#i’m quite tired and super pent up and this memory will not let me live peacefully
alluralater · 3 months
kinky rambling confession about something i remembered this morning: okay so like two and a half years ago for halloween i went to this party with a bunch of other people. it was being thrown by a few close friends and it was really fun! i went dressed as envy and one of my friends (let’s call them violet) who was throwing the party was supposed to go as poison ivy but earlier that day she texted me and was like “i was freaking out about my poison ivy fit and almost called off the party but i chose something else and i think you’re going to like it.” when i walked into their apartment later that night, i was ill-prepared for the ravages of whorish need that began swirling and curling in my stupid lesbian veins. they were done up in a tiny white slip-dress romper type number with spaghetti straps. the neckline outlined and dipped between their breasts. the soft material cinched at their waist, and fell more open around their bare thighs. she has these killer dark brown eyes too, so yummy to look at. tonight their natural dark lashes were coated in black mascara, and their lids were— oh god. cow print design. intricate and detailed, white base with black spots and black blurbs. their dress was the same, cow print. now, alright, let me be clear. i am not immune to hot people or what they do to get my attention, but this was something else. i didn’t notice that i’d been standing a few feet in front of the door, midway between taking my shoes off when violet is walking over and happily welcoming me in and telling me i look gorgeous and im just fucking stunned. “do you like it?” their voice filled with this self-contented sound yet they still wanted my opinion. i could hear their hopefulness. i summoned every ounce of cool girl i had in me and went “oh i absolutely love it!” i had nearly fallen taking off my boots and now here i was standing in front of them as they fawned all over me and my outfit and my makeup and my hair and every small detail. i wasn’t even really hearing their compliments. i couldn’t even respond, for fear i might say something wildly inappropriate aloud instead.
i couldn’t say that i was thinking of sliding my fingers into their top and massaging their breasts, soft nipples hardening to my touch, rolling and pinching until they moaned in a way that satisfied me enough to begin sucking. i couldn’t say that i was entrenched in the idea of eating their pussy from behind while i have them on all-fours, no way could i mention the way my mouth began watering. every light touch all over my body made me want to slam them into the wall beside us and tell them they make such a cute cow. i wanted my fingers inside them, my lips wrapped around their pink nipples. i wanted to use them. i wanted to take them right there, because of that small tone in their voice, because they had wanted my opinion, my thoughts, my validation. what better validation than to slap their pretty fucking face when they’re on their knees before taking them by the throat and guiding them swiftly all the way down to the floor on their back. tightening my grip and letting my lips graze overtop hers as i play with her swollen clit. my dumb breeding toy, hastened breathing and warm body pressed to the floor. my pretty little cow just needs to be played with and touched and felt up all over. no thoughts, no overthinking about what anyone thinks of them, just pure pleasure. i want to ask my lovely violet if this is what they wanted, i want to hear them say it. i want to milk those yummy tits until they’re begging me to stop because they’re so sore and much too sensitive. i want to see them writhing like a slut in heat underneath me, desperate for more yet whining through how good it feels to get what they want. and i don’t want to take it off, this cute costume. i want to leave it on them. i want to tell them exactly what i like about it and how it makes me feel. i want to ride their thigh while i pump my fingers into their wet pussy and tell them how fucking pathetically sweet they sound practically begging for my attention. if that’s what they want, that’s what they should have. all of my attention. i want my fingers in that beautiful dark brown hair, my lips and teeth and tongue working out my oral fixation. i want them to feel— “allura? hello?”violet’s hand waved in front of my face. i’d been lost in thought. “do you want a drink?” she asked. blinking twice and trying not to think of how good their lips feel, “god yes. please.” they gave me a curiously pleased smile, eyes narrowing for a slight second and taking in the red hues on my cheeks. it wasn’t so long ago they’d seen that look on my face before we were attacking each other on their front porch and devouring one another there in the middle of broad daylight. “i can always tell what you’re thinking about, you know.” the burning in my cheeks intensified when they walked into the kitchen ahead of me and i was left to follow after them like the slut i am as i mockingly muttered under my breath, “such an annoying whore. i cAN aLwaYs tEll whAT yOu’Re thiNking abOut. ugh.” i dont fucking doubt it
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sirius black is an ISFP; an essay
TLDR: Sirius is an ISFP because he predominantly uses Fi (is very passionate, very attached to his emotions as shown by his anger in POA & OOTP and his empathy for Harry in GOF), and Se (physical excitement is important to him & he manages surviving out in the wild). We also see a little bit of his tertiary Ni (he tends to brood a lot & think deeply when attempting to help Harry through his struggles). He’s introverted (lets James take the lead and serves more of a supplementary role in conversations). So Fi is his dominant function & Se his auxiliary. I also talk about why Sirius doesn’t use Ne, Ni, or Si as upper functions & why the other upper Se types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP) don’t fit him. 
