#i’m so glad they don’t have access to this account and will never see this
moony-ghoul · 4 months
I don't remember if i've done this with you yet but!!! Anonymously asking the people I follow to infodump about something that makes them happy part i don't remember?
(I like giving people the chance to talk about their favorite things and it does me a learn)
hii i love this so much
i’m gonna be so honest i’m an extremely boring person w next to no hobbies or interests or skills BUT i do have a best friend who’s amazing and i love telling ppl about them
on here i’ve always called them sunny (get it sunny and moony ahah FUNNy they found it cute when i told them plus we have sun and moon matching tattoos now cause we also have polar opposite aesthetics and personalities) we’ve know each other for 10 years this august (holy FUCK that’s pretty much half my life) they’re a year older than me and we met in a composite class after i had moved states/schools and they had moved over from america a month prior. we in no means purposely tried to stay in each others lives for so long but have been forced together by the universe until almost 5 years ago we kinda said fuck it we’re stuck together and just became inseparable we went through primary school together high school together we even worked together briefly
they’ve had it rough for a while but despite every single thing thrown their way they push through and have created an amazing life for themself and i’m so incredibly proud of them. they’ve had so many ppl doubt them along the way and they’ve proven every single on of them wrong, none of their teachers though they’d graduate high school (and due to health complications most of them didn’t even think they’d make it that far) and they still did and they got accepted into university which they turned down for their dream job that they have now spent the past year climbing the ranks in by working their fucking ass off
before they started their current job they were a music teacher (oh yea forgot to mention they’re a classically trained musician and can play basically any instrument that isn’t brass) and within that job they worked with a lot of disabled kids and went above and beyond to make sure every single one of them got to indulge in their passion despite their limitations because they truely understand the importance of music and they know what it’s like to have something so important taken away from you
they are the strongest, most resilient person i know, they the first person i came out to on my own terms and have been the only person to stick by my side since the beginning, they’re so incredibly kind and gentle despite how unkind the world has been to them
i am so greatful to have them in my life and so proud to call them my best friend
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fuck-customers · 2 months
I work corporate IT now, switched from customer service, but so many of the skills I learned in customer service are unfortunately useful. Like for people who have thick skulls.
A person was having a login issue yesterday. Those are pretty easy - usually they’re just entering in the wrong thing. But it was a phone call and we kept getting disconnected. And the disconnect kept happening before I knew which laptop she was using so i could remote into it. Finally we got a connection long enough to learn which laptop it was. I kept telling her “on the underside of the laptop there’s a label that says which laptop this is.” “But I can’t get into the laptop to tell you!” “Its on the bottom of the laptop!” “Oh, hang on.” Like i hadnt said “underside” several times. But I finally got which laptop it was before we got disconnected again. I’m trying to contact back while I can see her continue to enter in the wrong thing while trying to log in.
Finally, i use our remote access software to cut off her inputs and login to a shared account that we maintain for purposes such as this. I open notepad and leave a note, all the while i know she’s watching. “This is your username, the password you use is the same for your email, that’s all you need to enter. I’m going to turn your keyboard back on so you can login.” And did so.
She closed notepad and didn’t log out of the shared account. Went to go find her emails. There’s a message option with the remote software that I seldom use - it’s easy to ignore and I find notepad much easier. So I use the message option to say “this isn’t your account, none of your stuff is here.” I typed like four messages and she closed the window every time. Now, I’m the kind of person who won’t give you any more help than you ask for, and she was continually closing out my help, so I’m like “fine, deal with it yourself, if you need me you know where I am”, and closed my connection.
A short while later, she called back. “I’m logged in but my emails aren’t here.” Which. Yeah. I told you. You closed my messages. Which i say as politely as possible, but I can tell she’s getting irritated too. Which I get but that is not my fault. I say “Let me drive,” which is what we say to tell the user, “I’ve got this, I’ll show you.” She kept moving the mouse. “You’re not letting me drive, (name.)” With an annoyed tone she stopped doing things (possibly because I turned off user inputs again.) I went to the login screen, entered in her username. Had to reset her password which isn’t uncommon, and she set it back to what it was supposed to be. And we got in.
She then said “i don’t know how but I’m in.” Excuse me, you don’t know how? I walked you through everything i did in plain English. Flabbergasted, i said “that was me. I did that.” Never so glad to get an issue over with.
I would think by that point it's more about her being lonely and wanting to talk to someone than about her actually needing help to log in.
Unless she can't read. There was a guy I worked with at the depot of offices that said when he worked tech support in the 80's he was on the phone with a guy for his whole shift because they had to go over everything one letter at a time because the guy didn't know how to read. My co worker said he was getting frustrated because he thought the guy was being difficult purpose and once he understood what the issue was it went a lot easier.
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
different from the fanfic writer ask thing, but I just wanted to thank you for always always always being such a friendly and positive ray of sunshine in the fandom! BSD fandom is generally a hostile place to be, but your tumblr is and always has been such a chill place to be! It’s always so fun to see your fic ideas and fanart, and it’s always a relief to be able to interact with you, knowing you’re not going to overreact and lash out unexpectedly! Thanks for being such a bright, safe spot that makes this fandom worth staying in and interacting with!
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Anon I will CRY, don’t tempt me — but seriously, I’m really glad I’ve been able to be that for you!
I think I’ve been pretty lucky, to be honest — I might have grown up with too much unsupervised internet access, but one thing that my mom did hammer into my head at a young age was to never ever share anything personal about myself with anyone online. Which my child brain interpreted as “never talk to anyone ever or they will find out where you live”, so I then proceeded to avoid making any social media accounts, and in general tried to never interact with anything online at all up until I was in college.
…Anyway, as a result of that, my default state is not interacting with things, which makes it pretty easy to ignore random internet squabbles or people trying to be inflammatory. (Also I don’t go in the main tags for bsd so I just see things through the blogs I follow, none of which are particularly drama-prone, so I’ve overall had a pretty positive experience in this fandom, considering it’s the first one I’ve ever interacted with. I think in general that kind of curation makes for a much more chill experience, so I do recommend that.)
But yeah! I will never lash out at someone for saying hi, or just interacting with me in general, and I fully intend to keep this a chill blog where I just share the stuff I’m working on :D I am here because I like making things and I like talking with people about the blorbos!
Ah, also, a somewhat related guarantee: on the rare occasions I’ve gotten bad faith hate mail on here, I have ignored it and gone to draw something that makes me happy instead of responding. I will continue to utilize that strategy, and that is a promise. Y’all don’t need to see that kind of negativity, and it’s a waste of energy to respond, so I don’t.
(This also seems like a good time to say that I am dearly sorry if I’ve ever blocked a real person while mistaking them for a bot, it’s just genuinely hard to tell sometimes alskdjfj)
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purble-gaymer · 9 days
Paragraph Anon here
You remember that post you made about Meta Knight using the KRBAY universe equivalent of Ao3 and Tumblr? Consider:
He never got rid of his accounts.
Hundereds of years later, he's still posting as 'transmascheroofyore' on social media. He's become an internet legend since he's the oldest still active account.
He also knows modern internet lingo because of this. It's not uncommon to hear him casually drop words like 'rizz' into an everyday convo.
He also reguarly still gets into arguments online. Sword and Blade will hear frantic typing from the next room, sigh, and get up to see who MK's yelling at over DMs this time.
That's all I've got for now. See you soon with more awful headcanons.
-Para Anon
never fear anon, this is exactly what i intended! i like to think he pops in and makes a little “don’t worry, i’m not dead” post every now and then when he has access to a computer. his followers certainly know he’s a soldier so it’s not off the table that he could just be dead whenever he disappears. nightmare really should’ve been tracking his ip honestly
talk about a fandom elder huh? the thing i have in mind for him is some kind of book or tv series about the heroes of yore (hence his url), in the realm of the galacta knight movies from the light novels and also real life arthurian literature or the story of achilles. like these are tales about people, but they are only questionably real. the heroes of yore in this series are not the actual ones (who at this point are myth). meta knight doesn’t even remember galacta exists.
anyway he and his mutuals have their fun chats and share fanwork about it. he’s a writer for sure. when he’s younger he receives several lectures about leaving his documents open on the office computers. he’s not so active as he gets older and has more duties but he does like to drop in from time to time. i think it’s very bittersweet when he gets to dreamland, finds out he has a stable internet connection, and combs through his old work. he’s not sure whether all those usernames are gone or just inactive, and his inbox is overflowing with messages that have been left in the decades since he last opened it. maybe he even picks up his writing again, but who knows. he’s got a lot on his plate.
i don’t know if you’ve seen my dreamchat stuff from a while back, but yes, meta knight gets into so many online arguments. his whole thing in dreamchat was constantly yelling at the customer service and nme accounts and getting repeatedly banned. he cannot stand seeing ignorance in the slightest and if no one is going to teach them, then he is going to.
thanks for giving me a chance to muse about this. i really like this concept i think it is very silly. glad to see it stuck with some others too
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remimibanana · 5 months
Thank you, Pomu!
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By the time I post this, Pomu has graduated (╥﹏╥)
I want to take this time to thank her. THANK YOU POMU FOR EVERYTHING!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I ALWAYS HAD FUN WATCHING YOU!!! (*´▽`*)
I tried writing this twice elsewhere but it didn’t save both times much to my dismay so I’m doing it here because it’ll save and I can add pictures.
All my sappy rambling below the cut!
I didn’t watch Pomu as much, in all honesty. Just like I don’t watch many of the vtubers I like since I don’t have time to watch streams in general. Woes of being a uni student.
But from the ones I did catch, and the clips I’ve watched, Pomu never failed to make me laugh or smile. Not once.
My favourite clip is where Pomu is reacting to a Nintendo Direct with Elira and they laugh their butts off at the casting for the Mario Movie. I’ll never forget Pomu going “CHRIS PRATT?????” and then subsequently laughing insanely alongside Elira.
I’ll also never forget when she said that the Mario Movie will be good upon seeing Jack Black lol
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Another one of my favourites is where Selen is totally drunk and is playing Minecraft. Pomu is in the server and when Selen tells her that she’s stuck in Seffyna’s wool shearing farm thing machine, she just straight up leaves LMAO
When Selen says she'll have to kill the sheep she's stuck with, Pomu comes back going all NO NO. Pomu gets stuck in an attempt to help Selen, Selen kills the sheep anyway and then they break the farm in an attempt to get out and then they try to fix it.
They fix it and then Seffyna comes in and Selen snitches when Pomu ditched LOL
I love drunk Selen and I love how Pomu was practically a babysitter lmao
I love this clip so much.
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I was watching Pomu’s Totsumachi, and at the end of it she mentioned that she wanted to wipe ass at Pokémon Black since she was doing a challenge where she would beat the game with six Chandelure.
I wrote YESSSSSSSSSSS into the chat, and pretty much after I did, Pomu said “YESSSSSSSSSSSSS”! It happened twice! It felt so cool, you know?
I’m not sure if it was my comment exactly but I’m going to pretend it was. Delulu is the Solulu, my friends.
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Speaking of the Totsumachi, I was there for when Pomu talked to Vivi! I honestly didn't know too much about Vivi, I saw a few clips here and there but I really like her now after this!
They talked about Gaia Online at the very end, and Pomu mentioned how she wanted to try and log back into her old account. I heard of Gaia Online but I never played it. I played Moshi Monsters, Poptropica and Secret Builders as a kid. I'm old, I know lol
My interest was piqued and I made myself a Gaia Online account. It’s so early 2000’s, I love it. Reminds me of the old internet, it was much more happier and fun.
Feel free to friend me if you have an account.
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I actually watched the entirety of the stream where she played Pokémon Black, and I’m so glad I was able to be there to see her complete the challenge! She beat the Elite 4, N and Ghetsis with six Chandelure! It was so entertaining and honestly nerve wracking to watch!
The RNG at one point was so bad, Stone Edge never missed and Flame Body never hit lol
It was a lot of fun.
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As you can see, I sent Pomu a super chat! I have this tradition where I send one to those who are graduating as a final goodbye and to show my support for one last time.
I did it with Pikamee, Mysta, Mika and now…Pomu. The list keeps growing...
Why does every person I like leave ;;
I also became a member! I wasn’t going to initially, but I wanted to show my support and use emotes for the first and last time. I joined the lowest tier at first, but decided I wanted the Member Wallpapers, so I upgraded.
I managed to get them all, which I’m really happy I did! Pomu’s membership got paused after her graduation so there’s no way to access any of the perks anymore.
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For Pomu's graduation stream, I caught all of the Crab Game with Niji EN and the final part. One of the reasons I sent the super chat in the Pokemon Black stream was because I wasn't sure if I would be able to catch the graduation stream at all.
It started at 3:30am for me and I had no idea how long it would go for. I'm a bit surprised it went for 10 hours, but I'm glad it did because I was able to watch a bit of it at the very end!
I think it's better I sent the super chat in the Pokémon Black stream, since I love Pokémon and Pomu! It feels more special to me.
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I think graduations only prove how fast time flies and how one day, the people I like to watch will go too. I know its bound to happen and it is a part of life but still...it hurts to see those who you like to watch go.
