetheart. Go to bed.”
“Then why aren’t you in bed?”
“Not tired,” he says, tipping his bottle against his lips as he takes another sip of his beer.
You huff out a soft sigh, arms crossing over your chest. That’s when he looks at you again, the dimness of the porch light having illuminated the jagged scratch on your cheek, freshly cleaned as well as the mascara that smudged under your eyes earlier. The tension in his jaw had yet to go away, obvious as ever.
“Are you going to be mad at me forever then?”
“‘M not mad anymore,” he says, and you knew for a fact that’d been a lie.
“You’re not that good a liar, Dean,” you say, watching him set his drink down and stand to his feet, leaning his weight on the wooden railing. “I had it handled, you know,” you say, watching his expression sour at your words.
You heard his scoff as you brushed past him, a sigh leaving your lips because you knew he’d react just the way he’d been acting. You were right with him, you were always right.
“Had it handled, my ass,” he said, quick to follow after you. “I told you not to do that.”
“Yeah, well I did it,” you said, and he turned in front of you and spun around, keeping you from walking any further.
“Would you quit it with the tough guy act? You’re hurt and you damn well know it, I know it. Hell, anyone can see that. So do yourself a favor and stop pretending like you had everything under control because I know you better than to believe that.”
Your brows furrow as you look up at him with a squinted gaze, watching as his chest rises and falls, at the way there was something more than anger pooling in his eyes as he looked at you. You’ve never seen him quite this upset over you before, not really, never seen him look at you that way before. He was angry, sure he was, but it was different.
He wasn’t wrong, you were hurting, it’s not everyday you’re on the receiving end of a vengeful spirits’ wrath. You went off on your own when you shouldn’t have been so bold and daring. But you were here. You were here and you were okay and you knew you were bound to do it again on another case. It was what being a hunter is about. You didn’t get this far by sitting back and letting the monsters out there come to you, you had to go out and look for them and if you got a few bumps and bruises then so be it.
“Why are you so mad, Dean?” You ask, watching his eyes roll. “You go out and do the same reckless things on a hunt, you’ve come out on the other side way worse than I did. But since it’s me, suddenly it’s a problem.”
“Exactly, it’s because it’s you!” He repeats, frustrated as ever as he throws his hands up. “And yeah I’m mad. I’m freakin’ pissed. You come in here thinking you’re invincible and you’re not Y/n. I’m mad because…” he paused, letting out a breath as he rubbed his face, hands running through his hair.
He looked at you then, expression softening as he calmed down a fraction. “Forget it.”
“No, not forget it,” you say, grabbing his wrist as he starts to walk away. His jaw was clenched as he looked down at you, swallowing thickly as the heaving of his chest slowed and his grip on the doorknob was tighter than ever.
This was the first time since you’d gotten back that he’d looked in your eyes for longer than a mere second or two. You knew he was on the brink of storming off to sulk in his own anger and guilt because that’s what he always did. You knew there was something more to it than just what he’d told you. He’d like to think that you’d believe that he wasn’t angry anymore, that he was over it. But Sam told you what happened back there, how upset he got with Ed and just how worried he’d been. It was growing increasingly obvious that there was more to it than that.
It was then that you noticed you’d still been holding onto his wrist and he didn’t pull away from you, didn’t make a move to.
You tilted your head to the side when you mulled things over, and that was when the sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks, the smallest of smiles tugging at the corner of your mouth.
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t.”
“Don’t do that thing where you try and ‘read’ me,” he says, quoting the word.
“You were scared,” you said, smile widening a bit and he huffs, pulling his arm from your loose grip. You hit the nail right on the head.
“I was just doing what Bobby asked me to do,” he says, adamant that that was his reason for being as upset as he was. Definitely not over the feelings bubbling away in the pit of his stomach, just waiting to go ahead and boil over.
“No, you were scared, De,” you say as he starts to turn away from you in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to show. “You were scared that I got lost.”
You always did that. You always took his anger and made it something else entirely and he’d try his hardest to keep that wall up. He was mad at you, mad at you for putting yourself in the same kind of danger he allows himself to be in with every hunt he does. But if you keep poking and prodding him and calling him out on his true feelings with that smile that makes him weak in the knees he does know how long he’ll last.
“You got this all wrong, sweetheart.”
“Sam told me what happened with Ed back there.”
His expression changed, softened a bit before he played it off with that familiar smirk. “Yeah, Ed’s an idiot and he pushed my buttons.”
You nodded then, your smile more than telling that you didn’t believe a word he said. You heaved a sigh, a bit of disappointment burning in your chest at his words. Because maybe you did have it all wrong, maybe his stubborn reluctance to be honest was just him telling the truth. Maybe he was just doing what your dad asked him to do. Being protective was in his nature, you knew that for a fact.
You brushed past him on the porch and headed to the door, the chirping of the early morning birds sounding and giving you enough of a reminder that maybe you should go to bed. That maybe you’ll feel better with a few hours of sleep. That maybe they would be gone, Dean would be gone by the time you woke up and you wouldn’t have to face the fluttery feeling and the ache in your heart until the next time you see him.
You spin on your heel to find him already looking, your smile soft. “Goodnight, Dean.”
Without so much as a reply you twist the old brass doorknob, pushing the back door open before his hand grips your wrist. You turned back to look at him, brows furrowed as you gazed up at him. He swallows thickly as he looks at you, lips parting to speak but the very words he’d been thinking of so vividly were stuck on the top of his tongue.
His hand loosens around your wrist and the tips of his fingers slide down to your hand to envelope yours, calloused and warm and hesitant. He takes all but a few seconds of your curious gaze, of the questions sitting on your tongue before he dips down and presses his lips on yours. It’s soft, featherlight almost as he pulls away just as quickly.
He doesn’t stray too far, his nose brushing against yours as he swallows nervously, but the sight of your smile put him at ease. Had him kissing you with just a little more vigor as his hand drops yours in favor of pressing to your cheek, your own having settled in his arm. Your smiles mingle and press into each other, the kiss soft and languid as your cheeks burned under his touch.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” You murmur, and the way he hummed softly, the way he stole another kiss in favor of admitting you were was telling enough.
He pulls back to look at you, his lips kiss swollen and pink as the beginnings of a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. His eyes bounce between yours and down to your lips, looking at you once more before he kisses you again. The anger he held is quick to melt when you look at him the way you do and he hates it, he loves it but he hates it because he really should be mad. You nearly got yourself killed and here he was weak in the knees and he knows you’ll be just as brave on the next hunt. He knows you’ll do just the same thing.
“Your dad’s gonna kill me,” he mumbles, smiling against your lips.
“Probably,” you say with a grin, his quiet laughter immediate as he pulls you closer.
But you were right. There was more to it than just protecting Bobby Singer’s daughter, there always was. As stubborn as Dean Winchester could be, you knew him better than that, and he knew you better than to believe you won’t make his heart race and his worry spike on every hunt after that. It’s just in your nature to be braver than ever.
But he’ll protect you each and every time.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @dean-is-sams-apple-pie @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @lanea-1 @campingmonkey
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marypenelope · 3 years
A lot of people have posited that Guillermo's blood might be poisonous or he might have special abilities or whatever because of his relation to the Van Helsing family. Its understandable, because it's mostly what the show has been implying, but I'm not convinced.
(Under the cut bc this got long)
For one thing, the Van Helsing heritage makes up a very small percentage of Guillermo's ancestry. If Guillermo has special powers because of this heritage, there should probably be a bunch of other people who are a lot more closely related and therefore are either just as powerful or more so, yet it doesn’t seem like something the vampire community was aware of until Guillermo.
Plus, I'm still not sure Van Helsing is... real? In the wwdits universe?
I mean, it's been kinda implied that he is, especially with the 'Van Helsing's Dick' artifact from s3e2, but like... still.
I mean, if Dracula is an actual historical figure in the world of wwdits, I'm pretty sure it hasn’t been mentioned. And Dracula is, after all, where the character of Van Helsing originally came from.
Now, I did a bit of research and there’s apparently some unsubstantiated claims that Van Helsing was based on a real person, but no one can agree on who, specifically. And none of the proposed inspirations actually have the last name Van Helsing. Which means that, if Dracula is a work of fiction in wwdits the same way it is in our world, even if Bram Stoker did know a legendary vampire hunter, their name probably wasn’t actually Van Helsing.
Of course, this is a TV show where vampires are real, so maybe the events of Dracula really did happen.
Now, I haven’t actually read Bram Stoker's Dracula before, but I did do some research on the character of Abraham Van Helsing. According to annotations by Leonard Wolf, Van Helsing had a son, but he had died some time before the novel. His wife subsequently went insane with grief, leaving her "dead to [Van Helsing], but alive by Church's law", so I'm doubtful he would have had any other children. This leaves him without any direct descendants - it's possible Guillermo could be related through a cousin or niece/nephew or something, but he wouldn't be getting the actual genes of the famous vampire hunter, which to me makes it unlikely he'd get any special powers via that relation.
Now, it could be that wwdits has made it so Van Helsing does have direct descendants, Guillermo being one of them, but again, we can't know for sure.
Now, based on what I can find, Van Helsing doesn’t seem to be a common last name, but it is a real last name that some people have. So, whether or not Abraham Van Helsing the vampire slayer actually existed in the world of wwdits, it's possible his family is not the same Van Helsings that Guillermo is related to.
"But wait!" I can hear you saying. "If Van Helsing doesn’t exist/Guillermo isn’t really related to him in a way that would give him magic DNA, why is he so good at killing vampires and why is he immune to hypnotism?"
Well, Guillermo was already doing a lot of physical work as a familiar pre-vampire slaying - disposing of bodies, keeping house, capturing victims, etc. Despite what some people think re weight and health, Guillermo was never exactly out of shape. And it's possible that he is just naturally gifted at fighting - sometimes people are just good at things. It isn’t necessarily because of who their family is. As for the hypnotism, Guillermo said it himself - the vamps used it so often he became immune.
Honestly, the thing that convinces me most that this theory is correct is the way they went about establishing Guillermo's supposed ancestry. Through his DNA test, we know it's an undisputed fact that hes related to a Dutch family with the last name Van Helsing - maybe one of them was even named Abraham, we don’t know. But after that fact is established, Guillermo largely comes to the conclusion that he must be related to that Van Helsing as a way to justify why and how he killed both the Baron and that random vampire security guy. It wasn’t bad luck or an accident, it was fate.
Except that, well, none of that really holds up. The Baron was a genuine mistake - the vampires technically should have been asleep by that point, there was no way for Guillermo to realize that he was behind the door when he opened it. And while he did deliberately ward off the security vampire with his cross necklace, he didn’t actually intend for the guy to end up dead impaling himself. In fact, Guillermo only starts deliberately killing vampires after he learns of his supposed heritage - he can't help it, after all. It's in his nature. In his blood.
Unless it's not. Unless all the bloodthirsty, violent impulses and outbursts have just been a part of Guillermo all along, a part that he never wanted to acknowledge.
At the very least, it's an interesting thought.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
au: vampire Hwiyoung x human reader, lovers?
Finally doing this.... ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ʸᵃʸ
Ok tbh I think I went wayyy to overboard with it but I love vampires and SF9 so eh. Also I have no clue what's going on in here 💀💀💀💀💀. Sorry if it isn't exactly what you wanted op 🥺. I tried *pouts*.
Warnings: Fluff mostly. Vampirey stuff. Sex stuff 👀. Blood drinking. Angst? Death. Sickness. Puking. Like 2 lines. Ahh very long 😂. Should've probably written it as a fic but oh well 🤷🏾‍♀️. I think this also is kind if like a soulmate au. Lmk if I need to add more.
So cocky.
That's all I'm seeing 😂
He's the kind to have any human or vamp do anything for him, with him, etc, etc.
A fairly famous vampire, amongst all of the ones who exist
Loves travelling the world
Meeting new people
Trying new things like food, kinks, new blood types too.
Lives for the thrill of almost getting caught
Flashes his red eyes when he wants to peak someone's curiosity in him
He's all mysterious and that's just so infuriating to not want to get to know him
But he doesn't let anyone get close
He knows it's not right to turn someone into a vampire
He'd never do that
Also he took a vow with his first and last love, to be each other's only forever
But alas, first loves never last
And neither did his
The vow however, lasted longer than the life of his first love
It was to never fall in love with a human again
For he was the one who had completely drained his first love, of their blood, to complete his transition
The realization of what he'd done hit him too late
So the vow was kind of an untold tension hanging in the air, that just grew with every passing second as Hwiyoung drained his lover's blood
He masks his sorrow, with cockiness
But all of his resolve wavered when he saw you
Just laughing, minding your own business
Talking with your friends in the cafe
Your hair flowing with the wind
Laugh echoing it's way to his heart
For once, in his long long life, he didn't just want someone, he longed for them.