hey y’all i’m here to do some REAL myers briggs typing of harry potter characters. i’m doing this because i’m SO tired of mistypings that i can’t bear it!!! i have found 0 sites on this internet that accurately type harry potter characters & even if they get some right, it’s almost never 100%. 😢 obviously it’s easier to type people rather than characters bc people are ~REAL~ and also because authors can be inconsistent whilst writing characters, bla bla bla. But JK Rowling, for the most part, is pretty good at creating characters with developed, consistent personalities, and Sirius Black is one of them. 
I’ll begin with typing Sirius’s upper Perceiving function, which is undoubtedly Se, or extroverted Sensing. Se-users perceive the world through their five senses, and thus are very in-tune with their physical surroundings. Sirius is very into physical thrills; his vehicle of choice is a FLYING MOTORCYCLE, enough said. He is easily able to adapt to restrictive physical conditions; while living in Azkaban among the dementors, Sirius is able to transform into his animagus form and literally swim all the way to the mainland. If that isn’t Se, idk what is. Throughout Sirius’s time post-Azkaban and pre-Order, he lives a vagabond life both in Scotland and in other countries. He seems to be able to easily navigate living in the outdoors. That doesn’t mean he’s comfortable (i.e. him living off rats in a cave during GOF), but he manages to sustain himself while simultaneously evading capture by the Ministry. In Snape’s Worst Memory, Sirius is extremely bored after sitting through a long O.W.L. exam, and needs James to do something to stimulate him. And all through OOTP, Sirius’s biggest conflict is a feeling of restlessness due to being stuck in Grimmauld Place. 
One thing I've also noticed about Se’s is that they are very perceptive of people's physical habits, sometimes to the point of intense scrutiny. In Snape’s Worst Memory (SWM), Sirius says he was watching Snape during the O.W.L. and how Snape’s greasy nose was glued to the exam paper the entire time. You can’t get more typical Se bullying than pointing out other people’s unappealing physical habits. In Grimmauld Place, Sirius tells Kreacher off for sneaking away family heirlooms while everyone's cleaning out the house. Being observant enough to notice someone sneaking something is a very typical Se thing to do (I’ve experienced it! .-.).  
So why aren’t Sirius’s upper perceiving functions Si, Ne, or Ni? Ne will be the easiest to explain, because Sirius quite obviously does not use it. Ne’s are usually detached from their surroundings, living in a rich inner world full of spontaneous ideas. Sirius is very much in touch with the environment around him and doesn’t have the playfulness that Ne users have. When he’s speaking, he's very clear and to the point, while Ne’s are abstract thinkers who like to bounce ideas around just for fun.
Sirius is not not an upper Ni user, but as an ISFP, he uses tertiary Ni, which we do see. Again, Sirius is too much in touch with his surroundings to be an introverted intuitive. But he does have a brooding nature, and whenever Harry’s in trouble, like when he’s talking to Sirius in GOF before the first task and telling him about all the odd things happening around him, Sirius quietly absorbs all the information Harry gives him (“He had let Harry talk himself into silence without interruption”) and is thoughtful (though not for the long and generally stays to the point), while trying to figure out what’s going on at Hogwarts ("I don’t know,” said Sirius slowly. 'I just don’t know…Karkaroff doesn’t strike me as the type who’d go back to Voldemort unless he knew Voldemort was powerful enough to protect him”). Though Sirius is generally a pretty brash person who doesn’t act with cautious and constant thoughtfulness as an Ni would, he knows how to utilize his Ni when he needs it. As Heidi Priebe’ says in her article How Each Cognitive Function Manifests Based On Its Position in Your Stacking, “As a tertiary function, Ni manifests as the desire to optimize or perfect upon one’s pre-existing talents or skills.”