I remember waking up one morning and seeing the notice of Pomu graduating, I went "WHATTTTTT??? POMU???? NOOOOOOOOO". I really didn't think she would graduate, but it was right there. People were sad, and I didn't know how to feel.
I felt like I didn't watch Pomu enough or support her enough as I could have. I still feel the same way. I did show my support at the very end, but it shouldn't take a graduation. I should have showed my support from the start, or watched her more. You never know what you'll miss until its gone, I suppose.
But I can't change the past. I'm happy I was able to watch her at the very end, and that's what matters! I'm glad I could say goodbye, watch a full stream from her and have fun until the very end!
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Once again, thank you Pomu! I wish you all the best in life! We're all Pomu at the very end, aren't we?
I'm going to take the PP Energy Pomu gave us and be more confident this year! I won't let you down, Pomu! I'm going to work hard to be the best person I can be.
If I could be anything like Pomu at the end, then I think I would be happy. Someone who is so kind and is like a beacon of light people go to.
Pomu was a pioneer, and I hope she knows just how much she was loved by all. We will never forget you!
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DoA is a Choice.
Not having a Den of Angels account is a choice as is owning only dolls that are off topic there. It’s a privately owned forum that has every right to select their own criteria, focus and aesthetic choices and to have any doll they like to be on or off topic on their forum.
A lot of good info actually is publicly accessible there without even having an account or by simply signing up and signing in - and as far as I know, everything but the marketplace section is available to members, even if they never choose to make a single post. If you can’t be arsed to join and you don’t like any of the current on-topic dolls, why complain and make a salty confession?  Just give it a miss and go find some other people who also like the dolls that you like, maybe - instead of expecting DoA to cater to micro-categories and interests within an already niche hobby?
Personally I collect several off-topic dolls and I’m still very glad DoA sticks to their rules with particular criteria that are vetted as being professionally made to certain standards - because there are often huge differences in the quality between these and the 3d printed things being prototyped and produced in the past couple of years, and several more mass-market ball jointed doll lines have emerged or been revived.
Even so, every doll maker who personally sculpts and is having their dolls cast professionally in resin can join the forum, apply for the Artisan tag and submit their dolls and the required documentation of their sculpting process for consideration and inclusion (unless of course they have gotten some sort of a forum ban or have a history of something like owning a fuck-ton of recasts in their past - and yeah I could name a few doll makers here).
But I’m also guessing that many sculpts and prototypes I have been seeing recently won’t meet the submission criteria to be considered on topic for a variety of reasons.
The forum owners and members do not seem to be in any discussion about changing the criteria for the on topic dolls at this time and many of the off-topic dolls are posted in various Brigadoon threads. 
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frostynovaprime · 10 months
Mmmmmm post sleep Tennocon Rambles under the cut
Ofc because I just started vet school last week (yay) I couldn’t attend in person. Really sad I couldn’t attend because I’ve always loved it when I went to the 2017 and 2018 events. Had to watch the stream, but it look like from pictures everyone had tons of fun and I’m glad it was a success. Next year, please let it be closer to the middle of the summer akdjejak
Art panel, the highlight for me as always as an artist myself. Really cool to see all the concept works from way back in Dark Sector. I’m so sad the art book was so expensive and sold out so fast, but I hope this means they can be inspired to do a reprint in the future (maybe when food expenses arent draining my bank like a whirlpool….) The new upcoming concepts I can’t say I’m a fan of all too much. Grendel is my most hated frame but the boar is a cool inpiration for him. I personally think the game is very oversaturated with Liger concepts, so as per most Liger deluxes Sevagoth wasn’t my cup of tea. They designed the frame, why not have someone else take a shot as his deluxe? I didn’t catch who designed Yareli’s bu that one was interesting.
And….. the Heirloom skins collection. They’re pretty. I though Mag’s was for Nova and got too excited for a bit. And as a Frost main I’m always glad for more content containing him, hell I squint at his skin because it has a few elements that are strikingly similar to my Deluxe concept for him back in 2021. But. The price. I want to buy it, but this entire collection pitch is exactly what Digital Extremes has vow to not do in all 10 years with their fair free to play model, and this sets a very bad precedent if it were to continue. $90 USD is too high of a price for a pack of skins marketed as being in celebration of 10 years, inflated artificially with the Regal Aya. A pack of 6 (with an extra bonus, making 7 total and 400 platinum) is $40 which means everything in the second tier pack is only $30. The same price as the low tier. The only new thing the skins intoduce are the Signas, which are cool, but I gesture to Kaithe coronets. The skins have no new visual effects for abilities, no new animations, not even new idles like recent Deluxe skins have. Rebecca used the word “prestigious” for describing the pack. And I beg her to NEVER use that word again for cosmetics. Prestigious content is a very slippery slope. Take the Prestige skins from League. Because of those skins Riot is now thinking they can make a variant recolor of a very old Jhin legendary and mark the price up to $200. Warframe doesn’t need that. Not to mention the FOMO. The Heirloom pack is gone at the end of the year. Even past Prime Access comes back in Resurgence after a few years. Nightwave brings back old items from past story events. The only thing that has never returned was the Founders Packs, for a good reason. The Heirloom collection feels like a rehash of the Founders marketing in the present state of them game where it’s most likely not trying to stay afloat. FOMO has never existed in Warframe, and it shouldn’t be added now.
Don’t even get me started on that 10 year Accolade in the packs. Accolades have usually been for people who made a notable contribution to the game. Founders, Closed Beta testers, Creators. All of them have some sort of impact on the game be it keeping it afloat in the starting year or contributing to the Community. Now a shiny sticker can be added to any account for as low as $30. I’ve been playing the game for 8 years. I’m not a ‘10 year supporter’ yet. The wording itself insinuates that to supoort the game for a decade, you need to pay. That Accolade should have been something added automatically when your account turns 10 years old.
Overall I’m extremely disappointed bu the Heirloom marketing as it stands. Will I buy it down the road? Chances are high when I’m not bleeding for food with school going on, which is at the very end of the year right before it goes away cause I also give into FOMO. DE has adjusted their strategies before, and I hope they do so now. But this has already set a bad first impressions for any future Heirloom content.
Anyway, rant over on that. Sound panel was cool. Always cool to hear how specific sounds are made like Kullervo. The Heirloom debacle kinda soured my mood for a bit, so I focused more on studying my classes and then went shopping with my roommates.
Came back a little late to TennoLive, probably halfways thru the Soulframe demo. From what I saw I really like the whole concept and thematic. The little turtle guy is so cute. Excited to see more of its development and eventually play it.
The Warframe aspect I had more range of feelings. Whispers in the Wall looks really cool and I’m excited for exploring what the fuck Albrecht is doing. I love how its expanding Deimos more, instead of adding another island and button to navigation. It feels like it’ll require the New War to access, since its all based around the aesthetic of the Man in the Wall seen at the very end of the quest. I’m very interest in the human Loid (best design from Liger since Nezha Empyrean imo). I hope he gives more insight into the attitudes of the Orokin since he is 99% likely from before the Old War.
And… Warframe 1999. I got sucked into Warframe because of it’s unique spin on fantasy sci-fi. And throughout the 8 years I’ve played it’s stuck to its aethetic formula to a T. Seeing CRT monitors and Nokias along with Entrati designs, the modern sci-fi elements and callbacks to Dark Sector makes it feel out of place. Blasphemous almost. But, I’ve had this feeling before with Duviri. I had reservations as to whether Duviri would break the Warframe Universe as we knew it. But DE made the Paradox make sense, and the aethetic language of the world fits perfectly into the formula. I absolutely love Duviri. I need to see more and play 1999 in order to feel how it connects to the Origin System and Duviri as a whole, be it the very distant past (and being born in 99 myself makes me…. Haaaaa) or a parallel universe connected by Void Fuckery(tm). But seeing how Duviri played out I have no real doubts DE won’t pull it off again.
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
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✦゜ANSWERED: To avoid flooding the dash with all of these asks, I'm just gonna compile them into one big "masterpost" ^w^
also y'all have my entire heart!! ty for these cute messages ;v;
By pressing 'keep reading' you confirm that you are 18 or older.
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Anonymous asked: i’m like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth waiting for ur post notifications i mean this in the most complimentary way possible
Anonymous asked: OKAY i just found your game and was kinda sceptic but... It is so??? Good??? I can't i'm in love with ur work 😭😭😭😭 ur writing, art and whole atmosphere is impeccable. Waiting for day 2 with ma hart while sending my love and devotion to u🥺💞💞💞 And Ren- omg that scene made me- No thoughts, only desire to... Tease the hell out of him and play dumb after. Take the lead and make him shaky and needy. Just please him without taking anything in return. Boy deserves some love and pampering and spoiling 😔 I was never especially fond of yandere characters, but then found your game and fall in love with it (and with Ren, he's my comfort character now) I love your writing and art style so much! Thank you for this game! P. S. Please, hug Renren for me 💕
aaaaa thank you so much for sending such a cute ask!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo (and Ren)! I'll be sure to pass all of your love, hugs, and pampering onto them <3
@kia97 asked: I would like to express all my love for you, because thanks to your inventiveness, you have been able to create a beautiful work!!  your art is so impressive it is beautiful that it was able to capture me from the first moment!!  thank you for sending me so many beautiful emotions and for passing them on in the future as well.  I hope you are Renren you will accept my words of love and I wish you the best💖.
Wahhh thank you for your kind words and support!! ;v; I always see you on twitter and I get so !!!^w^!!! whenever I see your name pop up in my notifications! <3
Anonymous asked: this is my ever first time on playing a visual novel with actions and choices i could relate so much! it's really refreshing and i found myself seriously immersed in it! thank you so much for making it!! giving you one tight online hug!!<33
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank youuuu ^^ <3
Anonymous asked: HEHSHFS just found your tumblr and game and playing the demo for the first time and GOD this is just reinforcing how much i love needy whiney men
In this household we stan submissive and breedable men uwu (who can also confidently rail you in the restricted area of the library)
Anonymous asked: how does it feel to have created the best yandere in the history of yanderes? 🤭 i wanna thank you for spending so much time with us, answering all of our silly questions, you're so sweet ❤ and sorry for adding another one oops you dont have to reply just wanted you to know you're an amazing dev ❤
JFDKFJKFAFK You're so kind nonnie!! ;o; I love talking and interacting with y'all too! <3 Thank you for sending this in ^^
Anonymous asked: Just wanted to say to you that you're an amazing person and Im so thankful that you gave us some people to simp over! Im so excited to see more of the game! Stay awesome and be proud! 
Wahh thank you for the support!! <3 I'm glad you enjoy all of the characters aaa
Anonymous asked: I adore this game 🥺 I’d love to throw some money at you through itchio, but haha… my president is a freaking maniac and is doing a pretty good job at isolating my country right now, so I might have to wait a couple of years. I guess you have readers in the unlikeliest of places. I just wanted to say that your writing is very nice AND accessible for people whose first language isn’t English. This account makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, you’re so welcoming. It must take a lot of work. Please take breaks and don’t strain yourself 🙏🏻 
It's okay!! Keep your money! I'm just happy (and very blessed) to know that people genuinely enjoy the game! ^^ But thank you so much for the support, and I'm very sorry to hear that you're stuck with such a terrible president right now >.< I hope things will get better for you soon nonnie! ;v;
@whispereons asked: Hey I found your game and I adore everything about it. I've been inhaling all your 14day content and from what I know this is basically you riding solo AND doing college. You are amazing, even if you don't feel like it all the time, and we are all proud of you. My next ask will be for simping cause you deserve one just for how incredible you are.
JKAFAFKASJK Thank you sm!! ;w; I'm just happy to see that people love the content that I put out, even if it's not much right now ^^; But thank you for your support!! <3
Anonymous asked: I absolutely love how you use different colored phrases in your text. It's like I can hear these responses - intonation and all. P.S. Love your game and all the characters (especially Ren <3).
Ty!! I'm glad you picked up on it ^^ It's also really fun to do lmao But thank you for your kind words! <3
Anonymous asked: i’d just like to let you know that i love you and ur work and ur very funny and talented mwah mwah bye
nonnie pls come back our marriage is in shambles.... the kids miss you.......... (but fr thank you so much!!)
Anonymous asked: (¡Hi!, I really enjoyed the demo. I tried all the routes and even took some time to make the translation of the binary code that appears at the end of it (Was a nice touch), and I'm excited to see what's next with other days! :D U are doing a great work with the game!
aaaa thank you!! I hope translating the binary code was worth it because I can only imagine how much time it'd take to do that ^^; so I'm very sorry for wasting your time afasfaksf But ty for your kind words!!
