#i’m still voting for anyone aside from trump but goddamn i’m SO curious about this and what she’s gonna be like in office
alluralater · 2 months
is anyone else thinking about the fact that kamala harris might be goose goofin her way into the oval office? i mean think about it. people think she’s essentially harmless even though she’s incarcerated so many people of color for low level crimes because she’s a silly goose about it. she’s actually pretty sharp but we dull her down because she’s so haha kiking during interviews and her laugh is really infectious. biden is a wild old man but he partook in a genocide and everyone was pretty shocked at first. are we all just ageist?? cause all of his history lowkey shows that’s something he would do. it’s like we’re taking away their teeth but they have claws out the ass. political animals but they get away on the vibe of being less threatening. anyways i think kamala is making herself look/seem less harmful and less opinionated so that she can be a less aggressive option for presidency. i mean think about it. how curious is this that she was literally the attorney general in california and she was hand picked for vice presidency and now possibly she’s going to be the top democratic presidential nominee. women are pretty great at making ourselves seem less threatening/more palatable. that conditioning is real. so i guess my question is, do you think if kamala ends up in office that she’ll do a whole switch up and her persona will be very sharp and put together with the occasional silliness amongst lots of seriousness, or do you think she’s just a harmless silly goose and she’ll be the same way but now with nuclear codes? she supports the continued bombing of children even though miss girl is 100% familiar and has worked on crimes against children considering that’s what she specialized in as an assistant district attorney. let’s be real, something is up
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