Lastly, Sirius definitely does not use introverted Sensing (Si). Si is a past oriented function that stores exact details of past events. Si-users are relatively careful people who “get attached to past ways of doing things,” which is basically the exact opposite of Sirius. Adventure, thrill, and stimulation are his middle names!! 
So we’ve established that he’s an upper Se, which means Sirius could be an ESTP, ESFP, ISFP, or ISTP. 
Sirius is not an ESTP. This might be hard to believe since ESTP surface-level descriptions on the internet (thrill seeking/passionate/drama lovers) seem very much like Sirius. But Sirius isn’t an extrovert and as I’ll describe later on, he doesn’t use Ti. In the Pensieve during SWM, we see the Marauders interacting and James is pretty clearly the loud one, showing off his Quidditch skills to Wormtail and leading his and Sirius’s attack against Snape. James initiates the verbal attack (”All right, Snivellus?”) and James continues to initiate the provocations (”How’d the exam go, Snivelly?”) while Sirius only supplements the conversation (”I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment…”). Sirius is not the leader, at least not verbally. He attacks Snape physically and is verbally vicious to him, but he’s not initiating the conversation the way James is. It’s hard for me to imagine an ESTP being a side character during a social scene. And we see Sirius being a side character multiple times; in POA, Sirius is bent on attacking Peter, and Lupin is the one who has to explain the backstory of the Marauders to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Sirius is quieter, wanting to carry out the action and isn’t helping lead the conversation. Again, in OOTP, when we are with Sirius in Grimmauld Place, Sirius is relatively quiet. Yes, he gets angry at Dumbledore for forcing him to stay shut up in the house (honestly fuck Dumbledore), and at Molly for not filling in Harry about the work the Order’s doing. But otherwise, he’s not usually the center of attention. I concede, he’s most likely going through depression, but it still feels natural that he’s not super loud. I feel like an ESTP becoming quiet because of depression would mean that they were going through really severe depression, but it seems like Sirius’s case is more mild. He’s still pretty functional in plenty of other ways. 
Sirius is not an ESFP, and the reasons for this are very similar to those I gave for him not being an ESTP. He doesn’t lead actions and is relatively quiet. And all the ESFPs I’ve met— and I’ve met a variety of them (Most ESFPs I know are warm and ridiculously energetic, but I also know one who is more relaxed and blunt), but I’ve never met one who’s brooding. I just don’t think broody is a trait that can be ascribed to an ESFP, unless they are dangerously depressed. And again, I really don’t think this is the case with Sirius. (If you are or know a broody ESFPs, feel free to comment!) 
Sirius Black is not an ISTP. Sirius’s actions when he is passionate and angry do not mirror those of a dominant Ti and inferior Fe user. A dominant Ti would be unattached to conflict situations unlike a dominant Fi. A dominant Ti usually doesn’t like conflict, and I can only see them yelling or really losing their temper if their boundaries are invaded (i.e. if someone keeps trying to argue with them and won’t give them space). But otherwise, the ISTPs I know generally prefer to be alone when they’re angry. They might lash out by doing something more subtle; using their dominant Ti to bide their time & really plan something evil. Sirius is not like this at all. From the first time we meet him in POA, he is screaming at Pettigrew, ready to kill him without a second thought. He's completely raw in his anger at losing James and Lily to Wormtail's betrayal (“THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED”). He’s completely immersed in his feelings the way a dominant Fi would be-- and I would know because I am one. 
All of Sirius's raw, pent up rage is flowing straight through his body and out of his mouth. As Fe users, ISTPs aren’t internally connected with their feelings enough to be able to express them so rawly. Fe is literally the function that expresses feelings in sync with the people around them. So the way Fe users express feelings always takes into consideration the people they are talking to and the environments they’re in. Sirius has no distance with his feelings at all. 
We see Sirius’s dominant Fi when he’s telling Harry that he “as good as” killed James and Lily. A dominant Fi is can be so deeply connected with their guilt that they equate facts to be on par with their feelings rather than the other way around. In other words, we change up facts a little bit (some people could say this is lying but I prefer to say passion-inspired inaccuracy), to match our feelings about a situation. Sirius is still deeply filled with remorse and sadness at Lily and James’ death and says “I don’t deny it,” when Harry accuses Sirius of killing his parents. 
