#i’m meeting these people today who need someone to take care of their dog
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Anti anxiety meds are so fucking funny the way they treat the physical symptoms but not the thoughts. I’m absolutely freaking out internally but I look completely calm and chill
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sixosix · 2 years
indebted | mikage reo
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( ? ) reo spends money on someone who refuses to be indebted to anyone, FLUFF I SWEAR
( A/N ) why are my bllk fics literally about meeting again i think i have some strange obsession with this trope. ANW THIS FIC IS SOOO CLICHE but i think reo is cheesy like that
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the sky is a pretty shade of blue, birds are chirping sweet songs from where they’re perched on branches, and cherry blossom leaves are floating along the wind; some are even pooling around his feet. love is in the air, one could say. pluck out every element you could see in a high school-inspired love song music video, and you’ll get precisely what reo is experiencing.
but none of those are what reo is looking at right now.
no, not when you’re standing before him, and his pulse is unsteady. 
“i like you,” you say. “i want to go out with you.”
reo’s eyes go round, spluttering syllables that are strung together hastily. he settles with a: “w-whuuu…”
the small group of students who decided to tag along with reo all gasped and ooh?. reo doesn’t know why he’s the one feeling mortified, heat crawling up across his cheeks.
you’re staring at him with a fierce expression, refusing to back down and shy away despite the crowd. it’s like you don’t care what they think or say so long as you get your words across. he honestly respects it.
reo scratches the back of his neck, guilty for some unfamiliar reason. he’s gently rejected countless others before, so he’s unsure why he’s so reluctant this time. maybe it’s because you’re looking at him like you know what you want, and it’s making him feel flustered in a way he hasn’t felt before.
“don’t just stand there, reo!” someone butts in, as if it’s his business. as if he’s confessing or being confessed to.
you and reo turn to glare venom at the guy, who shrinks under both your gazes.
reo’s gaze finds yours once again, trying for a comforting smile.
“i’m sorry. i can’t accept your confession,” he murmurs and winces at the feigned cries of the people around him. his heart pangs painfully in his chest when he sees your crestfallen expression. “i really am sorry!” and he is. “i bet you’re nice—“
you hold up a hand, a universal sign to shut the hell up, you’re making it worse, idiot. “it’s fine. you don’t have to say anything else aside from a ‘no’, reo-san.” the smile you give him is pretty painful. or is it painfully pretty? “thank you for your time.”
reo blinks when you swivel around. he feels incredibly horrible, to be frank.
reo watches you leave until you’re out of sight, only snapping out of it when nagi shoulders him to tune back into the laughter of his classmates, teasing him relentlessly about the confession.
“man, are you always this nice to your fans?” one of them snickers. “you’re sick for leading the l/n y/n on.”
reo frowns. “i’m not leading them on, i’m just trying not to be an ass to people who admire me, unlike some people.”
reo sighs, leaning against nagi’s terrifyingly solid figure. “y/n, huh?” he mumbles.
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the hallways are unusually empty today. reo is usually swarmed by students from his class or even others, especially during the hour of lunch break.
there seems to be an influx of students crowding downstairs, though, judging by the faint cheers he can hear all the way from the fourth floor.
someone passes him, brushing his forearm, and reo almost ignores it.
“oh, hi, reo-san!” the voice says, and it snaps him right out of his wondering.
reo blinks, doing a double take. “ah, y/n.”
you skid to a halt, facing him over your shoulder with a pleasantly surprised expression. “you know my name already?”
reo feels caught, somehow. he doesn’t know what to say, so he nods and smoothly switches subjects. “where are you runnin’ off to?”
you don’t move from where you’ve stopped, and reo feels the need to catch up, so he jogs like an obedient dog. the nearly terrifying grin you shoot him does little to cover your amusement. “you’ve been spacing out during class, top of the class? there’s a parade going on right now for the school festival, i’m heading down to watch.”
oh. so that’s where everyone went.
in reo’s defense, he went to the bathroom minutes before break—most likely when the teacher announced anything regarding a parade. and nagi is nowhere to be seen to inform him about it. knowing nagi, he’s hiding away on some random floor’s stairs to play games on his phones quietly.
reo nudges you with an elbow and realizes halfway through that he never asked if you’re even okay with him doing that. he clears his throat, “let me come with you, then.”
“c’mon, pretty boy.” you pick up the pace, and he could’ve tripped on air hearing that. “don’t make me miss out on the fun waiting for a snail like you.”
reo makes a show of scoffing, but he can’t hide the smile in his voice.
you both make your way downstairs, chatting idly all the while. it’s small talk—mindless, almost, but reo finds himself relaxing quickly in your presence like he didn’t just meet you yesterday. like you didn’t just ask him out, and he rejected you yesterday.
“ahh, the stalls are up already?” you frown, scanning the area and onto the line of students swarming the field. “i thought they wouldn’t be serving anything this early.”
“if it’s what you’re worried about, it’ll be my treat,” reo finds himself offering without thinking.
“will it, now?”
minutes later, you two find yourselves walking out of the line of stalls with bags of snacks and street foods (even trinkets you weren’t planning to buy but reo wanted you to have). it was all a blur. reo didn’t know he could start from roaming the hallways to having a nearly empty wallet with you by his side.
blinking incredulously at the heap of bags slung over your forearms, you say, “i’ll pay next time.”
reo shrugs, pleased with himself but trying so hard not to show it. “it’s fine.”
“what? no, it’s not fine. i’ll pay you back,” you say, stern. there is no room for dispute.
“it’s really no big deal…” and it’s not. he gets enough money to fill up his wallet easily once more. upon seeing your glare, he concedes. “fine, do what you want.”
your bright smile at that response makes him realize something about you.
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reo is ashamed to say it, but ever since yesterday, he’s been noticing you more and more often.
it’s embarrassing to admit that he hasn’t paid attention before, but it’s even more embarrassing to realize that he keeps finding you everywhere—it’s almost incredulous to think that he has never met you earlier.
what’s worse is that reo is excited when he does catch sight of you.
images of your moment with him come to him in a flash, and he almost fucks it all up by approaching you out of nowhere—he could, but he doesn’t know what you still think of him after that. he, for one, would feel as if he’s being pitied when the person he confessed his feelings to starts coming up to him without any good reason.
that’s the thing: reo can’t think of a good reason.
“stop overthinking,” is all nagi says to reo’s mindless rambling of his current crisis (read: above). “you shouldn’t look too deep into it, idiot. if y/n can confess to you just because, then y/n can tell you to screw off if you make things weird.”
that is surprisingly a piece of very reasonable and thought-provoking advice.
“okay,” reo says. it makes sense.
he doesn’t have to do anything, though, because nagi looks up from his phone, sees something, and tells him reo can just text him what happens because he’s heading straight home.
“what? what? where are you going, nagi?”
“reo-san—” reo jumps in surprise, “—sorry, did i scare you? haha, that was cute!” he turns and sees you grinning up at him, impudent like you hear precisely what is going in his head.
“y/n,” he says, horrified to feel sudden warmth crawling up his cheeks. how do you keep doing that? “when did you…”
“are you free? i still have to pay you back, don’t i?”
he wants to say that if you feel like you owe something, you don’t, and reo doesn’t care about the money he spent on you, seeing how much fun you had yesterday. yet the excitement evident in your voice kills off the rebuttal on the tip of his tongue.
reo finds himself laughing, mostly out of disbelief. “alright.”
you beam, his expression softens, and the sunset is beautiful this afternoon.
“come on, i know this really good place,” you tell him, reaching for his hand like it’s natural. reo’s eye catches on the charm dangling on your bag. his heart does something weird when he realizes it’s what he picked out for you. “you mentioned you like ichibo steak yesterday, right? you’re in luck.”
reo should really get checked up. he’s been feeling incredibly warm lately.
you two decide to ride a taxi. reo texts nagi that he is out on a platonic—emphasized platonic, in bold, italic, and even underlined—date with you, as friends, and all because you felt guilty. the sticker nagi sends in return says he does not care.
along the way, you two fall into easy conversation once again. reo feels so relaxed that he doesn’t realize until later how wide his grin is. and when he does, it’s when he starts to notice everything else, too.
“it’s weird! i just passed them, and they gave me weird looks. i wanted to square up and ask, what? you wanna fight? i would beat them, no doubt,” you say, huffing. reo chuckles a little. at the sound, you pout. “what’re you laughing at? you don’t believe me?”
“of course i believe you.”
you grin. “that’s right.”
the car stops, and you pay for the ride before reo could even blink and lead him outside. your enthusiasm is endearing, reo has to admit. it feels like you actually like him and like being with him.
the gentle hold you have on him, the way your fingers are absentmindedly rubbing circles on his skin, the way his brain is melting out of his ears—when did he get so soft like this? it’s insane.
it probably means he is happy to have you as a friend, right?
in a seat for four people, reo pointedly decides to sit next to you because sitting across would make it look weird—it will feel like an actual date, and reo is not sure how he can handle the thought of that.
you don’t question it, and reo feels embarrassed to think you probably think he’s so strange that you don’t blink at it. instead, you tug him closer by the sleeve, pointing at his favorite food with sparkling eyes. it’s adorable. you’re so damn excited that it’s rubbing off on him.
reo’s mouth again runs off before his brain can catch up. “are you alright with us hanging out like this? after…”
you understand immediately. reo can’t quite see your expression properly because you’re leaning down to study the menu; however, your answer seems unfazed: “i don’t mind. i like you, don’t i? you already knew that, so that’s a silly question.”
you turn to him, smiling. “of course i’d like being with you, too.”
“ah.” reo’s face is on fire. “so… why did you even like me?”
“hm.” you make a motion of rubbing your index finger and thumb together. “money.”
reo eyes you with a scrunched nose, speechless.
you laugh brightly. “kidding! kidding! kind of.” reo nudges your knee with his as a warning. “okay, okay. i thought you’re cute, alright?”
it’s almost enough to make him forget how your face fell when he rejected you. almost.
is it normal to think about that so much?
(no. the answer is no, obviously. but reo doesn’t want to think about the reason why it’s a no.)
reo slouches against the seat, his arm brushing against your side. “oh.”
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“that was so good,” reo groans. he burps inelegantly afterward, laughing along with you. “fuck, you were right. i’m coming back here again.”
you snort, waving your fork around. “i told you! i’m never wrong, don’t doubt me about anything ever again.” there’s sauce on the side of your mouth; reo brushes it off with his thumb without thinking, as if in a trance.
you pause, going still. you’re staring at him wide-eyed, flustered, and reo finds himself thinking that he likes that look on you.
he snaps out of it the second after, blushing profusely. “sorry, i don’t—” to save himself from explaining, he calls for the waiter for the bill instead. real smooth, reo. did it like a real rich kid.
“hey, wait, why are you paying?” you ask, frowning.
“you already paid for the ride earlier, remember? you don’t owe me anything right now, so let me pay.”
the waiter comes, reo scans the receipt quickly, and slips money in. he also tells them to keep the change, to which the waiter starts bowing and thanking him for, which probably means he paid them more than he’s supposed to.
you slump, bottom lip jutted out. “now i’m indebted to you again.”
reo grins. “i know.”
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you become something else to him entirely. more than friends, though not quite lovers. tip-toeing lines, ready to risk it all, but never crossing over.
reo laments this to nagi, who he realizes suddenly becomes an expert.
“for someone who didn’t hesitate to reject y/n, you’re quick to regret it every day,” nagi remarks. “don’t be stupid, reo. the answer is right there— oh, i lost.” nagi is sad now, not that reo can see it because he’s having a crisis.
by the time reo realizes that what he feels for you is more than a simple crush, it’s far too late. he’s on the bus, your last message with him is a goodbye, and his life is flipped upside down.
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reo sits alone on a bench in the middle of a public park, holding a popsicle and checking his watch occasionally. his knee bounces, impatient, but his last text will stay as: i’ll wait for you no matter how long.
he sighs, his head slowly tilting up to face the sky.
it’s as beautiful as he remembers it—the day he regrets more than anything. all that’s left is for birds to chirp and leaves to dance around his feet.
he had to reject his friends’ offer to go out, as it’s not often blue lock members are given off days. however, it’s a small price to pay if he gets to see you again.