@niyalibata asked: Okay but RenRen you can have me anytime like-    💗💗  I’m just absolutely in love I honestly just found your game for the first time *very* early this morning & I can’t begin to tell you the hold Ren’s had on me since 😭. As you’re the person behind my new hyper-fixation I will now hold you accountable for my lack of sleep (Jkjk) In all seriousness though I’m really glad I found your game & I hope that it continues to grow! I can tell you put a lot of love in it. Also I can’t wait to see more but make sure not to overwork/push yourself too hard! ♡ I don’t have a question just wanted to be thristy for Ren & drop some kind words lol
LMAO ren's got everyone in a chokehold rn :') But thank you so so much for this lovely message!! aaaaa ;v; I'm very honoured to be the one behind your new hyper-fixation, but plEASE GET SOME SLEEP SFJAKFKA
Anonymous asked: I love you and this game sooo much 😭 You're seriously so talented and amazing! aaaaaaaAaaaAAA!!!!
wahhh nonnie thank yoooouuuuuuu!!!!!!!! ;o; <3
Anonymous asked: I finally played the game and I love it!! I'm excited for more!!
I'm glad to hear that you loved the demo!! Thank you for your support <3
Anonymous asked: Unrelated but ILYSM SAINT you’re telling me you like, writing, yandere boys, FFXIV, AND DND!!! Please be my friend You are so perfect shahhshsusvsgs (I don’t mean this in a weird way I hope you are by no means uncomfortable I’m sorry)
nonnie we are getting married in FFXIV and DnD fr I'm not joking (i'm joking) Lmao but in all seriousness, it's so relieving(?) to know that there are others out there that share the same interests as me!! Feel free to jump back into my inbox and talk to me about them!! Tell me what you love about writing, yandere characters, ffxiv, or even dnd!! <3
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
Do you know how much tumblr hates me? I literally had to change my password again and again to get access to my account again! What the hell?! Like I just want to see my page again!
But I’m back sorry took so long as well. My explanation why is up above and also I couldn’t text since many people were checking my phone on my shoulder for the past couple days so I had no opening to text back unless I wanted to get my phone taken away.
But now I’m curious about her as well? Where is she from?
I think he is a so sweet and I love the bits we see about him. He definitely is a hero I like. ( Oh no worries. I stopped checking on the series for awhile since the manga isn’t doing so well in my opinion just very rushed and also my god so glad I didn’t watch the anime after season 5. The animation doesn’t look so hot.
That’s a loyal person if someone risks going a organization back.
Wow that actually very inspiring and so sweet. He cares more on joy for a Pokémon trainer than winning and that’s very humble of him especially being a gym master.
Oh no worries. I understand tumblr is weird sometimes. Do you want me to send those responses or want to start a new conversation? I don’t mind either. Thanks for being so considerate viví ooh your so sweet.
Thanks for letting me have that week to destress. I feel a lot better and not to mention got to spend some time with my family which I think both me and they needed. Thanks for understanding!
Yikes, that's weird. I wonder why it was being an ass like that. did you get it figured out??
There is no need to apologize! Things happen! but like your work will take your phone away?? or someone else??
Sardonyx is from Steven universe and Olivia is from Fire Emblem awakening. I wasn't sure which one you meant so i did both to be sure lol.
I haven't seen any of it, honestly. If it's as rushed as you say it is, then I don't blame them in a way. They are trying to capitalize it while it's still popular. Not that I agree, mind you. I would rather wait for great work instead of getting something rushed.
In a way, I can relate to Axel/Lea, and I think that's a reason why I like him so much.
he is such a sweetheart, and I love him so much. I play the game at times just to see him, lol . don't get me started on ingo
Yeah! you can send those responses! I would love to read them!
It's totally understandable and should never be held against you. You have a life outside of the internet, and I'm happy you were able to spend much needed time with your family. Never forget to take care of yourself dear!
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sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
Experiment “Go Missing” Day Two
Date: 30th January 2023
Time: 00:00 30/01/23 - 00:00 31/01/23
13:04 - woke up, no one has sent me any messages. It’s hard, because I know exactly when everyone wakes up and right now they would have been up for 4 hours. So, their friend who has told them that they’re really down, at their lowest point, hasn’t spoken since Saturday 28th January and they don’t see nothing wrong with that?
15:31 - 3 hours since waking and still nothing. Looks like it’s going to be another day where no one bothers. How do they know I’m not dead? How do they know I haven’t committed su*c*de? I could be dead or missing and not one “friend” cares. Glad I am so popular and wanted. This why I wish I never had friends EVER! I should have stayed away from them all and then I’d never have been hurt. I wouldn’t even know what lonely is! Id be happy and contempt by myself, but life ruins you and makes you need and want things that aren’t meant to happen for certain people.
18:31 - Still nothing. I’m so glad that I have learned I have absolutely NO ONE! All I have left is my thoughts and my stories. That’s it. Maybe I wasn’t suppose to have friends? Maybe I was always meant to be alone? It makes sense. No one’s ever really stayed around me for too long. I’ve never had any friends in school, no one really liked me enough. They all just bullied me or made me do something to keep them laughing in class.
19:39 - 4 hours 20 minutes until the end of the day and I don’t think anyone is going to bother in that time. It just hurts that it’s nearly been 2 days and not one person has messaged me. It’s that bad that I’m not eating now because my depression is getting worse. I’ve been sleeping most of the day as well. I just wish I had someone that was always there. But maybe this proves to me that maybe I should just go away completely. What pisses me off more is the fact that I gave them my Disney+ details so they could watch stuff. Thinking about changing the password and removing their account. They don’t realise that I had to lie to my mum about that. And they know what my family is like! They knew I could get into a yelling match with my mum over it.
21:00 - Well, I guess that’s it then. The day is pretty much OVER! I guess this proves I do not have any friends. More proof I am not allowed anything, I’m not allowed friends, love, a normal life. Happy new fucking year!
23:00 - 1 hour to go until the end of Day 2 of this experiment. No contact with anyone and I’m honestly thinking about ending this experiment early. What’s the point? What is the point in keeping it going for a week, when I have all the proof I need? I don’t know yet. I’m certainly not feeling ok. I’m not eating and I feel sick, most likely due to stress. I don’t know anymore. I’ve got all the proof I need. They have an hour left of day 2 and if not, I’m sure I’ll make up my mind tomorrow morning.
00:07 - Well, Day Two… is over and still nothing. Fuck them. I knew I should have went with my gut instinct! I knew it. I knew I shouldn’t have believed them when they said we were friends and I could trust them. I just knew it. I should have believed myself and my thoughts when I heard those stupid words.
Conclusion for Day 2 - I have no words. I’m getting sick from the stress and the depression. I think we can all guess what I am going to be doing tonight… I guess I’ll decide whether to end this experiment early.
Decide whether to end experiment early
Delete the bitch’s Disney+ account and change password!! (The bitch ain’t having access to my account, you want access then you’ll have to pay! Should have never gave her it!)
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biberrymuffin · 2 years
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I posted 17,138 times in 2022
That's 5,965 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (0%)
17,120 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 190 of my posts in 2022
#biberrymuffin - 26 posts
#axe talks abt stuff - 24 posts
#toh spoilers - 17 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 15 posts
#reblog - 11 posts
#answer - 7 posts
#text post - 7 posts
#axe talks bout the toonz - 6 posts
#ask meme - 4 posts
#anonymous - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#lol i was so made after two years of going through hoops tryna get on t when my friend told me he just went to planned parenthood and got it
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Kipo soundtrack didn't have to go that hard but they did and I'm OBSESSED.
6 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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See the full post
6 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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See the full post
12 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
So, I swore to myself for the longest time that I would never do one of these posts, but I’m a broke college student and I’ve been paying out of pocket and for my medical bills for my HRT all by myself recently and it’s made quite a LARGE dent in my bank account as of late along with tuition. I currently only have 8 or so dollars in my bank account, and have some upcoming fees I need to pay, and until I have access to my college fund (which is on hold due to me recently becoming the shareholder cuz my grandparents were just moved to memory care and can no longer manage the funds) or my next paycheck, I’m in a bit of a bind. You don’t have to donate anything if you don’t want to but anything is appreciated, even the smallest amount, as well as just reblogging this post if you can. Here are my links:
Again you don’t have to send me anything, but if you can it’s much appreciated. 
36 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Baymax: You are getting older. Your body may change, but you will always be you. 
This scene in the Baymax! animated series almost made me cry as a transmasc person. I remember when I got my first period and was so scared and confused, and I wish I had a sweet lil marshmallow robot helper to help me deal with the emotional turmoil I went through. Someone to let me know it was OK if my body was changing, because it was just biology and no matter what I would always be the same person. I think a lot of kids who go through puberty need to hear that message. Not just trans kids or young women. 
I also rewatched Big Hero Six after Baymax! and the movie also mentions masculine puberty. When Baymax first scanned Hiro after Tadashi passed away, he mentioned that Hiro was dealing with mood swings, and that his pituitary gland had increased activity (on his sensors) and had high testosterone levels, GPR54, GnRH, and that his voice was fluctuating. Meaning not only was Hiro dealing with loss, but also puberty which as I am currently going through my own masculine puberty, can be just as confusing and nerve-wracking for guys. 
It just made me realize that we could have gotten an entirely different movie, where the whole time Baymax was trying to help Hiro with his puberty. 
And also how much we need to properly explain puberty to kids and help them cope with these changes, instead of making it out to be a taboo or completely life changing thing. Puberty is a natural part of life, and therefore, should be treated as such. 
Overall, I’m just really glad we got such good representation about this.
150 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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cinebration · 3 years
What I Mean (Sherlock Holmes x Reader) [Request]
Hi lovely! Love love LOVE your work! You’ve got some truly amazing stories 💝 would I be able to request a Henry!Sherlock Holmes x reader one shot where the reader has feelings for Sherlock but thinks that he doesn’t like her at all? — Requested by anon
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: acecroft
The first time you saw Sherlock, you fell in love. It wasn’t because of how he looked or how he carried himself. It was how he brushed past that insufferable Constable Lowell, ignoring the man’s protests with a wave of his hand. The way Lowell became flustered and upset and the way DI Lestrade laughed at him made your heart swell in your chest. After the last five months of verbal bullying from the constable, you were supremely satisfied to see him humiliated.
Sherlock frequently appeared unexpectedly at Scotland Yard. You learned to recognize his presence in the building before you ever saw him. There was something about the way he moved through the place, like it was of little consequence, that you could feel. It reminded you of being caught out in a storm with lightning striking nearby, the hair on your arms rising as static built up in the air.
You didn’t meet Sherlock until your fourth month of employment. What had started as a typing job had turned into secretarial work—with no increase in pay to account for your extra duties. You strode into Lestrade’s office with a thin smile and said, “If I’m going to be mitigating your literacy blunders, I expect to be compensated.”
“That’s out of the question. You are a typist and are paid accordingly.”
“Well, then, in that case…” You dumped a huge stack of folders in front of him. “I don’t need to inventory these.”
Lestrade stared at the stack in displeasure.
“Oh, and they haven’t been properly sorted. I’m only meant to type, not to organize your chaos.”
“Now wait.”
“I expect a ten-percent increase. That’s what a proper secretary gets paid. Oh, and the title. I want everyone to know I am not a mere typist.”
The muscle in his jaw jumping, Lestrade reluctantly agreed. Sweeping the files up in your arms, you strode out of the room, light on your heels.
Sherlock leaned beside the door, a faint smirk playing on his lips. You stumbled, surprised by his appearance.
“I thought I was the only one who could so easily maneuver Lestrade,” he said.
“He makes it too easy,” you managed to say.
Sherlock’s eyes skimmed the files. “They’re already organized, I see.”
“The trick is making him think only I can do this job.”
“Clever.” Then he was in Lestrade’s office discussing a case, leaving you standing there flushed.
Sherlock took to greeting you cordially each time he passed by your desk after the incident with Lestrade. Sometimes he didn’t meet with Lestrade at all, instead opting to leave you with a message for the detective inspector. Sherlock never spent long at your desk, much to your disappointment, but the few minutes he spared you each time were enough to make you float the rest of the day.
You had taken it upon yourself to have all the necessary information on all of Lestrade’s cases close at hand. Sherlock often appeared to ask Lestrade for information regarding something he had read in the paper or heard from others. The first time you furnished him with a small envelope of the relevant information, you had been pleased to see genuine surprise in the consulting detective’s face.
“You are quite indispensable,” he remarked. “I don’t know how Lestrade managed anything before you.”
“Poorly, I would imagine.”
“I heard that!”
Smothering a laugh with your hand, you settled back at your desk and tried to think of something else to say to make Sherlock linger for a few moments. Before you could, he dipped his head and left.
You didn’t know why you kept entertaining the idea of interacting properly with Sherlock. The society rumor mill claimed the man was impossible to nail down and seemed uninterested in any of the ladies. It was supposed he, being an eccentric, was possibly too obsessed with his sleuthing hobby and therefore poor marriage material anyway.
Still, you flirted with the idea until you saw him interact with his sister, Enola. He smiled at her and praised her for a particularly thorny case she had unraveled.
Oh, you thought with dismay, feeling all hope leave you. He treats me like his sister.
The realization settled deep in your bones. It had been fruitless all along, the special treatment you had accorded him, the way he seemed pleased with you.
Of course he was pleased with you, you snarled inwardly. You helped him with his work. Even he suffers Lestrade in order to do that. You are nothing but a convenient secretary he doesn’t need to pay.