When Harry recounts his meeting with Voldemort at the end of GOF in Dumbledore’s office, Sirius tightly grips Harry’s shoulders after he reports seeing his parents through Priori Incantatem. This is a gut reaction of intense empathy that is typical for a well-developed Fi. He’s also intent about Harry having rest after going through the ordeal (“We can leave that till morning, can’t we Dumbledore?” said Sirius harshly. He had put a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Let him have a sleep. Let him rest.”). Fi’s, especially Fi’s who are also Se users are deeply aware of human physio-emotional needs. 
We continue to see Sirius’s Fi when Harry goes to Sirius for advice. ISTPs give logical, concrete suggestions when you tell them your feelings. But ISFPs (especially ones who aren’t the most socially mature) absorb your feelings and give suggestions based on what they feel themselves (i.e. Sirius telling Harry in OOTP after H believes he attacked Mr. Weasley, that Harry simply needs to go to sleep because he’s in shock. Sirius isn’t using logic to help Harry, he’s worried about Harry’s mental health and immediately lectures him instead of giving a logical solution like an ISTP would). Later in OOTP, Sirius earnestly tells Harry, “Look, your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.” I repeat, this isn't logic. But then again, we IXFPs aren’t exactly logical when we’re talking about the people we love. And thus, in conclusion, Sirius’s function stack is Fi-Se-Ni-Te...in other words he’s an ISFP through and throughout. 
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Would you do a short part 2 to the roommate au showing what happens after MJ opens the door?? Xxx
okay, so, i promised you would all get a part 2 of the roommates au thing. well, here it is. YOU GREEDY MINIONS. sometimes stories have an ambiguous ending and that’s okay lololol. but not this day. ahem. part 2. 
she opens the door with puffy, red eyes. she’s swimming in one of his old decathlon shirts. and he’s not sure how he didn’t know he was in love with her before today. she is so singular. so MJ. of course he loves her. 
she blinks at him and then rolls her eyes, “this is your apartment, peter. you have keys.” he blanches and stumbles for some kind of reply that doesn’t make him look pathetic (answer: there is none). he settles on clearing his throat and saying, “i didn’t want to disturb you.” “no,” she narrows her eyes, “you wanted to make a dramatic entrance.” 
she’s not wrong. he flushes. and she sadly crosses her arms over her chest. she suddenly cannot meet his eyes and he hates that. the best part of mj is her eyes. she can say so much with just one look. they are transparent and perfect. she gnaws on her lip nervously, ripping at the skin, “so….how’s gwen?” and he realizes that she thinks he’s still with gwen. that she’s back in the boat of being single and him being hopelessly in love with someone who isn’t her. 
he shrugs and pockets his hand, awkwardness dripping off of him, “she’s pissed.” MJ flinches, “i’m sorry….i didn’t mean to…..we can just pretend we didn’t say that stuff….i don’t want to hurt her….” “she’s pissed,” peter presses on, “because she realized that i, uh, wanted you. not her. actually, she, uh, dumped me.” 
mj’s head snaps up and he meets her eyes. they are filled with tears brimming to fall. she didn’t want him to see. that’s why she didn’t look at him. his heart shakes at the foundations. “no,” she whispers, “i didn’t want that.” “mj,” he tries. “no,” she says louder, “god damn it, peter. you just had to go and blow this whole thing up.” he takes four long strides into their apartment backing her up and slamming their front door closed behind him. 
she jumps at the volume of the door. he does not keep his distance. he is an arm’s length away from her. she needs to know. no, he needs her to know. it’s not easy. the feelings between them and all that they could change. but the clock has run out on them pretending that friendship is enough. it’s not. 
“em, this isn’t working for me anymore.” “who says you get to decide what works for us? huh?” she snaps. he runs his hands through his hair, anxious and exhausted. “i want you,” he admits. she balks and shakes, “that’s impossible.” “says who??” he demands. softer, he repeats, “says who? because i am looking at you right now and my heart is leaping out of my chest. my stupid heart knows its yours. yours to have, to love…to break. its all yours. and i’m done pretending otherwise. i’m tired.” 
her bottom lip goes, nearly descending into tears, “you don’t get to be tired. you don’t get to be exhausted. i have known for years, peter. for years. you’ve only just caught up to speed. don’t talk to me about being tired.” 