“i’m here!”
reo nearly jolts in surprise, his whole body instinctively preening at the familiar melody of your voice. he turns, and his heart bursts.
it’s been so long. too long. yet every detail about you is still the same as he daydreams about when it gets a little too lonely: from your smile to the way you’re looking at him with overwhelming fondness. there’s no mistaking it—the happiness tickling his chest says more than words could.
he is so fucking in love.
you stand there, a little nervous and hesitant like you’re ready to run with one wrong move.
so reo won’t fuck this up. not anymore or ever.
“y/n,” he breathes, tugging you by the arm to pull you closer. “i missed you.”
“i missed you, too,” you say, melting in his grasp. “i didn’t think you’d— i didn’t expect you to still want to see me after high school.”
“don’t be stupid,” he chides, gently flicking your forehead. “of course i’d want to see you.” your gaze shifts to the plastic he’s holding in his other hand, and he almost smacks his face for forgetting. “right, here. i bought you ice cream because it’s a bit hot today. thought you’d like it.”
“so thoughtful,” you coo, poking his cheek before gratefully taking the popsicle from him.
he pats the vacant spot next to him. it took all his willpower and rationality to not gesture his lap.
“um,” you fidget, tongue darting out quickly to lick on the icy treat. reo is not getting distracted, he’s not. “what was the question you said you wanted to ask? that text almost made me want to chuck my phone across the room, you know? we haven’t talked for months, and that’s the first thing you send me.”
“sorry,” reo can’t help but chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. “i just want to do this before i regret anything again.”
“you have regrets with me?” you frown, hurt.
reo nods, and fuck it, reaches out to cup your chin. there’s a smidge of melted ice cream; he swipes it away with a thumb. “the day we met,” he says distractedly.
there’s a moment where you can only look at him incredulously, a little offended. but understanding dawns on your face soon after. “that was the day i confessed.”
he nods, proud. “you’re still indebted to me, aren’t you?”
“yes? you made sure you were the last one to pay for anything when you won me that plushie at the arcade a week before you left,” you recall fondly.
“alright, then.” reo takes your free hand to pull you closer to him, stunning you to silence. the popsicle starts melting at the sides—it could be from the heat or from how intense reo is staring at you. “pay me back by going out with me. as your boyfriend.”
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THIS IS SO RUSHED I KNOWWW but take it and appreciate it please i dont even kno where the reo brainworms came from
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mirangel · 1 year
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pairing: sampo x afab!reader
genre: smut
cw: prostitution but not, sampo whimpers, sampo breaks into your house, fingering, usage of pussy and cunt, sampo has dick piercings, marking
word count: 2k
how much would sampo charge for one night? that’s a question you’ve always asked yourself, and one little mishap earns you the dream come true.
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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You can’t help but open your mouth sometimes, for the better or worse. Today seems to be both, when you’re talking with a friend of yours about the wanted criminal list in the newspaper, as always. You two have this fun game, where you try to guess their backstory just by their image alone, it’s just meant to be lighthearted really, just fun and games.
You find the most infamous one on the list, Sampo Koski, a household name for people you should avoid. But you were always a sucker for danger, and so you can’t help but comment, “He looks like he’s into some freaky shit.” Your friend leans in closer, tracing the smug grin he has on his face with their fingernail, and you continue, “I’d pay that man to fuck me senseless.”
They gasp, hitting your arm with mild surprise and playfulness. “You dog! We’re out in public! What if the Silvermane Guards overhear?” You shrug off the teasing remark, winking at them instead. “Let them hear for all I care, I got money, and I want a criminal’s dick. How much do you think he charges?” Your friend elbows you in the stomach with a shriek, unaware of the lurking shadow in the alleyway.
Emerald eyes pierce your form, a sly grin on his features. My, weren’t you interesting! The criminal is all too used to hearing demeaning comments about himself, but to hear those sweet words from someone he’s never met before? It brings a tear to his eye, well, almost, if he wasn’t so distracted by the way you look. This business trip can wait, he thinks. You look like you need a good ol’ friend to pay you a visit after all.
You can’t help but glance at the window every couple of minutes as you get ready for bed. There’s a sense of excitement building up in your veins, nervousness too, but why of all times does it have to appear now? There’s a quick shuffle from somewhere behind you as you bend down to reach for a fallen pen, and you quickly turn around, pen still in hand. Your gaze meets his almost immediately, a man leaning comfortably on your own bed, a smug expression on his face. “Nice ass.” He chuckles, flipping the azure fringe between his eyes.
You quickly stand back up straight covering your ass with your hands, but the damage has been dealt. “This afternoon, you said you’d pay to fuck me, hm?” Sampo tilts his head, but you can’t help but blink nervously at him, opening your mouth before closing it, and opening it once more to question, “How did you get in my house?” He shrugs, the sly smirk you saw on the newspaper returning again. “Don’t worry about that, how about we fuck and figure it out the price along the way? I’m sure we can satisfy each other, trust me on this.” His voice is smooth like silk, and he discards his coat, tossing it to the other side of your room as effortlessly as persuading others to give him extra money.
“Really? You’re… willing to fuck me for cash?” You’re bewildered, your jaw dropping as you can’t help but walk closer to Sampo, who stares back at you with a cat-like grin, slowly blinking as if he had all the time in the world. But the only thing he says is, “Sampo Koski never goes back on his word.” That’s a lie, you can recall at least ten accounts of him conning others in Belobog, but in this current state, do you really care? This is your once in a lifetime opportunity, and you’re damn well going to take it.
You pounce on him almost immediately, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist, slotting his leg in between your knees, pushing you to kneel as he sits up. His returned kiss is teasing, egging you on to try to steal more from him, just like he has to several others. Sampo sneaks a calloused hand up your night shirt, ghosting your skin before cupping the back of your head, pulling away just an inch before whispering, “You really know how to make a man wanting, don’t ‘cha?”
But before you could speak, he kissed your lips once more, pushing you down on your mattress, taking the control you once had before. He pushes his tongue past your lips, exploring his newfound territory, looking for the treasure that lies within. He leaves you no room to fight back, pinning your hands above your head with a sly grin. “I’m a greedy man, you know?” Sampo tilts your head upward, exposing more of your neck. “I’ll be sure to indulge, you don’t mind, right?” He begins peppering kisses, humming when he hears the whines you make as a result. “So good for me, so needy.”
“Sampo!…” You sigh, gripping his hair with his hands when his own trails down your body, mapping out every little detail, every curve, and the texture. He grins when he feels your wetness from prodding at your panties, and he shifts them to the side, inserting his middle finger inside. He adores the way you moan so lovingly at the intrusion, “So pretty, can’t believe you wanna pay a man like me to fuck your tight pussy.”
He can’t help but admire how messy you are for him, even with just one finger inserted you’re already coming undone for him, and he smirks, watching as the slick you produce gets all over his hand, your thighs, and he just gets so hard looking at you. “Naughty, so naughty.” Sampo inserts his ring finger inside, and there’s an obscene squelch as he thrusts his fingers inside you, “Do you hear that? Your pretty pussy is making all that noise just for dear ol’ Sampo.” He quietly laughs, taking in how darling you look to him.
Your face contorted with bliss, sweat running down your features, and he especially notices the quiver of your lips as you moan, and he almost jumps when you jolt, but not without a loud moan. “My, so sensitive, huh?” Sampo teases, humming when he drags his fingers down your most sensitive parts inside you, and you shake like a leaf, whining. “Sampo… more please!” You plead, gripping his arm. “Patience, love. Gotta stretch you out, y’know? Wouldn’t wanna get hurt.”
Sampo lowers the hand used to pin your wrists above your head to unbuckle his belt, watching as you gulp nervously at the large bulge shown on his boxers once he drops his pants down to his ankles. “Nervous?” You can’t help but laugh awkwardly, nodding. “Don’t worry, you’ll fit.” His sheer confidence was so unbelievably attractive to you, and with that wink of his? Simply unbearable.
When he lowers his boxers to reveal his true glory, he’s well endowed, and the tip of his cock is a rose pink, with a frenum ladder right underneath the tip of his cock. He removes the fingers he had inserted into you, and you whine when you don’t feel so full anymore. But you weren’t disappointed for long, as he wraps his slick covered hand around his cock, pumping it in display. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, leave it all to Sampo, alright?”
You salivate looking at him, a tinge of crimson on the tip of his ears and under his eyes, he lets out an airy laugh, “My my, you look as if you’re about to devour me.” You can’t help but stammer, struggling to come up with a response to his observations. “…So cute.” He mumbles, lifting your legs to his shoulders, tapping the tip of his cock against your clit, chuckling when he sees your body jolt at his ministrations.
“Hurry up and fuck me already!” You cried out, and Sampo truly can’t help but laugh when he sees your lips form into a pout, and he delicately places the pad of his thumb on your bottom lip, using the side of his index finger to tilt your chin upwards. He slides himself into your tight, yet welcoming cunt, letting you slowly adjust to him. The way his piercings drag across your walls is intoxicating, and you can’t help but plead, begging for more. “Fuck— You’re so tight…” Sampo groans, gripping the sheets besides your head until his knuckles turned white.
He pushed himself further, until both of your pelvises touched, and with that, you both couldn’t help but let out a whine, clinging to each other as if you two were lovers. Sampo slowly begins thrusting, as if he was refraining himself from being rougher with you. He kisses your collarbone, leaving you with far too many love bites for your liking, but you can’t complain, not when the drag of his heavy cock along your insides makes your mind melt, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you find the words to express your desire.
“Sampo…. please fuck me harder…” It comes out barely a whisper, but despite that, he nibbles on your earlobe, speeding his movements, adding more force to his thrusts, hitting deeper inside of you, until he can make you scream his name. He hits your most sensitive spot inside you, and you clench around him, and Sampo throws his head back, whimpering. “D-Don’t do that… so suddenly.” He narrows his eyes, but his signature smirk returns shortly after, thrusting with a desperate need to bring you both to you overstimulation, fucking you as if his life depended on it.
The heavy weight of his balls smacking firm against your ass, the stench of sex and sweat in the air deluding you, making it appear as if it was a dream. His breathtaking kisses drive you insane, and the way he stuffs your pussy full, you couldn’t have wanted anything more. “You don’t mind if I do a little magic on you?” Sampo’s honeyed voice by your ear whispered, a gentle, yet confident chuckle followed shortly. You nod, desperate to reach your orgasm. With that, Sampo flips you onto your stomach, pressing your legs together as he uses his weight to keep you down, letting you bite and drool over your own pillow.
And heavens above, it felt so fucking good. You don’t think you’ve ever come faster than you did with Sampo, forced to mold to his whims as if you were the one being paid to have sex. He tilts your head back by inserting his middle and ring finger into your mouth, watching your eyes roll behind your head as he continues to pound you, watching you taste yourself on his fingers. “So naughty of you!” He sneers, but he then continues, “Ah… I might cum soon if you keep this up… you’re so sexy.” Sampo whispers the last statement, using his free hand to lace between your own hand from behind.
You could barely think with how good it felt as you convulsed around him, yet remained still under his body weight, and Sampo simply chuckles, nibbling and tugging at your earlobe, leaving more hickies and small bruises on your neck like a touch-starved man, all the while using your body as if it was a toy, and you loved every moment of it. “Fuck— Sampo! It feels so good please please please! Please more!”
Sampo buries his head into your neck, his thrusts becoming more erratic, his breathy whimpers so loud and clear echoing in your head. But he then detaches himself from your body with great reluctance, pulling himself away from your needy cunt, thick strands of his spent decorating your lower back. You can’t see it, but to Sampo, it’s the greatest sight he could lay his eyes on, besides credits of course. “My…” He mutters, spreading his cum over your back with his hand. “You look beautiful like this.”