You couldn’t bear the thought of making things difficult for him, however, so you continued to keep the case information neatly organized and accessible. While everything in you had changed, the only outward sign of it was a sudden coolness toward him. You no longer smiled easily when he arrived, and you spent most of your time avoiding his gaze, busying yourself with tasks at your desk.
If he noticed, he gave no sign. It was as you had thought. You were of little consequence to him.
A year after being hired, you considered quitting. There was a small detective agency in need of female detectives to uncover unfaithful wives and husbands for divorce proceedings. It would get you away from the stifling atmosphere of Scotland Yard, where the likes of Lowell and his ilk still roamed unchecked. You could do with a change.
You could do with an escape from a certain debonair consultant.
“You can’t leave,” Lestrade declared. “I won’t allow it.”
“Did I sign a contract, sir?”
“No, but why would that—”
“Then I am under no obligation to continue working for you.”
Lestrade sputtered, trying to refute you. “You’re needed here.”
“I know a woman who is as adept as I am at this work.”
“I’ve made my decision, detective. Please leave me to it.”
You remained only to show your replacement the way of things and to warn her about Lowell and the others. Only then did you leave and seek a posting in the detective agency.
A day after you had applied and been accepted, you arrived to work in your work clothes, fully expecting to be sent somewhere to survey a cheating spouse. As you walked through the door, you heard exclamations from within.
“Mr. Holmes! What an honor it is to have you grace our establishment.”
You froze in the doorway, heart hammering in your chest. Sherlock’s broad back was turned to you, his face in three-quarter profile. You wanted to flee, to escape the magnetic pull you felt in your presence.
Your new employer saw you past Sherlock’s shoulder. “Ah, here she is.” Waving you over, he watched you walk stiffly down the hallway, your hands clenched into nervous fists by your sides.
Sherlock turned to you, fixing you with those striking blue eyes. You felt trapped beneath them, sucked in their magnetism once more. Swallowing thickly, you nodded. “Mr. Holmes.”
He smiled tentatively at you, revealing the point of a canine.
“Mr. Holmes has requested you for an investigation,” you employer said. “I offered him Miss Hemmings, of course, she being our finest, but he insisted on you.”
The hair on the back of your neck rose. Resisting the urge to scratch, you asked, “Did he?”
“I did. Now, if we could go? We are wasting time.”
Fighting the disappointment rising in you, you followed Sherlock out the door and into a transom. Enclosed in the small space, you couldn’t avoid his scent, a pleasing mix of tobacco smoke and something else. You avoided his gaze, folding and refolding your hands in your lap.
“You left Scotland Yard.”
A statement. You nodded but didn’t offer anything more. “Where are we going?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
You frowned, lifted your head. “I beg your pardon?”
“Did I do something incorrect?” A crease appeared between the man’s eyebrows. “Your demeanor toward me changed in the two months leading up to your resignation.”
Toying with the fingers of your gloves, you felt panic clawing up your throat. He had noticed. What did that mean?
“I can only conclude that something occurred, but I can’t determine what.”
You met his concerned eyes. “I…it doesn’t matter, Mr. Holmes. I can do whatever job you need me to with as much professional courtesy as it requires.”
His lips pulled into a thin frown. “That isn’t what I’m asking.”
“I don’t know what you mean, then.”
“Please, you are smarter than that. Or was my regard for you misplaced?”
You blinked in surprise, unsure you had heard correctly. “It…isn’t my place to tell you where to place your regard.”
He laughed then, a sudden HA that made you jump. “You are making this difficult, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me?”
“I am not given over to emotionalism, but I won’t deny that your treatment of me in those last months affected me.”
“I didn’t mean to—”
“What I mean to say is that I had hoped we were developing a familiarity.” His hand went to his collar, adjusting it. “I had hoped to…call on you.”
Your head snapped up in surprise. “To call on me?”
“I had thought my feeling for you was returned, but if I am mistaken, please inform me now to save us both further embarrassment.”
You could hardly speak around the tightness in your throat. “It is returned.”
The smile on Sherlock’s face made your heart ache. “Good. I’m glad we have remedied that. Now, if we’re both to be detectives, then I suppose we had best collaborate. I need you to spy on Richard Haskell. It seems…”
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tuiccim · 4 years
Almost Had Me Believing It - Part 4
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader    
Word Count: 1569
Warnings: Mutual pining, smut
Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist
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A few days later you and Bucky sit at breakfast discussing how to get more information about Frank. 
“Well, we know one way I could get in his house but I’d rather chew glass.” You grouse.
“You, uh, you don’t find him attractive?” Bucky stutters.
“No. I mean, Frank’s a good looking guy, but he’s not a good person. He gives me the creeps, honestly.” You shudder. 
Bucky reins in his smile at hearing that. He hated the idea of you liking any other man. At some point while running through the meadow yesterday, he realized you weren’t afraid of him. He was chasing you and you had this glorious smile on your face. There was no fear or anxiety about you as he tackled you to the ground. You had laughed as he did it and held onto him during the ride as if you felt safe with him. It was nothing short of a miracle in Bucky’s eyes. Very few people in his life watched him approach them without some apprehension in their eyes or tension in their body and nobody looked to him as a refuge of safety but you had. He still didn’t think he deserved it but he was determined to be a safe place and friend to you. 
“He’s not like you.” You say the sentence, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts, while causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. 
“Like me?” Bucky says in surprise. 
“You’re a good looking guy but you’re also good and sweet and kind. You want to help people, not destroy them, not hurt them. And you don’t give me the creeps.” You laugh lightly hoping to cover the emotions you feel towards the man in front of you. 
Bucky chuckles, “I’m glad I don’t give you the creeps.”
“Not at all.” You smile at him. 
“You’re a peach.” 
You smile at him and then the light bulb goes on over your head, “I have an idea.” You grab a large cup from the cabinet. 
“What are you doing?” Bucky asks. 
“Well, we are out of sugar.”
“No, we’re not. It’s right there on the counter.”
You take the container and dump it out in the trash, “Oops. As I was saying, we’re out of sugar. I’m gonna go borrow a cup from our neighbor.”
“How does that get us more information about him?”
“He’ll invite me in and I’ll plant a bug.” You say as you pull one of the devices out of your pocket.
“I’ll go with you.” Bucky says. 
“That’d look a little strange. Maybe he’ll let his guard down if I’m alone.”
“I don’t like you being alone with him.”
“I’ll be fine, Bucky. If I can take you to the mat I don't think I’ll have a problem with Frank.” You smirk at the supersoldier. Bucky gives you a nod and crosses his arms looking unhappy. “I’ll be back.” You say as you head for the door. 
Frank answers his front door within a couple of minutes and smiles, “Hey. What’s up?”
“I’ve come to beg a favor of a benevolent neighbor.” You repeat the phrase Frank had used a few days ago. 
Frank laughs, “Are you in need of coffee?”
“Sugar. I knocked the container over and lost it all on the floor. Do you have some to spare?” You keep your expression self-deprecating and sweet. 
“Of course. Come on in. I have all kinds of sugar you can have, gorgeous.” 
“I just need the white granulated kind,” you giggle as you slip past him into the house.
You follow Frank to the kitchen. He takes the cup from your hand and goes to the pantry to retrieve the sugar for you. Taking a quick assessment of the available real estate for a bug, you attach it to a space where you hope it can pick up sound in both the kitchen and living room. 
“So, I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you.” Frank says as he emerges.��
“About a job.”
“Oh! Great. Where?” You ask. 
“Do you have any bookkeeping experience?” Frank asks. 
“Yes. I worked for a couple of small offices where I doubled as the office manager as well as nurse. I’m pretty decent at that kind of thing. Where’s the job?”
“What?” You look at him utterly confused. 
“You know I’m a landlord and I have several properties. I need someone to do billing, take the payments, handle utilities, deal with the tenant requests. The accounting side has never been my strong suit and I added three more properties in the past year. It would just be part-time. If you're interested…”
“Part-time is exactly what I’m looking for right now. Do you want me to bring you a resume?”
“I’ll take you at your word.” Frank winks. “Why don’t you come back after lunch and I’ll have everything together for us to look at?”
“Are you sure about this? I don’t want to take advantage of our friendship, Frank.”
“I’m sure, gorgeous.” Frank puts an arm around your shoulders as he walks you to the door. “I’ll see you this afternoon, right?”
“Okay. Thanks, Frank.” You smile as you head back to your house. You find Bucky in the office messing with the receiver. “Is it working?”
“As soon as you attached it, I could hear everything. A job offer, huh?” Bucky raises an eyebrow. 
“Yeah. A lot of access that way.” You smile. 
“A lot of time alone with you.” Bucky grouses. 
“I’ll be okay, Bucky. This is good.” 
You had spent the afternoon with Frank going over everything with him touching you nearly constantly. Your skin crawled but you managed to play him off. His books really were a mess and you arranged to work with him for the next few afternoons to get things in order. This would afford you the opportunity to plant more bugs. Hopefully, this would also help you gain Frank’s trust and get him to eventually reveal his not so legal dealings. Bucky was unhappy with your report of the afternoon. He did not like you spending so much time alone with Frank. 
“Come here, Doll.” Bucky beckons to you from the living room.
“What’s up?” You ask. 
Bucky puts his arms around you and his hands grab your ass, “Jump.”
You wrap your arms around Bucky’s neck and jump wrapping your legs around him. Bucky presses you against the wall and you whisper, “Frank watching us?”
“Yup.” Bucky says as he presses his lips to the side of your neck. You arch your neck to give him better access. “Thought he might need another show. Don’t want him getting any ideas that you working for him is gonna get him anywhere.”
“I appreciate that.” You are desperately trying to hold in your moans as Bucky kisses your neck and your hands grasp his hair. Giving in to your own impulse, you pull his head back and meet his lips with your own. Bucky melds his mouth to yours and you feel his hands flex their grasp on your ass. His tongue slides into your mouth and the moan you had been holding in slips out. Your hips shift of their own accord and you can feel Bucky’s erection pressed against you. Bucky pushes away from the wall and carries you down the hallway. He pulls his lips away from yours and gently lowers you to the floor outside your room.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, you?” 
“Yeah.” He looks at you for a moment. “I hope you didn’t mind. I know I was touching-”
“Bucky. It’s fine. You’re just trying to keep Frank off me. I appreciate that. Plus, you're my husband, right?” You smile. 
“Yeah. I just, I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.” Bucky says. 
“I know you wouldn’t do that, Bucky. Don’t worry, okay? Good night.” You hug him around his torso and scurry into your room. 
Bucky retreats to his room and flops down on the bed. You had reassured him that you knew he wouldn’t take advantage, but that’s exactly what he was doing. He saw an opportunity to touch you again and he couldn’t pass it up. You had felt and tasted just as sweet as the first time he’d touched you a few nights ago. You were the one who’d kissed him though. For a minute, he allowed himself to indulge in the thought that you had wanted it, that you had enjoyed it. That your moan had been real. The kiss had been real. The way you rolled your hips against him was because you wanted him, too. 
Bucky’s hand moved of their own volition and pushed down his sweats. His cock was painfully hard and he had to relieve the pressure. Fisting himself he remembers your sweet whimpers when he had rutted against you the other night, the moans you released as the two of you kissed tonight, and he imagines his hand is you wrapped around him. He thinks of how wet you would be as he presses into you and the breathy little sounds you’d make as he bottomed out inside you. “Fuck.” Bucky whispers as he imagined your face scrunched up in ecstasy. His hand speeds up as he pictures you riding him and he bucks up into his hand. “Fuck.” he whispers one more time as he comes all over his stomach.
Part 5
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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The Warrior Experience; ft. the Marley Warriors
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Rating: Explicit; mdni
Pairing: Zeke, Reiner, Porco, Pieck x fem!reader
Word Count: ~5.3K
Warnings: mildly dubious consent (reader isn’t exactly there of her own free will but is still dtf), multiple partners, voyeurism, virgin Colt, rough blowjob, rough sex, unprotected sex, mentions of unpleasant contraceptives, lots of cum, clear bias toward Reiner
A/N: I don’t know what happened today. I just got possessed by the horny ghost. Enjoy~
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It’s always Magath who retrieves you, the sour-faced General swinging open the door to your small room without any type of knock or warning. 
On most nights, he takes a look at you, frowns, then grunts the name of whoever is actually calling for you—requesting your “presence”. This evening, however, he remains silent, leaving it a mystery that keeps you curious as you make yourself slightly more presentable, pulling on a skirt, running a comb through your hair, just enough to look a little more human. 
You walk in silence down the hallways, your hands clasped behind your back as the older man struts in his usual militaristic fashion. As you near the Warrior quarters, you do your best to prepare yourself, but without an idea of who you’re meeting, it’s difficult. 
Because they’re all so different. Galliard, for instance, usually starts the nights off aggressively. He particularly likes slamming you into various surfaces, pinning you down with a bruising grip, but his demeanor changes as soon as he’s inside you. The once careless young man turns to jelly underneath you, gasping and groaning as his adrenaline wanes and he unravels. 