“okay,” he puts his hands up and takes an experimental step toward her. when all she does is cut him a hard look but she doesn’t shrink away, he takes the last step separating them. he gently caresses her arm and slides his hands down the length of it to grasp at her hands. he gingerly lifts her hands and kisses their enclosed hands as she watches dumbfounded. “okay, you’re right,” he whispers. he stares and continues, “i was…am…an idiot. and i hurt you. and gwen. and i’m sorry.” 
“you only want me because of Harry,” she tries to pull her hands from him. and he only grips them more fiercely. “no,” peter says firmly, “okay, fine, I hated that you were with him. but that’s because…..because….because you know why.” 
michelle ducks her head to try and catch his eyes, forcing him to face it. face them. “why?” she gently prods. “because….you know why because, okay?” “please…say it,” she whispers. “why?” he asks. “because if you want to implode our relationship and try whatever-” she squeezes their enclosed hands, “-this is…well, then it better be a for a good damn reason.” after a beat she adds, “and i deserve to hear it.” 
and, like always, she hits the nail on the head. peter sighs and finds some of the courage it took for him to knock on the door. when he looks back at her, she looks so shy and nervous and fragile. she is giving him the opportunity to shatter her. she trusts that he won’t. and he doesn’t want to let her down. because….because… “because i love you,” he finally says. and now that he has broken the dam the words keep flowing, “because i love coming home and you’re here. because you are the first person i want to talk to about my day. and the only person i trust with my secrets. because, i swear to god, your laugh has healing powers. it can make the worst day suddenly worth living. and,” he laughs, “damn it, mj, i love you. i love how smart you are and how you burn your toast because you think it tastes better. and i love how you knock me down a peg when i’m being an asshole. and i love the way you look at me. like, fuck, your eyes. don’t get me started on your eyes.” this time she laughs and it revives him so he keeps talking, “if i could only look at one image for the rest of my life it would be you. you are art. you make me feel. feel deeply. and you’re my best friend. and i love that about you the most. because i love you and i like you. and how many people get to say that? and you’re also-”
“okay,” she laughs and closes the gap between them, smothering his yabbering mouth in a kiss. their first. she giggles into his lips, “stop talking.” “i love you,” is all he says back. “i know,” she teases. and peter groans in delight. she’s quoting star wars. she’s perfect. 
now that they are kissing, really truly kissing, they cannot seem to stop. it is messy and sloppy as they bump into the furniture they bought together. it is their home. and now they have found a second home in each other. 
michelle pushes peter backward on their tattered couch and climbs over him, kissing down the column of his neck. “this isn’t too soon?” she worries as she sucks a hickey into his skin. he tips his head back to give her better access, “when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible….” MJ snaps her head up and playfully swats at his chest, “don’t quote When Harry Met Sally at me.” “you started it,” he argues, pulling her back down for a kiss, “you brought star wars into it.” 
she concedes. and they are so anxious for each other, years of pent up frustration boiling over, that they roll off of the couch on to the floor. the writhe and strip away their clothes. and when they couple it is so much better than either of them had ever imagined. and they had both imagined quite a bit. 
when its done, mj gulps in air, “jesus christ.” “just peter is fine,” he hums. she rolls her eyes and curls into his side. he kisses the top of her head. mj tosses her leg over his waist, “we are freaky good at that.” “super good,” he agrees. “like, almost criminally good at that,” she adds. he laughs, “i love you.”
she tilts her head up too look him in the eyes and says seriously, “i love you too.” his heart surges and he leans down to kiss her. she presses her finger against his mouth, stopping him. he raises his eyebrow. and she says, “don’t break my heart.” “never,” he kisses her finger, “you’re stuck with me now, Jones.” 
later, they will have to get up off of the floor and talk about everything. they will have to face what they did to gwen and harry. and they will get every thought from the last few years all out in the open and, then, move forward together. as a couple. but for now, they lay on their living room floor kissing and making up for all of the lost time. 
wasted years. wasted moments. they now have time and room to make new memories together. and its terrifying but thrilling. and when peter kisses her again he knows its all going to be okay. 
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ourfinalheaven · 7 years
I received a message from someone asking why I enjoy Cloti, but they wished to remain “anon”. 
I always feel like this question chokes me up because I’m not talented in expressing myself nor my emotions to others, but I figured I’d give it a try... 