“…How much do I owe you?” You mumble, barely finding the energy to turn your head to even face him, to look him in the eyes. Perhaps that’s better, because he has a shit eating grin on his face right now, watching his cum spill down your sides as he continues to spread it around. “Well… that was fun for me too. My only payment is that you keep this relationship going with me.”
You nodded, and Sampo lays down next to you, petting your head with the same grin he always sports.
Yeah, keeping this up would be fun for the both of you.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Roger Barel Main Route - Mad Love Chapter 24
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there
Kate: Alfons!
When I left my room, I saw Alfons waiting for me in the hall.
But he clearly did not look pleased.
Alfons: Have you mistaken me for a chaperone?
Kate: “One month today” means I’m Fairytale Keeper until today ends. That’s why I still need someone watching over me when I go out. So, please.
(...This feels a little self-centered of me)
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Alfons: You know, you’re starting to become like Roger.
(Ah…I can’t deny that at all. They do say that pet dogs resemble their owners…)
I couldn’t help but laugh when I thought about where I am now after being a “pet dog” for some time.
Kate: Hehe, I don’t know about that.
Alfons sighed in exasperation at my response.
Alfons: Let’s make haste. I only came back this morning, so I’m feeling extremely sleepy.
Alfons and I went to the post office where I used to work.
Black-eyed colleague: Kate! I thought it’s been a while since I last saw you, but I didn’t think the next time would be because you’re resigning!
Brown-eyed colleague: Yeah, I was surprised you suddenly disappeared after being “summoned by the palace”.
Kate: …Sorry for the short notice.
Black-eyed colleague: I’ll miss you, if I’m being honest, but things happen in life. Leave this to me.
Brown-eyed colleague: Eh~ I’ll miss you too. Who’s going to listen to my complaints~
Black-eyed colleague: Kate, maybe resigning was the right choice.
Brown-eyed colleague: Hey, hey, what do you mean by that? You’re so mean!
Kate: Hehe…
(Aah…I love this sort of atmosphere)
Friendly colleagues, a hard-working office chief that likes trying new things…, the sound of letters being sorted, the counter being crowded with people holding letters.
This was all an important part of my ordinary life.
Kate: I’m so grateful to you all. Everyone, take care.
I waved away the place I loved with a smile.
I had found where I belonged and began my making my way there—
On the way, I stopped by my flat on the second floor of the bakery to finalize the process of selling it.
Kate: …Alright.
Alfons: You’ve resigned from your job and have moved out of your flat. Everything is gone now.
There was a look in his eyes as if he wanted to say “you’re an idiot.”
Kate: …Alfons. You once asked, “If Roger did not have very long to live, would you still choose to stay by his side?”
Alfons: …
Kate: Even I think I’m an idiot. As you said, I might end up a widow who spends her days in tears. However…no matter what, I can’t be apart from Roger.
I hated myself for being weak.
Roger was the only one who always stayed close to me.
Roger’s the only one I want to see me grow stronger from now on.
(Even if it means letting it all go, I want to be by Roger’s side)
Kate: This choice isn’t because of self-sacrifice, devotion, or anything idealistic like that. To continue on as I am, I need Roger, so I’ve thrown everything away to take the plunge. This is an extremely egoistic choice, isn’t it?
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Alfons: … Has falling in love with Roger turned you silly?
Kate: Hehe, seems so. Unfortunately.
With a brand new future ahead of me, Alfons smiled in resignation.
Alfons: I have no right to criticize your way of life. You’re free to do as you wish, welcome to the depths of darkness.
A gentle voice invited me into a world crawling with villains.
(But it won’t be like when I was Fairytale Keeper)
(I am definitely entering this world by my own free will)
Kate: …Ah, I said all that with so much enthusiasm, but there’s still a chance I’ll be turned down.
Alfons: Aha! Should that happen, then I will sew that man’s mouth shut so that he’ll never speak again.
Alfons then escorted me to the bar before disappearing like an illusion with a big yawn.
I entered the bar alone—
(...Ah, found him)
Roger: …
Roger was sitting by the counter.
We had agreed to meet here.
…Because I had something to tell him.
Kate: …Sorry for making you wait.
Roger: I just got here. So, you wanted to talk?
Straight to the point. I felt my heart speed up.
Kate: It’s been one month since I became Fairytale Keeper. As promised, I’ll be released from my duty. That’s why… I threw everything away. My job, my home, everything.
After saying that all in one go, I looked at Roger…
Roger: …O_O
Kate: Roger. Please make me your exclusive Fairytale Keeper. I already have Victor’s permission. All I need now is your approval.
I could see myself reflected in those amber eyes that widened with surprise.
Kate: …I heard all about it. Alfons told me about your lifespan. 
Roger: Ah, then…
As if figuring out the reason, Roger’s lips curved into a self-deprecating smile.
Kate: You were planning on using the final trial to say farewell to me today, weren’t you? I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be pushed around by an egoist like you forever.
I put strength behind my words, but my heart couldn’t stop my heartbeat from going crazy.
My brand new future depended on Roger.
Kate: …I want to be with you so that I can be me. It’s frustrating, but it can’t be anyone else but you…Roger, let me be your Fairytale Keeper. …And your final lover.
Roger: …
What words will follow this silence?
I clenched my fists tightly on my lap, so nervous that I could hardly breathe.
Finally, I heard it…
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Roger: Haven't had all my words taken out of my mouth before. Kate, you’ve cleared your final trial.
(My final…trial?)
I couldn’t process those words that came out of the blue.
Kate: W-what do you mean… Please explain so that I can properly understand.
Without thinking, I leaned forward, grabbed Roger by his shirt, and shook him.
Roger just went along with it, laughing happily as if being grabbed by a dog.
Roger: What you heard from Al’s true. But you’re overestimating how much of a good person I am. It’s definitely not smart to pick a guy who could die at any time. You also had an important daily routine to “go back to”. But…why does that mean I gotta let you go?
Kate: Huh…?
I loosened my grip on his shirt.
Roger looked right at me with tender eyes.
Roger: Kate, your final trial was going to be “can you throw everything away and choose me?” But then you threw everything away yourself. Pfft…
Roger’s shoulders started shaking.
Kate: …Roger?
Roger: Pfft, hahahahaha! You really are the most interesting woman I’ve met.
This man~~~ +4 +4
Y-you’re the worst!
You expected this?
Kate: This man~~~ ( 。 •`ᴖ´• 。)
Roger: Haha, you fell for me again, didn’t you? You love a strong, egoistic man.
Roger’s large hand ruffled my hair.
Roger probably knows that I like being pet by those hands of his.
Roger: Right now, I’m so happy I could die. So happy that I started laughing without even reading the room.
(Ahhh geez…)
I threw away my job, my home, my ordinary life…
This man goes on saying this was all part of his plan and then gives the best laugh.
He showed me how much more of an egoist he could be…I was completely defeated.
Roger: Kate.
The hand that was on my head slid down to the back of my neck and pulled me closer.
We were so close that our noses touched and my heart pounded.
Roger: Throw it all away and become my lover.
He was still the same self-centered egoist who pushes people around.
That will definitely never change even in our time together.
Kate: I’m the only one who can handle you, Roger. I’ll be your lover.
Roger: …Oh?
I felt embarrassed when he smiled suggestively at me like that, so I snatched his glasses.
And then…I pressed my lips against his.
Roger: …What’s up?
Kate: I…don’t taste any alcohol.
Roger: That’s ‘cause I’m not having alcohol.
Roger glanced over at the beer mug on the table.
Kate: Why? I never thought you wouldn’t drink at a bar…
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Roger: If we’re gonna have sex, I wanna be sober for it.
Kate: ….Eh…ah…
(In other words…)
While he waited for me, he was betting on the fact that I’d throw everything away.
(My chest’s pounding too much for me to form a comeback…)
Roger: …What’s with that cute face? I’m not waiting any longer. Let’s go.
Roger pulled me up by the arm.
Roger: Barkeep, I’m leaving the money here. Keep the change.
Kate: Where are we going?
Roger: An inn nearby.
Kate: …We’re not going back…?
Roger: Do you think you can hold your moans back during our first time together?
Kate: Wha…!
Thinking about what Roger just said to me was enough to make me feel overwhelmed.
Kate: ……Probably not.
When I muttered this, and amused huff brushed against my cheek.
Roger: …Then follow me.
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ithebookhoarder · 7 months
Marc and Steven with a Murdock? Like Daredevil?? If you want, of course ❤️🖤
The Moon Boys with a Murdock!Reader
A/N: Of course I want to! 😆 I'm only sorry it took me so long to answer this. However, I seem to be on a roll today - I can't believe I've got two requests out?! Like, who even am I?
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As you said with a Murdock, I’m going with a sibling vibe here which would be pretty adorable anyway as Matt would be such a good brother if he’d ever had the chance.
He would be incredibly close with you and take his role as your protector as seriously as he takes his role as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
You’re the only one he lets know his true self as you’ve been through everything he has. You’ve shared the happiest and saddest moments of your lives together and the bond it forged is as strong as vibranium.
It holds you both together, not matter what you go through or where you end up - including when you both end up at colleges on opposite sides of the country. 
You’re extremely careful to never let him pull too far away from you, even when he gets in one of his moods. In fact, you’re sure to turn up and let yourself in to his apartment when he goes too quiet and even Foggy can’t seem to pull him out of the darkness that haunts him. 
It’s why you don’t run away when the Moon Boys come crashing in to your lives. The chaos that seems to follow them and their fears that they are too much for you is honestly familiar. Every attempt to push you away only makes you draw nearer - first as a friend, later as something more. 
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You’d probably meet Moon Knight first around New York. I mean, it's kind of hard not to come across him, given what Matt does and how chaos seems to find its way into your lives.
He'd be the latest adoptee into the Defenders / New York 'Avengers reject club' (your name for the gang, not theirs...) so you'd quickly end up involved in each other's lives.
You'd bond pretty quickly, once you get to know one another without the personas and danger. After all, I think Steven would be eager to find friends who aren't necessarily supers and just like to drink coffee, read novels and go to the dog park at the weekend.
He'd be super keen to get to know you. You're one of the only people who get what their life is like, but also have a foot in the real world.
You'd win over Marc later on, wearing him down with your positivity and unwavering optimism (and also Steven will not shut up about you).
You're not afraid of the darker parts of their world, and become a much needed safe space for Marc, once he lets his guard down.
For instance, you'd be great at patching him up - having had enough practise on Matt over the years. You're also used to having someone nocturnal in the house, coming and going at all hours of the night. Plus, you can obviously be trusted to keep a secret or two.
If anything, Marc's only reluctant to let you get close to him as he doesn't want to taint you. To ruin something so bright and wonderful by dragging you into his darkness.
If Matt's ok with putting you in danger, then that's up to him as your brother. You're family. But for Marc and Steven to do that? It's a line they're unwilling to cross... until you prove to them you aren't going anywhere. That you can handle yourself and that you're already in this mess anyway, so why shouldn't you both be happy?
From that moment on, there's no looking back for any of you. You're leaping in to this together head first, and soon enough you can't imagine life any other way.
Matt, however, can.
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Let's be real, he wouldn’t be the biggest fan of Steven and Marc. In fact, he’d be pretty against your relationship the minute he finds out about it. 
One, because he thinks no one is worthy of you.
Two, because he hates the idea of you getting hurt or being in danger and being in a relationship with multiple people who all serve an ancient Egyptian deity as his personal vigilante is the very definition of dangerous. 
"I... I can't even begin to understand how you could possibly think this is a good idea? At all? He - they - are literally the puppets of an Egyptian god - a GOD, Y/N. You don't want to get in the middle of all that?"
You quickly remind him how he gave a similar speech to Karen when he found out about her and Frank Castle seeing each other, and that didn't work. Last time you checked, they're still blissfully in love.
"Besides, Matthew! You're the one who goes running around at night, getting in fights, wearing a glorified halloween costume. Like, I am the SANE sibling here. ALSO! Marc and Steven were forced into their situation. They didn't go looking for it like a crazy nut job. So, yeah. I think if anything, you don't have a leg to stand on here!"