Always tired and slightly unstable, Reiner is soft. Even when his thrusts are deep and harsh, his hands remain gentle, calluses feather light as they dance up and down your ribs, over your breasts. His stamina varies. Sometimes, when he’s a little more out of his head, a little more haunted, he ruts into you for what feels like an eternity. Most of those instances, he doesn’t even come. You’re just there for a distraction— “A nice one,” he tells you quietly, gratefully, but you still know where you stand with him. 
There are nights when he’s desperate for release, however, taking you with quick, sloppy thrusts, spilling inside you within minutes then rubbing your clit until you squeeze him back to full hardness so that he can do it all over again.
Zeke is the hardest to predict, on far ends of one, sadistic spectrum: he either wants you to do all the work while he smirks up at you with a cigarette between his lips, occasionally blowing smoke into your face, or he wants to dominate you entirely. When he falls into the latter category, you’re in his bed for hours, sniffling or sobbing, biting your lip to keep yourself from begging him to stop—one, because he won’t listen, but also because it isn’t your place. 
The Warriors are honorary Marleyans which means they’re much more important and valuable than you are. Your opinion never matters, least of all in the bedroom. 
You’re more or less a toy for them to use, an Eldian plucked from Liberio and brought to the military base with no real say in it. The Warriors are all young and virile, after all. They have needs like anyone else, but despite their honorary status, they’re forbidden from sleeping with Marleyan women. 
So, you live here, at their beck and call with one purpose and one purpose only. 
To your surprise, Magath stops before you can get to the sleeping quarters you are very familiar with at this point. You stand outside of a closed door, raise an eyebrow at the General but don’t dare question him. 
“They’re in there,” he grumbles, nodding to the door before turning around and walking away.
Raising a suddenly very heavy hand, you knock lightly then shift awkwardly until the door opens and reveals Galliard. His perpetual scowl is in place, but he nods his head in acknowledgment then moves to the side to let you in. 
Galliard isn’t the only one in the room—what looks like some kind of conference area with a sizable wooden table surrounded by chairs, a window on the far end displaying the night sky and twinkling stars. Nearly all of those chairs are full, one scooted back from the table that you can easily assume belongs to the redhead standing behind you.
Zeke is lounging comfortably, feet kicked up on the table as he puffs on a cigarette. Reiner is sitting in his chair backwards, slumped forward to rest his head on the wooden backing, though he lifts it to look at you with bloodshot eyes. Pieck, who you do not see often at all, is slouched with her arms pillowing her face, offering you a lazy smile that’s laced with something you cannot place. 
There’s one more person in the room, the vaguely familiar face of Colt Grice, Warrior Candidate slated to inherit the Beast Titan in a few years. You’ve seen him around the base, usually trailing closely behind Zeke, but haven’t gotten the chance to speak with him yet. 
You remain standing even as Galliard takes his seat again, nibbling on your bottom lip, waiting expectantly—nervously. The last time you were in a room with all of them at once was when you’d first been brought here, and that had just been for informal introductions. There had also been another Eldian with you at the time, a male to keep Pieck satisfied, but he’s… No longer with you. 
In true leader fashion, Zeke is the first to speak after taking a long drag from his cigarette, tilting his head back to blow it into the air and creating a haze over himself. 
“Glad you could join us tonight, sweetheart,” he shows a short, unconvincing smile, and that paired with the condescending pet name leads you to believe he’s in one of his more controlling moods.
“I’m just glad to be able to service the Wa—”
“Yeah, yeah, you don’t need to do all that,” he waves you off. “I’ll cut to the chase.”
“Let her sit down first, Zeke, geeze,” Pieck murmurs before holding a small hand out for you, beckoning you to take the seat next to hers.
Never one to argue or disobey, you shuffle over to it and lower yourself, but you can’t relax, not with so many pairs of eyes on you. 
Galliard is twitchy, bouncing his leg up and down, pushing his hair back too often. Reiner, unmoving, just blinks slowly at you, expression flat. Grabbing your hand, Pieck offers a nod that isn’t the slightest bit reassuring while Zeke pins you with an icy gaze. 
“Colt here is gonna be a big boy Warrior pretty soon,” he says, motioning to the boyish blond in the corner who suddenly seems more interested in the floor than anything. “And, he hasn’t been given the chance to have the experiences he deserves. You follow?”
You nod, easily putting the pieces together. They want you to sleep with him, some sort of sexual initiation.
“As I’m sure you’ve picked up, Titan holders don’t have the longest lifespans, so I figure he needs to enjoy what life he has left.”
Another nod, then you start to stand only to be stopped by Galliard who asks, “What’re you doing? Sit back down.”
“Oh,” you plant yourself back in the chair, eyes growing as your stomach sinks. “I thought you wanted me to show Colt—”
Zeke laughs around his cigarette, adding even more smoke to the air around you, and shakes his head. “No, you misunderstand. You will be showing Colt a thing or two tonight, but in here where we can all watch and… Lend a helping hand if need be.”
Mouth going dry, you can’t stop yourself from frowning. Sleep with Colt… In front of all of them? You don’t fancy yourself much of a performer, doubt you’ll be able to put on any kind of good show under so much pressure.
But, you can’t protest. You can’t go against their wishes or complain. You should consider yourself lucky, being able to service the Warriors. It means you’re a half-step above the other Eldians—a devil but a halfway useful one.
“Um. Okay,” you consent.
Zeke claps his hands together. “Excellent,” then tells you. “Bathroom’s down the hall. Go rinse off, do whatever you need to do to get ready, then meet us back here.”
You don’t dawdle, doing exactly what you’re told. The restroom is obviously for multiple people, a few stalls with cheap curtains to block you from view. You make quick work of bathing so that you’ll have time to prepare yourself, starting the process of stretching yourself while under the spray. With no idea how large Colt might be, and taking into account that he might be completely clueless about female anatomy, you make sure to work three fingers into your cunt, moving them as best you can until you’re a little loosened up and wet. 
When you return to the conference room, you’re just in a towel, folded clothes under your arm and placed in an empty chair. 
“Easy access,” Galliard smirks. “Good call.” You squeak when he slaps your ass then sit on the edge of the table as you’re directed to. 
Most of them have shed their boots and jackets, looking a little more casual now. It doesn’t put you at ease—if anything, it makes you think the others will get a little more involved than Zeke originally let on, and the thought alone is enough to overwhelm you. 
It takes some prompting for Colt to muster the courage to approach you. The others scoot to the edges of the room, giving the two of you center stage. It's daunting, but you do your best to forget about them, to focus on the nervous blond in front of you. 
Spreading your legs, you pull him by the shirt to stand between them then look up at him through your lashes and ask, "Am I allowed to kiss you?" You can never assume. Everyone has different rules. 
When you're with Reiner, he has his mouth against yours more than he doesn't, Galliard will nip and suck against every part of you that isn't your mouth, and the closest Zeke gets to your mouth is prying it open to spit on your tongue. 
Naturally, Colt looks to his War Chief for answers, but Zeke just shrugs. "Your choice, big guy. You're the one calling the shots."
Colt contemplates for a little while but eventually nods and swallows. "Uh, yeah. That's okay, I guess."
He seems to feel just as awkward as you do about this whole situation, would also probably prefer for it to happen in private, but you imagine he's doing everything in his power to show that he's worthy of inheriting Zeke's Titan. He's basically in the same boat as you. 
Reaching up, you lace your fingers behind his neck and pull him to you, pressing your lips to his slowly, softly, trying not to spook him too much. 
After gaining as much experience as you have over the last year or so, it's rare for you to feel shy when getting intimate. Three of the other people in that room have seen everything there is to see about you, your most private of body parts, your most visceral, primal reactions. You have nothing to hide any more. 
Colt is stiff against you. His hands are still by his sides, lips firm but unmoving. 
He has no idea what to do. It's almost disappointing, knowing you're about to spend the evening teaching this kid, fresh faced, twenty years old at most and completely clueless. 
You're saved when a gruff voice makes you pull away: "Alright, this is hard to watch." Reiner sits up and rubs his eyes, then swings his leg over the chair to stand and walk over. "Grice, have you ever even seen anyone kiss before?"
Cheeks turning red, Colt moves out of the way, stuttering out "W-well yeah, but I never watch." 
The taller man takes the vacant space between your legs, and you inhale sharply when he slides a large hand to the back of your head, tilting your face even further upward. Reiner kisses you in a way that makes your head spin. He has that desperate taste he always has, and even without opening your eyes, you can tell he's frowning. But his hand is cautious, careful not to tug your hair just like he's careful not to knock his teeth into yours when he parts your lips with his. 
"There we go," Zeke laughs, clapping twice and cheering, "'Atta boy, Braun!" 
Reiner's tongue dances with yours in a heated back and forth for a few seconds before he pulls back. He doesn't smile, but he does sigh in a thoughtful manner before turning to Colt and pointedly telling him, "That's how you kiss a woman."
Reiner softly scratches the back of your head in a fond gesture, then steps away and motions for Colt to try again. 
He's slightly more confident this time around, starting off slowly at first but eventually pushing against you harder and harder until it's a little much, and you just barely push at his chest to get him to let up. He replaces pressure with tongue, probing and curious but not awful. 
"Undo her towel, Grice. Get a move on," Galliard demands. 
Colt reaches up with a shaky hand, breathing through his nose while keeping his lips attached to yours as he pulls at the loose knot just above your breasts. The material falls and pools around you on the table, and before he can be criticized again, you grab one of Colt's hands and place it on one of the perky mounds. You move your fingers over his, showing how you like to be massaged then guiding him to your nipple. 
"Oh, this is very romantic," Zeke drawls, snapping his fingers to get someone's attention then addressing, "Pock," who grunts in response. "You're a tit man, right? Your turn to show him how it's done." 
The sound of a chair scraping on the floor rings throughout the room, but instead of pushing Colt out of the way, Galliard stands on the other side of the table behind you, bends forward, then grabs you by the hair to pull you down. The breath is knocked out of you as your back hits the table, and you blink up at the redhead in surprise. 
Upside down, your face is about level with his hips, maybe a foot away from his pelvis, but before you can dwell on it, Galliard's rough hands are on your tits, groping, massaging, then pinching your nipples so that you arch and moan. 
"Know I probably shouldn't like it so much, but you sound so pretty, baby," he growls, flicking over the hardened buds then squeezing again. 
"We're all devils here. You can like it as much as you want," Reiner gruffs. 
"Justifying your own feelings?" Zeke snarks. 
You aren't able to see or hear Reiner's response, too busy whining as Galliard starts to slap your tits over and over, making the flesh burn and sting. 
Porco groans, "Mm, love that bounce," hitting them a few more times then stopping and allowing you to take a shuddering breath. 
Your body is hot all over, especially your chest, and your pussy is starting to throb. After playing with yourself in the shower, the heated kiss you shared with Reiner, and now the abuse Galliard just showered on your tits, you're starting to get restless, ready to be filled with something. 
"While I'm right here, m'gonna show you somethin' else, Grice."
Galliard grips your upper arms and slides you closer to him on the table, then undoes his pants and pulls his cock free. As soon as you feel the tap on your lips, you open up for him, relaxing just in time for him to shove his length over your tongue and into the tight sleeve of your throat. 
And, pride actually wells up inside of you. That hardly ever happens. 
There's no time to acclimate really, your only choice being to just lay and take it, so you do, choking and gagging around Galliard's cock as everyone else watches. Tears stream down the sides of your face, but you feel them get wiped away and open bleary eyes to find Pieck peering down at you, soft hands catching the drops as she coos, "You're doing so good, love."
You squirm on the table, start to rock your hips into nothing—no one—in desperate need of friction now. 
"You want something stuffed in that pussy?" Zeke calls out. 
The vibration of your responding whine makes Galliard curse and thrust into your throat until your forehead is pressed against his heavy balls. Strings of spit leak from the corners of your mouth. You try to slurp and suckle, but the steady pistoning of Galliard’s hips just keeps pushing more out. 
“I’ll take that as a yes. Colt, you wanna go for it, or do you wanna watch first?” Zeke questions.
“Um, I—I’ll watch first, I think.”
“Good choice. See how it’s done before diving in.”
You’re barely aware of the conversation around you, mouth full of cock, gentle hands on your face. Pieck must not be fazed by being so close to her comrade’s privates because she just keeps stroking and praising you, like she thinks you might break or lose it. 
There are fingers on your wet folds, spreading them apart, then the harsh sound of spitting before a glob of thick fluid lands in your pussy. Zeke smears his saliva over your clit, and you buck under his touch, moaning when two thick digits are pushed into your heat all at once. Your cunt spasms around the intrusion, getting used to it as he continues the job you’d started in the shower. 
“I don’t always do this sort of thing just ‘cause I like the way she feels all tight and tense on my dick, but if you don’t want her to whine as much, I’d advise prepping her with your fingers or mouth.”
You squirm and writhe, the glide of his fingers getting easier with every thrust as your hole drools slick onto the table beneath you. Zeke’s palm grinds against your clit, pressure and friction where you want it most for half a second before it disappears—comes back, disappears—until you’re forcing yourself down on his hand. 
He lets out one of his standoffish little chuckles as you slide up and down Galliard’s length and fuck yourself on Zeke’s fingers, but the delicious sensation disappears entirely when Zeke pulls out, probably to work himself out of his pants, then presses the blunt head of his cock against your clenching hole. He pushes the tip in only to pull it back out, tap it against the swollen bundle of nerves a few times, then finally pushes in all the way. 