After centuries of sad loneliness, he saw you
He heard your heart beat steadily as you spoke with much enthusiasm
Intriguing everyone around you
Not that you noticed
He felt like shedding a tear, his heart hurting the longer he looked at you
But he just couldn't look away from your sweet smile & bright eyes
The next few days pass by him looking at you from afar
Now you weren't one to not notice and do nothing if some random creep followed you everyday
So naturally you confront him by cornering him
He honestly didn't think you had it in you to trap him
Something about being so close to you, even when you are interrogating him just makes him want you to be his even more
That's when he sees you, like actually sees you
Your angry yet curious eyes, the lovely tint on your parted lips, your tongue in between your teeth, and so much more
Never thought this would happen, but he's speechless
So bound by your beauty he isn't even able to defend himself and his actions
When you're about to leave, he grabs your elbow and exchanges your positions
Cornering you and towering you as he introduces himself
The way he is so close to makes you breath hitch and heart beat faster, blood pulsing through you at a greater speed
He knows he's peaked your interest in him
He knows that you're conflicted
He knows that he will be too, sooner than expected
He will try not to showcase his vampire abilities
But how long can he go for you know?
What will happen when he gets a scratch and it heals soon? You'll think it's a little suspicious
What will happen if you get hurt and bleed? Will he be able to just tend to your wound without letting his strength get in the way?
So many questions
So many doubts
But they fade to nothing, when he looks at you
When he looks at you, he sees the most perfect human
Compassionate, caring, kind, sweet, absolutely adorable
He almost feels human too, when he's around you
And just to feel normal again, he starts to spend all his time around you
Roaming with you, circling around you like a buzzed bee does with a flower
And that's when you start your courtship
With him doing so many things with you
Helping you with your work/studies
Taking you on multiple dates
So many getaways
Getting you so much jewelry
Matching Jewelry!!!! 🥺
Falling in love with you
Regular movie nights in
Falling in love
Moving into an apartment together
Falling in love
Doing all your domestic things like cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, getting a goddamn job, and what not
Falling in love
Discussions about adopting a pet together
Oh and falling in love.
You have a totally lovesick vampire head over heels completely in love with you with his cold dead heart
When the realization that he hath fallen hits him, he couldn't help but cry
Because he knows that you love him too
He knows that you'd want him to propose to you soon
He knows that eventually you're gonna wanna start a family with him
Even if you don't, which is okay, he knows that you are gonna die in a few decades
What will he do when he can't avoid the inevitable question you'll ask him about not aging
About not getting sick like ever
About having so much money
About having so much knowledge and minute details about historical events which just slip out his mouth from time to time
What he doesn't know is that you were already suspecting something was up
You don't know when you started to notice the subtle things he did, things that no one in your time does
The way he talks so casually with everyone
His peculiar usage of words at times
How he doesn't have a single wrinkle on his surely flawless face
How he never grows a grey hair
How his skin is so pale and cold to touch
But his tongue is always so pink
How his eyes look a different colours at random moments
Your first instinct, was of course, you were being delusional.
But then you thought about your life since you met him
How everything was going so good, too good for a human and human relationship
That's what you felt when you started to see everything
And not just emotional pain, physical too
You could feel your heart breaking
You didn't know why
Was it because you've given your heart to someone you don't even know what species is?
Or because you've wasted the best time of your life on someone who won't be with you till the end?
You're not stupid, of course you confront him
Even if it meant you'd go from being someone he loves to someone he might hate
When the question flies out of your mouth
He just looks at you with pity
Was it for you or him, he doesn't know
Swallowing, his Adam's Apple bobs in his throat
He'll gently grasp you hands
Making you sit on a chair and he'd come clean
That simple
Because he can erase your memory if you threaten him 💀
He, for the first time, has no clue how you'd react
Chewing on your finger you look at him
Saying okay
Cause you love him
And him being a vampire doesn't change the fact that he is a good person
Well was or whatever, it's complicated
He just falls on the ground
Crying and thanking you 🥺
Hugging him you realize that you're crying too
The next day is like you're both reborn
Nothing actually changed much lol
He quits his job and you quit yours
And you both just travel the world
Go to different places, new places
Find secluded spaces to fuck, just for the adrenaline
Oh yes sex with vamp Hwiyoung!!!
Uses his strength to mark you.
Uses his powers to multiply the feeling of your high
Uses his speed to fuck you senseless
Of course he goes raw, not like you can get anything from him 💀
He has good control on his hunger for blood
So he won't actually hurt you if he bites you too hard till blood comes
Everything is going, perfect, to say the least
Until you catch a bad stomach bug
You get sick till your guts come out
He hates hates hates it so much
That you're so vulnerable to such things
And that he isn't
That he can't do anything about it even when you reassure him it's okay
He hates knowing that someday you may leave him
When you do get better, he feels so relieved
You know what's coming
So you thought about it a lot
To be honest, you've been thinking about it since he confirmed your doubts about him being a vampire
He is so shocked when you say yes to him
When he asks if you want to, only and only if you do, he's ready to make you a vampire too
The idea of you also becoming a vamp just sounds perfect to him
Cause then it'd mean you'd never get sick or get hurt or die
So you can be together forever and ever 🥺
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Oh, What A Ghost!
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Ghost! Izuku Midoriya X Fem! Vampire! Reader
Summary: Being a pervert gets you punished, not that he minded.
WARNINGS!: Biting, oral (male and female receiving), face riding, fingering, butt stuff, blood, voyeurism, masturbation, orgasm denial, toys, a lot of nsfw content. Sub! Izuku
Category: Smut
Word Count: 5.4k+
A/N: Did I shove as many kinks into this as I could? yeah<3 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :) 
Just To Clarify:
They’re consenting third years (aka 18+)
There is a heiarchy but Izuku totally tears it down 
This was a fun monster!au I made up :)
It’s Halloween lmao.
Perm. Tag List:
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​
“You’re such a pervert, Izuku~”
“H-HaaaH! (L/N)..! Pl-please-! I’m- mmMM!! I’m s-ssorry-!”
“Is that so?”
To be honest, you never thought this would happen, never thought you’d be given the opportunity to make a move on your crush in such a.. bold and licentious fashion.
He did have it coming, though, considering you caught him red handed.
Ghosts were always so sneaky and aberrant, their ability to walk or float through walls and turn invisible offering a plethora of possibilities for activities, both good and bad. You didn’t expect such an ‘innocent’ and kind boy to partake in such activities that his race was known for, and yet, you weren’t all that surprised when you found out that he lived up to the stereotype.
Then again, most monsters did.
It was mostly inevitable, after all.
Just like how ghosts were perverts, vampires were sadists. And that’s exactly what you were.
Poor little Izuku, he had no idea the true trouble he got himself into, and on such a respected night as well.
October 31st.
The holiday was bigger than any other, the entire island, or at least the participating parts, went all out with decorations every year.
From lights to festivals, everyone went nuts.
It was the day that worshipped the supernatural, after all.
In a world where humans and creatures, previously thought as myths, coexist, humans have always overpopulated the monsters, and so schools built just for them popped up all over the globe. The one you and your dear friend, Midoriya, attended happened to be the most famous one, known for using monsters ability to fight against those who used it for wrong. It truly was thrilling, and it saved those previously in public schools from the bullying that occured all too much.
The school, UA, was like a pot of stew, all kinds of monsters mixing together. Werewolves, witches, wizards, zombies, vampires, ghosts, and so many more. Though, most typically stuck with their own group, but it wasn’t uncommon for people to branch out, just like how you were friends with a ghost and a zombie.
It took society a long time to accept monsters, and some still dont, but who needs them anyway, right?
Besides, to you, monsters were much more fun, especially when vampires and sirens were considered the top of the hierarchy.
Ghosts, ghouls, and zombies were at the bottom, their power not all that great, but vampires and sirens, alongside werewolves, were at the very top, the most well respected and feared monsters.
Though you were looked down on by your fellow vamps by befriending a ghost, you couldn’t care less.
As months flew by, and two school years came and went, you found yourself falling madly in love with the man who captivated you.
If he didnt float and walk through walls sometimes, you wouldve assumed he was a different class from how he held himself, strong, and not weak and defenseless.
You loved it.
But there was always something that made you question him sometimes, how he’d disappear without saying a word, how he’d be flustered around you one day and not the next. It was strange, but you never looked into it.
Little did you know, the dirty little ghost was up to absolutely no good.
His.. habit manifested out of fear, ever since that summer camp that occurred the first year, and he saw how badly wounded you were, he grew protective of you, even if you were miles ahead of him in strength. He’d check up on you somtimes, turning invisible and poking his head in through your dorm room window.
He knew it was wrong, peeking into a girls room- at night.. but.. he couldnt help himself.
He swore he would stop, but he never did.
One day, he happened to catch you.. doing quite a lewd act. He knew in his gut he shouldve floated away, to not be a peeping tom, but his large green eyes were glued to your perfect body, and how your fingers dipped in and out of your wet flesh with a squelch and moan that made his virgin cock twitch in his shorts.
Was it wrong to grab his dick, bucking into his hand as he watched you get off to an audio?
No, it definitely was!
But you.. you were so!!
So hot!
He lost count of the amount of times he’s cum on his hand watching you cum on your own, far too many.
But he slipped up today, let a moan escape past his hand and suddenly your ruby red eyes met his own.
He knew you couldnt see him, but he knew that you knew he was there!!
You smirked, showing off your sharp fangs, “Izuku.”
The pure shock he felt from hearing you say his name made him manifest into thin air on accident, collapsing to his knees as ghost costume covered his indecency.
There was a Halloween party tonight, and he dressed up as his race thinking it was funny- but it wasn’t really funny anymore.
And so, that led him to where he was now, willingly beneath your naked body glistening with sweat from the full moons silvery light pouring in through the window as you ground your bare pussy against his sensitive cock.
You pinned his arms above his head, your hungry gaze boring into his soul, he couldnt deny how hot it was, or how true your words were.
He was a pervert.
“Y-yes!” He cried out, tears pricking at his eyes from the embarrassment he felt at being caught, “I’m s-sorry..!”
His breath caught in his throat when you leaned down, your face hovering over his own.
“Mmm.. I don’t know if I can believe you, ‘Zuku.. How can I know you’re really sorry?”
You batted your eyes at him, pouting, such a devious thing to do.
“I-I’ll do a-anything t- haaahh.. nn.. t-to prove it..!”
He was so cute.
“Anything?” You pondered.
You cut him off with a kiss, and you couldnt help but grin when he moaned against you.
This kiss turned into another, and another, and soon you were finally making out with him. It was sloppy and uncoordinated, but eventually you both fell into a rhythm, him whimpering each time you rolled your hips against him.
Swiping a tongue over his quivering bottom lip, he eagerly opened his mouth, just for you to invade his maw, greedily sucking his sweet tongue into your mouth, causing him to give in and buck up against your sopping warmth, giving your clit delicious friction.
Pulling away, his mouth chased your own for a second, “H-hah-! (L/N)!”
Pressing a finger to his plump lips, you pushed his head back down against your pillow.
“Say.. you wouldn’t mind if we’re a little late to the party, would you?” You smiled coquettishly down at the squirming boy covered in scars and freckles.
Gulping rather loudly, he shook his head, eyes wide and face burning red, his hormones going wild. How could he say no, when his crush was rubbing her naked self against him and enjoying it?
He would be a fool, a damn fool to say no, he wanted it too much. He wanted you, and he would say just about anything, do anything you wanted, to have you.
“Mm~ Good boy.” The praise went straight to his gut, butterflies forming and going wild inside him, making his hands clammy.
Reaching over, you dug around the drawer of your nightstand, pulling out a pair of red and black leather handcuffs that matched your curtains and rug.
Izuku let out a whine as his wrists were cuffed to the bed, giving in immediately.
“Bad boys don’t get to touch.” You teased, tapping his nose and watching as it wrinkled.
But this just meant you couldn't get his shirt and ghost sheet off, not that you particularly minded. You didn't need him completely naked.
Fulling slipping off him, you watched for a moment as his cock twitched, begging for you to come back to it. 
It made you giggle, and he flushed like a cherry.
Sauntering over to your closet, swaying your hips in a hypnotic way Izuku couldn’t ignore, you dug around, soon finding the glittery box you were looking for and pulling it out, showing it to him with a cheeky grin.
“W-whats in that.. (L/N)..?”
“Call me (Y/N), love.”
“O-oh…” Biting his lip, he looked conflicted for a split second, clearly inwardly debating if it was okay, before stuttering out your first name, only adding to the joy you felt.
Flipping the light switch off, your red fairy lights hung around the room made it glow crimson, your favorite color, especially on him.
The red glow made the atmosphere that much more romantic and sexy, his eyes reflecting the colors. It was like you were in the red light disctric in a dirt cheap hookup hotel, about to fuck your boyfriend who insisted upon not getting caught. How utterly disgraceful, and yet the thought excited you.