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Matt would be able to sense who was fronting the moment they appeared. He’d be able to recognise them from the way their heart is beating and their mannerisms the second they stepped through the door, which is helpful but also incredibly unsettling. 
Steven would brush it off, seeing it as Matt just being a kind brother to you. However, I think Marc would have more of a problem with Matt’s hostility, and enhanced senses. It puts him on edge to know they are being so closely scrutinised. 
They also have the same temperament so I can imagine there will be more than a few clashes in the beginning, their similar brusque natures making it hard for them to not bump heads. 
However, after Matt learns about Marc’s DID and his childhood trauma I think he’d be more sympathetic. After all, you both didn’t have the easiest childhood either. 
He also knows what it’s like to live with a condition that can make your life harder but also makes you unique. 
According to the comics, both of them are known to be good detectives and also keen boxers. I can totally see them building a reluctant respect for one another after they realise they have more in common than just their love for you. 
In fact, I know you’d have to pull them out of the ring after Marc agrees to a sparring match with the famous ‘Devil’. The pair of them would get a weird pleasure from trying to beat the other to a pulp - they don’t often find someone evenly matched to have a friendly bout or two with. 
At least it would once again prove to Matt that your boys could definitely take care of you if you ever needed it. 
Matt would definitely be sure to offer his legal advice whenever he’s concerned you both might be skating on thin ice with the law. Apparently, ‘I’m being controlled by an Ancient Egyptian God’ hasn’t ever been tried as a legal defence in the American justice system before… and Matt is oddly willing to try it. 
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dollerinna · 2 months
Me low-key thinking about yandere Hughie and Butcher again. cw: Butcher saying that an author should kill themself
We've already established that Hughie thinks Butcher's recklessness/instability will get you killed, Butcher thinks that Hughie's quote on quote 'pussy attitude' will get you killed.
Reader met Hughie first.
Hughie most likely met you at a comic or retro video game shop. He was stressed and thought maybe seeing some cool old stuff would help. He bumped into you and he was like 'wow'. He got this weird feeling. It was the same feeling he got when he first saw Robin.
He nervously got your number (somehow) and tried to keep it from the others.
Of course Butcher found out!
"Oi, ya twink, how you get this darling's number? Seems out of your league. Ain't you fucking sweet ole orphan Annie over there?"
Hughie runs over and awkwardly waves to Annie and wants to jump off a bridge, for like the third time this week. (It's Monday for him.)
"Shh, we're taking a break! They just seemed nice, okay?"
"Doubt it. No chick like this would talk to someone like you unless they wanted something."
"Hey! I have charm. And charisma."
"You got just as much as the ugly ass duckling from that one book."
"I will take that as a compliment."
"No—I wished that fucking twat killed themself."
"It's a fictional duck, Butcher!?"
"I was talking about the author. No one should make such a shitty book and live."
Sooooooooooo the cat is out of the bag now.
It was just a shallow crush Hughie had on you until Butcher knew about you. Hughie started feeling oddly protective and possessive. Butcher doesn't know anything about you! Why is he being so nosey?
"Why am I even talking to you? I could get you killed! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
That you are Hughie, that you are.
Hughie continued to meet you in secret. You got in bad trouble with some people who wanted The Boys dead. Everyone had to save you.
Which triggered Butcher's ptsd from Becca. What the hell was the kid thinking!? Of course Hughie can't take care of you. He can't just throw you back out on the street. You look like a stray dog.
So you joined The Boys. (you had to join them. you had no choice.)
And it is just a constant fight between Hughie trying to impress you in his awkward, nervous boyish way... and Butcher sweeps you off your feet with flirtatious remarks and a protective presence always near you.
Butcher is scary dog privileges. Just make sure to keep a hold of his leash. Shut him up with a kiss.
Butcher obviously will kill for you.
Hughie would, but it'd kinda be like Translucent all over again.
Still... MHM
Imagine walking into some sketchy place and having Butcher and Hughie near you. Hughie got anxious so you are holding his hand and he's standing on one side of you. He's kind of leaning over onto your shoulder a bit. (He looks like a kid needing his mother's warmth and protection.)
Butcher has his hand around your waist. He's got his 'I will fuck anyone up' face. He's also glaring at Hughie and almost growling in anger. He's purposefully using cute nicknames with you 'darling, babe, doll- doll is his favorite'. Prince(ss) is the one where YOU KNOW smth is about to happen.
So you just have two boyfriends now. They won't leave you alone, but at least you're protected now. The entirety of The Boys is gonna have to be killed before anyone touches you. (Butcher and Hughie fight less if you are giving them equal attention, and Butcher is in a better mood-and they saw what happened with Becca... so it's a silent understood agreement.)
Get you out first.
Kimiko is usually the one that does so because of her abilities.
Okay okay I’m finally back online and of course this is gonna be the first ask I reply to!! And honest to FREAKIN’ god- this headcannon is actually so much more interesting and fun to read than the new episode they released today y’all 😭😭😭😭
Off the bat, LOVE the convo between butcher and Hughie. I could literally hear it in their voices so accurately 😂
I feel like it’d be a reoccurring argument too, no doubt about that. But especially with the parts where reader gets involved and dragged into their business just from (barely) being associated with the group. From that alone, the tension would heat up fo sureeee. ((Especially from Butcher’s side, cuz like you said “Becca”
But there would be tension in other ways too, like how Butcher could ensure their physical safety better than Hughie, which in return would make Hughie feel insecure and incompetent, even more so than usual. Meanwhile, the way Hughie is able to be effortlessly vulnerable and pour his heart out to reader would contrast starkly with Butcher’s own brutish and borderline cruel behaviors, since he’s not really known for his moral compass. And perhaps Butcher might be afraid it’d be a turn off for reader, which could actually be the case at times if he goes too far.
So it’d be a very interesting dynamic that would potentially strain their friendship on the occasion (which is already kinda a thing in the show to begin with)
But at the same time, this dynamic surprisingly still works pretty well though. I feel like they both can be “too much” in their own ways, so together they could balance each other out for reader. After all, teamwork makes the dreamwork yk 😭
Also kinda going off course here, but can we talk about Annie for a second? LIKE POOR GIRL LMAOAOOO. It shouldn’t crack me up but the way Hughie is brushing her off???
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theoffice-imagines · 9 months
Sick day
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Pairing: David Wallace x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @ricflairdrip20
Request: Prompt fluff #22
“Are you okay?”
Because you were part of the Scranton branch, your job was safe after hearing from David that the company had been bought out by Sabre.
When you’ve learned that Davis was now out of work, you even considered quitting your own job just to stay behind and walk along with him through this rough patch. Once he found out you were wanting to do that, you knew there was not a chance in hell he would allow for you to do that, that wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon under his watch.
In the beginning, you were uncertain of how the new changes would impact on your life. A lot of the changes that were made to the company you once had come to know so well were certainly ones you were going to make adjustments to. For example, you were going to have to get to know and get used to the new people that you would be working with and Gabe Lewis was the first to become one you were uncertain of. Gabe Lewis may be weird, but in the end, you got along with everyone smoothly as you’ve had before. It just took some time and that’s easy enough for anyone to understand. Shortly after meeting the new manager, Jo, you were seemingly considered to be favored by her as she always kept you around and busy.
You both got along well enough that she seemed to trust you more than anyone, besides Gabe, to take her Grate Danes on their daily walks on the days that aren’t so busy. At first, you thought this might be not such a good idea in fulfilling Jo’s request to walk her dogs since you have been feeling a lot of pressure building up in your sinuses. You didn’t want to further risk any possibilities of feeling worse than you already were. However, you’re never one to say “no” to anyone asking a favor and went ahead with Jo’s request. As always, it was no secret that her dogs seemed to take quite a liking to you, almost more than anyone else there besides Jo herself. But as much as you may have returned the affection, it turned out that following through with her request to walk her dogs was a mistake after waking the following morning feeling much worse than the day before.
The next morning, you couldn’t help but groan when the pressure had built up in your sinuses as you made just the simplest move of all. It felt twice the pain and pressure as the day before, and you already knew that you had come down sick with a sinus infection. However, even that doesn’t help you to decide on whether or not you should call in a sick day and stay home to recover. Because you were so much lost in thought, it prevented you from taking notice in David waking up beside you, asking if you were okay.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)?” he asked.
That’s when you decided to at least try and continue your regular morning routine and see how you feel by the end of it.
So, you tried brushing David’s concern for your wellbeing by telling him you were fine. But just like anyone who knew you as well as he did, he wasn’t letting you fool him. You had no idea of this, but David was up most of the night listening to you as you sounded more and more congested with every breath, every snore.
“I’m fine…”
“No, we both know you’re not fine, (Y/n). I think you need to call in sick today and let me take care of you.”
You sighed in defeat, knowing he was right.
Because you’re feeling miserable, you have become stubborn quicker than usual and refused to admit it. Sitting up, you announce your departure for the bathroom and while doing so, you make the fatal mistake of leaving your phone behind in David’s reach.
Just as you make your return, you hear David talking to someone on the phone and as you listen in, you realize that it was your phone he was using to call Jo, calling you in for a sick day for you. It upset you just slightly at first, but after hearing Jo saying this was why she sent Erin home early the day before, it helped you to relax and worry less. You spent the day sick in bed, but not alone. Staying home turns out not so bad as you’ve received David’s undivided attention and care.
Thanks to David, you felt better in no time at all. He was all you needed to feel better.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.5k
Summary: Boone and Fanny play at the compound
A/N: I had a rough day so here’s some kinda fluff, kinda not. Enjoy! 
Warnings: cursing, violence and  blood
It’s a beautiful day and the grounds at the compound are bustling with people. It’s currently lunchtime and given that it’s a sunny day, you and Wanda decide to sit outside. You of course insist on bringing the dogs, Boone and Fanny. They were running around with their frisbee amongst the masses of people, but since they’re doing a good job of not running into anyone you let them be. You and Wanda are enjoying your time together catching up and eating between your wife’s meetings. You’d only stopped by for a bit given that it’s a Saturday, but you’d wanted to have lunch with Wanda and see if you could convince her to come home sooner rather than later.
“I’m sorry that people continue to be infuriating.”
Wanda smiles as she nods in agreement before taking another bite of her salad. She’s thinking about the first meeting today and how one of her employees just doesn’t understand basic instructions. She needs someone else to deal with him because she only has so much patience.
“I suppose it’s as frustrating as infuriating clients.”
You groan under your breath at the reminder of your most recent difficult client. Her anxiety was just so bad that any conversation or decision about her dog (despite him being healthy) was a lengthy, repetitive conversation. It was exhausting and you unfortunately had more than one client like that.
“A little different, but probably more of the same. Sorry, I drank too much, I’ll be right back.”
Wanda laughs with a nod before watching you near run inside. It’s hot out and between warding off a stress and heat headache, you’ve had almost three glasses of water. Once you’re gone Wanda turns to check on the dogs who are still playing tug of war with a frisbee. Since they aren’t bothering anyone, Wanda turns to her phone to check the few notifications that have popped up since she started lunch. She only really cares about one and she types out a quick email before she puts her phone down.
She’s considering going inside as well when she hears a loud yelp. She frowns and turns to see what happened, but when she spots someone holding something over the dogs, she’s on her feet in an instant. She realizes that Boone is cowering and that the noise she’d heard before his yelp was a thunk of something heavy hitting something hard. She doesn’t have time to consider the worst when she sees the brunette with a bottle raise it above Boone again.
“You little fucker!”
Fanny’s dropped the frisbee at this point and she’s growling at the man who goes to hit Boone again. He stops short though because Wanda’s closing in on him and she speaks up loudly enough for equally horrified people nearby to hear her. She grabs his wrist and throws him to the ground as hard as she can. He actually bounces and Wanda can’t help but want to kick him.
“If you fucking dare hit my dog again, I’ll do much worse than fire you.”