You’re a little too far up on the table now, and Zeke doesn’t bother warning you or Galliard as he tugs you back down to better situate you on his cock, causing the other man to slip out of your mouth.
“Fuck man, I was getting close!”
Without a care in the world, Zeke shrugs him off, tells him, “Come on her face or something then, I don’t give a fuck.”
Your voice comes out hoarse as you moan for all of them to hear, teary eyes cracking open to see Galliard step back and lean against the wall behind him. His fist is tight around his shaft, but he’s pumping himself slowly, like he’s suddenly pacing himself despite just having fucked your throat raw. 
A rough pinch to your nipple brings your eyes to Zeke, blond hair hanging in his face, glasses slipping down his nose. The top few buttons of his shirt are undone, but other than that, he’s basically fully clothed. He’s flushed from his neck down to his chest, jaw barely hanging open as his eyebrows raise. He’s certainly enjoying himself, and you can’t say you aren’t because the drag of his thick cock in your pussy is incredible. 
Your head lolls to one side and you find Colt staring at you with wide eyes, watching the way his superior sheathes himself in you over and over. It makes you blush, so you turn to the other side, see Reiner posted up in the corner, about half hard in his pants as he watches your face. 
Mouth dropping open, you shut your eyes, trying to will away the skin-prickling sensation of being watched. You raise your arms above your head, hands dangling off the other end of the table, and Pieck takes them, squeezing once before lightly running nimble fingers over your sensitive skin.
You’ve never been with her, not that you’d be opposed. She’s very pretty and seems kind enough. But you had guessed you weren’t exactly her type. Now, though, you second guess yourself since she seems more than content with touching you. 
The painful squeezes of Zeke’s fingers are batted away, replaced by the ghost of stimulation on your sore nipples. Pieck rubs over one so lightly you hardly register it, but it still shoots right to your pussy, makes you clench around Zeke. 
He’s holding you by the hips now, pulling you onto his cock, and it goes like this for a while. At some point, the wet sound of Galliard jacking off fades, but you doubt he’s come; he’s typically quite vocal when he climaxes. 
Zeke never lets up, fucking deep and fast and right over the spot that makes you leak until he suddenly pulls out and shoots strings of hot cum onto your thighs and the table between them. 
“You don’t… Inside?” Colt speaks up.
Rubbing his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt, Zeke answers, “Never. That’s preference, though. I just don’t want any accidents to happen.”
You would remind him that you go to the medic after every encounter you have with the Warriors to get checked out, given an unpleasant medicine that leaves you sick for a few days, but it’s hard to think straight right now. 
Before Colt can move toward you again or any more questions can be asked, Galliard is rounding the table, cock in hand once again, shouldering Zeke out of the way so that he can bury himself in your pussy. He’s a shorter length than the man who was in you just moments ago, but a little thicker. Veiny and curved upward, Galliard always feels good inside of you. Unfortunately for you, he’s basically been edging himself since you were pulled from him, so he doesn’t last long at all. 
Unlike Zeke, Galliard has no qualms about coming inside of you. You feel his seed fill you, mixing with your own wet arousal and making you drip with it when he pulls out. 
“Couldn’t help myself,” he grins before giving your pussy a slap, making you push more of his cum out. 
You hear someone suck in a deep breath, and Colt slowly shuffles over to you. He stares at your throbbing cunt for a while, raising a timid hand to stroke over now messy folds, and you let out a mewl, a very soft, “Please…”
Pieck places a tender kiss at your hairline that makes your heart jump into your throat, such a kind gesture as she murmurs against you, “You’re doing so well for them.”
“Can I—” You blink up at her face, floating upside down over yours. “Can I do anything f-for you, Pieck?”
She shows another one of those smiles, the kind that’s hiding a little something, and she shakes her head, wavy, black hair flowing over her shoulders. “I’m just enjoying watching. You’re very pretty to look at.”
You bite your lip, unsure of how to respond, so you just let her keep touching you, keep cooing and doting. You’ll never say no to affection like this. 
Colt doesn’t have any trouble finding your entrance, which is a relief. He lines himself up and pushes in painfully slowly, panting the entire time and letting out one very satisfying, “O-oh, shit.”
“Feels good, doesn’t she?” Zeke hums.
Colt nods, arms beginning to shake on the table. He seems to be holding himself back, whether it’s from coming or fucking into you is a mystery, but eventually he bottoms out and stays still save for his trembling. It isn’t uncomfortable, but you do feel very full, his hips flush against yours, cockhead nestled right up against your cervix. If he was any longer, you would definitely be in pain. 
“Grice, you can move, you know,” Galliard jabs, but Colt just shakes his head. 
“One second. Lemme just…” He shifts his hips some, not thrusting as much as grinding into you, and you cry out when he presses against that far wall. 
You can feel Galliard’s cum leaking down the curvature of your ass, pooling with whatever of Zeke’s is left on the table. You’re so wet, noisy when Colt finally does start slowly pulling out and pushing in. The squelches echo in the conference room and make you cringe, but Zeke seems to appreciate it as he hums, “Listen to that sloppy pussy.”
“Like music to my fuckin’ ears,” Galliard adds.
Colt has trouble keeping an even pace, his hips stuttering often, but the ridge of his cock strokes over the sensitive spot inside you—the one that makes you drool and babble—almost every time. Your muscles clench around him, changing the sensation for both of you, and when that rhythm becomes even more erratic, you know he’s close.
“Fuck, fuck, I—”
“Just add to the mess. We’ll clean up later,” Zeke reassures him.
Colt’s eyes find yours for the first time since he started fucking you, searching for something like permission, so you nod and show a lazy grin.
“It’s okay, you can come in me.”
That sends him over, a strangled gasp ripping from his throat as he milks himself in your cunt. You can feel the pressure of building liquid inside you, pushing on your insides, but it wanes when Colt pulls out. 
You feel swollen and used at this point, but your core is still hot with the desire to come. There’s a chance you won’t, especially now that Colt has finished, but you can always get yourself off in the privacy of your quarters if need be. 
The freshly fucked blond receives a couple slaps on the back, some patronizing comments from his War Chief, and you take the time to just breathe and melt into the table, enjoying the way Pieck is stroking your hair now, smiling at the other Warriors. 
Your eyes are just about to close when you see Reiner making his way over. He stands between your legs for a while, just looking over the damage, the slight discoloration of your chest, your raw nipples, mouth swollen from Galliard’s cock, then finally your used pussy. 
His fingertips brush over sensitive skin, making you shudder, and you nearly cry when he asks, “You ready to get yours?”
You nod, sucking in an unsteady breath. Reiner mouths the word, “Okay,” then unbuckles his pants and pushes them down to his thighs, and the tears really do start to gather in your eyes now because Reiner is big, and you're already getting sore from three other cocks you've taken. 
He rubs his hands up your thighs, tells you, “Wrap your legs around my waist,” which you somehow manage even though they’re weak with numbness. 
Reiner doesn’t push in just yet, though you can feel his warm cock rubbing between your engorged lips. Instead, he slides his arms under your back and lifts you, turning so that he’s sitting on the table and you’re in his lap, ankles still crossed at his lower back. 
“Just go at your own pace.” His voice is quiet, his mouth hovering just over yours, and here, like this, you almost forget about the others. 
You lift yourself just enough to line his tip up with your leaking entrance then lower yourself onto his cock inch by inch. His girth stretches you, always burns just a little, even when you’re well prepared. 
Your spongy walls make room for him, sucking him in even as you whine at his size. He waits for you to get settled, for you to start rocking, and only then does Reiner start moving. His cheeks are pink, light brown eyes nearly taken over by blown pupils, but the shift of his hips is slow and deliberate, hitting just where you need him to.
He keeps one hand at your back to help you balance, but his other moves down to press on the puffy flesh at the apex of your cunt. It forces your clit to rub against the coarse hairs on his pelvis, and you throw your head back as you finally, finally get that friction you were craving. 
Reiner lowers his face to your chest, warm tongue laving over one nipple in a soothing manner as it pebbles against the muscle. He moves to the other and does the same, suckles on it softly so that you dig your nails into his back.
You leak with every shallow thrust, various fluids getting pushed from your wet pussy, and the closer you get to your orgasm, the worse it gets. You squirt first, a juice thinner than your slick arousal dribbling from you and coating Reiner’s thighs. 
“Fucking—” He cuts himself off by kissing you, obviously uncaring of the fact that you had someone else’s cock in your mouth maybe half an hour ago. He licks into you, holding your body tight against his as your muscles tense, thighs rigid around his waist. You climb and climb, gut hotter and hotter until you reach your peak and moan into his mouth. 
Your hips start moving on their own accord, a little faster as you squeeze the thick cock inside of you until your body grows tired enough to stop. Reiner keeps the same, slow pace, rumbles, “Just keep squeezing me, and I’ll come soon.”
So, you do, clenching around him and trembling the more overstimulated you become because you’re so sensitive and so swollen and so full. Every part of you aches. Every shift of his cock makes you whimper, but when Reiner finally spills inside of you, holding you down on his spurting cock, you sigh and slump against him. 
You breathe heavily, and so does Reiner, his chest, now damp with sweat, rising and falling against yours. His shirt chafes against your nipples, making you hiss, but you’re too exhausted to move.
“Is that what sex is always like with you two?” Galliard scoffs. “That was some soft shit. I’m a little disgusted.”
If you were a little more lucid, you’d consider calling him out and announcing to the room how wanton he gets alone in the bedroom, but your brain is functioning at minimal capacity right now.
“Oh, leave them alone, Pock,” Pieck chides, and you glance across the table at her with tired eyes to find another one of those smiles on her face. “Everyone deserves some softness, especially this little angel after the way you guys treated her.”
“Didn’t treat her any differently than I normally do,” Zeke says, voice slightly muffled as he speaks around a new cigarette. 
“In that case, I offer my condolences,” Pieck tells you, pulling a little snort from you. 
“S’fine,” you slur. “I’m just happy to service the Warriors.”
Galliard rolls his eyes. Pieck hums thoughtfully. Zeke smirks. Reiner lets his head fall to your shoulder.
And, Colt croaks out a honestly endearing, “Well, I, uh, appreciate the service,” which makes you and all of his superiors laugh. 
It’s not an easy job, this one you've been given. You try to be grateful for the opportunity, but most days end with you struggling to find your own self worth.
Tonight is different, though. It’s rare that you feel genuinely appreciated, but right now, sitting in Reiner’s lap with Colt looking at you in both embarrassment and gratefulness, you feel that maybe you're worth something.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Can you do a jealous John stones please 🥺🥺🖤
jealous stonesy coming right up! feel like john is the quick to get jealous type :) this gif does things to me
Black Tie Turbulence
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John’s hand is both a constant and comforting presence on your lower back from the moment you both stepped out the car. He’s careful with his feet to not step on the bottom of your beautiful long dress that was matched in colour to that of his delicately placed pocket square.
“Aren’t you two a sight?”
John leads the turn so you can both face Kyle and Annie, also both dressed to the nines and offering each of you a glass of sparkling champagne. “The heels are already a killer,” you joke, making Annie giggle immediately. Heels were a must for almost all black ties, but more so when your boyfriend is an absolute giant.
It was a charity ball that a good few England and their players had been invited to, mostly in order to try and sweet talk the donors into giving more of their money than they originally would. You had gotten used to these events and liked to think you had actually gotten very good at sweetly chatting the vendors into emptying the metaphorical pockets. John wasn’t the world biggest fan of these events, but he knew they had to come hand in hand with the joy of doing what he loves each and every day. Plus, he gets to see you all dressed up. That’s good enough for him.
“I’m gonna go see if I can grab another drink.” You tell John, leaning up to press a chaste kiss into his jaw. He nods, eyes following you intently as you walk off with your heels clinking and dress swaying. “Earth to Stones.” Harry Kane waves, clicking his fingers to get the defenders attention. John shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “He’s fucking whipped, mate.” Kyle laughs heartily, eliciting similar laughter from Kane and his wife.
You stood up at the bar as the tuxedo glad bartender went off to collect your order for you when an older man appeared next to you. He too was looking to order a drink. “I hear the sambuca shots are exquisite this year.” You suggest with a teasing grin and a sparkle in your eyes, very successfully gathering the full attention of the silver fox who you had turned to face. He chuckles, eyes meeting yours as his tongue hits out to lick his lips. He was probably in his mid fifties, so you didn’t feel gross for a little bit of flirting to get some cash for a children’s charity.
“I’m just joking,” you note softly, “But the whiskey is fantastic.”
He nods, a smile overtaking his pink lips and stretching his face to fill a happy 60 years worth of laughter lines. He seemed truly sweet, not that you were at all interested. But he wasn’t sleezy, didn’t have a wedding ring in and looked a little younger than you knew he was. A little bit like Patrick Dempsey, actually. “A woman after my own heart.” He responds, flagging down the waiter for two whiskey’s.