Setting the box down beside him on the bed, you sat at the bottom of the mattress, in front of his sock covered feet, noting how his hips wiggled impatiently and how he looked away with his teeth digging into his bottom lip.
Still so shy despite you rubbing yourself on him earlier.
“Look at me, darling.” You purred, dragging your nails up his leg to catch his attention.
Hesitantly, he turned his head, nervous eyes meeting your own.
It was rare that he saw them so red, the signature sign of a hungry vampire. They were captivating, and he found himself diving into their depths, drowning in you without you even touching him.
Placing your hands on his knees, you spread his legs apart, eliciting a mouse-like squeak from him. 
Even with his pants on, he felt so bare..
His heart jumped to his through when you gripped the hem of his pants and boxers, “Mind if I take these off?”
How polite of you..
He nodded his head, unruly green locks bouncing as he did so, squeezing his eyes shut.
“GAH” He screeched when you suddenly used your vampiric speed to pull them both down quickly and toss them so fast to the other side of the room that they slapped against the wall like a wet fish.
He was stunned, staring blankly at them, about to question it when he was cut off with a guttural groan, your lips suddenly wrapping around the tip of his weeping cock.
“H-hah-! A-ah! (L/-)- I me-an (Y/N-N)—! Wh-! MMMM!! Oh!!”
Despite your own mess covering his member, which definitely delighted you, you could still taste the salty precum dripping out as your tongue licked over his slit, his back arching from the stimulation.
He couldnt help but buck up pathetically with a mewl,  only to have his hips pinned down to the mattress with one of your hands.
“Ah, ah, ah~” You whispered against his tip, piercing eyes cutting into his skin like a poisonous knife as you dared him to fight against your hold.
He gulped, accepting his fate with a shaky breath.
Content with his obedience, you licked along the underside of his cock, savoring his musky flavor.
“Hnn! Hoahh..”
He was so.. vocal.. even with the slightest touch, you’d get a reaction out of him. It was fascinating, and only made you want to see how much more you could pull from him before he lost the ability to speak a coherent sentence.
Slipping his member back into your mouth, you swirl the tip of your tongue around his bulbous, flushed head, reaching up to grab the discarded lube you had left on your bed, 
“MmMm! O-oh..! My G-gosh..! Haa-!”
Squirting some of the clear jell-like liquid on your palm, you wrapped your hand around his shaft, smiling when he jumped, just to start pumping you fist up and down.
“G-GAaAh! Oh, (Y/N).!”
He himself found it hard to not thrash around from the intense pleasure he was feeling at the moment.
He couldnt help the drool slipping from the corner of his mouth as you began to bob your head up and down his member whilst simultaneously twisting your hand up and down his shaft, squeezing in places that made his mind go blank for a second.
He just felt so good!
It was so much different from pleasuring himself!
He had no control over his ecstasy, no control over how fast or how slow you went, and he loved it-!
“HyAAh!” He cried out like a girl when you suddenly deepthroated him, his tip pressing down your throat as you wet mouth squeezed and sucked on him like your favorite lollipop.
His hips fought against your hold as his head flung back, tears pricking at his eyes as you sucked him for all he was worth, his poor, over sensitive cock.
“O-OH! Oh, NnnNGH!! HaaA ! AAaaAh! (Y-Y/N)..!!!”
His handcuffs clinked together as his body began to shake, a warm feeling spreading in his lower stomach as his muscular thighs began to tense.
His orgasm hit him like a freight train, out of nowhere, intense, and electrifyingly cosmic.
His hazy green eyes rolled back, tongue flopping from his mouth as white hot and tangy cum squirted from his dick down your throat.
You greedily sucked it down around him, causing his entire body to jerk and twitch, cries and babbles fleeing past his spit-slick lips, the oversensitivity making his nerves burn in an oh-so good way.
Popping off his softening cock, you crawled back up his body, staring down at his cute, chubby, sleepy face.
You pinched his cheeks, pulling at it, successfully catching his attention and making his darkened eyes focus on you.
“O-oh-!” He stuttered,  face burning impossibly hotter as he watched you seemingly savor his flavor with lidded eyes.
“We’re not done yet, Izuku.” 
Your statement made him freeze like a deer in front of headlights. What else was there to do?
He already came.. oh!
“Y-you didn’t.. c-cum..” He bashfully averted his gaze as you nodded, gears turning in his head again as he recovered from his high.
He knew exactly what you wanted.
“You know, you have such a soft and adorable face,”
“Do you mind if I sit on it?”
Was this your way of asking him to eat you out?!
How bold!
How could you be so bold! 
Despite being nervous, he nodded his head, smiling giddily.
He had watched plenty of videos, had taken a plethora of notes, and even, as weird as it was, practiced on multiple fruits.
He was nearly positive he could please you.
He wanted to.
He needed to, to hear your own sweet moans caused by him.
He wanted that so bad.
Without thinking, he opened his mouth, eyebrows pinching together as he stared pleadingly up at you with his tongue out and ready to please.
He was such a good boy.
Standing up on your knees, you walked forward, your dripping pussy soon hovering over the excited boys mouth.
Lowering yourself, your thighs wrapping around his head, you were immediately met with an eager tongue lapping at your dripping folds.
“Oh~! My, s-someones enthusiaststic-!”
Bracing up urself on your hands and knees. You made sure not to suffocate the poor man as he rapaciously ate you out, sucking your puffy clit into his mouth and giving it much needed attention.
“Haaaah.. Izuku..! You’re such a good boy for me, eating my mm.. pussy like its your dinner!” You gasped, fingers threading through his messy green locks, pulling at them just to feel the vibrations of his moans against your clit.
You bucked against his mouth, riding his tongue and grinding down against his teeth.
“Mm-mmh! Hnmm…” His moans were muffled, wet licks filling the room.
He could feel your juices dripping down his chin as he was willingly smothered with your womanhood, completely trapped under you and beyond happy to obey.
His tongue dragged over your pretty pink labia, prodding at and slipping into your clenching entrance, slurping up your mess.
He could eat you out all day and never get tired, he was sure of it!
And your noises of pleasure were heavenly.. music to his straining ears. And the way you combed through his hair, he somehow felt like this was just as good as cumming, making someone else feel good..
But you suddenly lifted off his face, his tongue still moving for a second before he stared up at you with childish confusion.
His face was red and covered in your liquids, a true mess.
Chucking, you leaned back, wrapping your hand around his cock that sprung to life over the course of his meal, “I want to cum on your cock, Izu.”
Your dirty words made his heart jump and his member twitch in your grasp.
“P-please..” Though he knew he was going to get just that, he couldnt help but beg, it felt like he was supposed to, or that he had to- for himself just as much as for you.
“But first..” you trailed off, finally reaching into the box and pulling out multiple things that made him involuntarily buck impatiently into thin air.
In your hands, you held egg vibrators, a black cock ring, and a red ribbed vibrating dildo.
He gulped audibly once more, and you were positive if he were a werewolf, his tail would be wagging with those hearts in his eyes.
“Do you know what these are?”
He nodded his head. Gaze trained on them as you fiddled with the devices.
“Have you any idea what I’ll be doing with them?”
He shook his head, innocently smiling at you, the cheeky shit. 
“How about I show you?”
With that, you lubed up your finger, diving between his legs, pressing against his clenching hole, circling around it.
“H-haah..” His heart was pounding so hard it felt like he was at a concert as your finger slowly pushed in his tight hole.
“Nngh!” His cheek pressed against the pillow at the weird feeling of someone entering his body in such a way.
You finger thrusted in and out of him slowly, feeling around his warm, gummy walls for a certain button you knew he would enjoy having pushed.
His thighs were splayed wide for you, cock resting on his toned tummy covered by a white sheet.
You could only hope he didnt ruin his costume with how much he was leaking. He certainly had a sloppy dick.
Leaning down, you pressed kisses to his freckled inner thigh, pushing in a second finger and watching in amusement as he slowly got into it, embracing the feeling of being filled with your digits.
It wasnt long before you managed to fit in a third finger, grinning at how his ass practice swallowed them, “God, Izuku.. your ass is so greedy for my fingers, you keep sucking them back in~”
“A-aah! (Y/N)!! D-don’t say such-!! Nnghnn! Lewd th—things!”
“Hmm… I wonder… where is that pesky little spot..”
“W-what-? AH! H-AahAh! NGHH! Oh-oH! F-FaH! FuCk!”
You finally located his prostate, giving it no mercy as you aimed your fingers to press against it with each time you pushed and curled them inside him.
But from his thighs tensing beneath your lips and his cock twitching, you knew he was close again, and that was no good.
“A-AAaaAh! I’m!! I’m g-gonna! C-cu- hAh?!”
You pulled your fingers out, wiping the lube onto the sheets below you as he wiggled like a worm on the sidewalk, desperately bucking his hips and begging for you to give him more.
“Oh, I will..” Smirking over at him again, the glint in your eyes made him moan and feel like prey. You, a lioness on the prowl, and him, a mouse with nowhere to hide, completely bare for you, “But not just yet, baby. This is a punishment, after all.”
Though he was embarrassed at first with having his thighs spread so wide open, exposing every intimate part of himself to you, he didnt feel too shy anymore. You didnt judge him at all, in fact, you swallowed him whole. It was mind numbingly pleasant, and he never thought he would ever get to experience this, not even in his dreams.
For it to come true.. and to find out you were a kinky lady.. he was enthralled. 
Leaning up, you captured his lips in a kiss again, giving him time to calm down as you once again molded your lips together in a lustful heat.
He learned quick, his kisses becoming lasting as he met your pace with wet smacks and tongues brushing against eachother. His own passed over your fangs, and you both shivered when a drop of blood entered your mouth.
You inhaled sharply through your nose, eyes practically glowing in the red light of the room as you tasted him. He surely had the best blood you had even tasted before, nothing at all like how ghosts usually taste! They were bland and boring, but him-! He was nectareous and saporous. 
“Fuck, Izu.. you taste so.. magnificent..”
You licked his tongue again, holding onto that single drop of blood for as long as you could, his flavor making you keen with delight.
His lips parted to speak, but he was once again cut off with a lewd moan as you shoved the dildo halfway into his readily awaiting ass.
“GuaAh! W-wait!! It’s..! Too much!” He panted heavily, tears streaming down his cheeks from how good the vibrating phallic shaped object felt inside of him, almost like it was mixing his insides up like a blender.
“Mm, should I? You look like you’re enjoying this, Zuzuku.”
“Mmm..!! H-aAAaA..!”
Pushing further into him, you got the entire toy burried deep in his walls, pulling it back out, fucking him with the plastic object.
His thighs were spread so wide he feared they’re snap off at the hip as he rocked his ass on the toy, vision hazy as continue to cry out.
He screamed when the toy pressed against his button, pounding against it and making his legs turn to mush as he bucked so hard his heavy cock bobbed in thin air, slapping down against his stomach continuously.
Just when his eyes were rolling back again and his jaw was lax, about to cum, you pulled the toy out, “(Y/N)!!”
He sobbed in frustration, desperation building inside him to cum, even going as far as to try and drag you back with his legs.
“You cant cum yet, Izuku! We havent even used all these fun vibrators yet!” You held up the three vibrators with one hand, an all too innocent smile plastered on your face whilst he looked completely wrecked.
“M-mmh! B-but-!”
Not giving him time to talk, you grasped his leaking cock, pumping it a few times, watching as he tried to fuck into the tunnel you created. 
Grabbing the black cock ring, you stretch it on his awaiting member as he whines, knowing full well he cannot cum with such a device on. It would be torturous, but he was being punished after all, even if he had aready cum and his mind was turning to goo, he still remembered that. Of course you would make it so he couldnt cum again.
Taking the vibrators, you taped them around him, one snug just under his slit, and two against his sensitive spots.
Turning them on, his back arched impossibly high off the bed with a wail, involuntarily fucking up into the air from the intense stimulation.
Content, you sat back, pushing the vibrator in again and turning it on. 
You swore he was going crazy as he let out garbled moans, “G-guAAh! F-fucgh!! NAAh! Mm! Yo-ou.! Youguhhh..! MmeaaAAh!”
He was finally incoherent, steams of tears pouring from his eyes nearly consumed by his pupil, trying to fuck himself onto the vibrator and fuck into air.
He was a slobbering mess, body twitching and convulsing like a possessed child, your name spilling from his lips and muddling with other words on a praise.
“You’re so beautiful like this, Izuku… so wrecked and horny.. my little cum baby.. I bet you wanna cum, huh?”
Your hand slipped between your own thighs, slowly rubbing your clit as you got off to the gorgeous view before you.
Sweet and innocent Izuku Midoriya, the nerd of class 3A, your best friend who always helped others before himself, driven mad with pleasure, practically going insane- all by your doing.
It made you feel even more powerful than you already were.