The man looks up in drunken surprise that soon becomes terror as he recognizes Wanda instantly. He drops the bottle on the ground causing it to shatter and watches as Boone retreats to her side. He shakes out his head, still a little dazed from being struck so hard. Wanda glares at the inebriated man at her feet and tries to figure out the best course of action. Drunk or not, this asshole was out of here.
“You have five seconds to get out of my sight and my building before I shoot you. One…”
Wanda watches as he clumsily climbs to his feet before he takes off drunkenly toward the compound. She’s scowling as she pulls out her phone and watches him go. She quickly calls her brother to ask for a favor. She speaks in rapid-fire Sokovian before hanging up and looking back to Boone who’s come to stand against her leg. She holds out a hand to him before scratching his face.
“Hey bud, are you okay? Did that asshole hurt you?”
Boone just whines as he licks Wanda’s hand before rolling onto his back and scratching himself thoroughly. Fanny joins him and Wanda smiles at the sight. it only widens when she hears a shot go off in the distance. She barely notices how everyone’s heads turn to watch as muted screaming is heard behind the doors that the drunkard had just managed to get through. He was holding his bleeding hand with a look of surprise and agony on his face that made Wanda too happy. She watches as Nat grabs the brunette by his shirt and starts to drag him away. She’d told her brother to send someone down to get rid of him, but she supposed this was fine. He didn’t need to die today, but he needed to find new employment immediately.
She figures that Nat’s just going to throw him out, but she stops short of sitting down beside the dogs when she sees you come running up to the redhead. You frown as you look between your friend and the bleeding man with a bewildered look. She can’t hear what you say, but she imagines it’s something along the lines of ‘what the hell, Nat?’
She recognizes your expression and she hates to admit that she’s been on the receiving end of it. She waits until you hear an explanation for what happened and Wanda’s standing up straight again when she sees your angry expression. She starts walking towards the building just in time to see you slap the man across the face. You surely want to do more, but Nat holds you back and Wanda’s plus two dogs’ presence quickly distracts you enough for the redhead to get away.
“You fucked up piece of shit!”
You had only been gone for three minutes, but apparently, you’d missed a lot. You want to hit him again, and you’re about to, but you hear a whine behind you that distracts you. You turn away from Nat to see Boone, Fanny and Wanda walking toward you. You let Nat leave and you quickly focus your energy on your dog.
“Boone! Come here, boy let me see.”
You quickly kneel down to take a closer look at your dog who runs toward you. He near runs into you and you have to lean back a little so you can take a better look at him. You examine him carefully and the only thing you find is a rather large knot on the top of his head. You’re muttering under your breath angrily as you scratch your dog’s face with a frown.
“What a sick fuck. Who would hit a poor doggo. What an ass.”
You kiss Boone’s head twice before getting to your feet with a sigh. At least you try to but Fanny quickly topples you over in an attempt to be examined as well. She clearly felt left out, and you pet her thoroughly, getting her fur all over you as she stands panting happily above you.
“Okay, okay. There you go Fanny.”
Wanda’s already reaching out a hand to help you up when you start to look for her. She’d considered freeing you from Fanny, but your smile and eagerness to greet her made her hold off. Now that you were covered in dog fur though you didn’t mind an out. You stand up and brush the fur off of you and watch as it floats away or falls on the floor.
“Ugh. I need a bath.”
Wanda smiles at this before she grabs your hand and leads you back outside. You need to grab your lunches, but then you’re hoping to go upstairs and lie down. You squeeze your wife’s hand as you lead her back inside with a small, hopeful smile.
“Can I hit him one more time?”
Wanda can’t help but laugh as she shakes her head and you pout petulantly. She’ll make sure that he’s taken care of later, but for now she needs to make sure you stay out of trouble.
“I’ll deal with him, detka. Let’s get you that bath.”
You look down at your fur-covered clothes and sigh in defeat. You know Wanda needs to go back to work soon, but you figure you might as well shoot your shot. You smile at Wanda before you reach out for her hand.
“Care to join me?”
Wanda just laughs before she leads you to the elevators. She doesn’t have the time to take a bath with you, but she can at least get you upstairs and settled. When she says this you just smile brightly before waving the dogs along, not that you had to. As you step into the elevator with your wife and dogs, you begin to figure out how you can keep Wanda from returning to work this afternoon.
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duckprintspress · 1 year
We have 9 days to go, and Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers” is 94% funded, and things are lookin’ great…and we still have 11 creators to meet!
Today, we introduce two more: MidnightSilver and Rhosyn Goodfellow. Take a peek at the teasers…
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Affaire D’amour by MidnightSilver
About the Artist: I’m MidnightSilver (They/Them). I’m a freelance artist who specialises in fandom art, most often inspired by Supernatural the TV show, and I can usually be found illustrating stories for independent authors—my favourites are those that combine adventure/magic/horror with a boatload of feels! As a bi, non-binary, mixed-race person, I don’t believe in restrictive boundaries, and I love tales that highlight diversity and freedom of expression while at the same time incorporating the fantastical and magical elements that I fell in love with when reading stories as a child. It’s my aim to take all the many wondrous worlds and people with whom we visit when lost in book pages at 2 o’clock in the morning and to share them with you in visual form. It’s a project I never tire of pursuing.
Links: Archive of Our Own | deviantArt
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Pierced Hearts by Rhosyn Goodfellow
About the Author: Rhosyn Goodfellow is an author of queer romance and speculative fiction living with her spouse and two dogs in the Pacific Northwest, where she is sad to report that she has not yet mysteriously disappeared or encountered any cryptids. Her hobbies include spoiling the aforementioned dogs, drinking inadvisable amounts of coffee, and running unreasonably long distances very slowly. She’s secretly just a collection of loosely-related stories dressed up in a meat suit.
Links: Personal Website | Instagram | Mastodon | Tumblr | Twitter
Story Teaser:
“The plan is simple,” Porthos tells d’Artagnan the next day. “We spar. You lose. Badly.”
“I don’t see how letting you win a few sparring matches will help.”
Porthos smirks. “Who said anything about letting me win? But you’re missing the truly brilliant part of the plan,” he continues. “If you’re injured, you can ask Athos to help patch you up.”
“Athos has patched me up more times than I care to count,” d’Artagnan points out. “How will this time be any different?”
“This time, you’ll be paying attention. You want to know if Athos returns your affections, and the fastest way to ascertain someone’s true affections is to ask for help tending your injuries. It works especially well with leg injuries,” he adds with a waggle of his eyebrows, “because you can ask them for help taking your breeches off.”
D’Artagnan frowns. “But I don’t have a—” He breaks off with a curse as Porthos drives a knee into his thigh, just below the hip. “Ow! Was that necessary?”
“Quit whining. It’s only a bruise. You’ll need several more if you want this to be convincing.”
Tags: age difference, alcohol use (casual), first kiss, friends to lovers, getting together, love declaration, m/m, meddling friends, pov third person limited, present tense, story diverges from the original work’s canon
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e-m-p-error · 2 years
Mr. Meek Speaks (OOC)
It's Best To Keep Me Pleased (Answered Asks)
They Call You Sexy And You Don't Care What They Say (Memes)
Perfectin' My Passion Thanks For Askin' (Headcanon Memes)
Live In Dog Years And I Feel Twenty-Six Yeah I'm Old Bitch But I Learn New Tricks (Munday Meme)
I’m Key Look At Me! (Self Promo)
What Do We Have Here? (Promo)
NSFW Tag - (NSFVoxtagram)
Queue Are 100% Fucked
I Feel So Alive Right Now I Feel Like A God Right Now (αℓℓ мυѕєѕ)
Sweet Real Legend Persecute The Weak And Willing (αиgєℓѕ)
Go Ahead And Hate Me Hate Me Baby So So Salty But Sweet (fαикι∂ѕ)
I'm Not A Rich Kid Maybe That's A Good Thing Ain't Got Shit But I Got This Far (нєℓℓвσяи)
"Angel" He Calls Me Does He Know That I'm Falling From A Precipice That I Tripped Off Long Ago? (∂ємσи яσуαℓту)
I Have No Time For Confession For I'm Too Busy Committing Sins (ѕιииєяѕ)
Whatever People Tell Me That The Bible Tells Me I Will Do (αвѕтємισυиєѕѕα)
Reciting Violence Like Poetry (α∂αм)
I've Found A Rainbow A Rainbow Baby Trust Me I Know Life Is Scary (ємιℓу)
Do You Mistake Your Flaws For Property? (αя¢нαиgєℓ υяιєℓ)
I'm Standing In The Face Of All That My Story Holds In Its Wake (ναℓσяє)
Wakes Up At Noon Gets Up When He Has To Makeup On His Nightstand Cocaine In His Bathroom (тσиιтσ)
There's Something Tragic About You Something So Magic About You Don't You Agree? (є∂єи)
What We Loved Today We'll Lose Tomorrow But I Won't Need To Wait For My Share Of Sorrow Because I Always Kill The Things I Love (∂ιмαѕ)
Can't Stop Coming In Hot I Should Be Locked Up Right On The Spot (ℓ��¢єяσ)
So Throw Your Hands Up And Eat Your Heart Out Are You Star-Struck Or Did You Black Out? (ρєввℓєѕ)
She Just Wants Vodka And Cigarettes Has Her Dealer On Speed Dial When She Gets Stressed (ναиєммα)
Just Dance If You're Caught Up In The Holy Ghost Trance If You Stop I'll Put The Killer Ants In Your Pants (νυggυ¢н)
Who Needs Pepsi Juice Or Sprite? If You Do You’re Weak That’s Right (вαявιє)
You Can Hate Me After You Pay Me (¢αѕн)
I’m Gonna Take Their Hearts For Ransom 'Cause Everybody’s Always Askin’ When You Gonna Show Us Magnum? (¢нαzz)
My Boy’s A Homosexual And That Don’t Scare Me None I Want The World To Know I Love My Dead Gay Son (¢яιмѕσи)
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Rent You Paradise (gℓιтz)
We Put Her Down In A Shallow Grave She Wears A Dress Like A Body Bag Everyday (gяєт¢нєи)
Now We Don't Care If You're A Girl Or A Toy If You're A Game Or A Boy If You're A Nerd Or A Whore (кιтту)
Everyone's A Winner We're Makin' Our Fame Bona Fide Hustler Making My Name (ѕтυ)
Perfect Isn’t Easy But It’s Me (αи∂яєαℓρнυѕ)
I Am Aware That I Am An Asshole I Really Don't Care About All Of That Though (αтнαи)
Watch Me Make ‘Em Bow One By One By One (вαєтуℓ)
Try Not To Move So Fast You Know Dessert Comes Last! (вєєℓzєвυв)
You Can Fool Yourself I Promise It Will Help Every Single Day I Just Wanna Hear You Say I'm So Lucky Lucky I'm So Lovely Lovely (¢нαяℓιє)
They Say The Best Things Are Free But I Don’t Get What They Mean 'Cause I Want Everything (мαммσи)
And The Word On The Street Is That You Sleep With Everyone You Meet (σzzιє)
Define Your Meaning Of War To Me It’s What We Do When We’re Bored (ραιмσи)
You Think You're Better Than Me I Never Heard Of You (ναѕѕαgσ)
If You End Up On My Table Then It Serves You Right (αℓαѕтσя)
I’m So Sad Wish Someone Would Take Me Out (αиgєℓ ∂υѕт)
I Could Leave But I'm Not Strong Enough To Run (αиуα)
Take Just One Last Dare Pretend That You Don't Care (ℓєgισи∂αяισ)
Your Magic White Rabbit Your White Room Straight Jacket (мαgριє)
When You’re Good To Mama Mama’s Good To You (мιмzу)
He Ran Into My Knife He Ran Into My Knife Ten Times (иιfту)
I Love You Oh So Madly But I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You (σѕтєℓℓσ)
Now I Am A Man-Eater In More Than Just One Way He Tastes Like Pig But That’s Okay I Eat Him Every Day (яσѕιє)
Come Come Kitty Kitty You're So Silly Silly Don't Go Kitty Kitty Play With Me (ѕυммєя)
Don't Be Goofy Bring Some Passion To The Table (тяανιѕ)
And If You Get In My Face Then You'll Get A Taste Even God Would Run Son (ναℓєитιиσ)
Hollywood Made A Killing Machine She's Like A Teenage Slaughter Movie Scene A Serial Killer Celebrity (νєℓνєттє)
Red Eyes In The Digital Paradise (νι¢к)
Let's Stop Saying “Don't Quote Me” Because If No One Quotes You You Probably Haven't Said A Thing Worth Saying (νσχ)
Open The Door Get On The Floor Everybody Kill The DInosaur (zєєzι)
Human Valentino and Vox. Broken Verse Velvette, Ostello, and Chazz's Brother. Overlord Travis.