As you got to talking, you learned he was a CEO. You had always been in awe of the kind of money that John had immediate access to in his bank account, what with you still paying off student loans and such until John took went behind your back and payed them off with an insistence that “his girl shouldn’t be worrying about anything ever.” But this man had even more money than that, you suspected. He just screamed out overpriced whiskey, fancy holidays, houses on every continent and boatloads of cars that you hadn’t even heard of. Yet, he seemed very sweet. You told him about some of the work you had gotten up to on a year abroad doing aid work during your second year of uni and he had been extremely curious about it, genuinely listening which shocked you significantly.
John would have said it was because the way that you spoke, completely captivatingly as you got lost in your own stories. You made people feel as though they were part of the adventure, drawing them in and leaving them hanging on every word. Most would claim that you were the only reason John still got invited to these black tie charity events because he certainly wasn’t so good at wooing older men out of their money.
“You’re definitely a whiskey lady, then.” You nod your head at the statement from the older man, a small laugh as you remove your hand from his arm that you had reached for when he made you ‘laugh’ with his last joke. “Mhm…well travelled, beautiful, very elegant and clearly incredibly loved.” You furrow your brows slightly his words, eyeing him carefully in search of their meaning. He leans in slightly, his eyes soft with a kind smile of his face. He nods his head behind you, “He’s been watching you since the moment I stepped up next to you.”
Your eyes land on John when you turn around, trying to look as though he wasn’t watching the interaction intently with those fiery blue eyes. You giggle to yourself with a soft sigh. “You made an old man feel incredibly young again,” he begins with genuine joy in his eyes. “You could change the world with that heart. It’s that reason and that reason only that I’ll be making such a hefty donation. None of this wining and dining, fancy ballroom party they’ve thrown. Passion,” he pauses, “Your kind of passion for better is what this is all about. But I reckon you best get back to the man who looks like he’s going to eat me alive.”
His words were touching and incredibly sweet, but the end was also true. You could hear your boyfriend’s footsteps approaching at a pace that might make you question his fifa rating from last year. You turn yourself back around to offer a thank you for the donation in your name, but all you see is that head of salt and pepper hair disappearing off into the crowd. John has suddenly remembered why he hates these things so much. You’re very clever at getting exactly what was needed from these men and you had no shame at all for flirting with them. If you had it, why not use it? You always said.
Despite knowing it meant nothing, it still sent John absolutely crazy and though you’d never admit it, that was one of the biggest reasons you did it. He used to bring you these things as his friend before you had started dating, which was very coincidentally where he burst and told you he loved you when you had asked what had irritated him so much afterwards.
His jealousy wasn’t something you exactly regarded as a demon, a little bit more of a treat.
Seeing him hot and bothered, angry flush to his cheeks with his jaw set firm and his muscles tense in irritation. It was beautifully hot.
“Flirting with older men again, eh?” He says sharply, his eyes burning a hole in you with the fire of their irritation. You shrug nonchalantly and take a sip of your drink. “Not a big deal,” you hum softly in response, watching carefully as anger flickers through his eyes. He turns his back to you with a scoff and a shake of his head, grumbling something under his breath.
“We’re going.” He states. You roll your eyes. “Oh don’t be like that, John.”
“Like what, eh?” He presses, still not turning to look at you.
“All angry and shit, it’s not a big dea-“
John isn’t having it. He whips around quickly, using his large body to press you back into the bar and takes the drink from your hand with ease when you still, enjoying a sip of it before he places it down on the bar, out of the way easily with those long arms. His hands come down to hold onto the dark mahogany surface of the bar top, trapping you with your back against it between his arms and your front against his chest. “Not a big deal?” He challenges, being careful to wedge his thigh in between your legs, he presses it up against you.
“It’s all for charity, John.”
Your face remains unchanged as you look into his eyes, darkened by lust with his pupils swallowing the blue of his iris.
“I don’t care,” he rumbles, his voice low, reverberating through your ear where he had loved his mouth to, his lips and hot breath tickling your neck with each word he speaks. You open your mouth to response, but John sees this and ceases the opportunity he has primed himself for so you can’t speak before he does. The words are lost on your tongue, dying before they ever have the chance to exist when he flexes the muscles of the thigh between your legs, tightening and pushing it up against you. He swallows your squeaky whimper with his mouth over yours.
“You’re mine.” He growls against your lips, continuing to make his presence between your legs known, very very known. He does pull back k slightly though, his darkened smirk flattering to a soft smile as he tilts his head to take in your rosy cheeks. “My sweet, kind girl.” He coos, lifting both his hands to cup your cheeks, thumbs smoothing over the soft surface. You giggle at his words, blush deepening. “Seriously though, love,” he hums, “Hate the action, love the cause.”
That prompts another giggle, your head falling to rest on his chest gently. His hands strokes over your hair softly as his lips press down on the top of your head.
“Not mad?” You query, listening in to the soft and slow thud of his heart against your cheek. John has moved you effortlessly to the ballroom dance floor from the bar with only a few backwards steps, letting you lean in against his chest again. “Little bit, of course.” He replies.
John has his arms wrapped tightly around your body to keep you flush against him in every way, swaying back and forth in time with the music.
To any onlookers, it would appear as normal, mundane and incredibly sweet to see the relatively young couple enjoying each other so close on one of his few nights off. Truly, it was adorable when you factored out the reason for the proximity John keeps to your body.
“John?” You lilt, your voice a daring misfire between sweet and sultry. “Mhm?” He rumbles in response, keeping his cheek rested on the top of your head. “Your hard-on is pressing into my stomach.” He chuckles to himself, your words too quiet for anyone else anywhere near to eavesdrop on but enough to flush his cheeks ever so slightly.
“And I would much rather it was in some far more pleasurable places.”
John does not need those words explained to him, nor does he waste even a moment leading you hastily off towards the exit of the ballroom, sure that he could find somewhere in this venue suitable enough to let everybody hear just who you belong to.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hey it’s the same comfort anon! I really loved what did with the prompt!
If you don’t mind I have another rq 👉👈
RQ: You help them out during an embarrassing situation.
Comfort Anon! My first requester! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I’m glad you think I did it justice!
I absolutely do not mind that you have another request!
I think I’m going to keep all of them in the same post this time around.
Set platonically and within the group since there wasn’t any specification.
You know the drill! Scenario under the cut!
“Wolfie...” You try to fight the grin on your face and fail. “What are you doing?”
Said wolf pauses and stares at you thus beginning an impromptu staring contest.
You had been walking away from the camp to relieve yourself when you spotted familiar looking fur running around. It had sparked your interest so you ventured closer as quietly as you could.
When you reach your furry friend, you feel your face split into a large grin.
Wolfie was running in circles and rolling around the dirt trying to catch his tail.
It naturally amuses you greatly and you decided to watch for a little moment longer before Wolfie had actually managed to catch his tail and had begun chewing on it with fervor.
Realistically, you knew it probably itched and the poor thing was just trying to scratch it in the best way he could.
But it was still so adorably cute!
You ask your question, breaking the moment and try to hide your amusement for the sake of the creatures pride.
You can see the moment when Wolfie sees you. His whole body goes still and he stops chewing himself completely. Wolfie slowly lets his tail out of his mouth, making a small thump against the ground, while never breaking eye contact and waits.
You’re not sure for what but the way he’s staring at you makes you think you weren’t supposed to see what you saw. He looks the equivalent of getting your hand caught in the cookie jar and is trying to see how much trouble he’s going to get in.
It’s makes the whole thing infinitely funnier.
Your giggles escape and the animal begins to lower his head to the ground, ears back and flattened.
You’d dare say he looks embarrassed.
It softens your heart to see Wolfie in such a state so you try to rein in one final snort, fail, and begin to leave. “I’ll... leave you to it, Wolfie. I gotta pee. Have fun with what you’re over there.”
With your back turned, Wolfie gives out a pitiful whine that leaves you snickering until you find a more private spot.
Apparently, this one’s taken. 
“Wild...” You say, looking upward until your neck hurts. “How do you manage these things? I swear it’s only you who gets into this kind of stuff.”
“I just want to make eggs for breakfast!” He cries in defense. “I’m sorry for trying to do something nice for all of you!”
“Oh no, I get that. It’s this that worries me.” You sigh and try to get step back and assess the situation. Looking up is a little easier with and you’re able to see a better plan of action.
In theory anyway.
Wild, as mentioned, was about to make breakfast and had thus spotted eggs in  a nearby tree. Naturally he wanted to go collect them and feed his friends but there’s one thing he didn’t account on. The mother returned.
That being said, he freaked out enough that he dropped the sheikah slate, nearly fell out of the tree and in the ruckus had also scared away the mother.
He kept the eggs though.
However, when the word nearly is mentioned it’s meant to bring point that he didn’t actually fall out of tree. ...But he still might.
Because the only reason he didn’t hit the ground head first is because his foot got caught in one of the branches.
So he’s hanging upside down by his ankle and can’t access his tools to even attempt to get out.
This is where you, dear reader, come in.
Wild was actually far enough away and covered by enough foliage that the others haven’t noticed him in this precarious situation. You though, were heading to the creak nearby to wash your face and begin your morning routine.
Wild then yelled just loud enough to catch your attention and had asked for your assistance.
“Are you sure I can’t just get Twilight? Or Time?” You ask him. “I’m sure that one of them can just shake the tree and you’ll be free.”
“NO! Do not! Just-!” He flails around a bit, the branch creaking in protest but doesn’t  budge from the spot. “I get into a lot of stuff but neither of them will ever let me live this down.”
“What about Warrior then? Or Legend? He might have a tool of something to get you out-”
“No one else can know! Why can’t you just help me?” Wild begs.
“I have to say I’m little over my head here.” You admit. “Or rather, you’re a little over my head.”
“Very funny.”
“I think I have an idea but you have to catch yourself.” You grin and begin to move away.
“Just make it quick. All the blood is flowing to my head.”
You jog back to camp and take out your sword. A few more familiar faces are awake now and waiting for their food. 
“Hey,” Wind greets you with a tired smile and a yawn. “Where’s Wild?”
“He’s a little hung up at the moment.” You smile. “I just gotta go help him for a second and he’ll be back.”
Wind takes the answer for what it is, too tired to read too much into it and nods.
You sprint back and grin wildly. “Try to stay out of my way ok?”
“You couldn’t think of any other solution?” Wild nearly whines.
“This is the quickest way. You said make it quick.” You take a breath and run forward. With your momentum to run what you can up the tree and jump. With the added height to turn to where Wild is and swing in his foot’s direction.
With speed and accuracy on your part, you slice the branch that’s been holding him back and the two of you fall to the ground.
Wild dips into a roll and somehow manages to expertly swipe the slate off of the ground as he passes it. You do a similar motion but angle yourself to not come into contact with your blade.
Together you spot each other and grin, small laughs exiting your mouths as you get up.
“Thanks for that.” Wild pats himself off and turns on his heel. “I gotta get breakfast started but I’ll come get you when it’s done, ok?”
You nod and begin to head toward the creek once more, willing to play as if this never happened.
You decide on the way to not tell Wild that the branch is still stuck on his boot though. 
Everyone was in Wild’s house for the day, chilling while they could, since there was little to no activity.
Time had actually retired momentarily to take a nap on Wild’s bed for the afternoon.
It was quiet.
Because the group was afraid to wake up the grumpiest member of the group.
So naturally you wanted to take advantage of the peace and brought your book and sat on the stairs while the boys took over the table and floor.
After a hot minute, you looked up to see that half of the group was gone, haven’t left to do something more chaotic and grinned to yourself.
Behind you the wood of the house creaked under applied pressure. You turned around to look at the cause and saw that Time had woken up from his nap. His eyes were closed and he was mid-yawn as he traveled down the stairs.
You got up from your spot and traveled a few steps to let him pass, but that didn’t happen.
Time hadn’t opened his eye yet and had mis-stepped.
His mistake cost him his pride as he fell down the stairs all the way down to the floor.
“Don’t break a hip old man!” Warrior called out in a laughing voice.
You threw your book onto the table and went to help Time up. “Are you ok?”
“Ow.” He deadpanned and grabbed the railing for good measure. “On top of that, I think I left my shoes up by the bed.”
“I’ll get them” You squeaked around him and dashed up the stairs. In your enthusiasm you over stepped one of the steps and fell up the stairs.
You paused in shame and shock while Warrior lost his battle and started laughing hysterically.
Swallowing the last of your dignity, you dash up the remaining steps and help your friend.
You came back down with an attempt to hold your head up high and held out Time’s shoes out to him. “I think these are yours.”
There was a small smile on his tired face. “Thank you. Are you ok?”
“Yes.” You nod. “I’m fine. Nothing happened. No one saw anything.”
Time snorted and took them from you. “Of course.”
It’s was absolutely pouring.
Everyone was wet and there was no shelter in sight. It was dark and loud and everyone still had to continue forward.
No one was happy and everyone was silently fuming at the unideal circumstances.
You were walking next to Warrior, not making eye contact with anyone and you had to stop from commenting that he looked like a drowned rat.
His scarf has no doubt doubled in weight with all the water its absorbed and Warrior kept having to adjust it. It was sagging off of his shoulders and he kept having to adjust it or else it risked falling into the muddied ground.