Hearing a wet squelching, his curious gaze traveled to you, moaning heartily once he saw you fucking your pussy with your fingers, all while gazing at him with such a smolder he felt he was going to burn up. Hell, he already was burning up.
He felt hotter than the sun, and so ready to burst at the seams, but he couldnt.
“M-misstress! Pl-ehHAH.!! NHh! RidehuAh! Me..!”
What did he just say?
“Say that again, Izuku,”
“No, no, sweetheart,”
You pulled your fingers from yourself with a wet pop, pressing your hands to his sides and feeling him up under his shirt, gazing into his own once more, “before that.”
“Mmm..! Misss.. tress! H-haH.! Nnhgh..!”
Mistress. Now theres a word you never thought would fill you with joy.
Licking your lips, you decided enough was enough.
Grabbing his cock, you pull the vibrators off of him, immediately hovering yourself over him and sitting down with a hearty hum until he bottom out inside you with a cry of pleasure.
“GuAAAH!! (Y/N)!!! You’re!! So-!! NnnGh!! Mmmh! So tight-! Hahh..!” The vibrator still in his ass mixed up his insides, turning them into a liquid as you began to bounce on him like a trampoline.
He felt so good he didnt know what to do anymore, words he couldn’t comprehend bubbled past his parted lips, an onslaught of tears pouring from his ducts, pins and needles stabbing him everywhere in such a good way as he was overstimulated to the max.
Your walls hugged him like a vice, so warm and cozy, he wanted to be buried inside you all day.!
Inside you.. he was inside you!
You were fucking him so good-!
A smile made its way to his wrecked face, tongue hanging out of his mouth, sweat making his hair stick everywhere, he was connected with you…
He loved it.
And you loved him, that smile on his face warming your heart, but that familiar thirst stung the back of your throat, and your eyes were hyper focused on his neck covered in a blush and freckles.
His own cock was so big you felt like you were being stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, but that wasnt enough to take your attention away.
Collapsing against his chest covered in clothing, you buried your nose into the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply as the vibrations of his ecstasy rumbled in his chest and sung in your ears.
His scent overwhelmed you, made you delirious as you couldnt help but lick at his neck, nibbling and pulling at the skin.
His head lolled to the side, “bite— h-Huah! aaAH! Nnghhh!! MmMMmmhh! Bi-aAh-te! Me!!”
Bite him..? He was? Okay with it?
If he said to…
Your fangs sunk into his skin, blood spurting into your mouth and making your hips move inhumanly fast, he was so good..! Your eyes rolled back as you greedily sucked, his moans growing chopped, stuttered and louder.
He was slowly turning translucent beneath you as your fangs sunk into him again, and again, and again, blood flowing down your mouth like a delicious waterfall, savory and sweet, honeydew pine forest.
Blood smeared his skin growing more clear with each second as he lost his grip with reality.
The bed began to creak beneath you, your bounces growing more and more powerful as you felt yourself grow closer to sweet release, the blood pulling you higher up the mountain of ecstasy,
Suddenly, there was a loud snap, and a copious amount of thick cum filled your pussy, stuffing you even more to the point your belly had a small bulge from his cum. The feeling made you clamp down on him and cum with your own cries of pleasure mingling with his, fire exploding behind your vision as lighting shot down your body.
The bed suddenly broke beneath your bodies, but you were both too lost in ecstasy to even care, crying out eachothers names.
You collapsed on top of him completely, and it was then you noticed you couldn't see him at all, entirely invisible.
Catching your breath, you stared on in confusion, fleeing up his body but unable to see it.
No answer.
Had he passed out?
You’d feel around for a heart beat if he had one, but he didnt, no undead monster did.
Taking a deep breath, cheeks flushed and skin sweaty, you sat up, Izukus now flaccid cock pulling out with a wet pop, his cum immediately flowing messily down your thighs. 
He mustve had a pretty fucking intense orgasm if the damn cock ring snapped. Who’s ever heard of that happening before? Certainly not you.
Given a minute, you uncuffed his invisible wrists and pulled the vibrator from his ass, turning it off and tossing it to the sheets.
Geeze.. what a mess…
Checking the time from your alarm clock, you were now 34 minutes late for the ghoultastic party being thrown in the school.
Oh well.
If Izuku was a human, you were sure he wouldve died from the blood loss by now, but being undead certainly gave more leeway for fun activities.
Sitting back, you gathered his spare blood on your fingers sucking them into your mouth and savouring his taste. God, you could get used to something this good.
It was like his blood had nicotine in it, you were instantly hooked.
By the time Izuku woke up, he was fully wiped down, dressed, and practically ready to go.
It was clear to him you had cleaned things up, but how long had he been out for?! How embarrassing! He even lost control of his invisibility! Ugh.. you must think he’s a toddler… only kids lose control!!
“You okay?” Your honey sweet voice caught his attention, eyes snapping to the other side of the room where you emerged from the bathroom.
“O-oh! (Y-Y/N).. I.. um.. I’m okay..” He felt so awkward now.. would you pretend nothing happened? Ignore him? Tell everyone he was.. a peeping tom? 
He wanted to believe you were the nicest person out there but he was so terrified of you shunning him, even after such.. licentious activities.
Besides, he wasn’t entirely sure how to act right now, after having s-sex with you. He felt clammy and nervous.
“You look pale,” you chuckled, grasping his cheeks and pulling them so he’d be distracted.
You noticed that look in his eyes, and knew it well. Self doubt. You wouldnt accept that.
“Hahah… well, I am a ghost..“
Your lips pressed against his, for the thousandth ime that night, but he didnt mind.
Sighing out his nose, he relaxed into the innocent kiss with a small smile.
You cupped his face when you pulled away, admiring him.
“Hey.. your eyes are (e/c) again!” And just like that, his face lit up, “Well, I did have a nice dinner.” Your tone was playful, yet he couldnt help but burn with a fresh blush, rubbing at his neck where no doubt a bunch of bite marks laid.
“Quite a delicious one too,”
Sitting down on his thighs, you wrapped your arms loosely around his shoulders, nuzzling your cheek against his, “How does your ass feel?”
“GAH!” He wrapped his arms around his head, leaning forward as practical steam came from his ears from how embarrassed he suddenly was. What a nice change of scenery.
“Hm?” He was clearly a virgin after all, you wanted to make sure he could walk.
“I-it’s… okay..”
Pecking his warm, freckled cheek, you hopped off him, diving into your closet again and pulling out a basic vampire costume, one you had purchased days before at a costume shop.
Izukus heart leaped in his chest, “You had.. the s-same idea as me?”
You nodded your head, easily slipping the attire on in front of the flushed boy, “I guess we can go as a goofy couple!”
He felt warm, so very, very warm. How you accepted him after catching his perverted act, he had no idea. All he knew was this warmth was something he wouldnt mind getting used to, monsters werent known for being warm, after all.
“Yeah.. that sounds nice.”
Here’s hoping no one spiked the punch.
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Monster of the Week: A Writer’s Guide to Vampires!
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The Basics: Vampires From Around the World 
Almost every culture has its vampires, and they go way beyond Dracula and Nosferatu. 
There are obviously too many to include in one post, so here are a few especially unique vamps to get you inspired and interested in learning more! 
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The Penanggalan, Malaysia - Literally meaning ‘to detach,’ the Penanggalan is an exclusively (apparently) female creature. 
By day, she masquerades as a normal woman (and let’s be real, don’t we all.)  But by night, her head detaches from her body and floats around, entrails hanging like tentacles -- which they nightmarishly use to entangle their victims -- and preys on pregnant woman and babies.  Lovely. 
Creepily, the Penanggalan gravitates towards day jobs such as midwifery, so she can get closer to her prospective prey. 
The Manananggal, Philippines - Much like the Penanggalan, the Manananggal has an unfortunate habit of detaching parts of her body to fly around.  Described as an “ugly, hideous woman” (mood), the Manananggal can detatch her whole-ass torso to fly around like a bat. 
Like the Penanggalan, she preys on pregnant woman and unborn babies, with, creepily, her incredibly long tongue.  Some, however, prefer to seduce and prey on men -- preferable, to be honest -- in which case they appear young and beautiful.
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The Upir, Eastern Europe - Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Romanian, and Czech cultures all have mythos around this abnormally bloodthirsty vampire.  Not only do upirs drink the blood of their victims, but they bath and sleep in it.  They eat the flesh of their victims as well, and are especially partial to the heart.  In a uniquely sadistic detail, the Upir is thought to consume the children of a family and then the parents. 
The Alukah, Judaism - Literally meaning “horse-leach,” the Alukah is one of the earliest vampires, originating in the Bible.  
A fixture of Jewish folklore, and sometimes described as a demon or witch, the Alukah is unique in the fact that she is not undead but a living, shapeshifting being (according to the description in Sefer Hasidim.)
She can fly by unfurling her long hair.
The Brahmaparusha, India - This nightmarishly extra vampire will drink the drained blood of its victims from a skull (which it carries around at all times), before noshing on their brains and wearing their intestines as necklaces and crowns.  Worst of all, this vampire has an unusually ravenous appetite, and consumes several victims per night.  
The Callicantzaros, Greece - In Greece, children born between Christmas and Twelfth Night were thought to be bad luck (?) and susceptible to vampirism.  The Callicantzaros was considered to be egregiously unpleasant, equipped with devilish talons with which to tear victims to shreds.  Their first victims, post-transformation, were supposed to be their own siblings.
Unfortunately, this led to a degree of mistreatment and hostility towards children born during this period, as parents watched for signs of their progeny’s prospective vampirism.  In order to ensure that they didn’t become Callicantzaros, the children’s feet were dangled above a fire, like a reverse Achilles.
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Vampire weaknesses: 
Garlic - This one’s not just particular to Western mythos.  Southeast and far Eastern vamps like the Manananggal are also vulnerable to garlic. 
Salt - The Manananggal is vulnerable to salt, as are vampires from most cultures in which salt is considered holy or purifying. 
Silver - A holy metal.  The origin of the “vampires can’t see themselves in mirrors” myth is because it used to be a component in mirror-making. 
Vinegar - Again with the Manananggal. 
Daggers/stakes/sharp objects - Especially through the vampire’s heart.  In many cultures, burning the heart is also advisable.  Be careful, though: sometimes, staking an upir will only bring them back to life stronger. 
Dismemberment and fire - Most vamps are susceptible to this, including the Penanggalan.  The only sure way to kill an upir is to decapitate them and burn the remains. 
Counting - Much like the Count of Sesame Street, vamps can’t resist counting things.  If you scatter some small, countable objects on the ground, the vampire will have to stop and count each one. 
The tails of stingrays - in the case of the Manananggal. 
Sunlight - Obviously.  Though not universal, this pops up in vampire mythology around the world, including the Manananggal. 
Detachment - when the Penanggalan and Manananggal detach their heads and torsos, their discarded torsos and lower bodies are vulnerable.  In the case of the Manananggal, sprinkling the discarded legs with garlic and salt.  The Mananggal will not be able to return to its lower body, and will perish with the rising sun. 
Starvation - The Alukah can be starved if she’s prevented from eating for long enough. 
Stupidity - In the case of the Penanggalan.  If you turn the Penanggalan’s body upside down, she’ll re-attach backwards.  I’m not sure what the purpose of this is, except the exhilaration of punking a vampire and making them walk around on their hands all day like a jackass.
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Thorns around windows - Thorns will keep the Penanggalan from harassing you or your unborn children. 
Strings of garlic - Just make sure SOME IDIOT doesn’t take them down (RIP Lucy from Dracula.)
Pots of uncooked rice, ash, or salt - Repellent to the Manananggal.
Running away and hiding - Basically the only method of recourse against the Brahmaparasha.
Eating bread infused with an upir’s blood - Sounds kinky, to be honest. 
Stay on sacred ground - I.e. graveyards and churches.  Just be sure you’re not trying to avoid the kind of vampire that dwells in graveyards if you go for the latter.
Holy water, crucifixes, silver, et cetera - Anything sacred or holy.  Varies based on culture.
Imbibing the ash of a supposed vampire’s burnt heart - I’m not even going to joke about this one, since people actually did this during the vampire scare of New England (my homeland.)  I learned about it from a book about local vampire encounters at the Newport Public Library at age twelve, and it scarred me.
Dangle your baby above a fire - Actually, no, PLEASE don’t do that.  But that’s what seventeenth century Greeks did to prevent their kids from turning into Callicantzaros. 
Age of consent laws - Specifically for Edward from Twilight.
Don’t get a welcoming mat - Counts as inviting them in.  Duh.
Ways to Become A Vampire:*
*Ask your doctor if becoming a vampire is right for you.
Biting - Obviously.  Though if you read Dracula and early accounts of vampirism, it was more of a slowly progressing illness than a sudden transformation.
Reject Christianity - In the case of upirs.  More specifically, the church buried non-believers outside of graveyards, leading them to rise as servants of the Devil.  Honestly, I feel like the church kind of brought that on themselves. 