I Know A Place Where The Grass Is Really Greener Warm Wet And Wild There Must Be Something In The Water (єяαѕмσ)
I Like Men On Their Knees Praying Up To Their God Seein' Visions Of Me (¢ℓємєит)
I Eat Boys Like You For Breakfast I Chew And Lick Your Bones (gσввℓєттє)
Every Version Of My Dead And Buried In The Yard Outside We'd Sit Back And Watch The World Go By (ℓσωєℓℓ)
I'm On A Sugar Crash I Ain't Got No Fuckin' Cash (мι¢кєу)
The Devil Taking The Lord's Name In Vain All These Thoughts Pollute Your Brain (вσgαят)
‘Cause Everybody Needs Someone That They Can Trust In (fαт иυggєтѕ)
So Get Off My Back 'N Get Out My Face 'Cause I'm Mean And Green And I Am Bad (мєѕ ρєтιтѕ ¢нσυχ)
How Can He Keep Up His Tail Perpendicular Or Spread Out His Whiskers Or Cherish His Pride? (яєgισ)
Baby Shark Doo-Doo Doo-Doo Baby Shark (ναяк)
Manta Rays Above Us In The Open Sea I Wonder If You Think Of Me (νєαтвαℓℓ)
Never Tasted As Sweet A Poison As You Have You're An Urge That Can Never Be Cured (αитσи)
I Know It's Difficult So I Will Be Patient (αяια∂иє)
It's High Noon When You Step Into The Pit It's A Monster's Ball And They're Digging A Ditch (вяι¢к)
I Never Learned To Read And I Never Learned To Cook (¢нαѕтιту)
Strip Off The Weight Of Mortality And Check It At The Door (fαвιєи)
I Don't Think I'm Right And I Know It's Not Fair (ιмєℓ∂α)
I Won't Miss This I Won't Blow It You Know It! (мαяαвυѕ)
This Ain't Build A Bitch I'm Filled With Flaws And Attitude (мιѕѕ qυιqυι)
Girls Get Angry Too I'm A Samurai Princess I'll Smash You (иιкινα)
Smoke And Mirrors And Everything Nice (яσ¢к)
V: No Matter Where You've Been Or Who You Are If It Doesn't Kill You It's Sure To Leave A Horrible Scar - Human/Pre-Death Verse - This applies to the demons as their Human Verse and the Sinners as their Alive Verse.
V: Got No Money But It's Always Always Sunny Honey - Younger Verse - Child/Teen Verses for my muses
V: I Was Made For Loving You Baby You Were Made For Loving Me - Ostello Lives Verse. Ostello and Valentino are still together, and Ostello lets Val do as he pleases with other people as long as he comes back to him at the end of the day. Their marriage is open and Val is free to do whatever he wants for the most part.
V: Says Now We're Having Fun Give Me All Your Love I'll Never Get Enough - Broken Verse - Tino is not in charge of anything, and is kept as a pretty pet in this verse. He travels dimensions.
V: I Am A Hostage To My Own Humanity Self Detained And Forced To Live In This Mess I've Made - Fallen!Adam AU - After he was killed by Niffty, Adam was thoroughly made unholy by his actions both leading up to his death and in Heaven knowing what he was doing behind the scenes in secret. He appeared in Hell unrecognizable enough that he can skate by without being noticed, but he is one of a very select few Sinners with wings that resemble angelic (but frayed) wings. VERSE DEPENDENT: He crashed, fully on fire, into Lucifer's living room when he spawned in Hell.
V: Tell Me Which One Is Worse Living Or Dying First? - Godhood AU - Valentino and Velvette-centric God AU based on This
AU Verses With @strangeandun-muse-ual
V: You Hate 'Cause I'm A Rockstar A Pretty Little Problem - Rockstar AU
V: I'll Be Your Cheap Slut Savior - Scamverse AU
V: He Is The Drug That You Hate To Crave And I Am The Liar You Made To Praise - Crime Husbands Good End AU
V: Under These Circumstances Every Heartbeat's Criminal - Crime Husbands True End AU
V: I Wanna Give You My Heart So You Can Beat It Up - Crime Husbands Bad End AU
V: Do You Love Me? Yes No Maybe I'll Be Seeing Hades Soon - Voxdes and Persephetino AU
V: Haunt Me Haunt Me Like You Used To I Love You Most When You Scare Me To Death - Ghost Husband Verse
V: Sin Was On His LIps As He Twisted His HIps - Incubus!Valentino Verse
V: The Smell Of Flowers Was So Thick And Sickly Sweet I Felt Like I Might Choke To Death - Hanahaki Variant Of Mainverse
V: Girls With Tattoos Who Like Getting In Trouble - Genderbent Verse
V: Took Them By Surprise Worked My Way Uphill - College AU
V: Sharks Green With Envy They Wonder What You See In Me - Mermaid!Valentino AU
V: Every Kiss And Every Word They Were Bullets Spraying Hazardly From Lips - Royal AU
V: If I Had Something To Say To You I'd Whisper It Softly - Smut Writer!Era AU
V: Bleed The Neon From The Bite Marks - Werewolf!Emil/Vampire!Era Verse
V: I Know My Girlfriend Is A Witch - Summoned Chaz/Human Velvette Verse
V: Do You Wanna Party Malibu Barbie? - Sugar Baby!Valentino Verse
V: I'm Going Crazy Little Tiny Hollywood Baby - Actors VoxTelloTino AU
V: I Tried On Your Lipstick I Thought I Looked Pretty But You Didn't Care No 'Cause You're Always Busy - Actor!Val, Producer!Vox Verse
V: Cast Into Darkness They Would Be Damned For Being A Man Holding Hands - Fallen Angel Adam AU
V: Push Me Along And Leave Me So Desperate And Ravenous I'm So Weak And Powerless Over You - Mobwife Valentino AU
AU Verses With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons, and @strangeandun-muse-ual
V: The Successful Removal Of You Would Probably Kill Me Too - Vox Dying Verse
V: Everybody Needs A Little Trouble - "Teenverse"/Humanverse
V: Tell Me Tell Me That We Will Never See Tomorrow - "Teenverse"/Humanverse Zombie AU
AU Verses With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
V: A Psalm In Napalm Abandon All Hope But Try To Stay Calm - Velvette Abducts Lucifer Verse
AU Verses With @erthlyheavn
V: I Go Out Of My Way Everyday Just Hoping That I'll Catch You Walking Down The Street - Human Verse MothMaid AU
V: It's Not A Love Song But You're Alright - Human Verse
AU Verses With @helluvaxhazbin
V: I'll Tell Uncle Rocko To Call Off The Guys With The Crowbars - Moxxie stayed with the mob AU
AU Verses With @seven-circlllxs
V: Gotta Get Your Fix Down In Hollywood - Splitscreen Verse
AU Verses With @voxiiferous
V: See Every Time You Turn Around They’re Screaming Your Name - Modern Human AU
E: On Thursdays We Break Up - Extended Break-Up Event With @strangeandun-muse-ual's Vox and Valentino
E: Down With Vox - Event Thread With @strangeandun-muse-ual, @winters-club, and @infernal-feminae
E: Aggressive Positivity - Flash Open Event With @dont-take-shxt-from-other-demons
E: The Great Moth Off - Should Valentino or Mothman be @voxiiferous' boyfriend? Open Event
Say What You Wanna But I'm Here To Stay 'Cause I'm A Mean Ole Lion (Cash & Barbie)
It's Never A Whisper It's Always A Scream A Promise We Made To Kill The Time Between (Valentino & Legiondario)
I Hate The Way The Townspeople Gather Outside They Hang On Every Breath (Vick & Valentino)
They Let Ole Al Out Of The Jail And The Man Who Paid His Bail Was Waitin' On Al To Chop Some More (Alastor ♡ Angel Dust)
The Dinosaurs Will Turn To Dust They'll Die Because We Say They Must (Alastor ♡ Nifty)
There's Someone Lurking Inside Of You That Someone Is Me (Alastor ♡ Valentino)
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man If I Cannot Have You Then Nobody Can (Athan ♡ Ozzie)
Candlelit Loneliness I Lay On Your Side Of The Bed (Baetyl ♡ Andrealphus)
We Keep The Party Moving Till We Drink The Last Drop (Beelzebub ♡ Ozzie)
Eat With Your Hands It's Fine I'm On The Menu (Beelzebub ♡ Valentino)
Just Try And Nibble On My Biscuits And My Rainbow Cake (Beelzebub ♡ Velvette)
She's Like What'd You Say? We'll Just Let Our Bodies Translate (Chazz ♡ Barbie)
The Whole World Was Watching And Laughing On The Day That I Crashed And Burned At Your Feet (Erasmo ♡ April)
Wait Your Turn You're Greedy I Hear You (Mammon ♡ Fizzarolli)
Don't Use Him Or You'll Always Need To Feel Ozzie's Loving Little Lamb (Mammon ♡ Ozzie)
You Give Me Your Number I Call You Up You Act Like Your Pvssy Don't Interrupt (Mammon ♡ Valentino)
But The Best Story That I Could Ever Tell Is The One Where I Am Growing Old With You (Ostello ♡ Valentino)
She Says She's Gonna Break My Nose If I Don't Behave Next Week (Paimon ♡ Barbie)
My Baby's Got A Fucked Up Head It Doesn't Matter 'Cause He's So Damn Good In Bed (Summer ♡ Valentino)
The Pill I Keep Takin' The Nightmare I Wake In There's Nothin' No Nothin' But You (Valentino ♡ Angel Dust)
Erase Me So You Don't Have To Face Me Put Me In The Ground And Mow The Daisies (Valentino ♡ Chaz)
Don't Take It Personal You Know It's Just The Way I Roll (Valentino ♡ Nifty)
You'll Fall Down A Hole That's The One Place In This World That We Both Know (Valentino 💔 Ostello)
Just Your Typical Hardcore Casual Sex We're Single But We're Lovers Crazy For Each Other (Valentino ♡ Ozzie)
Let's Dig Up My Ex (Velvette ♡ Ian)
You Will Pace Around Your Cage And Wait For Night To Come (Velvette ♡ Valentino)
You Provide The Envy And I’ll Provide The Spite (Velvette ♡ Vick)
He's Sweet As Pie But If You Break His Heart He'll Turn Cold As A Freeze (Vick ♡ Valentino)
Cocaine Can't Do It Like You Do It To Me (Vick ♡ Velvette ♡ Valentino)
Darling You Love All The Drama 'Cause You're Never Bored I Am Forever Yours (Vox ♡ Valentino)
Friendship Tags With @trumpet-hah
DGAF's And No Regrets Happy Hour Starts At Five (Barbie & Fizzarolli)
Friendship Tags With @strangeandun-muse-ual
Just Tell Me That You Need Me And Stay Right Here With Me (Erasmo & Missy)
History Shows Again And Again How Nature Points Out The Folly Of Men (Zeezi & Vox)
Friendship Tags With @hisslord
Yes I Know Who You Are But I Just Don't Care (Alastor & Angel Dust)
Do Not Befriend Your Food (Alastor & Vaggie)
We Are More Alike Than We Think We Are (Angel Dust & Vaggie)
A Motherly Instinct (Mimzy & Vaggie)
She May Be Crazy But She's Fine To Me (Nifty & Vaggie)
Friendship??? Tag With @spidrboots
I Don't Want Your Cruel Melody (Valentino & Angel Dust)
Friendship Tags With @seven-circlllxs
Our Soul Is The Whole Of The Law (Adam & Lute)
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yallcantread · 1 year
I am not going to delete this blog because I believe in maintaining accessibility to sources. In the future, I might use it to discuss situations involving other artists or actors, but that’s uncertain for now. If people come across this blog and I seem to attain a following, I’d use it to correct common misinformation. There’s nothing else I can contribute to towards this app.