For me, Cloud and Tifa is realistic to what couples go through where as other FF couples are, well, fantasy like. They’re easy, they’re in the “honeymoon phase” and they really don’t go through realistic to where it’s relate-able. Which don’t get me, it’s totally fine and isn’t that the point of shipping; to enjoy something you can’t really have in reality? 
Cloud’s story is such a normal one. I mean really c’mon? Young boy wants to impress the popular girl who he just so happens to have a crush on, but she’s always surrounded by boys who are more confident than he is? Then one day,he musters up some balls to call her out at night only to make an unexpected promise to help her if she’s in need? Totally relate able for a lot of guys in their early years. 
Tifa, like any girl would, reads the paper everyday to see if Cloud is in SOLDIER, and waits for his return. When word gets out there are people from SOLDIER coming to town, Tifa gets giddy to see Cloud, but only to be disappointed when he doesn’t show- or so she thinks. 
He hides his face in shame of not keeping his word and avoids her because of it. Little does Cloud know, at this point, all Tifa wants is to see Cloud. Things take turn for the worst, and a man Cloud looks up to destroys his town, kills his mother, hurts his best friend, and gravely injures the girl he likes.  All the anger Cloud felt in his childhood come rushing over him like a wave, and he himself is able to manage to take on this “great hero”, but pays a high price... he gets taken by Hojo to be a lab rat along with Zack. 
Five years later, Zack and him bust out of the Shinra Mansion basement only to lose Zack in the process, fighting the hang over of his mako poisoning he some how makes it to a train station in Midgar only to be found by Tifa. At this point, they’re both shocked they’ve crossed paths AGAIN. Talk about ironic or as some would say it was “fate”.  When Cloud is finally coherent, he asks Tifa for a job to make a living and tells her of stories that don’t quite make sense. Finally, when they reach Tifa’s bar Cloud realizes once again Tifa surrounded by men who clearly are fond of Tifa. 
For me personally, I feel like this is why Cloud is so “moody” in the beginning of the game. Once again, he has to fight for Tifa’s attention and that he doesn’t fit in with the new group she has. It’s almost like he’s resentful, which I find interesting tbh, anybody would. I’m sure we’ve all been there. We want undivided attention from our crush; anything to search for clues they just may like us back... 
Anyways,  one mission goes extremely south  and I find the dialogue between Cloud and Tifa interesting before he falls into Aerith’s church.  There’s a part of the dialogue that isn’t optional right before he falls (from my memory, been awhile since I played)
Barret It's gonna blow! Let's go, Tifa!
Tifa Barret! Can't you do something?
Barret Not a damn thing.
Tifa Cloud! Please don't die! You can't die! There's still so much I want to tell you!
Cloud ******I know, Tifa......*******
That right there signals to me there was something brewing between them that they both recognized. Cloud, not distracted by personal resentment of the past, was himself in that moment.  And like always, they’re interrupted.  Once again, something always getting in the way of them finally confessing their feelings.
When Cloud falls on Aerith’s flowerbed, there’s something I find interesting. He remembers his fall from Mt. Nibel. You know where the part he follows Tifa and the bridge snaps as a child?  That fall brings him back to that time. I mean it’s nothing to telling but it’s something I’ve made note of. 
Once Cloud and Aerith get of her church and he brings her back home safely, he is desperate to get back to Tifa’s bar. I think it’s cute you can call Tifa your “girl...friend”, I don’t think anyone else in the game has that option, so there’s like this build up between Cloud and Tifa that makes you want to know more. 
When Cloud does finally get to meet back up with Tifa, he went through a slew of embarrassing events to dress up like a woman just to make sure she was alright. Cloud is somewhat macho, so for him to slap a dress on, makeup, and a wig with some girly panties is truly telling to how much he cares for Tifa and would do anything to make sure she is alright.  
After several events of them leaving Midgar, the end of Cloud’s story is interesting. Tifa asks Cloud how badly she was hurt, and Cloud replies with he thought Tifa was a goner, but unprovoked he mentions how he was sadden by that thought. 
Now, let me fast forward to after Aerith death and their at the Northern Crater. Cloud mentions to Tifa that he hopes she gets to meet the “real” Cloud. It’s like Nojima wanted to insinuate that this Cloud we’re seeing a fake; not real. We end up getting separated from Cloud, but we find him Mideel where Cloud’s mental state is completely broken, and Tifa decides she’s going to watch over him thus leaving the group... 