Be born between Christmas and Twelfth Night - At least if you’re in seventeenth century Greece.  
Be influenced by the Devil while dying - Another version of the Upir origin.
Be a demon possessing a corpse - One prospective explanation for the Brahmaparusha.
Making a pact to obtain eternal youth and beauty that involves not eating meat for 40 days and then breaking it like some kind of an IDIOT - One version of the Penanggalan origin myth.  I shouldn’t judge, my self-control isn’t great either.
Get startled by a man while meditating in a bath and jerk your head so hard that it flies off and at the interloper in fury - Another prospective version of the Pennangalan origin. Relatable, honestly. 
Be so bitter and jealous of couples that you go on an insane killing spree of pregnant woman and get publicly executed by being ripped in two - The Pennangalan, again.  She makes the Kardashians look tame. 
Chanting an incantation, anointing yourself with oil, and purchasing a black chick - In the case of the Manananggal.  The black chick reportedly lives inside the Manananggal, eating its innards while also acting as its life source.  Honestly, after all the drama of the Penanggalan’s origins, this seems reasonable.
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Other Sources
Video Essays: 
The Power of the Vampire Myth - A superb sociological dive into the cultural significance of vampires. From the post WWI antisemitism of Nosferatu to their ability to subvert the Hays Code, vampires tend to reflect the shadows of every society. 
Dracula: A Brief History of Eternity 
CREEPIEST Vampire Legends from Around the World 
Vampires: Folklore, Fantasy, and Fact
How did Dracula become the world’s most famous vampire?
Vlad the Impaler: The Real Life Dracula
Influential Vampire Fiction:*
*That I’ve read/seen so far.
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Dracula - Duh.  The greatest adaptation of which is, obviously, Dracula: Dead and Loving it.  
Nosferatu - It’s good to be aware of its antisemetic overtones, but it’s still revolutionary at evoking dread.
Varney the Vampire - A penny dreadful series that helped popularize vampires in Victorian England.  It gets bonus points for sounding like a children’s show. 
Camilla - The ORIGINAL lesbian vampire, predating Dracula by decades.  Became an adorable webseries and movie, which I recommend even more than the original novel.
‘Salem’s Lot - Serves as a study of what makes vampires scary in the modern era.   
Underworld - Aside from serving as a badass alternative in the Twilight era, it merits inclusion exclusively for causing my Sapphic awakening at age twelve.
What We Do In the Shadows - Has a unique understanding of the cultural significance of vampires, and why they appeal to societal misfits.  Also has vampire “children” who eat p*dophiles. 
Vampires in the Lemon Grove - The titular story is one of the most unique interpretations of vampires that I’ve seen in the modern era.  Beautiful language that evokes a powerful emotional response.
Twilight - Exclusively because it gave us Rosemary clocking shop in a wedding gown.  And the baseball scene.
The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters
From Demons to Dracula: The Creation of the Modern Vampire Myth
Vampires and Vampirism: Legends from Around the World
New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend
Mummies, Cannibals, and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine
A History of Vampires in New England 
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Happy Halloween, and happy writing, everybody! 
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miserablesme · 3 years
The Les Miserables Changelog Part 2: 1985-1986 West End
Hello, everyone! This is the latest edition in my attempt to chronicle all of the musical and lyrical changes which the show Les Miserables has undergone over the years. Today, we look at the differences between the later of the two available Barbican preview audios (more on that in Part 1) and the West End variant of the musical as it existed in 1986. Only one rather poor quality audio is available of the show's pre-Broadway, post-Barbican form (though a friend of a friend has multiple masters from the era that she apparently keeps meaning to digitize). It is known to come from 1986, but the exact date remains a mystery. As such we cannot know when exactly most of the changes might have been made.
Reportedly (according to The Complete Book of Les Miserables) the majority of these refinements were made between the closing of the Barbican show and the opening of the West End one. However, some further refinements were doubtless made during the Barbican previews, and some likely were made between the opening of the West End production and whenever the audio was recorded. With all that cleared up, let's get started!
As I mentioned in Part 1, the very early Barbican previews of the opening "Work Song" featured this chain of lyrics (no pun intended):
I’ve done no wrong
Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer
Look down, look down
Sweet Jesus doesn’t care
I killed a man
He tried to steal my wife
Look down, look down
She wasn’t worth your life
I know she’ll wait
I know that she’ll be true
Look down, look down
She’s long forgotten you
As has also been established, later previews removed one sequence of lines to create the following exchange:
I’ve done no wrong
Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer
Look down, look down
Sweet Jesus doesn’t care
I killed a man
He tried to steal my wife
Look down, look down
She wasn’t worth your life
However, by 1986 another sequence was removed and the originally removed one was added back then. Thus, the still-current lyrics as of today are as follows:
I’ve done no wrong
Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer
Look down, look down
Sweet Jesus doesn’t care
I know she’ll wait
I know that she’ll be true
Look down, look down
She’s long forgotten you
A much better choice of cuts in my opinion. The point of the opening scene is to present the prisoners sympathetically, as comparatively innocent victims of an overly brutal and elitist police system. Establishing a member of the chain gang as literally being a murderer doesn't really help send that message!
Everything stays the same until "Fantine's Arrest". The Barbican previews feature this sequence:
There's a child who sorely needs me
Please monsieur, she's but that high
Holy God! Is there no mercy?
If I go to jail she'll die
Take this harlot now this minute
Let there be a full report
Let her go back in the morning
Let her answer to the court
Gentle Jesus! Won't you save me?
Are there tears enough to cry?
It's the same pathetic story
Please monsieur, my child will die!
I have heard such protestations...
By the 1986 recording, everything between "Take this harlot" and "Please monsieur, my child will die!" has been totally removed. I have a bit of a soft spot for that sequence, though I can't earnestly say the musical lost anything by removing it. Indeed Javert comes across as unbelievably heartless there!
As Part 1 pointed out, the earlier Barbican preview had Valjean shout "You know where to find me!" at the end of "Who Am I?", while the later preview did not. The 1986 recording interestingly reinserts that line, but now Valjean speaks it much more casually, without the slightly cheesy passion of the first recording. This makes me wonder whether or not it was initially removed because it was hard to take seriously, and a calmer rendition was reinstated as a compromise? Who knows.
A subtle change occurs at the beginning of the "Confrontation" sequence. During the Barbican previews, the number opens with a few notes being played and then repeated. However, by the 1986 recording the notes do not repeat. It goes straight into Javert's announcement (which Roger Allam has now learned to sing on time!) after the notes play the first time. The sequence would stay this way for quite awhile before being further shortened - more on that in a later edition!
We now go to the subsequent number, Little Cosette's famous "Castle on a Cloud" song. The Barbican previews give her a few lines before the main number starts (sung in a similar tune to her remarks about Mme. Thenardier's arrival at the end of the song):
They’ll come back any minute
And I’m nowhere near finished
Sweeping and scrubbing and polishing the floor
It’s the same every day, oh please!
Don’t let Madame hit me again
I should be used to it, but then
I know a place where nobody has to work too hard
And where I won’t be lonely again
These lines, taken closely from the original French concept album, don't really add much to the number plot-wise that won't be stated later except for more explicit confirmation that Mme. Thenardier is abusive. Perhaps partly for this reason, by the 1986 recording these lines are removed, and after the opening instrumentals it goes straight into the number we all know.
As I previously mentioned in Part 1, the later recording I have of the Barbican previews cut out the following lines during the preamble to Master of the House. I originally mistakenly claimed that the cuts occured after Thenardier's verse, but in actuality that verse too is removed.
My band of soaks, my den of disollutes
My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts
My sons of whores spend their lives in my inn
Homing pigeons homing in
They fly through my doors
And their money's good as yours
Ain’t got a clue what he put into his stew
Must’ve scraped it off the street
Hell, what a wine
Châteauneuf de Turpentine
Must’ve pressed it with his feet
Landlord over here
Where’s the bloody man
One more for the road
One more slug of gin
Just one more or my old man is gonna do me in
By the 1986 recording, they are back in all their glory. Indeed, as you can read in Part 1 of this series Trevor Nunn himself has confirmed that the crew decided the number didn't work as well without the full preamble (an exception being, shockingly enough, Cameron Mackintosh).
During the Barbican previews, "Master of the House" was followed by a beautiful Well Scene between Valjean and Little Cosette:
There is a castle on a cloud
I like to go there in my sleep
Aren’t any floors for me to sweep
Don’t be afraid of me, my dear
Tell me your name and have no fear
How cold it grows when the sun has set
I’m not afraid
Monsieur, my name’s Cosette
Nor will you be afraid again
I come to take you from this place
There is a better world, you’ll see
Give me your hand, and walk with me.
This leads into the humming duet between Valjean and Cosette. However, in what I consider the biggest mistake of this era's adjustments, the Well Scene was totally excised from the West End version and "Master of the House" is following directly by the humming duet. Trevor Nunn remarked a degree of regret about this in 1990's The Complete Book of Les Miserables. I don't have the book on hand right now, but I'll put down the exact quote later.
Of course, the Well Scene would later return in a much different form, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Perhaps to compensate for the deleted scene, another scene is added after the "Waltz of Treachery" number. During the Barbican previews, Valjean's "It won't take you too long to forget" is followed by a lot of vamping and eventually a reprise of Valjean and Cosette's humming duet. The West End production slightly reduces the vamping from about one minute to about forty-five seconds, and adds a scene (sung in the tune of "Castle on a Cloud", specifically the "there is a lady all in white" part at first and the main chorus for "Nor will you be afraid again" onwards):
We're going home right now, monsieur
What is your name
Now my dear
I've names enough, I've got names to spare
But where I go, you always will be there
Nor will you be afraid again
There is a sun that's shining yet
I'm going to call you my Papa
I'm going to call you my Cosette
The normal humming duet follows. This is a fascinating scene which seems to be exclusive to the brief era after the Barbican previews but before Broadway. It's interesting how it incorporates elements both of the opening Well Scene and of the more well-known later closing scene to the "Waltz of Treachery". It's also intriguing how it incorporates elements not really touched upon this directly in any other version of the musical, specifically just how mysterious and secretive Valjean is to the world in general as well as the fact that Cosette, in fact, is not truly Cosette's given name.
Everything seems to be the same from this point until "The Attack on Rue Plumet". In the Barbican previews, this is how the opening goes:
'Parnasse, what are you doing
So far out of our patch?
This house, we're gonna do it!
Rich man, plenty of scratch
You remember he's the bloke wot got away the other day
Got a number on his chest, perhaps a fortune put away
Took off like a guilty man, why would he want to disappear?
Now we're gonna do him right, this time no one will interfere
Everything from "Took off like a guilty man" onwards is removed from the West End version. Later in the number, we hear approximately the following exchange in the Barbican show. Fans have debated what exactly some of the lyrics are, but this is how I hear them:
What a palaver, what an absolute treat
To watch a cat and his father pick a bone in the street
Not a sound out of you
What do you care if things scare me
Listen 'Ponine, there might be jewels inside
There could be something for all
There could be bruises enough
You will have your share
Well I told you I'd do it, I told you I'd do it
The West End production reduces the vamping prior to this scene. Additionally, everything between "What do you care" and "You will have your share" is removed, meaning the "I told you I'd do it" is a direct remark to "Not a sound out of you". This is a much more linear and succinct way of moving the plot in my humble opinion!
That's it for act one! Act two begins largely the same, up until the scene where Gavroche reveals Javert to be a traitor. First off, Javert's original claim that they will "play their games" is changed to "spoil their games".
Next is probably this version's biggest change in the entire musical up to this point. Originally Gavroche sung approximately the following lines (once again, the recordings aren't as clear as would be desirable) in a unique tune heard nowhere else in the musical:
Good evening, dear inspector, lovely evening my dear!
A charlie for a copper who pays a call
I know who you’re supposed to be, Inspector Javert
Who never showed no mercy to no one at all
So don’t believe a word, none of it will wash
This time you’re reckoned without Gavroche!
The West End version scrapped this sequence and replaced it with "Little People" (which originally appeared in a much longer form later in the musical). This is how it went:
Good evening dear inspector, lovely evening my dear
I know this man, my friends, his name's Inspector Javert
So don't believe a word he says 'cause none of it's true
It only goes to show what little people can do
And little people know, when little people fight
We may look easy picking but we've got some bite
So never kick a dog because he's just a pup
You'd better run for cover when the pup grows up!
This edited placement of "Little People" is often attributed to the original Broadway production, but in fact it made its debut in the West End show. I'm not sure when exactly this was, given that the original cast album uses the long version. However, by the 1986 recording this is how it goes. It should be noted that it's not quite in its Broadway form, however; most notably, "We'll fight like twenty armies and we won't give up!" is not present.