I want to emphasize that celebrities don’t owe us anything. They don’t owe us their political views, their time, or personal details of their lives. They create art, and it’s our choice to consume it. Similarly, it’s their choice to create art. Both parties benefit in some way, whether it’s success for the artist or enjoyment for the fans and consumers.
Being a fan by listening to the music is enough. There’s no need to engage in fan wars with other fandoms or obsessively follow every aspect of a celebrity’s life. Unless they’re involved in illegal or harmful activities, it’s not our business to know who they’re dating or why. We often spend too much time invested in other people’s lives.
With this blog, I aim to promote genuine care and fact-checking. I encourage you not to blindly trust TikTok users seeking attention through likes and views or Twitter users parroting others’ opinions. Have a mind of your own, even if it means facing potential backlash from the online world. The internet may seem important, but it ultimately doesn’t define our lives.
Sadly, it seems like genuine care is lacking on the internet. So, I hope I’ve inspired or encouraged you to fact-check and be mindful. My intention was never to dissuade anyone but to provide factual information. However, I urge you to stop wasting your life on trivial matters. Many of us, myself included, are in our late teens or early twenties, and we witness people wasting time arguing with strangers from different fandoms across the globe, people we’ll likely never meet, all because they criticized our favorite artist’s singing abilities.
Instead, focus on meaningful activities. Write a book, go hiking, learn a new hobby, reach out to your friends or family and express your love for them just because. Get that tattoo you’ve been contemplating, text that person you’ve been thinking about, or head to the park and play fetch with your dog. Engage in activities that bring you joy and are centered around you. Making music may seem insignificant compared to other pursuits, but it’s the one thing that brings me joy and motivates me to get up each day. It makes me proud of myself to even know I created a piece of art. The only reason why I’m proud of myself. I cringe when someone asks to hear my music, and I struggle to share it, even though I want to be known for my art. It’s a peculiar situation.
Life is undeniably short, and at times it feels like we’re living in a dystopian movie, experiencing one tragedy after another. It can be overwhelming and exhausting. However, I believe we should strive to make our time on Earth meaningful. We should try something, take risks, and contribute positively to the world. Aging is a privilege, and how we spend our lives matters. It’s a reminder to live authentically, focusing on ourselves and people like us. How do you want to contribute?
As corny as this may sound (and trust me, I’m quite nihilistic and tend to avoid these types of things because they make me cringe), I still believe it needs to be said: You don’t need a lover to live. You have yourself, and the love you have to give can be directed towards the person who deserves it most: you. It’s essential to prioritize self-love and self-care because, at the end of the day, you are the most important person in your life. Remember, a celebrity isn’t the center of your world; you are. You are more than your love for an artist.
Anyways, that’s enough of that for today. Thank you all for reading and sharing the blog. And if someone tries to engage you in endless arguments about this situation, simply send them the thread to this post and leave it at that. No need for back-and-forth exchanges. They can choose to read it or not.
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I love waking up and catching up with all that you write while I was asleep and honestly how you write sub Matty is just...Please we do need more 😂
I read your meeting didn't go to well and I'm sorry about that, plus I do get what you said about getting old and being alone. I'm going to be 30 in October and I'm alone with an unstable job and sure it's my own doing because I fucked it up but still... Sometimes I do wonder if maybe I just don't deserve to be happy and "normal" like other people seem to be.
Anyway hope you'll have wonderful day today, got any plans? Remember to take care of yourself 💕
Hiiii babyyyy 💝 are you just waking up? Does that mean it’s the morning on your end? If so, GOOD MORNING MY DEAR 💝
Listen, you haven’t fucked things up at all!!! You’re going to be a teacher! An educator!! That’s a huge fucking deal. Teachers are globally under-appreciated and underpaid. Some of my biggest personal heroes have been teachers. I think education is soooo important. It has the capacity to open a persons mind and worldview and help them unlearn a lot of stuff that the world might have taught them. So, the way I see it, you’re a fuckin queen!
Yeah, being alone sucks. At least I’m feeling it extra hard tonight because of the comment my dissertation committee made about how I have no support system or whatever. Made me cry on the spot. Super embarrassing hahaha. But, they’re right. The friends I’ve made in the program…some of them left after Covid and decided not to continue with the degree. Some of them graduated already cuz they’re older than me. And it’s weird and difficult. Sometimes, I think it’d be nice to have someone to come home to. But oh well.
YOU DESERVE ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD!!! YOU HEAR ME? And you’ll get it. Who knows where you’ll find it, the future is unpredictable, but you’re is gonna be wonderful.
No real plans for tomorrow. I try to make the weekends a lil special for my dog. So maybe I’ll take him to a dog cafe and get him some treats. Wanna get my eyebrows done too but that could probably wait until Sunday….what about you? What do you have going on this weekend?
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Teen And Up Rated (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
baby, it's cold outside (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan is traveling to his parent’s house for Christmas. There’s a blizzard expected to hit just as Dan’s leaving, but Dan doesn’t think anything of it, not until his car breaks down and he’s stranded. Kind stranger Phil steps in and offers to help Dan.
Charmed (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Dan doesn’t understand Valentine’s Day. That is until he’s given an anonymous card with someone’s phone number in it. It takes months of talking with this anonymous person to learn who they are, and it ends up being the person that Dan least expects.
close your eyes, wish for me (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: In every universe, they are together. Also, there are werewolves.
Communication Is Key (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: In which au Dan and Phil are friends with benefits despite the fact that neither of them want to be friends with benefits and Dan just sucks at talking about his feelings
First to Listen (To Anything I Said) (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: It's 2004, and Dan Howell is screwing up in school. He can't help that he's stuck in boring classes with boring people and just doesn't care. So when Phil Lester, one of the geekiest kids in school, is assigned to be his tutor, he's expecting this to just be another crappy part of his already crappy life.
But when it turns out Phil might be Dan's first real friend, his hormones threaten to screw all that up. Because that's all it is, right? Hormones?
Follow You Home - paradisobound
Summary: Dan and Phil are neighbours who are there for each other whenever they need help. When Phil breaks his ankle, Dan helps him take care of his dog, and their friendship begins to grow to something more.
I Would Never Let You Die (ao3) - Of_Monsters_And_Phan
Summary: When Dan Howell wakes up one ordinary morning, he has no idea that soon he will be plunged into a deadly world of the supernatural... and jumpscares. Phil is nowhere to be found, and Dan is forced to play one of the scariest games in history if he wants to find his best friend. But will either of them make it out alive?
Love, Becky (ao3) - husbants
Summary: At a We’re All Doomed pre-show Q&A, Dan gets a question about his old characters Becky and Jessica.
He has a dream about them. And sometimes dreams inspire in peculiar ways.
Past Meeting the Present (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Discovery and discussion of past challenges
Pumpkin Pride (ao3) - ThoughtaThought
Summary: Phil's family runs a Pumpkin Patch on the outskirts of a small town. The Howells move into the house next door (but this is the country, so it's like... half a mile away) and Dan grows up hanging out with the Lesters. Each chapter is a moment in their life as they grow up and get together with absolutely zero angst. From 1996-2023.
Purposeful Permanence (ao3) - artbabe
Summary: Dan hates doing his laundry at the university laundromat, so he takes his dirty laundry to Phil's place.
Redemption Arc (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: classic, slightly dramatic rags to riches au
Remember Me - notanannoyingfangirl
Summary: Teens Dan Howell and Phil Lester made a pact to get married when Phil turned thirty, if they were both still single, not long before they lost touch for good. Today is Phil Lester’s birthday, and all he really wants to do it get back in touch with his old friend.
Serendipity (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan and Phil are a generic, cute suburban couple when a brief apocalypse decides to happen
skip all the small talk (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: AU in which Dan and Phil have hated each other for years, but when Dan takes a break and comes back to return to Vidcon, the two get stuck in an elevator together, and Dan learns that maybe he doesn't hate Phil Lester like he thought he did while trapped with him.
so tell me i’m a rainbow (it makes me feel alright) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan wanted to go to London Pride this year, but doubt and anxiety creeps up on him and he can’t make himself go. It’s okay.
Sometimes Circles Run Around You (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan doesn't care about exams. Phil cares a bit too much.
The Dance That We Do (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Prince Daniel of Howellot and Prince Philip of Lesterall share an evening together at the summer ball. Unbeknownst to them, this night will change the trajectory of their lives forever.
the man of my dreams (ao3) - mel_m_a_o
Summary: He first dreamed about this man maybe two months ago. The dream wasn’t really something out of the ordinary and Dan didn’t really remember what it was about, but it stuck out to him, because he wasn’t usually someone who remembered his dreams. He often thought he just doesn’t dream at all, but that certainly changed. He keeps dreaming about the same pale, black haired man and his bright eyes that make Dan wake up in a sweat. He starts to see the face everywhere all the time until he actually does.
third times the charm (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Phil doesn't get sick in Japan, Dan worries anyway.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself 🙈 in September 2023: Scorpio
Ace of Wands - King of Cups - 8 Pentacles & 9 Pentacles
Regarding: 5 Wands
This is shadow work, no two ways about it. We all have parts of ourself that cause problems if not controlled or dealt with. Maturing is a process that never ends, and doesn’t mean what you think it means, I’m getting that loud and clear. Every zodiac sign and placement has a good and bad, best and worst, so you’re not being attacked. The same astrology placements that made Jeffrey Dahmer a serial killer could’ve made him an amazing surgeon, or mortician. Why *that’s* where we’re going with this, I don’t know. Caravaggio is now looking more ominous 👀 No violence please. But everyone gets these kind of messages (less dark tho 💯), it just depends on when/who needs them.
Your message is scathing, but your communication is scathing and I’m getting “that’s the point”. Spirit is talking to you like you talk to others. I’m going to nice it up though, because that’s also the point. Anger issues are coming out strongly, maybe avoidance of those issues as well, and that needs more attention. You may hold your feelings inside until you explode, rather than addressing them calmly in the moment. King of Cups is your energy, and normally a very mature & kind person, with balanced emotions, but you’ve got a red flag on your own head and it’s due to how you deal with conflict.
The Dog with a Cross and Judgement both show a conservative sort of belief system and view on things. Possibly religious. Are they your beliefs? Your judgements? Or someone else’s? Because Dog also shows a lot of people that have opinions and want you to please them or live up to some expectation…no. Your life. Respectfully 🙏 That same sentiment applies to others where you are projecting this judgy & holier than thou attitude towards them. No. Their life. Respectfully 🙏
You’re confused about a partnership, a lover, either one that you already have or one you want to have but don’t know how to get. Queen of Pentacles is your dream, someone who can and does do it all, they have money, a thriving career, raise the kids, clean the home, pay the bills, take care of life. Practically. And you may judge all of your people, or potential people, based on these inner judgements and standards that seem imposed on you? by some outside source. I’m getting you need to look at things way more deeply. And then ask yourself? Are YOU even this person? Can someone throw 1000 judgements and expectations your way and you will strive to meet them? Or will you tell them to fk off? Because I’m getting in this moment, as thing stand, most people are going to tell you to fk off, and this is why.
Most people have dreams and desires for an ideal person sure. Boundaries are necessary, being communicative about expectations are good, and so long as two people (not just you)‘s expectations are compatible and met on both sides, there can be 10 Cups. What’s not okay is constant complaining, moving the goal posts, like today it’s fine to do xyz but tomorrow it’s not, or things are only okay when you do them - not someone else. You have a tangled web of “standards” imprinted in you that in reality you might not even really care about, but you use them against people, and that’s toxic.