As time passed Warrior had to continually fix it, and adjust it and he was growing exponentially frustrated with the prospect and was getting fed up with it.
You watched in growing amusement and restrained from offering your help because you were certain that he would snap at you.
In one final moment of baled up frustrations, he threw the scarf in one more lap around his neck and... well... he overjudged the strength needed and it swung all the way around just to smack him right back in his face.
Oh but it didn’t end there.
In his moment of blindness, he mis-stepped and tripped.
He hit the ground on his knees first but kept going, twisting to his side, just missing slamming his face into the mud as well.
You just stop in your tracks and tried your hardest to not laugh.
With hesitant steps, you walked over to Warrior who slowly started to get up.
His entire side was just brown. And Warrior... didn’t bother with showing the emotion on his face.
Just a neutral face of displeasure.
You quickly, helped him to his feet and and began cupping your hands to throw the collected rain water onto him and wipe off the mud.
It’s not helping.
“Not. One. Word.” Warrior takes a deep breath and begins to help you clean himself off.
“Yes, Captain.” You grin and take his hand. “You want me to take the blame? Say I pushed you down or something.”
“It’s fine.” Warrior bites the words as he says them. 
You pass a creek.
With the idea in your head, you shove Warrior hard and he goes right into the water like you wanted him to.
“Excuse me!” He screeches as his head bobs above the water.
The mud is washed off as least.
“You’re clean again! No one will know!”
Warrior is not amused.
You grin. “It’s not like you got any wetter.”
“...Why are you like this?”
“I’ll take my thanks in monetary compensation.”
“Hyrule.” You gasp. “Oh no. Oh boy. Don’t go back yet. Hold on. Don’t leave. Stay here.”
He pauses and does what you say, although confusedly. “Ok? Why?” 
“There’s a rip in your pants. Huge. I can see your whole-” 
“WHAT?” Hyrule grips the fabric and finally catches wind of the tear. It’s long and goes down the side of his leg but it’s... pretty revealing.
“I’ve got some sewing stuff in my pack.” You say dropping your equipment and dashing as quickly as you could. “I can sew it up. No one will know the difference.”
“...I can never show my face again.”
You roll your eyes and make the quick trip. There’s a small part in the reptilian part of your brain that calls to make it a quick mission. Stealth, silence and shadows are your friends and you make it back to camp, grab your supplies and make a break for it without tripping anyone else’s hand.
When you return to Hyrule, he’s sat down a nearby rock and inspecting what he can of the rip.
“I have no idea how you managed this,” you say when you get close to him again. “But I’ve managed to get there and back with no one knowing. I will, however, need you to take off your pants.”
Hyrule flushes bright red instantly.
“...Do I have to?”
“Unless you’re ok with my face being right next to your-”
“No, no, I’ll do it, I’ll do it.” Hyrule gulps and strips.
“I’m glad you agreed because I, for one, was not ok with that.” You hold your hand out and take the pants from him. “At least your tunic is long.”
“This is humiliating.” Hyrule mutters and sit down on the ground instead of the rock and hugs his legs close.
“Why on earth do you think I stopped you? Someone had to save you from the the ridicule of the others. Like don’t get me wrong, we all like you but there’s no survivors, no mercy, and no alliances when it comes to roasts.” You sat down in front of him and began to sew up the tear. “Any idea how this happened?”
“I think it got caught on a bush?” He rests his head on his knees and avoids eye contact. “I suppose I should thank you.”
“A bush?” You put it down and and stare at him. “A bush?”
He doesn’t reply.
“Hyrule if your clothes are weak enough to rip this badly on a bush then we need to get you knew clothes.” You finish and return to your task of fixing his pants. “We can get Legend and Wild and figure something out. Wild has enough clothes to spare and Legend knows good quality when he sees it. I’ll pay for your new clothes next town we invade, ok?”
“I can’t believe this happened.” He says instead.
“Give me ten minutes and you can at least put your pants back on.”
They were having a race.
The boys were so bored that they were having a race.
It was between Legend, Wild, Wind, Hyrule and Twilight.
Sky refused to run, Time was content with just watching and Warrior had a bet going so he had money on who the winner would be.
You were the judge and had placed yourself at the end of the strip with a small cloth for a flag and got in position. It was anything goes. Items, sabotage, dirty plays- anything.
Twilight was actually competing on Epona.
“Ready?” You call with a grin. “Get set! GO!”
You hear them take off but there’s a blast of wind next to you.
It’s so close to you that it takes you by surprise so you scream in shock but it ends in a thunk against the tree behind you.
There’s a groan and you turn to see the winner.
Twilight is next and he stops before he could run you over. “Are you kidding me? What the heck did he do? How did he do that?”
Legend is sitting in front of the tree and rubbing his head.
He wins at least.
The others make it within the next minute and they groan and whine but they leave without looking at the winner.
You grin and skip over to him, placing your hand on his shoulder when you get there. “Congrats, Mr. Hero. It looks like you were the- oh my god.”
You kneel next to him and tilts his face towards yours.
He’s bleeding from the face, a cut on his eye and a bloody nose.
“Hey, so you see this tree here?” He spits and it’s more blood.
“I didn’t.” He hisses and goes to wipe with his sleeve but you stop him.
“Oh boy. Hold on.” You gently take the cloth flag that you have and wipe his face, getting him to pinch his nose as you wipe his cut.
It’s thankfully not deep and not bleeding profusely. With a little inspiration, you take out your bag, your magically enchanted pocket and pull out a potion.
Legend is quick to refuse but you shake your head and splash a little on his face. The magic hits the cuts and is absorbed in his skin.
“Hey!” He splutters.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to explain to Warrior why your face is bleeding?” You smirk and begin cleaning the rest of the blood of him.
Legend pouts and looks away, letting you work.
“I guess not.”
“I thought so.”
“Oh... that is... not ideal...” You hear Sky say.
With your interest piqued, you turned your head to look at him and what was bothering him.
“Sky, what did you do?”
It... was interesting. Somehow Sky had managed to get his whip stuck in a tree. Not just caught between two branches, no that would have been too easy to pull out. It had somehow wrapped around the branch, at least three times and was too tall for anyone in the group to get out unless they had somehow managed to climb the tree.
The tree itself was also inclined to be easy to climb. You were quick to see that only The Champion could probably scale it but he wasn’t here at the moment. 
Twilight kidnapped him to go fishing.
“...How?” You ask and make your way over to him. “How did you do this?”
He glances at you with wide eyes and a bit lip. ”Help?”
“Ho boy...” You take a breath and get up. “This.... I have one solution.”
“How good is your aim?” You glance up at the problem again. “Scratch that, how good is your throwing arm?”
“Pretty good I like to think.” He admits. 
“Ok, throw it over the branch but in the opposite direction. We have to undo the loops first.”
“We? Sounds like it’s just me.” Sky steps closer to the tree and prepares to throw the handle over the branch.
“Well there’s not exactly place for me to step in now, is there?” You put your hands on your hips and smirk.
It goes over one loop just fine.
It still doesn’t budge.
Sky throws it again, misses, tries again and makes it.
It’s only one loop over the branch but it still won’t move. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Sky growls and throws it into the air in frustration.
“Ok, hold on, if it just need one more throw-”
He made it loose in the process but neither of you were paying attention. It had sung for a minute, budged and had swung all the way back to to you both coming off of the branch in the process. The inertia was still in motion and it had managed to hit Sky directly in the face while you were talking.
Luckily, it wasn’t that strong of a hit.
“Oh hey!” You grin and try not to laugh. “It’s out!”
“Let’s never speak of this.”
“Come on, it’s funny.”
“Wild, do you have any towels I can dry my hands off with?” Four asks from behind you.
You were all in Wild’s house once more and currently getting ready for dinner.
“Yeah, top shelf.” Wild replies without looking up from the pot.
You glance back as well to see where Wild would have been thinking about.
Yup, you think, that’s the top shelf alright.
Four is stuck staring at the height and begins to slowly look around.
You get an idea of where he’s going with this and power walk to his side. Your intuition is proven correct when he then attempts to climb Wild’s house and furniture just to get it.
His hands are also still wet, mind you.
You can see his white knuckled grip as he tries to fight the lack of traction and decide to help him out.
“I got it!” He says, when you nudge him aside.
“You don’t.” You reply and copy his movements to reach a singular towel. You’re back down in a split second but the bounty in within your grasp.
“It’s not like you can reach it either!”
“Still took me less time and significantly less climbing to get it.” You toss the towel in his face with a grin. “I doubt you even had good grip either. I thought you were going to fall and crack your head open on the floor.”
“Please don’t fall in my house and crack your head on the floor.” Wild speaks up. “Blood is so hard to clean up.”
“Know from experience?”
“Don’t tell Twilight.”
“Get lower shelves Wild Child.” Four dries his hands and tosses the troublesome cloth to Wild.
He catches it with blinking and shoves it into his apron. “I’ll take your criticism to the manager and see what we can do.”
“Manager? This is your house! You’re the manager!”
“So? I said what I said!”
“You boys done play fighting or are we going to have to wait to eat?” You ask.
“I’d like to eat now please.”
“On it.”
It was your turn on watch and there was nothing to do.
Not that you were asking for trouble but it would have been nice to at least be able to do patrol or something.
But nooooo... For safety reasons, i.e. the storm just beyond your coverings, everyone was supposed to stay within the camp at all times.
You didn’t disagree with it so to speak. It was more of a mild inconvenience.
That was until Wind got up with whispered...but still loud, curses.
You stood up and tip toed your away around the half hazardly tossed limbs of your comrades. “Everything ok Wind?”
He jumps and grabs the blankets around himself, folding them, bunching them together and curling ever so slightly over himself.
“Everything’s fine!”
“Shh..” You put a finger to your lips and look around the group.
No one woke up.
“What’s got your jimmies in a twist kid?” You squat down and place your hand on the blankets. They’re wet and the smell....
Oh you know what happened.
You stand up again and give him the curtesy of not saying it out loud. “I have a plan but you have to do as I say, no questions asked. We can make it so no one will know what happened. Ever. And this stays between only you and me, ok?”
You wipe your hand on your pants and hold out the opposite one to the boy. He stares at you with a red face and contemplates the choice. After only two seconds of deliberation, he takes your hand and gets up.
You suppose that to have an out, verses having to explain to everyone that he’s been looking up to sounds very appealing in the end. Better for only one person to know than ten.
“You’re lucky it’s still pouring buckets.” you say and grab all the blankets from his bed roll that you can. Chancing a glance at him, you see that his clothes are wet as well, pretty much from the waist down. With another thing to fix, you notice that his very bedroll is right by a huge puddle that had been forming and no one knew.
The hand in the glass water trick, then.
Your friends have seen and done that a few times to a few poor unsuspecting soul.
“Ok, here’s what you’re going to do.” You turn to Wind. “You’re going to change out of your clothes and into some clean ones. And then you’re going back to bed in my bed roll.”
“But where will you sleep?” He asks with a hand gripping his shirt
“I’ll steal it from the next guy.” You lie...kinda... That actually sounds appealing but you don’t think on it too much. “I’ll take the next shift to buy time and I’m going to throw your blankets and bed roll out into the rain, ok?”
“You were too close to the borders of the tarp anyway.” You continue with your plan, throwing them out for a second before turning on your heel and getting some of your clothes for Wind.
You think you might have something that’ll fit him but if not, it’s only to sleep in.
He changes into the clothes while you back out to the blankets.
In your search for the clothes, you dug out your powered soap and tossed some of it on the blankets and bed roll. After rubbing the fabric together to get it sudsy and deep into the material, you set it up against the tree and branches, letting the falling rain drops hit it and filter through.
It’s rudimentary and it took you longer than you wanted because now you’re also soaked to the bone and only halfway through but you think back to being a thirteen year old and how embarrassed you would have been and plow on to save Wind from the same fate.
You step back into the tarp and guide Wind, taking his clothes away to where you were sleeping prior. You’re clothes are way too big on him and it’s honestly more endearing than you would have thought.
“Thanks.” Wind says in a small voice. He’s humiliated, you know but you don’t focus on it.
“Your hand got wet and you pissed yourself in your sleep.” You say and shrug. “My friends and I were... are brats and it’s not the first we’ve played that prank. Put the poor saps in a glass of warm water and watch them pee their pants. It’s funny when it’s planned and well... not you. I won’t tell a soul.”
“You better not.” He sits down in your bed roll and begins to get comfortable. “It’s smells nice.”
“I try.” You grin.
“Do I owe you?” He looks up with big eyes and you think that it makes him look younger than he is.
“It’s on the house.” You wave him off and dash back in the rain to clean the rest of his clothes.
On the way back to cover, you kick the support that was closest to Wind’s spot, sending a torrent of rain upon yourself in the process but the spot where the pirate was is considered useless now.
Wind tilts his head from his spot and you grin. “Cover story.”
The rest of night is spent watching the time, watching the others and taking turns with Wind’s clothes and blankets by the fire so that all three of you can dry off before the sun comes up and the other inevitably ask questions.
By morning you’re dead on your feet, but consider it a job well done. 
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