A minor difference occurs during the First Attack sequence. In the Barbican production, this is how the students respond to their victory:
By God, we've won the day
See how they run away
The West End production swaps the two students' lines, allowing Grantaire's slightly incredulous spirit to have a more poignant and/or amusing effect depending on your perspective.
Consequently given the new placement of the song, the show obviously had to be edited to remove the original "Little People" number. Originally, this is the way the show transitioned between the First Attack and "Little People":
Courfeyrac, you take the watch
They won't attack until it's light
Everybody stay awake
We must be ready for the fight
For the final fight
Let no one sleep tonight
Only little boys may sleep
For little people need their rest
Little tucks are quickly drained
And little grapes are quickly pressed
Come on little mite
It's time to say goodnight
Cue the original "Little People" number in all of its long, silly glory (in case you somehow don't know it, here are the lyrics). The West End production (and everything afterwards) cuts Grantaire's verse, so that the scene transitions straight from Enjolras' announcement to "Drink with Me". As much as I love the full-length "Little People" number (and I really do love it), I admit removing it was definitely the right choice. It's just so sweet and optimistic, it feels out of place in a musical as tragic and cynical as Les Miserables. It doesn't help that its placement is between a high-stakes action scene and a somber, slightly drunk reflection on the nature of friendships, sex, and romance. It's a wonderful song but a terrible Les Mis song. I do love it, though, and I also love how Grantaire manages to make his pre-song metaphors alcohol-related.
In the sewers, the Barbican recordings feature a unique tune not heard anywhere elsewhere in the musical (it can be heard here) before transitioning to the final Valjean-Javert confrontation. Apparently, this music was accompanied by a short chase scene. However, by the time of the 1986 recording there is instead what is essentially one repeated note which then transitions into an instrumental version of "Look Down". This is followed by the same Valjean-Javert confrontation as before.
And that just about sums this part up! If I missed anything feel free to let me know, as my goal is to create a changelog as thorough and complete as possible. I plan on making more parts in the near future covering all the changes that have been made in the show up until this day (discounting concerts). Any feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated.
As a side note, both for this project and my own enjoyment, I want as complete a collection of Les Miserables audios as possible. I already have most of what’s commonly circulated, but if you have any audios or videos you know are rare, I’d love it if you DMed me!
Until the turntable puts me at the forefront again, good-bye…
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impalas-r-important · 4 years
Love of my Life - (6) How it all started
Summary: This is the story of how Dean and Y/N met.
Warnings: Some show level violence. Dean being a sap.
A/N: Okay, we're hitting rewind to delve into some back story before we continue on any further. I loved writing these next few chapters about how Dean and Y/N met. This is set just weeks after Dean returns from hell in S4. The italics are Dean's thoughts. Let me know if you'd like a tag for the rest of the series. Thanks for all the love!
Series Masterlist
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Sam and I were in over our heads and we knew it. What was supposed to be a small nest of vamps ended up being a whole house full. The first few we took care of easily, then they started coming out of the woodwork. Left and right, up and down, they were everywhere. So, we did what we always did; we went to work. Heads were rolling, blood was spattering, fangs were flying, but I was backed into a corner with 3 of them closing in on me and Sam had his own problems. He was on the floor, trying desperately to back away from two onrushing blood suckers. Both of us weaponless, we exchanged looks as if to say goodbye, and I prepared myself to fight for my life.
I raised my bloodied fists, staring straight into the eyes of the monster who would surely kill me. He took half a step forward before stopping dead in his tracks as a quick flash of a blade sliced through his neck so smoothly that his head stayed balanced for a moment before slipping off to the ground with his body following suit. I didn’t have even have enough time to feel shocked when the remaining two vamps who were cornering me met the same fate. What the hell? I thought to myself. I looked up to gauge the situation when I saw her. Long Y/H/C hair danced through the room, swiftly flowing as she expertly beheaded pests left and right, a machete in each hand.
“You just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help?” She yelled as she slid one of her blades over to me. I picked it up and joined back in the fight. She had already taken care of the vampires after Sam and he was by her side, picking them off quickly. I took care of another three, leaving just two left who were quickly retreating and too far away for us to catch them on foot. The strays had almost made it to the door when I saw the mystery hunter throw her machete, nailing one square in the back. She then grabbed my knife from my hand, flinging it at the other, leaving both of them lying on the ground. Two bullseyes. Damn.
Sam and I jogged over to them, pulled the blades from their backs and, in unison, sliced their heads off. Chests heaving, we looked up at each other, then over to the new girl who was wiping blood from her machete on the jacket of one of the victims.
“Bleh.” I heard her mutter to herself as she casually kicked a severed head from her path and walked over to us.
“Sam and Dean, right?” She asked.
Sam and I, both still shaking off the shock, hesitated to answer. Sam cut the silence. “Uhm, not to sound ungrateful, but who are you?”
“Your new favorite person.” She gave a teasing side smile. “I’m Y/N. Bobby Singer called me and asked if I could check in on you boys. He said something about you having your heads too far up your asses to ask for help.”
I got lost in her eyes when she looked at me and my heart was beating so heavily that I felt my legs shake with every thump. I could only hope she and Sam couldn’t hear it beating. Sam noticed my dreamy state and hit my side, pulling me from the trance. I cleared my throat and desperately searched for the words to invite her to stick around for the rest of the night. I had to get to know her. A million phrases ran thought my mind, but all that managed to slip from my mouth was, “We have a shower.”
Sam dramatically turned his head and looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out my ears. Y/N raised her eyebrow and nodded a little. “Okay. Good for you?” She replied, clearly confused.
“Oh, no, I just…. I, uh…” I stammered. Sam quickly interrupted me. Thank goodness.
“I think what my brother is trying to say is that you are welcome to come back to our motel and clean up if you want.”
“I actually have a room not too far off from here, but I appreciate the offer.”
Crap. Say something, Dean! Don’t just let her go.
“Well can we at least meet up with you and buy you dinner? We owe you that.” I, too eagerly, counter-offered, just relieved that I spoke in full sentences.
“Okay, yeah that sounds good. Let me go get this blood washed off first though.” Y/N agreed.
“Great, meet us at that old timey diner on main street at five.” Sam added.
“See you then, boys.” Y/N looked between the two of us and smiled.
“It’s a date!” The words flew out of my mouth before I even thought about them twice. “Well, not an actual date, but you know…” I rubbed the back of my neck and grimaced at my own stupid self. Y/N gave a small laugh and sent a wink my way before leaving.
Sam waited until the door was closing behind Y/N before he turned to me. “Dude... We have a shower?” He mocked, clearly trying to suppress his laughter, which escaped in a snort anyway. “You’ve got it bad!”
“I do not!” I tried to fight, but I knew I was lying to myself. Right now, I should be feeling lucky that we didn’t die a horrible death, but all I could think of were Y/N’s deep eyes, brilliant smile and that wink she sent my way. Damn, that wink. “Shut up. Let’s get outta here.”
Sam’s laughter continued all the way back to the motel. He was having way too much fun reenacting the “lost puppy” look on my face.
Sam was in the shower and I walked over to the mirror hanging above the desk and gave myself an internal pep talk.
You are Dean freaking Winchester. Girls don’t scare you and you will not be an idiot tonight!
I gave myself a reassuring nod then reminded Sam to hurry so I could wash all the vampire gunk off of me.
We pulled into the diner just before five and the waitress seated us. The minutes seemed to drag on and I couldn’t help but check my watch every few seconds.
“Dude, relax. I can feel your anxiety from across the table.” Sam said, not picking his eyes up from his menu. I sent him a glare and began to read down the list of food they had here. The bell at the door dinged, signaling someone had entered and my eyes shot up. There was Y/N, dressed in blue jeans and a plain white shirt. How could she be so beautiful in something so casual? She looked around and I waved my hand at her, my heart singing the second she saw me. I was mesmerized by her doing something so simple as just walking over to us at the table.
“You two clean up nice.” She greeted. Sam had purposely sat in the middle of his side of the booth with our coats on either side of him so she wouldn’t have any choice but to sit by me. You would have thought I had just finished running a marathon with how fast my heart was beating.
“So,” she picked up her menu and glanced over it, “you guys been here before? What’s good?”
Sam answered first. “We got some take out last night. The grilled chicken salad is pretty good.”
“Nah, come on. We’re celebrating! I don’t know about you guys, but seventeen vamps inside an hour is a personal record. You can’t celebrate properly with salad.”
I tried my best to hide my smile at her comment.
“My go to is always a cheeseburger of some kind. Preferably with bacon.” I added.
“Mmm, you know what? Bacon does sound good. I’ll go for the BLT.” She smiled and shut her menu, placing it on the edge of the table. Man, this girl just keeps getting better. “So, I’ve gotta admit, I never thought that the first time I’d be meeting the famous Winchesters would be me saving your asses.”
“You’ve heard of us?” I ask, trying my hardest not to stare too much.
“Are you kidding? Everyone in the hunting community knows who you two are. Plus, Bobby loves you boys more than he’d ever admit.”
“I remember Bobby talking about you, too.” Sam joined in. “He said he loved you like a daughter, but he never sent us out on cases with you because he didn’t want us to ruin you.”
“Hah! Yeah, that sounds like Bobby.” Her smile absolutely lit up the small diner. “He told me he didn’t want me ever getting involved with you boys because you were bad influences. Well, mostly just Dean actually.” She looked at me and added, “Bobby said you’re too much of a womanizer for me to be around.”
I didn’t want her to think that I was interested in her just to use her. My soul wanted to get to know hers.
“I used to be.” I admitted. “Not so much anymore.”
“What changed?” Y/N asked.
“I guess going to hell and coming back really changes a guy.” I laughed.
“Fair enough.” Every time Y/N looks at me, I get a rush of adrenaline. I’m trying my hardest not to blush when the waitress comes over to take our orders.
Dinner was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. We exchanged hunting stories and talked about our lives a lot. Y/N’s family had died when she was little, and she bounced around between Bobby and a few other hunters who helped raise her. She seems to be the most put together person for having a past like that.
Y/N excused herself to use the bathroom and Sam made his move. “Alright, Dean, I’m going to head back to the motel. You good to walk?”
“What? Why?”
“I’m going to give you two some time to yourselves. Tell her I was just tired from the hunt and wanted to head back.”
I give him a suspicious look, but I’m actually more than happy I get some one-on-one time with Y/N.
“Oh, and don’t sleep with her. Bobby will send you straight back to hell.” Sam added with a hard pat on the back as he takes the keys from me and heads out the door.
Y/N comes back and asks where Sam went.
“Oh, he’s kind of a party pooper. He went back to the motel for some shut eye. You don’t mind if I keep you company, do you?”
“I’d like that.” A shy smile crept up on her face.
“So, we’re celebrating. How about some dessert?”
“Hell yes. You are speaking my language. I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth.”
“What are you in the mood for? I guess you get to pick since you saved my ass.” I was obviously hoping she’d choose pie.
“Anything chocolate.”
“Hmmm,” I look over the small menu off to the side of the table, “chocolate cream pie? I love me some pie.”
“Perfect!” She waived the waitress over and order a whole pie. A girl after my own heart.
A few minutes later, a beautiful, massive pie is set down on our table with two forks and we dive in. I ate my fair share, but Y/N polished most of that thing off.
“I’m impressed.” I sit back and rub my full stomach as I look at her finishing the last few bites of the pie. “I’ve never seen any girl eat that much.”
She shrugged. “I love chocolate. Plus, hunting makes me hungry.”
I can’t help but admire her every movement. She’s so kind and graceful, and her hair falls so perfectly around her shoulders. I can’t find one flaw and I know I’m in trouble. She catches me staring at her a few moments too long, but I shake off the embarrassment and keep the conversation flowing, not wanting this night to end. We talked for hours about anything and everything. Dreams, hopes, fears, music, food, family, and before I know it, the waitress is telling us that we have to leave because they are closing. My heart drops because I just can’t get enough of this girl. Everything in me was so drawn to her.
I open the door for her, and the slight breeze is just cold enough to give her goosebumps. Immediately I take off my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders, holding it up enough to let her arms slide in.
“Thank you.” She smiled.
“Don’t thank me, I’m only standing here right now because you saved my life.” We stand silent for a few seconds just looking at each other before she breaks the stare and reaches into her pocket, pulling out her car keys.
“Well, let me at least give you a ride back to your motel. It’s too cold out here for you to be walking.”
It wasn’t too cold, but I wouldn’t turn down that offer in a million years.
“You mind driving? I’m pretty sleepy.” She held her keys out to me. Something about the way she said “sleepy” and looked up at me while drowning in my jacket made me go crazy. I hadn’t known this girl for even 12 hours, and she owed my entire heart already.
“Of course.” I gladly took her keys from her and subconsciously placed my hand on her lower back like we were some cheesy-ass couple, but she didn’t stop me, so I left it there as I lead her to the only car left in the parking lot, which I assumed to be hers.