The advice is to put more work into yourself, your money, your career, and take the time you need to sort out what it is you do really want. And the Dog energy, other people and their opinions, has got to go. You need to not care, and make your own decisions that you have to live with. The person your Mom would pick would probably be a millionaire, but if there’s no passion or chemistry, what’s the point? The only thing we should all know about Spirit is that they like to test us and our beliefs at our core, as a lesson to be a good person, and more loving towards everyone of all walks of life, which is the only real lesson in any religious book, and it’s in all of them pick one. Releasing the ego 💯 If you are religious, then you already know it’s not *your* Judgement that even matters 😉
The other side of this is it’s fine to have certain desires and standards based on your experiences in the past, and your personality. What is a good fit for you, what balances your own life, what do you *need* to be happy, what does 10 Cups look like to you? That’s the fairy tale ending, happily ever after. You can figure that out and look for it, be up front about it with potential partners, but what you can’t do is take an available person that’s NOT that - and bite their head off with criticism and judgements so that they will become that - or just blindly expect it. They will be them and it’s what’s best for them, they’ll just avoid you 💯
This also applies to someone in your life that is this way with you. A partner? A parent? A friend? All of them. That’s why “vote someone off the island is here”. You don’t owe anyone a damn thing, and they don’t owe you either. But if you want to explain, do so in a kind way, and allow others a chance to speak how they feel, what they want, etc etc and “Improve Your Listening”. If you don’t agree, okay, hope you find what you’re looking for, and move on ❤️
Delving into your own birth chart could be really beneficial to you, just to explore yourself. And someone else’s if there’s a particular person/people you heavily conflict with. Synastry charts could help you there. Google has everything you need to research individual aspects, or there are millions of astrologers that offer these things. Some of you may have firm beliefs against that, and that’s okay too, this is just for those open to it. Apply that mindset to life.
Animal Oracle: Dog 🐕
“Your loyalty and faithfulness is misplaced by serving too many masters.”
“Whom do you serve?” is the question. When you compromise your integrity to placate others out of fear of disapproval or disappointment, you give away your power and deny your own inner authority. You become their servant, and they your masters. You allow this by assuming some other person or organization has more of something, whether knowledge, spiritual power, confidence, beauty, and you therefore put yourself in a “lesser than” position. While some people do possess these gifts, you can honor them as teachers, not masters.
Children start out leashed to their parents for wisdom and guidance, and as they grow the leashes stretch and eventually are severed as they make their own way through life. Over a number of years, you’ve allowed many leashes to be put around your neck, you’re serving too many people and it’s diminished your sense of self. Cut all of the leashes off and free yourself.
Artist Oracle: CARAVAGGIO
- Try to keep violence metaphorical.
- Adjust your eyes to darkness.
- A head on the shoulders is worth two in the hand.
- Improve Your Listening
- Vote Someone Off the Island 🏝️
Cross ✝️ on Dog are religious/familial based due to you being surrounded by people that for some reason have a say in what you do, how you think, what you want & how you behave or believe. This is saying to cut the extra baggage and/or just figure things out for yourself.
Fractal Heart ❤️ on Caravaggio has many many layers, projecting your own judgments and beliefs onto others when it’s better to have your own head on your shoulders. Keep the violence to yourself, and in this case, violence is communication & “hate” towards things, but Ace of Wands can show real anger too. I can’t know all of the intricate details of this heart, or the Key to follow, but you do, and it needs work.
Fractal Key 🔑 on Improve Your Listening shows the “Key” to the reading. If you want explanations that’s okay to ask, but you have to listen and really hear people, understanding that others are not like you and will not do what you would do. People don’t think like you, love like you, have the same goals, that’s what makes you an original person. But if you want another person - The Lovers & 10 Cups - you have to know someone else’s thoughts, the way they love, the goals and beliefs they have, which are just as important as your own.
Feather 🪶 on Judgement is a message from your angels, spirit guides and spiritual team about “Grace” because that’s what I heard when I held it, and in biblical terms no less. I’m also getting that the word is enough for you, and I should just leave it.
Red Flag 🚩on King of Cups is saying you have alarming shadows that you need to face, and also that you project yourself and the worst of these behaviors onto other people…avoiding the shadow work you need to do, probably from a righteous perspective. This is a message of “you’re not God, God is love, you need work”. But that’s okay, once you see it ❤️ If there is some dream person in your life, or a past one you’re having issues with (Judgement can show a rebirth) this is also saying to take it very slow in approaching them, because where things stand, they’re going to “nope” you right of their pool of love options. But also, that there’s a chance if you face your demons and come at them cautiously & respectfully, giving both of you the time and space that’s needed, working on it a little at a time, every day. Dang this one was intense. Hugs & love to you ❤️
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perpetual-fool · 1 year
So, the vulnerability thing. What purpose would that serve?
Lets say I share with someone "I'm afraid of clowns, a clown killed my dog when I was three". How do they respond if it's positive? "I will protect you from the clowns" maybe? And the significance of that would be to signal that this person is someone who will help you? And you'd feel some kind of way about that. And what if the response was bad? Maybe "clowns aren't bad people, you just need to meet more clowns". And that would signal that this person would either not help or harm you, and you'd feel a different kind of way about that. I'm sorry. And in my case, 'safe' would be understanding, and in others 'safe' would be empathetic. hypothetically. So it reads as 'unsafe' both ways, blah blah blah. Why does it tell me that I'm wrong? Mixed signals? I don't feel it, but I can see when someone is putting 'compassion' on their face, more or less. Or, people do things that make it seem like they really care, but also they do things that make it seem like they can't possibly. Meaning, it seems like the possibility of safety, connection, whatever is actually there.
And things *almost* make sense. Like if I just had a little more, if I could just reach a little farther, then everything would work. And everyone else seems to be able to make it work. I guess it's less of a stretch to think I'm just wrong. Although, when I've actually dug into things, that 'almost' making sense breaks down very quickly. In isolation it kind of works. If someone just tells me about it, it seems to make sense. But if have any experience with it then it all seems very wrong. Maddeningly so. And no one else can see it. That.. really does not sound like 'almost', does it? So it's not that it's close. It's that I'm taking others' word as gospel? And the 'almost' is where the façade wears thin. Phrased poorly, but that feels right.
I'm not sure how else I could take it. If someone says "this is how it is" there's zero leeway there. And if I do ask why, it's because some other thing is the way it is, or because someone or something else says so. There are no observations, there are no arguments, and I'd be lucky to have premises. The lack of those things is what makes it impossible to take any other way. Hrm. I saw a thing about music today, with a guy named Victor Wooten. He said this thing that made sense. Has saying that you should learn music by playing first, instead of trying to practice scales and stuff first. Like how children learn to talk by talking, not by practicing words. It was phrased the same way, but it didn't feel like it, 'cause I was able to connect things up on my own. Is that how everything is supposed to be? That would mean people really do just assume you fucking understand. And, I ran across a thing the other day, the guy from Sick Puppies apparently got kicked out of the band awhile ago. And they replaced him. And today I saw a video of a concert, but after the dude kicked out. And it was the new guy, and he wasn't doing it right. I really do not have the words to explain this. There's a bit of Riptide that's like "I, I won't justify.." and the first 'I' is drawn out and clear, while the second one is rushed over and the 'justify' is held instead. And the new guy was not holding the 'I' right. He was singing it like the second 'I', expressing "I something something" rather than just "I". Like, the concept being expressed is I-ness, "me". And the new guy sang it distorted and cut short, not expressing that. And I don't particularly find Shim's writing engaging, but he's clear about what he's expressing. The new guy is just doing a 'rock singer' voice. And that sounds like I'm crazy, right? I don't hear that kind of thing explained anywhere.
That's what my 'understanding' is, those sorts of connections. I am crazy. And this is what I'm sorry for, for failing. I couldn't connect, I couldn't feel what I was supposed to do, and I couldn't feel you. But I am denied, and punished for reaching for it. This is why people hate me, isn't it? I mean, I'm sure you perceive it differently, think that I'm just being obstinant or something. And other people are clearly numb. Knock-off Shim, for instance, doesn't hear the difference. Or there's the guitar intonation thing, or whatever. What could other people even have? the façade? only the map and no territory? I guess I'm not really wondering about it in abstract, I already know what that has to be. I'm wondering about the internal experience. Where I have this feeling, do they just have nothing? There is no 'right-ness', only wild guessing? I don't think anyone could confirm, catch-22 and all.
I guess I shouldn't be sorry. Really, people hate me for trying to connect, but I'm sorry for failing. I'm just not wanted, huh? I wish I just could've been something else. No one wants broken, useless-Sherlock. What's the point of me? It's really not in my nature to be selfish. But what else do I have?
- Tangent, about things just out of reach. There's this ghost town halfway to west Texas called Thurber. The only thing there is a restaurant called Smokestack. They have pretty good chicken fried steak. My family used to stop there on the way to Abilene, where my sister and then myself attended one of their three Christian colleges. I'd like to visit again, but I'm pretty sure I have agoraphobia now. Just leaving the house makes me quite anxious. And it's like, I was only able to experience that because I had no control of my life. I was dragged there. And that was hell, and it nearly fucking killed me, but now I have virtually no means to do anything. I don't belong in this world. I don't have the will to deal with my medical bullshit on my own, and my anxiety would not allow it. I did actually manage to take a road trip a couple states over to visit Cat. But I didn't have all my medical bullshit then, and I had something to believe in. I had the hope of real connection to give me the strength to get through it. And now I have nothing.
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likeapray3r · 2 years
this time last year I didn’t know anyone in the world would ever “like” me or that I was like-able in any way. I felt so alone. I locked myself in a bathroom to google lists of how to tell if you’re in a toxic relationship and I agreed with almost every point the shitty blogs wrote and even that didn’t fully convince me something was wrong… I genuinely felt so alone. I remember feeling like I had nothing. No stability, no real love, and I hadn’t had anyone to be there for me, genuinely, in a really long time. I questioned if I ever had anyone in the world at all. I didn’t tell anyone about it, only one person, but I knew that person didn’t care about how I felt. They made me feel so wrong in myself everyday unless I was playing the exact role they had set out for me. Every day broke my heart once I realized the truth. I never wanted to let go—but I know I had to. If I stayed any longer I would’ve lost myself completely. I remember when it ended and I felt numb. I felt so numb. Numb doesn’t even cover the exact sensation of nothingness. I remember when I started feeling better. Months away—I still didn’t know if I was someone who could be liked. But the funny thing is since then I’ve met a lot of strangers and some strangers have turned into friends and some people saw something in me enough to just like me for who I was despite them not having that puppeteer string attached to me. I remember feeling so confused, that complete strangers found a way to like me. But why wouldn’t they? I find a way to meet new people all the time and I love them and like them just for being there especially when they’re just naturally themselves. I’m sorry to myself for letting it hurt for so long and not doing anything about it. I just wanted to be liked and loved. I know I kept myself where I wasn’t liked or loved. I know it took a toll on everything. Waking up in the morning used to be a reminder that I had nothing. Today I can wake up and have something, but I still feel grief. I’d rather have grief than nothing. I’m not what someone else has made of me. I am completely me. I get to decide when I get up, when I take a shower, when I clean the dishes (with gloves on, of course LOL), when I take my dog for a walk, what I share with my dog (if it’s illegal to love an animal enough to feed them off your plate then put me in jail), when I work, how long I work, what I do with my work, who I want to collaborate with my work, who I talk to, who I allow to know about me, what I need in order to take care of myself. Nobody’s telling me how to sleep anymore. I get to sleep whenever I want. I wanted someone who could love me enough to know I would have done anything as long as I could have been myself. I want to cuddle in the morning, but I don’t want to be manipulated into it, told I can’t leave the bed before I do, and that we need to time it, too. Living under control or some kind of dictatorship will murder any ounce of love-feeling you have and any dedication you feel will become a jail cell. I am glad I let you end it because god knows I was never strong enough to do it, really, truly, honestly. I used to love hope when it came to you.
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