#i’m stuck in the trash
bts-trash-blog · 7 months
Hey you haven’t posted anything in a while, is everything okay? Are you okay?
Yes? No? Not completely but I’m okay and healthy as I can be :) but I will say my depression had taken over my creative flow. I’ve been lacking in inspiration to do anything that used to bring me joy. Though it’s getting better and I’m currently working on some things that will probably never see the light of day-but it’s showing me that I can and will comeback and start posting soon hence why I haven’t deleted anything and why I updated my theme recently. I’m here-my stories are just loading I swear😅
I’m not gonna give a timeline on when I’m coming back but I am gonna start rebloging again and probably will post some stupid random things here and there. Maybe drop some lore/extras to stories and or make fun of my old stuff from like high school/middle school-it’s how I’ve been pushing myself-reflection and embracing then absolute mess I was and am.
Sorry for the rant and sorry for not posting- trust me I miss my stories as much as all of you guys💕 and thank you for checking in-all of you who have means the world to me💜🖤💜
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tohot4u · 9 months
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averagetmntfan · 2 months
imma be honest it’s crazy we’re Already more then half way through the year
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sgtcalhouns · 1 month
I reread the last couple fresh start chapters while trying to figure out the emotional path of the next one and realized the reason I’ve been putting it off is because the emotions are freaking complicated
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mxmorel · 5 months
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black sand beach iceland, nov 2023
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artistic-shapeshifter · 11 months
*scurries in like a gremlin crab*
I have a new au I’m playing and and have been absolutely stuck on for DAYS! And I’ve drawn enough that I wanna share.
I made sun moon and eclipse as fae dragons
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But because I’m trash and have some shit with my own characters, this dragon au is gonna be different.
The story goes like this:
The boys’ bio mother is on the run when she stumbles into the wrong territory; Zytrix the tiger Sphynx’s territory. Her and her feline crew always demand one of two things: food or a life.
The Fae dragon ran with her babies in tow, the cats giving chase. She hid them and promised to return by morning. But she never did.
Ana finds the boys while strolling and takes them to the dragon palace. There she decides to adopt them, gaining Queen Najada’s blessing. Despite the disagreements of some other dragons. Ana cares for Eclipse and the egg soon to hatch.
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Years later, while Ana is happy with her pups, the boys bio father makes a return. And there are things he wants.
BUT YE I have a lot in my head for this story and I’ve been slowly writing it in my docs. I might write up some like…smol adventures stuff too. Fluff and small lore that wouldn’t quite fit into the actual story. I’ve actually made a bunch of the fnaf characters into mythical creatures and trying to figure out just where and how they’d all fit into the story! Some of which my friends have been helping me figure out x3
Meet the boys bio parents :3
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Their father Lunaris and their mother Solara
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numbaoneflaya · 27 days
You know I really gotta empathize w vincent bcs this wound sucks and all but like that on it own ain’t a big deal, what’s really grinding my cock down into a little cement nub with a sandpaper hammer is this cold. Not being able to breathe thru ur nose and being snotty is 10000% worse than having stitches
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suave-hogan · 1 year
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Meech drawing for when you’re so sleepy and need to rest
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iceyrukia · 5 months
A guy acting decent in front of their wife/girl isn’t a perfect indicator of a man’s lack of misogyny because the moment when a woman messes up or upsets them men always have misogyny in their arsenal to fall back into in as a way to punish women. That’s the male privilege that all men have and can utilize it at any given moment.
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daincrediblegg · 7 months
Totally torn between wallowing in my own misery about not having the time or energy to do a damn thing (let alone what I want to be doing- which is getting over myself and just writing the damn lady terror story) and forcing myself to go outside so I can make myself more miserable. Can’t win
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mangostar · 10 months
stuck on the soul master boss i need to die immediately
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Nnnnnnng. Normal Friday listening podcast is doing an episode on Secret Mark and idk if I can bring myself to listen.
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chadsuke · 1 year
so steam is blocked on my work computer bc it’s a gaming site but like. I will be having quite a bit of downtime in the future (not right this moment) so I’m going to attempt to install steam and a game on a usb I have, and see if I can then play the game offline
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ladicsa · 1 year
@viikingwitch said “ Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things. ”
the 100 sentence starters
THESE DAYS SHE CAN BARELY REMEMBER WHAT CAME BEFORE SURVIVAL. The brief period of her human life that existed without fear is little but flashes; fleeting moments of memory imprinted on the back of her eyelids. There a second and then gone the next before she manages to catch them. It’s certain smells and sounds mostly, impressions of a life that was hers for far shorter than it should have been.
Her memory of that life is foggy at best, but Kisa knows that it had been soft and kind, she knows that she had cried the first time she discovered the meat on her plate came from a living creature and that she cherished making another smile above all.
And she had been punished for it. Mutilated into a monster, cursed to hunger for blood.
What she turned into after that was of her own doing, but it was what was necessary in order to survive. The girl she was before was dead, devoured whole by the serpent within. For the better really, she never would have survived what came in the centuries afterwards.
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“Do you think it’s possible to go back to who we were before?”
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
i have an unhinged neighbor who hates me and watches my door for me to take out my trash so she can dig through it and dump whatever she doesn’t approve of back on my doorstep, which last time was accompanied by a threatening note taped to my door, which has given me quite a lot of (i feel) reasonable anxiety regarding taking my trash out? anyway i’ve been letting garbage pile up in my room so i don’t inconvenience my roommates (she doesn’t seem to mind the general apartment waste, it’s mainly my shit she doesn’t like because i’m disabled and throw away a lot of nutritional shake cartons that are made of cardboard but not technically recyclable, and she thinks i’m being “lazy” and that’s somehow her business) and bc lack of spoons, and i keep meaning to bag it all up at once and dump it on the curb late at night right before pickup day, so she doesn’t have time to snoop, but i’ve been having a bunch of bad days and i keep missing pickup day but!! today i finally bagged up the worst of it and while i can’t take it out until tomorrow night bc pickup was this morning and they won’t come back til wednesday, i feel like a fucking superhero
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altargrl · 1 year
Chandeliers and seizures honey
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