“Where are you staying?” I asked.
“At the Red Rock motel, about ten minutes that way.” She pointed north. I couldn’t help but laugh as I moved her arm to the right.
“Sam and I are holed up there too, but it’s actually east.”
We both laughed as I started up the engine.
“Don’t judge me. I drove twenty hours straight to save your asses and I’m tired.” She joked. “Plus, I’ve never been that good with directions.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ve got your own personal compass now.” I sent her a wink, and she bit her bottom lip, trying to fight the blush that was creeping up on her cheeks, which, in turn, made me blush. Dammit, am I a freaking teenager again?
We pulled into the motel and I walked her to her room. She shrugged off my jacket and thanked me as she gave it back and told me goodnight.
I couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off of my face the entire walk back to my room, and upon entering, Sam noticed.
“Aww, Dean’s in love.” Sam half mocked from the bed he was sitting on, with his computer in his lap.
“Whatever.” I brushed him off. “You got a new case?” I nodded to the computer and newspapers that he had been studying.
“Yeah, I think so. Some missing people in Montana have shown up with their hearts ripped out.”
“Sounds wolfy to me.” I added as I began to get ready for bed. “Maybe Y/N wants to come with us. You good if I invite her?”
Sam raised his eyebrows at me. “No, I don’t mind. But be straight with me for a minute here. Dean, how much do you really like this girl?”
I didn’t even feel the need to lie. “I really, really like her. Like I’m already in way too deep for not knowing her for a full day.”
“Wow. The great Dean Winchester is whipped. Never thought I’d see that day.” Sam closed his laptop and began to gather up all his papers. “Be honest, was it when she threw the machetes?”
“The freaking machetes, man. That was the most badass thing I’ve ever seen…” I trailed off. “But no, I mean, that’s part of it, but it’s just everything about her. I can’t say it’s one specific thing, because it’s just every single detail about her draws me in.”
“Alright Nicholas Sparks, well I’m getting some shut eye and you should too. We have a long drive tomorrow.” Sam turned off the lamp by his bed and turned away from me, snoring almost instantly. I slid under the covers, knowing that I should be exhausted after a long day that involved almost dying, but all I could think about was talking to Y/N tomorrow.
Chapter 7
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marlasomething · 3 years
Piles Of Nonsense Bingo: Poor Affectionate Souls
Hi there! This is my fourth individual contribution the @pilesofnonsense 2021 Halloween Bingo. My idea? To fill the marked column (bellow) adding an extra one in each entry.
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"Boxes" filled: The Corruption and New Medium
Characters: Tim Stoker, Jonathan Sims, Original Avatar Characters, Original Human Characters, Original Non-Human Characters
Pairings: Background minor relationships, Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Sasha James/Tim Stoker
Additional tags: Original statement, non-Apocalypse AU, Archivist!Sasha, Web!Jon, Lonely!Tim, other countries’ Institutes, Greek mythology, Riordanverse references, yeah that level of nerdiness everyone is morally grey in here, a bunch of characters get just mentioned, because I can, no beta we kayak like Tim
CW: co-dependency, slight mention of family issues, Corruption Typical Content, violence, injuries, mentions of physical deterioration
Ranking: Teen and up (it is not really that harsh but maybe a bit thought for younger audiences)
Word count: 2614
Summary: a new type of human-ish person appear to make Tim’s day a little bit longer. However, this new individual didn’t come empty handed: they are handling yet another bloody testament…Ah! When did this become his life? (Don’t answer, he knows)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35034877t
As always, kudos/likes (as this is going both to AO3 and Tumblr), feedback or any random comments are so greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy it and forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes,
“Oh my God Jon, don’t be so dramatic! I told you, putting in between Hopworth and me was more than enough to get back most of my trust. And I feel bad enough, alright? I should not have…I shouldn’t have mistrusted you so much before that, ok? So, yes, I know you were just looking for nice rings and I won’t say a word to anyone, especially Melanie. Jeez, when are you two let that go?” on the other side of the line, Jon starting a speech that, in an all public show would have been far too bleeped to be considerable audible. Tim laughed and toyed with some of his white hair; letting it grow longer had likely been the best decision of his life. “Fine, er…I called you later.”
One goodthing after his experience almost getting assimilatedby The Lonely was his new-found capacity to feel automatically annoyed when someone he hadn’t invited in came into a room he was in at the moment.
He called it, the reverse-vamp-power (for everyone’s annoyance).
He turned, to find a woman with naturally tanned skin and so many freckles Martin’s skin would look plain in comparison. She was smiling at him.
There was also some kind of fog around her, but it wasn’t like his fog.
No, there was something…wrong with hers…
“Hello there!” she said in which, he had to admit, was a pretty good imitation of the famous Obi-Wan Kenobi moment.
Actually, now that he came to think about it, she had literally used Ewan McGregor’s voice.
“What the actual fuck?! Lad…Pal, let’s cut this short, what Fear do you serve or are more in the Keay ‘pick-up’ style? And what are you doing here?”
“Kind-of Beholding. I am here to say hello to the new grey-area players! Honestly, to speak in terms you Brits understand (and, by that, I mean people of your our country), between all the Jonahs and Gertrudes, it is great to find more people that don’t necessarily want to end the world as we know it, but understand that cannot keep pretending to be some kind of John Wick against the other avatars. Soooo self-righteous” she laughed. “I’m from the Greek Institute: The Daedalus Institute. We kind of serve other powers, too. More of a family matter, if you may.”
Tim raised an eyebrow.
“I’ve read Percy Jackson and Co.; please, tell me you are joking.”
“Then you get it (thanks Rick!) and no, I am not. But it is not something you have to be worried about, enough you have with Smirke’s 14. Gods, the ego of that guy. The moment Jonah Magnus call you out on your hubris you know you have a problem” she lowered her head and, when she raised it again, her eyes glowed just like Sasha’s did when she went, as he liked to call it, Full Archivist-OP. “Something is coming to you, it might not be much, but it want revenge for what you once did to one Jane Prentiss (or what had become of the best of her) and better if you get a bit of context beforehand, isn’t it?”
Before Tim could say anything, the Greek woman had disappear, leaving behind a phone number under the text “Julia, of The Watcher and Hecate”.
He almost wished he had to listen to more of Jon-trying-to-propose drama instead of having to deal with more ominous random people that came out of nowhere.
It was starting to get old. He sighed and started reading the statement.
Statement of Jay Sanders, regarding their strange relationship with a litter of extremely tiny kittens.
Me and my friends graduated from Mathematics last summer and, since then, most of us had got it…quite harsh, to say the least, when it comes to make a living.
There had been a decrease of “shitty jobs” offers (to say something) and, as a mathematician…ha, that had been a funny experience.
However, of the five of us, three were…well, well-off enough to not have to actually worry about money if they didn’t want to. And so they didn’t.
I don’t blame them; they tried to make it in their own, they failed, and then they just moved on, back to rich-people town.
Fun to play the regular kid for four years. Now, it was only Sarah and me.
And we couldn’t afford our shared flat, nor go back home. In my case, it’s about having your standard ultra-conservative family and, in her case…her family is just very poor and she is too concerned about their well-being to go back and having to live under their roof again. She has always had this compulsory need to be the one protecting the rest of the World, never the other way round.
God, she is so stubborn and proud…Well, maybe was. I…we will get to that.
The thing is; we were seeing ourselves out in the street, our everyday anxiety increased and, basically, fed from one to the other….when our landlord came in one evening.
We had barely seen in him in the almost half a decade we had been living in the building. He was your regular cliché scary Nosferatu-like landlord: tall, rail thin man with pale gray-ish skin and thinning hair. However, that day he looked slightly better than usual, a bit of light in his dark sunken eyes.
“You two cannot pay rent” he stated, with such a flat voice for a second I thought he was going to discover himself at some kind of droid that murdered defaulters in his property.
“No, we can’t. But…maybe we can rent a smaller flat, right? Or share with more people, Jay is good at socialising, right?”
The only socialising I ever do is when someone does a terrible misused of mathematical concepts and, here I go, your best pedantic pal!
Anyways, I knew it was important to keep the place (or the closest we could to it), so I nodded.
“Yeah! My friends used to say: ‘They are the live of the party, that Jay!’” I composed a barely believable smile and, as such, it made our landlord laughed.
His laugh sounded so normal…too normal; no laugh sounds like that in real life.
“Don’t worry kids, I know you two are broke and kind of lone wolfs that cannot go home for whatever reasons. I am really good at peaking up signs…” then, he opened a box he had been carrying this whole time and, if it hadn’t been for extremely bizarre event that was having him here with us, I would have noticed before.
There was a muffled sound coming from it.
Inside the box, there was a litter of tiny kittens, barely a few hours old, if you ask me.
Even there, so small, fragile, bald and slightly bloody; they were adorable.
Sarah and I composed a collective involuntary “Awww” to which our landlord responded with a smile that just…didn’t feel like a smile at all.
I know that might not make much sense but…it was what happened: he composed a mouth curvature that can only be described as unsettling.
“You can stay, on one condition: take care of the kittens.”
Yes; I know: this is likely the shadiest scenario possible, how come we both agreed to it without a second of hesitation?
First of all, if you have ever seen yourself at the verge of losing your home and still question desperate measures…what the hell is wrong with you?!
Second of all, sleep deprivation. Sorry, might sound stupid but we hadn’t had a good night sleep in what already felt like months (though they had just been a couple weeks) and it showed in everything we did (or, better said, tried to do).
And third: the kittens themselves. They needed someone. They needed us.
Especially one of us.
At first, having the kittens was the best thing that had ever happened to us.
They were extremely small rays of sunshine in our everyday otherwise bleak existence. They required to be taken care of but, if it hadn’t been for a pretty nasty habit of having a taste for cut fingernails and hair (and even that was kind of adorable from time to time), they would have been the best pets ever.
Plus, we couldn’t exactly prove it but…the moment they appeared, we got jobs. In our field, nonetheless!
It is true that the kittens didn’t seem to grow and, after three weeks under our care, that was starting to worry us.
What if there was something wrong with our kids?
Or maybe there were just some of those races that barely grow; we thought. It was comforting, since there was still a selfish part of us that was quite worried that, if our landlord saw us taking the kittens to the vet, he might think we weren’t taking proper care of them…and lose our flat.
And so weeks kept passing, winter cold arriving and our teeny tiny cats still capable of fitting into their box, where they were nothing but peaceful.
We could just sit next to them and stared at their bald, wrinkly skulls and pet their pointy ears while they playfully used their sharp claws against our fingers.
It was all just fine.
Until one day, when Sarah decided that, since we were just friends, the kittens could only be the children of one of us and, obviously, since her work as online, she spent more time with them, therefore, her offspring’s.
Not only that, but SHE CHANGED THEIR DIET without asking me first.
She started giving them well cooked meat and soy milk, as if that was the two most adequate things for baby cats.
I confronted her, clearly upset. Perhaps, more upset than ever before in my entire life.
“That is not cat food, Sarah” I told her, annoyed and, I must admit, jealous of how popular that had made her with our kittens.
“Of course not” she answered, as if it was obvious that she knew perfectly well this fact. “But they are not cats, look at them! They look like us!”
Yes; it was true, they looked like us, like a feline version of us combined in different shapes.
I grunted.
“Cats can look like their owners, it’s a thing” I, obviously, didn’t know whether that was true or not; but, since it was the only logical explanation, is what I decided to believe.
And then…she hit me.
Actually, no. She didn’t hit me; she threw me across the room, a ball of pure rage and fury.
As I tried to stand up, I realised…she was right. I was being unfair to our kids; we didn’t own them. Hell, not even the landlord did. They were our buddies; we couldn’t keep letting them in that box. So, instead of apologising to Sarah, I did what needed to be done: I let the kittens free of the box, making both the little ones and my best friend the happiest people on Earth. I have never been prouder of myself in my entire existence.
The kittens still didn’t grow, but they became completely independent and even cooperated on house tasks, under one condition: we had to feed them all the waste our own body produced, even the thick liquid coming out of Sarah’s almost juvenile pimples.
Some days, we just went to work and then be with them. There was no need for anything else, not even eating. As long as they were well fed, we didn’t seem to need anything for our own body.
They even learnt how to use their tiny teeth! Isn’t that great? Now, we will never mistake their favourite soy milk label ever again.
Sorry, now I am reading all this and it is…crazy. Even as I wrote it down, I BELIEVED AGAIN it was normal, actually, it is not that bad, is it?
Never mind, I shall continue.
Even though I couldn’t notice what this ordeal was doing to me, Sarah was a completely different story: Sarah, whose raven hair was turning a dirty grey and her marathon kind-of-skinny figure was turning into a starving kind-of-skinny one.
Her eyes were now as sunken as the landlord’s had been when he left the kittens, and she was allowing them so much as once saw her carrying one of them entirely on her mouth.