When we finally get to the lifestream, that’s where we learn Cloud did what he did for Tifa. He likes Tifa and just wanted her to notice him. Cloud then find outs Tifa read the newspaper everyday searching for his name in it. Some people may think that’s “shallow” of Tifa but I don’t think so. She was just a girl, and at that age we get caught up in things like that.   
Cloud and Tifa finally realize Cloud was there and he saved Tifa, Cloud is able to regain his trueself thanks to Tifa.  Now what is interesting is Cloud, in the true memory, says to Seph  “ Mom... Tifa...... my town... give it back...” he never said that in his flash back at Kalm.  Nojima’s writing for the script references back the “hope you get to meet the real cloud” quote and ofc when he says this is goodbye, until meet again line, “ Yeah...... Tifa...... We finally...... meet again......” This lets us know, the Cloud we knew before, wasn’t 100% Cloud which is so, idk, it’s so realistic bc people in real life will take parts of other people’s personality and morph them into one to great “their” personality. 
 Alrighty, so with the highwind scene, I find it super classic how Square did a romantic setting with Cloud and Tifa before the final battle. You know how you hear about soldiers making love to their wives before their deployed or in movies the hero makes love to his girl before he fights the villain? I feel like thats what Square did. People will fight about how this HW scene is canon, but I don’t think it matters. The Highwind scene is the Highwind scene, Cloud and Tifa spend the night together. Period. They share a kiss/have sex/ play a card game w/e you want to imagine, they spent a romantic night under the stars before the went to fight Seph. To be honest, it was the perfect night for them to come clean. What would they have to lose? They thought they were gonna die anyways.  
They beat seph, yay game over, woot now we have COT and ACC, which really gives the realness. 
I really can see how cloti struggled with their relationship because the events they went through was awful. They’re still mourning over their fallen comrade: Aerith. Cloud is feeling guilty for their deaths. In what reality would this make for the most perfect relationship? It doesn’t, but I feel given the hints and body language cloti is forming a romantic relationship, which is hard for them. You have two people who have pent up emotions from the OG events. 
They seem to be going through their pain together but dont if that makes sense? Best way I can describe it is Tifa takes Denzel coming to the bar as Aerith showing her to  move on, but Cloud takes it as Aerith showing Cloud by raising Denzel, he can make up for his mistakes. Eventually after COT, Cloud and Tifa DO end up happy together with the children. 
However, Cloud gets geostigma and he thinks this is the planet’s way of “punishing him” so he runs off, abandoning everyone at this point, and lives in hiding.   Eventually, Tifa does find where Cloud is staying at and finally getting Cloud to realize it’s time he lets go of the past. Some people will say, “Oh Tifa’s a “bitch” for doing that, but you know what? No, she’s not. You don’t coddle your partner for forever. In relationships, there’s times you have to give your partner a reality check. It’s called tough love. There’s a time where you tell your partner it’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on. You also don’t let your partner cut off everyone because he/she is too scared to ask for help or see they have people who dearly love him.  
A lot of people who have never had a serious relationship do not realize that there’s times you hate your partner, you don’t know if you’re truly in love with this person anymore, you don’t open up to them, and you just think you’re better off without them. And that’s cloti in acc. They’re figuring it out. They’re pissy, they’re hurt, they’re tired, but you know what...they worked through it. They didn’t just bail and say “see ya later.”, Tifa waited for Cloud to forgive himself, and when he did look where he went? Back to tifa and the children. 
I honestly think that’s why people struggle with shipping cloti is they think or maybe don’t understand when you love someone, they annoy you, make you mad, make you cry, and sometimes don’t understand you, but it’s loving you through those bad times that make you stronger. And maybe that’s why it’s easier to ship other couples is because reality is uncomfortable and we are raised to think everything is rainbow and butterflies x.x 
Phew, this was long >.<  So yeah, TL;DR I love cloti bc they’re real and not your typical FF couple, like Cecil x Rosa or Squall x Rinoa where you don’t see the “Realness”. I feel like Cloti is that couple that isn’t on social media showing pictures of how “happy” they are when in reality they’re miserable, but the couple who keeps their relationship to themselves bc they don’t need to showcase it >.<
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