I want to believe I didn’t get to that extreme.
I tried to speak to her about it, worried at the time not only for the well-being of the first person who had called my Jay without a moment hesitation, but of the kittens’. As I have already stated, I didn’t spend that much time at home and, if Sarah couldn’t do it…I shivered at the mere thought of what could happen to them.
But, the moment I started talking about her maybe needing more time for herself…the kittens did something they hadn’t done since we adoptedthem: they started meowing.
Firstly, very low; then louder. And louder.
And louder.
And louder.
So loud that, by the end, I could feel my ears bleeding.
It was a clear protest of my words and, while this just made Sarah cry and point at me as if I was responsible of the cats’ suffering; it made me snap out of whatever trance we had been in for the last few months.
I flew the flat without even taking my phone with me.
From there, I went straight up to her parents’ house. Yes, being independent was nice and all but…we, SHE needed their help and, as much as it might be an economical tall on them…Sarah’s life was at risk.
Maybe mine too, as I collapsed the moment I entered their house and had to be committed to hospital for, between other things, malnutrition and plenty of infected animal bites.
I haven’t heard from Sarah since; her parents went to our flat, finding nothing but an empty box filled with a hulking mass with such a strong reek to it that their clothes still kept the smell when they came by to visit me to the hospital that day.
They kept looking, no results.
I went myself to the building after recovering and, luckily enough, confirming I still got my new job (maybe, after all, the kittens had had nothing to do with that particular fact). I asked for the landlord and, the moment I said that he had given us a box full of kittens, one of my former neighbours laughed.
“Our landlord is a she, dearie. Ursula, she lives with her kids, very nice boys, they are the only children that can awake my maternal instincts...Are you sure you weren’t fooled somehow, youngster?”
Yes, ma’am, I am almost certain.
And…that is all. Sorry I cannot give a conclusion. I can’t stay much longer, either way. I have to get home. They came back yesterday and they could get very upset if I don’t feed them...
…I hope my broken toenail will be of their taste.
Yes, I think so. What do you think?
Statement ends.
It had been a month since Julia had randomly popped-up inside The Institute and the menace she had preconized had just been eradicated.
Murderous kittens were more tough than you could ever imagine.
As his boss (both out and inside the work space), Tim had given Sasha the card to call their mysterious friend.
“Ok, what do you want in exchange?” she asked.
“Ah! Director-Archivist! A pleasure! Nothing special just…You can take it as a warm welcome…
Welcome to the monster world, good to have new players.”
Extra notes:
Was this slightly inspired by the creepy-ass subplot of Brand New Cherry Flavour where Lisa pukes kittens? Well…maybe, yeah, it was just disgusting in the best possible way (quite enjoyed the show, didn’t like the ending ENDING, though –like, the last ten minutes or so, I was like…meh, wouldn’t have done that this way-).
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imbellarosa · 3 years
my check in tagggg
my absolute love @evilovesyou tagged me in this game and it has been a while, but maybe i'm gonna be on a bit more in the next two weeks - lets hope so!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
Okay so I was a TA for this french class when I was in high school, and this kid kept calling me Rosie (yeah yeah @dependsonwhospitching laugh it up) and i COULD NOT figure out why he called me that, and eventually the teacher asked him, and he was like "oh it's bc her name is Bella and she's a Bella Rosa. I'm italian." and like. idk. It's not that I wanted to date the kid or anything, but I didn't feel particularly beautiful then, and I liked knowing that someone thought I was. so as a reminder, my url is "I'm Bella Rosa" haha
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
None that I am using regularly right now! An old magicians one that is no longer in use.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
uhhhh....5 years? or 4??? around that long
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Absolutely not im not that organized! I don't even have a queue I'm a MESS
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because i wanted to be a merlin blog lmaoooo. i still like the fandom but now this is just my personal blog
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i like choosing cartoon versions of me!! they look cool and you know who you're talking to that. way.
7. Why did you choose your header?
my header used to be a sunflower, but then i re-vamped my blog and i thought of a convo i had with someone, where they said that if their life was hard, they liked to go see the sea, because it was so vast and free, and i feel the same way, so it's a good reminder that even if life is rough there's a whole world out there lmao
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
You know I actually have no clue? Probably one of my analysis posts though i wish my art had more notes!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Uh. Is there an actual way to check this? Does this website have a feature I don’t know about?
10. How many followers do you have?
uh around 700 i think. all very cool people, OBVIOUSLY
11. How many people do you follow?
literally thousands. I just click follow if i maybe MIGHT like your content, so my dash is a bit of everything always
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean...yes probably. yes.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
i used to be at home doing school in a pandemic so ALL THE TIME lmao. now my life is a bit more hectic, so like, once a day? but i'm always in my dms if someone texts me
14. Did you once have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Uh...defo with anons but i've learned to not really engage but idk about another blog i probably have but i don't like to do it a lot.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
Useless. Stupid. Makes me want to do the exact opposite.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes!! But I’ve been terrible at keeping up! (stealing evis answer hereeee)
17. Do you like ask games?
Yeah! Especially the writing ones! But honestly any of them are fun! (also stealing evi's answer hereeeee)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ummmm...i think i have quite a few? I would count evi defo, but also some other people in various different fandoms and circles but i love them lots as humans not "tumblr famous people" does that make sense??
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
@dependsonwhospitching of COURSE
20. Tags?
@foreverfanficaddict @whatagreatproblemtohave @stoptakingmyusernamebro (i ADORE this blog and their username) @queenlokibeth
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Diary of Draculaura
It should be totally forbitten to read someone else’s diary, even if it is lost.
OMV! It feels like ages since I’ve written in my diary. Un-life has truly been busy these days and I’m barely keeping up. I’m sure my face looks like I’m 2000 years old instead of 1600. I pulled an all-frighter working on my article for the Monster High newspaper, The Gory Gazette, about new trends in vegetarianism, including plant-based meat. I’ve been making fangtastic with Boo-yond Meat and Grim-possible Burgers, though finding taste testers has been a bit of a challenge. My boyfriend, Clawd Wolf, is a werewolf who loves his steaks rare and won’t come near my new recipe for Grim Ghoulash and Count Fabulous, my best bat friend, prefers bugs over veggies. That leaves my Father, Count Dracula, the world’s most famous vampire and lover of all things blood. He doesn’t understand my vegetarianism and at least once a year, I get “The Talk”. Basically, he believes I need to give up being a vegetarian because it is unnatural and un-monster like. So the day he eats one of my recipes is the day I eat double meat screechza with Clawd. Yuck.
Yesterday’s Fearleading practice was scarier than Father’s fashion sense. Cleo de Nile was in a monstrous mood and I don’t know who got her all unraveled but we all paid dearly for it. Nobody could understand her complicated Fearamid routine and we all ended up in a heap. Cleo suddenly announced that we’re going to hold a fundraiser for new Fearleading uniforms and needed ideas. I thought we could do a plant-based bake sale but the squad didn’t seem too enthused and so we decided to do a fashion show instead. That’s too bad, the scarrots in my garden would be great for a homemade scarrot bread! Maybe Father would enjoy that instead. While my BFF Clawdeen Wolf was here studying after school, I started a new recipe for booyond sliders with beefsteak tomatoes. Father walked in while I was pulling them out of the skillet and the whole kitchen was super smokey. I tried to get him to try one along with Clawdeen but I might as well have offered him stake-skewered garlic kabobs! He walked out with his fangs bared but I did catch Clawdeen sneaking a second bite. Hehe, I might just get her to join Team VAMP (Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins) after all.
I’m still really confused about what happened today. The day started off perfectly fine until Fearleading practice was suddenly canceled. We were supposed to talk details for the fashion show but Cleo was nowhere to be found. I headed to the Maul with Clawdeen and Frankie Stein to scout outfits for the show and meet Clawd in the Food Corpse for a quick bite. The Food Corpse is so lacking in vegetarian options but they do have really good screechza and spookochinos, so I don’t mind it too much. Anyway, we found this fangtastic boo-tique that had creeperific looks and scarecessories. I wish I could point my Father in the direction of this store. He’s constantly buying me clothes that wer in when he was 1600 but I wouldn’t be caught alive in those clothes. Anyway, I met Clawd afterwards in the Food Corpse and he was in such a weird mood. He got really cagey when I mentioned Cleo’s mood lately and our canceled practice. He quickly changed the subject to my article for the Gory Gazette, so I know something’s wrong. The day Clawd wants to talk the protein count in kidney beans is when I know something is wrong. We basically drove home in silence and he gave me a quick kiss and drove away. Something has got that wolf’s fur all ruffled and I intend to find out.
Normally Clawd will wait with me after school before I attend The Gory Gazette staff meeting. But today he disappeared as soon as the bell rung! I got this really cryptic message from him on my iCoffin about not being able to make it and he would catch up with me later, but he never did. I was in such a bad mood, Father gave me a little kiss on the forehead after he pointed out the grammatical errors in my article. What is going on?
Oh my ghoul! Father is in a fearious mood tonight. Turns out, he ate my leftover vegan vampire chili and didn’t realize it until I went to eat it for dinner! It was super spicy and totally vegetarian, two of Father’s pet peeves. I apologized profusely for not properly labeling it but it was too late. I got treated to a mini version of “The Talk” and had to promise to keep my “experiments” on my side of the fridge. Honestly, I think he’s just mad he actually enjoyed a vegetarian meal. There wasn’t one drop of chili left!
I WISH I COULD CRAWL BACK INTRO MY BED AND START THIS DAY OVER. I don’t know what happened but somehow my vegetarian trends article didn’t save on my computer and now I have to write the whole thing over by tomorrow afternoon! Frankie is feeling zapped because the 3Scream printer she invented to make clothes for the fashion show is not working. The show and Frankie are literally falling apart at the seams and to make matters worse, Clawd is still being weird! After the day I was having, I had enough and called him out on his behavior. I told him it’s not ok for us to keep secrets from each other and asked him to tell me what was wrong, only that “it’s private and he made a promise to keep everything under wraps”. I got so mad, I stormed out of the creepeteria and ran crying to my locker, totally ruining my makeup. Thank ghoulness Frankie helped me fix my face before class. I hate fighting with Clawd, especially when I don’t even know what we’re fighting about.  
Last night was so crazy, I didn’t even have the energy to write in my diary or look at the collection of bugs Count Fabulous gathered to cheer me up. It all started with Clawd leaving me a note on my locker, asking me to meet him after school. We hadn’t really hung out since that day I confronted him in the Creepeteria, so I was a little shocked to see the note. I gently tucked it into my notebook and walked to class with Clawdeen, who thankfully didn’t ask too many questions. Then, Fearleading practice was canceled again and Cleo was nowhere to be found. Cleo never misses a chance to boss us around, let alone cancel practice two times in a row. Even though I was still feeling really down, I conviced the other ghouls to put together a scare package and take it over to Cleo, who obviously needed some cheering up. Clawdeen must have noticed my mood, because she didn’t growl too much and decided to tag along. Since we were going to go to de Niles after school, I wasn’t going to be able to meet Clawd. Part of me felt horrible but the other part was just too upset to care. After gathering a few of Cleo’s favorite things, we landed on her doorstep and the minute she opened the door, I could tell this wasn’t a royal tantrum, something was definitely wrong. She explained that she and Deuce broke up and while Deuce seemed to be doing just fine, she couldn’t bear to face anyone at school. My heart was breaking for her, I hate to see any monster heartbroken, but then she mentioned Clawd! She looked at me and said, “Deuce told Clawd about our breakup and we both asked him to keep this under wraps. Draculaura you’ve got a great boyfriend, we’ve been driving him crazy.” I didn’t even stay to hear the rest of her story. I ran out of there and immediately called Clawd to meet at the Coffin Bean. The second he showed up, I ran and gave him the biggest hug and apologized for being so batty! He looked really sheepish and apologized too. He hated keeping anything from me but he gave his word. I held my hand up to his cheek snuggled into his fur as he wrapped his arms around me. Last night was the first good night’s sleep I’ve had in a while. Thank ghoulness everything is back to normal!
The fashion show was total success! Cleo and Frankie worked together to get the 3Scream printer up and running and we were totally able to save the show! It was all claws on deck to pull this show together and it couldn’t have gone better. Even Cleo and Clawdeen worked together to quickly design our looks, which is like trying to mix oil and water or get Father to eat another bowl of veggie chili, hehe. I have the best BFF in the world, Clawdeen totally put together a fangtastic look for me and I can’t stop vamping over it. I mean only a truly fashion forward mind could think of mesh sleeves that double as a fashion statement and UV protection! When I walked the runway, the students of MH went totally bats, even Headmistress Bloodgood gave a little nod of approval! But the best part of all? At the end of the runway was my clawsome boyfriend waiting with the prettiest nightshades and the most gorgeous bouquet of blood oranges I had ever seen. Cleo was right, I really am the luckiest monster ever!
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